Volume' 63 No.8

December, 1981

- I, DECEMIEI. 1911

, ..

HOLIDAY BUFFET The Macaroni Journal VoI.6J No. 8 December 1981

O/llnr, PI,e M_ FI .. 1010 Holiday Men...... 3 PmioIeat •••••• 1.. R. ThunIoo. Ir. Nulriltonau)' - Are You • 'Perfect Ten'? ...... •...... 5 1M Vice Pta. •... looepII P. VI_ NUllilion Oulddina Rcvbcd ...... 6 loll Vice Pm. .. AlMhoay H. 0i0I0 n .. lor Weekend Alb...... K ltd V ... Pta. .•.•• J.... D. Hcntc:t Now Sludy on Posu Mut...... 10 I_rial Ad.isocy Commince Mmin, ...... 12 EIecuIl.. R. M. 0.- Som..., .... In .... MUb ...... 17 Ilftdor 0( R...... J. J. WIIIIIaa Advaatqa of Comblnin, Mill . 'jlh PIl)lI Planl ...... •• • ...... 2.- GcomI 0-..1 .... Ouy K_ In lbe IndllSlt)' ...... 28 Impon P""est ...... '" 32 Foodscrvice Wortsllop ...... 34 :/)iHCI"" Quiz AnI...... 38 I_W._1.. M. (ADdy) Aadmon Inde. 10 Advntiscn ...... 40 Va-. De_leo MACAlONI FITS INTO HOLIDAY MENUS ADdIooy H. Olola I.... D. Hcntc:t mpn'Slh-e hoIklfty lMlffds .K't"d 1.4 1.'1(1 hoUt', ur "lar}:"rhK' I not put undue strain on tltt' hutl. 1.4 "'p all-\ltl'1,USt, ","If RoIJcrt ItonzonI Krl - not if puta is ,",Ttl. You gtt .2 ''UJlS ml k Tcdl. -, J1lOfr for )"OUr mfKlq' with macanl1li! 2 lahlcspoClIIS dU'lllk"l.l I",,,h'r Uo,dB.- Mat.. mld Otf"r'lt" ~r. is • nnt ("l. u. Ie-aspnoll p"pp." l..etIcr R. Thunl .... Jr. amplc-. This unu.,ual comhlnation will I pat-l.:age (!J IHllttt'S) ,.,.'am ...ulA.V_ .... bring tompl~nts from gunts, anel clK't'St', suftrunl looepII P. V_ probably ""JUts .. lor the rrd..,. EI. 2~ cups (ahnut 10 otllltn) 1.. IIOW mac.vonI is hUrd with. mhl; of .hrt'tldnl UM'tldar dlC't'M" I.... W_. cmlm ancl CMtdar c~ in • Ra· I largr- lomatn, sliC't't1 JolIn R. WU1'- L)' , l>rssrrt? ."OIlt l1mthlllrs to hnll, Cuuk IlIIl1I\"'(l.'t1. Dt t1t1c: S13 .00 pet' wear ('ups go \"et)' y.'rU as the mrnn Rnalt-. .limng (K'C'aJlunall)'. 11II1i1 h'IKlt·r. •• ... ______.16 .50 pet ytIOI TIM! Buflet ~Iacamnl alKi C:ht."t'Se I>rllin In mlalKlt'r, !i. • CooIn _ ____ '2.00 _ I. the morr famillar ca.unolr \'rrs, Mranwhilr. in it IIwdiu1n ~llt't'll;In . 10 CooIn _ _ _ _ '2.50 _ Ion - .1W1)"s welcnmr for party'U!!, mrlt huttrr IIr lIt;lr~;ariUt· m 't'r lilt', M_C-Ple diann hrat. Using 1& wi", ",hi~l;, stir (Mu.. 8 ...nings) in 80ur until ,mouth; Jtr.ttluallf .tir in milk. CooL:. slinlng l'Ollstanil)'. UII· 0.... of ocIdml ..d Mlbecripflon • Cottage ~ enlst- til mixlure is Ihi c.-L;t'I!t'CI, ahunt .15 min. Fold-PakCorp., Newark, New York 14513/315-331-3200 """1: Addrfte IUbKriprIon ("".... u 2 C.'U(JI rthaw macarnlli uln: adc.l JlIl"lt·,), Gild p.1'p.'r. 1l,'ulOn' ~ n.o(' "'-oraN .kunoI, P.O. loa 116, (8 ounces) hum heat. Aeld tTL... m du"t'St, aud ,tI, ""'-. IL 60067. ro.tMostlf: Moll form ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS SALES OFFICE: 110 CHARLOTTE PLACE I labltspoon ..II uutll dw;onr is Inrllt'tl, ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS. NEW JERSEY 076321PHONE: 201 ·561107800 )S19 ""'_ to '.0. lOll n6. Palollne. .. ( ~". 3 quarts boUlng walrr (Contn.d CIn pooe .. , I ~'~"~ '1911 3 _ ___~ _ _ u.

"'PO dkrd turk<}' meal, Ind ,nad" at rnl.uranb and MACA.ONI FITS INTO HOUDAY MENUS cooI lIat-L: s al resburallb "' f.sl· food dKonr. Hake In -100' 0\-rt1 for 30 to II; lllp fine dry hrrall t.T1lfnh~ uf thll t "awa\' fruIII hllllle'" b CII.IIt·b, 3S mlntUl~s or until ,mst is hrowned. rc.Ml 1111' )tlld~ ' , nUl.llllil"!l h~' U,S, During lut 5 minutes of baking. .r­ ( ratluall)' add macawul alKI 1 I'atrll In rnla1ll'aui1o. In lati. \\'hrll 1>,:\.' 1'0 CUIISlIIlIr.r Sutrilioll CI'ulrr, rangl" lumaln .UttS un top of pie. l.rt latl;1spoon glt tn raphll,. 'MlilllI): )'CHI 1'limilUlt" JUt'"I, a lMI '"11"1..) c'all'lI ill\uh'c,1 illll'n 'h'w" willi un" U,Oln .taud 10 mlnut" hriore scning. nll'r 10 that watt-r l1mliuUl"l tn hoil. at wur},;, sc.-hool or hc ~'UIllt."!llIt· l'l)c:\ CooL 1II1l'O'o'rrrd. itlrring ul'l1lJioua Ur. hUIIlf'," (Ulmnerdal lutkl· W'r\·in· Hul · illtlh'iduab ill -&H "lain tn dl'fl'rwill!' 'Cotlll,e Caene enut, In a mt"­ Ids ar~ Idt "'Ith IHtwitiiug ulily \\'lll'rc alMl what llit... · hall rlltt'll the dlum howl. sUr I V.. cups .U.purpose Wll il Imdn. Drain In colandrr. Cnmhlnc macaroni, turkt")'o prlU. ahnut a 6~ ,harr uf tllr tlll,,1 I'''~ l'fI'\'lous dar, ' Bour and 1 teaspoon salt together. wul" mille. plmlr nlCtI. 1 tra'I"MIII salt Irln, fat alUl , .. tIMIII\ ' a1rah~ ill Ih;· Sulillg a Ihll'll illlT" " )!' ill fuutl nil In l'a cup hultrr or pwKlirtne un­ ,"tnrrk"," dN-1. . 1'1111.\111111'11 a"'a), frum thc hUlllr, the iii mlature look. like lvane crumbs. alld ptpprr. Tum Intu :H1"art l'aUC" 10k. t:omhlM' 1",lIrr alMl hr...... d TIlaf, lIot Inlt' alTrn.) IIII' 110.1111, rc , ~ , .. "i,,·n lune:lucll"ll tlmt urd. SUr In " cup nraftM!(1 rott.ltt' (Co.->l iNWd 001 ~ 81 uumbs; liwinkle 0\'" l;iUX'ruk, Hal" Ihuugh. YOUII}; adult main 1"'1\\'«11 dM't!'M"; with hands. .nnn Inlo ball...... ' ... 0.1. lIO(1J\TIT'lI In me lI\'rn 2n mlunlrs, 2:1a1KI $.I ral tlp"" :ulluf 11 'if, IIf tllt-ir Wrap In waU'd l)Ilprr and rrhlgrrale Will" • .-4 .. '''' JI :lO mlnutt'S. Iw~' ",n 2 .,1t'C..,'S uf w&lrd palter Nutritionally-are you a 'perfect ten'? roll chlllrd pil'otr)' Intn • V.-Indl thick circlr. 1tM1lU\'C lop 1"'P"'; 1.. - \"nt paslr)' Intu to-Inc:" pie plaIr. 1\,... The kMIowing leo quttt6on .. concernlng mA;or 4-Cancty blr.. c~tn. ukn Of potato Chip. mo\'C ""cond pln.-r or (liP"" alMI fit ptl~rcoml pointIof US DiflaryOu'" I ...... of have no Dfact In • be!a.nced dlt"llor Chitdren. puh)' 11110 plale. Trim pastf)' to "ith­ Holiday Turk.., ....ppea .. the ed With Macaroni I nop dlcrd carrots lJXJ1 COIIlUmetlm I poH conductld tor GtMtaJ In ~ hK.+' frum nlgC! of (lit" platr; I "'P .Iiced «In)' Fooda Corp. FlnaI ,MUftI indkated thai conIUm.... o agr" fold UlNkr and flult". Spread hottom Ilt' hollda\' dimlf'il tnTr. h', 2: CUp' rlboov maaaruni haft a ralhtr poor knowledge Of' und.... landlng 1,)t fir colli with ahullt 1 tt"alPOOIl wf. T \Try importallt ""lIh toda),'1 few (8 ,"IIK'(,I, IMIt Ouklelinn. Media peo," ,.p,...,,'lng ..... I-A Plrson can 10 .. weight evan i' ha/Shl doesn'l Ie-nrd hultrr or margarinr. .,rit-'I'S lhat ,,·hatr\·n ma)' he- Id't tood 6nduatry ...... R th. NIM ,.., QUfttlona. ,educe Ih. number of ClkI,l" tallen In dally, Panley Iprigs. optional and did much bcIfter Chan regu .... conlUmet.­ Build M"""",u one! a..... fnJm tht' sprdal ocauion bt- lrn't'Cl in aPr"izing. nourishing Wa)'I, In a large saucrpot or Dutm m 'm. "'*" wei to be .xpected. o iii'" (~lun ~ ,m;lIl;ti) How .... un you do? AfItf rt8ding Nd'I c.umhlnr t"&Kass., "' ''t~r , turk(,)'. c... lIomr rt'tnlOmists of the- NaHonal ..."..,.. limply circle trIt respon.. (eg,.. or 6-1nct'ewng tGOd. hiGh in ClfbghydlalH. luch u 2 curs dhow macarolli Associatkm luggot a iwart), 111"'_ cboppc-d panl<},. salt. sag. and ~) tN.1 you till La most KCu"t.. The put&. and reduc:ing tood. high In l.lI. such a. ,.d (8 IKllllTS) lnacarunj...turir)' Ittw. It'l \Try ~asy. prP{lC'R.'unu, lI"at to hoillng. O wrt. -COf',ecr .,...... with detIIttd •• planltion... ra iTdUt't" hral to and If 3 meatl. t•• good nutritional id... 1 tahl('Spoon ph Mal" sted.: "'Ith the turkt')' in the re­ low limmt'r I on 1M toaowing ~O" So ...1 tftt '"tnt "1U1b~ 0' :1 'I"~rts hoUiult watrr frigt"TItor. SUr in \'rgetahl" and r).. houn. R"nlO\'t" from brat HC'IIO\r the conaumtt poU. No fli: "peeking" ." Idvance. a agl" 0 "lug'" :1 tahll'Spoolll hunrr or m:l~ariltr huw macaroni. 1be rt'SU1t? A liM­ l".. rcass And bonn; diw:anl, Add .'21' 2 lablt"'lpoons flour rob and C't'lcry 10 t\lrk~ broth, f CI\' So. wiIh pencil In hand. 00 10 It. Who knows? luting. lIulritiCMII m~al whlcb lUI). NutfiUo" .... maybe you can be. ~ptfftet len'"'? 7-lf peopta with h~h blood prtuure , ..1,,,1 thOl' 2~ l'UPS milk nand Ihnnlt'r about 10 mlnnll' IJ plies prolt-in, U \ilamlm and iron rlUI -- Inllk. ot sodium by reducing the lmount of ull h trupueHI wI IIntil ngt"tahln arr almost tt" 1t1, ca'hnh)'dratr t'Ofll~lIt to fumish m­ Do JOU ..... or dIHgrMIh81 ••• they pul on ,Mi, food. they can ea' about anything V. tt-aspnon paprika "gy. It'l an IdH which prm't'S once 10K... "'" ....t to high and heat I ofy 01 loods the l"hrt'St,. ~Ih; PII(T' with maca· 1 h l'IPS choppffi onions IUg&I and r.ts. (8 ..." ...) roni; lum into ~'raMrpar1mt"flt ()f 1IC'.. hh 111-..1 tluman Nulrilion Cn,trr. "Unwt.'\'rr." mltmrnt.· hr.aUM! \'isibIlU)' ~II br Uuman St-n1tTS .1~n is ")Ulilillfll~ tn II "'as nneNt. "Ihl, durs IM,t 1M't"eJu,r· fuore a rac.10r of how rontro~'t'nbl tl~ ~uld"'llIt· s acthiUrs alT., than tlislrlhulr diMar,. au,1 i1)' nwu a lad of cummilmc'nl In rathrr how rflC't'o tw Indmkd thMn aJ .. major l);Irt nutrilion, hrCluSot' USDA has not tln~ Ihr)· .IT. ... of tJ~ IlUlrilkNI ("OmI"IIIl'II' uf II .. I',.·, IIwlr an)' O\'r r-al1 nits In lhe func.llnJC USl)A sllQntrd • belt.r -arid \'rutlnfl Initiatln" of nutrition rrsr.n.... rdUcatil"1 and In'· would hI' the I('\'rl of thr cJr.. 11M- Cultldines, a.lt'lllt-c.1 r,in1i)' II)' hlfunnatifnl progrums," 1""'",,, .. 1', 6 .. 011isI, Innn 1•• 1. USIl.\ ....1 IIIIS Althuugh c.lrtails ur USO."'s nutri· lold G.'O thai USll.' dlould try tn tion IM,Udrs ha,'(' nol lM't'tt ronnu­ U'\'Ik' the- llirtaf)' ~uidI'III1M . If 1It"1.,­ latt... 1 rull)', GAO "'as 10111 h~' L)'ug Balancing Ad I,tr}" rad... r than think "ht"1I cIiM.'anl. thai the prt'W'lIt USI>" alimillisiralic"l oon.lancing tlK' halatlC'ftl did" h III~ dle'm. is prudul't'l"-rannrr urit·tltre.!. USD,"'s major thOist will "'r tn illlTf'asC! agri­ eui" uld than clone in the OpiUIU'1 USIlA R... , ...IIoru c.'tIltural proollc.1hit)'. rrutrct agrkul, of tOI' lIutrition luthoritin ,,·ho II,u· lure's nalural rt'J("II'tTS. rSprint! t':(. til'lpatc ... lln a ft't't'tlt Itmlnar 'llOlI" '" TOI' liS» .' uUidlls. I~"""wr, h,,\'c' purts agril'lhural pmdlll'ts lAnd rr­ ('1.1 h~' IInHmalll"'t.a Rodw- Inc, )tmng uvn'atiolls ahuut tiM' J:uhlt ... til dlllT. Co\'('nunt'tlt ~ulalioll. It was liut'S. ",hlch rrtumnM'ud I:tliling c:on­ Dr. ."muM Sdllner. dirmor 01 '·);l'lall\... 1. ~ ullllil i ou of fats, Wilt ami dM ) lt~tt' ml Ihe S"'altJOli unter fOf Nutrih II. liS part nf a lIuhitlnm: die·1. Ot ' I"II~' While uutritiOIi is unt 'M'" or thl! Inc.' •• alKl s)1flposhun chairman, c.' II· A~rh.'lhul1' St>cr('tar), lUehaol 1.~· nJ: mll;o," llinists spt"Cific.-aU)' nlt'lItiunnl." mt'lIlrd that the D.U)' food Gu Ir tulel GAO that IOOW' mt'mht'fJ IIr thr G.\O ...... rtrtl. "Ihe Il

12 . ~. 'r"'!: • f'I "

.. r ..... ,...... __ ..,.....,...... --, ..1Iu. HI ...... ",,_ 11M. ~ .... . _ ...... , ...... - ...... ,.....-.. __ 1I.1Iort Novo Durum Vorlety oual1M " 'ilEA T Cant ...... ".,. pogt 121 ,..... A ...... A," 1I~Nr4 .... "to aUJdnow. In four , ..... of 'M' ,m IMI 'M' II...... ,- , , II.... An' "'" .dn Inlp'""', W.ld """&«1 - .. bo Jl"r acre, romJl""'d with 1110 11.11 n ...... 11,0)1 12 . ~ ,.UO ...... I WanddI, and ,he ,nt wright CalifonU '4.61' I."" 19.U ... \I ,k! .....g

General MI .. ",,_I ••pott than 1'* of II~ ilKlnslr), lln'u ill Inl ....ollonol Muilifood. total We I.. Un-r thNe will ("I"IIiIl"" Milb. I.... thouJd .pln Nt'l in('OIoe of IlIlemalinnal ~11I11i. en..... 10 be ample oppoe1ulllly fnr ma,L,-, f!)(Mis Corp. ilK'ft'aK't1 16t;t, in IIw K't'" ...... In ..... and eamlnlC' ...... Im.-..-rt.- III ,Iw ....- IhcaI ,.... "'hou~ IH"I Iluartt., t'mit.. , Aut:. !II. 1l:A.rl'll ...... - and consurn

...... I? a 'I ...... ~ d i..:!r::' ., ~ --...... kill ,...... = 1', tI., ...... ,...,. ,,' ,an. u_ C_ C_ C_ T...... ) 1;\ ...... T., • . . .:r'lt I- .- - UA5U- , WI... - ,..., UIU U".. .. I"'" .. "'" UIU UJ.7 64'JI -.u., ,,..) -'.170.1 "It.· 1.II6l.' 4)6.) Sll.' )60.4 )01.0 1.7UO ~.... . "1 It, ,.,. ".5 IJ.) $4 ..... nu 117,' 'U ,76.a, J16.6 110.1 ..., n ,7 26.4 ", n.' 1'1.7 IMdl 263.'" " Itl.l 4U ". ., lO.1 ...... , .... I'" 14'.t n ... ..1.1 ,U' "U 116.1 Utl..l It, , lOU 441 .2 lJl.2 ,IU 12a.1 2.UIU ],,,, 241 .2 U4.7 1f17.6 1.I1U C...,... '6'"..... 111.1 bfrrr>J _.-a ..., 11.1 1'-1 IU ... ,...... 34.7 ' .1 19.) 196.' "" ...... 1).1 •,.••, UU ""197'1 .... )1.0 ".. ••• ~riMiM.,. III, .... It.' IL' s.o Sol U ".1 "," 11.6 tU 19" I.' .., U 71.'" -..!"'II II .. 11.9 I'.' J.' J.1 I .• 70.' 17 (BUHLER-MIAI NG GOODS LINES Performance Yo Depend On!

Reliable Performance • 61urdlly-conllrucled 2· or 4·llIck Ipreede ...1I0w lel.cllon 01 idNlI.'ru.lon .... lor. gl.ln capaclly. • SpteIde'1 Dry., and Stick Storage are conllnuously driven and conlrollad by onl .arl.bll .peed drt.e. • All Itlck conveying ch.lnl Ind drt.el arl h.. vy duly .nd con· taln aulomatlc Ilnllonl". Drye .. h,," lubrlc.llng Iyllaml ra· qulrlng en aboolula minimum 01 melnlananca. • Automatic cUm.t. controll enlur. proper conditions at Ivery liege. zone .... compl"aly laparaled, culling down on requlr· ed IUpenllllon. • Molen, .prockll. and drl.e chain I, In addilion 10 eleclrlcal and cllm.'1 conlroll, arl Ilandard U.S. componanl • . Efficient Energy,S.vlng Design • N.w dryl.. ara Im.llar Ilzed. High lamparalure .nd high humidity drying requlrel • minimum volume 0' "lIh .Ir. F.n d.,lgn for "'Y molen lor e1r clrcul.tlon arl mounled Inllde dryerl, ullllzing m.lnl.nlnc.. AII ·plulic: pln,l, ,.Ing out 'Of ...)' .un. to all 100% 01 lleeiricel enlrgy. (Nlw "yll, anergy ..lllclanl molor II machln. pan.. E.t,.·,hlck pol)" opll ...l~ A mOlllnergy.. "'cllnl dlllgni u,.lhIM In.u~tlon and oll-lhe·'1Oof • Panol. arl " .. Ihlck wllh polyuralh.na 'oam core. Aluminum con.tructlon pt'rrenl condensation. lining on Inllde lor heal ralloetlon and .boolula .apor barrlar. No heal brldgl •. lacterta Control • High temperature drying conlroll bacllrl. growlh. Dry bulb ,' mperelurell adJullabl1 lrom lOO'F 10 lBO'F. • I "/IF I. abaolullly tlghl, Ylt e ..y 10 clean, melnllin and luper· , ... Swlng ..ul Iide panall ..lend enllre dryer langlh, .1I0w· ~ 1.. , cleanoul and 1I"'lce. TI ) QUIlity Product • gh drying tamperaturtl In bolh IIn.1 drying IlIgII Impro.a Long goodl line wllh m&llmum _lIy 01 3000 Ibllhr. Unl conlllll 01 Doubll Screw Prl.. TI BO. lduel t,,'url, cooking qu.llly and appearanca. Spreader TSSA, Drye .. TDEC-3I1'DCA ..ITDFB·II, Stick Sioregl TAGB, CUlllr TST and Slick Relurn • oady, high lemperalure drying Inlural a liraighl producl, Each I 1, ...1. lIacll)' lhe same palh. so )'ou can count on , e1 for Ihl high lpeed pack... of lod.y. The high humidity conli.lent drying , ..ull. . PoIiU.. /Ing cllm.le gl.e.,hl producl an appe.llng goldan color. conlrot .Uck eit'fIIOf .....p. st!ek. from foiling Of .Ilding Irom t,an.t., polnl to lhe drying n.,• . Three Standard Models ... 500 to 4500 Ibs Col 'let UI tor Intormatlon on Buhl,r·MIII! Long Goodl Un s and other MlClronl Proc'lllng Equlpm,nt. LONG GOODS DRYERS Product quality and consistency sell, MODEL CAPAI;Il'f TDECITDCA 5DD1o 11Im t.bl!1r Buhler·Mlag quality TDCAlTDCA 1000tO.. ?~~-'- !f.;~. "~ and reliability give TDCAlTDFA 2ODO 10 cM,i\ l:IlIhr. you the seiling edge, .... IN TIlE MAC AIONI JOU.p.,;,\l Ot.nw.E.&. 19111 19 aIn 'sl S:! hlllion, Durillg II... 1311"' :\11 uf Ih,' IIl'W J!IC11I11 \'it .... IK''Ji­ atICl SI)fI':ul", ~nl\'Y 1111".-" allli hC' \'rt­ -Fint lluartt'f gains ,,'C'R' pnsh'tl h,· Inlernatlonal Muhlfoocll .d. tiM" ammllli 01 grain hand1rd IIC'lIb a rc ' "I'II'UII C : u ~ i11 "'wc1Itinos_ a~,''' ' ~Ir , ..\hr .. halll uitllh.· 1'I1111Jl:mr 1l1'Slaunmls as wrU as dumntic and prl (Continued ,,~ POOl 171 b)' .....nudation rosr fn"" 10-1 mil· ~Ir . ~1itdH'lI ha, IM' allt,1 wlwat ;11111 "'I"'t"s hi h-~ t m .. rkli .. lim' IIf Ihrw illtm~tioual olW'rations nf ConSUfneJ '2o\'1.I38JO' and .... 88,2ftl(Q). n." 001 to 4(0 milll'"1 hush,·1s. (1,"1 lIIi11 i ll~ 1I111'flitium, lit Carl!ilI prell.lud\ with ill !Ii i, mill lths. Funds." William II. Spunr. l~lainnall ~p.... 1i\'t ·t)'. II )'rar agn. ~hlt,· U;';l, Whl'tl III' WiU II .. IIM"I II Ilth-otate' II nllHh Cllrp_. KaH ~ a J ami l~hwf I'Jlt"C,'uth'r uUil'l". said. Soling thai '·'U.~I Ilf t"to l~lIIpall)"~ '''''I,or,,"' ,·h'·.pn"idl'ul within III,· Cih·. 1I1 .. ,kl'b -.lritikin Im ~~ Stum' "M'11" " 'a'i • slpilkant lIrdlne In C< gill ...trudur .. rlHI' lnarlort ~nwtlb pmtrd lairs ltIk'l"!iill~ J!lUull, \lr, IIIIWllftl has (;rc~lInd \\,111111' \\111'al"' Im'311ullllc'r a ."'gri.IJrududs due p'·jmaril,· to uusal· hitlK')' ~Iat'~lill.u. dlalnn:11I ':,0\\111 In the ~KI 'luattN, Mr. U' I "'t'u \'il't'-J1n",hl,'ut IIf till' CCllIIllII.MI. loI' l);& r .. tc· lit"'II'\ill~ a~" ' I ' mt' ut willi IdlK'tnr), rt~ults in Grain ~lrn.~lal'" y .!ill. 111(,.. annuullt't"tl a majnr r.... Huuke said. ""11w kt')' (adun rur IlK! ily \falke'till): Dj\-biuu ,iu(.'1· M.. ,' Ilriti1.III, Jllhll .... ~I .. ttlu ~ . \'if., .. tm'Ji­ (Using," TIM:! rtWiro1l11M"tlt In grain stn .. uring pmftralll Iltal (,.ralt'S fi\"l' cluart" " 'm- ttJlllirlUl"l.I stfOlIJt IX'f 4 l!nu, III' ~lhll· ,1 Caq~i11 ill 1955 ami tll'ut "' m:ukt'till): 1,1 ute.. ~ahl till' and lransportatlon. Mr. SPCItK allc.ll"tl lit" openUng ~rou{K and includes (onnaner wurld"'idf' b)' Ihe- c:tHIIIIIIW,. IM·''IIIII.· IlI'ad Itf tl1l' dh'iJoi nll In ,"11ril ('lIlIpall\' 11I. ' ~all wllill): IIII' pHlI.lud is Impnning ".nd this is nJk'dM to tJt,.l ion of &\'r gn"IJl ' ;<.'t'-I1fl'Sidl outs. W'gmtllt. IIKI 'mrn unr agricultural 1U7'J. 1111 a fr~~h I ... ,is 1111 till' \\'I'lt mast nosult III a 'hollg Kt'Oud Iluartl~ r rur alRliatt" In Mrlh.·.,," lhr IM"W Cat~iII nprraUl1g ~muJ'l . ~Ir , Cuh' ~)illrd Caf):i1I III U6'J 111 HI aiw i tl h;lriltuh'J a frllZ"1I prutlut1 Gtaln ~Irn~,,"dising , In Mldili.. " to arMl ..... group \·It't'.prtosldnds, an· While umlrlgs III Ihr awa)'·fn"lI· ;ami waJ IIlIlllt'll .. lli"billn a!>~b tant til IlI'allh rUIIMI ,tUII'S, In 1111' IK·,t tlw tumaround In Grain ~'rr"'IaIMlis. ftOCtncrd b,. Mr, M .. dlillall all' as home rating ..rgmrlll c:outillunl to \'it'''IIfI."itlt,"t ill Hr.. IIr \\';U .. \·i,,·· 1111111111 ur su. 11111,,,\0111' will 1"llallll Ing. ",r pm~ ncrUrnt SC!CXJnd '1uu. Itmlgtht-n, world,,'hk Industrial 101111"": prt"Si,lc'I ,1 In tI ... CmnllllKlity ~' at "t'I­ frozc'lI llisirihulillll In ~ ull1.' fl1larhts II., 1M.'tformau(t'S in our utlk" Ag .... ~mlln, ~1. Mitchell. r.lmlngs drdlned .llghtl)' aud the draft or eight frd. Its furl C1IJl'I dt~ Group. (',,·,.hl I II ~ J)i\'isiull alld (111111.1,."", \ '1(.1" Ihwlt!!" 'nlZI'Ii 1111.111 IIInlL"n, ~Ir . Pmdm.1s tnaslnnra. as "'I'll as tM U.S. • gm,dtu... ..-gtno1.t WIS Is 12M36 g.r.. 10I1TM'f ,icr-pl't'Sld,·nt. MiII i ll~ llh'l· Jln ~id''Ilt aHtl Iw .. d tlf tiM· Ilall .o\mt'r· \1 ;&lllu'S ~"hI. down RMt:aurallt IIKI Cnflsumt'T ••p,,w slgnllkantly.... saki. 51""1 ptr- Main propulsion irA't'r flf Ihc' Pan. TIle It""'P ttIDsilb ul thr V.S. it-.. u l>h'll!t111 prim In his nll.~t frt't"lIt arras. Corn Milling I)i\isiou. Eun.pran formancrs by durum flour .nd "I,utl)' JO)','O 1I.r. Is I~' two 3.1'" Jln~t. "\\'e rlpn:t to IUrpass lut )'rar's pnn...... PhYlicol Diltribulion mil, Mr. Runke said. ,,'rre ofI'H'f: 1".· honrpowrr dinel t'fIgillt'l. com milling 0p,·r.. tinns Ilml llit' II,"" ~Ir . lIullljlhric"S r,inrtl tlw IUIil/IOlIl,' M"l'UfMI lluartrr ..In and ran1ings and Breakdown a dH-line In grain mt"ft'bandblng .nd millin, dt partm1 c'lrpm;ah' 1'\ C", lliws Wllllhi low .. r mulls fOf h... rry flour. ('.ammodity MarbtinC Group' mullL\W"\ .. IKI ' "~ .. r d"I);IrtulI'lIl ill IMU)"I 11th l'unwcutin" )rar nf rC!C· •. J. Maluolcy Announ," III.' hanl.\m'J,,'t1 tn ,Id.. il tltl·lr l'IlIn· In the U.S. agril'Ulture marlt1 sq;,. Jamrs A. 1I,",,'atd, lurmn \·ic" ·prrsl. 'U11 .. 1 HI dh'isitlll \'I""llrt"Sidl'llt III till' nrd ,"uhl." • ..I_nt 1);&lIil~' Jl,)""l t·.. 1 Ili !li hillllliuli l'lIlI'IMIi­ mrnt. penormalM.'e t'OnttnuC'S In he dC'lIl. CnmlnOllit)' ~lark('lIng OhisiulI, Ilall .-\nwric·all J)i"idull ill 'O'i'~ , t:an""gs l..rore ta," Income" II. J. (Bamey) Mllln")'. ptnidt·nl IUII's c·'·"11 thllu~h till',. t'lIlI fIIn ,,!Ii dtprrued h)' unf... 'tInhle markrt (:!N" '.1 ~ group illl'huh'S the" C'""lOotiity ~lr , I ... ·a\'t·llwurtll WitS 1I11111t't1 a and gmrral managt'r of tht' l;raiu hlJ.:h a~ S7~ lIIilinll, 811)(1 ruillinn allli illt .." In t ... I .... Indll.try. ... saki. in Ill<' 6nt 'Iuan" totaled a.&1.7 mU· M.rl:rting Di\idun atMI tlU' Pall 11I'l.nr.. h· \'ic'I"IJtt"Sldl'lIt ill IIII' pllM" IkHl. rom...... wid. ..,.U million • Tmnlnal ..\uodaUon slnte lY71 . hJ" 1'\1'11 821.' milliull all llllaU~' . dl'llI'ml. Vrnnuclan results. he- addrd. m,,­ .\mrric:.n tkJW1mrllt. ' · ~~ i ll).! WIMIII. n"",un,ihlt· Int IIUIIK."fic· )'rar ago. ."'nrage iharn ,.IIIt.nd, announced be Intr'1lds In rt'lirl' 'IIIit' hl~ "'" tIll' ~izi ' ami Inll' IIf tilt! firm, Iln U(! fovorable. Tr-.d.inC Groupl 'ohn II, Cnlr. ~uyhl 'lIl1 c,.mhillJ! .Ih'isiun. ill lYra. Ing In the ant qUllter was 21,8 mil. 30. IU112. Til H'1IM'th' Ihat ~ihl .. IiHII , till' ()tilll"'r William C. Phillips. , .. h.innall IIMI fOOTM't \· 'c~l'rt"Si,lt'ul. lUal'(t'Ii"~ Ilnd I h, ~Iilll'ti t:ar~i11 hI Hl..!):! OlIHllk't"anw litHl, "l' 7~ from m.1 million In thr ~Ir, Malud)' .bu aIl1MMIII('I"tl tl l:&' I!JSI huc' '11' tllC' l>a,'ls I>at"hate (1111- ...Ideo( nrcutl\'t! ufBC't'r, J.akl the first lramportalion .dmlnlstratiou. 11K' :u~i~I"111 ,·it,.. ,Ut·,hll'llt .. 1111 lII aI IOl~"r finl "uart" 01 AKaI 1981. Lowell L. lIugms, G.T.A. assist;.!u: ",ill\ .. II ih'lII·h,-. ih-m Im·a\:duwn 01 half gains mAr'k fuur coflsecuth-e ~roup (.'()usutJ uf d,... ~Idals Tr.ulill~ uf CarJ.:ill', wl."II'm ~uyht'a ll .. ""uub gl.'l)n.1 shM."e 1008, "'ill U '" .. m·h '·'llI'IKlitnr~.,. fur a t~' pit-al IltllUh'n hnpro\'t'd ..Irt and ram· manag" I)j,isiofl. the ,,'UIt'I"S l>h'blun alKI tiM' ill HI'::!. $Si.' nr II ... Mal' 31. 1U112. lIIi11 iulI 1IIllllllfat1nrill~ finn with all Ingl. In the 12 monlhs rndnl Aug, 31 , New ADM .Iver loot lroplc... 1 tt"nmoclitlt'S dl")Urtl1lt'lit. Cordon Mathesoll of Cout.ilL alillual Ilhpl,H.. 1 .Ii\trilmtillil hill tlf he uk!. Wn Kf"' 12tH an,l ran .. The M/V 11.1...... 6.(0). InduwlaI Croup, Cary II . lIumph. JO)"'O ~hHIt.. dWnnan 01 the rt"gkMw ~n lill Pritikln Line Indud.. Palla 87~ milliull. Ing. adnOl'f'd !3~, oollltmdrd It)' hOf1epowt"t towboat markdillg rooprnth'e'l huanl 01 II... """ fonnrr \·llT'prnillt'llt. tit",1 anti S"" l'1.,. "'u'lIl" ;a lttl ... u~ta ;an' nlis Ir l'it-.. I Unn Ilh·hlt'J its p_,I, ~Ir. Phillips said h. WIJ ..podally St. !.0II1s Ship Co. for Amnkan Rh'­ hillngm oprratluui, TIll' grullp II III1MIIIJ! 111\\··f.. t. Iclw.dltlll·sh'nil "lui rn.ion. saJd a Iran'" ('ummlltrr i\ C"llI'II"" ~ as fullmn. at"ntlill': til till' 1'1C'"aN!d hy ihe ImpfU\'nl slmlJtdl in er Traruportatlon Cu,. 51. Louis, • rompnsrd 01 1'\'urth Star Sin" Cu .. Iuw.snh fUII(IIIIl"'Ut1S tn III.' 1II .. rl:,·h'tl bring lormed to namr ~Ir. MaI,,,L ' \ IlI'w~ldll'r : ltnUUmrr markrts. l'1'n1 thouKh lIlt" ,ul"ldla.), AId ..... 0 ...1.1. Mid ..... Chrmical I>i"b lnn. tilt' or Itac:ttSSOI'. No Unw:tabJr has 1Jft'11 ·t1 Ih, Produt1J in IIII' l l.S .. l lllih'ti Kill!.!tlulli. Calla, U.s. rrollomy (UUtiIlUft Iu lK"galh'l:i)' T';IIISpurt .. tiulI t1~b $:\.;,1) million Co.. was chrbtrnnl R't.Tntl)' in a lor the appointment. Sa l, Dhision. tiM' nifrogt'n dl·llart. ,la .. I HI \\'1,,1 (;e ' nn;a,,~ : hy 11Iuml" aRret oomnUc Ilt'riortnan('e in tbr \\':m 'hnmiuJ.:l IIIIIIIit') :.!A milliull ('I,",nlOll,' at 5t. Louis. Mr. a u;aU\'e ur 1'\'0 II m. I a,.d Cargill's sh't"l wonin' C"·II · "" II ~lc'tlkal Cn.. Iltc-.. :"\ •.\\ ' \'nf1. . agri(.'uhul'r and industrial w-gnN"ntl, Malusky. \\'II I1'h1l1l\illJ.: The JO)'('C! n.le was fwnt-d lu hun· It i'.rlridl SIt't"1 Cn, ami ~lid·Shlfc · Imdt'r .. lil't',,!>illJ! a):rt"t'llll'nt wilh DUota, joined C ,T.A. as a Odd all i· ( l'IIUlp,,"~- .uwm'th 11.:\ millitln "For the currrnt fbt:at )',..,." Mr. M .th. Inc. .lrilikill Ikih'r 1I1· .. Santa ur or Mn. II. D. Uur) IIa1 •. Mr. H.I. tor in the Williston. N.D. arra II lIh I.hl.. I'hllllps said. ".-e fn-I "JUBdrtlt WI' III\C'"h l ~ ' ' ;lnrin): l" ~h 1:1,7 millilln " 1".. ld. nt or ADM ~llIlIng Co. .nd 11U7. III 11158 .... I...... ad I .5. 0;...... I'rn«uinC Gruul" Iblhara. ( :.. Iif, " i ll rrport anotIwr )'t'ar of n-"(:unl CIrtll',iu ).! 11r11l.'t"Ssill):/ C'I,hllllt'f a ,llrector and mnnlMT of the rlrl,'u, " ,hat has dnce bt"t.'OIne the COlIll ' ~ o .lId L l.ra,','uworth, In",",rh' TIlt' Ihll' IIf "I1I\"'uit'IIl'l' rlw_llmll" )Ain and ..amingl." M'r\'I"'/ admillislralillll ':',':' milliull th-e ('OmmIHre of .",..mer l>an~1s ,.j prt'SI"r1lt, Dmnlosti(' Su),IM'"n Uti,: h"arillJ! IIII' .lriti1.in nam,' will Opnations Dl'ilknt. ()thc'r "I'its (tra\"('1, " ,lIIpuh'r, ~lkI"'..J. Mr. MaJusky was al'Jlulnhod as ~ ,. o _ion. lhr group is made up uf till' IN' '1IJUullah'll tn nlllfnntllluirilhlllall)' ttl lilt· IlriliL:.ill IlnlJ!,am, 111';&111,1 hy l111111111111it-alillll'i, ".1 milliclil Peavey DIvidend Edwanl R...! ..~ · . p ...ld ... t St. D 1t'S1k: So,'bt'an CnlJhlll~ I>h'biun, M or aut gmrral managrr ill lOOS. J! I' - nlis t'tlUlpallr. "'rs tilt· Iw\\" h·l· Pran!)' Company dt't.-Iarrd rrgular Louis Ship. was mastrt of ('''eT~ tI, Ra'/ luuRuw"r/ llt'alllll ' ...·part. :"\ath;au ,lriti1.ill. Chainna1l. wlln h em managrr in 1008 Imd pmi" II IN, ~rt · nt~ui1.1.· '; tll.ll hr ~i\' ill~ ih Ili~ . 'Juartt"I)' dMdt'1tW of 28~ _ per aharr nits at too aftmlOl)o pnlJCram. Spea\. and gt."fM'ral managrr In Ur1l , m I. tin' authllr nl st·"I,,..1 did Iollul I'XI'" Irihuliull Ilc'llartnlt'lIt Q t",tain lati­ UII Jtod. h"'h I"'yahl. Oct. "n Indudrd llntlllt")' C. ..elsing. Ir. Colt· a"d Mr. IIIN'anl will n" ,'N' IMMI\: S, pm""'" Mr. Jlargrns jnlnnl the auocial '11 tudc' iu ils ,lc't1~ium . it',; pnssihlr In .~ tn ~holdrn of rttunl on Oct. prnidrnt of ."-mt.-rit.u 1\1\'" Trans­ p tu W. It (Hamr")') S;aulIlh'n , -nil' tillU' i~ ti):ht tn "'Ilaml tlU' in 19-10 &I an .":tlUlltant In the CI JI ' ·"pit:lli7.c· 1111 h. ulc .. l.h hC'lWI't'1I tmlls­ I. .-.tloo. Falb, Mont.. ofBcr, II" hraunc h, ,11 C'1 uth-r ,icr-prnldrtlt. Mt, Ihunl,h­ 'lfiti1.iu (1111(1 '111 ill till' lIIau lIIarkl't­ ril Mr. l..ca\·("lIworth a.ltl Mr. Mit· pla(1' h,. makin): I',ilikln (c"Mls t~lII: ltllft;a liull ami w"lI · hulI "i u~ , tur C'i.­ ----- Mn. lIaI. d"iJt.",,1 the M"'or of lior elC\'ator operations In . ' iI d l II will n-port tu , amI'S It Spit'll.... WlliC'IIII)' a\·aHu.hl,· tn till' 1"lhllt,. "lIIl,II·. tit tr alllip"rt:ltiull OIlitl iU\"I'u, Pillsbury Eamlngl Drop \'.... 1 10)'.... lIal. by " ...... Ing • tra­ ...d also headed roontr)' nprnali, !I\ lun·, 'nit' ~u.(.-.. III't1 'tnlill l1~1 all. t ." ·"th·r Vit'C!·rnidM't. saitl S. 1> .. lIid Ah, .. ham. d ... inn.. 11 tlf Srt itK'OO'k' of lbc! Pillsbury (;0. in ditional bottle 01 chamlllgtle onr its bonom he was IIIUnC!d assistant J!:' II ' ,:\rt\l.U\'n 0 Cargill's Fnnd alld TIlnllll~11I ~h , tlic~.. 1. .. 11""tlill~ lII;1r· l)fl~dl : wllidl i, " ' ~·lIli;aIl,· what Ihe fint ' Iulrtn ''I.drd Aug, 21101atcd forward capsta". eral manag" ill 1008. thi, is. i~ .. ~i\'C11 ill .. II J!cul (lh ,' ~i,-.. I f ill III Products GnlUp, ",hldl inchulN 1"ft'r "r 1I\'I'r.tlw·t'Hlllh'r dh'l ... itl $25 million, t"'Clual to SU6 prr ,hare The 10)'" IIa1. Iw lwen III up"'­ C. T . A. t.'l)lrri('1IC.Td IUbstalll .al tb,· Sulren.. It'f'd, I("t'(l and 1)olIlfr), lundue"", Ilblrillllti'lIl UllI,,... ticlll!i," UII Ihe common siock. nIT 13., from alion along Its pemlant'lt route on grtn''tb in Uli u\ings during ~Ir , prllduc:ts tlhisions. ~IBJIX1~ Cnrp.. Prtll.itltis nlfn ' IIII~ ' ill d'·\'I·IClIIIIIl'1I1 TIle' lII'w,ldh'r j~ IMlhli ~ llt'tl hy S28..1 million. or $1."-1 pt'r dlAl't', in tile lower Mlsslulppi Ri\"M" since Ore. ~t.hukY ·1 tC1IUII·. lllC ('.aprraln"l· IIMI Capra Industrirs. will rrpnrt In 1I111.1,·r tiM' aJ:fI't'llll'lIt. ill adlUliulI ttl Ilt'rlll.,rt \\'. I>a\'js .. ud Cumpa ny. Ihe fint lluartrr of 6sc.~.. 1 1981. Satt"l 10. 1960. It wu-I.uncllrd Oct. I~. w-ent lrom '" luu of .1.3 million in 1Il'inz F, lIuttrr. ru'(.,atln-" \icr-llrt'"Si. slliK'b. (t'n'als and Iwl;,. IlIdllll(" Ch.ulnth' 111 .. n ·, Eu~Ir·\\· ,""1 Clifh aggn,:al(-d 3741.5 million. up 3~ 1960. Its hull ,U"''fIJlons are 170 1«1 1969 to flrt uf 128.90 lui" t~anllllgs cknt. MHJllS. ,- c1:'iahlt·~. saUl'l'1o. drruing' S, f ':' !. 201-S71-lj(ll. fmlll Si:llJi millinn II ) ear ago. I')' -IS f.-et h)' II fni, ",lth a IlOnnai liun In 1060. I\,'\'rllllr III 1\8) t ...;aht! IlEa...... 1911 21 20 Ttta MAcA.ONI JOUK}rO'u Sales Olloces ADVANTAGES OF COMBINING MILL WITH PASTA PLANT nerdrd 10 bring tho building Inlf a "sanitary. ftnlsbrd coodltlon; hr .. 1 Economic adnntages In oprratiof' ...... 1<1 proI_bly .....11 In rrdoord lIulldlag " _....,. __ of • comblnnl dwum mUl and pull huildlng .nd f'qulpnent costs. plant as rompaft'd to ronYftlUonai • Transportation ad\.. ntages would The building " 133 1m by ' 10 unltJ oprrating InMprndmtly wne .... I.... allard, .Ince no tnnsporta­ wllh onr levd lor tho pasta ph .1 ...llIned In • r«ft1I .dcIr.u by R.... rt lion COlli lrom tho mUl.r 10 tho puta .nd lour Boors lor tho mlDlng . ' .. 111"'<1.,.. proj«l coordinator lor plant w ....1d he Incurrrd. tion. The total unit bas more th III omm AmnIn. Inc. WlchUa. n. • Impnn'rd rronomle mill ytelds. 85.000 "I""'" 1m 01 floor .pacr. Mr. RJckld'1. in an addrru to the slncr the posta plant could undoubt· The 2._1 mill was dnlg...... annual 1m"," -l c:unI...... , ol the rdly n..... use ol larg., pttCftll.gos with ample room for additional "1. Ast«iatlon ~ Opnalh-e MWen. rr­ 01 prior lood proc:rulng ..pori ...... The then ...... "'.., brI... coodlUordng with a T..tu.... quiR'nK'111s rould he rrdUlft. This slrudion. luhstantlal 6nish work was valor grain tempering mller. I AIII!CO COIII'OIIA~ MI7 _t OlympIc __II, -., _ CA 10211 (2131 1U-57tO TWX, tl0-4f1Oo2101 24 n.. M.u:.uoHI ''''''''.... 2S Mill and 'alta "ant organiL1tion, ... oquJwod with ",I•• IConllnwd from pog. 2.1 able nrJablr spH'd alrIocls where n'tJulrrtl for blmding 01 the ~ Mill's Ot-aning HooK' !ina. flours and pasta "'grind to suit III tht· mill', d rauiug h4MIK" • .,il't.'\~ 11M· n.'tluirrmmts or thr (Wta I'rodu~ uf gfflill d"auing t1lul(Mnt:tlt 1&':&\'1' tk", unit. IN't,.. rlal'tu UII Itnll1ural stt"C'1 plat. T1w hln discharge". IncludJng WE'VE.EN funus. dc.'Sigllt'ti tu n'tltu.'t' ,'crtk.. , RuldWng pads (or IIll' fluur hlns and l'UlWr)'ilig of p",dud ,antl In tn.ln. \'ibratOf)' tI~ns for Ilk" lwan 1.111 ndfi";("ut floor 11lriU.'t' in the ck"'Jlg. and millfeed bins. .he bl"nding alr­ n.lt'd cI,'anlng huult, afl"a fur future­ loeb, J1nrumatic cutl\"C')'ing s)"IIrm., hlgh-prnsure rebolt .Iltf'r and puta .IIHI lOXllall,loli. A ,,'nmd d"aulug .rtt" first tnnprr Is pnl\'ltlt'tl I~ ' anuthrr rrgriud hammrnnlll wnr lupplird In' no11ical l'Oulc:.1 K'Uurrr and at"Ct"I~ lk"lim. . Wright Machlllt'ry OMs Ion 0111,,\. l&1I)'lng built·in aspirating ,Iiscbarge Sellarate .. kt.trin.1 control pmrls ham CorpnrtlUolI is IInw nR'rriwl I 1)oJ1P". n.e wlM-al tltnl Is dalTlp-lM."tI for t te mill. bypl'Oduds Inadout alNI high sJIt't'(1 rigid routaluc., nncr "'I ~dl 1891. • It"ooud time '''HI Mid for • .hurt (or thto It'molinalDour hlrnding 1)'5- opr(,tl lts In • (.'OlitiUIUMfS mlan' ml ~ .,mod prior .0 .h. fin. hreak. tnn Wt'fe tkslgnrd and huilt b)' titM', ~lJetl Ihe Rotal)' FilIiJl~ S~" The machines shown are It.. n, lis mnduiar (bign fadli!.,th In facI. we're one of JIIa oIdasl 1be ~ mill (UIlJlstJ uf nl .... (;rrruwa)' Control Srstroms. some of Ihe lalesl dlMllopmanl. the ("nginn..,lu; of cuslom ")'1tnm to American manulactureB of pack­ liul'·Wft·drin"11 Ocrim mil stands. From the bulk storage bins. d ," I7t wrighllo meel specific need. l1k'C't Intlhidual ,11110uler rnluiu" aging machinery. And we didn·t llx 1((" X .at ... pltr tiM" IrnllI ~ mailllnh., II IKI wtail u l,'S ''ImtrilHlh'll It'llhm' .. puhlidly hIt" II~' h·adlng ullion. garlic .nd chili lugn'tlin,b up­ IK'1Irl y 25 prrcrllt to curporalr rM...... )Ikhigan In \\'anMI. Mkhlglln in mK'Mtallltil'S In 'Nlr f"tUlllnll)' In ~"II ' III a lufal ,1I\'hiuli ):",wlh IIf li'jf . lll1lritlClllhtt, TIll' "utirr wSc"'I' Is ..,.",", ill Gilroy. California•• this ac­ IlIIrs of .....2 hillion in 1981 .lId ttl" IY'a as • tlualit)· l'oulnll ullIn'grr . .. raI. "'.... . (M"t" In han· Ia .IRln~ fomd, Parlier BroIMn Di\'llilull had mhrtl (:I"NI FIM"I" 1·lIurt will ft'alllre' fillli • .,uisIUnll ,,111 add 10 our fuhar-r 1Xl­ nndrr a third of all cl(M'ratllllt pnlfit lit' rrn'in'-d his U. S. anti ~I.S , in cl, ..rtl'r and anticipl&tr that lUSt will ~ I,~ ft'tiulh ill IUSI III till' Ian' IIf .. hi':, hllm ){"\'(·,..III'·lIlal llilirilillll MIf· ../ llSO 0IU11on. :\ ~Ikultu", fnJln IIKlia Illw.i lab ~I.S , Imll.1 cai\aLity." Drohau said. I., a,MJthrr ,ft'tml )'r·..· r fur U.. nhl·)·. .. ~u ft ma.kl·" In ,,(,ile' fI{ tl,is Parkt'r\ i-"orrmosl-Mct.:t'U("' it a dlv",i. drgr", In Crn.. 1 Chrmlttr)' Ihlm "")" . ~tmli,~ h~ ' illdt'IM'IIIIt'1I1 IIlIhi­ -Udl,'draUng onlunl fur pruc.u.­ l>ranJrn l'f"lClmkd. (:alllt'1 walt"; wl'n' "1,7 ']1; .1It1 a 11U1~lr lilllli,h. autl lISnA lIuhilicm .. ' dillil, fir" romp.,,)' ~· hldt p""i..... 1'"> Xorth l>aknla Stall" Unln·uity. sing Inlu ,'arious fund Ingrt"tlit'tlh Is l;u1111 uf Ihi~ glMlI.1 IIt·tlllnI101 I11... · w:u "111dl all sU ltJM.,t tilt' rul,' uf .willI' ill an r~lrl"md)' t'lwf)t)' Inlrlllh't' huiJ· prirt'f)' pr::Kiudl Mnd SC'f\icM and Ahmt"d is a pruft"Ulnllal IIk","IN" U, \·aluil"--adJf.j dbtrihution in the- arras lIlt' ,· .. It)· IIf 1"'11 IK'W 1·lc't"m.. i,' a 11II1r11illll:l1l,' hal:u",,1 dll'l. IIC'U," hco addnl. "With naln.1 Kat: lIT, MCC, .\SQC .,.1 ~:~I.\ . II" 01 drugs anti hralth carr, thrmlcals. Henhey Financial Offlcef ).:,un'·Ji-Split S''l,IIMI aud nau" SIIIII'· '111' iul 01':"111) i,; n ill,L" 1 tt SI.h·l. c.mll C".lfk"drd tn rill' as mud. III ~ is also lmirmall uf tiM' 1).;'CC ."lIItly­ (onds. and wior and lpiritl. John S. lIar"lns hn IJt'M1 pnlllloh,1 tkal Sallitatiou IlIJprt.. itJII l'IHnmit· \II~I ' I in XI'\\' \'mk, .....' 'ent 0\'" thl' nell thrt'C" p~an. 'Soup II Goad th.. UW" uf dl·all. 1l'fM''''ilhir gl"Othrr. tn St-llior "iC'f" PrlosldMl1 allli Chid I", and mMnh(', tI( Ihr fliIS1:t. IInMhlli Foad' .nal~'sls lUlnmittrt'. m.al M~' 10 powt'r Clllr dryrn ",111 Hershey Eamlngs Flnaudal Omt", uf IIt'nIM'" I-'CIIIIl­ Theme ta Emphallze Private Label Manager C'.orpnraUnn, Willialu E. ilranft'lI l'lJIIshkr.. hl) · rnhu.T «:nsh; III 'ullin' II~' Foods CUrpnraUOIl an· Nutritional Value "llT Chainnau .nd Chid t-:""t'tllh.' nl'U (:t·IIIi1,· h ..., 'M'I.'II IlJll'lIilllt'll pmlftllng ulwrallolls." IMKlnaod ,rcord ""lSOlklatt't' ",.11'1i Genwol Milil Canada, CamplN'1I Sellill CIIIIII,.&IIY i~ ()ffil"l'r. annouuc.Td. The IN'mnotillh Dh'blull SoIl, os ~Iillla}:t·r. lIuil:1II1 Two lIl.. rb), }trotlwlnI .. l \\'dls (III'· and tamlngs (ur tiM' third 'Iu.nt·r laundlillg ib lIIusl t·th·mi"" tII,uL"I­ t'IMMh'llrh'ah' Uh'hi,," ... hi t'fr,'t"h'.. hUIIM"tIlall'l)'. ltd. Seh Record l.a'N·I L'l'IUI, nW, 30Cl-tk'gf'r'e " 'alrr In laugr '1ar· .. ,Mllllg Octohrr ... JUS), Xt'l salrf All thor ,t"I.'(J,lI ..aln alw.i t'amillJots lillot dlllrt in ~'t'a-" 111 sUJlpurl IIf ib In~ III a n,,,· .. 1 IllIllUlllln'III('1I1 h~ ' radiators lIarkllls joitk'll 1It-nlM'Y FCN"'': il lil.:t' brOiling 11M" air In ,ro. "' r~ S3S6,786.(O) 4.'IImparrd with 'nn' ieportt'd ill tiM.' (;''1M.·r... 1 Mills WIIII'Ii1I' lillt· IIf I\,"tl & \\1,ift· ""1U1~ \I.lIIlIl ~1. (;a,,,. lIuilulli JIU'iill'·lIt. mun- mol~lu,~ in ttw· drying ~~' ltc·lII. W1.900.(8) for lhe- thlnl cluanrr or 191" as "ke Prrsiclt'1ll. Fitualll,. 1111. with ll~· huM )·1'1 "inlfllt' 1II,.,lrIa).:'· C. I. Inc .."nulial U"IIl,rt fllr Ihl' w III his 11'"'\' Ilmititln, ( :"ulill,'s " ... IIrt1luw' comrnr,lial unions aw ahuul tuRO. Nt't IlIcum .. fur tiM.' cltlartr, wati .\dminiltratMHI. In uns. lit" "'~. )'('1, rudlng April ~, t~l. Ih .. 1 -Suul' h ('"MIll FIII"l. ~l"tlmi hililil ·~ iudu(ll.· ")'Ililmilill III 12.1.889.(0). lUiS (.'I lmmUIl "amrd Vice Pftosidrllt. finanl~ all un pt'fl1.'I11 \\'alrr. tiM' l'OSl lu n-nM,\'l' or Ilrr J hit D. lIt'rri,.... Ch,dnl1an tlf tlw .\lln·rli"llI}: i~ ,',."I JotUt"t1 til ){i\'(' Ihlitnlli\ Ilrinltt· l.all," IIII, ill"~" Ih· ( :urnl1looitirs. dM" " 'al('r I",'or.. prcN.ftling fh .. d'M'd .barr. l'l)fJ)l"'rt'd with 117 ..... 1.(0). nr Be. d, &aId thl! rt"luhs "u,Ht't" Ihe UIII"Ulllt'n IN'W all4.1 t'''"till~ Infur. n'p'th til E,I CiriglialNI. \'i,"C J'resl­ malrrtal 11110 n.lnus fUIMI ingrnlirnls SI.2B prr commmi .ILaf ... fnr the same 8rfure joliling IIrrlbl')', lIatLh brt fil of Cc-1It'roll ~liIls' ,'arinl l'llU' malinll ahllul tht· lIulritiulI;a1 ,'alllt· III llt·1I1 . l'rh·llh· 1..aIK·I J)i\'binll, h Ihr majm ('o~t of pOllludiulI, 'Iuanr' last )'rar. ",.s Cot'''l!ral Collimlirr (ur Unn,,", SUI 'r fuods. IUyl IUIII tpc't·i.lt)' rt'· Mlllit ;t llil tilt' impnnlllli wit, ~IUI' ,1m !'ainr tlllli ~ Itmllllllillll, C;"nlil,' Wit... I)ruban ntimahos a sl~Ilfka nt IIU­ Sh~ mollitu ... anti t'anrillJ,ts Inc.• Nrw \'ork. Priur to that hr 111'1 1t.,; tai Ig oprraliolls.- 1.lilY ill a \\,,·II ·halllll(,(·11 ,Ii,'" 11lis s,·\\' Yurk HI').:illll S:tlt · ~ 'lal1 " ~"r , \·.rloul poslUtMlS III finanCC'. ('''OI11r1l IIl1al prtll.lUl.. ioll ,,~I ,rdut1If111 ('mn­ "'rrr also a "'coni. wilh t.al" uf t1.· I .nsoUdalrd saltos of Sl9;HI mil· will wllflrm lII a ll ~' III Ih,' }:cNNI f'·I·I· 1IIIIIIIIIi u", (:rtK-'·"· Uivisiuli. lie l);I.n .. 1 with t-"umnml.CC"nlf):' IlOIlural fl68.4ffi.orl) comraml wilh tt.m.7W.­ It'nhip alNI d.ata prlM.'t'ullllt. hoth II 00' for Ihc ~ dh'l'nlfi",l l'l"I,:um.. r hi}:' 1'1.,,11'1,· h:ton' IIlw:toy" hall ah"l1l rlim'll IIlIil;lIIi FINkI~ :!:l y":lU " Con ){1U'pu\\,I'n'tl 0l'"'illl(lll U)'. III Ihtl fint IIhM" munthl til mntil' .1111 IlItrrnatkmal. " i lh I Atll In Gil (II) 1980. gOt I, l"Clmpau)' w,.,r 12.2% ht'th'r M:U:' il'i .. IIl1icllU' fUIMI. 011111. ,,~ Ill' rll-'l' Ihrull~h tilt· r .. uh. -111i}; at'lilliliitioll Wtlu!tl hK'ft'llM" utlr IIIKIIM·t Im'lnnt" of &.'i9 . !M . ~J, fir ' ·1.19 Ian! COrlMN'atinn III N.."., \'01" "'I ilia lasl )'rar. Eamings illcft';a)4"t1 all .\ lIIulIl·"Il.. lIa illlrcMl1Il1n~ ' Ililwr. II,(': """('11 till' nllllllaollY ill nuillU'i Ilrhydriltill}: '1IJlalil), alKi ildd mo- prr (.'(Mnmot' shaft'. \'t'nUI ~:!.s.Ti".­ n.ttN~11l Cnmpau)' ill LMIIIJ:III Un! I.'Uh'r 24.:lfl. 10 S7..5 million. I b in~ l,rnJotra Ul U~'ti a lla'... a!.:'· "' u l,." 1 ';t I),1dlil ~ , 1IK'lIhllll In uur ptn.h (ur n.. .,krt ~han' en •. ur &.1.00 prr l'InTllllt1U .hilrt'. fur ~tlW. , Ie growth t'11)t'rit'1It."'t't1 III tht' h" ;I\oy I'rirmiinM', darlinn'. ,'a,ly aUtI III fovd pnK.'~illg and (uCNI wn'ln' lilt" ...... V' pt'fiod la,t )·.. ar. lI.rlins rr''t' i\'t ~ .11 fmm tl A.n. GrI ' "1 Frodudl Oi,isiOlI un'r tlH' lah' rrill~I' h·!t·\'lslull. Ula~1t lIIa.Lt'I ingrt'lU.. nls.- L>mhall said. Wharlon St.·huul (If 11~ Uni\'t'nlt~ ' I 8nl S.II ... for January "We are flrasnl with Ihrw rt't'llm pt.:. i'tnral )'t'an. a'''l,·lt·filh''tl til n'l" III"W"I'"'IM·n. antl f(M "-t.'IIlur sprra.ls PMIIIl)'1\1mla atKi a B.S. In I-~molll i , '114' }:t .... llt'nnal falility " 'as huilt n'SlIlts: ul( Willialll E. C. Ilr.. nlrll. o:t1 liighs. This growlh lli IIlIrilNlh.. 1 allli I"'):" Mt l~ ill lIatiullal wtllllt'n'~ ( :0111111 ..1 Suup I~O fRim l.aSalle Cull"ltr. IIr Is il CI'rl in Ur.S. luchKlrd in Ihe' [MudWI' I,. VIet" Chairman alNI Chin E"f"t'Uti\'r to liI(' ronlinurd gotKl IM-rfunnaul'l.' ,,·,,'kl· ma}:ilzillt'i 1,Im, Tillll·. S,'W~· t:"llut"tl TlllllaIlN''; 1:15 6t-c1 Puhllc "'luNUltallt. a IUII~ . tl· m' 1t'asC'huld iult'rnl III UK' OffiCI" . "Solid galnl "'t'rr Jlctt:trd h)' of liar wide aswrtrnl.'1ll ClI Bfotty w,'t·I.:. "1"1,lt· alKl Uradl'r'" Ui){,'sl , ( :IlIIIII'11 Li""I '~ ' be miM" I"' ·' III~ .Ia! iU.'Jt'i of IlI'inll' Ii... nnal 1,"'(M·ny. Itt ... 11t!fShe)· Chocolatt' Ct)fJ)fl


• L)t. u II'

... .. 1 ,. 1"'"

. " I \t ,,' ,.I " I" , ' . "

.. I '" ' . \ " I'll I

" ,.,,'"

" " P. " ,\, \I ". " ...... 1,..0 '. .. " •

ADM Milling supplying 8, c .. dwl nru." , ' ''H I.: l ? OJ.


AOM .. 1'0 Iwppllr. q ..... tI., bAh" .. Iho,h' n lnq to·n ' • •· . · I n ' ·' CO. I~" p,oll"n .. nd .. "A I .... h r .. ' q h,th' " 10 ' Ihl' b .. h' n q ,ndw.t,}' I"'port 'rot.. t 11le Natkmlll Pasta MIOt,.'ialiulI is St'6lng tu ha\'C the U.s. Trade Hr prl"o H1lt,U"t" ludge In offirial (lfotnt 01 Europc'an mbskllrs which the s muJl UYI allow fort'lg .. romvan1n to com-­ pete unfairly wllh AmrtiCIIII pula producrn. The poIltlo" brrom... he .hlrd of Internl 10 h:radstuH"1 to be Gird undepartmcnt of Agrit"U1l It" (".ol"loon Agricultural PoIIt')' which Itlrnl. lAid con.suftaUolU 011 that oom· nllmalrs that the ('fOp ,,'OUM rl(~ 'II plaint. on thr hoob now for ,II )'ean. penni .. ,ubsldlza.1on 01 u.s. I""'" lilIt )T.,'J according to Ihe a Cfe' !r arr ,chedulrd In Gn.n'. hdwttn ...... lood product Imports. planlnl - 1.64 million. (-unlro- ·d "II .he N.P.A. rhall.. ge b , ...... Voiln! Statn and Community rqJI'f'­ with 1.2:1 mUlion in 1980 and I li lui II will open .he door lor other .an,ath't"'. If acwrd cannot be million In 1979. srgme.... 01 .he US. proc.' ' ~'. The oI.he U.s. Trada Repro­ Th. C.ommo.. Agricultural POUt)' om .... ron," Urown uitl ~ n "'tl .' IlrO'l,idn for E.c. subsidies on many smtaU\'e K'hNIultd a hearing on the \.l i.-4} • p"""""'" Ionds.lnduding ...... made Great \Vntrm Sugar romplaint for 11.. board ...iII 'pend ...... ~ I ~ lrom rerrol and dal.,. products. _a' Nov. ... Great Wcstrm. in III pdition. million 10 promote potatoes ~h ' NORTH DAKOTA "'I~l and chocola.e. dwgrd .ha. roughlr .-6Ith 01 .... call)' thlJ: )'rar _ dmA'u b)' ahuut Grand Forks. Norlh Dako •• (701) 772-411 ' n .. poIillon r1aInu tha. .... CAP world',I... ly tradrd sugar b nportrd 1100,(0) from lasl )'nlr. and the- subddln ~ In ,ioIation 01 by .... E.C. fCcntinwed on pooe 3S1 32 THE MACARONI JOU.~ .Al • 1981 tiun. el L'\'rlo.. i ll~ 11111 ' :lml Ih',· )'ur ('.upln of thco dudy ale availablt' II. sial"! ....1 .hhoogh Ibn.· ;. 1 '" af't'nlOOn .n1ic"1 ,liscusRd 8ealrlao Food. U_ 'roken Meal Consumption plalL' ror bu,ilK'S)f's . .!o lrh'iug fm iu · Ih"",gh Ih. NRA Ed ...1lona1 ~II.­ no mac'c formula· for thnto i . 't. ~ ing (If thr fond lImlerr's firm , .... -We bellC'n in hrokrn "ntl hut· 11",,,h markM PI·IIt'I,., .. illll till lilll ~ Behavior Study I.. rtals ('"",nlt'r. 311 Fint St., N,W.• thrre are dnlnble (Iu.lilin for ... \" 1111 Inletltion of guin~ to Il Ilin't1 ' ~.. rrinl. m2.inla inlug glMMI (',,,"111111111 ' lhr Research li nd Information lI'uIUngtm •• D.C. lPDOOl • • 1 11150 pcrorte .nd produds In ha\'('. ~ M' ~tar\cdln, \·... r C.... pany salrs fC)fet! IK.W ur In IIII' lutt"\t,,·aht,· ,'alinlls wilh llliuL1 ll:&h . ,,"d IIHIIIIIJ.! Snl'iCft l>rpartment of tht' ~.lional 1,,< mi\'b lOIl thr III n.!ol Importalll - M-II. Wid wll al 8dlS\'lor." 1be NflA l"onduLini • H Food..."lao Worlcahop ing a noputatlon. for hoth food , ~ ,..adl food hroltt'r firm mud df'Ane of IIt'atriC'(! Foods durill\! hI~ ," l l lrt 'i ~ 1"1t t .. mu. Ihal is r"m mi\\illll. Mr, mail lun't')' of (.'(MlUuOC"n in April d"t"huton. Partidpantl in the 1981 Natio"al ltn and aoo diiM > .,,\1 its -niche of rnluinn" .ntl Iht'1I alia· 10 the 1981 NFB ..\ <:lIl1h'l.1 iOlIl'I), ~iU stalnl. and May flf this l'r ar 10 Iram wherr dlltributor motJvatlml, This ilK'l" ,!,"ti .-nod Orolc.n Assodallin~r, July 311t. ~Ir . ~i1I clbmb wd Ilw illtlmlry u '· th"r mt'als are prrlNlrnl ami which l'UflSblen<.'y of suppl)" drlh'rf)' "1\" k. Workshop In Allan'" Jill)' 13,h. (Ocll jlolnirs sllould,lbtlnguish hetween ~Ir . Kill delivered hi.\ ft'm,IT,", lu IM-.,II Ihat d ailll Iht'H' h IIU I!lIIwth mrab tbt-y are skipping. SUl.'h Infor· icc-, ach'fttising Alpport, and p Ullin, ""JoY~ an outstanding program nl wUi ll ~ ph)'sical pmdlll11 alKI "fir 120 food brobn, ImUlUl ati'mI'n ,mcl nr .I,·clill iu!; nlllli UlnpliuII flf l'Ol llll,' maUon has not hem avail.Me- In the" lion support. spralct-n during the day·long 1llftI.. P II;: They mUlt dt1tnnlllt' whrtlar r uthr r indusU}' rlrculh·rt al Ihl' 1I)'ltt ,lIul sllat·b : l);tlt frrn .. other IOUrces. dIr)' are In the htnint'S' IIf produc. 11I1t· Urgrncy Hot.. 1 In dtk"~u , nl.. all­ -I prnoullallr lin 11111 h,,·lil·\'''· 1111')(' Sonlf' of the findings uf the S-J.. The 1981 Workshop IlIdud.d olgh' N... Psudud InlrodUilllll'r fi~urrs Ix'(',,"uM' till' "talh.lil.'ot.luwlllutis nan husiness of thr ,ultion uf ('11.5' ",as ' 1t!1cl during Iht· Nalltlllal Ca llt1 r pogo ..port .n" Iw ...... '1ons by Indlng lnod"''''I"" (~~ Dusmbftt)', Vk'l! Prnilk,rI. mt'lllu dt:\'elol' tllI'm arc I .. nihll· alul iales and marketing nf'('Uti\'ft and Wholnalt'rl Medirlj( ill c:tlil1lgU, • n.e .vnagl' pc-rJOn age 8 In Oirrdor of Sales and Manding for ,...... our figurt."Ii dlllw jml lilt' "I'posit .. , I sm.1I group work ....ions. okJ,t'r rats out U limn clurinlt • AI...... 0...... Allanla. 'all"' Or. Tull)', formrr M.rkrtlll~ \ ' 11.1' lie nute,1 that he hc-lil'\'I'S fir .. lrit" Ihiuk Ihe 'ulun' lur 1.~,lIId )' anti s u a ,' k ~ morning ~kMu's mnAr\s 10...... u). period. nle with Workshop partkipanu on IIlJllo PmidC"nt of Edwllrcls Bakln~ <';Ullr Foods "lit)' be Ihe larl!t·,t us.., IIf flMMI is hrighl - 1 Ihink t·."MI,. and ,lIu la, ('usrd on M'llIng to cliltrihuton . Aging IIt'W produd iutroductiou,. broken in Ihr l"IIIIII)' .. u.1 th",.-ruu· • Of .11 wC!dl:I)' 7 nul of pt"" in ."tlanta ancl ..ow a ronsuhant willl!'O\\' and I am pruml 10 h.. II palt mn ls. manufac:tun'r's point nf \i ...· 10 are prrpared at bomto or at a n.c 110 hlghligh'..! !he 1_.... 01 to I;"" .nd bn.... ~ . p"'d • .,..... ad­ "Ilit long rangr fortllnrs tlf '"Ir mllr C1 111Ii~ growing ami ,1~' lIami c illlilistn·· on twlw to mulmiu IIlrs to dt,trih'r r'" frlmd"1 2 of 10 art' prrparnl wolI Ung a IWW produet and selling iI ,"brtl the foodltoi ('(' Workshop that patl)' and ),our indh'idll Oi I fi""~ tt 'OI II~ ' HI Ihillk tlll' r.. l1lft' nf hrukru ill Lomr. lun ,,'00 ale membrn of l"I)'iug tW IMJilits .bould IX' ,"(ulSt.uti)· re· an' Intrrdept'lKlrnt." l·onunerdall)·. and onr out nl 10 Is thmugh the mannrl of distrih.. lk)!l. Ilib alrOl is "lual1)' as hrighl if )"1111 WOOPS \l'U pm Na'h,",1 ~1r. Gulnre malnl.ilM!'ll Ih:1t man)' for IConhl"lUC'd h om POOl' 321 state canning Indudt)· loda)'o for lunch at If-asl uuc.'f' in Ihto past 7 of the Saln Manlgu, Fooclsnvke. If t' ul~ fOt.M I hroken are mluinj( important WI hard to tall " thai it tlt'llelllls ~(lI, · ~ ' maximizing uJH is not 1M kt')· iuuf' It will t'fllltillllt' III 11M' Ihl' .!olll):all. d.)'s. If'in Crocery Products Croup. ....lI· O(Ip'rtunitin b)' not making thmr un one thing and nllt· thing IInl)·.• uul . . . !he kor bsuo b """'Ing ollollgh Ihat is you, nlc fuhlft' of hrukl'" in :\IIM'rk .. u\ F:l\'urih' \·'·j.:d:1hlt·. • FortY'Ir\'en pt"rct'flt Itf t~ rnington. ConnKticut. V'h . ' ~ \islblr to the tTatle thrmllt" UruwlI "" ill. ~ nl'M · ,dl h · ll ~ liS a pfofit to Ita)' in l)Usineu." thto ronfrcticnlrf)' and tlllit-l. rnu.1 ill ' .. lun'e)'cd ale out for dlnnrr al least Mr. Tipps miewed Hruhld ll', pn)l",lIinn and ad\·ertbing. Expansion Mr. Collin. rmphulud ,h.1 Ihr dustt), drpt'IM" IntliU)' tin p ili hru· brj.:t· p"·n ... ·III Il~ I· IIf tIll' IlIlplilaliliu OIK'C! in thto prninu. 7 da),,- and 15 ..... promoIloo/sal .. prognm ,.. ..I rI " hroker·, buslnrss and t"\'m rf'­ ,lllt'S II'1 lUlIsitll'r p" la"M':\ a \'I'\!I'I.. hll ·, broken in\'Oh·ed with Joan of Arc ken, What ),ou do ~ MJt unl)' will ~h a l" pnttIti had eaten out for hrnldut. tiow guklrlines, lie Ilrftsed tlar I,n, pU. 'g a lost prindpal ls "mnre ...silr 1·\ 't·U tlMIII)!h it's II~dl, 1 wHh IIl1t,il'lIh '11A\'l! tx-rn and will (.'Outinue tn he a "" .p1l1hrd U !he 6nn b w.1I the future but. 'Iultt' frank1~' . Will M' • PC!rsoos aged 2.2. 10 40 r at out portance of ample time fOf di· ,ict the future." hr told II", dillllt'r mr ,·t· :& 11111111')' t'II~l r th.· t:t»h',H \'ur intrgral part of our s.aln oper­ 100' ' I In the manf'lpl.l"t"." .cronl· lnore fmjUC!ndy than othf'r age tnanagrn. hl"Oken, and dislrib oa 1111' IMJdnl\ ~ t 'a n HI )I'"l11l1lillll alion. 1be best ronct'h'rd l)fOj(tamS. lllg , ~Ir. Gulner. illg audlenC't'. groups. and persons M and oklrr not followed through at the l)fObr tu plall prior to promotions aiM' tIl«' lit' strrued tbat foocll,",k"r ftnm' haw 1~ l d 11ft ill "'nll\ , "I pIII~lit , to involve the dlstribulor ,Ih rat out infrf'fJuentiy. IM'rl, will be doomrd to failure: Ite'I!d "onl)' rran)' meaningful .u scls" au' " W ;Ut ' III ~1 tlull till' p"lahl l!o lIul 'ugh In.naKn In these plans. 1'mmIa11oo. • nlc a\'erage 1"'1"1011 agr H IIr 110 lIo1..! lhal with dblrihu,oo tho prople of lhe finn, ....· Utt '",\'r IIIl' ill t ~.&ll1fh "' . Ihll\\'11 'Uitll'tl. II Christ)', Oirrrlor nl Salt'S. nltkr skips 1.3 brraUuts, 0.6 lunches.. who au' mnnbel1i of htl)'ing groups. J saOlr basic chall' ~ nge faring all a. .t'1board FOOIlwo'ilT. nabtnn and only 0.1 dinDen in a 7~1a)' prr· Joan 01 Arc eowungn ill broken """" feu CUIIomer Amrrlcan indultl')' and that is tllC' Idaho Spend. $2 Million Pur I Compan)', ofI'rrnI ~uidt'lInt'S iCMl. hut the penons who nt out tn gd hwoh'reI In thrir sprdal (l ~ o-­ Tom O"8riell, ernrral ~"I'" ,. onr""helming nrcd as a nation In lor ,rind.".' prnrntatioll!li that H'II On Promotion 1000t fn."'lut'ntl), (those !!2 to .tI{) yran muliOllS. ('~rgia Foods, Inc.. gave po; id· start to on~ again rrmlel annual )'flU 1111' It!..h .. 1'111.1111 ( : l1l1l1l1i~ !oi llll i\ old) arr most Uldy to dc:ip lIlC'als, pauts the distributor's prnp :h'r ~rm. gains in our producth;ly. fnKhIl1i\" -senice has alwa)'s bftn au im· IllIuhliu)! its pWllllllinnal Il1ulJ.!'1 this unrl)' .as prra'fll of rrspolI(Jrnts III on muimWng aaJn to distrih :un Christy dted I·samples of Iwt ity and the phrase - wlllk ,martl'r portant factor in uur husilH'U and "'ar III $:! lIIill illll as .. JI '.!o 1l1t nf iu· Ihis age group sa)ing the)' had 1I0t whu are mrmben 01 huying gru "', btu r praenlatiolls he found pa'. not hardrr - is on r\'C'I'}' hKlmll'}'''' with the high ant of tnonC')' it has ~"" · :l.\in ~ ih j.:rU\\t·r uggfSttd wa)'S for )'ders to al Irast one occasion. ure and impro\'e its product";I), 1111'11 · \\'1' hadu'l hll'u·as... 1 IIIlt h",I!!"'1 , uppllrn." Mr. ('.ollills told tiM' \\'urk· Ilf'ttSsaty I Cfr. ,t' prnentatiOClS that Ic-a\'c last· uutllnrd what b for fn" ill 1114' p.a!ol 11m,' ur ftlllr )'t·an. alltl nlf' slud)' wu prrfonnni for Ihe . hop. th'e It'presrlltatilnl to dlstribut(M ~ unpreaions. all the other maJor prohlrllui allli inun tU(' lllle of IhrOlsrln's, \\1' wanll'tl III ;l\'lIitl ~ lIill~ cl ..\\IIIIi11 Sit" u"der l'Onl,at.1 with SaliOl1A1 will Sa ... Technique Mr. O'Brit'll noted that br. L..n l 11C! 1981 NFHA FCllKiser"iL't' IM · ' ~.a U Sl· IIf iIll11·a!oiu J.: l1,\b,H III' t ·\· Famil)' Opinion. Inc.. of Tolt'do. To make hro~t'r rrprnt"lIlat,itm mu.1 h...... lid knowl

. Cobra 1000 pre.. with two 16" diameter die holders

-Shaker type T~/l000 AT

2 ~etal rotary dryers model Romet 24/B 1 Finish dryer type Tele.. ATR/17/4

Cooling shaker • ( , 11 ' rA DOfT. INGG. M.• G. BRAIBANTI & C. S. P. A. 20122 Milano· Largo Toscanini 1 Ibibu\licorporaHoa • 60 E. 4Zod 51. · S.~.1040. H•• Y... . HY 10165. ' •••• 11111611/6407-611/640•• T.Io, 11-6797 llAlIY ' wegelabIM ... compte. ,*bohr*"'" Fata .,. Ngh I caAottat. 'lINCh mer ceuM you ID c:oneurM more ceIork .... you need, toodIng '" _ . -.g - - • SALVATORE II cu:co CfMM your riIk of hMr'I IItta. And cM8In ... m, Each...... s...... ,,...,, ••• 1•• f.,: Quiz tend to 6nCtWIe blOOd d' '11'1 "' ...... In IOfM peoph ~_on"" __ h"'_""on. IICCIAlfW: ...... _01'..... _~ ..... • answers Automatic: Pockaging Machinery in toodI suppty impoNnt wtIaImInI end minef.... end of'll I cartons or cellophane bogs tOf : .... good _'" 01-, n.... . ScIInce it dMdId abOut the connection bet-' ,. i Lon~ and short good~ macaloni Inend _____ ct gUll 01 ...... the en I 101 end lItgf)cerkSts Cereol~ , ,iu. dried y~elables . ,he_-:· coffn. cocoa, nuts. dried fruilS , dIIct , ~PI .,.,., .. we once tnoughL Foods Corp. on.,. (he tot~ w.ntUiC cen.m .. spices.• tc: . Gen..... U.s. Manti offie.laJa almpty do nol Ihink you Ihould bail tor the "Could" .,..." 10 ttl. nutritiOn Qui, ap. gombOO _ 100 high .. In.... 01 'II __.. _Ingonpogo S. IASSANO: while the debM ower Pfoof,8OII on. Complete po~to linn equipment Ittm sugar" Rolinox patented processing equipment 1-DIMIrMo t,.. ",aw II ml"""ln9- Firat , DIIC" Modetetion II 1M key Mr.. To a¥OkINun9 you cannot buy tJfJfr' rl. aug.,. Commtfciatty 8Y1iI.bIe 100 rnuc;h 1Odium. W. not ontr Imponant 10 cut becIl on IUQ.Ir is partiL~ TefiMCl Sugar ts ,efined in order 10 , .. "ling ...... __ ...... 01 __• IIAMIATI: move Clitt and ot...... Impufitie&. Refining dOeS remove Profitable Systems tOf pneumatically conveying _bl_~_01""_YOU'" of certain nutr~ but theM not nwitionalty ',left at. ~ Iran _ .... piclJa. "U.d ...... or _ iemolino and flour. lIOn_I _ you Nt • bIIonc:ecI - PO'pounds 11_____ to _1III1IId 25% _ -..no...... __ com.., · Slorage for noodle~ and \hOft good~ Many people D\ink It\at n."".,., OCCUt,InO I.' it Barter Maca,ani products. beIMf th,n added augar. Ir, not. Frutts end hOney con­ In IoodI ... ~ chene or ftIh. trl 8110 important tot Ory posta mill grinders tain both 1UCf0M and 0"'" tr;6nd1 0' sugar. Your body __ high ___ 10 III. v.. 1IIy ol_ u,. .. U'•• "".r, ," t lu,••• Ita" Pd _. ncba•• e , . • we ~*' ....ill hal' 10 VH Of tMM sug,lf' in much 1M .44,..s: 'pp"'" an aame In _ilion '" nult_lI_ WIY-.nethtf In., com. trom nature. Of are added to 1IIiIIy,,""" • .MIl.,. N. pr.1 Ibnt:. by Bel If ) 'DU bat ••11 iJ".., .... I ta.,',,! •• • .• . 1• • kh--' Hilt. 0 ...,10 L4C 4X7 food_ man. • 01160 ... 8nid:el1UgoIt, IknOII W1Y k.Ind of c.arbOhy. Often. ...r. asked whether honey or raw IUP" is d ..... lnctudlng _ .... In..... __ '" poo· M-. ud "e radll.a~ . _ • n I'lICh .t~b" c...... 'HI cariogenic tn.n ,etltled ..,. Any sugar in • sticky ..... __. TIle -. WIY '" light __ It .. _101... 'h_: (416) 77l-40U _orm. whether il'l fructose Of 1UCfDH. PM" • ttl,.. , 10 po_ good _ h ...... _ Oftlll end h_ T1III'.lbe kiDd 01 prc06I.Lk raduDlc you If No A•••• r, e.U ...... ",. Di Cecce. toom decay because It aClhem 10 the INtI\. And ttte bnw61 )'tMI 1It'lin'," , .. rticipate i. regular chtcII.uPl" wour dentiIC-end fr. 'n... "be. ....1911 ttlfMl is tnctNHd if h~ . augar food. COftIUmed moder." "" ar. quIInCy Mel CO!'IlUmption of lticIIy cerbOhydfate food ... J'*' .rade Of pr.'~* .1 aMfDl"'t'U )eu bIIInCed dtat The onty .., to enlUt. having • belanced MIl, -.1'1 be .".re 0' ii, 2-1HN1N& No IingJe d ... can IlliIly the needl 0' ell Q wide diet II to HI m ~ ate emounll of • 'Iariety of tooct, Abeen all it ta~" le aet ".J1~ b . ... rrU. _pie. Just u _pie d:'" in ...... pIt'- ICIiviIr ',om tho belle: _ groupo. Our ___ tortt Mac, ..... bca.u.r-.. • • ro" .ad dw,r and heatlh. 10. too. ~ It.,i, food needs differ. BaNd on ditl.,enl nulrientl. Induding witaminI " m6ner.... to 'n.. ~u Iwabt Ie ... inlotnl'bOn p'CMd.cl by nutrition .uthOfit-. the Guide· • 1Iy h.-y. Villmin ou_It _1Ir do "",sup· WINSTON linn recommend .lling moder.te amounts of • wkI. VI­ ply au 1M vttam6ns and ""'*M In 1M right amounl !L Your l..orla,_ "CHk. "'rd lor' ra' lhe riety 01 food. 10 achieve I pto,*, balanCe of nutrient&. end ,arlily tuppIJ OCher ....,1iaI nutrients IUd'! .. I.lty ,laM aIeotophrn lor thi. p,a61aWe j,dr. 1"1.­ ....0811'10 ... ', lac. eddI and am6no 8dd&. In eckUtion. ... may be unCi'''' c ...... C.lellt"'. tmai.. ,. . w,". .hop'- all :a-.,...... AvoIcI;ng 100 mo.:ch 0' anylhlng. Inctudlng cowered nvtrtentIlUPP"Id by food.. bu1 not .. yM .... wi ' ,. of .Iw kti,iliH ...., pull .....bn. 'OVlM,. lOST. 1910 aup' t.nd f.t&. II well IS many oth., substances. it cere m,"IU~" belp '0 Hr, idea ~ia • . tainty • conlid.,l"on In achieving I balIncfiI dtll But f1 The o'.ftIft' you ca. JMlI ,OUftt!U la l,bI. lI.mQf.lmponlnlto .a' a vartety of foodl from the bUiC Cmuuilin, and AM/ylN Chtnilltl, JpnilJlivnl In t ...~ Ealitlg • v.iIIy 01_ It onty _ ot ' , C-pd" .be 1DOh: 'OU II h ~ : 'I . ~ Irp au .. .-I' mall'" ;",'O"';nl tht tJanUMllon. production food P.'0UPI: mut&. 'I$h. poultry. eggs and telUmeL bn eM I. 10 )gt. lind MlrpcMl Jou, uade fruitl and vegItIbln. wf'Iola and M'lriched grains. cer.... good """ltiQn equatiOn. " .. eqt,f ::~' 'mporUlnl 10 .a' n and l"btUn, 01 "'«lI1on/. Hoodlt and Ell l'mdUC'f', moderatiOn to thai you can be .....· F f 'IU not ..t g IlHC"laUcta. and br.adL and milk. chee" and yogurt F.. , modeIa" w. too much of one food allM expen.. Of MOtMI, 01« t· Slrp au",~' Iw. I. 10 .llnd IM!r nl', 1 amounts 0' .11 foodl; a l'I'althful d iet lhouid contain food l-Vllc",i"•• N MI.. ,. .. I.rich",•• t ....yt. from an ea,.,I... in; more 100Cf than rour bOdy need.. ..-dia.. ADd ,.h •• idel aloll' willi JOU Y... · ,. boulad III I' 'ea .. dWbk il btlUl~ ,IHI 2-1w1 SeII4. ••• c.... Se.", I. ~I' ••• 4-D...... A balanced d"" dOH not have to be spar· If...... R_lta 01 conlUmer IUrYe, ...... till eak ... cookies. POlito chips and candy bars can be 3-5.",.U...... Flottr •••.,.i. , ,alen in mod.ratton aklng with-but no' in ~K' 01-. conducted tor o.n.r .. Foode COfP. ... .,lefy of too::tl "om lhe tllI!e lood grcr",ps...... JOIN 4--Mk...... Iy ... fet ,."'''H''' "'."." ~ , S-Se.k." ,.... Sto".,.. 5-A.... A person "~ 10le wetgft, WIthout ,educing ...... ,.. calorlft " ••"CI" II In,"ased. ThI! calOr ... ,.tIn must _I -.... '0% It.. NOllonol Po,Ia Auocialion 6-I'ntlcl4ot A.. I,.. be ,..., tMn ttte caIotMtJ burned for energy. When tty. ..,.. - -. _. 7-1.ct.rieIotk.1 T_ ... Se ...... ,Ae. ing to ~" wetOhl you have a lot of ehocn-you can Ii· _...... '" P.O. lox 336 thlt InetUI' lh. demand lor catoftn by .....a ..ng _...... t-H .._I A.. .,.. or decreaH the IUPpty 01 calor," by eating .... -.." fT'IOf'. _. ..,.. ." Palatln., IL 60067 c)O .." loods. 0" ,ou can both. AeCluclno cillO,." wf'I ile ~. ..,.. _. ." JAMES and MARVIN WINSTON. DIRECTORS crea.. ng '.et'CIH may be the mott e"eelNt way to toM ..,.. ... P.O. Bo.< 361. 2S MI. V.""", SI .• _hI -, .." -.'".. ... W,It. ,Ite fxecutiv. Dlrecto, _. " .. RlcIgofi.1d Pork. NJ 07660 0-_0 ...... fo, detail•. I-AI'''' Am.rlc:anL '" genelll may eal 100 many Q\I8'StaOnl0 ..,.. ... (20 1\ 440-0022 'GOG. nlQh In latl. espec-aUy l,umlS lat and 100 rew Clr. '.-J ,.--.,., ,. bOhydrale.,tCh foodS. n~r pastas. grains. Iruitland ., " " lOO' - Al TilE MACAJ(r,O'I l ouIS . DIn ...... 1911 - ----

INDEX TO tllI'rchancJlw and rack ;.tQn. 1lwrr ",ell as Rn'ka and Importc:n. am abo brok ...... port ... and pub. Volume nuN is tf.e Indm )", ADVEITISEIS Ilc warehuusn In \'oIume Our. "... Irphone hook- listing fI).(D) . In­ "­ This )Tar 2.(0) l'Ompanln wne partin. It alloO has • ·br.nd UJi W'\ A DMM-.,c.. H.Jl ...... _c.. 11 add",,1 while In ".ual humt.., of _ion. HOLIDAY GREETINGS .t..Ig c.,...... _ IS Rnm; Wtore drlr'trd In Ihr I"""" c.: ...... ___ .. _ ,,,,JI annual total Puhlbhtd .1"". 1898 by " .. ~, ...... _c:... ____ _ I .... lIpc.laUnt( pnJtn!! that saw manges Puhlbhl"g Co.. TCR·I98Z I. tho ;n­ De'...... 11 MecWN c.,...t- IJ. ", I1Il1dt in thouulUl~ nf iuclh'ldlial list· d"I1,)'". la"", dlrt"dorr. INc... ._ .. _ .... It iUKs, n.e tlure \'Olume dlrtdol')' is I k· ...... c. ... I.. _ I and ...... ,~c-,. "nlume Tv.·u has ".mo (!,udtK.1 rd at $82 and is a"allahle- on a lU. ..7 MIl ...... D.. 11M. _. _." trial basis ~rom « , n~ ...... h'M .... MHI _ , .. I~oriH "J\'t'riug sprclfic food and da), rlt"e lnmruu H·I).. nnn·rne ..1 pmdudl. IUl"rlin, "Inlp­ tTI). Hrgut..... Drpt. PR, One 1"'1111 '''''' c-,.., ... -... - _..-_c:...... ,c...er...... " uwnl and Inc.,.1 Indu!!II")' mal'hl"">' as Pt..... N.... ,"mk. NY 10119. W ...... L.. ,u'" ._._ ".1'It BEST WISHES W_--...... __ 17 CWSlFlED ADVDTISIN8 ....ns TO ALL OUR FRIENDS w. .. $1.11 ,., ... _'•. N _IAU-T...... __ .. .. in the L_ ...... -12 .2IC' ...... _-. An.• W. V...... V1V lCJ c..-. WANTlOI,., .1._ ...... ,.,. '.0. ... n ...... •. ,...... IL '"". MACARONI INDUSTRY Thoma. Grocery legl.t... IIra1lh fcwKl .i: and ,rblt'll Inad. IIMm. \'Itamlll!i ",IUd honks nil lIut,l· for a liun wtll CH."l11(t)' mClre s[NK" UII J,tm­ c.'t'f)' sture sh~ l\'eI in 1982. Hrl.ncors will 100 nul')' more' ,ooth "1th lUI t'~lrIKIed , .... U iiI.. rueb u those in n1nrt.hle l)UUl fA~ ilud IlH'I.tic pac­ HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS Lagrs. Funcl I'\;-t''''':' ,,·iII ,ulltilluC tn IHlllift'fatr. n~~ afr alllolig tl",: l~lIIdu,iunl NEW YEAR It)· TI.ullw Cn,.,,'')' Hrgbitl'f ninon and art.· lta.K'C.) on il llluiril'" for I,rotlud Informa lim. IOUgh. throughout tI ~ . )·... ar. Tl.e In'tlds ar... rrlkctrd ill IN.",,' tn and npandnl luOOud (:alrgorirs in 11K" 1982 rdillon. l>nigunl 10 flll the! groVoiug I~ fur badi. haul. TCn has atltlt'tl Iltt.··W' tr.. mpurtilliun carrit'n: air l'Klrier. rs.· 1982 I'rt~s . Jurw.ardiug and fn-ight: frriJtll1 fur\l'Urdin):; rail: truck l-arril'n for I~ (·a1. lung lu"l s.hort haul. « orl" C .•ollOtti, P,esident Jock E. RonoHi, V.ee P'C!I .defll 11", Oin"liu,,' of thr hu;liluliollal !-'... K1 ~la;l... t whidl drlails 11M' f ..(xl ~' n ' ll" indu.!oln' .. nd wllkll funnt"rh' Rossoni CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATES, INC. " JI.I Jur S15 .; a M'(lilr.. te \'olume i'l 'loa ...... , • nnw hll'orpural'...t in \'olurne OUt'. It .... -_ ...... 158 Unwood Plaza - Suite 220 llriu!;s In 16 Ihe lIumbc.·r of dbtilKi Fort Loe. Now Jeney 07024 "tlir«ioril'S" whkh now ma1:r up thai ...... _.-_. _------­. \ ·011l11M.' and indudt'S and Ca, ---_._------_.----- u.s, ._---_ .. .. Telephone (201) ')41\-7972 natliau grol'."f)' chains, righl whole· _--_ --- );I1tT groups indulling grurral line! Established in 1898 JrolC"u. Institutional foods. special. lirs. Iwuc.lul'e. l'fO\·Wons. general 40 @j)MlfLTIi=OODS