Nds of Marriage: the Implications of Hawaiian Culture & Values For
Configuring the Bo(u)nds of Marriage: The Implications of Hawaiian Culture & Values for the Debate About Homogamy Robert J. Morris, J.D.* (Kaplihiahilina)** Eia 'o Hawai'i ua ao,pa'alia i ka pono i ka lima. Here is Hawai'i, having become enlightened, confirmed by justice in her hands.1 * J.D. University of Utah College of Law, 1980; degree candidate in Hawaiian Language, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Mahalo nui to Daniel R. Foley; Evan Wolfson; Matthew R. Yee; Walter L. Williams; H. Arlo Nimmo; Hon. Michael A. Town; Len Klekner; Andrew Koppelman; Albert J. Schtltz; the editors of this Journal; and the anonymous readers for their assistance in the preparation of this Article. As always, I acknowledge my debt to feminist scholarship and theory. All of this notwithstanding, the errors herein are mine alone. This Article is dedicated to three couples: Russ and Cathy, Ricky and Mokihana, and Damian and his aikAne. Correspondence may be sent to 1164 Bishop Street #124, Honolulu, HI 96813. ** Kapd'ihiahilina, my Hawaiian name, is the name of the commoner of the island of Kaua'i who became the aikane (same-sex lover) of the Big Island ruling chief Lonoikamakahiki. These two figures will appear in the discussion that follows. 1. MARY KAWENA P0KU'I & SAMUEL H. ELBERT, HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY 297 (1986). This is my translation of a name song (mele inoa) for Lili'uokalani, the last monarch of Hawai'i. Her government was overthrown with the assistance of resident American officials and citizens January 14-17, 1893. The literature on this event is voluminous, but the legal issues are conveniently summarized in Patrick W.
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