Carrifran Wildwood Project Native woodland restoration in the Southern Uplands of Scotland Management Plan Prepared by the Wildwood Group of the Borders Forest Trust Editors: Adrian Newton and Philip Ashmole Contacts: Dr Philip Ashmole, Project Co-ordinator Hugh Chalmers, Project Officer Willie McGhee, Director, BFT Borders Forest Trust, Monteviot Nurseries, Ancrum, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland TD8 6TU. Tel. 01835 830750, Fax 01835 830760, email:
[email protected] Further information on the project can be obtained by visiting the Wildwood website at:- 1 CONTENTS Preface 5 1. Introduction 6 1.1 Mission statement 1.2 Context and history of the Wildwood project 1.3 Ethos and general approach 1.4 Development of the management plan 2. Description of the site 12 2.1 Location 2.2 Status of the site 2.3 Physical characteristics 2.3.1 Climate 2.3.2 Hydrology 2.3.3 Geology 2.3.4 Geomorphology 2.3.5 Soils 2.4 Biological characteristics 2.4.1 Current distribution and status of woodland 2.4.2 Vascular plants 2.4.3 Vegetation 2.4.4 Bryophytes 2.4.5 Fungi and lichens 2.4.6 Mammals 2.4.7 Birds 2.4.8 Fish 2.4.9 Other vertebrates 2.4.10 Insects and other invertebrates 2.5 Archaeology 2.6 Land use 2.6.1 Historical 2.6.2 Current 2.7 The existing landscape 2.7.1. Landform 2.7.2. Landcover 2.8 Access and recreation 3. Objectives and general approach 27 3.1 Long-term objectives of Carrifran Wildwood Project 3.1.1 Ecological objective 3.1.2 Long-term development of the woodland 3.2 Medium-term objective 3.3 Management structure 3.4 Management approach 3.5 Financial management 3.5.1 Approach to fundraising during the land purchase 3.5.2 Fundraising and financial management during the restoration phase 3.6 Management of access and recreation 2 3.7 Education and research 3.7.1 Education 3.7.2 Interpretation 3.7.3 Research 4.