European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2019; 23: 2188-2193 Paroxysmal non-epileptic events in the pediatric emergency department


1Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy 2University of Split, School of Medicine, Split, Croatia 3Department of Pediatrics, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy

Abstract. – Paroxysmal non-epileptic events In most cases, PS are referred to the Emer- (PNEs), or pseudoseizures (PS) resemble ep- gency Department (ED) because of the patient’s ileptic . They are considered part of poor response to conventional antiepileptic drugs a personality disorder and have a higher inci- and compromising hemodynamic and respiratory dence among adolescents. Patients describe episodes (lasting up to 20 minutes) of loss of parameters. The apparently critical condition of consciousness, twitching or jerking and unusu- these patients during the clinical evaluation is the al emotional states. Unlike epileptic seizures, main cause of their Pediatric Intensive Care Unit they are not associated with electroencepha- (PICU) admission and may justify an extensive lographic abnormalities. Distinguishing epilep- workup in order to exclude anatomical disease. tic seizures from PNEs is not easy. 20% of pa- We describe two cases of adolescents who expe- tients with seizures have a final PNEs diagno- rienced a long and difficult course in our PICU sis but recognizing them on the first examina- tion is difficult. before the diagnosis of PS was set. Due to the severe initial clinical presenta- tion, these patients are often admitted in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and may Case Reports be over-treated. We report two cases admitted to our PICU for apparent , in Case 1 which the final diagnosis was PNEs. A 13-year-old female was admitted to the ED for an episode of gradually decreasing respon- Key Words: siveness to verbal stimuli and seizures charac- Children, Emergency room, Pseudoseizures. terized by uncoordinated clonic movements. The patient was at home with her parents when the event occurred. Intravenous (IV) lorazepam and Introduction phenytoin were administered and control was achieved 15 minutes after the infusions. Nei- Paroxysmal non-epileptic events (PNEs), or ther urinary nor fecal incontinence was observed. Pseudoseizures (PS), are considered to be behav- A cranial computerized tomography (CT) scan, ioral disorders with clinical manifestations that an electroencephalogram (EEG) and cerebrospi- mimic seizures and status epilepticus1. Several cas- nal fluid (CSF) cultures were normal. es are described in adults but there is limited data Her family history was positive for Guil- in the pediatric population. However, compared to lain-Barre` syndrome which occurred in the fa- adults, the prognosis in the pediatric population is ther at the age of 28. Her personal history was better2,3. The medical history often includes sexual unremarkable, except for a weight gain of 10 kg or physical abuse, personality disorders, alcohol- in the last two months. For this reason, the patient ism and psychiatric diseases4. Psychotherapy is the was on a dietetic regimen. only treatment available, even though recovery is Due to the persistence of a decreased level of not always achieved. Treatment of the underlying consciousness, the patient was referred to our behavioral disorder is the main goal of therapy and PICU. On admission the patient was drowsy. Ar- may require an interdisciplinary approach. terial oxygen saturation was 99% on the room air.

2188 Corresponding Author: Danilo Buonsenso, MD; e-mail: [email protected] Paroxysmal non-epileptic events in the pediatric emergency department

Neurological examination showed a decreased cultures were negative, while an interictal EEG response to verbal and painful stimuli and loss showed a diffuse slowing pattern. Due to the per- of right hand sensation with “glove” distribution. sistence of these symptoms, he was hospitalized Neither rigor, nuchal nor cervical motility abnor- in our PICU. On admission, a similar episode was malities were observed. No autonomic changes, treated with intravenous lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg), such as sweating, salivation and altered pupillary without response. A bolus of intravenous pheno- responses occurred. A few hours after admission barbital was administered (10 mg/kg) with good in our PICU, the clinical condition of the patient control of the event. Suspecting an epileptic sei- got worse. An episode of loss of conscious- zure, an interictal EEG was performed. Results ness occurred, associated with bilateral clonic were normal. Shaking movements persisted over movements, which was treated with intravenous the following days, which did not respond to an- lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg. Because of persisting clin- tiepileptic drugs (lorazepam and phenobarbital). ical symptoms, intravenous steroids (dexametha- None of the events was followed with postictal sone 0.5 mg/kg/day) were initiated. A peripheral stupor. All laboratory and radiological investi- neuropathy of unknown origin was suspected. gations (blood tests, inflammatory markers, cer- During the following five days the patient grad- vical and cranial CT scan, MRI, transcranial ually improved; she remembered her seizures Doppler sonography, cerebral angiography, and describing them as “gradual loss of conscious- somatosensory evoked potentials) were negative. ness” and “vertigo”. On day 7, another loss of An ictal EEG performed during one prolonged consciousness episode occurred, associated with episode was normal. For this reason, a neuropsy- bilateral clonic and hypertonic movements. A chiatric consultation was requested. Their diag- bolus of intravenous lorazepam was administered nosis was psychogenic non-epileptic crisis due (0.1 mg/kg) without efficacy. A bolus of intra- to bipolar disorder. Psychotherapy was started, venous phenobarbital (10 mg/kg) followed. The and at one-year follow-up period, the general episode stopped 25 minutes after the infusion. condition of the child was good with no further Further diagnostics included cranial and cervical episodes of PS. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), interictal EEG, electromyography, evoked motor poten- tials, echocardiography, blood and CSF cultures, Discussion serologic examinations for Poliovirus, Echovirus, Coxsackie, Borrelia, immunoglobulin and com- PNEs are clinical events that resemble epilep- plement levels. All results came out negative. tic seizures but without abnormal electrical dis- Lacking any abnormal results and having organic charges on EEG. The prevalence of PNEs in the disease excluded, a neuropsychiatric consultation general population is believed to be in the range was requested one week after admission. The of 1/3000 to 1/50,000, although it is recognized patient was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that this may be a low estimate resulting from underwent psychotherapy for 2 years. She is underreporting and diagnosis5. The prevalence currently in good clinical condition and during a varies with the population studied. Health care three-year follow-up has experienced no further resources expended on people with PNEs consti- episodes of PS. tute 10-40% of admissions to inpatient adult and pediatric monitoring units and 5%-20% Case 2 of referrals for intractable epilepsy6-10. A 13-year-old male was admitted to an out- These events may occur as a somatoform dis- lying hospital for gradual loss of consciousness, order with underlying psychiatric disease (bipolar which progressed, into a comatose state, follow- disorder, , ) and tend to happen ing a prolonged (30 minutes) seizure-like event. more frequently during adolescence, although His past history was unremarkable, except for they have been reported in all pediatric age one episode of loss of consciousness during a groups3,4. One recent study implied that PNE may football match. The family history was positive be associated with psychosocial stressors in med- for epilepsy in the paternal line. During hospital- ical history, such as parental divorce, a move to ization, several episodes of tonic clonic seizures another city, loss of a close family member, school with bilateral shaking movements were observed failure and sexual (21%) or physical (6%) abuse11. but without autonomic changes, altered pupillary PNEs are not usually followed by these psycho- responses or amnesia. Cranial CT scan and CSF logical stressors immediately. Instead, they occur

2189 D. Buonsenso, M. Plosnic, G. Bersani, S. Monaco, P. Ferrara, A. Chiaretti months or years after the stressor indicating that PNEs may occur with a bizarre motor activity the occurrence of trauma may be more important which is not typical in known types of epileptic than how recently it has occurred12. Other risk seizures, including generalized arrhythmic flail- factors associated with a higher incidence of PS ing of extremities, uncoordinated movements, are a history of head trauma and a positive family arching in hyperextension, flailing or thrashing history of epilepsy. It is common for these chil- of body and swooning10,20-22. dren to try to imitate the clinical features of epi- As was evident in our cases, autonomic chang- leptic seizures noticed in their families, in order es such as sweating, salivation and altered pupil- to avoid scholastic and social duties13-15. lary response are rare. Urinary incontinence may Because PNEs frequently mimic many common uncommonly occur, while fecal incontinence is epileptic seizure semiologies with jerking and un- rare. A prolonged does not occur responsiveness, these can be challenging to differ- with PS, despite the fact that the episode may entiate. More so, up to 78% of PNEs in pediatric last for a long time2,10. In Table I, we report the patients are stereotypic and repetitive in nature16. main different features of epileptic seizures and One single-center study documented a rate of 1.5% PSs which should be considered in cases of unre- of children misdiagnosed with intractable epilep- sponsiveness to conventional therapy. Consider- sy having an actual diagnosis of PNEs. In our ing the clinical condition of our patients, the first two cases, differential diagnosis between PS and approach we adopted was the administration of epileptic seizures was difficult due to the critical antiepileptic drugs ( to stop the condition of the patients on admission. seizure-like events). In our cases, the diagnosis The symptoms and clinical features, which of PS was not initially considered both because of led to our initial misdiagnosis, included the kind the low incidence of PS and the difficulty of per- of movements (described as clonic), the lack of forming a video EEG in our unit. Many complex response to verbal and painful stimuli, a vari- examinations including laboratory tests and ra- able, but likely response to therapy and the pos- diological investigations are commonly obtained itive family history. Despite this, some aspects in these patients before a definitive diagnosis is were suggestive of PS; a normal ictal/interictal made. One recent study, in fact, showed that it EEG, duration and nonstereotyped pattern of was possible to correctly diagnose this disorder the events, the place and the presence of others in 70% of observed cases, but only when eval- where and when the PS occurred, the memory of uated by experienced medical staff after strict the seizures and the absence of incontinence and clinical monitoring and several assessments of postictal stupor. the clinical course, with the support of audiovi- Video EEG has become the gold standard in sual instruments23-25. The most important clinical the diagnosis of PNEs; however, it cannot be eas- criteria suggestive of PS are the long duration ily performed in every setting, including the In- of the episodes and the absence of response to tensive Care Unit. Therefore, clinical diagnostic conventional antiepileptic treatment. Definitive criteria should be adopted in order to differentiate diagnosis is based on a non-ictal EEG record- these two disorders. ing during the event, or video EEG recordings Clinically, in the pediatric population, 76.8- which do not confirm the presence of electrical 80% of PNEs have an abrupt start and 68% end seizures; polysomnography is not necessary since abruptly. Eye closure during the entire attack the episodes are not triggered during sleeping occurs in 22-45% and tremor in 25% in upper time; therefore, we did not perform this test in instead of lower extremities10,17,18. Furthermore, our patients. Prolactin levels may be considered they are characterized by bilateral or unilateral as a useful test; they are increased in cases of (more rarely) tonic clonic movements, unrespon- epilepsy, while during PS their value does not siveness and unresponsiveness with subtle motor change26. In the literature, induction of PS with activity. Triggering events, such as hyperventila- saline solution has been reported. tion, pain, anger, and reproaches are reported2, If PNEs are suspected, antiepileptic drugs but on admission, we did not investigate these should be avoided both because they are ineffec- parameters. Decreased response to verbal stimuli tive and have potential side effects. Unnecessary is described in 30% of cases, but this is not a typ- polypharmacy and drug toxicity27,28, hazardous ical feature; these manifestations may mimic petit interventions such as intubation secondary to re- mal19. We observed it in the first patient, while it spiratory depression from treatment with benzodi- was less evident in the second case. azepines during pseudo status27, school absence11

2190 Paroxysmal non-epileptic events in the pediatric emergency department

Table I. Differential diagnosis between paroxysmal non-epileptic events (PNEs) and epileptic seizures. Clinical features PNEs Epileptic seizures

History Sexual or physical abuse, Incontinence, self injury, CNS infections, behavioral disorders anti-epileptic drugs withdrawal EEG: ictal/interictal Normal Abnormal/variable Duration Variable, often long despite therapy Short, same Pattern Variable Stereotyped Frequency Variable Paroxysmal, cluster Movements They may be similar to seizure, Tonic (stiffening), followed by rhythmic jerking, but non-synchronous. Some complex automatic movements features may help the diagnosis of PS: trashing, side to side head or alternating limb movements, pelvic thrusting, collapse Presence of others Yes Variable During sleep Rare Yes Onset Gradual Sudden Incontinence Rare Infrequent Induction Yes No Pupillary reflex Normal Slow, non-reactive Memory of seizure Variable Usually amnestic Words Yes No Pain reaction Yes No Autonomic changes No Yes Self injury Rare (self-protection before fall) Yes

and lack of treatment of underlying psychological children were seizure free at 6 months, 73% at problems11 have been reported as the most com- 1 year, 75% at 2 years and 81% during a 3-year mon side effects. It is unclear why some physicians follow up. The study also showed that pediatric chose to continue AEDs even after a diagnosis of patients have a better outcome than adults30-34. PNEs has been made. A recent survey of clinicians Another study of 50 pediatric patients showed (84% of whom were neurologists, 84.2% of those resolution of events in 72%, decreased frequen- child neurologists), stated a rate of 96.2% that were cy in 20% and no change in only 8%3. A third very or moderately likely to discontinue AEDs10,29. pediatric study reported 66% becoming PNE Reasons for being less likely to discontinue AEDs free and 23% with more than 50% reduction in were noted as requests by a parent or patient to the frequency of PNEs. Interestingly, pursuance continue medication, fear of making a diagnostic of counseling in children did not always cor- error or having insufficient knowledge, limited ac- relate with a higher rate of non-epileptic event cess to video EEG, or patients not having ongoing cessation. This led to a speculation that, with psychiatric treatment10,29. Psychogenic events can less longstanding comorbidities and earlier di- also mimic genuine status epilepticus causing car- agnosis, children may be more susceptible to a diorespiratory failure, necessitating resuscitation natural history course versus treatment effects10. maneuvers, airway, and circulatory support. Yet, if sexual abuse is identified, the patient is Once a correct diagnosis of PS is achieved, appropriately treated and the family is support- children and their families should be referred ive, psychological counseling can be of great to psychotherapy centers to treat the underlying benefit. Overall, patient gender, neurological condition, especially those with a specific psy- history, and non-epileptic event type do not in- chogenic trigger identified, psychological co- fluence clinical outcome10. morbidity, or ones who may have suffered from sexual or physical abuse10,30. This is the only therapeutic intervention available which leads Conclusions to appreciable results. Recent studies evaluated the efficacy of psychotherapy in this condition We observed that these case reports are useful and showed a marked reduction in PS; 44% of to differentiating epileptic seizures from PS. The

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