Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Youth

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Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Youth MULTI-STAKEHOLDER ASSESSMENT OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Feed the Future Ethiopia Livelihoods for Resilience – Oromia Project A report for Catholic Relief Services Prepared by Lauren Servin September 2017 Photo: Kim Pozniak This publication was possible thanks to the generous support of the people of the United States of America, through the United States Agency for International Development. The contents are the responsibility of Catholic Relief Services and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the United States Catholic community. CRS’ relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding. CRS eases suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. Copyright © 2018 Catholic Relief Services. Any reproduction, translation, derivation, distribution or other use of this work is prohibited without the express permission of Catholic Relief Services (“CRS”). Please obtain permission from [email protected] or write to: Catholic Relief Services 228 West Lexington Street Baltimore, MD 21201-3443 USA 1.888.277.7575 Implementing Partner ACRONYMS ATJK Adami Tullu and Jido Kombolcha CBO community-based organization CRS Catholic Relief Services DFAP Development Food Aid Program DFSA Development Food Security Activity FGD focus group discussion GoE Government of Ethiopia IGA income-generating activity INGO international nongovernmental organization LRO Feed the Future Ethiopia Livelihoods for Resilience – Oromia Project MCS Meki Catholic Secretariat MFI microfinance institution NGO nongovernmental organization PIM project implementation manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme SACCO savings and credit cooperative SILC Savings and Internal Lending Communities SME small or medium-sized enterprise STD sexually transmitted disease ToT training of trainers TVET technical and vocational education and training CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................1 1.1 Context ..........................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Assessment overview ..................................................................................................................................................1 1.2.1. Objective .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2.2. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.3. Key findings .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2.4. General recommendations .................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2.5. Recommendations for LRO ................................................................................................................................................. 2 2 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Background to LRO .....................................................................................................................................................3 3 OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................4 3.1 Purpose ...........................................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Study objectives ............................................................................................................................................................4 3.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................................4 3.4 Learning questions .......................................................................................................................................................5 3.5 Study methodology ......................................................................................................................................................5 3.6 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................................................................5 3.7 Populations size and sample procedure ...................................................................................................................7 3.8 Data collection procedures ........................................................................................................................................7 3.9 Limitations to the research ........................................................................................................................................8 4 BACKGROUND TO YOUTH SITUATION IN ETHIOPIA .............................................................9 4.1 Education .......................................................................................................................................................................9 4.2 Employment ..................................................................................................................................................................9 4.3 Access to land ...............................................................................................................................................................9 5 STAKEHOLDER ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS .........................................................................10 5.1 Analysis of main findings chart .................................................................................................................................11 5.2 Community ..................................................................................................................................................................11 5.2.1. Equity ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2.2. Agency and empowerment ............................................................................................................................................... 14 5.3 Further community opinions on how to empower youth ...................................................................................16 5.3.1. Access to resources ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 5.3.2. Experience with youth development programs ........................................................................................................... 18 5.4 Government ................................................................................................................................................................18 5.4.1. Equity ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 5.4.2. Agency and empowerment................................................................................................................................................ 20 5.4.3. Access to resources ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 5.4.4. Experience with youth development programming .................................................................................................... 23 6 OVERALL ANALYSIS .........................................................................................................................26 6.1 Situation of youth .......................................................................................................................................................26 6.2 Job creation approach ................................................................................................................................................26 6.3 Stakeholder capacity ..................................................................................................................................................26 6.4 Perceptions of youth livelihoods opportunities ....................................................................................................26 6.5 Gender ..........................................................................................................................................................................27
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