SEED SAVING an illustrated guide

Rights reserved: The authors allow the reproduction, as long as the integrity of this work is respected, including the authors’ information; and it is distributed for free. ConteNTS :

What is a seed? 6 Vegetative reproduction 23 Species and varieties 7 Harvesting 24 Where to get them 8 Cleaning and drying 26 Germination 10 Cleaning fruit seeds 27 Cultivation 12 Drying 28 Selection 13 Isolation 29 Sexual selection 15 Storage 30 Pollination and crossbreeding 16 Seed passport 31 Population 18 Seed quality 32 Protection 19 Participatory Guarantee System 34 Manual pollination 20 Seeds and rights 36 Mass selection 22 CREDITS 37


If you are looking for basic information to produce your own seeds in an ecological manner, WWW.REDSEMILLAS.ORG this handbook is for you. WWW.ALLPA.ORG It was put together by the Seed Guardians Network, an Ecuadorian social platform formed by families that create their own regenerative lifestyles. Following demand by biodiversity-friendly movements across regions, we have now decided to translate our guide.

Translating and sharing this local knowledge with a global community has been made possible through Farming for Biodiversity, a project supported by the International Climate Initiative of the German Ministry for Environment, Supported by: Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU ICI). Farming for Biodiversity is implemented by Rare and IFOAM ~ Organics International, in cooperation with the Convention on based on a decision of the German Bundestag Biological DiversitY (CBD)). Swissaid Ecuador financed the initial material.

This guide will help you understand the essential aspects of working with seeds. You can look for more specific We hope this guide will help you cultivate your own information on the Internet. Our web page and our magazine autonomy. Seeds are the foundation for food sovereignty ALLPA are very useful sources for Spanish speakers. and taking care of them is a wonderful journey. What is a seed Species and varieties

For the ancestral peoples of Ecuador, POTATO a seed is that which reproduces life. Goldenberry Black lionesse This includes botanical seeds such as corn, and vegetative material such as cassava ONION cuttings. RED ONION Scallions chives The seeds we use today were created WHITE ONION by indigenous peoples through a process BEANS called “domestication”: the patient BLACK selection, year after year, of plants that Red/Kidney PINTO PURPLE WHITE have interesting characteristics, to carry on reproduction with them. VARIETIES Millions of seed guardians have worked for more than 10.000 A specieS is defined by the capacity of individuals to years to create the and produce fertile offspring. agro-biodiversity we have inherited.

Sometimes the shapes cause confusion: They seem very different but they belong to the same species, and can Brussels cross with each other. Cabbage Broccoli sprouts

It is essential to know which plants belong to the same species, in order to preserve a variety or to Artículo: la vida nace en create new varieties. 6 la semilla 7 Where to get them

1 In most countries today, there are independent networks that sell and exchange seeds. They usually In state~managed Seed Banks, have interesting varieties. They are Generally, these vast collections oriented towards organic farming and are not open to the public, but the quality of their seeds is sustained we must advocate for the right by the passion of their producers. to access and help them preserve their collections via on~field reproduction. Small seed farmS and family or community enterprises, It is fundamental to support their work. Try to create On the roadsides, Walking on the personal relationships with them. fields. Asking your neighbors. The world is full of treasures…

, FarmeR s markets, Even if seeds are not for sale at the moment, you may ask the farmers to help you get them.

8 9 GERMINATION Other plants, including root crops and grains, are better off planted Some seeds will do better if you plant them in a seedbed.EXAMPLES INCLUDE:



The seedbed may be dug in the ground, or you can use Plant the seed near the surface, slightly covered any container that is at least 5 cm (2 inches) deep, by soil. with small holes to let out excess water. There are also professional seed starter trays you can buy. Always keep the area moist. In many cases, soaking the seed in water overnight accelerates germination.

When the plant has three or more leaves, it can Seed starter tray Cut plastic bottles be transplanted. Do it with care, trying not to break the roots. You should prepare a special mixture that includes:

50% or more 10% AERATION TRUE COMPOST MATERIAL: fine LEAVES (small chunks) gravel, sand, rice husks or similar PRIMARY 40% LOOSE LEAVES GARDEN SOIL Holes in the recipient to 10 evacuate the water 11 CULTIVATION SELECTION

Plants selected for seeds should not receive any special treatment. The same care should This is the most important aspect of seed be taken as in standard cultivation: good soil, production. Each individual has a series of compost, enough irrigation, weeding when necessary, particular characteristics: protection from predators. - ~ size ~ shape ~ nutritional quality In other words, you should select plants that ~ fruit color -~ resistance to pests and diseases grow well in normal conditions, with no need for special treatment. These characteristics are inherited through its genes.

We recommend to use exclusively organic farming methods: We want to select plants that can defend , themselves and reach good production levels in Seed savers pay attention to the plant s local climates, under natural conditions. characteristics in each generation, looking for interesting features to promote, or deficiencies to If we spray against pests, all the plants may remove. survive and it will be difficult to select those that are truly resistant.

12 13 For plants that reproduce sexually, it is necessary to select their progenitors. THE AVERAGE RULE The key moment is before flowering. It is through the flowers that the plants , and once they have To maintain the done it, we cannot carry out selection. characteristics of a crop, you should always look for the plants that best represent the average. Plants that are too weak ~those that Neither the slowest, nor the fastest; are often attacked by pests, those that neither the largest, nor the smallest) grow too fast or too slow, those that have a defective shape or bad fruit ~ should be removed before they open If you find something special, for example a very their flowers. large product, plant these seeds in a separate place and be vigilant while they grow. It could be In this way, they will not pass something interesting… their genes to the following ...maybe the beginning of a new variety! ...or it could generation. be a that will put out defective seeds. Plants that seem healthy and that comply with the desired characteristics should be marked as reproducers and allowed to flower.

It is from those plants that you will get your seeds. 14 15 POLLINATION AND CROSSBREEDING Strawberry flowers Example: Beans Plants sexually reproduce through Some plants pollinate pollination, when the fertile pollen themselves. They have very reaches a flower that is ready to low percentages of cross breed. breeding. pollination In garden vegetables, pollination = Inbreeders – is done mainly by insects who visit they are easier to reproduce the flowers in search of nectar and carry the pollen in their bodies.

For example: Bees fly Other plants need to be crossbred. up to 3 km around = Outbreeding plants their hive. They can crossbreed all the pollen They must be protected, and you compatible crops within must make sure that they do not this area. crossbreed with other compatible One strand, varieties. one grain! Some vegetables and grains are Ex. Cabbage, corn pollinated by wind, for example corn.

MALE Their light pollen may travel FLOWER around ten kilometers on a windy day.

Female flower 16 17 ISOLATION

POPULATION When you want to prevent different varieties from crossbreeding, there are several effective ways to isolate them. For each species, there is a minimum population necessary to keep the genetic vigor and produce Isolation in time seeds of good quality. Plant different varieties at different times, so they don’t flower at the This population is defined by the number of plants same time. that cross pollinate. MONTH MONTHS This is not effective in small properties where cross pollination may come from neighbors. Isolation in space CORN -Place each crop sufficiently apart to impede cross pollination.

BEANS Parsley TOMATO This also is not effective in small properties. LETTUCE Radish Isolation with excluding devices Use excluding material in order to prevent cross

For species that do For species that are very likely not cross pollinate to crossbreed, you can use a fine much, a tall barrier mesh or cloth that completely may be enough: prevents insects from entering.

2 meters high


LETTUCE LETTUCE In this case, it may be necessary 18 TYPE TYPE to do pollination by hanD... 19 HAND POLLINATION EXAMPLE: PUMPKIN Quickly open the receiving flower and spread the Pollination by hand gives you pollen in the ovaries total control of pollination, with the brush. If helping to ensure quality and necessary, take away the Allowing you to experiment. petals until the ovaries The flowers must be are revealed. closed before they open, OVARIES WATCH OUT THAT INSECTS using fine meshes or DO NOT INTERFERE WITH paper bags, or adhesive FEMALE FLOWER YOUR WORK tape in the case of BAG large flowers. Close the flower again MASKING with adhesive tape, taking care not to damage the pollen ovaries. A fine brush is used to collect the pollen, You can also use the male which can be placed in a flower as a brush to apply small cup or in a paper the pollen directly. bag. Collect only from selected plants.

MALE FLOWER FEMALE FLOWER MALE FLOWER petals have been cut-off) 20 21 MASS SELECTION VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION Cereals and other grains planted in large quantities are usually selected " en masse"”. To take parts of a plant and plant them to produce Select plants that are not at the borders, but new complete plants. rather a few meters within the cultivated field, to avoid abnormal conditions. Take out whole plants, with roots and all. In order to keep the genetic vigor, around 500 plants must BE picked. Take these plants to a suitable working space to carry out selection: TUBERS Rhizomes (parts of roots) Select 10 plants randomly. Health SIZE Amongst them, select one or two with the best Number of characteristics: stalks Grain size Grains that are well Sprouts or STICKS attached to shoots the stalk

Number of In some species, the vegetative part must be grains, etc. cured” first, before planting. Harvest the seeds from those two For example: Waiting for the potato to develop plants and discard the rest. sprouts can take 2 months. Proceed in the same manner in groups of 10 plants, until you finish all of them. Sticks must be left in water to promote rooting. 22 Repeat the process every 5 years. 23 HARVESTING For seed preservation Fruits like tomato are harvested Plants such as lettuce are Flower when the fruit is harvested when 75% of the slightly overripe. seeds are formed and dried. Do this to avoid the loss of seeds DRY Flower that fall in the soil when they BUD are blown by the wind. Big seeds such as corn and sunflower are The entire plant is taken out, harvested when they and it is hung upside down in a are completely dry. protected place until the seeds are all developed. They should be protected from SEEDS birds with a nylon stocking or a mesh Beans and the while they dry. like are harvested when they are completely dry. The It is very important to pods rattle when harvest on a dry day, you shake them. after 10 am, when the dew has evaporated.


The seed is alive, and it is not going to rot if Seeds that come inside fruits we keep it in adequate conditions. But as chaff such as tomato, passion fruit, or and dead plant material will decompose, they may papaya, often have a protective damage the seed. gel that inhibits germination. It can rot in storage. Large grains, such as beans, corn and sunflower are To remove it, put the seeds in a easily separated. glass of water -chlorine free- for a couple of days, until a white film Small grains, such as rice or wheat: has formed at the surface. beat the stalk to separate the grain. Traditionally, a or cow will be put to walk in This is a fungus (penicillin) that will circles over a large amount both clean out the gel and protect the of seed stalks. seed from potential diseases.

Small grains such as lettuce Wash the seed are cleaned by rubbing them afterwards by rubbing between gloves, or in a mesh. it gently against a Small mesh- the seeds pass, the strainer or mesh, and large pieces of chaff stay put it to dry. Fine mesh- the seeds stay, fine chaff passes Put what is left it in a bowl, and 26 gently blow out the lighter chaff. 27 DRYING PROTECTION Main pests: In the plant the seed has about 15% of humidity. The seed may be attacked by Ideally, we must lower this to 5% for storage. pests: insects that often place their eggs while in the fields. Weevil In dry climates, this is achieved by leaving the seed Their presence can be invisible to in a well-ventilated place, in the shadow, from 2 human eye. weeks to 2 months. Vacuum protection MOTH

In humid climates, you can use Hermetic metal lid smoke or a solar dehydrator, and Cotton with pack the seeds in a vacuum jar When the jar is alcohol, lit in directly after drying. closed, the lid fire HOT AIR When the jar is opened, sinks in and the humidity will flush in. insects die from Glass filled 2/3 lack of oxygen. You can use raw rice to with seeds absorb humidity.

Drying with smoke is the most Tank system (for larger quantities of seeds) traditional and effective technique. Hose

In the past, seeds were Excess gas placed above an open fire Methane The gas stove. Now we can build gas + asphyxiates CO2 the insects home smokers or smoker WATER rooms. The smoke dries the Liquid seeds and protects them fertilizer SEEDS from pests and diseases. 28 Hermetic Tanks 29 STORAGE SEED PASSPORT Seeds should be stored and protected from attack by pests. From the moment it is harvested up to storage and distribution, essential information must go Traditionally, this was done in along each batch of seeds: ceramic containers. ~ Common name ~ species and variety) ~ Date of harvesting Today we do it in month and year) glass jars, plastic or ~ metal containers. ~ Location ~ Producer

Bags and sacks are used for large

quantities, but they Jatunzara Corn are vulnerable to June attacks by pests. 2018 2800Mount Ilaló Allpa TarpunaMSNM Ecocenter

The seed must be totally dry and clean 30 before it can be stored. 31 SEED QUALITY For the farmers and the public, a quality seed is diverse, resistant, resilient and adaptable For the industry, a quality seed is uniform and to local conditions. It must produce tasty stable, generation after generation. It must food with great nutritional value, relevant in respond well to agrochemicals, long distance the ecological and cultural context. It must transport, and preferably be vulnerable to promote independence. pests and diseases to ensure dependency on agrochemicals.

World food largely depends on farmers seeds. Their continuous creation and use are essential for the wellbeing of humanity. We find that farmer seeds are superior in quality to industrial seeds, but it is necessary to support the seed guardians who continue to 32 select and improve them year after year. 33 Participatory Guarantee System If you have never saved seeds until now, you are at the beginning of a long and wondrous trip. The Seed Guardians Network of Ecuador has developed a Participatory guarantee System where The seed is the essence of life itself. To take the producers visit each other to maintain quality care of it is an act of courage and defiance to standards in agroecology and seed production. a system that tries to suppress diversity and autonomy. But above all, it is an act of love and The parameters are: reverence towards nature and towards all the Inheritance: native or creole seeds, coming from hands that have sustained the seed for centuries. inherited material, capable of multiplying life. Agroecology: exclusively agroecologic process used to produce the seeds. Germination: percentage of adequate germination, according to the species. Protocols: cultivation according to the specific protocols for such species, based in traditional If you already take care of seeds, remember that techniques, to ensure quality and genetic diversity. you are not alone. In each corner of the world Selection: seeds chosen for size and shape autonomous groups of people have emerged, according to the species, free from debris and plagues. dedicated to rescuing our agricultural and food heritage. Storage: use of ecologic products and adequate conditions for storage, chemical free. If you are in EcUador or Latin America, we invite Defined variety: the seed corresponds to the you to contact us through, characteristics defined for the variety. the oldest network of seed guardians in the Social equity: fair treatment of all people region. involved in the production process, practicing reciprocity and complementarity. The future of food is in your hands. 34 35 RIGHT TO THE SEEDS

All people have the right to create, save, multiply, share, exchange, sell and freely distribute seeds. No law, public policy, market strategy or private appropriation may infringe upon this basic right.


Right to keep the genetic and cultural ~ TRANSLATION inheritance they contain, through the ANN KATHRIN NEUREUTHER preservation of the inherited varieties [email protected] DULCE ESPELOSIN Right to evolve in local conditions and in ~ [email protected] the hands of the population, in a decentralized manner. TEXTS: JAVIER CARRERA ~ Right to free circulation, without borders, since [email protected] such movement revitalizes the seed allowing its and adaptation. Illustrations: ~ Right to be protected from transgenic Marie-Pierre Nogues contamination, from agrochemicals, and from [email protected] all law, practice, commercial interest or private appropriation that attempts against the previous rights. Rights reserved: The authors allow the reproduction, as long as the integrity of this work is respected, including the authors’ information;and it is distributed for free. DECLARATION OF CUENCA, ECUADOR, 2015 36 37