
turning+point+meeting+with/6029865/story.html#ixz 7thfire.info - U NITED F z1kCVB6v46 ISHER -this after a major BURNS LAKE RITUAL KINGDOMS- Wašícu - Lakota FIRE SACRIFICE to word for "taking the fat" and it is used SATURN. ANother devasting by natives to refer to non-Natives who rob tribes of their resources. blow to FIRST NATIONS COMMUNITIES and ECONOMIES. 8thfire.info SIOUX OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII NATION DEAR WAGE SLAVE of SIN- TIME to TAKE TORI BACK the LAND from NATION the MURDERERS who con 5 55 CAN se tinue to rape, kill, r v atives http: . //serenitystreetnews.co m/CANservative impoverish your loved ones s.htm . U are FREE. ACT HERSTORY // 7thfire.info .. SERENITYS WAKE UP TREETNEWS.com // WANTED BOUNTY LIKE IT! GET OFF the 666 HUNTERS / True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics // grandorderofdracoslayers // SA Canadian tough' sawmill workers NTOS Republic / ARMAGEDDON weep after explosion, fire injures ALERT / FRENCH 19 http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/breakingnews/ca HWK / 8thfire.info / videos // scribd.com/jrgeniu nadian-tough-sawmill-workers-weep-after-explosion-fire-injures- s / EArthPARty cards // Holyhealthy 19-137826853.html DVD // NESARA/ SATAN Son of Burns Lake elder missing in JANUS 16 -31 lumber mill blast - 8:15 p.m. FriaDAY, 2012 http://serenitystreetnews.com/JANUS16 to312012.htm there was the smell of gas and a big bang that rocked the whole community. MOONday JANUS 23 2011- HARPER is RIGHT on SCHEDULE. the HERD is the NAZI THIS IS AN ILLUMINATI IDEAL HARPERHILTER666 http://serenitystreetn HIT - PRINCE ews.com/HARPERHILTER666.htm GEORGE, just like SLAVE -HARPER HITLER JESUIT LAKE, WOODSTOCK, and CONtrolled CONservat all the other FIRES, PLANE ive REGIME to meet CRASHES, MISSING with Assembly of First CHILDREN, Nations MEETING on TUES. (SORRY CHIEF- MURDERING of our TOP Harper has to prepare for ATHLETES and ARTISTS. the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.) Read more: http://www.canada.com/life/Aboriginal+leaders+seek+ MURDERS that are ANNOUNCED on BELIAL MEDIA.give POWER to the DARK LORDs that they WARship.http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/B last+rocks+lumber+mill+east+Burns+Lake/6030521/story.html

ONLY in HARPER HITLER LAND! - DEC 15 2012 - Mitch KANATArepublic - USURY MacLean, 20 of Cornwall, and Tanner FREE Craswell of Charlottetown, who had just GLOBAL http://7thfire.biz ; http://8thfire.bi celebrated z ( jrgenius reborn) his 22 birthday on Wednesday, were shot to death just north of Claresholm, Alberta at approximately 3:3 0 a.m. while on the way to the Calgary airport to return home for Christmas. Five people were shot in what RCMP are describing as a murder suicide which happened along Highway 2 north of the Alberta community of Claresholm. ( RCMP are CRIMINALLY Janus 16-22 RESPONSIBLE FOR 2012 http://serenitystreetnews.com/Janus16to222012.htm MANY MURDERS that they SUNday 01 22 2012 = 10 ATEN continue to cover ATON AMEN ATOM up. DO NOT FUND NATO satanicrepublic http://serenitystreetn these ews.com/satanicrepublic.htm SATANISTS) http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/News/Loc al/2011-12-15/article-2838896/Two-P.E.I.-men-dead,-an-Island- woman-in-hospital,-following-Alberta-shooting/1 Bible prophecy 2012 - , there will be a great apostasy from Its the YEAR OF THE Christ's church. This apostasy - the DRAGON....BLUE apostasy - will occur before the rapture, the tribulation, and the rise DRAGON....MOTHER of Antichrist, and will involve a TIAMAT wants her LITTLE departing from the faith by those who MONSTERS to BEHAVE and AGAPE call themselves Christians. , "Let no AMOR one another ALREADY! man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." http://www.contenderministries.org/articles/apost asy.php

http://serenitystreetnews.com/Obama administration rejects Keystone oil pipeline YIPPEE!!!! Careful...there could be a planned the BIBAAL and korANU. ( spirit in assassination plot.doc MATTER)

Tetragrammaton The root YHWH is radical of HWH, he-vau-he, meaning "being" or IS IT POSSIBLE THAT "life" or "woman" which were interchangeable THE JESUITS ARE THE concepts in SPIRITUAL the ancient Middle East. CONTROLLERS OF THE NEW These WORLD ORDER? DOES identical THE SOCIETY OF letters in Latin are E- JESUS THROUGH MASONIC V-E: Eve. So COMPLICITY AND the central or THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA inner meaning of CONTROL THE the Tetrag VATICAN, THE POPE, THE CO rammaton is Eve, the Mother of UNCIL ON FOREIGN All RELATIONS AND THE U.S. Living. http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/t/te GOVERNMENT? YOU tragrammatiom.html BETCHA! http://snippits-and- slappits.blogspot.com/2007/09/jesuits-pt1-quotes-and- introduction.html In the Gnostic Gospels this concept also is conveyed. The Wisdom of God, or “IF YOU TRACE UP the Divine Spirit and Mother , is MASONRY, THROUGH believed the real ALL ITS ORDERS, creator of the world. TILL YOU COME TO Allegedly herson, THE GRAND TIP-TOP who was called HEAD MASON OF THE WORLD, YOU WILL the demiurge DISCOVER THAT THE (CAIN), stole his DREAD INDIVIDUAL AND THE CHIEF OF power from his THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, THE SUPERIOR mother and with it GENERAL OF THE JESUIT ORDER, ARE created the world. The ONE AND THE SAME PERSON.” ~ James early Gnostics Parton believed the demiurge was the God “The Illuminati consist of the Jesuits and some which the orthodox Christians of the world's richest families including the adored and not the true God or Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors. Supreme Being which they While they pay lip service to religion, they worship LUCIFER. Their agents control the symbolized as Iao. world's media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they are only pursuing UPSIDE DOWN STAR= EN SOF success, but success literally means serving the devil. Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati = YALDABOATH = prefer hatred and destruction to Love. DEMIURGE = MYSTERY Understandably, they can't go public with this. SCHOOL goD = CHAOS They pretend to be moral while working behind the scenes to degrade and enslave humanity in a CRAZY gOD of "new world order." HIROSHIMA, HOLOCAUST CAMPS IN CROATIA, DRESDEN, AUSCHWITZ, CAMBODIA AND identified RWANDA WERE SACRIFICES TO THEIR GOD LUCIFER. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE him with FOR WW1, WW2, AND NOW WW3, The the demented sinking of the TITANIC, THE DEPRESSION Archon AND THE COLD WAR. SEPT. 11, THE WAR ON TERROR AND THE IRAQ WAR ARE Yaldabaoth, which THEIR LATEST ACHIEVEMENTS.” ~ Dr. they taught was Henry Makow theJudeo- Christian false god.

TERRORISM, CHRISTIANITY AND THE ARCHON DEMIURGE YALDABAOTH -'Not In His Image' Transcending The Virus Of Salvationist Religion http://www.rense.com/general85/im age.htm

– an ideological off-planet virus morphed into the three ubiquitous religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, which have been used to divide, conquer and rule Terra for thousands of years through fear, intimidation and all those other reptilian stimulus-response mechanisms. The Gnostics, by the way, were the losers in a war with Roman Christianity, a long-term focus of religious terrorism ensconced in the Vatican. And what was the Gnostics’ biggest mistake – and crime – and why were they annihilated? Because they dared to speak the Unspeakable, namely that the Christian “father- god” was not only an imposter, but also quite insane. You can call him Yahweh. You can call him Jehovah. But the Gnostics ‘Yaldabaoth himself chose a certain man claimed because they envy us. Archons lack named Abraham and made a covenant both ennoia (singular intentionality) and epinoia (moral-creative imagination) and they with him’ – but proposed want to have this specific endowment of ours, a different way to view to assimilate or steal it. The diagnosis of it. Yaldabaoth is the Archontic intrusion conforms in many respects Demiurge, to reports of people who have encountered alien entities, especially the Grays and the Reptilians.” a.k.a. Yahweh- According to Lash, the Gnostics also taught, “if Jehovah, a demented evil arises from error when error runs beyond pseudo- the scale of correction, we can nip evil in the bud by deepening our awareness of deity who works error. The Gospel of against humanity. This is the Lord Philip says ‘Ignorance is the Archon head of the legion of mother of all evil.’ In a lucid passage on cyborgs… error theory, the Gnostic master says: ‘So long as “Demiurge” is defined by Lash as the leader of the root of wickedness is hidden, it the Archons “who claims to be the creator is strong. But when it is recognised, it of the material world and demands is dissolved. When it is revealed it slavish obedience from his perishes… As for ourselves, let us dig down creatures,” but is actually a demented after the root of evil which is within each of pretender or impostor who “can originate usand produces its fruit in our nothing but must imitate what hearts. It masters us. We are its slaves. It already exists.” This might be an apt takes us captive to make us do what we description of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its and what we do want we do not future do not want manifestations. do. It is powerful because we have not And what is recognised it’.” the result of -“the root of evil is human error, the this religious mind mistaking itself. To defeat evil, we Belief System, by seeing its origin in most notably must unmask it exemplified by the erring operations of our own Christianity w minds.” hich awaits an extraplanetary saviour, who will come Origins of the Illuminati from the sky and make everybody feel high, to The Gnostics also had a very plausible quote the late Bob Marley? “Salvation explanation for the origin of the so-called by superhuman powers, rather than Illuminati, those behind-the-scenes puppet- through the divine potential innate to masters and obsessive control humanity and aligned with Sophia, freaks of society, who have been the de is the hallmark of extraterrestrial religion,” Lash facto Ruling Class for thousands writes. of years. “Gnostics explicitly warned that the Archons work through salvationist - Gnostics – or telestai had special religion, not to destroy us, knowledge in cosmological issues, who however but to deviate us were actually “sophisticated from our proper shamans, past masters course of … of ‘archaic They do this, Gnostics techniques of ecstasy’.” Church Fathers who “As initiates of the Mysteries, behavioural ridiculed their rivals by manipulation, psychological referring to them programming and mind control were utterly as “smart ass” and “know repugnant to the genuine telestai of the it all.” The Gnostics called ancient Mysteries,” writes Lash. themselves “The Children “Such procedures represented to them a path of Seth.” leading away from consecration to Sophia and Lash notes that the Great Work of co-evolving with nature, “paradoxically [even the word] ‘Gnostic’ comes toward social engineering and personal power down to us tainted by the condemnation of games. The goal of the telestai was to foster a the Roman Church and associated with sane and balanced society by helping the very members of the Magian order who individuals reach their peak potential, and never to interfere directly in were disowned by social management. the guardians of the Mysteries.”

“Over the course of time some initiates did take the path of social engineering. Dissident The Illuminati then are members of the Gnostic the former adepts of movement, who came to be known the Mystery Schools as ‘Illuminati,’ chose to use who perverted and initiatory knowledge to develop abused the spiritual teachings they and implement various techniques of had received in order to acquire material behaviour modification. Their predecessors wealth and power, subverting their raison d’etre were known as the Magian order, an of life on Earth. ancient Persian lineage of shamanism “The Illuminati program was (and still from which the Gnostic movement was is) essential to patriarchy and its covert derived…” perpetrator religion,” Lash continues. “While it “Around 4000 BCE, with the rise of urban cannot exactly be said that the deviant adepts civilisation in the Near East, some members of known as Illuminati created patriarchy, they the Magian order chose to apply certain certainly controlled it. And still do. The abuse of secrets of initiation to statecraft and social initiatory knowledge to induce schizophrenic engineering. They became the advisors to the states (‘entrainment’), manipulate multiple first theocrats of the patriarchal nation-states, personalities in the same person (‘platforming’) but in fact theadvisors were running the show. and command behaviour through posthypnotic Their subjects were systematically programmed suggestion (the ‘Manchurian Candidate’ to believe they were descended from the gods. technique) continues to this day, with truly evil The Illuminati inaugurated elaborate rites of consequences for the entire world… empowerment or kingship rituals. Thesebehavioural modification tools of the These rituals were in fact methods of Illuminati were strictly forbidden in the mind control exercised on the general Mysteries overseen by Gnostics.” populace through the collective symbology Thus the Illuminati were spiritual renegades and mystique of royal authority. and deviants who became the dominant “The intention of the dissident Magians controllers of the planet through to run society by covert controls was based their manipulation of patriarchal salvationist religion and a theology of terror. These former on their assumption that human initiates of the Mystery Schools had seemingly beings are not innately good taken the so-called left-handed path of ego- enough, or gifted enough to create a human glorification and power games, rather than world.” consecration of their lives to the enlightenment Even the term Gnostic (gnostokos) is a of humanity, whose goalwas and always has pejorative term invented by the so-called been spiritual evolution on Christ figure to come, whose symbol is the T, or Tau cross. The word "Rex," meanwhile, stands Earth.http://www.resistance2010.com/forum/t for Man as King. In Weishaupt's Illuminati opics/terrorism-christianity-and-the system, the highest degree initiate earned the "Rex" degree. Thus, the symbols on Newt Gingrich's necktie, displayed for all the world to SATURNday 01 21 2012 - see, but for only Newt and his Illuminati henchmen to understand, trumpet this message, 9 FACEBOOK and TWITTER = that: Our llluminati goal is a tyranny, ruled by a SYMBOLS of TUBAL single ruler—the fearful antichrist, beast of prophecy! CAIN. 2ballscain http://serenitystreetnews.com/2b allscain.htm Manly P. Hall advises the Mason that, once he has the seething energies of Lucifer in "I Fell In To A Burning his hands, he is to walk in Tubal-Cain's Ring of Fire" — Arnold footsteps. Hall makes it sound like Schwarzenegger's Tubal-Cain is one of the Greek gods, does he not? And, we know conclusively Masonic Ring , Newt that Tubal-Cain is Vulcan of the Gingrich's T-Rex Pagans. "Vulcan was a sun deity who Dinosaur, and Other was associated with fire, thunderbolts and light. The festival in honor of him was called the Vulcania in which human sacrifices were offered.

tubalcain naamah - Tubal Cain's sister was Naamah. Naamah: A Wife Mysterious Messages on Rings and of Solomon and the Mother of King Neckties of the Elite- Let's face it, the http://topicalbible.org/naves/n/naamah-- Masonic tie tacks and rings that so a_wife_of_solomon_and_the_mother_of_king_rehoboam.htm ; many Masons wear proudly to their http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/co churches on Sunday are sexual dex_magica23.htm ; http://www.bibletopicindex.com/bible_topi c/tubalcain_naamah_solomon/topic_verses.jsp idols...The Gods, like Baal, of all pagan nations around Israel were all sexual idols. This is precisely what God does not want in His Church, and yet all these Masons are flaunting King both their idols and their (church) membership. Schnoebelen also mentions a little pin many Masons wear on the lapel of their jacket or coat shaped like a hockey stick with two balls attached. It is named "Tubal Cain." In reality, it represents a man's phallus and testicles; yet, the pin is wornpublicly and proudly by many perverted Masons. Solomon used a magic ring with a hexagram T-Rex, would have a very special meaning for symbol on it to enslave the demon occult illuminati. "T" stands for Tammuz, the into helping him build his MASS CHILD famous Temple. MOLESTATION~EXPOSED~!!

Asmodeus -Asmodeus is the son of Adam's Satan’s children - Satanism is just another first wife Lilith by Samael. However, in name for the worship of a highly destructive, The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Merlin negative force which has been given endless the Mage, we find this report: "Some rabbins say names over the centuries: Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, that Asmodeus was the child of the incest of Lucifer, there is no end to them.The reptilians Tubal-Cain and his sister Naamah; and their drink blood because they others say he was the demon of are drinking the person’s life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension. They will impurity." Jewish lore charges Asmodeus often shape-shift into reptilians when drinking with being the father-in-law of the demon Bar human blood and eating human flesh, I am told Shalmon [Rf. Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 510]. In by those who have seen this Solomonic legends, Asmodeus also goes by the happen. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/bigge name of Saturn, Marcolf or Morolf. stsecretbook/biggestsecret15.htm

Asmodeus in the Testament of -the reptilians had been pursuing the Aryan Solomon: "I was born of angel's peoples around the seed by a daughter universe, because of man" the blood of the white race was SATURN- LORD particularly important to of the RINGS. "I am them for some reason and called Asmodeus among the blond-haired, blue-eyed genetic mortals, and my business is stream was the one they wanted more than to plot against the newly any other. wedded, so that they may not know one another. And I sever them utterly by many calamities; and I waste away the beauty of virgins and estrange -This is the dimensional field, also known as the their hearts. . . . I transport men into fits of lower astral to many people, which resonates to madness and desire when they have wives of the frequency of low vibrational their own, so that they leave them and go off by emotions like fear, guilt, hate and so on. When night and day to others that belong to other men; a ritual focuses these emotions, as Satanism with the result that they commit sin and fall into does, a powerful connection is made with the murderous deeds." lower fourth dimension, the reptilians. These are some of the ‘demons’ which these rituals have been designed to summon since this whole sad MARRIAGE MARS- god of story began thousands of years ago. This is when WAR (RAW/RA) - so muchpossession takes place and the reptilians take over the initiate’s physical http://www.whiterosesgarden.com/Nature_of_Evil/Demons/List_ body. of_Demons/A_contents/asmodeus.htm The leading Satanists are full-blood Pedophilia - Victim reptilians cloaked in a human of Satanic Hollywood form. These rituals invariably take place on - Refuses to Name vortex points and so the terror, horror, and Names // Hollywood's hatred, created by them enters the global energy grid and affects the Earth’s magnetic field. Thought forms of that scale of malevolence hold down the vibrational frequency and affect human amazing if they did not, given the background. thought and emotion. Go to a place where These rituals and human sacrifice have always Satanic rituals take place and feel the been the foundation of the Brotherhood malevolence and fear in the atmosphere. What ‘religion’ since ancient times. we call ‘atmosphere’ is the vibrational field and how it has been affected by human thought And the Brotherhood manipulates its Satanic forms. Thus we talk about a happy, light or initiates and ‘gofers’ into the positions of loving atmosphere, or a dark or foreboding one. political, economic, business, military, medical The closer the Earth’s field is vibrationally to the and media power, and into influential positions lower fourth dimension, the more power the in the world of entertainment. Therefore the ratio reptilians have over this world and its of Satanists and child sacrificers at the top of inhabitants. these professions and institutions is staggeringly high compared with the general population. Satanism is not just a sickness and a perversion, although it is that also, its main reason for -The demon worshippers of existence, from the Brotherhood’s point of view, Bel/Baal/Nimrod in Canaan, is: Babylon and Phoenicia engaged in to control the Earth’s magnetic human sacrifice, cannibalism, and child murder in the name of field to worship and connect with their Moloch or Molech, an aspect of reptile masters to drink the life-force of their Nimrod/Baal, as part of their religious rituals.8 sacrificed victims to provide energy for the Baal (lord or ruler), the supreme god of the reptilians who appear to feed off human Canaanites and Phoenicians, was said to be the emotion, especially fear These sacrifices are, giver of life and Moloch was the destroyer of literally, sacrifices to the ‘gods’, the life. Both demanded appeasement reptilians, and they have been happening for by sacrifice. Baal or Moloch became thousands of years. The mass sacrifice of people identified with the Roman god by the Aztecs in Central America, and so many Saturn. others, were to provide food for the physical reptilians and crossbreeds who eat thebodies and In honor of Baal, the Sun god and god of fire, the drink the blood, and energy nourishment for Carthaginians, following the rituals of the the non-physical reptilians of the lower fourth Phoenicians and Canaanites, rolled children into a fiery pit made in the shape of the image of Baal/Moloch. At a site near modern Tunis six thousand urns were found containing the charred remains of infants. Remember, these rituals and ‘gods’ are the same as those performed and worshipped by the Satanists and the Brotherhood today.

This is why the children of Waco were allowed to burn to death in an inferno caused entirely by dimension. the Satanist controlled FBI and the ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, on -when children reached the point where they April 19th 1993. These were the same deeply could not work anymore in the slave conditions sick people who blew up the James P. Murrah underground, they were consumed by the building in Oklahoma on April 19th 1995, in reptilians. They prefer young children because which so many children they are not contaminated like adults. died.

-Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially In the same way, a war to of children, are performed on a vast scale and these people is a mass involve some of the most famous politicians, blood ritual in which business people, media owners and entertainers unimaginable numbers on the planet. Of course they do. It would be are killed and maimed, and the planet is engulfed by negative emotional -The secret password of Freemasonry is Tubal energy. It is this energy on which many of the Cain, a descendant of the biblical Cain, who lower fourth dimensional reptilians either feed or was an Anunnaki . Tubal Cain’s use to manifest in this dimension. sister, Naamah, is said to have been the one who brought human -Chronos swallowed his children as fast as they were born because he feared they would overthrow him. Chronos was the most powerful of the Titans, the Greek name for the giants who resulted from the interbreeding of the reptilians with the human, ‘daughters of men’.

-Satanism at its core is sacrifice andcannibalism into the world. about the manipulation and theft of another -The News Of The World, published the person’s energy and revelations of a community worker on the Isle of consciousness. In olden Wight who exposed the nature and extent of the times they called it “soul abuse there. snatching”. It may appear to be merely a She said that these Satanic sacrificers of children sickening perversion, but those who truly were pillars of the local community, owners of understand the background to the rituals know seaside hotels, business people, local that what really matters is the effect of the government officers, and politicians. She rituals, not so much the rituals themselves. They described the breeding programmes on the island are the means to an end - stealing or in which babies are bred for sacrifice and how it manipulating energy. Sex is so common in connected into the paedophile and drug Satanic ritual because at the moment of orgasm, smuggling rings, another common theme. the body explodes with energy which the Detective Chief Inspector Neil Kingman, who Satanists and the reptiles can capture and absorb. was heading the inquiry, said: “I have met the community worker several times and interviewed other people regarding this Sexual activity inspired by love resonates to a matter. I have no reason to doubt what I am much higher vibration and therefore cannot be being told.” accessed by the reptilians. Sex during a Satanic ritual or sacrifice, however, explodes the orgasmic energy at a very low frequency because of the intent involved and so the energy of Satanic sex resonates to the reptilian frequency. The astrological energies constantly generated by the movement of the planets and the cycles of the Sun and Moon are also employed to add to the power of the rituals. -Satanic Banquet Feast 2012 NEW YORK ritual abuse is a global YORK REGION OTTAWA network, KANATA another pyramid of

MERCREDI 01 18 2012- 6 Obama administration rejects Keystone interconnecting groups, with oil pipeline YIPPEE!!!! the high and mighty of society ( Careful...there could be a planned among their numbers, top politicians, government assassination officials, bankers, business plot) obamapipesline http://serenitystreetnews.c leaders, lawyers, judges, om/obamapipesline.htm doctors, coroners, publishers, editors and journalists. All the people you need, in fact, to The WAY to an A ! carry out and cover up your rituals and crimes against humanity. It is not that researchers see Satanists everywhere. The ratio of them in leading positions is very high because that’s the way it is meant to be.

The Satanic networks control the system and so they ensure that there is a far, far, higher ratio of Satanists in positions of power than there are in the general population. Thehigher you go up the pyramids, the more Satanists you find. Most of the non-Satanists are filtered out before they reach those levels. The result of all this for the children involved is beyond the imagination of anyone who has not experienced the level of trauma that they must suffer. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/biggestsecretboo k/biggestsecret15.htm

MERCREDI 01 18 2012- 6 Obama Banquet Feast 2012 NEW YORK administration rejects Keystone YORK REGION OTTAWA oil pipeline YIPPEE!!!! KANATA ( Careful...there could be a planned assassination http://5dterra.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/serenit y-global-cooperative-tutoring-homecare-petcare- plot) obamapipesline http://serenitystreetnews.c childcare-cleaning-odd-jobs-handy-men- om/obamapipesline.htm gardeners-construction-workers-cooks-delivery- etc-unbeatable-rates-and-results/ HUman Support Dana Horochowski Services 1/17/2012 http://serenitystreetne ws.com/humansupportservice.htm Cover and Resume- SERENITY GLOBAL 2012 COOPerative- WE have many talents and services, HOMEWORK for 5DTERRA ready to meet all your needs at an AWESOME RATE. Tutoring, homecare, USE 7thfire.info ; SERENITYST petcare, childcare, REETNEWS.com cleaning, odd jobs, time to get off the handy men, -----MATRIX anyway. U will be gardeners, in LOCK DOWN, if U don't head construction workers, for GREEN ENERGY land. USE cooks, delivery etc DIRECT CURRENT ONLY, not UNBEATABLE AC. RATES and RESULTS. BUILD ur COMMUNITY 1 hr = 10 pts, global COOP2012 Serenityglobal Solution Ojibway Style; danahorochowski ; resume ; HERSTO RY 416 419-9023 ; 705 254 5823; [email protected] ; KANATArepublic - USURY FREE COMMUNITY CURRENCY GLOBAL http://7thfire.biz ; http://8thfire.bi COMPATIBLE z ( jrgenius reborn) DANA

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KINGDOMS- Wašícu - Lakota word for "taking the fat" and it is used by natives to refer to non- Natives who rob tribes of their resources. 8thfire.info SIOUX OTTAWA CIFERA http://www.serenitystreetnews.com/LUNALUC KANATA KINAKWII NATION IFERA.htm TIAMAT WHITE moon TORI goddess (moon was a vehicle for creation NATION 555 CAN se expts by ARIEL / LUNA / rv atives http://serenitystreetnews. com/CANservatives.htm MOTHER / LUCIFERA / SLEEPING 7thfire.info .. SERENITYSTREETNEWS.co BEAUTY) m // WANTED BOUNTY HUNTERS / True Geostrategics & TIAMAT - LADY OF PRIMEVAL Astrostrategics // grandorderofdracoslayers // SA NTOS Republic/ ARMAGEDDON CHAOS, THE GREAT ALERT / FRENCH MOTHER OF THE GODS OF HWK / 8thfire.info / videos // scribd.com/jrgeniu BABYLON s / EArthPARty cards // Holyhealthy DVD // NESARA/ SATAN TIAMAT: Babylonian name composed of the Sumerian elements ti "life," and ama

"mother," hence "mother of life." In mythology, this is the name of a primeval sea dragon goddess, the embodiment of Chaos, and mother of the first gods.

Tiamat Sumerian- Babylonian Goddess Mother // Dragons Powerful Allies and Wise Teachers. JANUS 1-15 2012 http://serenitystreetnews.com/janus1-15 2012.htm Mother Tiamat & Her “Little Monsters”: An Analysis Of Lady MOONday 01 16 2012 Gaga And Born This Way - AQUARIUS- TIAMAT the Creation Legend: MOTHER, the Merodach the Dragon original FAERY Slayer ( MARduk the PLANet of idiot, Enki's kid) the OLYMPIA N Nammu Primordial gods ( Androme Mother of the Deep who dans) LUNALU "gave birth to Heaven and Earth," according to Sumerian scripture. She created humans from The Seven Tablets of the History the clay (long before Genesis was written). of Creation. Babylonians called her Tiamat, Mother of the Gods, but in the Enuma Elish, her -The creation legends of the Babylonians tell the story son Marduk of Tiamat's being wed to killed and dismembered her to create Apsu (seems to mean “far the above and below. Canaanites also honored Athirat Yammi (which some translate as Asherah waters”) and giving birth to of the Sea) as Qaniyatu Elima, Mother of the the original deities. Gods. Nammu as a woman sea-serpent. She is However, these children were loud and the waters and the Source, pouring out the annoying which bothered Tiamat essence of life. greatly. Apsu, her husband, tried to convince her to kill them with his help to create the heavens Tiamat, the chaos dragon, is the Great and earth. She didn't agree to do that Mother. She has a dual character. As the origin until Apsu's death. The younger deities learned of their parents plan, and a great battle of good she is the creatrix of the gods. Her beneficent form survived as ensued. Apsu was murdered by his the Sumerian goddess Bau, who was son, Ea, but he couldn't defeat Tiamat. So he obviously identical with the Phœnician got help from his son Marduk who Baau, mother of the first man. Another name battled Tiamat. In the battle, Tiamat of Bau was Ma, and Nintu, "a form of the opened her mouth to swallow him as he goddess Ma", was half a woman and half a approached her but he threw a storm into her serpent, and was depicted with mouth. Marduk then killed "a babe suckling her breast" her by shooting an arrow into (Chapter IV). The Egyptian her belly. Marduk then goddesses Neheb-kau and Uazit cut up Tiamat's were serpents, and the goddesses Isis and Nepthys had body into pieces to create also serpent forms. The serpent the heavens and earth. was a symbol of fertility, and as Marduk then became the a mother was a protector. “King of the Gods” Vishnu, the Preserver of the in Babylonian Hindu Trinity, sleeps on the world-serpent's body. Serpent charms are protective and fertility legends. For the charms.http://www.sacred-texts.com/ane/mba/mba13.htm ; htt Babylonian sailors, the seas divided the sky and p://www.20000-names.com/dragon_names.htm ; http://www.tiam the earth at the horizon. Splitting the at.ca/ ;http://www.orderwhitemoon.org/goddess/Tiamat2//tiamat2 .html ; http://www.sacred-texts.com/ane/stc/stc04.htm ; http://ww primordial sea to create the heavens and the earth w.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/esp_sumer_annunaki0 makes sense. For the creative power of 3.htm ;http://users.lmi.net/maxdashu/deasophy/nammu.html ; htt Tiamat, use Amazonite symbolizes new p://rainbowcamouflage.com/2011/05/07/mother-tiamat-her-little- monsters-an-analysis-of-lady-gaga-and-born-this-way/ beginnings bringing you the power to find new paths in your life. (Tiamat helps in mental and Goddess tradition // physical difficulties). http://www.crystalvaults.com/pages/goddess_tia mat.php The Order of the White Moon Goddess Gallery Presents TIAMAT Created by Sea Dragon SUNday 01 15 2012 - NESARA DECEPTION and the ASS- ended MASTERS from SHAMBA LLAH http://serenitystreetnews.com/NESAR within ourselves, this list also ADECEPTION.htm includes Tolec, ex. Alfred Webre’s interviews with Tolec. They create

these inharmonious frequencies that we are inflicted with and SATURNday 01 14 causes our 2012- 11 SCAM-ALOT confusion, our issues, our emotions, they are not helping us in this transition to a new world, they are dampening our plans, so my CAMELOT, suggestion is to not read them and fill EXOPOLITICS, your minds with YAHWEH JESUS, nonsense. They raise your UFOs, HORUS, hopes and then dash them! These KROLL, emotions that they are inflicting KAVASSILAS, upon us with negative frequencies, EISENHOWER and they are reveling in this now! These the NESARA PHOENIX transmissions/channelings are not COINTELPRO-pagandists from a good source and are giving are ALL LIARS for humanity incorrect facts so that they the NEPHILIM.nephilimloosh http:// can do their job and rid the Earth of serenitystreetnews.com/nephilimloosh.htm our race so that they can take over our planet and thrive themselves. We are fighting the energies of The Powers That Be at this moment and we 555 are close to winning this war we did not start.

Chris Thomas is a well known Healer, Psychic, and A uthor, he explains the energetic flows that the ETs and Illuminati inflict upon us as a human race on Earth. The Annunaki/Velons, The Galactic Federation of Light/Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, the Nordics and theHathors are causing the problems and issues that we have Ascension is not what many think beings into a higher frequency, this is it is, we do not die, we do not go into the 5th what the “End of Human dimension, we stay here on this Existence as we know it” or “End planet. Ther Times” means, we are entering a e is not going time of change in which we have to be a split between earth not yet experienced in this to create lifetime.http://readyfortheshift.com/2011/12/12/chris- another earth thomas-explanation-of-the-history-of-the-world-velon-ets/ where we will reside. We are here, on this ANDROMEDA COUNCIL REACHING OUT WITH HELP ACROSS THE planet for a reason, we are here HEAVENS -People of Earth... Earth is your to make our lives better and to be planet. A truly beautiful place of natural happy. That is the ultimate goal wonderment among the stars. And you, people for all humans! It is a time of Earth, you will finally have an opportunity where we better ourselves to heal, grow and evolve... to determine nowwith what we have, we take your own destiny, make your own care of ourselves and each choices... and determine the kind of future you want for your other. That is what Ascension is all about, world. Without negative influence & however, we are not ascending anywhere, we interference from are raising our vibrations to others. Your what they choices. Your should have world. One to which been long you are responsible... long ago prior whose future you to our hold in your frequencies of - hearts, minds & Earth was souls.http://andromedacouncil.com/page04.html lowered. CELTIC MYTHOLOGY: We should be FAIRIES: TUATHA DE a happy race, a race filled DANANN - The Otherworld and the with love and hope and faith, but realms of spirit are with us always. We live equally as part of them and they of us. we are not, we are fighting for what The portals to these realms lie at the centre of is ours and do not care who we our being. Perhaps sometime while you are step on to get what is ours, this is relaxed and at one with yourself and creation the mists will clear, revealing the other part of cannot the majority of our race. We your existence to you. Then may you journey to live this way, we need to respect each the many coloured lands in the elemental other just like you respect kingdoms of Tir-fo-Thonn, Tir-na-Bea, Tirtaingiri, Tir-nan-Og and yourself, and hopefully you do Tir-na- respect yourself. We are bringing our Moe. http://deoxy.org/h_otherw.htm http://www.gods-heros-myth.com/tuatha.html ; http://www.askal ana.com/fg/irish-fairies.html ; http://deoxy.org/h_mounds.htm governments for $10-billion, it claims it is being “cheated out of” on potash and oil http://www.fairiesinamerica.com/fairy-writing/weaving-the- developments. http://www.causes.com/posts/945175? tribal-sidhe-togehter-shannon-averys-new-book-the-queens-rune- template=bulletin_mailer/posting&causes_ref=email and-other-tales-of-the-sidhe/

Chris Thomas TRUTH WAKEUP - TRUE 7thfire.biz GUARDIANS are the FAIRY and CANservatives http://7thfire.biz/CANservatives.htm the SIDHE (pt 1.). VELON and HATHORS invad ed EARTH, and with implants, monitor http://5dterra.wordpress.com/2012/0 theHUMAN SLAVES for 1/11/8thfire-biz-jrgenius- the ANNUNAKI) international-scools-sioux-ottawa- kanata-kinakwii-nation/

usury free living playlist // Tommy Usury 01 12 2012 - KEEP DRAINING Free http://usuryfreeliving.net/ cyberclass.net the LIZARD CROWN CORPSES...they took lots of BLOOD from US, now it isPAYBACK TIME.

LAND and WATER. NO FUNNY MONEY from the ILLEGAL SUNday 01 08 2012- CHURCH and FEDERAL RESERVE of ROMA$$ GOVERNMENT CRIMES . Time to $$$$$$atanist$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LIZARDODRAIN O http://serenitystreetnews.com/LIZARDODRAINO.htm LOSE the VAMPIRE Federal government declines LOOSH to LONDON comment on lawsuit filed by George and ROME $ Gordon First Nation - The First $$$$$$$$$$$ Nation is suing $$$$$$ the federal andprovincial romasucks http:/ /serenitystreetnews.co m/romasucks.htm

Real Health 2011-11n-28 - Kevin Annett on Brantford Residential School - TUNE IN with DEE NICHOLSON & HUGH REILLY for a real SCOOP! KEVIN ANNETT (Rawennatshani) EXPOSES WHAT WAS FOUND AT THE BRANTFORD Pentagrams in the air and by the power of RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL! A team of people, certain Divine names followed by an including an archeologist, have been digging at the site, looking for evidence of the murders of invocation of the spiritual forces Aboriginal children by those running the ruling the elements to fortify and guard school... one of many holding secrets long the circle. hidden by our government and the churches. JOIN US AND BE AMONG THE FIRST TO KNOW THE SECRETS LYING BENEATH... THE TRUTH IS OUT The G.O.O.D.S LBRP begin this ASAP THERE http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.com/2011/11/goods- lbrp-begin-this-asap.html This is a much more effective template to over lay on the LBRP from the Golden Dawn and other Illuminati corrupted SATURNday 01 07 sources free from the Hebrew God- 2012 - 4 - (for aura names which are actually hidden titles for protection) Q - Moloech, Mammon, Azoth and other energy SYMBOL = Qillopthian deity level entities. Qabballa LITE Instead of Ah-Tah… vibrate TREE. FOLLOW Uranus ; Instead of Malkuth… the CATHARs. This vibrate Tarra; Instead of IS the LITE RITE V’Giburah… vibrate Mars ; WAY Instead of V’GiDoorah… vibrate SATURNdaatway Instead of Lah oh’lahm http://serenitystreetnews.com/ SATURNdaatway.htm Jupiter ; amen… vibrate Sol AVOID the KABALLISTIC CROSS . ( fallen angels) . Nine Keys to Hell: The Qlippoth Formulation of the Pentagrams- In each of the cardinal directs trace that Qlippothic Magick is banishing earth pentagram assume the PARASITIC and “goddess” posture or “star pose” and VAMPIRIC. TAUGHT in vibrate the name Venus and feel love for MOST $$$ MALE the great mother and holder of the DOMINATED MYSTERY most sacred symbol of our race (the SCHOOLS. pentagram), the five pointed rose of humanity. - Then thrust both hands forward Occupy the Astral!!! so the finger tips touch making a triangle while you step forward with your left foot. This is the “God posture” or spear tip. Vibrate the EXOPOLITICs ALTERNATIVE name Mars, the father of our race and thorn MEDIA DRACO LOSERS are using of the rose of humanity, the lover and protector this BLACK SPHERE MAJICK. of Venus. Feel his anger at all those who would harm her or his children and charge the pentagram with that energy. This is The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Venus/Mars/Cupid union. Pentagram - The ritual banishes the chaotic and impure form of the The calling of Guardians elements from the magician's Instead of before me circle by the tracing of Raphael… say “Before me cheerful and sweet”, then vibrate Erreus. and true Mars or Martian warrior and Instead of behind me Gabirel… say “Behind me strength cults with the corrupted solar cults. bold and wise”, then vibrate Zepheryus. This way the warrior cults and societies could Instead of on my right hand Michael… say “To better justify murdering others in the name of love and compassion. The crusades, the witch my right kind and brave”, then vibrate hunts, the convert or die campaigns… all are Notus. Instead of on my left hand Uriel… say forms of the Mars/Solar corrupted spirituality “To my left ancient and strong”, link. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.com/2011/11/this-is- vibrate Boreous partly-channeled-writing-from.html -Instead of assuming the “star pose” and saying “The pentagram around me”, assume the “star” posture and say “I am with the embrace Age Of Deceit (Full Length HD) of my mother of my mother Venus, keeper of Fallen Angels and the New the sacred pentagram and tender to the cradle World Order- Good movie but of our race”. you messed up with the JESUS thing. -Instead of seeing the star of inside your BAR JESUS is a PAGAN WITCH. heart center and saying “within my shine the 6 Emmanuel is the REAL NAME. rayed star”, see the 6 pointed star of sol over Yeshua, Easu...NOT JESUS. // both your heart center and solar plexus and Prince William is the say “Within me shines the radiance of Sol, for I am the center of my own Antichrist! When? 2015! universe, a reflection of the most sacred and most high”.

- The LBRP of the Golden Dawn is based on FRIAday 01 06 2012 - 3- FREE us from Qilopthian foundations, the ROMAN TRINITY of calling of evil gods and ARCHONS.friafrumfallenangels their minions assuming “angelic forms”. Because you are calling the Qillopthian deities first you then are invoking the “angels in disguise” and you don’t know it. Occupy Astral -The more humans are You are charging the pentagrams in tiles for awake and aware on the Astral world, the Moloech and allowing him to decide which harder time these Illuminati and Reptilian scum entities can come through. bags will have, being our occupiers! Stop the Golden Dawn LBRP immediately! -Bear Heart We are BILLIONS of individual points of The only major religions that have survived unique light that make up today are primarily based on Sol or corrupted the starry astral, they are sun worship. This includes Islam. While THOUSANDS of slick Allah was originally Lunar based , his propaganda illusions that have burrowed like worms into the “moon cult” teachings have been for all folk-subconscious of humanity intents and purposes, eradicated. Judaism is and whisper dark lies to us in nothing more than graduated Christianity and our dreams, ANY form of Zionism is the focused worship lead worldwide lies called of the Qilopthian Solar energy of sacrificing others for the elite few Christianity, Islam, and or “choosen”. Judaism to keep us weak, fearful and docile, - There was a strong manufacture wars to thin out linking of the extinct our population and teach us racism to prevent us from uniting against FAKE loser BRIAN golightly marshall them and keep us fighting each other. fried chicken YAHWEH http://www.serenitystreetnews.com/videos/evitapendragon/sangra -As we begin to occupy the Astral, we loosen ilian%20notes%20apocalypse/ ; their grip and being cutting the lines of http://www.illuminatreee.info ; http://www.johnadams.net/cases/samples/Monroe- communication they have to the bloodline Laird/index.html families; the lines of channeling they have to the owned world “religious” leaders and prevent their Sherrie Lea Laird, poisonous info from further ALTERNATIVE sickening the human mind, MEDIA MASTERS will and spirit. and JESUIT PAWNS playlist ( -Show them NO mercy. sangrailian is Let what is coming come, let behaving in 2012 so humanity cut out and incinerate this far). cancer and finally evolve and advance. TREEE, LAIRD was Let humanity influence humanity. Let trying to draw you into her humanity be free of ALL off world ARMAGGEDDON AGENDA. influence and let us rise, divine and strong and claim your place in the universe free and pure! Occupy the Astral and start making this a reality TODAY!!! Mercredi 01 04 2012 Mer Ka Ba http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.com/2011/11/occupy- Ascension 2012 Playlist POSITIVE astral.html MERKABAs look like ANGEL formations.

DO NOT USE METATRONIC Step up, if you have shot your mouth MERKABA as taught by many off in the past // Apocalypse THESE DECEIVING Fallen Angel ARE YOUR LIARS, YOUR FALLEN MYSTERY SCHOOLS to put you into ANGELS. ...STAY AWAY a BLACK HOLE or keep you on this 3/4d EARTH THORsday 01 05 2012- 11 - 2 ( too http://serenitystreetnews.info/POSITIVEMERK stupid to know any better) INCUBUS ABA.htm SUCCUBUS ALERT- http://www.youtube.com/user/BrianISGOD1 incubussuccubusalert

MARdi JANUS 3 2012 - 01 03 2012 - http://serenitystreetnews.info/incubussuccubusalert.htm 9 GOOD GUYS vs BEWARE OF SHERRIE LEA BAD LAIRD = LYING LOCUST QUEEN she is bringing in the SHROUD of TURIN GUYSgoo dbadguy Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) on http://serenitystreetnews.info/goodbadguy.htm Monoatomic Gold - http://educate- yourself.org/lte/AshayanaDeaneonwhitegold17sep06.shtml WingMakers-are a fallen race of ETs with a dark agenda. WingMakers art Ascension with ASHAYANA DEANE - and music activate a DNA response that playlist ( go to 30 min) ( she exposes many brings about a negative merkaba. diabolical factions on EARTH) WingMakers caused the recent http://www.azuritepress.com earthquakes in Chile, killing innocent lives. http://projectcamelotproductions.com/james_wingmakers.html

FRAUD James of Wingmakers MOONday, regarding JANUS 2 2012- statements made 01 02 2012 = 8 by A'shayana -as promised by Deane . Sophia in the Last http://projectcamelotproductions.com/james_wingmakers.html Days, low vibration New Revelations on the Story about entities will be the Wingmakers, the Labyrinth in 3-4 D Group, and S.A.A.L.M- Well, it's a very LOCKDOWN. clever take-over! The Corteum changed the 34dlockdownliars name Anderson to Neruda because Jamisson Neruda is very close to "Dr. Anderson's" real is the only way to name! I was told this as being a fact by the real HEARTgate Dr. Anderson, who later became Dr. Neruda. SERENITYGLOBAL Furthermore, "James" ( I will call him by his real http://serenitystreetnews.info/34dlockdownliars. name, Mahu Nahi from hereon), after had taken htm over the project, also added a of real information to the website. The Coming Fragmentation By Dr. In fact ( and this is also Joseph Chiappalone MD 12-30-11 coming from the real Dr. http://www.rense.com/general95/frag.htm Neruda quite recently), there There is no point in trying to be specific about is a lot more real information on the current the destructive changes that are about WingMakers site than the to engulf this planet, and all other physical original one! In other words, structures in the Universe. I there is disinformation on have written previously that both the old site and the new one. However, the the Divine Energy has following were most likely the steps the been withdrawn from Corteum and the Labyrinth Group decided to this dimension and now take after Dr. Neruda had let the cat out of the all that is left, apart from a box in 1998. few thousand warriors assisting the evacuation of and other FREE E-Books by Wes viable conscious from all Penre: http://wespenre.com/e-books.htm ; classes http://wespenre.com/pdf/PFCPaper3-new-revelations-on-the- (Mineral, story-about-the-wingmakers-the-labyrinth-group-and-saalm.pdf Vegetable, Animal and Human) is the Evil energy in all its forms. No one is going to win. Evil begets Evil. The evil energy will do what The result will be a evil always does: it destroys everything, loss-loss. So, does it including itself. We will not be the first planet to really matter where it be destroyed by evil practices. Obviously Evil starts and by whom it needs instruments by which it can cause its is started? Of course destruction. Evil beings lie, and cheat and are not. All the hypocrites and murderers. ridiculous plans of the Archons to cull Humanity, to There is also what is called "Natural Evil" where the evil elements in the Mineral introduce a New World Order, to Kingdom express their madness and cause announce the arrival of Aliens who will pains, suffering, fragmentation and supervise us, will all be a grand show of idiocy, destruction. I have also stated that all and although these things may begin to happen, constraints have been removed, so Evil can they will come to nought. Every activity now on plunge headlong into its self- the planet can be likened to shuffling of deck destructive mode. This is quite chairs on the obvious now. The Archons are not Titanic. Earth's trying in the slightest to hide their fate is sealed. evil. Dishonesty everywhere has become the modus operandi. But awakened ones will Violence and anarchy are the suffer least for disorder of the day. We will witness they will be the most atrociously evil actions imaginable. prepared and War crimes of unprecedented magnitudes, will understand the operation in slaughter of animals, children the elderly, action is for the removal of this malignant often for no reason. Remember demons get tumour called Evil from the face of energy from that sort of suffering. Creation. The emotions that will saturate the Bestiality, cannibalism, sexual planet will be those of Selfishness, Hate, depravity, etc., will also occur openly. Anger, Fear, and Despair. We see this even today. We are going to see the demons at their worst.

And all nations are planning on war, war, and more war, regardless of whether they have a cause to go to war, or by , whether they have no Purify cleansing meticulously cause. Some are and protect, protect, protect. Don't let planning suicidal these destructive, evil emotions destroy you. missions against Think and superior forces for no express reason other than that LOVE, the ones in charge are affected by the True Love, Terminal Madness and of the Endtime. gratefulness that the Divine Light has seen fit to rescue us and correct this Celestial Error. With Love in your heart, the likely pick up such thoughts from the Thought difficulties will be easier to bear, and you will Pool circulating the globe. It is full of the be a comfort for those around you who may thoughts of Depression, Gloom and Despair. understand less than you do. As the process That is why suicides are increasing all over the proceeds, Viables will want to be with those of world exponentially. I have explained that as like mind and energy. We will be able to thoughts of Finality and Accountability congregate if there is time. Already you have reach the lower minds of failures, they probably noticed you don't fit into the Virtual will despair. That is the cause of so much reality very well any more. Others may shun gloom and its consequences that we see. you for they cannot stand your (purer) energy. You too find you cannot be near If you are alone a lot, do not become lonely. Reptilians when you recognize them, and Focus on what is happening and where you will those who carry much negative energy, be be soon. Stay in touch with those of like minds, they robots or demons. by phone, by emails, by skyping, by snail mail, etc. Those who do NOT respond to LOVE are not your friends. Read that again: Those Thus, who do not respond to LOVE are not your fragmentation friends, and in all likelihood are non-viable, is of minds, of regardless of what excuse they give for not relationships, of responding to love. families, of Do not equate Love with sex or communities. It . You all know what physicality Divine is a religious True Love is. I am sure you have experienced fragmentation, a it. I am sure you recognize it, and I am sure you geographical one, have met people who respond to it and those a political, who do not. industrial, financial and climatic one, as well as a solar and a Galactic fragmentation, Do not make culminating into a Universal fragmentation and excuses for any conflagration. The process cannot be stopped. who do not All the physical structures must all go. Do not respond. The mendacious Archons will no longer be take chances. By all able to hide the Truth with their lies. We will means emanate all see what they have done. We are seeing that love at all times. today are we not with evidence of their greed, It is never wasted. It deceitfulness and hypocrisy everywhere? But will bounce off those they cannot help being like this. They have who cannot use it always been like this. It is their nature. They and return to you or cannot change. Their lies will no longer go to one who can use it and needs it. There is matter. They are doomed along with their lies. so little True Love in the world today that the pervading essence is of Darkness and As less and less energy is available to Gloom. sustain the Evil Empire, it will collapse upon itself. Long -as you purify you will recognize the New after Human Green Energy more and more and it will Consciousness has nurture you more and more. This is a miracle ceased to exist, the very that should leave you in no doubt that this bonds that hold atomic Finality is upon us. Do not despair at any and sub-atomic stage. Do not contemplate suicide to particles together will dissipate for they too hasten your departure. You will most depend on energy to operate. Thus matter will fragment to its energetic form and be transmuted. Nothing will remain.

A dimension collapses upon itself if it has no content, as this one will have. Thus, time and space will no longer exist and 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 the dimension and all its sub-dimensions will cease to exist.

As an awakened being, you will see (SOS ALERT TO VIRAL THIS! emailer this fragmentation as having a purpose. edition // cramnote // NOV While it is painful to see it occur, we must 2011 remember that we are seeing an illusion doc // 8thfire.info // videos // sc ribd.com/jrgenius // EA rthPARt disappear before our eyes. Gaining psychic y cards // Holyhealthy powers like I predicted may assist in knowing DVD / TSNEWS V coming facts, but it can also traumatize minds 13 ) // True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics // Recent for we shall see who is who. Don't be Earthquakes & Active emotionally exploited. You may see reptilian Volcanoes // (emails sent to Consciousnesses in your parents, your date exposing FAKE children, friends, associates, pets, etc. INVASION)

Timing is everything. And things will happen Dec 1-31 in your life when it is time for them to 2011 http://serenitystreetnews.info/SerenityStreetNewsDec2 011.htm happen, just like you and all of us will leave when it is time for us to leave. We will all know who is who near the SERENITYGLOBAL.BIZ - End. You will know who is a demon, who is a SOLUTION to robot, who is viable and who is not. We will all, this mess OJIBWAY Viables and non-Viables, come to the realization that this world must end, so horrific will its style http://serenityglobal.biz/tmain. state be. htm


CURRENTLY RULING RUSSIA, VIA "Inoculations are the true THE RUSSIAN weapons of mass GOVERNMENT BECAUSE destruction, causing an epidemic of THEULTIMATE DOGMA OF genocide" Rebecca Carley, MD Court Qualified Expert in vaccine Induced Diseases THE CHINESE HYPER LODGE ‘HONG’ IS THE GENOCIDE OF THERUSSIAN, All TRUTH passes through 3 stages: 1st - it U.S. AND E.U. HEBREWS AS THEY is ridiculed 2nd - it is violently opposed 3rd - it ARE MONGOL YELLOW-WHITE OR is accepted as SELF EVIDENT Arthur Schopenhauer GENETICALY MIXED BETWEEN THE PURE YELLOW RACE AND WHITE RACE, THIS BEING UNACCEPTABLE BY In a time of universal THE HYPER LODGE ‘HONG’ WHO IS deceit, telling the TRUTH is BENT ON THE SOLE SURVIVAL OF a revolutionary act. 1984, George Orwell THE PURE YELLOW RACETHAT BEING http://www.gnosis.org/library/hermet.htm ; THE CHINESE AND KOREAN. http:// hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/



I continue to build the GLOBAL HOLYHEALTHY.BIZ COOPERATIVE It is complete and many classrooms, websites can be Alchemy Sacred Secrets playlist by helenwhite666's channel added on, so that each person can express their TRUE UNIQUENESS The Corpus Hermetica or http://crystalstreetnews.info/ http://www.slideshare.net/jrgenius/jrg The Writings Attributed to Hermes eniuscom-project Trismestigustus http://www.ancienttexts.org/library /egyptian/hermetica/index.html

Listen CrystalKids.info to "What's Ailing WE are READY TO ROLL SERENITY FRIAday 12 23 2011- FREE us WAMPUM from HAARP, False Raptures, DRACO WORLD http://serenitystreetnews.info/ Dana cover and resume-2012.doc UFO's and engineered EARTHCHANGES


MARdi 12 27 2011 - 7 SUN dark Yeshua was not a Jew ! MARS - goD of WAR - MARduk He was an ARYAN!!! - George Kavassilas - Face on MARS warrawmardimarduk http://se Gaelic (Scots) renitystreetnews.info/warrawmardimarduk.htm Bible http://www.christianisrael.com/gaelic_sc KAVASSILAS god of WAR ots/ MARS Marduk Ra Celtic Christian Spirituality-

Ireland and the other regions inhabited by Celts abounded in churches and monasteries during the first millennium of the Christian era. Celtic Bishops and Priests led their flocks to spiritual perfection, to holiness. Of course, MOONday 12 26 2011 - 6 not everyone attained such heights, but there were surprisingly many LAZY COWARDS WILL who did; it was not SUFFER WHEN HELLS GATES without reason that Ireland was called OPEN THIS YEAR // 2012- Insula Sanctorum Extinction-Doomsday-Prophecies- (the Island of Saints). Proved-By-Scientists The Celtic spiritual Fathers (anamcharas and periglours) helped to heal the interior wounds of their spiritual children; they gave themstrength and courage for further SATURNday 12 24 2011- spiritual struggles. On the ancient Celtic holy sites in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Military on CTV elsewhererested the glow of that cleste Lumen tracking SATAN CLAUS and (heavenly light), shining from the faces of the Celtic monks who had advanced in spiritual delivering his SLOTHFUL trip $$$ life and attained theosis barcoded toys to those who serve (deification).http://orthodoxinfo.com/general/cel the LORD of the RINGS and his 2 tic.aspx dark SUNS http://serenitystreetnews.info/satanclaus .htm

DARPA DISINFO and 2012 ConfirmedReptilian:GeorgeKavassilas / / // Government ReptiliansV2:RonPaul SUNday 12 18 2011 FALSE SUN HORUS GEORGE KAVASSILAS ( god of WAR). FALSE MAGDALENE EISENHOWER NEW 32º of Insanity : 12.08.11 - (LADY NADA?). UFO landings in Nibiru, "The Black Dot" , Neumeyer medUSA. WASHINGTON. Stn, CW Leonis, M15 & MORE! SOVEREIGN CITY of SATAN. PROJECT SCAMALOT and http://www.serenitystreetnews.info/krolllauraeise EXOPOLITICS behind this. I have nhower.htm warned the producer of this film. If he keeps promoting it, he is part of the PROBLEM. STAY George Kavassilas, Fraud, AWAY from these DEVILS. Eisenhower, Laura Not magdalene, Project sCAMALOT

FRIAday 12 16 2011 FREE FIRST NATIONS from the LIZARD LONDON SATURNday 12 17 LEECHES londonlizzy 2011 - STAY OFF THE TEE VEE, Taking a second look at those MEDIA and UFO's. Attawapiskat numbers Posted by Tjay Henhawk STAY in your on December 14 HEART CENTRE. Should Toronto be put under third party management? That community NESARA has been running a deficit for years, FRAUDS- Laura and the combined EISENHOWER (washington dc), total of all government (fake magdalene, NADA), spending (federal, KAVASSILAS provincial and municipal) is ( HORUS from HELL), $24,000 a year for KROLL ( tall greys each Torontonian. Attawapiskat, on the other harvests human meat), hand, which is only funded by one level of project government — federal – received $17.6 million SCAMaLOT, in this fiscal year, for all of the programs and infrastructure for its 1,550 residents. That COINTELPRO for works out to about $11,355 per capita in MIDDLE Attawapiskat. People often forget, when talking EARTH DRACONIANS - LIARS for about costs of delivering programs and your GRANDE DECEPTION !!!! services to First Nations, that almost all those (emails sent to date exposing FAKE costs are paid from one pot: Aboriginal INVASION) Affairs. By contrast, non-Aboriginal Canadians receive services from at least three WARNING , Veil_of_Invisibility levels of government.http://www.causes.com/posts/91011 9?template=bulletin_mailer %2Fposting&causes_ref=email Befana (Epiphania) ... (Sicily) Signora Oriente, Diana, Signora del gioco, Sapiente Sibillia ... (Italy)

Dec 1-15 2011 http://serenitystreetnews.info/serenitystreetnewsdec152011.htm Across Europe, Friday was observed as her holy day, beginning with its eve on THORsday 12 15 Thursday night. The dark of the year was 2011=4 Stop WARs sacred to Old hipping Goddess. On winter solstice CRONUS and his DARK she was said nights, SONs/STARs/ ARCHONs.h to fly over the ttp://serenitystreetnews.info/ATENAT ONNATOAMENAMENRASINALLA land with her H.htm spirit hosts. ( that ain't no SATAN ZEUS JUPITER DIAS CLAUS either) PATRE http://www.galeon.com/mitoinfo/aficiones510369 .html’



+++SUN +SOUL+ SOL ( SOLAR http://www.suppressedhistories.net/secrethistory/oldgoddess.html PLEXUS) + and LUNA + illuminary MOON LITE+++) OLD GODDESS / FRIDAY GODDESS OF THE WITCHES NEUTRALIZE DARK Andra Mari ... (Euskadi / Basques) STARS MARs and SIN/ ALLAH Laima ... (Lithuania, Latvia) -DARK Nicniven, Gyre Carline ...(Scotland) Hulda ... (Denmark) side of MOON (11 or - ) or LORD of Holle, Holda, Fraw Holt ... (north Germany) theRINGS SATURN 9 ( 9-11) Perchta, Perhta Baba, Zlata Baba ... (south Germany, Austria) Fraw Saelde, Zälti ... (Austria) NEUTRALIZE to reach Luca, Szepasszony... (Hungary) Saint Friday ... (Estonia) ZERO POINT = Ascension= Mokosh / Paraskeva ... (Russia) Light Body. ( ADD +, Dame Habonde, Protons, orgonemasters , OLEE H20 ) Abundia ... (France) MERCREDI ( MERCURY) 12 14 2011 = 12= 3 SATURN, SIN, MARs ( Unholy Trinity with mother of VAMPIRES- LILITH).

( illuminatreee.info has been missing for a month) http://www.youtube.com/user/sangrailians

Maitreya Is Out of the Picture - Stay focused in the They're Planning to Bring now and remember what you Sananda In Now - Lowest Ranking resist- persists, so visualize the Ascended Master,Is Coming future you wantand give power as Jesus of the only to those positive thoughts to Bible http://www.sherrytalkradio.com/transcribe/2011/12- 05-11.htm see them energized into reality - energy follows thought.All is about to be revealed, JESUS is the IMPOSTER PAGAN secrets told. WITCH. DRACO BLACK The fact MAGICIAN. LEO- remains, if LEVIATHAN- it's public, it PINDAR the DRAGON LORD is far from the BAR JESUS ("son of Jesu or facts. Even Joshua"): Jewish thequeen magician described in Acts knows that xiii. 6-11 as a "sorcerer, a isn't going to false prophet," who, when Paul and Barnabas came fly. Protecting the 'city of london' from to Cyprus, was found in the that bad euro. " In the last days company of Sergius Paulus, the every knee shall bend ." Roman proconsul. He also bore the title of "Elymas" (= sorcerer; perhaps related to , Deut. xiii. 2; explained also from the Arabic alim = wise). He opposed ZEROPOINT+++++ Paul in his attempt to convert the proconsul; whereupon Paul, "filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him," and cursed him with temporary blindness, calling him "son of the Devil" ("Ben Belial"); and "immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness," and he had to RAmen, ROMAN ANTIPOPES, be led by the hand. The proconsul, "when he saw what was done," was converted. Simon Magus, PROTESTANT to whom Bar Jesus bears a striking RELIGION, resemblance, is apparently the person FREEMASONRY, mentioned by Josephus ("Ant." xx. 7, § 2), as "Simon . . . a Jew, born in Cyprus," who VAMPIRES, GEN "pretended to be a magician," one of the friends 6:6, INCUBUS, of Felix, the procurator of Judea, and employed SUCCUBUS, dark by him to seduce Drusilla from her husband, Azizus, king of Emesa. The same Simon Magus stars, parasites, occurs in the story of Peter the Apostle (Acts shadows, illusions of our LIGHT viii. 20-24), of which the Paul story obviously bodies, possession by archons, forms a counterpart. New Testament critics jinn, unresolved spirits, feed off therefore doubt the authenticity of the whole story (see Holzmann, on Acts xiii., and P. W. our life force, crave alcohol, Schmiedel, in "Encyc. Bibl.") The Syriac, taking sex, RED ROOT CARNEL 369, offense at "Son of Jesus" being called "Son of off the mark, fallen the Devil," has changed the name "Bar Jesus" into "Bar angels, NEPHALIM Shuma" (Son of the Name); one Latin translation has "Bar Spirit in MATTER, Star Jesuba," which again has led modern writers like August upsidedown, REVERSED. Klostermann to new FALLEN, MATRIX, conjectures. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/246 9-bar-jesus MOONday 12 12 2011= 10 = ATEN ATOM AMEN AMUN NATO AMEN RA= GOD MARdi 12 13 2011= 11 = MARs- of WAR; GOD of WAR -MARduk RA ATON NATO ATOM AMUN MOONgod- SIN- (Lilith's brother AMEN the moongod) ALLAH. Mars of Roman mythology (of Ares in SIN- GOG, Greek mythology) is known to be the God SYNaGOG, of War. However, he was also God of Violence, Manly Courage, SIN Fearand Cowardice, Rebellion, and Civil number, 666 Order. Roman Mythology: March is , moon named after him. Greek equivalent Ares. matrix, loosh, mind 1= neg line, neg charge, atom, CONtrol, electron, matter, stuck in MALKUTH ( ROOT- 3d).

( UNHOLY TRINITY= LILITH - SATURN ( SATAN) - HORUS MARS) SET DARK STAR, IHS, SUNday 12 11 2011 = 5 11 11 = 9 9-other the Islamic axis for a swift and final Son (SIN of counter-attack. SATURN) ( moongod) - Don't be alerted by 2012 sinoZionist motivate SUN ADONAI, SON of SIRIUS d catastrophologie (OSIRUS), ANU + DANU, HOLY s and Armageddon TRINITY, PHOTONs, ologies. PROTONS, +++ 2012 and the following IAMSPIRIT http://serenitystreetnews.info/IAMSPIR years will be IT.htm an awakening and e volutionary Toronto Spiritualist leap for Gaia and h Temple 7 pm tonight hope umanity ...not a planetary to see destruction! you http://www.iamspirit.org/Toronto.aspx

Thank you for the service again tonight and I will see you next weekend. SATURNday 12 10 2011- 8 - SATURN, NOTE BAR JESUS is a PAGAN SATURNALIA, Sabba WITCH and AMEN RA is GOD of WAR. th, LORD of the RINGS, DARK SUN, NAZI, Chaos, Counterclockwise, Levi G.H.REES. TO INTELLIGENCE athan, SATAN, AGENCIES OF ISRAEL, PINDAR, DEMIURGE, RUSSIA AND PERSIA-IRAN: Ialdabaoth, (ELECTRON, NEG charge) CONCERNING THE SHORTENED TIMETABLE TOWARDS IGNITION OF WORLD WAR III FRIAday 12 09 The Draconians see that they have no 2011 - 7 SUN-FULL time anymore, and are cutting scenes fr om their program- MOON on FRIA's , in a desperate attempt to NIGHT fullfriamoon prophecy catch http://serenitystreetnews.info/fullfriamoo up. n.htm They are planning to engage NATO against Iran, in order for Russia and China to intervene, and from there after the defeat of NATO,will arise and FREE us from the MARK of the that different personalities or personality parts called 'alters' can be created who do not BEAST 666. know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas form aprotective shield of secrecy that prevents the abusers from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their system of alters is being used." KALI MAA has broken her bond. We are on our OWN LADIES! Time to U NITE under The mind-control programming, however, has the MOON . REMEMBER the OLD WAYs not worked according to plan. In fact, the perpetrators, in their arrogance and BOHEMIAN GROVE - the PLACE hubris, never dreamed that their methods where the BAVARIAN could fail. The retrieval of survivors' ILLUMINATI ritually sacrifice photographic-like memories of actual abuse women and children. SATANISTS under incidents, including images, sounds and smells, constitutes a major exposure of human rights theNAZI LIZARD LONDON abuses. These IMPOSTER QUEEN. victims bear witness to the secret murdered by LADY DIANA atrocities of the MONARCHY. Served her the so-called purpose and produced a RED New World Order.http://crui DRAGON tubal cain nthe.tripod.com/n ANTICHRIST (WILLIAM exus/articles/min ARTHUR pendragon). dcontrolnwo.html

Satanic Bloodline Dynasty Rothschild Choice // 911-The Mind Control Slavery and the New Movie-Longest 9/11 Documentary World Order High-tech on the internet-PREPARE to be slavery - World War II United States SHOCKED! Government's Project Paperclip sponsored the resettlement of THE WOMEN'S MYSTERIES - about 2,000 high-level Nazis in the Bona Dea was the only old Roman United deity who admitted freed slaves to the States. CIA's MKULTRA program to priesthood, as the foreign religions the Monarch Project - mind of Kybele, Isis, and Mithras also control which involves US military, did. No social CIA, NASA and other government distinction between ex-slaves and agencies. "...the basis for the success of the freeborn was evident in the the Monarch mind-control programming is veneration of Bona Dea. To the goddess without whom nothing the unease of patrician grows. Goddess tradition men, matrons of rank, prostitutes, -Church and state both declared poor women, and slavesparticipated. women inferior to men. Their movement and inheritance was limited. They had The priesthood spoke in the harshest terms no legal standing except through male guardians. against women drinking herb infusions that They had no prevented conception. Canon recourse lawyers equated refusal of hospitality to the against fertile egg with murder, while absolving men philandering who raped or killed in battle and fully intended husbands, to do it again. Warlords were though men protected by the church's could cast off their fiction allowing for “just wars.” For the wives on the priesthood, the sexual was sacred only if it was pretext of reproductive, andexcusable only for the adultery or barrenness. And husbands held other male, who did not have to worry about the privileges over wives. By accusing them seed he of infidelity or magic, Germanic sowed. http://www.suppressedhistories.net/secrethistory/wome husbands could literally put them through an nsmysteries.html ordeal, as legal, historical and folkloric records attest. Celtic Legends of Attacks on Priestesses- rapes we re not isolated It was common knowledge that women were at incidents, but a pattern of attack by aristocratic a disadvantage in the patriarchal scheme of men that destroyed a social institution of society, and expected that they would find ways priestesses at sacred wells. There is no dating to assert their own needs and desires. Older this cultural sea-change, though it could well avenues of power were known to women from have resulted from the breakdown the wellspring of folk culture. Chanting over ofinviolability of pagan herbs and knotted cords, wearing amulets, shrines during givingherbal potions to be drunk, all were christianization. As used in protective magic, love spells the old religion fell, the and luck charms. Such rites could also old taboos against violence in sanctuary be used to repel unwelcome sexual were overridden, and advances.Popular opinion recognized these new taboos came into as effective. being, such as those forbidding females to approach certain holy - Bohemian witches, the fear was that wells. Numerous Irish women would find magical legends refer to christian ways to overcome social monks barring women from wells. But even in restrictions and assume privileges the 12th century, when this and other legends reserved for were written down as the Grail cycle, the tellers still imagined divine reprisals against those men. Fema who blasphemed against the animist holy le sexual places. The waters dried up, plants ceased to sprout and flower, and the meadows and forests shrivelled away. The theme of the wasteland in Celtic literature grows from this violation of the life-nurturers and independence was harshly discouraged in transport barcoded SATANIC GOODS across other ways. Secular Bavarian laws imposed on the imaginary border, that separate the obstetrical witches the same penalties we have two BANKRUPT VIRGINIA seen elsewhere assigned to "sorcerers": heavy companies ( CANADA + USA INC). scourging and enslavement: http://www.suppressedhistories.ne the WATCHERs have all your info, so YOU t/secrethistory/kings_witches.html HAVE NO WHERE TO RUN and NO WHERE TO HIDE.

THORsday 12 08 2011- 6 999 SATAN SIN 666 Prez Obama, What MARs amen RA Team Are You On? 333d (Malkuth) Who Are Your Masters? FREE NAZI -six media conglomerates w/combined DOCTORS- Verichip FLU SHOT still available for your speedy GENOCIDE ( by revenues of $312B: GE, Disney, News appointment only due to unpopular Corp, Viacom, demand) nexuswageslave$$$ http://serenitystreetne ws.info/nexuswageslave666.htm TimeWarner and, CBS…that’s (6) men telling you to , adore, Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More respect and OBEY this Bloodline Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & globalist tool! These six men all belonging Will Not Give It To His to Satanic-Black Nobilit, Jesuit- Kidshttp://my.opera.com/SavedNotFried/blog/?startidx=6500 Papal Global Management Team (GMT).

Revelation: 666 Why did you listen to mark http://aeroventure.com/END-TIMES/Rev-666- them? Because you’ve mark.htm been “programmed’ since birth to believe what Harper, Obama unveil border you SEE and HEAR on their “mind deal Border deal aims to smooth control boxes” broadcast via their mass trade, boost security?-HITLER- HAARPER met with the OBAMination media outlets… in DRACO-WASHINGTON DISTRICTof COLUMBIA ( offshore entity) to Mau Mau Blood Oath-Starring discuss border INSECURITY on occupied Barack Obama and Maurice Strong TURTLE ISLAND. in Kenya with Cousin Odinga

VIKING LIZARD QUEENS's CARTELS want a fast lane for VERICHI PPED WAGE SLAVE BEASTS (NE XUS), to of Light,Entered only by the humble heart of profound depths. MERCREdi 12 07 2011=5 ( Mercury god- GRAIN and TRAVEL) EGGoNOMY - “Asherah”, ‘Tree Mothers’. Every 555 D (DAAT) woman had her own tree that she sat under. The powerful “White Buffalo Woman” Vision of coursing of life-force the Great Mind of the ascending within Buffalo.The nomadic the tree was embraced as she Buffalo Nation roamed the leaned her back against vast prairies And forests on timeless walkabouts, The Sacred tree covering the tall grasses (mother). “Ashah” means with a million massive ‘to heal, to bodies of brown curly fur, hoofs cure’. “ASH- and horns. Their hot- SHIRA” was for the ancient breathing language was (and modern) Arab culture- The Star of like an Ocean of Sound circulating among them. SIRIUS. There hidden among themselves was -Mari of Magdala their Great Mother Chief . Ancient Queen -Great Mother of the line White Buffalo Woman - Bringing of Magdalene Priestesses- together the Four tribes of the Buffalo A secret line of female teachings. Teachings about People, From the Four directions of the Cosmic laws of Life, as theGreat Land ...An annual pilgrimage to learned and understood Buffalo Heart Mountain In what is now called through love, and death; Wyoming -Land of the Great Sky, and the Great Profound lessons Buffalo Nation. http://goddess-seat.pagesperso- that Mari’s initiate- orange.fr/ King had to pass through, before he could rise from the ashes of the sacred colombarium; From where the Spirit- dove guided his ascension Into the world of Light ...And flight and Heavenly Seeing.

Earth Temple (in Gavrinis, -Goddess MARI, in turn ever- worshipping France.) With STAR GODDESS ANA, ANU, ANI... Our sacred binary Star, Mother of our Sun, an initiatory Way into Mother of the ANU-KHI ! http://goddess- the other World. Years of seat.pagesperso-orange.fr/ preparatory living precede the rites of passage into -“UWILA” , OWL WOMAN -She births this mystic mound. her eggs of future shaman h’owlets – 6,500 The luminous ‘ley’ radiate from Years ago ; every portal. Of this Sacred NEBIBI – PANTHER WOMAN - I enter you, join with you, It is I who sees through Immortal Walled your eyes, Feel with your Heart, Speak your City. Here is a sacred Truth as ‘ONE BEING’, I live inside you, is doorway into the Land it not good, My Love, my Habibi. THE BLACK RITE OF ISIS’ - Holy CANADA. We need a REAL MAN Sarah was adored by matriarchal nomadic tribes who saw her as their Primal Mother – Cosmic to take CHARGE....D Ancestress of their tribe. All their shamaness– queens they titled “SARAH” and it was She who lead Her tribespeople with their caravan– SERAI through the deserts and into worlds solarheal http://serenitystreetnews.info/solarheal.htm unimaginable . . . http://www.suppressedhistories.net/ Atleo: First Nations people have reason to feel “angry and %%%%%%%%%%%%%% betrayed” %55555555555555555555555555555555555%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% -Atleo painted a picture of the lives of First Nations people as being mixed with hope and despair. Atleo said First Nations people have more university graduates, professors and entrepreneurs, yet still too many live in communities burdened by squalor where children go to schools in cold and mouldy classrooms and the country’s prisons continue to have adisproportionate number of Indig enous people behind bars. “It remains Wašíc a tragic, u - Lakot frustrating a a word for nd even terrifying time,” said Atleo. “We "taking have reason to feel angry and betrayed.” Atleo the fat" and it is used by natives to refer to non- said the Attawapiskat housing crisis that played Natives who rob tribes of their resources. out across television screens across the country was a “national (SOS ALERT TO VIRAL THIS! emailer disgrace,” but it showed edition // cramnote // NOV 2011 Canada thereality that doc // 8th fire.info // videos // scribd.com/jrgenius exists in many First // EA rth PAR ty cards // Holyhealthy Nations DVD / TSNEWS V 13 ) // True Geostrategics & communities across the Astrostrategics// Recent Earthquakes & Active Volcanoes country.http://aptn.ca/pages/news/2011/12/06/atleo-first- nations-people-have-reason-to-feel-angry-and-betrayed/ Dec 1-15 2011 http://serenitystreetnews.info/serenitystreetnewsdec15201 -So many old hotels and boarded 1.htm up hospitals. So many EMPTY MARdi 12 06 2011- MAKE ME TOWNS. SO MUCH TIME on PROUD of you SHAWN OUR HANDS. ATLEO. BE the CHI The SOLUTION is YOU EF that LEADs ME and WE in the EGGoNOMY. http://www.scribd.com/fu llscreen/74915729?access_key=key- 1qviiw8rdistovrzulvq Pennsylvania. Not only have they found his claims to be true, but medical evidence suggests MOONday12 05 2011- WAKE UP this man is more healthy than a normal FROM THE LIES ALREADY! person of his age. This year he is 76.

Want you MIND BLOWN? WATCH THIS -Stand barefooted on the bare earth looking VIDEO! The VATICAN is controlling the directly into the sun every day at either the world! hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset and add 10 seconds to the sungazing time until you NUTRITIONAL reach 44 consecutive minutes.— which could take 9 to 12 months to achieve — at which time BALANCING IS one would be “solar charged”, meaning not AN EXCELLENT only cured of all mental and physical WAY TO ailments but also now without the desire or need REDUCE AND to eat food.http://www.ayahuasca- EVENTUALLY wasi.com/2011/sungazing/ ELIMINATE ALL PARASITES WITHOUT TOXIC HERBS OR DRUGS - http://www.drlwilson.com/Articles/PARASITES.H TM

PARASITES, AND HOW TO ELIMINATE SUNday 12 04 2011-11- NAZI GO THEM NATURALLY by Lawrence Wilson, HOME! MD-When people tell me thatparasites are their http://serenitystreetnews.info/SerenityStreetNew problem, I always know that they are not in sDec2011.htm good health. The reason is that parasites only thrive in a toxic and nutritionally deficient body. If we can detoxify and renourish the AFN-SHAWN ATLEO- DO YOU body properly, which takes several years or SERVE your PE more, most parasitic infections, including OPLE or Lyme disease, will diminish in intensity to the point that it will not cause problems. the LIZARD Eventually, it will go away completely. QUEEN? attawap iskat http://serenitystre CONVERTING A TRADITIONAL OR etnews.info/attawapis FAR INFRARED SAUNA TO A NEAR kat.htm INFRARED LAMP SAUNA http://www.drlwilson.com/Articles/sauna_therapy.ht Attawapiskat Youth Forum m#converting // http://drlwilson.com/SAUNAS/SAUNA %20CONVERSION.htm Shannen Koostachin // ATTAWAPISKAT HEALING WITH SINGLE HOUSING-CRISIS FREQUENCY LIGHT by: Olszewski, David, E.E., I.E. DEC 1, 2011 - Statement by Attawapiskat Chief and Council Hira Ratan on notice of Third Party http://solarhealing.com/ HRM has literally Manek intervention - subsisted, and lived off of the sun’s ATTAWAPISKAT, . energy since June 18th, 1995 ON, On November 30, That is right, he has not eaten solid food in 2011, an official acting on 12 years. He has been studied by various behalf of Joanne Wilkinson, researchers, such as the Thomas Jefferson Regional Director General University, and the University of for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Chief Spence also expressed concern about Development Canada hand delivered to Chief comments recently made in the House of Theresa Spence, a letter indicating that the Department was exercising its authority under Commons, regarding the funding levels the terms of the signed funding agreement with claimed to be received by the Attawapiskat First Nation. Based on an analysis of the the First Nation to appoint a “Third Party funding received by the First Nation, from the Manager” to handle the affairs of Department the amount received by the First the First Nation citing Nation is in the range of $10,000.00, per capita on an annual basis for each on Reserve the health and safety of member, not the $50,000 as stated in the House the community members. This and media. We have tabulated figures from 2005 rationale is mere political deflection as the to 2011that clearly indicates the funding received conditions cited by the Department is well below poverty line in Ontario. Housing are present in numerous other and minor capital is a mere 6.5% ($6M over 6 years) of the $94M received over the 6 year First Nations communities, and this period. The funding received by the First Nation rational has been used by the Department is not distributed to on Reserve members as to silence us when we brought these individuals. It is used to provide specific services, and programs for the benefit and use conditions to the attention of Canadian of on Reserve members. This is based on society. statistics maintained by the Indian Registry maintained by Aboriginal Affairs and There are examples across Canada where Third Northern Development Canada. Party Managers are allowing similar The First Nation has completed all of the conditions to exist while offering little or no necessary reporting requirements of the aide to their appointed First Nation Department, including receiving unqualified communities. annual audits for the funds received from the The communication of the decision to appoint a Department for the past six years. All of these modern day Indian Agent was done by a have been reviewed, and have been accepted by Departmental official who interrupted a planning Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development meeting of the communities’ emergency Canada. If the Government of Canada wishes to planning team, who were in the midst of re-examine the audits previously accepted by the implementing a strategy to assist the people Department, the First Nation will welcome, and living in tent frames and shacks. Chief Spence cooperate fully with the exercise, and the true upon receiving the notification was incensed by costs to operate in a remote, northern environment will be quantified. actions of Aboriginal Affairs Canada, not only by interrupting a meeting of The taxpayers of Ontario and Canada should the communities’ emergency team, but also by be made aware that the majority of the $94M the cited reasons for the imposition of an received to support the Attawapiskat First Indian Nation over that past six years from Aboriginal Affairs does not remain or Agent. Chief Spence expressed surprise circulate in our community. that after over a month of inaction, The majority of these fundsgo the Harper government has elected to support the greater to blame the poorest of Canadian economy of Northern society rather than to offer assistance. Chief Ontario and Canada for goods, Spence said “It is incredible that the Harper materials, Government’s decision is that instead of offering aide and assistance to Canada’s First Peoples, services, their solution is to blame the victim, and that the community is guilty, and deserving of their fate.” contractors, legal Prime Minister Harper has advice andauditing services to mention forgone another opportunity to a few, which in turn support urban northern build upon the good will communities such as Timmins, Sudbury, Sault Ste Marie, Thunder Bay, North Bay, Toronto, developed from Canada’s National Kenora and Winnipeg to name a few. The Apology for the abuses of majority of these firms are non Aboriginal tax- the residential school system, payers. a once in a generation opportunity.

These are the very issues facing the community of Attawapiskat, and many other First Nation Governments of the past communities in Canada’s hinterland. respected our Peoples by negotiating and honouri Chief Spence has said. “On our traditional ng Treaty lands, that we once shared in the past with thevisitors to our land, our lands, have proven Agreements, this to be bountiful in natural resources, and have government does not have the been a benefit to all of Ontario, and Canada, same perspective. The United but we were left behind. In our territory, Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples, of which we have a world class diamond mine, the pride Canada is a signatory, outlines of the Canadian, and Ontario governments, as the obligations to maintain, and well as De Beers Canada. They have every right ensure the position of my people. My First to be proud of that mine, but each party has Nation has received generous support from the failed to acknowledge the First Nation peoples Canadian public, and many corporate sponsors who continue to use the land as our who wish to address the concerns of my grandparents did.” While they reap the community, for which we are grateful. We have riches, my people shiver in cold reached out to other First Nations in Ontario, and shacks, and are becoming increasing Canada, who share our concerns about the broken promises of Treaties, and lack of resource ill, while precious diamonds from sharing for the wealth taken from our traditional my land grace the Homelands. The era of not listening to fingers, and necklaces of Hollywood the concerns of our people is at an end. celebrities, and the mace of the This is the beginning..... For additional Ontario Legislature. information contact Chief Theresa Spence 705- [email protected] My people deserve dignity, humane living conditions, for that our http://www.attawapiskat.org/wp- community asked for the assistance from my content/uploads/Press-Release-Afn-Third-Party- fellow citizens, for our simple request Intervention-Nov-30-2011.pdf for human dignity, the government’s decision was SATURNday 12 03 2012- SATURN- to impose a colonial Indian SHILLS-ORBS AND LASERS SAT Agent.Minister John URNSHILL Duncan has missed an opportunity to alter SORBSLAS the relationships with First Nations across this ERS http://sere country, and to renew the positive values of nitystreetnews.inf o/SATURNSHIL being a member of Canadian society. LSORBSLASER S.htm POINT your LASERS LIGHTS in FROM DIRTY OIL the SKY. ALL of US. NOW! It POLITICIANS and SIoNist will deactivate the ORBS. BANKERS solunasongs http://serenitystreetn ews.info/solunasongs.htm LED LIGHTS DUMP all $$$ assets and invest in HEAL- lasers + quartz your unborn CHILDREN. crystals. Lasers deactivate State of Emergency in microchips,also diffe Attawapiskat By Wes rent light colours ( Prankard http://northernstarfish.org/state-of-emergency-in- BLUE)are excellent attawapiskat/ healers. Pass the light thru a “Attawapiskat being compared QUARTZ crystal until it disperses to Haiti except it’s 40 degrees out. Shine this light on colder” Warm blankets, Parkas, your PALMS orFEET for accuLITE boots, heaters, flour, rice, non healing. Also LITE areas where there is CANCER or DISEASE. UV LIGHT + Water = perishable food items NEEDED. SUPER OXYGEN WATER or AIR. (infrared light kills parasites too). -This year I want to do it Orb Talk, Shill No1, More Orb BIG. I’m thinking Talk, and Hope.- Let's Blow The maybe I can Lid Off The "Man Made get kids camping out Awakers" Reality!- Orb right across Wasps and Dragonfly things and few Bird Canada. See Mimics. Also other very strange things. All , I can raise moving at lightning speeds! There are dozens maybe $5,000 on my own, but if I can get of amazing stopframes here if you are even 100 kidsdoing the same thing; thats half a quick. "There are many who call themselves million dollars to help Attawapiskat. The same awake here, but much few "Seers" of the True amount the government has just promised to help Reality. Yet. They will soon. Check out7:53 7:54!!!!! And 8:48!!!!! They are getting really fix some of the homes. How close. awesome would it be if a bunch of kids were able to do more than the government?

ALIEN ORB ALERT- CANADA The Dream of A Playground For playlist Attawapiskat Realized! - After a long year of campaigning, fundraising, scratching and clawing, Wes’s dream of a playground in every remote northern community has begun to be realized. http://northernstarfish.org/

FRIAday- 12 02 2012- FREE us after he withdrew from smoke-filled garage (no flames) narrowly escaping instant death! 911 phones had already failed. -The auto shown was in a closed garage with no entrance except by climbing over a fence. Flames could escape only at the front later on where there were no phone lines near the flames until well after the explosion. Did the arsonist know that I would be attending my uncle’s funeral 80 miles away just before the fire and THORSday DECember12 01 2012 - Mary would be exhuasted in deep sleep? Christ Mass Why did the fire -EVERYONE- WORLD occur at the same WAMPUM HERE WE COME! time that the McGuinty adonai el shaddai solluna songs government c ancelled the Mega- Quarry clearance BROADVIEW NEWS- Grass for a 2 year environmental study being Roots Survival Victor P Fletcher protested repeatedly? Did an anti-Mega-Quarry protester Vol. 13 5 Oct Nov 2011 get his barn burned for a similar reason last week? Detective White needs We Subsidize Homeless, sophistication in her training. Why should Handicapped, Torontonians take it for granted that car fires Underemployed and Dying. are ignited by cigarette tsnewsoctnov2011.htm http://serenitystreetnew butts and phone lines may stop s.info/tsnewsoctnov2011.htm working for no particular reason at the same time? Is it possible to take it BROADVIEW NEWS // for granted that no city service can be relied Grass Roots upon for professional expertise? Perhaps we Survival Victor P should not have called 911 at all from another Fletcher- Oct., 2011 Vol. address and let things burn away. Why 13, #5 13th year bother to report anything? The house almost burnt as well as the loudly roaring explosive flames came out 7 feet horizontally Linda Louise Wright Pickton threatening the house for 24 seconds. More Clan & The Guild Socialist positively, the Fire Marshal’s office Ensemble Recorded Live did pay attention to our plight and spent serious time investigating. Street police (not the detective) who attended also asked us questions requiring descriptive answers and were told that the phone lines were cut. The private Pg 1 - Police insurance engineer who investigated was claim arsonist set explosive fire at thorough as well and concluded it was necessary to also acquire a protest sign against the 4 am with cigarette butt! quarry since that the mega-qarry is near the Why were phone lines cut before flames investigator’s home in Mono Mills north of appeared outside of closed concrete Toronto. building.? Editor’s car exploded 30 seconds Our NDACT. com sign on the garage survived depressants may themselves the arson attack intact but scorched. cause mental disturbances. PerhapsDetective White should read a newspaper to know what goes on in Man with hammer (not connected with protests) at Commerce Ct. Sat. Oct. 15 luckily her community’s corporations and escaped police shooting. Media tried to connect the U.S. and Israeli possibility of his arrest with peaceful Occupy needs for massive clean Ontario Toronto protesters. quarry water supplies since Ex-Illuminati Interviewed by the Mega-Quarry will have a Henry Makow pt 2 railroad link to international lake access export ports in Owen Sound and Toronto. The Shelburne mega-quarry’s pg 2- NWO Agent mayor announced that the Mega Quarry is his Harper attacks biggest customer so he cannot comment on the dangers of the quarry water theft to medical foreigners. 300 copies of Bob Rae- marijuana - As you well know, S-10 Levine scandals issue were burnt proposed mandatory minimum before mailing. I do not believe police sentences for growing even a few conclusions when my life has been threatened. - marijuana plants, making any amount of VPF cookies or hash, and contains no exceptions for medical pg 1- Family devastated, household marijuana.We must continue our fight terrorized as police kill woman in against this horrific and deadly legislation. In this, we will have both the NDP and the front of house, then traumatize Liberals on our side. While the Conservatives tenant in bed by pointing gun in his do have a majority, we can delay and fight this face & showing pepper spray & bill in many ways. So, stay tuned, stay strong, and let’s defeat these mandatory minimum tasers . sentences for the fourth time. WhyProhibition.ca “I had a premonition that I would - Why is this person being given be murdered.” Victim of police shooting an easy grilling? Toronto Street at Cummer & Yonge who receved psychic News has reason to question this visions, who was then drugged with appointment- unilingual JUDGE was anti- chosen, although there were other qualified depressants bilingual judges who were and who could have been appointed,” Mr. Grammond said. “I believe . Toronto that understanding French is part of poets & the competence requirement, rather than being others fear in opposition to competence.” police HENRY MAKOW's shootings ILLUMINATI 2- SATANISM, because of SOCIAL ENGINEERING, their HIDDEN HISTORY “...We aspire to corrupt in order to govern... We have taken from propensity the people all the gods of heaven and for unique insights on life. Anti- earth...their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family virtues...”http://www.cruelhoax.ca/#top Rothschild banks in Canada where pg3- Iceland Banksters Targeted as the total debt is now more than $666 billion. “the people” Refuse a ------‘Rescue’; Canadian banks rescued “When a government is dependent with $74.3 billion of taxpayers upon bankers for money, they and not the money - Reject the fraudulent leaders of the government control the idea that debts perpetrated by capitalist situation, since the hand that gives is leaders should be borne by “the people” Arrest and convict capitalist above the hand that takes...Money has no leaders who commit political and economic motherland;financiers are crimes. without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” - Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815 - China Liquidating U.S. Treasuries, Buying Red Elk Bible Code Part 1 Corporations instead. COINTELPRO pg 4- Jack Layton knew the truth ALTERNATIVE about Canada’s ability to start MEDIA issuing its SATANISTS own DEMONIZE the T money once RUE HOLY again from TEMPLARS . the Bank of The Cistercians -Saint Bernard of Canada. Inst Clairvaux 1090-1153 - In all history no ead, we pay other man so dominated his $170 million daiiy in interest times and influenced its people. He payments. Not even all politicians prophesied, cast out devils, worked miracles, wrote books, destroyed heresy, single- know this basic truth. handedly healed a schism, launched a Instead, private banks charge the crusade, established the Templars, advised taxpayers interest needlesslly for popes, guided councils (6), ended a pogrom, accomplished every mission given Canada’s infrasstructure which used him--yet was always sickly,took no joy in the to be paid for by the Bank of Canada. world or pride in his successes, and ever longed to return to his cell. http://www.osb.org/cist/bern.html ; http://www.osb.org/cis -In 1974 Trudeau and Chretien t/index.html ; http://www.catholicshopper.com/products/saintboo wrecked Canada’s ks.html economy by stopping the taxpayer owned Bank of Canada from issuing its own government monies and insteadbegan to Mark Dahiya, law reformer on borrow from private banks. Total debt at the behalf of Toronto’s time was $66 billion. Today, Canadians homeless working to provide pro bono pay $170 service by lawyers to Metro’s homeless. Mark’s daily in activism within the Law Society successfully changed interest to Law Society policy towards the homeless who need help in establishing out! Instead of creating 50,000 new jobs as identification papers, and in a basic approach to McGuinty promised, solar panel their rights in a system that is frequently denied manufacturers are idle and laying people them by bureaucratic government procedures. off. Less than 20,000 jobs were created. Too turgid to explain here Mark was able to work behind the scenes to free up lawyers to provide legal services without charge when they US Inc. Military Veterans Being so choose.Toronto Street News attended the Called Back To Service for the Trinitiy Church behind the Eaton’s Centre where Corporation. 300 lawyers attended.

pg 5- pg 10- NJ cop who arrested Mossad 911 pg 6- HARPER TRAITOR photographers assigned to record the towers being struck breaks silence! The 5 WATCH PAGE- New World bragged about it on Israeli TV.How did they Order Agent Harper- Yahoos who know 911 was going to happen? If They didn’t elect our prime minister::- aid in the murders themselves? Harper’s Israeli allies suffer as Netanyahoo’s anti-democratic Women at the Jewish settlement gov. suffers protest of 500,000 of Pnei Kedem practise firing demanding justice pistols and high-powered rifles- While diplomats haggle , deadly pg 7- Rumsfeld tensions mount ; “Their ultimate stripped of immunity from torture goal is to drive us from our land,” charges; Obama protects him. he said. The UK Guardian reports:“Guards at Bagram “Defending the routinely kneed prisoners in their thighs — a land is a holy blow called a ‘peroneal strike’… Whenever a guard did this to Dilawar, he would cry out, task. If we let ‘Allah! Allah!’ Some guards apparently found them succeed, this amusing, and would strike him repeatedly to they will take show off the behavior to buddies. One military policeman told investigators, ‘Everybody heard more and him cry out and thought it was funny. … It went more.” on over a 24-hour period, and I would think that it was over 100 strikes.’ Dilawar was shackled from the ceiling much of pg 11 - Dear SPRINGEAGLE the time, with his feet barely able to touch the pg 12- Local MP & CSIS agent Bob ground. On the last day of his life, after 4 days Rae-Levine was chanted out of the park as at Bagram, an interpreter who was present said he is known as part of the 1% problem since he his legs were bouncing uncontrollably as he sat tried to sell Ontario’s taxpayer-owned Ontario in a plastic chair. He had been chained by the wrists to the top of his cell for much of the Hydro to Enron fraudsters, etc., etc.. previous four days. pg 8- We Are The Caretakers For The Creator -Angel Femia GRASS ROOTS- pg 9- McGuinty’s ‘Green’ jobs are The HOLISTIC losing jobs, jobs, not creating them.- Solar and Wind Power are not working MAGAZINE - Oct/Nov. Vol. 1, recommended buying water shares in August. Harper’s MP Chong assistant told us we should #5, 2011 give the water to the U.S. for “humanitarian” reasons instead of selling it. GRASSROOTS SURVIVAL.info pg 4- Breaking the Wind Turbine - Read It Now! Municipal Councils & ‘Alternative’ Energy frauds given pg 1- Native Ceremony to Save advice by David Robinson - Shelburne Mega-Quarry Waters From Foreign kids play within 550 meters instead Theft - underground limestone going to of health required “setback” from electric turbine. Europeans require more than one the U.S. and China will not be mile space for a safe setback from available to Canadians. demonstrated disturbances in humans. Animals Ultimately, the quarry that will be formed will are also affected -- birds killed, bats dying from air pressure on their lungs as the 75 foot blades result in that will be fresh water shipped move. Blades also toss ice in winter time to the United while real estate values decrease a s reported by States and Israel. Nativesand farme real estate rs shown here also protested Dump Site firms in 41 wherein the McGuinty government tried to organize the theft of the purest water there.

Toronto Street News.info Features Site 41 Dump Site Shelburne area protests and arrests occurred August 2009 pg 5- Stop The Lies! ‘ Green’ energy costs ! Recently, a so-called reporter pg 2-As winter’s dark days loom, stated real estate values soar with Vitamin D supplement experts a wind farm on land! In explain why we still need a daily reality Real Estate Prices drop ! dose of sun; Ask Melancthon’s ill farmers ! Green Energy pg 3- Banning Health - NWO Agent 40% higher cost! McGuinty Harper joins FDA to ban all Fraud! Also Without promised nutritional & supplemental Jobs! ; Routine Radiation spikes in ingredients ; Tokyo;

Mexico’s newest export to US pg 6- Kanekota Native may be water while Canada’s Update: Notice To Councillor ; When we resources are targeted at Mega- remove the masks most people will be aghast to find many of their former and current ministers Quarry - Water in Canada is currently are the actual shareholders of the Highland targeted for theft at the Group Mega-Quarry above Toronto. CitiBank also Those ‘Wonderful’ Efficient Light Counselling, Sliding Scale Donation Bulbs? 416-406-0099

pg 7-What the Toronto Studies In Propaganda with Ms. Star/NOW mag won’t Sydney White - Mondays 6 to 8 pm; For tell you:: Citizens’ Lecture Hall 416-787-0592 The Free University Testing Finds 20 Hot of Toronto, St. George Campus Spots Around Tokyo ; Aspartame: Usury Free Legal Poisoning Serenity Global Torontonians The Deathly Icing on Cooperative the Cake: Revealing the Cancerous Join us Truth About Aspartame; in a New Pa ra d i gm of Univers pg 8 - 27 Years: No Deaths from al Vitamins, 3 Million From Oneness, Sere Prescription Drug ; nity and Prosp erity for All. We can’t find Social & We are Environmental Responsibility At a Network of the Toronto Star!! - Canada’s native People with community is credited with being Integrity and better saviours of our lands OPEN hearts, READY to than whites. 2nd war veteran Wallace create a BETTER WORLD (Braveheart name) told us at his farm rally for seven generations to to save the water from the proposed Mega- come. Quarry that natives appear to be We Subsidize Homeless, doing a better job as he poked the ground with his cane.These flags were raised at the time of the water ceremony created by natives and supported by local farmers.Toronto Star fails to report on these activities as well as so=called “alternate media

Handicapped, CanadaStreetNews 2009 to Underemployed and Dying. 2010 pt 1 BROADVIEW NEWS // Grass Roots Survival Victor P Fletcher- Editor LoveCry’s Healing Cafe- Stress 145 Broadview Ave Toronto, Ontario, M4M 2E9 Management, Healing Work, Body, 647 - 346-2797 Mind and Soul, Anger Management, (voicemail), [email protected] Yoga, Spiritual and Psychological http://www.grassrootssurvival. info WARNING- your cell phones, http://www.BroadviewStreetNe cars and planes can explode on ws.info demand. ILLUMINATI owns all the TOYS, theBOMBS and // TSNEWS 02 2011 V 12 I the HAARPer 13 // TSNEWS 03 2011 V 12 I WEATHER WAR 14 // TSNEWS 04 2011 V 12 I MACHINE. PROT 15 // TSNEWS 05 2011 V 12 I ECT 16 // TSNEWS 06 2011 V 12 I YOURSELVES org 17// BLACK POPE pdf onemasters

%%%%%%%%%%%% Harper pulls out of %55555555555555555555555555%%%%% Kyoto http://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2011/11/harper- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pulls-out-of-kyoto.html / http://progressiverambler.blogspot.com/ %%%55555555555555555555555555%%% 2011/06/harper-rejects-kyoto-protocol-extension.html // http://w %%%%%% ww.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2007/01/30/harper-kyoto.html //

Mysterious Alberta explosion kills MOONday 11 28 2011= 7 SUN HAIL young mother- 23-year-old woman HAaRPER in CHARGE! hailhaarper ht was killed and another woman was tp://serenitystreetnews.info/hailhaarper.htm injured when an explosion rocked a housing complex in central Alberta Friday. Innisfail RCMP said that a package

arrived at the home by delivery shortly before the ( GLOBAL $$$ blast, but officers did not BANKSTERS in WASHINGTON. ALL in a TSUNAMI ROW) link the package to the blast. ( nothing better to do but watch this woman's building? Was she sueing and HAaRPER! RESIGN SURRE someone? INSURANCE? Someone try and kill NDER YOURSELF to her in a CAR ACCIDENT. WHO IS THIS the NEAREST FEMA WOMAN. WHAT IS HER STORY? RCMP FACILITY cannot be trusted. ) Sgt. Webb said where you will the package was delivered by beMICROC hand. HIPPED and PARACHU The deceased woman was identified by TED into LI friends and congrega BYA for PR nts of a OJECT community CLEAN UP church as Vicky YOUR Shachtay, a young mother MESS! NAMASTE who was paralyzed by an earlier automobile accident. Shachtay's aide, who was also injured in the blast, had been working at the home at the time of the NesaRA WARNING // OLEE explosion. Police are currently probing the cause of the blast, and an autopsy is set for next H20 // cramnote // doc // pdf // EA rth PAR t week in Calgary. Nearby residents of three other y cards //Study to units were evacuated by officers Friday morning, Succeed // PROPHECYKEEPER // but police said that most of the damage occurred CURRENCY= FLOW of inside one suite. RCMP officers also ENERGY on LAND, AIR and blockaded the surrounding neighbourhood, which is close Innisfail's junior and senior high WATER. ENERGY = schools. Innisfail is about 100 kilometres north PEOPLE....NOT DIRTY OIL! of UNIONS, SCHOOL BOARDS, Calgary.http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20111125/w oman-dies-in-alberta-townhouse-blast-111125/#ixzz1f1rvJlAT POLITICS, COURTS, all SYSTEMS ( SEWERS) of SATAN TSNEWS V are a HOUSE of CARDS, based on 13 Victor MONEY that DOES NOT EXIST. Fletcher's cell SOLUTION is YOU, ME and WE in phone also the EGGonomy. (I spammed the red cross EXPLOD today. STOP WHINING and FIX It...we are ED on bored over here. LETs go! ALL of us! demand. LOTS of MILITARY BLACK HELICOPTERS STOP TALKING. ACTION CHASING HIM and ONLY. Get off your (singing allowed) alsoHOLOGRAPHIC BUTTS! MINIVANS and driverless cars. COPS are trying SUNday 11 27 2011= 11 -11-11 = 6 to HIDE their DIRTY DEEDS. WOW....powerful occult number Helicopter crash near Kitchener, day...be careful. ALTERNATIVE MEDIA is missing the real Ont., kills 1. 11:30 am. MYSTERY- story. powerlesswitch http://serenitystreetnews. SABOTAGE- info/powerlesswitch.htm TERRORISM. The aircraft was from Great Lakes Helicopter, a private flight- LOSE the racism. ALL training and charter company based at the airport. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2011/11/ COLOURs are MISLED. WHITE 28/cambridge-helicopter-crash.html?cmp=rss WITCH DEACTIVATEs BLACK WITCH with WHITE LIGHT. OUTTING HAaRPER TERRORIZES YOU ( spamming the christian ladies today) CANADA with WEATHER WEAPONS and DNA NUKE ALERT for EGYPT! DESTROYERS as usual. (yawn) PUTIN put in CHARGE in RUSSIA again. DEVILS are moving quickly! $ Veil_of_Invisibility // WARNING // True $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Geostrategics & Astrostrategics // 666 MICHAEL NOEL PRESCOTT 666 and TRINITY have HITTING EUROPE AND THE EAST stolen ILLUMINATREEE's aquam COAST OF AMERICA,ICELAN arine crystals that power the MIDDLE D KATLA, AFRICA EARTH DRAGONIANs, so prepare HIERO, & GREECE(5) ARE SET for EAST COAST TO BLOW ANY DAY NOW IN tsunamis and ATLANTIS THE NEXT TWO OR THREE WEEKS, EVEN WITHIN DAYS!!! THE RISING. http://www.youtube.com/user/sang railian1 VOLCANOS WILL BRING 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS. http://earthalerts.manyjourne PAID OCCUPY ys.com/web/ GATEKEEPERS will stock FEMA CAMPS with HUMAN http://8thfire.info/2011/11/26/wake-up-get- MEAT, and UFOs for ready-tell-your-brother-your-sister-your-friend- children-of-god-one-love-need-to-unite-this-is-a- a BENNY HINN RAPTURE. godless-satanic-plot-we-are-trapped-in-now/

OCCULT RITUAL -on Thanksgiving- ARAB AFRICAN OBAMA blessing 2 Daniel 9:11 - All Israel has turkeys (was passed the SPEAR of transgressed your law and turned DESTINY). PREPARE for away, refusing to obey you. "Therefore an ALLAH BLOOD BATH the curses and sworn RITUAL! judgments written in the Law of , the servant of God, have been The Time of Separation and Differ poured out on us, because we have ences in Dimensions http://stevebeckow.com/w sinned against you. orld-disclosure-day/the-time-of-separation-or-separation-of- worlds/the-time-of-separation-and-differences-in-dimensions/ SATANIC http://www.scribd.com/doc/73417992/DANA-I- HAVE-CONTACTED-JORDAN-MAXWELL- DAVID-ICKE-JEFF-RENSE-TSARION- SHRINER-and-that-whole-BAND-of- ALTERNATIVE-MEDIA-American-Freedom- RADIO-PH

SATURNday 11 26 2011- 11-10- SUPERPLOT EXPOSED... 11= 5 sacredgematria http://serenitystreetnews. info/sacredgeomatria.htm Sacred Gematria Update OCT 19, 2011 GEO-THERMIC WARFARE (HAARP) IS BEING WAGED UNDERGROUND TO ACTIVATE 3 VOLCANOS Sacred gematria, Jewish SIMULTANEOUSLY CAUSING and English reveals that there is ANATLANTIC AND MEDITERRANEAN a superplot by Satan to capture us TSUMANI TIDAL WAVE in a godless culture. Satan.s fingerprints are all over our history, as these readings are interpreted by gematrix.org... I I have preliminary evidence involving secret gematria exposing their fingerprints. There are see time travelers fingerprints on too many events in space, military and society our history, I see them in our news as nypd to believe their stories. officers pepper spraying girls in a setup to spark OWS. We WE ARE BEING SEUP FOR FALSE FLAGS THEN IT WILL are being manipulated on a sub- HAPPEN. cortex fear/emotional level. Recent news stories about escaping animals WE MUST ORGANIZE AND P (Noahs ark), Chinese van running REPARE AND TR over baby, son dying in car Y AND OVERT crash, falling debris from sky, are THIS GLOBAL DISASTER BY meant to activate fear cortex AWAKENING triggers. 9/11 is one, began long ago EVERYBODY. in South Africa, killing Steve Biko, then toJamaica, killing Peter Russian-nazi Tosh in 1987. My BEINGS have setup elaborate infilitrators interpretations do not show a key, a in all of our society. They are sending up SOYUZ rockets like crazy now. A secret way out for 'us', space war is going on now. Occupy Wall except, is believers, Matthew 27:52 Street and the Arab Spring are being what comes to me ... this'secret' war of instigated and sparked and controlled Satan forces rising, has to be through front organizations in Madrid Spain. They are fronts. NASA and all our govt is fought with the infiltrated. (NYPD office who pepper spayed the Saints and ArchAngels. Occupy wall st girls is an example)

The SuperPlot involves almost They are using secret knowledge about sacred geometry and new everything.It is time to look secret knowledge about black inside, into your heart, covert NLP to keep us MALKUTH MURCHAN, fooled, sheeple, joking and hoping, while they lead us in repetition to the slaughter. SATANIC SUPERPLOT ABOUT WAKE UP! GET READY! TELL TO BE SPRUNG BY SECRET YOUR BROTHER, YOUR RUSSIAN-NASA-NAZI SISTER, YOUR FRIEND, INFILTRATORS LED CHILDREN OF GOD, ONE LOVE, NEED TO UNITE. THIS CALL TO IS A GODLESS SATANIC PLOT ARMS **** SATANIC WE ARE TRAPPED IN NOW! SUPERPLOT ABOUT TO BE SPRUNG BY SECRET RUSSIAN-NASA-NAZI FRIA day 11 25 2 011 - 11- 9 - 11 = INFILTRATORS LED BY 4 FREE the DIVINE SATAN PUTIN. FEMININE in ALL HUMANITY. OPEN your Health MINISTER wants to TACKLE OBESITY??? Have schools grow their OWN HEARTS to UNCONDITIONAL ORGANIC FOOD/PRODUCTS, market LOVE. (Gate keepers =FALSE LOVE= them locally andglobally on community TIME BEWARE) or WORLD WAMPUM. NAZI DOCTOR- WAKEY WAKEY TIME LEONA. DON'T friafeminine http://serenitystreetnews.info/friafeminine.htm ENSLAVE the CHILDREN AGAIN. Last year it was the VERICHIPed FLU SHOT POISON PUSH. SHAME on you! CTV- your NEWS is ALWAYS cutting out on WASICHU! http://www.facebook.c the NEW ZOMBIE DIGITAL CABLE om/pages/Leona- NETWORKs. Aglukkaq/338714247581?sk=wall

$500, 000 blown on HARPE 666999$$$xxx R LIBYA

SLAUGHTER ATTN - Rex Murphy CTV- CELEBRATION televised for mocking NYCOLE TURMEL will DRIVE her to her HIGHER GROUND. (MEEGWETCH, Canadian wage slaves on BELLial MERCI. KEEP up the BRA BURNING in U owned CBC. NITED aMERIca SSSSSSS! I AM PROUD of you) DID you USE HOPE you PRODES on TOOK your $$ the COMMANDERs, like you did $ out of with GADHAFI, LIBYAN the SATANIC STOCK WOMEN and CHILDREN when MARKET. D you RAPED and MURDERED THEM....IN THE Pat Martin NAME OF Twitter Tirade : Tweet Ends Brief Era FREEDOM and DE Of Parliamentary Civility - referred MONcracy? to Conservative procedural tactics as a "(expletive) disgrace" and "jackboot (expletive)." ( It's coming out of your paycheck boys, not mine! You'll be working it off in LIBYA) http://www.vancouversun.com/news/canada-in- afghanistan/Harper+calls+Canadian+Forces+best+world+Libya+ tribute/5760894/story.html


Leona Aglukkaq - WHO Pat Martin merely put the conceit of Sacred Mysteries Divine Feminine parliamentary decorum out of its misery. The New Democrat was reacting to 2012 the majority government's repeated use of closure to curtail debate on major pieces of legislation by Canada's elected Thursday ("Thor's day")- In Norse representatives, a tactic that's become so mythology, Thor is a hammer-wielding common it is no longer considered god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, newsworthy. New Democrats were also oak trees, strength, theprotection of mankind, smarting over comments by Environment and also hallowing, healing, and fertility. Minister Peter Kent, who called the NDP Thor’s hammer is often understood as "treacherous" — essentially treasonous — an axe, which, being thrown, comes back like a for travelling to Washington this week to boomerang. lobby against the Keystone pipeline. THORsday 11 24 2 011 -11- 8- NDP Leader Nycole 11 aMERIka the DECEIVED! LOS Turmel, meanwhile, opened E the $$$ and be FREE again. Thursday's question period with this decorous question: "Why http://8thfire.info/2011/11/23/obamination- is the out-of-touch names-whitehouse-turkeys-peace-and-liberty- this-muslim-mocks-amerika-lose-washington-as- prime minister forcing your-roman-pimp/ Canadians to play retirement roulette on the tumbling TSX?" - OBAMiNATION NAMES WHITEHOUSE Actually, before Turmel even started the QP TURKEYs- PEACE and LIBERTY. slagfest, Tory backbencher Rob Clark had this MUSLIM MOCKS committed the parliamentary equivalent of aMERIKa. LOSE WASHINGTON as passing gas in a crowded elevator when he used yourROMAN PIMP! his — ostensibly non-partisan — "SO-31" statement to carpet bomb the official Opposition. "Undermining the economy and attacking CIA/FBI WIKIPEDIA Canadian jobs are yet more worrying PEDOPHILIA AND PROPAGAN examples that the ineffective, disunited NDP is unfit to ...," Clark read from his pre- DA RING EXPOSED -by approved script before being cut off by the Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard G. Speaker. Speaker Andrew Sheer, incidentally, Horowitz http://www.bbsradio.com/cgi- reprimanded an MP earlier this week for bin/webbbs/webbbs_config.pl?md=read;id=9372 referring to a counterpart as "stupid." Suitably chastened, NDP and Conservative MPs To effectively extend counter-intelligence and adjusted their rhetoric accordingly during their PSYOPs (i.e., psychological operations), Thursday's question period. They needled one frightening another with remedial reading truths are mixed suggestions: "Economics for with lies by Dummies," "Buying Jets for these agent- Dummies," and "Democracy for provocateurs t o Dummies." Against these schoolyard underminesoci taunts, Pat Martin's cussed crie de coeur al and seemed almost political poetic. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2011/11/17 activism. /pat-martin-twitter-swearing_n_1100533.html Another common denominator among these operatives is their Church of Satan associations. Activists protesting multi-national actively engaged. http://www.bbsradio.com/cgi- corporations, and their criminal control over bin/webbbs/webbbs_config.pl?md=read;id=9372 politics and economics, are considered "subversives" to their COINTELPRO. This Edward Harle/Chistopher Story's operation is reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO, used to "expose, disrupt, Murder - Edward Harle, pen misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" name Christopher Story, was killed July 14, the activities of activists and their organized 2010, according to reports. This movements, Proof of criminal operations followed Harle's correct prediction of his surfaced involving CIA/FBI agent- assassination at the hands of: A) Benjamin provocateurs attempting to discredit Horowitz. These covert operators Fulford, a COINTELPRO include Greg Szymanski and Eric Jon Phelps-- operativeclosely connected to journalists allied with Timothy Patrick White, his Canadian/American counterpa "Dr. True Ott," Doug Millar, Xena Carpenter,and a few others. This group was rts--Phelps, White, and Szymanski; found consistently communicating their and B) advocacy for the famous FBI/CIA operative the "CIA/MI6/ Ted Gunderson, who is among the nation's Obama/Bush/ leading experts on pedophilia, satanic networks, and child-trafficking. Cheney" gang that includes all of the aforementioned Aquino's Church of Set, and several of the agents, most likely. suspects named herein, have a lengthy history Harle published of psychopathic/sociopathic indicators. Church Fulford's threat, and harshly criticized David of Set ideologies, satanic sacrifices, murders, Rockefeller, exposing his most profitable self-loathing, cross-dressing, child criminal practices. Fulford published his kidnapping. child trafficking, and sexual family's ties to the Rockefeller family, occult perversions, especially pedophila, are linked by theology, and before Harle's murder, his numerous internet articles to Aquino, contempt for Harle. Gunderson, their higher ups in the Bush- Cheney directed CIA. Harle worked for the British Monarchy (or MI6), according to evidence, but like Fulford, Thus, it is not surprising that pedophilia has Szymanski, Phelps and other COINTELPRO spilled over into Wikipedia, as reported to the operatives (e.g., Timothy Patrick White and "Dr. FBI earlier this year. True Ott"), he blamed wealthy Jesuits and Zionist/Jews for the world's problems. It should "Lifetouch Company"--the largest be noted that this is a relatively small publisher of school yearbooks in number of personnel that America. Their publications contain photos arecarrying out a highly-effective of most American children, a virtual menu for global COINTELPRO. At the time of this writing, these agents in the US, Canada, and Japan, have initiated a smear campaign against these authors, pedophiles and child traffickers. LifeTouch is Sherri Kaneand Dr. Leonard Horowitz, partnered with Target stores. Target provides the CIA/FBI with their national forensics lab. issuing from France. In this way, using these Data on missing and murdered children reported methods and murders, this small group to law enforcement is reportedly administered by of people discourage thousands of Target company "volunteers." Consequently, all political activists and reports and photos of missing children are their organizations. funneled through CIA/FBI sections with which Aquino/Gunderson are acquainted, if not Revelations about Harkins's murder came Jadczykhttp://www.sott.net/articles/show/124490-How-to- after Horowitz and Kane Spot-COINTELPRO-Agents discovered a plot to assassinate Horowitz advanced by these same agent- Alex Jones - provocateurs. Dr. Horowitz was the first COINTELPRO? Fascist researcher, worldwide, to indict the Tool? http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1210.0 David Rockefeller-directed, CIA- linked, PHARMA-media promoted, World Health COINTELPRO IN ACTION http://www.cassiopaea.com/archive/maynerd- most-scam.htm

Has the "Truth" movement been hijacked by cointelpro and psyops ? http://www.thehalsreport.com/2010/09/has-the- truth-movement-been-hijacked-by-cointelpro-and-psyops/ Organization (WHO) administered H1N1 fraud of 2009. The swine flu fright and faked ANTI COINTELPRO AND "pandemic" was linked to PHARMA-WHO manufactured H1N1s. The "pandemic" was DISINFORMATION - EXPOSIN promoted to sell vaccines and drugs. The G MASS MIND CONTROL PSYOPs is now preparing people for this year's IDEOLOGICAL threatening H1N1-H5N1 deadlier pandemic. VECTORING.. http://anti- cointelpro.blogspot.com/2006/06/jeff-rense-retains-lawyer- uses.html http://www.t-room.us/2010/08/edward-harle- The Truth About the Cassiopaean july-14-2010-aka-christopher-story-world- "Cult" http://cassiopaea- reports/ cult.com/category/cointelpro Christopher Story (Edward Harle) murdered, other journalists CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING targeted in new fascist COINTELPRO BUSTED by Sherri Kane & Dr. Leonard campaignhttp://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2010/08 /christopher-story-edward-harle-murdered-other-journalists- Horowitz // COINTELPRO targeted-in-new-fascist-campaign.html COMPROMISED: Sexual August 2010 Emails Between True Exploits of Jew-Hating American Ott, Sherri Kane, & Len Horowitz Terrorists That Got the War Started http://educate- yourself.org/cn/otthorokaneperfectstorm11jun11.shtml MERCREdi 11 23 2 011 -11-7-11= 11 WODONday MERCURY Jeff Rense Fraud or CoIntelpro- http://mayday.blogsome.com/2006/06/01/je ff-rense-fraud-or-cointelpro/ TURMEL'S ANTI- MARIJUANA-PROHIBITION How to Spot COINTELPRO LEGAL DEFENCE Agents by Laura Knight- KITS: http://johnturmel.com/turmelkits.htm? mid=525 YESHUA/ISU/EASU/ISA/Emma RED ROAD RIGHT nuel as ROAD not WHITE ROAD! a Reincarnation of VISHNU/Krish na http://www.near- Crashing my servers doesn't make death.com/experiences/origen047.html you right....just (NEW to GATEKEEPER shows WHO AGENDA)- Pretty YOU Much EVERYONE i WORK s awake except the NEW FOR. BYE AGE VATICAN BYE! I'veap FUNDED ocalypsed y ALTERNATIVE M our AGENDA! EDIA SHEEPLE who believe that UFO's in CALIFORNIA will save them. George Kavassilas, Fraud, Eisenhower, Laura Not Project SCAMALOT and magdalene, Project sCAMALOT the COSMIC GAIA GAMEr LAURA Jeff Rense, UFOs and EISENHOWER are LYING to the Government Propaganda you. Machine http://barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot .com/2011/07/jeff-rense-ufos-and- SO is HORUS from MARS- George government_02.html KAVASSILAS. NOT MY Occupy Wall SAVIOUR! GRECO ROMAN Street is COINTELPRO (Phony GEORGE use to SLAUGHTER Opposition) http://www.henrymakow.com/occupy_wal l_street_is_cointelp.html

MARdi 11 22 2011- 11- 6- 11 = 10 ATEN ATON NATO- dark god of WAR. MARs. MARDuk RA. RA SET rararasetDARKSTAR http://serenitystreetnews.info/rararasetdarkstar.htm

PROTECT YOURSELVES for what LIES CHRISTIANS. AHEAD- SAGE & CEDAR -smudges aways VATICAN FUNDED BADDIEs, SWEET DRACO...or KROLL? ASHTAR GRASS grabs GOOD GUYs. COMMAND are MURDERING VILE VAMPIRE God, Saguna DEVILS! BEWARE Brahman (personal form) is the transcendental form of Krishna - Kaballah is often manipulated by the fallen or Vishnu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahman ; angels (Malkuth- http://endofreligions.blogspot.com

Run Alex Run, Alex Jones, Going Against the Brave Men and Women of our Armed Forces! http://freedomfighterradio.net/

Cindy Sheehan who is part of United We Strike campaign as a speaker. Pictured with Communist Dictator Hugo Chavez!

http://freedomfighterradio.net/2011/03/12/bewar SANAT/SATAN/MOLOCH/ MARDUk and e-united-we-strike/ SIN faction. Shamballah 4d dragonians. They taught VAMPIRE BLACK MAJICK and how MALKUTH: The Kingdom Of Matter to STEAL LIGHT.) ( Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, CHAOS, 3d) http://www.spirit-alembic.com/malkuth.html +Divine Light (Akasha) is primal Element (prima materia) which all remaining Initiation Into Divine Light Elements origin from. Divine Light is Manipulation - Qabbalistic CROSS for positive energy as opposed to negative SHEILDING yourself in a LIGHT PRISM ( RC dark energy called Death Essence by sign of cross is reversed. ) Necromancers. Light and Dark energy are mutually Q is proper (+Sacred Geometry) exclusive. To be more exact, Divine Light is .Qabbalistic CROSS . Hermetic & where is no Christian Qabbalah / Kabbalah Dark energy and Dark energy is where Light is missing.

-Dark energy can be banished either by extraction or by manipulation with Divine Light, .http://forums.vsociety.net/index.php?topic=18215.0;wap2 ; http://hermetic.com/osiris/nbrp.htm ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malkuth +Divine Light is always shining, but not humanity loses paradise, and falls into the all humans can see it. The concealment or earthly state of suffering represented by revelation of the Divine Light shining through Malkuth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daat_%28Kabbalah %29 Daat ("unification"). does not actually happen in Daat itself. It only seems that way from the human LORD’s Answer with respect t o perspective within Malkuth. ALLAH SIN worship - (Habakkuk 2 (NIV). For the revelation will not prove false. The perception of change 15 “Woe to him who gives drink to his can only occur in Malkuth. neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin till they Humans who become are drunk, so that he can gaze self-giving like the Light become able to see on their naked bodies! 16 You it, and for them the benefits of Daat's Light will be filled with shame seem "revealed". However, humans who instead of glory. Now it is remain selfish cannot see it, and for them your turn! Drink and let your its benefits seem "hidden" nakedness be exposed ! The cup from the LORD’s right hand is coming around to you, Daat is considered the point of creation , and disgrace will cover your when the active principle of Chokmah, glory. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/? 'wisdom', ( knowledge which comes from search=Habakkuk+2&version=NIV without ), meets with the passive principle of Binah, 'understanding', and creates the End of Religions - Prediction of Demonic archetypal idea of 'knowledge'. These three Islam And Mahamada = are sometimes referred to as the "superconscious". Sophia is the Greek name Paisachyadharama (demoniac for the Goddess of religion). All man made religions will be Wisdom. If Baphomet destroyed by nature. Mahamada (Incarnation of Tripurasura the demon) = Dharmadushika is written with the Hebrew (Polluter of righteousness). letters b-p-v-m-t (skip http://endofreligions.blogspot.com/ most of the vowels and just write consonants, except that in Hebrew the Your Perps Are The Police, Fbi And vowel /o/ is usually spelled Cia Puppets with the letter v). This http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-Being-Gang- reverses to š-v-p-y-a, Stalked/1418296 Sophia. Voilà. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/archive/index.php/t- 666999$$$XXXKKK666666999$$ 305008.html $XXXKKK666666999$$ $XXXKKK666666999$$ However, this sephirot is often not shown on the $XXXKKK666666999$$$XXXKKK666 tree of life, and instead there is an empty space, straddling The Abyss. In fact, there are often two trees depicted, one which shows Daat but not Malkuth (the ThisIsNotAnonymous-I am a watchman kingdom), and the other on the wall, have been watchin, now I am telling which shows Malkuth but not Daat. These are considered as being before The Fall of Man, and after The Fall, in which the fruit of knowledge is taken from the tree, DISCLOSURE ...Satan superplot meant moore & kerry cassidy. gangstalking radio to separate children of god from their hosts & the dead pope john paul. DRAWNOWSATANYOURCHECKED.ORG by various means of and faith mindcontrol OHOME.YOURHOMEINSIDEHOLLOWE cosmic alters. I am a code breaker. I know ARTH. about 1119year and St Bernard. I know why DaVinci didn't telepathics.com - Your ultimate gateway to use any red telepathic information pigment in the second version of Madonna on the Rocks and why in this version he made the people MOONday 11 21 2011- 11-5-11- so falsely over- white. Black 9 DANGER LILITH is Madonna is true. headed for BERMUDA Our True TRIANGLE to RELEASE Eartlhly Rulers are Black Africans. My King, Our King, IS LEVIATHAN . lilithlevan http://serenitystreetnews.info/lilithlevan.htm BLACK. Search the words of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassi I at the United Nations Oct 1963. Listen to at least the last minutes where HE says we must look to the Creator, then deep CANCELLED within ourselves. No book, no ballot, no bullet... SUNday 11 20 2011 We don't need an election, WE NEED OUR I guess she LIED KING FORWARD!!! AGAIN about a PEACE TREATY. I know what you, SATAN, have done to woman http://serenitystreetnews.info/accountableage.htm over the years. http://www.scribd.com/doc/73292181/CANCEL LED-SUNday-11-20-2011-LILITH- I KNOW WOMAN have the POWER. I SANGRAILIAN-LIED-AGAIN-about-a- know we should communicate telepathically PEACE-TREATY and the alphabet sequential processing is abuse of sacred gematria. TREEE, IS THIS BENT CROSS, I know what how.you sacrificed the SAVIOUR? I THINK you have YOUR JESUS IS A RED done and are DRAGON. doing. I am an expert. I am the TREEE...... MOLOCH is not welcome up here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. BYE BYE.

SANGRAILIAN- WOULD RATHER CODEBREAKER. . You know you must come SACRIFICE CHILDREN and have MEN be for me. I know too much and my FAITH is TOO SOUL DIERs to these REPTILIAN GREAT ... YOU CANT F&CK WITH DRACONIAN MURDERERs. SOMEONE WHEN THEY KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR KING AND TOO BAD QUEEN!!! JAH RASTAFARI. LILITH....you let (i know about the greys here, men in short sleeve your PEOPLE white shirt blak hat, or long sleeve white shirt DOWN. TRAITOR grey suit). mindcontrol bodyguard of michael BLACK WIDOW. I Guess 14 websites to start was not enough for your PARADIGM http://serenitystreetnews.info/sangrailiansept162011.doc SATURNday 11 19 2011= 16 = 7 SUN- to SUNday 11 20 2011- 8 MOON. LEVIATHAN dragon is an enemy of light. This spirit wants to destroy ministries , aMERIka is in SERIOUS DANGER! especially those at labor in the harvest, and he WAKE up the OCCUPY ACTIVISTs will do it with his tongue. Leviathan is a and get them OUT of HARMs WAY! serpent snake like creature. http://8thfire.info/2011/11/20/amerika-is-in-serious-danger-wake- Isaiah 27:1 "In that day the Lord with his up-the-occupy-activists-and-get-them-out-of-harms-way- rainbow-angels-u-nite/ severe sword, great and strong, will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisted serpent, RAINBOW ANGELS U NITE http://serenitystreetnews.info/rainbowangels.htm and he will slay the reptile that is in the sea." http://www.etpv.org/2002/slevithn.html ; WORLD UN ARMY slaughtering http://serenitystreetnews.info/serenitystreetnewssept72011.htm civilians globally. Unless Christians confront the Futurity of Daniel’s 70th Week head-on . . . they ALL for the will continue to labor under a grand delusion VATICAN VAMPIRE TRINITY- that today’s geopolitical realities are SATURN, SIN and ATON. irrelevant and disengaging. Their participation in the greatest hour of TWILIGHT BREAKING DAWN human history—history VAMPIRE MOVIE out just in time to for which they desperately PROGRAM you for what is coming attempt to interpret—will ahead. pass them by in http://www.twilightbreakingdawn.org/ ignorance and unbelief. But all those aforementioned ATTENTION: Hebrewsaxons “eschatological conflicts” are David Icke-Isaac about to be rendered mute, as the and Alex Jones forces of Gog and Magog, and cointelpro the Syria Card are about to fall! dangerous agents http://www.the-tribulation- of the Chinese network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/gog_magog_scenario/gog_mag og_scenario_pt1.htm ; Draconians - traitor draconian agent David The Book Of Enoch BANNED by BAAL Icke because the massive revelations of worshippers // Israel on the Eve of the G.H.REES against the Draconian Revolution Chinese invasion was a threat to the Hebrew-Chinese interests Icke represents, as interests which seek the Total Chinese Dictatorship all over the planet or Illuminatreee.info ARMADEGGON “Kingdom of Jehowah-Sin-Sion- ALERT aka LILITH -Sangrailian // Zion-Sina-China” or "NEW http://www.illuminatreee.info/ WORLD 888" after the destruction of all ( DRACO REPTOIDS HIJACKED the the white+black race nations. (This is Andromedan OLYMPIAN also an oath taken by all hebrewmasons and all DYNASTY) All the Queen’s forces gentile masons in their masonic lodges). The and all the Queen’s men same acted the Hebrew-chinese Agent Alex Jones, when friends of G.H.REES tried House of Windsor-Mountbatten . Or to publish G.H.REES planetary security documents in his forum rather it was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha- (www.prisonplanet.com ). We call all the Battenberg - The Queen has massive worldwide friends of G.H.REES to invade Icke investments in America - Virginia Company and Alex Jones forums and attack them in any under James I and Sir way possible! Also we are being informed that Francis Bacon which another Hebrew agent of the Chinese with the carved up those lands from name David Wilcock is preaching that the the very start. The British Chinese allegedly will save the world, along Crown still owns America with their ET allies (e.g. draconians) !!!! (possibly on behalf of the http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids- Vatican) and, with the London- blog/872-disclosureevent // based Brotherhood, the Queen enjoys an http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/2011/11/attention- amazing income from the raw materials and hebrewsaxons-david-icke-isaac.html other profits generated by the United States (the Virginia Company ). DANA= I HAVE CONTACTED JORDAN MAXWELL, DAVID Windsors ( have a blood connection to ICKE, JEFF RENSE, TSARION, Mohammed, the official founder of Islam . In SHRINER and that whole BAND of short, the ancestors of the Windsors were ALTERNATIVE MEDIA ( American fundamental in putting the Black Nobility’s Freedom RADIO- PHOENIX logo). William of Orange on the British throne after COINTELPRO- they have IGNORED which the Bank of England and the power of the SOLUTION for several YEARs the City of London was firmly established. Queen Elizabeth (El-lizard-birth), through her now. I am disappointed. THANK Hanoverian ancestors, and others, carries the YOU FOR OUTTING YOUR bloodline of the Black Nobility in Germany and PLANS. FAIL! all these strands, be they Irish, Scottish, German, Danish, Swedish, whatever, go back (NOTE to all via the Black Nobility Venetians through to the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, to Sumer, and the reptilians http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/biggestsecretboo k/biggestsecret18.htm

FREEMASONS- the HIDDEN HAND OUTTING APATHY- I am is SUPPOSE to serve and protect the disappointed in EGGonomy, not DESTROY it. PROVINCIAL/STATE//REGIONAL/ FIRST NATIONS GOVERNMENT PAID PAWNS too. Yaldabaoth /JAHBULON /RA/ROMANs have been LYING to you You sold out YOUR all. LIZARD QUEEN too.) OWN BLOODLINEs for WASICHU BRIBES . SAD. (meegwetch for ignoring me The Holy Order of the Templars of the for so so so so so so so many years.) Sangre Calice http://xaria.wikispaces.com/Holy+Order+of+the 7thfire.info +Templars+of+the+Sangre+Calice SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE TEMPLAR TRUE An archetypal here we come! tale about a modern Knight Templar by MARKHAM- New Beatrix Murrell: YORK REGION, http://www.bizcharts.com/templar_true/default.p hp OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII NATION

1000 pts to everyone to start! RECORD YOUR TIME in a bank book 1 hr = 10 pts RAINBOW CIRCLE of LIGHT- MANATAKA AMERICAN INDIAN RAINBOW WARRIORs and COUNCIL- Dedicated to Magdala SANGRE RAAL TEMPLARs ready in TORONTO. William Shakespeare is the next SEA SIR! http://www.shakesaspear.com/

.8thfire.info SIOUX/ SAULT / ALGOMA (ONTARIO) LOCALS ready http://www.manataka.org/page235.html for BIS ( BE In SERENITY). WATER, LAND and TIME currency. RECONCILIATION Seeking (AWAKE sine 2005, GOVERNMENT still Dialogue, Parallel, and Understanding running/ hiding from SOLUTIONs. ) between Amerindian and Christian Theologies - My brothers and sisters, I hope Debunking Dan that this blesses your spirit, and my prayer to Brown: The Real the Creator, the Great Mystery, our Knights Templar Heavenly Father, the All- Nourishing Mother (El Shaddai,) the God of the Heavens and the Earth, is that the rift be filled. By David T’soi Gitli Armstrong http://www.manataka.org/page2515.html

http://www.dummies.com/how- to/content/debunking-dan-brown-the-real- WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW// knights-templar.html PURE ONES= SHINING ONES THE CATHARS The Rainbow Warriors The ' Sangreal ' and the Holy Grail "Where did the documents go?" http://www.historyversusthedavincicode.com/ch apterthirtyeight.htm Men will war due to IGNORANCE- FRIAday 11 18 2011 - 11: 11 : 11 = 6 - DIE protecting their BLOOD OATH SINs FREE us FROM the PHOENIX FALSE and EGOS. MESSIAH NEW WORLD ENSLAVEMENT of the VATICAN CALIFORNIA/WASHINGTON/HOL NEW AGE DECEPTION LYWOOD/$$$ is bringing in the tuathadedanaankanata PHOENIX/NWO via MEDIA, UFO's, http://serenitystreetnews.info/tuathadedanaankanata.htm NESARA and PROJECT http://www.innu.ca/ HYDRO DEAL is BLUEBEAM. a SERIOUS MISTAKE. Don't KILL YOURSELVES with the HYDRO RAINBOW DEAL $$ BRIBE. VATICAN WARRIORs WHORES are LYING to you. You will are get your funds via VERICHIP implants if GATHERING you listen to the VATICAN WHORES. in TORONTO ( th e meeting place)... CURRENCY= FLOW of ENERGY CANADA will on LAND, AIR and WATER. have the ENERGY = PEOPLE....NOT DIRTY EAGLE/ OIL! EDEN 7th/8thfire after the UNIONS, SCHOOL BOARDS, EARTHQUAKE. POLITICS, COURTS, all SYSTEMS ( SEWERS) of SATAN are a HOUSE of TUATHA de DANA AN are in CARDS, based on MONEY that DOES CANADA. KanataRepublic.info NOT EXIST. ALL that MOCKING, name calling, criticizing of my character has made me UNSTOPPABLE...I can't wait to get away from those that MOCKED me for so many years....I have found my heaven....I always am focused on the FINISH LINE. I AM an EAGLE!....not a In the turkey...... meegwetch to those that MOCKED END....the ME....called me CRAZY....I am DEVILS will blessed....meegwetch ...for my freedom and lose...so you unstoppable STRENGTH and INDEPENDENT need to WISDOM....NAMASTE! I AM in choose your SERENITY...... side NOW. We will know http://www.ireland- you by your information.com/articles/tuathadedanann.htm ; fruit. YOU http://www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/Tuatha_de_ ARE BEING Danaan.htm ; TESTED. You http://baharna.com/celtic/index.htm ; cannot http://deoxy.org/h_mounds.htm ; change your mind after DEATH. http://www.kelleyheckart.com/Tuatha_de_Danaa n.html The problem is most WOMEN are LISTENING but most MEN aren't. FULFORD, FOUR WINDS 10, PHOENIX, RARA ROCKEFELLER and the SATANIC GATEKEEPER NEW WORLD ORDER (All in the DRACO The Holy Spirit and Family)http://8thfire.info/2011/11/17/bulford the Age of -fulford-four-winds-10-phoenix-rara-rockefeller- Revealing-The Holy Spirit was referred to as and-the-satanic-gatekeeper-new-world-order-of- "Wisdom" (Sophia), and was equated with satan/ transcendent knowledge. This knowledge may extend to the son of god, and then to god http://serenitystreetnews.info/BLACKPOPENWO666.htm himself, but it must first begin with self- knowledge. This is literally what Sophia of the Trinity is - knowledge of the self .

The conspiring forces that sought to make this self-knowledge taboo, and who distorted and complicated our understanding and veneration of the true Holy Spirit, were attempting to blot out the self from the Holy Trinity and from the spiritual canon. To imagine the Holy Spirit to be some vague presence, or some indefinable aspect of the Virgin Mary, a white ethereal dove, HELLARY CLINTON was PAINT BALL an abstract metaphysical principle, or an BOMBED in the PHILLIPINES after meetings inexplicable mystery, suited the desires of the with the NWO military POLICE STATE Christian priestarchy but denied their BEAST BRIBED VATICAN WHORES. flock their most valuable key to the gates of salvation. What we were not told is clinton paint attack that without the key of knowledge of the self, the other keys, should they even come BLACK into our possession, are worthless. POPE PLAN - OBAMA assassinat http://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.com/irishoriginsexcerpts/ex ion attempt and RACE WAR right cerpts-intro2.html on schedule... WHITE HOUSE SHOTs fired. WHITE GUY BLAMED. LOOKs like an OCCUPY PROTESTER. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/apri l2008/040208_ventura_warns.htm The Family EXPOSED! Who is behind it all. A MUST SEE // Tribe of Danu Tuatha de Danann Children of BLACK POPE INVADING the FAEther SYRIA- ????rebel Free Syrian Army ??? NOT! announced today the creation of a temporary military council with the aim THORsday 11 17 of ousting the regime of President 2011 BLACKPOPENWO666 BULFORD Bashar al-Assad and protecting civilians The globalists own/stole it all from his forces.??? anyway.

WARNING // True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics // 666 ARAB SPRING = SIoN= NesaRA WARNING PROTOCOLS=VATICAN= NWO= GENOCIDE= http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2008/02/benedict-xvi- proves-jesuit-myths-right.html VERICHIP= 666- The SATANIC SECRET Syrian revolution, the Free Syrian Army. COVENANT aka JESUits THE MILITARY council iis suppose to "bring down the current SIoNists The Black Pope pdf ; regime, protect Syrian civilians from its oppression ( killing them REALLY), protect http://8thfire.info/2011/10/15/3-trinity- private and public property, and prevent pedophile-satanist-alert-jesuits-vatican-black- chaos and acts of revenge when it pope/ falls." http://www.indianexpress.com/news/free-syrian-army- forms-military-council-to-oust-bashar-alassad/876824/

UNited WORLD ARMY is NOT a http://serenitystreetnews.info/serenitystreetnewsnov152011.htm PEACE KEEPER. It plans to GENOCIDE the WHITE and IND MERCREDI- 11 16 2011= 11-9-11 = 13= 4 ( FOR all the CHILDREN of the IGENOUS POPULATIONS, to be LIGHT, need a safe place to LEARN) more controllable underDRACO http://serenitystreetnews.info/SATURNSATANSIONSIN.htm REPTOID RULE. WE ARE FOOD (We are taking FOLKS....the WOLVES are LYIN back our LAND and G. BUILDINGS... GLOBALLY) GET ALL your $$$ out of YOU'RE the STOCK MARKET and spend it FINISHED! Let's vote on land, water, survival seeds, etc. OCCUPy POLICE DEVIL in ROME is going PROVOKATEURS to CULL the HERD soon. are going to start trouble. OCCUPY wallstreet is a SET UP for FEMA CAMPS. Cut off the ENERGY supply. CLOSE the BANKS. HELP! NAZI ALERT! HELP! NAZI BRING in the ANTI-CHRIST to BRIBE you ALERT! MORE CRIMINALS SELECTING CRIMINALS to RAPE WOMEN and CHILDREN in and then verichip you.. CANADA! HELP! NAZI ALERT! HELP! NAZI Organized Abduction, Torture, ALERT! Exploitation and Murder of Women and Children on Canada's West Coast SADLY....most won't wake up until after HAaRPER KILLS MILLIONS An organized system of abduction, in CANADA. exploitation, torture and murder of large COURT sewer numbers of women and SYSTEMS SERVE- children SATURN, SATAN appears to exist on Canada's 666999$$$. west coast, and is operated and protected SATURNSATANSIONSIN in part by sectors of the RCMP, the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), VATICAN TALIBAN are the RADICAL the judiciary, and members of the British ISLAMISTS. SHAME on YOU! Columbia government and federal government of Canada, including the F*CK your Canadian military. PRISON BUDGET -This system is highly HAaRPER! funded and linked to criminal organizations including the Hell's Angels, the Hong http://serenitystreetnews.info/POLICE STATE and PRISON BUDGET HAaRPER.doc Kong Triad, and unnamed individual "free lance" mobsters from Krayleigh Enterprises: prison-based Vancouver and the USA. It is funded in part by a massive pedophile snuff-film service - sexual drug trade, with which it is extortion - filming torture death of intimately connected. children http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/10/krayleigh- enterprises-prison-based.html

This system is decades-old HARPER had this video and has been supplied for many years with since 2003 -Illuminazi 9- women and children from aboriginal reserves and residential schools, with the 11 Holyhealthy DVD paid collusion of lawyers, clergy and officials of the Roman Catholic, VATICAN PROSTITUTE-Prime Anglican and United Church of Minister Stephen Harper has gone back to Canada, along with state-funded the ranks of the Mounties and has chosen Bob aboriginal leaders and officials of the Paulson as the next commissioner of the Department of Indian Affairs. RCMP. Paulson, who served with the Canadian Forces and trained as a jet pilot before joining the RCMP 25 years ago, spent most of - This system is international in scope, his policing career in British Columbia. Vancouver being one spoke in a wheel of pedophilia, sex slavery, human organ black markets, "snuff" films and - This system violent child pornography that has is kept in outlets throughout the Pacific Rim place because world, particularly in China and of a practice Thailand. and philosophy of tolerance and -This system relies upon a protection by network of the established police, judicial, complicity extending military, church and governmental to the highest levels institutions in Canada and elsewhere. The of power in Canada crimes committed by individual and other nations, officers of the police, churches, court and involving coroners, judges, doctors, government against women and clergy, politicians and social workers, as children caught in this well as the media. It also relies upon a system are known and tolerated network of "body dumping grounds" by these institutions. and mass graves, located in remote rural Eyewitness Accounts areas or on aboriginal reserves and both church and Crown land, where human remains are regularly disposed of by . RCMP officers https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?6653- Organized-Abduction-Torture-Exploitation-and-Murder-of- Women-and-Children-on-Canada-s-West- Coast&s=c401a404d40c99fe0c972f62c5c5c04d

RCMP Watch Who is keeping them accountable? Mounties must get their wo(man). Allegations of sexual harassment and bullying within the RCMP are just the latest black marks in an incredibly long list of indictments against the national police force. In fact, there has been so much controversy, scandal, criminal misconduct, fraud and reports of incompetence in the RCMP in recent years, it’s an open question whether the institution is broken beyond repair. http://www.rcmpwatch.com/

FIRE THESE CRIMINALS! The women killed in this manner are START OVER. 1000 pts to then disposed of at special body everyone to start! dumping sites monitored by the police.

LAND, WATER and TIME for - The witness claims that there are two levels of the "hooker game": the simplest level CURRENCY. RECORD YOUR involves the TIME in a bank book 1 hr = 10 arrest, pts drugging and raping of prostitutes, MARIO MONTI- then releasing BANKSTER new prime them. The witness minister for the VATICAN EXOPOLITICIANS in estimates that at least one-quarter of all Vancouver policemen take part in this ITALY. ( Monti is a member of the Presiderium of the level of the "hooker game", and that the Friends of Europe, a leading European think rest of the police force as well as the tank, was the first chairman of Bruegel, an Mayor and Chief of Police are aware European think tank founded in 2005. He is the of it. European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, a think tank founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller. He is also a leading member of the Bilderberg Group. Monti is an international adviser to Goldman Sachs and The Coca-Cola Company.)

Another biker gang feeding women to pigs?! http://www.unsolvedcanada.ca/index.php? PHPSESSID=792eb8e36a721888ac700f5cec0456f0&topic=1924 .msg12277#msg12277

The alleged "hooker game" is a protected system run by Vancouver police and RCMP officers in which prostitutes are arrested, drugged, raped and sometimes filmed as part of violent pornographic and "snuff" movies, in which they are tortured and killed on film. -The higher level of the game involves the use I AM ASHAMED of YOU ALL! of prostitutes in snuff and pornographic films, and in torturing and murdering them. While Mohammad Shafia-DON'T unaware of the details of the more extreme level DEMONIZE THIS MAN! HE is INNOCENT. of the game, most police know of its existence but do not betray it or its 06 30 2009 -9-11 SATANIC RITUAL practitioners for fear that their SACRIFICE involvement in the lower level of the DATES for game will be exposed. The witness claims SATURN that the drug most commonly used on CULT- Shafia victims of the "hooker game" is family murder is SCOPALAMINE, a hypnotic barbituate often an alleged termed a "rape drug", honour killing in which the victim is that took place on "zombified", obeying June 30, any command, and then is unable to 2009 , in remember the events Kingston, for some time. Ontario, Canada. Zainab Shafia, 19, Sahar However, memory can Shafia, 17, and Geeti Shafia, 13, all sisters, as return, and the fear of well as Rona Amir Mohammed, 50, their father's this occurring, more extreme game to first wife, were found dead inside a car murder the victims and dispose of their that was discovered underwater in the bodies. northernmost Kingston Mills lock of the Rideau https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthrea Canal on the same day. On July 23, the d.php?6653-Organized-Abduction-Torture- teenagers' parents Exploitation-and-Murder-of-Women-and- Mohammad Shafia, 58 and Children-on-Canada-s-West- Tooba Mohammad Yahya, Coast&s=c401a404d40c99fe0c972f62c5c5c04d 41 as well as their brother Hamed Shafia, 20 were arrested on charges of four OPPOSAMES....all counts of first degree murder POLI-TICS are and conspiracy to commit FUNDED by the murder. LIZARD CROWN- On October 11, 2011, jury selection began for the joint Donation to Bob Rae trial. . helps RCMP connect the dots in Revenue- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafia_family_murd Agency corruption probe NOT! er

( all are in the DRUG- HUMAN TRAFFICKING/SEX RACIAL PROFILING /SNUFF/RAPE/MURDE DEFAMATION for NEW WORLD ORDER. THE SATURNian COURT R/BLACK BUDGET sewer SYSTEM feeds SATAN. -BUSINESS Accused in canal TOGETHER) deaths said daughters betrayed Islam http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/story/2011/11/14/qc- KALI MAA IS REALLY going to shafia-murder-trial-wiretap.html?cmp=rss CLEAN YOUR CLOCK now... (I KNOW ISLAMIC PEOPLE PERSONALLY CRONUS CRIMINAL CHILD in CANADA. YOU ARE DEFAMING a very MOLESTERS and MURDERERS! GOD LOVING, RESPECTFUL PEOPLE who BRING IT ON BABY! http://religion- are extremely LOVING. I AM WATCHING faith.com/hindu-and-hinduism/hindu-gods- YOU CAREFULLY. ) goddesses/goddess-kali-maa.html

DON'T believe the $$$ BRIBED LET THOSE INNOCENT PEOPLE WHORES in BLACK GOWNs . They GO.PUT the REAL CRIMINALS in worship SATURN. LORD of the FEMA CAMPS.(Rideau Murders- RINGs. YALDABAOTH. KINGSTON SET UP. BELLial DEMIURGE . BLACKmail again Mohammad Shafia http://satansm.com/indexingles.htm ( this link is innocent. DON'T kill him to shut him from the catholic website emails ) up! ) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2011 THE COPS are the FREEMASONS. /10/28/family-accused-of- killing_n_1063806.html They worship the fallen angels. ( Why don't you clean up your own backyard!) Rideau Canal murders http://www.thefullwiki.org/Sophia_(wisdom) ;; http://www.sullivan- Canadastreetnews.com uNscrEWS- county.com/id2/gnostic_files/demiurge.htm July 23, 2009 these videos are outdated but nothing has changed so far.... HUMAN TRAFFICKING CANADIAN CORRUPTION, RCMP MURDERS, COPS got you on the MAYhem LIST? Snuff Films, http://www.mayhem.net/Crime/vancouver.html ( Got so many cameras....why don't you EXPOSE YOURSELVES) SECRET RECORDINGS MADE by POLICE??? Where did AUSTRIALIA PUPPET and these cops tape these ALBERTA PUPPET look secret recordings like the same GENETIC CLONES!?: RCMP SNUFF FILMS and other SMUTT that is HIDDEN FROM YOU are made by BRIBED RCMP and other MEN without HONOUR. The Dark Gods http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/dark_god s1.htm THOSE that SERVE the LIZARD CROWN are the VILE MURDERERS The Injustice Center Exposing the Real protected by the JESUIT military faction, Criminals subservient to the and the LIZARD QUEEN http://www.injusticecenter.com/stats.html DRACO VAMPIRE VATICAN. Canadian Serial Killer Linked to Elite http://8thfire.info/2011/11/14/kyle-fundytus-rip- Satanists? (Updated) another-ritual-sacrifice-of-other-canadian-child- http://www.henrymakow.com/elite_serial_killer_linked_to.html of-light-for-dirty-oil-satanists-who-fund-lying- corrupt-politicians/ Co-founder of social network site Diaspora, Ilya Zhitomirskiy, dies at 22- http://ca.news.yahoo.com/co-founder-social-network-diaspora- ilya-zhitomirskiy-dies-184537352.html

Tsilhqot'in Nation has gone to court in an attempt to block Taseko Mines Ltd. from -HOW doing any preparatory work on its controversial new Prosperity mine in British and WHAT Columbia's Cariboo region. TIME did K YLE ALBERTA is going back to S'COOL! http://serenitystreetnews.info/cramnoteMOONgoddess vs MOONdog SIN MARduk and MOLOCH SerenityStreetNews08022011.pdf

HIDE your SLIMY CORRUPTIONS...not for on d long...do i scare u FUNDYTUS DIE SUN http://serenitystreetnews.info/emails sent from ay ????? 11 13 2011= 11-6-11=10 ATEN nov 11 2011.doc ( you can deconnect my ATON NATO- revolver maps but I know they got their homework anyway) NUMBER 11, 16 yr old ( 7 SUN), MARdi 11 15 2011 11-8-11= 12= 3 trinity a Grade 11 student, five-foot- of DEVILS ( SATURN< eleven, 160-pound forward, at MARS

There is NUMEROLOGY looks bad on YOU! an occult energy in the heart that comes It is our own heart that has to be from Tonatiuh, the Sun, torn out of the false being and offered to the light. and if man releases it, returning it consciously to the Sun, he http://serenitystreetnews.info/Veil_of_Invisibilit y.pdf becomes immortal.

But to liberate this energy, sacrifice I have tweeted my MASTERS of is necessary. WISDOM...I hope they join the Man must sacrifice the EA rth PAR ty and desires habits that he adores, sacrifice them in himself, and turn the knife against the enemy that he carries within himself, that keeps his heart a prisoner. MOONday 11 14 2011 = 11-7-11 =2 - too quiet on the western front so far. WHITE In recent times men still remembered these PINE PEACE words, but they have now forgotten their PARTY significance. PLANNING?

They have made enemies of other http://serenitystreetnews.info/WHITEPINEPEACEPARTYPLA men to sacrifice them and take out NNING.htm their hearts, believing such offerings would propitiate Tonatiuh. http://8thfire.info/2011/11/14/sinister-minister- flaherty-in-china-prostituting-canadas-dirty- energy-to-the-chinese-you-look-aweful-jim-you- Such is their degeneration, such is need-a-vacation-retire-and-go-on-welfare/ their superstition. SINISTER MINISTER FLAHERTY in CHINA prostituting CANADA When fear 's dirty energy to the CHINESE. ( you look unites with kn AWEFUL JIM! YOU need a vacation. RETIRE owledge, and go on WELFARE!) terrible CURRENCY= FLOW of things are do ENERGY on LAND, ne. AIR and WATER. ENERGY = PEOPLE....NOT DIRTY OIL! It is the self within UNIONS, SCHOOL BOARDS, ourselves POLITICS, COURTS, all SYSTEMS that we have to sacrifice. ( SEWERS) of SATAN are a HOUSE of CARDS , based on MONEY that DOES NOT EXIST . FREE FREE RED ELK's VISION- SAW MANY GREAT WHITE CLIPPER-LIKE SAILING SHIPS ENERGY- MAGNETIC PATROLLING OUR COAST-LINES. THESE MOTORS, COLD FUSION, GREAT WHITE PROTECTORS WERE....ANGELS ! SPLIT WATER for H2. AMERICA THEN SETTLED DOWN TO PEACE and GODLINESS LIVING....AND LEADING!! United States & CANADA Folks, WE BECOME A PARADISE. The CORPse are British "Garden" "RETURNED" Colonies- EXTOR TING TAXES FOR . An EXAMPLE to ALL EARTHS THE LIZARD PEOPLE of what "Gentiles" can DRACO DO, and BE.

CROWN! http://www.the IS There HOPE? forbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth /united_states_british_colony_inde x.htm YES! Can this be CHANGED to let ALL THE

BADNESS "CHANGE"? YES! But ONLY IF 85 to TwoRowWampumWorld http://sereni 87% OF OUR WORLDS' tystreetnews.info/tworowwampumwor POPULATION ld.htm RETURNS TO RIGHTNESS IN

The original GOD....NOW ! And in instructions direct the ONENESS...in LIKE MIND.... that we who walk about PLEAD FOR MERCY on the Earth are to ONE/FOR ALL express a great respect, MANKIND. We have" TILL THE "SKYS an affection, and TURN RED" THERE WILL BE NO HOPE OF a gratitude toward CHANGING THAT "PROBABILITY" all the DURING, OR AFTERWARDS! I PLEAD OF YOU....LISTEN! CHANGE NOW! Before it's spirits which create too late.http://www.redelk.net/ and support Life. The Prophecy of the 8th Fire- THE 8TH We give FIRE One Earth * One Whole Circle * Again. a greeting and thanksgi A vision of hope.... for the future...... for ving to the many supporters of our own lives— the Earth…...for the children They will come to the corn, beans, squash, the winds, the sun. a fork in the road. One road will When people cease to lead to Materialism and D respect and express es truction, for almost gratitude for these many all living creatures. things, then all life will be The other road will destroyed, and human life lead to a Spiritual Way upon which on this planet will come to the Native an end.http://www.onondagavesica.in People will be fo/docs/BasicCall.htm standing. This path will lead to the lighting of the 8th fire, a period of eternal peace, harmony and a "New Earth", Where the destruction of the past will be healed. The prophecy of the 8th fire is one community should be doing the of many ancient prophecies that refer to the year 2012 and the years directly preceding same. START at 1000 credits for it http://www.fourdirectionsteachings.com/transcripts/ojibwe.ht all and let the CURRENCY ml To the Aztecs this is the time of the 6th sun, a time of transformation and the creation of a new race, To FLOW! OCCUPYMOVEMENTROCK theMayans it is the end of time as we know it, To EFELLER GATEKEEPERS. I am sick of the Incas it is the time of meeting ourselves again. In Egypt, according to the Great Pyramid [stone spamming you. cramnote calendar] the present time cycle ends in the year 2012. The calendars of both the Mayans and the Cherokee end in 2012. http://www.the8thfire.org/ NEW SCOTLAND 6-11- CHECK the OCCULT NUMEROLOGY on Red Elk's Great Vision- Death, so that FIRE. Fire at historic White GREAT train box cars haul thousands of bodies to put in the Dakota badlands - using the Auroras as burial places. Point Beach Almost all dead come from the East . Yet to Resort http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova- scotia/story/2011/11/12/ns-white-point-lodge-fire.html happen. http://www.redelk.net/website/Great_Vision.htm

8th fire. anishinabe.info, RITUAL SACRIFICE jrgenius.com PLAYLIST ALERT!!!! - Two men murdered in dramatic St. Henri fire HAARPer, MILITARY Bases Mind Control UFOs Swine Flu Dr http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20111111/mtl_f ire_111111/20111112/?hub=MontrealHome Kilde BRITISH COLUMBIA under EXTREME HAaRPER TERRORISM currently and out of POWER....just the beginning...... B.C. storm cuts SUNday 11 13 2011= 11-6-11=10 ATEN power, jams highways, stops ferries ATON 50,000 BC Hydro customers lost power on South NATO- http://serenitystreetnews.info/JehovahEnlil.htm Coast http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british- columbia/story/2011/11/11/bc-weather-traffic-ferries.html? cmp=rss Jehovah Enlil won't let me work today...so I will just keep spamming. ..D cramnote Jubilation as Italian PM Berlusconi resigns - Berlusconi will be fed to PINDAR t he DRAGON LORD. OCCUPYMOVEMENT- should be giving 1000 credits ( 100 hrs) http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/11/12/ community currency usury italy-austerity.html free to your activists, for SYRIAN people storm sacrificing their time for this AMERIKan and ARAB movement. Others in the embassies and take to the STREETS. DON't deal with the devil! He OWNs the MONEY SYSTEM SIN$$$666999

Brazil police invade Rio's biggest http://www.exposingsatanism.org/illuminati-jesuits-blood- slum - FEMA oath.htm CAMPING the POOR for the next OLYMPICS. http://www.usatoday.com/news/ world/story/2011-11-13/brazil-rio-slums/51182376/1

HARPER and 999999999999999666666666666666666666$$$ OBAMINATION in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ HAWAII at a NWO $xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx333333 MICROCHIP 33333333333333333333 GENOCIDE meeting. Currently having

a secret discussion behind closed doors. OUR GOVERNMENTS are keeping secrets from us?NO!? SATURNday 11 12 2011 = 9 GOON ( f We're broke...have HARPER SWIM BACK or to CANADA! WHOM Calderone-Helicopter crash of gov't officials BELLial in MEXICO caused the Mexican President to TOLLS?) cancel to attend funerals instead. ( RITUAL- same as POLISH Government) rainbowwarrior http://serenitystreetnews. info/rainbowwarriors.htm

SPAMMING the CATHOLIC http://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/12/world/americas/mexico- minister-killed/?hpt=wo_c2 congregations now...far and wide. ( lots of Professed JESUits KILL ANYONE who get in THEIR WAY. PORNO, Satanism and PHARMA emails to edit out. SHAME on you DON'T EDUCATE PERVERTS!) KALI MAA is WOMEN...WOMEN wi going to CUT your CORD SOON! ll OUT UNBLOCK my SMART the JESUIT PEDOPHILEs ONE computer....CSIS....national DAY insecurity http://serenitystreetnews.info/email s sent from nov 10 2011.doc and take back their EGGonomy SORRY and trust the CHOSEN SEaMEN to PROTECT HARPER....CANADIANs won't and NURTURE them. AGAIN WORSHIP SATAN SATURN Holyhealthy DVD MOLOCH. You picked the WRONG GET THOSE INNOCENT TRIBEs PEOPLE OUT OF HARMS to GENOCIDE! WAY! GET your PARACHUTE... FRIAday 11 11 2011 = 8 .it's gonna be MOON peacetrain http://8thfire.info/201 a pink one! 1/11/09/calling-all-rainbow-warriors-wampum- world-agape-trains-here-we-come-lets-get-those- innocent-people-out-of-harms-way/

CALLING ALL RedROAD RIGHTROAD not white road PLAYlist // Robert RAINBOW Morning Sky Holy Cannabalism, WARRIORS- time is Eucharist playlist NOW http://www.welcomehome.org/rainbow/proph ecy/prophecies.html

WAMPUM WORLD AGAPE TRAINS here we come...LET's GET THOSE INNOCENT Queer Culture BONESmen PEOPLE OUT OF HARMS VATICAN VAMPIRES ( VILE WAY! FILTH of HELL) PLAYLIST http://serenitystreetnews.info/peacetrain.htm ;; http://www.welco Yaldabaoth Demiurge playlist mehome.org/rainbow/prophecy/prophecies.html Gnosticism / Neo Platonism -The ONE // Manly P. Hall -- What is Neo-platonism? FRIAday 11 11 2011 = 8 China needs to see the SNAKES MOON peacetrain http://8thfire.info/201 1/11/09/calling-all-rainbow-warriors-wampum- with different glasses- 2011/10/28 by mjsantos world-agape-trains-here-we-come-lets-get-those- in Free trade, Geopolitics, THETA - China is selected as innocent-people-out-of-harms-way/ an easy target for Western elected officials to bully because they always do CALLING ALL that BLAME GAME, RAINBOW when the fault is theirs. The massive EVIL WARRIORS- time is PROPAGANDA NOW http://www.welcomehome.org/rainbow/proph MACHINE has many ecy/prophecies.html adhere to ‘China Threat’ assumptions doesn’t help much WAMPUM WORLD AGAPE either. Not only that, the political squabble these TRAINS here we come...LET's days is becoming more tabloid Hollywood gossip! No motion over the rails. The meandering essence! Like Hitlerand their Propaganda narrative of this history will resemble a gang said, Repeat the LIE over and over and people will believe it. So train’s journey around winding with millions of dollars poured on information rivers, mountain passes, channels: They must do the LIE- LITTLE valleys and gorges. There will also TRUTH – LIE sandwich. Sheeples eat it gladly like McJunk burgersaccompanied be rising crescendos, by nuke-dipped French fries harvested from climaxes and anti-climaxes resembling Zionist GMO grounds. climbs up steep mountain grades and descents into deep mountain gorges. In short, China needs to see through these tactics by this narrative should read like a real- the West, Zionists, Rothschilds, life train journey, so enjoy the Rockefellers, Federal Reserve, ride. http://www.amazon.com/History-Peace- Wall Street. Many are also ungrateful Train-ebook/dp/B0062E68HC/ref=sr_1_3? s=digital- bastards when China has been the one helping text&ie=UTF8&qid=1320546369&sr=1-3 the world during 2008 recession. It is so sad, because there are many good leaders out there and they are being pulled into Fukushima Disaster: Karma is No deceitful schemes. Seriously, I don’t like Chameleon but Shows its True the games of deceit. So many dishonorable Colours © people the higher you go up the Timothy mountain. And when everything Watson crashes, China will be the one whom these Zionist Bankers and their imbecile Economists come begging for China to rescue - They are lying again. In fact, the parasites are already putting to the their roots in public about China.http://michellesantos.wordpress.com/201 1/10/28/china-needs-to-see-the-snakes-with- the radiation different-glasses/ poisoning of the world's population. I think government officials have already evacuated to underground The History installations. The Canadian and So of the Peace uth Korean governments are not Train is about owning up to the truth about the trains, it made sense to model this work Caesium-137 radiation in the region of after a train. the Far East. Proton-based The foreword assu radiation goes west and Ion-based mes the role of radiation goes east. We are the engine, the getting iodide radiation, which has body the a 3-7 day half life. The variousboxcars, more proton caesium-137 while the afterword is the caboose. The story radiation has a 30.4 year half is told in a steady rhythm and cadence that life and has fallen all matches the rhythm of a train’s over Korea and China.http://serenitystreetnews.in Moment Saddam Hussein is sentenced to death fo/Fukushima Disaster Revealed.pdf in 2006 // SADDAM EXECUTION REAL VIDEO NOT FAKE 2006


Cramnote Amber THORsday 11 10 Kirwan- Another 2011 = 7 SUN in FULL Child Ritually MOON tonight. PRE Sacrificed for the PARE for RITUAL SACRIFICES to BE Hitler Haarper, $$$, LLial by the ILLUMINATI No Child Left http://www.serenitystreetnews.info/fullmoon7sunscorpio.htm Behind,...

PRAY for KARMA to return 1000 MERCREDI 11 09 2011= 11-11- fold back to 11= 6 NEPHILIM GEN the ILLUMINATI! Meegwetch and 6:6- DOUBLE- TRIPLE NAMASTE! CROSSED! 33 degrees, 1/ 3 fallen angels, Satan’s Day Care -in 1983, a three- death of year-old named Matthew Johnson told his mother that Ray, a worker at the day care he Saviour attended, could fly. He went on to say Ray had thrown another child to , that he chopped off a baby’s head and set it on fire, molested a goat, conducted rituals with elephants and witches, taken the children on trains and planes and made Matthew drink blood. Rather than being treated as a fanciful tale or a bizarre or even alarming fantasy, Matthew’s story became testimony at the longest, most expensive trial in California history. h ttp://abbottgran.wordpress.com/category/religion/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/71633118/Yesterday s-NUT-is-Todays-MIGHTY-OAK-By-Dana- yesterdaysnuttodaysoak http://serenitystr Horochowski eetnews.info/yesterdaysnuttodaysoak.htm

WINNIPEG —Manitoba bands propanganding IRAN getting toss legal gauntlet with sale targetted for NATO GENOCIDE of cheap smokes Dakota First NWO NOW. (you are Nations will flout the law accountable! YOU ALL KNOW Wednesday by selling cigarettes for YOU ARE LYING! TELL IT under half the normal retail price in LIKE IT IS!). Manitoba. Great Buffalo Nation Dakota, an alliance of about 10 MEDIA WHORES getting paid Dakota nations in the Prairie to LIE and promote provinces, will sell cigarettes propaganda to KILL, RAPE, SODOMIZE INNOCENT for $40 a carton. For sale are Pack and Deerfield brand cigarettes from Mohawk PEOPLE, so that they can have distributors in more OIL, BLOOD Quebec. http://www.causes.com/posts/886743? time=1320849731&template=bulletin_mailer/posting&causes_re SACRIFICE for allah/sin. f=email

B.C.'s Premier Clark breaks with Creator has no CHOICE but to SHAKE the FLEAS off this decades-long first nations PLANet, cause the parasites continue strategy - Two weeks ago, a delegation to DESTROY her and HER of B.C. first nations leaders led CHILDREN. their own mission in China to prepare the ground with a different emphasis – that investors should be prepared to The Children of the LIGHT will be accommodate the interests of reborn in 5d, and the 3d/4d native peoples if they hope to do business TARES shall have here. Although the B.C. government is not their ARMAGEDDON. You get what walking away from treaty negotiations, you PRAYED for. some native leaders are worried the policy will leave behind THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO communities where there are no ready KNOWINGLY investment opportunities. http://www.causes.com/posts/886250? CORRUPT and DECEIVE will be template=bulletin_mailer%2Fposting&causes_ref=email brought into a WE the PEOPLE court soon. WAMPUM WORLD

JUST as YOU WILL BE CHIPPED, planned. CT PARACHUTED, and assigned V is to CLEANUP DUTIES, where the PEOPLE see fit. LIARS beware

( If you are not HUNTED DOWN by ANGRY CHURCH LADIES first and burned at the VAMPIRE BBQ. ( 1 horus= 10 http://www.cyberclass.net/serenityglobalfiles/hol yhealthy%20dvd2/webpages/Unfit%20to pts) BOUNTY HUNTERS %20TEACH.htm

Dana Horochowski vs York Catholic District School Board, OECTA, and HAARPer invades LIBYA with Ontario Labour Relations. pt 1. NATO, UN, VATICAN, FRANCE, LONDON LIZARDO, I'm NOT Great SATAN // phoenix program GOING AWAY until S ATAN FALLS! http://www.serenitystreetnews.com/videos/DANA Unfit to %20HOROCHOWSKI%20vs%20JESUITS/ http://www.cyberclass.net/serenityglobalfiles/holyhealthy %20dvd2/documents/Page7Jan18%20Dangerous %20Suppression.pdf

TEACH? http://www.cyberclass.net/serenityglobalfiles/holyhealthy %20dvd2/documents/Toronto%20Street%20News%20article.pdf Who is? Not http://www.cyberclass.net/serenityglobalfiles/hol yhealthy%20dvd2/documents/York%20Catholic %20Letter%20Nov%2023%2006.jpg me! JrGenius.com INTERnationAL Schools are READY to SHARE!

Ottawa T Party. Be THERE. Be SHARED! 555 will destroy 666 1 horus = 10 points

LUNA LADIES HOMECOMING PLAYlist UTO PIA - my ETHIOPIA Moon Goddess Ladies Playlist YORK REGION etc...has been spammed, but they've known about this stuff since 2003. Holyhealthy DVD %%%%%%%%%%%% See you at %55555555555555555555555555%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the FEAST. %%%%% BANQUET. CH %55555555555555555555555555%%%%% URCH of %%%% TRANSFIGURATION, Woodbin e Ave. York REGION. little roma and the NEW AMOR. ( Jrgenius INTERnationAL Get your Study to S'COOLs will be Succeed met moving into OUR hods REA NEW DY....we're BUILDINGS, once our CLASS all ACTION GLOBAL LAWSUIT is going back completed. KALI MAA STYLE ( she's to Roman Catholic this time round.) school. PR http://religion-faith.com/hindu-and-hinduism/hindu-gods- OPHECYKEEPERS ;; SERENITY GLOBAL goddesses/goddess-kali-maa.html metahistory.org (YORK REGION is set up COVENANT COMMUNITY STYLE, already on FARMLAND, surrounded Cathedral of the bySOVEREIGN Transfiguration Victoria Square MOHAWK and ALGONQUIN Markham, Ontario NATIONS 7thfire.in fo ( donate time-100 hrs/yr= global cooperative membership/no usury) WORLD WAMPUM- back http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covenant_(biblical) ed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_the_T by LAND/WATE ransfiguration_(Markham) R and NO BULL ( just white buffaloes :))...meegwetch) Goddess tradition

HEAVEN is on the HILL. HEAVEN is NORTH of SEVEN. orgonemasters ;; OLEE H20 ;;

%%%%%%%%%%%% %55555555555555555555555555%%%%% MARdi 11 08 2011=5 Amber %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - ANOTHER CHILD %%%%% Kirwan RITUALLY SACRIFICED for the HITLER HAaRPER, $$$, NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND, AMBER ALERT, 666, CHIP your KIDS, L OSE your SOUL http://serenitystreetnews.info/ambe %55555555555555555555555555%%%%% REGIME! %%%% ralertamberkirwan.htm

http://8thfire.info/2011/11/08/another-child- ritually-sacrificed-for-the-hitler-haarper-no- child-left-behind-amber-alert-666-chip-your- kids-lose-your-soul-regime/ Nov 1-15 2011 http://serenitystreetnews.info/serenitystreetnewsnov15201 1.htm RCMP confirmed it was a homicide but didn't say how Kirwan died. ( RCMP MASSIVELY $$$ STOP CORRUPT! SYSTEM based on $$ $ is SATANIC. Do not believe BELLial media. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova- FEEDING the scotia/story/2011/11/07/ns-kirwan-homicide.html Oct. 9 ( 10 09 2011- 5) after a night out BEAST $$$ with friends. Her boyfriend, Mason Campbell, said he was supposed to meet ...SSStart F her but she never showed up. The 19- year-old was found Saturday in a EELING you wooded area off HeathbellRoad, near New r planET Glasgow,

George Kavassilas, Fraud, Eisenhower, Laura NEW Not magdalene, Project sCAMALOT / ( feb 2011 video may be outdated. I am not sure what SCOTLAND! (Full moon 10 11 SANGRALIAN will decide to do. HER TREEE 2011-7 ; Halloween 10 31 2011- 9; ) is welcome if it HARMS NONE)

/ Lilith the Dark Goddess playlist Amber Kirwan, 19 year old (20 - 2); (11 letters, total to 52); Found SATURN day 11 05 20 11 = 11 - 7-11 = 2 by RCMP- Muslim Female Variant of Ambar: Jewel. Amber stone; Gaelic Female Fierce. Your number JACKSON. Another INNOCENT is: 7. http://www.paulsadowski.com/NameData.asp MAN sacrificed to SATURN.

Piggy's Pig Farm and Snuff ILLUMINATI killed JACKSON and F Films (Child Traficking in RAMED MURRAY, cause he Canada) http://www.scribd.com/doc/53878443/Piggy-s- is BLACK! Pig-Farm-and-Snuff-Films-Child-Traficking-in-Canada The BLACK POPE KILLED JFK - J'Accuse: Co-op Radio, RCMP are our ONLY CATHOLIC PRESIDENT ! Guilty of a Criminal Conspiracy by Kevin D. Annett www.hiddenfromhistory.org http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org/RecentUpdatesampArticles/D ec32010GuiltyCriminalConspiracy/tabid/143/Default.aspx


Greek racism, fascism and nazism- GLOBAL BANKSTER to take over BANKRUPT GREEK




DR CONRAD MURRAY did not KILL MICHAEL NAMING FAMOUS PEOPLE IN ILLUMINATI CHILD PORN FAMILIES // Why was John Kennedy 1/3 of the CONservative party Assassinated? Why Was He Killed? claims to be CHRISTIAN? HELLO? GUILLOTINEs are ordered for you.

MOONday 11 07 2011= 11-9-11= 4 SIN SIoN ALLAH YOU MoondoG http://serenitystreetnews.info/SINSIoNALL SERVE HAaRPER/HITL AHMoondoG.htm ER/SATURN/SATAN?! YOU WILL GET what you PRAY FOR SOON....MOVE ILLUMINATI READY IT! ...HYPOCRITS ! Pharisee TO s! SLAUGHTER and INV ADE INNOCENT IRAN NEXT! TORI /TORY (stafford USING the SAME CRAP as with IRAQ - WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION...blah blah....terrorists.

VATICAN TALIBAN.....BLACK POPE....LIZARD QUEEN, BLUE BLOOD, Double, Triple Crossed, NAZI, MAFIA, SATURN, ROMA, NATION/AMBER ZIoNists, ANTIpopes ALERT)- Globalist Warmonger Harper admits NATO action in Libya is an ‘act of (8- MOON Tori Stafford was war’ http://gregoryhartnell.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/globali a Woodstock ritual st-warmonger-harper-admits-nato-action-in-libya-is-an-act-of- war/ sacrifice. AQUARIUS)

LOOK at the NAMES, DATES, Quebec artists call Stephen Harper a LOCATIONS, NUMEROLOGY, and censorship the type of HORRIFIC NAZI http://www.lilithnews.com/2008/08/queb DEATH. SATURNIAN CULTs ec-artists-call-stephen-harper.html advertising the death on their $$ $ MIND CONTROL PROPAGANDA Psychopathology in Canadian Politics: MEDIA$$$. Stephen Harper's Ruthless Drive for Power- http://www.sott.net/articles/show/227547- psychopathology-in-canadian-politics-stephen-harper-s-ruthless- drive-for-power William Shakespeare is the next SEA SIR!....http://www.shakesaspear.com/

Timothy Spearman Shakes Pallas Athena's Spear at the Twin Serpents of Ignorance and Vice and Wears Her Helmet of Invisibility

http://8thfire.info/2011/10/15/3-trinity- pedophile-satanist-alert-jesuits-vatican-black- pope/ AMAZING SPEECH BY WAR VETERAN SEA SIR! HAIL SEA SIR! SEA SIR! HAIL SEA SIR! SEA SIR! HAIL SEA SIR!

FISHER KINGS were -no more SOUL DIERS the GREAT SEA for MERCHANTS. MER ( soldiers) HAarper/BUSH/ MEN! Fishers of NAZI/NATO/MOLOCH/SIN/MA MEN. WEAVERs, RDUK/DRACO/VATICAN Nazarenes, Essenes, Cathars VAMPIRES and their MACROB (SEAMEN/SEMEN) T hey RULED the SEA. ES in LAW of the SEA! Admiralty LAW under ATHENA's rule. the ABYSS. (LIBERTY)

PROTECTED the EGGonomy (or BACK the lands/villagers/women/children) to S'Cool aMERIca! EA rth PA R ty cards MARI time LAW, MARY MAGDALENE=EVE= aMERIca = ATHENA= Camelot QUEEN We've got covenant line. communities to build an DRACO d REPTOID. NAZIs invaded BRITTANIA (like HEMP everything else). PARACHUTES to GR

LIZARD QUEEN is a Battenburg, not OW. EA rth PAR ty cards a WINDSOR. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggests ecret/biggestsecretbook/biggestsecret18.htm. http://www.iamthewitness.com/Protocols-of- Zion.htm If $$$ FEEDS YOU...then you GIVE POWER to 9 SIN/ALLAH as HIS Where are the ORIGINAL HOLY TEMPLARS! We have SLAVE 6! an EGGonomy to BUILD! REMEMBER! List of Bilderberg participants http://en.wiki AMOR not ROMA! pedia.org/wiki/List_of_Bilderberg_participan ts EA rth PAR ty cards BILL GATES is PRO- POPULATION REDUCTION- MASS GENOCIDE.

Bill Gates: Satanist In Sheep's Clothes? Theosophy And The 'New Age' By Henry Makow PhD 7-9- 6http://www.rense.com/general72/GATES.HTM Michael Jackson 's doctor is innocent. The Illuminati killed Michael G ATES, FORD. Jackson . http://serenitystreetnews.info/illuminatikilledjack ROCKEFELLER funded OCCUPY son.htm WALLSTREET. COPs are red tagging your tents for FEMA Illuminati killed Jackson playlist more CAMPS. ( You have been spammed. I am not videos here going to babysit you)

http://coto2.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/occupywallstreet- initiated-by-funding-from-gates-ford-and-rockefeller/ NEPHILIM GEN 6:6- DOUBLE- TRIPLE CROSSED! 33 degrees, 1/ 3 "Occupy Wall Street is 99% dead" fallen angels, death of Saviour - http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=221153.0

Bill Gates' depopulation strategy, plain and simple

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation


$$$ SIN SYSTEM 666999xxx- All Arizona Wilder on Government Mind sewer SYSTEMS are Controlled Slaves // David Icke, CONtrolled byEXOPOLITICIANS for Revelations of a Mother Goddess KROLL, Marduk RA (Ass-ended MASTER DISASTER), the DRACO REPTOIDS and the tall GREYs - HITLER HARPER HAaRPer fallen, BELLial Media just hasn't told you HAARP NAZI NWO-IF the TRUTH so.BYE BYE BADDIES! http://serenitystreetnews.info/emails sent from DEFAMES YOU....SO BE IT! april to nov 3 2011.doc


666999xxx666999xxx666999xxx666999xxx666 WillIAM 999xxx666999xxx666999xxx666999xxx666999 ARTHUR xxx666999xxx666999xxx666999xxx PENDRAGON and How to Make Homemade Kitty his scarlet cousin Litter http://www.squidoo.com/organic-cat-litter ; http://ww KATE are expecting w.pets911.com/animal-radio-article/homemade-kitty-litter/ ; a LITTLE RED DRAGON?

Right on TIME. $$$ for ARMAGEDDON SATURNday 11 05 2011 = 11 -7 -11 ALERT = 2 ( Too FASCIST for CANADA) http://serenitystreetnews.info/TooFASCISTfo Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf In rCANADA.htm Sheep's Clothing THE ILLUMINATI http://8thfire.info/2011/11/05/haarper-wastes-no- & THE NEW time-destroying-canada-corpse-for-the-sionist- WORLD nwo-where-are-those-canservatives/ ORDERhttp://www.n ogw.com/illuminati.htm HAaRPER waste l s no time Who Controls the Central Banks? ZIoNIST destroying CANA KHAZARS http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t580700/ DA CORPSE for AVOID BAYVIEW AVE the SIoNist NWO. MARKHAM, Ont. - SINKHOLEs will make your journey out of the WHERE are EARTHQUAKE those CANservatives??? WAMPUM zone more WORLD hopeless.

-ILLUMINATI killed ANDY ROONEY today. PREPARE...heaven is North of HWY7 ( 60 minutes but so is the MAFIA and other wealthy broadcaster terrorist cells). BOUNTY HUNTERS killed by NAZI DOCTORs after minor surgery.

I see the DRACO's are removing my Bank of Canada Governor Mark revolvermap hotspots. DON't WORRY...the Carney has warned that WHOLE PLANET has been spammed and I am the “ample pipeline of not going to back track for a while, cause they developments and heavy get the picture. Parliament in CANADA has investor demand reinforces the possibility of an overshoot in the condo market” in Toronto and other cities like Vancouver. http://www.believemewhenitellu.com/2011/0 8/24/toronto-wary-of-condo-correction/

Mark Carney to lead G20's banking reform CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF board http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20111104/ma rk-carney-appointed-to-lead-fsb-111104/ THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Dr. John Colemanhttp://www.stkpula.hr/dragotadic/dodaci/knjige/co Mark Carney: Recent economic mmittee_300.pdf developments- The World Freeman Society Public We need a MAJORITY COALITION before the HITLER- Forum http://forum.worldfreemansociety.org/viewtopic.php? f=49&t=11059&view=print HAaRPER regime GENOCIDES and FEMA CAMPs All Banks In Europe Will Go Bust! the RED and YELLOW LISTS.NESA Bob Chapman & Stan RA/ SATAN Monteith: http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2011/07/20 / UN derground BASE s in TORONTO CENTRE-Suspected Joint Human / Bilderberg 2011: Vanity or Alien Underground Bases Conspiracy http://photosc.msspro.com/citizen/Bilderberge rs.htm http://phantomsandmonsters.wetpaint.com/page/Suspected+Joint +Human+%2F+Alien+Underground+Bases ;; http://www.burling TAX PAYER FUNDED Fun tonnews.net/tunnels.html at Bohemian Grove http://tsutpen.blogspot.com/2008/12/fun-at- Bilderberg Members Order Up Gay bohemian-grove-35.html Male Prostitutes?

HARPER NEW BILDERBERG YORK REGION etc...has been BOY Bilderbergers Nervous About spammed, but they've known about this Canada’s stuff since 2003. Holyhealthy DVD PMhttp://www.americanfreepress.net/html/harper_new_bilderb erg_boy.html

SECRET MID-JULY GATHERING gooddaydefault http://serenitystreetnews.info/goodda ydefault.htm OF CORRUPT OFFICIALS AND BUSINESSMEN PARTICIPATING http://www.scribd.com/doc/71633118/Yesterday IN DEMONIC s-NUT-is-Todays-MIGHTY-OAK-By-Dana- WORSHIP AT CALIFORNIA’S Horochowski BOHEMIAN GROVE. http://ytilaerniereh.wordpress.com/2011/06/16/a- FRIAday 11 04 2011= 10 ATEN ATON surprising-washington-post-article-published-today-on-the- NATO http://8thfire.info/2011/11/04/jesuit-pawn-greek-prime- secret-mid-july-gathering-of-the-elite-at-californias-bohemian- minister-puppet-george-papandreou-is-from-king-city-york- grove/ region-canada-where-the-nwo-was-discussed-by-the-skull-bones- nazis/ FREE us from the JESUit PAWN-Greek Prime Minister puppet George Papandreou is from GRECO-ROMAN gods KING CITY, York region, CANADA- where the NWO was DISCUSSED by the of CHANGE! USURY! 666 NesaRA WARNING SKULL & BONES NAZIs.http://www.680news.com/news/world/a rticle/295570--greece-pm-to-face-confidence- CHEMTRAILS poisoning SIOUX vote-today STE MARIE OTTAWA KANATA KINAKWII NATION currently. ( lots of NAZI's and MAFIA in YORK HAaRPER must be getting us ready for an REGION. ASK JULIAN FANTINO) EARTHQUAKE or FAKE UFO http://thenonconformer.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/ex-toronto- PROJECT BLUEBEAM event. police-chief-julian-fantino-is-one-of-those-bad-apples/ orgonemasters are still working around here. %%%%%%%%%%%% %55555555555555555555555555%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% CTV- %55555555555555555555555555 meegwetch for your reporting RESTORE JURISDICTION to this morning..... FIRST NATIONS and CLEAN UP Grandmother turtle. 555 - Mission to MARS ENDS???? We have had bases and missions to MARS HAarper-Hitler in Perth Australia giving his GENOCIDE EXPERTISE on how to FIX the for a long time. WARNING EURO DEBT crisis. FEMA, CHIP and PARACHUTE you all into LiBYA for DRACO REPTOIDS murdered / ate PROJECT CLEANUP your MESS...is MY more than 300, 000 people already... at SOLUTION. D ( lets have a global vote! least. NASA is owned by the CHINESE ALL AGES and VOICES) now. Autonomous European Nation endorses http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2098363,00.html Kevin Annett and the ITCCS, Calls for ; http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45154530/ns/technology_and_sci Recognition of Republic of Kanata ence-space/#.TrQXkUP7jnM http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org/RecentUpdatesampArticles/Ju ne22011AutonomousEuropeanNationendorses/tabid/154/Default. aspx

of the Canadian Holocaust FACE on MARs in GEORGE Native Survivors' Testimonies of Crimes KAVASSILAS. risen Against Humanity in Residential HORUS ( antichrist agenda) Schools Archived Radio Broadcast RUN!!!! http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org/ArchivedRadioBroadcasts/tabi d/55/Default.aspx http://www.youtube.com/user/horusdownunder Free Speech Alert: Statement from Univeral Truth is still being Kevin Annett regarding his banning HOARDED for ego and money. Keep it to without due process from Vancouver yourselves then! The Meek will inherit the EARTH anyway! Co-op radio - August 18, 2010 - The EAT YOUR broadcast they don't want you to hear: Kevin MONEY! I will GIVE you the true GNOSIS Annett's final message on Vancouver Co-op MYSELF, for the sake of SERENITY. Stay radio - for immediate broadcasting Dear friends, tuned....2011...DANA. Here are my words that Vancouver Co-op radio staff have banned from their airwaves. Please broadcast this on the air, through your internet blog talk radio shows, and all other mediums. AVALON-AWAITS-Canada- Street-News-Dec-2010 pdf

AVALON AWAITS Canada Rainbow Angel Street News Dec 2010 s / Children of the Feather

Jr. Genius Time for YOU to start International the NEW Schools PARADIGM in your COMMUNITY. Follow Form your Community Tribe and choose a name- us!

1000 points= 100 hrs DaisyDishes

=100 shares in your local cooperative. GardenGurus These covenant communities will link up into a SerenityGlobal.com Cooperative. FreeFreeEnergy

WE ARE AWAKE and AguaOriginals your NWO plans WILL FAIL! hellenandchaos.blogspot.com

EDEN awaits : NEW WORLD DISORDER:)) the WAMPUM WAY. How you could be preparing for tis Honouring Innocence, Integrity, Justice, growing season. SERENITY and FREEDOM for all those WHO KNOW HOW TO SHARE and HONOUR MOTHER EARTH and her Ascension. (eg. gardening, tutoring, handyman, daycare, errands, products, housing. rentals, services) Locally gather a list of people who are interested in community gardening, handy Dana www.serenityglobal.com ( Use your own response man services, free energy gadgets, global email here) cooperative

Find as many products, services, courses and ideas as you can, that could be shared with community currency, group cooperation/class and/or volunteer. usuryfree. info EARTH CHANGES, SURVIVAL -Community Currency-Assign & SELF SUFFICIENCY LINKS those committed to grass roots revival 100 serenity shares. (This is their asset, vote, INDIGO CRYSTAL KIDS cooperative share,score, piece of the pie). Draw PLAYlist up your own constitution of rights and freedoms among yourselves. Keep it closed to those you trust. Creating Community Currency: A Bartering System http://ca.dummies.com/how- to/content/creating-community-currency-a-bartering-system.html Back to School Canada! - The Wampum Way! -10 points for 1 hour work or Jr Genius Educational Services equivalent. Make a list of Info what products and services each of you can offer. Commit to sharing those A Revolution in Education necessities. Global Cooperative. Starts with you first. Accept your local community currency and connect with others that This is ALL in the Jr. Genius Incorporation...so no tax, no are locally self sufficient. Unite as a Sovereign usury. Transaction fees at Serenesafes 3% Nation of Children of the Light We accept and use global standard currencies, gold backed currencies, Wampum, Serenity and accepted- community currency, barter/trade products and services.

For your local community, a typical ad you are the of can post for free to start up the NEW You bank manager PARADIGM in your area your own assets, knowledge and skills. You are able then Community Currency to print your own Cooperative 3/19/2010 WAMPUM (money), with This is for the Sault area group. integrity and have it also Let's restore our family and community be USURY values. FREE at JrGenius.com Interested in exchanging products and services as a global cooperative, using community currency? We work with Serenity We Wampum at http://www.serenit do not push vaccinations her yglobal.com. It will be e. We an automated sign-on via the teach health and healing. intranet, once the system is complete. As INDIGO and Crystal Children...you are the LIGHT, not Each student/teacher another BRICK in the WALL. receives 100 Serenity Shares (you are 100% perfect) The New Children - Indigo to start. S 100 value (usury Children, Crystal Children free)

Jrgenius students quickly learn language, study skills and math ALEX COLLIER- 8TH FIRE foundations. They are then free to explore SIOUX MICHIGAN ONTARIO other classrooms and apply these 2011 foundations. Upon mastering new skills, they can then teach these classes if they desire.

YOU are welcome to teach/learn in these CLASSROOM Sites. WHAT ABOUT OUR Share EDUCATION? real LOVE, ONENESS with H UMANITY, TRUTH, KNOWLE DGE and SKILLS.

We are returning to Ancient Teachings and the WAYS OF THE EARTH/COSMOS.

Welcome to the NEW Paradigm for the AQUARIAN AGE. Next Page-

We will never MICROCHIP YOU Homes'cooling HERE. You are called by your chosen name. Your Governments/Religious Community Currency Institutions are the terrorists. Signup F orm

Are you waking up Canada to the PROBLEMs for you to REACT to.

The (already planned) SOLUTION is the NAZI NWO takeover. WE ARE REVOLUTION- NEW WORLD LUCIFERIAN ORDER ATING currently

GOODBYE PENSIONS, PRINT FLYER to be updated ECONOMY and the ILLUSION of Outlines current programs that we FREEDOM offer for all ages. FIX IT NOW!!! PRINT PRICELIST to be updated PRINT INSTRUCTOR APPLICATION to be updated (The files were saved in PDF file format, if you don't have an Adobe Acrobat Reader, please download it here)

GRADE GROWERS: Call 416- 419-9023 (Head Office) to Join the Shift into Peace, Prosperity organize a Grade Grower Group in your area. and Oneness


Modern technology enables students to also use their hours on-line.

NUTRITIONAL and EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING The President, a Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, specializes in Learning Disabilities, Eating Disorders, Allergies, Addictions, Holistic Health and Healing. Academic assessments, educational consulting, sensitive issues, nutritional Dana Horochowski- concerns and natural alternative President BSc.; BEd; RNCP; RMMS [email protected]

Profile resume


Astrological Birth Chart options can be discussed confidentially MORE ABOUT US: Our students by appointment. range from ages 2-102 years of age, so the following can only minimally Often times, these "disorders" can capture the intensity and diversity of be minimized through proper diet the services that we offer. modification and lifestyle changes. Too manystudents today are Our mission is to provide quality, medicated with prescription drugs, effective, and enjoyable tutoring in order to fit into the classroom at an affordable price. norm. We cover a wide area of subjects and have many options that clients can choose from - even for those on a tight budget.

Our instructors are motivating and qualified in their subject area. Whether being experienced teachers, student teachers, or studying in their area of expertise, all abide by the Jr. Genius HOMESCHOOL SUPPORT: Method of teaching and cater to the Jr. Genius helps to homeschool student's individual needs. students up to the college/ Our intense, updated curriculum university entrance level and also can programs have been crafted most help them to become entrepreneurs if efficiently to parallel the Study to they choose this exciting route of real Succeed Method. (This method was learning. uniquely designed and successfully implemented by the resident herself, while teaching high school Science and A fast growing number of Canadian Math, in the York CDS Board for 12 parents are choosing this option. US years+.) Studies have shown that homeschoolers excel in intellectual maturity, talent diversity, OUR interpersonal skills, independent GOAL To thought and academics, at a pace that teach surpasses conventional schooling. students to become "One hour of private tutoring is equivalent to 6 hours of classroom teaching at a ratio of 1 to 20. "

Home school graduates are in high demand at affluent universities such INDEPENDENT as Harvard and Yale. They tend to be LEARNERS/THINKERS successful entrepreneurs, who are motivated, responsible, well rounded, This skill is not taught in conventional spiritually grounded and schools. Students must regurgitate confident.More about homeschooling, information stored in their left brain check outwww.flora.org/homeschool- onto a test paper. This information is ca/on/ decided on, by the status quo (even if the student feels that there is a different answer, with provable comprehension. FREE Eager Reader explanation). Any other answer to a PROGRAM DOWNLOAD HERE question is often incorrect as a result. Students need to explore 2. Reader Ready (Gr. JK-3) Once information and challenge its source. they know the sounds of The system does not promote the alphabet, they will independent thought, therefore easily read...Guaranteed! influencing the thought patterns of the student. See www.pushhamburger.co 3. Writer Ready (Gr. 3-8) Programs m or http://www.conspiracyarchive.co such as Grammar Graspers, Excellent m/ Editors, Sentence Sense and Awesome Authors focus on multi-syllable rules, The STUDY TO SUCCEED contractions, plurals, sentence structure, METHOD incorporates all the grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, editing senses required for processing exercises and learning to apply it to various information, while reinforcing time writing styles. All rules are summed up using management and organization. Language Arts Cram Notes for quick review. Combined with the right tutor match and motivation, students will 4. Math Menders/Masters (Gr. 3- learn quickly and efficiently! Our 8) Math Mistakes become Math programs, cram notes and mock Miracles! exams are available to assist in this Math Menders builds basic skills. Math acceleration. Masters prepares students confidently for the Gr. 9 Academic Math BY POPULAR DEMAND! Curriculum. Mock Exams for Gr. 9-12.

One on One tutoring is the most 5. Science Seekers (Gr. 3-8) JR. effective, fastest way to learn. GENIUS Often done in the home, parents can uses monitor the lesson. Homework and concepts, tutoring frequency is solely based on activities individual client requests. This and study allows budget-based clients the notes, freedom to use lessons as required. based on The speed at which the student the New chooses to learn depends on their Ontario desire. No information is held Curriculum, back, thus minimizing tutoring hours to make and costs. Science enjoyable and rewarding. Grade Grower Groups All MOCK programs are structured with easy to Exams and Cram Notes for Gr. 9-12 learn concepts, games, programs and tests. 6. Study Skillers / Homework Helpers (Gr.4-12) 1. Eager Readers (Preschool to Gr. 1) Special attention to organization, study skills, exam prep, time Colours, shapes, opposites, counting, management and test-taking tactics. alphabet, motor skills, reading Our "Study to Succeed" method teaches students how to learn. Reduce GRADE GROWER GROUPS study time and increase student scores! HOMES'COOLING 7. Exam Cram (Gr. 9- 12) applies the “Study To Succeed Method”, PRIVATE TUTORING cramnotes and trial exams, prior to the TEACHER SUPPORT real thing. ON-LINE TUTORING 8. Fantastic French (Gr. 3- 8) Need to learn 416-419-9023 French fast? NEW PROGRAMS!!! www.JRGenius.com Holyhealthy is a division of Jr Genius.

Mind, Body and Soul courses and activities help to develop the right brain and prepares students to be small INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS- business owners. Students can Jrgenius.com Project learnhands on as apprentices or in Homes'cools. (or right click and Save Target as) 9. Holy History: (all ages) Dare to go where the curriculum doesn’t? Jrgenius.Com Project Internet research study.

10. Daisy Dishes: (all ages) Food prep and education classes in Holistic View Health. more presentatio ns from Jrgenius 11.Garden Gurus: (all ages) Hands International on education in Organic Gardening. Schools.

12. Biz Whizzes: (all ages) Learn to websites are make and market your own Earth going private soon, INTRANET. Friendly products. 7thfire.biz, 8thfire.biz, 5dterra.info, allmustchange.info, arielarts.info, Next Page- eagerreader.info, excellenteditors.info, grammergraspers.info, Homes'cooling iagapeamoru.info, mathmasters.info, mayageografree.info, mayaportal.info, 416-419-9023 GTA ojibway.info, riterready.info, contact us at [email protected] I am tired of rebuilding crashed 7thfire.info servers and funding the INTERNET $ $$ SERENITYSTREETNEWS.com USE 7thfire.info ;


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SERENITYWAMPUM.INFO 5/22/2012 An Invitation to all Indigenous, Aboriginal Active - Locked People, and those who support our values SIOUXSTREETNEWS.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Locked Kinakwii welcomes your thoughts, your ideas, SOLUNASONG.INFO 3/23/2012 Active - your questions, your feelings, your criticism, Locked your fears, your compliments and your SOVEREIGNCITY.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - participation. We seek to build on all Locked Indigenous Aboriginal heritages. We SPIRITAS.INFO 4/9/2012 Active - Locked anticipate that Kinakwii will become not just SURVIVALSEEKERS.INFO 5/13/2012 a nation, but a confederacy Active - Locked of nations. SWEETYTREATY.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Locked TIAMATTANTRA.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Open Kinakwii Locked Invitation & TORONTOSTREETNEWS.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Locked Declaration of TRIBALTREE.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Nationhood PDF Locked TRIBALTRIBULATIONS.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Locked TRIBEOFDANU.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - FORM to enroll in Locked our Community TWINFLAMEFIRE.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Locked Currency PROGRAMS to be UNMYSTERYSCHOOL.INFO 4/9/2012 automated via internet soon Active - Locked URAMERICA.INFO 3/23/2012 pdf format here Active - Locked URPERFECT.INFO 3/23/2012 Active - Locked USURYFREE.INFO 4/9/2012 Active - Locked UTEUTOPIA.INFO 5/22/2012 Active - Locked