V Festive! tbeverages THE SNOW EAGIiGilS? MORE BAD NEWS y ^ f o r a i i o Holiday table. CSl m en’s hoopsIS sn ea k 0 sets unemploynnei attacks snowy drivIriveways. benefit record.

SPORTS. D l BUSINESS, B l ■ ■M ME/S~r T i: 75cails Vfednesday, December 17,:17,2008 — ------— Ma^oteley/wn — I d a h o I b u d g eJtCUtSSStretchL i n t o amotheii r y e a r

O tter orders:s agencies to3 cut 6 percentnt m ore, $1699 m illion, forr F Y 2 0 1 0 MaIHagicvalley.coin IEE A copy Of the that amounis lo a cui ByBenBotUii in s ta te fu n d in g for nsenscal year reduction in state:e fifunding for Financial Management. Idolio. th{ m emo th a t the ? memo. of aboutut $2 mUlion for thc Time»News writer______2010. which startss ]July 1. fiscal year 2010. w ro te in th e m s ta te d Division ' m t ' - ’ ical year. CSl P residcm • 2009; That 6 pcrcentmt would “Thc govemor unr understands Agencies mustm hove their next fiscal of Rnancial idget c u ts s e n t to Jerry BccVc ck .said. Gov. C L " B u ic ir O tteir r hilios amount to nearly SU$169 mil- that such a basesc reduction plans for budj M anagement se n t to I noon Thursday. Beck; saidst all departments - o rd e re d s ta te a g e n d e s tojpre* p r lion statewide, may. and indeedeed should, thc DFM by r Idaho agendes.. ofllciais, who at the coll:ollcge a rc be in g asked pare for more budget cuts cu Tliat holdback is on top of involve ellmlnatliating cniirc Agcncy oF ;he memo on to, lookik for ways to save beyond this year. thc 4 percent in budgeigct hold- programs If they...^... arc notin received thc tpressed no sur- money.’. T T h e goal is to m a k e p icc mn e ed coiicgc rciraining for Agcncies received a mennem o b a c k s th a t h av e b e ein n orderedc furUicrancc of orir rtrequired by Monday, expi bleak outlook for sure thatlot CSl can continue ncwi2w caa'crs. Beck said. th is w e e k in stru c tin g th e:m m to fo r th e c u rre n t fiscal1 year.yc The your statutoryy mission." prise at die bl u dgct...... s e r v i n g{ s students in a rough- p la n a ’stra te g y fo r w catheriiicring additional ' reductloilion Avlll Wayne Hammon.s n . ' a d m ln is - th c sta te 's b u d jllegc of Southem economicmic climate wiicn peo- PiePlease see BUDGET. Page A2 ’ another 6 perccnt reductitiction amount to a 10 pcrceircent total trator of thc slatete ID iv isio n oF l=or d ie Colli

F e d s l aishesrai ne N e^whoi m e ^ t o r e c o i ■forth


WASHINCTON — Inamc,„a,. INSIDE BUSINI caJ move, the Federal Rescr ^ h G IRS tries 16 givegiV' sla sh e d its Iccy in tcresl rate SIMalysi* R obntlbtR am ’iTMiFallilKiiMlixkriiHifbtnoattobcoapMa. y ^ d homeowners aI brbreak. a rpcord low on Tuesday oj to use all the weopoapons See pase B313 — 1 ^ ^ — m at ils disposal to ilghlIt tht: c worsening recession, whi"hich Consumer prices ■ i j w has dragged down consun- by largest amoun on priccs and home consta record in Novemi lio n . Thc r-ed crcaied a new li get range for Its federal Tfur u S ; rate so that it wili h hoA o v e r between 0.25 perccntt aand ds, thc ccntral bankk is m o v ln g zcra Thot dnunaUcally lowlowers Intounchaitedtenito - d ie re d 's ta rg e te d rate, callcdcoll Noncthelc^FcdClIChairtnan the federal funds rate, whichwhi Ben Bcm a^ andid his col- had stood o tl perccnt Icogucs made dcora 1 th e ; The bold move surprlsp rise d c c n tra l iuink isn'tunning out economists, most of whcwhom of ammunition to) f fight thc were predicting tlie• FedF worst finandal crisisiissinccthc fi w o u ld c u t Oic funds rate-ate in 1930s. It Is exploriniring using h a lf to 0.50 pc rc cn i. tools— other than raiecuts—rat . A few thought the FedI coCOI u ld to revive th e cconomim)( ) opt for an even morc forctDrceful 'The Fed will 'eme m p lo y action. The funds rate isIs th; c av ailab le tools to prorir o m o te th c interest banks chargc: cach ei resumption of sus o d ie r o n (jvem ight loans.is. economic growth." iP ed o m - With the Fed’s keyy r a te cials said, dropping to rock-bottomim le1 v . F o r f u l l S t o r y , St

IF . Co. weweighs optio] m a m a n r n t i m I tenlMMforR8M«belt»ar»- for hospitiitalapartm e n t s Rok»iita«,i.ii,kn.taHaTaMiayirilhAiRauUiUaidhlsirifiSaiia,«teM ce«tM tractiei coivaar M R tN costen iRidfiiaitttMi)Mckdow*.atUsai«1WliFaltbeboM . t a e i ^ k M fM ta m widerderbahraytferMtitraHURjiliUi ihUvheelckalratMllasanict- . Byi«MlS.HopUn The program isi Stillst evolv- aethatid tjrtteaN l tte c«rtrol.% H s aad otiMf Im imleI M d S i m . Tlme»Wew« writer______Ing. but cssentlall;a lly w o u ld provide housing tc I IW in Falls County andid lclocal receiving medicatlc l y z e d I r a q v^etto ( settlerroots in nev:wT.F. hom e public ofHcials arc consiinsider* and mental healthS P a r a l ) ing using county-owio w n e d TNvln Falls C o u n ty / apartments as transiticiitional Commission Chaimilrm a n T o m nc in 1\vin Falls that he tially tia knockcd him out and1 housing for people strugguggllng Mikcsdl and Hathaihawnysaid. ^BeiBellda eicvalley.i»m I move into iaier this gave ga him a concussion. Thei with mental healthh and Drug courts. amo>nong other Tlme»Wewawri ■" Go onn aI tour Of m omthi n tl Thc house, locatcd U.S. U. Department ofVcieransi addiction problems. public entitles, w o u ld b e irt Ram os’ a long n g Canyon Trails Way, Adairs Af agreed dial the acci­ County commissioisioners included. Robert Ramlamos cannot do Robert H home, come;nes after cl^t monlhs of dtdcnt and concussion may met Monday with John r “We have clientsIts bl com- what most5t people don't new' f ------p la n n nning and building with have h{ caused thc stroke, H athaw ay, th c reg io n alildlrcc- di mon with thc couiounty. with think twicec about;a tuming e x trara features that will help which wl camc from a bloodi tor for thc Idaho Departnirtm e n t th e jail, w id i a lo t1 oof f d i^ e r c n t o n lights, oIp p e e r n in g d o o rs a n d jne after a Humvec Ramotnos becomc more inde- d di o t. of Health and Welfares alabout players.” soid Hathaway. H flipping throitrough television (hat cam It he was In while pendin d e n t. Hardwood floors andi th c p o ssib le p ro g ra m ,. wlwhich “Basically, diese arc ar people channels, o c d d c n t in Iraq with the "IliI lik e it a lot." h e sa id . "It's wider w hallways and door1 could provide housinging for who ore kind ofof frequent Paralyzedd fifrom thc neck servingI ; Natlona! Guard's awes(csome.’ entrances er make maneuver­ people using mental hehealth fliers.” down. Ramosnos cannot move Army f Irleadc Combat Team AtU 21,< Ramos had a stroke ing in around the house in aB scrv iccs In th e a p a rtmlentscn e n t Thc 32 opanmcments were his body withlith t h c c x c c p tio n 1 16th Dri| in TNvin T\ Falls ih a t c a m c whcclchalr w easier than in a thc cast side of M anlnn SiStreet owned by the hosfDspltal until of slight mo^movement in his in 2005. [\jcsday, Ramos. 23, niont>nths after he was In thc across from St. Luke'ss M a ^ c le ft fingers.L RiRamos was par- Dn l\n Dklng around a new Hum-imvcc acddent thal Inl- Please see HOME, Page A22 Valley Medical Center. Please see HOSPnuIHL. P age A2 a ly ze d fro mTl a stroke in 2006 was look

AfttratMugidrimm i^tatkisK ddnl N. College;e crash specleds up signslalprogtess lad veek (tth e brtmM- IS IlMofKertkMktiM Brimd$.HopUBi Officials a nidQtyCoundlmem- d ' attent:unilon lately. The Issue has b m said somene opdons being con- been:n mentioned r at council mect-i- ndWttfeiHlNStrMt ■Tlin>»Waw» witter sldered Indudeide an old, 19S0s-style Ings.9. dted< in a lelier to die dty North, tte dijrodWta y After a teenage drdriver was slgnd that hanangs by wires, or set- fromm thc i TWin Falls School Dlstrion FibbceitUtttag In ju re d la st w eek in a c rar sh a t th e tin g u p c o n cCrete re b a rrie rs lo pro- a ni d (he tli focus of a peddon devd-1- optioMfercoitrenvtke intersection of Northth College hlbit left-handi d tu rn s. oed p e d by the district's Parentu l.tmM tkNi.lKM «thi Road and Washingto[ton Street "Those arec thei two (hat have Tbachiichcr Student Organization. hitalatfM efallM dtit . North, the dty of IWiArin Falls is realty floatedd tot the surfacc that }ut But oflicials said when a nage driver was hit Dec. 10.0 kdt« liow traffic. m o v in g a h e a d o n installailing a traf- I've seen," Couibundlman Don Hall tccnaf fic control system.I. p o s s ib ly said. tmarnnnimtntm I n d u d b ig 0 te m p o raryrsignaL sl The signals!Is have received extra Please see StGNAL, Page A2a

0bttuari»8...... C 9 Commonmocjitles...... 62 Jum ble...... E6 Sefvlce Dl/ectoctory .;....E5 W 0 t2 3 Low:? Crosswisswofd...... E4 M ovies...... A6 So|6olku...... BtMge...... E7 CO assifieds...... El-8 DearKAbby At ...... E3 Nailon/Wo(*MU...... 0 8 Today In Histonto ^ ’!"!;;;;E3 o S Cold, co partly deudy.Detala:B4 ComkM...... C7 HorosoQscope...... E3 Opinion...... :M W eather...... B4 Mtd d Ive l at ffl^evyey«n0ieittM r B f _9 Calendar...... Ja C t: H * A2 VMoMdiT, DKMtar 17,2002008 ™ Tta«*wi,TrfnF»#i,ld*boB AMOBmmf f iiIRIEFIN( . TODAy’SHAPPEPENINGS B i p c k s3 ... MManantonii>nio laka River Trail MwMne Rkiers Asso(ssoc.. 7 p.m., imnMittiBiT ^ m.mm leybum Police OepartiiKnt. 4360165.L65. o^arid do today HoSdayCaberet'AsTlmeate Goes By," featuring Trisha eakor.MelodlQ Taylorlylor-MaukJin. Brandon EXHIBnS • You c am't n ' have Chrlslmas Ticketse ts arc 525 fo r a d u lts. FUer Fill and Buhl.. .Ellison ond Craig Williams,)ns, occompanlcd by a four- ISS Hepworth's Retrospoetiva, 9:3030 a.m.a to w ith o u t thlestdryofGeorgc e SIBforfor seniors and SIO for • • "AWhadky Chrisimas," member jozz combo. 6 :330 0 p.m.1 doore open; 7:15 IB a n d u n d e r. C am 'e — — I lovc th is n a m e — is title ).m, show. Lodge Dining "J-ao:30 p.m.. Jean B. King Gallery, Herrettrrett Cenier for Bailey. T he C( o m p a n y o f . .a g e s IB p.m. dinner; and 8:30 p.m. icnlaiion of'lt’s a on, adrid m li It. You a lw ay s of o fi the Shoshone Elementary' 1 ie Arts and Science, College of SouthtuthemkJaho Fools prcsei Room. Sun VSiley Resort.. SSun Valley. $89 for bai- ce u p w h en G eo rg e Is School S d h o lid a y m u sic c o n ­ )ies, ond $79 for all other can’iampus. 315 Rills Ave., no cost. 732-632-6655. - V /onderfuili 1Life: A U v e R a d io c h o k e t cony arxl front-st^o tobies, Play" pa'yw•what-you-feclprc- saved,d . cert cei al7p.m .al61 East tables. 622-2043. . view will bcbc held a t 7 p .m . a t . • Triie lu Kimberly wrestling Id Ida ah o H ighw ay 24. ‘A Whacky C hitstinas; ShcShoshono Elementary GOVERNMEKT th e L ib e rtyy Theatre, ' 110 N. team1 is se rving u p sp a g h e tti School annual holiday musinusic conccrt directed by -jwinvin mi » County commisskMwrs, 8:30 M ain Sl. Inn Hailey.I T ic k ets g o for aI fu n d ra ise r fro m 4:30 to Havcyonr i omi pickyou 61 East Waho Highway 24, ^oun Emily Krohmer, 7 p.m.. 6 1 1 ourthouse, 425 Shoshone St. N.. 7367364068. o n sa le o n1 eC hour before. The 7:30 p.ip.m . a t th e h ig h sc h o o l, ivaniiva to s to r e ? Something , Shoshorte, sarabutcQshost 2 ioshone.kl .ld.us, • biIssIss City CouneU, 7 p.m.. City Hall. 14(140KcmucJenericlartes’ unique, health and physiclysical needs, Ll:15a.m . tonoon.TwipiiillsYMCA,ICA, 1751 IV Xavier C h t f t e r S i ^ CArW M m as Concert, featur- Elizc[lizabeth Blvd.. no cost.fof Humana^nsi^nsuredor ' , IngklrxJefgarten throughhelghthgrade et students rMCA m e m b ^ and $5 per class for^ rno»vlnsured, ' wtth slr\g)i%«nd dancing,lg, 7 p.m.. College of 733r3343Wi.'-' 'No, 3 Chapter • ^— - - Southem I d ^ t Fine ArtsW s Center auditorium. V TOPiDPS Rake o n Pooivis Senslblj) ID No. Twin Rills, no c o s t (208)8)933-9287. 9 - OflvIf Iw n F^ns. Vi«lgh Inis from 4:50 to0 5:5:20 p.m. andind'rrteetir^ from 5:30 to 6 p.m.. Brkjj Sreat Room'fnonh entrance, third floor II use permit fofor new facility CHURCHEnH EVENTSfc w m m SSS'"'* Xavieer gets special f JridgeView E sta t(» :ia 2 8 Bridgeview E school added a ninth- ofof dasscs per grade. Theic West End Cocnmunity Slnfi4ntfm Christmas Cantata, 4791793 or 736-9282. . idn T h e s( ' 7:30 p.m„ Buhl United MeMethodist Church. 908 Ttme»ftowsvs writsr ____ g radic e classi this year and will sclschool building would hele a d d 1the rcmainlng high ababout 45,000 square feci, withlh Maple S t, Buhl, rw cost.it. 5543-5498. H O B a B M D C M ^ ® T h e TWwin Falls Planning school3oi grades over the next ihithe capacity to accommndatctc /oodcsrving days, public welcome to comec and and Zonini « years. 85B58 students, according to the1C w m m .WGAHIZmOHS m ing Commission on three y :anre wood, 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10lO p.mp .,310 TXiesday night nl unanimously ’Flielie school's d e sig n er. H m sclsch o o l’s req u e st. Burley Klwacris Chib, nooo,on, Morey’s Steakhouse. pileiNler Avo. W., Twin i^lis, classes availalailable. 736- ap p ro v e dI g^vlng a special use Vawseirser of EHM Engineers, Tlic school also Is stlli look­k- 219e.TW(tJSLN.,4360:6 0 7 2 0 . 006X)61. p e rm it loto Xavier Chaner has anar ofllce just one block iniing at financing options,is, BuftoySorDpdiQlsttntL,no, noon, Syringa Plaza, 6 26 |^ap p blankets| for b4u>«d sokSets, a knlttlng/cro-Knit S c h o o l foror a new building awayly fromI d ie sc h o o l's cu r- wlwhich could bc loans or[)r Elba A/e., 4388666. chei*eting group project organized by Caprina,Cap 1 project. r c n lt leleased location. He said bebonds, thougli no final ded-:i- Moglc Valley ToastmRstento rs mMtIng and nohost p,mo.m.. Burley Senior Center, 678-2666.i66. Xavier oHomdals had request- the schoolscl d o c s a g o o d jo b o f sicslons have been made. Theic (unch, focus; assisting membersmei In develop/ng ed a speciiicial use permit from wntchichlng its students when sustate docs not give money foror spealdng, communicationIon iand le ^ rs h lp sWlls, ----- 3r a school to be con- they’re/’rc outside. chcharter schools to constnictcl 0 have an eveflt'DstMi, pleasis submit noon, Idaho Pina, 185>9l^mberiyRoed.1Wln 9 K T o h on lO a c rc slo c a tc d a t "I1 dodc n 't sec th is b e in g a n u i- bbuildings. t Df the event, a brief description, time. 1 F^lls, visitors welcome,,736-1025. 73 ofti rtheast corncr of sancece toi any b o d y a ro u n d ." h e By law. c h a rte r sc h o o ls c a nn- ­ and contaci number to Suzanne Browr Rupert Rotary Club, noon,on, Rupert 0 k s Lodge, 850 and S i l se Way ond North saidI inin Ills p rc sc n ta d o n . ncn o t p u t b o n d p ro p o sals o u t t»to aat ts sbrowne9maglcvalley.com; by fax. 7 S. 200 W.. 4366 8 5 2 . itoad West. A spcclal Nolo o( n e spoke a t d ie p u b lic vcvoters for approval like tnidi-li­ or by mail. Tlme&News. K).Box 548, T IWkiFMli U ons a u b tmte«tk)gandn»liostUmeh, «t orb s : H Smil was neccssary hearinTing before d ie vote. ti(tional school districts. Thult* W.. 833030548. Deadline Is noon, four d noon, Normls Catering Room,Roc 827 Mam Ave. 83c the site has a reslden- Schichool offlcials have said bcboard of Xavier Chariere r advance of event 1Win Fells, visitors welcomxxne. 737-0240. adv tial z o n inlg g d esignation. tliat ccc o n stm c tio n c o u ld b c ^ n ScSchool will make the finallal X avier ooffldals are in the as soonsot as early next year, dcdecision for financing. early stagiiges of planning a withh tlic t building ready for Olhcr unrelated projects:is facility thithat would provide studerJents In the fall of 2009. plplanned near the school siteitc m o rc ro osm n for students in a ThatIt timeline Is tentative. InIndude a church building forb r Hospitald ______s c h o o l-oiwned w building, thouj^ugli. TlT h e C h u rc h o f Icsu s C hrist o fl C urrently,y, Xavier Charter A, new,ni larger school could IjUttcr-day; Saints lo the eastist t M M h m v m U . . apohmcnt'tcntingng business, ments) in the! cccommunity," School Isi inb a leased building changmge existing enrollment arand a residential develop­p- S l .Luke's pun*aseds e d th e b u t I don 't h a v e any problem said Mlkesell. "Tl"The hospild at 771 No>ionh College Road, limits,Its, and allow two sections mment to the northeast. c o u n w fecUi^, a n d aIS s p a n o f w ith th e c o u n ty oov ^ n g th o w as ren tin g llieme m ou t to any- t h e . clcal tu r n e d ovcijver thp' apartments andid utilirJng body and evcryt!rybody \Ve're apartment - propcoperties, those for peoplea whov need trying to find a wayw for peo- MikfscU said. The hohospital them,” he .said. pie v ^ o arc transimsldonalfrom gave the county' abouti Hathaway saidid they arc the jail or fron:rom behavior d lK Fnal _____ $68,000 for 16 montlsnths of talking udth Valleilley House, health have a placplacc to stay.’ . O ^' rent, which was coli:oIiecicd Salvation Army' anda other Hathaway saidaid witl) e co n - Coniinasdfrafremp«sAl omcliIclals have said a signal at tem tc — rcctang^ular lightsIts througii a realty c o mipany. p a iocal recovery programs, p omy strugglini;ling, there’s while heileading westbound the Cheney brivc and would w hang on a "temporaryiry MikescU acknpwlcdgfdged it’s which arc supiwrtl'irtivc of their potential for mornorc homeless . and tunjrnlng left onto WashIshington Intersection is sp s; a n w ire"— w o u ld be lim ed,!d. "uhusual' for a countynty to be Idea. Roth he andm d M ikcseil people, w hich1 Icad ic; to even Washlngtoto n Street N orth fro m expecicctcd by summer 2009. unlike u modern signals thatlat a residential landlordordr and said thqf do not ppla la n to forcc m o re u se o f mmental e heallh North Colli)llcge Road, th e sa fe ty City:ity Enf^neer Jackie Fields ch d an g e w ith sensors. ^ d that^i why the housingho people to movbJ out0 of the services. c o n ce rn s grewg stronger. sa idd installing I a permanent The city Is reviewing oiliciicr should bc used to helplelp peo- apartments. "R egardless,, It'it's go in g to "H as that ihi heightened our signalnal at Nordi Collcge Road options, o but officials saidlid p liv '. ’We’rc trying to Ifind out a bring stress ontonto all kinds of sensitivityty abo u t ii7 Yes." H all w oulduld have a drasdc Impact diose d might bc less likely Foi■or 1 don't want to bcbc InI the \vny (o utilize tho;hose (apart* situations," heisaid. sai soid.notlnilngit'absolulcly"has on the di projcct and die city example, e: four-way stop sign?;ns afl'ccted the i process. ‘Wc mightght have to pay the full would increase iraflic conges­L‘S- kn o w tliahat's a challenging $400,(M.OOOforilicsignalitself. tion. tl Fields said, and sa ______inierseciloIon." Flelndds said'She plans to ground-based g temporary sig­ig- Home_ T h e goaljal is for a temporary meet>c( with school ofilclals nal n \vould be priccy. OMiMtaBMiAl lliurmostatandopopen a latch transport Rnmoimos from his solution to be in placc by the shortl}rtly, a n d liold a to w n hall "We're investigating ouitur traditional-sizcd hhouse, on the front dooror ck tlie vision c h a n n e lsioradjusting ur that his son.n. like Olhcr JDlllJdget------progress. ^ the volume whileille w atch in g y o u n g people,I. wwi on’t w a n t to “t usually wouldId c o m c a w e ste rn o r w air r filmfl . live w ith h is parelarcnts perma- Corthnsdtnfron PKS A l budgidgcis and what those wQl "B ut ag ain , it gives Uicm anai once a week,” RamOS os: sa id . "it’s cool," h e said.sai ncnlly. " T h is is i< something we’rc look])k like have ye t to b c seen," opportunity o to really, rcall;Illy 'By speaking, he'll11 beb able There's also0 a sling 'It’s up 10 himlim,* , his father trying 0to do while keeping saidId Melissa McGrath, look li a t w h a t it is w e'rc doing.lg " to tum on li^ ts, adjuidjust the atiachcd lo a tradrack lhal will said ‘It’s his houilouse." • ourselvesL*s whole," he said, spoktokeswomon for the Idaho Tom .Shanahan, spokesc s- , a d d in g diat thi the Intent of the StateIte Department of m r a n fo r th e ldahMn...... r-naC K ^ pcrecnt tUKWO OeMM tMM WM 61 mo Jr a n n o u nc cde in S e p te m b er, th e sary ry funds. f BodtM...... 6etlitrLe>iM«cRlsk>M e v e l s ’^ j sta te ’s eduducaiion stabilization "W"We don't know how long But w h e n fa c to rin g ih e feded- ICMBOM MMm m iiMcvan M « w fundshlcl is downtum will lost," said c h a i J3j.jjy mDonlKmKupJoanet»630»m.al»i» ^ Iddcd school districts dils < eral matching dollars tha (Aarl«naC.W««...... ebrnmofcuts. Bell,dl, co-chalr of the folnt c c o m c in fro m p ro g ra m s likilike HewWbiliiiSpj^...... lOtmtgtMet^n SooSm m w oe«oflU£« fro m d ie t NeMtB«»pm...... n&-)»0 HULMRMIUnOH '/aitiVeO %%otA>j. 0 pMk T h a lisnsn't the case anymora Flnanancc-A ppropriation Medicaid,t it will amount to ii UiMlsnMiB...... 73S-3}6e rt«nma.>MnlUPS631-0e0lB the siabiUzadon fund Comiimmiltcc. nearly r a SlOO million lossi ii in Nmigctfik...... r»SiM «|Sr»MSlVl.<>Kr t>t n 48X i « m illion inin public sc h o o l fu n d - wrillhJl b c looking fo r c fT id c n d es "About all wc can wiy is w c WMtMtlKMiCcwtiBMu ... KHUrS Ote^atyMcortimiMtxr i r r VI ^ Ing cutss anticipated for 1^ thatat ithey wouldn't have con- arei working with divisioiIon SKMnKlOeorwlOWjCMoOMe^nUJiB Hcnrr»r«.l^Te!on wamsM Uppof SnaK BflWi 2 0 ‘0 sidJercd e r in bener times, she administrators i on a plan.in." 7»U10 ^ lt«il noKn ■« M PUiieMd(dtatrjur.puw ft OaUCY j2» "Obvioilously, the stabiliza- said,id. Shanahan ‘ said, adding ihah a t vni tf M m tornmtPOBaWi.Iwi n SiUnon rmii isx Uon fundid cannot cover it all, "I"I aniidpaie people doing spedllcs : aren't available. “WW c ...... mr3JOT3t«2 o I*.iii^o81303 *.oro« I jjf » ...73S-3Jtr do understand there theireir jo h lh a l th t7 w o u ld p re- want » to develop a plan lliiliai will liavc;c to bc some reduc- ferr nnot lo have to do," she minimizes i the impact a s CNUK CccrV»08MJCCV)k7iHn'MM Inc. OriMutatocnlWaluk...... m«i7,aw « 1ta»Nin,1WiFili,IM» LOCAL Club assists Wood AnuiIMBBELLAA FOR KII ley nonprofits

Br Ariel Hm liNov«nber,ioBI«i . T»nw»Hewtwtttef ____ Papoose ClClub CoHin’ Kttclnan condo E . . C o n to c t W . Bo«35.Bo* ■ rip p e ^ It isn't easy beln® Hailey ID 83333533: f o r i h e ThelanguagIS 6 table orgonlzatitthe WooS 208.72&6642 ^ days. E ven In tl Sub ■ f'lolldays M M tUver Volley, donu il ™ raises money,I», prime-pt ofglft-grvin]I1& 'down, and thc wo annual fundraisers, for Wood ' ■ i i ^ Club's two major lonflrofit organlzBltons providing A nyofyoufcUasspcapeak ers this year —- a; h o M n y education, cultuijiture Of atliletlcs for children, i \ redhead? M e nelihcither. ■ bazaar and a“ Homo(o|»f>tleration: With no direct operations, : - - I i X JL. Toobad.toabccaiccause breakfast at Wagoi the dub hes no hours. Information: it's tim e {asked m y a u b)um- u n brought in less ^athan in years ^,papM s„clueclub.org. tressed wife what she wan« m ts -p a s t 7 The club needs cash donations for Christmas. "It's down all r ^ u X sirs. ’^ H e r answ er, o f co u iscc,wiU , u saldGwcnThompu p s o n , pres- w b e e ith e r Id em o f th e d u bb . ‘"W e'll give >------I to the bazaar . «ttfilM «itliplieief • "Oh. I really can't thinklink of away all the money m wc In addldon to breakfast, the athinglneedwor... make, and it maylay not be as and pancake bn hbkmitmtniifor- plant sale at • "V ^ a te v e ry o u ge t mem e I'll much as last yearear, but wc'll dub holds a1 pl M iioalitetpikl Ncidierofwhichisqulti aub started and Bellevue,!. w ith 20 pcr> C o n g r aatulatio [Ulte T h c P a p o o se Cli orpkusiaTuzaBle.5118 , cars ago with cent of the proDtxiQtsihedayof I true. They're code fo r somQme> t m o rc th a n 50 y e ar leldtketeztilMrttbo thing else. . a specific purposeose— moms the sale goingg toto th e d u b . 3 Itting duties Non*fundralsraising events I Papeete C U 'ia n i u l ForcxampIc,whenaI trading babysitti thc annual t o t h e wrtnnners ChiWmMbazur,ONef w o m a n asks, "D o y o u wwant ar soiheycouldgooooutandskL Includc thc and Quigley to sto p nt Starbucks?" sheshc Ibday, there's nobobabysitdng KlndcrCup an ttooHforfudraisonfDr i. T h c fo rm er Is really m e a n s"! w a n t to>stop stc on the group'sp's agenda. Cup ski races. TI tkdib,wUcbliilpschii- race Dollar at Starbucks." For anyone)ne Instead, the dublub supports a downhill raci dfNiatlMWoodnm r children ages ..T i m e s -] with two "X" diromosom(3mcs, any nonprofit oqorganization Mountain for d e.thelattcris.a. that's self*evldem. in th o W o o d River Rl' Valley 3 to 17. whlle.ih TlaN»lim«ifMi ucatlon, cui- Nordic racefor for Uds 13 and A nd absolutely mystifyi:Ifying that offers cduci s for kids. under, Indudlniding an obs(a- to a n y o n e w iih a "Y” chrotiro- tureorathlctlcsfc m osom e. Recently, thele club has de course, :ultural front. , "Why," th c fellow w illUsput* sf contributed to Bellevue On thc cult if Fool; holds ter, "didn't y o u tell m e )^u Elementary Ubnbrary, Blaine Company of F siudenl matl* w a n te d to sto p a t Starbuci3ucks?" County Recrcaiioitlon District, . discounted stu performances "I rfW." she'll reply. Company of Fools. F< Cub nces of its pe >e Club fiint^ S o y o u u n d e rsta n d thhe e Scouts, Enviiivironmental wilh Papoose < also pay for m agiinjdc of the Chrlsuiistmas- Resource Center,cr.Esperanza The funds als d io lo rs h lp s fo r gifting challenge a h e a ddof of International, Hailey Ice attendance schc m e : I have n o id e a w h at ;t Rcspecl, studentswldtflr1 fin a n d a l din i- SiM at Rink, Project lizkig os many V ictoria w ants, a n d m y/odds od Rotarun Ski Area,ca. Sun Valley culty, subsldizir n ts p e r p ro d u c - o f ge ttin g it w ro n g a rc offtheoff lunlor Hockcy.■^^,.W bod R iver a s 400 s tu d e n ts : charts. schools' musicic programs tion. t)een very lucky T h a t bein g true, i'U takelake and thc Leam toto A lpine Ski "W e h a v e bee; ;ram. among and blessed to ti have thc iie r to tlie m all o n Saturdcirday. and Race progra: Papoose Club's fo r W e'il w an d e r th ro u g h theth e many others. e ski and race a few yearsrs now," said sto re s a n d I'll ask a seriesIes of LASAR,asthesl f> a c o re questions. program Is kno'nown; helps Denise Simon irtist. "They've Actually, ju st o n e quest!lestion: te a c h k id s to ski,ki, andis&TO Company artis Instrumenid in “D o y o u like this?" to participants.1. ThisT year. It really been Insi >5 kids, a b o u t allo w in g ev eryry chc ild to h av e Her answers will rangeIge Is se t to te a c h 451 a rc fully p a id a s e a t a n d b e! aab b le to ex p eri- fro m n o n-verbal (she'llilwrin- wi half of whom arc kle h e r nose) to In scruItable ta b for by d ie P a p ojoseOutL o s encc live theate organizations . ("1 ju st couldn't say.") ButBulat "We just wan'a n t (0 have Through or ndOimpanyof th c e n d of tw o o r th reee m o re kid s involveilvedlnawin- likelASARand' said Adcle Foob, It's a rorcrar child who ■ ■ ■ ■ h o u rs, r u have a n Inklingingofa ter activity." si su m (..lit C.ml the Wood River r .if i C .u d hunch of a hint— maybeybe Savarla, asslstan;ant program grows up In ihc s not helped by tw o ,'ifl'm lucky. I'l! takekc director for LAS/f\SAR. "It^ all Valley who is n< of Choice: rreci Mi'yci SlDio of Ch('i( 0: th e P a p o o se aub.Q l ■j|K|li| th e se d u e s, b u y th e m aan< n d a b o u t th e kids." keep the^ft rcccipts. cr: Kaly ToiicliettL', Iwinin falls W inner; l.iinic /> O ver tiic years I haven'te n 't = = = = = g o tte n a n y b e tte r a t flguriju rln g o u t w h at Victoria w a n ts fi G ilt C .in l slO(H,lfi e .itil C hristm as, b u t a t le a st sh im c r COURT NEWS .li" STH DISTI B__ _ B b Sioi I' dl ( liorcr: se e m s to a p p re c ia te diele of Ciioicc; )C Pi'iiny'' search: B COUNTY defender appointedmted: Dec. pte- TWN 2a H|l|l||| )i'M Wlniu‘1: iMai jm I “O h . sw eedc! You rcm e Hgmrniu IhnlftBiy hearing L'l: R o k 'r t . i L iis i -n , R u [)im imcm* MonMy w n ls llcnnls, sutntance; $10,000 cr: Karen Tliom.is, Twin1 I[alls Wmnci: 1 aui.i i"' I M ^ose C hristm as shoppL p p ln g r — I forhisthcn-wifcvnisania n e x e r- e lse In paralysis b y analy:alysis. A-DGI;U's Fam ily B o o k s H See, Dennis would agoagonize ynutmr Ultimate LDS Book & dajr with renectiou f n o such as kcychalns. UghteJlicrs ihcDocriaefcCoyeoaeoaou. (although she didn't smoimokc). w a tc h batteries, C h ristmstm as ' CDs of music by artists v i l died before his wife was b o m , a n d lots a n d lo tsIS ol lot- te ry tickets. Except for d ia t o n e yet when he gave her a 30-p s ofCoorsU^L T h a t w as die ir last C h ristm as together, I believe.bel but he's probably better i D en n is Is single now , am part-owner of a ccnvenlicn lcn c e k store. Where he always woiiroiicson C hristm as Eve.

' r-5. J t , Klmberiy woman pleads guiHy to custodial inteifeRerence V itm H nn______

A woman orig>ri^ nally charged widi sccond-did-degree kidnapping for takingg hhi c r s o n to California wiihouttp pe e rm is - sion from the boy'sy 's legal guardian, pleadedi guUty 1\jesday to a lesser d ia u r g e o f custodial interference. N an cy L ivingston. : of ||||||H1 | S h o w t i m e Kimberly, will be senten te n c e d e s o n K M j Feb. 2 and faces upp ti to five years In prison. Shc l\iesday, Dec. i pleaded guilty to violatli Wednesdaday, Dec. 17 7:00pm p ro b atio n ste m m in g fi conviction for possess I ( d a t e! aand time might chan|inge Wednesday, De co n tro lled su b sta n c e,^ forfo trav- , cling across state lines.es. d u e tto o CBS prograinming)g) 10:36pm TWin Falls Police:e a sse rt Livingston took her:r 44-ycai- Friday, DeBee. 1 9 11:00am Thursday, Dec. oldson from his aunt,in t. T hey issued a press relea;lease In • SatUrdflV.y, Dec. 20 6:30pm 4:00pm November about hisOs di isa p . IIIST pcorance. EDERAL

1 9:30am

18 11:00pm 20 10:30am . 110:30pm 2 6:30pm 5) ^ 1

’ M WiJpiidiT,Die«ii*irl7,rl7,a08 LOCAL Um

5THDISTBICT iPerottit o j u r y tr i i a l p u s hledforw^ t o Jaanuary C O U R T N E W S TWIN FUI* COUMTY . to colliding wilh wifeife negotiated a settlement MONDAY ARRAKMKEKTSI ' ^lEmanfaik e s vehicular:r manslaughter:r chargeI n’s car, according to outsiitside of court wiih PSI. AjiirwnyW.Shltfds. 21, IWln Rill!alls: th e rcleai-•ase. Perotto Pei waived his riglit to battefy; Jan. 27 pnt yearsy In prison and a‘ 6orreiti;L9mure.23,Klmbefly;f. .m a n s ln u g ln c r in Minidoka Mli Oct. 31. 2007,r, two*vchiclcl Systems gari):arl)a(?e truck'and hc kneiicw the truck had S10,(0,000 flne^ QosMSSlon ol a coniniled tub-lb- sunce: recognlxanco feieaw;:prt- pi V County has been reschcd- rc crash that kilkilled Lesley said the truckuck's brakes failed exhlbiteited signs of brake vale coun»t; Jan. 27 prairial Morgan died at to operate ; p properly as hc maifuncliction before the inci* - iMurieIm Welch may be V iilcd for January. Morgan, 34. Mor -Arturo FBrfofvWfteaa. 23. Kimbert■etiy: to stop at 700 N. denl. ached at 208-677‘B7G7 or James Pcrouo wasvas slated the scene of theth accident, attempted to read drMnf wlihout p(tvlle{M. no , to a p p e a r b e fo re a JuriJury today according to a Minidoka 200 II. in MinMinidoka County. Cannonon said Morgan’s liveUrelch&maglcvallcy.com. InMrsnee; SlOO twnd: pudlc defender appotnted; pleaded rwttw guilty William Tnms FIthel.28. Buni; posses»lon of a coniniled sub­jb- stance; Dec. 20 pcflllininary heawar- iQ gives W enndell $8.86 ina: $10,000 bond: pubIK defender appointed M i n i di c k a C o uunty schcl O O l s Jose Alfredo Gaiavl:-Medina, 37;17; aggravated asMult; Dec. 26 pre-pre m i lU ] i o n w a s t e wM e r l o a n llmlnary hearing: $25,000 bondnd: public defender appoinied An(honyJonAN;chay,29. Times-NeHorn U.S..S. . Department of Shoshone: drMng without prhrl-vt- I updiat(te alert s'system Agri.gricuiture's Rural Develop* t leges, leaving Uw scene: T h e 111idalio Department of menlent'program , said Carol obsttucling on offlcet; assault:ll: By Laurie Wticfa . trict on the frorront edge of incident at: Minico^ High IZnvir'nninmentai Quality Garrarrison, wilh DEQ’s slate $500 bond: public defender Tlme».NBWt w riter ' tech n o lo g y . S chool ia.st spring. sp r It could has aw:iwarded the city of watcater quality division. appointed; Jan. 27 pretrial Iways do a lot cven be used,’d to i calm stu- WcndcUcll a n 5B.U6 m lilio n WiWendell’s system has ‘ K ent, y o u a lw i TUESDAY ARRAMNMENT8s parents during Inw-inceiierest lo a n fo r im prov* b eeen er out of compliancc wiih .. ..M inidoka.Countyty ISchoo! . with, the feww resources . dents and par Bralt M. Brymaillaiis and site PowerSchooiool.com and said, d itc h fofor its trcaiment sys* to} correct the problem text messages to panlarents or put in the phonione numbers In cases like iliose, stu- tem, imimprove ils collection throirough an agreement with stu d e n ts. they want calledled in case of dents and parents pi alike lines anm d b u y la n d lo a p p ly DHQ•HQ; the status of ihal The system will/ill allow an emcrgchcy. would receiveive the message efiluenttil to. agrcgrcement could not be officials to instantlyntly send "It can be useiised not only that everythi'thing at the Thelolo a n , fro m DOQ’s S ta te d ecierm le lncd Tbesday after* out 75 messages to0 pparents for emergencyf rnotincation school was allali right, which Rcvolvir/Ing Loan Fund, car- nooioo n . i or students to wawarn of but also for goodgo news,” would alleviIcviaic worry ries a simples 3.25 percent h m I ;crsSi'Ud. in te rcsiKl rale and is payable sc h o o l c lo su re s o r cemergen* m said Scott Rogersers, Minidoka quickly, Rogers H ristm as Concern cies, sald:iC£nt Jacksokson, dis- County Schoolool District “The biggeggest problem over 20;0 years. In that time, it Buy trlct technology admiIministra* superintendent.It. w iil b e keepin;ping tlie plione shouldJ save: the city aboul 'uesday, DecemBer 23”rd tor. , ■ . ^ S o m e applications a ( numbers updapdatcd," Rogers S2.H million m in interest, Mliiidoka Countyity Schpol: Includc notifyinylng parents said. . a cc o rdlingloDI:Q. ir B at tiie Disiricr rfloaid ChaChairman when a bus trarransporting a ------— ...... - - A boutut S6.IH million of the D J ing Fine Arts Centerer: Br{w'D'uncari saidd thetl sys* sports team run:iins late or to Laurie WeltVelch may be lo a n is is DI:Q money, while H j te rn is o n e o f th e firstirst online counter rumorsors sudi as reached at 208208-677-87G7 ar tlie restSI is interim financing ■ ■ 7:30 pnu in Idaho' flnd putss thtl e d is - th o s e o f rio ts dlu u rrin g th e fla g lu>elchiS>magiciqicvalley.com. h a n d leed d by Di:Q - frnm the Guest Conducluctor: I B onnie Bai - Blood,I, S: weat & Jhears t> Newman, I < Forest Servicece searching for coro r r a r a t t e e —A D 'J h a w I a l o n — , alley A rts Choir t Severe Tlrrw^Hewe C assia, a n d IVvinv in Falls. Com mittees.is from cach ^B nSI The U.S. Forest ScScrvlcc Is county will helpsip to distribute ■B O B U $17 I looking for membersters for the money for land-manage- ia CaVfonfor my specials on... dulls: $21, South Ccntral1 Idaho ment programsns — Including .• fHmraits • Chemical Scrvien lilies: $50 R esource A dvisoryy Commit- C outdoor recreatcalion. grazing . ‘ Naih'D'ShawProiluas e 7 nnd abtn'e utlcomei ce (RAC), part oftheth e S c c u rc u se s, fish in g: nndai hunting, lural Schools ,AcAct, will archeological1 sites, and ^icpbllliarmonic.org nc lu d e m e m b e rs frcfrom four issues relatedd toi American itore. Boot PIk /i. Welch Muik i at lhe'door. do counties; Blaine,, C a m a s, In d ia n tribes. Spcclal Guests: Rob N< S a n ta C lau s & O akley Valle directed by K ent Se

Prices: Adulls: $ Students $3, Famille '.Season Tickets: Adull ~~m S tudents $9, Fam llie iChlUrtn agew 7 < K I" TTftf» aiar/afe/f at; The BtxikiKft. j j ' ; p p "• : l ' Y j ULE W e ss t e r n tH i o m e 1 r & F €a m i l y ts t o r e ♦ u jL 1 1 J 3 EBI

rill 1 1 RJ m PI ^ ^ 1111 f •

s d a y , ID e c e im b e r r r i. o n l y r

T w i n I e r o m e * IVM t n . H o ml i e I S t o r e I- TO 8 pm Falls • Je L l M ? T A H r r s

1 7 t h ,

H o u r s : S m • nii»NHi,iyiFi7,aoi « s dffidalikEPAchlangedoesjsn’taffecirtstatean[ n m o n i aprogram^ i ______. prncclccs pi put into placc to ing allU ammonia ai emissions. The T agcncy has now sub-i1 le am m o n ia ).” T hB e Idaho I prognyni sec- mittcd mit a draft version of iipcctlons Limited QuanUty t ' a n d p ro v id es a n a n n unal a l icI p o rt : to DEQ. Instoclconly. ^2 5 i B : That program will11 contin-ct ■■■■I ; ue, sa id M a rtin B auer,r, h h e a d of ; DEQ's air quality division, div g Howard M iller W 9 II I Idaho doesn't actuallylly meas*i H /C ^_,0\ 1 uxc e m issio n s fo r its program,pro K “) ^ * 3 9 t . »» 6 8 9 B I ' i Last man[lin k Howard Miller ManlantleClock^^^B k $; I gamblingg S SUtVngtt^!3 2 9 M ^ probe Howard M iller “M omentint in Tim e” IH clears coi)u r t ^ "'"T 4 9 ^ 1 1 9 H

BrAidrealaclaoa M ini PlantsitehiT lR s^^^K : Tlme»N9WB w rttaf — - The last of thrcercc m e n I j u M chargcd In conncctloitlon to a y 1 yearlong investigationo n le d by ' m : Idaho State Police, plp le a d e d guilty 'niesday to a n m c a n o r c h a r g e o f ill iMetalW f Assorted Uljgqjlugs I possessing a . gangambling .. m a c h in e . 6 Foot Tree •Eriklonsson, Ploneeleer Club g l owner Marvin Picrcc:rce and gl In Baskets former Dale’s Dogs;s iowner B| It Dale Black have all c:c le a rc d ^ th e ir c o u rt h u rd le s wwit: ith p ro - H bation 'punishm entsn ts a n d n | o | y fines. Jonsson was sentcm to six m onihs of unsupcjp e rv isc d B T ham asT ^ probation and orderd e re d to i^ble I ^I Floor I p a y a $50 0 flnc. HKInkade I m_ J 1 3 9 3 ! a c k a n d P ierce w eiercsen * Lampsu I T tenccd Nov. 18. Theyh e y w ere T Lamps I each ordered to payly $$500 in Hprlnts I fines and serve onele y e a r o f ^ Bunet LamiH p ro b a tio n . -IVrln Falls County,iy ;p ro se- ciiiors dismissed nineline o th e r ______misdemeanor clc h a rg c s a ^ n s t th e m e n In cxce x ch a n g e fo r Ih c ir g u ilty ple as. 'Jonsson's lawyer,:r, Brent B IrtedCeramlclfl Nielson, said IXiesdaylay in Sth M I^Accessorles^H D istric t C o u rt In TVriiiVrin Falls H . i M th a t th e c a s e Is m inior. o r. j B u S c r e e n s I Police aimed to la n d Throws felony charges fromo m Ih c ir T l efforts. "Thai didn’t workk bibccause. |B the (state) attorneyy g e n eral ■ « 3 9 sa id th e y d id n 't h a vn; c ee n o u g h for that," said TWinwin FaUs ■ ■ ^ ^ B i County Prosecutoror Grant ^|| Lcwbs. llnTunliniid^^ Nielson told theh e c o u rt I w Candle | lonsson still has a eg a m in g l^ultcasesl^ &achlnc

Andrea JacksonI nmay be reached at 208-735-315-3380 o r ajackson&tmglcvalle:illey.com. I H H H H B » • I ^ WH»dq,l)«»l»ri;,2l)0«m ______iDAHOAVEgr jpather•of Greggonbanikboml]}mgsusspectanFrested r other devices, and a green r-hcodcd." Bmcc TUmlilgcIgc docs not legfromtheknknee down and his would glvt^ funhcr insuuctions forot I; SALEM, Orc. (AP) —- TTIic "My client Is dear-h etal box was spotted next to ge^ court- own thc farm,, but b public leftlegwasmun u tilate d o n IL Thtrhe man also said he metal I& thcr o f a S d c m m a n accuscused said lo^ua T\imldge^ eVWst Coast Bank b u ilt ^ g , his address. It Thc probabable cause state- would beelecalllngthcWcstCoast thcW to f killing tw o O re g o nI lawli appointed attomcy.y. Steven records list it as his icthcrhcwasa ment said diat tl on Friday Bank, HalHakim, Ibrm ant and Russell ^enforcem ent ofllccn in aI bba a n k Kraslk o f Salem . "H ee v was sur- was not dear whcth man callcd In a LocalI pollccpi ofllccrs arrived orrhrcrhrcd at the West Coast Bank, 4i3ipIosIon was arrestrested prised tt) be arrested.L A And he is renter there, id and the owner moming. a d lately available b o m b th rea t;tothcW tc ^I^o at the WellsWl Fargo biiUdlng, Afterle t Hakim in sp ected a n d X- ■JXicsday on bomb-makilaking optimistic that he2 ^ will be was not Imniediau:! Bank In Wboc•odbum. vsMch Is opened1 at garbage bln and rayedycd thc green box. h e said he Conspiracy diargcs, auilioriiorities dcarcdofall these chathatges.” for comment da State Policc next door-to0 the West Coast spottedI a a ccll p h o n e o n to p o f w as ‘"confident that It was a U aid. Officers anested hisis fatlicr1 a t . The blast killed a I clan. Senior Dankbianch.L vrfxatappcppcaredtobcapadcagc. hoaxMX deiice and that It could ;• Brucc TUmidgc. 57. faces fat a form a b o u t 13 mileslies south- bomb techniciar iHakim.anda Thcmonsalsaid-if'Oiey* didn’t Hakim aam n d a n FBI bo m b tech- betali! taken apart to be placcd Into ^charges of conspiracy lo man-nu west of Salem, thc dtjdtyw?herc Thwper William Ha «r, Capt Tbm leave thc bullclUdlng. all o f th em n id a n wciwere called They exam- e>1deIdence." •Ufacturc a n d possess a n expexpio- lo sh u a lives. LL SKellaila I L orancc W so d b u m oBiccr, would die," the ti court docur ined he the package and ccll ThiThe statement says a bank t^ve flcvice, the Marion Couibunty of thc Marion County:Ity SherUTs Ib n n an t. p h o n e aiand determined thc emplinployce sa w H akim trying to .'district ottom ey’s office saidaid. Office sold law enforctirccrswere It critically,Jy. Injured mentstates.. cc Chief Scott Themanalsalso said that a packagevilewiis a hoax dcvicc. open)cn thc box while Tennant '• tils son. 32-year-old Joshbshua searching all 750 aac!aes* of thc W ^bum Policc < ble cause state- phone wouldd bI e fo u n d next to W oodbidbiim police scarchcd hdd2ld iit when thc bom b ciqjlod- 3\imidBC, appeared in coicourt farm “from front to l>ail>ack.’ S h c Russell: a pro b ab le ( dllosthlsrl^t a garbage cca an . a n d th a t h e th c areaa aroa u n d th c tw o ban k s L c d jJUesday on charges that tl would riot elaborate, ; m e n t said Russell k tjndude aggravated murderd e r In Uhe explosion Friday atI t ith e iW sst Coast Bank in th eaggricul- rlc jiural cown ofWbodbum.tj. T1 h e • tharge carries a potential1 ddej e ath ^ jpenalty. W e ' r e? e x t e ? n d i ni g o nl e i k Idaho I

^chool o f G> u r b (e s t o 1 f f e r s |)oarddropps I book ban t h r o ) u g h T ■ h u n s d a y !

C O aU R D'A IJiNE —- T h e 'Coeur d’Alene school botb o a rd ;hos voted to altow 26 bboc o o k s Ifyou wiA/ere in te rn d i n g t o ss h o p l a s tt •back Into classrooms a af fte r >{hey w ere rem oved fro mn a Ilist lof approved titles earlierer thtl is w e e k e n dd b u t g o t _ _ ‘students In sixth throuro u g h K e cc e i v e •I2th grades. •; E arlier th is year, th e disulistrict i^ e v ise d a n approval systff •b n d d e a lt w ith su b je c tsiln In a p - tproprlato for students. V The books were remom oved o1 y s a l e p rr i i c e , 'irom dassrooms bcforcire th e Dfeven ,*siart o f th e -s c h o o l y e a r so •they could be reviewedd byb a Committee of parents,i. e d u - c i e ajrance priii c e a n d ^ to rs, district ofllciaisIs ai n d ev€ery ^ co m m u n ity m em bers. < In November, thc comrim m it- ^tee rccommcnded thc bbo o a rd 'approve Aldous Huxliu x le y ’s eevery r e g u l a r p►rice r ^"Dravc New World." bullu t th c ;i)o ard sp lit 2-2, k e e p ing iit t o u t ;bf the classroom. igrances, finel e , Published In 1932, "Brave "Br excludingg only cosmeetics and frac ;N ew World" po rtray s a1 fuful tu re •$o d c ty d e s i r e d to e llmm lrln a tc )watches, Terrmpurpedic nrnattresses Ev■veryday Valuues. tjiuman discomfort, ia n d >hcre humans themselis e lv e s . 1 complete ytrour holiday !'W lic rc th c Hed Fern GGrows," ro 7A11CC In Wondcria:irlan d ." ;?Sccrci life of Bees," "ShoShane," •fDeath of a Salesman," *"T hc C r a p e s o f Wrath," “T hIC c CG reat ■ MMrtiririfir-rr-— ■fJatsby," “Thc Scarlet LLei etter." 719B4." "Frankenstein,"n," a n d ITXXVS ;fZen & thc Art of M otontorcycle ★r Maintenance." uM«uiiaaum.suii •: About lOOpeopleatteitren d e d :^e meeting, and thee b o a rd jistencd to about an hho< ou r o f 0353040003192i i i i 1B07 i p u b lic co m m en ts. MCW « ° ° ° ^ ;; ‘ I'm m o re fo r sen sibIble le po l- •icy and appropriate tcace a c h in g inethods tlian I am foro r 1lim it- jng of student optionsj n s a n d r . . . opportunities for growtl-w th a n d CV*/eryone can sisave! Just briing this Saviiings Pass witith you. ’■bpportunities to in inti te ra c t ;>vith literatu re." sa idi C o cu r I y ’A lene Mlglt S d io o l tc tcj a c h c r ;tr ic Louis. niss our icountI Also on the list wasw as J.D. Don't m beist dis< ISalinger's "Catcher In th c I^e," which portrayss a te en )liday seasonn. jecently expelled fromTl 9sch o o l ofthe hol ^ d w ^ o Is telling h is1 stostt ry to jb th e ra p ist. ‘

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EDITOBlAlJ______- Thte g o o d ( s i d e 0[ ) f b a d t ] i m e s

lie go sp el o f i ■ C a n cc i t y c u t imes. Wllh all tliLs b aad d economic( J new s, w c'rc siaiianlngtoheara n m c lio m s o f voicesices preaching IIII llic ciiliiiral bensenefitsof betteiirdealf( financial crises.;cs. I • I Surely it h aas s nreachcd your k cjirs: A rcccssiorsion could force / r u s 10 s p e n d mm oi ore tim e w ith / ^ o u r ram ilics. It cco u ld c u rb / T.F.I M u n i ?* lliccxtcssesof(o f ou r co n - sumerlst cultuntu re, m a k e u s / , le a m 10 live w ill ith in o u r i t h ppressure mounting lo malnake the means. Ifcck.c, it could purify V TWlnMin Falls Municipal Golf Coi^oursc our greedy caplia p iialist souls. I ay for itself, the City Counciidl did a ATcmpleUniUniversity I auple of things this week to move English profcss(esso r ev en h a s \ W ]e links toward financial selliclf-sufil- pointed to ali11 theth great litera- \ i- V tu rc p ro d u c eid d d u rin g th e ed rates — including weekdk d a y 1930s: la m esi AgAgee, iost 18 percent — with thee coalg of Nathanael West^cst. Henry Roth. » / E f ® T h e list go e s o n . v l c ie n c y . a facility that T h e c o u n d l r a i sible e d : since O U f V leVm i ~ greens fees by almost r e d u c in g lo s s e s a t rsaisoa fi The TwinIn Fails ' , I GREGORY 1'^ — hasn't been profitable City Courluncil’s J 1 9 9 7 . :t by a year to ' R o d r ig u e z on that deIcsiro to puii logeth* ' of regicgular "market correc* th th a t it w as o n ly o n e o f th e C o u n c il m e m b ee. r s am{ o v e dSCiSIOflj.i n s to , “ er. tlo ni" " co f th e h e a rt, A m e ric an s m a n y n a rrad v e s th a t w c “W e havave faced difficult wantiI t to be liev e th a t it Is po s- n n< e e d to m a k e c a p ita lism - e x t e n d e d PG A P rolecity^pie Mi seekpFoi ra p o s- iJ tim es befofore," h e said Dec. 7 slb lee tito m itig ate th e sin s o f m o re livable. H a m b lin ’s c o n tra c t b; o n ’ M eett tth e Press," “tim es th e irir oown economic system, It's in th is sa m e sp irit th a tl lI ' m anage the course,[’e a ° c t « ° / als fo r mmanf^ ■'------"If it's tru eI th£th a t ad v ersity w h en our*ir economic destiny I woulisu id g o so fa r o s to Identl* th th in k m y frien d a n d o th e rs designed to give the ( looking at a ag e m e n•'ty' t canbringoutciIt creativity,’ the seemed toto b e slip p in g o u t of fy rituiiuals i w c use , ev en in a ar rc lo o k in g o n th e bright tim e to solicit proposshortfall and id rccendy, ‘then our hands,Is. A n d a t each g o oid d ttim es, to exorcise th e side sli of rccesslon. They see dng a district Twit) FaiiSills professor said n m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e e , th e G rc at D epreip rcssio n w as m o m e n t, vw c ha v e risen to d e mn o o i n s a n d so fte n th e th th is difficult m o m e n t a s a W ith TWin Falls loolipendlngS33 : Municlpap a i o n e o f th e greatreatcrcatlve meet theei ch allen g e, as o n e h a rs h :rea lities a tte n d a n t o n c c h l a n c e to retrieve s o m e . S300.000 revenue she urtlme." people uniin ited by a sen se of livingng ia n d dyin g b y th e m ar* m o ra l clarity. I d iin k th e y ’re onthevergeofaskini ^ G o l f i l o u i lad the housing common1 ppurpose." ket aialso h o p in g th a t th e to u g h J u d g e to a p p ro v e spjermitting e i the : and'w •raise , bubble didn'ti't blb u rs t earlier! Last wee’eck, a baby-boomer Lasta stV k re ek .Isa w a co m m u * tim tli es will reinvent them. a t m illion for water syst All k id d in g asasid e, alo n g frien d seni■nt m c a n e-m ail n ityi ththeater producUon of “A W e all kn o w th e a d a g e th a t =to run ^ 'fefear^; risu n a s C arol," a n d it to tc u g h tim e s m a k e g rea t le ad - ­ im provements, there' p .W O w ilh o u r ab idd lnin g fear o f ha rd a b o u t how3W m u c h h e w as C h rist also s e em s to b e lo oking foifo rw ard to Obam a's finallyilly struck me that what e ei rs, b u t th e y also ho ld th e d iln g s u p p o r t fo r phas e r accum u- - ^ps' jr|>ifi' the times, thcrc alsi f t t . .• a rca l h u n g e:r r fofor, in Thomas inaugural:ai ad d rc ss. miUioilions of Americans sit p pi ro m ise o f grca m ess fo r th e course to continueWO tc In losses AtAif riim l|BC-<.. Paine's vrord3,tlts, th e d m e s th a t 'T h is coc o u n try need s a d o wv n to w a tc h ev ery y e ar is rc rc st o f us. W e look b a ck o n d e fic its . luding about ■V •; V i j' . •, try m e n 's souls.uls. President- sense of mn a d o n a l purpose," th e susu p e m a m ra l ta lc o f a th th o se w h o lived th ro u g h th e I W in F a lls M u n i iha m : ost recent i ' e lec t B arack; Ob t am a h a s h e w ro tei, ,' " an d I th in k th a t h y p)er*capitalist e r chastened Depression D wldi a ccnaln lated nearly $550,000led Sept. 30. e a r n e d sta tuirc re ]p o in ts a s h c will em erg!rge fro m th e chal- in toD g thls a nIdOtner d presldcnuolheI h e ro w h o m peo - OK. so 0I he's a ro m an tic. But u mip p t h in th e ne v er-e n d in g W e d o n 't k n o w h oct? w r Maybe, 'I ■ p ie a re se ekingJn g . it's th e indi* h e's n o t aialone. strugfuggle b e tw e e n self-inter- GrtgOTy Rodriguez is a r e v e n u e is, b u t U'suid si{ be with V. ' ?r. v ld u a l a n d coll'coUectivc h e ro - In so m (n e w ays, all this c s t :an a n d w h at's g o o d for th e columnist o for the Los Angeleses C a n t h e c ity g e t a b ismthatadvenversity can some- redempthItlve talk in th e face o f w holeio ie .T h e FBI la b ele d th e Times. 7 Write to him at gro- in the next contract?1 pro is widely respected an(ind has times Inspire.rc. th e evilss oof capitalism ought movii3vie " c o m m u n ist p ro p a - driguez9iatimescolumnisis.c d t.c and perhaps it could' job with the city’s Junior•Golf G Obama^rhcirhctoric touches to soundd Ifam iliar. In a kind g a nnda.’’ d i It didn't understand om. o H a m b lin . ose critical of the city's cumtrrent golf T h e 4 8 * y e a r-o ldhing p r b u t good things to saya y a b o u t d o n e a e x e m p la r y jol P r o g r a m . E v e n th o{reement s e be written that pup u t s t h e L e t t e r[STO s ' THE EDITOR the black? Maybe, b ut int a free- - H a m b lin . t’s necessary th a t— at leastJft-the Whal was theUie point of less, than!mkless,dayandall- Idahoih o rc sc u e sta te s th a t a re force f< fo r p ro tec tio n , b u t h aId d C o u l d a le a s e agreebe minim ized and that the . I w o u ld ^ a d ly have n o tt a c a p a b le o f m a k in g th e n r o m o n e y to hire m e rc e n ary ^ airport secuitixrtty story? o p e r a t i o n b a c k inm thi ore transparent. m y o v ertim e pay for h a rdrd < ch o ic e s n e c e ssa ry to soldiers. s So th e y tu m e d to f a llin g e c o n o m y it’s1 community r conversationin abouti After readinjling Jared sleep andi d tim e w ith m y fam - p roo d d i u c c a b a la n c e d budget? th tl e E nglish m id id o n o f th e operating deficitsrers be should subsidize recrea•eatlon, Hopkins' artlcit i d e to d a y In th e ily. W^ eh t h e r y o u ag re e w ith militia*citi r 2e n -so ld lers w h oo' gathered for training and a r r a n g e m e n ts b e .m The o process of soliciting' aa n e w S u n d a y p a p>er e r ireg a rd in g th e I h o p e e] y o u r article doesn't th ce c concept ( or not, taking g w h o c o u ld fight w h e n n e e dJ- ­ T h e c ity n e e d s a5 Municc is a good place to start.st£ airport securit]irity, J wondercd make ovcvertime mandatory advmvantage of an economic v 1C a c tu a l pu rp o se fo r th o sele th a t d o n 't w an t it in stimm u u lu s pa ck a g e m a k es e c d . All ab le-b o d ie d m e n h o w m u c h ta x p a y e rs w h a t w as th e a ______o f th e a n ic leIc -— wras it fln an - th e first tp placc. sensense. If w c d o n 't ta k e th e b b e tw e e n 16 a n d 60 w erc a n d in w h a t f o rm . T l clal scandali bby y to p cops? C L iF FIF M cKEE m ooney, n ( hwilljustgoto re r q u ire d to join. deal forTVvin Falls M Exposing howo w m u c h th e T W n FtFails anotlo th e r sta te . Today, the military lineage vies-N ew s IWin Falls line:inest make for DARRELLDA HAMPTON o c f th e s e early reg im en ts is th e ir a n n u aII l sssalary? O r w as it S t a te Shlih o u M t a k e m 1\vln Falts c c a rrie d o n by eac h s ta te in jiisber Steve Crump. . . . Opinioinlon editor Jealousy th a t ti £o u r u n io n . M uch h a s a t th e y m a k e a d v a n taageofecononlc j h e d o e s a s a jour- rtlotlal Guard has king ch i a n g e d in th is c o u n try T imBf the editoiial board and writenters of ' uiswers would be SuinulUS■s p a c k a g e sin c e 1636, b u t o n e th in g hla a s ire Brad Kurd. Jam es Q. Wright, nolLstTMyans' sto ry o f A n k » not. J Cidzen-soldiers slill Brad Hurd. . . . publis)-Bill BItzenburg snd Ruth S. Plerc no.ycs,>’cs. T h e s e m ec n ta n d w o m e n R egardrding your Cheers WtW h en w e a rc you n g , w e g { a th e r to tra in a n d de p lo y The m em bert of tl p u l ih c ir lives'/c s o n th e lin e a n d le ers;rs o n D ec. 13, you looklokforwrard to celebrating around i the world. Idaho cara n •dltorial* are i ..... — — every d a y a nm d d all I to o k fro m h a v e mle e c o n fu se d . o u rir b b irth d a y s. W h en w e ge l b t e v e ry p ro u d o f Its N ationalla l Steve Cnifflp, Bill y o u r spew was "salary envy." A slatete bailo u t is one thing; olderdcr, w e th in k p e rh a p s w e G ( u ard a n d th e w o n d erfu l u$whatyoutliini( C h a n g e y our u r ccollege major an cconolomic stimulus pack- shoulOuld slow d o w n a little o n tra t in in g faciiiUcs a l G ow cn1 es-News welcomes letters fromI rereaders and try walkinIking a c o u p le o f age Is ancjioiher. As I under- thee e ev en t. Field. I If yo u a re a n em p lo y er an shift, y o u ha v e lo b u d g e t tp p ro b le m s .! fully sup- in toIto th re e rc e m e n ts . T h e a n d safe A m erica. lley.com, register and tellI US u W h at fresh en u pI aan n d re p o rt to p o rt th alat t thought process. Coloo lo n y w as se v e n years old JOSEPH E. EYRE i Wanttoe:)ut this editorial and otherer news. court and ROgo ia n o th e r sleep- \V hy shlo o u ld th e people of th elen. n T h e y n e e d e d a m ilitary. le ro m e :Go to Magicvalley • you think about T h e LiGf3HTER' SIDE OF C POLITICSs

ByI Garry Trudeau Mallardrd Fillmore ______By Bruce Tinsliislcy

ws.*«w t ■—H UHB^tUJL.9ACK SArsL.i HH doonesbury L. I mejmK.ua iw r w CMsnu. p / RP,HopW&Tlte j mcAUsrr icntw w aspiw ny«0t- t CH i to$»»n '■ I . mxtfCK cn w • yOLTOMctr m - ' mtnmt rum k 1 I J r -

• ? l^Si __ I i 1

Tta»Nm,1MFili,kUNkt O p in io n WMw>diftD>e«rt

T h e r ee’sawair going Gonaloi^g our SO9 u t h e m1 b o r d e rr j

n Nov. 3, Ihc da I tlmelretum,!Tl, 1 se e a p o p u - I c n c e a taa Washington ' dinner startsrtstolookdlsturiilngly and a outspent by opponentss .. before Amcricaricans la c c u n d e r grcotergrci siege. party. Nobobody— Republican simlkillar to Afghanistan, o o f un c e rta in b u t ro b u st size,c, clcctcd Barack R e sid e n ts posslosscss a m e n to ll- o r D cmocrat o c —wantsto who&lo se c c o n o m y Is fueled by the tl state's Ic^timocy quickly Obam a prcsideni,Iru g c ar- dru{ U A V ID ty Uiat increasicoslnglyrescm- opproach:h th is th o r n y discus- th5 e he hi ro in -b a s e d po p p y deteriorates. d Otel hunchmcn murdcrc D A N E L O b le s d ie o nclMrlmesscdasa e IV sion. tr a d c e . T h e M exican s ta te h a s n oDt t p e o p le In M c x ica kI w ias th e ^i./ni’imA/ Marine ofDcerc er In B aghdad, Mcxico,:o,oursccond-Iargcst Arizona Ark Gov. lanct fa fi c c d th is grove a challenge0 lilghcst num ber killedled in o n e FaUujahandRidRomadl. tradingp pa a rtn e r, is a frag- N ap p o o litaiio , O b am a's pick for to ti its a u th o rity sin c c th e d a y sin c c P resident Pel ■ 'T h e po licIce e areI noU ilng," a m c n tin; g state s that may spiral Homiimeland Security dircctor. M N e x ica n re v o lu tio n ne arly a : ; Clnldcron (ook ofTicec lnIn I fo rlo rn c a bd dri' riv er to ld m c in tow ard failurefoi a s th e rcccs* h as s a ai rg u e d fo r p c rm a n e n d y century c ago. Decem ber 2006. By'c coi o m p a ri* m e ssa g e s a n d bba a in n e rs S e p te m b er., “T “Tl hey c a n n o t slo n a nj d d c ru g vio le n ce w ors- .s tadonlng d o National Guard I fy o u w a n t to see w h a t s o n , o n average 26 peoplepeo — threatened teachic h e rs th a t if p ro tc c t anyone'one. Wo can go en. Rcmltii lt la n c ^ to M cxico trolo o p p s alo n g th e border. T hat M ^ cxico w ill look like If th is A m e ric an s a n d Iraqislis c o m - . th e y failed to playprotccdon a y • novrficrcclsc.^sc.Wellvein from Immimlgrant labor have respoip o n se a lo n e w ill d o Uttie p p a tte r n c o n tin u e s , visit a b in e d — d ie d dolly in iIraq in m o n e y to cartels,;ls, d ie lr stu - • fear." fallen aim;m ost 2 0 p c rc c n t in toassuage ass American border border b city likcTljiiana. 2008. Mexico’s casualtjlolty list d e n ts w o u ld sulTcilTcr b r u ta l A t th e sam m c ed m e , w ld i th e 2008. FoUi>Uowing oil, to u rism cltizIzcns. c To them! (alk of w v h c rc n in e b e h e a d e d bodiesi c s |' o n Nov. 3 in d u d c d a mrr a n . c o n seq u e n ce s.. LocalLc author- U.S. cconomym y in f r o fall. a n d remlittonces, it dmgs arc “violco le n c c b le ed in g over” Is w v erc d isc o v ere d in plastic . b e h e o d e d in C iudadd Iulu a rc z Id es resp o n d e dI bb y assig n in g m a n y illegald im in m ig ran ts a re th c lc a dling ln in c o m e s u e a m In p olitica litl l p a b u lu m w hile they b b a g s recently, h ih a le th e w h o se blo o d y co rp sesewas v 350 teenage poUcjUcc c a d e ts to tc tu m ln g soutloudl. So Illegal die Mcxicdean cconomy. watclitch thclr southem neigh- stcnch s of dccay. Inspcct thec suspended along ann oo\ v e r- th e city’s 900 scchools. h t If immlgradon-in — d ie only b o r- W hile! th ti e b o tto m is dro p - b ors rs bleed. I fe fi a r o n th e faces. A nd th e nI p a s s fo r h ours. No o3nehad n e organized criminlin a lsw rish to d c r issu e Ula iat: t s e e m s to stir p in g o ut t o c f th e oil a n d If ^ f^N apoU tano w ish e s (0 a a sk y o u rse lf ho w th e U n ited tlie courage (o removeove th e c x tra c t trib u te fro m te a c h e rs, th e m a sse s— — m : o d e n o to u rismI markets. n Uic stablliblllzc th e b o rd e r, sh c will S S ta te s is p re p a re d to rcsponcn d b o d y u n til dark. .b u sin e ssm e n , to u i rists o r sp la sh in dlisyear'sclcctions. iis y AmericanUl str e e t p ric e of hv a vc elo p e rsu a d e th e a a s M exico's c risis inc re asin g ­ T h e d e a th toil froim m tei rro r- a n y o n e else, thic e nrc Is n o th in g M exico's chaoslaos never sur- every nanareotic h a s skyrocket- P en n ta u g o n a n d th e S tate ly 1; b e c o m c s o u r ow n. 1st a ttac k s in M um bai)al twi o th e M exican goves v e m m e n t c a n fac ed as a too p p ic i In eltiicr tiie e d .l n part a r bccause of reccnt Depa:p a rtm e n t to ta k e a greater w ee k s ago, alth o u gh hiho rri- d o to s to p th c hTl. i. FI or its p a rt, foreign o r lod o m n e stic policy d ru g interterdiction successes intcn:crcst In Mcxico. Despite David Danela is the auihoiw r’ b le. a p p ro a c h e s th e: av erag e th e U n ite d Stat<»t(»has presidcndalll dd( e b ate s. alo n g th1C e U .S. b o rd er. CaldcJdcron’s commcndobic o c f “Uic Borden Exploring thehe w ee k ly bod y co u n t in b e c o m c n u m b> to th is n o rm . D esp ite theth e gravity | of the Unfontrtunately, this toxic effono r ts to fight boU i th e car- U.S.-MexlcanI Divide"'and Mexico’s war. Thrcc(weeks we Aspartofmyoy ongoing crisis, our closi:loscst neighbor economiclie c o ck ta il also stuffs tcs is a a n d poU cc c o rru p tio n , "Blootl Stripes: The Crtnu's a g o In lu a rc z, w hichhis is just reseoich into borlo td e r Issu es, I h a s fallen ofToiff ou r political d ie c a rtee ls' l coffers. this is s s tru g g le sh o w s n o signs VietuoftheWarlii\ /nu/.”//cI’ i a c ro s s th e Rio G randeid e fro m h a v e visited luorez a rt six times radar. Heaven/e n h e lp y o u If Substitutejte trib a l d a n s for o fslowing.When slo 45,000 fed- wrote i this coHi/He/iMfyfor I Ul Paso, Texas, tclcphojhone over the last two;vo y e ars. E ac h y o u b rin g uipthcbordervlo- p tl drug cancnds, and Mcxico endll tro t o p s a re o u tg u n n e d thei Los Angeles Tmm.

t y o u r nn a y o r vA ^ a n t s f i i s t m a s l i i i’s w h a t E O ifi : i

o st ch ild renc n hav1 e •81 projectsccts m e n tio n in g S utton's> stic si k -u p g u n . pirk o rk b a rre l sp e n d in g ? D ocs p i ro je c ts a rc finished: o u t of pro b ab ly finishednnl ng* a n d /o r b e a u - H ere'ss o c n e p ro p o sa l I e sp e- Itever eve ask us ifwe have wrork > a n d w aitin g for th e dielr Cltrisursu n a s lists UficaUon^efforfforis. dally likeke: $1,500,000 for an enoulOUgh m on e y ? No, govern- next i govemment rescue. to S a n ta Cn laus.e e le cS te o md et GAL KrisdnaRasRasmussen, NTU's Initiadverc in Dayton. Ohio for mcnle n t te lls u s h o w m u c h of R cad th e e n tire w ish list aia t'^ ’ M; irc offlcials, still however, are! '] govemment die “Rcduduce Prostituilon-Off ourO 'm r o n e y It in te n d s to let \vww.usmayors.org/maln- \ T h o m a s " S oK ^ c o m p ilin g theirs. trs m o re an aly sis d ie S treet!Cts Pro g ram .” T h e u skeep. k c Instead, shouldn't strcctcconomicrecovery/do< : lo c -^ Close behind Detrol . ' o f d ie m ayors'o rs' re p o rt o n p ro p o sedcd spending would webi: b c te llin g g o v e m m e n t uments/mscr-rcport-20081 i II wish list com es a longm g o n e N T U 'sb lo gp:“T “Total c o st o f th e "co n n ectct in d iv id u als hiw o w m u c h o f ou r m o n e y w c 2 I .pdf. •'Ji from America's mayor;yors. — —------^ w ish list is $73,163,299303.$73 involved!d i n p ro stitu tio n w itii wII ill allo a w g o v e m m e n t to C o n g re ss ^h o u ld say "no")" ^1 Ijis t M onday, th e} U.U.S. p a g e Ust. H ere ao re r so m e o f T h e y cla imI tillsUii vrtll c re a te a n resources:cs to le a v e a life o f s pe e n n d ? to I th e m a y o rs. G iven d ie attiitti-r:i Conference of Mayorso r s s e n t th e lowUghts. e stim a te d 847847,641 jobs in prostitutiition.” I guess Ronald Democrats, De especially, tude t in Washington these Its jls t o f w ish e s to thepoim-th e •$1.102blUlonIon in p ro je c ts 2009 a n d 2010010. D ivide tiia t R eaganw w a s rig h t w h e n h e uiCd s e d to ta lk a b o u t “m o n g ag - d ( a y s — a n d a D em ocratic cal equivalent ofSonKmta involving sldewaiwalks; o u t, a n d y o}u u gge t a c o st to - observed,x], “It h a s b e e n said i ng g o o u r future" by Irrcsponsi- president i about to take Qaus: Congress. Theriie m a y o rs • $1 m illion foraimualfot taxpayersofSI3f$86,314pcrJob. diatpollblltics Is Uie se co n d - b lec spending. s| Now the officc < with 0 bigger a p p a re n tly figure writh ith all the scwcr rchablUtatlta d o n in N o t ex ac d yif aa (g rea t deal." o ld e st irofesslon.prt I have Con{in g r e s s Is b e h a v in g like a Democratic I congressionalI i. t ^ k fro m P resldcnt'cli:-elect Casper, VV^o.: No, It Is nonot t a grcpt d eal In. le a rn e dI U ti iat it b e a rs a strlk- b aUlk n k gone wild, handing out m i a jo rity — th a t Is u nlikelyf td;'*ti O b a m a a b o u t infrastnistru c tu re • S6.1 n iilllonn fofi r c o rp o r a te th a t se n se, bbui u t it Is a great in g res erra m b ian c e to th e flrsL ' mo o n n e y to a lm o st a n y o n e h I o p p c n . re p a ir a n d jo b crcadoiidon, th e y h a n g a rs, p a rUing n g lo ts, a n d a d e a l ... o f mnoney. on not tiiat Wherero In Uic C o n stitu tio n t ia i a t ta ; sk s fo r it w ith few T h e q u e stio n ou g h t n o t to ■<. m ig h t a s w ell try to> pilpile o n to b u s in e s s a p ron n aa t d ie Uils m a tte rsrs llth e se da y s w ith is th e re! au ai th o riz a tio n for strin:rin g s a n d n o se n se b 1 e h o w w e ge t pro stitu tes oof f f’fT S a n ta 's lap, too. Fayetteville, Arii:.,ric., a ir p o r t'I h u n d re d s oof f billionsb b e in g su c h spcilending? attacta c k e d . the1 strcets in Dayton, but • r T lie m a y o rs claimTidie d ’•ISprojcctsw}\^dU1 th e te rm to sse d a ro uu n n d d a s if it w ere G ovemim m c n t c a n alw ays The T h so-called "Jobs" die h I o w w e retire th e m In cconomy will be stlmtImulatcd “stadium' in thcih e m , in c lu d in g c o n fe tti. Bu ut t wv ho's cou n tin g ? fin d neww w ay s to s p e n d o u r mlayors a y claim w ill b c crc atc d C < ongress. if th e ir w ishes are grarp u n te d . a S150 m illioniMetromover M Certainly nonlotCongress: money.T:That'sbecauscit's wilhill o n ly la st fo r a b rief tim e, — /*• r W h a t d o th e y w ant?i?T Tl he e x te n sio n to dlie i e F : lo rid a C ongrcss hlas a s (opened die notgoveicomment’s money. Theitic n w h a t? T h o sc w ho take Syndicated columnist Calal :| National Taxpayersi UtUnion Martins' baseball)all stadium; purse stringsIgs fasterI th a n a E)oes govo v e m m c n t ev er ask If thle e m n a rc likely to b e ba ck Thomas can be reacheti at (NTU) has analyzedd tth h e 72- a n d bank tellerrfacedwiUiWUlie fac thepubllt)llc a p p ro v e s o f su c h where he: dicy were when die tmsedltorsiPlribiine.com. j ..

L E T T E R TO M o nre a n d ml i o r e , o u rrsisareiHlstateim i l i t a r y ' T H E E D IT O Ri n n H o p ew e UUTbwnshlp, T m h h h 1 big bluesestates Uiat have voted feretTent re^ons of this diverse le a n in g sites, in contrast, D ^ o c rja a d c in th e p a st five c}tmtry. o m mostiy lacked any easily rec- Taxpayers desove tl N.J.. th e vcterte ra n s o f A m erican LegionLet P o st 339 _ presidentindaldections. These Jf Jf; yo u n g pe o p le from differ- ogrdzable features of milltar; own stim ulus packai **8®* have put dielr bill D A N I E L L E sta te s antmd another blue state, entrIt regions and social back- language. 1 SO de sp erately seel Iseek retsd^com sala *Tixla/s e vets irk. w h ic h ran k e d 12di gtiim ro u ds ddier enter or steer This is one sign tiiat our A L L E N “ answers to some quesiues- out," 82-year old]lid Jim H all to ld I, a re a m o n g th e 10 de e a a r i o f die a rm e d forces, mil- public sphere alrcady suffersirs tions that cloud myymlnd. m The Times omerVentonlast states witvitii die lowest number Itaiyaiy servlcc will becomc, over• fro m a division betw een milliiu -:'| s u c h as: mondtTTiepostlis tls d o w n o fp o st-V-Vietnam vets per capl- dmem e, a n o qxsriencc th a t docs-- taryandnon-milltarycul- W tiydidconsumenic rs fro m 425 p a :igmembersin ^ I I------I ta .N ew/Jersey Jt comes in 50th n'teit e a s e b u t cx acerbaics pte- tures. raise their prices onn thcl960sand70’70s to 202 tills recruits todie die all-volunteer ofdic50:K) states; just 1 pcrccnt existdstlng cultural differences. Is.(. It Is timc (otiilnk seriouslysly -j. j e v ery th in g b c ca u seethe th ycar;onlyabout{Litadozenrcg- military haveive at distinct geo- ofcurremUlt residents have theele all-volunteer mlUtaiy a b o u t a stn ic tu re for na tlono! m 1 pricc of fuel was outnutni- ulariyattend. g rap h ic dlL: AnA nd tellingly, d ie servedinUicmiliuuyslncc in alrcoready having Uils effcct? scrvice— boUi military and g e o u s b u t n o t lowerirUicm d Butlt^jAmeriarica diet has mapofmlllurlitary servlcc since Vietnam,n . I Is s p o tte d th e link betw een ' n o n -rn ilita ry — d ia t could i w hen the pricc of fuel changed, not vets^ets. 1973 alignstdosety d c witii elec- What^t^ dear from the data miUidlitory scrvlcc and regional successfully integrate young d ro p p e d ? Since 1970, d[he ie popubtion toral mapsi distinguishingdis red is Uiat a major r national Insti- partiartisan divisions vriien I was people from differcnt rc^on i I a lso w o n d e r w hhat at of die United StaiMates h a s fro m b lu e states.stati tu tio n ,tiie tii U.S. military, now rcsei!sean:hlng not military histo-• o f th e c o u n try s o dia t they’ ! would of happenedd IfIfthe grawnbyaboutSIt 50 p e rc e n t. In 1969,tiie d ie 10 sta te s wridi h a sd g h«er tt connections to lybi'b u t Internet political com- will co m e, a t least, to u n d e!r- r­ ~ fed e ra l g o v e m m enIt t gigave fro m r o u ^ 200>00 million to Uie highestt percentage pc of vet- some regegions of the country muriimicadon. I noticcd that s ta n d e a c h other. th e $700 blU lon ballotilloutto 300 million. Oververthcsame eTanswcie,in^ino^dc^ tiionodich e rs . posts o s t on right-leaning sites us, thetoxpaycrsTThaThat period, die numhrnixr of active' Wyoming, PennsyhanUuWcstPen Andwiwc can't simply treat ofleiflen em p lo y ed m ilitary lingo DanleileAlier\istiteUPS5 w o u ld h av e be en somlome duty armed forcerceshasfrdlen Vlrs^Califcallfomia, Oregon, theunevisvenpattemofmllitary —-habits hj of devdoping Foundation Professorofsocitcial h u g e stim u lu s chcckscks. BpproxlmatclySO'50 percent. New Jersey./’.Massachusetts. M servicesas an Insignificant morlonlkers and jingles and of science at the Institutefor W ore dicy afraid thlo o tt' w e fro m 3 m illion to 1.4 m illion. O hio, C onnccinccdcut and reflectioronofthe<^turaldlf- uslnsin g th e v ocabulary o f mlU- Advanced Study in Princetonon, would pay off crcditlltcards c A far smaller pertm e n t a g e o f Illinois, fcrcnccsi!s th a t c h a ra d c riz c dlf- tau y iy tacd ca a n d strategy. Left- NJ. . a n d b u ild o u r crcditlitas a theddzenrynowowserveslnthc bi2007.thctiielOstateswitii w ell a s p u t th e banksik s o n m liitaiy. Uie h i p e s t percenuigepe of trac k ? O r m a y b e theyicy Even morc impmportant tiian pon-Vletnom'am-cra veterans w e rc w o rrie d th a t wew e these general derdemographic were, in orderd er Alaska. e w o u ld hav e b o u g hitancw t a shilts U the chaniange wrought Virginia. HawilawBii.\\bshlngton, I : Chevy. Ford or Chryslrysler, bytheendofthehedraftln ^Voniln^MaMaine. Soudi ! I th u s ke ep in g th e mlaHoat? af] 1973. Until dieam . m ilita ry C ^ H n a , Mon^ n u m a . M a rjla n d c N o, It h a s g o t to b e•they thi servlcc was distristrib u te d p rc tty a n d G e oia. r ^ Small Decisioim , w e re w o rrie d thot we evenly across regregions. B u t U iat O ver d iei pp ast a fo u r dccades, J i i w o u ld m oke o ur housouse is no longer true.uc.'hic redden- which stateses haveh dlsap- J erence. payments on time,I, pcpay tial patterns forcir cunent veter- peared fromm thtl e to p 107 . J th e m off or even boujlou^t ansandthepatuittems of state- California. NewNe Jersey, m o re hom es. level contribudo!dons of new Massachuscttsetts and Illinois, all VVliydid th e y noIt t con-a s ld e r giving u s die p » " » " M■ a (Olp Thli Coupon) — bailout? In my opinion io n , J m a n y bu sin e sse s ww oould i Itav e w orked h a rd to g] e t •P resent 7ft,rhls Coupon liQien YouYi Orderl r th e m o n e y from us,s. sisu c h I as better sales, lower''«r , r x , and Receive m p rice s, etc. Now we c hihav e I A j X^ 1 to w ork tw ice as haa rd to I a Second g e l ev en ju st our ncetic cd s I » breakfast or tr / 2 i I 1 fro m them . PMCE I H Sign up for Idaho Powcr'i A/C\JC Cool Credit program W h at w o u ld 1 haveiv e I ^ lunch at ^ I MMM a n d you'll earn up to S2I In1 billbll cre d lu next summer, d o n e w ith m y m oneyney? 1 . OoiedSfd Sumlctys — Miat be atml prite or EnroU by Ion. 17,2009 and wc’we’ll donate S20 to1hc w o u ld h av e expandctidcdm y « „ o M . l n S I Idaho Foodbank. c o m p a n y a n d hiredjdmore n fc ■■■■ — — — — J y H i J technicians. 1 guesss sc c re a t- Program participation helps;>$ nrcduce electricity demand In g jo b s w as n o t oin n dth e ir w hen co su are highest. Dy enrenrolling now, you help list cldicr. yourseir, your community and families in need. lAMESALUNEN c A 4 i r o b A \ Jerom e Leam m orc about ihis air comM ndldoner cydljig program and sign upjpat a i wwwJdahopower.com/accoolHwlcredlt orcall l-866-B65-COOL(2665665). :i I M H i s t p ^ s o ^ n m

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• • I i

^_.: ; .' , . : ; : : ; II Stocks rise afterw (AP) A surprised Wall streitreet Jumped at the Federal Reser'serve's historic decision to slash ils target for a key Interest to a recrecord- DowJonai : 'H I - ' Nasdaq e 1 ;^ ..’^ Standard & - ...444J44.81.. - Ruuell ..>90.21 2 0 0 0 Fed cuts rates tow range and took comfortrt fromfr th e central bankS pledge5 to use Industrials e.924!4.i4. composite i,58eM9.89 Pwf’»500 Yi3.113.18 482.K.es *ell available tools* tojumi p^ p ^ r t th e economy. For a complete stock IlstIBtlng, go to M'agtcvalley.c<^.com /buelness

j !: More, light L c shed on)n: Madoff K [j|j|B |B ? J L ^ scandal, ■ I B j WEDNESDAY * ■ DECEMBER 17, 2 0 0 83 TIMES-NEWSBl] » B JSINBUSINESS EDITOR JOSHIiHUA PALMER: (208) 735-3:>-3231 [email protected] INSIDE: Stocks and ccommodHies, o i B2 I Bus!siness briefs, B3 I Weaeather,B4 WM I d a h o »sets u n e m piloymen It Feedoui t s k i®yrate b e n e f i tt record sign of a deepening re'reces- Labor department slon. Tlic dcpanmcnt of kla b o r says benefits paid morc than $6.5 miinillion in i^gulor' bcncflts' to0 ju st ' '] riei^edtokeep over 25.000 people: a n d rif' anothcrSl.6 mlilion inn fcd- communities‘afloat’ crally flnanccd extenc n d e d bcncflts to 6,800 morc,:, to tc Director Roger B. Madid sc n . about 32,000 jobless work'ark- “But with employers ccxer- e rs th is la st w ee k — th e pay')ay- clslng extreme caulu tlo n out broke the prcvlou!ous about the futu tu r c . rccord of $6.1 million1 inir the employment picic tu re unemployment bencfltj:flts remains dim for thei inext during January 2003. several months. That mim akes Labor ofllcials say th< rccord payout is a furthci se e RECORD, Pagi]g eB 2 "The Departmeilent ofLabor is doingg

FwlmlRwmCbltMi« u Bm Buiulu it (Mtod li tiMM «■ i(M n tabU 01 CspKol WD la WVisUngtoi ist a t h tiiilfiM before tbebe Joint EcoBoeiic everything we cai:an to help people fint[id C«nlttN.TbieMtnlkilkukNTNtdijfsiIdHhadrMlMiM td tiM f td m l f iid t rate to a rangaiBga of a r a to 0 ptrcw L newjobsorgetthehe training or educatiition to prepare forfo different jobs.” W a U S trr e e e t r e a c t s bby surging mnore than 3(1 0 0 p o i n t s - Dogcr B. Madtensen, director Idaho Depaitntment o fUU bor The Awodrted Prm2!------Historic Hrate cut MlMORE OH p ECONOIOlHYIIglDE 1 WASHINGTONI •__ T h e Th# Po«teral tsMVtt cut Its lc«y B, • >. B.rang«otzofoto IO Federal Reserve has ntD-limolow. . IRS IK ^y^'lfomeowneters a break . target for a key Intere t ra ts Federal agen'gency s a y s 'lt'w lli^ to m ake It: eeasie r for homeowners In F i r m e y e ssE Idaho f(5o r I th e lo w e st level o n rc< ...... rmancial}l sistraits to refinarKe or sell theireir homes. > » Page B3 pledged to use 'alllU avoilabloi Zeroto0.2SS tools’ to combat« t a severe Consumer pricesesfall flnandal crisis andd ppi ro lo n g e d s l r r —1 Consufiierjners prices la st month fell by larssrgest amount on record g a s - f i r ^ Ip o w e r p l a nn t rec essio n . going back 61 years. » >■> Page B3 The ccntral b bs a n k o n \ acres of private lantn d in T\icsday said it hadlad re d u c e d ^ i j \ T h e F eid d on ( Tuesday also loans,s. Banking giant Wells Company has Power County os a pos:Ds.siblc the federal fundsIs rt a te , th e 3 V • •// U made dearor thatJ It Intends to Fargo) a n d Co. ^ d it w as c u t­ site. T h o {irra a p p e a ls totc th e , interest that banksn k s c h a r g e f l , . . ,\ c funds mtc at ting itsis p rim e ra te to 3 .2 5 p c r- secured 40 acres3S company bcrausc of a suit- : - each other, to a rang'uigcofzero ^ ^ . II e x tre m e lyMow Iw levels. ccnt, downd fnjn\4 percent': able electric..transmisilssio n to 0.25 pcrccnt. Thathat is down i r - s r committcc antlci- before-c th e Fed a ctio n .'.O th p r lor developmentn t grid^d.tbc'avallabiliiIllty o f fro m th e 1 p c rc c nIt t ta rg e t ra te s o o n c e = P ^ rw , palcslhat;at .weak economic banks;sarecxpcctcdttiqiuidcfy'' < ;; ai) ‘ lntentat.d' naturalsl g as In effect since thec lastla mect- conditionsIS arca likely lo war- match'h W ells Fargo's m ove, The Associated Presa ____ p ip e lin e ...... in g in O cto b cr. M anyony analysts 1930s and a rcccsslonrcc that is rant cxccptliiptlonally low levels Thee Fed1 has never pushed "In terms of pcnvcr-gcgen cr- had expected the Fred c d to rn a k e alre ad y d ie long>ngest In a quar- of the federdcral funds rate for its targirg et fo r th e federal fu n d s POCATELLO— An encig;cigy ation combustion tcchrhno lo - a sm a lle r c u t to 0.55 perccnLp ter-centuiy. Fbr=br example, the some timeme," the ccntral rate aslis low as zero lo 0.25 per- company Is looking at possi}ssi- gy, n a tu ra l gas is th e d ec a an c st The Fed’s aggrcsslcssive move Fed last moinonth said it bank's panelnei that sets Interest ccnt. ThcT lowest target rate ble sites for a gos-flreiIred thing out there,'’ Johrh n s o n was greeted cnthus:tiusiasticolly planned to purchase pu up to rates sdd: in a sta te m e n t. b e fo-e re h a d b e e n 1 p c rc c n t. a p o w e r p la n t in B a n n o ck aan< n d said. byWaUSuecLTheD)B Do w Jo n e s S 6 0 0 b llU o n inn dircct d debt and Even bcfoicforc the announce- level seensc only once before In . Pow er co u n tie s in so u th eeast a s If the plant Is produd u c cd , ' industrial average! rosero about mortgage-backicked securities ment of a lowerI target, the the pasa s t half-ccntury. Idaho. hc said the company cco u ld ' 350 points in late-ae-aftemoon Issuedbybigfinflnandal players funds rote:c has1: been trading Glvei/en how low Interest Kevin Johnson, vicc preslresi- sell th e p o w er to IcId a h o tra d in g . Including Fanrinnle Mae and well belowMT thetl old target of 1 rates are, D the ccntral bank dent of LS Power of Nev!4ew Power, PadflCorp, Rany and have a signiflcantt efl'ccic h a s se cu red o n o p tio n o n 404< on the local economy.

Seastrcrom Manuiifacturing' p u t s e m ]ployeesoiin'flexiblee’schedul(es

e a stro m M anulmufactur- ■ S e a stroim m o< fn cla ls sa id th e y e n d erd d In A ugust. uu r n io n s le d to th e dow n fa ll ofo f according to the compannnies. In g to ld its staflstaff earlier D i 7 h a d n o c oammentonthe m i Thciic co m p an y , w h ic h o p e r- thth ' e Big Th rce au to m ak e rs. GM sa y s th e av erag e UAVAW th b ureck thatl a tm 1 a n y o f m a tte r. a le s oou u t o f a 100,000 sq u a re - I d o n 't ha v e th e knoM dedgeIge laborer makes $29.78 pere r its employeesI b ewill p la be c c d B i t e s E m p lo y^t%s e e also conflrmed foot facilityfai a t 456 S e a stro m toto a n s w e r th is q u e stio n , b uit t I hour, w h ile To y o u s a j^lit it Sona"BexibIc''workvrk w c ek . (h a l c o mpany p a r officials had St. inT1 TWin Falls, employs cac a n p ro v id e so m e in fo rm a ­ pays alM ut $30 p e r ho uir. r. a c c o rd in g to so u icCCS. c s * > » > “ sa id o n e wweek a eariicr that aboutiUSO w o rk e rs w h o m a n u - tictio n g a th e re d fro m b o th a T h e difference Is in bicnc- c r In o th e r wo rd s, soSOI m e P r t n e r b u s in e s s operationsop( were facturcire c u s to m a n d su m d a rd uu r n io n iz e d a n d n o n - u n io n fits, w ith th e u n io n iz e d fafacto- e m p lo y e e s will b e• aasl s k e d to n o rm a l and n d there was no elcctroronlc assembly hard- aua u to m ak e r. ries having far higher cososts. w o rk few er days Inn aai n e ffo rt . , — ...... - I n e e d f o raa d d d d itio n a l sta f l w a re! fofc r m o rc th a n 26.000 Hourly wages for UnitedI G M says its to ta l houri]irly to av o id l a y o ^ a n o n y m o u s bem 1M a n u fa c tu rin g G te n e ra l M o to rs C orp. fa c toJ- ­ w ages, p e n sio n s a n d heal;a lth Seastrom conflrmedle d th e a u th o riz e d to jrdcasethcrc laldoff24wi1 w o rk e rs d u rin g D o> unu io n s m a k e a differ- ricries arc almost equal to thosejs e _____ re p o rt, b u t ask ed to remaini information. two roundsd s o1 f layolTs th a t e n cei7: ?: A rc a d e r ask ed if p a a id by Toyota M o to r C orp.,1., Please see BITB, PagageB2

S t o c k s 01OF LOCAL M Em f j " ' COOMM ODmES ______for««iniM |»n

Con Agra 15.'.5.05 ▲ .62 Dell!nine. 11.79 A .£.66 Idacorp 29.E.58 A 1.16 L I vSeattle e c 86.58 A 2 .4 33 Jan, oil 4 3 .6 8 T .83 Lithla Mo. 3.39 3.: A .55 Micrc:ron 2.03 A .13 .3 Supervalu 13.C.06 A .72 Dec:..1 gold 849 A 1 3 .63 Dec. silver 10.82 A .24

..r ? n n r i T WASHINGTON-)N— Commerce Department releasle a se s cur- WASHINGTON — - Energy Information Admlnlsnistrslion OMAHA, Neb. —- CConAgra Foods Inc. rele ases se'second-' Today itt ImU S in C S S rent Bccoont tradrade daflclt for the third quarter. releases updated1 energye forecasts to 2030. quarter financial resiresults. ,1. Tta»NMi.MiFali,idal» '' B2 WidaMdtT,0mabwl7,ar.aos BUSINESS

MW r.44938 DowJmiMBDUi 8A4.141.14 .35961 -32.72 -32i0 Name U MMOSTMTIVEi m m m MOSTA L909i9 OwrJwwTiwpoitaoo 3J80.70),70 .17459 .5.45 -26.03 -27J0 Nimt VellWI Ll»t Chg Nfi VeKOOl L i t ChQ SSS7I 29130 2W: O oniw Vm a 372J5U5 «1U2 .3 .48 . -30 06 -31.13 1,607.47 K«£Coinpo«i 5,804.971.97 .307.07 .5i9 .40.40 '-3955 p « on wek. bM«l on MM quwMtiy Srat1Fi>cl2l6a313 SPOSPOR 3336117 91JtU.I} MMOOOVIOQ1$S»420 30J6.L40 9J0I.0S .4,607.. P$CnrfiOln2l3162 3 07 -1X3 IMri 9976694 1584.105 2.450« 1.151.18 1,151. Aflwlndu 1J9Q66]66 .7157 .543 -42J9 -40S • S T S S S S S d lore* day: &l>gfp 19^73 t a <.83 PSC 1^9548 KudmCcmpcriiU 1.589A91A9 .8155 .5.41 -4O.0S -38.76 eiiclAm 17S90n 15.IQ <.99 SPISPUd tlOUt 95.96.569 liUnson 1 9 929601 2011.107 2.727i5 li95' asjsifsS ffte'H .’Sis!dwoiMCMadby-maiK G0WSU9' 64597 1.14 . 29 Oteo 7732693 17.42 .56 1,49885 741XQ 741J S6P500 SI3.189.18 0461 .5.14 -37il -37^4 ' PrcUllfm 1S49647 6.1}*100 Gok 371 JO ftuMa20CO ' 48285285 .30a .6 69 -36.97 -35J7 . , ISl>£MU»ti366W J83J.I.95 N«NwaGHg 52900 1.72 .36 OncH 5SJ4635 1 727 .*2 79957 371J 15,139.71 7J40'r.34074 WM*l5000 9.11869169 45455 .524 -38.47 -37,76 , i Gainers GAINERS . g aUNERS m iD .» o H«m« U »tC ha»C hg NiN.m» U«t ChQ ^C ha N .m ._UH ot ChQ %Chfl FdAj[«A •!» *$e3 LwLarmO 305 >.75 .32.6 ItMComnin 2.12 .58 .377 ABMfffy 1.401,40 8 3064 iSa -24.7 Kifflin 56 10 20 78 .1.48 -434 { rtdAcK <1.» >3es S»SMlffCSv 580 .1 25 .VS FF«JttlAA 2i5 ..59 .155 AbntTch ... 12 84 90 .3,11 -25 4 * f/m :5m .. 8 68 ..86 -«9« . MvnU. J « .103 .3J9, «8UsNnO 453 .16 . 23 4 KSNIncnn 3.22 >tt .353 M M to ' ...... 856 . 65 -669 L««En _ 1 ,45 .,06 *9tS Cft«ari09 4 97 .1,15 . 30.1 SirtSirumGun 600 .1.07 .21.7 SintutPS•a 15.75 .4A5 .346 AonCcrp .£0£0 8 4287 .105 -iai UicronT _ ... i03 ..13 -72.0 I .97 .» 6 UMlfdg Ud <$5 . 70 .182 ThomiiPtp 3.46 . 85 . 328 BMMPw .. .. 1.76 ..06 -6&S ORICtUuI) 50 .. 6S .£5 -«9.4 BUlAffl 1.28m28m 13 15.10 ..99 -d.* RociTwI .40 16 3450 .1 67 .35.6 | » E R 8 in « » a ConAgr] ,76,78 « 1505 . 62 -36.7 Semlrt .78 13 2325 ..28 -175 LOSERSHi (u « » 0 L O S E R S tn .« ! LOSE {Srvwyw w w ''’ .' .64 18 5303 .29 -240 SI>yWM ,161 7 18J9 .1.00 -39.0 a er ixM . b • Annual iw (Xm Moch N«mo L*«tChfl%ChQ N* 1 00 24 2780 .U7 -4.1 Tl«»ri .. ,., 4,18 . a -595 »-DKMdcrpaMinp)«eadnol2 . FtmitoHB 290 - 82 -22.0 VnbnftMH 2.15 -.67 .238 .92 15 1494 «.43 -259 Tumn I 88 8 19.84 .1.63 -39.9 IM dKlartfcrk'l - DadarM or pM 570-685 -54.8 fw S Ma yaar; tfridand omnad. d a t i n g OnTmSui 3690 -1370 -?7.l Vdootypt V«k 400 -.74 -156 STtC 3.67 -1.02 -217 1.94 , W 17 1095 .206 -560 USBwrprp 1,70 13 26.07 . 2.14 -17,9 Mar or «■ .! > FW Mi « 2.15 -52 -195 ^ .40 ,.. 15.40 . 41 -3.4 no ac6en W«n « M mMOna k - tM PniUSWRE 61 74 -1997 -2<.4 flwCGiO "W 2,11 -J6 -14.6 WPCSIntI .541 19 3448 ,U5 -147 VlW iMMMnAMandananMn. m-Arr°ss?sffss3se s ^ DirtSCBut 5336 .13.72 -M5 UfSCWnt “fl 811 -J3.-IZ0 U6e«KJJ 4.18 -.97 -188 'lET1.66 ia 13 3153 .1J7 -17i WlrtoyilI) .20 .. 5.90 . 79 -845 wi.r-DaeiMaderpaidlnpr«c«dnal2 PrsUSMfft 1W70 -26.16 -20 0 KKN KK) iX -J6 -96 SmilSinpl.pf 250 -i6-1B3 J23i 11 3132 .fiO -28.1 WJlUm .95 16 55j4 .53 .162 )SiodtititB«i2 moa,MamaMdcaih . .90 14 2432 ii\ -97 WttIMJ 54 24 t6J3 .1.40 *205 13 2958 .1.16 -180 Wdtfargogo 156 IS 29.78 .3.71 -1.4 DIARY DIARY DURY i r ? I B«*n«icy Act. or aKurli* anumad Mrtfwfl 2.7M Atf*AMnud 419 MvarKtdId 2i71 D«l«d 460 OOKhiidk 244 OkM I 651 , - . . . - yncwis« « U« 72 UflchvifM Z m - . F o f^ a8 ec o r n ^ W ing Of stocics .and I .TcUlhwH 3232 IttTOUIIUUH 735 louinWK dtlamd aalaa r a n«y aofiy. a- lint Hunt 7 imfMw Highs 1 Nfw HjQnt Nn> Imt 55 NnN n lm 37 lira Lom veB a s the.W art nowi'on lM(iaa;i S w p £ 5 S * S 5 w meflfaM Volume 5.612.412.707 VolVolumo 473.H4.520 Volume1 , 2,1MA40571 J.


3500 N.; Fllof; additionton of< sun room: Ray ana Oebbte McDcMcDonald. 1551E. $6,301. CLPLOSING FUTURES S Building permH 4500 N„ Bum; bam;lam; $44,651. S W J S 2 . - 5 . , :k. 937 €. 4400 Josh Kenyon, 248999 E,E. 3706 N.. Twin QOODIIDINQ COUNTY >«> c M>wi: l4«KcmKm(e.i3fi«i3i:MiWr lUTV Barters Bllck. S io n h S *4.10 HM .:4) T T TWIN FAUS COUNT N.. CostlelonJ; new houslOuse; 178,654, Fails; detached garaf{Arage; $26,460, RESIDENTIAL RE gS £ S - «Ml » Gill ond Tciry Stanger. 3&341 E. 3400 fiio,. oetoched garagjfjgo: $27,907. manufactured home:Mne: 71.083. Lane. Buhl: addition:#d $23,343. MxiM Ots n u n is .) cd CHEESE N,. Klmborly: garngo; $34,884 Stm.B,aulln.3:.3167 S. 1800 E,. u . Miio <” w r} .'juo ^ garago; $22,739. Aaron and TamI Sellres.IS. 121B3 E. Jaspef Bassett. 3443-443 E, 3700 N„ Gooding: mowow residence on founda- JJ* o»7 amjSo*t: S f iij m ie Boo* S1.44J4.- xeoo ;ack Hufd. 3577 N. « 7 5 E., wuse: $96,809. tlon: $67,700, 4369 N.. Buhl: 'deiachcc;hcd shop; Twin Riiis; new houji 00. Ok KWm ‘SS’S S S '.’lS POTATOES Murtaugn; addition of greatIt roomco< $51,680. James ond Brendala Woods.W( 3530 E. Ron and Donnaina Brew. 1638 E. 1750 “• «»2;WM M0£0 M4» » » .000 ___ a&ovQ gorago: $76,862,' 1900 E,. Buhl: 2900 N.. KlmDerfy;rfy; rnew house: S„ Gooding:; newn house: $197,510, SS S jIWM m iSu Mt” . U » CMKiso OCI 1«1 - won - 14»« oouu rcfl Alvin icfiMns. 2514 E. 3820 N. addition ol garago toI manufaclutetlme $211,708, Klyn Cheney,. li1539 S. 1750 E.. S S n m n ira.00 m n 1U7S 3 £ £ ^ “S 7 » . c 1»70<»<.>00 F^iis: detached garago: $38,7i homo; $14,883. Jamas and Brendala woods.Wi 3530 E. Gooding; addilMilion: $37,440. Z tolL.iMM w m MM .i:|o (oM Denis Sandrock. 3618 E. 31001100 N.. Matthew and Eiiaibothh Baif.Bi 239 2900 N,. Kimberly:riy: Ibam; $59,638. OtM SIO ft m MCI (m SM A|. Kimbcity; addition: $67,154. Fafnir Orh«. Twin Fails:is: newr houso; Vomui Dobson. 3503;503 Hwy, 93 n . COMMERCIAL CO - S^u» lUM NortoM IW» SOCi CMon 70 CMC 100 Kim ond Carol Cox, 234 FafnirfnlrOnvo, I $264,053, Twin Foils: manufactiIfactured nome: Mcftaits UC. 33513 S .2400E.. ' n# BMStOm6«>(inC(n< orry. 4050 N. $32.S7S, MO pound cast In place SJJ' H: ;" i “ 1 S■town HancUM Wtconw> tot) ortom 11 CO James and Pairieia Berry, Jerome: 3.00C U50: IDO COM 10001100. $72,161. 3400 E. Kimtwrly: born;am; $76,892, Terry and Mary Sissoiisson, 1730 E. 4100 concrete wallssils, precast roof plant. k«>r S I! Its Sil : S BMSlOBfMMc»mS«4) SSOt.lS. Eff«ard ). Florian, 4051 N. 2102100 E.. Biarxjon and Chrtsta Schless.Sch 3620 N.. Buhl; hotse bam:t>am: $33,488. 14- digesterir $8,200,000.$ “J J * st.n .Jt *MM SS >n*ai»n «MM«on W» otttm 12.00 ■om isx: • ont UOO: mk 70 can too mn 10.001100. Filer; addition oJ Dedroom..bath. Oat E. 3892 N„ Kimberly:f. n«now house: Gary and Colse Kooielooley, 3575 N. 2300 w iieyC «p.l!. 1960 Frontage Rood N.. u> s«m laundry and office; 47.872, istoryaddiilon; Wendell; walk- rm iJS13^ iJffi !S! :ss “ E,. Filer; second stoi Jikln cooler: $18,800. g am Monroe and Katnryn Baker, 22: n«wci IJU iiSt tim 22DtMS10tl»nB«i|ia>SutW. n o m r IJKD tMDO U n > OnO Itanl Ikwi M l W« UCU sut A WkoomM t OO MM* «2 IIM.MU Ud ------| S n « • oin IkutI KMt soe c«un( Su* A Mmwu N. Ok US.M Ui) 040 .|.3i OKU ^ IQ OOlt.OO.IUM MO bf«TtC«(l lUf A mpj t<»0 Uit wo .u< ^e.iMOis. h« SMmammipt) w ' IJ7Stm xtn no} <197 ItoiM «Mn 50* HCM IU* A wnonMi BUSINESS brieIEFS: ______— 0« tofil a:i Ut Ormt Ok h n n iSw litw In LIVESTOCK day to two The loss proviroves thc lur- stock soaringng. u. A dministration says3 y S s e n te n c e d TXtesdaj llli? IBM . i S ^ years in prison andm d o rd e re d m oil in th e fin ananclal c markets Executives3s callcd th c p a st SH ^ n th s th e " m o s t {J it’s still woridng to pay a $200,000100 fln e for h a s trip p e d uup p even thc three • montl eww Vli cvnn » 0014 00: Mm <««> un>i his role in a schcchcme that best-run financiincial Institu- challenging} consumerc envi- o« i -IS COW 00; in lN tim Tt OOlOS OO; riM.t hcAMMiMH on auto bailout cost shareholdi)lders of lions. The Newjw York-based ronment" in ir th e re ta ile r's S! 4U] oct .<) M IM N»Swoou'i»Www'w^ WASHINGTON -— The American Inletlernational bank has long5 bebeen consld- history, M NMV(H S y * I wii 14U* uros * 74 ooaiflci •«*•> r««m Ts OOM m. wutfui IX Mj*i t.>w nst ssn iW -.tio i i W h ite lio u s e snso tig h i G ro u p Inc. m o rce tlthan SSOO cred the premierlier investm ent t.A 10 omoo: (Wmvu: Cm (UMt u t M T u f s d a y to p la y■ idown million, bank on Wall SuStreet, and In Expectatk)!ions of m5ue»xnw«oi '**“ M ^ L S / M O N E Y prospects fot an immnminenl Ronald Fergusorion, 66. was rccent quarters,rs. llth c stu rd ie st - i, B E A N S - bniiotii for distressed>ed U.S. convicted in Feb■ebruary of bank amid thele imarket ttir- * mlliron barrel0 ----- auiomakers and stiggiiggesled conspiracy, securiiiriiics fraud.’ moil, O r e C o i l Ccuf grow a san«upoMn.lOOwtfai,VS No 1 SSHSSSSW.'SI £ any dual requiring taxpayerlax| mall fraud and malnaklng false Tlie Wall Stree ln>lli(otMnuiB>aiun|>crii>|n. mDoMrn: Cicfi.ftra FMtXr re in the quar- ORAN, A lgeria — money will requiree rmajor statements to thcle Securities£ S4.97 per share li (irBixMpnartcnrMoiUiMtfCWUa l»c ns that OPEC will In U-J9J0 113«J concessions by ilte• panicspi and Exchange Corrommission. ter ended Nov.ov. 30. In Ihe Expectations M IIS4C0 I1S»3 SMubmc L13tS t.lOO? He also serve twoIVO years of year-ago quartetrter, Goldman slash oil pniroductlon by as involved. im eras. Pncnm rnn BrftvcmnlM. Cti<«Mn*4»t.}12r 173m ‘We are not goinglg ito be supervised release,ISC. earncd$3.l7bllll'million, o r$ 7 .0 l m u c h a s 2 m n illion b a rrels a SSJSJi! HnKmmo I3047S tJOJCJ ruslied Inio it," presidisideniial U.S. Distriel:cl Judge per share, day firmedI ono l^icsday after owun om UMiU.S DnBnMcOraiwr.fMM. hlMAuxmltdhnt press secretary Danala FFerino Christopher Dronio n e y n o te d Saudi Arabibla suggested a tS!*ua!pW,pMifatUTM M «17». d e cla re d , thal Ferguson'ss sentence: BeStBlVSQptIpm ftsinte, □f that magnitude ISubVu MmOweincim«D«.10 ^ i Only a day cicurlier, falls far below fedfederal sen* » . ■ w ■ ln5^?rS5il!!1ua3i • «J5S G R A I N S SNIHMrtHmMMMM. l tOOS 31 Ul >13^13 ■•••, P r e sid e n t G e o rg e W. B ush le n c in g g u id e linines, e which OTOfS StaiT DUJfMyOUtS Such a cut.c while not ______KT c^wtwa t w U te 112 2a K1tn(rtMlienMiM t0C}JSMtl3l» suggested that n btbulloul callcd for him to rcccivc a MlNNEAFGLl:DLIS — Best u n p re c e d ejnlcd. n i would be wwre* Dn. Buy Co. Inc. ,, l the nation's consldcrabUble given that 25^’’ torn p a ck a g c w o u ld c o mle e sisooner life term in prison, ww 1WKIV) - HM)r t >w>w tM> lunVi rather than later. "Ann a b ru p t biggest consumijm c r electro n - O PEC h a s alreadyall ta k e n th a t I10I1S<«M48D. olT the market Hl>1MireMdtl28Sa«US;&. bankruptcy for autosos could Goldman S achsh s DOStS 1“ retailer, saidid T Tuesday that much oil c S««animaibn|.PKMM|MndWrtir itimr« WM> prm M tMr n u>ttx , its third-quartericr profit sank sincc Sepiiptember In an «inBrf<.Piw.«>«0«.10. ,10IIOSOO«H.170. be devastating for the ' EremMtioa«o«to2is. om y," U ush sa id o n M oonday. first quarterly|f lossI 77 pcrcent ass ilit faced dra* attempt lo lo sicm crude's Mt MGo^ ^^n?0(^''TMI 4.10|« Ml 115 {2IM9 - IIOIS 00 iwK un. Union UrUl un loss since it wentint public in employees at It: '4MM»C14(MaMwnVt27|«St ^ liABTI-OIID, Contonn. — 1999. losing SZ.22.29 billion Icrs while slashitshing spending largely fundidcd by pcirodol- ^oco'OCOltMdi): ^ Tlie former chief exeijxecuiive during ils fiscal fourthfoi quar* in a bid to cutrut costs, news lars. of General Re Corparp. was ler. th a t th e s e nIt t tlth e retailer's — wirereporti i I D ^ «-ie.200e Record- ______D(Dow Jones ^ 3 ^ lmIndustrials ^ Conilaued fton pacB Bl llie combinatiotion of regu- employmentI picture p will matlcally rcreduccd the bal- .^aetijn ~ : these benefils evenen morc lar and federala l e x te n d e d c h a n g c b c fo rct! lala lc next year, a n c e In Idaho's importani to the families fa benefits at $8.:18.3 m illio n In N ovem>er. ber, th e season* U n e m p lo yyment n Insurance 8,924.14' A S — ;;— •vlous com* ally adjusted unemploymentun< Thist Fundd fromf n e arly $320 who receive them andmdtothe broke the prcvU ctcMnvtftomprmtout: *4.2% WehB.0SS.79 W| Low s,sw es businesses in their cocommu- bined rccord paycayout ofSG.l rate was 5.6 pcrceni, pc thrcc million a ycyoar ago to about n itie s w h o rely o n thhose o s fam - m illio n in Ja n u aryiry 2003. full p e rc e n ta ggc e pointsp higher S21Smlllloron now. I------5Dec. 16.2006 V- ...... Wllh the higlie:itcst monilis than In January,ary. Over 20.000 In 2008,>, the department i ilies 10 sta y a flo a t.” N a s d a q It \v as th e se c o n d sistraight for unemployrjyment — fewer people! hadhe jobs than has beenI |paying out just ' composite - ; w eek th a t reg u la r stalate te bene* (nnuary and Febnjbruary — still just a year ago.;o, andi a rccord over S2 InI bbcneflts for every C( fits totaled more ththan $6 alicad, dcpartmernent analysts 44,000 peoplelc were ' out of Sl employeycrs pay in unem- million — labor odiciilicials say expect the week•ckly regular work, p lo y m e n t: InsuranceI taxes. 1,569.89 A i 0 N 0 that hus never happei)pened In benefit paymentsfits to exceed Labor officiaIclals said the triggering; a 70 perccnt over- the 73-year lilstoryry iof the S7 million in early ei 200S. demand br for assistance all increasesc in tax rates for ph,c•cKMngorremprwtout: «S.4is l«gh M ijaoao Low i ,smoo unemployment Instnsurance They sec littlec ini d ic a tio n c a u s c d by the e rara p id Incrcase 2009 to bCflegln restoring the p ro g ra m . that the detdeteriorating In uncmploymt/ment has dra- fund to solv)lvency. 0Ooc. 16.2006 - 1.400 S t a n d a r d & ^ ~ 1JOO = 1,100 Poor’s 500 — T oyota sa y/s s itits total costs able to orga•ganbc w o rk ers a t M Bites ______arc around S48,>48.The aToyotapIcplant in th is coiin* • U m i ' ' Ja p an e se a u iolomakcrhasfar n try. 913,18 A S 0 N 0 r^NttDHCIPuIlTUITH CoiAudfrainpattiC»B1 fewer retirees;s a:a n d ils pen* ------>ddMng*rromprmleuK .S.14% HI \ i r e M c are for active wcw orkers, plu s sio n a n d h e altha lth c a re b e n e- Joshua Pa!merniaybeft: High 914 08 Low S71.&3 QUICKBOOK i the pension andii d h e a lth carc fils a rc n o t aIS s richri a s th o se reached ail11208-735-323] or unCE:S«fiOM] AP 37-0087 costs of more thath a n 432.000 p a id to UAW/w wi o rk e rs . atjpalm eri'r^magic- _ ^ Call Teresa at 737 n. T he eo Dow rose 3 5 9.61, or 4.2 0 perceercent. to 8,924.14 after having t S upport rcllrc cs a n d sp o)o u u scs. T lie UAW hash a s n o t b e e n wlley.com. Training. S etup & S l beensen up about 1 0 0 in subdued tradingtrad ahead of the Fed's annainouncement. oader stK k indicators also rose.}e. The1 Standard & Poor's 500 i c K E R Klcx advanced 44.61. or 5.14 perc w eEALTH j SHOI percent, to 913.18. and the ^ w im i en You’re See r i o u s l asdaq composite index rose 81.5!1.55, or 5.41 percent, to HOTLINEE TM.589.89. About Investiim g . . REVEALS ■ _ ...T heR« Russell 2 0 0 0 Index of smallerer companiesc rose 30.28. or 6.6939 IFLATIOli ercent, to 482.85. IW TO KICK INF le number of stocks advancing outnumberedout those declining by^5- 5 > THIS BAD ECCO N O M Y CM>1 on the New York Stock Exchan{lange. where volume cam e to 1.54,54 Perldns,ClonU's, Sm art & Boyd, i1 « . - S i " , lllion. THE CURB FORIlE V E R " S•mand (or government bonds surgisurged. The yield on th e benchmarl'ark Call M ta Baitames Clontz ^rappppolnbnenl ,1-800-366-1487 Ext. I1 0 8 7 lOOyeaf y Treasury note, wfiich mewJ rts s opposite ils price, fell to 2.2828 • • hlti^/wwwjiM ief%20*utopUot.php perciercent from 2.53 percent late Monday.Mor The yield on th e 3&year }ll to B r ^ r d low 2.75 from 2.99.99 percent late Monday. ^ ------’36-60261 IHHilHliH ^ ■ ______I'.O. llox S0977 ^MemlKTofSASDfiSIPC* Tiyl'i Falls. II) 8330320S-736- w«lMndiT,Dtai*»17.20M B3 Tlewllm,M»r*,ld«l» B u s in e s s ' \

■ • ■ ! M o r e li ^ightshecd o n M ad t o f f s e a ln d a l ^ onsumerpririces drop melore th a n eiq5q)ected SEC commissionersj r s ignored initial Consumer prices Dedcline led by c;Chongos from Itia pfocoding month In Ifio Consumer Pileo signs of fraud falliiiling fuel prices SIndex lof otl urtton consumora; The Awociated P rm iVwoclated Press pj WASHINGTON - IYT h e ASHINGTON - money manager accused oi f sumer priccs, an Inlla- -o« duping Investors in oneie oi f barometer, last month WaU Street's biggest Pon>onzi )y tlie largest am ount on schemes once boosted too t h c rd s g o in g b a c k 61 years •'« Securities and Elxchanfa n g e A N DJ F MAMJ J ASOH le rg y c o s ts p o ste d near* Commission about h lio o w »0T ______«W aublc the dccllne of the — mucii money he earned aor n d previoilo u s m o n tii. th e L abor SOunCG: s®'' D50 b illio n m a n . M a d o ff wftras as a n e x p ert u n til last Commerce Department ly ly double the 0.6 pcrcent ' chairman Arthur Levittt solds( fraud — Madoff jokioked with sought by Washlnhington rcgu- Washington1 Pf o st r c p o rtc d o n th e Ct orted that construction dccllne dC' In Octobcr. Both , In an Interview withi TheT thcn-commlsslon chairman cli Iators who asked;cd for advice Us Web sllc Mfv o n d a y n ig h t. re p o n o f n'new homes fell In declines dci rcprescntcd rccord • ■ ■ - • •' - Novervember by 18.9 percent, drops. dn Gasoline costs fell by _ th e! bibiggest drop In a quar- a a rccord 29.5 percent in -century. The steep November, Nt while homeI mersrefinaimceorselllhomes s;:line pushed construc- h he e a tin g oil c o sts w ere do w nI I IRStoheljIphomeowi tion 9. November, N t tiic smallest internal Revenue Servlirvicc reUevc a person of the tax work to speed2cd up that and that cururrently therc are 1959. rhe Bush administration Incrcasc ln< In elglit months. said Tuesday it wiU try to that Is owed, butII it does proccss so therecrc would bc morc thantl 1 m illio n out* T he Ig h t to h i g h l i ^ t th e pos* make it easier for horrlomc- remove the lien onn a partic- no delays for pes s a b o u t 3 0 e a r ly in th e hhomc o r sale or IV A iii . Shulman would speed1 U]u p a d a y s to r u le o n a rerequest q for refinancing proct-ocess. ■■■■Hi SATURDAY, D EC 20,1IM)0m>i proccss where financia Public Auto AuctloaTWIn Falis distressed homeowni Can*Tnllen«BooU.RVs may request that a fede Equipment • Pickups«Trucks tax lien be made sccondi Phone 734*2548 • Fax 73S-8T7S to liens by the lending in: HUt

. ■

lbday:Anomor cold day wlit Today Tonronlght Thunday Saturday Sunday hiQhtZOloSS. .Tonight: Incroosing cloud*d» onnd vory odd. OvornlgW lows 5 s n 10 to. Tonwrrow: TompofoiurosB rrurmUn bolow (foorlng. A clianco ol light snow. Hlgtu around 2S.25. ______: % i ISSIf" ' ' I» ' o.qcr P Pamydoudy^ Vbrye.)ryeold.tUM Uotfy cloudy w«iOia i ccUvwWilght umpimparuuTMdrop A bB wimar. algn«gn M M - . e 'M a i r „ eoW boeorrocomamoMy d w w * o (l^A anowpoMCM funhar chanctofanowow t a S ? IB <0 ow a ond uXd temperaiuros. Atioinoon BMn* B.tiaixr Tod«y:Pailly cloudy 'skloa on " cloudye anew Sianiay lO-iBOOCr hlgho 20 lo 25. ^ ; HIgti 23______LowL ew / 2 S /1 1 ______1 9 / 2 7 / 5 1 8 /1 7 Tonight: Shtos bocwnq pwsiiwsily cicwdy. AcoW'nlgW wiin.lows atound 10. Tofflorraw: Mooily cloudyy wiiwith 0 chanco ol llohtanow. HiQl'S Barometrio « (A a. ^ S u n rise and 2010 25.______■ ^Temperature \^ Precipitation Humidity °lPressure ■ 6 ^ S unset auMtaa: IMAM aunaMBMM. ^ Tniwdtv^Lew 11 i '^ a a ssr-s'’--KYiMrtwaWkC'I .V 1tUMla« t««AM SuaaabUTM LLEY, SURROUNDINQ MTS. BurattK (.-04 AM WiMt: MT PM SUNVALLE . RMOtdKlgh U k iim VMrteM* u r I O«n«ra0ypvt)y•my doudy «tdw udty tltnouoh • . X M K jM nuw tanOctl !»■«».»o:-; : -i. l u M 'aMAH auMMiMaM ' mounU« snwrVM I«uny evnol b* nMd out SnoM u*.,..:;5^ w v .i ooeortio*mo«*{o n pfMMni 1UW MnigM and ThurMcy. M o o n riu U.V. INDEX Moon Phases ■ l«W M o g«l|^ Jggl 6 e i 6 ^ 1 Coklor FMcylywOhtnoMWIImM. wl . and M oonset Hgttt>ti(u]| iMrtgnntM* .11 lAtt iE Partly eioufly loday t i i«mp#f»iui«» € 0 ‘ ^ T t i try to ittcn W* Irfoting mirk. OMi* . 0»eW^ ° ’ I n •"•P l 5ISSSS5S. Irwniiing eloirti tonJgni. A enincB i f.fP. mcrttjjigajjttrijgjd of tnow Thurtdty. Tvnpettiurai Ull ». 'SSSsisS! ofl leiin Ftidiy with mow poitiDU. m j j m m m y u T»d*y ToMrm I TttMtrea Tadiy T« ! W H La W Cttr M U W'H cn, H |^T » d ty Hiahwim n t« 91/II ISlow H CUT Hl.UWHILoWW w lJ V city IOlT'w MTiaa Mnn MZ Mm. aiiM'a»ee S f N O RTH ER N UTAH y s fr2-'5r“^gsu"'-5^fn r M 31 m *»«• O »»e JJS W A ffiounialn (now liutry ktjii->7.)h; aM M .'NiaTiC*: .ctMimwariMM aitaa. •a4aecoa»m « si»i» ««» l a r poMieii lodiy. Oinirwii | D A . partly cloudy. A tmtll, 7 ” - ..1 1 n'lijji " s ' - sr 40 aami i ^ o > r it 3 i» ii s s F S : ^ ssL^sL l A f l r a etianeo ol mow inutidi it-m ottma^torsmmm’ i W f ^ Snow ll llktly tnd coid< b SI 9 ■! OwMOWIV 4a 31 r ry 5 !rsr~ ‘":S'ES's: |38MB%Frldiy. « S " ^ ’=8S="''"-='S?r'?!ssES”.9D»tt apny »iss t t o Mlis tan .naaiaiCS «i«ii« riMpt' * - t x r -sii.gs 's!.ks : IB lir 1 M Onucn* il Iw i‘ 5 T?.Tr ssr— rss !'s'g f~ aaa !"‘^sgs-s!sigS. sii. ssH ll .tts .•UU •<*" I* 17 3 K tags < -7 (S i c i i i i ! s-ir -s r- -'S s: q SS:"'"'S‘S; BO 70 BO 90 100 I ffiifcMT is ita'iJ'iS.tt -n-jM Mnao«f-...';a^-.wff r a B pvSS lor S a f n 'f o S ^ nvM . .' :23 «a.po.a4-i7 -» • •■21'. .a.ff. u»*o«»u;v:.«-5.r'i.r.aaMai- )• IS 1 M ta 4}l> vii ^vaS ir- t t '.19 4 la un(Ma>; - .M .v t ' S i i noomen 23 S pe 2S i: lill IR 1 M hMK 2 n ia m IS. r s L ' . l s ’ '■I •* tt I2'10 tt Hw'iM 43 M I MM: 2S«CMmI Lour •iaMta*ir 4»via oi|yjitt'o»’.-«.'a4w :i S :..^ s ili j; "* *“ iHW ______® H E B ty TDBorrott try HIDbLEKAUFF'S Q U O TE^O FT H E DAY ‘f Xil'SSi’E T ir - .-."lai; iiioaiMiiiri SS!.' ;;;jj ^4«fc - S a f S 'iS Va0dto6(un.l0day earnn - ii 4 5 » i 'S 'l^at-day^HadonHtitn m m ^ m M orsMtagtc.Vall«y ai w e a ^ r a t www.nu.ma : o f snsnow Tuesday and strong cast c In the Cascades. Students went homeme for a In the Midwestt aand West A '‘It's prettytty treacherous,” ham. iUinorthemTtocashad rainIn showers covered rcsl* Some of the sharpest col» ld ' ' snow day, strandedi travelerstr band of snow andar sleet fell said lodi SShacklette, a PoUcc Ir : some highway over- dentsnts in Phoenix. Flash flood Tuesday 1 was In northericm * waited at aiipons andnd drivers TUesday from MinnesotaM lo Kentucky StatState PoUcc dls- to close s Itches were issued for cen* Minnesota, f where Hibblnling 1. slid across Icy roads Inthesec*Int New Hampshire,e. patchcr in) I Elizabethtown, passes bccausebe they were so watcl ' with Ice. In parts of ll tral A rizo n a th ro u g h b I o tto m e d o u t a t 32 below zeicero 1{ o n d d a y o f a b itte r ccol o ld vrave D o ze n s o f scho


• •• f.. V . , i f e I% c „ INSIDE: Holiday bakingg lileaves a spice trail, C4' WEDNESDAY DECEMBEB 1 7 , 2 6 06 8 ■ TIMES-NEWSFo > FEA'BffURESIQD EDITOR VIRGINi<'^1a HUTCHINS: (208) 735-3:>3 2 4 2 [email protected]______INSIDE: Pereonallzed er cookbooks,,C2 C: I Comics, C7 I HilatkHi/Worid,C8,C10 I Obituaries, (» .

p p l : . . ,

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MBnN no u v I

ups of hohot cocoa and cider cooks for their favoriu■rite holiday drinks, are p a rtet of the quintessentialI They cam e b ack withth recipes ranging NUTTY Christmn a s experience, from spiced tea andd spikeds| coffee to IRISHMAN So w hening m your akinj holiday smooth white chocoijolate eggnog, Courtesy of Jan Jones G No m atter w hat youou prefer, one o f the Duchin Lounge in | H r . m em ories this yesyear, w hy settie for Sun Valley. powdered chocoli:oIate m ixed with thing is for sure; Afterter a taste of these water? concoctions, you'll1 neverni go back to This drink Is popularar ': j | | d B | | | | M hot cocoa from a can.an. with fkiers at jhe.,Sun- We asked localal (chefs and hom e Valley Lbd^rsaUf foheSTtsT' daytime bartender at Duchin Lounge. The heat•at from the coffee and kick EGGNOG}; MILKSHAKE from the liquor will surely!ly Courtesyy qoflbri Wakewood oflbrt's: EcEatery Gourmet Food & CoffeeeeinlUfinFiiUs. i. keep you warm on theh e slopes. And don't forget thehe . A milkshake In winter? l p i nn t t vw h o le m ilk whipped cream, Joneslei Absohuely, Wikewoododsaid.; I c uip p hh e a v y crcam said. Puristt can enj

1 TiB»ri<««i,TWaralb, Idihoi C2 WMBMdv,DK«itarl7.2002008______f o o d

P e r s (o n a l i zz e d C Olokbol I o k s ,

ByianeBlKk choose. (TastcDook)oks arrive great. You canchoose ch a full* pages. Forr a\ sim - The Waihlngton Post In hardcover binderIcrs, so you page photo,multi-page pic gift, ttl h is is can order ne\v red)}cipes later phoio, redpc! with w photo, morc thaila n y o u w hat is pos* Most cooks have thclr:lr ownt and add them.) Thehc Web site reclpc with Ingtngrcdicnts or need. But wl \ I. system for saving rccl|Bclpes. prompts you for inimportant \viihout. and Lull.ulu docs most slble is awe-'e-inspiring. ^ Aith the otAers, Some still use recipe cards,ca details, such as nunumber of of the formattlnitlng. You can Unlike wl C' t o .d o w n lo a d . Some stick their dipping tomatlcally use. the samemc template you,-have' those oW-school p ph ^to (brmaualltherodpi:ipcs. throughout or or mix and Blurb's'Boo3oi(Srhart appllca- a lb u m s \vlth m a g n etic pages.pai ' If even that's totoo much rhatch. You canin also,c reorder tlon.Buroniinceyouhaveit.h’s.. W v ig a ie. I slide mine intoathrec-iee-rlng >vork. IbstcBook offersof col* pages by dragginig in g a n d d r o p - . c a s y tb navli b in d e r w ith p la stic sleeveeves. lections of recipes:s for holi- ping. Another nnifi ifty fe a tu re Is ' C h o o s c thetli size and shape , . Those are all functlc:tlonaI day cooks, rookiekie cooks, that It automatic]Itically b u ild s a o f y o u r bQok, o o a h a rd o r so ft k systems. Dut none Is,s very \ cocktail makers and an morc. tabic of contentsn ts a s y o u go. c o v er a n dw h e t h e r y o u w an t 21st century. A personal!lallzed You con personalljallze those Thconlytimcl[)c I g o t trip p e d ib o c o vr e r image, to wrap c o o k b o o k m a y b e a g rcacat t gift with your own giftift message up' was when:n 1 tried to aibund thele front and bade Idea, but yoU’ also*. wwant and be done in ilvc/c minutes,i reorder somee recipes n and .Blurb alsoD lets you choosc something that will imp:m p rc s s . Now/ • fo r th e minuses: r realized that moving m one fonts, coloilors and text size, well printed,pr the ling professional. T CuCutom cookbook! o n C h ristm as m o m in g . Tas'teBook autortomatlcally threw off all the1C redpesr after which. s is grcat. though blndinj k I'll sta rt m a k in g a n o th - ^ Distal cookbook softv)ftworc alphabetizes yourur recipes it: The photo ofo f'Cambodian .despite myny .best effons to think I m # e d l> 7 thi tttUior utlnt. n c. F or C h ristm a s 20 0 9 . Is designed to facilitatele that.t Vkithln lO.&hapters.■s. 1It’s sensl- Corn endedj pup n e x t to th e c rc a te a teimplatc.Iendedup rr crone, dockwUefremtop Itfl, Blurb’s r e p e a t th o se s d e c - Prices vary Nearly every electroniclc pub-p ble. But ii meansis that my Blueberry Cocom:onut Cake: the having to rc WItah a t you get: Book$matt,TuteBookand Lulo. cach and every accordirding to the size of the lisiilng company nowcoffers oi recipe., for Tharhul-splccd photo of Ma PoT(oTofuillustrat* tions on < b o o kk. . PaperbacksI of up to 40 __ recipe templates, and] there ll Watermelon Soupup comcs cd Grandma'sna's rollups, page. esstartat$12.95;upto60 are W e b sites sp ecificallyilly 'crc* after Shrimp andnd Mango Gelling everythliIhing back on Longer recipes1 werc a pages s es. S15.95. Hardbacks of ated to make customI cook-cc Salad rather thann w ith m y track to o k a w>hilc. hlli p r o b le m bfoi r m e w ith Blurb. If p a g es, 40 pag es sta rt a t S22.95; the th program's tremendousIS b o o k s easy. favorite Indoncslaiilan Carrot 1 didn't- appreciate the rcclpee d' id n 't fli o n o n e u p to0 4 to 80 p ages, $26.95; all flexibility, flc ond cooks wholO 1 tested three popularar soft-s Soup. I'd rather be able to TastcDook's drag*and*drop dra page, h'autiutomaticaily added up to lagc In the same priccscs arc plus shipping; at don’t dc mind the extra work:k ware programs thatt hhave order the recipes myself.m] rcclpe finderu uiit iitll 1 began to a new paj AT.blurb.com. bebecause they plan to make:e varying levels of flexlbxibility The designers; alsoa have type all my pers(ersonal redpes .rcclpe temmplate. which set \vww.b e if for: Creative types multiple m copies for relatives-•s and complexity: TasteBieBook, smanly minimizeded photog- Into Lulu. It's It's incredibly aside a cololum n for Ingredl* Best ) can take advantage of and ar friends. fro m a W eb site th a t parm a ru eis. raphy on the rcclpeIpe pages. If tlmc-consumin{ling, not.least ents even,1 though only the who c with recipe site you don't.Jiave a1 nnicc shol, bccause you lavctobecare-havi directions’s Were cdntinulhg 'I’-^ v h Eplcurious.com, and1 eelec* you won't miss it. But the fui not to makeake a mistake, to the sccoi tronic publishers Lululu and downside Is that a TastcDookT (One tablespoon)on Instead of a templates,ri'cSn?'nt1 Sometl Blurb. (1 stayed awayy from f looks more mammufactured teaspoon of chili cl powder good onec for a continued » expensive professional^ soft- ! than personal. makes allthedlildifference.) rcdpc. I vtfishw Blurb would &7C I ' T ne and anticipate w are su c h a s C ooks P Pa: a la te. matyouget:MA hardcover Lulu’s phototo library also create one ^ 330 Canyon Crest Drive, added page should 1 which charges S39.9S fotfor the binder with roomm fori up to was disappolntliInting. Most'of that the ad l lwInlalU* 733.9392 softw are alo n e o r $159.9!9.99 for 100 recipes; SI9.9595 to S34.95 the recipes II found fo in the bcfoimattctted differently lhan K (to n N. 6tm roMnt *11» SdmibTin) th e softw are a n d o n e priiprinted plus shipping, depejpcndlng on Food categoryy werew picturcs the first, K j •^lifulSellinn idpcs you of people eating,ng.notthelush . BlurbglviIvcs y o u a b o u n ty o f | S S book.) As promised, ^ill l were\ how many recl{ .. . • Smoke Free Em'ifooment relatively simple to use.sc . A n d in c lu d e; a t wwNv.ttv.iastcbook. images of disheshes I wanted to options foro r p h o to g ra p h y , b u t the results werc attractlv:tive. com. p u l in m y cookbi>kbook. y o u m u s tprovide p your own. 1 jccretly /on Lnst-miiminute gifts What you geuget Paperback ended up up using mostly ^ || Dut If you were seci 1^ hoping that your boolo o k o f a n d cooks c o n te nnt t loI assem- book with 20) to to 250 pages, whole*pagtIge photos because fmmni family recipes might endcn< up ble a collection ofif othero peo- $15.^5 plus shipping;ship hard* I never seccem cd to have the resembling “The Frcnch Frc pie's recipes ratherer than per- back book withv ith 20 to 120 size or slmim pc to flt the more L iu n d ry C o o k b o o k ,”" thtl in k so n a l o r fam ily one:nes. pages. SZ5.45i plus pl shipping; sophisticalated templates. [j > again. Designing a r re e c ip e at www.lulu.com;om. Then igain,ag you get out ■ ■ collection makes youI rcalbwrc; Lulll Best for. C ookj)oks with lots of what you1 put| in. Of all the. ' “PROFKSIO^FURmri uj TTURE R ^ ^ ^ a i O N " Just how much workrk ig o e s family recipess andai a rcason- books I min a d c . 1 thought the in to a p ru fc ssio n a lI cook*ci I h a d th e h ig h e» st t h o p e s for able se ie c ilolofartandpho* n o f one fromI Blu B rb w as th e m o s t Fmisfinish & Structural Repairs ^ book: the balancc of recipes.rcc Lulu, which appealeared to be lography. i)cautiful.. ' T lic im a g es w e re Amiq'itique Raioniion 1 the writing and, mostIt oof all. the Goldiloclb o ol f c u s to m ripping &Rcfiniihing 1 the luscious photogmpm p hy. I p u b lis h in g ; n o t: tooti much BookSmartbylW H u i t ------a}Ior ; Miiclting & Custom Rnbhes had acccss to the cientire flexibility, not too0 little.1 i.ulu iuing Pirts Rq>liccfncm O urr prices go Before. ' Washington Post libraijrary of offers three tempmpfates for The wclcomome page on digital images, and i still h a d c o o k b o o k p a g es:: slisimple, rus- Blurb’s Web site slii features a Qyiver easy. ga a tough time gettinging the tic and retro. It thenth allows slide showof of coffcc tabic v,Tt-wjilrcstorarioinon«oin^____208^934^ result i had envisionedled. My you to add.your ovovm photos books, and th this is so ftw are is books are serviceablet>le a n d o r select fro m a library of robust enoughugh to crcate ^ reasonably attractive,ive. In Getty images. The T! Flash them. It offers[ers by far the other words, they'reIt! 21 ! st- interface requireses no down- most flexibility:lity: recipe lay- c e n tu ry h o m e m a d e . load and is intultlxitlve enough outs, picture layouts,lay collage for even novlccc icomputer loyouts. chapter)tcr layouts, text Vtow W C a i T sste B o o k users. layouts, plusi ideasid for tide. ’.ilvt.t': r]X;YbuAnOir Tlte layout capalpabllitics are dedication and am copyrigl)i For fast and easy, T^steDook is your bestte s t b et. Tlie Web site wos creatieated by H H f i i th e p e o p le b e h in dI K o d ak M r. Gallery (one of the firstirst sites that made it easy to> uuj p lo a d t f ■ Open 34 hourt Id a y ; S | | | and share photos], and It Is H K B jH H p S- ' tromMon.-Sat linked to Epicurious.ccs.c o m . a HTTT l TTU I-I CloMdit9p.m. r J a n d s o f I database of thousanc on Sunday recipes from popularir mn aga* zincs such as Gourmet B on Appetlt and Cookingig Light, I v n jm iong oihers. c o n help! The software looks lik 1 e a I ^today for n e w op repalp^;j cookbook version off AA; pple's 'I nbncs. Search for a rei c lp c you like, then drag andmd drop H W w fffhnrn sh eet m htal:! m m JUU FABRICATORS it into your T^steDook You K A U A I M B t t ^ u t b nicoi Comrefling. Heating, can also Input your ting & General Sheet Mem! I family recipes and pl 208-733-8548 NEVADA a n d y o u c an sh a re thi ce nm wirti o th e r T ^ tc B o o k u se:rs rs if y o u ------r ------A ll The Southeilem EX]3 W R E Santa Open Sundajrs Noon*4pm, uni Soul food forfoi I '/ r , '; NEW HORIZONS 'vrt'','/"''W ITH IDAHiHO PUBLIC TELEVISICilO N ' ' the holidaysy s . T 3 3 - 9 4 7 7 jfltlahoPubncTelevisioiionfaranevenliigolhefl leortwarm ing NEXT WEEI a d ls« .a m D '' / } p k o n specials youw won't find qnyw erer e e1 l s e . IN F ood m muntil Chriiniu!! SEEZQSBjjEHH ■ u. it ■ ' L' . ; '.'A’ A rt's, C raf r & B a z a a> r r s

C a l e n d a r Grandy’sC hristi9 tm a 5 C ra f t S h o w Dec.12th&121 3 t h D e c .1 9 th & 2 C 0 t h i ^ k l G e r > p in 0:30am-6pr > Unlaue handmade^lea lfts I tc o r •FullqwcnykejrtkeytJOMCt ^$74. Alt»rS40r & Holiday Oecoi Cn-.il lirkj’ i iflMli'cJi'bl Locatedatt •lOmegapUdccdcanw a V ■ NUTCRACKER ST O lffi| S n ak e River SpriJj r i n k l e r • Bluetooih* heaheadMtcapoble (harden C enI tet e r ' •L»rge2.4*lntefiitemal tae«n omage 10 the muskal tiiry tale Q S Q B a rules the ImperUfKe of tbe ballel m OiympfcRgure skatingiting champion Kristi Yamaguchi 1 6 7 5 E 41 OON.N. Buhl !fn times. It a the story of a group of3f IntroducesthisnewpnV production by the ballet companyny From Buhl 1 .7 5 mll.SE.mil r k 9 9 ^ m ■ n'ti((Onull-lfl - IiflMen B who joumey into the adult wofkJ*** thal originally broughtight the holiday classic to AmericaI on Hw y 3 0 . (JfbltCJtd 'P iP C C 1976S.U } they overcome evil forces through^ in 194S.Thb new prodiroduction is set in 1915 during thee ToAntwunMyourapccij (WIM.. 1 1 ^ - Jcromc.ll irtd faitKThe story aligru with the Panama Pacific Intema^ t i o n a l Exhibition and stars Mariaria CalloremJll This honackers journey from Russia 10 the Wes f„o 1-800-NIN EW rL IN f . \ Kochetkova and Davit:avitKaiapetyan. . Karen m7SS>827 illuminai kdlckmintfmiglcvstle) >NESDAY -J l/ . modem U J tf! 10 PM ■j.'^/^JWJ EDNESDAvfir 8 : 0 0 PM T ^ s - N^Effs- j H H l 5. Lincoln wheretf ActiVKbnfK/tinc-ilSilS IMPOffTAKTCDMSU^MTORMATKIHSie,ID83338 toveand Ag1nt.Cjin9Pbn.tcbtctutt1 form & cftKlli ipfmvsL Up le i 175 l l ' iMioPubllcTelCTislonlsn brings you th e best in ‘V ii.; olhMttUfOH D»w#inc#(j(ub>lv.hftr. WhM wppkn I ' educational, entertain!lining and enlightening I. {tiuipnxml piKn.irt)ain K return polio vat) W ED h T O R S I O N programming and yourair rantributions make this c»lilior.tm.‘PlvM»»t 7 : 0 0 | | ^ UkMuptofiwtaifri\ »rpm In U rnomrK.c J008Wrtwo lahoptv.org/8u p p o r t pcpossible. Please consider an online1 contribution today. OHSubtrclteCuttomei iiipnly Olf*nt>CBvn. .k«T«tShlppir>g — ^ rv4rybykx4lioaAu- ( * J ^ i icKi^lrtcJudlrtgun- ---- oflH. IW»t*<>*t«f»rd rtnt Idal 1ta»N«t,1WhF*,idib ______FOOD wywidmnc«rt>17.2(>0» oC3

RlYAN’S l nUSHCREA!AM ' Courtesy of Caro! Byan Dumom o s ...... o f TWin M is. ^ mas bottles this family favoivorite for ^ c h e tmas presents. S o ^ empty llqi'Iquorbot- I ' ® ipof jer ties tor7 remove the labels, then deconomte with Cu I six uxeks n. The drink keeps for up to st C oriM I I rvfrigerated. s superior to any Irish cremeTie on the / S P I C Y m ' marketxt,“ Dumas wrotein an e-maila ll / Cattriesy of Dorothy Cai ofPauL g g s . o n sw ee te n ed co n d en se d tnUktUk ' ' ' This recipe tvasn't\'t f.passed l / 4tciip c evaporated milk down to Cavenerfromn a fami' 1 / 2> 1 ■ ■ SAWRtMY,DBa2ff»t ------i11m-1pmSia0pnh330pm n \ AND HOT CIDER wWTH r 4 SPICES MmN^DEa22!^° i BurtHin»lank Rwiogfophy will be here to takeke WES,DEa23!^ ures with Santo. Santa will bo hero CourtesyofRflb ri Wakewood of Tbri’s Eateryery Gourmet Food & Coffee inn TUiin FalU. TV elp make a photo frame ornament, 12a0pm-230pm^ Decoratorate e cookie end have hol cocos When Wakewootood sips on juice can be substituted, su she cloVes. allspice, al cardamom, SMprthSMpm wtiiieSile Santa reads a stoiy - then tell SantaIta her homemade hottot cider, the said. Feelfree r to omit• the alco- c in n a m oon n sticks and orange it you want (or Chrisunasl Guaranteeded ! beverage isn't thee only ( thing holforakld-fiie■friendlydrink— slices Inn a large saucepan, iofovef>flncis25.00/child. I iluit makes her hapiappy but Ifyou do,.add ad. another cup S im m e rfcfor 20 minutes; strain “It was the firstrst thing my ofcidertotheme m ix to even out out splccCCS and orange and >,c i = ^ te fr. Callall N«v 7 3 3 -9 3 3 77 grandmother ever;r taughti me the spices, s tir in Calvados Q or brandy. ^ 1703 7 0 Addison Ave. East to make," Wakewi'.wood said.' S e rv e h o>t. t. L m “You know, whenI ytyou're a kid, 8 c u p s a p p)le le tc id e r o r ap p le it's a really magiccical thing to juice (plus 1 e exi x tra c u p if cal* make." v a d o s is n o t u ses e d ) ikewood and 4 w h o le clove:oves Rose.Ttienewspapersaid •d the apples 4 w h o le a llspIsp l ic c be rrie s cider them- 4 wholecardakrdamom seeds iiidpiiDlawholepage(le ofniall coupons. So,I'mnonlidingllielnosj^ 0 amount o f 4cinnamons)n stic k s ■MwnoiKoivnMi As a child. Waken‘t necessary 1 c irp calv a d o s o r b ra n d y (if Ik - amazing laslminiinule coupons forfoa Somomeaiceren Tori W akm odtnrtM o ru her family pickedthough. , d esired ) nstortoannfoflNrlM i and pressed Ihe apple ci cider 1 orange, quaq u a rte re d selves. That an irlhanBlackFiiiay deals. BadibetcidM'atberlMi !, and if you TiMMim involvement isn'tdrink, apple Combine cclt i d e r o r F a b m t a v u t last «He rk. u | i with this recipe, ihc '■ Imm* 5 ro re -b o u g /ir ap will do Just fine, i V /^ ^ I c h:hformyfuU l ^ want a clear dri page on Fridaidaj.lalreadjliave ^ I B p -; one cou:ouponworlli 50%off;oiiriurentirepurcliase. ^ ^ ^ |l f n o nice lotlo get llie beslprice^ 9 1 WHITE CHOCOLA] EGGNOG B3uy l lo c a l Courtesy of EricATE Etu ofTWin Falls. B aank i lo c a l Here's a cluKolately the holiday classicEttesvold I I The holiday seascjspn is a tim e for giving ills. made this tvhile work r and a timcime to support our local cluffor the Sheraton Germany uly twist on I'l business9ssesand communities. c Enesvold 4largccggs nrkingaso ton Corp. in 1/2 c u p su g a r J Afterall, there'ire's no place like hom e. 1 c u p m ilk 11/2 c u p s heavy a 1/2 cup white cl ' Since 1904, D.LE.Evans Bank has been liq u e u r . 1 tablespoon dark 1 ' Idaho’s Hometostown Community Bank, Semiswect chocoky c re am hoice for Idaho families. ed.forgamish c h o c o la tc a safe and secure cho

Chiu mixing tw beaters In freezerralate. for grat- utes before starting. Combine sugar a and beat on low untb o w l a n d ^ Sowty speed up ancfo r 30 m in - , . high sp e ^ for 5 mini p i milk, Uqueur and ri HIwww:dlevans.com u n til m ixed. In a chilled bow)and b< beat ot ! cre a m a t .h i ^ sp eiinutcs.Add ed I ‘ peaks fo m Add ito rum. Beat k •,• turc and fold togeti ;)bcathcavy for 1 hour and garr g rate d chocolate. -edundlstifr to egg mix- gether. ChUi V S ’ ' ' l» ______;amish with i n ______T h irilm ,T y irih ,t ^ i 7 , a o > ______FOOD

f I m idaybsaking^ v es,asspice tt r a i l s< H 0 By Betty H*Hock beans, organicmic allspice, sun- / • LotAngelMTlmwM d rie d cloves, v,w o o d y E gyptian coriandcr. Chi:ifhlncsc blacic car- i I D laine it o n thle e nr u tm e g . ' d a m o m .(swc'weetcr than the ) t Of coursc It's aah holiday sta- Indian vnrtet)icty), or angelica i ; » plo, a sprtfiklingg gratedg over seeds from MMarais Poitevin. i « eggnog, half a teaspoontea for Franco. * mulled ddcr, nI qqi u a rte r te a- You'll flflnd musky and sumac,IOC.s th e la n g y M iddle ; lin l e b it o f flo u r to h o ld It all I spoon in a pumpk:ipkln pie. Bul Hungarian '“moula" and Eastern spicespl that lias been logethther. th e translation is . * when a'rccipe callcalls for grat- zesty. pepperycry grains of para- showing• up. u diiringiy, in "stronim g b re a d ,” a reference to nel. The pale, emboso s s c d * ingoncandahalf'alf whole nut* disc from Gha;hana by going lo cakes andid pies.p th e p)u u n g c n c y o f th e spices Jn isi- cookics are formed, w v ith J m egs, w ell, th a t's‘salotofnui- a ihe Web sislie L'Epiccrie Spice entrepot ci Penzeys a dessissen that dates to 13th B ut I c a n 't th in k o f a n easi­ flll b e a u tifu l w o o d o r ccra;ra m ie } meg. ancl Ihc nextlext thing you (www.Icplccrieric.com). Le (www.pcnzcnzeys.com) carries centuru ry S iena. ' eer. r m o rc w h im sica l w ay to flll a f- m o ld s to crcaic p a tte rns ss u c h I know I’m makingng -panfortc" Sanciualrc («(www.ie-sanctu- Grenadianlan mace. Easi and Myy favorite “panfortc" ththe house with thc sugar- 3li- o s snovbTflakes. a corns. Saik m ta s I and grating awaym y >vlih my alrc.com) haslas pungent while West Indiaidian nutmeg, and recipe[>c — the one Ihat and-spice ar arom as of thc holi­ er- or thc "litdc knlghis" a fte r I I Microplanc lo scsesec just how Munlok pepieppercorns from four types'pes of cinnamon: insplnired that industrious dtdays than to bake ginger­ ra- w h ig h they're na m ed . - I m u c h (afte r a, fl'flvc-mlnute owner Jlng; 1Tio's farms in Ceylon. China Cassia, ' nuimcneg grating — is from bread bt cookies. They’re fra­ ack Oncc ihc cookics1 a re I elbow workout,t. 1it yields a Indonesia. SplSpicc giiru Aaron Korintje} Cassia ’ and -lartiftine" by Elisabeih Pruclti grant gr widi (Cinnamon, black am e m b o sse d a n d cut, th e dlo o u g h < ] small handful). In the mean- Isaacson (knonown lo his Now Vietnameselesc. ' a n d ChadCl Robertson, owners plces th a n “p a n fo rie ." sm all11 mountain of nutmeg, a swcci-caramely-carthy :es. Experimentation willith a J black pepper, coicoriandcr — lately have: b'been enamored essentiallyilly d< rie d a n d c a n d ie d plu s ; t th e c in n a m o n , p e p p er, ccc o m p le m e n t to all th c spices. ker ceniurles-oldcookicrcdfd p e l s I and il all smells> so Zanzibar- wllh groumund, powdered fruits ndand nuts mbccd wlih cloveses. coriander, and a cup A dedicated cookie baker nse noi unwarranted. Insieai;a d o f ] faniasiic. M a d ag a scair r vanUla beans aromaticc splccs,s| and just a of cococoa for not so much a wwith a highly wrought sense his anise, try Saigon dnnarla m o n j Now's the timenc ito raid thc c hococolatc noic as an earthy of ol aesthetics might try his ric" or Costa Rican cardamomim -O r I spicc rack and giget baking: u n derpinning. e r hihand.ai German "sprlngerle" I of nutmeg: a little elbow cxer-e 1 gin g e rb re ad . •Gicrman em cook- id there's plenty of room — the Chrlstmas cookies of cli- else to work o^ some hollolld a y j ies such as “pfcf)fefrernussc," fo r vav a ria tio n . A rec ip e fro m Swabia. Si They're more deli­ her calories might be wclcon:im e. ^ .“spcculaas" or ‘sprlngerle,"“s] D avidId Lebovii7.’s."Room for cately ci flavored than olher D essesert" calls for a pinch of spice sj cookies, hitdng all the i a n d “p a n fo rtc ," tthc dense, Jn® P lease se e SPKE. Pag)ig e C 5 spicy c o n fe ctio n tlthat's avail- c h ilcc p e p p e r , w h ic h is a n notes ni of just one spicc: fen- able in cvcty bakelokery in Italy cxcell;llcnt Idea. Alice during the holidilid a y s b u t Is M cdriirich’s recipe from her nearly impossibl' to fln d b o ok"Purc k ' Dessert" indudes here, o r n e arly im]impossible to fen nicl c seeds, wliiie pepper Hnd a very goo d or anyway. a n d ginger. A nd if Ih c onlylly f ro u te T he Tartinc “panforte" I to All of Our 2 y o u h av e trav eledc d 1la tely is th c m a dle e is one of thc best I’ve b a k in g aisle o f ththe e su p e rm a r- lasteded, a deeply spicy cross C u sto m ers^ kci, then you mig^light be miss- butw,veen c cake and confection From Ml lo right: ning more toward con- ^ Friends ing out on a splspice rcnais- (leani Arroa,ADbray, Sheible Scovil sancc that has dridriven trends fectioiion). 1 c u t th ick w edges o f n c n u s za'> il. wvrjpped r them in parch- on restaurant men 537 Moln Ave. East tar, berber, vadoiidouvan) and «OCXMnNHM«AwkiTteM n ie nIt. t. tied iliem witli siring Twin Foils > 734-8380 exalts ha n d -h a rvrvcsted K vanilla pjofoiti b a beibeady Ddi of frattt; nattaBd f n t niH a t ipi k a i. I gave Ilie m aw ay as gifts.

Brewers; ttap into holida;ays with Christirmas beers H o ! H o ! H I q I iH ifi'iiii Your Burley A reaa clation presents... 1 holds 162 gallons of ByGregKHsock hol conienient or flavor." scl that he ^ Save yo u r receipts SpKlal to The WaslVashlncton GenenssiiyistisahaUmarkofdie been 'entlenilre butt" is a syn* Po«t______season, and,d manyi breweries onym for porter. T h e slates' M fro m BAMA M erchant!Its! a d d a little moremi of what they liquor conicontrol boards bucked W i s » oW Nov, 28 - Dec. 24 WASHINGTON)N — IV /cnty use during ththe e rest o f th c year, dow n, andm d you c a n b u y Santa's ^ years ago, youi would u have Rogue Ales'js’ Santa's Private Butt from□m Briliiin's Ridgeway y i W Com e to> th e B urley Inn been hard-prcsscisse d 10 flnd Reserve is itslu year-round St Brewing,g. w hich aLso sells Olher V ' on Januaryry 10th @ 7pm e n o u g h C h ristmn as b e e rs to nu Rogue Redi widi v double the amusinglyIgly named holiday \ eluding Pickled Santa. P a sbc-pack. Tbday,ay, s i ^ Larry C hinook and n d Centennial ' hops beer inclu( hange your receipts I Robinson of ChChevy Chase and thc addiddilion of a third. SeriouslyilyUad II I-lfand Lump of ' Wine & Spirits in VW ashington, “mystery."h ho] o p . Coal, Christm as Doe itmas, it was oncc Russell’sell's hook contains "I don't have rooroom for ihcmi At Christm E x c h a 1 Ihe number* Is Increasing die automn totc turn the social chaptersrs oni Samichlaiis (a U se your C hristn 1 Auction Item s^F ^ • ■astronom ically."r.“-Eviny • year otdcronitshis head. In a chapter 'Stmnganc!and immensely malty ^ rx W for Ch > f. about this time,me. his beer onyulctldcfcc festivities, RusscU Europeanan lager whose name K inventory swellsUs from 1,000 cites thc. medievalme Feast of means "Santa "S Claus" , in a tm as D oe to bid on A R brands to 1,200.0. iAt Brasserie Fools, in which v drunkeii Swlss-Genjcrman dialect) and » Bcck here, Beigiclgian winter throngs gathcithercd in churches Anchorr BR rew ing C o.'s O u r ^ beers (strong,^ dark and towatchafoifake priest conduct Special1 Ale. Al Anchor owner spiced) occupyy ses v en o f II a m ock rcligcligious c erem o n y , l-ritz Muyt;luytag lias been releas- R-ast o f Poolsols Is thc name of ing a speciai spe< Chrislmas alo Now these beets bee have an Magic Hat; BrewingBi Ca's sea- since 1975; 1971 ll has been an nd-splce beer since . *: entire book dcvot'voted to ilicm: sonal 12-pacjack sampler, con- herb-and- ^ u r n i t u r e , w ’Christmas B«Beer Thc talning diec hoppyh amber ale 1987.'llielie foI rm u la varies eac h M Cheeriest, TosticsiJest, and Most Roxy Rollescs and an expert- year.The2lie 2008 cdUionappeani B w h e e l e r ! liday Brews" mental brc'}rcw callcd Odd tobclieayeavy o n m iim c'g. vyith a ^ Spomoird byth( :lailonMemb«f>& K Unusual Holidc E ntertainm ent, Fur (Universe Publisl)lishing, 2008). NoUonwhoslose rccipc changes dollop of a pine or spruce by Eton R u ss eill. ll.' T h c au th o r, w ith each newn e batch. The lai- extraci.I. Ma^ag zealously i 3 & even a kid's 4 v\ his recipes, but he does I t ; u n d e r d ie n o mn dldc plume loe est Odd Nodeo d o n Is a braggot (a g u a rd sh is ' thrve Bucl«y Area Merclunt Atioclailc . t; Sbcpack, writes} a weekly col- hybrid fermc-mcnlcd from mall confldctos to RusscU Ihat he has ^ Jn l a tr u m n fo r th e: PPhiladelphia and honey!icy) splccd wilh never usetjsed doves.______»— K Daily News. ch am o m ilele and aged over K 'WhcnlwosakI a kid, I couldn't toasted oakk c cl h ip sfo ra d e U c a te ' wait for Cliristnv;tmas morning, floral aromal a ai n d crisp finish. b No way could] I ever get to St. Nicholslolos, RusscU w rites, B sleep," he writesICS In his book, is one 3f of several church h These days, insteaiteadofatoycar fatliers venetncrated as a patron I K or Rock'cm Socko^em Robots, saint of brcvircwers, yet 30 stales •V he salivates overver thc newest have enactedte d law s prohibiting holiday ales. any image: oof Santa Caus on ^^H U I Jl; T h e c o m m oin n ddenominator beer labels,els. Im p o rte r D a n K of Christmas beer•eers is dial diey Shelton sougjught help from the ' r have no commornon denomlna- ACLU afteifter Connecticut, k tor. Russell, wwhose book Maine andd Newf York tried to t Includes photosos aand notes on ban one of of his products, a b about 150 holld)llday libations .daric, roastyty Engli.shI ole caUed I ^ with such Inames as Santa's Bulllull W nier Porter. I f H ib e rn a tio n Ale,Je, i v i n g s ^ I r L 1 a s t W e e k B SSQ ^ 1 1 ■ l e c i l ;■ f Asa!a home-delivery subsciscriber to /A j: [ the Times-News,77; you havee dozens( of m :• t charicinices each week to clipp coupons< w n the inserts and save‘ mn oneyon ^ '' ffl™ items;IS your family needs, ffljr Not a subscriber?i Start sav:avingtociay! « j: W Call?:7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 , e x t 1. f R e aI l NJ ew s * Real.1 L o c a l 1 H d R.i E A L V A LL U E j ■ ««

I Ifcfcirt)'nin.hr iT.awM e s .. 1ta»llnn,M iril*,IU ______F o o d

Heat the oven to 275 foifor weeks, and the flavoro r ries; 2 grams protein;t; i7 ses. Tbst d ie b a k in g d m c Im proves v ^ th age. gmms carbohydrates: 0 filfiber. Spice_ lhe cooUesrPlacc’two- Ibtal dme: 2 hours, plusu s 1 gram fat: 0 saturated^,a f t/ S CcribMdfn>apioC4 ies (if you ore using more naresting and overnight dryingng milligrams cholesterol;!; 33 one mold, test two cook- dntim e. Servings: A bout 4 d o zc en n milligrams pjdlum. 3 -ln ch cookies. SPRINGERIB tL E rom each mold) on the 3-1 rved anise-sced-lined Each of 48 servings: 77 calo-Jo- Please see snCE, Page{eC 6 4 e g g s tig sheet. [“ 1 /2 te a sp o o n sail B a k e th e te s t b a tc h u n d l RetirementsSale :l/2 (ea sp o o n aniseoni: ex tract lops of each cookic are 1 teaspoon finefinely grated and the bottom of each 15% Ofiff WjB\- le m o n z est, loosely pa ck e d de Is barcly colored, * 4 c u p s (1 po u nnd) d ) p o w d ered it 25 minutes (die tops All ItemsIS su g a r, sifte d lid have no coloring. ' 4 c u p s (1 po u nnd) d ) flour :k die cookies after the J " 1 /4 le o sp o o n bolbaking pow- ■ 10 minutes to make surc J ore not puffy; If diey are. J - d e r rwMkrRUDOid d ie y a i ove die tray from the oven 3 " A n ls e s e e d iborri* Gerauu tp riifirle cooidet «Hli gendy press down the top 3 . . 1. In the bowlivl {of a Sland poratcdandthIthe dough Is stiff, until all11 of c the dough is ofanyw domed cookies using a % m ixer, o r in a large:ge Ibowl using Remove thet ddc o u g h to a llg h d y Im p rin:d. ied .Cut around each I’owel*•Mined hand. If aU die U a hand mixer, bcabeat (hc eggs floured surfairface and knead imprint to to form a cookie, cookicdes dome on lop, your _ fo r 5 m ln u ie s untilintil very light undl smooth,th, about 2 min- Coniinucic until all of the ovenI may be too hot; try 1 . i ~ A u t h o r B o o k s ig n i n g In texture (the lorlong beating ules. Cover ththi c 'd o u g h d ^ d y do u g h hlas a s bI e e n use d . - a n olher th i test batch at 250 ' time is importantnt sso the eggs withplasiicwrwrapandallowto 5. UghtljJidy scatter the sur- degree-ces fo r 30 to 40 m inutes. A^orest F o . of Wormwood-rf W hen the correct tem* a rc s u fn d e n tly wh:whipped and relax at roomm (empera(ureI for face of two(wo or three rimmed 9. V Sagtbrvth,Sag WaUrandldahot lig h ten e d in icxturcture). 1 hour, baking shcc•heels wldi anise .seed pcratuiturc Issc i, bak e d ie c o o k - Twia Falls Canal Compaiiy le salt, anise 4. RemoveJVC 1/4 of the (about 1 1 lablespoon per ies, oon n e tra y a t a d m e , un d l all I . : 2. Beat In the i bjrNlcbNokluatTcd extract and lemonion zest until dough, keepinping the rcst dgh(- sheel) and lay the cooldcs of :he ihi cookies are baked. E • evenly Incorporaorated, then ly covcred (it;it d( rie s o u t q u ic k - over th e: seeds se (do not press When;n the cookies are done, I slowly add the1C p o w d e re d ly). O n a lighiighdy floured sur- ihem dowrDwn). (Reserve one of removove th e m to a rack to cool I it the(FomtrVmei-Ntwtmw) Twin Ftlli C*m1 Compiny. lu hUt

H a s tin g s B o o k S to re ~ FYil ______^ ^ E R S > GINGERBRSREADPEOPU egg.■gg. Mix in die graicd and groun3und ^n- (remember lo 0 ger.;er, allspice, cinnamon, pepper,ier, cloves covcr ihe % a n d g r i l l 3 c u p s flour amd n d caitlamom imtU combinedled. Wrap unused por- ^ l/2ieaspoonscasea salt thh e e d o u g h In p la sd c a n d chill fobrat r c least tlon of the I ta b lesp o o n babaking t soda twow o h o u r s — a n d u p to o n e week.•ek. Icing ivith ► - 3/4cup(l l/2stl2 sticks) b u ltc r 3. Heat die oven to 375 degreesrc c s.T a k e plastic ^ | H JAK t r n c m i s - .1 c u p bro w n sugisugar halflair of the dough and roll out on a wfrap to 'I B A R A ^ ..>l/2cupmolasse!sses (not blackstrap) floulo u red w ork su rfa cc lo slighilyr lessIcs than prevent drying ■ ome-founh n e Inch. Using cookic cutterscut In out). Garnish I ; " ! t ^ l e s p o o n flmflnclygrated frcsh ginger thc h e desired shape, cutout the dou|tough and the cookies as I " 1 ta b les p o o n groundgro ^ g e r placilace die shapes on a cookic troytroj lined desired with ■ J a k e r i t 1 /2 te a sp o o nI groground allsp ic e wvith itl parchment, about 1 inchich apart, decorations, 1 mtm •■•1 l/2teaspoonsi>ns g ro u n d (iin n a m o n Bak)ake about tO mlnuies, or unundl the ihen dry at • 'l / 2 tc a s p o o n gI gro r c u n d bla ck p e p p e r e!dges d g of the cookies begin to color room icmpcratun e's Ae Deal... T s h a ^ - ■ 1/2 te a s p o o n g ro u n d sligl;ll^tly. Do not over-baka Cool01 ccookies until the icing 1: cloves thoihoroughly on racks befon; frostlrsting. ened. Store in i a irtig h t containers for u 1/4 (easpoon ground “ P ‘O 3 n .Gift Cards Purchased, vB Sai ‘ w eeks a t ro o m te tc m p era - wm d , c a rd a m o m A Idng and assetnbly. 2(^Vi4iltcs ture. .25 G ift Card FREEI !• In a large 2 2 teaspoons lemon juice Ibtal lime: 1 U:t/2hours, cateMMd So Here's ^ bowl, mbc die flour, 2 2 cups powdered sugar, sifted^d plus Chilling dmcIC (up to 1 d n ie t. salt and baking 1 1rcdpe gingerbread cookies5 w eek) for th e t th is deal call, Hx soda. D C eco ratio n s, aa desired Servings: 3 1 /2 d a For Every $100 in.( e o r just drop by. 2.Inihebowl Each of 42 send R eceive a $25 SH U of a standing P F lac e th e e g g w h ile s a n d lem o n ju ic e calories; 1 gramn protein: im w em m in die bowl of a standbig mixerc r (( o r i n a 21 gmmscarbohy'iydmtes:0 — ■ w id - mbccr, or in a in ( m - m o larg e bow l u sin g a mbdng m b bowl, if using a hand mlxinlxer) and fibcn 4 grains fat:if.-S g ram i c w il> T o g e•r.Jakarf.con ttl ; h a n d mmixer, l cream die butter rnlx mb untU combined. Graduallylly add in saturated fat: J14 mil- . M tty ; and sugar, 2 to0 3 mlnuies. Mix in tlie the the sugar, mbdng until well coir:o m b in e d . llgmms c/io/cs«iterol; 126 egoflNMitto go online c ieiBW .H,TM nM i « m o la sse s u n til1 Iniincorporaicd, tiien die Pipe Pip onto cookies wldi a pipitliping bag milllgmmssodiur

j i . WWW.J christgeM! ^ 1598 MBe U to

. ' •I H a p D idays

Y SuppIpy n©Local V'O ity! port Our I A n y t u s i n resence here in o r S o u t h e rCommunit n :AL - no m atter ■ i w here Iti cor] uarters may be. Shopping witlIness w ith i p rs e and neighbors keeps dollarsrn Idaho is tO Cic / o n o m y - j M E paying wages,>rporate headquje l p i n g

those businesith these friends i • ■ I in our cpmmis In our local ecc :s, taxes, and hel Be responsibl n d i n g . J esses reinvest But don't be i your life. ■ a u n i t y . Support your a n d B keep out ecorJle in your spenc Do you have: tafraid to live 'jrkinyc g ■■ I ir com m unity - a : for yoii? For ii how I anom y strong. to join the nec : businesses in’ tlte chamber won . organization information■ on hi t | B B or log on to early 800 incnibci I ^ w/ww.twinfali:I this dynamic I - call 733-3974 E llschambcr.com

i: I' , ; * >:

I T to ' ;'C8 VMMdiKDm^n.ji7,ao8______' ______F oo d

b e c o m e te n d e r sand semi- Assembly sprlngformm p o n w ith 2- o r 3- o n c e itii is well mbced. (Ifyou translucent, abouout 30 min- 1 rccipc camumdied quince, inch ddes,». line with p a^- havec rn u b b e r gloves, it is cosi- ! | Spice_ per.' and butter'the cr to:o m: ix w ith y o u r' h a n d s utcs. stroined .andand coarsely ment pope j C o atatd fm B w C S 4. Remove fromo m th e h e a t c h o p p e d (8 ountlunccs) pordimcnt.nt. making surc to thann i with a spoon.) Work ckly at this point: the \ !■ ‘PANFORTPWin(mi and pour into a heat-proofI 1 rcclpc cancandied orange butter thele sides of the pan qulckl; container. CoolI completely,ci zest, strainedid ondi coarsely well. lo n g^ e r r the mbcture sits, the I CANDIED QUINCEw t then store the zv e s t in th e c h o p p e d (3 oun<)unccs] 2. In a hlarge mixing bowl, firmerie r i t be co m e s. , Transfer the mixture to ! Adapted fmm Tarthtrtlne" by cooking syrup inIn ani airdght 2 cups datesItes, p itte d a n d c o m b in c th e c a n d ie d q u in c e 5 . 'H prepared sprlngform pan i i Elisabeth M.Piwltt andindOuid container In thee refrigeratori coarsely choppcppcd(lOounccs) andorongtIge zest, datesr cur- the pti ' Jiobcrtson. You .can use us. any for up to 1 month.h,Ybu8hould 1 3/4cupplus2u s 2 ta b le s p o o n s rants, oranjmge and lemon zest, and. sismooth the top with a ber spatula dipped hi type of dried or candledliedfridt, have about one*hB-haif cup (3 Zante currantsits(4ounccs) (' andailofth'the nuts. Sift togeth- rubbci ® - '“‘'Dra '^''in any combination, as Ia sub- ounces) ofcondlcdle d zesL 2 ta b lespipoons o i grated cr the flotour, cocoa po^er, Water,er. Bake until the top is 'rstitute for the fruitsfi iin the orange zest cin n am o nn. , nutmeg, corian- silghd}tidy pijO'ed and looks like ownle. obotit 1 hour Cool ‘ J recipe as long as the total Candled QuinceICC 1 ta b lesp ooh o n |grated lemon . der. peppcper and doves ever a brow I [■''jimountisabout4 l/2cu2cups(25 1 l/2cupswatcrte r ■ z e st .-the fruits1 aand nuts. Mix well in thehe pan on a wire rock for' debt? Let iis h d ^ ] 3 0 minutes. tti Run a knife Ipil'get your faniil^j , ' jounces). 1 l/2cupssugor^ 1 c u p lightlyly tctoasted unsalt- Set aside, 1 large quince . c d pistachioss 3 , In a deep, heavy arouniund the edge lo loosen under controlj^l ; I Candied Orange ZescSesc 2 cups wcli-ti!li-toastcd hozci- ' saucepan.n. combine the and.tul.tum out of the pan ond Times-Neufs.lrnfm 1 com pletely. j ^ 3 large, unblemlemlshed 1. Peel Ihe quinojice.8Uccltin npts h o n e y a nid d granulated sugar coolct ^ K h iite d Frank' Blffiij , wcli-toostcd over mediiiium-hlgh heat. Stir 6.. W ith a fine-mesh sieve, ^iMciatc buslnft^i j.io ru n g c s half, rem ove ^ c! ccco re a n d c u t 2 • c u p s \ ; 1 1/2 c u p s w ater the fruit crosswlscisc into one- almonds g cn d y vrflhIth a w c^en spoon sift thithe powdered sugar over professor at CoUegeSjI !: n/2cupssugaf fourth'inch slices.is. . 2 /3 c u p Qour>ur fro m timle e to time to make the to]top. bottom and sjdes of Southern Idaho, 2. In a medIuJ lu m . h e a v y ' 1/2 c u p cocoa)coa pcnvdcr surc that non sugar is sticking the ponfortc. pt Lightly tap it ; . i.Rcmovcthczcstfro: fro m th e sa u ce p an , com bini)ine the water ' 1 tablespoon}on ground cin- lo the boilottom of the pan. overr thetl countcr to shake o^ tf^rtce for a souti^M * oranges: Run a zcstcriter fro m a n d su g a r over metT iedium h e a t, n a m o n B ring to a Ib o il a n d c ook u n til cxcesscss sugar. It will keep, well idaho ; famUy vtlic top to bottom1 0 of the stirring with a spoon,sp until Freshly grated grat nutmeg the mUtu:turc registers 250 wrappippcd. In a cool, dry place ^ d s major help ^ ^ V orange, cutting the zesttcs into the sugar dissolveIvcs. Add the from 1 i/2 nuinuimegs degrees oron a thermometer, for up to 2 weeks, or IndcQ- handle.them ; thin strips (avoid thehe pidi). frult,rcduccthehcheat to medi- 3/4 teaspo'spoon ground about 3 milninutes. The mbcture niiclyily in the refrigerator. To ^ d t o g . ; Repeat with the rcmcimaining um*low, and cookok at a gentle coriander wilibefrotiothy and boiling rap- serve./c. slice into quarter- to ' vSo';;:what aie^/ypiU \ ' fruit. Reserve fruit forr a rn o th e r sim m e r until th e!fruitisseml- fri 3/4 teaspos p o o n fre sh ly idly, hoif-irr-inch slices. |ra^(br.ypura^ bio l tim e: 3 ho u rs, 15 m in- • • use. translucent, abouo u t 4 5 m in - g r o u n d blackk pcp e p p e r 4 . R emnove o from the heat Ibia {Bgwi;vto lncur>}2nan3 ^ 2. In a medium,1, hI e a v y utes. 3/4 teaspospoon ground and immcncdiotely pour over ules.s. Servings:: 32 holf-inch thefruit-orond-flour mixture In sliccs.cs. , sauccpan,coolcthewat(vaterand 3. Remove fitmom the heat doves sugar over mediumm heat, and pour Into a heat-proof 3/4 cup hone;jn ey ' th e bowl.. SS tir w iih a w o o d en Eaci"ach of320utlf inch) slices: .'B ring to a boil, stirring,ing. until contdner. Cool,1, Ithen'store tl/3cupsgragnmulatcd sugar spoon to:o I n c o r p o ra te th e 330I calories;ca 6 grams protein; ' ; tlic sugar dissolves. AddAd the the friiit in the cooiookirig syrup' l/4(iuppowd3wdered sugar syrup tho:loroughly with the 56 gramsgn carbohydrates; 4 zest, lower the heat to mi e d i- in a n airtight contsntalnerinthe other ingngrcdlents. The mix- gramsms fiber; 12 gmms fat; 2 um-low, and coolc atI a gentlei refrigerator. You’ll'U Ih a v e a b o u t 1. H e a t thhe e oven to 325 lure mayy seem: dry at flrst. gramsms saturated fai; 0 choles- ■ • simmer until the zestest strips 1 cup (8 ounccs)lof ol fruit. degrees. Buttejtter a 10-inch but It wilvill comc together terol;)l; 4i milligrams sodium. ifl"' j jk a iu li M i l l

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Rigl"^lit o n 'c >■ I n ^M b tm u r a n t l i e T' Design «-S5 u p p H e a KK. IDAIIO L / S UjC ard 9 8 0 0 -3 6 8B -2 -3181 ^ 3 I www.bsrequlpriloment.com 5 1 t 1ton^lMaFili,Uil,Uibe ______COMICS Ifatniwlij.rinrtirlT 2008Tt C7 B.C..______ByJohnnjHan Babyy B lues______By Rick KIrkman & Jerry•yScou i t| n w w 4 I f lifA lK W f |™ «ulrevinvieR f j w S^ lAtJowowmY scousfl /— \ m i - i ] \ f I'MHei^ ^ nIES e s s o HA«> I ]MA*eoo(irAii Ibi»i6l6MMM7jlHUlieT06CT ^KWtewe \ trs ( ou.) 'MW- “ “WrtATA|Sg7&lj\(1 SdttBfer. I TOToeu’fFoit... ______,HiscirftPlTC^ePS. ooftPicruw [&m&m xyijm o sw i EPOrt." . , 6OiMTOB0r V. . II ItN W W ITW ------r ffep JAKE THI* —II \ j f y e A c r g f < i J L ^ S S 1 i - i : — / ^ - - - ' Beetle Bailey By Mort Walker Blondndle . . By Dean Young & Stanin IDrako WWANNA«0,)./ HOPE, VI I I SL6SS I'M JUST A )r J r i WT I POEFEB THB CXJ-FASH Vi'DUKESOME ] )p FRANK SINATRA) " |] 1| IPON'TSOPORMOZART, 1 9LVE9 AUiMMJM ON&S B< :BACK6R0UNP /I [BIH&CR05BY, J I I LIK6THENEWSTUFF.O / PERRY 1 W ~ ^ s l 1 ^j » f c ^ p / ■ 'MUSIC WHILE / J ------'i W O R K ^ ^ V\ I t r » ( S ^ MTHM I ® I r a ® » S r r B r ■ j •pllbert______By S cott Adams TheI EBderberries By Phil Frank and Joe>e Trolse iHo\lo> A n Jw tisl's^ ^ M ^ W tll.'lill,ihJfiIChristiivftrtiS£*n!||WW bcutashin-A lUm'bootAhhkel OVW l ! 1 rtd wjgon? ef( W i huge W f 1 GOT REASSIGt l a E IS UNDER J ONLY’ TVTHE F IR S T DAY. «f nlm t, liHifc b«y?/ tn^l'oelVlelHlI '^ rm o n lifh ere h r*.vJr«d J \\.r)m a . MANAGE OUR L' KWAY. MY SIDE “ ,AFTERER YOU’ EAT ONE K j------_ ------< W iJt wwkiMkivi \ p iv ilt mi Rwlhffi C- = i y \\Ncut I n 'A p w 2*; i SYSTEMS. THEHE DRESS IOB MIS SCARING VENDOR30R. UORO GETS (j l o l e . J C h ritM w e d le h m a |WhSe>i«»«er- J«TlliHl& hi - . , CODElS-TRiT R O LL- VEN'ENDORS. AlAAOUND. y j y iffwainj'/wrr'T ------' t i Brfwtwiih-I I ^ I IS l^itmmdWne. IB ^ i, y THAT ^^ . I

If L f f l it w r * f e j i n . n -s j For Better or ForFo Worse .By Lynn Johnston R an|nk and Ernest.______By Bob T^Thaves

uff ]| socftAm u m L S55] |1 t f W T MW V f f d t W A N I. /o g M *! • i I J ?

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Qarfleld By Jim Davis HagIgar th e Horrible B yC hrisis Browne

1 1 Neep TO r p pe e e p WITHIN / ACOCONy J w V S e L f TO THINK MONKEVHS t e ’ ’ ( VWTRe OONNA' ssS-'*^ s V t^ i ■*-/» j P&>!^9 '^ ^ x S ? HI and Lois By C hance Browne Luarann ;______By Grcjreg Evans f THMC 11 T«*T \M C n .y tMrt>.-m«s|l| ) ^ i w w o w / we'RB \ / i^ rw W T I o o w io N sa' to /•rHlS COFFBE 1 I^eVEB N l “ to m rOQ \CUV£ A]m» \ POUT I / ouroF \ f BetfOUTCttW?// twenN itav TA.STBS PiFFBPi HAP GRAPeV \ c m TO A UXMfL/tei to THNC! 50BT, f i ^ A ^ gCC lit TO M ff HCTWt \ s o i o s e p J 1! ^ * ^ ^ § 0 ^ ^ ' *'


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Classic Peanutlu ts ' IByChatlesM.SchuU Pealtarls Before Swine ■, By stepharlan Fastis ~1 TUT'g'ftAftS'WCWARHlMltiCWiU iCKCNS I I WHO'S TMT Y ^ nfA rtO U Rl rHELOOKsXliXt h e v w h e 'sA ask himM IF HE EVER t t : i r a M a V r a^ 1 T « « ifs r r ' I f c ; m a n . frankunN?lPRINClfW..iH KIMPOF U e b n HERE A ) -KNEUIAHAMV RLSRIMS.^ S|* px/rrr. JijjN6 TIME^ r--^ ' I > K m .j i f ( p ^ I

ByPiPat Brady llc k le s By Brian Crane Rosne Is Rose ^ V^_;r - ." 1' . ••-.•••■ T S 11'^'REitutuaM e iFW oAjnrTwrl FT^ K- MealMMKIl'iA V P—— e o o i & m m pPIT i i SRW NEUBOOK? - > T 5 ^ 1 p = - ^ S y 5 i By Brant Parker & Johijhnny Hart j^on Sequlturir By Wiley Dennis the MenaceB By Hank Ketcham Thelie W izard of Id r I THINK THC m K mm r \ \ l ^ ^ y\SW^YiCA\^U7hK 5^ . [O^ l Y 0 O E S T O fw ^ w ) . 1" T t e m ^ p p &£ IN FINANCIAL TftOUJ W M T /M K e S : — a f Yflu t w n k ■ f l T W T ?

•■■ : «A m \ . i ~ ~ r ^ ^ H B ■

By Jlffl Borgman and JeiJerry Scott

«/TH TW iBM? F B V ix m j R ^ n : f lB (xy-' ; ' ^ a H p »

J- k WEDNESDAY - C 8 IONL&Jm RLDI DECEMBER 17,2008 A fter 277 y ears, ppolice in]I Florida closet Adla m WakIsh case .Chadwick Wagner, W who numerousus missteps in the sandalidal similar to what Adam HOLLYW OOD, Fla. (AP)iP) — tate him? Who?" an cnemotion- note any h m lau n ch ed a freslesh review of die Invesdgadcadon and apologized waswisw e a rin g . A Serial killer who died moremo al John Walsh sas a id a t DNA p ro o f of ease after lakaking over the lodieWulsalshcs. ^ Too!boll? died In prison of clr- d ia n a d c c a d c ago Is th e2 per-pc Tticsday’s news conftinference, the crime, but d e p a rtm e n t lust'year. las "Otds "I havevc no doubt," John rhoslsisislnl996atdieageof49. son who dccapltated dieh e 6* “W e n e e d e d to - k n:now.'We o said an exten- I b o lc h a s contiiitinued.tobc6ur Walsh saidaid. "I’ve never had He waswa serving five life sen* ycar*old son of "Amerlo•rica’s needed to Imow.-Ahdihd loday slve reviewa of. o nly real suspci)cct." a n y d o ubt." b t: tencesCCS for murders unrelated Most Wanted” host JolJohn we kno\v. The not kiknowing the ease file Toole had twiceivi confessed Many names n have been to Ada\d a m 's d e a th . Walsh in 1981, police:e in has been a torture,, bbut thal pointed only B [ to Idlllng theI child,c but later mentionedled in connccdon to The:hc Walshes, who ; Florida said'niesday. journey’s over." 10 T oole, as recanted. Heclic la im e d resp o n - d ie c a se inin die years since die appeaseared'niesday flanked by' T h e o n n o u n c e m c m closi:losed Walsh's wife, Reve.'c. at one John Walsh .|H MamWiUi sibiliiy for hunindrCds of mur- killing, IncludingInc serial killer dielr:lr oc d ie r ch ild ren , long a g o ' a case that stoked the WalW alsh p o in t p la c c d a sm all1 plpholo of long con- u, ders. but policlice determined Jeffrey Dahmcr. Da but Ibolc’s derideided die Invesdgation as'' family’s grief and angimger, their son on the podlu:Hum. icnded. h a s d e v o te d m o st o f d ie cOix)nfessIons werc has pcrscrsistenUy nagged botchiiched. Still, john Walsh' launched the television sh(show Police nomed Ottisitis Toolc. "Our agency ha$ nountofdme lies. Toole's niece n told the detectives.?es. John Walsh has praisedsed die Hollywood pollcc ; a b o u t d ie n a tio n ’s m o st noto-no t saying hc was long thtdie prime an inordinate amou odier poten- boy's father. JohnIo Walsh, her long saiddd he believed the dcparpartment for closing th^ rious criminals and Insplriplred suspect in the case! aiand thai seeking leads to od: essed on his drifter wa! responsible, say- case,iC. changes in how audioritl)ritles dicy had conclusivelycly linked llal perpetratorsi ratherra than uncle confes prison that he Ing Invest'csdgators found at "Th!'This Is not 10 look ba<* search for missing childrenren. him to the killing,ng. They emphasizing OttisItis Toolc os deathbed In p ispect." said killed Adam, . Tbole’s hio o mr e in Jacksonville a a nd d point p fingers, but it Is to "Who could take a 6-yei•year- declined to be specific:ific about our primary suspi acknowledged pair of greengr shorts and a letIt Itn rest," h e said. old and murder and deco]jcapi- their evidence andJ cdid not Hollywood Folicolice Chief Wagner j

HI. parties IHR Obi)ama:Eduucation clash overir H j J H j n J noiiminee%aands-orf ByMvUGliGktd Chictlic a g o sc h o o l. “W h e n It- The WMhliihlitgton P w t______coimes m c to school reform. potential A rn•nc e Is the most hands-on WASHIHINGTON — In of' hands-onha practitioners," se v en years as chief execu- Obarbama said at Dodge' special tlv c }f Chicago public Rena;naissancc Acadcmy.'' s, Ame Duncan has addiiIding: "When faced with s u p p o ric‘ted c a range of meas- touglugh decisions, Arne does-- election u re s toI shake up the status n’tI bbli lin k ." q u o in1 iurban education, W WIi llh Duncan at the helm In clu d inIng g new charter of■ theth 408,000-studeni sys* ByCbiWopberWilii s, performance pay tem,m, test scorcs have AMocIatwi PfM» writer 3U^ accountability Impriproved, participation In fo r struiggllng g g schools. Advadvanced Placement class- ' SPRIN G FIELD , III. - BUt hhc c has also gained a csI has h risen sharply and' Illinois Republicans haveave rc p u ta liolion for reaching out gradi■ aduatlon ra te s h a v e edged- launched a political ad to th e teteachers union and up.p. However,h the trade p u b -- campaign demanding a th e mmunity, helping to Ilcatlcation Education Week' sp e cia l elec tio n to fill th tho e illze somt! potential lls this year reported that the ' Senate vacancy that Gov. c ritic s aand n wlh allies. . clty’jty’s on-time graduation' Rod Blagojevlch allegedly ■ ■ ■ ■ ’, D u n c a n w ill ta k e h is raIte te was 51 pcrccnt for thd!' trie d to sell, h o p in g to pick ID B lll^B politicalal skills and reform Clas:lass of 2005, ranking It;'; u p a s c a t th e y h a d n o sh o t | | D | I | ] ^ ^ b zeal ftomDm the nation’s third- behlichind most of the nation's " at before die scandal la rg e s tI school system to 501a3 la rg e s t sc h o o l sy ste m s. Democrats, after initial*[lal- W ash lnn g t to n to b e c o m e th e "While "V, there are no sim* ; ly supporting such ar n e x t e dducation u secretary, a piele answers."t Duncan said’ elecdon, this week can­ p o s t Ihlat a t will require him to at1 theth event, "I know frorri " celed a vote on the matteiliter l|lll|j|lj^ l try to bridgebi deep divides expcxperience that when yo^ " and backcd away In th(th e a m o n gg education advo* focui)cus on basics like reading name of good govern­ cates, lalab b o r le a d e rs a n d civil and n d math, and when you ment. They say an elcctiortio n , rig h ts ereg r o u p s o v e r h o w lo fix embrace m b Innovative new w o u ld c o st u p to SSO m il ca's schools. apprpproaches and when you Uon and leave the stall sday. Presideni-elcct creareatc a professional d i­ with a Senate vacanq I M y s t e rn o u s f o r c eB figh ts grai v i t y , * =ic s Obama introduced matilate to attract greal leach- until at least April — giv m as his nominee at a ers,rs, you can creaie grcat ing the new senator ar ft D u n c a n i conference at a schcch o o ls." cven shorter wlndov ; before the 2010 campalgiz a c t s a s5 galactic ydiet enforcc e r ; I cycle h e a ts up. couuEHce DenDCFENSe EDUCATION Republicans say sa; < , Democrats arc simpi;nply WASHINGTON (AJ(Al*) — M y ste rio u s d a rk cepi cep ihat is counicrintultivc butut crucial to fig* afraid of losing the decilec- energy, whicli likelylly causes the universe to uring urir out the evolution of the ununiverse, lion, particularly iff ai keep expanding, se erems n to have another effect: Tlie T history of the univcisc haslas been a batde potential backlash ariserises It prevents the biggcsi;csl c lusters o f galaxies from b bet) etw een “th e tw o dark titans, dadark m a tte r and i 1 1 i i :: ddarl a rk energy." said University oif f CChicago astro- Erie Btn Robert Rol Ama from the criminal chargeirges getdng too fat HcAdtt Rlehardwn Oataa Oa Ouncan . against Blagojevlch. Therhey Astronomcis useded X-rays to study the for- physicist phy Michacnbmer. 57 61 65 « 44 claim Democrats wantIt toti mation of galactic : cl clusters billions of yeans "nils is the first time you’ve'! s e e n th e effect Fonnsr Naw Mexico Current Cur CunmCEO secretory olChlcaoo hold onto the power:r t to ago. Tlieir research suI supports the hard-to-fath- of darkd energy taking over." heisa Si id . deputy govenxx, s«cr :ly n e w idea that attorney 2003* olildelense de public ' a p p o in t a sen ato r. o m c o n ce p t o f d a rk energy< as a potent force D C ark e n e n y Is still a rtilailvely genera) pretent scteots ' "T h e p e o p le o f lllino!inols th a t governs th e growxjwth of lh e universe. came c an out a decade ago whenI nmeasurcments ! deserve better dian anotl:loth- It also means AlbeIbert Einstein's century-old of stari supcmovae showed the;ie u n iv e rse was ,.,av ssssstas. i? Fewposts ei;! p o litic a l p o w er grab,rab." iheo.ry of general rclaielaiivlty passes another cru* surprisin^y sur| expanding. One wway to explain r - ^ says a television ad froifrom cial, but nol conclushislvc, leol-worid test. d die ie expansion — building o n a nr id e a E n sic in toflllln (KdUinolsGOR Scientist Alexeyy V' lkhllnln u se d NASA’s first flrsi broached and called his biggestbi mistake g l i 3 U.S. Cabinet ; 3'he head of ththe liarth-orbltlng Chantindra X-ray Observatory to — — Is that anolher forcc in dithe universe is S PraaWenJ-eioct Barack ■g>' acts os a forcc that keeps essentially essi figliling gravity Thailat force Is dark i R^ublican Nation;lonal find that dark energy teven T om ' JanM‘ O tw na has named 11 Ol { . C o m m ittc c sa y s ththe clusters of galaxiesSi — around 1,000 bri^it energy. ent %Chu D uctile NepoUtano 60 61 51 15 Cattnel members Democrats' Insistencec ono gaiaxlcsormore—fn- from esscnilally overeating “It’s m u c h m orc im portant ana n d a b u n d a n t in W olLow- Former Arizona^ andhisnational a t^ Id ln g a sp e cia l electloctlon and getting too big.J. the d ie evolution of the universe*dthan tlic atoms iBertoley SeMte 90venw.or. aecurttyadvber. . . shows that the party docsdot Wlihout dark cneiinergy, these glam cIustCR' diadial make us up," said Princct;eton theoretical NaUooilonal majoitty 2003- Doratory leader present(It n^t value openness and ar would keep forming,ng. getting denser and big- asirophyslclsl asii David Spcrgal. Latxn ^ transparency unlesss it'sIi ger bccause of gravltivIty. Dui In th e lasi few bil* O C usters of galaxies arc a goododvkraytolookai housvmOUnAMD ^verERANs : lu-n.sECu- A N O ^ STAie TH£ASOHYIY AWAJR8 ; BtlYAOWSEIl pwldcally convenient.t. lion years d ia l hasn'tn'lhappened.saidVikliiinln, I the effects of dark energy bee•ecause diey arc uhb^ iThc president-electt wasw: a scientist at Ihchc Harvard Smithsonian “cosmic “cc frogs" that arc sensinsllive to small p<)Ilcd Into the dlspuspute Astrophysical Obse3servatory In Cambridge, changes. chi 1 \im cr said. O u r gali;alaxy. th e Milky Tuesday when Oban3 a m a M ass. WnWay. is nt)l In a cluster but wrc e; a rc n o t to o far refused to say whethericrlie I He looked at wherlen 86 such clusters formed from fro the Virgo cluster. l l i Iiii::: tmm HUlKy T h r ^/ Erie Jamea ! sitpports a special eele lec - a n d sjiw th e slowdoviown in girth, starting about As / the universe expands lhanks d to dark a*n o v a n . CDnlon OalttvMrr Shlna*l i Jonaa f tlcin. T h e RNC sa id O banbama 5,5 billion years agoIgo. The logical causc: dark energy, cni clusters such as Virgo atand other galax- 4242 61 <7 66 : 64 “punted" rather thanI taketu cnci^7 . ics will gel fanlier and fardierraw a ay. CummtentNew U.S.aanalor Presldentotdl Former i PreaXEOol ' ! 1 y e ars, d ic y will Y«k auc-ai tlon off the seat to t highest bidder. ^The panel's review o n ein C ltleveland expected to includc^ t Natioim’s first fsface transsplantdo criminal chargcs agaiig ainst living hell," said Caplan,'I, " Bjagojevlch as wellI a>as a ByMuilymiMartiiiomlone T h e p a tieni's l’s nn a m e a n d uge this. Il's great gr< that it hap- qualityly ot f llf e — n o t extend IL livi bloedilcs chief at Ihti lofig list of other possil)sslble Associated Preu wiwriter were noi releasleased, and the pened," said sa Dr. Bohdan Recipici;)icnts run the risk of blo li' University of Pennsylvania. "Ifif I w^ngdolng during hhis is six hospital said her family want- I’omahac,, . a surgeon at deadlylly c o m p lic a tio n s a n d U n your facc'is falling off and youll ■ years In ofllcc; abuseJse o f CU:V1-LAND - — A woman ed the rcasonn forft her trans- Marvard-affiifTdlatcd Brigliam muslI taketa immune-supprcss- yoi c an 't e at a n d you can’l bre a th e pCiwcr, ta k in g a c tio nI with-wl so ljorril)ly disflgun5ured she wns plant lo remainain confidential, and Womcnen's Hospital in ing dm;Imgs for die rcst of their car and you'rc sulfering in a terri­ opt legal audiorlty, ignor- ign willing to risk herier life lo dt) Tlie hosplial planila n s a new s con* Uosion w ho10 p la n s to offer facc lives to to prevent organ rejec- ant I- ble manner Ihat can’t bee ii^ state laws and defyIcfylng something about Itt it h a s un d er- ferenceW cdiiesdlesday and would transplants.a, too. tlon. raisinrai g dic lr o d d s o f can - ble reversed, you need to put onn ; lavrful requests for Infor-inl gone the nation'sI's first near- n o t give detailsIs uu n d l th e n . Dr. Laurcircnt Landerl, a plas- cer andnd many odier problems.^ rev d ie ta b le assistance In dying."' mation from the Genecneral total facc tninsjnsplani. the The transplaiplant was the tic surgeon surgeon Dr. was performedid inii C hina. tran sp lanlonamandisfigurcd t o about!It such surgery, wldiheld prc come, those familiar wldi her:r aiiy rcal acdon untiltil the Maria Siemlonuw w{ and a leam Surgeons lonol t co n n ec ted to by a rarc genericgei disease, said: judgmtimcnt on the Cleveland coi said, ^emionow, 58. a notedd g o v e rn o r’s a tto rn e y arriarrives ofodierspeclalisisius replaced BO Ihc Clevelandi d c ase rea cte d "'I'hls is vcr^ery g o o d n e w s for all c a s cbutsaiddicwomon’sdoc* b u sal hand microsurgeon, has beenn Wednesday. Ed Gensc:nson's perceni of the wowoman's fiice cautiously sinceic e litde is know n of u s th aI t doctorsd in die U.S. tors shouldshe ^ve her die opdon hai tesdng die sui^cal approachh n im o rk s to d ie p a n e lI co u ld w ith ih a t o f a fcinalnaie cadaver a about die circuircumslanccs, but lia\^*donetcdils.” ■ of asslsislsted suicide If they wind tes and ways to temper thele gtvc' the first hintinl of coupic of weeks ap. ago In a bold generally praiseaised the opera* Unlike operationsor involving up maknaking her life worse. an immune system's response inn wðer Blagojevijevich and controversialiiai operation tlon. vital oi-ganstis like h e a rts a n d liv- "TTie he biggest edilcal prob- im experiments for morc dian a intends to fight everyrystep s ccrtain to stoke ;ei tlie d e b a te "T lierc are patientspat who can ers, iranspsplants of faces or lem IsIsc d e a lin g w idi failure — if ex] d ecade. of^he proccss. over the ethics ofif susi c li surgery, b e n e fit trc mnendously e r from hands aree d o n e lo Im prove y o u r faccfa' rcjects. It w ould b e a d e

V \HM»wdiT;DK*iiibifl7,200» C9» Tl8N»NiiR,MiFdb,ldibe ______gOBITUAR1ES/NATIO>)N ______

GiKorord ChrisHey GcG erald Lorienzo Leee S nmall cars gelettingmore ,ST. LOUIS, M o. - GUfGilford his six daughters•s and: sbc ,OGDEN— Gen^rald Lorenzo Latter-day Saints,S whcrc he C h ristlcy , 63. o f St. LoiLouis, grandchildren, Lm left his mortaanal afOlctions served InmaoanycolUngs. . . -f/xi I Mo„ nnd formerly off 1\TWin He worked for 3313 years1 fit* for eternal pcaceice on Sunday, Gerald isis survived by h is i U9p marks inI safety{ tests P alls, p a s s e d avaway ting artlflcial 11mlImbs and Dcc 14,2008. w ife o f 54 yci^ars.VerlaJudkins •' W ^ncsday,Dcc.3,2008,i08. o f a ' b ra c e s. H e w o s passionate po: He- was n Lee: four (children. Ervin WAWASHINGTON (AP) — rated ra by the Insuranc&X ial! cars, which have Institute In earned top scoresJi J m is siv e h e a rt attack. about working with1th th e B oy b o m F eb. 3, I I Brent (Barbirbara Ann) Lee of Smal! in side protection. Onlyr He is survived by hisis wife.u Scouts ond as a tempmplewori:* 1934, in I I Wells, Nev.,., IR a d in c Lec (Kirk) b c ccomc o i morc popular in Linda K. Crowley Christirlstley: cr. Logan, Uuih, jl Murphy of f) Wendovcr. Utah, withlh th e f lu c tu a tio n in g a s two tv\ years ago, he .said,\ to Lorenzo 9■ T to ira Lee: (J(S cott L ) Sm ith o f p r iciccs. e arc becoming bet- three th of 19 vcliiclc m odels'■ ^A and DrucUIo I Forest Grorove, Ore., and ter• c e q u ip p e d to p r o te c t earned .ca the top scorc. , j VictotorJ. Schenk Lee. Gerald [I Lorcna Leetc (Paul) Breen of motoitorists In serious crash- He cautioned that no cat.^c;" spent most H Jerome; .1212 g r a n d c h iid rc n : c s . aacpordlng to tests by can ca overcome the laws oC'r ' physics — smaller cars,' PAUL — V ic to r John J( preceded In deathIth by his of his- early I ’ ■ four greatsat-grotidchildren; the2 itinsurance industry. pl It.'. - typically provide less crash , S c h e n k , a g e 92, of- Paul, Pi parents; one son,n. Clifford childhood in L two brothericrs, James Robert Thirhe Insurance Institute ty \/‘ protection than larger.'] passed away Montonday, Lee Schenk; threee tbrothers, Grouse Creek,;, Utah,U where Lee of Ogeigden, Utah: and ' forr ( Highway Safety gave pi ’M' heavier vehides. But th?' D cc . 15. Erhardt, Henry andmd Ruben; he cultivated his love of anl- Richard [W.(Mildred) Lee of topp : scores on front-end ht improvements in the small^ 2QQ0, a t th e o n e sister. E ste r Norby;No: and mals and agric5riculture. His Sunset, Utahah.HeWasprcced- crashis h te s ts fo r se v e ra l 2009 In .cars have been attributed,_ Minidoka a son'-ln-law, KenI Ksurvlvedby to TWin Falls,^ tls, w h e r eat Vdie era Community D cc. 15, ai mot year as gas priccs sur- perform { ed well In govcrn>n . ■ w as his sister's chlldnIdren. Lynn completed gradirade school and Church Inn Fairiicld. Burial is the10 ment tests ond the PT b o m Nov. 27, Mason of Preston,on, DcLynn highschooLVcn^cra then gradu- in the Mountain View pas!assed $4 per gallon and r I v l i c n fcU b y m o re tlia n h a lf. Cruiser ( is equipped wilh l£^4. inlW n m S ^ Rasmuscn of Kearcams, Utah, ated vtlth theic C D a s s o f 1931 C e m e teryy. . 1Donations may be thei 'I’i , ' mall cars have grabbed a standard s front and side air F alls, to Joseph Mason oDf f.Salt Lake from Goodinglg C C ollege. ' m o d e to tthe Camas Senior Smi irger sharc of the domes- bag's.'Cbryslcr I said a vehi*. w illiam D evoney a n di ULouise City, Utah, Darrellell Mason of After graduiiduation, Vera Center. la rg Ic market this year, clc's ( "overall safety per­ (Piatz) McKay BUI mamarried Alberta, Canada,, andar Russell tic ccountlng for more lhan formance I 'can't bc deter­T-„. Dcinna Underwood on Aug. Mason of Salt LU k e City, ac c i third of new vehicle mined i by a single test andid ,) ; 19, 1967, in Aberdeen,;en. Bill Utah, and their spc a t the IIHS results arc had many careers inI hi:h is Ufe, c h ild ren . H is a u:S“ n t of DEfflHNCNcmcES saa le s . < reviewed by tlic company including working as9 a :meat IWin Falls; and uru n d e , Fred ------^------N o la n n o te d th a t 11 o f i he 21 current small cars to i make improvements. , cutter at H.H. Klemcms in PlalzofArco,alsosi3 su rv iv e BllL C a l A n at h e r ho m e. th e Nampa. He also builtullt golf The funeral willill beI held at Greene jcmcnts will be .,»ii I clubs while worklnjdng at 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. Di 19, at WENDELL. —- Col Greene, onnounccc:cd by Paike's Magic Kartsen Manufacturlnirlng In White Mortuary,’, 'C*( h a p e ! b y 84, ofW cndcll.11. diedd Saturday, Volley Fumincral Homc in IWin Phoenbc, Ariz., and osisagen- a the Park." with a visvisltaUon for Dc& 13,2008,), aat t th e G o o d in g Falls, eral warehousemanan for family and friendsids one hour County Mcmorijlorial H o sp ita l. Border Book in LaVeaVcrgnc, prior to theIC scrvice. A memorialll scrvicesi will be ^ ||j 3am| S. Moore H T enn. Interment will follow fo at 2 announcedat at a later date Bill is p rec ed e d in deadeath by p.m. Friday at thehe Shoshone (Demaray Funi'uneral Scrvlcc, FILER -— William Stanley h is fa th e r a n d by his onlonlysls-. Cemetery. W endell Chapcl;pel). Moore, 9(90. of FUer, died ■ ■ TXiesday, DDcc. 16,2008, at the K O P ’t row Living C c n te r in A u t u m nI L D e c k e r ftHZy.

Services ______B U H L — , Autumn L. Arrange]jcmcnts wUl be 1 ^ 8 Dcckcr, 73 of BuhL died announce'ced by Reynolds tm ® Icnnie (MarUuch) KclOmdaU Cemetery near Dri|3riggs; visita- Monday, Dcc.c. 1li 5 ,2 0 0 8 , a t SL F u n e ra l ChC h ap el InTW in FaUs. of Hagerman. memicmorial tion from 6 to 8 p.m .. Luke’s Magicc VaUcyVi Medical servicc at 10a.m. todayilay at th e T h u rsd a y a t th e! R a sm u sse n C e n te r in IWIn in F I a lls. Castleford First BtB a p tist F u n e ra l H o m e . 1350 13! E 16th Arrangement w ill b c Church (Farmer FuFunera! St In Builey; andd ll1 to 11:45 aimounccdbylby Paricc's M agic Chapel In Buhl). a .m . F rid ay a t thic e c h u rc h . V alley F u n e ralolHomeinlN^ I Falls. Lynn Nielsen BradshiIshawof Florence Wanenren of Burley. Rupert, funeral at 11II a.m. memorial scrvicec c a t 2 p.m. Anna B.. H uiisakef ’ to d a y a t th e R upert LDSDSWest Friday at the Rupert Ru First ari Foram D rur u m s e t s 'fi Stoke Ccnter, 26 S. 100100 W. in C h ris tia n C h uarch rc Praise Anna B. HuiHunsaker, 70 of M u Rupert; visitation oneine hour Chapel. 1110 Eighth E St. TWin Falls, diedledTU esday, D c c U y $ 6 5 9 1 1 II bcforc the service lodtoday , at (Rasmussen Funem e ra l H o m e C o m p l e t e w t* In c:lude lu throne, II ' the churtjh (Hs(Hansen in Burley). 'i dal, and five Mortuary Rupert Chapeapcl). T o v ie w f' 01 o r s u b m i t B cym bale, bass peda Thelma (Bott) r a r e . ies onilne, ' H drum s with hardwai ‘I L a w re n c e A. "E“Bode" of Boise and formIK? T S h e r id a n o f TWinn Falls, M a^c Valley area,CO. m e m o ria l O f tO pISCiace a mes- T| Ibanez E lectriric G uitar graveside service att 2 p.m. gathering betweci sageinaian Individ- ■‘i today at Sunset MenIcmorial p.m. Friday In the Packages On)nly $27911 15 Park in TWin Falls (ReyReynolds lor at the Hcsheatherwood USl Onliniline guest- ^ ^ Includes gultiK ar, am p, bag, Funeral Chapcl in TWin ■ Retirement Cc k, go to ^ ■ electronicIc tu n er, cord, Fails). 5277 Kootenai “ St r t s b o o k . i (Summers Funenicral Homes. MaglCValraliey.com f p licks c i and strap Trcssic Marie Cowjiw ^ll of Boise Chapcl). II a n d c licl i l < o n I\vin Falls, funera] at 2 p.m . Ii E v e r y D i g i t a l today at White Mortuirtuary in William Botmeiner Shappee “ObitUetuaries.” : i’; of Bellevue, mememorial serv- Ii T\vin Falls. I D ean G uitaars Piano,, IK eyboard^ Ice a t 11 a .m .. SaturdaySi at Roger Glenn Sprigiriggs of Wood River Chape I Only $19!99!! And Acicoustic^^jr il .pellnHallcy, T h.V l.l«ilotw Qromi P aul, f u n e r d a t 11 a .m . (< I Includes hihard Piano 0 Thursday at the Rasmismussen Susan Beckersr of Burley, I 0 E I6di fimeral at l p.m.n. Saturdayi at ' ^ 7 ^ case and sti Funeral Home, 1350 E *«P SALEII St. In Buriey; gravesideildc serv- • th e O akley LDS. StakSti e C e n te r. V 7 y ly a t th e 3 5 5 N . C e n te r Ave.kve.; v isita tio n jCC - ice at noon Friday s W\ I A l v a r e zE G u i t a r s Meridian Cemetery,y, 8895 E. fro m 6 to 8 p.m ..F Fl r id a y a t th e V I SHONS I C ■ Franklin Road in MetMeridian; Rasmussen Funcin c ra l H o m c , H O MIE E HEALTHI- j O n l y $ 2 4 9 1 1 S p e c i a l visitation from 6 to0 G8 p.m. 1350E 16thSt.InlIn Buriey. a n d ; ■I n o t* ptoce/ Includes h a r d F i n a n c l n today and one hourur Ibefore noon to 12:45 p.np.m. Saturday ^ 'J th<; scrvlcc T h u rsd ay :a t th e a t th e c h u rc h c a s e a n dI s) t r a p . A v a i l a b h m prtuary. li Bany O. Braggg g o f Je ro m e, ll b a n lc l R. Z o h n er olof Paul, memorial serviceice at 2 p.ia m n r . funeral at noon Fridaylay at the Saturday at the tl Hove- A B h Paul LDS Stoke Cenler.ier.424W. Robertson Funeraeral Chapel In Ellis Sl ; graveside scr^scrvice at Jerome; vlsitadononfrom 6to8 n o o n S a tu rd ay a t thle e C e d ro n p .m . F rid a y a t thhe e mortuary. iT *Y T »,r i r c ' ?! For obituatuary rates and informatiiation, M ichelee M e rr itt RN - call 735-326266 Monday through SatJ a tu r d a y . . C a jee MM an ag er 12-5365 » ' Deadline Is 33 p.m.p for next-day publicI lic a ti o n . 'ou Maintain Your If ] The emaillail address for obltuarie!1 e s l s dtrK t a t H o m t' • 0 obits®magicvalleyIIey.com. Death noticesiare a a free ...... service and can1 bebi placed until 4 p.m.I. t e v e r y d a y . \m

’ i CIO «MMidiT,OK«ib(rl7,20l’,200S W o r l d

Kimb-snilOng dogs to Ond the le n d e r c an u s e Faci'acebook to amount to a violafolalion of pri- F R(ANCE J jfromAf^ianlstan. boir ; AROUND break the news to:o a c o u p le vacy. ! Qve iclatlvety old sticks expisxploslves, which o warningI that they have Iclost their '1 don’t thinkIk peoplei sign Qynamilelihundinscare ordynunamlte planted in the letteetter sent to a Frcnch newS igcncy had said were In a!i THE WORLD home, die global scsocial net- up to Facebook)k tthinking Ui I_____ t. - 1- — m e n ’s sistore of the elegant agei working Web sites5 aiare threat- going to be anotinother avenue « “ F*™*nnenisiore printemiimps deportment chain thinhlrd-floorbaduoom. - ened with turninging a llttie by which a ggovernment PARIS — Frcnch police were notlotattachedtoadetona- T TI h e le tte r w a s sig h e d by the. ■Afghan R e v o lu tlo n a iy Front."; • Britain._ m o re antl-soclal. agcncy or indeed>cd a debt col- found dynalamitc in a Paris tor andid d( id not- po se a risk o f "Afg Some people aarc con- Icctor can contactact them." said departmentIt store Ibcsdoy, a esqilosioiUon. authoridcs said. agi1 g ro u p th a t Is u n k n o w n to;) [C during the holi- After i "rench Intelligence services^ Doctor convktedlnn cerned that suchich court- Colin Jacobs, victvicc chairman bomb sraic ;r evacuating the jam- Frei Interior Minister Michelo approved contactt wwith their of die technologilogy advocacy day shoppinging season that was packcd:d stoic in the heart of Inte i U liot-M aric to ld l e g a t o r s . : attacks linked to wat social networksi isuch as. group Elcctronk)nlc Frontiers accompanle


Russian w atsiiipss c a u s e no ripples at Pentairtagon iBOi)i a g f e . . f I WASHINGTON -- RussianBi Ajll&l] warships have beenin jply in g the waters offVenezue!Eucla a n d Panama in rcccnt weel/ceks and JnflM ore now heading forfor C u b a . b u t A m erican oincialslls ia re n o t g * so much wringing tliclriclr h a n d s as tliey are yawning. A sked a b o u t a Russia» ia n \v a r - i ,shlp transiting the! PiP a n a m a 12 Questiiions of Biblical Canal eariier this n Secretary of Christma!is Trivia will be C o n d o lee zz a R ice—- 'wjw h o the ship while crossii th e publisheied in our 3 ads wWE c a n a l last w eek — to! T h e b o u g Associated Press; "I Dec..10,14,17. th e y ’re o n R&R. It’s fln t TTie P en ta g o n , wirhiic hil I . Bring all 3 intoi our store b zlcd by the Russians' a also is taking a ho-huih u m a ttl- i Dec. 24 wirith your correct tude. ’The U.S. triilitarjta ry c o m - .answ ers annd receive a giftft. mander for the re^onjo n , A dm . i lumcs Stavridis, head•ad of the - W ^ U.S. Southern Como m m a n d , . said that from hiss vvantage PniT I o n Dec. 20th flfrom 1:00 to9 4:00pm. p ^ in t, th e re is n o rcaa so s o n to b e me see Santa i Saturday,f, concerned about the1C FR ussian na v al activity. 127 Secondid Avenue Vuv. • IWin RFalls • 736-2-2622 “They pose noI nm ilita ry threat to the U.S..’• S(s iu v iid is M o n . - Fri. 1 H ours: 9am to 6pm ; Sat. 9amtl to Siaopm ; O peton Sun. D ec. 21stB t 1 2 p m t o 4 p m s a id in a n c -m a il to th te AP o n 'IXicsday. i f f DOWN A ustral.LIA ■ ■ UW fL tIMTEREST ''I'' A u s s ie c o u r t O K siusing u I I I I UI4TIL Faceboakfbrseiviiivkigien Jj/f- jIW JUI«IE2 0 0 9 CANBi-RRA — A fter fter a c o u rt Munw fu m ltulUM r i ijdupllinuouM n h) AuMnillu ruled aI mim o rtg a g e

V INSIDE)E: McGrady's ^ E H triplwHjoubte carries Rockeitets,D4 . p |K JL WEDNESDAY SP(O R 'ir s DECEMBER 1 7 ,2 0 00 8 8 '' TIMES-NEWS • SPOlPO R TS EDITOR MIKE CHRISTISTENSEN: (208) 735-3239I i [email protected] I -

iiINSIDE: Local roundup,p, D2I I Scoreboaid, D33 I N a& college footbi t t a M 4

K e rlb s l e ai d s B ui r l e y ^g i r l s p l i n i c o )

! ByRyuHnn n ight in R u p e rtL g rew u p tonlginl^u We've got a Baileysy sc o re d 11 o f h e r 18 I M ■ Ttm»>-Wclawcdbncktotwa c! S n Kossl KcrbsactcdI lUclike she’d ' tithe from thclrfarfans,soit’s)ust about. That'sIt's wltat we comc With1 Bailey finding her b e e n th c rc bcrorc. a matter of tunitining th e m o u t h e re to n ig iuu tcto accom plish.’ rh y th mI andz Burley post play- ^ S h c has. a n d Just goin g oout u i and playing Kossl Kerbsrbs camc out flring or Terescsa Waymcnt on ttic Thc adrcno]inc*pu•pumping the game," Kerlrerbs said. “In wiih nine poipoinis in the flrst bcnch inir foul Ut)ublc. Kerbs ^ atmosphere of a1 iBuriey- worm'UpslwosjiisjustfccllnglL . two minutesjte s , b u l It w a s to o kII it upon herself oncc [ u Minico rivalry gomele i:Is noth* I was going to make them Buricy's Palgcilge Andersen who ogoln, .scoringsc thc first seven flR o f lh c fourth q u a rte r to Ing nev/ for Kerbs,, a Burley come guard me and I was stepped up[} orond hit three key points of \ j ^ senior and three*ycarSOI sta rte r, goin g to ke ep sl:shoodng until jump shots(s i to help Buriey. put BurliirlcybackupbylO.Tlie JS v , ■ Playing o n th e ro ad infrontofin i iheydld." buUdal8-5a(5 advantage. Bobcats’is’ tiard-noscd man-io- a raucous crourd wittvith a top Burley impro)ro v cd 10 8*4 K en d ra Balli3allcy, who finished man deitcfensc ticId Minico to spot In Ihc Great2a t B a sin overall a n d 2*11 iiin conference witli 18 pointiints to lead Minico, Just flvcefourth-quortcrpoints. f Confcrencc West standindlngson play.The win crcc:rcated a logjam hit back-to-bsj-back shots to get “Forr us to be cirecllvc the line didn'i faze hlerdnebiL er i atop the' GBWV wltli' Minico the Spartansms back to within offcnsiviIvcly, wc need more w ^ irbs spilt defenders scoringlg from some giris," K -i iOirbs drained herr llrflrst thrcc and Icromc alsotso 2-1 midway six, but Kerbs nw m w nM HMim ii ‘ shots — all 3-poinljlnters — through confcrcrrence play and nailedd aa buzzcr-bcater Minico0 coach( Ioc D. Shepard a slc o t Kendra B aney-bm naedI by Boitty d e fn d e n Palfi Andenei,*r '■ o n h e r w ay to 27 p olin in tst a s sh c "T hat w a s h ui g e," B urley fro m oiglit feefee t betilnd tlic a rc sa id . “WW e did n 't do a great jo b kfl,(ft, aid Katd Kerbi d a riif tbeir BirttBirti basketbaU p n e Tm day nlsH ilia le d th e B obcats to a1 44-3344 vie- coach Gordon1 KKerbs said. "1 lo give thcc E Bobcats a 23-14 lory over Minico) 1Tuesday think our teamtm as a whole halftlme cush:ushlon. Pleastjs e se e KERBS. Page D2 RaptlapertBoitoy M l 44*33.

^ P e yt to n a n d m EUIVM a n n in gr

■ Q B lb r o t h e r s5 ' ■ i n P’r i o B o w

■y' “ ’ Tha A aaociatodte d ProM ______

NEW YORKRK — Peyton and iili Mannlm lng. wercvoiedtoto thc Pro Bowl on TUcsday,', Ihct uartcri)ack*playing b ro th e rs lia v c .. ] ; * b e e n c h o sc n fofc r th e sa m e all-star gom e, In d iaanapolls n a Colts’ l^ o n will maTiakc _____ • '• jS S ^B - his ninth apptp p e a ra n c c in 11 se aso n s u n dI will.;'v pear- ■v.' . start for thcc AFC.A It will be thc flrst appe; ancc for Eli,i, whow was the MVP for thc NN' cw , fM m iH York Giants1 inIn last February's Super Bowl,fl.H e ; K g ; - _ w ill b e o n thh oe lN FC team . The Giantsnts also landed the oldest: ProI , Bovder ever,r, 44-year*old4< kicker John Camm cy, ^ w h o w a s slgneg n ed a t ih c sta rt o f th e seaso nl aa s a., ■ ■ ' » • ' ' sh o r t-te r m flllflll-ln for the Injured Lawrcrxnce,', - T y n c s .H c hlas a s im a d e 27 o f 29 field goals —— thI e ,, KMWTMmON^ wiwww missedscd were blocked — and has keptki AiiiW lay«.MaidtMiMMubBrifoDiMri,MhofD*kKIkui SwMpl, ikonl U M a t io A uiKeitli’ihoM IW biTM B Falb. TbejfovMtfsmfrentbeCollcnefSoflbi thc now*rccovcovered Tynes inactive for allII I b u t’ ihStkeitrHtsTMtdiytolMdalttI ku d to Unm ll Med b r tk o n f tvifretktydtposMnowfrmiidewi f n willttuddrlTcviTi, tw o ga m es. T h e N ew’ YoiYork Icts led all team s vrith se\icven.'. Pro Bowlers,rs. In c lu d in g q u a rte rb a c k B Bi r e tt. F avre. w h o willwiU b e in h is 1 Oth P ro Bowl, b u t th ls , 9 'flrst representcntlng Ihc AFC There will beJC su ;, V -VV cach from thethc Giants, M innesota Vikingss aa n d A V . T e n n e sse e TiuT itans in th e g a m e, to b e playeded o n ,. l i d i s le o n e J. Feb. 8 In H onoo nolulu. Mal ;som( t’s da^ ThcTltanshIS hav e th e N FLs b e st rccord atat 12* "• I 2 a n d w o n theltheir first 10 gam es before loslnjIng to . CSI men’ssbasketballteai 1 amSnds ■ th e Jets. "If we wereere thc Dallas Cowboys, it wovould X* J j t V '•.'il', . V ^ easUybel2of2 o f u s go in g to th e Pro Bowl."’ sald.is alternative/e means for wcworking out I •J ■ & one ofTcnncsjiesseels Pro Bowlers, safety CCl hris g h v ^ H H o p e. *A lot>t of0 people say It^ a small marlarkci.*^ or we haven’tcn^ been around long enougligli to ByWtoCWitnMiI But no onene was runnUig ladders cognition like thc other (cams.s. TInwWmw wrttef up and dovlovtrn th e gym floor o n K?**** gain die recog th is sn o w7 y a fte rn o o n . "W hcreatci1 te a m like th e D allas Cow boys,rshas I a great scasoiison, they send half their tcaic a m ." . T h e Idea c a me c tito CSl head Gosar icanceled practice B I ; • . ‘Wc have thc best rccord inn t h e . c o a c h Steve G o sarJ e«earty Tuesday TUesdayantUld In Its placc his play* * Hope said. “V Jy a few of us get rccognlzcdJ ia n d m o m in g a s h e shovelovclcd his ovm cis. asslstantant coachcs and man- ^CHB league. Only ( onlyafcwofio f us get to go. It’s just a blesslniing t o , driveway. agcrs shov ■khMifc* H a rr is o n ancand safety Troy Polamalu.. T’ h e", A n o th e r lext foUtbllowed: Make Canyon TVaIValls subdivision. ‘It's l u M F irp M ^ ti d e b u m fro a1 bbeUad bir itreea doer M ihe ahk "T T Steelers (11*31*3) a rc ju st a g a m e b ehindd Ihc, sure you dress warmum. better to gigive than receive and _ •agMtfnatbeCoBiceofSodbtfMRldabeb*tMbdtea«illeny( ly Cbtbteaa I can take the lead for homc'fj'ficld 'Hicsday was a cconditioning gel In the! spsf irit o f th in g s.’ M diy afbtaoea M tber tbo*ri Imtr *walk. I m ly U M k tbe Lerd forr «R. , aayi a d v a n ta g e In tthe AFC with a win in Tcnneslessee" _ day for the Collegc^c of Southem f P M eddiif th it Ibe prebaMjf iRwliitUal bare beeo aM to de R 01 berbei 0*1. o n S u n d a y Idaho men's baskcjkeiboll team. Pleas!BS8 se e SHOW, Page D2 _ _ W hUc Pcyt(cyton Manning will slart for» Ihc , AFC, th e start): s ^ n g q u a rte rb a c k for th e NFC'C w iU ; ■_:______bdajrtWameim cr, w h o leel th c Arizona Cordlidlnals I Q t n to th e N FC: WWt est Utle. It will b e th e 37-yuar-ar-oid., ' 3-timeeAU-Ame]sricaLauriinaitisheil a d s ^ t e/U j lli - veer’s fourbunh Pro Bowl bui his first sincesl ' 2001. w h e n hhi e w a s w ith St. Louis a n d macladc It, /, listed a t fo r th c th irrd d sstra ig h t se a so n , I N S ID E : M Gcpr^a runnlniIng guard Terrence Cody, 1 Utah’s Sakod)da,BYU’s back Hcrshciict 365 pounds, anchoredtd ithc top* With Wamiamer on the NFC squad arcrc th e ';, , The.complet

Jero m eI !boys ripiMountaain H o rn1 6 , f a c e !rPHSHvtlu rsd ay

TImefrNews ______^ The TVojonsi g o t 11 poinis feet." 45-3939 Vw in a t F iler onT ^iesday. a p ie c e fro m Jori)ri Fleming and Laurel Bodily B led Idaho FUerUer (3-4) was led by Ladc Kevin Wnilnins scorcd;d a nl <4R1 Jacl Lancaster in m o v in g to 6 - Falls w ith1 2021 p o in ts . H clmimkcs' k 14 points, whUe game-high 23 and Kamcroicron -I------i 1 on the seasoison and 3-0 in ThcBrulrulns (4-7.1-2 Region Roclo:lo Gutierrez added 13. Pcarcc atldfd 17 as Jeromo m c Sawnooih Ccr:entral Idaho Four*Flvc*Se*SbO h o st H ig h la n d B ut: It >wasn't enough to stave «|l# ' Conference playiay. . < o n T h u rsiday. d a o ff defidefeat. ripped Mouiiiain Home 7*1 tour weekly sports talh 56 on the road Tuesda; CiiMkoiilc “We had a gogood defensive The' difference In the first evening. „l efTort in ihe firsIrsi half and let f was our failure to stop v i d e o s h oow * at M agicvalley.com Logan Parker and Gu "* up a little In thtthe sccond half im»mi a t lr frc sh m a n . W e k n e w th a t Callcn also bit double Hgure^ires and Buhl kept?t .hustling the s h eI wwas'going j to bc.a pretty Imegni2gral part of her offense - for Jerome (7*0). scoring8 111 whole lime," :said WcndcU gSSfgJ?* a n d 10. rcspccJively. "We just didn't playy a good homc over CanZarey on- coach Delon Hu U M nuK ti) a n d1 wiwe just didn't stop her," ••Wc d id a g rca t jo b o f get*get fourth quarter," saidI GlennsG Tuesday, B a ile e NlMontgomery's SSSSSS ti F iler c o a c h G ary WHMZlllMMonltttMM M cllln ting tiiat balanced scorin(ring Ferry coach Jereeremlah Jaren Stoddardrd led all game-high 141 ppoints Jcd the lllnger. "We weren't as ' from several individuals,als," lohnston.^’Once theyy gotgi the scorcrs with 1222 points, Indians, who s(scored 31 sec- lent offensively as wc said lerome coach |ojo e lead wc c o u ld n 't g e t itII bback." in c lu d in g 8 o f 8 free frcc throws ond*half pointsIts a fte r o n ly 14 ;dcd to be. They put pres- Messick. “We were v ver e ry G lenns Ferry le d after’ter three in the game for DletrIetrich(4-1, .before intermlsiission. s u ree con us and we didn't perimeter oriented in the th quarters, 45-36 butml the 3-0 Northside). S Si to d d a rd W cndcU inxve:vels lo D eclo for respp o nr d ve ry w ell." first half and then wc werwere TYojans o u tsc o re d thiic e Pilots added eight reboundjn d s , as d id a n o n c o n fc resn n c e b a ttle o n DEClO:i ) 36, GOODING 26 Filer'Her Is ut A m e ric a n Falls able to get inside in the finfirst In the fourth, 22-11 tcto take Luke Hubert, whileliic Andrcw Thursday, S a ra h Sllcock Si led Dcclo tonighl i ^ t . h a lf.' th e victory, Rocha pulled dowjo w n n in e w ith 12 points pt as the host ^Buhl46 Hornets ddefeated Gooding W Icromc travels across the th Dustin Kampcr off NNampa boards to go with WOOMRMQ canyon to face 1\vln FallFalls Christian tied Ross ArellanoAn points, K- liirsi 36*26. ton ig h t. of Glenns Ferry wilhh game* j “It was a hardlard'foughl I stillS' trying to comc vSSa om some Injuries," “They're going to bc soikolid, high honors with 199 points,p game," said DieiriclIrich coach S S S l S S S w ; . VlwwXtMl«HilBigt^ ^ 9aa»n» They've got a nice tean:am, Mike Crane added 12 li and Wayne Dill. "Care;a re y 's w d l s a id DccDedo coach Val (T\vin I'alls coach M att HanIarr) Gabe Arevalo postedd 11 for coachcd and theyicy played Mn«MuiMSS!MTWiiHMiiud Christcnsciscn. "What turned SSSSl has done a grcat job," salsaid th e Pilots (4*3). well, they just didn'tIn't s h o o t as »he g a mic e taround for us was J l Messick. "It's going to be'be'a Glenns Ferry hostssis Cole well as they cann ata times. iree sophomores,- great job, two solid team!ams Valley on Friday. A nd w e h ll 5 o f 6 (at(al th e line) B rin le e (Brcsheors), (E Sierra SHO^H O «M 44, CASTLEFORD 35 g o in g at it." in the last minute."e." (Zollinger)cr) and Melissa iistlcford Cast struggled on the Nampa Christian 58, Qlenrtmns Feny T revor P eck le dICarey Ca (3-2, (Carson).Tl.'h ie y p ic k e d it u p in road,id. fallingf 44-35 to Sho-B an Jerom9 74JifouirtaInHome66 « 1-2) w ilh 15 p o inIts. is. DIETRICH 40,» , CAREY 37 th e sccondmd half and got the In FortFon Hall. T h e lo ss w a s the Dietrich hosts RichfieldRid on The Dietrichch girls bulk a offense goigoing." firstIt for fc th e W olves In Snake d o u b le -d ig it lelead and then Brittanyny Wlrih led the River'c r C ( o n fe re n ce S o u th play. Cui CaM 10. loon PHWt 11. M e Valley Christian coach TenTerry the Tigers. Michael LcLezamlz coach Rich Bishopop was Just line in the: Ifinal period, Indians 35-2935 In Snake River Gartner. "Wc just got too10 fifar followed wilh 16 poinisnts In the "happy to comc awawj ay w ith a in c lu d in g tw o0 tby M o ria h D ill C o n fe remce n c North Division b ehind." w in. win. Neither team}am p la y e d in th e lost m ininute t fo r a 3 9 -3 7 play. Dylan VanBch of Magiagic Oistleford post manlan Eihan really well. Nellier steppedstc up lead. Shayla PorterPc stole the Haley’ Arriaga/ scorcd a Valley Christian scoredL*d a Tverdy scorcd 15.5. TVler and had a good gamegan for us, bull from Carcircy and added gamc*hlgiigh 12 points foi* Sflwib»1 Ctm 1 AMMnaM i »Mr U. Hem gaine-higli 26 points ass (1the 1 Iansen added 12 andind O scar a n d it w a s ne ed e dd." ." one more chzharlty toss to lowed byy SallyS TYaughber and Oinqiierors had only thnthree Vargas netted 10. Makings gamc-hiL‘-higli scor- account for thehe final margin. Amanda1 Re^lcrF cach with pla y ers p o stin g p o in ts . Castleford c o a c h DaiDanWinn ing included threercc 3-poinl- Dietrich host3sts R lc h fld d o n 10 for Hagia g e rm a n . Magic Valley Christiann ('(0 - said his squad copedled "very ers. Alex Pfefferiieric added Thursday in a 1key Northside "Hagemirman camc out and 6) h o sis Uliss o n F rid ay aat t tlth e poo rly w ith th e RliRichfield seven points for f the Conference mtmichup. took it to:o tus," said Shoshone W r e s t l i n g Icromc Middle School. press. Wc had a horribrriblc first Buiidawgs. c o a c h Tim Chapman. TWin Fails Christhistlan quarter, but played luhard the Camelle Slzcmonlorc provid- . “•SIM4 0 j ^ 3 7 "ArriagaI isIs an cxceUent job In WENDEU WE 54| GOODING 30 returns to action Ian. 0, ho;host- rest of the game." cd the Viking ofTcnscnsewlihll nSU uiir-:rl« the fourthill quarter with some In a dual that featured in g CHAMP. In Its first confinference points, and Gabl NNa ava a d d e d KMnCmaiiMMrS ste als a ntld d free throws." sevenven forfeits, W endell beat match, Castleford ( (2-2- 2) will another 10. ZMl|!ClnmiO.Kl)lil T a y loirAsllchad r/ 11 points hostISI G o o d in g 5 4 -3 0 o n IMn Falls CtuWian 54, Ma0cB0 C host Hansen on Tliursiirsday. Kimberly (6-1,, 22-(-0 ) trav els o m c to le a d ththe e S h o s h o n e sc o rin g . T licscicsday. W endell's Derek VoUey ChiM an 38 to B uhl o n 'F liu rsdiday. a ) S h o shto o nr e (6*4, 1-1) h o s ts G incsnes, Allen Benson, Ryan bi p inn s Ifo r th e S e n a to rs . ■ idSm 'issi'ssas p o in ts, b u t thicTWln e Falls ^rls MCoMiLM UL ^ wt ^ r« * fell 63-43 at1 iIdaho Falls on i«sssS»si».f V P s S i .JW rSJlSSSSfS. WSrar«i.d T^iesday. Thec Bruins stayed : Ma twHoaw. VMM. Mltl (awe Uk ^ 5 5 S s S S HiMMitattHOM. MEinCH 58, CAREY Jie final peri'od, i i NAMPA CHRISTIAN 58,(, A fter p la y in g c a tc;c h h -u p for when thcTlgcrjcrs p u lle d aw ay. S M SMU.SMhnU.taMMe f e HMU GUNNS FERRY 56 most of the game,n c . S c o tt WENOELL 58,, BUHLBUI 45 ‘ W e'rc j u sI t tbeat up a UtUe m Sm T.iSt.tMMilfciM:Hipni«,b«idi a«MV A 3-point shot att tthe Perron put Dietrichch ahead Tough first-halflalf defense bitri(^tnow,"f ' said TWin Falls bum*r didn't go for GlenJlenns inside the final miniinute and and solid outsideIdc shooting head coach NNancy Jones. "I WOODDRIVER R 45, RLER 39 Ferry and Nampa Chrlstiristian the Blue Devils madmdc thclr lifted Wendell to to a 58-45 think once we wi get our full Kaltanana Martinez scored 18 picked up the road win1 trover free throws the restjst of the home win o ov( v e r B u h l te a m b a c k it'll it ^ve us a of her 20 points in the first g^i* the host Pilots 58-56. way to take a 58-5555 win at onTUesday. chance to get{Cl back on our half as WoodWo River scraped a

C o u g a rI S r e m e rm b e r fir s t t r ip t o3 L a s V e ^g a s B o wv l i n ’0 5

By Daniell Diduon 5*4 rccord, know ingg tliatti one "Thercwasalotofeofcxcitcmem in the mominjIng all the way to nice." "I'm'm ialw ays b e a tin g p e o p le in fProvo, Utah) Pally HeraldId m orc w in w o u ld geg e l th e m in th e lockcr roomim, , ai dllTercnt n o o n you fKus o a and prcparc Whait makes r bowl week thele orcade ; In the driving howl eligible fo r th e firstfi time excitement. We had)la d n 'l be en to for S aturday,, aai n d in th e afler* extra haard rd fo r pla y ers o n b o th gamimes," e he said but hopcshe's Wlicn UYU senior cencenter since 2001. Curtis BrownDrt ran a bo^ gome, inI a a long timc noon you go> aa n d d o dlfTcreni sid e s is> taking tt care of flnals notot chosen < for any of the Dallas Reynolds \vatcheded i th e for 153 yards a n d iwro;vra touch- and wc loicw we'di'd mn a d e it." activities. 0 To mc, the bowl Iwfore headinghe down lo Las singiinglng or dandng contests. A rizona-A rizona S tate gaigame downs as DYU gol01 to that Reynolds, who'so's stanedi 50 stuff never goijot in the way of Vegas, ""11 rc." R e y n o ld s sa id , ball■Ul ini front of 65,000 people A.S Arizona fans rusheded :the lincbacker Jusiln Lueiieiigerodi all four Las VegasIS Bowls,Bi a list BYU h ed a dcoach Bronco “Onceyotyt)u gel down iherc and butut dancingc in front of 207 1 fleld to celebnitc the schothool's screamed. "We're golnolng bowl- that includes fellowIlow offensive Mendenhall saidsj that kind of have yout)ur finals out of the justeist can't d o that." first bowl berth in 10 ye;yeans, Ing!" Later. Lucttgen[crodt was linemen Ray Fciiiga Fei and experience duiluring bowl week m y, thee schools stn^ Is gone • • BundleI up: TTicrc were m e m o ries o f BYU's 2005)5sea- s askingrcponensifltrct really was David Oswald, is a big plus, a n d d o n e vrith. T h e n y o u c an snow10W show ers in L as Vegas on son came back to llcynolmolds, true. No one couldlid take il “That first yearear the bowl "li's very helpfulh' lo have put ally yoi o u r focus In to p re p a r- Mlonday on wilh temperatures then a rcdshirt frcshmanun jjust away, riglit? activities weren'tI as big a dis- players a n dcoachcs co th a t ha v e in g to plajilay well on Saturday." dropropping to 31 degrees at sbc m o n lh s o ff a n LDSS nmis- Reynolds remembeiibcrsiiall. traction us 1 thihought o i they been throug^ It bcforc," he • Driviiivlng range: Reynolds nighiIght. Saturday evening's fore- sion. "You could tell after af ihat would be." Rcyncrynolds said. said. "You don't do have many said hewaslookingforwardto wi castnst calls for partly cloudy The Cougars went int(into a Wyoming game sorsomething ‘You think you'rerc goingg to go uncertaintiess bcforc you get the wclcelcome reception at skiesdes with temps in the low ro ad ga m e a t W yom ing; wliwilh a broke loose," Rcynollo id s said, dow n a n d d o all thisihi: stuff. B ut to th e footballill ga i m e a n d th a t's ESPN Zone Zo on Wednesday 30's.O's.

Kerbs_____ Sno\IW ______ConiinuedfnxnpaKBDl Coaanned fataltonpaseD l ‘ Cali!3alif,. d o n n e d th e o n e a n d1 only ( College (13-1). g u y s rcallyally c a m e to g eth er." o n Kerbs. She's a g reatit flayer^1 and Gosar andan' his assistants knew swe.iweatshirt in his closest —- the The victories willII likely11 v a u lt N a T h a t newfound ni unity should they do a good job scttintting scrccns CSI's playersers would bc excited to get wan.s’armcst attire he currently ownvns— 18 CSI up severali spotssf w^en the serve the1C Golden C Eagles well during for her and she gets herliei shot up out ofpractiictlcc for some alteniativc asIS hh e p u sh e d h is shovel. next NICAA Divisvision 1 Men's the 2009)9 pp o rtio n o f th e ir sch ed u le, ({uick." exercisc. NcNone was morc pleased As A: he pulled his sleeves overrer h is B asketball PoU is reled c a s e d o n Jan. 6. CSI hosts h o s the lames Ray Hurley plays its last g;ur{iime of 2008 than frcshmliman point guard JameUe cold:old fingers, he was asked If hellc ilk ed " T h a t w a s a big w cee k en d fo r u s. I C o n struuction c ti S h o o t O u t Ian. 1-3, on nuiRdayat Preston,I, Barrett. thc!llic sniiw. ‘1 lovc it." h e said. talked to people after afl that game facing TkasureT^i VaUey Community Minlco (4-7. 2-1) hosts'SIS TWin Falls "M el a bliout o i crit-d when he heard 111 lis C h ristm as w ish list: AI coal, c lhal were tcUlngg us1 'You guys CoUegc,I!, W e s tc h e s te r (N.Y.) S^iturday in the final prc*holiday pr w e w erenI't 't practicingf loday, lie w as glovSloves and anything else thatal wUl lo o k e d lUce a te a mI 01o u r there. T h a t's C o m munity u n i College and Sheridan b rea k ga m e fo r b o th teamam; s. so happy,"," ssaid Gosar. kcc|keep h im w arm d u rin g a n IdIdaho the first time somebicbody's said that (W^o.) CoUcge.Col As for Montreal, M the Syracuse, vdnLvintcr. to us oil year," saidId Montreal,1 w^o Those« area the Eagles' final non- Burley 44 , Mlnicao 333 3 N.Y., nativeivc is plenty u se d to sn o w Tlie Tl service outing came onDn the overcame a bruised^d Achilles'hecl'to conferenc;ncc games as Sccnic West a n d cold,, so st Tuesday's outing was heels hec of a big weekend forjr the record 11 p o innts ts and eight Athleticc ConfcrenccC play begins ■ s s o ld h a t. GoliGolden liagles. CSI (10-2) wonin two relKiunds In IS scciM!Cond-haif min- Jan. 9 with wl a visit to Colorado IhmPmLtok “I don'tt m in d tills." lie said. ggames a n at liic Pb^a Hut Classlsslc In utcs. N o n livvestem n si C o m m u n ity CoUcge. »»(») F o ro ihlers, e n like frc sh m a n forw ard IJberal, Ub< Kan., the biggest beingn g la s t "W e w ere hu d d llnilng j u p a fte r e v e r y ------— ■M XM{ I. lu<«i BMrr U. IrMki : lautl& U U M a x C n nler. ift shoveling the cold stud Saturday's Salt 84-79 w in over previiivious- free throw and guysuys were picking MlkeCIir Christensen nmy be reached Is a ne\v exexpericncc. Carrier, fiom ly ly > >unbeaten and 15th*raranked guys up when somcinc^ngbadhap- at 735-321-3239 or sports0magici>alu w a rm a nnd d sunny Canyon Uke, S(.HvardSlH> C o u n ty C o m mnunity u pcncd. Ii was a big)ig weekend. The ley.com.t HUaHUatidir,DietB^17,2008 D3 TtaH4lm,1MBr » at), ent poM ist emtm SoyOi FtoM C 7 ^ IMr«hli (»«. “ • " J S n — ^ S j! ^ KSgSK 3»a- * rMM(ta.tjn.OHihem(U'Ulpm *• iFtB) J, I OM 11 « U n -IM U M M K O m M rm)tlM )n.^^7£^|t»«K) ^ §=• ’ APAIW ^Tewi 5 SeSM ^wwwiea iSSaSMiM lim I WmM M B. KT. IMmM 4.0T F SSStjASfjArJ ■ . ■ ■ ■ . i s j r iS ^ S ; tnk-»MMPmn.CMkiCfrlian » OSM* u asK ! s s ■?!\ ‘ F J l i l l s IgsssfiJrsssir™ :^ g )M wa rn UmotK PM WMna. Mwwct t . . R S S K S S r g _ UMUCMW ?^ a?s» !! s s a s ' s s s s soS|Ecrt££a*MMMSl^^ »toMSUIII BIUII n S i S s S T s r S*-" Cam « HnwML a »m 11*44 (1M90. FlWGkltt Ml (MMX C«BM 1NTtaOn MIM taiHn. 130 MV ™ » « 3 a » s I Umor*MMnM«>Mi.l30»ffl. S S s S l oSSiwt?^^ h s a . s s ^ MJMU, lfflsStr^?S5!iinl^ H M-WatoCMMtHMa.M.301 n ■ ! j S s 5 ^ e s s ^ s s s a s f S S ' S S S m Q^.a»tC(nnv,Mnl>.U.341 p f S i r ESSJliKKSr sISMV-JiflFMSlNSriM. EEHT'" ■ s S , S & , S t S a U r ^ ^ . Hm M3 M IS. NMMhMPIiaMl.7»Jn. sSiMTNrmi-$MnHcnT.MDr«. . : BatcnMM«ttB»n 1 TRANSACTIONS NFCLMdws K m S s s **!? - I — ~ j w S S S l — S S & r J £ S 2 S S S S y £ SUTHOtC CtKXiS-AirSStt w n •!)> S ^ T s T f i s K WbMMBV u s & -ss,“Si?!ar s C«W«KY^ggV 5 ““""“rasrr . ! S'S** iaa.'SK Ssass'issi'i sisss:K Si^^ fissss^ssaw . ; c « fltm io S 7 u o » A S NFL Muiy Report f “ s i i “ ’ s a s B S t e ESS b SH._ NWTOm-I>i*MaMilFeMalLMBii L cfiss^psa. I I _ » s s £ s r » S : l i i i j • - a«wWBiwiSS5!w£wioSl^ rtu -rjp wuijC T f i ett fr s ! 5 j i > ^ j s i a s ‘! MUOM D W N W ^ ^ L m iMiUg ^ Men'iC^SeoTM ' w S s » ; s K % W u I nwnc(i.lM. ‘ s S S a s i K s a W|crW«100,W*jy^73 ■ ^ la»61ftaiS(iM^ K t7S!5SS!S»S" !S f . i i Fan.CN. m m s mu tn i , ^ s s j c a s — 5 ' S.DMlSlM.OMiMMtU GM.U. MS 103* U 57 4 L ! i5SS&S2«iSS^^ i ^ ^ i E s a S ’ pwAaawu PHuics-«|itM « w n ■ S “ “ ^ i i a'sas-.w : WWXkPM. M m 4A»I t t asasfts^-..-. SdwwJ. ! («d*(|^1ei i S r S f Sa£& sis,^i - "fcT w i WIBW f S»»2?K35(SS?'“” I " 3 a ~ ^ ' S i s i i s r I - bettin g ® G lcntM U nrLM s S s K s S r ^ £ S i S ! f ” pi* I i ittM-CnbMOm.Mrta.FbiM$iM n K " S " “"“""SSW Sts sasssi M - t i m kmJiMw, FMtt StM »tII]i^M.A-UJ39(lM7TV . ~ - . S ~ I fJ S tS S m ‘ _ taM m 0UMmM(Mn.(n|M(»3L |«*!rsa::L. ! _ MM»ok • “ * s r I s a s i I lioSSitU S a M jp* MO M 21a * o * i " s k S S S K " . M Tbwm wnmi nn, Imtmm. - " T T i l K . RT , | s r a a “ r * a r i&“- S ^ iSS ' ■ ssasr-! ? 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I a w jii’sissssss™i ^ 1» li| iH- i i asl "**' ceuoi Smm^ a » a IT - M I: S --- — i«s“ i l s“i HOCKEY " > i i r s a l i - xsifsrtiK ?^*- ~ I t sS, MM.IM U « 1 4 trntmt u u M ■ i » m - r - a - ■

- SS.“" ", iSS3f a“StSsSS iliglmMHM 103 1401 U TU ( S a ^ i s f f i s : i = ^ I s a g L ^ ~ F tvalM-MaenWldnCMHKCM jltaM.D«. a lio tl 1U47 * S 4 4 i l i 4 i CMMOm SS m MM IpnfO) sS S lS ^;S % «M »U M 11 CMlM U } 0 .TM 3S3 2HH I

H a r r i rn g t o n Vr a t e d P' ( G A T o i[ i r p l a y (e r o f t hl e y e a r It the Jerome Recreation THOUSAND OAKS. CalCalif. (AP) — W inning Vijaylay Singh. Camilo Villegas andid KennyK P c rty _ _M or picked up at 1 Is $60 and the cam p Is lim- back-to-back majors wawas the highlight of olraiio w ere on d ie ba llo t fo r pla y err o of r lh e year. ^ H Q C e n tc r. T h e c o s t Is J Padraig Harrington’s carceircer.Hefeltwlnnlnglhe ' Ued to 4 0 a th le te!S. s. tr ts S h o ii Sesslons.vrill run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. I>GA Ttour player o f th e ycai/ear award 1\i esday was N F L latlon: Jim Cartlsser at 404- ju st os significant. ufe M a r bfWi to tp o M H ^ c nA l* M tn each day. Informatii 2760. H arrington, o n ly th e fourthfou player to win die VtCkck may be moved iohaHwi* w a y h o u s e HriUsh Open and PGA1 Championshipa in the same season, becam c theh e firstf E uropean player NORFOLK. NC Va. — F o rm e r NFL1 . siStar M ic h ae l te a m is h o stisting Its sccond annual spagmghciii Bniin U tU e DribIi b l ^ holds signups to \vin the PGA Tour awaiward since it b e ^ in Vickck could be out of federal prisorison and In a dinner fumndralscr from 4:30-7:30) |p .m ., ll c o m - TW IN FALLS -- TheT Bruin Little Dribblers 1990. Virgilrginla halfivay house by Jan. 20,20, o n e o f h is to d a y a t thehe Kimberly High School c id fro m to 10 a.m.. D ec 30- ‘It has been a fantasticStic se aso n individually a lto(omcys r told a federal bankrukruptcy judge mons area..The 1 cost is $7 per person,I, SS4 fo r c a m p Is sc h e d u le d ft 8 ris in g rad e s K th ro u g h 3. Tlie out there, winning a couplec of majors," 1\ics(lesday. c h ild r e n ag top for NAIA title. 0e 3 m a camp will perform ^ rb game on Jan.n. 8.G Forms can be found at tlicm to ch o o sc m c a s thhcirplayeroftheycaris e l possi)ssiblc tnmsition into a halfway■ayhoyse. 1 r Carroll D o n n elley S p o rts> or *IWli^ F alls I llg h school, \^*ry special,* h c sa id . “It compares i equally to T W IN FAUm s — A lu m n i a n d fa n s o f Ct k cham- Information: Mat^iatt Harr at 737-5208. ext. winninga major champioip lonship." MAGIC VALLT p V College are} iiInvited to watch the NAIA cl Andres Romero of Aigengentinawasvotedrook- ^ ^ * p io n s h lp ggame a between Carroll andid the 3050. a tim ia y ie of the year, while Dudley Di Hart received Q$]51 booster d u b holds saleII0 U n iv e rsity oiof Sioux Falls at 10a.m .. Satti 3 Box I n ’IVvin Falls, co m eb a ck pla y er o f thc e year.y« In o th e r aw ards. a t th e Press E is-i.. CSIhofcUwinterter baseball cam p Bemhanl Langcr wos Chs(3iampions Tour player TVTW IN FALLS — G o ld e n E aglecBoosterCIub B Informadcd o n : C arl a t 735-8797 o r 539-1 o f th e year, w ith B re n d anon dcc Jonge winning the clothothlng store will be open for■ hoh o lid a y sh o p - TWINFALLS-T-T he 25th annual Southern I iwM S Idaho Baseball Com:aiiip wUl be held Dec. 27-29 Nationwide Tbur award.I png in g ^ m 3-6 p.m., tod^y, upstairta irs in th e CSI d u b C M VyonCSIvDlejibailcam O pni at the Eldon Evansms Expo Center. Tiie camp, Harrington presumab[lably beat out Tiger Gymymasnium by the concessionon stand. The Ilege of which has a longIg tradldonu of ofTcring greai Woods, who won four timestin and didn't finish storeo re w ill also b e o p e n fro m 11I a.m.a.i to 2 p.m. JEROME! -— The Club Canyon/Colle] mpwlll insuuctlon at ann affordableo price, features worse than fifth in his six tournaments beforc on1 D ec. 22. Southern IdtIdaho W inter VolleybolJ Cam; :reailon Instruction for hitdrlidng, pitching, catching and, season-ending knee suigiuigery In June. Woods /^ b e held Dec.ic. 29-30 at the Jerom e Recrc) ra d e sS - infield a n d ou tfieJldplay. ld | w o n th e U 5 . O p e n a n d1 sdllsd finished sccond o n |QImberiy f || spaghetti feed todh iH a v ^ jCenier.Thete c a m p Is o p e n to g irls In grad Jcatlons may be downloadede d fro m In fo rm a tio n : 732-132-6650 o r 734-6285. th e m oney list. ' ) ^ ^ 8 andapplici .c sl.ed u I Tile PGA Tbur docs not disclose vote totals. KIKIMBtBLV — The Klmbcriycriy w rc^^g the CSI voilelleyb^l Web site at athletes.es Staff M dwHnporti ______Tta»Hiw,WoFdh,MihUko M Widwidnt,Diei«hifl7,a17,»0>______SPORTS

F o r m( i e r B a l11 S t a t e! (I M ) a c h[ t a k e s o( v e r at S D S U F

extending Uie IcngUi of rning to retum to Galncsvillilile • SANDIEGO— Brady H oke graduate a:assistant at North and ar Uiat was my or e> job. P ro b a b ly alw ays th cs cic o n tra c t a s ne ce ssary . iuntil after Chrisunas, Meyey c r ' wns Introduced Tliesde s d a y as Louisville in In 1999 bcforc dream jol t that tias nothing to sa id . (he new coach at Sana n : D lcgo spending one season at will, but t HUllENTOCAUPUYSFOR State, promising toI bi a Montana Stat>tatc and three do withUiis." th ' m week, Meyer told a FUNBOA IN BCS TTTLE GAME GiLi STAYING PUT IN BUFFALO10 program "that cxpec to m o rc a t Id ah o IS ta te . L ast w« FLO M iam i rairadio stadon that he GAINESVILLE, GA Fla. •— . WTTH NEW CONTRACT ^ w in." want to coach the Newl:wly hired Mississippi BUFFALO, N.Y. — BufTaliaio I-!okc w as h ired awayway fro m MEYER SnU . COICONSIDERS NOTRE m ig h t Wi Irish oncc his thrcc StateIte coach Dan Mullen has - coach c Turner Gill is stayin;Ing Dali State, where he wiw a s 34- DAME HIS'05 'DREAM JOB' F l u t i n gI I ILLE, Fla. — childrena completed high deckicldcd to stay with top- put i for ot least anodier scoc a - 38 in six seasons butIt U th e . ■ GAINESVIU m Meyer tried to schooL ' ra nnked k t Florida through thc. son s and won't consldcder' C a rd in a ls to a 12*1 trc c o rd Coach Urban I orlda fans of his ______■ n a tloItlonal . championship interviewing I for any moro re this season. Their onio n ly lo ss ^ ' rea ssu re Florid I t 10 the Gators ) AGREES TD EXTENSION gomme. e Gators coadh Urban jobs j after receiving a onenc* w a s a g a in st DufTalo0 Iin th e commitment i PATERNOA y, but reiterated AT PENNW ST. THROUGH 2 0 U Mcy 1." b u t h is la te s t a lo n g vritrith his new hip. Thc "The "Ti goal Is to win the years ; turned around o prciro- romerBaH State foot coKh involved." IDAHO ASStSTAHTHEAK might not help Hall f of Famcr and win- gamem e , a n d I d iin k rig h t now . gram | that was oncc of th c Brady HokoiratunM— i J ■....1 . . . . u c o m m e n ts m i )0t- WASHINGTON ticlsm. ningcst coachc< in major col* unlc:iless something changes. It worst ^ In major coiicgc fooi o v e rh a u l •» S . . Wogo S trt.T o. tIU .. stave off critlclJ oks lik e th a t’s go in g to hap* bo I ll. T h c Bulls w o n th e ir finI rs t SEATTLE— The ovt oaTaotday. “OurstalTha:rtias^venourllfe lege foo)otball history has look: football for four agreed to t deal thal runs pen,'m," Meyer said. "Is that Uie Mid*Amcrlcan I Conferencn c c of the Unlversltjsity o f to Florida foo rer said following throughII thc 2011 season, best•st chancc of us winning; UUe i th is se a so n a n d w ill faca cc W ashington football>all pro* n e w sp e c ia l teamams coach at years" Meyer irst bowl practice. JoePa tunjms82onDe&21. that]a t g a m e , w ith th c m c c h a n - Connecticut < • in th c gram continued Tuesday Tu Washington. Nar4ansen spent the team's first I giving o u r life to A s tatement te i from Uic aUi- icss ofo the game the way we International 1 Bowl ia t with the announcemisment of thc last flvc scajcasons as an "Weplan ongl itball for a long, Ictic department d says do) them?tl Probably yes. So> I ' b ro n t o o n Jan. 3. three new assistantsts tday p o in t. departure, saylni ncbackcr Beau both wererc listed as full par* The dng he prc* Rookie linet Idle llncbackcr Gary night. ■Hirns out. Petersorrson and ferred to keep li will undergo tlcIpants.L1 In Tuesday’s prac- mlddli ) It between Bell also w: ckctt. Uic defensive cap* ' AbramshadlSpolnislnUlU ic Chiefs owner Clarkirk Hunt them. As for th his right knee tlce. Butafter al practlcc, team Brackc the timing, surgery on hli I. Brackett has missed die second half and PIttmt■non already had set u|up his he said thc tear Is and swelling, presidentIt BIUI Pollan ofl'ercd ta in . B cam wanted for tendinitis i two gam es after cracking added IS for die Longhono m s departure — at least;st every-< to get a head arthroscopic a dlfierentnt a s s e s s m e n t la s t tw id start on He had me In tilslow crr^t^I^ (9-1). who led 35-34 ot halolf- thing except thetlmlnining. finding a rcplac lUgust to remove "Josephlh is questionable, abont laccment for surgery In Augi U m a "This has been Inn ddiscus- Peterson. Igc from behind and Bob,3, I think, is, too," loose cartilage T h c Tigers (0*9) o p e n e dI dd ic sccond half widi a fuUcoio u rt press, and Pittman copltiItol- ized as thc centcr scoi^J 1! p o in ts In a 10*m lnutc sp ain. n . m i e s R (o c k e t s Matthew Miller led Tcxcxos M c G ff i a d y ’s t rr i p l e - d o) i u W e c a Soudiem widi 21 points,i, 10 o v e r h is seaso n average. ched double flgurcs. Los Frcshman Varcz Ward hih a d H O U S T O N — T rac y nlngsticai» k , Its lo n g e st o f Uio r c a c h t 12 points, seven assists ai * McGrady notchcd his;tils fo u rth se aso n . Thrhe Homets won for Angelijelcs has won Uiree dght for the first Ume slncc five reb o u n d s forTcxas. carecr trlpIe*doublcib le a n d the 'fifthI timet in sbc games siralgh tfao M lng d e sp ite struggling from thc siartlnrting la st se aso n 4*0. first this season. Yao NO. 16 TENNESSEE BEAISS scored 32 points an th c Qcld a t Im cs. Dhm u r m t led Oklahoma City h 23 po in ts. NO. 24 MARQUETTE 60688 Houston Rockets bci th e D avid Wcsl also scored 18 with 2 NASHVILLE, Tenn. Denver Nuggets 108- o n p o in ts. Pai?aul was jusi 3-of-lO M A TS BULLS OT Wayne Chism scored 21 TUcsday night. fro m th e5 fleldfl b u t m a d e 11 o f BOBC 110, 101, mRLOriTE. N.C - DJ. o f h is 26 p o in ts in th e secoiM nd McGrady had 20 ip o in ts 12 free thlu n tw s. C H / half, and Na 16 Ttnnesss s c e and reachcd season h ig h s R u d y GayC led Memphis Augu:^ d n scorcd a carecr- t>eat N a 24 Marquette 80-10-68 In rebounds (14) a n d w id i2 8 pp o o in ts a n d a J. M ayo h 29 p o in ts wiiUc outplay- : fellow rookie point guard on Iticsday night In die sh had 22 points and streak» k wldi a 110*101 over* Smldi each added 12 polio ln ts (w -^'^ard Aaron Brookstks a d d e d lund? for his fourth Ume\le victory over die <3iIcago Usonlbcsdaynight for the Volunteers (7-2), w h o 18 points for thc R R< ockets, s t r a l ^ t ddouble-double, and Bulls i camc In as Uie SEC's oio n ly ^^ho’ve won five offdicirlast dn ro o U c Eri2ric Gordon fueled a AugUigustln forced overtime hitting dircc frce throws ra n k e d te a m a n d o ffa big;lo li s s seven games despe s p ite a 10*polntt nm in Ihe founh by hli at T):mplc over the weckcn<:nd. seemingly unendingng rashi of ^ q u a n c r asa die Los Angeles withlh 19 scconds left after Wesley MotUiews hodd 30 Injuries. C U pperss put away die Rosese foI u led h im o n a 3 -p o ln t points for Marquette (6-6-2), Artest missed the k Tia Q iy T h u n d e r fo r a tteempL m Augustin put it w h lc h h a d o th ic e-g a m c vrin*w games with a spralne fofward Tncy HcCndy, kfl. drim pat id sought wia awayay with four morc from ning streak snapped. ankle and starting (IjdiriagtboMcoiriliUfTnMUyial in onswcnxl a ri^t* the: lineU: in die final 42 see­ g u a rd R afcr A lstonn ssi k ip p e d •96. h a n d e d1 dunk by Kevin ondsds of CT, ^ving Chariotte »,GRaZUES84. Dunmtbyby scoring d ie first sbc a n unlikely u r win as it played NO. 25 CLEMSON 76, this one with a strainrained left season, but helie looked as H0RNEI591,I iS, ll^nn. — Chris points nIn ai 10*0 nm, and thc most)st of the game without NORTH FLORIM 36. hamstring. Backupup guard spry and encrgergctlc as ever MEMPHIS, I 16 points, nine Clipperss led 87*73 after tvwjsi0 s ta n e rs . CLEMSON, S.C - Thrrevor Von Wafer sat outut with’ a on l\icsday n l^i^t. He had a Paul had 16 Rve steals, James M a:^ Ibllins'stealCo and two* Kose Ros tiad a rare bad game Booker hod 16 points andid 10 sprained left anklinkle and triple*doublc byby the end of assists and fivi id nine of his 15 handednmoutjam. n Inw^w ^t's been a remarkable rebounds to help No.I. 25 reserve guard Brentcnt Barry the third quarjarter — 15 Posey scoa*d i ie fourth quarter. (jordonon finished wlUi 22 rooUiikle season for die N a 1 G c m s o n m ove to 11 -0 foit r iUie missed his ninth1 straights points, 12 rebouounds and 10 points in thc f vOrlcansHomcts points. BaronB Davis scored overaerall pick, held to sbt points third tim e In four seasonsiw M ldi game with a tom musclemu in assists — andi ffinished his anddieNewO :mphls Grizzlies. 19, andMMarcus Camtiy added on 3-of-16 3 shooUng. with a 76-36 victory over NoJo n h his right calf. b ig n ig h t w ith a i3 -p o ln tc r in b e a t th c M cm f loss snapped 13 pointstsandl5reboundsas sever/c n assists. Florida o n T X i c s ^ t i ^ L McGrady has beercen both* the flnal minute,Itc, his third of Thc loss four-game viln- all of heUit aippers staners' ~ Tin A nodatod P u s s P m s cred by a sore leftrt k n e e all th c g a m e. Memphis' fot Laurinalaitis____ Malcolm Jenkins, Up fnfront, Aaron Maybin of Terrenncssec safety Eric Berryry He wonted to make2 i th e CoaBMwl Iran p a d Dli M ich aci O h e-and r a r LSU guard nerback Ma D p la y e rs fro m P e n n StiS tate a n d B rian O ra k p o c o rm p le te d th c secondary. travel squad as o freshmm o n , Maclln, who madelc Iit as an Herman lohnsoiison. and two California's top- of Texa;(as wrerc thc defensive Laurinaltis L was recruited;d s to n o s 0 so p h o m o re , reccceive all-purpose player,r. wv ere th e C h a se CoffiniDnan. who led Southern Ci nil: linebacker Rey ends, and Cody and by by the Buckeyes out of some type of oll-Blg, 1T en o th e rs . a ll tig h t e n d s wilwith83catchcs, ranked unit: 1 and safety 'niyior Mississiisipiii's Peria Jerry were Minnesota, Mli and came to recognUlon as a juniorr i a n d Utah’s Louie Sakeakoda was gave Missouri'si's high-scoring Maualuga ar th c tackcklcs. Columbus Co: vrith relativelyly be on All-American ta n d the first-team klclkicker. He offense two AU*nE . IWin FalU, Idaho Wednesday,!

R i HI PU ID m I M n e r s hh i p M m

E S ^ r i tnagkvdtteyica « E w H o O l hfi;c«tjobs' To place adiIda, call (208) 7334»:»31, extas Coiiw SIMO US at 132 Falrfl

■ B ’p B NOTICE OF SALE ADVERTISEMEiMENTFORRFQ NOTIOnCE OF HEARINQ ON NAME CHA^h a n o e n J B iicIC NOTKE taken by your govemnwnt Southluih Locust Mini Storage. 167 SouSouth Locusi, PLAYGROUND) EQUIPMENTEC FOR CaeeNo:CV064393 Acitons planned and lal (ic notices. They are part of Twinwin Fans, ID 63301 will sell entile9 cocontonis 1 NEW ELEM1EMEKTARIES A PotitieiHton to change tho name d Luvy WeiWendolvn contained lti'|}ublk: your to know anctnd to be Informed of what »iof«torage units to the highost bkldciklder on silo The Board d TrusteeelOtJolntSchoolOlstrlctNo. ot. Pum.tn. bom July 12.1990, In Los Angetos ddng. As self-govemment i2/22J22J20W ai 9J00 AM. cash ontynty at time ol — I ssla. Jerome and Uncoln tomia,nia. rosktng at P.O. Box 1495. Kotchu 331. Unldoka. Cassia, lo be Inlormed, tWs news- Ato. To be romovod by 5 « 0 PM 12/212/22/2008. 1 I b O eby announces that quotes boon i Avo. W., Twin A W Counties. Idaho, hereby on filed kl Blaino County District Court, titlzen to read and study *7titota '? Rathbun, UnH f 1 ,421 5* Ava [ j will be received (or Play Ground Eqiriprrwnt for fho10 namon will change to Luvy Wendolyr advise those cHizens who 'ate; ID 83301. New Heybum and AcAcequia Bementaiy, on man. S S , « a ' S 1 0 1 in. I want to change my name becou B».kfui««rlnto™iioiiion to exerdse Iheir ilgM lo Dec 22. 2006 until 100 10 p.m. bcal prevailing step-c JBLISH: Docember 10 end 17.2008 B jp-parontraijodme. I. access public recordsIs iand public meetings. ^ Lost and Fomim d time, at the Minidoka■ka County School District T h'o potlttonor's ^ father is iving and his addi Otfice, 633 Fremontnt Avenue,t Rupert, Idaho ynknoiknown. IMPOIORTANT ------NOTICE OFTRUSTEE-S SALSALE FOUND BIchon 01 jal advertising to: . . - 83350. Proposals will•III beI opeiw l and piiHldy ThepeI petMoner^ mother is living and h e r» ...... CocKflpoo . southh ot. read at the above hourawr and date. IgP.O. p ^ Box 1495 Kotchum. Maho 83340. '’"“"“" “l i i sADVEHTISINQ Onn TlThursday. Ihe 2nd day ol April.1. 2(2009. 01 the Joromo. Very WOl » 1nwt-Naws hou I sakl day at trained. Call 543-46-4849 QuoWed bidders may'Obtain obi. Drawings and Spec* a hearleaHng on the petition is scheduled<) iorlo 9 J 0 lour ol 10A0 o'dock a.m. ol sa I Box 548 AdkiMlkinco Title & Escrow. 1411 Fall:Foils Avo. E . Ask lor Al or PniiyIlly at Illcations Irom Mnldokidoka County Schools 633 qU:iockoc AM. on January 14.2009, at thoIheCoualy ( J?® Falls, Idsho SMSuHe 1315. Twin Fells, in ihe Courbounty of Twin 20B-420-2114. Fremont Ave. Rupert.ert. Id ^ 5 0 . or contact withouso. Objecttons may bo lltod bylym ai yper- 303^)548 Fell'e ls . Stale ol Idaho. Charles W. F Theo Schut. MaJntenaninance Supervisor at (206) ^n who^ can show tho coutt a goodOd reasoni FOUND cm, emim allto soceessor Tmstoe. wil sell et public gray, long ho!», (ul(ull 436-1254, aoainfainstthe name change, tsoattOmainaglcnlley^om tKTTitghesl bkjder. lor cash, In towlu (Idly. The Board ot Trusteese e s resen/es the right to e: Docomber r 5.2006 ' he Uniled Stotos. ell payabto at ti accept or teleci or to0 s«select any portion theteol Deadline tor togal ads:Is: 3 days prior lo pubiica- ihe 0__ _ Deputy Ctotk lion, noon on Wedneslesday lor Sunday, noon on lato, the foltowing described rea any or atl bids and lo) wawaive any tectmicallty. No illualod In tho County d Twin FallFalls. Stole ol FOUND Dog, modiiidium- bid may bo withdrawnawn atter the bid opening p ,m ,i 11 onnn Thursday lor Monday.ly. noon on FtWay lor Toes- 10 wll; lorgo molo. bln*( with v 9U5H; Docombo/10.17,24, arxl 31.2lI1. 200B ^ Wednesday daho, and described as lollows. to wl unless Ihe awarding1 dol tho bk) is delayed lor a 4y. noon on Monday lot , 3T 4 IN BLOCK 3 OF OAK PARK^RK SUBDIVi- white, pan wirohohslr. on Tuesday for FrxJay and , 5 ,^ period exceedrtg sixtyCly (60)(( days. ------— ' ' '■ Thursday and noon ot SION. TWIN FALLS COUNTY,JTY. IDAHO. 3 S. 5 W. of Jcrorromo. Michelle Deluna. DistrictrictTreasuer 1 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE£ Saturday. Holiday deileadlines may vary. II you qc{RECORDED IN BOOK 6 OF PUTS.TS.PAGE1. 324-82g9or 839-01-0518 1 call Ruby, togal clerk, at -p,,, , TS No. I 08^)110799, Titto Orderfder No. «ny queslkins ( 10 Successor Tmstee has no know POUND dog. possl«sibto ; PUBLISH: December 16.16.17 and 18.2008 0800;(00768771DGNO V P"*®* No. 208-735-3324. Tiore panicde; descrlptton ol the al Chiweonlo. fomitmnlo. ______RPF8PF85810030090A Tho Wowing doi ' oiwsncod teal property, but lor purposes dark brown, (oundrwJbn oporty will be sold at public ouctlontion to the TWWFALM LS COUHTY. unco wilh Section 60 113. Idoho NOnCEOfTRiTRliSTEE'SSALE 12«- Call to idontit)«‘V; ghost bklder, payable to towful monoy TRUSTEE'S SALE SSuccossor " Tmstee hos been inlom> 02-FHF64003 NOTICE IS "g"® m e y d th o NOTICEOFTF 7 . Trustoo’s Sak) No. 02-F nitod States. In tho tobby ol AUianco ilreet address ol »46 Polk St, T that, PIONEER LENDER « 0 Tttto & T.S. No.: ID -164555-(5-C Loan No.: 7425014263 »‘w 1 Oro- f HEREBY GIVEN that tcrow tocatod at 1411 Falls Avo. East Idaho, Is sotnoilmee assodated wHiwHh sakl real FOUND Kitlon 01 C ES. LLC. tho duly appointed ^ AP-N-: RPT030I0030I3025AA NOTICE IS HERE- «'*•' gon TraU School.1. (cim TRUSTEE SERVICES. J15, Twin Falls. ID 83301.. 00 04/13/S ;>roperty. Successor Trustoo. wmwin oni March 6.2009. at the 13/2009 at b y OVEN that. FllFIRST AMERICAN TITLE P JI i« 0 am. (recognized local Umo) tor tt akl solo will be mado without covontvonam or war- 734-1689 evenlnos )l sskl day. FRONT STEPS or ttw pu^ INSURANCE COMP/IPANY tho d J y appointed Saw on or encum- 733-8480 days? * ° o hour ot 03:00 PM, ol u )so ol foroctosing that certain Dood o ranty rogordlng titto. possosston I COUNTY COURTHOUSE. ^ d Tmst Successor Trusioo, , v will on 2 « 2009 at 11:00 secured by ond Identity.______OF THE GOODING CC corded 10/02/2006 as Instrument r brances to satisfy tho obligatton seoj 624 MAIN STREET.fT. GOODING,i ID. soil at 2 2 T am (recegrized tocalMl limo). At ttie onttanco to W&025054, and oxocutod by OUSDUSTIN 0 tho First American TIITitto Convany Bulkling. 260 pursuanl to the powor ol sato conle '13? f o u n d Slnmoso cacaiin public auction to tho) highosthl£ bkJdor, tor cash. In | 00& Deed ol Tmst executed by’ BELADIO R. p ||„ Of, La OSS A CHELSEA D ROSS, HUSBANMND ANO 3R0 Avenue North. I. 1 Twin Falls. ID.. wiH soU ot Lane. I lawtui monoy of tho UnitedUntl States, all payaWo at ALVARADO and MAYRA A HFE. as Grantot(s), In favor d MORIiOBTQAQE publto auctton. to tho0 I Nghost biddor. for cosh. In ^ uicred • (he tinw d sslo. thoho tolkjwirtgt described real W IR MEDINA, Husbend and WIte. C LECTRONIC REGISTRATON SY^SYSTBjtS, lawlulm eroydthoUiUrMod Stalos, all payabto at eS46 .1 and porsonal properly)ony (heroatior rotorrod to Chettos W, Fewcett. Successor Tmt tC.. a s Bonoftelaiy. to RECONTRUST ho foltowing deecribod roal i r n S 's . ! ; codoctlvoly as tho •Proporty^, ’Prt sttuated In the 1^ - ; UST C ^ Iho limo d salo, tho benelK and security ol COUNTRYWlYWlDE HOME LOST Boston Ton-onler. ANY, tho Currort Trustoo d record, o County ol GOOOINQ.MG, Stato of Idaho. to-iMt: " N d . » v ^ g preporty and personanal property, situated in the LOANS. INC., recorded November:Jor 7.2007. a s ■ tomato. btocfcMt/white. « tolkwing roal property tocated In Tw LOT 5 AND THE SOITOUTH 20 FEET OF LOT 6. ™ * I Twin Falls County of Twin Fai^als. State of Idaho, and Instmment No. 2007-027146. Mortgtsrtgage records w/pink collar. LostISI t»- *: LOT 25.26.27 AND THE BLOCK 146 W X5DW0RTH m ADDITION TO ounty, state d Idaho: LOT 9, BLOCK)CK 3, ^ descrlM aa foBows: ol Twin Fens County, Idaho; and assignedassi to the hind Lowe's, TWE TOWN OF GOOtOODING, ACCORDING TO AL SUBDIVISION, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, CC n o r t h 12 INCHES3 OF LOT 28 IN BLOCK 3 Idaho ,J J Housing ond Bnonce Assoda'odaiton bvAs- 2os-36a-ieo3 2 THEPUTTHEREOFCDF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE )AHO, ACCORDING TO THE OFFIOA)lO A LPU T OF BLUE LAKES 1 - ADDITION TWIN FALLS signmeni X ol Deed ol Tmst recorded HEROF RECORDED IN THE BOOK3 0 K .9 0 F COUNTY. IDAHO, I, ACCORDINQ TO THE ^ 0 mii OF THE COUNTY RECORDERRE( OF GOODING ber 14, 2007 as instrument No. 20 U le s LATS. PAGE(S )3, RECORDS OF TWIN OFBCIAL PLAT THEHEREOF FILED IN BOOK 3 Morlgaoemo records ol Twin FaUs C a COUNTY. IDAHO. Tho Th« Trustoe has no know- MED TO 4 Washington or Ad- ol a moro parttlartlcular description ot tho FAUALLS COUNTY. IDAHO. Tlte Tmstoe>too has no OF PUTS. PAGE • ! 20. RECORDS OF SAID THE jW ABOVE GRANTOR IS NAMEE nowiedge of a moro partcular descrtiiscrtplton d COUNTY. The Trustcaloe has no knowledge d a pi.< m S.T iM U ft A Shoshishone, j abovo-tetoronced Prop>ropor^ but, tor purposes of [J®* PLY VnTH-SECTION 45 1506 (4) looiing t»t(orpur> more parttoular de IS Sw.DE SfovmMhiio. wco \ compllBnce vdth Socttoiictton 60-113 01 Maho Code, le above rderencod real properV. but descrlptton d ttw abovo CODE. c o NO REPRESENTATION }d tog: mo Tnoloo hss boen»n InfotmodIt that tho address ose d eompltonco wHh Idaho Codo,de, Sectton lotorenced real prapoporty. but for purposos d THATt h THEY ARE. OR ARE NOT, P I-6638. ot 1030 MONTANA,K GOOCMNa.C ID B3930. Is 0-113, the Tmstee has been Wormedwd ttial the compliance with Seetoctton 60-113 Idaho Code, rRESPONSIBLE e FOR THIS OeLlQA' Itod with sakl roal property. treeUddress d 111 AAMSEY DRIVE.iVE, FILER. Iho Tmstoe h ts twene n Infomwd ttiat ttw a d d r w -nio a . ml*,. & i^ sa lo ‘ wll bo ma ESCROW CO. a s TruiTnJSteo. for tho benefit and POU n 8 * 4 atton socurod by and pursuanl to thohe poworp d sOLE AND SEP/PARATE PROPERTY. M Trust. Tn AH delnquent payments,s ar are now due. Hound cross on < socurlty ot BENEFICI^ICIAL MORTGAGE CO OF OaUo Builey. ato confotrod In ttiat certato Deed dIt Trust.Tr The grantors, to TWIN F FALLS TITLE 8. ESCROW plus Plu accumdated tole charges, pluplus any costo Almo St. In Bu ' IDAHO, a s Ber>oticlary,lary, dated 8/2A2005, record- sato Ihis torectosure. Female, scars onXI both’ lefauN tor whtoh this sato to to be madeade is: Fall- COMPANY, a s Tmatiateo, for ttw bene*t end ee- or expenses assodated wilh this od B/14/200S. undorter Instrunwnt No. 212362, defft ite o l8 5 7 S p e r hips, big head,1. very »o to pay # » monlNy payment due oewl/200808/1 eatty d HOMECOtOMINOS FINANCIAL NET- The Th accmed Intorest to al the rate 0 Mortgage recordsI (a GOODING County, u n t irlndpol balartce Oenito. onsworsjrs to 11 prtndpaL Intoroet and Impounds and subeo- wORK, INC., u BeBenefldary. datod 8»2005. annumlromJu^1,200e, Theprlnc IDAHO, tho t»nD5cl<>6clal Intorost In whidi to d p i owing u of ttito date on ttw oblgatIgafcn secured 'Sto'. Rewaid SIOC^ S presently hold by BENEFICIAL BE MORTGAGE quorluont instalmonis due thereafton^ pluspi tato recorded 8A/2005, i, as Instmment No. 2005- 53.359.29. ptos 20e-312-0B23 hargee. with M eteet currently aocning aocr at 017268 and re^ocoriorded . records ot Twin Fans ^by sakl Deed ol Tmst to $153,3 CO OF IDAHO. THEIE AABOVE GRANTORS ARE ehar acaued Intorest at the rale of 6.27%27% per annun LOST White Lab.Hiloior n I 'LY WITH SECTION 45-1606 6.501.500% per annum; togeVier witt)I atiatl subso- County, Waho. ttw b«benetk:lalki1ereettowlitohis NAMED TO COMPLY' IromJuly 1,2006. 6 months old. Aseuequto (4]{A). IDAHO CODE.DE. NO REPRESENTATION quotluent sums advanced by benettoiaiy p MORTQAQE ELECTRONIC >ATEDTMslst day of December, 2< 9 ttw torms and condHtons of said I nrSTEMS. INC.. THE ABOVE ir, 2006. area 400 N. Ro>^ewa^ IS MADE THAT THEFHEY ARE, OH ARE NOT. to tf a s r s : haRLES W. FAWCETT, a Member II-3760 rmst, and any supptotnenUl modrnodtncattona GRANTORS ARE NNAMEDj TO COMPLY WITH S«" ____ oii»«).ciii«i-: PRESENTLY RESPOTPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBti- Tms he Idaho Stoto Bar, SUCCESSORRTRUSTEE Tl or43t*3W 1 GATION. Tho dotautlluti lorI whtct) to sato ks made theniterelo. The prindpel balanco owingig aai s d thts SECTION 45-1506(<6(4KA). IDAHO CODE NO Isthotaltwolopeywh)whon due under the Peed d datetote on said obtigatton is SI 1Z694.37,.37. plus in- REPRESENTATIONIN IS MADE THAT THEY »UBUSH: December 10,17,24 a,nd3i.aoe n d : I F f l x v n u i Trust Noto datod 6/21/2005,W. THE MONTHLY Mreierest, oosto and expenses actuallyf Incunedinc in ARE, OR ARE NOT.IT. PRESENTLY RESPONSI- _ 1 1 mforcing ttw obOgattons ttwreunderr aan n d in this B l£ FOR THIS OBII6 LIGATICN, The Delautt for ” PAYMENT WHICH:H BECAME DUE ON enfO BIRTHD&TPHOT 6/19/2008 A N D AL aSI SUBSEQUENT MONTHLY sato«to, together wtth any inpaM and for/or iacauing whtoh ttiis u to ts toto be made to the taUuro to >TOs CUUSIFIElEO. PAYMENTS, PLUSt s LATE CHARGES AND realeal property ttxes, andtor assesamanlnents. atto^ pay wtwn due, undeKler Deed d Tmat and N de Have you OTHER COSTS ANDlND f e e s AS SET FORTH, neyitoys' fees.-Trustees' lees and ooeto,Its, 006. All deUnquent amounto mm dary elects to soU or causec tho trust property to USED USE FOR THAT PURPOSE. AND TH logelher with accnitog toto ^ bo sold to satlsty saidekl obOgatton,I Anyone havtrv DEBT DEE MAY BE DISPUTED. THEHE ABOVE charges, and Intoroaoat. unpaid and a c a u i^ tax- any objection to tho10 satom on any grounds wtut* SRANTORS GRJ ARE NAMED TO COMPIM ^YW ITH assessments, trusteo%tm lees, attorney’s fees, soovar wll bo etford

er26.Dec3.10aiyl17.2008 1 PUBUSH: November»r2e.Doc3,10and17,200e 2i PUBIUBUSH: December 10.17.24 and 31.:31.2006 PUBLISH: November is ilHBI

I I V/.; I V’

...... ______IWinFiKs, Idaho E2 Wednwdiy, Decemberr l711 ,2 0 0 e ______T I itki^cs-News ClassifiedsIs 733-0931 exL 2 — - c T T a i— j a ^ SU | d o I kl< u ~ ... 0 Puzzles by Pappocco c o m I RESTAURANT ______Ground Round now>w ' {MEDICAL I NrtngaFull-Tlma j & j N D H H p PUBUC Sarvar.Oayand 10 SEBVICEi S t .. EBenedicts iSSAQE 1 1 I 19 I [ 8 15 I • Evanlno poalftora. y Medical Center ------Apply In paraoo - Big profitoftts usually F s i l l l l y I 2128KJmbarlyRd. n big risks. ______TVrlnFalla 400 Beforeare you do ♦D irector ofI NursingNu (FT) J(PR N) : m - :■■■■ ♦LPN-LTC(P 2 8 ~ 1 4 | T rt (PT) M e d k a l Sfte Setter ♦Pharmacist (F -'rcT 7 » 5 ? rp Business«sa Bureau. ♦P hysk:al Ttierlie rap ist (FT) \ ^ 22 -I fliatinffrinn" ' Forfreeir« hfomalton ♦RN_Aculee C are (FT) L-j------I Alladvardsing . - about a ♦ R N -H o m o^Heant1(FT) H t /< sub/act foffw.' VENOINO SmU Bml- = n e u (or sale In Sun maiIA88AQE TRAINING l>*veslmei rwMpapar^ ^ fS sS fofa.co/np/eipiete listing ol our jobs and 4 _ _ _ 6 _ L 5 Valley. SSOOO. Can for mtInMol 108 hour wrt»»to#i ■ 3i'”' L 4 onpnxec/u/BspJMSoWs/f — —— standaidol mto209-738-2430 Swedish s« training- Trade Ccmmlsston.Ca application t oeaptanc*. waking toward 500- Washinglington. D.C. , www.8tt’.8(b»ns/K>v/tof.com 6j____ 7 9 | ^ _ _ _ Tha Tlmaa-Naws 650 h o irt m a ^ 205800 or0 cal Ihe rv(arv«9 Jfta righi'to to ^teyestni^^ therapist Iraftilng.. Ional Fraud 709 U ncoln Ave. ______k ' 6 •d/t obbnvlalt natton Center jJerome, . . . ID 83338 • 5 1 X)-876-7060 ------' daclna orproptriy'fy DRACO SIsta rs 2W09. Palholo- EQE ■ classify any ad.t i n v e s t m e n t Sgy 2/10/09 & Deep ------RKtlfHol copy via CORP Tissue Til 2/12/09. Oass- V Ww W w w r V ~ ------— nmM»ntiy(lax.*• c a s h for Qaeda of e •» s 12weeksk)ng.- •i a-maf, ale.) doas” , Trust. Mor^ages and call Ca 326-4870 for Info C L ASSIREDS S S Jfcsci ...... Twin Falla Institute i 1618 I rwr constitute flrutf2 " Real Estate Contacts. 1 • to raa d fw SUxWs ___ * aeeaplanea by Ihla™ Can today for a free. of < HoDstlo Studies iip a y sa ta>«ini. r; M u M nawspapar. Tha jxA.no ter «tf«v»ca S!r . . . ^ Magk: Valley = n EASY aitMniaar.noliha T»ne^Tb«duUMdt CallTirrTHl«,.Nows I I nawspapar unhaipyMMSthoM toplaotocayourBd HAVF''EYOU CHECKED Fill in the grid so thathat every row, every columamn, and “ “I S i 'LI INVESTMENT Of The SH(wnsyounolonosrneed 208>733-<33-0S3loxt2 n«rt rasponalUBty nr'or Yaarl Prime develop- iofqi*ick cash. 733^)931 A A A i UTTHEJOBS AT every 3x3 box contaiiitains the digits 1 throughh aS . ihaliuthlulconianl ment potential. S3 ▲▲▲▲A OUT it. There’s no m ath invol'solved. oimalraavaitlsar»'■ a a a s. 53 shores Y ST.IUKP::E'S MAGIC VAllEY? . That's all there is to[0 H TFCC water, vintage The grid h as num ber3ers, but nothing has'to adadd up to ——I 4400 sq. ft heme bor­ ^ Deckthe aBg dering cunent devel- . ercompeivosoloriesS I solve the puzzle wilh reas m edical We offer c anything else. You sc sasoninq I Us! opmertL Indudes clly |] Coma Grow With Us! halls with a H H an excellE:ellentl)enefilspod(age. and logic. Rnd the3 answai ers for todays puzzliale on ft rn's , lpn -b, nauNA's water & sewer, Come led taka a kwki $10,500 I page E-8. A CNA'a naaded S H n For 0 concomplete listing of open Maka a Dmstanca!ce! per ao e. 731-1002 Ibetterjob B n ------Pickuponapplicalioralion — ■' K K k J position!ions, or to complete on i.TF 1 0 7 f l W : 147 Main Ave. E.TF fa, la, la... )n ,p leo se visit ow w ebsite. i r a t i n n sand resumes to opplltatiro,! Pregnancy -; H i 'E d nICaUOa c s hhpdgPorwwasLnail°n.t BUY IT! — Arm; Roaaanna Alternatives " EOUCATIOr — SELL IT! I Mmbarly SSctwol d District MEDICAL River Ridd fl® WM'If.S/istlukesonline.org Prsgranr? W«rM? I jK issaalMaking a FuH-lma RacapUonlaKIISV {formerly Sunbridge) FrM Prtgnoncy Teais | EM | i |fcb - J . . Ml ttma.la.blingual t Data Entry parson . Conndtnuol VM - ■* Spanlah^atVEngllsh needed In busyr A TIMES- 208-734.74M [ ^ ' laachlngai I aaaiatant for physical »wrapy eUnk LPN/RN*12houru r N O C insurance O A A ' middla&r&hlghschool Looking kx posKtveS' NEWS i ” l o e , , :a W 8tudants.(ts. QuslMaa for atS)tude&worke»ilc Itefessioiial I banadb. Exp. in bUlng. codins CLASSIFIED 2 - 1 0 C N A s • .'ir? ”;' lUnlaraatiMtad coniaci & Insurance Held pre WILL , Services EmE m i M j i i e n t 208-423-4170 Must have good pK Fu1l-tlmeb32houn per week.k. PPart-time is S s s . K>8 Of visit pie tklls. typing sMD 20 hours .W e offer competitive[We pay & full- American FamilyFai insurance is Wring a n Bankuptcy & ^ ^ ^ S B S S ^ S wwwJdmklmbarty.edu 8. mulUtasMng.r FILL EVERY : DobtCountdlng PUiPUBLIC SERVICE (or an1 applkiatlon»t BaneBls ovalabla. time includei an excellent packjckage.Apply Agent In'In Training (AfTlpositkxi. MES8A0E la P« ck a t Please fax resume ti NEED ;in person or contact Beverly'Nipper. Nl| Base payi!ny Is $3000 per monlh with Freo Vi hr coraiilaton IZ___ ‘ 30 years oxiwiUnee Fodaral ^ 50% bonusesises and commissions o n new ComtMbtive Rals» Employmant ' ^ > G E business,s, UUnlimHed income potential. W« VB 0 d«bl lnt( RIVHRRIOG Information Is Iroo. ' f S I n BUY ITI CAREO:UJtAlULrrATIO710.«4Cl.S-lTJt A lTswillwcI woik under an established Ramofflbor. rw ono ' -— iioMr'^ OH-^iiArKijinUfifr mentorir atagent for 12-18monlhs con promlao you a | F = 5 = ^ SELL ITI staning their own business, bwikruptcy r«l»f fodoral Job. For frao C WifiifiMi i II ne:208-734^)64sj uTKterlfw ,, 640 Flkr Ave Wet. Twin FaDi Phone:: Inlormation about r i v a t o Maho Home Healthi i n i i ______Iv lease apply online at Imnk/uplcycocl*. i r t y A d t Hoaplcaisnow mny.n/ssca//.comm tr May, SudWMka A fodoral ioba. Call Caioor accepting resumes Click on OnlineOn Agency Applicatton. Browning lequlres fcraFul-8me 733-7180 DT*.M F orqur questions, please call Connoctloo.. ‘"•IC-payment RN Aaaiatant prkKlo Branch Director ■- ______(!(2Q8)S52-241t.______lENROLUylENT I 478-767-3000 tiiM\C lorMtlanta'iToVad a , . Micatlon. IHH&H offers paid School olPsrtof ming - MaJCfff*rcredlVdebIt premiums lor ■ •• ■. .'M S.-i; ',.'. • . cards.i I SALES Arts 9tartlf»9 now tor Is. and cash medical and dental, jon.6*.A9M3-12. ' ./••pafryI «“ccepted. •! contlnutng m m M n AroYout^^oo k ln g for a C a rte r C h a n g e ? Vocal. dmma.iUKl education and bonu Do Y ou wwai an t to m ake a d ttfe ra n ce ? choraography wp. ' - 733-00!0031 exL 2 programs plusr a S u n set Mecritemorial Park Is an attlllate o( Con for anrollmant DAIRY -nmaines-News COMPETmVE Sen/lcee CorporattonC International, artd mora Into Bl HortzonOrgartlc V SALARY. Come b Farmhaso^ngs - « m the largestje st provkJer ot tunemi and aOO-737-9100. I " 209; apartofacaring cem elerylery sen/lces in the world, W e currentlyntly have career opportunities G '^^SeSgg' P.0.B0X648 Klmbenberty Rd and Eastland, Twin Falla. ID 833CB303 IN-HOME DAY CARE For morere Inlormallon, check ou t our P ^ T r a W rJ iBaseflesearct) , .. corporateI websitewe at w w w 3 d -co rp .c o mI fcx(3)FTcNldrBn. WiWaalacn Stataa Bus lOyhaslmmedl- ^ ^ ^ Addittonaliral information on SC I's products 1*Akl&CPRCwtl(iad Call Ci 208-733-80031 eperilngslnouf T i aillO ft dewing depart- . a a wi"'' w I a nId d »services in available a t ICCF BCCBptad = I m a n tl 208-733-6712 HTNsposAkxi ^ ■ " = DRIVER knvoivai(ves conducting White oUier w w w.m om xom UTTLE OEMS r m an- VanayOfropa pM\ccIlc opinion poDs oompanlea t w o n ’t Equal'ual Opportunity Emptoyer toling 6 WBBks lo 6 hasanlmmadata Jvarhr h e taiephorw. are outtinfl backn l It yaors. ICCP. tw ragls- fptnlngtora pho?hcnaBase WE ARE HIRINGBNQI M A KKE YOU RICH 1 F ^ P r e p m tratton ta». 73M3B2 learct) offers: S800 alghlr>g bofiiJC.US. Bui look on ihe.brighi tide. Dallvary Orlvar, •piaxtbla INEWSPAPBPER ~ Young loving I jble evening. Exctfingwork grandma. snd weekend opportunity! I s us. r PAIOTTUININO Wll provMa acOvltlai. ^modvatadandablBto y I T J UJS T M IG EHLT Timnes-News mBBl*,& snacks. Any workundarlltda J j P ®bS12anh«f ’ GreatBonus/ aga. Coma to*gro«J- ,suparvWcn.COL * C<«lw«Bnt a ^ IncwliwPiogron K E E P Y O U FFROM BECOMINGG POOR. Hf(nagi(vallay.toH n i ma-sl*ou»a’ 8204227 „w/Hasnat and daan anvlrotii italltte ...... driving raoofd raq. •MontW)^ .S r v l e w e r ...... Singleigle Copy Coin Collector 1 1 4 .' , • anl W aonara lne*nVv< liNG! MIsceilanMus' ursemeement a Single Cop^ p y Cok) Collector. If you arei Insm nca. paid avallabi Appllcottom. sett me NEED A PIVOT • iable (of MILEAGE’iGE! ^ m otivated and able to work holldBys. vacation T o ^ y mwork Independenidently, then this position m ay b e9 Movad or and sick laava.W a >plyetopbyi»ur Musthaveownw. TWIN FALLS 1 3fflceate40 . vahida for y oxj. u .'You will be responsible for towad? ,ara a drug fraa work Maado« tewa Dr.8te*2 Contact Tarara aal t 735-3346 j collectionI oot t Tim es News coin In bu sin e ssIS Call 20»431-7n7 placa.Applyal inTwtn ..... »1 Wl win Falla or caU 408-522-3203203 a n d rack:k accountsa on dally a n d weekly1 L s i iat20^WM8611 i i EnSarMimeto>»to: t)asls.. aD the wtiile malntalntng a n d f n 'on your application Sea CIS* rspelrtng al* th e mcks a s n eed ed . & rOsumO at and SeivktiviM ondon'io Villay C »«pa Inc. awiiivMvoum vour hom. ' Thlsposiw>sltk)n requires se m e flexiUltty 1833 South UneolR rwairt.1.733^)931, t: ■atelllta.nel I th e posslbitty ol som e w eekendid a ;Jarom a, ID 83338. ,------irty morning hours In all w eatherr Appllcatlonamayba N ow ttt ’> - condltkm.m . You must be able to tltt u p to10 obtalnad by amailing t/m tte - C j ^ « a n d aboveo v e 50 pounds, have a dep en dI. - kjanaan* ehtdcoi v»llayepa330102 i 735:330,3.9.?...... o r p k k uup p i an applteatlon from 8-5 M-F•F 600-24()-1683 | pnwnt ...... ~y Istth* Times News T T V T V Y T BM / i WaakfySatdamatas 1132Fabfiekl$tW. CLASSIFIEDS im w MUayiVatathnPay TWin Falla, kla h o ' m m HaMilnsarmcf40m ime ^Iews Appltoi>»oat]on deadline la 1/2/OB. ; 2.4/7-^ ' It pay* to raad Iha ^ T ^N fina prinl! B J P Classified Ad ^ Call now for ThT he Times News is an CollThaTlmas-Naws '4739 Equa'quai Opportunity Empksyer. ; Placement toplaceyourad Jn a n M tnHim *...7;..7SS-9M1 Pre-emxnptoyment p Drug Testing a n d 208-733-0931 OXL 2 r a f W r available In youtu rarea. 6eedb.«.sn^kim.Hein-t.1w«>t<».,79M9o i Backgi;kground Check are required inagicvalley.com ‘AA AA A A A I k n « i V i IMn FaDs, hUho ______Tim es-N■Jews c^ C iassificds 733^C-093fcxt2" ''^ Mday, December 17,2006 E3

THEFAAOUfClIIa p C U S ByBUt i l K e a n e ^a■8B fi8S5BlI D a d saaj^dpgite r’s innterest COLORADO RIVEW ER ...... < ADVENTURE Fh ^ RV Paiks. U(etin X membersNp. $1000 (oo8.20#-320-2«ni: in girlss meansmosleeispovers a i M S S / 5s A H-ycar-oId ^ I AllowIlow me to sharc u bit ofr ’ i t e ' DEAR ABBY: M y 1 Y a l o t u o u d eK r I N \ Ja*A.v: doubter, •Mclissii," is is bisexual. icc: On die nighls when your: dear U S ; , I TVE SHOiA^R » ' ■ Most gtrls her ago have!resleepovers, band is socialteing, make ^ A — I b u t m y husband saysi ttl h a t o n y ^ Abby so mic e plansi wilh some of yourr ■ ^X^HRISTM ASnNIM E ..y4 SEU YOUR * Mcll^ likes shouldI bcI consid- TOifSBM w omncn en friends. Becausc you're HOUSEFAST' e re d th o sam e os a boyi>yfriend, s o it H ^ ^ D H Jeanne not gcttirtgget your treats at home, I Wa Buy Houses 1 / 3 I A-is«aHeumFiiLeorlecm Is n o l appropriate Torher hi to spend them d sc w h c rc. I 1-800-775-7793^93 ' th e nighi. PhllD ps Idi^ree.A^iirrienimd is nol the '------1 DEAIEAR ABBY: As th e years h av e I ’, same — molnly becauause Melissa brings part of of the meal homc.' passed,sed. m y brow n h a ir h a s slowlyi” : ^ n replaced by ihrcods of silver, R n d ' won't end up gettingng pregnant Then ho onnoulounces that die food been rc \ © JiWd V'.; oTlcr spending the ni^tni{ \vith a is'his"andlhalh a t I shouldn't cat any. Friendsnds and rdalives have teasedi ■ —^ ^I.WIiatdoi'oulhink'ik7 Abby, h i s■take-hom ‘tal e" will stay m e about ab it. 1 don't Ict ihelrr • orator for a day or so, rcniarklarks bother mc. bui certain,1 ,. | ™ p ^ L 8 _ — MOM Indiercfrigera « INST.PETERSESBURG.FLA. and I havelo lo see il every time I Individividuals do irrilaic me witli1 JBb d e a r MOM; If Melissa 1 is open the door,or. It oflen looks ddi- iheirreir rem arks. So I cam c u p w id i n» 'MB romonticallyattroctedtd to 0 particu- cious — not1 die ill kind of thing we comebicback to address ihcir com- I'U* your husbandid has a valid usually liavee forfi meals at homc. ments.nts. . . U kansw l Noshuishua point. However, h eis is m istokcn if D on will thenin catc it in front of me, It tdl d l ih c m w itli a sm llo th a t eac h1 ■: 1C th a t h e w on't sharc. ,o f my m y \vhite hairs represents a “... h e knotows all the w ordsI s t o ^ 9 ' Horn 1400'400f he dilnks ihat becauscise M d lssa is a n d it kilts m c l 6q.«.,8p(H floorJ»r bisexual she is altracte:ted to EVERY 1 have triedxl telling I my husband "seednd ofc wisdom" in my "field'' ofif I thet h so n g s.” ^ plan. BooutHul lort fem ale shc m etis. T hatint is n o m o re th a t he shoulddd sharc his food, but knowliiwlcdgc. I Invc seeing ihcirr • .. — scapod M, great U®" in jo d io n th e ld e a ih n:illl heleroscxu- it throws, hin-lim into a rage. He cxprcsiresslons when I say this, ■ ::.-'"S02’ . . . , S' food is his becausc it Perhaphaps dlls will help olhcr sen- S - town- 290 nier AvAve. al individuals arc sexuiiually attracted claims llie foo H anes For Sale HumesesFor:Saie w.it7incomecmoo 10 EVEny m em ber or f the ll opposite was port ofaa mealn he didn't finish iors.W5.\Vlial do you think. Abby? M ■' Eslalos. $37,900900 sex. Wlien ll cumes to0 friendshipsr-I a n d b r o u ^I l hohi m o to eat. — R.I.P.?. '• QOCQOODINOWENDELL tw in FALIALLS Call 208-2BO-19I1911 or most are platonic —• anda you and Id like your)ur opinion bccausc I IN MAINEE : New 3264 sq.(t, homo u a so ase option. . . 2084044103___I your husband shoddd keepI that in consider thisscmd.Who'srlglU? ci DEA)EAR R.I.P: Tlio decision lo0 . on21 dryocf0*,3(ull (2ioniorooortlos. .. ." ~ ~ ~ r — ■ I. ■ mind before decidingIg whether or -lAYNE colordr one's( hair — or not — is u q, (t.. S146W0. hVEHbELl!------n o l 10 allow your douguglitcr to par- IN MIAMI -pcrsor■sonol o n e . Som e p e o p le prefer•r 3Wm,.,2bath1.6: (umaco.^.carpoted s Sm , tlclpaiclnslcepovere. DEARIAYNIn^E: You an*, and I can tn lel naturei lake lls course wtiilcc ' sq.tL Iving spac thfoughout, Would ------sec how yuurur Ihusband's behavior otherslers would rather "curi up andd , Nev ELLS14B.000 On (ouftdalion.ion consMer smaller houso WENDELL Millow. Ills actions arc dyc“2" thantl show any gray. 1 rcspect:t or lorm ground on Closingg costso paU! 4 Ciiy k)t. DEAR ABBY: Myly husband, isliardloswal bai:trado. S2a0,000. bdrni.I,tw 11 baih, 125 33S6*AveWesl./est. ‘Donald," and I arcV roiircd. H e no t only scinstfish b u t also inlim idat- n ot only*c your rcfusal to bcIC ^ 20fr934»6370 3^AveV■oW. 30844n. HratFadaralBarBank attends social meeting:Igs aboul four Ing. People whowt won't sharc food "teaseased" into doing somclhing« (un 222 tim es a m onth, l-oodd Is serv ed a t a rc usuallyf selfish si about olher youdcJ don 't w a n t to do, b u l a lso d iaIt l ENDELL AakSSi!.?DaDdly . these mcctinfis, nndid h e usu a lly things as well.cil. y o uJ ddc o it \viih hum or. Forhuyorsisollors 4.6ACRJ: r e s Beotitilul or Eitsban Maitlivirtinail 5 0 0 11BlllBakar 326-6116 yard andind large maturo I WghDgrn thnr3~ “T ^ > g w ««jf« v»coi .2both.Qoidon rBooey?Th*dM»*WiJtM*”" IF DECEMBER 17 IS YOUR 1 h a vvc e fplarmcd on, bul not a goodd iwfthdomesuc « n twip y«i tt» » BIRTHDAY: A develoloping desire |g /V HOROSCOPEH 'I'ne.le 10 a ct o n a su d d e n wliim . ■4 bdtm, 2 bath, 1688 for indcpcraicncc cnnan cause mis- iCORPIO (Oci. 23-Nov. 21):): ------understandings in die1C year aliead. (S V Jeraldine JCi Saunden Encoucouraging family members tolo • I PUBUC SERVICE ll ^ You could be attractic tc d IO n e w ^ b u y itemsill that are on sde doesn'tI 'f MESSAGE “TW”'ssK’.«r' Jxc ■ ■ l b ideas, radical outlook;)ks and exotic ------:*------m iikeikc you a Scroogc. A sharp•p SoUIng Pmporty? electrlcol\ upgrades. R AiR F K E R H i l l places. Don't com plclietely abandon Follow someoileonc clse's commcnd- friendm d may point out ways to shave la mastor bdrm and me costs on ncccssllles. IXtck Don't pay ony (o«s ‘ lEALTORS th e tried and iruc, cspiipeciallyloved able example,pie. T h a t a n d a sbcth ^ so m e until It's sou. For §p both, boautllul me cash away for un emergency. Wtchea plant shelves. CallIII 643-43716 ones, beUveen Mayy and August sensewlllelljull you w h e n to tu rn on so m e i y- (ffto Irtomiatlon excottont ot neighbor* I ^ H \s-hen a desin.' lo sow3W some Vkild the dmrm aam n d w h e n lo d u c k fnr SACJACrrTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.c. about avokSng limo hood. $230,000 ^ o a ls is in the oir. Wimh a i y o u d e e m covcr. You would wc bc wise to act 21):): LookL as though you rcallyly shato and roal' 2362 oh Easlbrooke Rd. ^ niost important couklild b e c h an g - like Scroogee ww illl y o u r cash. m elan a n business. People prefer loto ostato scorns, IS Call 861«0622 I ^ ing, bul your most prccious p key CANCER1 ( ( lu n e 21-Iuly 22): dcolwo lw idisucccssful people, so It is . wriioto; ^ WIN FALLS o w relationships con be>e h o n o re d a t S hare a favcavorilc fontasy with timetie lo look your best. Mcel otherur Fodcfol Trade ^ f i 6 0 0 208-308-0703. OWN. EQUALIAL HOUSiNG I------— * the same timc. Next!Xt September someone yourou lovo a n d you wlU peoopic's p l expectations and theyjy Commission, ER W ia FINANCE. qPPOF'ORTUNITIES r v ; i-fiO lV ^ ■ and Ociober couldId b e c rilica l fe d like youu aa rc w alking on oir d l w illtl trytr lo live u p lo youis. Washlr>gton. O.C. 23i Multiple Homos. No aii nt)I) matuio KiraiaanCwfKiaii^ monlhs wlien a cliolclice you make day long. AI familyfa projcct related CAFCAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Ian. 19):>): ZOSSOorcoH tha bonks involvod. Col vightN* D Ihi* newtpaptr k frfi'.!?.*.?!'. could have far readtelling consc-. lo holiday plaplans or fcstiviiies may Slayly ccommitted lo the nth degree, Natlorvil Fraud ^(orappolnlmeni. tob)«to] to ir« Far Houv .-=■"= ^ quences. Kc sure in1 pget g u id a n ce becom c ihcc centerc« of attention. Ifyou^ou hav e prom ised to d o so m ee- - Informatkjn Cenior, TWIN ^ FALLS 3 bed- i«Mdimti«iii>- Classified c and experi- LEO (]ulyly 23-Aug.2 22): Ucm ain thing,ing, follow througli like a good>d . t-flOO-876-7060. toom. £f 2 both wlih ox- ‘•fl" '<>10 'advert*# 'any . from someone wise ma imuMn or Department c nced b e fn r e p u act.;i. imperviousi tou changes that you litde[lc soldier. People urill a d m irer e ' • ^ ■ ' tra Ml don or , (amily room. Appro*. 1 ^ nnatkm tatod on ClasslRod Sales“I®* ARIES (M arch 2121-AprU 19): cannoi conliinlroL Outside forces, youlU forfi being iruc to y il in a polite and consideratelie 20»491-e9tfl. ? Call20MeM663 ''■■■■■.Homes-es of a feather flock iilogcihcr and He willing lol (Sept. 23-Ocl. 22): monranncr. This doesn't mean thailal , IHAQERMAN | __ ww»piper«nl not ■■------■ _ build neslsw ith a sulluitab!cmatc.If LIBRA (S «mgy r a p t any b UHL 1 bdtm. 1 babaih, you aro looking for>r a soul male Beauty is □nlyonl skin deep^ bul die youlu should! rool yDursdf to theh c l . c h o o se one w h o sshares your depths of youitiur passions make you sameime spot or that you refuse Kilo o ^ lw oS; S37S + $300depo beliefs. glmvonlheoicoutsidc.Thlsis a favor- moveovc aside for others who arcirc ' ligi'^ Call 208-212-167 j SS? !_!!------GEMINI (May 221-)une 20): able lime toto tnjy something you sharijloring th e road. «? 100% ______• 4 bdrm, 3 bath, gas S L a JS ^ h BUHLWhyront?!' rwwtpapv aro finance & selorlor jpays Paik Place SubpuUlcans by admitting he'd hada d ' o( living space. xiuraty bati*. To homo In BuN.iw MO Today U W ednesd room (or RV parWno 2 Etramarilal alfairs. & shop. 4 bdnn. 3 m Landscai^w .eiloo th e 352nd day o f 20( I T o d aWIN v HISTORY S garago. $279,900. ten cal FiveFlv y e a rs ago: F orm er lUinoUuis bath. 2200 sq. IL sin- | jhona numbof a) ------■' H days left in th e yea ______I 216SS«nleraLano totocMr ov. G eorge Ryon w as in d ic te d on nr glo lovel homo. 3 car iFinancing Availablo «8-9777. Tha ✓ ^ c C S W l. « Today’s Hlghli^ttlnHistoiy: I <- Gov.i garaeo (0d5 sq. (t.). fjFlrat Federal Bank ? 5 ^ O n D c c 17, 1903,)3, W ilbur a n d cy o f cxicxduding Japanese- comiirruption charges. (Ryan Is serv-rv- (ormal dining room, 208.733-4222 ! froth th e West Coast. inlg g a i 6 l/2-ycar federal prisoro n O' coilnss. central | drad t* aOOK7- c r? P « p « ty“T ^ Orville Wright of Dayton,D Ohio, Americans fn A aktor S J micncc for racketeering.) 11ith o vacuum system conducted the Hrsirst su c ce ssfu l In 19S7,, liitiie United Slate's sue- senlc Ron Raamuaaan or ■ ' t. manned powercd-alrairplane fliglits, ccssfully test'cst-fiiwi Ihe Allas inter- BrilUrillsh government announce*]ed ihrouQhout house, StiawiMDallv I - . . F ^ i ^ r vaulted colings In { S l S i J . LANDLORDSIDS n e a r Kitty Hawk. N.CI.e., using their continentalilballblic b missile forthe thcfiic first reported ease of a pcrsoro n - Dvlng room. Iray | dyln(ying from die human form o f TWIN FALLS I A g i jw a t ggjlittlitt tional . experim ental c raft.ft. tlic Wrighl first lime. ceilings In master , Lynctte Fromme was madlad cow disease after a blocKod bdrm & (ormal dining For sato by owner. ------Hycr. In 1975, L Appro* 1600 sq. (I. r T r T T sentencedI irin Sacram ento, Calif., trannnsfuslon s from an infcctciled room, covored rear ft p tLEY Beautllul now "loaddoi O n th b dale: 3 bdrm. 2 bath, new j locSEgu llic (ront porches, cliy aKordable.310 6 propenlesioisio In 1777. Francecc rccognb.cd to life Inpriserison for her attempt on doneo nor. An attem p t to re-crca le Uu vrster & sower, open b= vinyVpalnt.base- President G erald R. Ford. W/right ri^ b ro th ers' first flight o n dieihc . , ment. Come* with jwatertronttots. our portfolio.lo. 33 A m erican independedcncc. ihelifeofPrc: (k»r plan. $310,000. f ? rds. wMKe. and manBgement plansplan to In l a m Soulh Amim erican patrio t In 1901.. nm e m b ers o f d ie Rcd lOOilDOd) anniversary failed (o takiike.' a0M3M0M_J ’ heavy duty W/0, DW, stovo. & te(rig. lews »^ih rouf (hoose from, Sim on Bolivar d ie dI inii C olom bia. Brigades kidnapped kic Brig. Gen. ff. off. ison recreatloa Loosing, monag r g c JEROME Fenced back yaid VUIlam ‘ Billy” la m es L Doz)ozier, the highest-rank- One Or year ago: l*resldenl Gcorgi wHhdognjn. tOM 204200 ment, rent toISl ov In Col- Wl BUILDER 8ELL-0FFII s.oom M itd iell w as c o niv v ic te d a t h is ing U 5 . Armjm y ofTiciai in so u th e rn W/. Bush,Bi addressing a Rotaty Ouilub Reduced $100,000 ------' www.^pcops.001 Now Is Iho time 10 In­ o m h is h o m c in Verona, miceling, cei tried to reassure an cdgi 330 Elm 8L TWINI FALLSF 1 acre tool court-martial of insnsubordlnation Europe, from igy vest in real esiatel By !tty. Catl Darla 208-368- WIndmidmBI Heights. * * * * * * * ****** * * for accusing seniorir mllilary ofll- Italy. (Do?ierie r w as rescued <12 days public u b l th a t th e cconom y is "prctti taking advantage ol o o d ’ d e sp ite d ie m ix o f a falliniing this economic down­ 5712or734-66«« STS.OW,000. Call 208- _r = •' ~] cials o f incom pclcm•nee and crimi- laler.) good turn, you cen buya — J 420-18•’a i e Doug ^ lial negligence; h e wwias su sp e n d ed In 1986, EEugene Hasenfus, the housousing market, a national credi!dil- new home Irom Key­ TWIN FALLS from active duty. American coconvicted by Nlcongue crxmrunch and sur^ng energy cosusts. stone Construction Free Home Search r - J u d nra.kurtiMBflMMacDn — ^ In 1933, in th e irinaugural NFL forhisparliirlinrunninggunstodic Iranran recchrcd ils flrst nudear fuc wtMn our sales prices . Free list oKoredosures . > Jm l ^ m m gfat' c.j.prop»cty Itball gom e, th e C ontras, wiwas pardoned, then fitimDm Russia, paving die way fofor aro lower than EVER ‘ xnt championship footb iL- aUcago Bears defeifeated the New rdeased. t htic c istartup of its rcaclor. Gov. loiIon BEFORE! Builder " " E*il Realty ' does not want to sit — • Many rentals,>.sluB, sli York G iants. 23-2121. at Wrigley Ten yeanlars ago: Thfs United S.Ct. C orzine signed a m e asu re m aka k -_ . on these homes wer TWIN FALLS Help the &k)cationstochc Stales Ilit IraIraq w ith a sccond wave inlg g New I Jersey die first slate Hto , economy. BUY- A w u , 'is?® Field. the winter. 3 homos , m o can holp Tian po ck et ba t- o f p uinishing n l airstrikes. aboliiw U sh th e de ath p c n d iy in m ooro r HOUSE. Flexlblo T '" ’ Inl939,theGemu ledM akeanotferl p, not tian 40 years. NBC announcciu d to own terms, Al y o u sell n u r ; S K 3 S»SMm m deship Admira] GrGraf Spec was Republicansins advanced the than Colby Idaho Lsgacy « ic n R.E208.2M-767$ ptloe ranges avail- property? > ■ ■ sc u ld ed by ils crewcw, ending the impeachmcinent case against thattial Jay l^no and Conan O'Brici able. Put 10%down& ClaC lM fiflede DECLO 3 bod W brid W ar II Battlelie of the Rhrer Pnaidcnl BILBiUCUntontolbcHouse wcrt/en planning to rcium to didle ir ; I get the first 6 mo. C anl home newly ror •08, : b'*SuJ3S’ PlalooffU tuguay. floor for a n fO(tig., hOOkupS.ui» Cal In 1944, the 208-736-6242 ■ J 641-666-63616261 an n o u n ce d it w as endingei its poli- Livingstonn shockcd fellow ued.led. Classifieds ! Every Day! |

emNefiStoW ifcwifM CoootiyUvtafil I n d ic tte ! YonrCoaiitrjPUctl Yo OtinnbisCaCotmtrrHome! ■ I 2321 G a ity L a n k i e r 0 North. Bohl SlParlurker Golch Road, Shoshone 4103Ncrtt1 120013 E a s t, Buhl 3 CaU Us Today M raoa • liorMyropcrtjr « V M rthtm • 4btdneatoa • AiiaabwdcDM • SBcdnoa • SUdb|aftaa,bini • i M n • lift» rlB |« « < r • Jbith • Eafyceaasltla 1766 Addison Ave.I 1 E . . i s m . 4«acm • IBMblalb • 35a«fa• C dM arlJooa boa* • M15«90tUM 733-0404 7: OfBce *308-30:(030 CeU •M iqs.lium • CritMctJoaa • HmM■iaJilBf . • CaaMaikJoot* 1432 E ait 4300 N m-3K» • R V'paridat H 3W-3IM Mt.3131 • RaraluMoMhWoa • CdMMtieM • ilty.com * • S M n w • ' • S a m Mt-aiM 'Email: rjrealty@rjrealt . I S h lh • I www.rJreBlty.com • M o ll $129,000______™______■ $39S199,900 : $259.000 . STMiquitftri >.000 • I • - ' > bid, ■dilnol . 7aim ,faun ■i “V $299,M TWln Fans, IcUho E4 Wednetdiy, December 17,21r,2008______T im cs-;s-Ncws Ciassificds 7.733-0931 ext. 2 I {2 I3 U is ” TT" “ “ ;602V ;;.;,i i A C ROSS IM F r .IM ondshcd IfiatiHIQgnQQl ^ iiiiiMjiM rf ; 1 Glances over ; 6 Hardwood r H o m e s " ' ' H i i trees ^ : = = J BUHL Nka 1 bdrrn^' KIMBE^^;RLY. TWIN FALLS35* 3 b( 21: ’ WHY RENTWHE>r 10 Butter squares stovo & lolrifl.. W/0 U f002go2bodfoom, baih.S700,12*(240 Bhjo YOU CAN BUYI i i i j 14 Bottom deck 2 1 J « S ^ 23 hookup, IDHA OK Sma:Sman yard. Lakos Cirdo. Mercy Housing Is 2 0 t 21 = = l S3dS.CaII73ft4S16. AflorTpn7pm 423-4377 206-734»303 nowaceopthg 15 Walking stride .Rl Y Kim* TWIN FALLS3 3 bdrm. b< 2 applcaltons 16 Not presenl for 2 ^ ^ ------I KIMBERU month + lor tho Magto Valey borty Mot R. Avail- Solf-HolpProgfam. roll call III”------3 bdim,.;m.. 2 bath, 2 car 2*. Homos oto 3 or 4 27 29 29 — ------}o, loncod. auto 17 Splitting device Wers, doo kon- Call 206-731-61-5900 ' bedrooms. 2 both : S M h' iJS . S S n to J 16 A ctress I . — with 2 ear garages. 31 P J J RV parlJng. 3 p^LLS 3 EQUAL HOUSING 9^ 3 bdrm. Payments based on Lbllobrigida sowces. stain- . u . 0,Borago. Income S425-S850 OPPORTUNITIES i^ o p p t! w s ot>d' No ctosing costs 19 Magnetic v h t i 4 ^ m p 3Z ” Al tea! osinic afver- wrt) Inck lijinfl in this nows- iqji 4 g d floors. No down paynwnt recording 6-t007 ^^■■46” 4^^rt paper fj subioct to Avail, Fe 20 Faints aT. I ” 4! a t Funded by USOA tho lair hoosmfl act gei.iesoieSO or 721-7763 TWIN FALLS 3 Oovdopmom 22 Up a tree ■ I I I I which makes It lie* ... 5 ^ ” 6212 gal 10 odvoniso any PAUL 33 b S ! ' * ”!; 24 Fruit drinks ' ' discrimination basod cl0se>'J0 26 Carl and Rob on roco. coior. rol- School. ! s 4 r a , ' ! 53 54 55 56 ! gioa sex, handcop, dep No smoUnQ/pots.i Rols.S800^do , CAUTOOAV 27 Get raspier familial status, or 131-376C3760 or 431-3941 M 6 ^ -886M 6 C 206-737‘U n 30 Took a load off sa” ” ® ® P ■ national orieln or an iniomion to mako SHOSHOtHONE 3 bdrm. 2 TWIN FALLS 3 31 If ali _ _ fails... eny such proloronco 0““’ on o" 2 » ocros. home 2H milosIios W. ol 32 Singer Tillis 6^ ’““jTH Je 65 66 ^ H 6 757 ImtatJonordiscriml- R « nor i« ront to own, T.F. 2140S Hwy Hv 30. WHO con holp YOU •OAnonth, S650,+ dop.No 34 Wistful nntton.-Familial SIO- SHOOAni ten. your rental? fo 08-870-6389 lng«ets. W/D, 69 tus includos childron ^OK '^kWiS Classifieds 39 Pseudonym undor tho ago ol 16 sHOSHOITTTTZ------place, big ' k Bviofl wilh poronis ot - j , hardwood Cani 41 Hairstyling 72 ?3 , " « « • 2W-43 product k,,.i “K m,. 1 boih S675 nr 208-280-009 733^1931 «2 64 Spicy slew 12 Drunkard “ I rnsUorod. s Lease/ — flm view. Qas llro- ihaso optton avail TWIN FALLS$ BBoaulilul ptoce, patk), W/D.D. 65 "Kiss Me 13 Winter racers FILER 1 bodfoom. 1 33 Falls Avo. E. nov» 'lownhouhouse. 3 wiretou intomet, ca-“• 67 Dern or Davies 21 O oze bath, S350 month. S975 sfi7' month. bdrm. 1.5 bath>ath. 2 car t,lo. utils paid, linen S300 deposit. Call 208-733-6307 jOB- garage, Somo d, 6 8 S ig n ag e light 23 Funny-car fuel L mo utilities and dishes suppliod. (eP008Ttlbun# U* " i i o T . 6 0 4 LEX dock, garago,30, otc. prl. pis wator indd 5475 4MS. U D fim ilifaedA iits. S «& i «863 Ash vato NE aroa!sa 5795 No TWIN PALLS Spa- ■ UnfimdihedAptt. UnfiitoBUKdApU. UnfomUiid K d i^ UnftmidiedAptt FILER Country rorttai. 2 3 bdrm,.rm.. 2 bath STOO + smoWng/potit 7:734.3110 clous 1 bdrm unit, ap-•p- a d P g t o Ii n d D q i l e i Doplq andPopfaX a n d D o p l a bdmi. 1 bath, stoiogo. S700 di ,, pbH20incS500 horses OK, S7S0 ♦ PloasoJso’eatfsrawfoy TW^ ,LS C lew Quiat 2 bdrm bsml ap-«P- QOODINQ bdrm,, 1 3 bdrm. 1 KIMBERLY 3 bodroo*oom TWIN FALLS 2 bed- deposit 209.731-8769 Proporty Pro{ Mgmt ™! pbhoat«20,5525 bath (fcjpteit, fenced jwly remod- 1 bath. S625 + 5400 54( room, 2 baih. 5575 In Falla 734-5861 & W j " '3 J » Close lo CSi 2 bdtmItm yafd. wator. sewer, hgtlS r ’ • ,\\ «•«>• 5500OO * 5500 deposit. Ne pels.>. CCol month * deposit. No wlaypropoftyman- 5 l 5 r * 0PP<». H20 Indd S55050 trash poid. toiwnt S . imokinQ/pots. 208.212-1676. pots or smoking. L l agotnanlcom dop. 208-639- New tarpot 3 bdrm, 2 ^ Call 208-308-1310 . '2 pays olocl. S475. 429 /inago, from 5425 TWIN FALLS 1 bo stovo, garogo, no ------L -S C « y 1 bath, appls. S850. 5* Avo. 208-724-4306 iolars mo., indds RUPERT toom opts. Ncm smoking, 308^206 TWINF/N FALLS 2 bdrm. 1 ''Y'!!!, 0 with W/D, studio utls.. appb, o(f TWIN FAU8 't\. No smoking/ Offn’ w n o w 0” Iv msg H no answor ot spaoo. water, TaWngopplteojlcattons for temodokrd. $425 HAZELTON Country . t ^ u s ^ doposH, 232 r-A v ts S495/ri».f dop. 22 ,. 19 QOODINQ 3 bdrm,lower, 2 & garbage. I 2 bdnn.tm homo. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, * Jm pets ok SO I apartmon'lents. W/D N,Call206-639.22T • 2 car garogo. S600 = both apt. No smoWng. ^ 0. No pots. $650 mo- ^WHY PAY RENTI hookups, ,foi rental assis. mo, S800 doposil ap- ™ ,u p, ----- I BUHL Movo-ki Spe^ Bilabto. Equal TWIN FALLS 2.3,4bdtm hom es& nl plus otilttos, $500 r5l-«S54NOWIdo- I tance avoilai Clm. Qpts. (rosh&ctoan ply, 208.260.1378 n ™1N FALLSLS C02y 3 dot, 550 gilt card at ^ Housing Opponut^ly.Op 1342 & 1334 Elm b * n „ 2 bait,lath. all op- time of movfrin,n. posit. Call 306-6804 — ^ $650-51100. No pots 50 dop. 059 Main . - 5300 deposll. Callatl208.639.7428. , ixkm. 1 bi JEROME 2 tMdroom. W/0.O. 1 all uiiiitios idd, E S f r s - p ' i S : Ibm hapts. tw in FALLS 2 bdrm ?- 678-7257 or 431-7267 = = — I for rei 349M Slfflo“br S575 * utlitles. S67&/n “ ^5*10?. h o u se . Ftex S22S doposil. 20t208-731-0920 ^ 3h I — - nm(••d an Economto $99 movoHt f X 2W-6394697 BL JEROME SUmuius? Call 208-73F-734-4001.S i i i S f ggjQ(x«»' o'' ^ P“ 208-280.2649 J T »pe«' teposlt. TWIN FALLS 3 bdtm, 2 N FALLS 2 bdtm. prica rangoi Move-ln Spoclall www.cjpropropa.eom call 208.639.4146. JEROME 3 bdrm. 1 kRcherChen appls, laun- aWo.PutlOS $50 gift card at tlmo Movodroom epanmoras _ C a r r / ^ I ____ TWIN FALLS Christ- bath mobllo homes, TWININ FALLS 3 A 4 xJrm .2talh. a CSI. 208-438-044848 Karla 324-0572 L i i — * TWIN FALLS 2 bdfiT>drn>. 1 m ss Spedall Oot Do- S525-S575. No pots, bdrm u , ft I bath, fenced boback- cembOf's tent (reo Jrm homes, 2 cat ‘ )0* + 5400 EDEN W rtof Move-in»in [ rulUPERT! bdrm 7ll TWINF. Long term, 324-8903 garagi jarage, and pay only $99 'or 212-1678 Spodal. No Deposit f e w O - babath. No smoking. 5525 2 or W/D January, Cal Snmto- or 788-2817 loncot3 ' — 1-2 bdtm. no pets. no pots. 5375 + AparttrE r - iancos. ga Apanments "iFB oui------noUng, S695 & up, twIN FALLSLS Sawtooih $275-5350 ------525250 dep 677-2362 Plus ' Mot itpiZ/staolrngtcom aiea, BostS t.In town. Call212-1678 S r S ' S a ' SX)dop. " 208.736.1600 902 14“ Avo East or 312-1607 Call To 208-73IJ0I0 ;ail 206-73^0473 MoUcwtous s 3 3 bdtm., 3 — ■ I S S i ------J l 208-734 ______TWIN FALLS Utgo. 3 bdrm., 2 both S900 car garago. FILER 1 bedroom, to- month+ S900 deposit jw in f .?■ No Moray j = I FawnbmsrookApU I TWINFALLS ctoan. 1 bdrm, WO 'IN FALLS 3 bdrm. 1 jSoo M (t, lt“ on o 1 level, frlfi. stove. DW. AC. M ov«4n fSuRUPERT Equal1 HousingHt I 2 bdtm. 2 bath duplox.dupl hookup, no smoking J20 Tolon 3 bdrm,, 2 ^ath.th.S750mo.^dep. ; |iS o ^1.404-3067 « No pots. S075 month, baih S l.lO a* SI.IOO 860 f Uova In now. Elderly. I Handl. Opportportunity | appls., washer/drsr/dryor or pots. $435 ♦ do- SO Morton Or. Now ■ Ctfl 208-326-402Z copped & DisaUod ^ •« deposit. llootiflMring. fcnced yard, TWIN FALL:,LLS Town ------:___ pay no money down « hookup, garage.e. (one posit 208-420-9460 Housing. Now jwiN FALL Plaaia call Brawloy callan208-731-316& 2 home for rent, re 1,897 FILER 2 bdrm, 1 bath,lath, andnorentunlll ILLS 1 bdm). block from CSI.M. 5!5545 or 208-490-0643 taking ap^icattons utchon Proporty Mgmt _____ sq,(i„2bed,lod, 2.5 bath, garago, foncod yard,■ord, Jan 1,2009. sppts,i no a month. 5500.0 . ddop. — - - ' Twin Falla 734-6861 TWINF(IN FALLS 3 bdrm. 1 Gated cnmmunity. a oppls. W/D hookup.kup. Brand now 3 bdrm,for lo t 2 bdrm smoking/pol/petS.S425. 208-421-2183 TWIN FALLS Loss — , than I year old. 3 brawlayproportyman. bath,ath, W/0. CW, S900,Boih-3:h-320-09l9 5600 ♦ S600 deposit.oslt- 2 bath. 2 car garage. apts. ^ No walling, http://al**liMlmgLcom i..— S n bdtm. 2 baih. gas agomant.com (oncoinced yard, storage ------■ . Avail now. Call 208-208- contra! heat/air,^ n t based on Call 208-1)8.736^M73 TWIN FALLS hod/shop, S625 n i. WENDELL, 3 3 Mtm 1 420-6116Of221-0644IS44 W/D Hookups.Income. HUD ------bdtm, 2 bath, uppupperl hoat/ccniiai AC. 5750 KIMBERLY Closo to *300 i ^ dep, 308-3376 S615;5 + « deposit, ______— playground. . subsldiiod. TWIN FALLkLLS 1 bdtm.. unitola4.pk}x.wx.wlih * deposit. Call 208- schools 2 bdrm, » 7 5 J l------i L No smoWng/ing/pets, 205 FILER Duplox 2 bdtm.*m . basketboJI couit, Quiet Ou neighborhood rango &• relrig.re Some vaulted eeillncjUings,! 420-9317 TWIN FALLS Spa- TWIN/IN FALLSI 3 bdtm. 2 6* Avo E,.539-1403, 53 1 ba!h. garago. appis.}pls. private foncod yards. Equal ' Housbg utils, Gosos hool. W/0 ctoan & quiet o o ir tti tw in FALLS Lg. clean clous 3 bdrm. 2 bath, bath,ath. 3 cat garogo. ,— ■ , 5600 + $600 deposit.« « . Can 206-324-6969. Opportunity, hookup. No pots. 5425 1* month (too w wove, garage. S600 greatreal (toor plan. Car- ' Jts- Tho Oaks SwMlUtnorVI S 4 dep-734.34-8611 2 yoar tease.e INo ’ “f"' ’K«m »^oWng, no pets, M v i Nice qukit area, somo Cul-do-sac 3 bdrm.. 2 liagoago Way, S1,100 ' S f ' 1911N.KonoodySt SIO i r s t ______bath appis, liioptaco. m10, o.« *51.100 dep, NO tolrlfl,. W/D“ n a S .. . .. Can 206-436.1380 r c . i ” S;? 7 Elmi I POts/smokir« [08-324-6372 Ciau>eodt, For peoplento' (Tigor Dr and ^ «i«i I S400/mo. ♦ $300 dep, oarage, S950 momh. smokmoWng/pots. ♦ 93, iBthAveE) [_a,20e.312.2SW f “ "S.J5; S 1 2 » K 2 0 < 0 « Tho Mgml, 733-0739 208-280-1176 2C or208-280.

F eatured A|I g e n t s ’’ B l l ^ M . 1 1 ! ✓ 0O pen H ousis e M a p 1 ^ ^ Fr eatured Hil e i h e s

AM ortgage C a l c u l a t o r

F eatured BiB u i l d e r s

rF eatured LiL e n d e r s mes-News i n f f lSS H i K i i BWMIa i i i i iHUT”;magitvalley.tom

... J...... ------I IWh FaDs, Idaho ______I'imcs-Ncwsws Classifieds 7,^3-093J31 ext. 2______Weditwday,ly, IDecember 17, 2008 E5 I ? ” 7 0 4 et F^axidFet ^^paiyr- "HPiiair j stiiiiilte- TWIN PALLS CiMn 1 s s = iPANIELS 2 FREE Blad( L a ^ VT y y T FREE puppies. Ii Blue bdrm duptox. no JEROMEMB out. spou — — I HORSE BOARDINQ10 AUSTRAUAN SHEP- CATS-■S.PLEASE H E L ^ Breezeway bam with Idt. 2 black oM mato, neulered a home. Puck b « phtiijmas by exc riding areas.IS. oidor pup. Great for 4. tia 1.$27S neutered, loves kkls.Jds. 208-678-0724 < mofitti.nm.r?th *1' I monmrrlmlh'frM iteo i„L,h n««a bladt 4 while wtth a J? !” •! 'M dby Kkig HID. Ful careire (amity, ranch or guide nrootlatperscnality.Poo T33-1841 or>r 420-79724 208-7334924 after 3 TWIN FALLS •“ Ev* avail. 206-366-2777 dog. Great Nood & 2. ^ G E R M A N MOVE-IN SPECIAL Call2CJl' S 208-639-4048 ' e s * ' 208-324-8< ENQUSH BUI3ULLOOQ FREE Great Pytoneo! r20^324^48’ aW-3Z«^ ■ 7 lines. Hdd until »,#»i r t< » a J .ir y w w 7 month dc SHEPHERDS $100 oft Of 20 h o r s e s h o ein g I.* CfHbtmas, 206-423- |»ip id d mate. st. Botnord cros! flfsl monlh reni I TRIMMINa Montana ?«???” SIOOO. Chooitiiiih» auk)fSrerhead'^' o< CUSTOMI . horse, stbdc 2 -horse rraW.SSM, cross «liiiiii-ni>.nim se rrmndatory. CoB W H O NE ^ 1st shots and de- nvtleiA af.s.y ’13^™ to go Call2C^G0-?^7i AfIordablo243 NEED frailer. 2 saddles.^ wormed. Ready lor _____ >-539-961S. _ y qiijD u F I brldeb, halters, tte 077. o r 2 0 6 ^ - 7 8 1 2 bdmi. 2 baih opts, J 2 § l S ” Christmos. Rhonda al CHIHIHUAHUAS Uundry hoodups. TWIN P, downs, ’85 4x4 Ford. SERVICVICE North of Gooding,ig 839-2406 ot 934-8677 puellebred. 2 females. ; 2 2 5 S ! i _ — GERMAN SHORT .eoraoow/sachapt. for ron SlOOeach. FISHTANK Itractors. light man- Advertisele Inli the No offer will be le- BOSTON TERRIERS < Christmas Cutles tc HAIR AKC reg.. Itter Two playgrounds. contrac all 206-944-4379. 125 galkjn I Rffiflssfloom utacturlcturing or waro- I Buslnesila ts l. I . fused. 208-368-6096.5. AKC reg. Great mark- on bnk. a l good homos’ Blad bom o a ^ . II you equipment li Call20B-795-2111 tMusir>ijsing. 4200' & senrlce Olr* = Ingst 6 weeks dd. r n rir nl Indudod. nnd while short-tal want one r t the bosl CKER SPANIEL S600 600, coat snd gokl one Eo-Oa-How Torm. 1- 1 _ 5700-.»•. Aval Jan. 1-. 73, « » ,, , n S4S0.206-312-1261 (C reg: male. 1 year Call 20643 ytlm? 733-8700 | " S , ' ° ' rS :| 431-9324 white lluify Wttens, 8 monlhs 4 M is yrs. B I BOXER female, whito, «“ ■ tralianShep- Call 208-6784121. ready to train. 208- Points, and more.l di l5ds*w5' Pf’EE Australl I TWINN FALLS Commer- ■ • '7J 0 Z 2 " '" - . KWS horses, hunt-1-,t'l. 1 Chihuahua, 1 year , 324-6082 or 308-0073 J bullding wllh shop ’ , r u u i , r , ,d | oW, SIOO each, 2$19s. ^ vety frlenay. e nw f r e e Lab cross f» TWIN FALLS NE r a t r i o **'0 '5.208461.1298 (j‘^ 9 QERMAN SHORT 4>ace. 2700 sq. ft. j j a u jV u « IU « ranch horses, R#p-Ip-l 208-366-1074 ^75. I ., good with kl< 3 bdim. 2 bath, fomily y^it,th 13'power roll up . 'a n i l C nim n r iH a o '' utatkjn outfit, I i d ^ l l ^ o'** 2 free kMkit- HAIR pupplos. AKC room. la;flo 2 car ^ I BOXER Purebred pups cOCKCKER SPANIEL fenced yard. or, 3060 s o f t wtlh o a i a U B 208-S39-6221 | d 1* teg. chompkm blood garogs, gas twot & i4’pov J 6 wooks. tails dod(od, mileIte puppy. AKC teg. 678-6843r«43l'81M or ‘®~- 1393 linos, parenu on site, — devrdaws removod. 1 12 shots.208-4234393 AC. $850 ♦ dep. 206- 'Off K K i f " - dairy catt^TTLE 200 ------Dowciaws tomovod 4 mole, and 3 fematos. FREE Australirallan Shep- cdbc i . k miv 734-7437 or 420-U26 i2v26V28-. Offlce 4 bath- s and 100 PONY ter Ctyiia FREE Lab mix,ix. 8 ehots. S250/olfor/ d calves Palomino Shetland.J. $300.208-410-3487 bStlMbSlj b ■ hetdBorder wns. 220 power, ra- rale soaved ^ »'«''• ack. 3 uade, 208-312-2416 TWIN FALLS Newer ?r 290-2862 Ready lor Christmas. 20^664-9391« lant heata swamp 643-4242or2i 50 BRUSSEL GRIFFON/ ^ relow. or206-312-2417 4-Plox.3bdrm,2ba9i, Gontio with kids, $850, w/dd- Adorable 4 funi coder In both. - - 7 00 3 206-731-5001 POOOLEA41N PIN ------1 ------1 erkkto.206-08-639-7039 208436-64133 GOLDEN- RETRIEVER-"' — puppies, adorable, ;------puppies, AKC tog. , H o t se e a i n d w -w t r a il e r gieal with idds. Up b .../I ,K FREE LaWPit BuD , Tan. one-horse. f r e e BoxerA.etAjiD cross, dujdIos to a L . Gdden gifts to lost a >IN FALLS ' Tfld date on shots 8 Weeks T f l W P . . . female. Iti Ilfeflmo.BeauliMpup- ■U l '• butrpsrpull. ^ old. S2S0,6434464 goodhome,3femalo 20&-<20-2BS3 „ — . Excellent coTKStlon.. "r**- pies, woll socialiiod, J R w to a 206-934-68102l------teady to join yout fom- TWIN FALLS Nice 5 f i “ m J c SIOOO . CAT-OESPERATELY S ^5S me ' only. Call FREE Pit Bul. Ity, First shols. dow- 3 . bdrm, 2 botft, TTS Call 206-329-0040 NEEDING A HOME garage. AC, waler.---- omics cst suites available ^ 0391. full grown, female.lalo. claws removed, pat­ lor my baautitul sweet io. enb on slle. Dad Is sewer Incl. S6S0 *------staniramng at S700 mo. P a u l StrUi v«olate Ub toagoodhome, cat named Pricnila. pmq 17 OFA hip corWiod. Wil SSOO dep. 1“ month h ------CallJall Jett 539-4907 Trim inl « S le , great Imlng*" and Pett She is 4 years ok), nui?SaAKo;« s I S how for Chrrelmas. off. Call 208-733-7818 •------wNb with 1 blue 4 1 p^o s. Ivory Lob. FREE Sheepad — ------— Wecanhan cross' 208436-6627 609. yourlilmS - Sa».p)ies gteen eye, would do , extremety Sheep Oog^ab cro: " ■ a r r * Both frea b boffi u te n b puS W 206431-1676 = ■ best with a mom wllh r»r:WstT»as, Champi- Omc BXDsitonce AUSTRAUAN no small children. „ ■nes only. Call brod. Female. 6 m on Uoodlinos with 208404-15' 3 QOLDEN RETRIEV- AptsAHousOT / T f .7£r4976 ' CATTLE DOGS led/ Red/ Loves lo be bnahed show . potential, 208404-i»-1547. medium. 35 lbs. btS' ERS AKC reg. Ready T i r o S h a r e s Uds 4 ,> ^ Various Locations _ £ _ i ; 3580976 Blue Heetors. 12 wk wk 4 pampered, wll be J2000. Mora into at Dcg, Doj mole. Call lor details - > old pups. AKC eg., reg.. leaving at the end ol www.fourpowsbe- «««* & young,yo short wormed. S250-5300. 734-4334. CfwcK Out IN FALLS Condo 3 T = r ; r r T TBudiskin. " 3 male & female. SIOO,100, December due to , lAreian Hlra Kemei sainea. nou Imi. 3 bath, garage. f n n dandbath.com ^ 2»73I«E3. out website JJ^ d I reg, OH, 2 wk d d pups, sameime hoalDi reasons, S - trained. The perf, ited community with V*" , ' ' or phono W*n?»/ « forever cimi>eental3.com | ^«l near the Broke to lead, lea $500/ a s above, but $250,SO, p|«aM call, 208-733- , ooodhotM ' dog to a fore^ jiy’on, (Behind Cost- offer. 20e-28(-280-3824 Call 208-733.0712. 0S68or421-160S . L J r3V0073 hotne, 206.731-609■6098 ovotywhoro, 733-0931 TWIN FALLS Sawtooth S<) 808-736-8234 ------(ocaBonll Pristine * sunlit bsmt ap t 2 6 1 0 M bdrm. 1 bath, over Cl 2000 sq. ft.. S630. 3 " ps t' o r a g e / M bdrm, 1 both. 2M0 ffaidionse W j M l sq. R.. S880. Possible i___II! 4 bdrm. 2500 sq ft. .vurMIN FALLSt 2000 s a S750. Prhfote on- warehouse ' wtth of- 4 H B 4 trance. Fenced yd f », 305 Hankins Rd. Partial utlls & appb pd .4-9268 or 421-2832 I M tee Must seel 404-3057. IN FALLS Endosed U l ^ i U TWIN FALLS m m u l i r e c tt o r y V slwaga building, Tho Falls AptsyPheas- y ^ kmg Abo largo antViewT^hc^ ■00 and 24x32 stor- U S Inaciallines4lew U scid assllteis repiBSflienudhnfirtiirlMw i ino«lil»niB S:731l U B 8 1 . e x L 2 )e building, ______Jl Rlckat212-7425. 'IN FALLS TWIN FALLS Vety )R LEASE 2700 sq, dean 2 bdmi, 2 bath. n,shopA«rajehouse W/0. no smoWng. no i S S k S a mi l S i p E S S950 per month, ____ pob. S600 mo. + dop, Va]tHess4lO-2S2S A -H U ID T "1 BmntTun Call 206-490-1980 DTTEIM I I BEICDKT ” 1 T.E.ElMtria I f== 5 T 1 - n m 't Tim amixiTcmiotlO E & 7 0 n riN FALLS Waro- t t — u u , •PtddleFUia r TWIN FALLS Very qui- ouse. $500 month.- HooeeCb CoM tnctlealne-ae- •ExhauKTni 1 UTie« Nowopsnfai>fal ForDatiDi et 2 bdtm. 1 batn, no pprox 1100 sq fl HoUdarQ *8p«4HotTtabe On, g. tamonl. K antto^iaiKiaVi CtU pets. SS2S * S300 aJiroom. offlce. stor- windowr“SS3 c2SSl» •iteniodals "IhawarbAoold 'I na.eiBBva, liongeaBlta.dti. XBTalbnm dep. 208-212-1676 “^eljge.206-731-091» CuttarOiQe«lag 2?!^ b•^HaotIiod4 4 landaoapa. (an a p*’**’#»CT466e I 110 duded.Nopets. -'flfiBllBiiSi'i ';• MTom 206-720*7601 : = ' HO DIECU X09419-1S4I — M agloV ann. Wood fE C O lB AN FALLS Room- E rn rte t ______= d . a u . n L I O IO R IL ute wanted. AD utill- L ow n nmcKuo ITOUOE ATM lEiiTriEH ul orBraall... •HoraanmOer, COlfTEinOIV es paid. Incl. W/O, & Ara TWI ready? able. S22S/mo. S w ie a p ra I do it eUl d - FbUtWori^nia, . tot-n:•ni-nta CaU«UlaClaB< flefrig, microwave, t m w 410 _MMM-891S_ utib. cable & Internet ------1 S«aedala.klld>«n4” IDtTwinndPafatt * X0»-73»-M10 pd. Weekly 4 mortNy. MlNcMaMtmiD HV] BoekTnMU4 I = tixpttivywpKbm. HeUMkl ^ 5 I aaCTgagtgCTv h o m e d i b i S t 731-2612 or36M 0#5 ra. W tndowWaiUng KOtitMM LaedaSS lalz Jftfl J *—— i f l l g f ff K i M j n n u n s s s i a r I P I I I Con«ITdMMtTC y«Btlal. eerperny-JJ, ■mBateOMaa nn■EIfT«l>>BUfDT>] iM iDalloB . to k k i ' CaUKlakartartai " TWIN FALLS Boutodft) M JU f b w n t e Microwave, refrlgeratar 13S-79MsofSta ,1 , a<38TiB«(iMri«o*. Wmmta, r n Weeldy/monthly rates. H M YoaaaBMit,w* ndMaModi Mora. nSITIICO mC«Sli Thalaipaeltaa C$pHUot9l HHHH • I JDVTIOB I ■Orr-R-DONB- "©Ml Pafailingft — ------]laM«MUl& w, 206-733-64S2. "ff ------; Cominatclri. ” «aa |w » i.a.*>wM tiwoc«a ^ . . ' 6 0 ? ; ■ IIVCnDN MigloTttvehsn * S I M 44068 M8M&H1T O ; ■ C a ip w H r y r Rodbig.lapatattjig ^UoanaadftlsaBwL ' ■■ . KC&6019 o n . a.Bamodalte0 . I Pateli Pro ' K TJM ti tcriseu LIHDM) f C A r n i o I C a n B in BUHL 2 bdmi. 1 bath. * ig. OM^tteioaa. . ‘5 S S . I X " CaUI0M»46M TOOl g, WaU Repair SS40 mo. S350 dep. P N a lta a . Exoapdondwalc ° OKWzr to»«t4-i4n Indudes water, sewer i a> 1 0 a 4M 4O 4I_ Bprinl 700 c2ss Sfisod, 1 WI-nMMIk J &truh.Nopeb. ____i I ■! DriTCwtyi a a SaUaUa* ______ym m m 206-731-6S64 . , J — 1 andlofurad. sea. Ower*Ya«r. j— n m i r oiO i o N6|obtoobigor TWIN FALLS 1 eM 2 f l . 4M a c r 10673 Uves& iKdk/i ? 5 K s a s r t«i«r. too Knall. bdrm.. W/0, storage, I J I m n M M * Selotleas ^Sin Kaaictantial, nic* A quiet paiV. No f ,. SJhSd? Pobitiy. ”1S^ ------, 1 •• Commaidal and pets. S3604380 & ^ r« 6 8 « 7 ------m s ? = ■ tO M II —I BUfT*BEE ^iuM I * OuteaESaotiM a- Ramodall. S37Sdep. 736-0436 L kiUMLl% Oddjoba. Tm Tw tm eS m L s SOTaanBcpaiiazjrtyca. |40446M «IM .mi ALF SALE lOMM uaiom ioaiuic TWIN FALU Skylane Magk: Mag Valey Club In modaUng. Jate»n S S tt FraaEettBMaa M J T l ------SBI time to put up 0 BuF SCE* 19000 nnmovaJotdabrio. CkmA- r a r a nr w a r a n n We dolt an-f men. I , ______^ I Christmas tree In your anytl mrcnOH Ist«lK*&t>iier »JlW TO O T f ~ cozy, dean. 1 bdrm, 1 '"asr* " «=«?» ^ £labaa tet-nM606 | ^ S43-6160 or 260-1646 ■ Ce a a tm p t BemodeliBg. SBEETMETU ban home. No W/0 643- R7i.Ptti«*. nichm.bai». __ I i m hookups, S360 rro, f = = iemlka, wiadows, deots, • OaaBB; S400 dep. Credit & CHK;h ic k e n COOP I S S J I ■towns. ridia0,ctook«int«ie .—I ea0ta0.a r t landlotd cheeks req. santSanta needscNckan RenaEdlEdttSoD^ Aaxtariortiiin. andoUb«oddjohi. w ■ ^ Call 733-4607, coop coc ter a ItHe gins ttm, Cm:oMtnctkn UomedAbtsimd■ •d ■ 1111.' I ■ ttnaand JOwelvtoto------1 M H M -W 4 8 BCOWOliT 6 0 7 ^ ira C a n m i* t c n w t baimmlBg. CalUrfealUpiU p d i - ux^Wotk. lOt-Ml-int19 M n a m m i \ . t » A t n ftaaEMlaaMlaiaa 206-324-8406 tlCMMiiiT ii— I •Look Snhhiae • _ O f f i c e a i ^ ' 3 deadiMond " inQ uniES,u« ' PTamalapalr.)dr, ' T W IN F I L U — i c n1W1666 a ------" '-1 tamwaCIalni an Commardal I P U N R O O M mREE Llamas, mated O M a tO!OMO»»MS| I- lPK D fO ffS7 SBHT s B Bm artColot JobatoUdteaU . '■ male maM and female. Abo P •Oaeoieallapalri n d l n u l l a t a OSfOtnCE luK^Coeel ' — - J3TD HO M EB .Minor F& b| I NEED OFHCE femalef m Emu, Can 316- |------~ x D i n s LCarttfiad iS & f to p SPACE? 5321 S32 aher 4:30pm, “ ® S S S J S S ISSborisUU Padlldaa.Cflnpt Ml 1 Contact W«R Hess — M ail |B gfl«i e o a e m y i2 i5 ( S S S « ttSadWUtr PdirtloboSw Own Stata Really LAMiAMB8 Grass led. ai ,.!T ^ W m a b i g 4 8 lc n a a . m-Out b«h»«ma, Utehm 20BmO-2525 natural. Cut and ftaba^ti^ ».Ui>M&44»!h u ------^------wrappedwrai lor you. Cal *P*«Pm UU phmMB9.wtfU•Dm, .M t o o d a n ^ I O H a 4 .1 1 M TWN FAUS 731-6606 731' or 034-8825 . JtarP*rprojecL noomoioefiiiff.Bff. nM44la*nM»6 ------r IWEDDlMO aBOP ead. , ,1^ = ^ . __ 734-4334 leave IMV m e ssa y . . U borHHoSlertiM < WoikOimtMd. — — — • n n I” **” ” tataftBdaOnaaaa ■tsodin- Rciwasm1^ o n n a g j o M z | ~ m a Chxito«Part7* Nice Offlc* or Retail ^lEWTTMJLS T o i S i SpacM. Locations tecUtaOa. tOI-n8*S2ll 2 2 . HawYaB-sflowna West Hot Shot I 0 8 .MJ U - M I S = Haaabpaln |_ ^ W adding Draea Sal* InTFiJerome. sb .J d tM le r. $5,499. Various StzM at Stadcf032365 ' ■ Sreat Prices. . ^ I souTB m T Moa-FlowarOiil 206324-3900 ■ uw I BHHODEiaf S 3 ' Sboaa-T^jlaoowra r A X ■ n J l . Long a. Hound tablaa TWIN FALLS Baawiila. BH B c r n o n i BrewaftwUtadtaiia WdowlMyott • | P ^ W I tlOSa^Mala OUR Sg, I«fc» W M llt i ofltdO . kltdiMicibiMti — -n mamiTttoat tO M 10-Q 911 A D Tu^ . ^ p m B ''Iw W androoflng. I- I ^ a R e a d Tl- I W E L D n ro S95 S. WashingtonJton street.. TIMES=S-NEWS “ JJiSSSf? f W I ^ j H i m i B IfoUsWaldtBg 10.195 equarelootwjtwarehouse. **■ aaToenEip. 1 L s s 460 sq u a re loot ofllce.te.Ztfucktevel CLAS!'SSIFIED P- . FdrpdaeaaBdltfta "■SS” Classifiei= i ® d s : nnd oaBioba. < 'shipping docks, 1 grounound level door. ncDAO S : s ! A p sratadtsjoar : Raaaoc ihleBataa. ARTMENT TUiTai.«nI M C a n ^ 2.08 acres, enckjseded compound,< DEPAR M 9I94«»CM1 Every DiD a v AnllabUS4]K>aB. 20- ceilings. $5500 morthjnm^3^yr lease. 208-73•7 3 4 5 5 ; [ I luty M iai9 I m.lW«WBe I [>

f f TWn FaDs, IdahoIio . J 6 WednettUy,Dec«nlwnber 17,2008______Trimcs-Ncws u Classific(cds 733-0931 ext. 2 THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME'IE- by Mlk* Arglcloii tnd Jifl Xnurek•k iii3 rsiaiia.li™ ieramUe these kMf Jumbles. I letter to each square. £ !! . arm lour ordinary word! 1 JAMRU88ELL ^PEMBROKE CORQI C^CA ■COLACO BANKS STEEL BUILDINGSi o s SLBQH BED aolkJ "fiACOUSTIC GUITAR 2 J212 S Pufobtod Chrislmas AjAKC reg., 5 months S25-S12!;i25 & brass Pactoty Deals.. CanCai wood, brand now. sifll Mim condllton. W V O L L Y I oki. female. $300 bells $10-$35.$1C Christ* ofoct.wyrw.sco-g(n-grp. In box. list $699, soU S175 0rb05t0t)er. |____1 208«54469 mas ai Disney C cookkj com. Source#n 717 N S249. 208-4204350, 2084204766 evoa f i S0-$100. lo ts o f 208-932-4583 32M 767 Of 308^)478. SHIH SH TWPOODLE ALTO SAXOPHONE I c waro $ 1 .^ 5 . 1 - Adorable, will bo sm, Jupiter, usod. tike ______i irn u I LAB Black. AKC rog. 2 ^ full. Shop (or- 1 tnalo.' 3 females, now. S600 or best of- f t y e m old. well slatted ’ready lor Chrtetmas. tmas. will bo Q e C t T O I l l C U C L I D I hunllng doo. points on 2 untn Christmas. for, 208.734-4687 or ____ ^ $250. Atso Shih T a. coll 208.3164259. ------f occasslon. S<00. |$300,208-4314760 " ^ 5S?- STEHEO EOUIPH! Call a08-2fl0-t063 FREOTANDW^O 1BANJO New, S145. I ^ u r n ^ 811.KY TERRIERS SlOoa.J . S o S r . ^, ♦ . amp.' ’ STOVE VflittnokJ WQ- NowConeonina i— " LAB puppies AKC rog. AKC rogistored. . - f - m vohiclo. 1. natural gas, goU 9 wools old. 1* shots, Accotdton $69. EE N I A M A 1 Looks Ike a Yorkshire, -6817 trim with aD piping. V dowclaws removed, NowComet,$120. ------weighs 6 to 11 I rA W Im S250.20M10.2849 Catl208-731-0392 r WHAT THE RAIN V;.’ nood a good homo. pounds. No shedding. TV 32* Trinltfo , C?OE5 WHEN IT Call320-1B2B. Vory good disposittons refriqeiQERATOR yoars old. hor(hardloy STOVE Wood Burning ] x i x m KEYBOARD Casio KeeP5 UP. -vr iS S u I o wt^to u«>d. $250. Cau^ 208.J watotford Erin, 90 LAB PupplosI ond wll fit Into Westlngf Ful slio with stand. [ " ^ eiackA3olden/lvory. tho family. z yearsIS s eid: $235! *20-970t.______OSA, dark groon S75. SNOOPI O Huniino parents on _JCall 208424.9361. catl208.208-7344843. TVS Big Scroon1 onamol, maxinum Call 208-7334570 — ^ Now arrange lha dtded lettersI *-■ ilioo. hoat output up to 45K . to form the surptlse answof.ias „ siio. shots. SILVER sit YQRKIE/Sllky refriqeiIQERATORS ' suggested by the above cartoon-, > - 034-8919 Of S39498C x 3-$400. BTU per hour, heal jKEYBOARDS I____ □t i i n i Terrlar crosa, 2 molo wt^tooo 6725 'Shiok], frent glass flto Roland Juno-0 iimiied puppios. $400. Call by side, door. boauUful cond, oditlon with sohwafo, A n s \ U B pups, AKC-fOflis^ 208-404-1340. 5 otj, $B5 torod. chocolalo and - i $850. FrIgklatrQ. 8 0 6 $1100.206-622.3037 $400. Cask) VW1630, iswerhpre:[ X X X ] • ■ . 4 yoars okl, . l i i t f I V i k f t m a m block. S250. TOY TC POODLE Pups, while. ^ with speakers, 232 (Answers lomofrow)W) condition. S250. n O t l U D t t Coll 20B.«26^071 AKC A reg. Taking do- good coi sounds, 130 fhyihms. . ^ ^ I Jumblos: SUITE 0DUCAT SLOUCH PQ-PBHT■*T Pposits, reserve yours 208-73.1'r31-8359 P b d Sj'- , . ■■■ iWcHons/'r;; S200.206.9344903 Yoslarjlardayls | The butcher;hor was lel go because he — __ LABRAOOOOLE8 |} EKonmoro — ______COULONTMT ■- c u r IT______^ cote, almond 4 HOT TUB Beach- Boi OnOAN Hammond ______CKCfoo.Chfislmos < H-100, beautiful, (ull • • pups! OfMy 2 loti Fals P 208404-4726 black,«*. wotks great, combor 570. jsod used ( o r ____I - ' 1 8 2 2 8 222-•:■.■; 2 .'•■ 824-.\'m ).208-490-1007 ono year. Sealslals 6-7 I------pedal. Moving, musl ; u r 7 0 5 SlOO. 21 mtedToBoy W ant^T*■to Bay Gmg&Riffa; I poopk). LEO m tiG s . ____ , 30ll.$500/ol(or. Want Coni.208-731-M39 ■ Call 20S420-28n ------— • i u sed)APPUANCES At buUi-in CD ^playWj pla pos and nvxlols. Now S6500. Wilt ' II GUN i I.HASA APSO pupT ' ORGAN Lowrey Jam- WANTiN-reD 1 I w a n t e T * FNP-40S&W.«^,_ ining prioo S8S (or S3SOO/otfor. Dood Of Dying I Tractors njni AKC rog, 4 temalos _ 286 <206)467-1712 boroo, plays 6 songs fu n rt^ . ammo.holslef. " ot>d 5 males, S350. ^ SSi wiihvIih warranties. 20S4S0-O268 wuicGottCans. I (opaif/salvi FUEL STORAGE Appiiar by its sol(. has ovoty rokjodkig <*os. Uko ■ www.sourt;oportsot- liianco ropatrs. .s m i ' Insirumom. Usod vory 208478-8236 | | Bob.208-67e TANK SOO gaUons Deliver Commltl9ttto ...... now. $600.731-2464 wcos.com/1hasastuds i ivety available. ------,J?SS ------■ little, tiko brand now; $300. Custom made catlSO 206-368-2253 ‘ Ii03-73M)114 co n ip u te]l e r s 208-436-2S88 WANTE^TED Ham Radio ; «9 » 3 - - ; - ' - GUNS Ml Qarand..J 30 gallon, ptay toy t ... oqulprjlpmont. tubes, vin- • • ^ " : ammo. $1200. - 6Kf tank and pump $125. WASHER 'A MINI DACHSHUNDS ti COMPUTERS ^Ward^uction iPIANO logo U C c U ' ' Norlnco 4 anunoio i ■ Boaiitllul. 1“ shots, 208-639-6670 Amana. Nico oak spinet with stereo RolufSshod Itllorintwrwi &S^ppraisa(s V -;- •• S700. 9mm Glock 19.' 19 dowormod. S200. tn roM,XPtomS? bench, $550. toss it m i e S " ^ 5 0 . Gorman L'iiigaigai. Buhl. Can omall pic- Call 208-736-7001 Jlmm^ ^ .22. $200. Can for (Off;do tures. 40S-»73-6396 a . (30 E ll, | « i i . 2 ^ i H n » ii o or PIANOS Uko VowT WANTE>4TED SCOOTER Oo Personal Proporty brand now. 208450436jl. , MINI DACHSHUNDS ;vaM TC!ro"'.; w a shepHER>DHV6B Appraisals- Losier Baby Grand. OldgId gas pumps or Ttaveler. bra Bom 1000.4 twys. 3- = Konmjnmoro.whHo, - F ireW O OU Q U , Auction Service Ellington upright by gBt a tistallon Items. candy applo appi r ^ , QUNS Ml Qaranemd. black/tan, 1-blad(Aan/ BiBALED CORN superrcapacity,$150. ca Baldwin and Ployer •op Top money pakJ. wolghl capaiapaclty » 0 ,903 Springtiokl Rortem dapplo. voiy good (STALKS, will delivor. J08-I08-539-9866 COAL, Lump fISr & 8 I_w ^!£lJ piano. For paniculars Tonymy 208-866-0274 lt». rango9 onOi a ful 270.8SAMaithlROT bU»dilno, doMlaws ( IER 4 DRYER « • B f ^ofl, ■ chargo up to ' tcmovod. Ilrsl shots, 206-S36-Z17Z. Maytag ------S S iiT>JTED i Snowmo- S900.208-41(U410-1384 ,rap guns. R o k iA lagNoptunosoi. TRUMPET Solman bilesJS from Iho tato toady 10 go, S350. 7;CORN STOCK Greatoat cond. $850. 208-423-5533.SS”" .Exerdse... 9^- goar.206-733.iqBC Just In timo (or Chilst- now, with caso, $95. 70's-oI's-oatly W s, run- , . 8 2 4 200 one 208424-124-2722 Iv. msg. CUT 4 SPLfTrr Firo-I ; F n tr f f im w i r New Moroll Piano nlng c mas. 731-1300 Ivmsg ton balos. a pickup ams&l “ "'■ ”'-"*1 Hoahh Master, $20. $99,208-731-0392 WANTE m condtton. Ovor FiREWOOD $150150 ,$85.Call206. TTVTVTT cow. JinTii 0«1- Call for d o ta C r 208-731- 63»«070 or 934-4760 Jlons. justabfe cornl 208-4364321 H C 206-308-4359. $500.21). 208-734-2257 orod. Cal 208- CLASSIFIEDS all 208420-9317 X. With oxtra HAY & STRAW wAfiHEFNERK..,^,o. EXERCISE EQUIP­ “™,S5fSl AvanaWo 50 " and DRYER FIREWOOD MENT Commercial 'I” w wNTED n TO BUY US ^ t^ W h ltoilto ^LlgtWing JANUARY GUff ii™ piim. Navol r~ 208416-2413 HchonAid. $60. $175 a cord.ltd. strangth. Froe weights ival Aviatton and 20 qoqo owovor r and un- AUCTION Call Tho TImos-Nows submi teaw m easage. g ^11208408-1169 |j£ Spilt & dolvotocotod ond machines. $2,100 bmarino son/lco, tadio! nts to placo your ad patch - J j i14 i or 732-8391. rwodi. 733-0931 206-829-5602. ^A - f t o ■ call 208.731-46^ i w o treadm ill alty focognlzod show p . .UCUU or208-324428■8284 Eijpiica, iiquidaitont NTED | | » ~ konnol. Puppios and K Baled Hay S8.e&t)ale. ' ' ------Up to 60% off. W m t^ B o y r Sibuylunkbattorios. I Looldng^rortbathai£! yourvg adults for pot E - - ' , . n FIREWOOD |u y moro thon I ^ 7 ^ Straw balos, S5.00. Qi , Magk! Vatkiy Mall WOf^0 tonndglft? — Of broodlng/stiow. B u y I t ! For Solo. inyone out thoro. I Senior horso food. q, Qf 208-734-4066 WebaveSMOKED-^^ Spocial rocosskin C p ll I t? wai delivor. WANTED I Chock us oul at I $16.99. Foundation PorkSlrloin-BecfltP- pticos. 208-43S-1860 324-2800 or 73J.431-4506 ■■'816 Antiques and aorsiato Batteries, I www.croam horse food. $14.99. estates. oWponory Fultylloonsedand I ^ iP .TTurkey. lU SUccd or whole n e a t ___X T«...« FIREWOOD Pino pictures, hotso lack. f I dacftahunds.com [ : T imnes-N e ew s Unspin.$i30/a turod to protect tho I f o■ rChristmas u parties cr gifts..;:; quills, loys. Indan lattotkisailihoway I AlS( Also soling dog food. Clai i s 'MSsife:v U so M exican p la tte rs o f .... MINI DACHSHUNDS > . and cowboy Itoms. tolhosrrtoliof. I Qucsac txng half, first shots. Southem S Idaho Feads 123-6337 — sa c o 's & p u lle d p o rk sliders.^^^ — — — COLLECTIBLES Glv#. magazines. call n it' 208-7334896. I ^ / ^ . i bom 10/26. chocolato. 347 a 8 Park Av# Was! ^ ! Call 208424-1721 i f j , :aU Pep 423-5318 208-7M^70 I Willn ffl)1 every >P“' P'DS a magical gIR tNs 12 EssUand Drhre I 2 boys, 1 gifl. or 206-5394721 8I 4 Mon-Fri I* 208-948-0473 Info, • JJ ; HAY Smm bales. S7 n 1 e e d . you pick up. $18$160 for See at 290 Rlor Avo MINI DACHSHUNDS Ipor bate. 1«. 2 - & 3- ^ „ four or more cord“ f * ' W. *14 or 7354386 cutting available. Calla l l T o d a v CallBradat purebred tnalos. ' 1183. COUCH 7W speckled S150 208-438.7007__ jQS-c 208-312-1183 58 Beau- crdmo. $75. Bunk^ I 208-870-6042 iT.S.C Hay Ratrtavlng . o HEARTH PADS a e x t 2 ,t(ui. Vrtji builti nonwural bed. luton $100. Fold-I- MINt SCHNAUZERS, 1 stackofwalghtgrass ) r v i s i t u s Stono. (« youfI f w "'0 pf*-" Chrislmas AKC roglsiofod (lamt- tr V $ 4 0 .734-2613 1/ talsod). 2 black; _ 208-2804839 oq I n l i n e a t malos, 8 wooks dd. viWANTED wwwj DEEP FREEZE Soars,>■ i r w j n ^ O ^ . - 40*x40*S219.( small. 2^2V3‘. SlOO. Roady tww or wllI Foederhav. I s e w SI77,t hoU until Christmas. Call ------'■ Cail 208-662.927 I « « ; QIW« S25 Paronts on slto. S3S0. - 208470-4194 I oach. 208478-6091 208.643-8003 or „ LOG DOQS I WINTER FEED for , I D0LLH0U8E BEO^ [everythingB IN THIS AD IS Bb Sowgosi 206408-0602 WOOD. Spilt. - * stock cows, 17S bakis m O H T ^ ored & staAod.^ B n « rrwitiross. boautl- MINIATURE . 208.S39-6837.7., SShano CK “ ^ fuL PoW 53^^ S1200. jO Will j. DACHSHUNDS AKC: rs T p S u '”” i ; ; WEWUCTHHOWEI “UHBIUBIEWBIfPgm"! rog. pl-bold color, alI 208412-1135 CHRISRISTVAS ■ 208-5394602® 934-8696 or 639-1143 shots. 3 males. S300. WREATHS ' 8 1 0 - 260-5252 ot 808-3360 • . • ELECTRICTRAINS I T C a - Lionel and MTN wUh - CiM taii'Klmi srss: Mo< Runiturc MINIATURE J,2M-^B.7109 \ Catpet accossofkis. 208434- PINSCHER/ l e i ■ 4613or206-420-1661 Tm CHIHUAHUA mix puppios. 3 boys ond ; . . . BEO. 1276 KINGUNQ PIL- f r e e Gravel pavo 3 gifts. Asking prlco ’TRUCK FOR HIRE ■■■■.U:.•.>•’.804 LOWTOP Mattrtattreaa 4 boso. you haul Also SlOOea. CaltOar^oilo, Ttactor trailer flatbM slopi on. landscaping rocks. 208-280-1986 Maxi. 65.000 b s hay M 2068 Stadkjm Bhrd. - load. 208408-2866 ■ 208-7364601 PEMBROKE WELSH BED<>tjeen Ortl CORQIS Jusi In lime E Gravel pavo (Of Chrtstmas S2S0. S B gK iIihillllB ii Tanns/Fasinre, baso ^ Its 208-431-9971 or S1S9.Call42Q.6 BM ■ iT iia|^ " ■A»isC' 208-431-0971 ■ ^» Stadium blvd. BEDROOM QI - 2068 S GROUP for details. 7384899 PUQS Pawn and black. ■ 208-7364601 Soaullful all w( " HORSE PASTURE — ' o ^ i o J LAMINATE FLOORING Cutrem shots and de-'■ availabk) QRANMINITE Counter lops P*®" nino at $30 sq. fl. dmwots. Brandrand now Romodolod tny rentals, wotmed. Matos $1000 208.318.2413 stanlni sen $899 bought too muchI Females $300. t S l S l a ^ . Call Lbt S2500 *011 Leave message. lh at 431-9449 or Cail 208-420-631 Catl 208-308-107S. . Shaneane ot S70-S330. BEDROOM SETSET 5 DC, —I 9W. Stil In OPEN CHRISTMAS lEMlEROARAGE a* P asto r^ '•; prem S899 sac- OAYt -• . tshavlvivlno a dlacontltk- $89S id sale, Assembted rifico $45Q 420-<,204350 11am4pm ------Montana Stoak House binot boxes wtth full DINING TABLE ___ * backsicks. wtthout doofs. counter heightght ■ with 6 PAINT BALL GUN Uke ! 'WANTED FanWPas- Nie Ihey last. Cosh chairs (brownin ta tapestry new. with accessories tute ground lor tra. carry. For moro in- ^adi w/leathcr:nor seals). 4 2000 painl bans, IPUQS Ront or loaso with (of„lormation A sUos. Bkch finish wlihwlihotack. $175.208-643-2323 : Porfoct Chtistmas putchaso option. ploaso pig contact $aoOfe((of. 420- ' gilt. Ready ChristmasJ Pfoff'romtetGarogo at PICKUP BED EVo- Purebred. 208-737-46S7 LOVE SEAT mamatching. TRAILER, dd, : 6woeksoU.S350. I high end qualitluality. llko $75. ! Very cute, gtoat with E A Y now $200 oja. a .' Wickor 208-7344613 kids. 208424-0039 r n M \ chrome bar' i POOL/AIR HOCKEY- j Of208-280-2413 U M I in S45ea.734-57t•S '” - _ TABLE, small. 4 BOX. like new. $100. SAM^YED puppios y o u r * AKC rogistored. $400. Of Twh. 0^1208-731-0002 J i n Now. In plastic. EfnaiHofpteiuros: SINK Kohkir butterfly 420-6350 »UnO*0«Minl»m«l.com n U — ______$40. OE buitt-ln oven. 206-6464879 SET $60. Electric stove. SCOTTISH TERRIERr 8 0 0 ™ilM E S -N E W S Foam. As $30.206.410-9396 Pupsi AKC teg, blacks, C L A S S IF IE D S . “ !iEwi bifndtes & wheaton. Si less controller and Males S5S0. Femalo 420-6350 $600. Paymeni plan :------several good games ^ DEIlEPARTMENT o a k t a b le induded. S30awfer, avail. 208-731-7769 Antique S35 ,S„. SHIH TZU pups. Ready 208-734-5538 mioodooiai 5 7 “ i I 208-7344614643 HHIIIIIIIPM bul wtl hold unlinti A Hours: Moivfil Ctvisimas. 1st shots.^ BIRTHDAY [jiwEWELRY Womens one tenlhh ounce i H j B l i H M N H l H 1st dowonr^lns, $200- h /% . S:00ajn.to6«0pj>cI K .’,. $300.208-32»4412, PH OTOS Kfugerand Pendant 14 carat goWlOki bezel W K U I U U ^ ^ StfM)Oun.toSdO^ & chain $295. Mens blue star sapphire sai ?5<5r;. JH Have you lorgonen J ' ring, yellov^ gold with 2 small diatrdiamonds, 9 to pick-up your 'V) FAST DELIVERY size 10 S150. Mens black star sapphiresai ■iW W fW f^MBl GUARANTEEOI M f m j f g i 1 binhday photos? rtng. yellow gold. 2 small diamond:}nds. size I Wo havo some 10 $150. W om ens yellow goJdI wewedding 8 7 8 - 5 10 0 i p i M I photos wo aro sure band, ^ar 35 diamonds size 7K S350.50. Worn. l & iL a& ffim 1 you doni w m u i ena engagem ent ring yeUow goW,|0k), m ar. ' to toss. Those can quis qul diamond center stone. 16 sidside dla- i Cfoss. Tmy. sweot. •, be pk:kod up at monds mo size SVt $295. Italiann CCameo u ‘ . I awosomo porsonaJl- ture Inc I bezel. & |||||I B ^ Fiirnit Tho Timos-Nows pendant pet or pin 14 carat gold b« ' ties. Shota. $150. ^ S o u t h C n d O v s iiQfid f q Shopping Centerer • Burley E B S | ^ I 208-3124623 Ctasalfled Dopt. chain chl $295.206-735.8116 s I I I r T«iFilli,liUho______'rim c s -N cCWS u CIIassiHctls 733-0'OM I ex t. 2______Wednesdiaday, Decembef 17. 2008 E7 r-'-.-r-.pOfJ 0 6 ' - - - : ...... -1 0 0 2 ^ ...... , a o o e - : W ednesday, Dcc. 17,2001008 Mo]tprcycles ‘^m yV i eU du AutbPai^Aiit^ l ^ c k s : . RCMlNarONVrR223 suzuJZUKI *96 Ininxlor YAMAHA '0 m s; r-A m es^es- CHEVY -01 S ilv^do 'S600 or best onor. KOQ1400. looks rough. VIpor -00 700 Mountain — — ------—— ton. ext, cob. 75K THE ACESS ON BRIDGEy i l i Bobby Wolff k:irit206-636-2117 funsuns groai. must soil, stods w/lotslots of exUas, TIRES P26S/70RI OOOd ’Shopo. ; M>avo mesaapo. Si>1600.208-312-6612 60 greol cond.nd,S3000oa. Wild Country XTX XT: llko new. S12.500/ ------Polaris -01•01 XCH120. W»h 40% tread, sot»0^^ c ol(Qt.208-368-1603 s i w : Model 27-2. 6 WAN! shape, kkis 4. S75. 208-961-18& " H a v e I n o t tzJoUceci lyithoiit ith o n NORTH ill 17 A qarrol. $400. Also .45 Ho 100. Call 208- or 326-5398. A Q 8 6 ool. Modd 25-2, 6.5 K Exc n ? « 2 n .2 or 731-8612 .^ ^ g g 5^, u p w a r d look ijairoi.seoo. ____ :2c£ t^ ^ 1 3 O f caution wider stars•s...?".. ¥ J743 Troy20a.»4«.6430 ^ i'03MounlBln Amp FF Club tim ♦ AKQ2 AMAHA '00 YZ250 — lioiRobert Frost * biko, »™ plpo. flh !* “ 388 milos, whh Tourovo LS tiro! 4^ 6 3 8*K0:T1KKA T3 ZOM ‘•'f' iffor. Yamaha S1400 or best oRor. oRo Black synlholte stock, runs "i™ .awosomo, In- SWOtoflof fe,u,o CHEVY-06 Crew 2S00_ :ld ofo boots. Iwlmoi. “ M°unountain Max Coll or toxi for pictur EAST l9ow, still In tho box. mUos, S2500/ of wheeb. 4x4, Dummax dkisei, WEST yS0;20»B3^0747 poddlo Iko custom w/ISOO mU' J doth bonch seat, oltoy laaor# racing ong, oHof. (2)PiI) Polaris indy 208-368-4722 In todfiy's deal wheihen dummy 4^ Jio 7'2 2 ♦ 9 ■------whools, 525,999, ay wish you VAK9 8 2 : V Q 10 6 0 , WANTED TO BUY SlBSOAjKcf SlU 786-6831 Tours. Tou MOOO T in e s Sol ol Toyot;jy“ o Stock# 6F124279C comes down, you may | 250cgborrlHo. ^ were in seven spades,!S. until you ♦ J 4 ♦ 10 9 8 5 AMAHA '01 YZ2S0 DartMt” ' .t 1, 'H f**"* ~oma. f o t>l,EVRDUET] L /« .r ‘‘Runnor or Tocorw realize lhal that contnI t r a c t would * 9 8 ♦ J1074 ; 2 0 » 4 2 3 ^ 3 7 - Qtoai condition. k>ts .placo, attve dtl o«oit. s 2S0/b((of. 208-96'1-961- I I of extras, low houis. S3000/btfor need both black suitss tto behave, , WtliCaESTER SupOf runs moN W sell ii,s6 Of 326-63986 ^ SOUTH runs gtoai; Must Sell, as pkg S9,000/olfof.S9.C • Plan the play to makee ssbc spades X 2i>3K* camouflono. $22(S2200.208-308-6S34' . 208-64:-643-4368 1 0 0 4 208-7334033 A A1^343 oxcsllent eondiilon, after rufiing the heart lead.le ¥ — S750;208-31S^7M >AMr ddo- cab. 4x4,PW, PL.air. ■AMAHA-07 Y2 450F YAMAHA'B' “ Ttlpto toils. 206-678-8271571 CD, chrome whools. have no entry back to0 hand1 with- The biddinging: Excollont cond. Musi ^00 Xounioln Moui Max ------518,645. SlockI out forcing yourself age.gain. So you g „ oble.S2500. CHEVY'70 Novo West North East S c ' Sfsdl. S4500/oHer. Coll snowmobi 72101787 can’t afford to play twowo rounds ot , p, 315-0,^ to .p n ,. -324-0069 Partially restored, P ass 2 ♦ Pafis incoln, Jerome 55000 or best otIor.in^'r. f'O ’ DHp/RQLE^l trumps to test whetherier they split 3 * Pass p, ; 3 A Pass .Taxidermy 1692 1 ub. If they do 4 ^ Pi Hazalton 82»-64eo j e y M ^ r s before rufling your club Pass 3 4 Puss B o a & ^ GMC 7 9 % ton Slcr 208-7334033 not break, you have lost los your en- g ♦ All Al pass A ccessories. 9 0 7 ' _ Ciosslc 4WD, 6! tries back to hand. mint CHEVY 76 Scottsdale I rG^fil^es- T ra v ti3*RaBers seS; S Therefore, the best3st line is to Oi:»ningleailead: Heart king " LUNI.UNO '02 17' Jon boai 324- Ciosslc truck. RUPERT t)2 >4. Runs gtoai. Liftod. big ruff the opening leadad, cash the . •02 Yamaha BOhp lac- wESTPORIDRT AVION r - i ^ r i»os, 51450, Thursday ovonir>g 5- lory lot. tfoilor. 36 .97 5- whool, 36'. 3 MILITARY JEEP '• club ace, play a spap a d e to th e BIDVDW ITH T H E A C ^ gpm.'. Lnsi ono was houhours, uolHng moiof. ji;,jo ou„ I toa- 208-320-0264 KJls, cxc cond. Noods rosiorcd, tc queen and then a cluclub to your 1M7-H canceled. Broadhoad dop i53or308-1140 sonabio otfof or undo,unc CHEVY '96 1500, 4x4. Wood Shop. WinS S s / S ; „ _ Sotious inquiticss only,or^ oxt cab. toadod. short king. Now play a thirdrtl club, ruff- south holdsjlds: 602 & 300 N. 208-306-8341 9 9< 0 8 ^ 208.731-2193>3 box. 5 spood. many ing low in dummy unlessun West A Q 8 6 (North Sld# of rtver) 3CEAN KAYAK UtflitV' = 1 extras! S6500. ruffs high rirsL If he dotdoes, you can ¥ J 7 4 3 So«CbM.I.«wH Sit Sl on top. S425 ot = Call 208-539-1419 \vin his retum, draw’ trumps,tr and ♦ AKQ2 besi oRer whh oxiras. CAROO T! aS(’S«rvk»Orj»eleo'lo bos ofo« CHEVY -96 SUvetado. e doesn’t ruff asiW.Vflulnyoixhom* ____208-420-5766: Wolls Cc cash your clubs. If he c ♦ 63 •tWD. 6,5 diosol. mot- r«ptif«. 733-0931. ^ERI in,you trum p in dummymy, draw two _ . . . „ llko now. CASHTODAYIkY! al loctory flat bod. 5 West North East more rounds of spadesles, nnd piny " '& K cover,c o M iioorgloss. i b S m i2 s” ™ «nnj'> *W20-4228 ”'" Buying on yoats,U9, Spood, noods dutch, I ¥ 1 A Itvoitvo wels. 2Shp with ____2 0 8 ^ ------mokos nnd modoii3dois S2500. or trade for off your clubs, giving; upii a trump ^ oloctjk:oio( ttolng motor. CHARMAClAC TRAILER 1-600-574-1248.46. livosiock. 208426- at th e end. fish nrxior S2300. Abo 16'. cnd(ndoscd. good L-^^—------' 8605 or 659-8605 'Is'' Had you been ina theI grand 15Iip Oamo Pishor condition,on. S3500 or 1 0 0 5 :R: It is very tempting to short shaft moior. bost oner. slam, you could havee affordedi lo ^SW E«. StSOO.s tf 206-431-8763 ------S e m l s A ni d ^ lo four hearts, but a mo- cash two trumps firstrst since you Heavy faplpm a reflection will suggest need the trump breaklalttoliavea , CHEVY ■98 Silverado rting with a cue-bid is wis- C a n q i r a A n d FONTANE '81 3 a chance. But you muststaiw nysre- , S l ; Extended Cab. PW. TRAIL Tfailer. drop dock. 45'. 6( u bid four hearts and liie PL. CO, Rock Bottom member to play the contractcc you 9 0 0 16', heavy duty, rubber. SO.OOOgv nd bids four spades, your Pricol $6995. are actually m. » 6 . ta i^ wim S14.500. -99 CA 206424-0069 partner willwil not know if you have ,“ " 9 0 1 rP^^USEDSHE = i lTs ^ r^* *,52995. ^ S2 580SL 4x4 cnb. ^ r Q«olity--Low PrkMs-l Harm» sAuto A S a le s [end a hoo, AC.' 6iM n 261 IS LIncota Jerome K«r drloU) si lMi«y WUITi «utoU«u«r»ptiy,TiioLot«c sh ap e oor r 1high cards, and may " " A T V s r Seloctlon. 208-829-829-6000 526,250. JD 41 S m a U e y / g ^ s WiiUI.‘‘ront«'tluvlM7iK'aiilmnm Myc«»«*ll*elc. tl m iS ju d g;e C what\ to do. So start by' r r r z ------2WD, fresh eng, c naitni IklJiy WoUl, ^nuil liiln nt li I 20e:312-T526_|| sliowinga,; a good hand with hearts, •" ^ now tiros, now pain ^PE^gnBb iiiLEER 35'goojoosenecK.K)w bockois S16i^soo' 9 ItnpTfkail 3»0t,l!tiitnlFri4urriiir.s,,«.i... tlientakellMit from there. Cfowne' ^.1?''',® S350/of(of. S w it ■ySt8.M4M.e35^357°' ' 206-308-2229 S7500.2( 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 6 1 00 6 1 0 0 6 “ r r n c h e v y •96 Silverado SHELLS Dodge TRAILERW•RWORKS '06 “ . I Extended cab, 4x4, •Rucks '•-■TT t n d c s m d.d c e s T m d ( s Dakota. Sovoroi; Quod 5 x 7 tintilt bed. romps. ^ ' l l CD. Runs, but needs - cobs, crow cnbs. tog- Used onco. one Eko now. - f f j ^ l now engine. S4656. , » § 5 u B 5 f n 5 i E ? o ^ ^ Cfl for cyde, con. F ^ ^ C ^ o w J l ular cobs. ’87-'08, Sol Q'oal (or b B £ I 208-324-0069 » n quicli/of best o«of. mower.'■S600. S) U V V H^ i p ^ 1 2811SUncoln.Jerome ' '■ 2S.S5L-T4 55 8-320-0264 FORD'92F-450 Wil yitw condition, only 208, mitos. S^490(Vo^r. °Owd^4x4^^T, 8 H h 2 0 M 3 » «ie09 0 9 643-8080 Exc, cond. 'MBttH206-S36-1900 go)COACHMAN ‘99 37' — J5‘ V-Noso AWO PR^Q^^TVNER1 '96 yoar/SOK Powertrain n B diesel.dk Low mitoago, N 'w K ' iort.S8.999. FL60. 1 4 'nalbed,od, Na- I DODQE'01 Ram 2500 warranty, Cummins. Gas engine g MC '87 M ion pickup,Ip- oxceDoni condiiton. model Quod Cob, Cummins auto, povrof WAJM, FORD t bed. Qreat short box, runs good.Id. lots of extras. 208- » w wx k / 066620 R ^ e r cond.'^See in lot 18424-3900 (knuckle boom), boc turbo diesd, AT, 62K ciulso. Slock Exionco w t in Burtey, $4500/oHet. 423-605642 or 420-6443 ,2P9S od gos- mHos. 20" wheels, «7QB50165DCP sMo.», AT. 4X4. CD. S2000.435-825-827-6745 208-420-4390 .. WELLS C/ iWof all ToyoTkes, S17.950. 525,999, 59495,195, SIERRA8)E ■se Rnh n ^ roo GMC'69S15Plckup> wheel,wt 1 4 'power sIkJo $2,999,81?s 'S S S ^ J is 1-2043 208-324-0069 208424-0069 — 28118 Uncoln^«m. :S Unedn, Jerotne Runs greotl 001. 17'-19' owning. jq a -184244900 GRAIN BOX 16' « ■ Goodwotkinjckl S7000. Call 206-736- mmm •tSjScK^xJf^'Su- « onddsiiogo sil SmalleyJJ^Sre Call 208-733-6776 Smaiu ailey A ^ d n S950firm, 6400or20$-731-6030 m j / M S3.500, •Mneor. 650CC, 4 ------FORD •96 F-1 S walof cootod , goe . . ■yim 206-731-2616,116;____ • ' OHV. rww, unused. & Snnw Vdifcles ■ ■ REEFER ho jSa00.29»6M7 ^ windows, door, shoflbed.S7Sipd. PW/PL |M ) miles. B ^ ^ H a n S H I ^ — ^ — ■ I •Uygnowmobllttokl•» B B HoOy pl«;mbod. 208-3244( shower ston, S3 . S7950. '^tntdngfor km onty2 dayM,Th» FORD'?D 'O f F-350 ext 28118 Uncdn, 736-a400or731-63 1 ^ 0 ^ DODGE'OIRom 144069 71tm»-N»w9 . 3500 wam winch & DODGE'07Raml600 “ »• «ln, Jerom e aa$9inmi»l$ M-r custom bumper, Reg cab. 4x4, 4.7L *'®'“L 3 & ..K s^iWilS ' 4 CONNECT 4x4 wtih utility bod, VB. tow pkg, aloy P««>'wer, 120K milos. ------ine U] I V-10, 5 spd, ful maculaie S10.900. PORD '95 F-li “r s s » :low . WITH wheels. S14.976, — spd. PS, ctoan. ona OOO Stodi# 7J540540 208-2a-293-6587 AT, Eddie Ba Classlfi«I...ltwoika1 ... , , ‘ CUSTOMEHJ .. tton. v« 7 deiF-150. 4*4. mmot, very tow ) Bauor Edi- rniies. 53900. Coll us today at: V . VWO NEECEED Nghway use only I CHEVRDLCTl ira set ol tiros. 733-0931 ext. 2 ^ S6000.293-5587. ' 20845»Cdean & ex- 208-293-6587 v i a t l o n y o u r P ites. S5900, '■ ■ ------; ^ T V s 584307 w.. - -.Arm ^ SERVICE DODGE ‘02 Dakota 208-733-3033 NOTICE Adv.ni.lidh.i the Quad Cab. 4X4, SLT. 1 DODGE'07Ram1500 «rvlce tow mitos, woll moin- H g i . R aassiried B u sltm a & Servl XLT Ouad Cab 4x4. . FORD*ID -04 F-250 V tained. soft tomeou Wvartlsera birteloty Hemi. tonneau oover extenttended cab, 4WD, e ,| cab Pow 738-0931 e x t a cover. V6. tow pkg, rsel.S9991.Slodcl ^ ^ 5^F-250 XLT, :2h^usout9 ALUMA^ TRAILER 2 L i L J ono ownor, S12.500 tod.2.100miS29M 0 diesel . 2-placa snowmobile pieoso 8UII am tlls new 578138131A S7900’. Powerstroko isocheckyour • or best onor. ied. traitor, dflve on/ol(. 324-6647 or 308-0964 208-924-01 tor accuracy the * 208-734 ■6334 BM G M cS S o W irCD. won^ rust. e«lyl left. wm■CDDt^AUTf 26118 Uncoln, eflca^step^^ "fSIsidayllfuns. <1 ...TlUCkS® _____ DODGE '04 R1500 lock H a im tA u lo S d e a The TimTlmes-News w i l ------'== — , Quad Cab, long box, 208-736-2480 Snullcyi^»soln. i n ,^Jerom o m e e P’'8- o'*'*- CC jp p l j 20» e 2»6000 only^ bebo fosponslbk) I All TRUCKSKS oxc. conditton, dork i i S S E ^ ‘09, yelow, ■ «XZ527541D ARCTIC CAT -oe M7 *"8or any errors WANTEDII3!I groon, 38K mitos, J O S i o r . S14.000. ■ mod on the fltst SeB your vehictoictofor i 520,000.358^)442 DODGE'07 Ram 1500. | H E § € 5 2 - »t 228 Blue *«;162.1700 miles, good fopone( 20K rnOes. tocal trade. 4X4. VB, AC, '8 tual miltts. on LSES.2oe-733-oes3 ■ condhkin. < tots of ac- dayol oI yi DODGE 04 Rom 1500 like new condhion. cessorles, $4400. pioi SI DAVIDSON » K is s r « » ,. Heml Sport. Raven bod Inef, crew cab.' IHI 206-731-3274 733^ modds shon, ktaded. 511,500 4x4. autcmaiic. PL. I FORD MESElectra GUdo. s s , ' : ; ' . a . - s HAULMARK ’Ot * ' " ' 1248 Take any reasonable PW, CO, AC. only I exit )6-29$-6687 i J g j S t t B l tlf e M»)dard engine work. H —— J oner.208-219-414t S20W 3. I ersirr«S!.-d’ieLAT. S S S ^ S . quick re- Enctosed 25' 1 1 0 0 2 ' F150 4x4, ATV/slod traior LT vi^m tots ot extras, A U UoPaxtsAnd IJ H ^ p V i DODGE '05 3500. 4x4^^ ather. 6 disc m s s v r s i x . ^ wNto, SLT. Ouad. xwt- sseoo A c o A1^«IoKp5cC~ I gti iger, tow m l UNCOLN'OeMorkLT ccessdries' tong box. diesel. 6 (her, Call 208-431-3136 _ _ £ r ± I 275 S, Idaho St., I 691 «c. $4,500, 4x4,6,4 ve, dual pood- n :• ------1 Ci WendeU 206-536-1900 i> INDY *04 SSO Touring 'VyuK$nowtlrm»old CHEVROLET'00 J I 420-6722. or heated kiaihe7 ■ power suruool, loot stod wilh rovetso. itacovpfday fog cab. 74K n H/i US ...... y cond. insido14 ton. tow od.S21.975,13057 good condiiton, S2600. olplm IK mHea exc. 208-639-1224 . f n S K " $7000,2084 ,TF H*WfcEY DAVIDSON ^ S o i d n g f o r raZEleclrBOIkfe — 802NColtoBeRd.Ti ' :i2tossic. Perfoct Snow ctt»«Killed ..it works! 2TCS.k)ahoS H B | B | 208-737-1200 on us today at Wendea 206-536-'>36-1900 DODGE-05 Dakota . 3 E ^ a s OR. H7 Machines ^ ss aUC'04Slerr 33-0931 ex t 2 1^ —7 - Quad cab, SLT. AM/FM, CD changer, ■ ■ ■ , 3T7.000/oBof. R D W F ^ S o C re ^ Duramax d e n W h U WasS13,995.Now custom wheeb. body PORD Alerts SLT • -oSt^ni-wn I g, NES FOR SALE ng bed. 4x4, leather, cab. tong b« S11.987./119012A kh, Sfl775, #3053C long I (d ese l. crew I vy 350 now.Omi., jnroof. one owner, leather sea V6, I bed, heated ■BliBaBSSBa y Turbo 400 H 9 M H 9 iper c ^ S33.999. toadedlS21,( Kans­ lodil 7EA35896 208-9244seats, lully MAZDA'94 63000 as.Vl Checkusoot 9 2W0,), 20*i 6 lug QM/ CHEVROLET'01I 1S < r i (21,025. 2WD. 5 speed ttan 28118 Uncolr M M uuawM r^oni Toyota3ta wheels brand cab. 1500 work i 802 N Colleg# Rd,TF 944069 mlsston, CD, S2995, new.SS.SSOO. 420-2149 automotk:, AC. 'ome S ' S “■ 20»-737-iaOO V > coin. Jerome 206424-0069 7950. Smallcyljl PROWLER ’91 440, p . htrsT FOR s a IT 28118 Unooln, Jsronb S800. -94 580 Moon- tors, hoods, Ughts. yH ^ y rs ^5E^'^a«vo»»ad. Itam Cat. S1200. Attic , s t _ _ 20a-7a»3039 fH fS fi Cats, excelent condh “ • , : S K S c ” “'^ “^ Hon.208-«4*.1864 1 ■. ^ 275 S. Wahoiho J I s,etc.734-7090_ wefKlell208-536- SNOWMOBILE Pa b t B GUC'078ien mBOfk ‘a s Shadow, TRAILER 4 placa. CHEVY 'W ' s-io^10 wkh cab. bng bed, diesel, I ride on r«e on, S1600 ZR2 pkg. Nicelice tnjck e s p e ^ manual,!■ m toocc, tuns good. cab. short b >, ex- 731-5459. 731-2256 '® L “ oe, 105K doth, aOoys. S24,660.J 78K mies, vofy nice FORO^ B S o c S f >l2aVo«or. MWwel »• ino p w s. axtos! 1^ * 21,' ^ S 2 5 « 1 . pkg. g0»32»a»60 208.825-5566 j 4x4. tires StO(*#60133167 cortd, only St2,900. cab. M bed. heat- XC, 5 spd, 2 WD, 1 er M att, fully tended cab, tow pl HONDA 110,2 spd. My • W ( EO S CARGO - - - 1 - ■ L « 206-32*4 I • New Fon Wagon 27- TIRE^969 206-7334033 Wendell 206-S36-1900 2 ( m iS A i o -o a , Smaikyijjl^r • USKLROualSpott. r i Ore«Tondtion. 53650. : ■ 20K9M224 - r 9UZUW *03 RM65 exc condition. SI l5(V0fler. p o ssU e trade lor 2 CW.20a-324-10fl9. ______TWfclFaKldjhipho \ E8 Wednadty, Decttnlamber 17,200B______T imiCS-Ncws e s Classifieds 7733-0931 ext. 2

V alues^ i T O tje d Chriistm as \

. C:iassified.Uoe:AdSped h i c ia ls I l 5> LINES $ 1 5 IUNES S l UNES $ I y O i a s ^ I F or ite m s SSO O or iek s s . M ForitemsilSOOcT o r less. l U 0 I iil^ H MFor items SIOOO pro17 r le s s . '• S2ec’mdlodd/Somiltoe. Private Fart)arty only. Meithahdlse only. Priceices must be Included In od. MaxJiaxlmumof4ltems. W-' Ttoies-News8 Call733-0?JI Exixt.2or800-6S8-388383ext.l aw |/fn/b|r.M a|

1 0 1 0 1010 0 1 1010^.*. '1 0 » 1 0 0D 9 9 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Su|do|ku Answeri/ers: ; SUVs Vans andd BusesB Autos _ Autos______Autos Antintos AiitoL- [PONTIAC-99" 1 4;3|9i7i7i8|5:6'21 EP ‘04 Wrangtor CHRYSLER W*97 Tovm — ~ ‘ lookli« cyl. auto, CO. AC. & Countiy,, fullyfull load- m C la tf lm e d ll ^ " 2 * ™ ' Grand Am OT FORDR . 5 6:9 T'22^4 3:7 8 rube. 27,589 mios, od 112K m«oslies, oxcol* 'J\ P r iv a te PZ Aut(i t O S ' PARTS.4dr,6 ' 5 r 2 .9 _ ii i;:;13,999, Caravan, PVPW, PL ______— ,Sai06.206-733-3802 WL 3244)069 _ ,, > roar seat, r a m n s s s B ncoln, Jerome S m a I le jr i ) Wh ^ s 206-733-7700 1 0 0 6 - a u i w i f t I6K ml. exc B M l ^ B n p n B OEO cond. S7800'600. 208- c y j j ^ r s T m d t s SUVs iCall 208-733-5778 S43-8080. MAZDA -04 ( H j PL, PM. Looking for “ H JEEP:EP'98 Wrangtor | f l n ; CADILUC-OBOTS mitos.Sl1.{ 2I solsso of Hies, cusiom f l U I H B TOYOTA -00 Camry I B S ^ Leaiher, toaded. tov F ono '01 Focus ZX3 jS nb P ^ S H B I 206-324- T ru ck s storetereo. soll/hord lop. ^ ■ R y mies, S27.499. Sioci 28118 Unco) LE, V6, AT, PW.-117pl . 2 door, hatch badi. Mile. Pod compatlbto, #BU175313 PM- CD/caaabl 111,500.280<»000 oOOOE’07 0rt 4 cyl, 5 spd, 35 mpg, 802 D CHEVY-00 SoburtMUl -511; f r \ 46,000 mltos. S3900. ‘T ^ S fV d. SnuU eyJjU ” " t o a f i : > • s • LS. 4x4. most optiofo, ^ avan SXT, di 208.293:66^7 J = - ^ . « » n , c n . Looklngfor ing powor doo greol gas mitoogo. M T s s irome S6550, ' ich, PW, PL, . —ifc. S999.#2100A Harma Auto Sales I V ^ Of fO" FORD '01 Mustang S l 5rs J 20e42»4000 AC, CD. sttStow-n-go. 208-733-3033 convenible, low, tow s s i s t _ mJos, like — ' ' mies, Mach sound ■ ■ RCURY '1 diiton, only CADILLAC -08 OTS TOYOTA m v . * ,i I sysiom, 6 dbc,S6900. HOh802 N college Rd.TF 3100 mltos. deeffep block ebony, 311 208-420-6722 ^2O8.737.12OO ocal tradfl206-536-1900 Mue. 2 dr. haidlba*l>ack. S « . mIos, S23,4B9. ------loaded, exc ■ 812.500.206<76-6<•6091 Checkusoul® _ A ssiiS l S l — . 208-643-4152 ___ SB! dHtoaonly: CtxKk ua out ® OKFJMCr. _Ayroi*OKr VW -o'l Jetta VR-6,Vf CHEVY '00 Tatwe Z71 L— 275 S. WahIdaho St., ‘0" Ofi Road pkg. custom A ss ' leather, loaded, a Wendell 208-5:>8-536-1900 S s | | ^ U ^ | g | _AUTOBRORY‘90 rool, great 1gas wheels, fuPy kiadod. U - ^ 10NOA-OOAccord,2 275 s kl lilt. 109.000 mltos. . B ?ub.S19ee. mitoage.seiOO: door, toather, loadod. vVondeilik#568062E 206 206-420-67222____ ”** S89S9. ^ 8 - ^ 5 " s m h H FORD‘06 Crown VtotcT sunroof, nice car. only ____ 208-3244)089 Q S I b f l I NISSAN “oa Froniler ■ ria, 33K mies, toather, KOrSB950 S S V S 5 XE. S spood, 2WD,^ 2B11SUtwoln, Jerome ■ AC. PW. PL, cnjbo. Loi DLEKA^ ^£SE4gn^- I ^ B S M CADILLAC-06 STS oxt cob. low pitg., ERCURY '08 Mariner | B H H | 3 > $12,500. _^dkssist„. Do »-736-2480 29Kmllc#, S9950. jn Sm alleylg^ auto, a^. PW. FORO 03 yVlndstarWn< Navlgalion. toatheIher, m, . . (Jo W M fM 95. sport pkg, super nlCi 30 S < 3 2 4 ^9 ■b ~ PL>L AMflWCO. altoy Lowmlte8.Wai 'fco. / t o S l S t M 275 S. Idaho St., ManiulaRY ‘97 Marquis S ^ f S H U 2811S Lincoln. JoromoH tflffhTW'b ■ ‘±r whowheels tinted gi|i«n NowJTO97. 578 S29.999. Sioc*xMl AOTom o K n u e i: » Wendoil 208-536-1900 sioeMsiladod. toather, S ^ 5 ? bc' ' ' 1 3 ^ B0160440______■ 275 S. Idaho a . — Smalley i)totdrs ^ Wendell 20B-536-1900 HONDA ‘01 CIvte EX *S m 246'“ " ‘ V n r j S S S B ^ r r Looks ft drives great. - 8ih» amo,- P fC I lljH l n n H S J i f e S S Dark btoe, 5 spd, 2- BSSXB am/i^o, JSc C H E v T M a S a b a n 802102N ColtogeRd,TF 208-733-7M-T700 door coupe. Sunrool, * wananty. 1 IpvB. yBQ SSQ jjl^ 1,0 Iso, LS. 4x4. excolent 208-737-1200 ___ 208-733^33 aa:. 124K miles. MERCURY^ ^‘ f l S $15,760. #2095. i «o «'**'• i uUBARU’01 i Legacy L f ™ * " ® ^ FORD-06 Taurus. AC. SS99S. C* 206-368-3161 LS, toado c a r s WANTEDll 80,000 mltos, all L a - ' - ' •II automatic. PW. PL 'SaiSs _ H anna A ulo S a le s ^ Sen your vehtoto for HONDA US Ovic. 2 ^ 3 ^ 3 0 8 wheel drive, new ilm- I Q b h m for 71K mUes, good gas L l k-T F immediate mieage car, only door. fe 45.000 mitos. NISSAN *04 Titan 4i>4 Ing belt 4 waler pwT»p. 10 S g ! . E-350 CASH TODAYI> SB950. ^auto, olr. great corxfi- ’ I' c D.SIs S m : Crow Cab, auto, pow $7495, 208423-6240 tton. silver. Betow Of W/UKUO. crulso. °r3204067 ’|K?2 T m . bot>k valuel $9,600. I WANTEOCniS — — r « . r S : S K & “|> Assist— B stock «4N55BteSO Great for l lari ^ e lamly ,. b00-574.1248.!■ AUTO ■m0KW>ACr. ^ Cdl 208-423-494Z S15.4M travellSl5.dc5.095. I— ------“ '2 75 s. Idaho SI., .. m m CASH TO«YJ 208-32441244)069 NIB8AN-0S iv, 2811SUrK0lncoin, Jerome a w Wendell 206-S36-1900 pf M6-733-6776 fiuyhgalyififS CHEVY'07 KHR, auto- l l & s m m aa.* Call 20&-733-6776 malic, air. cwtlfted f^ 9 ^ H S H SmalleyJjtf i ^ t s 'jIB filH Q jgl s t ^ # ^ TW c t -IW prO-owfMf w/4aK B-B Q ^ warranty ft 100K PT. SU2 CHEVROLET-99 Lur-umi- tl S12.321. Slock# AWD. AW auto. seat. | j | | B | | | ^ na. only 73K miknitos. HONDA-06 Accord, WARNIKC S“ 98 Aurora When purchvtnD 7S609671CP CD, CD cnilse, stock PL PW. AC. 0 auto. air. PW, PL AM/ KBo owner, only S4950. FWCO, 100K mitos, »her.S3847. veNdo. miiiiSS.Mro o CH evR O L E Tl f76117432DSl2.999 ®' FORD -07 Focus SE, _ certlftod Honda war- BdJ8664A thailhoihtoisK ■ iim ilA FORD'MWIr auto, air. PW. PL, AM/ ■■ f f TOYOTA '08 Tacoma Swas -A ssist- ranly Sir.777 #2096A H S W nameofihetM 'or I — 1m w m K ^97. Aint)s»_qi^ci FMrt:0. lactory war- I E IDLEKAUFF Under Idaho nlQm i 4x4. looks, runs 5,- ranty. $9999. #2093 ■ —io«t)------vehidecodee f SSSm 276 s . Idaho St.. areal, 119K mikM.I 208-733*3033 CiCall208-733-6776 #14602 ^^"^CSrSales S7300 or bosl olfer. Wendoll20&-536-l9(1900 i f c i P i L - I6-736-2460 vohtolocanr\otlw a r «4W0 2064 0 4 2 1 8 TOY:OYOTA '85 4RunnefT — ""VCarSales eMNco««.nd,TF ho ““"fjit!^ = ^ = ^ 5 * sokl untoss UW4 rurruns, newer tires. EFI. M I O P L E ^ CHEVY-06 C o b a T ■G9HB >n nar^ L v> 802 N College Rd. TF *- tho soltorr I WANTED THUCK81I ,33-7700 <2K mBes. 5 spA • (excopikn: Ida!daho Soil your vohldo lor M ------moo. 4 doof. S71I71W. Ic idng for J Call 208-733-3802 WHILE-04 Iflynodlaio rOYOTA '89 4Runner Looldiu , power every- Tno ^ l « shaf f l CASH TODAYI 5 speod. V6. lots ol V a r ■ B ’S:CD, AT. 76K pro;«o tf«W>MW. extras. S3200 or besl * V d L .$6950. purchaser a aigti g ^ . HONDA -07 Accord offer. 208-73V0628. I h ford -07 Fuston. PW, ^ ^ 9 b i Of sato Showowing 1-600-574-124e, I* LX. 15K mitos. CD. TOYOTA '99 Und ■ n PL. AC. CD. automat- u>AC, PW, PL, automal- Uncdn, , Jerome : FuO T0>Cruiser, perfect winter “ ■ i to. 34K mitos. only _ic, very nice, only It desalpttonouJiW ». lOOS tide SUV. super chargor r»«.rkiui B l $13,900$19,900 OLDSMOB SUVs OKand an tho extras. 00...- = = T 4x4. PW. PL. cnitoo. «ffNow liras, brakes, ond CHRYSLER-07 PTW _Assislt__ M ^ J M | " number, amouounl air, tow pkg. $16,999, — A ssist- 55: s iur»-up. Bargain ai — Cruiser. eOK Plower- « -A V !O .I5 » K ^ -5 c _ -Am V T p.B B O K ^cr^ mitos.S $65 W L J ^ ^ paid ond namanois) I ALL SUVS Slockie217^92CP T0>$16,000. Hard to Und. PLYMOUTH ouio, 275 S. Idaho St., 5 275 S. Idaho St.. 208-33H k ^ ^ A and address oftheo( WANTEOII ;n,lse, Wendea 208-536-1900 ■ ^ B ^ n S & new purchaser-u-Iho 208-731-2139 1(2'“®®'''"'■BrwlSd I JSerw'Hlcml Wendea 206-536-1900 26118 Une Sell your voNdo foe Irom — , Wlofsatomusijsib e inmodlaio VWI -04 Touroge V6, " ’n sls^S oi Small^i/6 CD automal- signed, datedd e ^ CASH TODAYIJ, ""TSiw. N(dark gray, 6 cylinder, 208-380 380-1349 L ' p w ' S c S t Buying ol years,Ws 208-7334033 ^uigas, leother, loadod. 1 verv ntoa oaa rnileego al thof tK t e mokes,and models exc condiiton. Only WANTED■ED VANS!! 1 « e car ort! olsalo. Ifyoul)jhava 1-800-574-124a. 39Kmles,S19500. f anyquesiiontsns, Call 208-280-7642. ’Sm ec . ptoase coniaaa your] ^ b B H B ^ vw I - r CASHiH TlTOOAYl ' IHONDA '91 Accord EX SOT'S WANTED 8UVSII ^ ^ ^ig a lall l years. g s FORD-OTMustang. ' coupo.5spd.oir,PW, » , Sell your vehtele for I S ve. CD. PW. PL. AC, ■ BifffSSS* s! » and models PL A M m C D , facto- rT-p,^iridaho p S..' - - ■■ — PW. PL. PM, CD. 35 I-574-1248- m n PS. cnise, 2SK mitos. >ry aloy wheels. I 'J ? " ^ tofl 206-539-1900 W HOcanhelp’l BUICK-02 . AT. 4x4. Lowesi Pricel c c S S y , B l omySlS.900. hiS2966.#3059A j YOU Rondeivous CXL. CO.Al SS900. — sel your car.'sr.? B990 2(»3244K>eO H 1 0 1 ^ I ^ B h hB .- A s s is t. - ..! loadod. leothef. Ct AtTTOSBOKlJIACr. I C lassifiedI d s I sunroof, AWD. $699(I 28118 Llncol^ Jerome ; 1-600-S74-1246. JltOS'*;- CHRYSLER-07 2 0 8 -3 3 4 ^ 9 -- Sebfing, 6 year/a,^K 2»S.idalw'St.. 802N ! College Rd.TF CanI 28118 Urwoln, Jerooi^ SmailcyJ(^3rs 1 0 0 9 . Powertrain warm Wendeli 208-536-1900 - 208-737-1200 g 7334)9)1 eA x t 3 auto, povrar W/1NUM. f o r d '92 Escort LX HONDA ! -93 Accord, Wended 2 SnuU eyljl^n DODGE '03 Durqnoo- toriSSS. " I^ P cruise, 2 10 cho haichba*, 2 door. auto, , AC, cass.. 4 dr. = = £ 9 Sgi 2WD. ;'60K-''m ltos. H & ^ i l from S12.999. - wheels, auto- - - l o i l * * ' ALL VANS WANTED! I 1.9L 5 speed, very . .Z* 1 qwner, 1 STIL rri, R t ec. M sporty ear. ■ .-1 0 1L*i?- 1 - ^ H T • x 3 i ' -leaiher. 3rd row, 1— I I K eanomtool. $800. i S $5,500. Call Eric at Sell your vehide for | | ^ H | ex& main), rocords. 889 Stod(# T im w ir f £ IMia Call 206-731-0192. -62500.206-326-6867. ^ H j l 3 l B 208-490-0633. _ y immodlate auOI '01 A- i l f t n i i W 9CP 2 CASH TODAYI Quattro. S776. f o r d -96 Taurus-Sho aaJSoS Ti Sportsq Buying alj yeors, loaded, 1( HONDA'96 Accord EX H H m CADILLAC'06 SRX, ------• Just reduced, forest makos and models «g). ooo 490-1686 5 speod, VTEC coU PONTIAC I ' AWD, leather, P\ S g X green. AT. PL PW. air Intake, lots of ox- aSoy w or. l-eoo-574-1248. See al1 517 51 Eastgate VEHICLE8118I< PL--CD. AC:aunm sunroof, 24 mpg, —iros. Cali Emily malic. ^ Or." Twinwin Falb.f M6-733-3033____ Sell your veNd.id e for ^ tK -jirtes; « x ^ e $2600/otfer. Seo & I 208-<90.1640. S11.999. test drive at CJ's » T x a D r r' immedlaielie ■ H Oarage. Uaho & Main CHONDA' 98 Ovfc EX Z !H !2! r r f ^ i CASH TODADAYI ILL Eddie Bauer, 4WD. a-* H 0 in Twh Fals or can fc 136K mites, 5 spd. 2 f O□ » n m n d Boyingalyea«ars, soal. $15,996. Stock# 206-644-7633 evea ■door: wen maintflined. 1 ^ makes and memodels St.. 530001A k 54700.206-320-486S -- 1-B00-S74-12<1248. W ^idaho'st..<1900 U | . DOOQE-08 Aveng FORD ‘98 Escort, CO. year/BOK Powei 20H W e ^ 206-S36-19( MTODLEKAUfP SCHRYSLER ‘08 Town " '* 1 ^ AW, AT. groal reBabto nAC-96Qrand - 10121 & Couniry, rear itir, buiCK'OII’oipSfkA^. 'I* ‘’r 7 car,S1600. SE. V0, AT. air. . | B 208-738-2480 J CD. cnjiso, Slock * lisw r . PL. S1999. .M O C K Ua B s Dwmitos. «"'»'’•■ ,t e #5fll50a0060C Was; 59859997. Now ' 27A g H H i OMC -01 Yukon XL BS9999 S79B6#J6.#139003A S1«999. FORD. '98 Mustang. . FORD Pony Sloetock race i B 'Sub- 154.000 miles, cua- « tor; ready CHEVROLET ■» Sul tom wheels, toather. I M iToo/o.o-.'S'Z 1pkg, VB. beaiod/ H^ f Cl i r S a / e s ortjan. loaitw. heat S5,000.208-431-2427 ‘w m m ! S £ p I S " !5 * ? deioib 208-293-6936 ,cootod toaiher seats. PONTIACN Coitoge Rd, TF reasorubto trad seats. PL. PW. A Call 206-733-6776 208-73^TOTTOO CM1206-733-S7S776 . or 293-7047______low mltos. factory cer- Am 20»T37»t200 SE. ______208-731-2nBE___ CD a casseile.lo. k3i JEEP. '0^ Orand * iHtod warranty, toad- PW. trade, only S5950..^ Cherokoe - Laredo, i - ed.$14,999.#2067 #3027A K___ leathof. clea^ power A c c i cABF- t everythir^, great cond %'urpj»OJCD»ACISt.. more mpg. quk* sell. ; 275 s . Idoho(-1900 St.. S7100 208-329-1293 > 602 N College Rd, TF 802 N Ci Wendell C0»-536-ie< _ 206-737-12CO______20J-
