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Ti: ME /S~R ^Who Sima Lysi* V Festive! tbeverages THE SNOW EAGIiGilS? MORE BAD NEWS y ^ f o r a i i o Holiday table. CSl m en’s hoopsIS sn ea k 0 sets unemploynnei attacks snowy drivIriveways. benefit record. SPORTS. D l BUSINESS, B l ■ ■M ME/S~r T i: 75cails Vfednesday, December 17,:17,2008 — ------------- — Ma^oteley/wn — I d a h o I b u d g eJtCUtSSStretchL i n t o amotheii r y e a r O tter orders:s agencies to3 cut 6 percentnt m ore, $1699 m illion, forr F Y 2 0 1 0 MaIHagicvalley.coin IEE A copy Of the that amounis lo a cui ByBenBotUii in s ta te fu n d in g for nsenscal year reduction in state:e fifunding for Financial Management. Idolio. th{ m emo th a t the ? memo. of aboutut $2 mUlion for thc Time»News writer______________ 2010. which startss ]July 1. fiscal year 2010. w ro te in th e m s ta te d Division ' m t ' - ’ ical year. CSl P residcm • 2009; That 6 pcrcentmt would “Thc govemor unr understands Agencies mustm hove their next fiscal of Rnancial idget c u ts s e n t to Jerry BccVc ck .said. Gov. C L " B u ic ir O tteir r hilios amount to nearly SU$169 mil- that such a basesc reduction plans for budj M anagement se n t to I noon Thursday. Beck; stsaid all departments - o rd e re d s ta te a g e n d e s tojpre* p r lion statewide, may. and indeedeed should, thc DFM by r Idaho agendes.. ofllciais, who at the coll:ollcge a rc be in g asked pare for more budget cutscu Tliat holdback is on top of involve ellmlnatliating cniirc Agcncy oF ;he memo on to, lookik for ways to save beyond this year. thc 4 percent in budgeigct hold- programs If they...^... arc notin received thc tpressed no sur- money.’. TT h e goal is to m a k e p icc mn e ed coiicgc rciraining for Agcncies received a mennem o b a c k s th a t h av e b e ein n cordered furUicrancc of orir rtrequired by Monday, expi bleak outlook for sure thatlot CSl can continue ncwi2w caa'crs. Beck said. th is w e e k in stru c tin g th e:m m to fo r th e c u rre n t fiscal1 ycyear. The your statutoryy mission." prise at die bl u dgct. ....................s e r v i n g{ sstudents in a rough- p la n a ’stra te g y fo r w catheriiicring additional ' reductloilion Avlll Wayne Hammon.s n . ' a d m ln is - th c sta te 's b u d jllegc of Southem economicmic climate wiicn peo- PiePlease see BUDGET. Page A2 ’ another 6 perccnt reductitiction amount to a 10 pcrceircent total trator of thc slatete ID iv isio n oF l=or d ie Colli F e d s l aishesrai ne N e^whoi m e ^ t o r e c o i ■forth nieAtsodatedPrew WASHINCTON — Inamc,„a,. INSIDE BUSINI caJ move, the Federal Rescr ^ h G IRS tries 16 givegiV' sla sh e d its Iccy in tcresl rate SIMalysi* R obntlbtR am ’iTMiFallilKiiMlixkriiHifbtnoattobcoapMa. y ^ d homeowners aI brbreak. a rpcord low on Tuesday oj to use all the weopoapons See pase B313 — 1 ^ ^ — m at ils disposal to ilghlIt t:th c worsening recession, whi"hich Consumer prices ■ i j w has dragged down consun- by largest amoun on priccs and home consta record in Novemi lio n . Thc r-ed crcaied a new li get range for Its federal Tfur u S ; rate so that it wili hoAh o v e r between 0.25 perccntt aand ds, thc ccntral bankk is m o v ln g zcra Thot dnunaUcally lowlowers Intounchaitedtenito - d ie re d 's ta rg e te d rate, collcallcd Noncthelc^FcdClIChairtnan the federal funds rate, whiwhich Ben Bcm a^ andid his col- had stood o tl perccnt Icogucs made dcora 1 th e ; The bold move surprlsp rise d c c n tra l iuink isn'tunning out economists, most of whcwhom of ammunition to) ffight thc were predicting tlie• FFed worst finandal crisisiissinccthc fi w o u ld c u t Oic funds rate-ate in 1930s. It Is exploriniring using h a lf to 0.50 pc rc cn i. tools— other than ratraiecuts— . A few thought the FedI COIco u ld to revive th e cconomim)( ) opt for an even morc forctDrceful 'The Fed will 'eme m p lo y action. The funds rate Isis ;th c av ailab le tools to prorir o m o te th c interest banks chargc: eicach resumption of sus o d ie r o n (jvem ight loans.is. economic growth." iP ed o m - With the Fed’s keyy r a te cials said, dropping to rock-bottomim le1 v . F o r f u l l S t o r y , St IF . Co. weweighs optio] m a m a n r n t i m I tenlMMforR8M«belt»ar»- for hospitiitalapartm e n t s Rok»iita«,i.ii,kn.taHaTaMiayirilhAiRauUiUaidhlsirifiSaiia,«teM ce«tM tractiei coivaar M R tN costen iRidfiiaitttMi)Mckdow*.atUsai«1WliFaltbeboM . t a e i ^ k M fM ta m widerderbahraytferMtitraHURjiliUi ihUvheelckalratMllasanict- . Byi«MlS.HopUn The program isi stStill evolv- aethatid tjrtteaN l tte c«rtrol.% H s aad otiMf Im imleI M d S i m . Tlme»Wew« writer_______ Ing. but cssentlall;a lly w o u ld provide housing tc I IW in Falls County andid lclocal receiving medicatlc l y z e d I r a q v^etto ( settlerroots in nev:wT.F. hom e public ofHcials arc consiinsider* and mental healthS P a r a l ) ing using county-owio w n e d TNvln Falls C o u n ty / apartments as transiticiitional Commission Chaimilrm a n T o m nc in 1\vin Falls that he tiallytia knockcd him out and1 housing for people strugguggllng Mikcsdl and Hathaihawnysaid. ^BeiBellda eicvalley.i»m I move into iaier this gavega him a concussion. Thei with mental healthh and Drug courts. amo>nong other Tlme»Wewawri ■" Go onn aI tour Of m omthi n tl Thc house, locatcd U.S.U. Department ofVcieransi addiction problems. public entitles, w o u ld b e irt Ram os’ a long n g Canyon Trails Way, AdairsAf agreed dial the acci­ County commissioisioners included. Robert Ramlamos cannot do Robert H home, come;nes after cl^t monlhs of dtdcnt and concussion may met Monday with Johnr “We have clientsIts bl com- what most5t people don't new' f ---------------------- p la n n nning and building with haveh{ caused thc stroke, H athaw ay, th c reg io n alildlrcc- di mon with thc couiounty. with think twicec aabout; tuming e x trara features that will help whichwl camc from a bloodi tor for thc Idaho Departnirtm e n t th e jail, w id i a lo t1 ofo f d i^ e r c n t o n lights, oIp p e e r n in g d o o rs a n d jne after a Humvec Ramotnos becomc more inde- ddi o t. of Health and Welfares alabout players.” soid Hathaway.H flipping throitrough television (hat cam It he was In while pendin d e n t. Hardwood floors andi th c p o ssib le p ro g ra m ,. wlwhich “Basically, diese arcar people channels, o c d d c n t in Iraq with the "IliI lik e it a lot." h e sa id . "It's widerw hallways and door1 could provide housinging for who ore kind ofof frequent Paralyzedd fifrom thc neck servingI ; Natlona! Guard's awes(csome.’ entranceser make maneuver­ people using mental hehealth fliers.” down. Ramosnos cannot move Army f Irleadc Combat Team AtU 21,< Ramos had a stroke ingin around the house in aB scrv iccs In th e a p a rtmlentscn e n t Thc 32 opanmcments were his body withlith t h c c x c c p tio n 1 16th Dri| in TNvinT\ Falls ih a t c a m c whcclchalrw easier than in a thc cast side of M anlnn SiStreet owned by the hosfDspltal until of slight mo^movement in his in 2005. [\jcsday, Ramos. 23, niont>nths after he was In thc across from St. Luke'ss M a ^ c le ft fingers.L RiRamos was par- Dn l\n Dklng around a new Hum-imvcc acddent thal Inl- Please see HOME, Page A22 Valley Medical Center. Please see HOSPnuIHL. P age A2 a ly ze d fro mTl a stroke in 2006 was look AfttratMugidrimm i^tatkisK ddnl N. College;e crash specleds up signslalprogtess lad veek (tth e brtmM- IS IlMofKertkMktiM Brimd$.HopUBi Officials a nidQtyCoundlmem- d ' attent:unilon lately. The Issue has b m said somene opdons being con- been:n mentionedr at council mect-i- ndWttfeiHlNStrMt ■Tlin>»Waw» witter sldered Indudeide an old, 19S0s-style Ings.9. dted< in a lelier to die dty North, tte dijrodWta y After a teenage drdriver was slgnd that hanangs by wires, or set- fromm thc i TWin Falls School Dlstrion FibbceitUtttag In ju re d la st w eek in a c rar sh a t th e tin g u p c o n cCrete re b a rrie rs lo pro- a ni d (hetli focus of a peddon devd-1- optioMfercoitrenvtke intersection of Northth College hlbit left-handi d tu rn s.
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