CHIS659 SEMINAR IN HISTORY OF SELECTED CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES: SANCTUARY Spring 2019 Abner F. Hernández Institute of Hispanic Ministry CHIS659 SEMINAR IN THE HISTORY OF SELECTED CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES: SANCTUARY DOCTRINE SPRING 2019 GENERAL CLASS INFORMATION Class acronym: CHIS659 Class name: Seminar in the History of Selected Christian Doctrines: Sanctuary Class location: Southeastern California Conference, 11330 Pierce St., Riverside, CA, 92505 Class time/day: January 6 – 10, 2019. Sunday 6:00–9:00 pm/Monday to Thursday 8:00– 12:00 am; 1:00–6:00 pm. Credits offered: 3 INSTRUCTOR CONTACT Instructor: Abner F. Hernandez, PhD. Telephone: 269-213-1840 Email:
[email protected] COURSE DESCRIPTION The history of concepts characteristic of Seventh-day Adventism, such as the Sabbath, sanctuary, conditional immortality, and pre-millennial historicist eschatology, and others, as taught through the centuries, with principal emphasis on their development outside of Seventh-day Adventism. For this course: A study of the Sanctuary doctrine: A study of the historical development of the sanctuary doctrine in history in general and Seventh-day Adventist Theology in particular. COURSE MATERIALS Required: (60 hours reading from the required, recommended, and general bibliography) Use 40 horas en estas fuentes: Gane, Roy, Altar Call. Berrien Springs, MI: Diadem, 1999. S EVENTH- DAY A DVENTIST T HEOLOGICAL S EMINARY 2 Adams, Roy. The Sanctuary Doctrine: Three Approaches in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Berrien Springs: Andrews University Press, 1981. Canale, Fernando L. “Philosophical Foundations and the Biblical Sanctuary.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 36, no. 2 (Autumn 1998): 183–206. White, Ellen G. The Great Controversy. Montain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1950.