" 1 OPTIONAL FORMNO. IO chi:UNITED 10:-msGOVE STATES ENT 92 M em om ndum

DIRECTOR, FBI 00-360217! DATE! 6/20/69

J;92§Ac, BOSTON00-35505! c! L/t 92 mnqscrz


, ,/


Re Legat, Tokyo, letter to Bureau dated 4/29/69, setting forth information to the effect that ZINN had been apparently invited by the Japan "Peace for Committee" to visit Japan during June, 1969, on a lecture tour. On 6/16/69, by means of a suitable pretext an invitation to have ZINN participate in a panel discussion on civil rights during the latter part of June or early July, l l969!, it was ascertainedfrom an individual who identified jw himself as ZINN that he had no immediateplans to leave the aw Bostonhe planned area to during spend Junethis or period July, of1969. ZINN time in the indicated preparation that of1 a new lecture plan for his government class at BU!. .4," *1lLtns'oanmnowcowmmm_92In view of the above, Boston,4»;will 3 placeQ,6 2/ -1 this7 case &,,m92 Q,'592" andin a closedthe in status. event anyHowever, information sourcesis at developed BU haveregarding been alerta {J d; proposed trip to Japan by ZINN, the Bureau and Legat, Tokyo, _ will be promptly advised.

.. /» sisnmrDmE_ , rsUNc;r_.A3s1FIED _ ¬<9 LG V, ev I I 3 ?~99121 mnaaaa-W-1 / s - 5 Jun 959 .

-Qavmwgqnaesvwuarsuui 1 ?3 §}Bureau RM! -Legat, Tokyo 05-4019!! -

! *1»T0 l ~ _i'_* MAY OPTIONALI962EDITION NO.FORM I0 I ? ~ 92_ I ' , 4* , 05A Em:1 cm 10141.6 ' _ _ 5_ ' . ,_ FR UNTTED STATESnk~ ;JENT f, _" >~ 1 """ Memorandum it mnacrz ¢ _ _ = » Director, FBI DATE? 5/11/59

I ,. Legat, Tokyo 05-4019! RUC! r '1 ll PROFESSOR , & IS - JAPAN igeg 31%;- 1 -_, F T E >~13iF?;§.r%§%@R>i/29/69-1*¢~ » E2 B /1» 92 _ _ .1. I F }!- t 1 ,,:1___. :3-kév _.-3;:-i win?If _ _ N%$ §¬1Qha}%?}i%r§I§¬&§%?éiopmentsbeen re- ' 1 I have ,_. v. *7d@i?#*iH*this~mafY¬g;§§7§§i§;g%§?isconsidered being RU? to be reopenéd*nnréer§t§bf;§ Lf$nal information from C Boston. :<{§i§.§ -'-7;é ___,__ + C> __ ,0

5 - Bureau - Boston! 1 Cl - Liaison Section! l - Tokyo eh » ; . . _ , , __ _ T RBH : lw , 4%?¢1~~.!§7Z' 5 "¢*T"§*1~~92<1i""li'§ 1"-1"r?'* . __ vi»:'.~-"'1 Q U* .,~_¢". .3 ' U,7 l'LSt_>L¢fl" _ *~ ---_, !

_-inuialag-::C9;.;%3%:1 Q .FVf,@ 6 apl Lmx 3951 I ~ 31¢? I -I ¬}»#_1' J! E1 REC-39,/1!. E! T -_____, ,» »J/5% w92 non!, § !___;2_§¢§:§Z.;/f:S:...... »-v.» .. En ;;,ung 1:111! F02 rlztej... -. .. ..-...'J..=f...... -.».~~. BEST AVAILABLECOPY _ .1.2 W,. B -é Q' _ ,___192I1'§»;1Ti / FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63!

0 U a T i Mr.Tolson.___- I ft; 1; T1Lcach,...-- / / :1-. 1, Dir.M11 moi» hI~------- 1 __ Th: 92nPmE1~ --- Mount C|ipping in Space Below! at I1. Ct11in':?.n ___

ALLi. IETPO .., f |Ir.If C~onrad.___- 1" 3 Y kSEp}L Y-Zr. Tavcl Hr. "l1wti'->r1>.,._._ T""!927"-"§Tl _..__- iPr0.-lffeace 92 "1 Y: _,n_<<_-1 -..~is Activist T0 3, l~=~ Gan iy 1 Speaéi Here lndlmle Page,-nuxme-;oii>=;;;aee,:';-"-=-E newspaper, city and state.! H9vy_g.r d>__i'Z_inn, internation- yayilmovih-1=peace activistt who is currently professor of government and law at Bos- ton University, will give sev- T-'6 eral talks thisweek at the ADVERTISER University of Hawaii. 92 ___ nononuru With the permission of the I U.S. State Department, Zimi I, and Father went to North Vietnam in » February, 1968, -on a peace mission. While there, they negotiated the release of three American airmen who l had been prisoners of war. __ f/ . Zinns talks-here are spon- *1 sored by the UniversitysAs- 1 isociated Students, which is paying his $1,250 lecture fee. Zinn will speak at 8 p.m1 & 0* /I , today at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics auditorium on ___ zéibdffa/If the campus on Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal. At 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, .Peace Mission to Date:Edition: ¬92" 5 7 L," will be the topic of his talk in 4 Room 152, Bilger Hall. At l Author: V. noon the same day, SNCC: The New Abolitionists will Editor: be the subject of an address Tne=un1vzRs1rY or he will give in Kennedy The- HAWAII atre. Zinn will participate in an informal discussion at 1:30; Character: p.m. tomorrow at the Off- or Center Coffee House, 2331 Clussificatlonz §eaview Ave.,and willtalk Submitting Office: 1-IN about Disobedienceand De-¢ mocracy at 7:30 p.m. Fri-'~ [:| Being Investigated day in Room 103, Crawfordj Hall ' ,4 w¢// ,, Q .i_._...__.____ L. 132% $'7""J'~7 Ias gZQ9£7/49,352,Rfcrr RE"C30$£i1§W1/»z I Q {b/ 141 PF92Y1'7 0353 I , ~55iJ1AY21 1969 .,.-9!,-_ it i

i A 4' _; 1 " "' <1 FD350 Rev. 7-16-63! , MT. T0!$01l_._._. . Q Q A Mr. Delloachi. . 1111" M0hr.__i_ 5 Mr. Bishop Mr. Caspe1t_._ 1 Mr. Callahan Mr. Conrad._____ ' Mount Clipping in Space Below! Mr. Fe1.___ ; Mr. Gale.______Mr. Rosen Sullivan -i . Mr. Tavel _ ' I I am Imromaa ; Mr. Trotter__ 0 X V Tele. Room._.___ ; Miss Ho1mes___i PMwent T 3_53@T£°;§i=§§-?1%s?@ E Yl¢OQivQNZ6¬'F/11!»!1Iiss Gandy____ ' W 1-Q"! o I __ . a /Peace activist "I 4'"1-: ct, a F q Indicate page, name of to give four , 1 newspaper, city and state.! talks,-qt Howar§1:*Zinn, a peace ac- tivist, wili give a series of talks here Thursday and Fri- HONOLULU STAR- BULLET IN day. The Associated Students of i HONOLULU ,HAWA II the University of Hawaii is sponsoring the program. A-21 Zinn is professor of govern- ment and law at Boston Uni- versity. He will talk at 8 p.m. Thursday on Vietnam: the; Logic of Withdrawal, at the Hawaii Institute of Geophys- ics Auditorium. On Friday, he will speak at: 10:30 a.m., Biiger 152, Peace Mission to Hanoi? Noon, Kennedy Theater, SNEC, SNICK:the NewAb- i olitionists". 1:30 p.m., Off Center Cof-i fée House, informal discus-l sion. I Date:

51/ Character: I/ Classification:or , ti Submitting Office: Being Investigated ~ / r E //ii '36»-=s~/17»~/* 1?'a>'*:--~=----T RECORDED '7' 46 MAY121969 it ____ up _@¬MAi2 92: 1 ,_ ". mm p , * c LWW g I g : E}-=IEI-IPTEI~ FREIII£=.T.TTI3IiA'IIC H AUT1-IIIIRITY DECLAEEIFICAT FRDIE BEL.' I FEII ATJTIJIU-.TIC! _ ..L..SSIFIC'TIIIIII IEUIIE _» E EIIITIIJIII CCIDE :2.EI=-{III D.z»T2 I3Sll2CIlIII CORRELATION sun/nvmav - Main No:File 100-360217 ya Date {Zq[D~70 »~~~ Subject: Howard@Zinn.' Date Searched: 6/9/69

92 fj All logical variations of subject'sname andaliases weresearched and identical references were found as: . #95 ' owardZinn}92,_ ' ¢$0/3'//-7%/PX » H. Zin 91! -! '/ . Howard@GiTT Harvie2Zinn r1_;_»* J;/?x _,..,¢ Howardin. ___ award@Zinn» 4 5~§¢7"YP $44 /4; Conrad Howie@Zinn B5!Q,I_, ;¢ M/{ff I "I1/In This is a suzmnary of information obtained from a review of all "see" references to the subject in Bureau files under the names and aliases listed above. All references under the above names containing data identical with the subject have been included except any indicated at the end of this summary under the heading REFERENCE S NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SUMMARY. References indicated in the block as SI contain the same information as the foregoing serial although the information may have been received from a different source.

THIS SUMMARY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR USE AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT AND IS NOTISUITABLE FORDISSEMINATION. IT IS DESIGNED TO FURNISH A SYNOPSIS OF THE INFORMATION SET OUT IN EACH REFERENCE, AND IN MANY CASES THE ORIGINAL SERIAL WILL CONTAIN THE INFORMATION IN MORE DETAIL. I b6 Ib"/C Analy st Coordinator _ Agproved I I I I I TPW V ,¢¬y;~* NLC 2 lmt | A |92I92~ -~ _ "" ,. IITEEU»$»I»,J*F;-, .,92-.>--,~.-~,~r92 III 92"'92, 1- C'%SS"EDm~"'4£plu7 " UI.:'I.:£_.=92'::'.I ,;;=~I.I~'.- 45'} ' DECLFIQ' "I ob2% - QNZ ~q_6 b I gzggmi 51-; ~ !I_:92;I.i UiI&3;I"l;§II2I;, /' ENCLOSURE " *1 69¢'ld$'d££4 Jam 00¢!//1" . R567 @/, - at/and /67_Z6_.Q¢2/7» W "1 ' 1 @'~ - ,,, '7 g MgI /TIC! ii DEC 111979 S gassiedby /7 far¢ Exe . D.I;"2,= tf .52" . t '""""'='=' i Q 3 I7// -g.c Lg .l-Jmxoii /* 5 23IQII AL ION 7 FE; E Tm I I

92 i C IAL s 92 I l


Add. info ...... Additional information appearing in this reference which pertains to Howard Zinn can be found in the main file or elsewhere in this summary. This information may have been received from a different source.

BU...... Boston University

NMC ...... National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam

SDS...... Students for a Democratic Society

SNCC...... Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee '


RELATIVE WHO HAS BUREAU MAIN FILE HowardThe wasZinn,main file, disclosed lOO376A98,while on this summary Roslyn Zinn, being spousewas ofprepared. :b{!


The records of the Department of Army, report dated ll/10/U3, revealed that Howie Zinn, 86 Oxford Walk, , advised Reuben Fox, continued! {A Per ;}929292"x Asa »»~m--H rs 2 92'*5-cI<>~e.;:»}5? Hz"MMA

II}UNEF@TIAL _ ___ _ W7 __ _ 4 4 0dwE;2@T1AL __ I C} r continued! president of a Young Communist League Club at City College, NYC, by letter date not given! that he had attended a party given by of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and told Fox of his efforts to recruit a girl at this time, presumably for the CP. Zinn also advised Fox that he was a friend of his brother, Sol Fox 00-212655!. :zgg;212655-7U92 p.4 SIélOO-186981-7Encl. Memo R, p.23 %I%OO-2#3909-l ! Encl.pMemoG, p.28 2;

The following references in the file captioned "Communist Infiltration of the American Veterans Committee" AVC! contain information pertaining to the activities of Howard Zinn, an AVC official, from November, l9#2 to ll/29/H8 in NYC. Zinn was Vice chairman of the Brooklyn chapter and the Kings County Committee, and chairman of the Gung Ho Chapter of the AVC. Zinn was the author of an article entitled "Self Supporting Public Housing - Plan $0 Ease The Housing Crisis in New York - Now." Also set forth were Zinn's CP affiliations. E4! REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER

100-339008-109 p.T -166 p.l3 7? -226 p.ll,l2

The following references in the main file of Herbert Yanowitz set out Yanowitz's association with Howard Zinn during his employment with the Lerner Shops of America, 354 hth Avenue, NYC, during the summer of l9#4 to September of 1950. Yanowitz met Zinn at the Lerners Shop but was never acquainted with him socially. During the course of group conversations while working, Zinn's position in political discussions was radical and he agreed with the GP lines. Zinn told Yanowitz that he was not a communist but a socialist. Zinn attended



c0MF§DéQ11iL T." "'". ' '" K ' '"'""""' '2 "7"7 "'7";';;_ 1;r;1r~@BQnmL

. ' Q I_

continued! the Jefferson school, belonged to a tenant group where he lived and wasmaker consideredhis by employers. a communist M!or a communist sympathizer and a trouble- REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER-

121-351o7-A-10 p.l, Encl.p.4 p.3,u,1o,11 b7c E35? b6 1b7D

1'! Add. info.

loo-436738-13 p.c,3,6 A4

ee for Civil Rights Un er aw, NYC, an to the Commission on Religion and ace of the National Council of Churches, NYC, advised an SA that a meeting was held on 1/21/64, of persons b5 participating in voter registration effort Hattiesburg, Miss. At b7C this meeting Howard Zinn advanced the theory of the arrest of an Agent of the F.B.I. under a "citizens arrest" if the Agent was acting as an observer in voter registration demonstrations and took no action to arr ersons who were in violation of Title 18, Section 242, U.S. Code. and stated that they discouraged such theory and action; owever, stated that SNCC members were seriously contemplating suchac ion. L4 157-1509-34 Encl.p.5 %!


@ CU L V 5 r;:r;1r~4@@IEL _ O Q

The "Philadelphia Inquirer", Philadelphia, dated 2/1Q/64 contained an article entitled "FBI Accused of Shirking Rights Role." This article concerned an address made by Howard Zinn before The Second American Revolution 57-1525! on 2/Q/64 at Haverford College, Haverford, Pa QQ! A program of events, furnished by an informant not identified!, revealed that Zinn'saddress was to be on "Beyond The SitIns". 6%!

- 25-12 p.l Encl.p.l

- 525-2 Encl.p.7

The following references in the file captioned "Racial Matters" contain information pertaining to the racial activities of Howard Zinn from 1962 to 6/24/EH in Haverford, Pa., Boston, Atlanta, Hattiesburg, Miss., and Tuskegee, Ala. Zinn spoke on "The Negro Revolt" at Haverford College, and was scheduled to speak on "Civil Rights Is An Individual Issue" at the Tuskegee Institute. Zinn led a demonstra- tion in Boston and participated in demonstrations in Atlanta. Zinn accompanied a civil rights complaintant to the Hattiesburg Resident Agency. Zinn was also the author of a report entitled "Albany, A Study InNational Responsibility".Q8!

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER .¢ 157-6-A "New York Times" 2/1Q/6A L26 157-6-2-926 13%: I-8» 1

-931 p.l,2 <14 -934 p.l, Encl.p.2 157-6-2-A "New York Post" 11/27/62 157-6-5-168 p.l, Encl.p.3 mi 157-6-33 -1786 1%! 157-6-53-A16 p.2 £n 157-6-61-1310 Encl.p.2 187 r

-5-. §:;r g CUWNTIAL Q Q

The "Boston Herald", daily Boston newspaper, issue dated 8/22/64, announced that most of Boston Civil Rights groups expect to send a bus load of supporters to demonstrate for the seating of Mississippi Freedom Democratic party delegation Tuesday at the _ _ DemocraticZinn wasto be Nationalamong Convention busthe load 00-#42527!of demonstrators.in AtlanticQ2! City. HowardQgij; 100-#42527-l3# p.l <1»/1!

The following references in the file captioned "Cmmunist Influence In Racial Matters'contain information pertaining to the racial activities of Howard Zinn, professor at BU, from 1962 to 7/21/E5 in Boston, Mass., Atlanta and Albany, Qa. Zinn was the author of a report entitled "Albany, A Study In National Responsibility," p which indicated that he was in.Albany during racial demonstrations as a reporter. Zinn was also the'authbr of an article "The Limits of Non-Violence? which appeared in the "Freedomways" magazine. He spoke at an SNCC annual conference, passed out leaflets at a picketing, and led a demonstration in Boston. On 6/30/63 Zinn was relieved of his duties at , Atlantaa The executive committee of the SNCC, of which Zinn was a member, protested his dismissal. Zinnconsider was reportedgrants. toSNCC be an Also officerset of forthwere a new foundation Zinn'sCP which affiliations. would Z!!

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER 100-MA2529-277-578 -859 -1381 15"]-7:

protect identity!,| I 56 a v se that on 10/l6/65 the Atlanta Citizens to End b7c the War in Vietnam planned to stage a protest demonstration of B70 student and faculty members of the Atlanta University complex in front thatof Howard the Zinnold Post would Officeparticipate building, Forsyth inthis demonstration. Street, Atlanta, L1! and lOO4##60835l p.l, EnCl.p.l,2 M!

-5- 6 F=:¢,*1_l El. l rllllllllllllllll '?%¥lZ* -.-~_l cg l___g- 92

b6 | Iof United Press b7C International, Atlanta, advised that at a joint press conference on 2/10/¬6,of the Southern Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam 00-44M9l6! and Atlanta Committee to End the War in Vietnam, it was announced that Howard Zinn was to be among those to make a Vietnam"formal presentationthat on date at theat Davage AtlantaHall, University ClarkCollege, Center "SpeakOut Atlanta. E/1! on On 2/lg/66an "AffirmationVietnam"was heldat theAtlanta~ Stadium on 2/l2/ 6. While this program was in progress inside the stadium,observed a groupSAs by of picketsamongthe pickets. marched outside<24! the stadium. Zinn was 100-M44916-74 p.D,2,3,ll,l2,l5,2O,2l 116

The following references in the file captioned "Communist Infiltrationof Howard of Zinn, SNCC" anexecutive contain information boardmember pertaining SNCC, of to thefrom4/1%/63 activities to 3/1%/66 in Boston and Atlanta. Zinn was dismissed on 6/3Q/ 3 from his position at Spelman College, Atlanta. Zinn spoke at an SNCC annual conference, at a Young Socialist Club rally and at an SNCC rally. Zinn signed a "Statement On H. Rap Brown" and was an officer grantsof a new foundation fromSNCC not only.The specified! CPaffiliations which would Zinn considerwereof requestsalso forsetout<@4!


100-439190-27x p.2, Encl.p.l,2 "37 p1-32 ? -59 p.2 l -60 p.l,2 -80 9l P :16 -12 :6:35 - ,34,35 1o0~43919o-5-6 Encl.p.l-3 gii/26! -8 p.l-3 gl

100-439190-5-18 Encl.p.9 ii§


:§E®4 _ -F s ~ --~-~-~~ ~ M - ' - -~ -~~-~~----- ~*-" ~ t "s--"W """" * """"""""""*'1 - B L _ H

- be C C Io"/C

of Michig Ln , Ann | protect Arbor, advised that on 5/ll/66 the identity! University of UniversityD Michigan faculty members received a mailing soliciting support for a "National Vietnam Examination" which was prepared by the SDS and the InterUniversity Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy 2-llOO39!. preparingThis examination examination. the listed Howard Zinn Cg!as one of the consultants in

Examination enclosed 62llOO393lO p.l33,283 <46

The following references in the file captioned "Japan Peace for Vietnam Committee" contain information pertaining to the activities of Howard Zinn, professor of at BU, in connection with the above committee from June 1966 to August 14, 1966 in.Okinawa, and Japan., Zinn conducted a lecture tour, sponsored by Beheiren, a Japanese peace organization, of Japan and Okinawa. During his visit to Hiroshima City he was interviewed by news media and held a discussion meeting at Hiroshima University. Similar meetings were scheduled for Kyushu University and the University ofjyukyu Island. Zinn's interviews and lectures were marked by a critical view of American policy in Asia and emphasized racial discrimination in the U.S. Reese Zinn alsooooo attendedoooo inT°YK°-wa four day Japan U.S. Citizens Conference for REFERENCE * ~ SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 105-1118307-8p .1~ MP5! 11/ ~12 p.l, Encl.p.l,2,#-13 Qi9292~i , -13 Encl.p.2,5 .;w* 27 -14 p.2 1 IQ» 292 -18 Encl.p.l <@*i'*I ~27-19 Encl.p.5p.l~3,Encl.p.l ,,i¢....' ~' lg n -28 p.mo


CU IAL I-==-s--Q '7 -~»-4--_»-_-_.~,-» . 4 _.l_ _<......... _ _


Shozo Chikamatsu, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, lrequested information concerning ten individuals who attended the World Conferences Against Atomic And Hydrogen Bombs and For Prevention Aof Nuclearsummarydated War, 0 l0/20/66 -40087!was held sent into Japan, Chikamatsu July andsetting August,l966. outthe background and CP affiliations of Howard Zinn, one of the individuals

who attendedthis conference¬:I§z£"""""" 92 . EUh~"""W" 105-40087-20 Enc1.p.l1 %!! b6 On 4/10/67| A Milford,Conn. made bic available a leaflet entitled "National Mass Mo ilization to End the war in Vietnam Now!" This leaflet was distributed by the New England Committeefor Non-Violent Action "peace walkers and listed Howardto be heldZinn asin NYCone of theandSan endorsers Francisco of on this 4/l5/67.<}A} mobilization which was Leaflets enclosed lg-426761-1626 Encl.p.7 I10 6 The Bergenfield,N.J., Police Department andl;:;;;;;;;;:]97c Hackensack, N.J. submitted a cppy of a throwaway leafl "Bergen CountyPeace Council Presents Vietnam, You and the Draft." This leaflet stated that the above council was featuring a speech by HowardZinn entitled "Nuremberg Now:Conscience and the Draft" with a panel discussion on 6/7/67 at the Methodist Church, Passaic Street and SummittAvenue, Hackiensack,N.J. {4} %%3-173 En0l.p.5Referral/Consult

Ci icontinued! :2;

-.9... %< c0MEjDEi1lL _ Referral/Consult

1 C1* *~ 92 == 47*v + - J Q 105-69591-A6 Encl.p.5 '*'Z'%! tn: <1P6~ r r The following references in the file captioned "Stop the Draft Week" contain information pertaining to Howard Zinn, professor at BU, in connection with his anti-draft activities from l0/2/67 to 10/16/67 in Boston. Zinn was one of the signers of "A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority", a pamphiet to support and assist young men whorresist the war, distributed by Resist, an anti~draft organization, on l0/2/67. Zinn also spoke against the war in Vietnam atan an anti-draft anti-draft organization.rally in Bos on on 10/16/67 i! sponsored by the Resistance, REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER

25-558874-102 Encl.p.28,36 -ion p.1, En¢1.p.2en -338 Encl.p.2,#

The following references on Hawaid Zinn, Professor at Boston University, appear in the main file of Ernest P. Young. On ll/8/E7 Zinn and Young were involved in the defection in Japan of four U.S. Navy sailors from the aircraft carrier "Intrepid". Zinn reportedly received a telephone call from a member of the Japanese Peace-In-Vietnam committee, Beheiren, who had been approached by the sailors for help. The caller requested the name of a representative of the U.S. who would go to Toyko as an observer. Zinn recommended Young, who agreed to make the trip, Young arrived in Toyko on ll/B/57 and subsequently talkedwith the sailors. QA92

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER 14-2975- Y - Encl.p.l5 I "' :Ll':5


gggg __ g r::nmr§|aQqmL ,=..=_.....l_~_*-_ -»-~------~ - - --_--__ - - V re-_ _-_ r w _-_--,_ a a _- r __--_--_-__ _-_ - -rm _ .- _- -_---~,M_-» _- -_~

B BUN IAL ' F______Qn_lZlQZ5_an_SA_nb§§r1ed1a_. Ib conferenceby b7Cheld6 press of the Washington SDS, in the Washington room of the Willard Hotel, 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., at which a resist statement was read 92 regarding draft resistance. Howard Zinn was one of the individuals who signedthis statement. éy!

Statement enclosed

174]/?941-74 Encl.p.3 %%lll--29!-Ll91-L p.l¥l5

si?o5-169131-17 ! Enc1.p.1+

Howard Zinn was listed as one of the signers of an advertisement entitled "If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year," which appeared in the "? l/BO/58, page 51. This advertisement stated that the undersigned writers and editors, who believed it morally wrong to be involved in the , would not pay the 10% income tax surcharge and that many of them would not pay the23% oftheir incometax whichwas usedto finance the war. /!

Advertisement enclosed 62-1ll8305 Encl.p.3 W5

The following references in the file captioned "NMC" contain information pertaining to the activities of Howard Zinn, professor at BU, in connection with the NMC from 9/10/66 to 2/19/68 in Cleveland, Boston,Ithaca, N.Y., NYC,'Washington,,Q*§,, Paris,i@¢;La;@éyt¢ Copenhagen and Hanoi. Zinn spoke at rallies in NYC, Washington, D.C. and Bostonand at a forum at in protest of the Qgggilil Vietnam war and participated in the National Leadership Conference of the Inter-University Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy, Cleveland. Zinn was an NMC sponsor and was listed on the letterhead stationery and in leaflets of the NMC On l/31/E8 Zinn left NYC via Copenhagen andI Paris to go to Hanoi to escort three American pilots freed by theu,u§aLaaL.




CUNF IAL < .____. .._ __,.

continued! BU AL O I 62llll8l-10 Encl.p -56 Encl.p

-122 p.l -162 p.l, l73 Encl. -187 Encl. -203 Encl. Encl.p.2-4 -488 Encl. p.12A -761 Encl. -818 Encl. p.4 -979 P-Hll -2142 p.l, P-5 -EEH5 Encl -2l#6 Encl VA? -2155

-2157Encl M -2158 Encl "#1 .p.l .p.l 62-llll8lA "Evening Star" 2/19/68 {iii ¢% TheNorth Vietnamese CPaffiliations back to Zinnof the U.S., were also returning setforth. to NYC 4%! on 2/19/E8


ti ? ?--::f '3 > BU AL it _'

I Q b2 [:::::::::]advised that on 3/6/68Howard Zinnwho had _ recently returnedfrom Hanoi,North Vietnamand whowas an outspoken critic of U.S. policy in Southeast Asia, would speak at a press conference at 245 Second Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. and answer questions. 6;! 10<13? 169131-23 Encl.p. 2

" 3 Howard Zinn was on the L:::::;::;]advised4/2 on /68 that b2 Advisory ounci o the White Americans To Support Black Liberation, b7D 00-#49688! 6%!NYC. 100-449688-3 p.5,7 126 SI lQO4496882 Encl.p.5,7 W b2 g:::;:::;;gfurnisheda flyer announcingthat the Washington Mobilizat on omm ee to End the War in Vietnam would hold an b7D International Day of protest against the Vietnam war on 4/27/E8 in Washington, D.C. There was to be a march to the Selective Service System, 916 G Street, Northwest, after assembling at Franklin Park, and then they would return to the park for a rally at which Howard Zinn would spea" k . 4?! who wasscheduledOn 4/27/E8 SAsspeak, to observed didnot the appear.above, march;{! and rally. Zinn, Flyer enclosed %g?ll208l-261 Encl.p.h,6 s1 62l112o81-103 Encl.p.2,3 6 Add.info.! Re ferral/Consult

W continued!



; BUWTIAL 92 _ c0r~1@¬QT1.a|_ . " . Q YV E Referral/Consult


/ ~se»cPe-:r

The following references in the file captioned "Communist Infiltration of the Southern Student Organizing Committee" SSOC! contain information pertaining to the activities of Howard Zinn, Department of Political Science, BU, in connection with the SSOC from 11/13/E4 to 6/6/68 in Atlanta. Zinn was scheduled tp speak at a South-Wide Conferenceof the SSOC heldat Atlanta on ll/13 - 15/EH. Zinn was listed as a consultant on a National Vietnam Examination prepared by the SDS, 5/El/56. An article by Zinn entitled "Vietnam and Civil Rights" was distributed at an SSOCconference in Memphis and a pamphlet by Zinn entitled "Dow Shalt Not Kill" was sold in a booth at the University of Arkansas on 6 6/68. At a SSOC Executive Committee meeting in Memphis on 2/25-26 67 it was proposed that a tape library be set up and include tapes by Zinn. Reportedly the hadSSOC originallybecomea fraternal was to beaffiliate the white counterpart ofthe SDS. 6?! of the SNCC and it REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 100-442367-8 p.21 -33 Encl.p #6 Encl.p -72 Encl.p -292 p.13

}_ continued! c I: 1*



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p .1 , 2 tit?" The 9/27/E8 issue of "The First Issue" magazine, published at Ithaca, N.Y. contained an article in which a report was made on a recent meeting held with the Parisian Delegation o North Vietnam. ~1 sA@cording to this article, on 9/H/68 Howard Zinn and three other American scholars flew to Paris where they met with members of the meetingsPeace Delegation on of beganNorth 9/B/68 and Vietnam lasted for for an twoexchange days. of v<2;- ews. The

l%2-35886742 Encl.p.l [;;::::;;:]advisedthat on 9/l8/58after a meeting,sponsored b2 b7D by the Sou ern udent Organizating Committee, on the campus of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, a leaflet entitled ,"What Is Radicalism?" was distributed. This leaflet listed Howard Zinn among the national New University Con erence 2ll2109! _ interim committee membersand sponsors. L4

Leaflet enclosed ?¬6l12lO945 p.5 / . The following references in the file captioned "Anti-Draft Activities" contain information pertaining to the antidraft activities of Howard Zinn, professor at BU, from ll/l6/67 to 10/l/68 in Boston, Zinn spoke at antidraft rallies at Post Office Square on ll/l6/67 and 7/l0/E8. A pamphlet entitled "Resist Illegitimate Authority" distributed during a demonstration at Selective Service headquarters on 12/%/57 carried the signature of Zinn. Zinn was observed leading contmnuéd!


§@ BUN §§@@?:' e~v~'~~* e*Ww+~~W Y e W" ~'"* " "" W"WW$q , 1, cqE}§EwT1aL || 1

continued! a group of demonstrators at the Boston army Base on l/10/E8 and appeared to be in charge of rally activities held at Marsh Chapel, BU Schoolof Theologyon 10/1/E8.Q4! REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER

25-520132-333 Encl.p.l -355 p.l, Encl.p.5 -817 Encl.p.7 lOO9 Encl.p.2 -1654 1779 P-1,2

The State News", a daily Michigan State University newspaper, dated 10/15/68 contained an article entitled "Students Refuse Induction; Five Face Prison Sentences." This article revealed that Alan Schulz, one of the five students, stated that he was partiallyThe Logic influencedof Withdrawal" in hisby decision Howard Zinn.by a reading 63%! entitled "Vietnam: 1o0~#51u21-127 Encl.p.2 um! - .b2 [;:;::;;::::;furnishedll/7/58 on four-pagea leafletb7D distribute y e Ra ical Education' Progect° - 00 M50968! as a synopsized "prospectus" of that organization, its purpose, politics, activities, future, funds and sponsors. Howard Zinn was listed among the sponsors.6:b4! 100-450968-14 p.28,5O <16! s1<15/%° o-#50968-15 p.2 s1 100-4#4683-45 Encl.p.l w SI 100-#45393-27 Encl.p.3 7 SIgl76-38-6126 p.27 !


"cuwF' IAL P *1


"", dated 11/20/68, p.29, contained,an advertisement entitled "On November 27, Eldridge Cleaver will be sent to prison, There is something you can do." This advertisement requested that donations to pay for Cleaver'slegal defense be sent to the International Committee to Deend Eldridge Cleaver 57-ll302!, and that letters and telegrams of protest be sent to Henry Kerr, Chairman, Adult Authority, State Gffice Building #1, appearingSacramento, at Calif.the bottom ofthis Howard Zinn advertisement.?E?! was included ong a list of names 157-11302-ANewI York Times"ll/20/E8 L5! p-29

The following references in the file captioned "Communist Infiltration of Students For A Democratic Society" contain information pertaining to the activities of Howard Zinn in connection with this organization from 7/l#/55 to ll/26/68 in Boston and Washington, D.C. Zinn gave a lecture at a teach-in on"Yietnam at , spoke against the Vietnam war at an SDS meeting at BU, and was scheduled to speak at a rally in Washington, D.C. Zinn was a consultant in the preparation of a National Vietnam examination prepared by the SDS and an associate and advisor of the Radical Education Project. Excerpts from Zinn's article entitled "Vietnam - The Logic of Withdrawal" was distributed at a demonstration in Oklahoma City and his article entitled "Dow Shall Not Kill" was read at a demonstration in Huntington, W.Va. Also set forth were Zinn'§ CP affiliations.


T CUNF TIAL c0|>a¬u11.a|_ p I , Q [:::;:::;;Lmade availablea listdistributed the by b2 Peace Action omm ee in the Los Angeles area which contained Ib7D names of sponsors of the Hemisphere Conference to End the War in Vietnam 05-179625! scheduled to be held in Montreal, Canada on November 28, 1968 to December l, 1968. Howard Zinn was included this list. kf! OH

List enclosed %i?§l79625-lOXp.l, Encl.p.3

The following references in the file captioned "Demonstra- tions Protesting U.S. Intervention in Vietnam" contain information pertaining to the protest activities of Howard Zinn, Professor at BU, from 3/27/65 to 12/21/68 in Boston and Cambridge, Mass., Atlanta, .7; - Bloomington Ind., %__*, NYC ,Baltimore , Was nghi t D;C.*on, , M°ddl 1 , t e own,£&EEbj£i:@ Allenwood, Pa., Hanoi, §wgQen and Paris, France. Zinn spoke at a Vietnam commencement ceremony, at rallies, teach-ins, an SDS meeting, a symposium for peace at BU, and was scheduled to speak at the Federal Prison Camp in Allenwood. He participated in a Japanese Citizens Conference, and was scheduled to be a witness at the hearing of the Baltimore Four. Zinn was listed on a November 8 Mobilization Committee leaflet, on a petition demanding Vietnam war appropriations be in Cpngress and among members of the U.S. Organizing Committee debated the Hemisphere Conference to End the War in Vietnam. Zinn was permanent delegate of the Spring Mobilization Committee and an of supporter of the Resistance. He was invited to Hanoi to accept a. active three freed U.S. pilots and was listed among delegates of theNMC to go to Paris and Sweden to visit exile deserters and to hold a press conference to create sympathyfor these deserters. Qg!

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 105-138315-2&1 p.l,2,Encl.p.2# -720 Encl.p.2 -2468 p.2, Encl.p.4,5 gém -2606

-4254-3214 p.H,54,61,7u,11+6,1M9,151,180,182,239 continued!


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REFERENCE 105-138315-A277-5093 -6590 -7108 -7827 -821M i k p, cowE>ag§T1nL

The following reference in the file captioned "Student Mobilization Comittee" SMC! contain information pertaining to the ; activities of Howard Zinn in connection with the SMC from 12/28/66 to A/B/59 in Cambridge, Mass. Zinn was a sponsor of the SMC, an initial sponsor for a conference to plan a National Student Strike for Peace 1 to be held at the University of Chicago, and an initial endorser of l a National GI - Antiwar Action Conference to be held in Chicago. A 192 instatement NYC. by Zinns?pke Zinn was readan anti-war at ata GI rally - the at Anti-War parade andInstitute rally ; of Technology.


lOOA@676l-2X Encl.p.3 -74 Encl.p.3 -103 Encl.p.2 -108 p.l, Encl.p.l,2 -319 Encl.p.4 -343 Encl.p.5 -404 p.F,3,59

organizations_ The followingwhich references at Howard Zinn set spokeout or meetings was scheduled and affairs ofspeak: to , /Q4! DATE LOCALITY REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE #

Baltimore Defense Committee 10/9/ 68 a B ltim ore -95 100-451045-67 E E§1.§.1,2 1. .2 / Conference of Progressives 2/B/B7 Brooklyn_ 100-346777-7 Encl.p.3 $§/I Fifth4/5/69 Avenue VietnamNew I PeaceCity York Parade 6421112785-9Committee p.1,2 Encl.2,3 A Ll - Encl.p.2,ll QX continued!

....2 ! ...

Eaili cow§jDjjAL "_|_-¢_/ _ ___ _ _ o s ''''' ~Wt"<< . _ o "~"""""'"" "1 * ""*""" t " W" Y :::"'""";'"' t ,. BUWElB¬&lIAL _, out. to continued!


NMC i;io/69 Washington,o.o. 100-451694-547Encl.p.5** £5; -617 p.l,Encl.p.l,2** uni, The Resistance 11/16/67 Boston in-2965-#7-23 p.21 § 3/6/68 1A-2965-5-33 Encl.p.l 7/10/68 14-2965-5-50 Encl.p.3 gn -54 p.l, Encl.p.2,5 U2f/

Union of Concerned Scientists 3/W/69 Cambridge,Mass loo-452552-19 Encl.p.2,5 £§

W. E. B. Du Bois Clubs of America 12/1/67 Bloomington, Ind 100-446030-13p.ll** U%§ Washington Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnamr A/27/58 Washington, D.C. l#2965-53-12 Encl.l,3i2, Bf! Encl.2, p.l -19Encl.3, p.51,5#** pnl** Eff

* and various other peace group;too numerous to list ** scheduled to speak

...2]_.. k cow5iBEi1iL j,!,I,g-_¢_-2-T » *="* *~ 1 - W" B t ""§ U :_ cnmr-£1 AL - s b6 , v b7c submitted|quotesan article infrom the "Ft. LauderdaleNews" h/ll/£9. This article stated that the Fund for Education in World Order met in the Grand Ballroom of the New York Hilton the previous month to discuss "The Challenge of Building Peace." "During the morning and afternoon sessions such statements as...'America has the title of, Robber of our time. Howard Zinn, professor of government at Boston University?"clarified! notM! i iozfo- - 196 25



The following references on Howard Zinn located in files maintained in the Special File Room of the Records Branch, Files and whetherCommunications areDivision, they identical werewith not reviewed,thesubject and this it ofis summary: not known <:;4/ REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 64-330-364-136 a

V 64-330-370-72 gQ

See the search slip filed behind file for other references on this subject which contain the same information SI! that is set beenout in the mainreceivedfrom file: Although different sources. the information _ is §2/the same it may have



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Zinn, Howard 1-19

Zinn, Howie 2O

Zinn, Harvie 21

Zinn, Haward 21

Zing, H. 22

Zinn, One 23-26 2

Zin, Howard 27

Gin, Howard 27 Zinn, Howwie 2O_ Zinn, Conrad 27

Jin, Bud 27 mrommmozw commm mm uwcwsammo A &LL&%BYvuib em aw , 3 9 Q


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_ ,,,, M K 7 in n|nn_ Le, L J ; 1 ~ 7*/'"'"' ""' 1". .. FD-350 Rev. 1-1e-es; Mr. Toison.___.._ 3 Mr. Sullivan.__.__ i Mr. Mohr....__..__. 1 Mr. Bisiio 7.... Mr.Bren _ Mount Clipping in Space Below! Mr. Callaha _.__ Mr. Casper....._.__ M2". Conrad ._.- 'M1. F-it ._..__.. Mr. Gel" t -._.__ Mr. Rt-sen ..__.__ Mr. Tavel _....__._ t Mr. Wa1ters_____ ;. -iv. 1-1-yars .-..._. V * *~umn@¬c@§T 92 » » QNED L- 5 Tele. Room_.___._ '.»~ N§:,E¥§?,s w»xcw»¢5m§§ o u "92._...V L59 P] hm Miss Ho1mes.__.__ x>/ %s% §i§ Miss Gandy._...._._

Indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state. M ei Wight e ~ in Jail, /ti,6, Zinn Pays Up 3-1. THE SUNDAY Bqston University Prof. 1 ADVERTISER _9._I;<_1_ walked ;_gi1_1_nto freedom BOSTON, MASS. from the Charles St. Jail Satur- '3*1Y after paying the balance of a $20 fine imposed for his par- ticipation in anti3war demon- stration at the Boston Army Base last May. - 1 1 Judge Harold Canavan of Suf~ gfolk Superior Court Friday '_ /.4" L asked _Zinn if he was ready to pay his ne. The government professor refused. He was then sentenced to serve the jail term at the rate of $3 a day. L {ifter an overnight» stay,~Zinn na1<1~*/"¢h_e Ybalanéelbf the ifixié, amounting to_ $i16;§&nx1;depa;»te§,

Date: 12/6/70 Edition: Sunday Author: Editor: v Samuel Bernste Y Title: PROF . HOWARD 92 // Z INN 1 92 x 1- r_ Chac:-aster: f Classification: O Submitting Office: Boston [:1 Being Investigated I 92 Q7 §_fD'~C~331:.! 3-: Q 197g, / M..,,,i~:i.¬:.1.i.? é 2 ix if -J T, '_.".'!-1'l I NOT nmcorznnn 3151 etc. 23 1cm,

l k, __ - i 92 IT1

I * F D-5 57$lhev. '/fro-"s-a!

_ i -> T- v - ;4 . l f Mr. Tolson.____ i Mr.Mr. Sul1ivan___Mohr_-...____ i Mr. Bishop ___. M1-.Bren Mount Clippingin*§pr:1=:e Below! Mr. Ca1lahan_.__ 1 la 1 L _ Mr. Casper V I i9292 Mr. l. -grgrad_- _.. I 3 in-.'Fr-lt .______s {Ii BU Prof.Zinn 1 _ g -Ir. Gale....___ n 4'92 92 kn, Mr. Rnsen...___._ J ,1 EM:-. _ Mr.Walters Tavel ..____ Con PayFine 1- '1.J",3- S yars -.._. _ . , . .- ~x~.»:'-p;§ Tele. Room.___ Prefers Jail i," t.. ' i J "*6-'7": ¢ O ...:.1;. ~. M ss I * :§#%§%: We HoImes____ Bostxf-F! UniversityProf. * 1 Miss Gandy__ K _ Ho92i'arZinn _was seaeaw 1 , ~ ___;;_;.2, .;:.~'. % iI Friday after 11 -U T 7 »-6 $"./ r~'-.»;:-.-, ,_. :_: :§ , _ Indicate page, name of 7 he arrived i Suffolk Superior ~ :;11:_;;:;.»_. ¢1_g_<.:*t z!Z5~?21=;_"+:;:~' ~ Court two days late and>re- -are .. 2 ~2 newspaper, city and state.! fused to pay a $20 fine. Judge Harold Canavan or- ~ i =~1:a3.;.5= 1§;=15M' deredZinn arrested Wednes- >-_,;:>;-_:$I.§l1T§?l*"l-. .ic§ <§-:i-4 ~ :':~- -55:;:g§;;:,.___ 92§. -- '~:;.3_.~.,-:-1-25 ,. 1;: pl 3->.-,>.-:~>.5.-. day whenhe failed to appear -,~;:~:{§; ,§5*»+.=~===;=; in court for sentencing for an ;:¢;z1;;:-.11:-52;:-4:,92;'=s~92.-92--s~'. 92§2;§f.-xgg,,/,/5:33-,5 v-; _:;1., ~-..==:.~ X - -. - -='.- anti-war demonstration at the 92_x $3 ..92 . é?t Boston ArmyBase last May: '1'?$¬=="-is--1 mg?' ..._ ,i l92C;§:71i~ _. Zinn, unusually reticent and ;;2;:<;§=:=>::92~;e~92-=;= , /K-5/-4- . ' theBOSTON GLOBE without at necktie, entered .1 <>§ei K,--==-2-* - /.-/~I¢11<75i-,. a. é BOSTON, MASS. the third-floor courtroom and »92;92~,~_-.~:- 92'.'~3 Qw ;< ' .¢:<_:~ :~<:eZ-:- .: 92-i92»:s- - 4 .,. -".,:.;'1' -1- t =5§E*;1I '1 sat in the second row before §>~i1i-':¥i1:-..sH_ _MW , . Judge Canavan until Clerk seer ~w%w -1 s<,<:=.<.<>->.I.~':~$;:,§§92l.-.->>:¢&.~.-.,s~92,!='t<-,}--- ' "ire-,~'¢.,c.<>. 1»-1*-<92:,..-"-. + , a->;:"- -:<'.*z-..- Z _ !;-- Fred Bunai called his name 9292~.~92;92.,_<.,v. 1 4:; .;:;;-.->.-,~_.'~.,1 V and announced, The court -»"R92:¢:?.~§ ,, 92>;-: - -t >. VI ; __ I 1-,§~92 - ' ~..'-- - .. - _ . "¬~'92¥~ si 4+ _ removes the default. -. - II --~,;.-cs Bunai then asked the edu- 4 ~ >~:,;;:;:~.~.§.92 - ' ,'i»:':;j , 1I.~.:'"': ~ § ~ =>:. :1==~»~<-- - cator. Are you ready to pay . . 92 -. . »1-..'-- . - .-.: 2. . the fine of S20 which was E -.92 ;.%;_92<" -.' :-92 92'*.'2-.:-L z .-.v > _ . , ,_., :»:.. .. :3§ ;;_,_ the BOSTON HERALD impsosed onyou on your con- 1e$s@mww*e~».,_ . _ '.;->,-._,.:,.,:_ :'§;:::92;_"1_:§;:;::.1E ia®@§rw$e~¥~~r P TRAVELER viction of sauntering land %ss§@%$a4ie*" loitering in such a way as to §"-:924;.5s_,_<,»:i>;,£Q <:' ;"~:~:-"":5*1 BOSTOT MQSQ6 obstruct and endanger tra- :§92,;=-.9292._.-1::--$126-Q _ 9292- I 33: :-:;.;"» IA velers?" ~ 9292*:-'5, .-3i'=::1¢.I7-1;1' i ,. :-:-r-- .,_-l~?;§_;;;:=,§;=.;-$1;-5IN- ,- ; '.==,E;1: , , 9;, ,_1 >4,, ,. "fagL:; E;';.;= Ib7C N0. Zinn replied. . I 9.5:;i§92il;E/_!é;';;§:,~;:_;:1Zl'.:92'wL§;Ijéziz , ~.;.;.;; J3unai then queried, You ->:;:...::»;, ?a*5§--*>=~ =»- - 's'=ev=»-=: 1 . .1 l i - are finzmciallyable to pay?" i .; . p _ Yes. the professor an- ~ew~r;nasewa:-_.- A " G e o iCCRD swered. 92=.;.,..».::.5;l:3:i;;: -'l;:j7:'._5.7' ::z:z:- ...' '= 8 -15:5 ~. .~,.~;,~ " ' :."i=5:'='<3.~:<-:>=§;.~,-; AMERICAN The clerk" continued, But 111- -*:E'l'Z§11=.:1 I»:-» ' 6»1r=.;.=:¢¢;l';-:> ? * > It you refuse to pay. Then the :¢:~:~<.~.».~.'og/2'--:1,~ , ~. :':"~r ,_-554 ,1 '-; BOSTON,Masst court orders you committed - l 1,*-"==/-"*~* ta-.;.=92~ .v.~*$'>2 .-._>..,.-.;¢s1;~Y I~ ;~ -5*,=3~"-'21-= . to the common jail. l -1:l"=':t:1'$¢ 2/~ »..:-~-:1-I: -11:-'r:;~-' -:-"=1;-M-¢:¢:_r Date: 1275/70 .-6. -"~1:<*1-:£*- ":?i?.:»N4» T-§:<;$':.._ -i-I-.-1"-'.='=:5:"5 -§=.=~ .. " Zinn wastaken intocustody I ii" .-.r-" 2-. .-4-/":1///'. i:.dit_ion: by CourtOfficers GregKel- ..*___ ,_.t._r;:§-55;.::::§'%l_:_t *3-:9-;>s *5> .. '¢=.¢-.2-%~ _.. '52? _..+ . =11; Saturday_ ley andRobert Ramsey.' -*3:-¬l:'Y:<1<¢'1*.2:1~:-2. 4- .' -1==I¢>E¢E1-Author: - >92A2-:,=. . ~{.;_.'>:_:jl1:2 ;»,:;=- ti? - ~.:=-so4' -:»-511;:--.>:A The jail term will be served .~'92;$'. ~.'-=.<==-¢:=: < . U54§,,q~;* .n 4-:Q-. 41, Editor: at the rate of $3 a day and - -:-"-.;.;; y. - Title: C Edward nollan this means Zinn will be in <'<=.$2.-.-t1;1'=>I=;.- _ ;.;. --.- - 1I?-l:='~-'+--~><-:-:.- {ks PROF. HOWARD y Jail 6'2days unless he 31>"'~-~ -'*~ /2:.<¢§:-1I=:~:'I:-..$.;f:.;f$:;_*1?':<:~ ,;;,1!;i:1,:'*°.'5-.':: :'-:11'=3S"*1~5¬=. J11:-:§:§:_:§:~:=;;41;::._: '=:~ t:-" . _ :-' ~ '§232;i*"~;3;92.92 changes his mind and de- -.;.;;.;;.;.,.».~.~_;~_.,.$.;492?i=~S§.:~ .-.-,-4.;-4-»92.;..._ J! . 92:~- ._.,.-,;.:.;<-.~;_;;¢.,.,;-<.-...» it ~ ":t1:5:1;1:'-'w¢:1i¢1I-.-.-m,,_.,.,_.,-. :~:_.,,- '1:},§é'§~i:¬':j1§:' ZINN ' cides to pay the fine. 33.-E;;:,.~;_;'<;:_~_--. ~Ii=;=:==:;-:?.-~24 ,, -..1. Q ;.;4.;,-Q-;,;;~i_,Q -'<.- '-2'i5 o On Wednesday, Mrs, Vales- ;<3 .~~ ~,~;;-,,:;:-.; , ;.:;==-- ¢<- -¢¢->--9' §",.i,? Character: IS i ka Ginouxes, a Wellesley :.<;:;;_;3;'-#1 -.-<5 >.~:>§.5 ::}'5 - ~ ~ housewife. and Eugene K . _ -$2-2-:_. 92- ~ _ * -'9';-K.:~*:1/-'1'-~ :-;;.'>_;.;.;. ~."1 ';; . '1'.O! OReilly of Cambridge, also :~=-:->>;~:i-iv:'~.=-1;.-.,.e»----<:;-:-_-;;:_-g@;&=;.<;_,-.-:_';~;:;:~:~:; 4 .:-,>.-.-~:-!::.:>-~; .;- , - ""-:i§'s;:*£1Z=3J .; ._-_ , Classification: >.'.1§1'§-'1¢:%?-355' '_: -_:3_<"::{.-Y=1__;-.-.-1. ~ .1,1~:1<':':':|-°"""-;==§?.>=~ £¬":::'~:;:_._;_-.-.._.-..=- ' '- flzilzizl-"* chose jail terms rather than gv.» »; V ' " -~ -= Submittin pay: the small fine for the :'»-.-.. -..,.,.;-. q office! BO S ton Army Basedcmonst.ration._ 43;,r J 4< E Eight p~-rsons were con- _ U Being lnvestigc':r_-d victed ;2 i~l~22kiz1:, theArmy Base gate:.<'~i paid five the -S. ,_ ..."92. L Prot. Howarcl Zinn __:,__;,_'. 4-1;-ricanPliof Dennis Breclrlel /[;;j,7*__,3.,%» /ii ALLmFo1=M1§'°N§°mAm@4 NOT 92 19ép}asooebnn I onto-r5 131978 . m.~;:1l=..ii>la,:92.x:§>..1%Y*/-*i"mi;,§,W wRmI1sll°** K rm """ i vw: <

Poise jaev.. 592-64! §___ _ , I c- . ,¢,.., I4 ~ 1 K ~47 ,_

F B I Date: 8/2-6;/70

Transmit the following in ' ' ' Type in plaintext or code! , _ pg/in AIRTEL AIRMAIL Priority! lw:// /' I cg 1 2, """" "1 | 4 = DIRECTOR, FBI jjww 1/C . 1I11 1 X FROM; SAC, ALBANY 00-New ! P!_ SUBJECT: SECOND CONSPIRACY TO FIND AMERICA 6! IS MISC

1 Enclosed for the Bureau are 1.4 copies and, for f each receiving office the appropriate number of copies of 2% an LI-M captioned as above. » source mentioned in LHM is

b6 is presently on the SI, Priority I b7C wu- of the A a my ivision and is in the Key Activist Album} , Ib7D

be __,_. ib7C -nu; 14-"Bureau Encs. l4! RM! E -100-447926! I-100-SECOND RICA! - I00-! I-l0OSTEWAR0 ACHAM! - lI0O;HOWA@ N! ->n l_Biltimo_:e lEach Addit'o l _ 3 Inf:;!na Subect AGENCY: RM!ARMY, _ 0Nl,'8Sl,S'EC.SER.,<$&Q=?-E0 hfc/1 - "i 2-Albuquerque Enos. 2! RM! ?_§___~__Z______<13 4-Boston Enos. 4! RM!_ - ,_ __v_-:4 i3"35""9"'='*7- »~3F5W '-

,A 1 > E},2-Los Angeles Encso2 ! NI ~. 2-New Haven Encs.2! RM!5y:' b¬:$7"s2o;/3-g :h t 4-=__92a2-New York Encs.2! RM! _ _ , fgtq I ls §:_;5 4- .. Alhany l 1 _ I 92 p_i SEP s J 1s2's?e§;'-%§» c _ Q292A| -k , 9/MC b6 APPIO J p <1 2 , 100-no CONSPIRACY TO' I Sen¬~92_i".;";.*'?*_;_.__L£-Per F.LND_ AMERICA! 7 -92 g6'SES?>eEia1 -100 -100-18593!xi in_Charge | 1 /00 '-' j @;g,/7 c Aw v _ 777% ___ __i______ii. _g,_-T---'.?,_T_?1W ______7 ~ 1' - -~~ =--+=~~-~~ ~- I 0 3 .I >-. J 92 ' c .3 ,4 ¢". 1

-AL 100-New » 1% This LHM is classified "Co ' ential" since it contains information received from confidential source mentioned above, unauthorized disclosure of which could possibly identify this source of continuing value and thus be detrimental to the defense interests of . - 92 LEADS:

Receiving offices will contact sources and in- formants familiar with groups in their respective areas to determine if captioned organization is active in their Division. Receiving offices will also conduct appro- priate investigation regarding individuals within their territory. ,


.~ I

- 1 92 s

- 2 -

.1 1

._ 1 .,.___,.-Q _.,.,_,,,>_,__,,.__g,.,__,...,.....w-=.-.-,=_-f ~... _ . - .-...._...... > _._. ______»__._...... _H___,i...... a 7;». _ _

92q_ 92"r 0;. '5¢ * » CONF IAL Y? I S v DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

Q FEDERAl.BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION "Iv" In Reply, Please Referto Albany, New York File N0. August 26, 1970


A confldentlal source, who had proV1ded rellable informatlon 1n the past furnlshed the attached Xerox cover letter dated July 20, 1970, slgned DOUGLAS F DOWD, ad its enclosure


~'9292 /IQ? AAI5

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- July 20, 1970



The enclosure almost explains itself, but not entirely. Four of us -- Noam Chomsky, Stewart Meacham, Howard Zinn, and I -- are taking it upon ourselves to circulate and seek signatures for this "statement of collective responsibility." In nature, this is very much like_the earlier "Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority," the basis for the charges against Spock, gt gl. It is an attempt, essentially, to have those who approve of certain acts of resistance -- whether of young.92 }'92 men to resist the draft, as in the earlier case, or of a few committed ' , people to destroy draft files and the like, as in this case -- to accept the moral responsibility for such acts,

This is neither dishonest nor romantic. In signing the statement, you will not be stating that you participated directly in the acts mentioned, but that you join with those who did in believing that such acts are appropriate in this society, at this time- The signatures must be collected quickly, so they can be printed up before August 7. That means I must have such signatures in hand before August 1. Already, a hundred or so have signed, and we seek as manyas possible -- famous and not, whole families, young and old. Implicit in your signature is your commitment, if at all _ possible, to attend the rally in Wilmington, Delaware at noon on August 7. when all this will be announced. At the rally, none who sign this will find themselves participating in any illegal act at that time. This is an attempt to engage; and it comes at a time when. many of us believe that we must find additional ways to register our deep protest at what our society does and what it is becoming.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write or, pre- ; ferably, phone me Office: 607/256-4392; home:272-6584!, or Noam, Stewart, or Howard. If you are going to sign, please do so Pr°mP¢1 Newand please York, l485D.* send_to W myll home" address:T 1004 -East Shore Drive, Ithaca,

I ~ 4 4 92

Douglas F, Dowd

O . , 7" _ __ __-7 _| ¥ 92

-~ ' 1 __,_-_. C 0 - .%___,.___._,__. . _ _ _ _ 92 .'' *~"" * _ _ 4-, r- A7

~ ' On Wednesday,June l7, 1970, SelectiveService fileswere destroyedat local Boards #1and 2 in Dover and Georgetown,Delaware. Antiperaonnelweapons weredis- rupted aswell at the GeorgetownNational GuardArmory whereLocal Board#2 was . located. Simultaneously,the StateHeadquarters theof SelectiveService System.at. Prices Cornerin Delaware was "bleachedawayY; Portablewading pools and wastebas~_ kets, placedon the floor of the DupontCompany Office,were filled with a bleach solution, into which draft records weredumped. Locatedon the same flooras the Selective ServiceOffice, Dupontwas specifically chosen asthe site for the des- truction of the deathpapers becauseof that corporations active role in the destruc tion of human life. We, theundersigned SECOND CONSPIRACYT0 FINDAMERICA accept ~ responsibilityfor these actions. We arepeople whoseek s future of Peaceand Brotherhood.This future92 will never be realizedif Americacontinues inits presentdirection. Weask thepeople of America tolisten to the criesof the People ofthe World- cries of hungerand thirst and deathand despair- cries which echonot onlyin far-off lands, butalso in what Mr.Nixon choosesto call the "richestmost powerfulnation of the world," We arepeople like you, peoplewho wantto live in Peacewith all of our brothers and sisters. But peace isnot built with military might, the burdenof which is borne by thepoor of the world. Thisproperty wasdestroyed outnot ofhate, butwith love; not out of anger,but with hope. Our hope is to find America. Not the Amerika of John Mitchellor RichardNixon or even SpiroAgnew. No,we seekthe Americawhich declared: "thatall menare createdequal;" thatthey haveGodgiven rightsto "life , andthe pursuitof happiness." . We hopeto find the Americawhich proclaimedthat'it the is dutyof governmentsto protect these rights, and that "whenever anyform of government becomesdestructive of theEnds, it is the Rightof thePeople toalter or abolish itand to_institute new government." These arethe wordsof revolutionaries; revolutionaries likeourselves; revolutiona~ ties whohad a vision of a better world aswe do. These arethe wordsof the FIRST CONSPIRACYFIND F0 AMERICAas they declared their independence. And sowe returnto the First State of the Union andform theSECOND CONSPIRACYTO FIND AMERICA.We conspire to "forma more perfect Union and! establishjustice." For justice is wantingin Amerikatoday. Peopleare hungryand nakedand honeless whilea multi~billiondollar warcontinues. Thecities getpoorer andthe weapons get larger and moredeadly andmore_costly. Peopleare intimidatedand freedomscom promised orremoved. "Therights of the peopleto peacablyassemble andto petition the governmentfor a redress of grievancesis repressed.The rightof the people to be securein their persons, homes,papers andeffects againstunreasonable searches- and seizures"is violated. In short, the Bill of Rights_existsno longer. Greed for private power andprofit stand in its place. The greatestinjustice ofall, however,is that men withoutwealth orpower areinden» tured inthe armedforces tokill and be killed to preservethis "wayof life." The defiantlyseditious utterancesof Thomas Jefferson.are ourinspiration. we inviteothers tojoin usin Conspiracy. To this,"we mutuallypledge toeach other our Lives, our Fortunes, andour SacredHonor." WE WILLFIND AMERICA.

______-.______..______l__ - ___. e ~ _ -_------.-.-...-.--.-_¢-->-

- O , I Q . Q > sw IA 1» 92~ ¢


DOUGLAS FITZGERALDTDOWD,a Professor of Economics atCornell niversitv, Ithaca ew orkresides atfu b6 Fm A 92 57c It is public knowledge that DOWD is a National Cochairman of the New Mobili- zation Committee to End the War in Vietnam NMC!, a nationalforganization which specializes in organizing anti- war groups for national protest actions and as the guest of the North Vietnam 3 Peace Committee spent two weeks in April, 1970, visiting North Vietnam and Laos, at which time he met with North Vietnam Prime Minister PHAM VAN DONG. Sources who have furnished reliable in- ./- formation in the past have advised // DOWD inDecember, 1966, was on the Executive Committee of the National Council of the Emagency Civil Committee ECLC!; was a speaker at the National War Crimes Tribunal held at Stockholm, Sweden, May, 1967; in 1969, was active with and attended several meetings of the Cornell University Chapter of u Students for a Democratic Society I SDS!. A characterization of the SDS,ap- pears in the appendix hereto.! Source advised that copies of these documents were mailedto the following namedindividuals byDOWD and returned, signed by them toDOWD: ,

' -G-Q-NihiiB-E-N!-£!$-B _4_ . .

_ ,4 _.u Q O Q1.-, -¢

GnQhHiiLiEiDnEI§iiF¬P!k L


! First name wn! Possibl middle name last name



bf/C LU b6



! H. PETER KAHN, 309 Mitchell Street, 8! Ithaca, New York lH85O.

Thi men

It s document contains neither recom- dationsrnr conclusions of the FBI. loais the property of the FBI and is ned to your agency; it and its con- ten ts are not to be_distributed outside * you r agency. »-_

C'G-N-T-T_BIE!@iE-E-#-E -5- . . . ll. .,.,....,92*1IkA'_V1>_II*92l .n._.,_l_,1Hi,_a_,_h__- 4 _ ..., __.,,,~__., .,.M__M;___»._.____..,____ ~__l-».,,,~.l__-_-.==.=;a. _-_l - 1 6,? O " e1 . 92 . 92- ¢ c i . ZL _.1_I_13 _gENDI>§ STUDENTS FORA DEMOQRATlC4SOGIEQX

A source has advised that the Students for a Democratic Society SDS!, as presently regarded, came into being ata founding convention heldJune, 1962,at Fort Huron, Michigan. Froman initial posture of "participatorydemocracy" the line of the national leadershiphas revealeda growing Marxist-Leninist adherence whichcurrently calls for the building ofa revolutionary youth movement. Concurrently, the program of SDShas evolvedfrom civil rights struggles to an antiVietnam stance to an advocacy of a militant anti- imperialist position. China, Vietnamand Cubaart regarded as the leaders of worldwide struggles against the United States imperialism whereasthe is held to be revisionist and also imperialist. At the June, 1969 SDSNational Convention, Pro- gressive Labor Party PLP! forces in the organization were expelled. As a result, the National Office NO! group main- tained its National Headquartersat 1608West MadisonStreet, Chicago, andthePLP factionset up headquarters inCambridge, Massachusetts. Thisheadquarters subsequentlymoved toBoston. Each group elected its own national officers, which included three national secretaries and a National Interim Committee of eight. Both the NO forces and the PLP forces claim to be th true SDS. Both groups also print their versions of "New Left Notes", whichsets forth the line and theprogram ofthe part- 6 icular faction. The NOversion of "New Left Notes" was re- cently printed under the title "The Fire Next Time" to achieve a broader mass appeal. Two major factions have developed internally within the NOgroup, namely,the Weathermanor RevolutionaryYouth Movement RYM!I faction, and the RYM IIfaction. Weatherman is action-orientedupholding Castro'sposition that the duty of revolutionaries is to makerevolution. Weathermanis regarded by RYMII as an adventuristic, elitist faction which denies the historical role of the working class as the base of revolution. RYM IImaintains that revolution, although desired, is not~ possible underpresent conditions, hence, emphasizes organizing and raising the political consciousness of the working class upon whomthey feel successful revolution depends. Although disclaiming controland dominationby the Communist Party,USA, leaders in these two factions have in the past proclaimed themselves tobe communistsand to follow the precepts of a Marxist-Leninist philosophy, along pro-Chinese communist lines. - A second source has advised that the PLP faction which is more commonlyknown as the Worker Student Alliance -1-A1-E-*1-A--Lv -6- f 0 . . I -'- 5 92 '- -. '9292'v _ nu 2~ I ~ - is dominatedand controlled by membersof the PLP, whoare 2* required to identify themselves with the proChinese-Marxist- * / betweenLeninist philosophy workersand of students the PLP.is Theyvital advocateto thebringing that an alliance aboutof a revolution in the United States. althoughSDS operating regionsunder the and university outlines and of collegethe SDS National, Qhabters Constitution, are autonomous in nature and free to carry out independent policyreflective of local conditions. Because of this autonomy internal struggles reflecting the major factional interests of SDS have occurred at the chapter level since the beginning of the l969~7O school year, 92 A characterization of the PLP isattached.



C -7- .' 1 ~ ~<~¢ §9292.=I 92. u I . D .4_1.=.1.>w1>.._I.><. PHQGRESSIVE LA§Q§_PABTX;]flE!

"The New York Times" city edition, Tuesday, April 20, 1965, page 27, reported that a new party of "revolutionary " was formally founded on April 18, 1965, under the name of the PLP which had been known as Labor Movement.

According to the article, "The Progressive Labor Movement was founded in 1962, by Milton Rosen and Mortimer Scheer after they were expelled from the Communist Party of the United States for assertedly following the Chinese Communist Line."

I A source advised on June 3, 1968, that the PLP held its Second National Convention in New Ygrk City, March 31 to June 2, 1968, at which time the PLP reasserted its objective of the establishment of a militant working class movement based on . This is to be accomplished through the Party'sovera1l revolutionary strategy of raising the consciousness of the people and I helping to provide ideological leadership in the working - class struggle for state power. 1

92 The source also advised that at the Second 4 National Convention, Milton Rosen was unanimously reelected | National Chairman of the PLP and Levi Laub, Fred Jerome, _ 1 Jared Israel, William Epton, Jacob Rosen, Jeffrey Gordon, and Walter Linder were elected as the National Committee to lead the PLP until the next convention.

The PLP publishes "Progressive Labor," a bimonthly magazine; "," a quarterly periodical; and i "Challenge-Desafio," a monthly newspaper. 2 The April, 1969, issue of "ChallengeDesafio" sets forth that "Challenge is dedicated to the peoples fight for a new way of life--where the working men and women control~their own homes and factories; where they themselves make up the entire government on every level and control the schools, courts, police and all institutions which are now used to control them." '

Source advised on May 8, 1969, that the PLP utilizes an address of General Post Office Box 808, Brooklyn, New York, and also utilizes an office in Room 617, l Union Square West, New York, New York. K



9 _ 6 ~ iii _ _J~ » , ... Q 4 4 t

1 -1,J I I s 4 = 4/21/70

Airtel b6 b7C 1-I I e ~¢;;%*

To; SAC, Boston 00-31648! ' 2}_ » From: Director, FBI 00-3-104.-5!/I mmlmmmm 4,1.3 mmmommcmssmm HQWARD . cointesazwrtntietnctPROGRAM A 2 5*40 "4575 t IS - c - '5K ,2!/s/LI!; I ZINN, cormmuswPARTY IS-C! USA " L"1/ .1 q q_eY_uQ.2¢.1M1s5-

1 Reurairtel 4/17/70, captioned as above, which _ requests authority to furnish public source data regarding rit antiwar aetivities of Professor Howard Zinn to former

There appears to be no reason why this communication 31*-°@°ie1~should have come 1*=W="~=|:| in under this caption. This proposed be _ bvc e oounterintelligenee activity is not directed at the Communist 1,. Party, USA. If you re ose to furnish public source data 92 A

regarding Zionto[::?::?::]you shouldsubmit yourrequest ,~ under Zion's caption and specify exactly what public source data you intend to furnish. No action is being taken on your request at this time. ' , V RCP:pab%M%! !

NOTE: 1 Zinn was a member of the CPUSA in early 1950's. K He has supgorted antidraft and antikvietnsm activities and e : made s trip to Hanoi, North Vietnam, in 1968. '

Tolson i_.._. IQLOGCBi _%_ I -- c i" ~ § ~ '..'<:hers MA|LED 4 A I 4"? § 5-oh:I , .',31970 '6! .. £1 v~.2, r__L i.:.i<1.92~J434-- , 92* C»w-we 7 V 1" r I F ¢ t I1 II 1

V, .-£§ 92 1 . I Z-S: .Re;: 3-32-ax ~ <9-"4 4 .92 , 5 Q v" ' l~vt . 7I : 4 F B I Transmit the following in Date: I4./17/70 fr _a V _- 1 1 Type in plaintext or code! {I AIRTEL ' 4 ia_ 1 i Priority! I _» < II I I @<29nruiNIST PAR1?Y,JJ$~4-, . ' mmonnmmssrmens, CQUNTERINTELLIG-ENCE PROGRAM £1111 UT.§1'CIzASSmEQ ~" .,I I I


5' A v . 92§92 9292; ~ f*92 I I!

92 Q | X- 92? s:

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< R.-.1 2'2 Q ~. i» v - $ J l

0 BS 100- 31648 . r IF . 2! |_:|indicated intends to call ameeting of A5 the BU Board of Directors in an e fort to have ZINN removed from BU. ' -b6 2;, , . Boston proposesunder captionedprogram withBureau , Ijé »1 permission to furnish |:|with public source data regarding - ;| ZINNs numerous anti-war activities, ' ' ~ is'trip to J Hanoi, 1/31/68,in aneffort toback efforts for ' 1;! his removal. -r ' Prompt Bureau reply is requested. »; M .1 w

.. "x A

.1 ~ 4 i s 0 In -0 » 7 .'1

I _ _ v__-*_ _~ 1; ' _ L; :-= ;»~~ -~- ;-% - ~~-- v"~' -""->"*1'-" '"=":~in UNITEDSTATES GLERNMENTM , M emomndum T81-Lrmvomum 1: &2s°°*mw . 92 DIRECTOR,00-360217! FBI DATE= 5/5/71. Qx,§-11>gm.! < r F SAC,BOSTON 00-35505!.L M My >e'5 "" /W 5- l ,1 5° S EGTI

DmKM JY 5 Q6!

/<7 0 Ex» ', .| HS?/[W%R1?IISI%INLLANEOUSVlr->92iI ' I/kw W6 0: BOSTON! I W 1'/' ;,,_,,,QL15»>'~R J/Y , /n§ }// Re Bostonletter 8/14/70dated itled en "Non-Violent Direction Action Group, aka NDAG, IS -J;-~¢X"w£V'% MISCETLANEOUS" and l M<>l7"~ ¬TQ0Z!¬7r{ M New Haven letter to Boston dated 2/8/71. Lyy"3 Enclosed datedLHM captioned and for theas above. Bureau are seven 6;Z¢4>ézuVLv6;Aq$!/2//3'7% copies of an 1 This LHM is classified "Confidential" to protect 3 the identity of sources furnishing information whose disclosure / the United States Government. _ 2 could possibly adversely affect the defense interests of ,1 Sources mentioned in the LHM are identified as i follows: 1 ?>'Bureau7;§§§% Encs. %92 -, 2"!EOII BOS , . /5% '--an /4" UNITSTATES D DEPARTMENTOF JUSTICE , I v__. :3 "'--..-"'_ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Boston, Massachusetts In Reply, Please Referto ' °°' May 5, 1971

. F b7C in thepast, A -source, onAugust who has l97Ofnadvised,&§¬ 7,- ished relia le informationZinn Howard attended la partyat thehome ofLt lin Waban, - assgchusetts, on Augus 5, I970 The purpose of the party as t6'raise bail funds for the BPP!. 5; A characterizationof the BPP iscontained inthe <$£§ppendiXof this memorandum. lib _"The Boston Globe,"which é isdaily newspaperI

. Q/92publishediinin an art cle Bostoni entit ed HistoriansMassachusetts, Con onfDecember erence Faces Po itica 28,1972,1 . I attle" byllpbe" staff writer Larry Van Dyne stated that omen's rights,along with a tight job market for new Ph.D.'s and the challenge by radicals to academic neutrality, are ~92expected to follow the nation's historians fromihe college campus into the convention hall in Boston as the American I92 Historical Association AHA! opens its eightyfifth annual ¢_ K meeting. In part, the article advises that the Bostonsession, usually a quiet affair attended by only a few last year became . a heated forum for discussion ofwhether the AHAshould,reverse its traditional position against taking stands on political issues. The session defeated by a vote of-822 to 493 a motion by Professor Howard Zinn of Boston University that would have put the Association on record in favor of an immediate DE|IL£1.E1SIFIE1iI~um-I 1,1.:.@'1:.=;»_w|:|s-15-211111_GROUP j i 1 at p!l// 50324 Z//gfg Z down Excluded dir a5 atic /4%?'

- 4 _ _ Q ' " Q.


end of all harrassment of the BPP and the release of all

The "Boston Herald Traveler? which is a daily newspaper published in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 23, 1971, in an article by "Traveler" writer John Herbert entitled "A Demonstration Against the Law?" advised as follows:

Boston University Professor Howard Zinn labored mightily the other night and brought forth a few warm bodies for a demonstration. His efforts to rally citizens to protest serious indictments against Father Berrigan and other-mmbers of the . 'East CoastConspiracy drew about 70 people, and that can be seen as testimony to the good sense of most Americans. The indictments are for conspiracy to kidnap a government official, blow up government property and other things.

"What the professor was protesting was the application of law in a society governed by law. He does not like some of the laws so he has chosen to try to overcome them. That is the reality of Professor Zinn's effortto arrange a demonstration against the indictments, no matter what explanations he may give about obeying a higher law, marching to a different drummer, or what.

"Those indicted will be tried in a judicial system which provides more protection of their rights than any other system anywhere. To demonstrate against that is to make an idle and dangerous protest, something that all but about 70 people within the reach of Professor Zinn showed they understand very well."

The Daily Free Press," which is self-described as an independent student newspaper published Monday through Friday, distributed with no charge to members of the Boston University community, advised on December 7, 1970, in an article by staff writer Christopher Buchanan entitled "Zi Pays $20 Fine» Gets Gut," which reads in part as follows


"Howard Zinn was released from the Charles St. jail Saturday afternoon when he paid the remainder of his $20 fine. He went to jail Friday morning.

Zinn, a political science professor at Boston University, was convicted Nov. 17 along with seven other defendgnts of obstructing traffic when they sat in front of the South Boston Army Base last May. The demonstration was to protest the system of involuntary induction into the Army. "At the time of his conviction Zinn refused to pay the fine and forced Judge Harold Canavan to set Dec. 2 as the final date for payment of the fine. "Friday morning Zinn appearedat the Suffolk County Court. The clerk asked him if he was ready to pay his fine. He said he wasnt. .After the clerk determined Zinn was financially able to pay, he ordered that he be taken to jail to work off the fine at the usual rate of S3 per day.

"Althgugh Zinn was"only in jail for a little over a day, he was credited with two days and paid $14. "Because of a scheduled trip to the west coast Sunday§ Zinn decided that he would come out Saturday since he would not have been able to be released on Sunday. -

"Another reason Zinn went to jail was becuse he'didnt wantto just be processedthrough like they wanted to do it. I didn't want to make it so easy for them to get rid of us. I wanted to put just a little crimp in the judicial _ machinery. "'Everyone shouldspend a little time in jail, Zinn said,'sothey won't get so complacent about it all. " -

- 3 -

£!!!!!§§i!L - _,/. Q HOWARD ZINN 1 ~ 1 A second source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised on December b, 1970, that Howard Zinn, a Professor of Political Science at Boston University, during August, 1970, requested and received from prison authorities at Danbury Federal Prison, Danbury, Connecticut, permission to visit with Daniel Berrigan and also during August, 1970, requested permission to visit with Daniel Berrigan and his brother Phip Berrigan,at the same federal prison.

Daniel Berrigan on November 8, 1968, was sentenced to the custody of the United states Attorney General for destruction of. government property, to wit, Selective Service records. He began serving this sentence August 11, 1970, at the Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury, Connecticut.

Philip Berrigan on May 24, 1908, was sentenced to the custody of the United States Attorney General for destruction of government property, to wit, Selective Service records. on November 8, 1968, he was also sentenced on another charge of destroying government records. He was incarcerated at Baltimore County Jail, Baltimore, , from May 24, 1968, to July 5, 1968, when he was transferred to United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, for imediate transfer same date! to Federal Prison Camp, Allenwood, Pennsylvania. He was released on bond December 12, 1968. He was rearrested on April 21, 1970, at , New York, and was held at the Federal Detention Headquarters, New York City, until May 1, 1970. He was then transferred to the United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, on May l, 1970. He remained there until August 25, 1970, when he was transferred to the Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury, where he currently remains.

- 4 -

if . t Q 7 Q g HOWARD zmu " . = 92 ¢ On April 2, 1971, a third source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that Howard Zinn maintains his residence at 26 George Street, Newton, Massachusetts, and that he continues in his employment at Boston University as an Assistant Professor in Government at the College of Liberal Arts, located at 755 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. b6 b7C On February12, l97l,| I United States Department ofState USDS!,-PassportOffice, Washington, D. C., advised that Howard Zinn, born , 1922, NewYork City, address 24 George Street, Newton, Massachusetts, was issued Passport B-108928 on January 15, 1971, at Boston, Massachusetts. His Social Security Number was listed as 066-16-8965. The travel plans were listed as planned date of departure February 15, 1971, for a vacation and researchpurposes for a period of six months to Mexico, France, Italy, and England.

H The third source, mentioned above, advised on April 22, 1971, that Howard Zinn had taken a sabbatical leave from BostonUniversity beginning on February 3, 1971, and allegedly traveled to France for educational purposes.

This source also advised that Zinn had returned to the Boston University campus during the middle part of April, 1971. This source stated that the length of Professor Zinn's sabbaticalleave from teaching is thought to be a peri Od of six months. _li Q _ This document contains neither recomendations nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI!. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agencYo

_ 5 - QGIIEHIIIIIL , I 1 I ~v..92 '- , u . ew5i3:I~»a_ -

1 v Q 0 APPENDIX BLACK PANTHERPARTY BPP! also known as - l. -Black Panther Party for_Self Defense

According to the official newspaper of the BPP, the » BPP was started during December, 1966, in Oakland, California, to organize black people so they can take control of the life, politics, and the destiny of the black community. It was organized by BOBBY G.SEALE, BPP_Chairman, and HUEYP. NEWTON, Minister of.Defense, BPP. .

i ," regu arly 5 1 s offiialtewspaper,ates t at e BPP advocatescalled,_h"The t e use o gunsPanthgr," an Bl?_ck. = guerrilla tactics in its revolutionary program to end oppression of the black people. Residents of the black community are urged I» to arm themselves against the police who are consistently , referred to as "pigs" who,should be killed. ' é 5-= The This article ended newspaper,with inthe following: its issue of September H 7, 1968, ._ had an article by the then Minister of Education, GEORGE MURRAY. 5 revolt everywhere! Arm yourselves. The only culture Q 7 worth"Black men.keeping Black is revolutionary people, colored culture. persons Change.of America, # Freedom everywhere. Dynamite! Black power. Use the a gun. .Kill the pigs everywhere." _

E The BPP newspaper, issueof October 5, 1968,had an - article introduced with the following statement: "We will z not dissent from American government. We will overthrow it." I . . . I DAVID HILLIARD,Chief of Staff, BPP, in a speech at w the San FranciscoPolo Field on November15, 1969, said,"We will kill ." 1 DAVID HILLIARD, in the "New York Times," issue of i December l3, 1969, was quoted as follows: "We advocatethe " i Tvery vio ence.. direct-overthrowof the governmentway byof force and _ cs =°- ' ' I v / APPENDIX 1

0 - 6 - . t : _ ' . " r-. - - - .q _ ~- 2 _ - ' Q . 4. - '-'-_' - .. . 92.:I-1v"- -'.._..._--__..-...... __,... ,~.._.... . - .. ,,_. , - ...... -.._.. _ ll I ~ . '' I. -. 1.1, Q, a '.' --.> : 1 ' I u ~ U ' < ._~u _? ;=-':§ ~ " x: Q , _ . - 1 . ' : APPENDIX _ BLACK PANTHERPARTY BPP! 1 also known as Black Panther Party for Self Defense 4 I

In the issue of April 25, 1970, the BPPnewspaper F had an article by Minister of Culture EMORY DOUGLASas follows: -

"The only way to make this racist US L government administer justice to the people it is oppressing, is ...by J 3 taking_up arms against this government, killing the officials, until the . ! ' reactionary forces...are dead, and those that are left turn their weapons on their 2 superiors, thereby passing revolutionary O judgment against the number one enemyof all mankind, the racist U. S. government."

1 92 I ? I The BPPHeadquarters islocatedPat.lOll6 PeraltaStreet 192 3 Oakland, California. Branchesof the BPP,-and Committeesto J Combat ,under control of the BPP, havebeen established in various locations in the USA.


sF <9 =

! - 7*-

I 9292 .~ ' , T APPENDIX - 1 j P_M,. Kara. !@aam»- '»»T~i ~*" .' 92~' 9292. v f , .92 ~ ° /

O .-

/,1 . <4/C _: '/ _ o '£;.}§/~!, The attached record is furnished for your information in connection with the fl-ash that i 15 a has been posted in favor of your office. This subject wasarrested bythe Washington,D. C., Police Department during" theweek of 5/2-8/'71 in connection with the an-ti~v:ar demonstrations in this city. I

; W" i This arrest is not being entered on the identification record in accordance with the request oi the Metropolitan Police Department I on orders of the local court. - ' 2

n i A 1 l Q .

TALLBERT-?||N - IN'FORMATION§ONTAl192IED _ {]»j§:}[! -D A H H ' _, 5 ,- ;_,7/ 7, . nATE Yb°Q°"%ép/L, i /%/ .' Wm" '"'""e I-=-we-= D ~" . q a Q,~,;<>;® NOT REcoRDE . - ielluw 2 .1971 .


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1 e seguw-71971 . / eh f 92% <w@$Q/ I - r . uwzzwss swarms kDEPA3§21MI3N£01-7 iuszcs FEDERAL BUREAU OF ILIXTLSTIGATEON _ wnsnmcyron, 1.1.0. 2052.2 ,_ ._ . -§»2§~?l - a - ~ ~ O 1* ~=<»»-,§ MZ? iii:-ec tor. r _. , 6, Q » 0 92J The following FBI record, NUIKGBER $15 875 B , is furnished FCFR GFFICIAL USE O1?-Eff.

.3? _ ._,_*__,,,,_,;__ ,,....o__o___~f_~_-_-__»:~1-.==_o_-~_»--_-~ KW CONTRIBUTOROF ARRESTED OR ' CHARGE DISPOSITION FINGERPRINTS NAME AND NUM BER RECEIVED

<3? C$¬ Wash DC cward Zinn Residence: 1023LsFayette F? Ave city & st noi given! 9vl§~ Birth: 8»24-22 Position: NY NY Army £ppr0n¬ice Howard Zinn I #32§6ll83 - ShlpfitterI u ACSZ Wash DC 5~26~43 prt ret} __- KY8 NY noward Zinn Rsvy #USAINTCC avy Yaré HY

CII Division~Dirappl Residence: 24 Gs FP Company: TQGQ, Educat é~lw65 I

--7 .omu-;1"1¢3I§Zm!AmED .. DAEE quu4 QIHW!urge St. ewton 58, Mass. Q2 screatios and ion Divison 92


5 >.

I 6 r' 3 =' _ uwmo $'s'm§§ QEFAR @$ .§E5§i:§¬E §=EQEEiAE. oumma o? §":so:moe922 k 1; wAs:~aewo*zoss, 2» 2-;a=§s? ,. 92. .5»-@~2§5~==I13E. aw»;

Th §=="=wii~<.; Fgi record. NUMQER 615 s"z5 B ;§s srnézhe ma QFFZQEAL var: owav. ¬n?or:':'.o%ion shown on ihis kiencoon Rocord r::presen%s dofo lrnisi-1a<:§ FQE by ngosprjni comribuors. WHERE FlNAL.,Dl$F¬>S!'i'!QN 18 NOT SHOWN OR FURTHEEQ E.XP§.Al'-1A":iOi925 OF CHARGE ES EEESEKEEB, ¬i!£é¬MUi2E§CA?E 5 WETH AGENCY CONYREBUTING THCSE Fl_NGEF¬PR!N'."S. V V V ._-_ 7 ...____.______V_?._¢:; -----_-7'» ~._-.___..';. ;__;.-..._-__'____,_1,_~_W ~ ~___ I -_.__ commsmon 0; ' ~ ' "" ..a' » K piggpg-mqfs NAME mo uumsa A"§§§§92§§D° cums: D%SPO$!Yl0N -_1 or lo 92 ~. * V -

Civil print from Acsz Was}; no #USAINTCC 011". _ ' Division -- Dir xms idezxtified wi1:h this? record and returhed to contributor 6--2_1-=65.


A ~ - 1 v


E 1 1 92

V1 I o_ A1 ,»_41».:-:11 1 Rf? W _- ,_._7...._o_,:.__ *;;_';-__;=.;f.*éT_=_.____:~*iZI!&lII_W_ No%o?§ons inciicafed by are NUT buzod on ngorprinis in Ff-35 ns bu? arm Eishad oniy as Envosiégzozééva foods: cm bcmg possibly ideniicui wiih subieact oi iéviz record. icwhn Edgar Hoover -f 2 ____...'» F3, S 3--~-~¢ _r .. L¬'¬§'Jf' F" 7 i'v192siTE§STATES o::@?.%@.2a"§*ME.1~zT0? .'IU$"£ICE i * FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESI'IGA'I'i }N WIF.SHINGTON,20532 D.C. V _ azi-W?3' : 1 6»1 92. M * zeen '.- Director. ¢ I _ Tne fo_11owing'record, NUIVIBERFBI 515 875B , furnished FDROFFICIEL U$EONLY.


- sscnnzwv FLASH no was Qowie U**=i Fe-»>8~ ' ' copiesof record: Howardon all Zi-igquiries M BFDtou.:..u.a , 92 n.c:.r.b'.¢.'Kg *Li¢.Y<'! #l00»90892,inf per rec therefrom é»23~54.i I-Ff the~i§:* file- »» _ Bu File #10o~s@o" 1?. ,FLASH CANCELLED lnf rec SAC New York 8-1l»55.

SECURITY FLASH: Faward Zinn.Any information or inquiry received refer o Jo copyof§record toSubvefsive Control Section Domestic Intell Dvand twocopies to BFD Boston their fil 3 #100~$5O5per inf rec lq20~64. Bu file #lOO~36O 17. - ~


» 1 §n I





THIS PAGESEOUL}? E0?BE DI5SEP¢i§lL-QTED0U'i$ZE _ J--.<_'_:.~.';_<_'_e_'_ ;__ , 7 »_&__A___,;;____W, ___'______»-i_ __~_ ;=_1i_,;__ __~ _ _ _, _ ~71, -*7 _:;;_ Flnfonnuiion shownon thisIdeixkificotioli Recoxcl:-'e3px'esenis fuznished~ ,7_~_-.--.__;=.=.- FBI111;" data "ii.-n.g'erprimc__ _:=---_;____ conizilzuioxs. Villhexefinal disposition is not shown-oruxth-er explanuiionof charge is desirecl, com.- rmxnicate withagency contribungthose fingerprinis. Notations indicaiedby* areNOT basedon fingexprinis in FBI les butare Iisied.only as inv§@sii~ gciive leadsas beingpossibly ideniicalwiih subject of hisrecord. U S G ,,,, . »-» Y4 o";9292~"r1w->I--*u4<. . . av: u-u'r rmmn:-'.=orncs -us: u-es/~u§| "" . V " """?<"?~"~$T"t"92"""""*"?T."r;~;> BEEP/&i£1?iF§%%%?®$m . *~=~£3i'3£%£§15,Eéikiiii ui925.!E5?§$AT§@N ,. I E.4¬.f.:E;§=2§5*~§G5'%, F332. 235$?._ ,§_;,.,.;25¢=",>,'3, ~Z=??§3*' 1 92.,3-»BU 92 31 L 1. _ 0/ ; T?:;.= fmiowingI rs-corciFE? NL5P.""53E§515' 8"

, - , 92 - .-2 1 -3 B 1 I is furnished FOR GFFSCMLESE ¬2?~¬L:. Enarmz-fishc.,,_. . . % .. on ?his shcwnkieniiccsen represcnés E-ecbrdarnisl-10¢} :5-ssfeby ngsrprin? FBI corriisufors 'vv'P~EERE ."».~.AL D§$rOS§l§¬'!NES NQTSHOW/N FURTHER DR EXPi.ANAT!QN,OFCHARGEDE-Siéf, ES CO!¢¬Mi:!NiCATE_" } 'v!i'£HAGENCY CGNTREBUTINGTHQSE Fl!92GE§"§PR!N'?S. ~ ' 1 commemoa Or ' ~--I ~>~" 1 ' ~ " '_ _' _ * > = " -~ -~"-- auesnpenuvs NAME:»4u;.4s&a mo M§§§§§v°ED°Rcu.»-ms . DISPQSSTION _ 7 q _ 1 _ 1'_ ,_ ~ , -_-- 7-: 3 c PB: ' 5 CC- ~92 Boston Mass CC~ InternalSecgrity Section/ 92 Domestic Int lligence Division


Z if /fr

~ -2-



THIS PAGESHOULD NOTBE DISSEMINATEDOUTSIDE l7Bi Noh::¬§onsby inciiccaied are NOTbased ngar;:rinis.z§nF$Zf on bu? arc:Hsfmi Has onfvas eeséiin *"iv~sia * baing passil:-lyidonccsi wiwsubiecw ibis of record. . 92 _ . gw A-ems :55 ' z- 0


Washington, o.c. 20520 W '"" January 29, 1971


a r R-E: ZINN, Howard DATEBIRTH: OF Aug_ 24, 1932 "r



"mmmm1 - 2. h Ef92i£1;.92l.92.Q:Ll.3.9-§:3'..-,.',.¢.>~Q.$-f.2J§'5?] L6 6,O 1, 6 "W 7~>'-92 PROPOSED TRAVEL PLANS _ DATE OF DEPARTURE: Feb. 15 , 1921

PURPOSE OF TRIP: Vacation and Research LENGTHOF STAY: 6 months » MEANSOF TRANSPORTATION: Air /$6! 3 G 0 Ia! ? V-4 -A COUNTRIESBE TO VISITED: Mexico, France, Italy, England

-a- X» / mawmimwoz-:u"""-54,0-1/7-I 9'-r5/ 6 FEB 121971 PASSPORT OFFICE < gm,======§1zzzzzs I 5_7oPT/L-25 M ROBERT 1!. JOHNSON 73

L _ __ _ I . H -1 _l m FD-122 Rev.'11-22-71> OFUONAI YOIM No.IO 5°"!-Iv 1,, MAY1962 snmou _ T r I ' 1: 0554114.NO. 27:20. I _ ' Q - , UI§_rTEiDSTATES ERNMENT In »-Mkemorandum i

: Director, FBI Bufile- ! DATE: FR ,'I= SAC»BCSTON 09-35505! y, P! SwB92HOWARD -¢r= @INN,@~.-C l_ "%/ Q 3 u t su - akfvbveérzvg if/"X: musenL» ® P/M73 /]"JY92}. 7~1

Name HOWARD ZINN Aliases @/V, @ [ENative Born Tab [:1 CategoryI HOWIE INN [:|Natura1ized I3 ¢"@g°Y11 E] Category III en [:1 Category IV92

E AWC C] COMMUNIST [:| NL Cl PLP lj PRN C] SNG Cl SWP . III BNT E JFG El N01 E! PPA E] SDS II] SPL Cl WWP [3 BPP[:1 MIN *1 . W3 Date of B H th Place6!/Vida of Birth " {ff}J Raw E] Sex Male 8/24/22 , New YOI'k //r W Female Business Address,Nameof Employing Concern Address, and Residence/Xddress/ Nature Wloyment, Union and Abqliation,ifany. I SET /Boston 4/P Unlversitiy 92 , 24 /George, Stree§/ 755 CommonwealthxAvenue Newton, Massachus

Boston, Massachuéetts E _ ' i KhoDepartment ' ~ fessor--PoliticalScienceZ t Z I Key GeographicalFacilityData NumberREc_1~10 7{¢$P°115i1%§Reference'9' 407$H?' 1»-3?//V y g 5'52

®»Bu1-eau-Boston RM!I f , 6 M§1%1is=72 A JAY:cms A23,._ ~ . /,/v~ """'_ p92L"92r 92 _ JUL1vw¢¢,1921q6b°,r;-smmagaéénqg gig; ., *~/f E --" U e37.- -n'l:mM{C * v?

BS 100-35505

ZINN is a familiar and prominent anti-war activist who has participated in and spoken at numerous anti-war rallies in the Boston area since accepting a position as a professor at Boston University in 1964. He has given active support to the SDS, PLP, and BPP in the past. _ ! In 1968, he went to Hanoi as a representaive oi the "Peace E5vEEEE5ifE¬reiease 6fthree United States 1 prisoners. I

He is the author of "The New Abolitionists--Vietnam "Disobedience and Democracy," and "Logic of Withdrawal" and I is a chief critic of the Federal Government and the war in .4 1 Vietnam. 1 An admitted CP member f1o_m abmn: 1948 to mid 1953 in the Manhattan--Brooklyn area, New York City, said he attended numerous CP meetings between 1949 and the sumer . 1 of 1953 with ZINN. In an interview with Special Agents of 1 the FBI on 11/6/53, ZINN advised he was not a CP member; that he was in his opinion a ?1iberal."

On 7/15/48, ZINN was a fraternal delegate from the Sixth Assembly District, Kings County, CP to the New 4 York State convention of the CP. 92 92 In August, 1970, subject requested and received from prison authorities at Danbury Federal Prison, Danbury, Connecticut, permission to visit DANIEL BERRIGANand also, during August, 1970, requested permission to visit with I DANIEL BERRIGANand his brother, , at the same Federal prison.

It is recommended that subject be included in 1 ADEX, Category III, because he has participated in activities 92 of revolutionary organizations within the last five years as evidenced by overt acts and statements established through reliable informants.

The next report or LHM will be received by the Bureau by 5/12/73,

2. 11¢ ¢92 92 -

I:~ 5-.

»- .2 92 -_ / 92 .- V - t FBI . -

,- . I -. . £5] ~ /I _/-..' .""'g TL

<1 zsr. " In .0»-::n;' in ____..._ __._._ -_..___.__.___.___-__.-__. _._ ._.. .._-.--_.-...:__ _.___ _ _92 '3--..92|! 1.1.1.. T!'p¢in p!ui.~.-L-~..£ ::r .*.o="e;


.. J2 . DI F-l*1 IfLOI?. " __, ..


>. wAttn: Voucher:_ _ _ 1 5&- boston, £:»AC, BC T"lOL92 5'.1?-L21; 92I



_._.l-___.__._.. ___ Re New York airtel "0 Buraau with copv "~ dated 0/30/71, = 2 . /Z v Q. 92 { D 9 I J. 1 L} Fx/1 The fsllsujng I- __ - - _ -- - 1ndu@+ed . . .- __..,P bb ; . 1;:~ '17 ./ Z?.";,/ '1 1 :;§;,:,;__; __ I/92: ¢- L¢ f spzxcnG , F1 *@1@r - __ Stre - G _ ~"-~ . _ EOE, . T.uIL.- ' ..;'i _..--0;'_".1:§. :..» Re telephone nu; I n; kl _ listed cc JAR; .*? #5 Newtsn, N . K1 BC _ _ J: - . ._ - ..;.;':'::-.I"_,25 .' ,-- - ... 1 .. 1.1- ;ty Cent

92a@2ter "eir " §jT§#~;i; *@lPV-FA?"-' " I rv ~ - arms . .~ .tntain a - creit 9292. 1'-A-'.' . I -0 ¢»/2/zl_,r:' r-' ye _ _ rsunnzel . the v C1."e-ii"; T-11;-~ »~c clre ton Tnc K Q* nqhp. T Z r 'J - -' _ ' '5 - '~' J ~ -- " .:..-./A8, .._;5'_!.; L.C;_ *Prme 92 S _L?O:]Tr_ 3 ~"'-" -"~ 7" '5 -13 -1: ~ ..C!.:._ L "-* .1:.921.0f.:'cA: '.-~ " - - I92IL::.- _:»1. 1~'923i- "- /ll 142.0 L'...<.i§!.-.. "'l-. _ . $_"£~i.'-' . --=-.----w. [;Qg-1 __ K-.'l.AlC'J T * -JL-.Z°;'.' ~ I iii?! " - ,1? 5.3:.-ii;-_T ~- .-;:_923¢ 2%

A ' y ,-92 " K1 P§ . , :0

8/2/71, personnel of the office of the Massachusetts Commissionerof Probation, Suffo1k_County Courthouse, Boston,Massachusetts, a central repository for all traffic and criminal conviction recordswitnin the Commonwealthof Mass., advised their records contained Newton;the followin-5/2H/22; informationDOB occupationreHOWARD teacher, ZIEN,2Q Church Street,Boston University; POB NewYork City; parents EDWARDand JENNY: Date Offense Court Disposition 5/22/70 Sauntering and South Boston $20 appealed lottering to obstruct _ traffic

12/A/70 Suffolk . $20 forthwith Superior 5/5/71 Disorderly person Boston Q Dismissed, 5/10/71 Failing to obey Roxbury $10costs paid traffic, .control signals $5 paid 5/19/71 Without license on Roxbury person or in car $5 paid

Boston indices were checked re HOWARDZINN, Boston file lOO-35505,Bufile 100-350217. A review of Boston file reveals HOWARDZINN isa radical government professor atBoston Universitysince 1953,and a known past member of the CommunistParty in Brooklyn, NewYork, during the periodfrom 1949to approximatelythe middleof 1953. ZINN hasbeen a spokesmanagainst the Vietnam Warat several rallies.

v2~ '¢ i1 » 4 _ __ _ _;» -é flip ' '*"x i av 1 4 ' !, " omomu. FORM No. to . - 4 3. mv;~s2'snrou J ' . ¢5&_fAlRlu=Ro|~n.a __y IIIYIBIITE1! Memorandum STATES GOVERNMENT ~ It . » i -. T0 I ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI I00-360217! DATE! 2 I /7 FR SAC, BOSTON 00-3s5o5! c! 92 "11 Q , 0 T ,' /_ 3 S WARDINN -_ i-?§:::t;::esi::i:::§ .33 -511 O0:BOSTON! "1 not meet ADEX criteria, Wis 7}%Zé92 Q//J Re Boston letter _ ]wC92-d&-¢-¬L-I*~'~;A"¢-f.¢_92_,.- and LHM to Bureau dated,,-- _, 5/5/71. Enclosed for the Bureau are seven copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. ' ' , _/ I Ia/5 This LHM is classified "Co ntial" to protect the identity of the sources furnishing in ormation whose disclosure could possibly adversely affect the defense interests of the United States Government. + Agents observing the march and rally at Favetteville, North Carolina, are I I b6 I and I I we The records of the Officeofthe Massachusetts Z I Commissioner of Probation were checked by SCI I

Sources mentioned in the LHM are identified as %>3lo92'/vs: /First sourceA s I ac-8 , 3Q !Q/ W ! -1-~ TQ ,Second source is I .132 . . %"'*' ibvn Q ' _ Third ' source ILS a knowledgeable source. 5" "--- / Es JUN 92 fgw! /Fourth source i 12 7972 7//9/7/» I/FlftI.'1 source 1s c6 £2,-!Bureau g ncs. /;¢2¬g;92<§92=® 7! §?IS:' ,1f,j§~;*A~ ggmw M 70'/~'-7/90 ,g;n2¬]z,7;II '1 2 <¢_ JAY:cms1-Boston I ..I.H~,-.33 q;__" Qpggrgn _ I I 7 - -5» I_ égul; 7AI9?2%£@s>*z,~;;a-;; * I ______.______..___ ..:__..__W,,_'_Lin...... _,._.--_--.---V-.-- ..'__ » ~ 7 - I» -»~»-~-~- * ' "

- 1 v ~ * _ 4 , i . , < n~1;,_Ol.. I ' 1 ~ yQ,-1- Q . :. Y 4 ' n .

BS 100-35505





92 I . _ E 1 Z FD-376_5-4-72> Rev. " ' " *- 71 v * 4% - »=~"m*<=-====~§ UNITEDSTATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE_ _ S it__4 2? 4w ,~ FEDERAL OFBUREAU INVESTIGATION June 9, 1972 In Reply,Please Refer to WASHINGTON D'c°20535 File No.

Director United States Secret Service Department ofthe Treasury Washington, D. c. 20220 RE: HOWARD ZINN

Dear Sir:

The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered bythe agreementbetween theFBI and Secret Serviceconcerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked.

1. |:] Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. U Attempts or threats to redress grievances.

3. l:| Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. [:1 Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S . demgngtfabicns or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments.

5. [1 Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity.

6. [:1 Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect

7. [ii] Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S.

Photograph has been furnished [:1 enclosed [I is not available.

Very tr yours,

L. Patrick Gray, [I Acting Director

1 - Special Agent in Charge Enclosure s!! U. S. Secret Service 7-

Enc10sure s! Uponremoval of classified enclosures, if lly, this tTl1"l$mii$lf0Tm / - becomes UNCLASSIFIED.! "lg_-we i V, _,-- We :--~ ._..1, _"_ _ , _ , A H H ,~;-;_,_, , , W it . »_=..__,:..,-...... ~_~._-= . no-sea <1_z<~92». 3-9-13> ' ~_ - . i it ,7 1 I 5~ ' - _ ' I 1

4 Subjecifs name is included in the ADEX., Category[:11 C11? [§]liI |:lI'V The data appearing on the ADEX Card are current.. O Cl:-surges on" the ADEX Card are necessary and FormFD-122 submitted to the Bureau. [Z] A suitable photograph [55] is [:1 is not avaiiabie. Date photograph was taken ZLZ8,/6_8 5. 1:] Subject is employed in a key facility and . is charged with security responsibility. Interested agencies are 6. This report is classified _% because I stale reason! l; the disclosure of the information furnished_by the Sources l~4 could adversely affect the defense interests of the United States Government


7. Q Subject previously interviewed dates!. ]__1=7L§/ 53 _ . I Q Subject was not [:| interviewed Q] reinterviewed because statereason! I

he is a professor of government at Boston University and a chief critic of the Federal Government. He was 92 uncooperative in a previous interview and is a position ; ' to embarass the Bureaus


8. 1:] This case no longer meets the ADEX criteria and a letter has been directed to the Bureau recommending cancellation. 9. Q This case has been reevaluated in thelight of the ADEX criteria and it continues to fall within the criteria of Category marked above because statereason! l He has been a member of the Communist Party, l949~1953¢ A chief critic of the United States Government nolicies. A familiar figure at anti~war demonstrations up'to 1972. ll Organized a protest rally to protest serious indictments I against Father Berrigan and other members of the East Coast I '. _ . L 1 . 10. i;JcEii?i§§%%§<>alia¥ ta~.?;1rt2f&:'§1u§:@5¥?1e£. P1§l1t3?Z1 ADEX criteria : and it should be tabbed Category [I] I [:| II |:j1il [:1 IV because statereason! r 1I I

ll. Security Flash Notice FD-165!to Ideritification Division: E E] Submit: 1/'l7égi! _ Placed E Yes. 5_:l,No

I2. Q Subject is lixtrcniist in Category I of ADEX and Stop Notice has been placed with the Bureau Stop index.

>._. _| Fig ~ 41¢,-1,, . Q . .%§i%$, UNKNHJSTATES,DEPARIME?OFJLseICE " , FEDERAL BI.;I;E;}U 01¢ '{I~IVES'1IG.-LTIO1~" I R 1-,?" " 5 _. » , . 1§;1e§f,of' ""°°!i°Boston, »iaesachuse='::i:s June 9, 1972 Z .., '1 .'">'


e.>Y.;>1P.> ;>...z..x;s.. 1

o At 11:30 a.m. on May 15, 1371, Speci.al"Agents of I L/thegL9292<;25O FederalmalesBureau femalesand whiteInvestigation of seven and {FBI} observedNegroma1es-and approximately females gassemble on Robeson Street Extension, Fajyeizteville, Norfo i x QfBroli11a, nearthe Haymarket Square CoffeeHouse, Hay545 1I égx-Street. This was a count:er~=Are2;ed ForcesDay rally spor_1so2:e£i 1 ab}; GIs United Agaoinsi: the War in Vietzgam. This group o §?ma$:ched wifzhe poiico escort to J. Bayard Clark Parrk, where. s?-.1e.rt92 talkswere £3Givenagainst the war in Vietoazn. ' - 1 - J '5 A source, who has furnishr-zd reliable information ' _<=%é.§~the inpast, advised on May 15, 19713.,that the rally moved into the HaymarketSquare CoffeeHouse dueto inclement 1 weather. An izxdiviéual in this re1ly identifying hirnself as Howard Zion, authoearzépf;-Qfé;Si§OI Boston at Universi'i:"], j_{,;'i;9i;,$~§92*Massachusetts, BO:-vton, spoke to a orowci of about 159 persons *3 i statiang that "the Iizazlted nevi. lost its sense of pmrpose J Qin condemningF_;he crimeof civil :i'5.so?::edi.encehhere -and 92toEerating end 9;¬C@3j3-tiF.'2gcrime of the this nation'saction in In

r A second source, who has furnished reliable int-Eorzwtion in the pest, advised on Hay Zé, 1971, that Howard Zine was among the demonstrators on May 6, 1971, at p'.E¬.=§:=.2:~:.?;in-gthe John ?. Kennedywear FederalVietnam. in Builéiog, demonstration Boston,Iirle Massachusetts, the sioneoz-ed was ->»»/M » r ;.....,.-ii-1i§.;;§...~ cvoee E , e/ '3! :7//gg/%},,l»};92'l-.8 E3221i%*:§:*~*'ematic e 1 <2"-1*-.£es§;¬_::*au'.-*=:. tr I 7~ I ~ . _ /my~ 3E-N0§J92!,:>U§IuL! n i ' iii - J. 92 -

4 consgg TIAL 92 92 4 - 9 r v- i i i _ i 'nowAgn- *7 " -- 'ZINN'"*=~='-~:=in*'-=~-ma-~~~-~*~** "~> ~-=~~~~~ -*- e "W "~-~ -"*1" '*"- ' -'-of*"=""-'"=""'*»=1=="*- &= mo we 92 _ , . . - 92 by the Progressive Labor Party PLP!. Sometime around 12:00 noon, the Boston, Massachusetts, Police Department w cleared the Fleas and Howard Zinn was led away by the Police,

The PLP was founded in l962 by individuals expelled from the Communist Party, USA, for following the Chinese communist line. Its objective is the establishment of a militant working~class movement based on Marxism- Leninism and Mao Ise-tung thought.

On October 8, 1971, personnel of the Office of the Massachusetts Comissioner of Probation, Snbbolk Connty Courthouse, Boston, Massachusetts, a central repository for all traffic and criminal conviction records in the Commonweel of Massachusetts, advised that s review of their records regarding Howard Zinn, born August 24, l922, revealed the following infozmationz

D ate Offense _-'1 Court L. L3 . ._, 5/Z2/70 Sauntering and loitering South Boston Qeeseeeeees

$20 fine on 12/4/70 Seuntering and loitering Suffolk 6/1/70 Superior $20 fine 5/s/71 Disorderly person

Boston $10 fine; Municipal dismissed 5/10/?1 Failed to obey traffic signal 5/lé/71 Roxbury - 5/10/71 Without license on v4. person on in car .- Roxbury "The Militant," the weekly newspaper of ~ Socialist Workers Party $WP} in its November-12, $5ftw

the 1e71, edition, carzied an article reporting that e socialist

. Q2- ealllniiaf 5.4 92 ___le,__M_mi -1»!, some, . ~ 92 , r '4 I 92 . 92 _ '. 'HOWARD ZINN * I u:~:-.=92~;1xu-own

Educational Conferencé'was scheduled for Boston Hniversity, Boston, Massachusetts, Friday, November 12, through Sunday, H November lb, 1971. 'The article reported that the conferenee "was being coesponsored by the Young Socialist Alliance YSA!, SW?, "international Socialist Review," and the Young $ocialists for Jeness and Pulley.

l SW? has been designated pursuant to I Executive Order 10450., i As the youth organization of the 9 i ' ' recruitment {SA serves as the main source of z into that organization. The YQA is described in the masthead of its official publication, : "The Young Socialist Organizer," as "A multi» X national revolutionary socialist youth organization," :21

"International sgcialisg Review is a 2

magazine reflecting the viewpoint oi 1 th 0 5 a Linda Jenness and Andrew Pulley are publicly known as the SWPs 1972 Presidential and Vice Presidential 1 candidates. i

A third source, who has furnished reliable information a in the past, informed that the guidance counselor for this ' affair was Howard Zinn, Professor at Boston Universityq According to the third soarce, workshops were held on Saturday and Sunday but the response to the conference on the whole had been very poor with the student body showing I very little interest. Source advised that no disturbances l ~occurred during the-conference.

W A fourth source, who has provided reliable information in the past, on January 31, 1972, informed there was a | community meeting at the Little House, Dorchester, Hesse» chasetts,_on January 27, 1972. This was against the war in Vietnam. Howard Zien from Boston University was the fiaal speaker of the evening, .Zinn began ey,praising the meeti 1 " -3- ' ¢ Ra 1 ¬!!!!!!!!!!5 .... ! _, * 1"" lea "Wt'*"""'**"'***' *' ~~~'~~'~~''W g ' ,3,-g 3:, C r 1. "' .__ ' 4 ' . contxg-»~z$1;_iA;j.._b » B _ _ I ' ~ ' » - - , r I I ' I ., , .. >'_e , ,» HOWARD~ _-= I 1* Z1Ni -I

'and eayinghow wonderful it was that all the people hadcome K together to do something about the war. His initial point qites that society had done too much already to emphasize diferences among human beings and not enough to point out similarities. He thought it was good that people from different parts of Boston and different parts of the Commonwealth were there at the meeting. His main idea was that bad laws do not deserve to be obeyed. "Mass murders occur, which isnhat war is," said Zinn, "Because people are _ 'eplit anédonvt think. . .When the government does not serve the people, then it doeent_deserwe to he obeyeo. . .To be ' patriotic, yon.may have to be against your government." The next point was that the people have to think positively and think that they can gain power. As an example, he projected that if the people could get rid of a Judge Troy in every American community then the country will see tremendous change. - _

Judge Jerome P. Troy is a judge in the Dorchester, Massachusetts, District Court.

The floor was then thrown open for questions. Someone asked Zinn how the prisoner of war, POW! problem, coule be solved. Zinn_began by describing how the administration is solving the problem. He completed with the solution that the only way to get the POW'sbeck is to end the war. He was then asked what he thought would end should be done about "draft dodgers," He did not claim to know what woald be done nith them but sei he thought they should.be welcomedhome.

On March 6, 1972, a fifth source, who has provided reliable infotmation in the past, informed that the Eeoples Coalition for.?eeee end Justice PCPJ! had a list of groups "end individuals who have been asked to join the coalition and send representatives to monthly Steering Committee meetings. This list included the name Howard Zinn. c

*.The_PCPJ is selfedescribed as an organization consisting of over one hundred organizations posing massive to combat

. -4- . £!il!!!!!!!!!? .T___ >__. r _ -_ ___...-___- _.._.,.._,..._.__A-7-» ~ -- _M

" v u

4- $2.! 4. »', ; , . . 1. W ' '}av - HQWAR3 ZINN " Z M uauauol-"Mu n¢umq-Q.-1-Q-a~

war, racism, pcvért and repression. Its National _ l OfFice q" 1s 1Qcated.at 156 Fifth ~-Y ¢_ Avenue, New York Cit y, qoom R " 5¢/0

This document conrains.- -ecommendations neither Q nor conciusions of the FBI; It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to yaur agency; it and its ccntents are not to be " disseminated sut s1 d1 e " your agency. "

92 s



_ _ 1 Fe. ' R~=-»;;IgSm» " L *3: .. F P FD-4Tozxlfil Re1i» 12-22-69! Director{Il?..0O-36O2l'}'tlRM! k 8/!_|_/72 i R it R Date Att.: "W22 er WWW FILE BS_ ___ W R Title ZINN E]$AC SM-SHBVERSTVEW [jASAC as _ 22222 _o 222 90= B3! _ :r Supv 511- Ti --- D-R Age ~~ es ¢s:~Icm§SIBIE-B - sewer ss9292m_m~._g a'1u"92"L6 E911./1,! 1° RE; Btsfletttgnd <1/9/Y2_ S cc 1:] Steno H___ 2 I Clerk 2 _ __: mi [:1 Rotor # ACTION DESIRED - l: Acknowledge [:1 Dpen Case I Assign ._____ Reassigni_ [:| Prepare lead cards I Bring tile [3 Prepare tickler :1Cal| me [:1] Return assignment card : Correct |:] Return tile : Deadline r _ [3 Search and return I Deadline passed [:1 See me l: Delinquent 1:] Serial #_ ____r______2 1: Discontinue 1:] Post {:] Recharge[:1 :i Expedite [:1 Sendto ; _bm> ' : File [:3 Submitnew charge Q For iniormatian |:] Submitreport by_r__ 1 /_r/- 1:__ Handle Initial& return [:| Type 4 W X:i: Leads Returnneedwith attentionexplanation'or as notation toaction takenQQN /{_ OE92I]5} F/4 *" As requested, attached are two copies of. FD-305 insert t b att d t =sS1et» B§;c9p$ ; kn, $1 2 Enos. 2! Pr»f% JAQESWQ; HANDLEY at -w-,, "I BOSTON See reverse side Ofic

xi-GPO I97! 42! 419 30 f Date ~"oi=|=|c|.u_ 0-17. Rey.2i15-72!NO'i'tFLCAT|0N or ERROR

T0 SAC; Boston 08-35595 ! ||=RoM DIRECTOR, FBI 100-360


Reference: C] Cover pages of SA :1 Report of SA §kLt-ttterhead memo dated at @ Letter |:]T&letype C]Airtel [:]Radiogram |_'jCablegram dated om to Your mail dispatch of , registry number iii wonsubstontive Error - notify appropriate personnel; mark notation |3Substantive Error - return original of form to Bureau promptly with in error folder; and consider in next performance ratings. Consider explanations and recommendations. employees work records as to any needed action. Take appropriate action in connection with error in subject matter checked below: l:l 1. Administrative Data i:l 14. Details [:1 l:l G.

[:]b. , I |:|c.

Failed to submit letterhead memo re subject who is a. No description 1 [:]d.Government employee [:]b- Stops not removed Omission of "Property of FBI" statement on letterhead memo [:]c. Subject in custody, complaint and warrant issued but imme- Reason for protecting source not given diate hearing before U. S. Magis. not reported El . '1'?Documentation re FISUR Agents omitted |:]d. Delay in receiving information from P.D. indicates lack of i 2 :|a. Failure to meet 5-day reporting rule after arrest police liaison |:]b. Pretext not described :]q. Accomplishments? [3 h. Acquittals '2[:]e. Incomplete reporting |IJ:eiayed 1:] f. Administrative data in details Invest igation [:|c. Transcription |:]g. Incorrect code section cited Dictation [:]d. Reporting [:]h. Failed to 0.0. incorrect .0. is ! |:| 1. Take sworn statement TitleReporting office |:922. Show employed key facility Date of communication E33. Show date information received I investigative period |:| 4. Show name of Agent conducting interview |:| 5. Show has access classified data at key facility |:] a. Incomplete Dd. Incorrectly |:]e. Fugitive |:| 1. Characterization omitted C11».Misspelled l:|1- Changed [:1 1. Omitted I: J. "Place" omitted in jurat of sworn statement [:1 c. Omitted [:]2. Carried [:]2, Incorrectly |:]k. No indication U. S. Marshal notified i |:]1. I.O. carried E15. Form 76 ["_'_']2. Wanted Flyer E] a. Incomplete [:]3. Check Circular b. Incorrect Character c. Failed to submit [S:]a. Incomplete [:|b. Incorrect [:|c. Omitted [:1 16. closures [:1 9. ynopsrs |:]a. Not received Go. Not submitted 92 [:]12. Ela. Incomplete or inadequate |S:|b. Not described [:] 1. Disposition Sheet Eb. Facts not in detail or vice versa |:| 17, ecurity Classification |'_:]c.Fails to show ma. Incorrect |:]c. Classification omitted 1:|d. Reason not C] l. Owner notified |:] 2. Employed key facility [:]b. Declassify [:]Protective :1 Group shown [:]3. i-las access classified data at key facility |:] 13. Leads |:]4, Pertinent Section, U. S. Code qa. Not set out Db. |:]d. Recovery value not set out |:] 19. in rmmts |:]e Caution" statement |:|a. FBI No. not given [:1 d. Not Too identifiedvague C] 1. Omitted U2. Failure to delete [:|b. 30-day contact |:] e. Date of FBI Identification Division E110. Status statement missing record check not listed E:1<1-Incorrect [:]b. Omitted |:]c. Incorrect T symbol [:] f. Failed to submit evaluation memo U11. Not approved by SAC original returned for approval and forwarding!|:| 20. Reference Copies |:]a. Incorrect |:]b. Omitted |::]a. Not legible [:]b. Not furnished [:]21 Abstract :11. Auxiliary office |:] 22. Misspellinq, page .._____ |:]2. U. S. Attorney |:_] 23 . Typographical error |:]a.______i [Z] 24 . Incorrect use of |:]c. Incorrect no. of copies to [:|a. Airtel [:|b. Teletype DLHM [:1 l. Bureau |:]2. __i__i_i [:]25. Resubmit promptly in form suitable for dissemination UH; on Dd. Reason for information copy [:| 26. Parole Report P U 13. BufileNumber should be ' |:]a. Not submitted [:]b. Violation block incorrect |:]a. Incorrectly reported [3 27 Incorrect date s! [:1 b. Files consolidated at Bureau [:] 28 [329 Miscellaneous Remarks [:|so. Bureau mailing instructions, Manual of Rules and Regulations, Part 92 11, Section 3, B, 2, Item e. __iii.___not followed. . Promptly submit FD--305 in accordance Submit appropriate amended pages. with ADEX instructions .

$g%?f""'fCy , ,,§;.t_921,1,1tr.~_i.§,;a..92.:i.il.t;= I .,,_. ,._... .- it/Pl L*7 t H I 5 II; _ Q ., . 92- U-

I >- {:swI§L:I. SUPPLEMENTAL CORRELATION SUMMARY I >- See Correlation Summary dated l2/lO/70 filed as lOO-360217-46! I Main FileNo: 100-360217 Date: 3j@25l/é79/ I ¬ Subject: Howard Zinn Date Searched: 4/12/74

All logical variations of subject's name and aliases were searched and identical references were found as: I Zinkn,/ Howard ' ' Z-inn cm: Howard ¢' :"'Zinn,H. I =» Zinn,Harold S inn, Howard L$QP9292~'?3}Harvie Zin , Howard f _'5°/!,.92'Y92 " _ £§Zinn Haward Zinn , Conrad T fw- 929292!h692692.92292'é; I, -:Zinn,Howie KL !a920

This is a summary of information obtained from a review of all "see" references to the subject in Bureau files under the names and aliases listed above. All references under these names contain- ing data identical with the subject have been included except any K indicated at the end of this summary under the heading REFERENCES NOT INCLUDED IN SUMMARY. References indicated in the block as SI contain the same information as the foregoing serial although the information may have been received from a different source. ;J92


Analyst Supervisory I y Clerk Aggroved ' II ,.,__--I y _ b6 I I I IIz-~=*~;I I KSH:gpA ~Rmi;I~'4 A I N, /flA ~ 115-»'5' // ,,_ --5a I :1; / ~ ~ ;,>~FII.I1'=J-~ I,I,I<§i@I;=§?"""I * -It -It

~ _ I; , 7 AUG:inI~t-74 /I K If ' -. l E gggyrnmeaz-§.§-§;i;_IE~ _I -. I 1 WI. I I ' "92,_ . L 92 I ~"_ I 92-* CIassstva:i92§>y_T_!__; 1 ' L' .~ I It" * I/IIi I -~J f;-£35,,-/i Exempt frcm I!. ategory_;- I . I iv 92 I Date of Deciassfic' n Indéfinatg,/I ; H / / /1i"I I J-.§9¬I2' 361* .§§"§E"1 92 A ' .| s . . _ A ; : .7, _ ! 5 ' 4 .. 6 -

M £1


BU ...... Boston University

MIT ...... Massachusetts Institute of Technology

SNCC ...... Student Non4Violent Coordinating Committee


The following reference pertains to the investigations and/ or hearings of the SISS. Information regarding the civil rights activities of Howard Zinn, Boston, Mass., was set out in exhibits in 1967. M! REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER lOO-446997-539 p.ll37,ll6l-ll64 15¢

The "Duke Chronicle" of 4/6/67 carried an article captioned Join The Mobilization In New York City To End The War In Vietnam, Saturday, April 15." The article stated that Howard Zinn, Professor, Department of Government, BU., was one oftthe sponsors of the above mobilization. GA! y 100-455UE9l p.5 ,FTf b2 Ib7D [::::;::::]advised thatSUPPORT vlmoo-453858!planneduse to contributions or summer resistance projects. One of the projects included in the activities of the New England Resistance was a free ischool scheduled to open in June 1968, with Howard Zinn as one of the instructors.0A! - _ 453858-3 p-6 'sE@|@17_

Yb! m__' .3.! C r . P ~

_ g _ __ *_ 7 __7 744 K . . ' s - r~ .. _ .,. ¢

b2 [:::::::::]£urnished a leaflet which announced theNational b7D GI-Civilian Antiwar Action Conferencesponsored by the Student Mobilization Committee 00-446761-9! scheduled to be held in Chicago, Ill., on l2/27-29/68. On the backside of this leaflet appeared a listing of the initiating endorsers of the GI-Civilian Antiwar Action Conferencegiven! whichAuthor,Vietnam includedthe the Logic nameof of Withdrawal? Prof. Howa ajv d Zinn, locality not

Jkgf-446761-9-66 ep.4 [::;:;;:]furnishedcircular a dated3/4/69, the on letterheadb7Db2 stationery o e New England Free Press, NEFP! l00-455060! to79l Trementhelpzthe Street,NEFP Boston,identified and Mass. The oard letterZinn solicited asone ofits fianéial'su§ort sponsors.x! 100-455660-2 p.2,5,ll,l2 I m1" i;7i00-457469_5 ep.7 furnished a flyer whichcontained "Key the E513 Contact Lis ' orApril Action, April Action Sponsors, and a calendar 4 of upcoming events, received from Resistance Action Community 00- 453941!. Included in the list was Howard Zinn locality not given!, Resist. St.Louis letter5/26/69!_ GA} 100-453941_2 p.2 ,<¢e<>

The NYC Transit Authority PD, 370 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY, on 6/17/69 furnished a combination diary and address book, the property of Barbara Webster, who was the secretary of David Tyre Dellinger l00-384411!. The address book found on a BMT LL Train, contained the name of Howard Zinn, 24 George Street, Newton? 17! 244-0779 BU 253-2547.g!

L4f;3844ll3l9 p.8


_3_ 0 c

The following references pertain to a scheduled National Anti-War Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 7/4-5/69 00-454491! and disclose that the name of Howard Zinn appeared on a list of endorsers and onthe invitational list of delegates tothe aboveconference.

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 100-454491-It p.l .6!? 451 ep.4 ! -59 ep.l2 , ,6!f _64 ep.l5 , -.6!, -74 ep.24- 4.6? -78 ep.6 ,Q 1oo_446997_11-9 p.6 , s*! 176-1592-49 ep.4 5,14? b2 bvn on 9/12/69 furnishedhandbill a entitled"The Committee o De en the Conspiracy" which was distributed on the campus at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla., during the first week of the 1969-1970 school term. The name of Howard Zinn locality not given! was listed as one of the undersigners of the above committee which was designed according to the handbill! to raise funds for the duringlegal defense theDemocratic of the eight individuals NationalConvention who wereChicago. in political dissenters Ox! '

lOO-454662-173 ep.2 M

The following references in the files captioned "Demonstrations Protesting United States Intervention In Vietnam" pertain to the activ- ities of Howard Zinn, Professor of Government, BU, from 6/l7/69-9/20/69 in Ann Arbor, MiEh., and the Pentagon in WDC. He participated in a panel discussion and in a conference. At aireadout at the Pentagon he also read the names of US war dead and villages destroyed in Vietnam. Heaction was scheduled wasto take to place. speak in §9292 Wilmington, Dela., where a radical peace

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 105-138315-15-103 p.l ,1_/1§ -114 ep."9 §fl.];'! 105438215-34-.288 p.l ,1/16 / SE9éEn; continued!


" _ 3 i _ ii, J. __ l . . _ .,...... ~W _ .._..I_.e.~;:WI~___...... _ .7. I ..c,.,___-...... ,...... ,._........... _...~..r.....,.. -._..,...I...... ,,....._ .-»....,.,,..._....aw..-p...... -... »..

UvK . x



105-138315-53-75 p.2 -82 p.l ,<1~1:>T -84 ep.l 105-138315-10143 ep.l,5 92r"

The New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, Boston, Mass., on617-244-0779, 9/29/69 furnished subscribers tolisted Howard Zinn, to several 24George telephone St., numbersNewton, incl Massrég! din 1oo;3s4411_344 p.l,2 /QM

Correlatorsdisclosed thagj A further Note:review this of fileH b7;

the above listed telephone num- ber384411! of Zinn and was'the Editor that David of"Liberation" Tyre Dellinger lOO~magazine.<;A§ [:;:;:::;:]on ll/l8/69furnished a copy of thecatalog of the Movemen pea ers Bureau MSB! lOO-454802! entitled "Move Speak"£D The catalog listed descriptive data on speakers and organizations available through the MSB. The name of Howard Zinn was listed under Authors, Poets, Journalists and Film Makers. Zinn's descriptive data disclosed: "Professor of Government at BU. Formerly Chairman of Department of History Spelman College in Atlanta. Member of the Executive Board of SNCC. Well-known speaker with 6 Published Books, including: The Southern Mystique, SNCC: The New Abolitionists, Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal, and Disobedience and Democracy. Member of Resist In The Boston Area". ! D /2397454802-4 p.5,2o/ sgyéo-454802-5 p.22 éi 100-454802-6p.4 wL3§ b2 b6 b7c lll663! submi CS[;;:;::::::Fdvised e a resume on ll/20/69 inwhen| that connection E_]2- with 1S 1WD application for employment at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, he listed Doctor Howard Zinn, c/o Government Department, Boston University, as a reference. M!

S TL continued! _5_ Q ~ ¢ 1 V ,1


6%;lll663-149 ep.l ,k2!

The following references in the file captioned "New Mobilization Committee To End The War in Vietnam" New MOBE! per- tain to Howard Zinn, 24 George St., Newton, Mass. from 8/17/69- ll/22/69. These references disclosed that he was invited to a MOBE meeting and endorsed MOBE and its activities. During a MOBE meeting it was suggested that Zinn might write the text for a brochure on "Why WithdrawalNow." y92

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 62-111181-2491 ep.6 mi -2563 ep.l2 /7 _3e6o ep.5 /92*!


/ /6!/-449O54QE!;5|:|

An SA attended a gathering on 2/8/70 at the University of New Mexico, during the time John Radford Froines 76-356! spoke presenting his version of events leading up to the trial of the "Chicago Eight." Leaflets were passed out to the audience. The namesleaflets entitlednumerous of "Committee individuals To including Defend The Conspiracy" HowardZinn locality contained not the given!Qy! l7Q;356-55 p.33 yrs!

In connection with a Tribute to Reverend Daniel Berrigan 00-448680! at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. on 4/17-l9/70, a BostonProfessor letter BU. set at out 6A! background information on Howard Zinn, Assistant

lw!/-448680-312 p.l,

continued! "7" " ' *"*m"* "" """""'*" i"""'"-'"-*""'--*_?V W"-=~~ »-=------==_-7-I-=. -»-=»-v<~¢-.7;~4 .... 1 ! I ",!:


Corre1ators Note: Serial 23 of above file, dated pate3/30/70, revealedinthe above thattribute. Zinn might possibly partici-

On 4/21/70, the night that Rev. Philip Berrigan was arrested at Saint Gregory the Great Church rectory, NYC, Sister Elizabeth McAlister 00-461429! appeared at the church to be present at a prayer vigil. She was accompanied by Howard Zinn, a Professor of History at BU, who had accompanied Rev. Daniel Berrigan to North Vietnam in 1968.6%! This reference disclosed that the Berrigan brothers were serving prisonterms forthe destructionof SelectiveService Records.6%7

100-461429-1 ep.l gm!

This reference disclosed that in late March 1970 the Committee on New Alternatives CNA! in the Middle East was sponsoring a tour during April and Mayfor| 05-204301!. Howard Zinn was listed as a sponsor of the CNA. In r from the CNA, meetings extending to 7/3/70, were scheduled for appearance with Zinn's name again listed as one of the sponsors. LA 56 ' bvc 1o5_2o43o1-4 ep.3,l4,l8 &ifT The followingreferences the in file captioned[;;2;:::::::; l57-18822! pertain to a cocktail party that was held on 8 5 70 in t e residence in Waban, Mass. Howard Zinn was one of the sponsors I o e party atwhich $400.00was collectedfor the Black PantherParty.@A REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER

157;1ss22-1 ep.2 <»r2'Y -2 ep.3 gg

A New Haven letter disclosed that on 8/28/70, Eedéraii Correctional Institute personnel at Danbury, Conn., removed four letters from the shoes of Daniel Berrigan 5-572981! subsequent to. a visit. Howard Zinn, 24 George St., Newton, Mass., was one of the intended recipients aof letter. IS E continued!

_7_ -mu----W In --- ~»-- - vs» »-- -_-----.-.-.a...u~----------<--~_-'-- --_".m> ---- "WW._.__.,...... ,. v$.i_. _..__ 11, _.

, I 192

continued! 2237572981-332 p.2 J

SAs on 9/8/70 observed a television program on Channel l2, WHYY, Wilmington, Del., which pertained to the arrest of Father Daniel Berrigan 5-572981!. Professor Howard Zinn, Boston University,was interviewed. Movies of the burning draft records at Catonsville, Md.,were shown. Zinn during his interview stated that he . supported Berrggan in this action. He stated he admired him as a priest and thenread apoem writtenby Berrigan.¢A92 J2;/72981-335 ep.l This referenceset out rl be bvc 24 ICU-IZ39I6!. GeorgeStreet, Included Newton, wasMass. #711-U779 BackgroundIisted todata Howard_Zinn, setout! G%92 blD

_4439l6-255 p.3-5

E:::::::::]who reported on activity of the Black Panther92 B2 Party 05-l65706-5! advised that on 1/8/71 Orlando Vaughn called at BU and told him that Howard Zinn suggested that he speak to Levin about Huey Newton at BU. Levin advised him to call Monday, butdid not appear interested. No further information!. Qn

lO5l65706-5-751 p.l um

The following referencesin the file captioned "Faneuil Hall Committee" FHC! pertain to the activities of Professor Howard Zinn from 1/l5-20/71 in Boston, Mass. Zinn, reportedly the key person in the FHC, appeared with a group of demonstrators on the ground floor of the JFK building, the 9th floor of which was occupied by the FBI. Zinn, when asked if the Berrigan brothersasked for the Committee's ' help, stated "Well, not exactly." Zinn reportedly stated that he was henot familiar wasfairly with certain the that evidence the presentedBerrigans by the were "being Federal Grand framed. JuryQ?! but SE?§§nJ . continued!

_g_ l -_ -_ > K-_»___< -- V - _ 7 -_ ~ -_ _- V - --~ ------M-- Y

» '_ p


REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 100-463o42_ ep.2 lid? alt?

- 2,4,6 l?

b2 [::::::]- PSI, on 4/12/71, furnished a partial list of the b7D endorsers of the National Peace Action Coalition Spring antiwar offen- sive05-212103!. which was distributed Thelist included by the Howard Wasatch Peace Zinn,BU. Action %! Coalition 105-212103-3 ép.5" 9,/2>

This reference pertains to a program known as "The Advocates" that was televised in Chicago on 4/20/71. William Moses Kunstler 76-2132! appeared on this program with historian, Howard Zinn, a witness who advocated the use of civil disobedience, in which he had 1 been involved with in the south. Zinn was also against the war in Vietnam. U! 176-2132-168 p.2 ep.l,5,6 £k3T b2 bf/D [::::::::]on 4/20/71 furnished a list of sponsors of the Birchett Birthday Committee in ~connection¢ with the Wilfred Burchett Fund, Anti-War'Chest 5-62160!. The list~included the name of Professor HowardZinn, Author,BU. L4! 65352160-76 p.18 lav

An anonymous source on 6/26/71 advised that two individuals contacted in an effort to locate 5-74060! were Howard Zinn locality not given! and Professor Chomsky of MIT who were friends of Ellsberg andalso known to CrockerSnow 05-227096!.6;! Background data set out.! 7

105-227096-2 ep.l66,l68,l69 la? sr-}7é174' _9_ r

In connection with the Harrisburg Defense Committee lOO- 467990!, SAs on 8/18/71 observed individuals engaged in a peaceful vigil at the entrance to the Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury, Conn. A flyer was passed out by an unknown person at the vigil. The flyer entitled "Statement of Committee On Prisons," Released August l8 at Danbury Federal Prison! pertained to the denial of parole of Father Dan and Philip Berrigan and contained as a signer the name of Prof. HowardZinn, BU.Ga! A I 1oo_4ev99o_1 ep.6 liff

On 8/22/71, pursuant to a Federal searchewarnant executed by Bureau agents and in connection with the draft board raid in mentCamden, N.J., of| a quantitv of evidence was dJ2-94527! recovered fromCamden. theof apart- b6 Anb7c address book was found which containe the name of Howard Zinn, 24 GeorgeSt. New244-779. asis in file! 5;?94527_26ss ep.2O J / s1 52-94527-2892 p.42 &2Y

The following references in the file captioned Peoples Coalition For Peace And Justice" disclosed the activities of BU Professor Howard Zinn from 5/5/71-lO/23/7l in Boston and WDC. He spoke at a rally and was arrested for interferingg with an arrest. During a People's Panel, Zinn spoke as a witness on "Nixon's Warand America." 6!! -


1007463195-959 p.3 .b2 -984 p.2 arrested! b6 -1400 p.5 -1510 ep.ll Ib7C Ib7D I kn the followingreferences advisedthat[::::::] | | IUO-4335 ! andHoward Zinn,Professor Political of Science BH,BwerenscFeduled to be keynote speakers on 's Dayon l0/25/7l in Boston, Mass. The topic of Zinns speech was "Academics and Activism." The affair was sponsored by the Camden 28 Defense Committee, 130 N.4th st., Camden,*N.J. QJ! _x

S U_ continued!


____ ! 6



100-468546-2 ep.6 423$ -7 GP . 4 , ¢l'I!

The IRS on 11/16/71 furnished an Institute For Policy Studies 00-447935! report entitled "A Brief Survey of First Year Activities." This report diclosed that the establishment of a Graduate School for Social Change conceived of an action university, was in the early 92 discussion stage, and that among the Greater Boston area activists and involvedwas Howard.Zinn BU!. J per uh?92e* [email protected]~¢-77 ' @£,v@Tx§% l492?"3. IOQ-447935-108 ep.l7 ,<¢5*>

SAs on ll/17/71 furnished the names and addresses of numer- ous individuals, who had been in contact with the 00-463701!, which included the name of Howard Zinn, 24 George Street, Newton, Mass.GA! ' lOO4637Ol-47 ep.36 5,1-0'?

The following references in the file captioned "World Assembly For Peace, Versailles, France, 2/ll-13/72, disclosed that Howard Zinn, Historian, was a delegate to and attended the above con- ference. M! REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 100-460982-74 p.4 4&6 -90 p-8 M! -115 ep.28 lid! -118 ep.l3 3107

The following references in the file captioned "East Coast Conspiracy To Save Lives" pertain to the activities of Howard Zinn from 1968-3/24/72 in Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Hanoi. The association of Zinn and anti-war priest, Father Dan wf Berrigan was set out which included a trip to Hanoi where they served as go-betweens in the release by the North Vietnamese, of three 92 »



_ 7 _ n

b6 . 13'/C


American prisoners of war. He also visited Berrigan while a pri§ oner at a Federal Correctional Institute; Zinn joined on the stage during an appearance in Evanston, Illinois. Ahmad, a PakistaniMoslem and Harrisburg 7 defendant, had reportedly been involved in a plat to kidnap presidential advisor, . Zinn, read the Gettysburg address during an assembly of mostly whichGettsybury College theyplanned studentsjoLn[::::::::f::::FPeace into Gett sbur Natbnal Military Activist.Q2! Park after


100-460495-32 p.4,14 -600 p.2 -858 p.59,61,s4 £3? -2488-1547 p.5 p.3 .69! -3197 p.4 .&@T16> -3247 p.69 ,M® -3670 p.64,64A 44¢4%? § -3701 p.218 491 -4441 p.ll 36% -4564 p.33 4 -4607 p.18 ,/ -4821 p.79,82 ! -5157 -5470

CG 5824-S furnished the contents of a mailing received from the American4Korean Friendship and Information Center AKFIC! 97- 5318!, NYC. The mailing dated September 1972, contained an appeal to the United Nations from the AKFIC, plus a pre-publication copy of the AKFIC.lead editorial ofOne ofthe the signers next issue this of of "Korea appeal was Focus," publication Professor Howard of the Zinn,BU<§$! - 318-63ep.4 ] /94!,

92 The "Washington Post Times Herald" dated ll/2/72 carried an article entitled "Antiwar Group Goes To Hanoi For Talks." The article datelined New York ll/l/72 disclosed that *Seven American peace activ- ists, responding to a mid-October invitation by the North Vietnamese, were scheduled to leave for Hanoi tonight to discuss the release of H . prisoners of war." Howard Zinn, professor of political science at BU, sgE?£p continued!

_12_ -.

continued! _ was oneof thosescheduled maketo thetrip. éf! 105-l73248-A "The Washington Post92 , Times Herald" ll/2/72

The following references pertain to the Committee of Liaison With Families of Serviceman Detained In North Vietnam 00-457899! and disclose the activities of Howard Zinn, BU anti-war activist from 2/l6/68-ll/l3/72, and pertain to two trips which Zinn and others made to Hanoi in behalf of American prisoners. Press conferences were held in the JFK Airport, NYC, prior to and when they returned from their second trip to Hanoi. A motion picture film obtained in North Vietnam was madeavailable to newsmgn duringthe press conference. Q4!

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 100-457899-62 p.l 4&6 -370 p.l .b¬f =371 p.l kg! -393 p.2 rs? _ _401 p.l ;sv 100-462435-16 encl.A p.82 ;i6f

The following referencesin the file captioned "Indochina Peace Campaign" IPC! pertain to an IPC Conference that was held at Cambridge, Mass., from l2/1-3/72. Howard Zinn, a BU Professor, spoke on his recent visit to Hanoi. He stated that he noticed recently that persons on college campuses had indicated their discontent with the peace movement; however, he felt that the movement had done a lot of good,carriers citi . g the S recentsuccessin.prisons and aboard the Navy aircraft REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 100-472828-as p.1,2 Geri? -70 p.27 iii? -72 p.2 ep.l,3,5 Lkff

b6 US Customs advised on 12/4/72 that letters contained in'a b7C box of xerox letters that were confiscated fro I addresses l®O-O! were opened.of whichMost one was of the Howard92¬i;:, letters were45 Chapin imprintedRoad, with returnNewtonCentre, Mass. W SEC} 11, continued! _13_ C K . ' /


b4frO-44165 ep.5

The following references set out meetings and affairs of protest groups in which Howard Zinn attended or planned to attend,. at all of which he spoke or planned to speak unless indicated other- wise. ¥A! DATE LOCALITY REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER

Committee of Returned Volunteers 2/3/70 wnc 100-447724-211 p.2 , »K!/

DC Peace Coalition 1/19/73 wnc 100-448092-2581 p.l ,%6f

Eiéietal Collage ll/l8/71 Mobile, Ala. 176-1410-3374 p.2 }l§7/

Nashua Peace Coalition Resist6/5/70 Manchester, 11.11. 100-426761-1762 p.l ,¢»5'!

10/5/69* Cambridge, Mass. 100-451649-_31 p.34,35 , »6'!'

Socialist Conference 9/5_7/69 Hemstead,L.I. NY 100-444683-73 p.2,7 ya?

Student Mobilization Committee 10/15/69 Boston, Mass. 100-454565-2o8x1 p. 2 Z/T #Did not speak S En! continued! _]_4_ I I '



Students For A Democratic Society l/21/73 WDC 100-439048-53-397 p.3 ,H§/

Vietnam Peace Parade Committee NY VietnamMoritoriumCCommittee L4 4/15/70 uvc 100-457655-ll5 p.3 ,£?T'

The Covered Wagon 3/3/71 Mountain Home, Idaho 100-466543-l0 p.l,lO ;l07 [:;:%::::;lfurnishednames the Medical of ForAid Indochinab7Db2 Incorporate 105- 3284! committee members, which indluded Howard Zinn, PH.D localitynot given!. Albany letter;3/15/73! L4! 105aglfz 23234-10 ep.9

The following references in the file captioned "Daniel Ellsberg" pertain to the activities of Howard Zinn in California, Massachusetts and Southeast Asia from 1964-4/2/73. Zinn, publicly known as a leading national militant spokesman of the New Left, was the author of several books devoted to the Vietnam war. Ellsberg, a friend and associate of Zinn, participated with him in anti-war demon- strations. Zinn was arrested several times during his protest demon- strations in several areas of the US. He travelled to North Vietnam and was credited with effecting the release of American prisoners in his negotiations with Hanoi. He testified in court that the Vietnamese people were exploited by the French, subjected by Japanese invaders and welcomed the leadership pf Ho Chi Minh and his CP. During the Pentagon Papersinvolved jury trial,special Zinninterests, stated that and not the the wardefense in Vietnam the of wasUnited a warStates." which Q28

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER es-74060-604 p.l66,l68,l69 487/ -760 p.3 arrested! j8T/ Sg§gn continued! -15- - F Ll ------_------_-- -_ ---._--.._i._-..-_-..-_..__.._-. -.._..._._.--.__-.__._..__.._.___. .____.___.__.______,,_,

a .- v ~



REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMBER 55-74050-1285 p.12-l4,l6l8 arrested! 05$? -1525 p.7,9 Q; -2049 p.l,2,4,5,7 arrest record! .k3! -2338 p.lO ;z =243s p.2 ;a7 -2554 p.34 ,§4f -2778 p.i /%? -2824 p.19 A47 -2835 p.l 445 -2971 p.l -§§§ -3795 ep.ll,l2,l2A 44! -4209 p.l ,@ -A-"Daily NewsNye,/473/73 , /4f [::::;::::gfurnishedlist aof names addresses and the of b7D b2 maiming list o "L1 eration" Magazine lO5-55030!, which included Howad Zinn, 24George Street,Newton, Mass.02158. NYletter 4/ll/73! Ck!

-55030-58 p.ll8

vg In connection withCommittee To Defend BabakZahraie 05- 243l64!, a review of INS files on 4/l2/73 disclosed an Initial National Endorser List which containedthe nameof HowardZinn, Professor, MIT.<14! -243164-2 p.14 Per NW5!vi1idqQ

L121 57wa7-77 <5 °7¢-q O!: ':'hY92> -Z

The following references inithe file captioned "Student Agitation" pertain to the activities of BU Professor Howard Zinn in Boston, Lynn, Mass., and Brooklyn, NY from l949-5/2/73. Zinn, an anti- war activist attended CP meetings and spoke at rallies and participated in a demonstration. Zinn, in an interview, stated that he was not a CP member, but a "Liberal" and perhaps some peoplewwould consider him to be a "Leftist." He also stated that he had participated in active ities considered communist fronts, believing that one should act " according to Zhig: own ideals. He did not, he said, believe in demon- strations of force and violence nor the right to overthrow the Government of the US, and if he had any knowledge of persons doing this, he would advisethe FBI. Q4] 92 SE IL continued! -w 1" t

:- > " 92 ;



62-ll2228-5-135 ep.3,4 / '2'? -156 p.3-5 interviewed ll/6/58! -231 p.6 ,

American Historical The following Association references set out meetings and affairs of protest groups in which Howard Zinn participated. He spoke unless l2/28/69 WDC 100-456663-7 p.B

- DATE LOCALITY REFERENCE SEARCH SLI PAGE NUMB E P Aware R 2/8/70 Columbia, S.C. lOO=456594-3 p.13 C , -WT 62ll2287-221 ep.2,4

lO5l75ll5~4l p.8 xv!

_224 ep.l 1;? A217

Concerned Students Against Military Recruiting -2/22/74 Boston, Mass. 100-479533-1 p.lm participated§@f lll ' demonstration! Harrisburg Defense Committee 2/28/72 Harrisburg Pa 100-470033-18 ep.4 if?

' **§achusettsMas Political Action For Peace- PAX! 1/i7/69 * 62-110047-15 ,un

*Probably Cambridge, Mass.

92 continued! S 11, J n ' _' ~ 1" " . _ 1! e 4



Newton Chapter,- Non4Violent Direct Action Groug ~ 5/18/70 Newton, Mass 1o0_45s4o5-150 p.2* ,k¬Y , ~8!/ A 100-459489-6 p.l5

Science Action Coordinating Committee

Union of Concerned Scientists

3/5/69 Cambrdde, Mass. 100-452552-30 p.34,95,96 _4s

Students For A Democratic Society 12/9/70 Boston, Mass. 100-439948-5-602/uni} p.6l,62** -648 p.2 $5 3/23/70 Boston, Mass. 1oo_45771s_s6 p.3 Criticized 487 ' z Gov't.! -110 ep.7,8 ,un

The Day After 4/14/70 Boston, Mass. 1oo_457s55-312 p.5 ,&' Criticized the FBI, called / for disarmament of FBI agents and Police!

Vietnam Moratorium Committee

10/15/69 Boston, Mass. 10o_454565_355 p.l 446

Vietnam Veterans Against The War

l2/30/71 Boston, Mass - 1oo_44so92-671 ep.l,2 ;z Spoke concerning the ' President of the US, and the Congress! * Participated in continued! demonstration REU, 1 _ 8_ K' 1 I ' "y I - 1? d92



Young Socialist Alliance 11/12-14/71 Boston,Mass. 100427226-5-16 p.4,5 , /5'! U8



The following references on Howard Zinn maintained in the Special File Room of the Records Section, Files and Communications Division, were not reviewed and it is not known whether they are identical withthe subjectof this summary. 53

REFERENCE SEARCH SLIP PAGE NUMER 64-330-443 p.5 4&5 -699 ,@n 649330-364-136 tar 64-3so_37o-72 ,k§T

See the search slip filed behind file for other references on this subject which contain the same information SI! that is set out in the main file. Although the information is the same it may have beenreceived fromdifferent sources.QA92 _ e

SE , 19- V Q 2 4-528

aw, 1 ms f¢692"92 Hgili1>***-'92*gi'q3§ I3G a m4 Bf920

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