" 1 OPTIONAL FORMNO. IO chi:UNITED 10:-msGOVE STATES ENT 92 M em om ndum DIRECTOR, FBI 00-360217! DATE! 6/20/69 J;92§Ac, BOSTON00-35505! c! L/t 92 mnqscrz 92923 , ,/ HOWARD ZINN c SM "&#39; "1&#39; Re Legat, Tokyo, letter to Bureau dated 4/29/69, setting forth information to the effect that ZINN had been apparently invited by the Japan "Peace for Vietnam Committee" to visit Japan during June, 1969, on a lecture tour. On 6/16/69, by means of a suitable pretext an invitation to have ZINN participate in a panel discussion on civil rights during the latter part of June or early July, l l969!, it was ascertainedfrom an individual who identified jw himself as ZINN that he had no immediateplans to leave the aw Bostonhe planned area toduring spend Junethis or period July, of1969. ZINN time in the indicatedpreparation that of1 a new lecture plan for his government class at Boston University BU!. .4," *1lLtns&#39;oanmnowcowmmm_92In view of the above, Boston,4»;will 3 placeQ,6 2/ -1 this7 case &,,m92 Q,&#39;592" andin a closedthe instatus. event anyHowever, information sourcesis at developedBU haveregarding been alerta {Jd; proposed trip to Japan by ZINN, the Bureau and Legat, Tokyo, _ will be promptly advised. .. /» sisnmrDmE_ , rsUNc;r_.A3s1FIED _ ¬<9 LG V, ev I I 3 ?~99121 mnaaaa-W-1/ s - 5 Jun 959 . -Qavmwgqnaesvwuarsuui 1 ?3 §}Bureau RM! -Legat, Tokyo 05-4019!! - ! *1»T0 l ~ _i&#39;_* MAY OPTIONALI962EDITION NO.FORM I0 I ? ~ 92_ I &#39; , 4* , 05A Em:1 cm 10141.6 &#39; _ _ 5_ &#39; . ,_ FR UNTTED STATESnk~ ;JENT f, _" >~ 1 """ Memorandum it mnacrz ¢ _ _ = » Director, FBI DATE? 5/11/59 I ,. Legat, Tokyo 05-4019! RUC! r &#39;1 ll PROFESSOR HOWARD ZINN , & IS - JAPAN igeg 31%;- 1 -_, F T E >~13iF?;§.r%§%@R>i/29/69-1*¢~ » E2 B /1» 92 _ _ .1. I F }!- t 1 ,,:1___. :3-kév _.-3;:-i win?If _ _ N%$ §¬1Qha}%?}i%r§I§¬&§%?éiopmentsbeen re- &#39; 1 I have ,_. v. *7d@i?#*iH*this~mafY¬g;§§7§§i§;g%§?isconsidered being RU? to be reopenéd*nnréer§t§bf;§ Lf$nal information from C Boston. :<{§i§.§ -&#39;-7;é ___,__ + C> __ ,0 5 - Bureau - Boston! 1 Cl - Liaison Section! l - Tokyo eh » ; . _ , , __ _ T RBH : lw , 4%?¢1~~.!§7Z&#39; 5 "¢*T"§*1~~92<1i""li&#39;§ 1"-1"r?&#39;* . __ vi»:&#39;.~-"&#39;1 Q U* .,~_¢". .3 &#39; U,7 l&#39;LSt_>L¢fl" _ *~ ---_, ! _-inuialag-::C9;.;%3%:1 Q .FVf,@ 6 apl Lmx 3951 I ~ 31¢? I -I ¬}»#_1&#39; J! E1 REC-39,/1!. E! T -_____, ,» »J/5% w92 non!, § !___;2_§¢§:§Z.;/f:S:.........»-v.» .. En ;;,ung 1:111! F02 rlztej... -. .. ..-...&#39;J..=f..............-.».~~.BEST AVAILABLECOPY _ .1.2 W,. B -é Q&#39; _ ,___192I1&#39;§»;1Ti / FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! 0 U a T i Mr.Tolson.___- I ft; 1; T1Lcach,...-- / / :1-. 1, Dir.M11 moi» hI~------- 1 __ Th: 92nPmE1~ --- Mount C|ipping in Space Below! at I1. Ct11in&#39;:?.n ___ ALLi. IETPO .., f |Ir.If C~onrad.___-1" 3 Y kSEp}L Y-Zr. Tavcl Hr. "l1wti&#39;->r1>.,._._ T""!927"-"§Tl _..__- iPr0.-lffeace 92 "1 Y: _,n_<<_-1 -..~is Activist T0 3, l~=~ Gan iy 1 Speaéi Here lndlmle Page,-nuxme-;oii>=;;;aee,:&#39;;-"-=-E newspaper, city and state.! H9vy_g.r d>__i&#39;Z_inn, internation- yayilmovih-1=peace activistt who is currently professor of government and law at Bos- ton University, will give sev- T-&#39;6 eral talks thisweek at the ADVERTISER University of Hawaii. 92 ___ nononuru With the permission of the I U.S. State Department, Zimi I, and Father Daniel Berrigan went to North Vietnam in » February, 1968, -on a peace mission. While there, they negotiated the release of three American airmen who l had been prisoners of war. __ f/ . Zinns talks-here are spon- *1 sored by the UniversitysAs- 1 isociated Students, which is paying his $1,250 lecture fee. Zinn will speak at 8 p.m1 & 0* /I , today at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics auditorium on ___ zéibdffa/If the campus on Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal. At 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, .Peace Mission to Hanoi Date:Edition: ¬92" 5 7 L," will be the topic of his talk in 4 Room 152, Bilger Hall. At l Author: V. noon the same day, SNCC: The New Abolitionists will Editor: be the subject of an address Tne=un1vzRs1rY or he will give in Kennedy The- HAWAII atre. Zinn will participate in an informal discussion at 1:30; Character: p.m. tomorrow at the Off- or Center Coffee House, 2331 Clussificatlonz §eaview Ave.,and willtalk Submitting Office: 1-IN about Disobedienceand De-¢ mocracy at 7:30 p.m. Fri-&#39;~ [:| Being Investigated day in Room 103, Crawfordj Hall &#39; ,4 w¢// ,, Q .i_._...__.____ L. 132% $&#39;7""J&#39;~7 Ias gZQ9£7/49,352,Rfcrr RE"C30$£i1§W1/»z I Q {b/ 141 PF92Y1&#39;7 0353 I , ~55iJ1AY21 1969 .,.-9!,-_ it i i A 4&#39; _; 1 " "&#39; <1 FD350 Rev. 7-16-63! , MT. T0!$01l_._._. Q Q A Mr. Delloachi. 1111" M0hr.__i_ 5 Mr. Bishop Mr. Caspe1t_._ 1 Mr. Callahan Mr. Conrad._____ &#39; Mount Clipping in Space Below! Mr. Fe1.___ ; Mr. Gale._______ Mr. Rosen Sullivan -i . Mr. Tavel _ &#39; I I am Imromaa ; Mr. Trotter__ 0 X V Tele. Room._.___ ; Miss Ho1mes___i PMwent T 3_53@T£°;§i=§§-?1%s?@ E Yl¢OQivQNZ6¬&#39;F/11!»!1Iiss Gandy____ &#39; W 1-Q"! o I __ . a /Peace activist "I 4&#39;"1-: ct, a F q Indicate page, name of to give four , 1 newspaper, city and state.! talks,-qt Howar§1:*Zinn, a peace ac- tivist, wili give a series of talks here Thursday and Fri- HONOLULU STAR- BULLET IN day. The Associated Students of i HONOLULU ,HAWA II the University of Hawaii is sponsoring the program. A-21 Zinn is professor of govern- ment and law at Boston Uni- versity. He will talk at 8 p.m. Thursday on Vietnam: the; Logic of Withdrawal, at the Hawaii Institute of Geophys- ics Auditorium. On Friday, he will speak at: 10:30 a.m., Biiger 152, Peace Mission to Hanoi? Noon, Kennedy Theater, SNEC, SNICK:the NewAb- i olitionists". 1:30 p.m., Off Center Cof-i fée House, informal discus-l sion. I Date: <Ea7?992-Z 7:30 p.m., Crawford 103, Edition: cyn.;Dis_oh_edj.ence Democrq and Author Editor: A6Ao Title: HOWARD ZINN 51/ Character: I/ Classification:or , ti Submitting Office: Being Investigated ~ / r E //ii &#39;36»-=s~/17»~/* 1?&#39;a>&#39;*:--~=----T RECORDED &#39;7&#39; 46 MAY121969 it ____ up _@¬MAi2 92: 1 ,_ ". mm p , * c LWW g I g : E}-=IEI-IPTEI~ FREIII£=.T.TTI3IiA&#39;IIC H AUT1-IIIIRITYDECLAEEIFICAT FRDIE BEL.&#39; I FEII ATJTIJIU-.TIC! _ ..L..SSIFIC&#39;TIIIIII IEUIIE _» E EIIITIIJIII CCIDE :2.EI=-{III D.z»T2 I3Sll2CIlIII CORRELATION sun/nvmav - Main No:File 100-360217 ya Date {Zq[D~70 »~~~ Subject: Howard@Zinn.&#39; Date Searched: 6/9/69 92 fj All logical variations of subject&#39;sname andaliases weresearched and identical references were found as: . #95 &#39; owardZinn}92,_ &#39; ¢$0/3&#39;//-7%/PX » H. Zin 91! -! &#39;/ . Howard@GiTT Harvie2Zinn r1_;_»* J;/?x _,..,¢ Howardin. ___ award@Zinn» 4 5~§¢7"YP $44 /4; Conrad Howie@Zinn B5!Q,I_, ;¢ M/{ff I "I1/In This is a suzmnary of information obtained from a review of all "see" references to the subject in Bureau files under the names and aliases listed above. All references under the above names containing data identical with the subject have been included except any indicated at the end of this summary under the heading REFERENCE S NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SUMMARY. References indicated in the block as SI contain the same information as the foregoing serial although the information may have been received from a different source. THIS SUMMARY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR USE AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT AND IS NOTISUITABLE FORDISSEMINATION. IT IS DESIGNED TO FURNISH A SYNOPSIS OF THE INFORMATION SET OUT IN EACH REFERENCE, AND IN MANY CASES THE ORIGINAL SERIAL WILL CONTAIN THE INFORMATION IN MORE DETAIL. I b6 Ib"/C Analy st Coordinator _ Agproved I I I I I TPW V ,¢¬y;~* NLC 2 lmt | A |92I92~ -~ _"" ,. IITEEU»$»I»,J*F;-, .,92-.>--,~.-~,~r92 III 92"&#39;92, 1- C&#39;%SS"EDm~"&#39;4£plu7 " UI.:&#39;I.:£_.=92&#39;::&#39;.I ,;;=~I.I~&#39;.- 45&#39;} &#39; DECLFIQ&#39; "I ob2% - QNZ ~q_6 b I gzggmi 51-; ~ !I_:92;I.i UiI&3;I"l;§II2I;, /&#39; ENCLOSURE " *1 69¢&#39;ld$&#39;d££4 Jam 00¢!//1" . R567@/, - at/and/67_Z6_.Q¢2/7» W "1 &#39; 1 @&#39;~ - ,,, &#39;7 g MgI /TIC! ii DEC 111979 S gassiedby /7 far¢ Exe . D.I;"2,=tf .52" . t &#39;""""&#39;=&#39;=&#39;i Q 3 I7// -g.c Lg .l-Jmxoii/* 5 23IQII AL ION 7 FE; E Tm I I 92 i C IAL s 92 I l ABBREVIATIONS Add. info . .... ..Additional information appearing in this reference which pertains to Howard Zinn can be found in the main file or elsewhere in this summary.
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