The Board Meeting - Public Session of the York Region District School Board was held in the Board Room of the Education Centre, Aurora at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 with Chair C. McBain presiding and the following members present; Trustees P. Adams-Luchowski, L. Aversa, L. Carruthers, C. Chan, C. Cordova, A. DeBartolo, S. Geller, J. Nathan, A. Tam and M. Van Beek.

Regrets: Trustee B. Pang and Student Trustee S. Rico

Also in Attendance: Student Trustee M. Hong


Board Chair C. McBain provided remarks and an acknowledgement of thanks and appreciation to the First Peoples of the Williams Treaty First Nations, other Indigenous Peoples and the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as the Board’s closest community and partners in education.


Students from Keswick High School sang the Canadian National Anthem.


Pride Month and a Trustee Resignation Request were added to the agenda.

It was noted that Trustee A. Tam requested Recommendation #7 from the June 5, 2018 Chair’s Committee meeting minutes regarding School Safety at Markham District High School be removed from routine.

(*)1. Moved by C. Cordova, seconded by M. Van Beek:

That the agenda be approved as amended.

- Carried -


Board Chair C. McBain asked any trustee who has a direct personal interest or direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any matter being discussed by the Board to state their conflict and the nature thereof.


Trustee P. Adams-Luchowski declared a conflict of interest on Agenda Item 17(d), Board Standing Committee Minutes, May 15, 2018 regarding Cash Disbursements for March 2018 due to the employment of a family member by the Board.


(*)2. Moved by J. Nathan, seconded by A. DeBartolo:

1) That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes of the May 2, 2018 Joint Board Consortium Committee meeting.

2) That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes of the May 8, 2018 Director of Education Performance Review Committee meeting.

3) That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes of the May 29, 2018 Special Private Chair’s Committee meeting.

4) That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes of the May 29, 2018 Special Property Management Committee meeting.

5) That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes of the June 5, 2018 Chair’s Committee meeting.

- Carried -


Board Chair C. McBain made the following remarks.

“At the York Region District School Board (YRDSB), we are fortunate to have a wealth of diversity in our schools, a diversity that we celebrate through various events and celebrations.

Recognition of differences is one of many ways that we promote inclusive learning and working environments. With that in mind, I am pleased to announce that the month of June is National Indigenous, Italian and Portuguese Heritage Month.”

National Indigenous History Month

Trustee M. Van Beek made the following remarks.

“June is National Indigenous History month. National Indigenous History Month is a time to acknowledge the role Indigenous peoples played in the development of Canada, to honour Indigenous heritage and to celebrate Indigenous cultures. BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 3 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

At the York Region District School Board, work continues to increase student achievement and staff understanding about First Nation, Métis and Inuit perspectives, cultures and histories.

Over the past school year, hundreds of staff members and thousands of students have expanded their knowledge of Indigenous cultures and the history of the First People in Canada through student-led workshops, curriculum learning and connections with Indigenous communities.

This includes:

 Students at Markham District High School, Bill Hogarth Secondary School and Pikangikum First Nation building connections and learning more about one another through personal photo stories with the Youth for Reconciliation project.  Schools, such as Bayview Secondary School and E.T. Crowle Public School, working with Indigenous Artists-in-Residence to learn more about culture and to express their learning through artwork.  Holding events, like the student conference Celebrating Indigenous Ways and Learning at Markham District High School and an Indigenous author visit at Richmond Green Secondary School.  Over 900 secondary and 750 elementary students, and 150 staff learning more about treaties from members of Indigenous communities during Treaty Recognition Week events.

These are just a few examples of the wonderful learning taking place across our system. We will continue to provide supports to ensure that all students of First Nation, Métis and Inuit ancestry have opportunities to be successful.

On behalf of the York Region District School Board, I am happy to recognize June as National Indigenous History Month.”

Italian Heritage Month

Trustees A. DeBartolo and L. Aversa made the following remarks.

“Italian Heritage Month provides us with the opportunity to learn about the contributions to our society by members of this passionate, vibrant cultural community.

The Italian-Canadian community significantly influenced the social, cultural, and economic fabric of Canada. One of their most important contributions was in the area of labour reform in . As more Italians permanently migrated to Canadian cities, they excelled in the construction industry in certain urban centres. By the 1960s, more than 15,000 Italian men worked in ’s construction industry, representing one third of all construction workers in the city. Workplace safety and labour relations during this time BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 4 JUNE 12, 2018 ______lacked regulation. This issue was brought to public attention after the Hogg’s Hollow Disaster in 1960 when five Italian workers were killed after becoming trapped in a tunnel while laying a water main. This event sparked an inquiry that pointed to the failure of Ontario’s workplace safety legislation and the lax enforcement of these laws by the Department of Labour. A Royal Commission was called to investigate workplace safety legislation, recommending a number of updates to the law, specifically in the construction industry. The Hogg’s Hollow Disaster additionally motivated Italians in the construction industry to take on an advocacy role, prompting two strikes over better pay, union recognition, and safer working conditions.

Italo- have had a great impact and influence on our taste in food, fashion, recreation, art, theatre and music.

In 1966, Johnny Lombardi launched Chin Radio broadcasting in 30 different languages. are also very active in political life.

The first Italian immigrants to Canada primarily settled in Toronto, Montreal, and to a lesser extent Vancouver, but also established homes in mining and industrial towns across the country. Many of the men who migrated seasonally returned to , but some remained in Canada either because they were unable to make enough money for the passage or they found opportunities in Canadian cities. The labourers that remained formed the basis of Italian communities in Canada, giving rise to ethnic enclaves known as “Little Italys” in the major urban centres.

After arriving in Canada, Italian immigrants faced many difficulties and challenges as they learned the language and adjusted to the rhythm of life in their new country. The majority of the Italian immigrants travelled to Canada by ocean liner, landing at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Canadian Italians are very proud of the contributions to this country. On behalf of the York Region District School Board we are happy to recognize June as Italian Heritage Month.”

Portuguese Heritage Month

Trustee J. Nathan made the following remarks.

“The month of June has been proclaimed as Portuguese History Month in Canada.

June 10 in particular is a day of significance to the Portuguese community. On this day, people of Portuguese descent celebrate the life of Luis de Camoes and his many famous poems that narrate the history of Portugal.

Portugal has a history of producing many great explorers and navigators. It was over 500 years ago, that Portuguese explorers first arrived in Canada.


In 1501, a Portuguese explorer, Gaspar Corte Real, explored the northeast coast of Newfoundland and found and named Conception Bay and Portugal Cove. He then sailed up the coast of Newfoundland and named the land he found ‘Labrador,’ which means ‘farmer’ in Portuguese.

In the ensuing years, people of Portuguese heritage have continued to arrive, settle and raise families in Canada.

The Portuguese community continues to make many significant contributions to our country, our province and to York Region.

On behalf of the York Region District School Board, I am happy to proclaim June as Portuguese Heritage Month.”

Pride Month

Trustee L. Carruthers made the following remarks.

“At the York Region District School Board, we are grounded in the belief that students learn and staff work in school and workplaces that are equitable and inclusive. This includes supporting our 2SLGBTQ staff and students.

June is Pride month and we will proudly raise the Pride flag here at Community Education Centre Aurora on June 14, 2018. Many schools and worksites are also proudly raising the Pride flag and participating in many activities in support of our 2SLGBTQ students and staff.

Now more than ever it is important that we demonstrate our support for, and celebrate with, our 2SLGTBQ community.

The annual York Pride Parade is taking place on Saturday, June 16, 2018 in Newmarket. This year’s theme is All Together Now. I would like to extend an invitation to all trustees, senior team, staff, union partners and members of the YRDSB parent community to participate.

We are a Board that is committed to fostering a sense of belonging for all staff and students and it would certainly send a clear message to the community if we had a strong presence.

The parade gets underway at 3:00 p.m. and it would be wonderful to have a large contingent of YRDSB trustees, staff and parents represented in the parade.

I look forward to seeing many of you there.”



At this time Student Trustee M. Hong made the following remarks.

“Madame Chair, Madame Director, Trustees, Staff, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Stephanie will not be joining us this evening as she is on vacation in Romania. I asked if I could be stuffed into a suitcase and go with her but that would obviously be ridiculous; the price for an extra check-in would be way too much.

Stephanie and I volunteered at the Ontario Public Board Council’s Student Empowerment Day at WE Charity’s Global Learning Centre. We both facilitated activities within groups that sparked interesting and inspiring conversations about the fairness of distribution of resources around the world and conflict resolution. We also had the awesome opportunity of witnessing Spencer West, a motivational speaker who, even though he lost both his legs at a young age, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.

It was a great experience and to have ME to WE as a partner in education was truly an honour.

We also attended the Phoenix Leadership Conference where we developed leadership and teamwork skills. One of the activities we took part in involved making the delegates solve an impossible puzzle while at the same time having the staff, who were previously friendly and welcoming, turn on them by throwing insults and discouragement. At the end of the activity it was revealed to the delegates that the staff were only acting to test their team working skills in a stressful environment. It was innovative leadership activities like this and the sense of community that was provided at Phoenix that made some students admit that it was the best weekend they had ever had. Stephanie and I would love to see more opportunities for students to practice these essential skills.

We also attended the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association Annual General Meeting. It was our last provincial conference and it was truly a bittersweet weekend. Seeing our incoming student trustees interact and befriend other student trustees reminded us of our first conference this time last year. While it was sad to see our fellow student trustees for the last time at a conference, we are excited to witness the great work they will accomplish. In fact, one of our good friends is running for an adult trustee role in his district.

I think I speak for the both of us when I say that our experience at the Board has been an honour and will continue to be until the end of our term, we cannot wait to see what Bill and Allen bring to the table next school year.”



Board Vice-Chair J. Nathan welcomed Student Trustee Elects B. Liu and A. Lu to the meeting. She indicated that Bill and Allen will officially begin their term as student trustees for the 2018-2019 school year on August 1, 2018. J. Nathan made the following remarks.

“Allen and Bill were elected by elementary and secondary student voting delegates through the Our Voice Conference.

Allen Lu is a Grade 11 International Baccalaureate student at Bayview Secondary School, where he is actively involved in student council. Passionate about mental health, equity and inclusivity, Allen also enjoys swimming, music and aviation. He is an active Air Cadet, member of the Prime Leaders Youth Collaborative youth council and a volunteer at the Richmond Hill Public Library.”

At this time, A. Lu read aloud and signed the following declaration.

“I, Allen Lu, having been selected by my peers to represent the elementary and secondary students in this Board, do solemnly swear that I will respect the rules of protocol and conduct of this Board, will represent students to the best of my ability, will present the best interests of students for the benefit of the Board, and will serve as an advocate and representative of the York Region District School Board at all times.”

Vice-Chair J. Nathan continued.

“Bill Liu is a grade 11 honour roll student at Richmond Hill High School. A member of the student council, and alpine and Nordic ski team, he is also an executive of the Kids Are Scientists Too Club, travelling to elementary schools to promote an interest in science. Committed to helping others and making a difference, Bill is also very involved in the community, including running tutoring programs and camps to support newcomer, low income and refugee families. Action-oriented, he is also an enthusiastic participant in hackathons.”

At this time, B. Liu read aloud and signed the following declaration.

“I, Bill Liu, having been selected by my peers to represent the elementary and secondary students in this Board, do solemnly swear that I will respect the rules of protocol and conduct of this Board, will represent students to the best of my ability, will present the best interests of students for the benefit of the Board, and will serve as an advocate and representative of the York Region District School Board at all times.”

J. Nathan concluded as follows.

“Congratulations, Allen and Bill. Student trustees play an important role in our Board. We greatly value the voices that you bring to our Board table and the work that you do across BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 8 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

York Region District School Board to promote student voice.

We wish you both the best of luck in your role and we look forward to working with you to continue advancing student achievement and well-being.

We look forward to recognizing our 2017-2018 student trustees Mingze Hong and Stephanie Rico in July.”


At this time, Director of Education L. Sirisko provided trustees with an update on news from around the Board.

“Track Meet for Students with Special Needs

More than 1,000 students of varying abilities in Kindergarten to grade eight competed at our annual Students of Differing Abilities Athletics and Activities meet.

The athletes rotated between competing in track and field events and games. There were the traditional track and field activities such as running events, relay and obstacle course, as well as new games, including bubbles and parachute, Just Dance and a bean-bag relay.

In attendance at the event were families, student volunteers from Stouffville Secondary School, intermediate students from Glad Park Public School and liaison officers from the York Regional Police.

The Students of Differing Abilities competition continues the Board’s tradition of creating rich, rewarding and inclusive experiences for students and their families. A special thank you to Superintendent of Education M. Cohen for his ongoing involvement with the event and his dedication to students and staff.

The Alliance of Educators for Black Students Annual Student Achievement Awards

I also had the honour of attending The Alliance of Educators for Black Students Annual Student Achievement Awards. The Alliance of Educators for Black Students is a network of educators within the York Region District School Board, with the purpose of promoting the achievement and well-being of black students.

It was an evening in which we recognized the accomplishments of students who have been successful in the arts, academics, athletics, school involvement and leadership.

I was happy to celebrate their achievements alongside family members, friends and colleagues.


Ann Pace - Ontario Principals’ Council

The Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC) has thanked our Board for supporting Ann Pace, Principal of Tommy Douglas Secondary School, as she served in the position of OPC Member at Large over the last year.

Executive members, such as Ann, make a significant time commitment to fulfil their duties to the OPC. They are expected to take part in conference calls, in-person meetings as well as attend provincial council meetings.

In recognition of Ann’s work, and our Board’s ongoing support, OPC has made a cheque in the amount of $1,500 available to Ann for use at her discretion to benefit students in our Board.

This is a wonderful gesture on OPC’s part, one that I am sure Ann is happy to accept.”


The Director of Education invited superintendents to share information about Applause! recipients.

Vaughan Fire Chief Retires

Superintendent of Education P. Valle made the following remarks.

“Would retired Fire Chief Larry Bentley please come forward.

The York Region District School Board greatly values its partnership with Vaughan Fire and Rescue Services. We have enjoyed a positive working relationship for many years, with staff from both of our organizations working together to support our shared priority of student safety and well-being.

For many years, Vaughan Fire and Rescue has been led by Chief Larry Bentley who first joined the organization in 1979.

Sadly, after almost 40 years of working in our community with the staff and students of Vaughan, Mr. Bentley has decided to retire.

During his time with the Fire and Rescue Service, Chief Larry Bentley has been very passionate about working with schools and students. Over the years, Vaughan Fire and Rescue Services has developed a strong presence in Vaughan schools that can be attributed to the leadership of Chief Bentley.

He has supported several educational initiatives to educate staff and students about fire safety and prevention. Vaughan Fire and Rescue Services runs an adopt-a-school BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 10 JUNE 12, 2018 ______program that is aimed specifically at community classes. Chief Bentley has always encouraged his crews to work closely with students with special needs in order to promote student and staff safety.

Last year, he was honoured by his fellow chief officers for developing partnerships with stakeholders and providing valuable contributions to the community around educating residents on fire prevention.

Some of the fire safety initiatives include Alarms for Life, After the Heat, promoting home escape planning, summer camps, library programs, distributing fire safety educational materials, releasing public service announcements and connecting with residents through social media.

He has truly had a positive impact on the health and safety of our staff and students. I speak on behalf of our Vaughan community, when I say that we are going to miss him immensely.

On behalf of the York Region District School Board, I would like to thank you Chief Bentley for everything that you have done to support our students, families and staff.

All the best to you in your retirement!”

Provincial Award for Accepting Schools Recipient

Superintendent of Education P. Valle made the following remarks.

Would the group from Johnny Lombardi Public School please come forward.

Johnny Lombardi Public School in Woodbridge is one of ten schools across the province to be recognized this year for creating safe and accepting learning environments. The Premier’s Awards for Accepting Schools celebrate school teams that have shown leadership and innovation in creating safe, inclusive and accepting schools.

Johnny Lombardi Public School received the award for its work to build a respectful and inclusive school culture where everyone feels welcome and valued since opening in 2016.

This work includes:

 creating a Students Advocating For Equity (S.A.F.E.) team made up of students and staff dedicated to promoting well-being and developing a safe and inclusive environment,  offering a variety of resources to encourage student and staff learning about different cultures, mindfulness and mental health, including daily, school-wide Mindful Moments, BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 11 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

 fostering a sense of belonging for all students through initiatives like the Buddy Bench, which supports students who are looking for a peer to play with and fosters friendship and inclusion, and the Zen Den, a safe place students can access when feeling anxious, in need of support or a quiet spot to reflect,  initiating a conflict resolution circle to address conflicts and help students solve problems, and  providing leadership opportunities for older students to support younger students at recess.

Johnny Lombardi Public School is the sixth school in York Region District School Board to receive the Premier’s Award for Safe and Accepting Schools in the last five years. It also received a 2018 School of Character Award from the Character Community Foundation of York Region.

Representing the school tonight are:

 Teachers Bernard Meagher and Kimberly Godfrey and Sarah Denney-Faletta;  Child and Youth Worker Mary Olivo;  Principal Rita Angellotti; and  students Vaani Thavalingam, Matthew Lapensee, Veronica Starzycki and Raghib Khan

Congratulations to you and everyone at Johnny Lombardi Public School!”


Superintendent of Education B. Green made the following remarks.

“Would the group from Aurora High School please come forward. Students at Aurora High School have written and composed an original 30-minute play made up of a series of vignettes inspired by the #metoo movement. The students were invited to perform their original play, Womanly, at the Ontario Showcase of the National Theatre School Drama Festival in Cambridge, Ontario; formerly known as the Provincial Showcase of the Sears Ontario Drama Festival.

The Ontario Showcase is the third and final stage of the festival. It is meant to celebrate the top 12 shows of Ontario. Over 300 schools entered the festival from various regions around the province and after two stages of the festival, the District and the Regionals, only the top 12 shows go on to the showcase.

Womanly came away from the festival winning four Awards of Excellence, including two Outstanding Production Awards, and was the only York Region District School Board school to advance to the Ontario Showcase.


Womanly is an example of "devised theatre" or what was once referred to as an "anthology”; a collection of movement, spoken word, music, and narrative scenes all intertwined and centred on a given theme.

As is suggested by the play's title, the theme is based on concerns around the status of women in today's society and the impact of sexism on teenage girls against a backdrop of broader, systemic injustices faced by women.

Congratulations to all of the students involved and the staff who supported them.

Attending tonight are:

 students Lauren Wilson, Alexandra Rusu, Alexis Magder, Alyssa Ruddock, Nicholas Yeh, Angie Norman, Jemma Lam, Emily Melissas, Moira-Kelly Steeves, Cerys Ford, Maria Necula and Arshan Noamani;  Principal George Voumvakis; and  Teacher John Castrounis

Congratulations to all of you on this outstanding accomplishment!”

North Star

Superintendent of Education E. Khilji made the following remarks.

“Would the group from Bogart Public School please come forward.

This month’s North Star recipient is Deborah Godin from Bogart Public School in Newmarket. Deborah is joined by her colleague, Maria Thomaidis and Principal Bob Sandiford.”

At this time, Maria Thomaidis shared why she nominated Deborah for the award.

“I nominated Deb Godin because of the following reasons:

 when I transferred into Bogart Public School, she was the one who made me feel welcomed and helped me integrate seamlessly into the school culture,  she always has my back; it is an important piece in teaching when you feel supported by your colleagues (the social-emotional piece),  she is the intermediate teacher lead, and organizes everything for our division; outings, meetings, and presentations, and  she keeps us apprised of any workshops that would support our interests or that would benefit our teaching.


Deb is not your standard "cheerleader" teacher or colleague, but at the end of the day, she makes my daily experience one that I enjoy and look forward to.”

Director of Education L. Sirisko and Board Chair C. McBain congratulated all Applause! recipients and thanked them for their dedication to student success.


Trustee C. Cordova provided highlights from the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) Annual General Meeting held May 31 to June 3, 2018 and the newly elected executive. She noted Chair C. McBain was elected as a member of the Policy Development Work Team and Trustee C. Cordova is the alternate member on the Education Program Work Team.

Board Chair McBain acknowledged the importance of having Board representation on OPSBA.


Budget Committee Chair A. DeBartolo provided an overview of the 2018-2019 budget process and highlighted the Grants for Students Needs and funding allocations for various groups, programs and employees. She outlined Ministry funding announcements and the development of the Board budget with input from a variety of staff and advisory committee groups.

She thanked trustees for supporting the process and the Director of Education, Chief Financial Officer and the Finance staff for their work involved in providing a balanced budget.

Board Chair McBain thanked Trustee DeBartolo for her dedication and participation as Chair of the Budget Committee.

Note: Trustee P. Adams-Luchowski declared a conflict of interest on the Budget approval due to a family member being employed by the Board.

(*)3. Moved by C. Chan, seconded by A. DeBartolo:

That the York Region District School Board approve the 2018-2019 Budget, as approved at the May 29, 2018 Budget Committee meeting, with an expenditure level of $1,494,270,000.

- Carried -



Superintendent of Education, Human Resource Services, Operations C. LaTouche addressed the 2018-2022 Capital Strategy which is accessible on the Board website.

Superintendent LaTouche responded to a trustee question by indicating that information Action Required about a list of schools and required repairs will be provided at a Property Management Committee meeting in the fall.

(*)4. Moved by A. DeBartolo, seconded by M. Van Beek:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That the 2019 to 2022 Capital Strategy Report be received for information.

2) That the 2018 Capital Strategy List be approved.

- Carried -


Board Chair C. McBain acknowledged progress made with regard to the 2018-2022 Multi- Year Strategic Plan. She noted the participation of trustees and staff and the well- organized team effort involved in preparing and communicating the final Multi-Year Strategic Priorities which will guide the Board over the next four years.

It was noted that a hard copy of the facilitator’s summary has been distributed to trustees.

(*)5. Moved by A. DeBartolo, seconded by L. Aversa:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following 2018-2022 Multi-Year Strategic Priorities.

Foster Well-Being and Mental Health

 Promote cognitive, emotional, social and physical well-being.  Create healthy learning and working environments.  Strengthen resiliency.


Champion Equity and Inclusivity

 Create safe spaces.  Ensure student achievement through equitable access to learning.  Identify, interrupt and eliminate barriers.

Build Collaborative Relationships

 Nurture a culture of trust and respect.  Honour differing perspectives in decision-making.  Be accessible and responsive.

Empower Ethical Leadership

 Develop innovative and courageous leaders.  Elevate student voice.  Expect growth and encourage curiosity.

- Carried -


(*)6. Moved by M. Van Beek, seconded by C. Cordova:

That the minutes of the May 1, 2018 Board meeting and May 30, 2018 and June 5, 2018 Special Board meetings be approved as written.

- Carried -


A revised set of minutes and appendices for the May 29, 2018 Budget Committee meeting was distributed to trustees. The minutes and appendices will be updated in the agenda package on the public website.

(*)7. Moved by C. Chan, seconded by M. Van Beek:

That the Board adopt the following routine recommendations (*) in accordance with Board procedure.



That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 1, 2018 Policy and By-Law Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

That the minutes of the April 3, 2018 Policy and By-Law Committee Meeting be approved as written.

3) Policy #158.0, Information Access and Privacy Protection

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Working Document Policy #158.0, Information Access and Privacy Protection, be circulated for comment for six school months.

4) Policy #570.0, Pregnancy/Parental/Adoption/Infant/Child Care Leaves

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #570.0, Pregnancy/Parental/Adoption/Infant/Child Care Leaves be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

5) Policy #412.0, Community Use of Schools

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, second review of Working Document Policy #412.0, Community Use of Schools be deferred to a future Policy and By-Law Committee meeting.

6) Policy #238.0, Parent, Family and Community Engagement

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #238.0, Parent, Family and Community Engagement be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

7) Policy #250.0, Violence Prevention and Intervention

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #250.0, Violence Prevention and Intervention be BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 17 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

8) Policy #182.0, Distribution of Materials: External Organizations

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #182.0, Distribution of Materials: External Organizations be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

9) Policy #202.0, Board Advertising

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #202.0, Board Advertising be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

10) Policy #203.0, Board Advocacy

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #203.0, Board Advocacy be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

11) Policy #122.0, Conference and Workshops -– Employees

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #122.0, Conference and Workshops – Employees be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

12) Policy #228.0, Jurisdictional Learning

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy #228.0, Jurisdictional Learning be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.


That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 2, 2018 Joint Board Consortium meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.


2) Receipt of Minutes of Previous Meeting

That the minutes of the November 1, 2017 Joint Board Consortium Meeting – Public Session be approved as written.

3) Close Nominations

That the nominations for the positions of Co-Chair of the Joint Board Consortium, for the 2018-2019 school year be closed.

4) 2018-2019 Proposed Meeting Schedule and Locations

That the proposed meeting schedule and locations for the 2018-2019 school year be approved.


That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 15, 2018 Property Management Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Receipt of Minutes of Previous Meeting

That the minutes of the April 17, 2018 Property Management Committee meeting be received for information.

3) Unnamed Block #12 Elementary School, Opening of Tenders

That the York Region District School Board approve the total estimated cost, not to exceed $13,976,560.00 for the construction of the Unnamed Block #12 Elementary School, City of Vaughan, subject to Ministry approval, as outlined in the staff report dated May 15, 2018.

4) Unnamed Cornell Southeast #4 Elementary School, Opening of Tenders

That the York Region District School Board approve the total estimated cost, not to exceed $13,959,551.00 for the construction of the Unnamed Cornell Southeast #4 Elementary School, City of Markham, subject to Ministry approval, as outlined in the staff report dated May 15, 2018.



That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 15, 2018 Board Standing Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Recommendations from the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee Regarding Anti-Black Racism

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That the Board receive the recommendations from the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee regarding Anti-Black Racism report for information.

2) That the following recommendations from the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee regarding Anti-Black Racism Sub-Committee be referred to Chair’s Committee for consideration.

That staff be authorized to:

a) Review all the recommendations and feedback provided by the community in Appendix A in order to understand the community’s voice and expectations in order to inform planning and implementation process.

b) Create a work plan that includes timelines and recommended actions for consideration by the Board of Trustees within six months.

c) Develop a communication to outline the Board response to the community recommendations to be shared with respondents.

3) That the York Region District School Board work with the Anti-Black Racism Sub-Committee and report to the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee on next steps and progress at the September 13, 2018 Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee meeting.


3) Cash Disbursements – March 2018

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1. That Cash Disbursements for March 2018 for all expenditures, except item #65, in the sum of $16,127,413.48 be approved.

2. That Cash Disbursements for March 2018 for item #65, in the sum of $97,541,457.71 be approved.


That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 22, 2018 Budget Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Ministry Funding Memos

That the York Region District School Board receive the Ministry Funding Memos for information.

3) Definitions

That the York Region District School Board receive the Definitions for information.

4) Estimated 2018-2019 Budget Revenues

That the York Region District School Board receive the Estimated 2018-2019 Budget Revenues for information.


That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 28, 2018 Multi-Year Plan Review Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as amended.


2) Approval of Minutes

That the minutes of the March 21, 2018 Multi-Year Plan Review Committee meeting be approved as written.


That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the May 29, 2018 Budget Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.

2) Estimated 2018-2019 Budget Revenues

That the York Region District School Board receive the Estimated 2018-2019 Budget Revenues for information.

3) Review of Draft Expenditure Budgets

That all future Expenditure Budgets for the York Region District School Board be explicitly aligned with Board priorities.

4) 2018-2019 Proposed Budget Summary

That the York Region District School Board receive the Review of Draft Expenditure Budgets for information.

5) 2018-2019 Budget Recommendation

That the York Region District School Board Budget Committee recommends that the 2018-2019 Budget, as submitted at the May 29, 2018 Budget Committee meeting, with an expenditure level of $1,494,270,000 be approved at the June 12, 2018 Board meeting.


That the York Region District School Board receive the minutes and approve the recommendations from the June 5, 2018 Chair’s Committee meeting as follows.

1) Approval of Agenda

That the agenda be approved as written.


2) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

That the minutes of the April 24, 2018 Chair’s Committee Meeting be approved as written.

3) Revision to the 2018 Committee Meeting Dates

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That the September 4, 2018 Policy and By-Law Committee meeting be rescheduled to Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

2) That the September 4, 2018 Board Meeting be rescheduled to Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

3) That the list of 2018 Committee Meeting Dates be updated to reflect these changes.

4) Revision to the 2018 Trustee Appointments to Board Committees

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That the York Region District School Board approve the appointment of Trustee M. Van Beek as an alternate member of the Student Discipline Committee.

2) That the Trustee Appointments to Board Committees for 2018 be updated to reflect this change.

5) Agenda for Board Meeting – Public Session, Tuesday, June 12, 2018

That the agenda for the June 12, 2018 Board meeting (Public Session) be approved as amended.

- Carried -



Policy and Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services

Board Chair C. McBain referenced the recommendation from the May 1, 2018 Policy and By-Law Committee meeting regarding the Trustee Services policy and procedure.

Trustee C. Cordova introduced additional wording for inclusion in the Trustee Services procedures that puts additional parameters around trustee participation in professional growth and learning opportunities during the municipal election campaign period. She requested a recorded vote on the proposed amendment.

Trustees discussed the language in the Trustee Services policy and procedure at length. The following was considered;

 the importance of professional judgement and accountability,  the role of Chair’s Committee to consider trustee requests for participation in conferences and events outside of Ontario,  the importance of professional learning and networking opportunities throughout the entire Term of Office,  the professional affiliation with the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association and Canadian School Boards’ Association,  the importance of ensuring fiscal responsibility and knowledge mobilization,  the two-month period for submitting an application to Chair’s Committee to approve any trustee participation in out of Ontario professional development and growth opportunities, and  reporting timelines for participation in conferences or events outside of Ontario.

Over the course of the discussion, several wording changes to the Trustee Services policy and procedure were considered. Following an extensive discussion, trustees agreed to refer the final consideration of the Trustee Services policy and procedure to the September 12, 2018 Policy and By-Law Committee.

(*)8. Main motion moved by M. Van Beek, seconded by A. Tam:

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Policy and Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services, as amended, be forwarded to the June 12, 2018 Board meeting for final approval.

First amendment moved by C. Cordova, seconded by L. Aversa:

That the main motion be amended by indicating the following wording BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 24 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

change to page 5 of Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services, under Professional Growth and Learning:

Trustees are not permitted to participate in professional growth and learning opportunities during the municipal election campaign period as defined in the Partisan Activities and Campaigning policy, except for Ontario Public School Boards’ Association and Canadian School Boards’ Association conferences and events within Ontario.

Second amendment moved by L. Carruthers, seconded by A. DeBartolo:

That the proposed wording to page 5 of Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services, under Professional Growth and Learning be revised by removing the words “within Ontario”.

- Second Amendment Carried -

- First Amendment, as amended, Carried -

In accordance with section 2:05:07 of the York Region District School Board Operational By-Law, a recorded vote on the first amendment, as amended, was conducted at the request of Trustee C. Cordova.

In Favour: Trustees P. Adams-Luchowski, L. Aversa, L. Carruthers, C. Chan, C. Cordova, A. DeBartolo, S. Geller, C. McBain, J. Nathan, A. Tam and M. Van Beek

Opposed: None

Absent: Trustee B. Pang

Second first amendment moved by P. Adams-Luchowski, seconded by L. Carruthers:

That the main motion, as amended, be further amended by indicating Policy and Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services will be updated to insert language that clarifies that:

 trustees are not required to obtain approval from Chair’s Committee for attendance at any Ontario Public School Boards’ Association or Canadian School Boards’ Association conference or event;

 trustees are required to advise Chair’s Committee of their attendance at any Ontario Public School Boards’ Association or Canadian School Boards’ Association conference or event prior to departure; and BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 25 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

 consistent with the reporting requirements for all other professional learning outside of Ontario, trustees who attend Ontario Public School Boards’ Association or Canadian School Boards’ Association conferences or events outside of Ontario are required to prepare and submit a follow-up report to Chair’s Committee for information as soon as possible and within three months that includes,

 rationale and learning objectives connected to Board goals and priorities including, but not limited to the Multi-Year Plan,  learning achieved,  a detailed itinerary,  budget and funding, and  recommendations for action.

Motion to refer moved by A. DeBartolo, seconded by C. Chan:

That proposed revisions to Policy and Procedure #220.0, Trustee Services be referred to the September 12, 2018 Policy and By-Law Committee for further consideration.

- Carried -


Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee Classism Recommendations and Next Steps

(*)9. Moved by L. Carruthers, seconded by C. Cordova:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That a working group be established to consider the recommendations submitted to the Board, effective September 2018, regarding;

 Classism  Anti-Black Racism  Islamophobia  Antisemitism

2) That the working group of trustees, staff and interested members of the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee provide regular updates to EIAC and the Board. BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 26 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

3) That the summary of community consultations developed by staff and the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee Classism Sub-Committee be shared with staff, members of the public and community partners to advocate for change for families in York Region at the local, municipal and provincial levels of government.

- Carried -

2019 Committee Meeting Dates

(*)10. Moved by C. Cordova, seconded by M. Van Beek:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations. 1) That, in accordance with Section 2:01:01 of the York Region District School Board Operational By-Law, the following Board meetings be scheduled on a day other than the first Tuesday of the month.

 Wednesday, February 6, 2019  Monday, June 3, 2019  Tuesday, July 9, 2019  Tuesday, September 10, 2019  Wednesday, October 2, 2019  Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2) That the 2019 Committee Meeting dates be approved as outlined in the report dated June 5, 2018.

- Carried -

Trustee Request: School Safety at Markham District High School

Trustee A. Tam expressed his appreciation to the Markham District High School School Council for the recommendations they presented on student safety. He thanked trustees and staff for their consideration on the issue and for ensuring student safety is a priority.

(*)11. Moved by A. Tam, seconded by J. Nathan:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That the York Region District School Board receive the Markham District High School – School Council School Safety Request report for information. BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 27 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

2) That the Markham District High School – School Council School Safety Request report be referred to staff for action.

3) That feedback be provided by staff, to the Chair of the Markham District High School Council, by October 31, 2018.

- Carried -

Board Self-Assessment (Direction 19)

Board Chair C. McBain noted staff have sent a communications regarding participation on the Board Self-Assessment Committee. Board Chair C. McBain and Trustees L. Aversa, C. Cordova and A. DeBartolo expressed interest in participating on this committee. Staff will work with interested trustees to identify dates for upcoming meetings. All trustees will be invited to participate.

(*)12. Moved by C. Cordova, seconded by C. Chan:

That the York Region District School Board establish a working committee to:

 create a policy that addresses trustee roles, responsibilities and good governance;  consider the engagement of an external consultant to work with trustees and appropriate staff members to develop a self-assessment tool; and  create a procedure that addresses the Board self-assessment process.

- Carried -


Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Chair L. Aversa summarized information from the SEAC meeting which included a presentation on the York Region District School Board Human Rights Office and the importance of its role within the system.

Trustee L. Carruthers clarified the May 8, 2018 Special EIAC meeting was called to finalize the Anti-Black Racism recommendations prior to submission to the Board for consideration.

(*)13. Moved by L. Carruthers, seconded by L Aversa:

That the minutes of the May 3, 2018 Special Education Advisory Committee, May 8, 2018 Joint Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee and Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee and May 8, 2018 BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 28 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee meetings be received for information.

- Carried -


Ministry Direction 12: Human Rights Compliance Training

Director of Education L. Sirisko stated all required staff have completed the Human Rights Compliance Training. Beginning in the fall of 2018, all new employees will be required to complete the mandatory on-line Human Rights training module and all senior administrators will be required to participate as part of their continued learning education.

Trustee L. Carruthers thanked staff for their extensive work during the past year regarding the Ministry directions.

(*)14. Moved by J. Nathan, seconded by M. Van Beek:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That the Board receive the Update on Human Rights Compliance Training report for information.

2) That, in accordance with the timelines outlined in Direction 12 from the Minister of Education to the York Region District School Board, the Board Chair be authorized to submit this report to the Minister of Education confirming completion.

- Carried -

Ministry Direction 22: Employment Equity Plan

Director of Education L. Sirisko referenced the presentation on the Employment Systems Review and Workforce Census at the June 5, 2018 Board Standing Committee. This report outlines the employment equity plan for submission to the Ministry. The Board acknowledged the importance of equity at the York Region District School Board and the recommendations will be communicated through a media release and listed on the Board’s public website.


(*)15. Moved by C. Cordova, seconded by A. DeBartolo:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1. That the Employment Equity Plan report be received for information.

2. That, in accordance with the timelines outlined in Direction 22 from the Minister of Education to the York Region District School Board and the associated extension, the Board Chair be authorized to submit this report to the Minister of Education by June 28, 2018.

- Carried -


Board Chair C. McBain referenced a request from Trustee B. Pang to resign from his position as Trustee for Markham Wards 2, 3 and 6 effective immediately. It was noted that B. Pang has been elected as a Member for Provincial Parliament for Markham- Unionville.

(*)16. Moved by L. Carruthers, seconded by M. Van Beek:

That the York Region District School Board accept the resignation of Trustee Billy Pang, Markham Wards 2, 3 and 6 effective immediately.

- Carried -

Trustee Vacancy – Markham Wards 2, 3 and 6

Chair McBain outlined the options available to the Board with regard to filling a vacancy. The Board is required to fill the seat in Markham Wards 2, 3 and 6 within 90 days.

Trustees discussed options with regard to appointing a trustee to the vacant position.


 reinforced the importance of being fiscally responsible;  indicated that the appointment process should identify a replacement as quickly as possible in order to minimize impact and ensure continuity of support for the Markham community;  discussed the importance of ensuring any candidate meets all eligibility requirements for the position;  candidate experience; BOARD MEETING MINUTES – PUBLIC SESSION PAGE 30 JUNE 12, 2018 ______

 questioned trustee participation in elementary and secondary graduations in the Markham 2, 3 and 6 area; and  requirements of an appointment process under the Education Act.

Trustees agreed to explore the option of appointing the first runner up from the 2014 municipal election for the remainder of the term. Staff were asked to investigate this option and report to trustees at a Chair’s Committee meeting.

(*)17. Moved by A. DeBartolo, seconded by L. Aversa:

That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1) That staff be authorized to reach out to the first runner-up and work with the City of Markham to determine interest and eligibility for appointment to the position of Trustee for Markham Wards 2, 3 and 6 for the remainder of the 2014-2018 Term of Office.

2) That a report be presented to Chair’s Committee on June 26, 2018 outlining the findings and recommending next steps for consideration by the Board.

3) That the Board consider an appointment or appointment process on July 10, 2018 Board meeting.

Moved in amendment by L. Carruthers, seconded by A. Tam:

That the motion be amended by adding “or before” prior to June 26, 2018 in recommendation 2 and July 10, 2018 in recommendation 3.

- Amendment Carried -

- Main Motion as Amended Carried -



(*)18. Moved by C. Chan, seconded by J. Nathan:

That the Board Meeting (Public Session) be adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

- Carried -

______Director of Education and Chair of the Board Secretary-Treasurer