County Council

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County Council THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29-ra AUGUST- 1958 5353 NATIONAL PARKS-AND ACCESS TO THE The Order beconies operative as from the 29th' day of August, 1958, but if any person aggrieved by the COUNtjRtSIDE ACT, 1949 r . Order desires to Question' the validity thereof or of any provision contained therein-on the grounds. that DEVON;' COUNTY COUNCIL ~' it is not within the, powers of the National Parks Urban and Rural District£ 6f Holsworthy and--Rural and Access to the'Countryside Act, 1949, or..on the District* of Broadwooduoidger .• •• ground that any requirement of the Act for. any regula-, : tion made thereunder • has ';not' been complied with Survey 'of Public' Rights of Way ' . in relation to the?fapproval' o'f the Order, he may;, . Notice is hereby.. given; that pursuant to Part IV within six weeks from the "date'' of publication jof this of the National Pa.r}fs .and. Access to the Country-, notice, make application to "the High,'Court. • , ,' side Act, 1949, the Devon County Council have Dated this 29th -flay of August,' 1958. , ,'.""..... carried out a survey of all lands within the ..areas rI L. J.'-Will&ms, Clerk of the Council. of the Urban and /Rural Districts of Holsworthy. Council Offices, • ' -if i,tr... and Rural District of Broadwoodwidger in the County of Devon, over which a right of way is alleged to 41, Old Dover Road, Canterbury. subsist and have prepared a Draft Map and State- (058) ment showing and describing all public rights of way which in their opinion subsisted or were reasonably alleged to subsist on 1st July, 1958. CHAILEY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL... A copy of the Draft Map and Statement has been deposited for public inspection at the offices of Chailey Rural District (Iford and Kingston) -Diversion the undersigned at The Castle, Exeter. Extracts Order/. 1958 from the Draft Map and Statement for the areas of Notice is hereby given' that the above Order was' the County districts concerned have been deposited made on the 18th day of August, 1958, and is 'about at the places specified below': — to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Holsworthy Urban District—Council Offices, Government for confirmation. Holsworthy. The Order relates to land in the parishes of Iford Broadwoodwidger Rural District—Council and Kingston. Offices, 20, Western Road, Launceston. The effect of the Order will be to divert the public Holsworthy Rural District—Council Offices, rights of way running from a point approximately High Street, Holsworthy. 80 yards east of Broadpit Pond in the parish of Iford Copies of so much of the Draft Map and State- running in a northerly direction to Breach Road, .in a ment as affects the individual Parishes within the north-easterly direction along. Dencher Road skirting Swanborough Hill, and in an easterly direction areas of Broadwoodwidger and Holsworthy Rural Dis- towards Iford Hill so as to follow the boundary be- tricts have been deposited at the residence of the tween ordnance survey parcels Nos: 17 and li—Sheet Clerk of the Parish Council for the Parish con- Sussex (East) LXVII. 5—from a point on that cerned or, where there is no Parish Council, at the boundary to the vicinity of Iford Hill and from .the residence of the Chairman of the Parish Meeting, north side of that boundary on the east side of with the exception of the following Parishes where Swanborough Hill to a point on Breach Road. they have been deposited at the addresses stated: — A certified copy of the Order and of the map Broadwoodwidger R.D. contained in the Order has been deposited at Lewes Northcott—c/o Mr. A. E. Green, Fir Mount, House, Lewes, and will be open for inspection free Northcott Hamlet. of charge during normal hours of business. Holsworthy R.D. Any objection or representation with reference to Abbots Bickington—c/o Mr. L. Bellew, Court the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, Barton, Abbots Bickington. Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- Hollacombe—c/o Mr. C. Isaac, Cornish View, hall, London, S.W.I, before the 6th day of October, Hollacombe. 1958, and any such objection or representation should Pancrasweek—c/o Mr. F. J. Beckly, Lana, state the grounds on which it is made. Pancrasweek. Dated this 29th day of August, 1958. Sutcombe—c/o Mr. J. Robins, Belmont, Sut- D. R. Walden-Jones, Clerk of the Council. combe. Lewes House, Tetcott—The Village Hall, Tetcott. Lewes, Sussex. The foregoing copies may be inspected at all (002) reasonable hours at any of the places stated until 31st December, 1958. Any objection or representation with respect to the Draft Map and Statement should be sent in TOTNES RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL writing to the undersigned by not later than 31st Marldon (Smallwell Lane to Marldon Cross Hill December, 1958, stating the grounds upon which it Footpath) Extinguishment Order, 1958 is made. Dated this 29th day of August, 1958. Notice is hereby given that on the llth day of August, 1958, the Minister of Housing and Local H. G. Godsatt, Clerk of the County Council. Government confirmed the above Order. The Castle, The effect of the Order is to extinguish the public Exeter. right of way from Smallwell Lane across O.S. Nos. (202) 181 and 182 to Marldon Cross Hill, and the path will be closed as from the 9th September, 1958. A certified copy of the Order and of the map contained in the Order as confirmed by the Minister BRIDGE-BLEAN RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL has been deposited at the Council Offices, Higher Plymouth Road, Tomes, and will be open for The Rural District Council of Bridge-Blean (Footpath inspection free of charge between the hours of 9 a.m. No. 12, Bekesbourne) Extinguishment Order, 1958 and 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays to Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of Fridays and 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays. August, 1958, the Minister of Housing and Local The Order becomes operative as. from the -29th Government confirmed the above-mentioned Order. day of August, 1958, but. if'any perscm aggrieved The effect of the Order is to extinguish the public by the order desires to question the validity thereof right-of-way running from a point at the junction or of any provisions contained therein on the grounds of Route C.203 and Route C.20.6 on the south side that it is not within the powers of the National Parks of .the railway to a point at the southern corner of and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, or on the O.S. Plot No. 45 (Kent Sheets 47/5 and 47/9) for a ground that any requirement of the Act or any regula- distance of approximately 1,355 feet. The right-of- tion made thereunder has not been complied with in way is to be closed on the 5th September, 1958. relation to the approval of the Order he may, within A certified copy of the Order and of the map six weeks from the date of publication of this notice contained ih. the Order as confirmed by the Minister make application to the High Court. has been 'deposited at the offices of the Bridge-Blean Dated this 29th day of August, 1958. Rural District Council, 41, Old Dover Road, Canter- E. L. Moody, Clerk to the Council. bury, and 'will be open for inspection free of charge Council Offices, between the hours of 9 a.m. and' 1 p.m..'and 2.15 p.m. Higher Plymouth Road, • '' '. and 5 p.m. from Monday tb" Friday' inclusive, and Totnes. - ... -.•:•• 9 a.m. .to 12 noon on Saturdays. *•' (106) ...... B 2.
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