A New Species of Combretum from Venda and Taxonomic Notes on the Section Angustimarginata (Combretaceae)

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A New Species of Combretum from Venda and Taxonomic Notes on the Section Angustimarginata (Combretaceae) A new species of Combretum from Venda and taxonomic notes on the section Angustimarginata ( Combretaceae) A.E. vanWyk H.G.W.J. Schweickerdt Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria Combretum vendae Van Wyk, a shrub or small tree endemic 1. Introduction to the central mountainous region of Venda, is described. It A recent floristic survey of the Republic of Venda has belongs to section Angustimarginata Engl. & Diels and can be yielded an interesting new species of Combretum Loefl. distinguished from related species mainly by its leaf blades with conspicuously raised venation and dense whitish apparently not previously collected. Vegetatively it is some­ indumentum on the lower surface. what reminiscent of C. collinum Fresen. subsp. gazense Section Angustimarginata is a natural taxon of closely (Swynnerton & Bak.f.) Okafor, C. moggii Exell and C. molle related species restricted to southern Africa. The following R. Br., but this resemblance was soon found to be superficial. additional species are upheld: C. caffrum (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Examination of the glandular scales clearly revealed a Kuntze, C. erythrophyllum (Burch.) Sond., C. kraussii Hochst., relationship with section Angustimarginata Engl. & Diels C. nelsonii Duemmer and C. woodii Duemmer. (sensu Stace 1969 et Exell1970, 1978). Notes are given on diagnostic characters, species Section Angustimarginata is restricted to southern Africa delimitation and possible interspecific relationships within the and includes the two widespread species C. erythrophyllum section. A key to the species of section Angustimarginata as well as a selection of representative specimens for each (Burch.) Sand. (for synonymy see Exell 1978) and C. species are provided. kraussii Hochst. In addition to these (and apart from the S. Afr. J. Bot. 1984, 3: 125-134 new species), I accept as distinct the following species which show a more restricted geographical distribution: C. caffrum Combretum vendae VanWyk, 'n struik of kleinerige boom (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Kuntze ( = Dodonaea caffra Eckl. & Zeyh. endemies in die sentrale bergagtige gebied van Venda, word and C. salicifolium E. Mey.), C. nelsonii Duemmer and C. beskryf. Dit behoort tot die seksie Angustimarginata Engl. & woodii Duemmer (p.p. quoad syntype Galpin 1176). Species Diels en kan hoofsaaklik op grond van die blaarlaminas met delimitation within the section is rather difficult because the opvallende verhewe bearing en digte witterige haarkleed op species are closely related and somewhat variable. die onderoppervlak, van verwante spesies onderskei word. I have studied all the herbarium specimens of Combretum, Seksie Angustimarginata is 'n natuurlike takson bestaande uit naverwante spesies wat almal tot suidelike Afrika beperk particularly those of section Angustimarginata, in PRE and is. Die volgende addisionele spesies word erken: C. caffrum PRU. Extensive fieldwork has enabled me to investigate (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Kuntze, C. erythrophyllum (Burch.) Sond., populations of all the relevant species as an aid in evaluating C. kraussii Hochst., C. nelsonii Duemmer en C. woodii their taxonomic status. This paper provides a description of Duemmer. the new species from Venda as well as notes on the de­ Diagnostiese kenmerke, spesie-omgrensing en moontlike limitation of species and possible interspecific relationships interspesifieke verwantskappe in die seksie word bespreek. within the section. This study is not intended as a taxonomic 'n Sleutel tot die spesies van seksie Angustimarginata, asook revision but rather as a framework from which a formal voorbeelde van verteenwoordigende eksemplare vir elke spesie, word voorsien. revision of the section can commence. 5.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk. 1984, 3: 125-134 2. Description Keywords: Combretaceae, Combretum, evolution, taxonomy, Combretum vendae VanWyk, sp. nov.; differt a speciebus trichome ceteris subgen. Combreti sect. A ngustimarginatorum paginis inferioribus foliorum indumentum dense lanatum et venas conspicue elevatas praebentibus. TYPE. -Venda, 2230 (Messina): Vuvha, north-east of Thengwe, near the village Muledzhi (-DA), VanWyk 3913 (PRU, halo. ; K; P; PRE). A.E. vanWyk Shrub usually 1,5-3 m high, rarely a small slender tree up H. G. W .J. Schweickerdt Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 Republic of South Africa to 5 m high, deciduous or semi-deciduous; bark± smooth, grey. Branches densely tomentose with whitish or greyish Accepted 15 December 1983 indumentum persisting until the bark is shed. Leaves opposite 126 S. Afr. 1. Bot., 1984, 3(2) Figure 1 Combretum vendae. 1. Fruiting twig (x 1) with part of a lamina enlarged to show the prominent venation on the lower surface­ indumentum not shown (VanWyk 3913); 2. Inflorescences, x 1; 3. F1ower, x8; 4. Longitudinal section of flower with petals and stamens removed, x8 (all from VanWyk & Theron 4934). S.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk., 1984. 3(2) 127 or very rarely ternate; lamina elliptic, broadly elliptic, obovate or oblanceolate, (30)40 - 80(100) mm long, (15)25- 45(55) mm wide, base cuneate, subrotund, rarely rotund or subcordate, apex obtuse, rounded, acute and apiculate or mucronate (usually twisted), very rarely retuse, initially covered by dense whitish or greyish indumentum, very rarely becoming nearly glabrous or glabrous below, becoming sparingly pubescent or glabrous above (except for scales), usually densely and conspicuously !epidote above when mature; first leaves in spring often temporary partly or completely bleached above, dark green or greyish green and usually ± discolorous (owing to the indumentum below) when mature; venation (including the reticulation) usually slightly immersed but the midrib ± raised above, very prominently raised below; principal lateral veins alternate or opposite, 5-8 pairs; petiole 2- 3(5) mm long, tomentose. Inflorescences of short axillary subcapitate spikes (10)15 - 20(25) mm long, very rarely forming short panicles by the suppression of leaves on short shoots; peduncle and rachis whitish or greyish tomentose; bracts up to 2 mm long, ± Figure 2 The known distribution (black area) of Combretum vendae. linear, caducous. Flowers 4-merous, light ye llow or cream, Bar= 20 krn . ±congested. Lower receptacle ca. 1,5 mm long, 1 mm wide, tomentose. Upper receptacle ca. 3 mm long, 4 mm wide, visibly divided into a lower ± tubular part containing the Botanically the mountains east of Vuvha are virtually un­ disk and an expanded ± cupuliform upper part, pubescent, explored and may yield additional records for the species. with numerous scales visible towards the apices of the sepals C. vendae occurs, often in abundance, on the plateaux where the indumentum is not so dense. Sepals usually tinged and higher eastern and southern slopes of the mountain reddish purple, ca. 1 mm long, ± deltate. Petals ca. 2,5 mm range. The climate grades from relatively dry and hot at long, 1,5 mm wide, narrowly obovate, oblanceolate or Vuvha to relatively moist (but still too dry for the development elliptic, unguiculate, glabrous or very rarely with a few of forest) and mild conditions at Fefe. Rainfall occurs mainly scattered hairs on the margin at the apex. Stamens 8, ± during summer and mild winters without frost are ex­ 1-seriate, inserted shortly above the margin of the disk; perienced. No rainfall figures are available for the region. filaments ca. 6 mm long; anthers ca. 0,8 - 0,9 mm long. Mist occurs frequently, especially during summer. Disk free for ca. 0,5 mm; glabrous with a pilose margin. The predominant rock type of the area is sandstone. C. Style ca. 5 mm long. Fruit (3)4-winged, flushed with pink vendae favours rocky sandy soil as well as regions of deep red or red often completely turning dark wine-red, ca. 16 - sandy soil (probably eolian) which are scattered through­ 22 mm long, 12 - 15 mm wide, elliptic, broadly elliptic or out the area. subcircular in outline, !epidote, apical peg ca. 0,5 mm long The vegetation types of which C. vendae forms a part can or absent, wings up to 6 mm wide, stipe 4 - 7 mm long. be described as a mosaic of short II low thicket and short II low Cotyledons 2, epigeal. Scales conspicuous on mature leaves bushland (Edwards 1983). Floristically the woody component (often whitish) and very numerous (occasionally almost of the vegetation is often exceptionally heterogeneous, par­ contiguous) above, often concealed by glutinous secretions ticularly in the mountainous terrain north-east of Thengwe. in young leaves, absent or very rarely present (then sparse) Species of Combretum often associated with C. vendae below (usually obscured by the indumentum), ca. 50-60 .urn include C. apiculatum Sond., C. hereroense Schinz, C. diam., ±circular although often with the outline slightly and moggii, C. molle, C. mossambicense (Klotzsch) Engl., C. irregularly undulate, delimited by (10 -) 16 primary radial zeyheri Sond. and especially C. collinum subsp. gazense. walls alone, outer tangential cell walls usually slightly From a distance C. vendae is almost indistinguishable from convexly scalloped. Interxylary phloem present as scattered the last-named species on account of its shrubby habit and dark strands in older stems (often not found in herbarium greyish green leaves. However, in autumn C. vendae is quite material) (Figure 1). conspicuous owing to the wine-red colour of its fruits . Flowering takes place in spring, mainly between mid­ No other species of section Angustimarginata is associated September and mid-October and ripe fruits are produced in with C.
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    COPYRIGHT AND CITATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR THIS THESIS/ DISSERTATION o Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. o NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. o ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. How to cite this thesis Surname, Initial(s). (2012) Title of the thesis or dissertation. PhD. (Chemistry)/ M.Sc. (Physics)/ M.A. (Philosophy)/M.Com. (Finance) etc. [Unpublished]: University of Johannesburg. Retrieved from: https://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za (Accessed: Date). Combretaceae: Phylogeny, Biogeography and DNA Barcoding by JEPHRIS GERE THESIS Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree PHILOSOPHIAE DOCTOR in BOTANY in the Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg December 2013 Supervisor: Prof Michelle van der Bank Co-supervisor: Dr Olivier Maurin Declaration I declare that this thesis has been composed by me and the work contained within, unless otherwise stated, is my own. _____________________ J. Gere (December 2013) Table of contents Table of contents i Abstract v Foreword vii Index to figures ix Index to tables xv Acknowledgements xviii List of abbreviations xxi Chapter 1: General introduction and objectives 1.1 General introduction 1 1.2 Vegetative morphology 2 1.2.1 Leaf morphology and anatomy 2 1.2.2. Inflorescence 3 1.2.3 Fruit morphology 4 1.3 DNA barcoding 5 1.4 Cytology 6 1.5 Fossil record 7 1.6 Distribution and habitat 7 1.7 Economic Importance 8 1.8 Taxonomic history 9 1.9 Aims and objectives of the study 11 i Table of contents Chapter 2: Molecular phylogeny of Combretaceae with implications for infrageneric classification within subtribe Terminaliinae.
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