Mcadam Wellfield Expansion Project Village of Mcadam

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Mcadam Wellfield Expansion Project Village of Mcadam EIA Registration – McAdam Wellfield Expansion Project Village of McAdam Type of Document: Final Project Name: EIA Registration – McAdam Wellfield Expansion Project, McAdam, NB Project Number: FRE-00259858-A0 Prepared By: Robert Gallagher, M.Sc.Eng., P. Eng. Reviewed By: Boris Allard, FEC, P. Eng. EXP Services Inc. 1133 Regent Street, Suite 300 Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 3Z2 Canada t: +1.506.452.9000 f: +1.506.459.3954 Date Submitted: August 2020 FRE-00259858-A0 i EIA Registration – McAdam Wellfield Expansion Project Legal Notification This report was prepared by EXP Services Inc. for the account of the Village of McAdam. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. EXP Services Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report. EXP Quality System Checks Project No.: MON-00259858-A0 Date: 2020-08-12 Type of Document: Final Revision No.: 0 Prepared By: Robert Gallagher, M.Sc.Eng., P. Eng. Reviewed By: Boris Allard, FEC, P. Eng. /BCA FRE-00259858-A0 ii EIA Registration – McAdam Wellfield Expansion Project Table of Contents 1 Proponent .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Name of Proponent ............................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Address of Proponent .........................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Principal Proponent Contact ...............................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Principal Contact Person for Purposes of EIA .....................................................................................................................1 1.5 Property Ownership ............................................................................................................................................................1 2 Project Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Project Name ......................................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Project Overview .................................................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Purpose/Rationale/Need for Undertaking ..........................................................................................................................5 2.4 Project Location ..................................................................................................................................................................6 2.5 Siting Considerations ..........................................................................................................................................................7 2.6 Physical Components and Dimensions of the Project.........................................................................................................7 2.7 Construction Details ............................................................................................................................................................8 2.8 Operation and Maintenance Details..................................................................................................................................9 2.9 Future Modifications, Extensions or Abandonment .........................................................................................................10 2.10 Project Related Documents ..............................................................................................................................................10 3 Description of the Existing Environment....................................................................................................................11 3.1 Physical and Natural Features ...........................................................................................................................................11 3.2 Cultural Features ...............................................................................................................................................................13 3.3 Existing and Historic Land Use ..........................................................................................................................................13 4 Summary of Environmental Impacts..........................................................................................................................15 5 Summary of Proposed Mitigation ..............................................................................................................................17 6 Public and First Nations Involvement ........................................................................................................................19 7 Approval of the Project .............................................................................................................................................20 8 Funding .....................................................................................................................................................................21 9 Signature ...................................................................................................................................................................22 10 References ................................................................................................................................................................23 FRE-00259858-A0 iii EIA Registration – McAdam Wellfield Expansion Project Appendices Appendix A – Copy of License of Occupation (LOO) Application to NBDERD Appendix B – Abbreviated Municipal Groundwater Supply Source Investigation Appendix C – Preliminary Project Drawings Appendix D – Results of ACCDC Database Search Appendix E – Correspondence with First Nation Communities List of Tables Table 1: Project-Environment Interaction Matrix List of Figures Figure 1: Site Location Plan Figure 2: Aerial Site Plan Figure 3a: Study Area Existing Environmental Features Figure 3b: Assessment Area Existing Environmental Features Figure 4: Assessment Area Delineated Limits of Regulated Wetlands FRE-00259858-A0 1 EIA Registration – McAdam Wellfield Expansion Project 1 Proponent 1.1 Name of Proponent Village of McAdam 1.2 Address of Proponent 146 Saunders Road McAdam, NB E6J 1L2 1.3 Principal Proponent Contact Ken Stannix – Mayor Tel: 506-784-2293 [email protected] 1.4 Principal Contact Person for Purposes of EIA EXP Services Inc. Robert Gallagher, M.Sc.Eng., P. Eng., Project Manager & Geo-environmental Engineer 40 Henri Dunant Street Moncton, NB E1E 1E5 Tel: 506-857-8889 [email protected] 1.5 Property Ownership The existing municipal wellfield which services the Village is comprised of four (4) production wells and located in an undeveloped wooded area approximately 2.5 km southeast of the Village. The wellfield and surrounding area are situated on Crown land which in the province of New Brunswick is managed/administered by the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development (NBNRED). The existing wellfield and water treatment building are located on a 2.54 ha land parcel identified as PID 75416198. The latter land parcel is currently leased by the Village of McAdam from NBNRED under the terms and conditions of a municipal services lease agreement between the Village and NBNRED. In 2018, EXP Services Inc. (EXP) completed an Abbreviated Municipal Groundwater Supply Source Investigation for the Village wherein eight (8) target drilling locations for a new municipal groundwater supply source were identified in the general vicinity (i.e. within 1 km) of the existing wellfield (EXP, 2018). Each of these target drilling locations is situated on the large (approximately 34,000 ha) parcel of Crown land identified as PID 75096693. It is noted that the majority of the latter property, which surrounds the Village proper and the current municipal wellfield property, is comprised of undeveloped woodland. A relative ranking of each of the eight (8) target drilling locations identified in the 2018 groundwater supply source investigation was also completed in conjunction with this work. This ranking was based on a number of evaluation factors for each of the target drilling locations including but not limited to potential well yield and site access requirements. For the currently proposed wellfield expansion project, the Village intends to test and, if feasible, develop two new municipal production wells to obtain additional water supply capacity and provide operational redundancy. Therefore, the areal scope of the current Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) includes the general area between the existing wellfield and the three top-ranked target drilling locations identified in our 2018 report. The approximate dimensions of the above defined EIA Assessment Area are approximately 625 m x 750 m which 2020-August FRE-00259858-A0
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