Parish Council Newsletter

Winter 2016

An update from the Chairman Jim Wright

Hi time has flown since my last update and I have a number of things to update you on, all of which equally important.

It has been announced by members of the Day Centre, that a number of members of the volunteer team are stepping down at Christmas, they have been volunteering for the club for a number of years and now feel it is time to sit back and relax. I would like to sincerely thank the members who are stepping down for their time commitment and outstanding service they have given our village and our older residents over the years.

The Day Centre is a massive asset to the village it provides a hot meal, meeting with like minded people who have retired and welcome the company and lunch every Thursday and had been going for over 30 years. Due to the volunteers stepping down, we desperately need help on Thursdays, the club opens around 7:30am am to set up table’s chairs and start the prep for dinner (all freshly cooked food) the members arrive by mini bus around 10am – they have tea/coffee play bingo or hold a raffle, then onto dinner and relax and depart about 2pm. The volunteer’s then tidy up put equipment away.

What the club needs are people who can help on a Thursday with peeling veg setting up the hall, and clearing up. They also need help raising funds. If you can commit to helping on a Thursday, please contact Mrs Ridgway at the club or myself and I will pass your details on. I ask that you remember that for some who use the club it may be the only day they get out and see others, also the club guarantee’s that a hot meal is served which maybe the member’s only hot meal of the week and this is paramount to the wellbeing of the members of the club.

Please note the Day Centre will be holding their November sale on 19th Nov, and the last dinner by the volunteers who are stepping down will be the 22nd of December. We will need volunteer’s in place for this time and in time for the next lunch a week later.

Unfortunately, we have had resignations from two of our parish councillors Jamie Wilson and Chris Stevenson, both have worked hard for the council in the time they have been with us, I would like to take this opportunity to thank both of them for their hard work and commitment while serving on the Parish Council and both will be missed.

An update from the Chairman – Jim Wright Continued…

The village feast was held on the weekend of the 8th October with a fantastic fireworks display and as always the feast was well attended. Thomas Emmett is now running this event with the help of Kerry Reynolds and I would like to thank them for taking on this challenge and to all that supported the event especially the Beehive - The police, The Scouts, 1ST responders and all others that gave their time in running stalls etc. Kerry has put out a call on Facebook for anyone interested in having a stall or taking part in the event to make contact, so that we can have a bigger better event next year. If you feel you can help with the organisation next year please contact either Thomas or Kerry.

We have had a number of reported issues in regard to parking and vehicles parked on grass and paths around the Co-Op, we have made contact with the store and also with the Highways at Northants County Council with regards to the concerns and issues. Highways have visited the site to make a plan of what could be done to alleviate the problem, we will update you once we have it confirmed from Highways what the plan is. Can I ask that all of you who use the store, that you think about other road users and pedestrians and that you do not park on the pavements or grassed area, there is parking by the Parish Council offices in the lay- by.

The proposed crossing in Hayes Road, is still under discussion, the Highways planning team have gone away to look at what other options we have in regard to where the crossing goes, again we will keep you all informed on where we are with this.

In regard to Hayes Road and the Co-Op school areas we are seeing more and more issues with parking and speeding, winter is with us we have dark nights and poor weather can I ask that when out in your cars you consider other road users and pedestrians especially children.

Visit to Deanshanger by Simon Edens Chief constable of . The visit was arranged after a letter was sent to him and the crime commissioner in regards to the future of our village and the youth of the village, crime and policing. The visit by Simon went very well, he had not been to Deanshanger and was very complimentary about our village and what we have done so far and that the Parish Council are engaging the police and other agencies in future plans for the village.

I would like to thank the residents who have taken time to speak to me or message me regarding problems concerns or issues and as always I am more than happy to assist. I will make sure if I am asked to do anything I will do my utmost to give a prompt honest answer.

Winter is coming on very quickly please take care if we have any snow ice fog wrap up well and keep safe, please take time to keep an eye on our older residents to make sure they are kept safe and well this winter. To end I would like to wish you all the best for the rest of the year, have a great Christmas and New Year.

Kind Regards,

Jim Wright

Ways to contact your local Parish Council All councillors have an email address as shown below and you are welcome to email us anytime and we will look to support you or point you in the direction of someone who can. There is the website that holds up to date meeting dates, minutes and useful information Cllr Wright- Chairman- [email protected] Cllr Latimer- Vice Chairman- [email protected] Cllr Hall- Chairman of Planning & Highways Committee- [email protected] Cllr Spencer- Chairman of Finance & General Purposes Committee- [email protected] Cllr Dott- [email protected] Cllr Wooding- [email protected] Cllr O’Dell- [email protected] Cllr Hammond- [email protected] Cllr Modhani- [email protected] Cllr Loveland- [email protected]

Parish councils have powers to provide some facilities themselves, or they can contribute towards their provision by others. There are large variations in the services provided by parishes depending on the size and location.

Parish councils have the power to precept (tax) their residents to support their operations and to carry out local projects. The exercise of powers is at the discretion of the council, but they are legally obliged to exercise duties.

Attending formal meetings The meetings are to conduct council business, these are formal & a code of conduct is to be followed.

The public are welcome to attend the meetings, there is a section of the meetings which is closed and a 15 minute public forum is opened.

We welcome you to come and listen, take part in the public forum & hear first-hand the decisions that are made based on the work performed outside the meetings.

Deanshanger Parish Council Formal meetings  Full Council meeting  Finance Committee Meeting  Highways & Planning meeting You will see the meetings advertised on the 11 notice boards in the village as well as on the Parish website

Deanshanger Village Handyman

Deanshanger Parish Council has engaged a handyman to do some jobs around the village to enhance the look of the village.

Here are some of the things he has done:

Repainted the British Legion bench in Road

Painted/stained benches around the village including on The Green, The Ridings and Springfield Park.

Painted black and white street signs on Glebe Road, High View, Ridgmont and Puxley Road

He continues to litter pick wherever he is working and clears the litter in the multipurpose sports area in Springfield Park every week.

Removed branches that have been pulled off of trees in various locations and made safe.

Repaired play equipment

Removed graffiti off of play equipment

Re-painted play equipment

Installed Bins and benches in the village

This is by no means all that he has done but it gives you an idea of how he has helped improved the look of the village.

The Parish Council have extended the contract for another 6 months and he has a long list of work to be done including the following:

Repainting the WI bench on Puxley Road

Repairing/replacing and tidying all 9 of the Parish Council notice boards

If you have any suggestions as to what the handyman can do, please contact the clerk at [email protected]

Thank you Alex for all your hard work.

Summary of ideas from DPC Questionnaire

Earlier in the year the Parish Council sent a questionnaire to all homes in the village asking for your ideas and thoughts.

Although over 1500 questionnaires were issued but we had only 42 responses. Here is a summary of the responses sent back in and what the Parish Council have done.

Litter/Cigarette and Dog Poo and general tidiness – Bins etc near benches and bus stops

The handy man has been employed to help with the upkeep and tidiness of the village.

A new bin has been installed by the bus stop opposite the co-op and a new bin with cigarette stub plate has been installed by the bus stop outside the chemist.

DPC are looking to put a bin by the bus stop in Glebe Road.

DPC are looking to install 2 new dog Poo bins as requested by residents however DPC need a licence for any street furniture from The County Council and DPC are waiting for these.

Scout Hut funding for repair/replacement - utilise for other activities

No grant request has been made by the 2nd Deanshanger Scout Group to the Parish Council.

Park improvements – trees/equipment/Skate park/Seating etc

3 trees have been planted in Northway Park.

Sensory garden planted by Deanshanger in Bloom with help from the scouts

Improvement of facilities in Springfield Park are being looked at now

Skate Park- there is no area in the village to put a skate park which would not have a direct impact on residents.

The Police have advised that the Pocket Park would not be a safe area for this facility.

Football pitches – more of them and improve current facilities

DPC have no additional land to put any more pitches on.

Movable goalposts have been ordered for the use by all.

Councillors are liaising with the football club regarding the facilities

Stop Parking on Pavements and village Greens

The Parish Council have no power in regards to parking on pavements.

Section 72 of the Highways Act 1835 makes it illegal to ‘tether any horse, ass, mule, swine, or cattle, on any highway‘. Regrettably this clause failed to include ‘carriage of any description’ in the list. It is therefore illegal to ‘park’ a horse, cow or any other swine on the pavement, but not a motorcar.

The police can only intervene if this is causing a dangerous obstruction.

DPC has contacted Highways regarding parking outside the Co-op and what measures can be put in place and we are waiting to hear back. All we can ask is that people think about where they are parking and avoid parking on the path at all times.

With regards to the green, it is an offense to park on the green and the Parish Council have recently asked 2 people to remove their vehicles that had been parked on The Green.

The PCSO Peter Firth has also been along to the school to look at this issue and DPC will be continuing to work with the police to educate people regarding their parking.

Village Feast/Mayday/Summer fair

The Village Feast was resurrected by the Deanshanger Village Heritage Society and not the DPC.

DPC have supported this event and will continue to do so.

If you would like to help organise this event in the future then please contact Thomas Emmett at [email protected]

Doctors surgery more availability

DPC have asked the doctors in Stony Stratford to provide an increased service to Deanshanger but due to the new Health Centre that will be built in Stony Stratford they are not prepared to spend any more time in Deanshanger.

Parish office utilise for storage/other uses

The Parish Office is used for Parish Council meetings but as it does not have disabled toilet facilities it cannot be hired out.

There is no facility to store anything at the office.

Community Centre equipment for Kay’s fitness club

Grant request was made by Kay and DPC provided “fit balls and mats” for Kay’s Class.

If you would like to apply for a grant, please contact the clerk on [email protected]

Remembrance bench

There is a war memorial bench on The Green

More Post Boxes

The Postal service has advised that Deanshanger have enough post boxes and will not put in any more. Suggestions being looked into at the moment

Power supply on Green for events

Improved Christmas decorations/lights

Improve village entrance

Conservative club car park for school parking

What’s on section on website - The website on the whole is being looked at

Suggestions that do not fall under the remit of the Parish Council

*These are highways issues and should be reported/requested to Street Doctor on 0300 126 1000 or online

*Finger signposts for village amenities and improve or remove signage

*Pavement repair and cleaning

*More footpath lighting

Coffee Shop

Retirement Bungalows for villagers

Repair stream alongside Hayes road This stream is Northamptonshire County Council’s responsibility.

The following ideas have not yet been reviewed.

Purchase Pocket Park land

Bus Shelters

Swimming pool

Running track

Heritage Street lighting

Film Club

School Crossing

Publicise Library so we don’t lose it.

Youth worker

Salt Boxes

You do not need to wait for a questionnaire to make suggestions; any ideas or suggestions should be forwarded to the clerk at [email protected]

Haven Court Hymns

Do you enjoy signing your favourite Hymns?

A small group meets at 3.30pm at Haven Court on the first Sunday of each Month to do just that.

You don’t need to be able to sing, just to enjoy singing hymns and you do not need to be connected to a church or chapel.

We are a very friendly group please come along and meet us, you will be assured of a warm welcome.

Deanshanger Branch Surgery

Deanshanger Branch Surgery has a doctor EVERY Tuesday - 4pm -5pm. You can also see a nurse also EVERY Tuesday - 11.30am - 12.30am. Phone Stonedean Practice for appointments.

Deanshanger WI

Are you new to the village or just looking for something new to do in the evening?

Why not come along to the WI meetings on a Thursday night? For a small visitors fee of £3.50 you can come along to one of our meetings and listen to an interesting speaker, enjoy the company of a fun group of women and while you have a cup of tea you can decide if the WI is 'your cup of tea'!

The WI has a long tradition in the village but we truly aren't just about 'Jam and Jerusalem' , although it has to be said that we do sing Jerusalem and know quite a bit about jam! You can come along and hear an interesting speaker (we have had demonstrations and talks on such varied subjects as Tai Chi, Reflexology, Pilates, Antique Furniture Restoration, Singing, and much much more.)

We also have raffles and monthly competitions and enjoy many of our own social events together - suppers, walks and trips to events at nearby villages and other local WI's.

If you decide to become a member you can also get involved in many WI workshops and outings.

We meet at 'Deanshanger Memorial Community Centre' at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month (with the exception of August) - you will receive a warm welcome.

Come along or ring our President Carol Pattinson on 564459 for more information.

Royal British Legion

The Deanshanger & Wicken Branch of the RBL was revived two years ago after being in limbo for many years. A recruitment drive followed, from which 12 members were signed up & at our first meeting and the officers were elected. The membership now stands at 28.

We meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Deanshanger Conservative club 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start & usually lasts about 2 hours.

Come along & join in the discussions & should you wish to join, our secretary will forward an application form. You don’t have to be ex service, but have a desire to assist fund raising for dependants of the needy as defined by the Royal British Legion Charter.

Barbara Langton Secretary Tel 01908 261107 e-mail [email protected]

Kay’s Keep Fit

Kay's fit-ball and Body tone classes are run at Deanshanger Community Centre on Weds evenings from 6- 6.45pm and 7-8pm. Fit-ball is a toning class designed to improve your core strength which in turn helps with posture, mobility and muscle strength. We use a stability ball for the 45min class and incorporate a quick warm up and cool down. Body tone is a class designed to exercise all the main muscle groups in the arms, bums, tummies, legs, chests etc. we use hand weights, resistance bands and the fit-balls during the work out. In working these groups of muscles we are toning and strengthening them, leaving us less prone to back, leg, neck problems. Both sessions are extremely good for anyone trying to get/keep fit. We have all levels of fitness and age. If you are interested please visit my Facebook page 'Kay's keep fit'.

Moo Music

Moo Music is a fun and interactive session for pre-schoolers with unique songs that gives the children a chance to sing, dance, play games, learn actions and experiment with percussion instruments. Why not try out a session soon?

There are two classes running at Holy Trinity, Deanshanger on a Thursday.

Mixed Moo, which is any age from 0-5 years is at 10.15 - 10.55.

Baby Moo (0 - pre-walking) is at 11.15 - 11.45.

First taster session is free and then cost is £4 per session when half-term or term is pre-booked.

For more info, please contact Gina on 07878 922685 or email [email protected].

The Beehive

Since the last newsletter, with your help we have raised the following: £900 Little lives at Hospital £850 Headley Court Rehabilitation £310 Emily’s star Milton Keynes Hospital £147 Northamptonshire Rape Crisis Every week we collect for Willen Hospice and the total is now £27,784.22 so a really big thank you to everyone.

Our Bingo & Quiz nights are back on, so why don’t you come down and enjoy yourself with a drink and maybe go home with more money that you came with!

Now on sale are our Christmas raffle boxes, all the money for this goes on prizes so as you can imagine there are lots of prizes to be won.

Don’t forget the following events:

1st December from 7pm- Christmas Market Fun Night Come and join in the fun and games of the night and start the Christmas festivities in The Beehive with your first mulled wine or winter Pimms of the season and pick up a unique Christmas gift. This year we will be raising money for the Medical Detection Dogs Centre at Great Horwood (visited by Anne Robinson in a recent BBC programme) so come along and support this great charity.

18th December from 7pm Grand Christmas Draw

New Years Eve This New Years Eve we have a disco to see in the New Year please come down and join us.

I would like to thank you all for your continued support of The Beehive and to the charities we support.

For further information contact Lorraine on 01908 262368

Deanshanger Library

It’s been a while since we let you know what has been happening at the library.

Over July through September we supported the Annual Summer Reading Challenge whose theme this year focussed on the author Roald Dahl.

A great many children rose to the challenge of reading 6 books and collecting the special folder in which they put the various cards awarded for each book read. Congratulations to all those who completed the challenge and got a medal and certificate, as well as everybody else who took part across the summer period.

The Friends also held a number of sessions linked to the Summer Reading Challenge on Thursdays with various art and craft activities, games, and other things. These were well attended and we hope both children and their parents enjoyed themselves, we know we did. Thank you to everyone who helped out, your support is very much appreciated.

On November 11th at 4pm we are holding our AGM, when we will look back at 2015/2016, hear about what we do and how you could help support the library in all its various roles by becoming a Friend.

In December we will kick off our Xmas activities----yes it’s that time again---- so look out for news of what we will be doing. We can say that we will be issuing a new challenge to the community so watch this space.

We are also welcoming back James Hornsby with his fantastic one man presentation of “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens on Friday December 9th at 7 30pm. Tickets will be £ 7.50 and include refreshments, we will also have a raffle. So put this date in your diary and you can look forward to an evening to remember.

Finally a reminder about Rhyme time which is held every Thursday afternoon between 2.15 and 2.45, its open to children aged from 0 to 5 years old and is a great way of sharing time with your little ones singing songs, action rhymes, puppets and of course interacting together. You also meet other mums, dads, grandparents, carers and childminders. So see you there.

This is only one of the many activities that are held at the library, to find out more visit us and see what we have on offer, there is something for every age, both young and old.

David Aaronson---FODL Chair

The Co-op

The 2nd Deanshanger Scout Group can make potentially hundreds of pounds thanks to our new membership card.

When someone joins now and uses their card in our store and if they buy a coop branded item. The customer can choose to give one per cent of each products value to the charity.

Potentially the scouts could easily raise a thousand pounds based on current customer spending, which will be great for them I’m sure.

And there is no catch. We foot the bill so the customer doesn't have to worry.

And we will be doing this ongoing with new charities able to apply every six months.

Willow Tree Pre-School

Willow Tree Pre-School is a small and friendly setting, providing the highest quality care and education for children aged 3 to 4 years. It is based within the Primary School site in the village of Deanshanger, . We pride ourselves on creating a learning environment, that is attractive and stimulating offering each individual child the opportunities to learn, develop and grow in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.

“The learning environment is attractive and stimulating. The room is set out very effectively so that children can see all that is on offer with ease. There is a very happy lively buzz. Children enter the group eagerly; they are making very good progress in a highly positive atmosphere, where children learn to respect others and enjoy learning”.

Ofsted Report- November 2014

We have just started our September term with lots of enthusiasm, and hope that the good weather stays a bit longer! We have a lovely new Bug Hotel to explore and are ready to get planting in our gardening area too!

Some spaces are still available for 3 and 4 year olds. Please call 01908 571252 for more information.

Site 1

This site is the piece of land between Hayes Road, Canal Lane and Maltings Row.

The site is fenced off and awaiting development however part of the fence has been vandalised 3 times in the last 3 months and access gained onto the site. There are signs on the fence all around the site stating entry is not permitted. The Opus partnership who manage this site are very concerned that due to the site being very overgrown any potential dangers are not easily visible and anybody entering the site do so at the risk of injury.

The opus partnership have advised the Parish Council that all those going into the site are trespassing and any injury occurred while there will be used as evidence of trespass and they will prosecute.

Can you please refrain from going onto this site and warn your children of the dangers of playing or exploring this site.

Thank you

Deanshanger Allotment Association.

A limited number of full and half plots are currently available at both our Church Lane and Puxley Road sites in Deanshanger.

Please apply by email to [email protected] or telephone 01908 265413 for further information.

Please see our website at

Deanshanger in Bloom

We are currently refreshing our planters for the Winter and Spring seasons, with the planting of winter flowering pansies and Spring flowering bulbs. Many of the planters have been very dry this year so we may have to relocate them if the plants continue to die. We are a very small group and are unable to keep them all watered. If you live near a planter it would be a great help if you could water it - thank you. Our big flower bed on Stratford Road has continued to bloom through the Summer and into early Autumn and has brightened up the entrance to the village. We will be looking to overwinter the beautiful white geraniums to replant in the Spring and adding hellebores to give colour in the early months of the new year. We have applied for a licence from NCC Highways Dept to plant three shrubs on the lay-by grass area and hope to have permission in time to plant before winter. A big thank you goes out to Wendy Shorey, who has recently resigned from DiB, but without whom this project would not have started. It was her vision of brightening the village with flowers and plants that brought the group together and we intend to keep moving that vision forward.

Elizabeth Woodville School

What we’ve been up to…

 Celebrating our best ever A-Level results with 58% of all grades at A*-B standard  Congratulating our Year 11 students on their GCSE results, where one in four students gained 3 or more A*/A grades.  Welcoming our new Year 7 students- our biggest cohort for several years.  Appointing the new Post 16 leadership team. This team of students will be working with the Parish Council and British Legion to support and develop events in the local community. Within school, P16 students are now working with teachers and students in lessons across the school- providing extra guidance and support for younger students.  Hosting local families at our Open Evening and Open Days. The evening was particularly busy with families visiting subject areas of the school and hearing how our Colleges work to support all students throughout their years at EWS.

What we’re looking forward to…

Inviting the local British Legion into school for Remembrance Day assemblies. The day will be commemorated within school with pupils leading a whole school assembly along with representatives from the British Legion and the school Principal. This will focus on 'Remembering Everyman' as part of the remembrance of the Somme that commemorated its 100 year anniversary. Remembrance day will also be commemorated by Year 9 pupils visiting the Battlefields in Belgium on the 11th November and participating in the daily remembrance at the Menin Gate, including laying a wreath from local British Legion branches to remember those that fell in the war from the local area.

Our Open Evening for prospective Post 16 students on Thursday 8th December. This is a chance for our current Year 11 students and Year 11 students in other schools to visit our successful Post 16 area and look at the range of courses on offer.

Stay Well This Winter


Cold weather doesn’t have to go hand in hand with illness. Getting the flu jab is one way to help you and your loved ones stay well this winter.

Flu vaccination is part of the Stay Well This Winter campaign, a joint initiative from NHS and Public Health England, to help the public ward off common winter illnesses.

Flu is a highly infectious disease and can lead to serious complications if you have a long-term health condition like: COPD; bronchitis, emphysema; diabetes; heart, kidney or liver disease or have suffered a stroke. Flu on top of health conditions like these can easily develop into something very serious and could land you in hospital. People with these and other long-term health conditions are eligible for a free flu jab through their GP or pharmacist.

The flu campaign also targets pregnant women and parents of children aged 2, 3 and 4 and in school years 1, 2 and 3. For eligible children, the flu vaccine is not an injection, just a quick nasal spray available.

Flu can be horrible for little children, and if they get it, they can spread it around the whole family.

Children who get the flu have the same symptoms as adults – including fever, chills, aching muscles, headache, stuffy nose, dry cough and sore throat. Some children develop a very high fever or complications of flu, such as bronchitis or pneumonia and may need hospital treatment.

The flu vaccine can help protect your child from flu and also reduce the chance of flu spreading to others.

If you have a child aged 2, 3 or 4, get their free nasal spray flu vaccine from their GP. Children in school years 1, 2 or 3 will get their vaccinations through their school in most parts of the country.

Pregnancy naturally weakens the body’s immune system and as flu can cause serious complications for you and your baby. Pregnant women who get the flu may be less able to fight off infections, increasing the risk of becoming ill. The flu jab is the safest way to protect you and your baby against flu and you can have it at any stage of pregnancy, however fit and healthy you might feel.

If you are eligible for the flu vaccine get it now – it’s free because you need it.

Contact your GP, pharmacist or midwife to get the flu jab.

Visit for more information.

Hedgehog Watch

Its been a great half year, walking the village every evening Hedghogs have been spotted on route looking for dinner.

This half year there has been no sightings of a hedgehog that has been run over. Don’t forget…

Hopefully next year we will see our own family of hedgehogs roaming round the village.

Best regards

Useful links Face book: British Hedgehog Preservation Society Holy Trinity Church

Children and Families

At Holy Trinity church we are running a Sunday afternoon service for children and families on a regular basis. The service is 45 minutes long with songs, drama, activities and prayers, followed by refreshments.

We take Bible stories or themes which we hope will engage children but also speak to the adults too. This month we are looking at Jesus as the ‘Light of the World’ and in November we will be celebrating the start of ‘Advent’ when the church prepares for Christmas, in December we will have our Carol service.

Here are the dates for your diary: All services at 4pm

November 27th, 18th December, 22nd January.

We do hope you will join us.

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

2nd Deanshanger Scout Group

Beaver, aged 6~8 meet on Wednesdays from 5.15pm to 6.45pm

The beaver colony is once again at the maximum number of young people (28) we can safely deal with. A waiting list to join is in operation meaning some young people in the village are missing out on a scouting experience. The group could offer more to this age group if we had more leaders or regular volunteers to assist with the colony. So if you feel like volunteering? please talk to any of the leaders.

In terms of activities the beavers have taken advantage of the lighter evenings with visits to Cosgrove’s scout campsite undertaking tracking and joining the cubs for a traditional campfire and sing-along, a night of sports in the local park and an opportunity to explore the play areas and tree top walks at Salcey Forest.

After the summer recess the beavers have returned to their meetings in September and continued with games cooking and craft activities.

Cubs, aged 8~10¾ meet on Wednesdays from 7.00pm to 8.30pm

The cub membership number continues to edge 40 young people. In June and July the cubs cycled in Salcey Forest, as well as the Redways and Greenways of Milton Keynes on another evening. They have participated in hikes in the dark (reading maps by torchlight), been to the campsite in Cosgrove (with the beavers) as well as helping the group raise funds by distributing leaflets, helping at jumble sales and more latterly wrapping bottles for the Village feast.

During the last few months the cubs participated in two camps – the first a week in Bournemouth provided them with opportunities to visit HMS Victory, the submarines at Gosport, the beaches of Studland Bay where they had a go in a canoe. Visits to see castles, lifeboats, to dress in military kit and have the details of the 1st world war explained including handling weapons used. We fired our home made arrows from bows and Maiden castle as well as undertaking the longest Zip wire in Bournemouth. The whole group shot rifles, drove speed-boats, crate stacked slide down water slides - Oh and fish and chips on the sea front!

In September a further weekend camp was held in the New Forest which afforded the cubs with the opportunity to make their own jam, build fires and cook dough twists, throw tomahawks (under supervision) play aero ball (netball on trampolines) and once again have a great time away from home.

The cubs have assisted at the Deanshanger Feast, attended two jumble sales and continue to aid the groups fund raising efforts.

A weekend in (October) sleeping over on HMS Belfast and camps to Yorkshire in July, and are at an advanced planning stage.

Scouts, aged 10~14½ meet on Thursdays from 8.00pm to 9.00pm

We cover a wide range of adventurous activities such as Camping, pioneering, shooting, archery, backwoods and survival skills and well as first aid, craft and many badge orientated skill sets.

Recently the Troop were involved in community service helping the Deanshanger in Bloom volunteers reclaim a play area by helping clear raised garden bed and borders and planting a mixture of shrubs to create a Sensory Garden.

Then next adventure on the programme is a weekend activity camp at Bloxham Scout Camp where the Scouts will partake in a Night hike, Pistol shooting, Archery, pioneering, cooking and maybe even some sleeping!!! All within 48 hrs!!

Interested in joining? If you have a child who is interested in joining this great organisation and enjoying rewarding activities, please contact Martin Rayner on 07710941429 or email at [email protected]

Upcoming Events

th Saturday 26 November – Stony Stratford Lights – pop along to our stall and take part in our game of chance ‘Wine or Water’ (over 18’s only) or for the younger participants ‘Tombola’ win a prize every time, and Guess the Name/ Weight competitions.

nd Friday 2 December – 7pm Cash Bingo and Christmas Raffle Drawer – why not join us for a fab evening of Bingo with a cash bar (over 18’s only) and support the Christmas Raffle Drawer. Raffle Prizes so far include: Family Ice Skating, 10ft Trampoline, Daytona Voucher, Kingfisher Golf, Woburn Safari Park family entrance, MK Dons Tickets, Pool family swim, 360 family pass, Kingston Gym Trampoline Lessons, amongst others…

th th Sunday 4 and 11 December - Deanshanger Village Christmas Float – details of the route will be available closer to the time.

Why not join our Facebook page for latest news and event information? The 2nd Deanshanger Troop

Abandoned Vehicles

Is there an abandoned, untaxed or nuisance vehicle outside your house? If so, contact E.L.V.I.S - the End of Life Vehicle Impound Scheme.

This is a joint operation between Northamptonshire's Arson Task Force, , Northamptonshire County Council and all the district and borough councils in Northamptonshire. When you contact us we will need the registration number, make and model, colour, location and the condition of the vehicle. The E.L.V.I.S team aim to inspect abandoned and nuisance cars within 24 hours of notification and remove them within 48 hours, if appropriate.

How do you report an abandoned vehicle?

 Report the problem online  Email [email protected]  Telephone E.L.V.I.S on 08456 121 999

10 ways to spot an abandoned vehicle:

1. Does it look vandalised and/or fire damaged? 2. Does it look unused and in poor condition? 3. Has it been there and not moved for over a week? 4. Is there a valid tax disc? 5. Are the wheels or petrol cap missing? 6. Have parts been removed or damaged? (broken windows or flat tyres) 7. Has it been parked or abandoned in an isolated or unusual location? 8. Is it a known area for abandoned vehicles? 9. Have you seen anybody use it or act suspiciously around it? 10. It is full of rubbish/hazardous material/ combustibles?

Abandoned vehicles are often involved in or are the subject of crimes; they are hazardous to the public and the environment, encouraging vandalism and arson.

Research shows that the quicker abandoned vehicles are collected, the less likelihood of vehicle arson which means neighbourhoods are improved and there is a reduced fear of crime. So don't delay, call E.L.V.I.S today to make Northamptonshire a cleaner and safer place to live, work and play.

Parking in the Village There continues to be complaints from residents regarding parking in the village and in particular in and around Hayes Road, Patricks Lane and outside the Co-op.

Please do not park on the pavement outside of the Co-op this is a main route into both the primary and secondary schools and on several occasions people with pushchairs and young children have had to go into the road to get passed, this is not safe.

Please also leave enough space to allow emergency vehicles to get through, it could be you who need them!!

Pot Holes Please report potholes to Northants County Council through the Street Doctor website. If you don’t report it, they may not know it is there.

Road Repairs You can check on any road repairs at just pop in your postcode and you can see what’s happening near you.

Street Lights

If you notice a street light that is out (or flickering or on all the time) please advise the parish council & we can get the contractors to look at it.

Please state the street name & the number on the post. Either call 01908 566373, email [email protected]

Village Notice boards

There are 11 notice boards in the village.

These are maintained by the Parish Council and are for use by the community for community projects. These boards are not to be used for commercial or political use and permission should be sought from the clerk to put any information on these boards.

Reporting Anti Social Behaviour If you feel that there is anti-social behaviour in your area please contacts the police on 101 to record the incident.

Do not assume someone else will do it. Depending on other priorities the police may not be able to come out straight away, but it will be recorded so they can get a view of areas that may need extra regular monitoring.

Dog Fouling

We encourage all dog owners to clean up after their dog has fouled in a public place, as dog fouling is unpleasant & poses a public health risk. If your dog fouls in a public place & you do not clean it up & you will be breaking a Dog Control Order under the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005.

If an SNC council officer or any other authorised officer witnesses you not cleaning up after your dog, you may be given a fixed penalty of £75. If you refuse to pay the fixed penalty you may be taken to court & be fined up to £1000 plus court costs.

Further information on Dog Control Orders can be found on the Dog Control Orders page.

What is the best way to clear up after your dog? Use a doggy bag or a carrier bag to pick up the faeces. Ideally, this should then be placed in a designated dog bin. If this is not possible, take the bag home & put it in your black wheeled bin or, as a last resort, double wrap the faeces & put it in a normal litter bin. Animal & Pest Control – SNC - 01327 322326 [email protected]

Thanks to the cubs for delivering this newsletter.

Useful Telephone Numbers Clerk to the Parish Council 01908 566373 South Northamptonshire Council 01327 322322 Northamptonshire County Council 0300 126 1000 Police – non emergency 101 or 03000 111222 The Beehive 01908 262368 Holy Trinity Church (Revd Chris Murray) 01908 262371 0 Methodist Chapel (Revd Drs S & B 01908 312043 Mosedale) Library (Weds – Sun) 0300 126 1000 Elizabeth Woodville School 01908 563468 Deanshanger Primary School 01908 268920 Deanshanger Village Pre-school 01908 263295 Willow Tree Pre-school 079 7973 6791 Deanshanger Day Centre 01908 564420 County Councillor – Allen Walker 01908 260302 District Councillor – Dennis Loveland & 01908 262867 Allen Walker 01908 260302 Doctors Surgeries – Stonedean Practice 01908 261155 Stony Medical Centre 01908 260382 Deanshanger Chemist (Jardines Pharmacy) 01908 569998 Deanshanger Sports Club & Play Field 01908 567137 Assoc Deanshanger Community Centre (June 01908 562949 Lake) Deanshanger Village Heritage Society 01908 564725 Deanshanger Allotment Association 01908 265413 Street Doctor (Road / Footpath / Drain 0300 126 1000 Repair) 01908 567109 Deanshanger Conservative Club Like us on Facebook Deanshanger Parish Council Follow us on Twitter @deanshangerpc Visit the Parish Council website Email the Parish Council on [email protected]