
Thursday, September 25, 1911 SPORTS T) ETR OI T E VEN’IN G TIM E S (PHOSE CHERRY SBoo> SPORTS PAGE 39 Midget Season Ends Pass to Be Titan LOOKING FOR RECRUITS Bachman Orders Dreams Come True Great Lakes Rifle With 100-Lap Race Frank Leahy, Mike Casteel Realize Ambitions to The long midget race season Weapon Against Catch and Go' Coach Rival Teams —They Meet Saturday Team Is Victor will reach its climax with the an- ruial 100-lap classic the at Motor The Great Lakes Steel Rifle City Speedway eve- * % By EDGAR tonight. The \kJKiJI ni IIAVF.S Club, led by "Eagle Eye” Ernie nings program he one A Jt-r. % will of the Weight ~ Style for State It wasn’t so long ago that Jim He. like Leahy, Notre Indiana teaches the Brouvseau and John Zukosky, .longest ever presented here. In I 'M Crowley head football man Dame s> tern altDwigh h « pla\«-d celebrated its firstiodoor shoulder- addition to the 100-lap feature Lit Michigan State. He was on*' ol Dorais Confident Expects Lot of U. M. his football at Kalamazoo College; *to-shoulder matcb of the season event, 20-lap the Four 1 lorsemen of NotroDame there will l>e a con- and still spotlight where he was an all around ath- by trimming the Magic E">e Rifle solGtiuit race for those drivers who U. D. Can Stand Up Passes in Close Game; dwelt in the that covered those players. jlete. Club, by a score of 1160 to IMI. failed to qualify lor the speed Mike was a quarterback at 88 Since It’ll Be Cool Wants Interceptions his A total of points separated marathon. On staff were two youngsters jKalama/oo and still has little use th»- teams the spurs two on actual score, Must winning their in the .for the huddle in plays. Steelmen getting 880 and the By HAROLD KAIIL By SHELDON MOYER coaching game. I But friendship will he forgotten Times Photogs HOI. Encouraged by a weather report EAST LANSING. Sept. 25.- The *JU A when the two teams clash. A vic-j Brousseau and Zukosky tied for and equipped with some entirely secret is out today that Michigan tory for the Irish would give top scoring honors with ISO. C. new passing pltys, University of State will play the “catch and go” Leahy a fine start on ihe Bill sea- Wooley and IT. Zmijew ski followed and keen son. A victory for Arizona would with 17H. Dick Bowman, fifth ’s football squad will en- game against University of Michi- jashurw Mik--- a successful season,! ! maw au the team shot 173. when the > train tonight for llloonnngton for gan Iwo teams lock game, was one % jno matter what happens Smith Bob McClellan OF BOWLING Saturday the thirty-sixth his m the Jack and VALUES! the most important game on its horns in 'of as'istants, |L VT ' other - games. , deadlocked for high scoring honors renewal their gridiron the yy y 4 schedule, of annual and other Rj Mike went all the nay to Los for the Magic Eye team with a against Indiana Univer- rivalry. ( m fxiluinr Distributor f (was Mike as- j Angeles to scout Irish pair 160’s. Howard Shirkey sity Saturday afternoon. Just what i* the “catch and go" the in the of iteel. Mike was J Southern game last, scored 168, Jack Weiner 167 and The temperature in Bloomington game wa* explained by Coach i driver with |k EBONITE BALLS , year, only to find the Layden R. K. Arnold 148. to Charley Bachman in these* terms: lots s>*. Saturday, according the weather of enthusi- item discarded when F.lrner left to! A challenge for a return match bureau, de- “This game Saturday is going is and »k%nk tt: un w’ill hover around 75 rn he (become czar of pro football. was accepted. *ls- grees-, hut no higher. This was to Ik* close. It may decided knew football. He was the bark- Fln»«( b«lt obtllnilila! /'M\s U to Coach by one touchdown, either wav, mentor, M»n • » particularly good news field while Frank had an* worn* n j\VIvSr VI so our on Tr* th» n*m y \'V'4jr Gus Dorais, who had visions of hoys are going to tie charge of the line. *'Cur*al ' gill, AIM in L// yjjf the game being the the alert from start to finish.“ mntTlnl Anoh, lTj staged under The two lads were warm friends l-i Turn* // same conditions as the Purdue From thi* basic pre-game state- in off hours, Ywj Copyright by OMrpit Tim*». API rlphtt re»»ry*d ment, and the conversation| (00 opener year* ago. Bachman went on to predict EASY three ( revolved around future plans. Both It will be recalled the Titans LIEUT. COMMANDER GENE TUNNEY center) Michigan State probably will score least directly awaited the day when the> would 1 tackled Purdue with a thermo- talks with LIEUT. COMMANDER CARSON R. MILLER at one touchdown or ,he qps. indirectly as the result of an inter- head coaches and could become jmeter reading in the They of the navy and COL. ROBERT M. MONTAGUE of the gridiron rivals. for the cepted pass. .were an equal match marines about the eight new physical education instructors Crowley Boilermakers until late in the third “That’* where the ‘catch and ' When left Michigan I go’ period when they began to wilt who have passed tests here. game conies in,” said Bach- ,State he took Leahy with hint to decided, cast, /kv | the terrific heal. Purdue, man. “Our boys will he out to iFordham. Mike to hk, undef intercept passes a ml’ so Tor the time being, at least, with superior reserve forces anti I'iiiT tT<7? knock them down. they iwith Michigan and he a big advantage in weight, went When State servedt Tuniiov Fit. Trim catch them, the orders Charley! on to win, 19-6. are to J under ihe next coach, go.” Bachman. FORCER EQUAL With thi* last remark Bachman that when MADF. HIS MARK As far as forces go, Indiana and Ex-Champ, Here to Seek New Physical Education indicated he meant Detroit will Ik* almost equal Sat- "go,’’ he meant it. It didn't take Leahy long to* urday. Indiana's 'quad numbers 41 Instructors for Navy, Is in Fine Shape Bachman* prediction gains 'make Ins mark at Fordham andl weight when the Spartans’ defen- before hmg he advanced to of • head jand Detroit’s 38 players, all «¦.- -¦ . , sive whom will make the trip. record against passes is coach at ; Indiana, like Purdue, will have Bv GEORGE MARKIN brought out. Last year they had 1G College. Great' I interceptions, one of the highest M Bt«¦• »orais is popular! I N«'. 11 0 couldn't have selected a better new' hook, tith'd “Arms for Living’’ *u)ted ¦ »» - twilling directly in touchdowns, Irishman and it, ?s*•'* -M to concede that. He's confi- man Tunney, the re- would make its first, appearance boys than Gene while four others turned the tide only dent his will lx* able to stand tired the presses was a mat-! undefeated off today. and started the Kpartans on touch- of be-j up under the Hookers' pounding champion. —Getting away the ter time I longer. from matter he wrep- Any one visiting or meeting of defense. Tunney declines to Michigan j From the amount of time spent State has enjoyed most eal led by his have entered Tunney, now in Detroit hunting make any predictions about Mon- of it* succe>* against Michigan in on the forward pass, it is apparent Alma Mater to physical education directors for day night s fqght Joe the air during the yeais. experts this to .between last two take over the; | Dorais be his chief the service, will have to admit Louis and Loll Nova. year scored Frank ! Last the.Spar\ans two g re Barbara's weapon against I ndi it a. Ile has Not Dame! Tunney s the rigkt man for the “It’s one of those tough pro- touchdowns and two i>oin?s, (A»1».KI. a lot of respect for the Hoosiers* extra MIKK j,Ost. This was job positions. Nova is strong, tough more than any other on big line, led by (’apt. Gene White team the the tops for Frank. He could ask| For “fit and trim" best describe and courageous. Meant iin e, Wolverine schedule, and ot h right guard, anti plans to use *h for no further advancement in hist Heavyweight the former champion who's 43. In Louis ran siatk harder than Lou. touchdowns were scored by diminu- White Tournament running plays a* a foil for 32, he is at the, i more fact, he easily might Ik* referred “Also, there’s this item to tive Jong chosen field. At a Walter Paw lowski on to date the forward pa*s rather than as to as a “perfect qiecimen if, of consider: Louis has come mighty passes. peak. m/simiTslik e itin» b< »d- means of advance. course, a 1 |»*||| nr flt* there is such thing. close to being knocked out year Batchelor, --t III! S|H in Hie before Bill THIRD YEAR AT ARIZONA Opening Olympia, I «l*,olifl» Ml fi. ft HAS To Tunney, his -top in Detroit four or five of his most recent agile center, in October 17 fHg PITCHERS intercepted a pa*s and at *1 by lwu no . -I _ Mike stayed a few years ¦I- 4+*-—L*»n—hiu-akU 1 fig his. In any of them, soine- ran for a touchdown, i ¦ • . . i has the pitcher*. Henry while Bill Detroit worthy events at least for him. hodv with a strong punch stood Piper, Mickey McLaughlin, Kennedy heaved a 33-yard pass to move, Art One was the announcement by a good chance of taking the Wyman Davis for the joffers td but he waited until Ticket Sale Opens October 1 Link, Tippy Madank, Don Hughes other. a go sold short 21-Year Quest difference.” I It's Mike's third year at Arizona. 1 with Piper, Rob Keene, .McLaugh- Xl,enilier lin, George Ghesqufcre. Madank To S«*«»k /**t W »V<.flVK and Al Schmidt around. The latter, -J >' / - i who will t>e the only sophomore in Only Game Away the starting lineup, i* hard to stop

Determeiil (.nmnat without some kind of a gain. jm.mm.~m.mm,,, i (Continued from First Sport Page) of D,- however, is primarily \ ¦ U. a passing team and this year ANN ARBOR Sept. 25 -Davey for Brooklvh and a win for the Dorais has concocted some new Nelson, left halfback of the Michi- Cards today would leave the latter stuff. That he intend* to spring only a half game behind not, by gan football team, will travel to it on Indiana is no secret as his any means, what might be called- ‘players are anxious to register Detroit tonight to request a stu-' an overwhelming deficit. ?¦their fir*t victory over a Western dent deferment until June from] The way Wyatt.has been turning our greatest ass |fek (Conference eleven. hi- .selective serv u £ draft hoard. back the Braves, however, there The squad will arrive in Indian- 75ie former Detroit Northwestern i* no reason to assume he should lapolis tomorrow and mak«* the High School star, who is registered have trouble this time. Indianapolis Athletic Club its with Detroit draft board No. 50,1 Wyatt has faced Boston five TOOL SHOT\ • headquarters. A final light drill is has been placed m Class 1-A. He times and has beaten them five] 455 MICHIGAN. NEAR CABS 1 set for Butler Stadiqm tomorrow is slated to draw the starting tail- tine**, allowing only five runs and afternoon. Saturday morning the baek |K>st when the Wolverines 18 hit* in all those games. open Today OPEN EVENINGS I squad will move b> bus to Bloorn- their 1941 schedule against \V! *v i face Tom Firl- yin the ington. this I Michigan State Saturday. mason s nigh t*c a p and w hile Thomas i* by no means a stripling,! the he will have to string with Mr.] I St'agram keeps Wyatt so long as the chips are down. TOUGHNESS OUT •JOB PROPER FOR WHIT The veteran bald-header *eerns

- to • destined wind up in the World . . . hlemis extra % Series opener again*t the Yan- & kee* and therefore, it >eems proper, he should be the one to win the, PLEASURE IN for the Klatbush - - - - i>ennant Faithful.) L — 1 * V Once again, yesterday, Minute Man Hugh Casey was on the job to mop up in a ball game that got too much for starting pitcher,i Kirby Higbe. Casey came into pitch the last three frames and threw to only 13 men as the bums* came from behind to win a very* • racial Battle. For the iir*t six innings, as the" tiisLant scoreboard .spun iiw lale of* horror of the Cards attack on thej Pirates, it appeared the Dodgers] were doomed to a similar coat of, whitewash. Thanks to errors by Reese and Lavagetto and singlesi by Paul Waner and Max West,! the Braves held a 2-0 lead goingi into thp seventh. DIXIES BIG BIRTHDAY Tt was here the hums led by! the idol of Flatbush. Dixie Walker, terally turned on the juice. Med- wick started it by beating out a deep hit to shortstop Eddie Miller and, after Lavagetto flied out, took single to —^ *i*eond on Ree*rs renter. taking a Fall Riggs rhm hatted for Owrn and out to short, filling Is TOl GHM.SS —he’s hmer as gall. n —-i**.ft*—J^(l| beat a hit the bases. In Seagram's he's OUT, and 1 i V Wasdell, batting for Higbe. Ih n s why, no doubt, forced Medwick at the plate hut Fi„,feoum W Walker, who was celebrating his 5 Crown is the call. L Our getting 'Z? jjj 6i>MdrHjPh ltl fIJ thirty-first birthday, promptly , py l