
CITY CITY EDITION EDITION Subscription Rates: One Year $6.09 STOCK MARKET Six Months 3.25 NEWS PAGE FIVE >A PAPER FOR THE fMPUMW One Month 60

VOLUME 35 SIX PAGES WINSLOW, NAVAJO COUNTY, ARIZONA', SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1926 (5c PER COPY) NUMBER 15 JACKIES DISARM NICARAGUANS Gene Tunney Narrowly Escapes Death in Icy Lake NAVAL OFFICIAL Not A Drop OUSTS LIBERALS * Escape Os Foxes * * SMS 1923 Farmer Kills HUMAN CHAIN' t From Farm Starts FORD FROM * CAPITAL' t Minnesota Hunt * . * WAS ABNORMAL 9 In Family Sacasa’s Special Envoy to PULLS FIGHTER 4* ANOKA, Minn., Dec. 25 (AP) 4* 4* rpnE huntsmen’s horn will 4* Washington Says Action 4- signal the start Sunday + Amounts to ‘Armed 4* morning of an all-day trek 4* IN ALLBUSINESS Tries Suicide OUT OF WATER 4* through the snow covered 4* Intervention’ between 4* 4* farms and brush the AMARILLO, Tex., Dec. 25 (AP) 4* Mississippi riv- 4> Return to Normalcy Rum river and Seen —George Hassell, of Champion Slips in Trying 4* J... farmer the LATIMER IN CHARGE 4* er here, for fifty errant blue Farwwell community today admit- 4* still large, after 4* During Coming Year; To Leap Over Frozen foxes at the ted he * killed his wife and her 4* of 63. 4* MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Dec. 25 escape Six Cylinder Car eight children three weeks ago, and Spot And Falls In 4* An hunt in which 4* (AP) —Rear Admiral Latimer, in organized buried their bodies in an improvis- 4* mounted national guardsmen, 4* Rumor Denied command of the American special Moosehead Lake ed grave in the back y.ard, accord- 4* of Anoka and the twin 4* squadron, has ruled that *Dr. Juan citizens ing to a report from the sheriff’s 4* cities and hunters on skiis 4* Rautista Sacasa, the members of HITS ‘OVER CREDIT' office at Farwell. RESCUED BY PALS 4* will take part is planned in an 4* his Liberal cabinet and all his corral the valuable 4* Hassell, near death in the hospi- troops must- disarm or leave Pu- 4»effort to (AP) 4* 4* , Mich., Dec. 25 tal at Farwell, Texas, to which he erto Cabezas which has been de- Dec. 25 animals. . ROCKWOOD , Maine , captured 4* —Any attempt to forecast business was brought from Clovis, New Mex- clared a neutral zone. (AP) —Plunging into Moosehead 4* Thirteen have been 4* prospects fop 1927 must be tem- ico, from self-inflicted knife wounds The American bluejuackets are lake, where the water is at least 4* since 63 of a pen of 72 escap- pered with the fact that the year would make no statement to the relieving all the Liberal forces in 100 feet deep, when he lost his 4* ed from a granary on a fram 4* 4- imported 4* opens with a great surplus of ev- officers other than “I did it; I did the zone of their arms. footing in attempt to leap a here. The foxes, an erything on hand, Henry Ford told it,” declaring also that he would On account of the American ad- treacherous ice wrinkle this morn- 4* from Alaska by Dr. R. H. Mon- 4* 4* ", were to 4* The Associated Press today. Mr. give a detailed statement of how miral’s declaration the Liberal ing, Gene Tunney, world’s heavy- aban, used starting a 4* Ford took occasion to spike a few he killed his entire family, to- government, which has set up at weight champion, was res- 4* have been in pens 4* rumors, among them one to the ef- gether with his motive, in a sign- Puerto Cabezas in opposition to cued by human chain consisting 4* fur farm, for which were a 4* fect he plans production of a low ed statement tomorrow. the Diaz conservative government, of three companions accompanying 4* still incomplete. 4* priced six-cylinder car; discussed May Recover finds it’s temporary capital gone, village to at- 4* Raw beefsteak was the lure, He him on a hike to this difference between credit and barely speak 4* which has resulted in the cap- 4* the | Hassell was able to and the Liberal foreign ~ minister tend mass. 4* animals. 4* debt and reiterated his belief in the though physicians has entered an earnest protest, on to spqt where Tun- ture of eight of the above a whisper, Rushing the value of the live-day the ground that it will seiz- 14* Guardsmen mounted on fast 4* economic j say his condition is improving and have a very ney went in, one of the trio 4* horses ran down five. Re- 4* week. that he will recover. unfavorable effect on the new Lib- ed him as he was struggling in the is sur- 4 1 wards of $lO each are 4* “Not only there a large His admission of the killings eral government. water, the others joined aud they offend. 4* 4* 4* 4« 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* plus of grown and fabricated ma- came this afternoon during the Admiral Latimer has instructed soon had the champion back on the terial now on hand,” Mr. Ford said, '<||^T. hour his wife and her eight chil- the mahogany companies to pay ice. “but there is also a large surplus dren, ranging from two to 21 years, taxes only to the conservative- was the closest call I ever “That of debt. Undoubtedly the material were being burieU side by side in government, which has been rec- had,” said Tunney after he reached 2 MORE surplus will be absorbed in the the cemetery in Farwell, 90 ognized by the United States, chattering ACCUSE little the village, his teeth natural course of events and the miles southwest of Amarillo, with from the cold. “I’ll never forget of vear 1927 should be one normal- (entire mtizenahip of • cojuk > r. s. soiHa'rtf .. Christmas.” the the mi* this INEDITORDEATH munity attending the rites. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 (AP) He was s« thoroughly chilled “You mean a year as prosperous Every able bodied man of Far- The state department announced went at once to the Rock- that he CANTON, 0., Dec. 25 (AP)—ln- as 1920?” well and the immediate vicinity vol- tonight that American marines wood hotel and there lay in bed dictment of additional persons in “Well, 1926 was abnormal,” he unteered in the labors of digging and sailors had been landed “with-' a good part of the day while his connection with the shooting last replied...... the nine graves, in which the bod- out incident” Thursday at Puerto clothing was drying. July of Don R. Mellett, Canton He Wants Definition ies placed after being re- Cabezas, Nicaragua, to protect. When he returned to King’s were publisher, was viewed as a pbssi- moved from a shallow dugout on American and foreign lives and The ryiery apparently suggested: - Camp, Tom Hegan Point, where he V t- : bility today. the Hassell farm where they were property. is spending the Christmas holidays, a" second thoUfeht. yesterday of Patrick arty of Drastic -r SEND Friday in- A neutral zone “comprising the. Conviction is way?” Need HUNDREDS uncovered by officers the conqueror of Dempsey did not prosperity, Governor Hunt Points E. McDermott, bn a charge of first Ford meditatively. '• "» vestigating the mysterious circum- territory lying within rifle range try the ice route again, but trav- Mr. asked degree murder was regarded as “A real that in’ Boulder Dam Bill In His Call stances under which the family of the American and foreign prop- elled by automobile overland for prosperity is Action on having increased the possibility of COOUDGE GIFTS had disappeared. erties” has been established. which all and in a distance of 10 miles and then participate which the involving of others in the all are consumers. When man For Special Session of State Legislature Trace Brother’s Death The landing was made, the an- walked the remaining distance of WASHINGTON, Dec. 25 (AP) crime. consumes he must produce and In the meantime, Farwell author- nouncement said, in answer to ap- four miles. the Christmas, judged by the variety Indictments against Ben Rudner, when there is the proper balance The full text of Governor Hunt's call lor a special session of ities were recalling the death of peals for protection received from yesterday by Rep- and volume of remembrances re- of Massillon and Louis Mazer, of production and consump- legislature, copy of which was receive here State Hassell’s brother two years ago, American citizens with interests between follows: ceived, excelled all previous cele- Makss Merry Canton, alleged co-conspirators in tion prosperity is hound to fol- resentative C. J. McQuillan, at Blair, Oklahoma, when he was in the Puerto Cabezas districts. WHEREAS, the State of AriiohaMies almost wholly within the of the kind for the presi- Mellett’s murder, will stand fol- low.” brations reported kicked to death by a mule Details Are Lacking drainage area of the Colorado River and constitutes 43 per cent of the dent and Mrs. Coolidge. lowing the conviction. The rumored six-cylinder car that while the brothers were working No details of the landing oper- -Cheaply as Possible entire drainage area of that stream, and it is estimated Arizona Vice President Dawes, who went One of the two, probably Rudner, was dismissed with the remark; the water of the Colorado River sys- in a Held. Farwell authorities were ation, which was composed of contributes some 28 per cent of home to Illinois for the holiday, PARIS, Dec. 25 (AP) Christ- will he tried early in February. “Nothing to it.” tem; and told Hassell’s brother's death had forces from the cruisers Denver prosecution has charged from in its and up- unknowingly contributed to their been somewhat of a , were contained in mastide in Paris was unusually The “You know,” Mr. Ford went on, WHEREAS, The State of 'Arizona has Constitution at the time and number of leaders the utilization of the wa- Yuletide observance while thous- however his story of an the radio year, most Parisians do- the first that a we did built a six, twenty years on its statutes certain provisions governing mystery, naval message received quiet this Our‘State; and ands of others outside Washington his Julian merry making at home of an alleged bootlegging and vice ago. We made a thousand of ter resources within accident was accepted by fam- today from Rear Admiral ing their Arizona has been content to progress officialdom scattered in high and ring had direct knowledge of a now WHEREAS, Tha State of ily. Latimer, commanding the special with frugality. •them. Two of them are in provisions of the law based upon prior throughout the nation, plot against Mellott. and devolop under the general low places Shortly after his brother’s death service squadron and in persona! Rcveillon celebrations, in the our museum.” appropriation and consumptive use of water; and against least one beneficial were among those who remember- the widow, mov- the situation in Nicaiv progress of which the populace Evidence at Mr. Ford also denied that he was WHEREAS, The Congress of the United. States has authorized the Hassell married command of possibly persons ed the chief executive and his ing his farm near aguan eats, drinks and makes merry and two other al- at present financially interested making of a compact between the seven states in the Colorado River the family to waters. family at the White House. department announce- from dinnertime to dawn, had lit- ready had been laid before the in rubber growing. He added, basin and each of the seven states in the Colorado River basin pass- Farwell. Thp state negotiate The day could not be counted a suffering knife reference to the tle of the expensive brilliance they grand jury and additional indict- however, that some developments ed a law authorizing the appointment of commissioners to Hassell is from ment made no in the of a compact at holiday. President Coolidge work- around heart, inflict- report made pifblic here by Dr. T. have known on other Christmas ments may be returned. in the future might attract him to .such a compact wwhich resulted making wounds the Santa Fe, New Mexico, was signed on November 24th, 1922; ed part of the forenoon preparing when deputy Vaea, representative of the Sa~ mornings since the war. McDermott escaped the death that field. which ed Friday at his farm S. through the recommenda- and the adress he will deliver at Tren- sheriffs were uncovering the bodies casa Liberals, that Cacasa and his Santa Claus, it was remarked, penalty (Continued on Page 5) AVHEREAS, The of Colorado, Wyoming. Utah, New' MeVieo Wednesday. Mean- for mercy made by the jury in states ton, N. J„ on of his family. “cabinet” had ben ordered by Ad must have speculated against the tion Nevada unconditionally ratified the Santa Fe compact. The His and have while, Mrs. Coolidge, assisted by miral Latimer to evacuate PuerP franc and been pinched by the finding him guilty. attorneys, State of compact in 1923 but rescinded its ac- ratified the her son, John, divided her time be- Cabezas by 4 p. m. today. rapid rise of the nation’s monetary claiming that he had been proved Big Luckenbach Liner tion in 1925 and adopted resolution providing for ratification con- a tween household duties, unwrap- Charged during past few weeks. guilty of neither conspiracy nor tingent upon being fulfilled which w ere specified in Live Saving Medals “Armed Intervention” unit the certain conditions r ping presents which to today None of the restaurants and murder, plan to appeal the case on Wrecks Port Buildings the resolution of adoption; and continued Vaca issued a statement has twice re- arrive in bulky lots during the Scouts the landing at Puer- cabarets posted “Full up” signs and error. WHEREAS. The Legislature of the State of Arizona Awarded Boy charging that 25 (AP) fused to ratify the Santa Fe compact; and day. to Cabezas, which has been the no one with money to spend was Henry W. Harter, Prosecutor SAN PEDRO, Cal., Dec. Cali- WHEREAS, representing the states of Arizona. inch - turned away from any place of McClintock’s assistant throughout —Several buildings on the dock .Committees Attends Hi Service NEW YORK, Dec. 25 (AP) headquarters of the east coast ol’ fornia and Nevada have repeatedly met in an endeavor of arrive at an however, way public the trial, and prosecutor-elect, will here were wrecked and holiday These labors, gave Awards of life saving medals to the Sacasa faction, amounted to entertainment. agreement and apportion the water available for use in the lower en- when shortly before noon to another Boy Scouts living in various armed intervention by the United 0 have charge of the prosecution of crowds were periled today among these states and to determine an equitable basis for ob- five basin gagement, father, mother and son country and certifi- in the internal of WOMAN LEAPS TO DEATH the other indicted men. He plans the freight steamer J. L. Lucken- taining revenue from the development of hydro-electric power for the sections of the States affairs attending They NEW YORK, Dec. 25 (AP) to seek further convictions iu the bach crashed into a ferry landing. states in which the power would be developed; and church services. cates to nine others were announc- Nicaragua. He added that the through rain to during Withdrawing from a party of beginning February 7, when A terminal island ferry, with 150 AVHEREAS. The proposals made to Arizona by the State of Cal- motored the ed today by Daniel Carter Beard, steps had been taken flic case Episcopal friends with whom she had been it is expected that Rudner will be persons aboard, managed to miss ifornia have failed to meet with the approval of the Arizona con- Foundry Methodist national Boy Scout commissioner. holiday recess of the American they the terms Cali- where dining in an apartment in west brought into court. the ship by inches, and a similar ferrees and they advise me that cannot accept church on Sixteenth street The medals were given those who congress - because the Washington fornia offers and do believe that the Legisltuve or the people of conducted under to avoid street, Hargett, waiting on the scam- not the service was actualy placed their own lives in administration desired 55th Mrs. Pauline number dock Arizona will accept terms; and Washington safety these the auspices of the while certificates congressional intervention ol its 28, of Steubenville, Ohio, tonight GERMANS ATTACK FRENCH pered to the shore and as r jeopardy the WHEREAS, The general situation as it affects Arizona has been ! bey elev- MAYENCE, Germany, Dec. feet Federation of churches. went to those who saved the life activities in Nicaragua. opened a window and leaped 25 the large steamer tore out 50 endangered and aggravated by the approval granted to a certain soldiers heard the pastor, Dr. G. M. Dif- another, and all were res- ’ State department officials would csn stories to her death. Police (AP) —Two French were of piling. measure known as Swiug-Johnson, Boulder Canyon Dam Act by of for .the fenderfer, in a sermon, describe (Continued on page 3) found in the apartment a physi- attacked and beaten by a group of The J. L. Luckenbach, a 14,000- the Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation, and the com- cuing persons from drowning. of Christmas cian's prescription blank, on the : seven Germans as they left the ton vessel, was backing out of her mittee of the House of Representatives on Irrigation and Reclamation “the real meaning to the life back of which was written “Good- ' garrison chapel tlys morning as- berth preparatory to departing for of the United States Congress; and and cite its application in the Swing- a mass. , in WHEREAS, Under the terms and conditions set out of the nation. bye, tor attending midnight but of turning . Connie.” -1 instead Johnson, Act. Arizona he na- Unfortunates Again Hunt Work mid-channel, Boulder Canyon Dam the State of would “As individuals and as a New York’s the ship continued its and its invaded; injured and rights jeopardized sovereignty and tion,” he said, “we must learn straight across, smashing stern- AVHEREAS, has made avail- No approprition been made or funds (Continued on Page 2) As 'Santa Claus’ Jobs Go Out of Season 300 Ex-Convicts From 20 Penitentiaries first into the landing. Several able to defray the expenses of committees representing Arizona or concession buildings were wrecked to employ attorneys or engineers to represent and protect the inter- NEW YORK, 'DEC. 25 1 season. Os course, it was colder , and a two-story structure 70 feet ests of Arizona in this great natural resource which lies within our this winter than last but-the wind * Eat Dinner in Case (By Associated Press) Christmas was badly prob- domain; and away so shaken it was Christmas, but to J could be cheated by picking a ably fall. was WHEREAS, The State Highway Department is severely handi- Today ( good corner. CHICAGO, Dec. 25 (AP) —Thfee I and I'll mooch you a pair of will The steamer | THE WEATHER j many “Santa Claus ’ men on | capped in its activities due the lack of finances to match anchored in the outer harbor for to adequate When it became tiresome ring- who had served in pants.” available federal aid moneys and the State of Arizona is in danger the busy street corners, it was hundred men I survey of damage and for in- jins the little bell that beckoned a of losing federal aid money appropriated for highway purposes un- Sunday unsettled; Saturday with Sunday next, twenty penitentiaries had Christ- One after another, men with of Arizona: only the call of spectors the steamboat service less the State matches its funds and same; portion; the day for hunting the purses of the passer- something say, earns the probably snow northeast then Monday, mas dinner today in a fashionable to rose to say it. to make an inquiry. NOW, THEREFORE, George Arizona, by, one could always change to the I, W. P. Hunt, Governor of somewhat warmer Monday, proh- another job. Dr. Sometimes it Avas a simple ad- in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the authority in other hand. Then, sometimes, restaurant as the kuests of ably days, they’ve j mission that crime “doesn’t pay” THREE TRAINMEN KILLED me vested by the Constitution, do hereby convene the Eighth Legis- fair. For the last ten there Ben L. patron of out- Sunday Mon- j was an extra dime from a Reitman, purpose 25 of the State of Arizona in special in Phoenix, the Capi- New Mexico: and been earning $3.25 a day. Their an announcement of “to HATTIESBERG. Miss., Dec. lature session rising j pedestrian who thought the eyes casts. tal of Arizona, at ten o’clock on the morning of Monday, January day cloudy and unsettled; and their scanty clothing go straight,” quite as often it was (AP) —Van Martin, engineer. Lane poverty of the merry Santa as ap- A. D„ 1927. for the purpose of on the sub- temperature. hidden gay red Claus “It’s funny to walk into a fancy the recital of a grievance; a story Langford, brakeman, and Ernest third, providing legislation have been beneath pealing as jects hereinafter following: AVINS LOW his alms box. being strapped up by Scott, when and white suits. Their eyes have joint like this,” remarked a man of the wrists fireman, were killed (1> To enact legislation and make to properly j But the gay season is over now Ship appropriations Courtesy of H. J. touts somehow lost the grim look of from Atlanta penitentiary. in prison, of going without dinner the engine of a Gulf and the interests of the State of in the Colorado River and today is Saturday. The Santa conserve Arizona Santa Fe Weather Obseru-r in want as they peered ‘‘l to go straight I “except on Sunday,” for failure to Island railroad train on the Col- provide for its development. men over want but and to High Temperature 2« | Claus suits have been turned in. an- fill a certain number of barrows umbia branch plunged through a (2) enact legislation and make appropriation for the finan- the bushy white beards of the pa- haven't decent clothes,” said To Temperature I The $.‘>.25 a day job is ended. On after had to with stone, or of. contracting a washed-out trestle south of Silver cing and administration of-the Arizona State Highway Department. Low other Reitman called No precipitation. tron saint of the gay Christmas | Monday they’ll hunt another job. him “Staud up and tell your story drug habit in jail. Creek. Mississippi early today.