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Of Dempsey and Tunney Philadelphia, Sept

Of Dempsey and Tunney Philadelphia, Sept

m CT V R B 8S BUn ...... • ; ■" ' * ’':■ *" “ ^ -V'-r------'^' ■ '' ’-.r THJB WEATHER. AyERACHS'DAIIiY dROCltAlIQE OP THB BVEMING HBRAU> PNMUy. local showan toalghl. for Oie m, ■ 'sf. ■; ' i'. • . Co^

VOL. XLIV., NO. 801. Adt*tlBlag oa Pact e MANCHESIS^VCON n I W SEP^Ml^R 2 2 ,1 9 ^ . ^ .jsi PAGESS) PRICE THREE CENIS^ ... .1. '■ , V GOBS ,PUNCH EFFIGY__ y BOA^TS^BM)CK SlREfer WALSH PICKS OP SECRETARY WILBUR. TAXI DRIVERS Norfolk, Va., Sept 22.— In­ censed over orders from Secre- ' tary Wilbur, canceling a DEMPSEY, “AS carnival that was to have been GIVE TIP ON 5 held tonight, sailors from the naval base here erected an effigy B A D ^ H E I S ” of the secretary and “ punched” ILLEGAL AUENS It with gusto. Base officers are I OF STORM conducting an Investigation. More than 24,000 worth of Calk Big Fq^t Greatest tickets had been sold for to­ Chinese as Well as Span­ \ night’s show, the proceeds of AJD FUND TO’ CHtOSS which were to have gone to the MILLION MARK TODAY Extrayaganza of All Tiine; navy relief funds. iards Go ^^Sight Seemg” TYPHOID C R M The action was taken .on pro­ Wa«blQ|;toii> dept. 12.— The tests by Norfolk ministers. nation's oontrtbatlon to the re­ Jack Is Bad But Tunney in Cahs from to lief o f Florida: hnrrloane sufler- BY HURRICANE ore was exipeoted to cross the MENACE OVER New York. 11,000.000 mark today. Is Worse. Every -Incoming mall was COVENTRY SHRINE . BWOlUng total nf nearly 1800- AT PB6AC0LA 000 reached last night by the T o i m z o i (BY DAVIS WALSH) Stamford. Sept. 22.— Alertness American Red Cross, v FOR CITIZENSHIP of the Stamford police department Ten thodaand dollars tor em­ . Sept. 22,— It la a apparently has checked an efl.irt ergency pvrposes has been tele­ '31 Cases in Two Florida dllAcult undertaking to pick a win­ Heavy DamageV Done to Land graphed to Sebrlng. Fla., in re- to admit manv foreigners to the spoBSo to ah urgent plea for ner of the Dempsey-Tunney match United States In defiance of the Im­ help.' tor the championship Memory of Nathan Hale migration bars. As the result of In- Property and Shipping; Cities FoDow Water Poln-, of the world tomorrow night for tcrroation obtained whan local the simple reason that one of them Landed as Sesqni of His pol.'ce arrested four Boston taxi Great Storm Dying Out in tion— Navy Hurries Ser Is such a poor lighter and the other drivers yesterday afternooa, immi­ gration agents arrested five Chinese MOOREHiVEN IS. Is likely to be worse. Death Is Celebrated. in Jersey City during the night and Inland Mississippi. urns— Bimini Swept. That Is a terrible Indictment to took them to Ellis Island for de­ Carried by hurricane high waters flrom their moorings in Fair draft against a two million dol­ portation u.'.'ceedlngs. Haven canal, boats wer^ swept into Miami avenue, completely ACRYQFTIIEDEAD lar house, but the fact of the mat­ Coventry, Sept. 22.— The man, George Coie, Mortimer Bromber- blocking all street traffic and scattering wreckage for many New Orleans, Sept. • 2|.— Still Today for the first time it wat ter la that Gene Tunney never lick­ ger, Robert A. F. Morse, anJ blocks. isolated by the tropical hurricane, I possible to get a comprehensivt Nathan Hale, was presented as an George Roberts all taxi drivers ed a good man and doesn’t figure Pensacola today continued its ef­ view of the extent pf tho Florida to change his style now, and Jack Inspiration to the youth of today, from the Boston district. >were to­ First Hand Story of Storm’s Dempsey Is a man without legs— a as representing the highest type of day released from police custody forts to communicate with the out­ huriirane disaster. .good guy when ho had them but far Connecticut manhood, by A. B. and allowed to return to their side world by means of radio. Southern Florida, hardest hit, it homes at the suggestion of William HURRICANE KILLS BLACK HAND BOMB from the man who cut Willard Into Meredith, state commissioner of The Pc- -:ola N '"al air station Ghastly Work Told by resolutely going about the task o4 human hamburger at Toledo seven A. Riley, an Immigration Inspector education, during exercises held several times reported disabled by burying its dead, checking the nds- years ago. who came here yesterday from ^ere this afternoon marking tlie Ellis Island to investigate the pres­ 400 IN PARAGUAY DOES HUGE DAMAGE the terrific storm, wirelessed the Reporter on the Spot. sing and building anew. There are no Illusions to be main­ Algiers naval radio station that 150th anniversary of the death of ence in Stamford of twelve The gulf coMt, embracing Pen* tained about this fight. Tunney three persons were killed, many never has shown that he belongs In Spaniards. sacolo. Mobile, Biloxi and -othei Nathan Hale. injured and extensive- property the same ring with the heavyweight Gave Information By JOSEPH L. IMUBE. noted resorth, has been extensive­ It Is proper, Mr. Meredith said, Morse and Roberts told the In­ damage by the iSO-mile-an-hour champion of the world and the lat­ to honor such a noble deed of self- Encarnacion, City of 35,000 Wrecks Two Ohio Buildings gale. ly damaged, but there has been ter has given rather obvious hints spector they had taken five "Japan­ sacrifice, and refiectlon on the life This was the third message to Moorehaven, Fla., Sept. 22.— that he 1s about forty per cent of ese” to New York from Boston In comparatively little loss of^fe.. and character of Hale make Is pos­ be received from Pensacola by This is a city of the dead today, the man who Intrigued the general their taxis and were returning when Wrecked by Great Storm Reports gathered throughout sible to visit Coventry, his birth­ and 15 Autos, Starts radio In 24 hours. Late yesterday deserted by all but a few desolate public with the Idea that he was they saw two other Boston taxis Florida Indicated that the deatL place, without,becoming better citi­ outside police headquarters here. the naval air station sent a wire­ souls stranded in high buildings. and is a man-klller. zens of Connecticut und better less to the effect that gr%t prop­ td l ultimat-’y will approximate Dempsey Legless They stopped and told of their Like That in Florida. $250,000 Fire, Hurts 2. Words cah scarcely describe the Americans. erty damage was done. Later the Dempsey's legs have gone. On passengers. The Inspector started a 460. This figure may be IncMha* 8}unbol of Manhood Revenue Cutter Tallapoosa said gruesomeness, the sorrow and the surface, he Is a man in perfect movement which led to the dis­ ed or diminished but It is ,beUev« He spoke of the characteristics tho gale had damaged many ships. needs of this former thriving little physical condition. His wind Is covery of the five Chinese. , Sept. 22.— An Ex­ Youngstown, 0., Sept. 22.— A ed the final count will be .near of Nathan Hale, of his simple yet Two foreign ships, unnamed, good, his eye, clear, his actions Morse and Roberts had been bomb, set off early today in the city of 1,400 which now has but busy life, his abilities, manly vigor, change Telegraph dispatch from broke their moorings and went figure; The injured probabljr to^ those of a man who has reached the hired to drive the men to New plant of the Youngstown Grocery 800 of its former population ac­ and mental alertness. In conclud­ Asuncion, Paraguay, today stated aground, the Tallapoosa wireles­ tal ^600, and the homeless pMb- pinnacle of physical training. But York, their fares having approach­ Company here. Injured nine per­ counted for. Hotels, churches and ably 85,000. ing, he declared that the name of ed them on the street in Boston. that the city of Encarnacion is a sons, wrecked two buildings and sed. Many small craft were re­ he Is a slightly elderly gent, as we Nathan Hale has become the “ sym­ ported sunk. private homes In Sebriug and vici­ On the gulf coast there were figure things In this racket, and the The Chinese came to this country shambles, with four hundred dead, fifteen automobiles and resulted In nity are.housing these 800 home­ bol of American manhood and of Island a Protection probably 20 deaths. first thing to show this condition Is on the British Steamer Penar Del three hundred Injured and virtual­ a fire which caused $250,000 dam­ less, Some the remnants., of'large The property damage, even yet, patriotic devotion everywhere.” Rio, the same vessel bringing the age. While property loss was great, famUIes. a pair of legs that refuse to carry Former Attorney General Chas. ly all houses In the city blown can only be estimated but the state Spaniards, who are being held here Acting Chief of Police Leroy more extensive dam ^e was pre­ their master in the style to which Phelps, of Rockville, also made an down, as. the result of a huj'.rjcane A conservative estimate of the- of Florida probably has snfferei^ until the immigration officers ar­ Goodwin Announced 'that the . exr vented hv the fneF that Santa Rosr /dead la 66. he Is accustomed. ^ address this afternoon. which struck-tiere last.night. Island acts p.s a natural bresVwat- 91BO,000,()00; the gulf coast less Dempsey no longer Is up on his range to take them to Ellis Island plosive had been planted In the The main butfiness street Is lit­ than a third of that. A pageant, staged by the thir­ Op. Alta ^Parana. basement of the building by mem­ er. . T’'- '"•m raged for twe dayn tered with broken plate glass and toes, shooting punches from here, teen towns of Tolland county, was also. Encarnacion is the capital of En­ The Spaniards told Inspector bers of a' black hand society. The air station suffered some debris underneath the dirty water there and what have you. Ho has given during the afternoon, and the carnacion province, locaied .on tDe damage, accounting for its long Miami, Sept. 22.— ^Wlth Hie hur­ taken to spreading his legs In order Riley they were merely seeing the Follows Thireats which* poured Into the city Satur- stage was then set for the evening Alta Paraha river, abpot>25p m li^ >silence,^ The.InjujTr. was reported ricane which wrecked this city and to get all the leverage possible Into sights of the east and had n. in­ The seriously injured are Frank ..... - , celebration which is to be a state from Asuncion. It Ihas - a popn- Rogers, suffering from hemorruage’ email, however, and- wa» repaired aU-4owns In the vicinity div^ed his punches and. In dotog that, he tention o t violating the immigra­ ■Moorehaven Is now praptlcally- to Pensacola and Mobile the south­ celdbrtct'ibn.' lation of, 35,000.. and Ffied Braun, internal injuries. sufficiently to give the waiting deserted pxcept for the few women has cut down his punching speed by Message From Coolidge tion laws. HOaK One RNmdrodrDead. - eastern coast of Florida today pre- a matter of fifty per cent. I look for ■ V.-Sllvestrl, proprietor . of the outside world the' first nfiws. ' ] < and . children ^waiting in attics to be A message from President Coo- Buenos Ayfes,- Sept. 22.—More< grocery orgEinlzatlon, told^ 'acting As the storm damage'was being pared to combat a fresh menace-^— Dempsey to miss a lot of punches taken,to Sebrlng for' .temporary. epidemic. Thirty-one cases of ty­ lldg and speeches by George Dud­ than onevhun^red'^ariei believed to. chl^.C^odwin that he had receved repaired, Pensacola thought df its Edging. tomorrow night. ley Seymour, of New Haven, own­ be dead, five hundred injure^ ,an ’ . -Bodies of the drowned could be owing to the pollution of the water Unites States Senator Hiram Bing­ ferers in I^lami and adjacent supply. -,.1 is supposed to be made to order for ham, of-New Haven; and Gov. John flo storm which swept- Encarna­ td-wns. ' ' • seeor at high places where, thejr had Dempsey. He retreats under fire H. Trumbull, of PlalnvUle* will be CHARGE OF EXTORTION cion, Paraguay, according to re- Mep-iwhlle additional reports, of h^n swept by the water from the Special supolies of abtl-toxln and the leopard changes his spots ports received today. broken' dikes. Chicken .cackled were being lushed here from the chief. features of the evening. YACHT , casualties elsewhe~» camq 'In. ndfthern cities .to combat the fresh about as often as the fighter Three children were^A^^Wd In from floating boards and 'house­ changes hls style under; fire In the With Housekeeper Is Accused tops. ■menace., PHALANX AT COVENTRY Baldwin qonnty, AUbkiha, reports, ring. They may have told Tunney of Attempt to Mulct De­ DESTROYED BY FIRE ■Water' hyacinths covered many The official check of . the dead-in FOR SESQUI OF HALE. said, while p'rbpeHjg.Toss in coastal Miami and on Florida^.s east coast what hei must do in order to take troit Bishop of $30,000. towns may reach k'hVSge total. bodkis. - . • • . the play from Dempsey, but once PROMISES TO TRACE Large ;.metal.:'nll tanks-lay eight now has passed the 300 mark, and, Hartford, Sept. 22.— Carrying No Mobile Dbatbs ' . the bell rings and the fight is un­ Costly Delphine.'Burns at Hud­ and ten mllea: from-their, original more than 6,000 are injured. muskets that aided in gaining free­ . Sept. 22.— Rev. Joseph Mobile, cut o ff’ from outside l^sitlon-.'V^erb a little stretch of Ghoul. Looters Lynched. der way, an actor answering his F. Halliscy, 59, of St. Leo's Roman BONDS t o DAUGHERTY son Rivw Anchorage— r Art communicatton for several days, cue v(ill be no more Instinctive than dom for the American colonies, or road stuck out of the water, hun­ As a warning to all looters, Catholic church, and Mlss^Ada Cur- Treasures Go. > had ,lti badly crippled wires par­ Tunney. He will fight the way he is their replicas, and dressed in the dreds'Ot rabbits and other, small .whose vnerk has added to. the her- . now, 57, hls housekeeper, today tially festered today No lpss'^)f accustomed to fighting, which is to buff and blue of the old Continen­ animals < were lying . drowned, rors of the’ storm area, two Ne­ were under arrest In conneetlon New York, Septj 22.— The pala­ life peedred tBete'but^da'inage^ tp feint a man, ask him to come on tals, the Putnam Phalanx, historic Goveiminent Says Proof He’ and where they had scampered to what groes discovered at Hialeah cut­ with the mailing of letters contain­ tial yacht Delphine, built by ’the public bulldlngv add public utili­ and hit and then either make him battalion named for General Israel Miller Took “TMvvy” W ill Be they thought-a safe place. ting rings from corpses’ hands Putnam, went to Coventry this ing an alleged attempt to extort late Horace Dodge, automobile ties will reachL|8;000,P''''. . Houses we?e like kindling wood were hanged'to electric light poles, miss or take the punch where it Given in Few Days. manufacturer, was destroyed'.'by The wiole of the wharf fronts might land and answer it with a morning to take part In the ob­ $30,000 from Bishop Michael J. in most places,. pUed up with corn and their bodies riddl^ with bul­ Gallagher, of Detroit. Miss Curnow fire early today as It rode at an­ in 'Mobile and Pensacola were dfe^ counter. servance of the Sesqul-Centenntal stalks, straw and - .dead animals. lets, according to reports there. anniversary of the death of Nathan Is being held as a witness. It Is un­ New Yprk, Sept. 22.—tAnimUnce- chor In the Hudson rlVer. I t ' was mpllshed and the. damage .suffered One- of one little party saw a tiny The tangle which the hurricane Doubts Camp Tales ment was made by the goyernuient owned by Mrs. Hugh Dilllman, Mr. by Pensacola -will' tdtkl at least $8,- They tell us that Tunney will be Hale, Connecticut’s patrio martyr. derstood. dog gazing with pleading eye> into made .of communications is being The arrests were made by Depu­ today at the baugherty-^Mlller Dodge’s widow. Firemen deoiared 000,000, It was cohsgrvatlvr’ v esti­ the mass.of flotsam. We called to slowly straightened out. Contact a new man against Dempsey; that conspiracyttrial that, the $391,000 the yacht a .total loss. . mated. The Louisville, a’-d Nash­ has been established, to a limited he will carry the fight to the cham­ ty U. S. Marshall August Hebert in him, threw sticks' to m ake. him the parish house . Hebert said In liberty bonds, the so-called "div­ The Delphine was a floating pal­ ville railroad reborted losses lu swim, to us from the debris and extent, with Pensacola and Mobile. pion until one or the other goes MANY PERISH IN FIGHT vy” , which Richard JMerton,, Germ­ ace and one of the. largest-yachts tho Florida port at $800,000. Pensa'ceda reported many Injured dowiiTind stays there. That, they OP MEXICANS AND YAQUIS. Father Hallisey was In the midst of tribd 'to tempt,him, but he refused, frantic packing proceedings when an financier, alleged he paid to In AmerlcOi Furnishings destrqyed' Electrical pla” *® and street car to move. We en<^d. the dog’s there and great property damage say, is the only way to beat Demp­ by the fire. Included antiques- and when the warrant was served. have the $7,000,000 assets of-;rthe sc—vices were put '" ’ t ot commfs- watch with, a bullet and marked, with* the waterfront in ruins, tlpo- sey. Nogales, Arlz., Sept. 22.— Twen­ American. Metals Company return­ rare paintings...... r; . • slon In M ’ lie, ' Pensacola and bile reported no known loss of life I am pleased to doubt it, as far ty-seven Mexican soldiers and thir­ the spot so the. sirptcheu ' bearers ed to their foreign’, owners, "will other cities and tbwnSi with tlfe mlghtiknow where-tofind hls mas­ but damage probably amounting tc as Gene Tunney is concerned. A ty Yaqul Indians were killed when be traced - witWn ;tbe ^ next few. $i,000,0OQ, a band of ft 00 warring tribesmen possibility they may not ‘be fully ter whpp the .debris' .was being man with only a fair punch has no days. tOj;the possession of the de- AMERICAN COUPLE , restored tor several days. cleared. X Bimini Devastated. . particular business mixing it with ambushed a federal detachment MONARCHIST COUP IN fendante/.V . - ' : ■ V The hurricane has about spent Seek Dead With Boats. The island of, Bimini, BahanuDir a slugger who can and will laugh near Orbs, Mexico, according to was devastated by the same hurri? word reaching here today. The government’s annouaceiueut Its force. The last heard of It was punches off in a high falsetto. was made- by Kenneth Slmpsoh, -as­ GET OUT OF WUCHiOlG Natives whp h'ad |n?t.. slept for cane that'swept Florida, according? th|it It was movlnr'.'-irthw'^stward’ threo'dayB searohedr.tj^ and down Dempsey not only is a great hitter GREECE IS EXPECTED sistant district attoimey,, while; Into Mississippi With;.Vanid’v 'di­ ■to reports-here.’ Althou^ property^ but is a great catcher, as he proved Samuel Rosenband, employed by what' .kkd^been .streets.. for their damage'--was great,, no loss.of life F. E. Shepherd and Wife minishing Infepslty^^;^ light rain lOYbd opes' in boats’ ,v^th _motor In the Flrpp fight. Therefore. I, for TREASURY B.\LANCE. Goldman, Sachs &; Co., brokers of. was reported. * ; ''> Ex-King George Is in Buchar­ ported as. Escaped from with moderate’ winds . was:■faille '"kickers.” The sheriff? 'front Se-. Dne, would like to know what they New York, wes on the stand tes­ today in Vicksbuf^sr' and New 0 ? Declare Independence. > mean by telling Tunney to take the Washington, Sept. 22.— Treas­ est With Backing of . Ene­ seij^ed Chinese City. bring and his deputies bad^ciow- “ Miami is mistress of her fete.",?. tifying regarding the bonds. , leans. bhrs And im'plemen^ and worked ury balance as of Sept. 20: |387,- mies of Kondylis. That a claim for/ twenty shares ’ V > Shipplpit Hsbapes' ■Thla Is the thought put forwikrd by (Continued on Page 8.) 936,662.37. •in water until their iiahds bled in the leaders, of affairs In this city. . ’ of the seized German-owned assets Shanghai, Sept.--22.— Twq of ' Train settee -here ‘wps, some­ an attenipt. s^rdh put dpd. re- London, Sept. 22.— A state of of the Metals company was disal­ Marshal Pel ,Fu’s supporters. what bampeted by conditions ' Denial was made today of a re^ injoye' bodies'ftpm. houses. ’"We' hlk- ported conflict between civil and grave political unrest, with a lowed on August 2, 1921, by both Generals Tien Zei'Cin and Chin Yn c-Tong the coast.-’'.Hlifh —-jter was pd,T8 milM-'aUd .wkded 'in amter to movement for the restoration o f the United States attorney- gener­ Nao, have revolted, according to forecast'for Lake 'Bo.ntch'artfain .ps military authorities over- relli^ our waists .for six miles in going to ministration, but rumors contfeuea the monarchy, growing In strength al’s office and the alien proper^ word received here today from the- result of a iwo-l»i''b ralnfajl the'aeene and, returning. The trip exists In Athens, according to re­ custodian's office, while the $7,- Hankow. The revolt was sald'tp yppterday. Sblpplpg "Tias escaped of a rift brought about by deter­ was.as a'living nightmare, inde­ mination o f local men to make, ports from responsible Greek 000,000 claim concerning shares have, been precipitated by the ex- wHb practlcallx da as scribable in its horror. sources reaching London today. of the same trust fund was granted eention of General Tien Wei Chin’s plain that this city -was npt help­ The Rom ance of Am erica . 100 Coffins, in Morgue. Ex-Klng George of Greece, who In September, 1921, was testified chief brigadier-general-. More . fContInaed; CN) Page 2.) less and entirely dependent upon - h e fence, almost seven has been living In , left today. than 150,000 troops We Involved More'^ than a hundred coffins are outside help in i^ ln g ’ for lfe storm feet high, with a deep here ten days ago and Is now re­ In the revolt, is is reported. ” in Sebrlng’B temporary morgue, victims and rebuilding. T ditch beyond, looked ported In Bucharest, within twelve General Sun Chuan Fang, with established where most pf the refu­ The 'Westeni Union Telegraph to be an almost impossible hours’ travel time of Athens. He gees are houses. Last night when Company was able to maintain brief EXTENDS BRITISH 40,000 troops, arrived atiKluklang obstacle. left England at the urgent request today and will probably move Into SAVES P AS IRISH a.ttainlQtifi. of bodies were brought wire service from here early today. But the foes of American EMERGENCY. of his supporters In Greece, It Is the battle-area 'shortly. into their temporary festlng place, By tonight the. Southern Bell Tele­ liberty were behind, their reported. Reports reaching here today Y A c b BURNS AT SEA tired men, women and children phone Company expects to have a horses coming closer at The regime of General Kondylis London, Sept. 22.— The kfng stood in a vpouring rain to watch few of jts wires in workable' condi­ this afternoon issued a proclama-^ from Wuchang stated that F. E. every bound, and Francis Is sorely tried, according to private the grim , work of unloading them. tion. Marion, the “ Swamp Fox” j tion extending the state of emer­ Shepfierd and wife, two of twenty- Information, and serious trouble one Americans facing starvation In Women, became hysterical while Rushing Serums. was brave. gency for another month. Dutch Freighter Standii^ by some looked on as though In the may flare forth at almost any time. that besieged city, have escaped. 'Washington, ^ p t. 22.— All avail­ The wily little scout and: Opponents of General Kondylis Blazing Wreck—^Not Known midst of a horrible dream. able typhoid anti-toxin and tetanus. general of the Revolution! accuse him of showing dictatorial If iHl Are Rescued. . \ 'There is 'grpat danger , of disease vaccine at the headquarters of the was never captured. Hls tendencies and charge that he is as the sun shines and water is glv- Seventh Naval District have been escapes seemed miraculous. taking steps so that the forthcom­ Home Rule by Wards Brings Boston, Sept. 22.— Afire ' Ing.tip the dead that were'not pln- rushed to Miami to combat the Turn to Page 6 today and ing elections will not be carried sinking, with six men taken off, ned. beneath wreckage. menace of epidemics, according V* read the first chapter of out freely under the majority sys­ was l2ie plight of the yacht Mary Half-nude babies, women and a message of the Navy Debartment Marion’s story, the first In­ tem. Queer Results in New Haven O’Connor, dut of Belfast, Ireland, oldei; Children, many in overalls, this morning from the base com?; stallment of the "Romance according to ^wireless' word rpcelv- were' taken fpom housetops and mandant. of America” stories which ed here today from the Dutph plaped. In boats where they were .A Coast Guard patrol boat, car­ appear In The Herald. TOM FINLEY WIRES Freighter Jaeatra,- which,, was fed. and .taken, to the> train for rying tents, food and water, also The adventures of Marlon, New Haven, Sept. 22.— A coXp- oY the Qulnnlplac river here, with transportation to-Sebrlng. munlty of upward of 25,000 per­ the 31st and 33rd wards beyond'lt, standing by the* wreck, thirty miles has been dispEitcbed to the relief of Oliver Hazard Perry, Ste­ south by east of Cape Sable.- ' Small Boy Heroes. a party of 150 persons, reported , phen Decatur, the great THAT HE IS SAFE sons In .tpe midst of the city here n’nd except for a single artery of will continue to be' without sew­ trayerhas no paved streets. Volun­ Whether there' were any more Some- of the most heroic ' work marooned off Last Man’s river. railroad builders and trail men' aboard the Mary O’Connor was of life-saving in the flooded, city , The Coast Guard cutter Sankee, blazers of the West, the ers, pavements and:police and l^re teers make up the-firet department Relatives of Thomas Finley and service as the outcome of a special and constables' do police duty, the not learned. The decks were awash, waS' done by young boys. On© red­ which has rendered yeoman servlqe pioneers of Texas, the he­ family, formerly of referendum yesterday by resldentB; with only three fw pof the^ralliag headed lad of 12 or 13 saved his In the relief work arowd. SUaihl. roes and inventors of young local government being vested in but now of Miami, Florida, -were of the 32'nd ward.‘A difference of two'associations, Fair Haven East shdwlng’above watef and the'fUppr- mother and- two sisters, none ot has gone ashore outs! d

‘ if e W - ■ 1 - i: ’ i^i .f :■■■.■ < J - .- ■ '. » , ‘ •' ^ V 'a7«- •'• ’^ ■ ' ■• ' ■• :i^:‘^’"/ ‘‘^‘’^->r^t^^/>0.:"'^S^ -' w f PAGE TWO ■((fi ito^CJHESTER EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 22, 1926.

I # - ■ •' The Last of th^ S-35 DIRECTOR WARREN Fonck’s Ship Goes Up-^In Flames LOCAL STOCKS ADDRESSES CLUB 1 (Fnnilabed by Patnam A Oo^ < I- ' 6 Central Row. Hartford, Conn.) \ i i i * B id. Ask ■ Tells Women Voters League - Aetna Cas. ft Sur. . . — 785 m s ^ Abotit Work\Done in Trade I Aetna L if e ...... 610 630 Jack Kearns repeats that be In­ 'School Here. Automobile...... — 300 s'v b v s^ Conn. General ....1 6 5 0 1700 tends to sue for halt of everything Htfd. Steam Boiler .670' 680 Dempsey owns and we suppose this A. A. Warren, xllrector of the ^ Hartford Fire ...... 480 490 goes for his new nose, too. local Trad* school spoke before the P hoenix...... 560 580 Manchester Le&gue of Women Vot­ Travelers ...... 1?00 1225 Hie hot-dog merchants of tbe er^ at, their monthly meeting at the country have decided to observe Sohooi street Recreation Center Public Utility Stocks. dog days this year by muzzling all last-evening. Hie talk was made fsX Conn. Power Co. ...3 2 5 335 their sandiylclics. more Interesting by ^biblts of ac­ :r= - Conn. L P 7% pfd. .110 112 tual work performed in the differ­ Htfd. E. L. com. ...8 2 8 333 As soon as Dutch Reuther Join­ ent departments of the school, such Si., Htfd. Gas com...... 76 80 ed the Yanks he was stricken with as machine parts and tools made in So. N. E. Tel Co. .. .152 155 a violent stomachache. . . . But So. N. E. Tel. rights 8 8% the mechanical department, draw­ this was nothing compared to the ings from the drafting room, ex­ Ktanurartuiing Stocks. stomachache Clark Griffith got - Am. Hardware ...... 82 86 amples of cabinet making from the watching him try to pitch for carpentry shop. He explained the American Silver .... 27 32 Washington. Acme Wire com...... 11 ~ 16 methods employed In the school Blgelow-Htfd. pfd. .. 98 102 Paul Berlenbach announces and the opportunity for practical Blgelbw-Htfd. com. .. 75 80 he will not fight Wills because experience from outside oi'dera. Bristol B rass...... — ,9 he is too big. <• . . This Is at Profits of 11,200- had been turned Collins Co...... 135 145 least more orlglnhl than draw­ back to the state this year for work Colt Fire Arms .... 28 29 ing the color line. accomplished by the students In Eagle Lock ...... 98 102 this way. Fafnlr B earing...... 85 it seems unfair to give Mr. Tun- Mr. Warren called attention to Full’r Br’sh Claes AA 56 ' ney so much publicity simply be­ the fine homes In different sections A crash, s muffled expIosliHi, a sheet of fire. Loaded down with hun­ of the town built by apprentices in Hart & C ooley...... 170 Only the twisted and blackened steel framework remains of the great Sikorsky biplane that was to have cause he Is Interested In books. dreds of gallons of fuel that was to have carried it on a non-stop filght Int. Sll. pfd...... 105 110 . . . We happen to know for a the carpentry department under to , Rene FonckJs giant airplane is shown immediately after It L’nders Frary ft Clark 90 92 marked a new epoch in long-distance fiying. the guidance .of an experienced fact that Mr. Dempsey has been In­ fioundered and fell. Jewell Belting pfd. .. 80 terested In bank books for years. joiner employed by the school, also New Brit. Mach, pfd.104 \ half switching around to the south. The Hotels Esmeraldp, Ever­ to the co-operative High School- Niles Bt. Pd. N. Stock 20 22 Mr. O’Goofty says It must be Trade school courses and the textile North & Judd ...... 23 26 TYPHOID MENACE IN During the hours of dawn emer­ glades, Hehrletta, Towers and The FIRE CLEANS OUT A gency hospitals were brought into Miramar were baaly damaged. easy for an orchestra leader to courses available through co-oper­ WHOLE COURT MAY (») ' PENN. WOOLWORTR STORE. ''J R Montgomery pfd. — 80 face, the music when accosted by ation with Cheney Brothers. ^ He \J R Montgomery com. — 95 use, hotels, restaurants, even the The twelve-story Cromer-Cassell FLORIDA STORM ZONE police station, provided shelter or department store which had been an irate wife at three in the morn­ explained that the town provided Easton, Pa., Sept. 22.-^Two fife* Peck, Stow & Wilcox 20 23 ing. the building and the state and* fed­ TO DISTILUNG SCENE Russell Mfg. Co...... 55 became improvised morgues for opened Aug. 1 was but a shell, the men were injured ai^ .damage es­ the dead which had been struck stock having even been blown out. eral governments assisted in the timated at $250,000 done here Stanley Works com. . 82 86 • (Continued from page one) Now that a German has broken maintenance of the school. Smyth Mfg. Co...... 370 down by this early blow. The seventeen-story «Meyer-Kiser early today when fire destroyed At dawn many bersons made Bank Building was twisted out of all records for swimming the chan­ When the trade school was first Defense Asks Judge and Jury the five-story Field building. 'The Torrington ...... 69 71 dispatch said, 'and 6,000 more are nel we’ll have to change the slo­ established here about ten years Underwood ...... 52 54 living by makeshifts. The bread their way to the beach to take ad­ shape and the upper half leaning to Visit Darien Hospital fire destroyed the entire stock of at an angle of twenty degrees. gan to “Hans across the sea.” ago only 55 pupils took advantage the Woolworth company store. ' Whitlock Coll Pipe . . — 26 supply of the city was reported In­ vantage of the high waves. Here of the Insyructlon offered, while to­ Where Raid Was Made. S. Envelope pfd. .107 110 sufficient to meet the demand, and they romped and frolicked for a It may be hard for the Eng- day there are enrolled over 400 Bonds. there is also some worry over the couple of hours. Five or six hun­ ‘llsh critics to find anything boys coming from all parts of Bridgeport, Sept. 22.—^If for­ Htfd. Elec. Lgt. 7's .297 303 water supply. dred, somewhat frightened by the O E Y THREE KILLED BY about Herr Vierkotter’s suc­ Manchester and nearby towns. It mer Lieutenant Governor Clifford East. Conn. Pow. 5’s .9 9 A diver, with sea-going appar­ midnight storm, played along the cess to criticize but It cer­ is required that pupils complete B. Wilson gains his point. Judge Sure Relief Conn. L. P. S-^is . . .108 110 atus, was Included among the relief beach. Toward eight o’clock tainly wasn’t nice of them to, 4800 hours in the school before L. P. Waldo Marvin and the en­ Conn. L. & P. 7’s ..115 117 agencies dispatched from the Sev­ about 100 of them were'on their STORM AT PENSACOLA swim the channel with a Ger­ graduation. tire jui^y trying Dr. Anthony R. FOR INDIGESTION B’dpt. 5’s ...... 103 105 enth District naval base. way back to Miami. Scarcely had man accent. Campo of 495 Atlantic street, First Wli-e Restored. they got well on their way across Stamford, on a charge of manufac- A slender strand of copper wire the long causeway when the hur­ (Contlnned from page 1) The most misleading thing In tu'-ing liquors, will move to DarleU today linked this city with the out­ ricane! in its second and worst the world Is the spectacle of the before the trial ends to Inspect the^ lltPKg^^ New York Stocks side world for the first time since phase struck them. A ga,te tend­ ample warning had been given in town saint cairying home a bottle BAHAMAS LOSS LESS rp'ien r^lef hospital, where Dr. early Saturday morning when the er on the Miami end of the cause­ advance of the-storm. of catsup wrapiied up. Campo is accused of having had Bcllans hurricane tore down all communi­ way told Freng that mountainbms The only vessel renorted In dis­ THAN LAST SUMMER a huge distillery. Judge Marvin Hot w ater High Low 2 P. M. cation lines. ' wall of water Suddenly -rose from tress was the United Fruit Com­ For the first time In 15 years took Mr. Wilson’s motion for su'^h Sure Relief At. Gulf. W. I. 39% 39 39% After working a force of approx­ fT-'cayne Bay as the wind develop­ pany steamer Andersonen, bound Jim Thorpe will not play football a visit under advisement today and Am Sugar Ref; 76 76 76 imately one thousand men almost ed and crashed across the bridge. for New York from Guatemala this year. . . Jim Thorpe? Didn’t went on with the trial. Am Tel & Tel.144% 144% 144% constantly since the wires went The bathers were tossed off like with a cargo and crew of 45 men there used -to be an Indian or Not More Than Dozen Lives Dr. Campo, who Is 32 denied . S l L A N S Anaconda . . . 49 48% 49 down, the Southern Bell Telephone leaves. Those who still were In and officers, which was said to be something by that name? Taken by Hurricane— Rum all knowledge of the stills and al­ MSS end ,75s FMmges ev*nr»»w»» Am Smelting .145’% 142% 143% Company ^vas finally able to put bathing were also carried away. aground near Guantanamo Bay, Ships Are Wrecked. cohol and denied knowing that Am L o c ...... 105% 105% 105% one wire in working condition. On A hu|C apartment building on Cuba. > the four men working ou the stills Miami Beaoh, housing. It is estl- Am Car F’dry.lOO 99% 99% the one wire ten separate channels Pecan Crops Ruined FAVORS STIFF SENTENCES Nassau, Bahama Islands, Sept. had their sleeping quarters, on the CHICKEN DINNERS Atchison ....1 5 7 % 155 155% of commouicatlon have been estab­ r'.nted at least 100 persons, col­ A tugboat dispatched to eastern 22.—The Bahamas escaped the hur­ second floor of tbe doctor’s ga­ At All Times. ^ B & O ...... 107%8 106% 106% lished—a telephone wire only for lapsed. .s’’ore resort:: from Mobile made_a rage. 50% On his way to Miami, Freng says ricane of last Frld^ with far less Beth Steel ‘B’ 50% 50% company emergency business. Im­ survey and reported that Fair FOR AUTOMOBILE THIEVES serlpus damage than that done dur­ Chandler .... 14 14 14 portant press wires, and automatic the wind was blowing 120 miles an Hope, Point Clair and Zundel’s, THE RAINBOW INN 33% hour. He took shelter In a gutter ing the storm of last summer. Chill Copper . 33% 33% telegraphic printer wire. said to have been wined out by the Although reports from the Is­ Atop Bolton Hill. Cons Gas N Y.108.% 106% 107% “If that wire snaps, the entire alongside the road, lying there storm, were virtually undamaged. from 9 o’clock A. M. until 12:30 Atlanta.—Longer terms on Geor­ lands are still meager it is believed Col. Fuel Iron 45% 45 45% ten separate lines of communica­ No loss of life was reported. gia chain gangs were urged by Su­ Ches & Ohio .170% 168% 169 P. M. At the outset of the second the loss ,of life will not exceed a tion will be broken,” telephone As far as could be ascertained, perior Judge John T. Humphries do^eu. Tbe property damage has ATI Cruc Steel . . . 7 4 % 7 4 % 74% linemen said. “We hope to have storm he and two comrades tried the heaviest loss to the'coast sec­ in denouncing the practice of giv­ been exceedingly heavy. Greater love hath no man than General • Can. Pacific ..165% 165% 165% long distance toll calls available to save the life of a woman who tion will be the damage to the ing suspended sentences to youths Erie ...... 34% 33 33 but a minute before had given pre­ pecan crop. Various reports said In Nassau the damage was* not this, that a man lay down his life Auto Repairing and soon. Thousands are trying to convicted of stealing automobiles. extensive but in other islands It is trie 1st .... 44%- 43% 44% phone to lelatives.” mature birth to a child. As they the loss would be ninety per cent; Judge Humphries made the recom­ for his friend.—John 15:13. Gen. Asphalt 82 80% 80% .were carrying the woman and the The property loss was particu­ reported that great damage was • « • Overhauling Miami Harbor Clear, mendation in charging the county done to shipping and the harbor SHELDON’S OARAGE Gen. Elec . . 87% 86% 87 Washington, Sept. 22.—Miami child out of the wreckage of her larly heavy in Pensacola and Ocean grand jury. Love Is but another name for Gen Mot...... 159 156% 157% home, a telephone, pole In front Springs, but at Meridian, Miss, the front. that inscrutable presence by which Rear of 25 Hollister Street. . harbor is safe for ships, Lieut.- Pointing out that 1,308 cars At Bimini It is feared a number Great No. Pfd. 77% 77% 77% Col. Mark Brooke reported to the of the door was wrenched loose cotton damage will be less than were stolen in Atlanta in the space the soul is connected with humani­ Phone 119-3. Residence 69S-2. 111. Central ..125 124% 125 and thrown against her ‘husband, of lives hav» been lost and ships ty.—Simms. ______' - .. War Department today. The chan­ five percent. of one year; Judge Humphries de­ which cdrry liquor cargoes have Kennecott Cop 56% 55% 55% nel was dragged by the army en­ killing him. Mobile Has No Deaths clared automobile thievery/ will Inspira Cop . . 24 % 24% 24% gineer corps and ^ound clean, he Broken Bones are Common Mobile. Ala., Sept. 22.—This never be curbed unless stiffer sen­ been capsized in port. Louis & Nash.136% 136% 136% said. Broken backs and limbs were city, cut off by the hurricane . for tences are imposed. Houses and business buildings Marine Pr. .. 29% 29% 29% Brooke reported no large ves­ the most common Injuries In the several days, was rapidly returning Judge Humphries also, hit the were wrecked on Andros and Long Motor Wheel . 20% 20% 20% sels were sunk, but that many emergency hospitals following th6 to normal today, with street cars practice of discriminating in favor Island and some lives are reported U The Home of ' Norfolk West .163% 162% 163% small boats and barges, including storm, Freng says. Full size trees again operating and industries and of youths who came from good to have been Ipst. « No. Pacific . . . 79 78% 78% two belonging to the army, were branches of all sizes, lumber, commercial houses opening for families. VyllXVyJLfC-i Better Pictures N Y Central .143% li S ^ 142% destroyed. pipe, tiles, debris of all kinds. Ev­ business. “Before I would discriminate In N Y, N H & H 44 43% 43% Tile War Department probably en small autos were flying through Escaping with no loss of life and favor of boys with good families, Leist Tim es Today Pennsylvania . 54 53% 54% will not be asked for relief other the air during the hard blow. few injuries. Mobile citizens were against the boys who have nevej The Cyclonic Drama of Life and Love I Pierce Arrow . 26% 26% 26% than supblyiug 1,000 »nts and 4,- Children separated from, their par-, happy,that they fared belter than had the chances of life they en­ Pressed Steel . 41% 41% 41% 000 cots for Miami refugees, army ents, shrieked and ran or were did. the southeast Florida dties. joyed, I would rather resign my PAULINE FREDERICK' in Rep Ir & Steel 60 59% 59% engineers wired. hiowri helplessly about. Scores rf T7hlle +he storm raged, business judgeship,” he declared. Hear the R eading...... 93% 93% 93% John Towers and E. C. Bausch, them be’."T struck down and killed was ’"Ited and it was only today Ch R Isl & Pac 63% 62% 62% civilian employes of the engineer­ or red by flying debris. The that the city rec^’-^-ed sufficiently PLANNING TO LIGHT UP So. Pacific . . . 107 % 106% 107% ing corps, are miaslng. sCTeet on which Freng took refuge to resume commercial life. MORE AIR MAIL ROUTES "Her Honor The Governor” Bo. Railway .127 126 126 Brooke estimated the dead in was a mass of entanglements, Newspapers, suspended when • Washington, Sept. 22.—With" ____ \ __ — Bt. P a u l...... 11% 1 1 % 1 1 % the Miami area at 200. wires, trees and parts of.^ouses the power plant went down, again night flying regarded as essential to Btudebaker .. 58% 57% 57% The city water and ice plants and bulldlrgs< he Along this r^-'nneared and telephones were economical use of aircraft, the De-. Throui^ the Courtesy of Tomorrow & Friday Union Pacific .164% 163 163% are functionibgr- wires partment of Commerce today an­ U S Rubber . .6 2 61% maze hundreds were ^ yin g to put into commission, while 61% Connecticut People Safe r’f'ke their way Into Miami, where leading into Monile were repair­ nounced detailed plans for imme­ •‘RADIO CHARLIE” Big Double, Feature BiU ! U S S te e l___ 147% 145% 145% Norwich, Sept. 22.—Residents diate lighting of an additional 1,- CLAIRE WINDSOR in “MONEY TALKS’* U S Steel Pr.126% 126% 126% apparently they 'felt they might ed for regular service. The Dempsey-Tunuey Fight of eastern Connecticut in the Flor­ 'obtain shelter or relief. The total damage suffered in the 287 miles of America airways. And Westin’hou8§ .69% 69% 69% ida hurricane zone are safe, ab- The 1926 lighting program calls Will Be Broadcast At West. Union .152% 152 152 At I'lSO o’clock Saturday after­ storm varies from $1,000,000 to DICK TALMADGE in “THE MERRY CAVALIER” cordlng to telegrams received noon, Frpng reached Miami. The $2,000,000. for lnstalla|ion of 24-!nch revolv­ throughout the district here yes­ wind then having died down to fif­ Amatenrs Get In Touch ing search lights at intervals of ten terday and today. Hollj^wood and ty miles an hour. Miami was in Washington. Sept. 22.—Com­ miles along portions of air routes.. M etter’s MOOREHAVEN IS Hialeah contained the majority of ruins, he said. Scores of house­ munication at Pensacola, cut off for Blinkers will be placed every few the people from eastern Connect­ boats and small craft lay piled up two days, -was established today miles between the beacons. icut. against the Flagler street bridge with Jacksonville by amateur Mileage to be lighted before Smoke Shop A C i n OF THE DEAD January 1 will be distributed on across Miami Canal. Not one of radio operators. Dispatches to the Everybody Welcome!, the thousand-dollar royal palm na-vy department here said that the New York-Boston route, 185 (Continued from page EYEWITNESS TELLS OF trees set out a year ago In beautl- half-hourly messages are being ex­ miles, and on six western routes. fuf Royal Palm Park was standing. changed between W. A. Battlson, small fishing craft are known to HORRORS AT MIAMI In the center of the park Freng of Jacksonville, gnd J- E. McGraw, MBX FINANCE HEAD QUITS Tonight have been on'the lake when the saw a small mountain composed of Fott Barrancak Fla., on the out­ Mexico City, Sept. 22.—The res­ Btorm broke. of automobiles upon which were skirts of Pensaovla. ignation of Minister of Finance Al­ berto Panl was. reliably reported to The hotel of the city was.taken Two Separate Attacks Made piled motor boats, launches and AND oft its foundations andf turned small eeacraft of all descriptions. A special liver extract, freed be in the hsnds of President'Callea SURPRISE completely - around. Corn ptalks by Hurricaile, Hours Apart, The buildings on- Bayshoi'e from dangerous chemicals, made today, with the president likely Auction to accept It. Country Store NIGHT were cut off clean from their With Second the Worst. Drive were backgrounds against of liver tissues, bas been .developed By order of the Bankruptcy roots. No one will ever know the ,which were plastered huge steam- tnto.a drug that will lower the /Arturo Ellas, half brother of DOUBLE FEATURE BILL exact number of dead nof who is Tampa, Fla., Sept. 22.—R. T, era, small launches, dead fish and bodily blood .pressure, when In- President Calles and present con­ Court. I will sell atTublic Auc­ beneath the mass of ruins. Freng, pilot for the Florida Alrr sea life of all descriptions. s.^ected rapidly; sul general of Mexico In New York, tion at 883 Miun Street, South Dorothy Gish in Bob Custer in The Negro section of Moorehav- ways Corporation has reached is prominently mentioned as a Manchester, I en was practically wiped out. f Tampa after spending Friday and probable successor of Senor Panl. Homeless, Babies. Saturday In Miami, bringing a Most Beautiful Girl in t All the Stock Fixtures and ‘‘Nell Gwyn” [“The Devil’s Gulch” Greatest need is felt for funds to first-hand account of the storm’s POOR POINCARE. other personal property of the send homeless babies, women and destruction. Paris.—Edouard Herrlot smoke! City Sea Grill and Restaurant, older children to homes of rela­ The most terrific loss of life, ac­ a pipe. Aristide Brland smokes tives in the north. Little money is cording to Freng, was on Miami cigarettes; so does Andre Tardieu. ThursdayFriday & Saturday on hand for this purpose as the Beach and on the Causeway lead­ Raymond Poincare smokes noth­ Thursday ANOTHER GREAT VAUDKVILXE BILL town is poverty stricken. Nearby ing from Miami to the beach across ing; in face the very-odor of to­ cities sent rescue parties, money Blscayne Bay. Hundreds were in bacco makes him 111. Yet, In all In­ 5 . SELECT 5 and food. bathing early Saturday morning terests of “national union and con­ September 23 The water is slowly receding when the hurricane descended, he ciliation,” he allows his colleagues and greater relief can be given the said. There were hundreds in to smoke through their long offi­ at 2 o’clock, Daylight Time. Acts VAUDEVILLE Acts atricken families in a few days if cial meetings. His office is a haz< WILLIAM WAKELEY, the water does not rise again from motors and on foo* crossing the of smoke when they leave, but no t the lake. Causeway from the Beach to Mia­ until then does the premier rueh Auctioneer. Miller Trio Musical—Singing and Dancing mi who already had had their out„gasping for air. Morris Elman, Trustee. (Copyright, 1926). morplng plunge. Many of these DELMORE & MOORE PAUL BRADY CINDERELLA BALLftOOM were washed out to sek. It may Soniething Jfew in OPENS SATURDAY NIGHT. be weeks before the exact number You All Know Paul. of dead is known. VaudeviUe, The opening of the beautiful When the storm started Friday Cinderella ballroom at 51 Pratt night Freng left Hialeah, w’lere he All Roads Lead to Big Opening HANK BROWN, the Funniest Man in itreet, Hartford, is Saturday even­ was staying and went out to the Vaudeville ing. The management has a great airport to care for his planes. At apenlng in store for those attend­ midnight the wind was blowing ing. sixty-five miles an hour. Terror- SATURDAY Bill Tasillo and his boys will be stricken women and children de­ SOCIETY SCANDAL an hand to give the best there Is serted their homes ir( Hialeah and In dance music. Dancing starts at ran aimlessly about the streets. Musical Comedy . B p. m., and continues until clos- S^me took to open spaces, many )ng. got in their’automobiles to ride 6—PEO PLE-^ Geo. Dunn, well known singer around blocks In frantic attempts Kill entertain. to find shelter. ALSO—BUSTER KEATON in • Monday night, September 27, Rfany Escaped in Cars “BA'TTLING BUTLER” Kill be given over to the ladles. All Curiously, Freng says, many of 51 Pratt St BALLROOM Hartford girls will be admitted free. those who fled to their cars es­ So If you want a treat for dancy caped injury, while many of those feet get your party’together and who remained in their homes were BILL TASILLO Dempsey-Tunney Fig^t Irlveiinto Hartford and visit the trapped by the wind and killed or Round by Bound Over lUdlo. Cinderella ballroom, the home of injured. At 1:30 A, M. the wind And His Melody Boys. V Courtesy of Barstow’s Radio Shop. good times. had reached a velocity of 90 to 100 Ml)e. Jacqueline Schally, selected as the most beautiful girl In France at ^ miles an hour. This it maintain­ Monday, Ladies Free - Don’t M isalt Girls! See the Show, Bnster Keaton, and He^r the Fight! I The north pole Is far from be- ed until 8:30 A. M. when It died tbe International Beauty Ball Pageant. Is coming to America. The «s the world’! coldest spot. , out, and spent four hours and a movies? >

y: # . i-i >, - VI'’ “t- ' X ^ --.w PAGE - SfSJt? v m ?r.- UdENSES :hi4irr 'L0ST . .-LX- I - BETUKNBD' F O U R ie O N T m

——— V ■- ; I, f .. /^W iiT.HtIDGErS CHURCH AS LESSER OF EVILS ON 57 DRIVERS Hanb&Mtor hgs - many ^'hoabBt; IN (NIRtFWCE COURt 'man and women. '..'U ’ Q, < Itf Williams Named (Conttaned from page ?It la a fact that about 8(h’per‘ The weekly Hat of operators cent of artii^^ea advertiaed ' M; Three. Dnmks and One Spe^' Chairman of Gmieral Com* whose licenses,to. drive’- afitomo- loat, ara returned. . ' . ■ mittee—Othersme on Commit play away from the champion. Tun- blles in Connecticut b&ve been sus­ ing d a e Before Judge John' neyy hasn’t the physibal stuff to pended for one,year for driving Teaterday; a-.S outh .kind' son This'Morriing.' Haitford 'tees. carry off a situation of that kind. while under the influence of llqtibr woman aduartlaed'the. Ipas of.,a He is a" “made” lighter and was gjven out today at the-state bar i|In.,;^^The article was not a’ Pour' cases 'jwere ’on^the■k- docket 'Pl«ns are under way for t^e strictly a “made” heavyweight, motor vehicle department as a part valuable one.-.but "was treasured, for trial. In th'e Manchester, Police TO CALL U8 WITHOUT CHARGE— fifth annual husking bee which built up to that proportion with the of the effort to reduce this highway by t\e,owner as'a keepsake. Court this mprulfig. in three of SIMPLY CALL will be given in St. Bridget’s smart idea of getting in on a menace. > There are fifty-seven The Herald bad not been on the cases, pleas of guilty were en­ chttteh on October 2. George H. heavyweight championship fight. names on the list. Three cases the street but ‘ a short time tered while In the other, a continh- Wililams has been appointed chair­ Better Many, Times were appealed. One was a Cou- when the finder read the ad arfee was granted until Saturday man of the general committee and They, say Tunney never has been necticut operator iconvlcted In an­ and returned the pin. morning. The charges were Intox- has gathered about him a crew of knocked off his feet and make much other state. The department icatlom ■ speeding' and reckless able. workers ^ who are anxious to capital of this fact. I say that I had statement advised people to notify driving. Two of: the cases "'were J make the affair as much of a sue-, rather hear that he had been on the the department or the police In case those of Manchester men. cess'as’it has been in past years. fioor fifty times—and that he had they shf^uld see any of the suspend­ KINGSLEY BARROWS DIES; August Silkowsky. 33, and John Farmers of the parish will do­ got up. A man who visits the ring ed drivers operating motor,vehicles. Zepkns, 46, both' of 110- Broad nate produce of various kinds fioor for the first time won’t know 'Ralph W'. Anthony, Hartford, strbet. Homestead Park, were found hteresting Values whieh will be offered for sale and .what to do. The. trouble with Tun­ Wm. Austin, Hartford. HIT RECENTLY BY AUTO guilty of Intoxication and fined |10 r ' ... ; entertainment of a high order will ney is that he has yet to meet a Dezdrdo Bartolome, Plalnvlllo. and'coBta which totaled 118.32, by be offered. A good time is pron\- fighter who deserved to knock him Robert E. Bartram, Danbury or Judge R. A. Johnson. -The two ised all-who attend. down—Grebb, Loughran, Martin Soutbbury, Former Trolley Dispatcher and men were arrested at-2:10*'yester­ FollowlDig are the complete Burke, Jimmy Delaney And such as Wm. L. Bluett, Hartford. , City Club Steward Passes day afternoon by* Motorcycle Police­ in Our committees: these. James J. Bowler, New Haven. Away at Bolton Home. > man R. H. Wirtolla at the. home General committee: George H. He never has been hit by a real Andrea Carpenter, Meriden. on'Broad street fbllowing a com­ Williams, chairman; Rev. C. T. heavyweight punch. He is a hot Robert Carr, Bridgeport. Kingsley Bgrrows, ' former dls- plaint made by Silkowsky’s wife. McCann, Joseph - Morlarty, Law­ house specimen, carefully matured Wm, Cary, Bridgeport. Patcher ih the emplqy of tfie Con­ In his testimony, the policeman said rence Touhey. and guarded against such crudities. Milton Chaffee, Hartford. necticut Company, and more re­ both men were drunk. Silkowsky Soliciting committee: Joseph I think Gene Tunney can be beaten Frank S. Chaptz, Hartford. cently steward at ther Manchester had to be carried out ------of the house. Morlarty, John Boyle, chairman; by at least one , Thomas W, Coady, New Haven. City Club, died at U-30 last nlghtl^*^®*^ morning, both insive George IT. Williams, Louis Breen, , and three heavy­ Alfred Colland,, Plainfield. at his home in Bolton. Death was SIl- Edward Morlarty. weights, among them. Ray W. Cronan, Wethersfield, due to complications canse'd by an kowsky went home. Zenkns, how- Ticket committee: Rajlmond Yet he is the challenger in the Robert J. Orotty, Hartford. auto accident,which occurred near ever, had to wait for Silkowsky to Griffin, chairman; Lawrence greatest boxing extravaganza of all George E.^'^Duggan, Hartford. Mr. Barrows’s home early in the go home and bring him back a Moonan, Joseph Schoneski, George time. This doesn’t prove that the Charles E. Fields, Norfolk. year. pair of, shoes as he was In stock­ Krlley, Mrs. Joseph Chantler, Rob­ boy is good; it merely proves that Henry A. Gitluns, Hartford. ' Mr. Barrows was 69 years old. inged feet. Third Floor ert Coleman, Mrs. Mahoney, Leon- Willard GordA, New London. John J» Ogden, 34, of North everyone is Interested in Jack Wm. L. Gould,' Bristol. He was a well known figure here, ette Bergeron. Dempsey and would turn out to see in Bolton and In Rockville where street, Snringfleld. wa<» fl-fi sm Entertainment; Mary McGuire, Edward Girard, Hartford. and costs for speeding. He was him If he was fighting me. Elijah Hecks, ^ rtfo rd . he was a member of the Elks. He . clmirman, Katherine Ward, George It is pretty well recognized that was an interesting cha,racter, one arrested at 4:45 ynstt:ruav aiier- Kennedy, Mary Shea, Mary Boyle, Mack Jones, Hartford. noon on the Talcottvllle, flats by this will be Dempsey’s flast fight, Carl Kerchgessner, Forestvllle, who had friends in hundreds of Henry LaChappelle, Irene Cole­ come what way. Jack sees now that hamlets, towns and cities he has Motorcycle Policeman R. H. Wlr- man. Henry Kinqnne. Burnside. talla. The policeman testified that he no longer can lash himself Into Isaac S. Knapp, New Britain. visited in the' coursej of his life. New Fall Frocks Canvassing committee; Marga­ real fighting condition. He knows Although his health -has been poor Ogden drove his car at a rate of 51 ret Ward, chairman: Mrs. George Ignacy Kolokoski, Terryvllle. miles an hour. ^ that the fighter has gone and left in Anthony Krawchuk, Windsor. even aside frbm the auto accident, H. Williams, Katherine Ward, his place a settled, married, and Mr. Barrows did not show his age. The case pf Albert Obendorf, 32, priced from Grace Bergeron, Mrs. Gleason, Stanley Duke. Hartford. of , was continued none-too vicious specimen. Demp­ Napoleon LaBarre, Taftville, He gave the impression of being a until Saturday. He is charged Mrs. Bingham, Nellie Smith. sey has softened, perhaps not man much younger. Decorating committee: Anna Peter Lafond, Waterbury. with reckless driving and was ar­ physically but certainly in a moral Wm. LaRue, Jewett City. Kingsley Barrows was born in rested yesterday upon by Patrol­ McGuire, Madeline Logan, Irene sense. Rockville, but his family moved to :.98 Morlarty, John Boyle, John Breen, Daniel J. Linskey, Guilford. man John McGlinn following a com­ :.oo No Liking For Job John Madwld, East Hartford, Quarryv'ile when he was vqry plaint made by Thomas McCauhy to Ted McCarthy and Louis Breen. young. He worked as trolley dls- ' Refreshments: Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. He has been irritated by these Henry McCann, Bloomfield. of the state highway department. law suits. He is a troubled, sus­ Francis Mclnnls, Hartford. patchm: here for 15 years, and Obendorf failed to appear in court McGuire, Mrs. John Shea, Mrs.' picious, irritable man who must go later was employed by the City The newest Paris fashions, fabrics and trim­ Palller, chairman: Irene Jacobs, John Mittman, Hartford. this morning* but rn attorney for through with a proposition for George D. Ogden, Shelton. club for five years. Ill health him requested a postponement. mings ^ e reproduced in these frocks, giving them Louis Genovesl,^ Mrs. Logan, Mrs. which has no particular liking. His James J. O’Halloran, Thomaston. forced his retirement. The acci­ Gleason. He claimed his client was a world’s the'appearance of much more expensive models. training camp is not like the old Andrew Oleskewicz, Hartford. dent^ which brought on death hap­ champion Marathon golf champion Hall committee: Oliver Bing­ haphazard, free-and-eaSy days at Jens Carl O. Olsen, New Haven. pened when an auto truck swerved and said this accounted for his In­ ham, E. J. Morlarty, James Mur­ Toledo, nor even like the camp at Ira C. Peck, Hartford. to the side of the road and struck ability to be present today. Satin Flat Crepe phy. Saratoga, • where he trained lor Eric Peterson, Springdale. Mr. Barrows who was walking to­ Flrpo. He is a serious middle-aged Timothy Pompelll, New Britain. ward his home. A suit had been Crepe de Chine man who has been asked to act like John Raina, Stamford. instituted against the driver of the EIGHTEEN TEACHERS a boy xsnd, somehow, he hasn’t Wallace Rapacki, SuflBeld. machine. Georgette Silk Faille quite the flair for that sort of thing. "Van H. Richmond, Hartford. Onlv nephews and nieces survive He trusts no man, not even his Wm. H. Roberts, Glastonbury. Mr. Barrows. They are Mrs. Developed in the new Fall shades and black,. ENJOY CORN ROAST intimates. He is not convinced that Walter Stewart, Hartford, George Kuhney of Hudson street, he is Invincible. He will .be glad Edward Toper, Hartford. Harry Barrows of 'Welhersfleld, when it is all over. Dempsey Is George P. Turek, Simsbury. Frank and Dwight Barrows of M ilk Other Exquisite Frocks— Members of Local Trade School much like the Willard of 1919, a George E. Wertz, New Haven. Medford. Mass., and Leo Barrows Journey to Columbia Lake man who went out on his own—and Samuel L. Williams, Bridgeport. of Florida. and F o o d $29.95 to $125.00 for Annual Feast. ^ went out. However. Willard met a Willie Williams,' Hartford. Funeral • arrangements have not ForlnfantUt great young fighter that day. I am Joseph Yurewltch, New Britain. been completed. Incalida, Sizes 16 to 461-2 ThmAged Eighteen members of the local sorry that I can’t say the same for John Feehan, Hartford.' G. Fox & Co., Inc.—Third Floor. State Trade school faculty motor­ Gene Tunney. Six villages have been wiped out Nourishing>-Digestible—No Cooldng. ed to Brown’s cottage at Columbia Bad As He Is What are all these hog calling by Rio Grande floods and hundreds The Home Food^Drink for All Ages Lake last night and held their an­ No challenger could ask a better contests about? Is it just a minor of cigarets extinguished. nual corn roast celebration. chance than that which faces Tun­ league for grand opera singers? Judging from the remarks heard ney in this fight. If he could fight a about the school building, it was lick, he would be worth a bet. But a decided success. no one, in his sane senses, could The evening’s program started pick a second rater, to win a heavy­ auspiciously with a feast which in­ weight title. I pick Dempsey, bad as TRAOCKARK cluded the following delicacies: he is. • boiled corn; frankfurts, baked po­ Fight Weather Forecast tatoes, rolls, crullers and coffee. -Wasfimgtoh, Sept. 22. — The This feast had been prepared by weather bureau,', optimistic l^st an advance guard which, went to week over the weather outlook for the lake two hours earlier than the DempseyrTunney fight, was SeoentyyearaofReputation the rest of the party. somewhat less so today. “Probable One of the big reasons why the showers” were predicted for Penn­ MADE OF FINE IVOOLS evening's program was a big suc­ sylvania for tomorrow. MIXED WITH COTTON cess was due to the entertaining ' Made to Fit—Made to Wear ability of John Echmallap and Wil­ Aprotectionagainstcoldaand auddenclulls liam Roscoe. This pair supplied 120,000 EXPECTED TO the bulk of the entertainment. I'GuaranteeJ Not To Shrink Their acts included character im­ Light, Medium and Heavy Weights personations. Later they skilfully WITNESS m FIGHT Eight Grades f - W $2.00 to $7.50 per Garment maRe Hupmobile Six the demonstrated the Charleston, Ve- Ask Your Osaltr ^ lencia and Baby Polka dances. In Receipts, Likely to Reach Two the last exhibition they were grace­ Glastonbury Kmtting Co. fully assisted by “Uncle Walt” Million, Already Well Above Glastonbury, ^ n n . Sampla CutUats Fra* Jntm Kitching. Taken as a whole, it $1,700,000. might be said that the trio dis­ ATKINS BROTHERS closed a versatility that hitherto Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 22.__ Wholesale Distrlbntora Hupmobfle has spent many extra millions the last 18 had been unknown. Two hundred thousand visitors. In­ Hartford, Conn. Harry Kitching also amused the cluding among their number those years to build su ^ p r quality into Hupmobiles. party with witty bedtime stories high In the counsels of the nation, and assisted in toasting marsh­ and the dregs of humanity throng­ HupmobUe continues to spend extra millions today to mallows. “Uncle Walt” is getting ed this town today, a trifle more to be very popular among Lbe than 24 hours before the battle be­ make its Six the finest Six under *2000. Hupmobile Trade school faculty for his abili­ tween and Gene as alwa|^ built pnly one way—it has always kept ty to entertain, Tunney. A Quartet composed of Howard , At least 120,000 people, the raith wim Its own standards. That’s why the name Fisher, William Stenger, Herbert greatest throng ever to witness a tiupm obile means as much as it does." ' Hujmipbile Six a Leadtr, Mao, Ir Mason and Ralph K'nvRley render­ sporting event in America, was ex­ ComJ>Lcte, Modam Equipmad ed several vocal selections as did pected to enter the portals of the Robert Taylor and Stanley Rice as That is why you buy this great Six in the absolute WhM goes huo « motor car it vaady mOM ha* Sesqul-Centennlal stadium. The re­ . poRantthuwhatgoeaoBit Yoa will not bay, a duet. ’They were well received. ceipts may touch the two million assurance that it gives you Hupmobile performance, w courae, on meia extentala and non-enendaR The latter two also entertained dollar mark. value and economy. w on proven petfonnanca, dependability, long with an illustration of "shadow­ At Rickard’s ofiSce this morning Me. and I w coat of maintanance. Toauperienty graph." This is acting done in it was believed they had gone well totheaehindinnentalt,however, theHupiaobila pantomine. The selections given above 11,700,000. Ownere reap- the benefit—and Hupmobile finds its S x aleo joina die laten and moet complete equip, by the Ladles' Chorus were also m m to be found on any car in ita pckaClaa^ well delivered and received. six^ylmder car in growing demand month after month and year after year. Oil fihar, gaanllne filter— low con.^ AUTOS AND TROLLEY ■omptKn, thermoatatk beet control, enubbeia, vision-vendlaling. windabield, A..K Tlmse extra jnilhems shoW in far finer workmanship, gauge, clear vitioa bodiaa, color .optiona-* NEW MANAGER STARTS CRASH, NO INJURIES Mohair uphtfistery in lateat m ^ walnut thorpimh inspection, in better steds and in grained paneh on instrument board and window DUTIES AT CIRCLE building to sdnipiuoudy dose measurements. jedg^ 4rwbee}bpkea, spadalvibrationdampei; No Arrests Made After Colli headligbta with tihing ]jaam lansei and Sion in the North End Sec­ I^pmobile could build its great Six to ordinary stand- filamantbulbn Joseph S. Borenstein today took tion of Town. - ' ' V ■ over the management of the Clr- ^ds, ^ d U would still be one of the f9remostcars in Sedan, fivrpassenger, four-door, $1385, Cbupa, lile theatre on Oak street. Mr. Two automobiles and a . trolley twoT>aaaenger, wiUT nunUe aeat, $1385. Tour, Borenstein comes here after four car figured In a collision on Main America from the standpoipt of acceleration, of com­ ing. five-poseenger, $1325. Equipment inclodea and a half years of experience at street at the north end yesterdav fort, of steendg and riding ease, of roadability. 30 X 5.25 balloon tiieo, fourwbed biakea. All the Scollay Square theatre In Bob- afternoon at 2:50 but no one was pticet Lab. DcM t, ^us lervanue ta:b ton. He Is but 25 years of age, Injured although considerable dam­ and is single. He joined the Hoff­ age was done to one of the autp- But it would not r^ve that surpassing smoothness, man Brothers organisation with mobiles. No arrests were made. that wonderfm dependability, that ability to stay away^ high recommendations. Motorcycle Policeman R. H. Wir- The Circle still remains under talla Investigated. from the fei^r shop months on end, which make the the supervision of Manager Jack The accident happened In front Hupmobile Six the great car it is; ' - , Sanson of the State theatre which the home of Frank H. Ineson. Is also a Hoffman playhouse. Mr. of 123 Main street. His Pontiac Sanson will devote practically all coupe was parked in frPnt of his of his time to the State during the home. A cross-town trolley oar busr winter months. operated bp Robert H. Frazier of 19 Edgerton street was proceeding W ilt SHOWER FOR hHSS FULLER north. A coal truck owned by G. E. Willis and operated by William 130, Gunter Street So. MaJichestcr Mrs. Otto Sonnikseb, of 23 Walk­ E. Borst. of 21 Warren street, was er street, gave a miscellaneous also proceeding north. The truck shower at her home last night In was ahead of the trolley car a lit­ honor of Miss Helen Fuller. Miss tle and turned onto the tracks to Puller is to be married soon to pass the parked automobile. Robert Curran of Madison street. This caused the collision as the About 36 of Miss Fuller’s friends trolley was top near to stop. were present and she was the re­ cipient of a great many beautiful FUNERAL OP MRS. BOSTWICK gifts. A light luncheon was served • The funeral of Mrs. William during the evening and the party Bostwlcg who died yesterday at was entertained by Miss Mary New­ the Memorial hospital will be held J man who put over several original from her late home at 23 Blssell street on Friday afternoon at 3 comic stunts. The color scheme o'clock. The Rev. James Stuart \ need by Mrs. Sonniksen in decorat­ Nelli of St. Mary’s church will of­ ing her home was yellow and ficiate and burial will be In the «rAhi(L JEsat eametsnr. A fv-

■/ -.•* ■4 Ik '* \ ■ lfr • ■ PAGBF0X7R - MANCHfiSTEE EVENING H E R ^ . 2f, ^ • —• ‘ • ■ i*-r^

•i^d Ignorance and national vanity, acquire the stardom for whlclj her! ■-'it IRatttlftjBtt* j and have obtained the Apparent soul and her pooketbook yearn. sanction ot ao many groups ot Perhaps the enterprise will get Ettptiitts i Americans in the senatorial prima­ further than the stock selling phase ' PO BU SBRO Bl^> / and perhaps an Olympia Macri ^ cA si THQ HBRAU> PRINTIRO CO. ries, that our only hope for entry I ^ ^ picture or two will be made. And Foonded by BIwood & Bla into the Court is to keep the busi­ ness out ot the Senate''altogether. then perhaps such picture or pic­ New, Tork, • Sept. 23.—-In a city OoU 1* i m By CHARLES prSTBWART. And the President knows it. tures will be distributed and so liUefl with aotivitiea A d distrac­ Bvary Bt «b1uk Bxospt'Sundays and Washington, Sept. ‘ 22.—Sensa-. tions as New Tork tbe-.perpentage 1 - B olldaya It Is easily to be imagined that shown. But as many an adven­ tor George H. Moses, who will be ^ -<.'V Bntcrsd at th« Pott Qfflet at Uau« of absent-mindedness and forgetful­ ehoater at Second Clast Mall Matter. Mr. Codlidge does not relish hav­ turer has discovered it is one thing' coming back to Washington as a ness'is bound-to be'high. ; ing to be placed’.in the perfectly to make a photoplay, film and an-i member ot the 70th' Congress, .be­ ■ Memory training''.schemes flour­ SOBSCRIPTION RATBS: By Mall cause the New Hampshire Repub­ ish by the hundred and lessons in Spedal for: nx dollart a year; etxty cents a illogical position ot. ignoring the other to market it, and since the licans have renominated him ,and montb tor shorter perloda conditions with which the powers distribution of pictures is a big OflSeieney play to full class-rooms. By carrier, 'elatateen cents a week. a. New Hampshire Republican nom­ ‘ Dozens are the methods^^ploy- Blnsle coplea three centa have accepted America’s reserva­ and complex business and already ination is as good as an election. ed by those very busy gentlemen SPECIAL. ADVBRTISINQ RBPRB- tion five. pretty thoroughly organized. It is Inasmuch o^an insurgent as Sena­ who hop from their offices to tho Tomorrow BEINTATIVB: « Hamllton'Ue Lister. It will bo recalled that that res­ entirely possible that, even if the tor Norris or Senator La Follette stock exchange, thence to lengthy Inc, 25 West 4Sd Street. New Tork or anybody, when he feels like it. luncheons and longer confeiences, and fill North Mlohtiraa Avenua ervation prov^es that the CourV world is trei^ulously awaiting op­ K Chicaso. But oh, what k different kind of thence tq a broker’s office, back to — ' - i shall not render an advisory opinion portunity to see New Haven’s hero­ an insurgentt . i The Manehetter Uvening Herald it exchange and Imck to their offices. nn sale In New Tork City at Sohults't on any question in which the Unit­ ine of the court room on the Norris, La F o llette^ al, are in­ Tens of thousands aren’t half as News Stand. Sixth Avenue and tSnd ed States claims an interest, with­ screen, it may be doomed to disap­ surgents of the I liberal pattern. busy as they think they are, but Youlliwant to take some of your plants in Street and 42nd Stieet eotrance ot Moses’ Insurgency is conservative, manage .to get 'well confused before before the frosts and these wrought iron^ Grand Central Stattoa • out the specific consent of the Ignit­ pointment. not to say reactionary. Even the day Is done, and m^any affect international News Service has the ed States being given. We believe we can speak for the President Coolidge is too radical great activity as a means of im stands will help you to do it without detract-^ exclusive rights to use tor republics* people of Manchester so far as to for him at times, and 'wlien you’ve pressing those-about them. ing' from the appearance of. j^our rooms.^ tloii :n any form all news dispatches As it had always been supposed •■*’ ->* * O credited to It or not otherwise credit* in this country that the consent of guarantees that if any Macri pic­ said that you’v# gone the limit. They are 40 inches high over all and will ed In this paper. It la alto exclusively Ex-Gov. Robert P. Bass of Now I know, atnan who sends himself entitled to use for republlcatlon all all League members was necessary ture should be offered to 'movie ts^e a 9-inch pot. Exactly as sketched, fin­ the local or undated newt published Hampshire, who opposed Moses in postcasds reminding himself of herM a” to a request of an advisory opinion audiences in this town the Ihsult the Republican primaries, hgsed-. tilings he has' to do. . ^ . ished in green and gold. Cash and carry, from the court, this reservation would be promptly. resented by a his whole fight on the ground'that He will send the postcard when was intended merely to put the house full of empty seats. the latter hasn’t always supported the maUer is fresh on his mind, and WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22. 1926. the administration in Uhe upper receiveli on tile following day. Ar­ W ^ K I NS BROTHERS, United States on a parity with the house of Congress. riving at .bis desk he will open his member nations—to make its ob­ It’s true, too—on the world maH,.come across-the postcard and TWO MORE. jection equal to a veto, just as the court issue, for instance. . smile at his shrewdness. That somebody blundered In So, in a sense, Moses victory The other day I sitw him looking objection of any one of the League OPEN FORUM most disconsolate. ^ ^ overloading ttie Sikorsky plane that members would be tantamount to was another rebuke for .President ' was to have taken Rene Fonck and PUTTlNfJ US RIGHT. Coolidge. Still; it 'wUsn’t the' -“Missed ah Important appoint­ a veto. same sort of emphatic rebuke that ment,’’ he said. “Completely for­ bis three gallant companions to But it appears that it has never Editor,- The Herald: ho received in Wisconsin, in the got It.” France, but instead took two of been decided whether it requires a I was reading "Slow Footed nomination of Gov. John J. Blaine “5iit your postcard system. It them to a sudden death, is almost Manchester. Men Once Fastest for the Senate over the present Re­ seqn^d to me infallible,” I com­ unanimous vote or merely a ma­ mented. too obvious for discussion. That Moving Humans” in Saturday’s publican incumbent. Senator Ir­ jority vote in order to submit a Herald and it was very good. Not a vine L. Lenroot. “Hell—I forgot to mall it.” anybody can be blamed for that League question for advisory opin­ thing the matter with the story Lenroot is strictly an "adminis­ * * * blunder is an entirely different ion by the court. If the latter, but the last part “Among Motor­ tration man.” Blaine is complete­ Ot course you’ve all heard of the matter. Certainly neither Fonck cyclists.” ly off the “regular” Republican gent who ran the memory school and if the nation should admit the but who forgot to send out his cir­ nor Curtin, the widely experienc­ The old-timers say the first local reservation. United States to membership on men to ride one of these machines Moses doesn’t always see ey^e to culars and hence never opened for TOLLAND ed survivors of the tragic accident, the basis of the fifth reservation, were Jim Robinson of Highland eye with the administration, but business. is either reckless or~ stupid, else then they would be bestowing on P art ahd Ward .\twood. I’ll say he’s a “regular” Republican in There are many variations on neither would now be alive with this, the old-timers that gave that good standing. this in everyday Manhattan life. this country powers far beyond news to the reporter are off their I The notables of Broadway are Charles Tilden who was .born such a long air record behind him. From the administration stand­ in Tolland August 31, 1846, died what they, themselves enjoy. It trolley. point. the only thing that takes perhaps far better known by th4 Certainly the builder of the great would be the only nation in the The flrst man in this town to the cur'sd off the Wisconsin result man-on-the-Btreet than by • fellow suddenly at his home In Spring-, plane, Sikorsky, mechanical gen­ world which, alone and unaided, ride a motorcycle was Fred Parker is that it wasn’t unexpected. notables. field, Mass. Thursday inorning. He and the machine was a 2 V4 h. p. The other day an actress of na­ was a member of the Tollahd ius as he is, never would have in­ could block a question’s submission The “dope” all along has been Holly belt driven machine made in that Blaine would beat Lenroot. tional reputation was in the midst Methodist church. Mr. Tilden is tentionally left anything to chance. to the court. If the former, then Bradford, Pa. He only rode if a of a rehearsal "/hen the manager survived by his wife, Emma J. There was too much at stake for short while in 1902 or 1903 and The only surprise was that Blaine precisely equally with the rest didn’t win by a wider margin. And walked In with a rather shabby (Dutton) Tilden, two daughters, that. sold it to Walter E. Luettgens. looking young man. Jennie E. and Bessie L. of Spring- would the United States enjoy.-the Luettgens rode it awhile and then there, perhaps, lies another little It is easy now for any layman to grain of comfort for the adminis­ As an introduction was being at­ field, two sons Louis of Springfield veto power. the writer bought it off Leuttgens. tempted the actress started away. Milton Tilden of and see that the running gear of the For this reason the reservations This was during summer of 1902 tration'—there’s division in the "Really, I’m fferribly busy with, ranks of Wisconsin “progressive” two grand children Kenneth Wal­ plane was not sturdy enough to have been accepted -with the reser­ or 1903. Luettgens then bought a rehearsals. I’m sorry but I can’t lace Gordon of Springfield and Marsh 3^.^ h. p. power machine. Republicanism. meet everyone,” she said. ^ sustain tfie great weight imposed vation that the United States shall Blaine not only didn’t win as Robert C. Tilden of Boston. Funer­ Without a doubt. Jim Robinson “But,” protested the manager, al services were held in Springfield by the extraordinary cargo of gas­ bo tAmitted on terms of exact par­ and Ward Atwood did a lot of rid­ overwhelmingly as he’d hoped, but “here is a young man you should Herman L. Ekern, one of the late Rev. Payson B. Berry ot the Mot oline under the conditions of a ity with the rest of the nations. ing when they rode motoreycles, know.” , morlal church officiating. The in­ take-off. But to see that now and but they werq a long ways from Senator La Follette’s chief lieuten­ “Who is he?” said the unim­ If anyhing could be fairer than ants, was beaten for governor by terment was in the family plot in to have seen it in advance are two being the flrst to even ride a mo­ pressed actress. the South cemetery in Tolland. that- we cannot Imagine what it torcycle in South Manchester. Fred R. Zimmerman, who also calls “Oh,” interrupted the young separate things. himself a progressive but isn’t^ of Leonard of Tolland ave­ would be, for it certainly would not Now don’t think for a minute I man. "I’m only the author of tho nue who has been exhibiting his The old fashioned fabricator ot be fair for the United States to am knocking because I am not, "young Bob” La Follette’s fac­ play.” tion. famous h®rd of Dutch Belted cattle Thousands of Years Old. sevenTy-flve or a hundred years have a voice in the ^matter of sub­ only trying to set you right be­ - • • • at Long Island is now on bis way cause those so-called old-timers Representative-.4.- D- Beck, a large whale from 65 to 70 feet ago would have built wheels for mission equal, conceivably, to that F. S. This same young man has to Lockport, New York Fair and By AUS-nN H. CLARK are having a “pipe dream.” Ask good La Follette-ite, was likewise written at least one other success­ will continue from that fair to oth­ Smithsonian Institution. in length. such a load at such a speed—it he of Great Britain, France, Germany, Luettgens and see if I am not right beaten for renomination by Merlin ful drama. The shabbiness of his In all the deeper portions of the Many of the ear bones lying on and, perhaps, he will tell you that er fairs in "Vermont, and New could have, imagined either at all Italy, Poland and Belgium com­ Hull, another progressive, but not appearance was due to the fact that Ham^hire and so on until the- fi­ ocean, vbut especially in those re­ the red clay have been there for a —so that they would not have col­ I traded the first -motorcycle in a La Follette-ite of this year’s mod­ he writes in Connecticut,. or Great- gions furtherest from the land very long time—thousands of bined. South Manchester for when I got nal af Stafford Springs. Elmer lapsed. But his way would have el. neck, or some such place and had Doyle of Tolland avenue is assist-* "Where the depth is mostly about years—and have become much de­ But the President is helpless. rid of it. It sure cost good coin in Wisconsin “progressive” Repub­ hurried Into town. fifteen thousand feet and the bot­ composed or deeply impregnated, been to guess at the necessary He cannot send the matter back to those days to fix it up. as it was ir;g him in the care of the .herd. lican disunion is incense in the —GILBERT SWAN. Dr. W. B. Bean and Mrs. Bean tom is red clay, the dredge brings in many cases thickly coated, with thickness and weight of the wheels a Senate largely gone mad with ailing all the time. It was like the nostrils of Republican “regular­ up Egapy of these objects. the peroxides of manganese and first auto. have been entertaining Mrs. Ar­ and then build them four or five the arrogance of isolation. So ity.” CHALLENGES 'MAYOR Can you tell why they are? They iron. ANOTHER OLD TIMER. To return, however, to Senator nold^ and Mrs. Mary Gardner of times as thick and as heavy as he he must send this unfriendly, aus­ New London at their summer cot­ are the ear bones of whales. The picture at the top shows a South Manchester, Conn., Moses. Edmonton, Alta.—Charles ‘Monk Whales’ ear bones are extremely nodule of manganese, cut across; guessed would have been safe tere message to the powers. September 19, 1926. He may, be reactionary, but you man'is ^7 years old, but he recently tage at Chanman Hill. Mrs. Mj E. Rider. Miss Emily dense and solid, much like ivory, this proved that the nodule was enough, and so be perfectly sure What they will do about it re­ can’t help liking and respecUng challensad Mayor Blatchford to a Ridder, Fred and Harold Ridder a«d they are the only portions of formed by the deposition of man­ of everything. The trouble would mains to be seen. They have their him. He has ability and, what 100-yard dash, marathon d!lnce, a whale that will persist indefinite­ ganese about the ear bone of a doesn’t often go with it in the case rough-riding contest, long distance of Silv'-r Lane, East Hartford were have been that a machine so fabri­ own self respect to maintain. It DAIET guests of friends in Grant's Hill ly in the deep sea. •- , toothed whal^, one of the smaller of politicians—nerve. swimming or walking race ot just The ^wo lower pictures show the kinds of whales. It was brought cated would never fly. would -be a sick world if they were district recently. To senators from states like anything else the mayor* might Edwin Crandall who for several inner and outer sides of an ear up from a depth ot 15,600 feet is These men who are pioneering all ready to throw that quality Norris’, La Follette’s, Smith W. think of. Mayor Blatchford is con days has been^ confined to the bone of the common rorqual, a the mid-Pacific. for the human race in the air overboard for the mere sake of Brookhart’s and Gerald P. Nye’s. sidering. . house with illness 4s reported, must build delicately as well as currying favor with the American This Is the feast day of the The­ independence is an asset. Nobody niuch improved. ban Legion, which numbered njore disputes that they’re genuine inde­ BUN DIALS POPIiAR Csorge Crandall returned Mon­ . strongly. Thblr problems are Borahs and Reeds. . pendents, but they can afford to be. Lond(\n—Sun dials . are coming manifold and intricate and a s ' be­ than six thousand men. They day to the Insfuto of Tech-ology 1. \ marched from the East into Gaul. In “regular” Ne^ Hampshire in- into vogue again. The'romance of at Cambridge, ?^ass. tween narrow walls. It happens "MACRI/ PICTURES." Nathan ‘Hale hanged—“I regret depende’nce is a liability. antiquity surrounds them', and they Lojils Ladd of West Hartford that the testing mechanism, in The announcement that Olympia that I have only one life to give for Moses doesn’t care a hoot. If have lived over into this age be­ was a week-end guest of Mrs. L. Macri, New Haven woman twice my country.—1776. he doesn’t like some “regular” cause of their beauty and associap R. Ladd and son Raymond Ladd many cases, must be made of hu­ I ------proposition, though he’s a “regu­ tionz. In the old days every dial man flesh and blood. There is no tried for murder after killing her of Stafford road. CITY TO BUILD RIVER lar”, he says so and says it with carried, its message, such as "The Mrs. Marietta Griswold is a When a fella gets ta loafing and I Simply waitin’ for tomorrow Is alternative way, in proving one lover, who was another woman’s longest day must end.” “Make hay an emphasis and pugnacity that guest ot her sister, Mrs. Martha is lazy as kin be, an^ he’s like a j the way much time is spent, an’ it's theory* by disproving another, to husband, is to exploit her dubious , Kas.—Having built a make it sound perfectly awful. while the sun shines,” “Be true as I cause for listless sorrow with the the dial to the sun,” and “Improve ■Ridwell of Silver Lane, East Hart­ dreamin’ sailor who L gazin’ out at doing the proving and disproving notoriety not only as a screen fig­ bridge at a cost of $125,000, Otta-_ In liis primary campaign Moses ford. ! peppy sort- of gent. Sure, to let got one of the oddest indorse­ each shining hour.” sea, he builds up a nervous tension at the risk of life. ure but as head of her own produc­ wa now proposes to put a fiver un­ Mrs. Martha Lanfare of East yoursell go flipflop may he one real der it The steel and concrete struc­ ments from his fellow senators in Hartford was a recent guest of and his body’s filled with sigh, type of fuh, but you’ll find there’2' The two men of the Sikorsky ing company, need excite no ,great ture over the Marais des Cycn< a the history of politics. It was as A material made from the fiber Mrs. Laura Judson. ’cause therei’s nothin’ like real much more pleasure /rhen yopt’re who went out of existence so sud­ amount oil astonishment. It is the much from Democrats as from Re­ of Bunflower stalks has been devel­ was recently completed. Now a oped by an English inventor as a Major James Slayter, Mrs. Slay- laziness ta make the hours drag by. getting something done. , denly and terribly have contribut­ logical sequence to the maudlin, move has been started to make over publicans. “We don’t like his pol­ ter and children Miss Katherlnb Not a. thought for Insplrartion, •Making use of every minute, itics but we like Moses,” chorused substitute for straw in weaving ed something to the sum of moronic sympathy manufactured the river in keeping with the hats. It is light in weight, flexible Slavter. Robert and Jack Slayter and his minds a total loss.'an his though you do it sure, but slow, bridgb. the former. “We hope he’s re­ and airy. ot Halifax, Nova Scotia were we-lc- system seems all jagged: seems to lets you find there’s something in knowledge of aviation. They In the Interest of the woman by nominated.” en'd gusts of Mrs. Slayter’s broth­ sorta twitch and toss. When hes in it; something worth while, as you proved that the take-off of such the newspapers and by a group of er.. Mr. Howard Lewis and Mrs. that sort of feelin, he can tell go. ’Stead of loafing, you are piling machines cannot be safely managed hysterical Idle persons of means, Annie»Graham. theres somethin’ wrong, for, as up for coming sudden showers. And with such equipment. They dis­ who wept and gushed over her as Quite An Expensive Monument to Our Civilization Mr. and Mrs. ■ Fred Metcalf of sure as heck. It always makes the you’ll always come up smiling 11 Nlan*"' "?^ere week-end gue«»ts of hours seem twice as long. you dodge the dragging hours. ^ proved the theory that It could be. if she were an angel suffering agon­ J,'T. and Mrs. Esten Clough and Whether the conquest ot the air ized martyrdom. \ family. is going to add enough to the meas­ Th^ Herald holds not at all with M!any from this t'"—■ are mak­ ure ot human happiness to make it prudery. It abhors unqualified ing prp''aratlons to atter'i the Na­ th 'n Hale celebration today in all worth while or not nobody, of devotion to the tenet of “an eye South Coventry.'Wi” iam A y '" Jr, course, can tell. But at any rate for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". 0^ this town Is chief marshal. 'mankind is going to fly, habitually, But it does maintain that, U good The funeral of Carl Newman, TQM SIMS efe, and And out for himself whether order and decency are to hold their world war v ’-ran, who waa found dead In U*- '•"r'd the v™t "Ide or not he'is to be the^tter for-it. own, killers and criminals must not r" -I Thursday ever'hg •was The proposed coal mining meas­ Donl read by a dim light. It rains And the victims whose names will ^ lionized In the eyes of youth, held Sunday afternoon in the Tol- ure indicates someone has been do­ your eyes. A movie man says bath­ mark the pages of aviation history nor made to appear as the central land Federated ^hnreh at two ing some deep thinking. ing revues will be In the nude by as sacsificants to the art are mostly figures of the drama of life, wheth­ The church Was filled, 1986. ■ ■■ ' living or yet to be born. ^ All that er they be men or women. calr" ’’-"'ng to be brour!rW in to Candld^eil , straddle issues to ser* the number ->• -ent or r"'"h- keep their knees from knocking. You can blame the modern girl have gone before are, but the van. Olympia Macri was an extremely bnra and f’‘’'=nda of the family, all you please, but you never see guard of those who most die before lucky young woman^ to escape un­ showing their aymnathy In ^thla her on the street with her face their sudden bereavement. He waa Even tbohgh your neighbor may bare. the- air is made safe over - sei^ and punished from her bloody escapade. pretend be is it, there ‘h only one over land. It might, perhaps, have been anti­ w-'klng home from t’’" Rockville p-ilr and " Is '|nT>noasd he billionaire in this country. , A wealthy young clubman in De­ Witness the bones of the many cipated that she would be glad to struck by a passing auto as his troit fs the hijacker. , , thousands who went down to the live the’ rest of her life as quietly skull was fractured.' He was born Note to prohibition authorities: sea in rickety little ships, during and as far removed from the pub­ In Tolland, the son of Frank A. Recent figures show there are ll,- The honeymoon is o-ver whe^ he the- ages, and who sank and lic gaze as possible. But that and Mary Southwick Newinan. He 000 milUonaires in the United blames her for the weather. ' A was 33 years old. He served with States,- . •' ' bleached that man might come to would have contemplated a certain the 315th Field Remount' Squad­ T^ere are those foolish enough to cross the ocean in a M^ui'etania. amount of understknding, and that ron and fo”rtesn months ac­ Weekly attendance at movies is think you are foolish- That evolution took a long time. understanding she quite evidently tive service In Franco. He Is sur­ ninety; million, which is a lot of So will this one. lacks! Being, as a matter of fact, vived by his parents, two sisters, dirty..dishes in the sink. They . seem to average about Mrs. Gertrude Gaffney of Hartford a primitive type and the product of twenty miles to the gallon or sixty and Mrs. Mabel Mosganeo” of Tol'i The geese are flying vnith for the miles an hour to the pint. . ^ primitive,antecedents, she is scarce­ lr.nd and one brother. Gfcorge New­ winter. Look out. Some of them PRESIDENT YIELDS. ly to be blamed if she regards her­ man of Rockville! ffev. William are desperate drivers. » ' A fool and bis. money are soon President Coolidge is yielding to self as an heroic figure. And be­ r. Darby, naptor-of the Federated talking. n^orch offlc'-ted at the. services. If your alarn^ clock is broken tie .-V43 the pressure of numbers in his atti­ ing also of an acquisitive type it T-t—ment was in the Tolland tude on the World Court. When a.string around your finger to re­ Soft words turn away... wrath is perfectly natiiraf that she, ably North cemetery. Six ot the mem­ mind you to get up. until yon can find ^mething fe- he takes the position, as he now abetted by her family, should pro­ bers of the American Legion were sembling a sailor’s buying pin. . does, that the United States can­ ceed to capitalize her notoriety in ^he be?~ers. ., The birds should build in the fall not accept the terms on which the what seems to them the obvious when- they could use many straw The kings can do no wrong, The dictators won’t let them. powers at Geneva ha^e accepted way. hats without even alterihg them. '' ' . GAS SOAP BUBBLES. the Senate’s reservations to the It is no tremendous compllntent i..! Be careful with matches in the •One recent Improvement in ■thia.v' Court protocol, but must insist on to the intelligence of the motion ..',.!^^blagton.— The Washington woods now. Farmers didn’t raise world is the idle rich have, ceased' their swallowing the reservations picture Industry, but it at least Burqsd of Standards is studying pol- their trees to be a forest flre>«.- to be the idol rich. without even an interpretation^ he shows a glimmering of intelligence sqnqiis^xeB now by blowing it into i- soap gtmbbles- Steel cqntainefa Coming froifi good people isn’t There are those who seem tc does so, it may readily be believed, bh its part, that the Macri 'woman heretdPre have made it impossible halt so important asy going with think it is against the law to pall i because he knows there U no other has not been able to "break into to note the action 6T the gases gqd good people, y-' doctor before midnight. ; course open to him. The quacks the movies” through any of the ,to; photograph, them. ■'“ They say ■ ■ of "patriotism” Jike Borah and Jim regular cbannbls but must .organ* ‘hat theories regarding the cheml A man'could'play poker all night If. you’ll just stick to a Job lon{ '*4l:''bhanshs sire'.being revolution' long on what a woman blows in tor 'enou^, say 20 or 30 years, youT- Reed have so played upon malice ize-ber- own company if she is to Ized. / • e- just a fall hat. get to liking it fine. V. , . ■.:* .'fc'//,-- I • i -- . A. . . t 2 S r ‘‘•A ' f i i - ■ HEBRON ‘tODNTRY ST6RT SUZANNE'S GOWNS MINER P A H l ^ : Mr. aad Mrs. Sherwood I^iner AT STATE TONIGHT TO THE REFORiRATORY entertained iIr Sunday Mr. a|id Mrs. Alphens Nye and George Babcock FBI SEVEN TRUNKS of PitchTllle. Big VaudeviDe ^ of Five Low MenUflity, vfourt Is ToW; Mrs. Harold Gray is ■ the guest Acts and FiM w e Pictare» 204 C^ses on Docket of Su­ for a week of her aunt, Miss Han­ “ The . Satiling Bntlei^’ nah Puller in Bast Haddam, Tomis Star Is to Show perior Cmni. V Norman and Robert Rathbone Thursday, Friday and Sat­ have been suffering from attacks urday. Hertford, Conn.. Sept. 22.—■ resembling grip which seems to be Siiorts Clothe to Ameri’ Judge John W. Banks swung Into cction todpy to dispose of the larg­ more or less prevalent. Robert Tonight will be the popular “ Country Store'Nite” at the State est docket o f criminal cases in the i? improving but Norman's case can Women. . histosTje^ ot Hartford county Superi­ has complicatfons affecting the sci­ theater. What a grand time is in or Court, hav.lng 2ft4'such matters atic nerve and he suffers much se­ store for all those who come. before him. j^br. Fisher, of Weth­ vere pain. There will be a large number of Paris, Sept. 22.— ^Ile. Suzanne ersfield, almost hopelessly crippled Miss Marjorie Martin who is em­ presents given away, as well as and able to stini! fn only one post some big surprises and lots of fun. Lenglen sang a song of fi^edom ployed in library work in. Greater this afternoon as she received a tlon, was fiqed $500 on a statutory New York spent the week-end at If you want to really enjoy yourself charge. Florence Maynard, of for the evening and perhapa get correspondent in her hotel room, the home of her parents, the Rev. whb're she was hurriedly closing Hartford, accused of having cared something valuable be at the and Mrs. T. D. Martin. trunks and tuqking away finery in for a patient of Pisher’s, was fined Miss Helen Gilbert left on Sun- “ Country Store.” her luggage, preparing to leave on $250. day for Bridgeport where she be­ In addition to the country store the 4 o ’clock boat-train for her Jqhn Benzes, of New Britain, gins her work in the Unquawa there will be two feature pictures professional tennis 'tour of the drew a suspended reformatory sen- school. of remarkable quality. The first United States. tance on a charge of statutory bur- Mrs. Adalbert Tefft, of Hartford, will be “ Nell Gwyn,” a beautiful "I have no regrets for having i;iary. , • a former resident, is making a visit story of a peasant girl’s romance turned professional,” Suzanne said Reformatory terms were given with Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Wal­ with a king. Dorothy Gish is fea­ gayly. "I liberated myself, I am Francis Miner, 18, and • Clarence do at their home on^the Green. tured in the leading role,'that of free from the despotic rule of the Miner, 20, both of Manchester, for There are forty or more pupils Nell Gwyn, the forward, merry, tennis czars.” a statutory offense in which a sis from this town who are attending laughing little commoner who cap­ Seven Trunks. ter was Involved. Assistant State’s the Willimantic schools, high and ture’s the king’s heart, and the The correspondent looked about Attorney Gideon, in presenting the Denot normal, this year. A part of them hearts of everyone in the whole him and saw no less than seven case, told Judge Banks the Minors Near Post Office Manchester are taken on the Colchester-Willi- kingdom. trunks gasped. were of a low degree of mentality, mantic bus as the school bus run It is a new and splendid Dorothy “ Ah yes. they are all mine,” said that the siste-* had been comn\it- by Horace Porter can accommodate Gish who appears in “ Nell Gwyn.” Suzanne. “ I am taking forty new ted to a home, and that seven chil­ only about half the number. The Instead of being fictitious, the ensembles created by Patou, espe­ dren In the family had been in­ three attending the State Normal story of this picture is the true life cially for my American, tour. They mates of the county home. Training school are Miss Ellen love story of the famous actress are sports costumes mostly, Shet­ Andrew Ronzillo. a Bristol Jones, Miss Mildred Hough and with the enticing silk stockings land sweaters and morocaln pleat­ farmer, appealing from a Bristol Starts Tomorrow, Thursday and Miss -Eunice Seyms. The high who vamped a king. ed skirts. city court sentence «)f sixty day.s in school, attendance has been great­ “ Sweet Nell of Old Drury”— "All my gowns are marked for jail for a second violation of the pretty, inviting. warmblooded, their simplicity and straight liquor laws, received the same sen­ er this year than ever before. lines.” The Christian Endeavor meeting reckless, generous and. adorable! tence from Judge Banks today. Now intimate details of her life • In the corner of one trunk there The judge upheld the lower court was held Sunday evening at the were dolls and dolls, the Suzanne For 10 Days Only in every respect In the case. home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Waldo. and love are revealed in a sumptu­ ous entertainment. No more beau­ Lenglen dolls. Frank Carbone, alleged to be In­ Mrs. Fred Brehant, who was to Suzanne explained that she In­ tiful picture was ever made than volved in n bootleg feud that early have led the meeting was prevent­ tends to auction these dolls on this one. It was produced In this month cost the life of Carmelo This is a branch store of our 35 Oak Street South Manchester store. Opened mainly ed from attending by the illness of board the Paris for the benefit of Tiralongo, of Torrlngton, will be her small child and Miss Edna Great Britain by the British Na­ the Seamen’s fund. tional Pictures, Ltd., for Para­ tried before Judge Banks here to­ to serve our customers and new customers from the north end and surrounding sections. Latham took her place. The sub­ Mrae. Lenglen and a French morrow on a charge of carrying ject was on mission work in India. mount. maid are accompanying Suzanne, Nell will capture your heart just concealed weapons, having pleaded Customers acquainted with our store over South wilt at once see that this store is also The Rev. John Deeter was present but Lenglen Pere remains in not guilty to the charge. and gave an Interesting talk on In­ as surely as" she did that of a mon­ France. going to be a Real Bargain Store. If you are interested in saving money, attend our dian conditions. arch, and just as she did the hearts Paul Feret, who has also turned of a great nation. For, without a CUT RATE FOR VIOLATORS Miss Eunice Porter is spending professional, will sail with Su­ IN kVHOLESALE LOTS Opening Sale. the week at the home of her pa­ place in history, Nell has a warm zanne. place in the hearts of everybody. Bridgeport, Sept. 22.— More rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Clinton Por­ than twenty motorists from Nor­ ter. Miss Porter is planning to The other feature will be Bob Custer in “ The Devil’s Gulch.” walk, Stepney and Southport were begin training as a nurse in Middle­ STRONG MELODRAMA c-ught today in a newly restricted Store Open Until 8 O ’ c l o c k Every Night to Accommodate sex hospital next week. This is a thrilling western melo­ drama of the pountry where men parking zone that was put into Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and effect on Golden Hill and Cannon Those Who Cannot Come Earlier four children of Springfield, Mass., are men and Fords are taboo. Cj^- -AT CIRCLE TONIGHT clonic riding, fast moving drama, streets here. The changes against spent Sunday at the home of Mr. the entire group were nolled on • Smith’s brother, Edwin T. Smith. comedy and suspense make it a The epic fight of a woman gov­ fine type of entertainment. You payment of one dollar each in city An informal reception was given ernor against the political influ­ court. A Few Items Are Listed Below, Hundreds of More in the Store to the Rev. and Mrs. Deeter of Gil­ should not miss this excellent pro­ ences that beset her, and her final gram. ead hall a few evenings ago by his triumph over the forces of boss parishioners of the Gilead Congre­ On Thursday, Friday and Satur­ rule, mud-slinging, muck-raking gational church. Mr. Deeter has day the State will present five acts and all the ills to which the po­ just reassumed the pastorship of of select vaudeville, aad a knock­ litical flesh has so long been heir, Metal Worker the Hebron and Gilead churches out comedy feature picture, “ The build up to a mighty climax in Battling Butler,” featuring Buster Special for Ladies Special for Men after an absence of several years in “ Her Honor The Governor,”' F. B. Copper and galvanized iron gut­ the West. Keaton. O.’s strong melodrama now show­ ters, tin and paper roofing, hot air Arthur Hutchinson and three It will be remembered what a ing at the Circle theater. A more Men’s blue work Shirts, Value $1.00 . . . 69c daughters of South Manchester, fine bill of vaudeville was present­ tense and nerve-wracking scene furnaces, repaired and reset. Ladies’ Broadcloth Dresses, latest styles, were week end guests of Mr. Hut­ ed at the State last week. An­ than the trial of Governor Adele Men’s heavy moleskin Pants, other excellent bill will be shown value $3.00. Sale p r ic e ...... $1.48 chinson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fenway’s son for murder, with the this week. The first act will be Alfred Hutchinson. crashing emotional crisis to which value $3.50...... $2.45 the Miller Trio in a musical, sing­ Grinton Will of Mamaroneck, it rises, can hardly be imagined; Ladies’ extra heavy flannel Nightgowns ing and dancing specialty act. Men’s heqvy cotton work Pants, value his brother Robert, a student at and that note^ actress Pauline Wm. Bray Wesleyan University, and Randall These three have a musical surprise 19 Wadsworth Street ...... 98c in store for you. Frederick is at her unequalled best $2.25 ...... $1.45 Holden from Yonkers were week­ in the title role. Doris Anderson Telephone SI 1-5. end guests at the home of the Rev. For the second act there will b« Ladies’ silk Stockings, all colors, value the popular Paul Brady. You all adapted the story for the screen, Men’s Overalls, heavy denim, union made T. D. Martin. from an original written expressly know Paul, of course. He’s the Miss Ellen JoHes was at home for Miss Frederick by Hyatt Daab 5 0 c...... 3 pair $1.00 ...... — ...... 98c man with all those funny stories. from the Willimantic State Normal and Weed Dickinson. Thomas BATTERY WORK Delmore and' Moore will be next. Men’s wool Union Suits,“ Hatch one but­ School for the week-end. Santchi. Carrol Nye Greta Von Rue, Ladies’ silk Stockings, value $1.25.. 75c pr. They have “ something new” in Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. White of Stanton Heck, Boris Karloff and vaudeville to show you. They can Authorized “ Willard” Service ton • $1.25 New Haven visited their aunt, Mrs. Charles McHugh make a fine sup­ Station. Amanda W. Potter the latter part certAinly put their stuff across the All These Stockings Are Guaranteed Men’s ribbed Union Suits, value $1.25. .85c footlights. porting cast. Chet Withey hw in­ of the week. vested the production with power Carbon. Burning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Allyn Then there will be “ the absolut- and distinction, and a dedication Auto Electrical Work. FIRST QUALITY Men’s ribbed Shirts and Drawers, B lob ’s, liest” funniest man In vaudeville, and their son Robert of Hartford to Gov. Nellie Ross, of Wyoming, Hank Brown. Hank always sends Electrical Appliances Repaired. value $1.00...... 1...... 69c ea. spent the week-end at their sum­ the first woman to hold the honor his audiences into spasms of laugh­ mer home on Burroughs Hill. of chief executive in any state, adds Free Crankcase Service. Ladies’ heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, Men’s Everyday Socks, value 20c, 2 pr. 25c Arthur A. Hills of Hockanhm is ter, until his victims are ready to yell, “ Stop!” to keep their ribs to the impressivepess of the pic­ the guest of his sister, Mrs. Helen ture. value $1.00 each ...... 59c ea. Men’s all wool Sweaters, value $8.00 .$5.75 from being shattered from exces­ White. Mr. and Mrs. C. Way The picture will be shown for sive laughter. JOHN BAUSOLA Men’s Wind Breakers, value $5.00 ... $2.95 and Mrs. Clara Hanmer were call­ the last time tonight. With Barrett & Robbins Ladies’ heavy ribbed Union Suits, value ers at Mrs. Helen White’s on Sun­ The headliner will be “ A Society Valuable Premiums Given Away at Our day. Scandaj,” a musical comedy. There HUGH GIBSON CRITICIZES 913 Main St. Phone 39-2 $ 1 .7 5 ...... $1.00 Mrs. Howard C. Champe who is are six very capable people In this ARMS SUB-COM»nSSION Opening Sale With Every Purchase of spending some time with her pa­ act. It is one of the finest musical comedy acts in vaudeville. Ladies’ Vests, value 35c .... 19c Goods $1.00 or Over. rents here received on Monday, the Geneva, Sept. 22.— Violent dis­ 20tb, a telegram from her hus­ “ Ten!” Buster’s won again! He’s cussions were precipitated in the knocked the movie audiences all G. Schreiber & Sons band, the Rev. H. C. Champe from preparatory disarmament commis­ over America for the count In his the mission fields of Mexico. The sion today when Hugh Gibson, latest production, “ The Battling telegram was dated September 17 American minister to Switzerland and was sent from Maxatlan. It Butler.’’ Buster never smiles General Contractors once In any of bis pictures— at and head of the American delega­ gave the information that heavy tion to the conference, criticized Special for Children fioods prevailed there and that least, as the soap people say, "he Mintz’s * . the work of the military sub-com­ Mintz’s bridges were dowiw to the north, hasn’t smiled yet.” But that does­ Children’s flannel Bloomers ...... ,19c n’t necessarily mean that his audi­ mission. Gibson requested that new Ballden of "Better Built llomea’ cutting off all communication with Instructions oe Issued to the sub- the United States. Mr. Champe ences won’t smile; oh, no, Indeed. Telephone 1500-2. Bargain Store Children’s Rain Capes, value $4.00 .. $1.98 Bargain.Store They simply roar with laughter! ccmmlssion not to engage itself said that he had received no mail with political questiona.but to con­ from the United States since the Buster wasn’t exactly a world’s Children’s Socks, value 25c pr. . 7 prs. $1.00 champion boxer— but he had a girl fine l‘ s activities to tecljnlcal cou- tenth of the month and that there slderatluns. 183 Main Street 183 Main Street was no use in writing as the let­ and, well, a man in love will do Shop: 285 West Center Street Childrep’s black Stockings, all sizes ___ ters would not reach him. Pre­ cracler things than the wildest rav vious letters from Mr. Champe ing maniac. The girl didn't real­ Manchester, Conn...... 10c pair Slanchester, Conn. have told of heavy rains in Tepic ly have to know that her fiancee and vicinity and of the high water wasn’t the real "Battling Butler,” mark reached by Lake Chapala world’s champ. Of course not, which 1s higher this season than and so Buster let his girl go right ever before. Outlets from this on thinking that he was the real lake to the Pacific ovean flooded champ, until t^e thing got beyond Special for Girls Special for Boys their banks last year and caused the confines ot his immediate lo­ great havoc in life and property. cality. An Important.List Boys’ flannel Blduses, value 50c ___ 35c The conditions indicate even more And then— the real "Battling serious trouble this season. Mr. Bvitler” heard ot the imposter who Girls’ Gingham Dressens, value $2.00 . .98c Boys’ heavy flannel Blouses, value $1.00 Champe expects to join his family was stealing all Its thunder. And ) ...... 75c here Inter in the full for a vaca­ what did he do? Well, he just otJmproivements tion and will come by boat if train challenred poor Buster, who had Girls’ Wool Dresses, values to $8,00.. $3.98 Boys’ Pants, heavy corduroy, value $1.50.. connections continue broken. At never been in a prise fight ring in ' V present the Mexican Southern Pa­ his life, to fight him and to prove ...... ,...... $1.00 cific is cut off from the northern which was the real champion. To Following a year of unprecedented Girls’ Stockings, value 2 9 c...... 19c branch. tell the hilarious outcome ot this Boys’ Suits,2 pair pants, value $9.00.. $5.^5 awful predicament in which Buster engineering progress, Dodge Broth­ found himselt would'only spoil the ers announce another important FOUR BOXING BOUTS story. The plcture'i a wow, lo don't miss It. ^ list of improvements for their com­ One good fight desewei another, Valuable Premiums Given Away at Our Opening Sale With AT THE KACEY HALL so the returns ot the Dempsey' plete line of motor oars. Tunney world's championship bat Every Purclutse of $1.00 Goods or Over To I*rccedc Receipt of Radio tie will bo'announced round by round from the State theater stage No one who contemplates the pur­ Returns from the Dempsey- on Thursday night. No need to Tunney Battlefleld. stay away from the State to get chase of a car should M to inves­ the fight returns. You can get Also a Complete Line of Men’s Clothing, Our Stock of Shoes is Large and Complete f Money cheerfully refunded on'all unsatisfactory Sales. suitable opponent cannot be found H. A . STEPHENS Boston, Sept. 21.— The commis- 1 for a certain bo.xer. Sion to erect markers over the fa­ Cor. Center and Kno$; Streets So. Manchester The hall Is an ideal place for re­ mous route traveled by General ception of the returns and will be Knox, on his trip with ammunition open to Knights and their friends from Fort Tlconderoga, N. Y. to ca Thursday night. Cambridge, left for Albany today B R q T H E R S MINTZ’S Bargain Store where a joint conference will be * Manchestarjl Feesh Floh, Plnehurat, Friday.— held with the General Knox com- M O T O R C A A S Adv. - * min^on of Nevr York State.


^ . N

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THE RC®£ANC]i2 O i’ AMERICA: S (1) ^ ^ Sketches'by Redner, poiftnoi* fivnAnolaSynopsis hvby.Braucber. f^raiiptipr

Changeb Rates ■ For Herald Gassified Advertisbg On and after June 1, 1926, the following rafies for (i® Classified Advertising will be in effect; All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar Vi'® advertising on Classified Page: m First insertioji, 10 cents a line (6 words to llAe). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat irifeertions (running every day), 5 cents a line. / THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional change of 25 cents will be made for Ir^i Iw advertisements charged and billed.

______FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Francis Maripn, Swamp famous scout Marlon was of slight The little general yniii Marion was an impassioned advocate of liberty. His and wntral of Revolutionary day*, descend­ build, ’ short in stature, 43 years old ^ 'e h


'IMIM V ETHELS Words andMeanings Vve K\tAHT-WHAT .6

©1? _ ^ Wt' 4n old maid Ilka ROB HATHAWAY, to whom your Aunt Hattie? A-.good bright ''PACKET'’ Fuitli is aiso attracted, but who red’s Just what you want to liven you iias eyes only for the petite, cop­ up! Finish off the Skirt with them per-haired Cherry, deep petals, like you 'did Cherry’s 1cs •Faith's life is largely made up green organdy. And have 'em picot- e of work and of getting Cherry ed downtown. No'sense In the world 1 and her brother, JUNIOR, 21, In you runnln’ up a two-piece dress out of trouble. She has just on the machine in a coupla hours pawned or sold all her trinkets and slavin’ two days on a dress for to get Junior out of Jail when he Cherpyl 7qu slip into another dress was arrested for speeding. Ches­ and hurry downtown for tbs pattern, ter Hart, at Cherry’s invitation, n i scrape up a bite o’ lunch comes to call, and because he . your Ma and Joy and me, and this f^ ls rather mean at having afternoon, between us, we should- "ditched” Faith, he asks have that there dress half finished." \ - GEORGE PRUITT, son of one Faith was about to thank her aunt of the town’s richest families, to when the sbrili clamor of the tele­ A '‘ O e T H n G - coll the same evening. phone interrupted her. "I’ll answer ^ DATEr THE- / Pruitt, a former student of it. Aunt Hattie. It must be for me." art in New York, now working “This is the Western Onion," a wm A P U C l ^ in his father’s wholesale grocery rnetallio voice told her In a mono* PHCH" business, tells Faith she is a tons. “We have a message for Miss modem Venus, and practically Ig­ Cherry Lane, addressed to the" A. H. nores Cherry. Preston Company. They tell us that Cherry has promised to buy Miss Lane Is no longer with them. Faith material for a dress,- but Shall I read It over the phone or ' the cloth she chooses is so un­ send It out? Delivery will be ten C1926 BY RCA SOWICC, RfQ. ■ suited to Faith’s type that the cents.” D flT E Q l girl refuses it, and AUNT MAT- "Read It," Faith found herself TIE LANE, acidulons little old answering In a dry, husky voice. spinster, wins Faith’s gratitude “This Is—Is Miss Lane." by buying her the material she “This Is a day letter from Indi­ STURDY SEMI-BUNGALOW The dining room Is adequate, five bedrooms seems UQbellevable; bad wanted. anapolis. Indiana, and signed Ah and a pantry and breakfast nook and yet it does, and the rooms are The two plan to make the bert,” the monotonous voice went on. combined connect it with a well- all large and have cross ventila­ dress, and are interrupted at “The message reads; ’Sorry can’t -3CK?- designed kitchen. Note that there tion. their work by the arrival of a make It this week-end. Somebody is a first floor bedroom as well as a If you ever were inclined to a great box of flowers addressed suspicious. Don’t worry. Writing first floor lavatory in this design. semi-hungalow type, you will like to Faith, who is overwhelmed at 1 1 1 1 full Instructions. Love and kisses. lOA The real surprise comes upstairs, this house plan; It can be built on the unusual attention. ST-^ Albert. The rnetallio voice pauKd, however. There are four full-sized a 35-foot lot. • NOW GO ON WITH THE STORT then resumed, with a slightly mors LIT li **^“**^ . bedrooms, each with good closet CHAPTER IX human note: "Shall 1 read It again?*’ space, and a ba,th, as well as an When a fellow has ndver hit the ITH’S fingers trembled so vio­ "No, I understood perfectly." Fslth -> airy, cheerful hallway. That, a bottom it is natural to doubt his lently as she worked at the pur- stammered. "Will you mail It please house of this size should contain ability:‘to bounce. to this address—no, send it care of __ z______plb cord binding the enormous Cluny and Neff, Attorneys at Law. box of flowers that her Aunt Hattie, She saw her tall, splendid body with eyes that had been Prudential Building." opened by George Pruitt’s appreciation. ' chuckling wickedly, seized a paring Faith hurried away, leaving a mys­ ^ . HDEOOII * M0MOM knife and slashed the string with tified and rather piqued Aunt Hattie even the back of her neck was red as which not even scuffed old brown staring after her. one vigorous thrust of bi*r skinny she arranged the magnificent roses Oxfords could hide. Goxi Natuie In the green lemonade pitcher. She Exultation flooded her heart. She Albert! That could only be the r little hanA mysterious Albert Bttleson, whose \ 1 i - \ e k n c l "Oh, Aunt Hattie!" Faith breathed could not trust herself to speak, for would never again be ashamed of her her heart was too full of gratitude body, carry It awkwardly, apologeti return address Faith had 'seen on III /i ecstatically as she lifted a great sheaf toward George Pruitt and toward cally. the envelope under Cherry's pillow. of roses from their bedding of damp, Aunt Hattie, and tears were quiver­ •'1 need Just the right kind of lip "Somebody suspicious”! That could ing on her eyelashes. But when she rouge," she whispered to herself mean only one thing—that Albert I>ale green tissue paper. “There Ettleson was married and that Cherry Good llealt must be some mistakel They can’t went Into the living room, to place “And I’m going to get It. no master the flowers on the library table, she what it costs!" knew It. "Writing full Instructions”! BE CAREFUL ABOUT stitutes for the tooth brush in the bo meant for me!" Instructions—Instructions? What stood for a long minute before the Her large, calm brown eyes, lu YOUR TOOtH BRUSH. form of cotton devices, paper de­ "American Beauties!" Aunt Hattie old-fashioned pier glass that reached minous now with new vision, looked on earth could he be “Instructing" vices or rubber devices that may crowed. “1 told you so! Wy Lord, almost to the ceiling, and which, be­ at her steadily, serenely, from under Cherry about? What plan did her be thrown away after use, or that m sister have on foot that a married the stems are three feet long. If cause of Its usefulness in dressmak­ the level, dark brows that Cherry ‘B|’ DR. MOiyilS FIEHBEIX may be sterilized thoroughly be­ ing, Faith had refused to sell, at had suggested that she pluck to an man could be writing her full In- fore and after use. they're an Inch! Here, open that Cherry's req'uest. arched, halr-thln line. If only her structlons concerning'/ And he dared \ there envelope, before 1 bust with end his cryptic message with "love Editor Journal of the American Tooth picks lacerate the gum She saw her tall, splendid body nose were thin-nostrllted, aristo Medical Association and of Hygeia curiosity! Not for you! Hunb!^Make with eyes that had been opened by cratic, straight, as It should huvr and kisses ! Faith's cheeks burned tissue and lower the resistance to mo sick! Always runnln’ yaurkelf George Pruitt’s appreciation. Cher­ been to match her face and her body! with shame for her sister. She the Health Magazine. infection. Dentists, therefore, con­ down!" ry’s tiny, elfin-like figure, the» su­ "1 hate you, you squdgy, soft Old would disgrace them all yet— stantly recommend dental floss for Faith drew the engraved and In­ preme expression ^>f flapper beauty, thing!" She poked at her round- Before buying the pattern for her In advising the public regarding the removal of food between the scribed card from the square envel­ had made Faith feel awkward and tipped, indefinite, characterless nose dress. Faith went directly to the Pru­ the proper care of its health, Hy­ teeth. This ^ Is placed gentlji^ ope that was tied to a thick, thorny almost grotesquely lar^e, although with an angry forefinger. dential Building, In which Cluny and geia has found the necessity for through the contact points so that stem, and read it aloud. In a shaken she was only five feet five Inches tall “What you doin’ In here so long?” Sea had their pretentious ofllcee. special emphasis on the care of the it will not slip down on the gum . voice: and weighed a hundred and thirty- Aunt Hattie demanded from the door She dreaded the scene that was teeth. Regardless of the vast tissue and lacerate it. “Mr. George Horace Pruitt—These five pounds—the correct weight for tvay. "1 finished dryln’ thj dishes bound to follow, but her head was amount of information that has roses reminded me of you. I hope her height. and put 'em away. Let’s git a bus held high, and her brown eyes 'were been disseminated among the pub­ you won’t mind, and that y6u will let Clasping her hands behind her tie on now and see how quick w« almost black with anger. The heart­ lic in recent years, many persons me see you again soon." head, she revolved slowly before the can git this house cleaned up. less, conscienceless little flirt! continue to have teeth that are "Mindl Land o’ livin’l Is the boy mirror, observing, with shy but un­ Where's your Ma ?’’ "I’m Miss Lane’s sister," she told filthy with deposits of tartar, dis­ the boy who was lounging (n the crazy? I bet them roses cost him a ashamed eyes, the sculptured per­ “She’s In her room, lying down. The semi-bungalow is always colored with the accumulation of pretty penny. How many are'there? fection of her strong, round, white She has a sick headache," Faith ex­ outer office. ' ^ Ity and a sort of sturdy strength matter that is easily removable; BON TON MILUNERY Hmm! Three, six, nine, twelve! arms, the long, graceful line of neck plained. That’s her office,’' the boy nld, popular, and with reason. It has in its appearance. loose because, of unhealed infec­ "I’d say he's • got It bad—‘these melting Into sloping, erect shoulders: "I guess that’s the same sick head­ pointing to a closed door. "Just go that diminutive, "cozy" appear­ A roomy, well-shaded porch tions, and, in general, a serious roses remind mo of you’—’’ Aunt the swell of high, firm, pointed ache she has always had when I right inf* ance that makes a house so home­ gives access to a living room which Hattie quoted with relish. “He ain’t Treading softly, a Uule awed by handicap to either social or busi­ breasts under the straight front of come to spend the day,” Hattie Lane like,-and yet It gives this impres­ is featured by several novel ar­ ness progress. so far wrong, neltherl 1 always did her pink percale bungalow apron- chuckled. “Take your flowers in to the magnificence of the Cluny and rangements. French doors open in­ say you was a fine, handsome girl! Neff offices. Faith turned the knob sion without sacriflclng needed The Tooth Brush. 3-Day SaJe the gracious, curvlhg sweep of back show her. That’ll give ‘her some­ to a sun parlor and into the dining The good Lerd ain't forgot- how to noiselessly and pushed open (he space. into waistline, defined by the wide, thing to think about." room, while an open stairway The tooth brush campaign has THURSD.AY, FRIDAY, SATURDAl turn out a real woman, even If he starched belt; the long, splendid An hour later the grizzled gray door. The tableau, quickly dissolved, This plan manages to escape tlie along one wall helps to keep the done a ^ast amount of good, bu( has been sklmflln’ a lot on these curve of the thigh, the straightness head and the sleek brown one were which met her'eye drove for the mo­ has not accomplished all that it toothpick flappers!" bric-a-^brac style so many -semi- room from seeming small or and rounded slenderness of her bent over a fashion book. ' ment all thought of the telegram bungalows lapse into; it has solid- cramped. might because of ignoraIic:^ as to Faith said nothing, but her Aunt calves and ankles; the high-arched, "Here—look at this! Bet you’d out of her mind. what constitutes a proper tooth Hattie’s shrewd eyes observed that aristocratic narrowness of her feet, look swell In Ibis!’’ Aunt Hattie (To Be Continued) ' brush, as to the proper methods of usin.g a tooth brush, and similar iiuipiiiHiiiuuiiyiiiiiiiiiuaiiiiiiiiHiuiiinifliiniiHnuiiHiiitiiiiiiiuiiiiiuniiiuiiuHiiM ccnslderatlons. Dr. William N. Gardner points quently you, Judy, must decide “It’s the truest thing that ever THE BEAUTY DOCTOR out that most of the tooth brushes on the nnrket are too large for ef­ quickly whether you lo^e him I Home Cage Editorials was .said. That new song pbople HER OWN enough to marry him or whether sing about ‘I want to be happy’ BY NINON. ficient brushing. The best tooth you love Jerry Hathaway.” should be ‘I’m going to be happy.’ brush is small, with stiff bristles. “But, you see, Joan, I too have A Wotd in' We have almost absolute control These may be about seven roWs to interject that word ‘buf—your over our own happiness. Almost long and fliree rows wide, of un- •iWAY’ brother has not asked me to marry Favot o1 Anchors absolutely! Now, my dear, get up .even length, and with the groups him.” . by Olive Roberts Rarton. and get dressed and go down and of bristles wide apart. The handle o m L o f i c m y "Don’t beg to question, Judy, take the car to Eighteenth street should be very heavy, ^nd at leas* JUDY MtJST DECIDE. surely I don’t have to tell'you, that and walk four blodks west and six inches long sp as to permit it to not only you 'but almost any other watcE the sunset.” reach the molars. Z looked at Joan Meredith rath­ woman can get a man to marry her The dear old doctor came in and The dear old doctor got up to All sorts of odd shapes and dis­ er curiously. I wondered just what If she wants him to do so; and In sat down. “What’s wrong?” he go, tributions of bi’istles are manufac­ her reactions was to this affair the case of Jack I am sure that asked, with a twinkle in his eye. "But my medicine.” tured, but,' so far as known, it is which was rapidly becoming rather you have already had to shy away "Oh, doctor, everything! I’m so "You've had it. toy dear.'” Impossible to make a brush that hectic between her brother and to keep him from telling you that overworked and nervous I could will conform exactly to the dent.ai TRIMMED HATS me. he loved you. jump out of the window. I can’t di­ arcji both inside and outside. A FOR .1USS AND MATRQN She, however, smiled and said, "Think it over, my dear, and let gest any food and I have a terrible \ small tooth brush with" a proper me know your decision tomorrow pain around my heart, my head OstrichJBoa handle may therefore be manipu­ Included in this wonderful group "Don’t you worry, Judy. I think It are large poke hatd of satin and is splendid for you to Interest morning.” aches and I'm dizzy and I can’t lated to the best advantage for the This will be a very decisive eveur sleep and then when I do get to purposes concerned. ^ velvet combinations. Also beauti- John. You have changed his-Whole sleep I-—” i ful velours, velvets and felts. A outlook on life. But my dear, I Ing, I said to myself, little know­ ^ Hie Menace. ing how In a vary few moments The dear old doctor, held up his • A tooth brush improperly cared wonderful variety of styles and col\ know you love power and because ors. Values to $7.50. There are you love it more than anything everything would be decided for hand. "That’s enough to kill an for may be a menace as well as a me. ' army, my dear! I’ll look you over.” help In the care of the teeth. plenty o| l^rge head sizes for the else in the world you are tempted matron. to kqep on without any regard' for While he produced lifs stethe- When a tooth brush-Is spoiled, un­ my poor brother’s feelings.’’ scope'the patient had time to go' fortunately, it is not immediately I vehemently shook my head. HIGH HEELS on. "It’s no wonder I’m, sick! I thrown away, but Is used until it But even as I ^id so Lsa'id to my­ have to do the work of ten people. releases so many bristles as to be Every day and every day and every distinctly uncomfortable. A new self. "By this gesture I am telling Very high heels are appearing on day! I can’t get away from it. It’s an untruth” and, I thought the the new afternoon and evening tooth brush should be put in a a regular ball and chain.” strong'salt, cold-water solution for bflood rushed to my face. I did no? sSllppers. Black velfet is good this The doctor finished hJs examina­ dcf^elve Joan in the least, however, season, for dress shoes. two hours before using. Cold wa­ tion and put awa^-*ts stethescope. ter should be used to moisten thd for she said, mischievously. "Don’t "Balls and chains, are good, for us. shake your head. Judy, I have brush, before using, and to rinse it NEW FELTS They keep us anchored.” thoroughly after brushing the 'The most popular 'styles and learned today that almost any “Why,., doctor, I do believe you womaniwould be tempted to an­ KGYPTLSN ROSE teeth. colors. All bead sizes. Large, me­ think I’m plaxjng off.” The brush should then be placed dium qnd small. nex Jacic. Any woman In this day Certaloiy not. I was Just goJng- •rhen evejry man is supposed to Egyptian rose is a new soft, allur­ In a glass with the bristle end out Values to ^ . 00. ing shade of old rose that even a to’sfiy bglla .and chgins ate a state have lived before he comee to the of mind. I haven’t had a vacation ^ that the bristles will be allowed point where he asks any woman to gray-haired Woman may wear ef­ to dry for 24 hours before the fectively. for three years, and about two Iwcome his wife would certalDl.v nights out of every week 1 get., no brush IS used again. People oHght have a thrill if she could be sure sleep at all. I used to think my fberefore equip themselves with of knowing that she was absolute­ WOODEN TRIMMINGS work was. a ball and chain, but two brushes, one for morning and ly a mnn'e first love; not his first Buckles ana ornaments made of somehow now I think it’s a bless­ one for evening use. A tooth brush love, but almost the only woman rare woods or Inlaid with them are At one of the recent fashion prom­ improperly used, kept moist for ing. I hever seem to get tired any ■ .... Posed by H ai4 Hurd. to whom he had ever spoke in so­ seen on the beat atl-eet bats from more. The more 1 think of my enades in New York, showing orig­ long periods of time, or l^ept in an cial terms, that as far as he was Paris. inal French modols, the . long os­ CONDITION—^Pimples or emptlons on the face. ^ air-tight container will quickly be work as a blessing the less tJrqd I destroyed, but, what is more Rn- concerned she was to him as Ere feel.” trich-boa was much in eWdenca TRSA.TiSfi^-^ee a doctor.’ Ordinarily it la risky to attempt lo in the Qardea. BLOC8ED DRESSES "I suppose you are going to tell portant, becomes the place for BON TO N *!But—you see there is always a with evening gowna Thfs one is doctor piippias pjf fadai eruptions youracdfbecause of the danger of iu- growth for bacteria that are accu­ The bloused dress Is very good me that happiness is a state of fectiop.’ However, a-bit of alcohol or peroxide, applied with steriliaed 30 CHURCH ST^ HARTFOl^) 'but* dear, you know, do yOu not». for fall. It iQUSt be worn under"'*^ mind next, doctor. That's preUy of deep plum, shading to maura at mulated from within the mouth. Near Main Street. that Jobs must not be hurt, eonae-, coat of generous itneai 1 stale stuff, you know.’^ / - one end. mtton, will not be injurious and may prevent further spreading until a For this reason, ' manufacturers n are already making available snb- V' \ doetar'can bo;.hQ|iu^teda " V .'oV I-' ^ ^ *x‘ ■"'. ,.' ■ ■'■ H $ '' ' ' ■•‘■*’ *'*' .■ ‘^'■ji'y T 't “ *-"^'i:' .>A eE B ram T MANCHESTER EVENING^HE^D, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ^ i m

Woman• Writer Discusses < TAEENDERS KEEP NqHotial Woman’s GoH s 0 ASZetlTliODRNEiSRS Matrimonial Facilities C W , i E D S APACEl tournament Next Week SMOTHER C I O X I L 0 • s ■ 'f f Amanii^ Obmnrers 'Who Hail Thousht He .Would NATIONAL GOLF Of Dempsey and Tunney Philadelphia, Sept. -22.— Gleana Under the Strain. •*' Braves Whip Cinciimati As Collett, the l^vtdence princesa, . Following are the winners of Indians Win and Race Re^ .» #• - t There will be.bul^ one place to,.' the national womens golf asso- , MancbAater tomorrtilr'''night-whert will endeavor to emulate the; feat, 'Stroudsbnrg, "i^.. Sept. 2 2 .~ performed by Aleza Stirling back in elation annual champiohship blQ-w-b^f-blow jr^nraa of ^ e Dera^ By ALLBKE,STJMNER. j blue tie and a la batik bluq shirt. Robins Trip St. Loni^ mains the Same-^ A^s Just ,ono day away frpm the fight sey-Tonney l^ght will be bbtainabU } "I feel better when I know I’m all 1920 when she defends her national tpurneys from 1900 to date* ' Which guy' 1900— P. C. Grlscom. * that wlU’rither make or break him free to the .entire public, s That lo^c togged out right." golf title at the Merton pricket pugilistlcally. Gene Tunney has at­ would I marry— 1901— Genevieve Hecker. place will be at the Sootb Office ol I’m betting that husband Jack Sberdellhe Vicliin! • ■ Cliib here 'th e week of Sept. 27- Hold Third Pheer J ^ tained. the heighth of physical per­ granted that Oct. 2. 1902— Genevieve Hecker. The Heraldt>n Oalc.Btreet ' " would fix the bridge lamp or get a fection. Whether he can maintain Through the courtesy of John F. Providence gave glass of jelly from the top shelf Miss Stirling, it will be recalled, 1903— ^Bessie Anthony. that rAzor edge fitness from how won the championship. of the wo­ 1904— Georgianna Bishop Barstow, who has installed a radio me the chance — with just a grin, ■ BOBIN&.4, CAROs 3 YANKS 14, WHITE SOX O ' until he steps into the ring with set for the purpose, ,:he results of I fear that Mr, Tunney, tearing men’s sector in 1919 and then re­ 1905— Pauline Mackay. Jack Dempsey is problematical. * Gene Tunney or 1906— Harriot Curtis. the-fight will be given *C"t. Ths big himself with no- alacrity from his Brodklyn, Sept. 22.-^A two-run peated "the .following year. No fa^r , Sept. 22.— The - Yan­ Tunney’s mental .condition has Jack Dempsey? scholastic pursuits, Vould query; 1907— Margaret Curtis. astounded close students of the fight is not scheduled .to. start until v rklly by the Cardinals in the ninth sex pastlmer has beer, able to kees donned their hitting togs and about 9; 3 0 daylight saving time Gentle reader, "Is it utterly impossible for a 1908— Kate C. Harley. game who thought he would crack fell short as the Red Birds lost to duplicate.the trick ^nce. smothered the White Sox fourteen but the preliminary fights and lope the premise Is al­ man to remain quietly seated with­ Four Different Champions 1989-—Dorothy Campbell. under the worry. His attitude Is four to three. Petty 1910— Dorothy Campbell.^ to nothing, Hoyt yielding only about the main battle ' will begin ’ together theoreti­ in the walls of his own abode?” pitched well for the winners In 1921 Alexa (the present Mrs. that of a business man about to 1911— Margaret Curtis. two hits. ' Ruth contributed his embark on a serious mission. He to come over the air shortly after cal. Jack would mind the baby. Gene while his mates routed ‘ Willie Fraser) got as far as the finals, and 19-12— Margaret Curtis. 44th homer and Laszdri hit his figures it is just a fight. 7:30. Mr. Dempsey al­ would say, “ I’m^no nursemaid,” Sherdel, who had beaten Brooklyn for a time seemed well' on her way 1913— G. Ravenscroft. 18th. , r . ; y The Dempsey-Tunney fight has ready owns one Easy to Cook for Jack. to three championships in as many Yesterday’s workout was con­ five straight. 1914— Mrs. Arnold Jackson. New Y ork fined exclusively to the perfection aroused great interest and even fair wife of . his Jack would eat what the little Brooklyn seasons. But Marion Hollins, her A R R. H. PO. A. E. woman set before him. If it was AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 1914— Mrs. C. H. Vanderbeck. Gombs. cf ...... 4 2 1 ® 9 of a defense for the whirlwind at­ though toe champion is 'leing pre­ bosom. Mr. Tun­ opponent, proved too much for the dicted as the winner, there are ney frankly de­ something new he would eat it and Cox, rf ...... 4 1 3 1 0 0 defending queen that year, winning 1916— Alexa Stirling. Meusel. rf ...... 6 3 1 * 1 ft 0 tack Jhat Dempsey is certain to un- Carey, c f ...... 3 1 1 3 0 1 1917- 1918— War period. Ruth. If ...... 3 3 2 4 0 0 cOrlt during the first few rounds. many who think the ex-marine will clares that he is not and will not say, “ Great, honey!” Felix, If ...,...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 5 and Gehrijr. lb ...... 5 2 2 13 0 0 Tunney would toy daintily with 1919— Alexa Stirling. Lazzeri, 2b ...... G 2 3 2 7 0 Tunney plAns to rest today. He give him the battle of his life If not be in the marriage market. Herman, lb ...... 3 0 1 12. 1 1 During the last five fiestas there a defeat. The returns of the fight It’5 a theoretical question, like his food and ask, “ What in the Butler, ss ...... 4 0- 1 3 4 0 1920— Alexa Stirling. Koenig-, ss ...... 5 '2 3 1 5 1 .will not leave here until tomorrow M arrlottf 3b ...... 4 0 1 1 2 0 have been -four different tltlehold- Dugan. 3b ...... 5 0 3 0 0 0 will emitt thtough the window on how many angels can Charleston name of Krishmi is this stuff?” ers.eMiss Collett is the only one 1921— Marion Hollins. morning. After weighing In at the Bohne, 2b ...... 3 0 1 1 2 0 Severeld, c ...... 4 1 - 0 5 0 0 office of the State Boxing Commis­ the Keeney Court side of The cn a point of a pin. It’s a nerve strain to sit on a DeBerrv. c ...... 3 1 2 4 0 0 with two wins to her credit, her 1922— Glenna Collett. Hoyt, p ...... 5 0 1 0 0 0 But the answer wells from my porch with Tunney. One feels like Petty, p ...... 3 1 0 1 2 0 1923— Edith Cummings. sion he will go to the private resi­ Herald office in order not to inter­ first coming in 1922 and the second 42 14 IG 27 12 1 dence of a friend close to the Ses- fere 'with traffic on Oak street. soul. a fool. One is so uneasy. a year ago. Oddly enough Alexa 1924— Mrs. D. C. Hurd. "Mr. Tunney,” I said, “ if yon 31 4 11 27 11 2 ChicoKO quicentennial stadium and rest There is abundant room for several First of all, as the old lady said 1925— Glenna Collett. I AB. R. H. PO. A. E. St. Loiiin Stirling was runnerup In three of there until the zero hour has ar­ hundred fans to gather and for all when she osculated the Soulful- were Interviewing what would you AB. R. H. PO. A. E. the five campaigns. Harris, cf ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 orbed bovine, “ it’s everyone to her ask?”' Douthit, cf ...... 4 1 1 0 0 0 Collins, 2b ...... 4 0 1 3 6 2 rived. \ ,to hear the returns clearly. Southworth, rf .... 3 0 0 1 0 0 The 1923 laurels went to Miss Barrett, rf ...... 4- 0 0 1 0 0 taste.’’ “ I would ask,” answered he, .Sheely, lb ...... 3 0 1 13 0 0 “ what was more important, con­ Holm, X ...... 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 Edith Cummings and the 1924 Gene Is Verj’ Erudite. Hornsby. 2b ...... 4 1 1 4 4 0 honors were taken down by Mrs. Falk, If ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 If a “girl just naturally couldn’t sistency or inconsistency of con­ Bottomley, lb ...... 4 1 2 11 0 0 McCurdy, C....4...3 0 0 1 0 0 duct? And I would answer that L. Bell, 3b ...... 3 0 1 1 2 0 Dorothy Campbell Hurd. Miss Kami.i, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 4 1 get along without discussing the Hafey, If ...... 3 0 1 1 1 0 Cummings b^at Miss Stirling to Berg, ss ...... 2 0 0 3 3 1 neolithic age over the squirtl^s consistent inconsistency was a O’Farrell, c ...... 3 0 0 5 2 0 Hunnefleld, ss ...... 1 0 0 0 1 1 great'" definite principle to which to reach the heights while Mrs. C?.mp- T.yons, p ...... 1 0 0 1 3 0 grapefruit, she’d take Tunney a r a Thevenow, ss ...... 3 0 0 1 3 0 bell conquered Mary K. Browne. spouse. adhere.” ' Sherdel. p ...... 3 0 0 O'l 1 Purdy, i: ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Alexander, p ...... 0 0 0. 0 1 0 ■ This year Glenna Collett appears Edwards, p ...... 0 0 0 0 3 0 Because the minute her rosebud The porch railing ranks thinned. Morehart, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 “ I shall be consistently inconsis­ to be at the peak of her game. And Cox, p ...... 0 \ 0 0 0 (> 0 lips began to prattle about the evi­ 31 3 6 24 14 1 most of the experts are predicting The Herald has secured the ser­ dence of the zeolithic fossils, Mr. tent in the fight, formulating an Score by innings:/ unbroken series of consistently in­ Brooklyn ...... 000 000 04x— 4 another triumph for her. The Provi­ vices of three former college foot­ 30 0 2 27 20 5 Dempsey would say, “ For .the'love St. Louis ...... ! 010 000 002— 3 ball stars of national repute to Score by innings: o’ Mike, got a pulse?” consistent moves calculated utterly dence girls most dangerous rivals New York ...... I l l 010 055— 14 to bewilder my opponent.” will doubtless be Mrs. Fraser, who write a series of special dispatches But I opine that the major por­ PHILLIES 7, PIRATES 3 on the key to football success. They tion of the scheming sex cut hus­ Say, Gene, I don’t want to make fought it out with Glenna in the INDIAN‘S. 6, RED SOX 1 you sore. You remember when we finals at St. Louis last season: will write exclusively for the NEA band-stalking with their score Philadelphia, Sept. 22.— Cy Wil­ cards would write ■ Mr. Tunney saf there qn the porch, you quoted Edith Cummings, Mrs. Hurd, service of which the' Herald is a , Sept. 22.— George m e r i ' liams hit two doubles and hik 18th word for word the last paragraph Louise Fordyce and possibly Ber­ member. . The three are Ernie Uhle, Clevel-and’s ace, won in a down as 75 per cent and Mr. homer as the Phillies chased Lee of a story I once wrote about you nice Wall, talented little lady from Nevers, “ Swede” Oberlander and romp from the Red Sox, six to one. Dempsey as 350 per cent. Meadows and downed the Pirates, I arrived at my stage deductions — where I said I thought you’d Oskosh, Wis. Clark Shaughnessy. It was George’s 26th victory of the been kidding on the high-brow seven to two. At this writing Mrs. Fraser as follows: Philadelphia season. Gene Tunney, fresh from his stuff? You didn’t like t it all. You AB. R. H. PO. A. E. looms as the big threat, though Never.s, Leland Stanford star, C le v e la n d rub-down after his afternoon prac­ wanted me to know that you Sand, ss ...... 4 0 0 3 3 0 Louise Fordyce, the- Youngstown considered by “ Pop” Warner the AB. R. H. PO. A. E. weren’t kidding a bit, and that Attreau, lb ...... 4 1 Oil 0 0 lass, has many admirers. Louise greatest football player who ever .Tameison, If ...... 2 1 0 5 0 0 tice bout at Stroudsburg, ushered Williams, rf ...... 4 3 3 2 0 0 Spurgeon, 2b ...... 2 1 0 4 3 0 me onto the front porch. your true nature demanded philo­ Mokan. It ...... 4 0 1 0 1 0 has been banging away at the drew on a cleated shoe and rated Speaker, cf ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 I attempted an interviewing pre­ sophical and poetical food. Wrightstone, 3b ... 3 1 0 0 2 0 crown fori several'^ears and seems as the equal if not superior of Burns, lb ...... 4 2 2 8 0 0 amble with inane nothings. I was So, if you don’t like this yarn, Nixon, cf ...... 3 1 '1 5 1 0 about due to crash through. Ber­ Thorpe. He will write a series of J. Sewell, ss ...... 4 1 2 3 2 1 you just pretend I’m kidding you Henline, c ...... 3 0 1 4 1 0 Summa, rf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 cut short. Mr. Tunney politely but Friherg, 2b ...... 3 0 0 1 6 1 nice Wall has improved immensely twelve. articles. In them,, he will L. Sewell, c ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 firmly indicated that time was time this time. You see, I think you’re a Mitchell, p ...... 2 1 1 1 3 0 of late and is certain to cause compare !football, as^it is played in Lutzke, 3b ...... 4 0 3 1 4 0 and he would be pleased with a peach of a guy, only you're still plenty of trouble. the various..sections of thd country. Uhle, p ...... 4 0 1 0 3 0 sort of young and you don’t under­ 30 7 7 27 17 1 Two of the stories will deal with few definite questions. ^ PIttshnrgh Mary Browne Entered 31 G 10 27 12 1 Not so good. That means that stand women. That’s why you AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Mary K. Browne, who recently how a backfleld star must play on Boston when the missus greeted her don’t like ’em— ’cause you’re scar­ Mlueller, If ...... 3 0 0 10 0 turned tennis professional, will the offense and defense, revealing AB. R. H. PO. A. E. k spouse with a “ nice morning, isn’t ed of ’em— Comorosky,- If ...... 2 -0 0 0 0 0 many secrets of the -posftion./ One Haney, 3b ...... 2 0 0 0 2" 0 Rhyne, ss . . .'...... 5 0 3 2 4 0 again be a contender,, hey departure fierrera, 3b ...... 0 0 0 2 0 0 it, dear?” she would be met with And just to' give you some en­ Guyler, ct ...... ^ 4 2 1 2 0 0 from the amateur ranks'in netdom of the articles will'tell,)-how the Rigney, ss ...... 3 0 0 0 3 1 an “Is it? I hadn’t noticed, and couragement, I bet that there isn’t Waner, rf ...... f v '4 0 3 3 0 0 Pacific Coast has come t‘o the front Tobin, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 not making her ineligible in the Jacobson, cf ...... 4 0 1 4 0 0 now what is your program for the a girl in these United States, bar­ Traynor, 3b ...... !''4 0 2 1 2 0 golfing pastime,. according toi offi­ in football. Other ai-ticles will deal ring reporters, of course, who Grantham, lb ...... 3 0 0 11 0 0 Regan, 2b ...... 4 0 0 3 4 0 day?” . Cronin, 2b ...... 4 0 0 0 4 1 cials of the U. S.’ G. A. With the ; forward -ptffis in which Rosenthal, If ...... 3 1 1 1 0 0 Sweet nothings went over big in wouldn’t have you like a cat eat­ Smith, c ...... •___ 2 0 1 2 0 1 It was Mary Browne who caused Nevers excelled, and'-.will recall the Todt, lb ...... 3 0 1 12 0 2 Jack Dempsey’s Atlantic City re­ ing catnip if she had half a Spencer, c ...... 2 4) 1 2 0 0 greatest thrill - he’’ ever received Gaston, c ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Meadows, p ...... 2 0 1 0 2 0 quite a sensation two years ago by Ruffing, pi ...... 1 0 0 0 3 0 ception room. The price of cheese chance! while fightingrit 'out' in--the mole­ W elzer, p ...... 1 0 0 0 3 0 You certainly are good looking, Bush, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 going as far as the finals in -her. and tulip bulbs and how many Koupal, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 first major golf tournament. Mary skins. ;.,-r ■ Harriss. P ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 and you have the nicest manners I Heimach, x ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 eggs a day from white leghcrns Brickell, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 v/aded through a classy field that and whether gentlemen really did ever knew, and you’re awful oblig­ Bratche, xx ...... 1>0 0 0 0 0 ing— ' ■ , . 37 2 12 24 12 2 year, but in the deciding njatch Oberlander’s name 1?'familiar on prefer blonds— Score by innings: the midds o f practica’lly every foot­ 30 1 4 24 14 3 It’s just that some way I felt so was an easy victihi for Mrs. Hurd, Score by innings: (But I digress!) Philadelphia...... 102 004 OOx— 7 losing 7 and 6 . ; ball enthusiast in Manchester. Tie “ Well, then,” said I to Gene, darned at home over there in Jack Pittsburgh ...... 100 000 010— 2 Cleveland ...... 203 000 lOx— 6 former Dartmouth star and present Boston ...... 000 000 100— 1 digging in— “ what do you want Dempsey’s camp, and was so darn­ Glenna Collett, as mentioned, ed sure that he wasn’t anybody but GLANTS 5, CUBS 2 will encounter all the opposition assistant coach at Ohio State, is the money for? What’s j’our idea of ATHLETICS 3, TIGERS 2 happiness as acquired through what he is, and didn’t want to be New York, Sept. 22.—With she cares to ^take on, but unless her greatest forward passer the game anybody else! Fitzsimmons on the mound, the ga.rae Is far'b.glow its usual-, stand­ has known in years. By reason of money?” Detroit, Sept. 22.— The Athlet-, But, Gene, just wait till you fall. Giants trounced the Cubs, five to ard she shouid duplicate tfie feat his-..technique with the forward Well, he wants to travel and ics held on to third place by a buy rare editions and have monej’ Oh, babee! tw o. • ■ , hung up by Alexa Stirling-six'.year? passj, Oberlander will write largely (Copyright, N. E. A. Service) N ew Y o r k — win the crown twice ln>sucX' of thfe. aerial game and his series flea’s eyelash, beating Detroit n r archaeological research. three to two on Blue’s error. Somehow I failed to smell the AB. R. H. PO. A. E. cessive seasons. ■ ' will be more oi; less educational. Mueller, if ...... 5 1 2 2 1 0 Ehmke held his former mfttes to rich aroma of the best chocolates Liridstrom, 3b ...... 4 0 1' 0 3 0 He will unfold all the careful Pttle carried home to the little woman Frisch. 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 3 1 points that go to make the forward five hits. WATCHING G. Kelly, lb ...... 2 1 1 10 0 0 JACK KEARNS KEEPS pass successful. He will tell you the Philadelphia at eventide. Terry, rf ...... 4 10 2 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Jack Looks to the Future.' Tyson, cf ...... 3 1 2 5 0 0 fine points of the play that he has DvkeSi 2b ...... 5 0 2 1 4 0 “ What do I want money for?” THESCOREBOARD Jackson, so ...... 3 1 2 3 1 0 studied and proved by actual tests ■Welch, rf ...... 5 1 2 0 0 0 repeated Jack, his brow scowled in Cumonings, c ...... 3 0 1 4 2 1 “DIGNIFIED SIliNCE” on the field. Jankins, If ...... 4 1 1 5 0 0 Fitzsimmons, p .... 4 0 1 0 3 0 Hale, 3b ...... 3 0 0 2 2 0 thought— THE STANDINGS. Simmons, cf ...... 4 1 3 5 0 0 ^ “ I want it to do things for folks. ' 32 5 11 27 13 *2 Shaughnessy, a former Minne­ Poole, lb ...... 4 0 1 11 1 0 National League. Perkins, c ...... 4 0 1 2 0 1 1 got my mother anrf father, you W. L. P.C. C h ic a g o Will Answer Dempsey Accusa­ sota star, is now the miracle wor!.- AB. R. H. A. E. er of Tu]iane University at New Galloway, ss ...... 4 0 1 0 4 0 know. St. Louis ...... 87 63 .580 Adams. 2b ...... 3 2 2 2 1 1 tions in .Court at a Proper Ehmke, p ...... 3 ' 0 1 0 0 “ Of course I can’t do a lot for Orleans. Shaughnessy has been Cincinnati ...... 85 65 .567 Heathcote, cf ...... 3 ' 0 1 9 1 0 Time, He Says. Estelle—shp makes more money Pittsburgh ...... 82 67 .550 F. Scott, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 1 0 picked as one of the eight greatest 36 3 11 27 11 1- J. Kelly, If...... 4 0 2 Q'O 0 coaches iq America. He has produc­ I D e tro it than I do— but it’s good to know Chicago ...... 80 70 .533 Grimm, lb ...... 3 0 0 6 1 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. that when she gives up her game New 'Vork ...... 71 75 .486 Frelgau, 3b ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 Phila’delphla, Sept. 22.— "I could ed wonderful work at Tulane. His Blue, lb ...... 3, 0 0 11 1 1 for a while, and has the three kids Brooklyn ...... 69 80 .463 Cooney, ss ...... ,..4 0 1 0 2 2 say plenty of things about Jack team there last year ranked with Manush, cf ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 we’re planning on for ringside Gonzales, c ...... 4 O 'O 3 1 0 Dempsey, but I don’t believe in Dartmouth on comparative scores. Fothet-gill, If ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 Boston ...... 62 84 .42.6 Root, p ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 W ingo, rf ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 seats. Jack’ll be right there with Philadelphia ...... 55 87 .387 Stephenson, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 mud-sllnging contests and I have He will write a series instructing Gehringer. 2b .....3 0 1 0 2 0 the coin, so she won’t miss nothing Games Yesterday Osborn, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 too much respect for myself to air the yOMth of the -land how to play W arner, 3b ...... 2 1 2 0 1 0 she’s had with her own kale!” New York 5, Chicago 2 Tolson, xx...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 another man’s past in tWe newspa­ football, going into the subject Tavener, ss ...... 4 0 1 2 5 0 Get that! “ She makes more pers.” Woodall, c ...... 2 0 0 3 2 0 Brooklyn 4, St. Louis 3. 32 2 7 24 8 3 -generally and thoroughly. Bassler, c ...... 1 0 0 h 0 0 money than I do!” and he’s proud Boston 4, Cincinnati 0. Score by innings: This was the , reply of Jack K..eisch, p ...... 3 0 0 2 2 0 of it! I may be all wrong, but 1 Philadelphia 7, Pittsburgh 2. New York ...... 100 004 OOx— 5 Kearns today to charges made by Neversi Oberlander and Shaugh­ Neun, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 A bet if ^r. Tunney couldn’t by his Chicago ...... 100 000 010— 2 Dempsey in Atlantic City . yester­ American League. nessy— all writing for the Herald! , 31 2 5 26 13 1 g o l i > own efforts support his wife in the W. L. P.C. day that Kearns Was-a "thorough Score- by Innings: BRAVES 4, REDS 0 ‘ Leaders of the north, south, east style to which she had been accus­ New Y o r k ...... 89 60 .597 scoundrel” and had been convicted and west! And all writing o f the Philadelphia ...... 200 001 000— 3 tomed, there’d be sulks in the fam­ 86 63 .,677 Boston, Sept. 22.— Tallenders of a statutory offense on the Paci­ Detroit ...... 000 200 000—2 halted both the Cardinals and the game in which'.they* earned All- “ What’s the percentage in smoking ily! Philadelphia 79 66 .545 fic coast. American hohpfs. If that isn’t a “ Why the dickens should Estelle 79 67 .541 Peds. Genewlch of the Braves "I will go to bat with a ' state­ SENATORS 11, BROWNS 6 blanked Cincinnati, f-iir to noth­ field goal to our "credit, Brickley a'^heavy’ cigarette I V:' ’ ;'■ A:i.= be a cook and chambermaid and 78 71 ,523 ment on that at the proper time,” never kicked'one. drop work she likes just because 77 74 ,510 ing, Pete Donohue being the vic­ Kearns declared. “ I don’t think St. Louis, Sept. 22.— Washing­ tim. ton hand three St. Louis pitchers if you have to pay for it ' > ■' she got married?” Inquired Mr. St. Louis 60 89 .403 two mdn should engage In a con^ , There was no gain in either of Dempsey with Irrefutable (Tunney B ou ton a healthy drubbing, winning elev­ Boston . 46 104 .307 troversy of this very personal na­ the major league basel all races with a ‘ heavy after-feeling’ or „ , , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ture. Therefore my attitude is one en to six. Goslin got three singles word!) )logic. Games Yesterday. Smith, cf ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 yesterday. In the National circuit, Tunney, you may recall, is just Bancroft, ss ...... 3 0 2 2 0 0 of dignified silence. M / character and a,homer. New York 14, Chicago 0. both the Cards and the Reds were a parched and p u ck e^ tkroat?^^^ cookoo over musical .and dramatic Cleveland 6, Boston 1. E. Taylor, ss ...... l o 0 3 2 0 has been assailed in a most unfair W a s h ln x io n Welsh, rf ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 on the losing end while in- the AB. R. H. PO. A. E. and literary criticism. He’d keep Philadelphia 3, Detroit 2. and unjustified way, and, at the High, 3 b ...... 4 0 1 3 6 0 American League both the Yankees McNeely. if ...... 5 2 0 3 0 0 his nose in the morning paper. Washington 11, St. Louis 6. Brown, If ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 proper time, I will take steps to E. Rice, rf / ...... 6 1 3 '1 0 0 “ I don’t like to spite my tongue Jack would grab the sports, then • Moore, 2b ...... 3 0 0 4 1 0 protect myself from future attacks and-Cleveland ware victors. How­ Goslin, cf ...... 1.... 5 2 4 5 0 0 sling the rest on the floor and talk TODAY’S SCHEDtliE. Burrus. lb ...... 3 1 1 6 1 1 of this kind. I ever. the double defeat and double Myer. ss ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 to please my smoke-taste. J. Taylor, c ...... 3 1 1 3 0 0 victory meant a firmer grasp on the •T. Harris, lb ...... 3 2 1 7 0 0 with the missus. National. Genewlch, p ...... 2 1 1 1 2 0 “ Jack Dempsey will have to an­ S. Harris. 2b ...... 5 1 4 6 2 0 "There’s no poem which I so ad­ St. Louis at Brooklyn, cloudy, swer for his statements and he’ll league bunting for both league Bluege, 3b ...... 3 1 1 3 4 0 f*That*s why I switched \ mire as ‘The Rubaiyat,’ ” Mr. Tun­ 3:30 p. m.,(daylight. 30 4 10 27 12 1 do It in a court of law where leaders. The Yankees apparently Ruel, c ...... 5 1 2 2 1 0 Cincinnati everybody can hear and know have become incensed at the beat­ Crowder, p ...... 4 1 2 0 0. 0 ney told me, a soulful gaze in his Chicago at New York, cloudy, . AB. R. H. PO.-A E. Marberry, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ig O ld G o ld s. * eyes. 3:30 p. m., daylight. Christensen, If .... 3 0 2 3 0 0 what I say. 'When that time comes, ings they have taken of late, judg­ •* “ I like snappy western stories,” Walker, rf ...... 4 1 3 I think everybody will realize that ing from the 14 to 0 scor^ yester­ 40 11 17 27 7 0 Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, Roush, cf ...... grinned Mr. Dempsey. cloudy, 3:30 p. m., daylight. 4 1 2 Jack Kearns Is not as black as he day with Chicago. The Boston St. LouIr “It’s the world’s / . ' . . ' Plpp, lb ...... 4 1 11 is painted.” AB. n. -H. PO. A. E. So if you're the sort of girl who (Only games scheduled.)) Dressen. 3b ...... 4 1 1 Braves continued their great -vork Bennett, If ...... 5 0 0 ’ 3 0 1 like “ Pagllaccl” you’d best gun for American. Crltz, 2b ...... 4 of lambasting pennant contenders H. ‘Rice, c f ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 smoothest cigarette. And Mr. James Tunney. But it you like New York at Chicago, rain, Hargrave, c ...... 3 HORSESmiE PITCHING, by dumping the Reds 4 to 0 while SIsler, lb ...... 5 1 2 11 0 0 Ford, ss ...... 3 Miller, rf ...... 5 0 1 2 1 0 don’t mean perhaps. ; -- the tenty show on the fair ground daylight. Donohue, p ...... 2 the Cards were losing to Brooklyn McManus. 2b ...... 3 0 1 2 5 0 lot, envy Mrs. Estelle Taylor Philadelphia at Detroit, cloudy, Meeker, p ...... 0 Result of horse shoe pitching at 4 to 3. Cleveland beat Boston 6 to Schanf^ c ...... , 2 2 0 4 2 1 , , , Dempsey! 3, standard. Rudgens, x ...... 1 the West Side Monday, Sept. 20th: Robertson, 3b ...... 4 1 2 2 2 0 Zltzmann, xx ...... 0 1- # Gerber, ss ...... 5 0 1 0 3 1 <‘Thc only ‘pM’ about OLD GOLD Likewise, if you love prattling Boston at Cleveland, clear, 3 Lucas, p ...... 0 Won Lost Falk, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 philosophic systems, steer clear of standard. Leggett and Lamprecht 8 0 George MulliganseHartford Blues ■Van Gilder, p ...... 0 1 0 0 2 0 is the purr o f satisfa^on Mr. Dempsey. Washington at St. Louis, clear, „ 32 0 8 24 15 0 Alley and R o t h ...... 0 6 will face their first acid test Sun­ Ballou, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 “ Don’t know a darn thing about 3, standard, Score by Innings:. Francis and Oates ..... 0 6 day afternoon at the' Velodrome W illiams, X ...... ^ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Boston ...... 001 030 OOx— 4 Durst, XX ...... ; 1 0 1 0 0 Q vou hear from OLD GOLD smokers.” it!” said he in startling contrast to Clifford and S m ith ...... 3 3 when the crack New York Giants Hargrave, x x x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 my late conversation with Mr. MUSHY CALLAHAN WINS Suhie and 'V esco...... 0 6 come here for the first National Tunney anent the occult, transmi­ 85 6 9 27 17 DEMPSEY SECRETIVE JUNIOR WELTER TITLE McCormlck-Stevenson ' . . 3 6 League game of the season. Includ­ V Score by Innings: ■ gration and the 'evidence of mat-1 Los Angeles, Sept. 22.— "Mushy” McIntyre and Thompson 9 0 ed m the lineup of the Giants will 'Washington ...... 110 040 302— 11 ter. TO DODGE PROCESS MEN Callahan, of Los Angeles, last night White and O rifhth...... 3 ' 3 be such stars as “ Hlnkey’, Haines, St. Louis ...... 010 000 122— 6 Wanted: n Goo of Russia jutting Ito the Black Sea. t '

'ItfANCHESrUR e v e n in g HESALf), WEDNE^AX SE^. 22, i m PAGE, m m *

right tlid last time they used aail puts an and .to tha show bat it AS SECONDS IHEVltE filet for tooth .firashOB. tarns oat to be tha toraiM Ptfint* SONS OUTffllTING SHAMROCKS It also waa‘ said that Dempsey tha blow that givaa tfia fippar -T e n R o u n d s was ooQSidertng Doe Bagley for hand, and laads on to Tlctory. GOOD # n i RATERS this role. The Doc is a-good man A Iqft hook to the liver—i-ThB* IN TOWN SBtlES .365 TO B in spite of the fact that he once ney’s favorite punch— ^took all'^fie With Dempsdy managed Tunney. BA; is NiMy^ HIugg-WiDiains fight ont of Greb the last time they DempBey’fi Corner Stocked - Dempsey, it is understood, has met and causeiTthe then middla- ♦- : ‘Wlt^ Men Who Know About informed his pro.uiectlve .handlers THE TWXTSASn RACES BY JOE WILLIAMS By JOE W1LLIA91S. THOUGHT himself into the posl- s weight champion to go to Tunney Tommy Sipples Leads Eyerythinff But Fighting*, that he wants to light this fight his after tha fl^ t wltb the dedar»> own way with no Interference from ttion of the foremost Dempsey chal­ ' Says Walsh. Stroudsburg.- Pa'., Sept. 22.— lenger. Possessed of an abounding tlon that ha would' never Jght him Hitters With .667 While the blitcome of the Na­ his corner. That, also, is a swell again. * tional League race remains faith in his own possibilities he idea. Gene Tunney may win the heavy­ A right cross to the Jaw In the Average; Partons problematic, ,the Yankees ap­ That fat captain will be wad­ weight championship from Jack has-developed a winping psycholo­ pear to have clinched the Amer­ By DAVIS J. WALSH. gy that may actually carry him on tenth round dropped Carpentler ! . „ ------^ , dling around, the French chef Dempsey Viian they begin popping and Wright Well Up. ican League pennant by their WilliaiiiEr Terms Demp­ to the bhampionshlp. and promptly . changed jhe com­ Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 22.— must be there to be the extra cook hostile gloves at each other in thg' plexion of a fight that had been crushing defeat of Chicago yes­ to spoil the broth and the Chicago Sesqul bowl Thursday night— he lasConfident. terday. The Yanks with their sey “Dr. JekyU and When Jess Willard ateppejl into very' mediocre up to that point. 'A and New York detective sergeants, may, but you aren’t sure of it, Tunney looks you squarely in left hook to the liver in the sixth Statistics for tha first two games lead of three games, can sew the ring.at Toledo, he wks a man f^ur- strong, wlU be on hand. watching him work up here in the the eye and tells you he will be the of the town baseball series reveal Mr., Hyde of the round took all the fight out of up the pennant by. winning M absolutely in his own. with a COU7 With this array, it isn't surpris­ highlands of Pennsylvania. next heavyweight champion “ as Gibbons, or most of it anyway, and that the Sons of Italy are batting three out of five, while two vic­ pie of^ seconds who were more like ing that Dempsey was casting Tunney’s form is deceitful. He sure as the- Creator made little for an average of .356 against .229 green apples.” the knockout followed as a mattei tories ■ out of five yrlll force thirds and a business manager about for a practical boxing man goes about his routine work with a of course. » for the Shamrocks. In fielding, it who knows his victuals. There is something about the Cleveland to make a clean who had hinges in bis neck from deadly earnestness that at times Tn a previous fight with Spalla, has been practically a deadlock sweep of their five games to tie Editor’s Note: This is the saying "yes.” Tt may or may not amounts to downright solemnity. way he tells you this, the deep sin­ with the Shamrocks having the tenth and final article of the cerity and profound conviction, the South American, Tunney had the leaders. be eignifleant but ^he fact remains LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS. Maybe-it's this absence of flash gone along for six rounds in a Blight edge in percentage .941 to St. Louis still leads Cincin­ series by Joe Williams, fistic that jju'r Mr. Dempsey is going in­ and fury— the showmanship stuff that makes you feel that his words .940. • I .(jritlc of NBA Sefvice, Inc., — that ieaves you uninspired. At will come true, no matter how slovenly, methodical Way, showing nati by two games, as both fo the ring on Thursday night with National League. limited ,,^itting ability. Then Sipples Leading Hitter. relating some of the more in­ the' most singular collection of any rtite, you are. much higher you may be inclined only I teams were defeatc* yesterday. Pet. In the seventh "he let fire a right-. Tommy Sipples, who has pitched teresting and - unusukl epi­ handlare that ever handicapped' a Nobody’s Mugg. to rate Dempsey, as a fighter. By pi:;king up one game on the*' Gargrave Reds . .^356 hander that caught Spalla Just the Sons of Italy to victory in both Cardinals in their nex' three sodes in the pugilistic career fighter. And yet Tunney is nobody’s You find yourself experiencing Christensen, Reds .354 one of those curious emotions that over the left eye. It almost scalped of the opening engagements, is contests, the Reds can negotiate of Chaippiou Jack Dempsey. ' T h ^ are, rated in order of their Smith, Pirates .. 34X1 Some of the boys are saying leading both teams in hitting.' importance;- Jerry Luvadls, a ’ he is the greatest fighter Dempsey destiny or fate oT-one of the other him/ so great was the power and a tie by winning the last gapie Wililams, Phillies .339 violence behind the punch. Tommy has an average of .667. of the season, with St. Louis. By JOE WILLIAMS Greek who knows three words of ever met, and jperhaps ^he is. 'Tun­ “ unseen forces” has decided to English and uses them once each Brown,' Braves . .333 ney has whipped some great fight­ step in and crown this fine looking You neven.can tell when Tunne; Pete Partons with .556 and Gil To clinch the pennant however, NBA Service Writer Leader a year ago today: Horns­ Wright with .500 are next. (Copyright, N. -E. A. derVlce) year; Gene Normlle, a race tr^ck ers. He started' on his young man champion of the, world. is going to come up with o n / oi Cincinnati must win all four by, Cardinals, .395. those kind of punches. But noa It has not bebn definitely settled contests while the Cards lose What kind of a fellow is Demp- man who can tell you how a race downward path, stopped Carper- I don’t mean to infer that Tun­ should be run but “ not” how a " ' American, v. tier and flattened Gibbons. ney is incapable of» accomplishing and then he does come up with where and when the third game of three. sey? . ct. one and usually there’s enough be­ the series will be played. Sunday fight should be fought; Gus 'Wil­ Tunney Is one of those fighters anything against Dempsey without I have heard that questlop an­ ?73 hind it to convince all and BUndrj the Sons are booked for an appear­ swered in ways that were flatter­ son, a French chef who says 'he is who AL'WAYS is winning. Some­ the help of Messrs. Destiny and a trainer and one Captain Mab- Huth, Yankees .370 times he looks bad in the ring but Fate. He may not be a great that he can hit. ance in New London against the ing and unflattering to the heavy­ Goslin, Senators ...... 363 Fort Trumbull nine. weight champion. •butt, a fat man who will be com­ at the end he ALWAYS is the win­ fighter but he is, to repeat, no­ ing Into the ring for the first round Burns, Indians ...... 359 Following are the compositive HIGEIGHTS ABOUT I know of -no better way to an­ ner. I thought he fought an ordi­ body’s mugg. He is fast on his The when the second is over. Heilmanh, Tigers ...... 359 nary fight against the Frenchman averages for the first two games of swer it than to say that ther^ art feet, can box, is cool in action, I can’t think of a more inept Leader a year ago today: {/but he WON. I didn’t think he game, and a bitter. McGovern Granite Co the series as sfibmitted by Mana­ DEMPSEY ■ TUNNEY few people who know him that combination. Neither can Dempsey, Speaker, Indians, .388. looked particularly great against ger Vendrlllo: "Oneshot” Hitter. don’t like him— and don’t keep according to reports. They said to­ Gibbons but he WON. You might call Tunney a “ one- CEMETERY MEMORIALS. SONS OF ITALY. on liking him. day that he was considering hiring Earthworms can sing, , says a Tunney in some respects is the shot” hitter. Somewhere along the Represented by * AB. H. B. A. F. A. ON EVE OF DATTLE To me he is the most extraor­ Philadelphia Jaqk O’Brien as a Genhan zoologist w;ho keeps sever­ most remarkable fighter the game line in every fight he has Tunney C; W. HARTENSTEINl Sipples 9 6 .667 dinary figure the fight game has 1.000 second and Philadelphia Jack was al under a glass bo^’l. has ever had.-_-He has literally gets over otfs good shot. It seldom 149 Smnmlt St. Telephone 1621 Partons 9 5 .566 .875 Never Eayoed produced in years. An amazing Wrlgh^ 8 4 .500 .889 Gene Tunney, challenger for the combination of brute savagery and A. McKernan 9 4 .444 1,000 heavyweight crown has never been childish genialty. An incongru­ Scrimlnger 6 2 .333 1,000 knocked out. Jack Dempsey, the ous composite.of rumbling thund­ Stratton 8 2 .250 .833 champion, has one black , mark on er and soft sunshine. Truly, a Dr. St. John 10 2 .200 1,000 his record. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde in equal LeBell .8 1 .125 .600 In Jack’s first year of fighting parts. Lamprecht 2 0 .000 1,000 Jim Flynn, wbp gave many a hea-^ Consider tfiis picture: Carlson 4 0 .000 1.000 vywelgbt champion an interesting Dompsay is going through his . session, stopped Dempsey in one training routine tax the Tunney 73 26 .356 .940. round. fight out at the dog track, a mile Extra Base Hits. The story is that Dempsey assum­ or so from the roaring surf at At­ )» 2Tommy Gibbons in 12 it? At the Children’s Seaside ^ inning rounds, the same Tommy who Home, an orphanage for cripples Pitching Record. managed to weather 16 strenuous at Atlantic City. G W L sessions with Champion Dempsey This is no grand flourish, or Prentice ...... 1 0 1 ' at ^Shelby, Mont. gaudy .sesture. Dempsey loves B. McLaughlin ..1 0 1 000 * Favorite I}oqnd ''■'i’ '’ ren. He been to this par-: / Farrand ...... 1 0 1 !ooo Champion Jack Dempsey fouler orphanage before. With ^___ scores a knockout over the chal­ h’m it i.s rort of a-.ritual to be per- 3 .000 lenger, Gene Tunney, what will the vi'-uever tae^is in or near round be? rify. The experts who figure Dempsey Wafr'’ 'ir>g the man move from CHENEY BROTHERS’ to win over the kayo route Insist one of the little white cots to it will not go over five rounds. pno’ her he-’ mlng down on the tiny Dempsey’s record bears out such bent bodies, pausing here and BASKETBALL TEAM a prediction. there to take a pair of wax-like The first round has been Demp­ hands In his big paws, stopping, sey’s favorite session for ending finally, to clasp a bed-ridden tot PRACTICES TONIGHT his fights. He has sscored 24 of five with eager eyes and danc­ knockouts in the opening rounds ing curls to his chest— watchin.g Cheney Brothers Athletic Asso­ Dmly seven of Dempsey’s 47 this picture you see the other ciation Is going to put a baiketball- knockouts have cone ovar five Dempsey, and it’s Just as real anfi team on the season. This annennee- rounds. It took him 12 rounds geauiae-a pattern as the Dempsey ment was made ^ast night. George to finish Bill .Brennan. you ^ee in the ring with eyes flash­ Hunt Jr.,'form er manager of the Favon Dempsey ing and fists flying. , Manchester Baseball club, is to Fighters as a rule have a They Call Him “ Harry** o f the lo t! manage the team. wholesome respect and great admi­ Dempsey is thoroughly human Manager Hunt has called the ration for champions who havife and likeable. He has no superior, first practice session for this eve­ knocked them out. ambitions.. He'knows his llmlta aigufi. quality when you can tdste it, ning. It will be held at the School Tommy Gibbons Is one' excep­ tions, but does not attempt to hidA pi^ularity when you can see it I street Bee at 7 o’clock. The follow­ tion to the rule. them. has certain artificial ing players from last year’s leam On form Gibbons who was stop­ mannerisms.but I have a suspicion are requested to report L. Cerviirfv ped in '12 rounds by Tunney, these were'adoptfd to ple^ase the Out of tbe iwhole lot» men pid; Chesterfield for its should pick him to defeat Demp- / M. Macdonald, W. Wiley, i:«JFaulk- fair Estelle, . tobacco chfiiacter and its natural good taste. Every* ner. J. Pbntland, J. Mullen and. E. sey, with whom Gibbons managed Dbmpsey's. real love is for his 7 Anderson. to stay the limit of 15 rounds. blood kin. None df the Demp bit of its enormous growth has been earned by its taste, Manager Hunt said there are Gibbons, whlli conceding Tnn- seys— ^and there are plenty of several othef players who may be ney a chance/ provided Defiipmy them— are in y want. Dempsey’s and by that alone! ^ in the lineup before the season is not himself. Ays Dempsey’s mother and father are separate. opens. He is at work arranging his punching will he too muoto for .Tun­ Yet the champion’s adoration for It'sjiretty olear Qiesterfi^d's record that good season’s schedule at present. ney to withstand. the two remains unshaken. He fias Tunney, always a defensive built home at different places for tobacco can spcalt for themselves. DEMPSEY A BIT SLOWER fighter, probably will find ^m p- his dad and bis mother. BUT A SANER FIGHTER. sey’B rushing attack suoh that he The only two persons In the Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 21.— will be forced to aeanme an offen­ world who don’t ca ll' his “ Jack” Jack Dempsey today* is slower than sive. are his parents. ^To them he Is the Dempsey of Toledo. Dempsey Johnson’s Career "Harry” always. Jack Is a ring hasn’t all the whirlwind speed of Jack Johnson holds a nnlqoe name. Willlacd Harrison, as ey* 24. But,he has speed of mftan and distinction among the fighters who eryone knows, Is his baptisimal of legs beyond that which any have held the heavyweight oham* name.' Dempsey baUs the mbtltor other fighter ever exhibited at 31. plonshlp. •: • ' ‘'‘maw” and hie dad “ pop.” > The champion is not the wild, Johnson Is the only fighter to Dempsey’e likes and dislikes; ar0 4ti lunging, plunging “ devil-may- win and lose the title on foreign violent and enduring. For instshes, soil. care” battler of his earlier years. he will never mgke up with Jack He' is still a fury on attac^, but Back 1q 1908 Johnson Journeyed Keame, bis former manager! He CSOARBTXB 8 the wildness and recklessness of to faraway Anstralla thither Tom­ prefers mutual friends to Ignore his charges has gone. In Its place my Burns had taken the ecown the coBtroverey but whsin they has come a bit of caution itnd a after winning the rather Joke don’t and they Indlieate si --favorit­ really splendid defense. title from Marvin Hdrt, who was ism'for Kearns they are promptly “ I used to waste too n\any made champion by Jim Jeffries dropped front his list. punches in the old dsjs,” Dempsey when the latter retired. ,- Such popularity said today. Dempsey probably “ sUkes” taore Johnson won over Bums down-and-outers in tne boxing row ds. Seven years later John­ racket than %ny, fighter who ovor must be deserved A slot machine that distinguish­ son lost the title to Jess Willard es coins by both their size and held the title. Nobody who at Havana, Cuba, in 26 rounds. to him Is turned down. I am told weight has been Invented, making Because of trouble 'between John­ it Impossible to substitute a frape th-t hiS “ charity pay roll” since he son and the United Etatds .gov*, won the title in 1919 exceeds for « Quarter or a piece of lead for e r o n o ^ ,^ was peeessarr that .a ce ln ,. $100,000, and I’m Inclined to be- AAffed in Cuba* Jieve It. X 1GO8TT M tbbs T obacco C o.


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I N T H E WAKE OF mEmUmOM:r.-.-^v.,/V./ , ,. ■, - ilURRICA -i\ .y i* .i.j-'ir'- • *• • • ""^ 1 . I" V SPLINTERS AND RUBBISH WHiiRE HOiVffiS USED TO BE ^ ‘ - y y f ^ , TWISTIBS fO iL i^ N G THE MIAMI RIVER ■ '* '.L A- :>.5-'' * K f• 1» ^ ■ ' , Cr4% K‘ . ''

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In the residence section of Miami. Fla.— since tlie storm. Homes were bowled over like houses built of cards. Here Is a ^ o ^ 't^ i^ w e ;liM ;o f the^M i^i River the cat^trophic Florida twister left a trail of wreckage and ruin of which this picture flattened out section of street, with a frame cottage knocked into a pancake design and a portion of the bam iuled:on top as if .-^^^»:^®il^^^^ts>,l)arges. and craft of all types yvere tossed from the water and left broken and in satiric fooling. The seme is typical of miles of street in “the wonder city of the tropics.” batteredvas graphicaUy shown above.

“DAVEY JONES’’ HAS HIS INNING Made Leaning ToM^Kbiy: S tdm STRONGER't h a n CONCRETE; AND STEEL r -A'., * ' - V > t{ ...... 'I' . f •>< Av X^*“' ^ifvv •'t X

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When the Florida hurricane had spent its strength' innumerable sea craft had gone to n\ * “Davey Jones’ locker.” Some concept of the storm’s strength may be gathered from the * s S^vs -<* > ^ wfc-#*:<> *\x :? SSA ^ above picture which shows the staunch yacht Nabob half submerged. This was the Krupp- Jk v j built craft once used by Kaiser Wilhelm of Ger many.

V > ^ w ' '5 *•' s'A 's >C ' *• S ■t N JUST 150 YEARS AGO ' y-a "Wk

The 130-mlle-an-hour hurripane that hit Mi%nil and caused a huge loss of life bent-over tills beautiful tower at en. agie of 20 degrees. The Capt. Nathan Hale building is the plant of the Miami Dally Newp,. owned by James M:'* Cox, Miami’s^modern ^bmldings didn’t have a chance when the tropical blasts began batterings’ Democratic candidate for president in 1920. ' It is one of the finest news- Here is-the front of a business block, the roof tom off, steel beams hwging like twigs of a! Went to Gallows, jpaper buildings in the country. A large beacon burned in theltower as ' weeping willow, the facade caved in past recognition. And the street in front is a pool nC backw^er l^t when the sea l*eceded. i Immortal Hero * rORMALLY REJECTS BY PAUL HARRISON FIVE DlSASTERl New York, Sept. 22.— Other than the shuffling of the guards and the End of New York-Paris Flight light steps of the young man who Judicial Committee of f the was marching to death, there was World Court Cpnference Re­ no sound. The waiting crowd ports Ad veisel-y. shivered a little in the early morn­ ing air, stood mute, almost breath­ Geneva, Sept. —The last part 4 « V ,A * H i ® less. of the fifth reservation pfopoise’d by Tramp, tramp— a few yards more the United States as a'condlfion of —a halt. A rope dangled, one end Its entry into the World Court, wqs tied in a hangman’s noose. It recommended for rejection by thei swung back and forth, a pendulum Juridicial committee of ,the World, telling off the seconds 6f life. Court conference here today. Somewhere in the crowd a wo­ The reservation which Is object­ ' i . >A man sobbed. The tension broken, ed to provides -that the' World, -\..v r the sob was taken up in a series Court shall not take up mi^tt^j^s of quick little breath-catchings that affecting United Slates Interests swept the circle. without the consent, of the^ United r : y j Silence again- The noose swung States. . . lower, to be caught by the waiting "The juridicial committee .'main­ I't 'U' hangman. He made as if to adjust tains that thjs reservation ^ might *V* it, but was halted by*a motion from restrict the activities of the.LeaErue sv si the official. It seemed that the con­ of Nations and should be made the. ’ ' ...... ' ... demned had something to say. subject of a more complete undQr- His clean-cut face showing little standing with the,United States. sv trace of care, the boy-prisoner The committee reported In favor stood a moment, gazing heaven­ of the acceptance of the first four ward. Nearly six feet tall, he stood reservations and the first part of i p and looked out over the crowd, hla the fifth. T f f i . m Byes seeing no earthly thing. 'Then he looked down at the people and spoke, his voice strong and clear: KNOWLTON MEMORIAL “I only regret that I have but OBSERVANCE one life to lose for my country.” -{ Silence, broken Anally by a growl The annual observance of the from William Cunningham. British ' -85-" Fnowlton-Meinoriol building will provost marshal: he held In the 1»11 at WarrenvlUe, “ Swing the rebel off!” Conn., Saturday, October 2, 1126. Thus, 150 years ago. Sept. 22, The afternoon program will, fee- 1776, died Nathan Hale, courage­ gin at 1:30 witfe concert by tlm Boy Scouts of America with a wrea th hon'orlng the memory of Nathan Babcock Cornet Band, fa llow ed ^ , ous American captain who was des­ Hale. Eagle Scouts WilUaip Mac-kay, Bronx Troop 122, left. and.1^ tined to become an immortal hero. singing and recltatlops by' the ank Losee, Jr., Manh^tah, Theatri cal Troop B07. school children. The .address of the day will be given'by, Hon. Ar­ BROOKLYN BOROUGH 77 GRANDCHILDREN MALONEY REBELS. thur :M. Brown,of .Norwlcfe, ^ t e t s RESIDENT IS DEAD Attorney for .New Lopdon County. 1'h^ “ bid Home -Day” ^ feature Chittendon, Vt.— This is a small Doctor— Your husband’s not so will be emphasized with 'hriftf Jtftfra: town, but It has its boast, the cham­ well today, Mrs. Maloney. Has he by visitors. Former resideUtr and New York, Sept. 22.— Joseph A. pion grandmother of the United been sticking to the diet I' pre­ descendants of Aihford falnUie's Gulder, president of the borough States. She is Mrs.- Lovlna Diir- scribed for him? are cordially 'welcbiiied. The Ladles* Ajd: Society«•<^11 of Brooklyn, died early today In kee, 84, who has 77 living grand­ Mrs. Maloney— And that he has Brooklyn following an , optration children and twice* as many great­ serve refreshments sfrom’ 5 to|7'^’P. for acute appendicitis. Guider was not, doctofl. ’Tis he that says lie’ll M. at nominal' pifices. ' ’ .* f'; >. grandchildren. The population o^ not be starvin’ himself to death to born March 12, 1870. He had been Vinton, had they all reipained here The evening program icUve In pdlitiCB for thirty years. live a few years longer .-^Belfast elude dramatibs, special would be almost doubled. Nbwa Letter dan'nilMf,-



flM H ieR FANNY sdMs SEKSE AND nonsense gas buggies or hem and AMY-Courage, Giris f ^AMOS! ATOP ARGUING "THE IDEA OP , m ' a n d PUSrt .THAT SHARK. l e t t in g US Sir ‘ W E LL!' Chicagoans go through their ^ i f O T .LEVER DOWN, IT'S iHERE FOR TWO ;i KNOW morning exercises.regularly in or­ KNOW ING . 'RETA/iDED WHEN /HOURS’. I'LL BET .. der to make it easy for them to THIS .THAT THEIR IT.'S U P .... ^WHEN THEY FOUND] MUCH. throw up their hands. ’ HUSBANDS HAD KEEP YOUR WE WEREN'T [WHEN BEEN ARRESTED ON FOLLOWING THEM,^ THEY A California man killed 175 FOR SPEEDING skunks in two days but lost his so­ NO THEY GOT OUT AND DO SHOW cial standing. WHILE HURRYING THE BRAKE. MATCHED PENNIES ^UP.THEY BACK TO FIND THE BRAKE,. TO SEE WHETHER , WILL < O U T WHAT “ I am all unstrung toniight,” said THEY'D WAfT THERE [G ET A I the ukulele as the last string snap- HAD BECOME OR COME BACK WARM '' ned. OF THEM. TO LOOK reception A AM Y FOR US. “ The key to a man is his AND MRS. GULF. thought,” to a woman her tongue. W H O ARE STALLED WITH A boy who had never seen a clr- \ A FLAT TIRE. cus before was walking around the ARE FAST LOSING tent, when one of the clowns lifted PATIENCE WITH up the flap and stepped outside for THEIR DELAY IN a little air. Running to the ticket RETURNING taker, the toy cried excitedly: TO OFFER “Hey, mister, yer clown’s ASSISTANCE. loose!”

When a writer has something . ei>M av hca snvicE. mc. C ^yh|[^l^ by MetfopdlUD 5erv«cfi to write, that’s inspiration; when he has to write something that’s The vacation daze conies when drudgery. SKIPPY By Percy Crosby /on find yon are broke. Philadelphia man baa i^jitten the Declaration of lIMependence w h a t p o e s IT on a postage stamp. That’s one (OHeR^ TO ? J INTELUGENCE TESTS way to make it stick. ^(V& He ON€ MATTIER. IH Off fOR THE FOX AND THE PEACHES o ' YooR TweerrY AN EASY TEST FOR CHILDREN The peachas were thick in the or- chard. T1H6 AFTeRNOON? All toothsome and bright on each Cent raiiroao tree. But they made me sadder since I (Tie(t~ery. had no ladder, So what were those peaches to me? Oh gee. Those peaches were grapefruit to me!

The peaches are thick in Manches­ rj> ter, On every street and avenue But isn’t life funny? You haven’t Children should have little dif- got money llculty answering at least six of So what are those peaches to you? these questions. Some may be able Too true! to answer all. The correct an- Those peaches are grapefruit to TiiPtrers I \h ^ m pwers are on another pa,ge. you! COpyrirM.P.L'.Crosb.». 1926. Johnson Featnres^iac., v » # - 1— What’s wrong with the ac- ^m pan 3Ting r ’ ?tute? He who falls in love with him­ SALESMAN $AM Whose Cuckoo? 2— What is the name of the shipself will have no rivals. By Swan thnl carried the first Pilgrims to CUCKOO CLOCK ? VOHftT’5 TftftT PilHT NO \r CE«T?MHLV New England? Bookkeeper: “ I never knew the COCKOO 3— What is the capital of Iowa? ^ 5 n p i'n — BiCr IS — shipping clerk had triplets.” CLOCK ! 4— Who draws the comic strip Stenotr’*apher: “ Yah! He mar­ HEKE*» ft DftNb'si IDEPt? £0ERSTl'hE ir ^Freckles and His Friends” ? ried a telephone girl and she gave 6 m iK 6 S — 5— ^What does the Sesqul-Cen-him the wrong number;” tennial Exposition celebrate? 6— How high were the hang­ Be it ever so homely, fe re ’s no = - OUTV ing gardens of Babylon built? face like your own. 7— About what proportion of the world’s population lives in There’s plenty of advice not to Asia? * worry but none on how not to. S—What is the meaning of K&w) ^etc” ? That schoolgirl complexion is 9— How many stripes are thereall right, hut a few post-graduate In the rnited States fla.t? , additions don’t do any harm. 10— Where is Crimea? i A “b” FAMINE BOONE REUNION i Eggs covered with oiling water Hattiesburg, Miss.— More than land ' ” ->wed to stand for five min­ SOO persons related by blood or utes are more digestible than those marriage to the family and descen­ allowed to oil for three minutes.— dants of Daniel Boone recently as­ Household Item in a South Dako­ sembled in a reunion at the Boone ta paper. L * t M U matMCK, ate. place in Lamar county. Boone was born in 1S09 and died in 1S66. In Two famous pianists, one travel­ FRECKLES ANO HIS FRIENDS He Just Had to Get Rid of It By Blossec the assembly were four sons and ing east, the other west, met at the two daughters of Boone, survivors railroad station on a tin>‘ hamlet VeS, AM' I w ad c a n d y TlfiERS* of the family of IT. ir the Arizona desert. “Giving a Pop TASS B66TA IF*:------A^A'AQCSES.AAf UOiS BOT I'AA IT TO TIK O'TJA&P g'DS recital here?” asked X with a deep VER CANOy TELLtMS AVE s o y o, US serr-^ SQMNA kB6 P -ttUS CANDY Fics'T- ru. ccAvH AUCM ABoor »r-» show of interest. OC^iTPOPSET*'I e l e r u a m t ; '/ OIRTV ”'0 DLAV VWI7U. “No. I got oft to attend yours,’ BuePUUWT- AlAvr IT , _ COAkS OOEB CNEP TO VOUP s e e , 1 A0P5 LET AS JAV.' 5EE «T ’ so I ATS . , LITTLE JOE answered Z, earnestly. /ilCS,7AS? } 'JDAkVAOUSBAAi' AOOSS AFYECWOON ' \ POP'LL Boy m i/a '? SWOUO IT TO POP. SOM& FOR. ,u r PLoweRs About the rarest bird to be seen SO A&'LU 6 BT __ iSetDoiA Sold at this summer is a Congressman who isn't seeking re-election. ^ - w ■me sAw e kind o a If you must be a machine, be a PRtces —— thinking machine rather than a ''' ■ ig machine. s‘-''t.. iiiiiii- ! r . r r ' l Such great progress has been m.ade in surgery that nobody ever lives to a ripe old age. '-VW'VC (S=V>


Sioux City, la.— Re\'erslble ties, '55 collars, vests and shirts are not 3 V i o L e T s unknown. But how about reversi­ W € R e 3 o ; ble names? One man In gioux __ AvV<^-2a. e'»»€ >t wtA Mavtce. inc. City has one. He is E. H. Planalp, N o w S6^ of 1918 Jones street. Like Hannah. WASHINGTON TUBBS II Mickey (hiniself) McGuire by Fontaine Fox Anna' or Otto the name is spelled the same way, backward or for­ By Crane ward.

o k , v j e l l \ vt \ Jw n 'T A A l l "fw -foum ujtvc.. W0B.UD• ,V\fASKl \ UOOK\< OlHVCH h i NeSt\DDV \ TINTED CUT-UPS uos-r coNtRov . Of MM Cft^. Cut Out the Pieces, Paste Them Together Correctly, Color the .

Sketch, and Fill In the Missing Word ...... By HAL COCHRAN ......


o e e vN\zl \)oor KK?pFNe!) ^41 G£T VJUZ TWM" \ fO^COT. -'■ & iS> K U R f v e R Y -To T M K ^ ^G > iNStAULIAei^. I -V o (b

«r S:V:5

55^ ' ; I

K K 0 W L £ D 6 r or v t H A T M c e u i n E w o u l d With bushy tail he runs about. UKDOUBTEDLV O© TO *mc OWNEI^ OF *mE COAT V You’ve seen him in the park no doubt, . f . Up trunks of trees ^ WA« THE r e a l fCEAOoK FoR ^ODIE MeVlERS' He skips with ease. A ------is what I ’m -writinif 'bout SUDDEK 6EMlCRO£lTy* (CopyriglM. im . by Th« B«U gyndiat*. Inc.) rr.

■ I. _.i I I , - - --iMV - ' ijA rn M - D. OF P. NBBTINO. JOHN 0. ANDERSON. YOUNG MEN’S CLUB EMERGBNOT CALLS. TO HOLD LADIES* NIGHT. E PIERRE TABARIN PRIZE FOX TROT Sunflet Council, No. 46, Daugh­ John C. Anderson of 21 Edmund First of the Elimination Series. ters of Pocahontas, at Its recent street died at his home last night The first ladies’ night of the sea­ WUUmanHc. Doctors Sloan and Tinker wlU meeting In Tinker hall planned ac­ at 9:60 following an Illness of son for the members of St.' Mary’s respond to emergency call* to^ tivities for the coming season. Tho about a week.' Death was due to Young- Men’s clubN wlll be . held . at At the RAINBOW morrow. entertainment committee under the Thursday Mornmg FRED THTTMM’S a complication of diseases. the Rdinbow dining room at BoL leadership of Mrs. Eleanor Prentice He was 43 years old and a native ton on Monday evening of next HILLTOP CASINO To-night has already started rehearsals for a of Manchester. An ex-member of week. The committee In charge of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bendall and play to be given In the late fall. The Company G., he was also a member arrangements i Includes Robert ORCHESTRA. Bill Tasillo’s Orchestra their daughter Barbara left this committee also plans to have some­ of King David L-dge, I. 0. 0. F., Boyce, Winston Turklngton and morning by automobile for Med­ thing at each meeting in the way of and the Society Seger. Joseph Lutz. entertainment or social features. An entertainment, a chicken Admission...... 50 cts. ford. Mass. Miss Bendall, who Besides his wife he Is survived TONIGHT graduate.d with the 1925 class and The program given at the last by two sons, Kenneth and Merrill, dinner and an evening, of dancing c Specials meeting Included a short dialogue 50 Mixed Dancing Tomorrow Night. took- a post-graduate course at High five brothers,* Axel, Ernest and will be afforded those who‘attend. school last year, has entered Tufts by Mrs. Prentice and Mrs. Irene Harry, of this t».wn, George of It Is expected that nearly 50 mem­ University. Powers; Phoebe Phillips favored Hartford and Verner of California, bers of the club will go. .Tickets with a recitation; Miss Harrington also twp sisters, Miss Mary and may be purchased from any mem­ Come Early! These Specials Are Sure to Earl Roberts Lodge, Sons of St. and Walter Williams sang, and Mlss’Arine Anderson of Hartford. ber of the committee or from EOUTTOWN George, will hold Its regular meet­ John M. Williams operated the Pearl Hollister and Jessie Hutchin­ The funeral vlll be held at his Ernest Benson. Go Fast at This Low Price. * ing this evening at 8 o’clock in radio this morning at the Robert­ son gave solo dances. Miss Lillian late home on Friday afternoon at Walter Knofskle of Flower street Tinker hall. A good attendance son achooT, the occasion being the McCabe and Charles Heck played 2:30, D. S. T., and burial will be Store Closes at Noon. left Tuesday to resume his studies is desired as the program for the first lecture In the course in music piano accompaniments for the en­ in the East cemetery. Rev. Joseph for his Junior year at Colby Col­ winter activities will be discussed. appreciation for schools. WTIC tertainers and Willlanfs fur­ Cooper of the South Methodist lege, Maine. broadcasting station will conduct a nished music for dancing. church will olBclate. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Williams series of twenty lessons two weeks Barstow’s Adolph Kittle of Bissell street of Tolland Turnpike motored up apart, for the benefit' of the chil­ CARD OF THANKS. left yesterday for Mlddlebury Col­ to Mlddlebury, Vermont, today, dren. Fresh Fish, Pinehurst, Friday.— Bargain Table 50c lege, Mlddlebury, Vermont. with their son David who returns We hereby most sincerely thank Adv. to his studies at Mlddlebury Col­ Stanley Janeskle and Miss Lau­ our many friends for the beautiful Radio Shop If you’re looking for values do not miss this bargain lege. ra Adams of New York motored Mrs. William Bober of Edward floral pieces and the many acts of table*in the basement tomorrow! Values In the Tot up street has purchased the business here Sunday. Mr. Janeskle re­ kindness performed during the Ill­ of Frank Yurwltch of 273 Main Dr. B. L. Salvln of Cambridge turned Monday and Miss Adams ness and death of our husband and Open Tonight . to, 31.98. Including children’s three-piece sets—cup, street. street was called out of town this will spend the next ten days with father, Maranthon Keeney. We eauler and plate; glass water pitchers; syrup pitchers; morning on business and will not their uncle and aunt, Mr. and would also express our sincere ap­ MASON SUPPLIES Mrs, R. J. Adams of 150 Walnut le-lnch nickle plated sandwich trays; silk boudoir lamp Mrs. M. Duffy is seriously 111 at return for several days. preciation to the G. A. R., Manches­ LIME Until 10 O’cldck shades,, etc. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Les­ street. ter Grange, Sons of Veterans and lie Robinson, of 350 Center street. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Keith the Sexton of South Methodist Dempsey-Timney Fight, Blow motored up to Wilbraham, Mass Commandant Mrs. Abrams will church for kindly services rendered. CEMENT by Blow, At This Shop Tomor­ Merle Tyler of Chapel street is In today and left their son Lincoln to conduct a meeting for women only MRS. SUSAN F. KEENEY begin lUs studies at Wilbraham at the Salvation Army tomorrovif AND FAMILY. row Night. New York on a business trip for PLASTER « o the C. R. Burr nurseries. Academy. at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Abrams was In 29c OUTING FLANNEL—2 yard s...... 50c charge of the Salvation Army in FUNERAL OF CklLD. Heavy quality outing flannel, 36 Inches wide. Good looking Miss Hilda Magnuson was the this town several years ago and BRICK checks in pink and bluej also plaids in pink, blue and lavender. The Ladles’ Sewing society of the has a host of friends here whom LAST GALL Lutheran Concordia church will guest of honor at a birthday sur An unusually large funeral was Also plain white. meet for work and business tomor­ prise party given at her home on she will be glad to meet, as well as held this afternoon from the home FLUE LINING row afternoon at 2 p. m. North Main street last evening. to make new acquaintances. After­ of Mr. and Mrs. William Agosti- TONIGHT ‘ Twenty-five of her friends among noon tea will be served. helli, of 139 Oak street. Their DAMPERS 22c OUTING FLANNEL—3 yards ...... William Rubinow Is In New York the young people were present and daughter, Rosa, two and a half Hurry np if you want to get your Good heavy quality flannel, plain white only, 26 inches50c wide. on a buying trip. spent a jolly evening with games Mrs. J. W. Foley of North Main years old, died after on Illness of street, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gates but one day. All day yesterday and set in for tomorrow night. Tomorrow morning only at 3 j^ards for 50c. and music. The decorations in and son Richard have returned TILE Temple Chapter, Order of the the home were In blue and gold; this morning the home waa. crowd­ from a trip over the Mohawk ed with friends and relatives. The Eastern Star, will observe "Ad­ asters and marigolds were the fiow- Trial. They also stopped in North­ A Full Line. TABLE DAMASK—yard ...... ers used. A beautiful birthday front room where the little coffin 50c vance Night’’ In connection with hampton for a visit with Mr. and lay was literally filled with floral 58 and 70-inch tabie damask in dot and florai patterns. This their regular meeting this evening cake was placed before Hilda with Mrs. Gates’ daughter, Mrs. Wells tributes. Burial waa In St. James’s Give us your ord;r. damask Is suitable for every day use. In Odd Fellows’ hall. There will her name and the words “Sweet Lincoln. Barstow’s also be an Initiation of candidates Sixteen’’ on It. She received many cemetery. We deliver the goods. and a social after the business In pretty gifts from her friends. There will be a meeting of Troop charge of the following committee: Fresh Fish, Pinehurst, Friday.— $1.00 LINEN SCARFS ...... 5 Boy Scouts at the Swedish Adv. 50 c Mrs. Anna Robb, Mrs. Anna Bar­ Appropriate exercises for Nathan Radio Shop Including plain linen scarfs with tan and blue edging; alstf Lutheran church tonight at 7:30 tan and white jewel cloth scarfs with lace edging. A wonder­ ber, Mrs. Bertha Lewie, Miss Mary Hale day were held at the Harding p. m. All members are requested to state Theater Bldg. Miller, Mrs| Fannie Trotter, Mrs. school this morning, all grades tak­ attend. G. E Willis & Son ful value! Swanson. ing part. In the other Eighth dis 2 Main Street ^hone 50 Bissell St. So. Manchester trict schools suitable programs QUARTET-ON AIR. The Misses Louise and Edna Cole pertaining to the anniversary were Have You Tried 89c RUBBER SH E E T S...... 50c of Ridge street have returned from given by the pupils. The Manchester Male Quartet Crib size in white and yellow.' Very good quality rubber. a three weeks’ visit with relatives composed of Harry Boland, Harold Limited number to sell! In Canada. They visited the Toron­ Yesterday was a red letter day Dougan, Edward Taylor and Jarle to exposition, Niagara Falls and for returning lost articles. Adver­ Johnson, entertained radio fans Our New Mint other places of Interest. tisers in The Herald had returned again last night over Station WTIC 35c PETITE HOSE—2 pair ...... to them a gold bar pin and a gold In Hartford. The Manchester sing­ 50c ers have made a great reputation Mercerized hose in black and brown. Double knee, 'sizes. Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ watch. Shampoo? O berta 4 1-2 to 6 1-2. \ ters, will hold its regular meeting because of their singing ability and in Orange hall tomorrow evening. Mrs. Chris McHale and daughter. have been on the WTIC program A large turnout of the members is Miss Aileen McHale, of Center inany times. Their program last 10c PALMOLIVE SOAP—8 cakes...... hoped for as a degree rehearsal street, left today to spend a few night lasted 45 minutes and was We recommend it as fine for 50c will be held in preparation for a days In Bridgeport. well rendered and well received. "Keep that school girl complexion.” An old reliable toilet class Initiation at the meeting next the hair and scalp. The fra­ Canning soap. Tomorrow morning only at this prlcel, month. Upwards of thirty of the Bridge lovers In all sections of sisters are planning to leave by bus the town have a cordial Invitation grance of mint is cooling and at the Center, Saturday at 8 a. m. to attend the first bridge of the 25c FEEN-A-MINT—3 packages...... 50c for the big field day at Mystic. season at the Manchester Com­ refreshing and leaves the hair A laxative chewing gum. Limit three packages to a cus­ munity clubhouse, to be held this Teacher of Voice tomer. evening at 8:15. soft and beautiful. y Peaches The first fall meeting of the Luther League will be held at the Qdna Hansen Swedish Lutheran church, Friday at the ^^Health M arket’’ Specials evening at 8 p. m. State Miss Marjorie Burr, daughter of Johnston Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Burr of Park street, left today for Cornell Uni­ Careful Home Instruction. Beauty Parlor versity, Ithaca, N. Y. This will be Approved Method. Phone 1941. Pine Knob Orchards her senior year. For appointment, phone 753 Main St. So. Manchester 50c 50c Rockville 421-4. State Theater Building. 3 PICKLED LAMBS* Mr. and Mrs. Leverett Gates Also 2 LBS. BEEF STEW moved today from Lydall street to TONGUES their recently acquired farm In 1 GREEN SO UP T LB. STERLING North Coventry. Damson Plums, Wealthy and Gravenstein BUNCH STEAK , There is a freshness about Eating and Cooking Apples. Learn the New new wallpaper that gives new Valencia life to the room or rooms you Announdiig the Opening Orchards located a mile west of Talcottville. Leave For private lessons in all the have refinished and gives the Rockville road just north of Talcottville bridge. Phone latest dances, call occupants new pep, too. One of the 85-3. 50c 50c W. C. WIRTALLA gets terribly dull from seeing 1 LB. RIB OF REEF Phone 1096. the same designs and colors on 1 LB. LAMB STEW LB. FRESH SPARE the four walls of a room month 1 LB. VEAL STEW RIBS after month. PARK H I MARKET 1 LR BEEF LIVER Lifetime Service 539 Main Street South Manchester Vi LB. SALT PORK Pledged by its makers, the! Just come in and see the alt- •M. S. Wright Company, oldest; tractive line of new wallpapers Ask Yourself Seriously— makers of vacuum cleaners in| we have. the world. Under New "Self-Serve” Specials And no other cleaner, while it lasts, can do as much as the ”Why Am I Waiting to Extra Fancy Tomatoes, John I. Olson 14-quart basket 50c, SWEEPER VAC Painting and Decorating Management To Install a Heating Contractor. Pure L a rd ...... 3 packages 50c The Manchester » Pound package. 699 Main S t Johnson Block THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. System?” Electric Co. South Manchester. % Sunbeam Evaporated M ilk ___5 cans 50c PORK BEEF Roll Pork ...... 30c lb. Republic Sliced Pineapple .;.. .2 cans 50c yiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Roast B e e f...... 25c lb. By special arrangement with the factory (to overcome LAMB Short Steak ...... 35c lb. Early June Peas ...... 4 cans 50c Leg of Lamb...... 33c lb. Sirloin S tea k ...... 28c lb. the usual fall rush and higher prices) you can order Smoked Shoulders . .23c Ib. Shoulder S teak ...... 23c lb. your MAGEE FURNACE NOW. , I • /> / I Full Line of Fresh B ^ t Top Round Steak .. .28c lb. and Vegetables. Porterhouse Steak ..40c lb. AND START PAYMENT IN SEPTEMBER. GOOD THINGS TO CAT” GOOD SERVICE. The Heating^ System with the Double Guarantee- -The / SOUTH MRNCHESTER ■ CONN ■ Factory and Ours.

Special Tomorrow The prices are low. jiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii Some very nice large Bartlett Peers for Canning, $1.45 = The terms are easy. basket. " The MAGEE is the best. Also Special on hand picked Apples—©xceUent all around South Manchester Candy Kitchen Fruit for eating or cooking—76 cents peach basket. Order now— don’t regret. Tinker Building Main and Birch Streets Oberta Peaches f We wlU have Green Tomatoes at 86 cents a peach basket, and Ripe Tomatoes, 49 cents to 60 cents a basket. Y^ow Freestones For Canning | Don’t Walt Too Long to Buy Yonr Peaces or Pears for Canning! ITie fmlt Is getting ripe very fast and, take It from Our Luncheonette Beginning Wednesday, Sept 22 | ns, this Is PEACH WEEK! Growing More Popnlar Every Day. I and for a few days only. We will have a good supply E SPECIAL—WUd Grapes for Jelly—00 cents basket. We serve freshly made Salads and Sandwiches in E of fancy canning peaches. E THE MEAT DEPARTMENT suggests Nice Blasting Chick­ variety. S ' ■ S ens, Soup Bones—we Ijavo some nice Soup Bnnches from Peter­ Crisp Buttered Toast to order. s __ s son’s to go with them. Pinehurst Quality Corned Beef, a ape- Fresh PTes and Cakes. Are Made in One-Pipe smd clal on Shank Ends of Ham to boll, 16-26 cents a pound. Tea, Coffee and Cocoa with cream. Circulating Pipe I Pero Orchards I Models. I Avery street Wappi^ | Plnehnrst Hamburg, ground for yonr
