m CT V R B 8S BUn ....... • ; ■" ' * ’':■ *" “ ^ -V'-r------- - '^' ■ '' ’-.r THJB WEATHER. AyERACHS'DAIIiY dROCltAlIQE OP THB BVEMING HBRAU> PNMUy. local showan toalghl. for Oie m<mth of Angiptt 19M. -«ad Ihnnday. SUgbfl^r co«^ n w i d a /. ' 4 , 8 3 6 .■ -:r T . ■ » ■>, ■ 'sf. ■; ' i'. • . Co^ VOL. XLIV., NO. 801. Adt*tlBlag oa Pact e MANCHESIS^VCON n I W SEP^Ml^R 2 2 ,1 9 ^ . ^ .jsi PAGESS) PRICE THREE CENIS^ ... .1. '■ , V GOBS ,PUNCH EFFIGY__ y BOA^TS^BM)CK SlREfer WALSH PICKS OP SECRETARY WILBUR. TAXI DRIVERS Norfolk, Va., Sept 22.— In­ censed over orders from Secre- ' tary Wilbur, canceling a boxing DEMPSEY, “AS carnival that was to have been GIVE TIP ON 5 held tonight, sailors from the naval base here erected an effigy B A D ^ H E I S ” of the secretary and “ punched” ILLEGAL AUENS It with gusto. Base officers are I OF STORM conducting an Investigation. More than 24,000 worth of Calk Big Fq^t Greatest tickets had been sold for to­ Chinese as Well as Span­ \ night’s show, the proceeds of AJD FUND TO’ CHtOSS which were to have gone to the MILLION MARK TODAY Extrayaganza of All Tiine; navy relief funds. iards Go ^^Sight Seemg” TYPHOID C R M The action was taken .on pro­ Wa«blQ|;toii> dept. 12.— The tests by Norfolk ministers. nation's oontrtbatlon to the re­ Jack Is Bad But Tunney in Cahs from Boston to lief o f Florida: hnrrloane sufler- BY HURRICANE ore was exipeoted to cross the MENACE OVER New York. 11,000.000 mark today. Is Worse. Every -Incoming mall was COVENTRY SHRINE . BWOlUng total nf nearly 1800- AT PB6AC0LA 000 reached last night by the T o i m z o i (BY DAVIS WALSH) Stamford. Sept. 22.— Alertness American Red Cross, v FOR CITIZENSHIP of the Stamford police department Ten thodaand dollars tor em­ Philadelphia. Sept. 22,— It la a apparently has checked an efl.irt ergency pvrposes has been tele­ '31 Cases in Two Florida dllAcult undertaking to pick a win­ Heavy DamageV Done to Land graphed to Sebrlng. Fla., in re- to admit manv foreigners to the spoBSo to ah urgent plea for ner of the Dempsey-Tunney match United States In defiance of the Im­ help.' tor the heavyweight championship Memory of Nathan Hale migration bars. As the result of In- Property and Shipping; Cities FoDow Water Poln-, of the world tomorrow night for tcrroation obtained whan local the simple reason that one of them Landed as Sesqni of His pol.'ce arrested four Boston taxi Great Storm Dying Out in tion— Navy Hurries Ser Is such a poor lighter and the other drivers yesterday afternooa, immi­ gration agents arrested five Chinese MOOREHiVEN IS. Is likely to be worse. Death Is Celebrated. in Jersey City during the night and Inland Mississippi. urns— Bimini Swept. That Is a terrible Indictment to took them to Ellis Island for de­ Carried by hurricane high waters flrom their moorings in Fair draft against a two million dol­ portation u.'.'ceedlngs. Haven canal, boats wer^ swept into Miami avenue, completely ACRYQFTIIEDEAD lar house, but the fact of the mat­ Coventry, Sept. 22.— The man, George Coie, Mortimer Bromber- blocking all street traffic and scattering wreckage for many New Orleans, Sept. • 2|.— Still Today for the first time it wat ter la that Gene Tunney never lick­ ger, Robert A. F. Morse, anJ blocks. isolated by the tropical hurricane, I possible to get a comprehensivt Nathan Hale, was presented as an George Roberts all taxi drivers ed a good man and doesn’t figure Pensacola today continued its ef­ view of the extent pf tho Florida to change his style now, and Jack Inspiration to the youth of today, from the Boston district. >were to­ First Hand Story of Storm’s Dempsey Is a man without legs— a as representing the highest type of day released from police custody forts to communicate with the out­ huriirane disaster. .good guy when ho had them but far Connecticut manhood, by A. B. and allowed to return to their side world by means of radio. Southern Florida, hardest hit, it homes at the suggestion of William HURRICANE KILLS BLACK HAND BOMB from the man who cut Willard Into Meredith, state commissioner of The Pc- -:ola N '"al air station Ghastly Work Told by resolutely going about the task o4 human hamburger at Toledo seven A. Riley, an Immigration Inspector education, during exercises held several times reported disabled by burying its dead, checking the nds- years ago. who came here yesterday from ^ere this afternoon marking tlie Ellis Island to investigate the pres­ 400 IN PARAGUAY DOES HUGE DAMAGE the terrific storm, wirelessed the Reporter on the Spot. sing and building anew. There are no Illusions to be main­ Algiers naval radio station that 150th anniversary of the death of ence in Stamford of twelve The gulf coMt, embracing Pen* tained about this fight. Tunney three persons were killed, many never has shown that he belongs In Spaniards. sacolo. Mobile, Biloxi and -othei Nathan Hale. injured and extensive- property the same ring with the heavyweight Gave Information By JOSEPH L. IMUBE. noted resorth, has been extensive­ It Is proper, Mr. Meredith said, Morse and Roberts told the In­ damage by the iSO-mile-an-hour champion of the world and the lat­ to honor such a noble deed of self- Encarnacion, City of 35,000 Wrecks Two Ohio Buildings gale. ly damaged, but there has been ter has given rather obvious hints spector they had taken five "Japan­ sacrifice, and refiectlon on the life This was the third message to Moorehaven, Fla., Sept. 22.— that he 1s about forty per cent of ese” to New York from Boston In comparatively little loss of^fe.. and character of Hale make Is pos­ be received from Pensacola by This is a city of the dead today, the man who Intrigued the general their taxis and were returning when Wrecked by Great Storm Reports gathered throughout sible to visit Coventry, his birth­ and 15 Autos, Starts radio In 24 hours. Late yesterday deserted by all but a few desolate public with the Idea that he was they saw two other Boston taxis Florida Indicated that the deatL place, without,becoming better citi­ outside police headquarters here. the naval air station sent a wire­ souls stranded in high buildings. and is a man-klller. zens of Connecticut und better less to the effect that gr%t prop­ td l ultimat-’y will approximate Dempsey Legless They stopped and told of their Like That in Florida. $250,000 Fire, Hurts 2. Words cah scarcely describe the Americans. erty damage was done. Later the Dempsey's legs have gone. On passengers. The Inspector started a 460. This figure may be IncMha* 8}unbol of Manhood Revenue Cutter Tallapoosa said gruesomeness, the sorrow and the surface, he Is a man in perfect movement which led to the dis­ ed or diminished but It is ,beUev« He spoke of the characteristics tho gale had damaged many ships. needs of this former thriving little physical condition. His wind Is covery of the five Chinese. London, Sept. 22.— An Ex­ Youngstown, 0., Sept. 22.— A ed the final count will be .near of Nathan Hale, of his simple yet Two foreign ships, unnamed, good, his eye, clear, his actions Morse and Roberts had been bomb, set off early today in the city of 1,400 which now has but busy life, his abilities, manly vigor, change Telegraph dispatch from broke their moorings and went figure; The injured probabljr to^ those of a man who has reached the hired to drive the men to New plant of the Youngstown Grocery 800 of its former population ac­ and mental alertness. In conclud­ Asuncion, Paraguay, today stated aground, the Tallapoosa wireles­ tal ^600, and the homeless pMb- pinnacle of physical training. But York, their fares having approach­ Company here. Injured nine per­ counted for. Hotels, churches and ably 85,000. ing, he declared that the name of ed them on the street in Boston. that the city of Encarnacion is a sons, wrecked two buildings and sed. Many small craft were re­ he Is a slightly elderly gent, as we Nathan Hale has become the “ sym­ ported sunk. private homes In Sebriug and vici­ On the gulf coast there were figure things In this racket, and the The Chinese came to this country shambles, with four hundred dead, fifteen automobiles and resulted In nity are.housing these 800 home­ bol of American manhood and of Island a Protection probably 20 deaths. first thing to show this condition Is on the British Steamer Penar Del three hundred Injured and virtual­ a fire which caused $250,000 dam­ less, Some the remnants., of'large The property damage, even yet, patriotic devotion everywhere.” Rio, the same vessel bringing the age. While property loss was great, famUIes. a pair of legs that refuse to carry Former Attorney General Chas. ly all houses In the city blown can only be estimated but the state Spaniards, who are being held here Acting Chief of Police Leroy more extensive dam ^e was pre­ their master in the style to which Phelps, of Rockville, also made an down, as. the result of a huj'.rjcane A conservative estimate of the- of Florida probably has snfferei^ until the immigration officers ar­ Goodwin Announced 'that the . exr vented hv the fneF that Santa Rosr /dead la 66. he Is accustomed. ^ address this afternoon. which struck-tiere last.night.
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