Abdomen Abdominal Aorta, Anatomy, 631–632 Abdominal Aortic
Index Abdomen anal fi stulectomy, 478 abdominal aorta, anatomy, 631–632 fi stulous tract, probe and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair incision, 481 elective infrarenal, 641–644 Goodsall-Salmon’s rule of abdominal hysterectomy fi stulas, 482–483 bilateral salpingo- seton procedure, 481 oophorectomy, 658 anorectal landmarks, 476 incision, surgical technique, band ligation 655–662 anus examination and prolapse abdominal incisions, 148 reduction, 490–493 midline, thoracic extension McGivney and McGowan band of, 150 ligator, 489 anterior abdominal wall, 113–115 digital examination, 477–478 blood supply of, 131–132 external thrombosed fossae of, 117–118 hemorrhoids, incision hernias, see Hernia and drainage of, 489 layers of, 117 hemorrhoidectomy supply of, 132–134 external hemorrhoid, 483 Adrenal glands ischiorectal abscess, 478, 480 adrenalectomies, 607–618 pilonidal cyst, excision of, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, 493–495 619–630 sigmoidoscopic examination, relations of, 603–604 475–476, 479 right and left, 604 stapled hemorrhoidectomy vascular system of, 605–606 open-sided retractor, 486–487 Anal canal and perianal regions, sigmoidoscopy, 487–489 surgical procedures Anterior iliopubic tract repair, anal fi ssure, 483 condon procedure, 175 668585 686 Index Anus and rectum vascular system of lymph drainage of, 437 arterial supply, 96 pelvic splanchnic nerves, venous drainage, 100 436–437 Buccopharyngeal fascia, 28 Aponeurosis conjoined area, 121–122 Carotid endarterectomy, 631, inguinal canal, 127 635–640 inguinal ligament, 119 anatomy for, 631
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