Opioid Receptorsreceptors
OPIOIDOPIOID RECEPTORSRECEPTORS defined or “classical” types of opioid receptor µ,dk and . Alistair Corbett, Sandy McKnight and Graeme Genes encoding for these receptors have been cloned.5, Henderson 6,7,8 More recently, cDNA encoding an “orphan” receptor Dr Alistair Corbett is Lecturer in the School of was identified which has a high degree of homology to Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Glasgow the “classical” opioid receptors; on structural grounds Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, this receptor is an opioid receptor and has been named Glasgow G4 0BA, UK. ORL (opioid receptor-like).9 As would be predicted from 1 Dr Sandy McKnight is Associate Director, Parke- their known abilities to couple through pertussis toxin- Davis Neuroscience Research Centre, sensitive G-proteins, all of the cloned opioid receptors Cambridge University Forvie Site, Robinson possess the same general structure of an extracellular Way, Cambridge CB2 2QB, UK. N-terminal region, seven transmembrane domains and Professor Graeme Henderson is Professor of intracellular C-terminal tail structure. There is Pharmacology and Head of Department, pharmacological evidence for subtypes of each Department of Pharmacology, School of Medical receptor and other types of novel, less well- Sciences, University of Bristol, University Walk, characterised opioid receptors,eliz , , , , have also been Bristol BS8 1TD, UK. postulated. Thes -receptor, however, is no longer regarded as an opioid receptor. Introduction Receptor Subtypes Preparations of the opium poppy papaver somniferum m-Receptor subtypes have been used for many hundreds of years to relieve The MOR-1 gene, encoding for one form of them - pain. In 1803, Sertürner isolated a crystalline sample of receptor, shows approximately 50-70% homology to the main constituent alkaloid, morphine, which was later shown to be almost entirely responsible for the the genes encoding for thedk -(DOR-1), -(KOR-1) and orphan (ORL ) receptors.
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