

The of : From NMDA Hypofunction to the Hypothesis of J. David Jentsch, Ph.D., and Robert H. Roth, Ph.D.

Administration of noncompetitive NMDAրglutamate effects of these are discussed, especially with regard to receptor antagonists, such as phencyclidine (PCP) and differing profiles following single-dose and long-term , to humans induces a broad range of exposure. The neurochemical effects of NMDA receptor schizophrenic-like symptomatology, findings that have antagonist administration are argued to support a contributed to a hypoglutamatergic hypothesis of neurobiological hypothesis of schizophrenia, which includes schizophrenia. Moreover, a history of experimental pathophysiology within several systems, investigations of the effects of these drugs in animals manifested in behavioral pathology. Future directions for suggests that NMDA receptor antagonists may model some the application of NMDA models of behavioral symptoms of schizophrenia in nonhuman schizophrenia to preclinical and pathophysiological research subjects. In this review, the usefulness of PCP are offered. [Neuropsychopharmacology 20:201–225, administration as a potential animal model of schizophrenia 1999] © 1999 American College of is considered. To support the contention that NMDA Neuropsychopharmacology. Published by Elsevier receptor antagonist administration represents a viable Science Inc. model of schizophrenia, the behavioral and neurobiological

KEY WORDS: Ketamine; Phencyclidine; ; widely from the administration of purportedly psychot- ; Catecholamine; Schizophrenia; Prefrontal cortex; omimetic drugs (Snyder 1988; Javitt and Zukin 1991; Cognition; Dopamine; Glutamate Jentsch et al. 1998a), to perinatal insults (Lipska et al. Biological psychiatric research has seen the develop- 1993; El-Khodor and Boksa 1997; Moore and Grace ment of many putative animal models of schizophrenia. 1997; Bertolino et al. 1997), to chronic social isolation or The etiological bases of these models have varied stress (Jones et al. 1990), and beyond. The administra- tion of psychotomimetic drugs to humans and animals represents probably the most widely accepted and uti- lized class of schizophrenia models. These “pharmaco- From the Neuropsychopharmacology Research Unit (JDJ, RHR), logical” models seem to represent methods for the in- Section of Neurobiology (JDJ), and Departments of Psychiatry (RHR) duction of psychopathology in humans and aberrant and (RHR), Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. (potentially related) behavior in animals. Address correspondence to: Dr. J. David Jentsch, Section of Neu- At the behavioral level, there seems to be some heter- robiology, Yale University School of Medicine, P.O. Box 208001, ogeneity in the effects of different psychotomimetic New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8001. Received 25 March 1998; revised 22 May 1998; accepted 13 June classes. The psychomotor , such as am- 1998. phetamine and , can clearly induce a form of

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3 © 1999 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 0893-133X/99/$–see front matter 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S0893-133X(98)00060-8

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paranoid in human subjects after high-dose because of the overtly neurotoxic effects of this drug as or long-term administration, but evidence regarding determined by studies in rodents (Olney et al. 1989; the ability of these agents to induce “deficit” state 1991; Olney and Farber 1995). Nevertheless, scientists symptoms is conflicting (Angrist and Gershon 1970; have recently utilized a PCP congener, ketamine, to Everitt et al., 1997); moreover, there is evidence that am- produce a model of psychosis in humans. This drug, phetamine may actually alleviate negative and cognitive which (like PCP) noncompetitively blocks NMDA re- symptoms in schizophrenic patients (Angrist et al. 1982; ceptors, also simulates schizophrenic psychopathology Goldberg et al. 1991; Carter et al. 1997). Psychotomi- in normal humans (Krystal et al. 1994; Malhotra et al. metic indoleamines, such as lysergic diethylamide, 1996) and exacerbates symptoms in schizophrenic pa- can induce profound sensory without tients (Lahti et al. 1994; Malhotra et al. 1997a). Although causing any apparent deficit state in normal subjects it seems that ketamine can induce many of the effects of (Geyer and Markou 1994) and without precipitating PCP in humans, it should be noted that ketamine is far symptomatology in schizophrenic patients (Cohen et al. less potent for inducing psychotomimetic reactions, es- 1962). In contrast, the noncompetitive antagonists of the pecially after chronic use (Rainey and Crowder 1974). N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)րglutamate receptor, in- Several reports have demonstrated that competitive cluding phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine, seem to be NMDA receptor antagonists are also psychotomimetic capable of inducing both positive and negative symp- in humans (Bunney et al. 1994; Grotta et al. 1995; Tam- toms of schizophrenia, including cognitive dysfunction minga 1998). in normal humans (Snyder 1980; Javitt and Zukin 1991; It is important to summarize the primary symptoms Tamminga 1998); these drugs also profoundly exacer- of schizophrenia that may be “modeled” in a drug- bate both positive and negative symptoms in schizo- treated individual. Many of the “positive” symptoms of phrenic patients (Itil et al. 1967; Lahti et al. 1994; Mal- schizophrenia, including , hallucinations, im- hotra et al. 1997a). pulsivity, formal thought disorder, , and vio- Because of the more comprehensive psychopathol- lent behavior, are characteristic of psychotomimetic ogy induced by PCP, many researchers have studied drug-induced psychopathology (Angrist and Gershon the effects of NMDA receptor antagonists in humans 1970; Javitt and Zukin 1991; Ellison 1995), but PCP and animals to gain insights into the neurobiology of seems to be unique among psychostimulants because of schizophrenia. In this review, the validity of NMDA re- its ability to produce “negative” or deficit state symp- ceptor antagonist-induced models of schizophrenia in toms of schizophrenia, such as emotional lability and humans and animals are considered, and the applicabil- social withdrawal. In addition, PCPրketamine adminis- ity of acute versus chronic administration of PCP as a tration can to profound cognitive dysfunction more precise model is assessed. The neurobiological (Luby et al. 1959; Cohen et al. 1962; Pearlson 1981; Javitt substrates of the observed behavioral effects in acute and Zukin 1991), including impaired performance of and chronic NMDA receptor antagonist models are re- the Wisconsin Card Sort and continuous performance viewed. Finally, new directions for use of PCPրket- vigilance tasks and deficits in delayed recall, free recall, amine administration as a model of schizophrenia are recognition memory, and verbal fluency (Krystal et al. offered. 1994; Malhotra et al. 1996). Many of these deficits impli- cate frontal lobe dysfunction (Krystal et al. 1994), which is critical for the validity of a PCP model of schizophre- nia, because frontal cortical deficits are clearly a compo- BASIS OF THE PCPրKETAMINE MODELS OF nent of the schizophrenic disease process (Fey 1951; SCHIZOPHRENIA IN HUMANS Robbins 1990; Goldman-Rakic 1991; Weinberger and Berman 1996; Goldman-Rakic and Selemon 1997). Nearly 40 years ago, it was first reported that acute ad- Although the initial observations of NMDA receptor ministration of the noncompetitive NMDA-sensitive antagonist-induced psychosis were made in humans in antagonist PCP to normal humans small, controlled studies of the effects of single-dose ex- induced a psychopathology with “impressive similarity posure, PCP became a popular drug-of-abuse within [to] . . . certain primary symptoms of the schizophrenic certain subcultures by the early 1960s. In addition to the process” (Luby et al. 1959, p. 367). This finding has been “toxic psychosis” induced by single-dose administra- replicated over the intervening years (Davies and Beech tion, it has also been noted that repeated use of PCP by 1960; Cohen et al. 1962), and in addition, it has been humans induces a more persistent schizophrenic symp- found that PCP likewise exacerbates the primary symp- tomatology, including psychosis, hallucinations, flat- toms of chronic schizophrenic patients (Luby et al. 1959; tened affect, delusions, formal thought disorder, cogni- Itil et al. 1967). tive dysfunction, and social withdrawal (Rainey and Controlled studies of the effects of PCP in normal Crowder 1975; Allen and Young 1978; Pearlson 1981; and schizophrenic humans are now prohibited, in part, Javitt and Zukin 1991; Cosgrove and Newell 1991).

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DO ACUTE AND LONG-TERM PCP EXPOSURE social judgment, poor span and concentration, HAVE SIMILAR CONSEQUENCES? poor interpersonal relationships, and social maladjust- ment” (American Psychiatric Association 1989, p. 1217). An important question pertains to whether the differ- These findings provide support for the argument that ence between the behavioral and biological effects of long-term PCP abuse is associated with a psychopathol- acute and chronic PCP exposure are more real than ap- ogy that is remarkably similar to schizophrenia and that parent. As already noted, both regimens can induce may be more isomorphic to the chronic symptoms of profound behavioral symptomatology reminiscent of schizophrenia (e.g., cognitive and negative symptoms) schizophrenia in humans, but there are more differ- than those induced by single-dose PCP exposure. ences between the consequences of acute versus long- Other differences lie in the biological effects of PCP. term PCP administration than merely the duration of Recent studies of regional cerebral blood flow after ket- the observed effects. amine or PCP administration may provide clues as to Table 1 summarizes the reported effects of acute and the neural circuits affected by NMDA receptor antago- long-term PCPրketamine exposure in humans. Both reg- nist administration in humans. Acute ketamine expo- imens can induce psychosis, thought disorder, delu- sure markedly increases frontal cortical blood flow, es- sions, flattened affect, and withdrawal, with the effects pecially in the anterior cingulate and frontomedial of chronic exposure being generally more persistent cortical regions of normal humans or schizophrenic pa- (Luby et al. 1959; Rainey and Crowder 1975; Allen and tients (Lahti et al. 1995; Breier et al. 1997a; Vollenweider Young 1978; Pearlson 1981; Krystal et al. 1994; Malhotra et al. 1997). In sharp contrast, long-term abuse of PCP et al. 1996). The quantitative differences in the time by humans has been associated with reduced frontal course of the effects of the two regimens may be largely lobe blood flow and glucose utilization (Hertzman et al. attributable to differences in dosage and route of ad- 1990; Wu et al. 1991). The finding that repeated expo- ministration. Studies have rarely controlled for these fac- sures to PCP reduces frontal blood flow is consistent tors. What is interesting is that there are qualitative dif- with the observation that some components of the cog- ferences between the effects of these two dosing regimens. nitive dysfunction of schizophrenia are associated with Acute ketamine administration produces delusions and reduced frontal blood flow, so-called “hypofrontality” hallucinations, typically within the visual domain (Ingvar and Franzen 1974; Weinberger et al. 1986; An- (Krystal et al. 1994), similar to LSD intoxication but not dreasen et al. 1992; Weinberger and Berman 1996). to schizophrenia (Geyer and Markou 1994). More con- Thus, long-term, but not acute, PCP exposure isomor- sistent with symptoms observed in schizophrenic pa- phically models the behavioral and metabolic dysfunc- tients, PCP-abusing humans present with religious and tion of schizophrenia. paranoid delusions and auditory hallucinations (Rainey Likewise, previous studies have clearly shown that and Crowder 1975; Allen and Young 1978). In addition, acute administration of PCP or ketamine to animals long-term PCP abuse is associated with “emotional la- profoundly increases forebrain transmis- bility, social incompetence, overt impulsiveness, poor sion (Doherty et al. 1980; Bowers and Hoffman 1984;

Table 1. Differing Psychiatric and Biological Effects of Acute versus Long-Term PCP/ Ketamine Exposure in Humans

Acute Exposure Repeated Exposures

Psychosis Intense (hours)a,b Intense (days to weeks)c,d Hallucinations Visual illusions (hours)b Auditory and paranoid (days to weeks)d Delusions Yes (hours)a,b Frequently religious (days to weeks)d Thought disorder Yes (hours)a,b Yes (days to weeks)c,d Affect Euphoric to catatonic (hours)a,b Anxious, labile or paranoid (days to weeks)d Cognition Impaired (transiently)b Impaired (persistently)e Frontal blood flow Increased (transiently)f Decreased (persistently)g

a Luby et al. (1959). b Krystal et al. (1994). c Rainey and Crowder (1975). d Allen and Young (1978). e Cosgrove and Newell (1991). f Breier et al. (1997a). g Hertzman et al. (1990).

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Deutch et al. 1987; Hertel et al. 1996; Verma and morphism with the idiopathic disease; (2) present with Moghaddam 1996; Jentsch et al. 1997a); whereas, long- dependent measures that can be objectively quantified; term PCP administration reduces frontal dopamine and (3) are reproducible and robust. These features can transmission (Jentsch et al. 1997b,c; see below). Because confer a particular model with characteristics sufficient hypofrontality and some cognitive deficits of schizo- to yield a pragmatically acceptable level of validity. A phrenia have been associated with reduced dopamine final, and perhaps most critical, consideration is the transmission within the prefrontal cortex (Weinberger predictive validity of a particular model. Can the model et al. 1988; Daniel et al. 1989, 1991; Dolan et al. 1995; re- yield new and predictive insights regarding novel treat- viewed in Davis et al. 1991; Knable and Weinberger ment strategies? Again, it is important to limit the inter- 1997), these findings suggest that long-term administra- pretation of any data within the context that a particu- tion of NMDA receptor antagonists produces effects lar model system may only mimic a particular domain that are most consistent with schizophrenia. Later in of symptoms and is not likely predictive of the com- this review, the validity of acute versus long-term PCP prehensive response of a human patient to a given exposure as models of schizophrenia is revisited. treatment. The PCPրketamine model of schizophrenia seems to be valid at several levels of interpretation. Clearly, PCP or ketamine administration induces behavioral patholo- THE RELATIVE VALIDITY OF ANIMAL gies in humans that are isomorphic to certain primary MODELS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA symptoms of schizophrenia, which are readily quantifi- able and highly robust; for example, frontal-like cogni- Studies of the neurochemical effects of PCP in animals, tive dysfunction (Luby et al. 1959; Javitt and Zukin in part, represent the trend to utilize these drugs in non- 1991; Krystal et al. 1994). In addition, this model system human subjects to model aspects of idiopathic schizo- may have demonstrable predictive validity, because phrenia. These animal studies may provide new insights ketamine-precipitated psychosis has been shown to be regarding the pathophysiology and treatment-responsiv- responsive to the atypical drug ity of schizophrenia without the ethical and pragmatic (Malhotra et al. 1997a). Finally, mounting data in non- constraints associated with using human experimental human primates (see below) suggests that, in animals, subjects. Nevertheless, an insurmountable obstacle is the PCP may have strong face and construct validity for inability to model certain schizophrenic deficits (e.g., those schizophrenia. Thus, in the following sections, we focus associated with verbal behavior) in animals, making it our discussion on many of the findings of the behav- impossible to produce a comprehensive model of schizo- ioral and biological consequences of PCP administra- phrenia in nonhuman subjects. Despite these obvious tion in animals. limitations, animal models may be able to reflect sub- sets of primary behavioral symptoms of schizophrenia; for example, frontal-like cognitive dysfunction. Likewise, NMDA ANTAGONIST-INDUCED BEHAVIORAL it may be possible to mimic certain biological sequelae ALTERATIONS IN ANIMALS: ISOMORPHISM of schizophrenia (e.g., “hypofrontality”; Weinberger and TO SCHIZOPHRENIA? Berman 1996) in a model system (e.g., human PCP abus- ers, Hertzman et al. 1990). Many attempts have been made to draw parallels be- Another important consideration in determining the tween the behaviors exhibited by (acute and chronic) comprehensive validity of a particular animal model of PCP-treated animals and schizophrenic symptomatol- schizophrenia is that the idiopathic disease likely repre- ogy (see Geyer and Markou 1994; Steinpreis 1996; sents a conglomeration of numerous behavioral, etio- Jentsch et al. 1998a for review). The quantified behav- logical, and pathophysiological factors. As such, a sin- iors examined occur within several different domains, gle model system may be incapable of representing all including locomotor behavior, sensorimotor gating, symptoms of schizophrenia reliably or comprehen- cognitive function, motivation, and social behavior. The sively. This possibility makes the prospect of multiple, behavioral effects of PCP administration (both after heterogeneous animal models a tantalizing one, because acute and long-term administration) are summarized in different systems may confer particular insights regard- Table 2. ing differing classes of symptoms of schizophrenia. The problems associated with developing a model of Effects of Acute PCP Administration on schizophrenia with comprehensive face validity, let Noncognitive Behavior alone construct validity, seem daunting. Nevertheless, as noted by Geyer and Markou (1994) in their review of Several groups have studied the ability of acute admin- this subject, it is most important to develop and utilize istration of PCP, or its congeners, to stimulate locomo- model systems that: (1) exhibit some symptomatic iso- tor behavior in animals (Freed et al. 1980; Carlsson

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1988; Carlsson and Carlsson 1989; Boyce et al. 1991; tor abnormalities in PCP-treated rats (Carlsson and Moghaddam and Adams 1998). This is based upon the Carlsson 1989) and in schizophrenia (Robbins 1990; notion that “locomotor activity in the rodent may be a Grace and Moore 1998). useful indicator of the propensity of a drug to elicit or Single-dose PCP administration to rats has also been exacerbate psychosis in humans . . .” (p. 1350) (Moghad- shown to disrupt , a measure of sen- dam and Adams 1998); however, the relationship be- sorimotor gating (Geyer et al. 1984), a finding with iso- tween rodent locomotor behavior and schizophrenic morphism to startle-gating deficits of schizophrenic pa- symptoms lacks “discriminant validity” because sev- tients (Geyer and Braff 1987; Braff et al. 1992). In this eral drugs which stimulate locomotion in rats (e.g., al- paradigm the delivery a stimulus that normally causes pha-2 antagonists and ) fail to produce or elicit startle in animals or humans (a mild shock or very loud psychosis in humans (Levin et al. 1996; Glazer et al. tone) is presaged by a neutral stimulus. In normal hu- 1987). In contrast, delta-9- can mans and animals, the delivery of the neutral stimulus produce or precipitate psychosis in normal and schizo- results in reduced startle. In contrast, PCP-treated ani- phrenic humans, respectively, (D’Souza et al. 1997), yet mals and schizophrenics both exhibit an inability to at- is cataleptic in rodents. Nevertheless, dysfunction within tenuate their startle response with the presentation of corticostriatal-pallido-thalamo-cortical loops produced the neutral “warning” stimulus. The face validity of the by PCP administration may contribute to both locomo- prepulse inhibition paradigm for modeling schizo-

Table 2. Effects of Acute versus Long-Term Exposure to PCP on Rodent and Primate Behavior

Acute Exposure Repeated Exposures

Rodent Frontal cortex function Impaireda Impairedb Temporal cortex function Impairedd–h Preservedc Sensorimotor gating Impairedi Unknown Motor function Impairedj Preservedb Motivation Impairedk–o Preservedb Associative processes Impairedk–o Preservedc Social behavior Reducedp Reducedp Locomotion Increasedq Augmented response to stress or amphetaminer Nonhuman primate Frontal cortex function Impaireds Impairedt Temporal cortex function Impairedu Unknown Motor function Impairedv Preservedt Motivation Impairedv Preservedt Social behavior Reducedw Unknown Locomotion Typically reducedc Increased locomotion and stereotypy in some casesc

a Verma and Moghaddam (1996). b Jentsch et al. (1997b). c Our unpublished observations. d Heale and Harley (1990). e Jones et al. (1990). f Kesner and Davis (1993). g Murray and Ridley (1997). h Fraser et al. (1997). i Geyer et al. (1984). j Tricklebank et al. (1989). k Hoehn-Saric et al. (1991). l Aguado et al. (1994). m Pallares et al. (1995). n Tang and Ho (1988). o Stevens et al. (1997). p Sams-Dodd (1996). q McCullough and Salamone (1992). r Jentsch et al. (1998c). s Boyce et al. (1991). t Jentsch et al. (1997c). u Moerschbaecher and Thompson (1980). v Frederick et al. (1995). w Schlemmer and Davis (1983).

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phrenic sensorimotor-gating deficits has been well es- MK-801 (another noncompetitive NMDA receptor an- tablished (Geyer and Markou 1994). tagonist) to rats has been shown to impair performance Acute PCP administration has also been shown to re- on tasks that seem to depend upon hippocampal or duce social interactions in rats (Steinpreis et al. 1994; amygdalar function; for example passive avoidance, ac- Sams-Dodd 1995, 1996) and monkeys (Miller et al. 1973; quisition of the Morris water maze task, or a conditional Schlemmer and Davis 1983). Although these effects discrimination or performance of a spatial continuous- seem to bear relationship to the social deficits exhibited recognition memory task (Heale and Harley 1990; Jones by schizophrenic subjects, it would be informative to et al. 1990; Kesner and Davis 1993; Murray and Ridley know whether these drug-induced effects occur inde- 1997). In addition, although delayed alternation deficits pendent of nonspecific alterations in general locomo- have been reported after ketamine and MK-801, sug- tion and arousal. Moreover, it is possible that rodent gesting spatial working memory dysfunction (Verma socialրinteractive behavior is a measure that has a prob- and Moghaddam 1996), spontaneous (no-delay) alter- lematic relationship with schizophrenic social with- nation is likewise affected (Fraser et al. 1997), compli- drawal (i.e., the measured construct is not the same). It cating this interpretation. Furthermore, administration seems that deficits in social interactions in schizo- of noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists has phrenic subjects are not a primary symptom of the dis- been shown to impair even simple behavioral mea- order, per se, but rather, are secondary to a variety of sures, such as acquisition of a conditioned emotional re- other symptoms, such as cognitive dysfunction, flat- sponse (Hoehn-Saric et al. 1991), of a flavor aversion tened affect, primary thought disorder, impulsivity, (Aguado et al. 1994), of an operant response (Pallares et and psychosis (Dickerson et al. 1996). Thus, care should al. 1995), of a brightness discrimination (Tang and Frank- be exercised when drawing parallels between the social lin 1983; Tang and Ho 1988), or of a conditioned cue dysfunction of schizophrenia and that of PCP-treated preference (Stevens et al. 1997). Because many of these rodents. latter tasks depend largely upon simple sensory pro- cesses and associative (which are relatively preserved in schizophrenic patients), the specificity of Effects of Acute PCP Administration on Cognitive “cognitive” deficits in animals acutely treated with Behavior PCPրketamineրMK-801 is questionable. It is important Attempts to study cognitive functions in PCP-treated to comment that acute PCP administration to monkeys animals may yield the more informative results for sev- similarly impairs performance of working memory eral reasons. The performance of cognitive tasks by ani- tasks in a delay-independent fashion (Boyce et al. 1991; mals and humans may depend on similar neural and Hudzik and Wenger 1993), visual recognition tasks psychological constructs, and the validity of the partic- (Ogura and Aigner 1993), conditional discrimination ular tasks may be directly assessed. Second, measures tasks (Moerschbaecher and Thompson 1980), and tasks of cognitive behavior in animals can be frankly objec- that measure motivation and other nonspecific effects tive, especially when automated testing or highly con- (Frederick et al. 1995). Thus, care should be taken when trolled task circumstances are used. Finally, much is arguing for complete isomorphism between acute known about the cognitive constructs subserved by NMDA receptor antagonist-induced behavioral deficits particular brain regions (e.g., working memory func- in animals and the symptoms of schizophrenia. tion in prefrontal cortex; monkeys: Goldman-Rakic 1987; humans: Courtney et al. 1998), and a variety of Effects of Long-Term PCP Administration on behavioral tasks can be used to measure the same Noncognitive Behavior construct (e.g., delayed response, delayed nonmatch-to- sample with repeated objects, N-back tasks, self-ordered As previously discussed, the effects of chronic, rather tasks). Thus, different procedures can be used in hu- than acute, exposure to PCP may better represent some mans and animals, if necessary, to measure similar con- facets of schizophrenia. Thus, it is important to under- structs. In consideration of the above, we focus much of stand the behavioralրcognitive consequences of long- our subsequent discussion on cognitive functions in term exposure to PCP in animals. Although few invest- NMDA receptor antagonist-treated animals as models igators have explored the behavioral and cognitive of schizophrenic cognitive dysfunction. deficits associated with chronic PCP administration, Many studies have examined the effects of acute initial examinations (see below) suggest that a more se- NMDA receptor antagonist administration on cognitive lective set of impairments results from long-term dos- functions. Although schizophrenia is certainly associ- ing. Altered social behavior, locomotor sensitization, ated with fairly wide-ranging deficits, it is unclear and cognitive function might be expected to be altered whether the global impairments caused by PCP admin- in chronic PCP-treated animals if the effects of PCP rep- istration are comprehensively representative of schizo- resent a possible model of schizophrenia. Social deficits phrenic deficits. Administration of PCP, ketamine, or have been reported in rats after cessation of long-term

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PCP administration (Steinpreis et al. 1994; Sams-Dodd ward is only given if the rat alternates between entering 1995, 1996), although it is not presently clear how en- the two arms (e.g., left-right-left, etc.). Because a delay during these effects are. period is interposed between trials, the rat is required Behavioral sensitization is a phenomenon whereby to briefly maintain information regarding the next repeated exposures to a drug or environmental stimu- choice “on-line,” thus, requiring the working memory lus lead to progressively enhanced behavioral re- construct. This task is closely linked with the function sponses. A “sensitization” hypothesis of schizophrenia of the frontal cortex and its dopaminergic innervation has been offered in an attempt to describe psychomotor (Brozoski et al. 1979; Kolb 1984; Goldman-Rakic 1987; -induced psychosis and stress-precipitated Bubser and Schmidt 1990; Roberts et al. 1994). Long- psychopathology (Robinson and Becker 1986; Post et al. term PCP administration produces delay-dependent 1988; Lieberman et al. 1997). PCP-induced sensitization performance impairments on a variable-delay spatial of limbic circuits might have relevance to the neurobiol- T-maze alternation task (Jentsch et al. 1997b). Because ogy of schizophrenia, as sensitization to the locomotor- deficits were minimal at short (0 s) delays and greater at stimulating effects of PCP, ketamine, and MK-801 has longer delays, these data seem to implicate specific been reported (Scalzo and Holson 1992; Wolf and working memory dysfunction. Khansa 1991; Xu and Domino 1994). Importantly, this Another frontal function that contributes to success- phenomenon seems to be very dose and regimen sensi- ful performance of the spatial delayed alternation task tive and may be complicated by tolerance to the ataxic is response inhibition. Diamond (1988, 1996) and Rob- effects of PCP (Melnick et al. 1997). bins (1996) have both eloquently described a role for re- Augmented locomotor responsivity to stress and sponse inhibition in delayed response tasks. In these d- has been reported after long-term PCP tasks, the subject must simultaneously maintain infor- exposure (Jentsch et al. 1998c), and subchronic ket- mation about the next choice “on-line” and also inhibit amine administration has been shown to increase apo- the tendency to make a choice that was previously re- -induced stereotypy (Lannes et al. 1991). Fur- warded but which is no longer appropriate (a “prepo- thermore, we have observed that subchronic PCP tent” response). This cognitive function has been most exposure to an increased mesolimbic dopamine closely linked with ventrolateral prefrontal cortex based response after an acute administration of upon lesion studies in nonhuman primates (Iversen and (Jentsch et al. 1998c). Therefore, at least a component of Mishkin 1970; Dias et al. 1996a). As with delayed re- limbic circuitry (the mesolimbic dopamine system) sponse, another task with components of response inhi- does seem to show augmented function after long-term bition, motor planning, and working memory, and that NMDA receptor antagonist exposure; however, it is not is sensitive to frontal lobe lesions is object retrievalր currently apparent that this is attributable to a simple detour. sensitization phenomenon, because the locomotor re- The object retrievalրdetour task can be used to assess sponse to PCP itself is reduced after the drug adminis- cognitive function in humans or monkeys (Diamond tration regimen used in our studies (Jentsch and Taylor, 1988, 1996; Taylor et al. 1990a,b). This task involves the unpublished observations). Thus, although locomotor retrieval of a reward from behind a transparent barrier sensitization may yield some insights regarding subcor- and, thus, requires several frontal lobe functions, in- tical dopaminergic hyperactivity, it may not be a pre- cluding response inhibition (the need to block the pre- requisite of this hyperactivity. potent tendency to make a direct reach for the reward through the transparent barrier), motor planning (the formation of a complex motor act for retrieval of the re- Effects of Long-term PCP Administration on ward), and, perhaps, working memory (the guidance of Cognitive Behavior reaching behavior by memory, knowledge, or represen- Recently, the cognitive effects of long-term PCP treat- tation, rather than simple visual feedback). Thus, ven- ment in rats and monkeys have been investigated. The tral and dorsolateral prefrontal, as well as premotor, initial results would suggest that dysfunction within cortices may contribute to successful task performance. the prefrontal cortex (principally, dorsolateral prefron- Frontal involvement in this task is implicated by im- tal cortex in monkeys and medial frontal cortex in rats) paired performance after widespread lesions of frontal is a component of these deficits. Because working mem- lobe (Moll and Kuypers 1977), more specific ablation of ory is clearly one cognitive function subserved by fron- the lateral and orbital frontal regions (Dias et al. 1996b), tal cortex (Goldman-Rakic 1987), we have examined the or dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Diamond and Gold- performance of a spatial delayed alternation task by man-Rakic 1985; Diamond 1988, 1996) in monkeys. In rats after subchronic PCP administration. In this task, contrast, parietal cortical or hippocampal lesions fail to rats are required to maneuver through a T-maze to ob- affect object retrieval performance (Diamond and Gold- tain a reward; on the first trial, the rat is rewarded for man-Rakic 1985; Diamond et al. 1989; Diamond 1988, entering either arm, and on subsequent trials, the re- 1996). Furthermore, impaired performance of this task 208 J.D. Jentsch and R.H. Roth NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3

is exhibited by monkeys after MPTP-induced reduc- withdrawal, impulsivity, and perseveration (Goldman tions in dopamine concentrations within the striatal and Rosvold 1970; Fuster 1997; Goldman-Rakic 1987, complex (Taylor et al. 1990a,b). Thus, this task seems to 1991; Petrides 1996; Robbins 1990, 1996). measure several constructs (frontal lobe function, re- Some specific discussion of the characteristic cogni- sponse inhibition, working memory, response plan- tive deficits exhibited by frontal lobe-lesioned subjects ning) impaired in schizophrenia. is important when interpreting the previously summa- Monkeys that are repeatedly exposed to PCP are im- rized data. Goldman-Rakic, Petrides, Fuster and Rob- paired in acquisition and performance of this retrieval bins have each described working memory deficits fol- task. During the acquisition phase, drug-treated sub- lowing lesions to the frontal lobe, specifically the jects fail to acquire the “reaching strategy” necessary to dorsolateral frontal cortex (Goldman-Rakic 1991; Pet- perform the task, as do frontal-lesioned or MPTP-treated rides 1996; Robbins 1996; Fuster 1997). Goldman-Rakic monkeys (Moll and Kuypers 1977; Diamond and Gold- (1987, 1991) has postulated that working memory con- man-Rakic 1985; Diamond 1988; Taylor et al. 1990a,b; stitutes a generalized function of the anatomical subdi- Dias et al. 1996b). Furthermore, PCP-treated monkeys visions of frontal cortex that operate in parallel within are disinhibited; they tend to attempt to reach through distinct domains, and Petrides (1996) has described the the transparent barrier to retrieve the reward and are function of the midventrolateral frontal cortex as the re- also specifically perseverative in response (Jentsch et al. trieval of information from long-term memory, and 1997c). Importantly, performance of the object retrievalր thus, this system would be integral to the function of detour task is impaired in PCP-treated subjects only the working memory system (dorsolateral prefrontal when monkeys need to negotiate the barrier (and thus cortex), providing access to that must be inte- inhibit the prepotent response and maintain “on-line” grated with incoming sensory information. Along with sequences of responses) and not on special trials that re- “on-line” processing systems, Robbins (1996) has fur- quire nothing more than visually guided behavior. Fur- ther argued for a distributed system within frontal cor- thermore, no motor or motivational deficits have been tex subserving inhibitory response control. Fuster found using task-related measures in PCP-treated mon- (1997) has also described a motor “planning” function keys (Jentsch et al. 1997c). These data suggest that, un- to prefrontal cortex, complementing the on-line pro- like acute PCP exposure, “cognitive impulsivity,” im- cessing and self-ordering functions of this brain re- paired working memory, and perseveration, but not gion.Thus, lesions within frontal lobe would be hypoth- nonspecific effects, are consequences of repeated expo- esized to impair working memory and response sures to PCP. inhibition, and this is, indeed, the case (Milner 1963, 1982; Freedman and Oscar-Berman 1986; Petrides and Milner 1982; Verin et al. 1993). Conclusions At present, subchronic PCP-treated rats and mon- These data on the effects of long-term PCP administra- keys seem to exhibit deficits in working memory and tion on rats and monkeys are suggestive of a more se- inhibitory control. In contrast, relatively simple sensory lective cognitive deficit profile than that exhibited by and associative processes seem preserved. Although animals treated with a single dose of the drug. The ini- schizophrenic patients exhibit cognitive deficits that tial evidence seems to suggest that frontal lobe function likely result from dysfunction with temporal and pari- is particularly affected after long-term treatment and etal, as well as frontal, cortices (Goldberg and Gold withdrawal. Because schizophrenics show particularly 1995), it remains to be seen whether long-term PCP ad- profound and pronounced deficits on tasks linked with ministration causes a cognitive deficit syndrome that frontal lobe function (see below; Fey 1951; Robbins includes extrafrontal dysfunction. As subchronic PCP 1990; Goldman-Rakic 1991; Park and Holzman 1992), exposure seems to induce a syndrome of behavioral with spared performance on simple, associative pro- deficits consistent with frontal cortical dysfunction, it is cesses, the cognitive consequences of long-term admin- perhaps most useful to describe long-term PCP admin- istration may more isomorphically model the frontal istration as a potential model of schizophrenic frontal lobe deficits associated with schizophrenia. cortical dysfunction. Nevertheless, PCP clearly exerts pharmacological and neurochemical effects on numer- ous cortical regions (see below), so dysfunction within FRONTAL CORTICAL DYSFUNCTION: extrafrontal cortical regions is likely. Indeed, schizo- RELEVANCE TO THE PCP MODEL phrenics and ketamine-treated individuals exhibit im- paired declarative memory, a dysfunction possibly as- As noted, the behavioral deficits in schizophrenic patients sociated with altered mesial temporal function (Krystal are strongly reminiscent of frontal lobe dysfunction. et al. 1994; Malhotra et al. 1996), so it remains to be seen Frontal lobe lesions in humans and monkeys are associ- whether chronic PCP treatment leads to deficits within ated with cognitive dysfunction, flattened affect, social this mnemonic modiality. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3 NMDA Antagonist Models of Schizophrenia 209

NEUROBIOLOGICAL SUBSTRATES OF sible that the PCP-induced dysregulation of frontal cor- PCPրKETAMINE MODELS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA tical dopamine transmission contributes to the associ- ated drug-induced frontal cortical dysfunction? Our As previously described, the effect of PCP to block recent observations support this notion (see below). NMDA receptors supports a hypoglutamatergic hy- As noted above, acute administration of noncompet- pothesis of schizophrenia. In this section, we review itive NMDA receptor antagonists is associated with a more comprehensively the neurochemical, neuroana- dramatic activation of dopamine transmission in fore- tomical, and neurophysiological effects of PCP to de- brain (Doherty et al. 1980; Bowers and Hoffman 1984; velop a hypothetical substrate for impaired cognition in Deutch et al. 1987; Hertel et al. 1996; Verma and PCP-treated subjects. An understanding of the full ef- Moghaddam 1996; Jentsch et al. 1997a), and this effect is fects of PCP is important when constructing a neurobio- likely directly implicated in the cognitive dysfunction logical hypothesis of schizophrenia. exhibited by subjects acutely treated with PCP or ket- amine (Verma and Moghaddam 1996), because in- creased dopamine transmission in prefrontal cortex has been reported to impair spatial working memory (Mur- NEUROCHEMISTRY phy et al. 1996a; Jentsch et al. 1997d). In rodents, an acute dose of PCP seems to augment prefrontal cortical Cortical Dopamine Dysfunction and ventral striatal dopamine transmission; whereas, Several neurotransmitter systems in frontal lobe modu- the dopaminergic innervation of the dorsal is late cognitive functions, the most well-studied likely relatively unaffected (Deutch et al. 1987; Jentsch et al. being dopamine. In a seminal series of studies, Gold- 1997a). In the monkey, we measured marked increases man-Rakic and colleagues observed preferentially high in frontal cortical dopamine utilization in PCP-treated concentrations of dopamine within the primate pre- monkeys, but no change was noted in any subcortical frontal cortex (Brown and Goldman 1977) and showed region, including the (Jentsch et al. that large reductions in dopamine (and norepineph- 1997a). Acute PCP administration has also been re- rine) concentrations within the dorsolateral prefrontal ported to activate , , norad- cortex of the monkey, induced by 6-hydroxydopamine renergic, , and neurotensinergic transmis- infusion, led to impairments of spatial delayed alterna- sion in rodents and monkeys (see below) (Deutch et al. tion, a working memory task (Brozoski et al. 1979). 1987; Hertel et al. 1996; Jentsch et al. 1997a). These deficits were equivalent to those seen after abla- Previously, it was suggested that inhibition of dopa- tive lesions of this brain region (Goldman et al. 1971). mine re-uptake was directly implicated in the acute

Furthermore, dopamine D1 receptors within prefrontal PCP-induced increases in extracellular levels of dopam- cortex have been shown to be involved in working ine in prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens (Mc- memory, because intraprefrontal cortical infusion or Cullough and Salamone 1992; Steinpreis and Salamone systemic administration of specific dopamine D1 recep- 1993; Hondo et al. 1994); however, several lines of data tor antagonists impaired oculomotor or manual spatial refute this hypothesis. The activation of dopamine delayed response, respectively (Sawaguchi and Gold- transmission in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus ac- man-Rakic 1991; Arnsten et al. 1994). In addition, in- cumbens induced by acute PCP administration is creased dopamine release in monkey prefrontal cortex blocked by such agents as (Ϯ)HA966, prazosin, and is specifically associated with performance of spatial (Mathe et al. 1996; Jentsch et al. 1997a, 1998b), delayed alteration, as opposed to performance of a con- which modulate the firing patterns of dopaminergic trol task (Watanabe et al. 1997). In contrast, perfor- within the ventral mesencephalon (Shepard et mance of an attentional set-shift task, a test of inhibitory al. 1996; Grenhoff and Svensson 1989, 1993) and by in- control (Dias et al. 1996a, 1997), was improved by dopam- traprefrontal cortical administration of tetrodotoxin ine-specific lesions of the lateral frontal cortex in mar- (Nishijima et al. 1996). Likewise, PCP itself increases the mosets (Roberts et al. 1994). In addition, as previously firing rate of dopaminergic neurons (Freedman and discussed, object retrievalրdetour, has been shown to be Bunney 1984; French 1994). The available data suggest sensitive to MPTP-induced reductions in corticostriatal that acute administration of PCP may reduce cortical dopamine levels (Taylor et al. 1990a,b; Schneider and GABAergic function (Grunze et al. 1994; Yonezawa et Kovelowski 1990) and is known to be impaired after al. 1998), disinhibiting glutamatergic transmission in long-term PCP administration in monkeys (Jentsch et the prefrontal cortex (Moghaddam et al. 1997) and ven- al. 1997c). Thus, dopamine seems to exert a critical neu- tral tegmental area (Mathe et al. 1998). This increase in romodulatory influence on a subset of the cognitive glutamatergic transmission would then stimulate meso- functions of frontal lobe, and thus, it remains possible corticolimbic dopaminergic transmission and locomo- that dopaminergic dysfunction results in the deficits in tor behavior (Jentsch et al. 1998d). animals after subchronic PCP administration. Is it pos- Given the effects of acute PCP treatment on dopa- 210 J.D. Jentsch and R.H. Roth NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3

mine transmission and the modulation of cognitive may not be completely analogous to schizophrenia, as function by this transmitter, we examined dopamine Akil and Lewis (1995, 1996) have found dopaminergic transmission after subchronic PCP exposure in rats and abnormalities in both frontal and entorhinal cortical areas. monkeys. In stark contrast to the consequences of acute Furthermore, we have recently noted that the extent PCP exposure, we found that repeated, intermittent of dopaminergic inhibition in the dorsolateral prefron- PCP administrations reduce dopamine turnover in the tal and prelimbic frontal regions correlates significantly prefrontal cortex of rats and monkeys (Jentsch et al. with the degree of performance impairment on the ob- 1997b,c). Repeated exposures of PCP to rats cause a ject retrievalրdetour task in PCP-treated monkeys (Jentsch marked (to approximately 75% of control levels) and et al., 1998e), while successful performance does not persistent (at least 3 week) reduction in basal, resting correlate with dopamine transmission in other frontal dopamine utilization (dihydroxy-O-phenyl-acetic acid cortical or subcortical brain regions. Likewise, [DOPAC]:dopamine ratio) in the medial prefrontal cor- transmission in any brain region is not significantly re- tex, but not nucleus accumbens or striatum (Jentsch et lated to successful performance of this task. Thus, these al. 1997b, 1998c). This effect of PCP seems to be medi- data implicate dopaminergic dysfunction with specific ated, in part, by NMDA antagonism, because a similar, frontal regions in the performance of the object re- if smaller, reduction in dopamine transmission in rat trievalրdetour task. prefrontal cortex was noted after subchronic (ϩ)MK- The PCP-induced changes in basal, resting dopam- 801 administration (Jentsch et al. 1998c). In addition, re- ine are mirrored in the dopaminergic re- peated treatment seems to be required because single sponse to stimulation. Acute, mild stress increases of PCP failed to alter dopamine transmission dopamine transmission in the rodent prefrontal cortex enduringly in the prefrontal cortex. (Deutch and Roth 1990); however, the dopaminergic re- The PCP-induced alterations in metabolite:dopam- sponse to stress is markedly reduced in the prefrontal ine ratio are caused almost entirely by changes in con- cortices of rats that have been subchronically exposed centrations of metabolite (Jentsch et al. 1997b,c). The to PCP (Jentsch et al. 1997b). In addition, we have noted lack of PCP-induced change in tissue concentrations of that the increase in dopamine release and metabolism dopamine, itself, suggests that no direct neurotoxic in- induced by an acute PCP challenge is reduced after sult to dopamine neurons occurs during subchronic long-term PCP exposure in rats and monkeys (Jentsch PCP administration. Presumably, a loss of dopamine et al. 1997c, 1998f). Thus, it seems that both basal and neurons would be indicated by a loss of dopamine con- stimulated dopamine function are reduced by sub- tent in the terminal fields of these projection neurons, chronic PCP exposure. but no sign of this is currently apparent. This finding In an attempt to relate these changes in dopamine does not rule out the possibility that populations of turnover to transmitter efflux, we have recently exam- cells in other regions of the brain, including those that ined the effects of long-term PCP treatment on extracel- project to prefrontal cortex or the ventral midbrain lular concentrations of dopamine in rodent prefrontal dopaminergic nuclei, are subject to PCP-induced neuro- cortex. A dose regimen that reduces the DOPAC:dopa- toxicity. mine ratio in prefrontal cortex (Jentsch et al. 1997b, The effects of long-term PCP exposure in the mon- 1998c) dramatically reduced basal, extracellular dopam- key forebrain are even more profound and anatomi- ine concentrations (to 60% of control levels) in the pre- cally localized. Subchronic PCP treatment enduringly frontal cortex (Jentsch et al. 1998f). (at least 9 days) reduces dopamine utilization (homo- In contrast, Lindefors et al. (1997) recently reported vanillic acid [HVA]:dopamine ratio) in several regions that repeated administration of ketamine to rats in- of monkey frontal cortex (Jentsch et al. 1997c, 1998e); af- creased basal, resting extracellular levels of dopamine fected areas include the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the prefrontal cortex. Although this finding is seem- (Walker’s area 46), medial prefrontal cortex (area 9), ingly inconsistent with our finding of reduced dopam- frontal eye fields (area 8A), lateral orbital cortex (area inergic function after repeated exposures to PCP, sev- 12), infragranular cortex (area 14), and prelimbic (ven- eral issues concerning this study should be noted. First, tromedial limbic frontal) cortex (areas 25ր32ր33). In con- Lindefors et al. (1997) used once-daily injections of a trast, no drug-induced changes are observed in the sup- relatively moderate dose (25 mgրkg) of ketamine, a plementary motor area (area 6M), primary motor cortex drug with a considerably shorter half-life than that of (area 4), or rostral frontal pole (area 10). In addition, PCP. This administration regimen would likely be asso- dopaminergic transmission in other cortical areas ciated with widely oscillating plasma levels of ket- (amygdala and entorhinal cortices) and subcortical re- amine. In our studies, we generally used twice-daily gions (nucleus accumbens core and shell, caudate nu- administration of moderate doses of PCP, a paradigm cleus, putamen, septal nucleus, and ventromedial hy- likely associated (given the longer half-life of PCP) with pothalamus) are unaffected. Thus, the effects are continuously elevated (though waxing and waning) strikingly restricted to frontal cortex. These findings plasma levels of PCP. This pharmacokinetic difference NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3 NMDA Antagonist Models of Schizophrenia 211

may be a critical determining factor in the net effects of tor may be downregulated in schizophrenia (Okubo et drug administration on prefrontal dopamine transmis- al. 1997). Thus, it seems that one component of the cog- sion. Another factor complicating the interpretation of nitive dysfunction of schizophrenia is associated with the results of Lindefors et al. (1997) arises from their find- reduced frontal dopaminergic transmission. This poten- ing that repeated ketamine administration results in in- tial biological sequela of the disorder would be consis- creased basal, resting extracellular concentrations of tent with a chronic PCP model of schizophrenia but dopamine, but not DOPAC or HVA, in the prefrontal would be, at face value, inconsistent with an activation cortex; however, after repeated ketamine exposures, a of dopamine transmission induced by acute PCPրket- single-dose ketamine challenge fails to elevate dopam- amine administration. ine efflux beyond the heightened baseline, but increases extracellular DOPAC and HVA. It is difficult to con- Subcortical Dopamine Dysfunction struct a mechanistic hypothesis of how functional changes in , per se, would underlie As previously discussed, some effects of acute PCP ad- the specific changes in extracellular dopamine reported ministration on subcortical dopamine transmission, es- by Lindefors et al. (1997). pecially in the nucleus accumbens, of rats have been re- Thus, it appears that, in contrast to previous specula- ported (Doherty et al. 1980; Deutch et al. 1987; Hertel et tions (Adams and Moghaddam 1998), dopaminergic al. 1996; Jentsch et al. 1997a). In contrast, we failed to function (as measured by in vivo release or ex vivo me- find any effect of single-dose PCP exposure on subcorti- tabolite measures) is reduced after a dosing regimen of cal dopamine utilization in the monkey (Jentsch et al. PCP that produces demonstrable frontal cortical cogni- 1997a). The activation in accumbens dopamine trans- tive and behavioral deficits in rodents. The neurochem- mission in the rat has been associated with the ability of ical differences reported highlight the need for examin- PCP to stimulate locomotor behavior (McCullough and ing behavioral and neurobiological function after Salamone 1992; Steinpreis and Salamone 1993; Jentsch identical treatments, particularly with regard to phar- et al. 1998d) and may be associated with some psycho- macological models. pathology in PCP-treated humans. The reduction in dopamine transmission in the pre- It could be hypothesized that reduced cortical dopa- frontal cortex of PCP-treated rats and monkeys should mine transmission induced by long-term PCP exposure be viewed within the context of potential changes in may be associated with a hyperactivity of subcortical postsynaptic density. Previously, it dopamine systems (as with acute administration), be- was shown that subchronic exposure to MK-801 re- cause the mesocortical and mesolimbic dopamine sys- duced dopamine D1-receptor mRNA in the rat prefron- tems demonstrate an inverse relationship in animals; tal cortex (Healy and Meador-Woodruff 1996a,b). Like- that is, hypoactivity of the cortical dopamine system wise, in a preliminary study, we have obtained evidence propagates subcortical dopamine hyperactivity (Pycock for reduced dopamine D1 mRNA levels in the monkey et al. 1980; Deutch et al. 1990; Grace 1991; Deutch 1992; dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after subchronic PCP Roberts et al. 1994). Although no changes in basal, rest- treatment (Jentsch, Lidow, Roth, and Goldman-Rakic, ing dopamine utilization in the nucleus accumbens unpublished observations). These findings suggest that were noted after subchronic treatment with PCP the functional effects of reductions in the synaptic re- (Jentsch et al. 1997b,c), we have now found that the me- lease of dopamine are exacerbated by a loss of a dopa- solimbic dopamine pathway has increased responsivity mine receptor that seems to be critical to the working to haloperidol, d-amphetamine, or mild stress (Jentsch memory functions of prefrontal cortex (Sawaguchi and et al. 1998c). Because the dopamine innervation of the Goldman-Rakic 1991). striatal complex also seems to be involved in cognitive The reduction in cortical dopamine transmission functioning (Taylor et al. 1990a,b; Schneider and (both at the pre- and postsynaptic level) in the chronic Kovelowski 1990), a dysregulation of the subcortical PCP model seems to be consistent with some findings dopamine system by subchronic PCP exposure might in schizophrenic patients. First, the reduction in meta- also be related to impaired cognitive function. In fact, bolic activity in the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic Roberts et al. (1994) have previously hypothesized that patients is inversely correlated with cerebrospinal fluid enhanced attentional set shifting performance after concentrations of homovanillic acid, a measure of cen- 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the prefrontal cortex is tral dopaminergic transmission (Weinberger et al. mediated by subcortical dopaminergic hyperactivity. It 1988). Second, hypofrontality in schizophrenia is allevi- is noteworthy in this regard that subcortical dopamin- ated by systemic administration of indirect or direct ergic function shows the opposite pattern of response to dopaminergic , such as amphetamine (Daniel et long-term PCP as compared to cortical regions. al. 1991) or (Daniel et al. 1989; Dolan et al. Subcortical dopaminergic hyperactivity has also 1995). Finally, a recent positron emission tomographic been suggested in schizophrenia (see Davis et al. 1991;

(PET) study has suggested that the dopamine D1-recep- Grace 1991; Deutch 1992). Recently, support for this hy- 212 J.D. Jentsch and R.H. Roth NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3

pothesis has come from the demonstration that admin- this finding remains controversial (e.g., Perry, 1982 istration of d-amphetamine results in an augmented failed to find such an effect). Furthermore, glutamate “release” of dopamine within the striatal complex of receptors have been reported to be increased in schizo- schizophrenic patients relative to controls (Laruelle et phrenia (an effect presumably secondary to reduced al. 1996; Breier et al. 1997b). These findings are consis- glutamate transmission; Toru et al. 1994). tent with the original “dopamine hyperactivity” hy- Although acute PCP or ketamine administration pothesis of schizophrenia (Carlsson and Lindqvist 1963; may be associated with blockade (and net hypoactivity) Creese et al. 1976), and, taken with our findings of corti- of the NMDA receptor, the comprehensive effects of cal dopaminergic hypoactivity, are consistent with sev- these drugs on cortical circuitry are complicated by the eral “revised” dopamine hypotheses of schizophrenia finding that acute administration of ketamine or PCP (Carlsson 1988; Davis et al. 1991; Knable and Wein- dramatically increases cortical glutamate (and dopamine) berger 1997). Thus, the chronic PCP model may repre- efflux (Moghaddam et al. 1997), possibly leading to hy- sent a functional, drug-induced embodiment of the cor- peractivation of non-NMDA glutamate receptors; this tical–subcortical dopamine interaction hypothesis of hyperactivation of glutamatergic transmission at non- schizophrenia (Robbins, 1990; Grace 1991; Deutch 1992). NMDA receptors is a component of Olney and Farber’s (1995) “NMDA receptor hypofunction” hypothesis of PCP-induced psychosis. This could also explain the Serotonin and Systems seemingly paradoxical finding that acute ingestion of Serotonin and norepinephrine dysfunction have also high doses of PCP, although reducing NMDA-associ- been implicated in schizophrenia (Meltzer 1995; Breier ated transmission, can be proconvulsant (Gorelick and et al. 1998), and norepinephrine, as does dopamine, Balster 1994). seems to modulate frontal cortical function (Arnsten Indeed, Moghaddam and colleagues (Moghaddam and Goldman-Rakic 1985; Arnsten and Jentsch 1997); et al. 1997) have argued that the increase in cortical whereas, little is known about serotonergic effects on glutamate efflux after acute NMDA antagonist adminis- prefrontal cortical cognition. Thus, it is perhaps worth tration (a net potentiation of transmission at non-NMDA restating that no changes in norepinephrine or seroto- glutamate receptors) produces the increase in dopamine nin metabolism were noted in monkeys or rats, respec- release since intra-cortical administration of an AMPA tively, after long-term PCP treatment (Jentsch et al. receptor antagonist blocked the ketamine-induced in- 1997b,c). As previously stated, this further implicates a crease in cortical dopamine release. This is complemen- selective change in neurotransmission in the reduced tary to the finding that injection of the same AMPA antag- dopamine metabolism after repeated PCP exposures. In onist into the cell body regions of the dopamine neurons contrast to the effects of subchronic exposure, acute ad- likewise attenuates PCP-induced biochemical and be- ministration of PCP clearly augments noradrenergic havioral abnormalities (Mathe et al. 1998). Thus, increased and serotonergic transmission (Deutch et al. 1987; Jentsch glutamatergic transmission via non-NMDA/glutamate et al. 1997a; Martin et al. 1998). Dysfunction within these receptors has been hypothesized to underlie a portion systems, then, may be linked to the aberrant behavior of of the PCP-induced behavioral and neurochemical dys- humans and animals acutely exposed to PCP or ketamine. functions. This concept is not, however, supported by a recent study by Moghaddam and Adams (1998) in which systemic administration of a group II metabotropic Glutamatergic and GABAergic Dysfunction glutamate receptor was shown to prevent the Alterations in glutamatergic and GABAergic function PCP-induced augmentation in cortical glutamate release within prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia have been without blocking the increase in cortical dopamine ef- proposed by a number of researchers (Benes et al. 1991; flux. Moreover, taken together with the result that Akbarian et al. 1995; Selemon et al. 1995; Lewis and dopamine receptor antagonism alone ameliorates PCP- Anderson 1995; Bartha et al. 1997; Tamminga 1998). Be- induced cognitive dysfunction (Verma and Moghaddam cause these transmitters constitute the “currency” of 1996), it appears that cortical glutamate release after cortico–cortical circuitry, dysfunction within these sys- NMDA antagonist administration may not be necessary tems should result in significantly impaired function of or sufficient to produce altered prefrontal cortical affected cortical regions. dopamine efflux and associated cognitive deficits. The PCP-ketamine model of schizophrenia, coupled Further evidence for PCP effects on NMDA and non- with other findings, became the hallmark of a “hypo- NMDA glutamatergic systems comes from the elegant glutamatergic” hypothesis of schizophrenia (Javitt and studies of Tamminga and colleagues This group has Zukin 1991; Bunney et al. 1994; Tamminga 1998). These shown that acute administration of PCP results in ideas are supported by the finding that schizophrenic biphasic changes in brain glucose metabolism and patients had lower cerebrospinal fluid glutamate con- glutamate receptor density. Studies of the uptake of centrations than controls (Kim et al. 1980); however, 2-deoxyglucose in the brains of PCP-treated rats have NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3 NMDA Antagonist Models of Schizophrenia 213

revealed a short-lived (on the order of several hours) in- analogous to schizophrenia. In recent studies, Wang crease in forebrain metabolic activity, followed by a and colleagues have recorded from pyramidal cells in longer-lasting reduction in metabolism, which lasts the prefrontal cortices of rats that had been subchroni- about 2 days (Gao et al., 1993). In addition, NMDA re- cally treated with PCP, and this group has found height- ceptor binding in the is transiently de- ened depolarization of pyramidal neurons after the ap- creased (at 3 h) and subsequently increased (for approx- plication of exogenous NMDA in the drug-treated rats imately 2 days) after single-dose PCP administration relative to controls (Arvanov and Wang 1998). One in- (Gao and Tamminga 1996). Interestingly, the transient terpretation of these data is that prolonged reduction in metabolic and glutamatergic effects of PCP are most glutamatergic transmission in prefrontal cortex of drug- closely temporally associated with symptom produc- treated rats is associated with an upregulation of tion in ketamine-treated schizophrenic subjects (Lahti NMDA receptors, and thus, the response to exogenous et al. 1994) and are consistent with increased limbic NMDA application is amplified. To confirm this hy- blood flow in patients (Lahti et al. 1995). Of course, it is pothesis, it would be essential to monitor directly extra- the early effects that are most closely linked with the cellular glutamate levels in vivo and to measure the ex- ketamine-induced psychosis and cognitive impair- pression of the subunits of the NMDA receptor after ments, because these effects are largely short-lived (on long-term PCP treatment. Increased, expression of GluR1 the order of hours; Krystal et al. 1994). (a subunit of the AMPA receptor) and NMDARI have Schizophrenia also seems to involve a component of been shown in rat prefrontal cortex after repeated expo- GABAergic dysfunction. Morphometric studies have sures to (but not acute administration of) PCP (Tomita found abnormalities in local circuit neurons within the et al. 1995; Wang et al. 1998) it is also notable that no sig- schizophrenic (Benes et al. 1991), and nificant difference in AMPA receptor subunit mRNA this alteration may actually represent increased cell levels were observed in either cortical or striatal regions packing density in the absence of changes in GABA of elderly schizophrenic patients (Healy et al. 1998); number (indicative of reduced neuropil; Selemon whereas, a significant increase in NMDAR1 and NMDAR2A et al. 1995). Furthermore, schizophrenic prefrontal cor- sununit mRNAs were measured in prefrontal cortex of tex may show reduced levels of GAD67, the re- the same subjects (Meador-Woodruff et al. 1997). sponsible for GABA synthesis (Akbarian et al. 1995) As noted above, GABA interneuron dysfunction has and altered axonal terminals of GABAergic chandelier been implicated in schizophrenia. Two main pieces of cells (Woo et al. 1998). These data strongly suggest that evidence suggest the same in a chronic NMDA receptor dysfunction of local circuit neurons, which utilize antagonist model. First, reduced levels of GAD67, the GABA as a transmitter, is a component of schizophrenic enzyme responsible for GABA synthesis, were found in pathophysiology. the mouse frontal cortex after subchronic MK-801 expo- The acute PCPրketamine model of schizophrenia sure (Qin et al. 1994), as in schizophrenia. Likewise, may also incorporate GABAergic dysfunction. In a slice long-term exposure to MK-801 has been reported to re- preparation of rat hippocampal CA1 neurons, it has duce local circuit inhibition in the CA1 fields endur- been shown that MK-801 preferentially reduces alvear ingly of the rat hippocampus (Grunze et al. 1997). It re- stimulation-induced long-term potentiation in local-cir- mains to be seen whether morphometric changes in cuit neurons relative to pyramidal cells (Grunze et al local circuit neurons akin to those observed in the 1994), suggesting that the NMDA receptor antagonists brains of schizophrenic patients are also observed after preferentially reduce GABAergic transmission. This, in- subchronic PCP exposure. deed, seems to be the case, because, in prefrontal cortex, PCP increases glutamate release (Moghaddam et al. Cholinergic Dysfunction 1997); whereas, profoundly reducing GABA release (Yonezawa et al. 1998). These findings concur with the Another critical neuromodulatory influence on cogni- hypothesis that NMDA receptors primarily regulate the tive function is exerted by the ascending acetylcholin- function of local circuit, GABAergic neurons (Olney ergic innervation of the forebrain. Moreover, a hyper- and Farber 1995). cholinergic hypothesis of the negative symptoms of As previously discussed, the effects of long-term schizophrenia has been promoted (Tandon and Greden PCP treatment may represent a superior model of 1989). Acute administration of PCP to rats seems to in- schizophrenic frontal lobe dysfunction. Therefore, it is crease acetylcholinergic transmission profoundly (as re- important to understand changes in glutamatergic and vealed by a hypercholinergic mechanism in the neuro- GABAergic activity in animals repeatedly treated with toxic effects of PCP, Olney et al. 1991). In addition, PCP. Although little is known about this subject, pre- single-dose administration has been observed to in- liminary evidence suggests that both glutamatergic and crease cortical turnover (Murray and GABAergic systems may be dysfunctional in animals Cheney 1981) and release in the rat (Giovannini et al. subchronically exposed to PCP in a pattern roughly 1994; Hutson and Hogg 1996; Dazzi et al. 1998). 214 J.D. Jentsch and R.H. Roth NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3

Little is known about the effects of chronic adminis- 1996). In addition, the is prevented by ad- tration of PCP on cholinergic systems. Hsu et al. (1980) ministration of ␣-2 noradrenergic agonists (Farber et al. showed that an acute administration of PCP increased 1995), which have been shown to block the PCP-induced the activity of the cholinergic synthetic and catabolic increases in forebrain dopamine transmission (Jentsch , acetyl transferase, and acetylcho- et al. 1998b). These data suggest that hyperactivation of linesterase, respectively, and that chronic administra- dopamine transmission may participate in the pathway tion of PCP tended to reduce the ability of a subsequent from single-dose PCP administration to neuronal damage. PCP challenge to activate these enzymes to the same Cellular death is more frequently a consequence of degree as a single-dose PCP challenge. It is important to repeated exposure to NMDA receptor antagonists. Elli- note, however, that this weak tolerance to these effects son and colleagues (1993, 1994) have shown that chronic of PCP is not necessarily predictive of the functional ac- administration of high doses (15 mgրkg) of PCP (by tivity of cholinergic enzymes either under basal or envi- means of osmotic minipumps) induced a pattern of ronmentally challenged (e.g., stress) conditions. Further neurotoxicity in limbic brain regions similar to those studies of cholinergic transmission after chronic PCP damaged by high-dose, acute PCP administration (Ol- are necessary to elucidate how cholinergic systems may ney et al. 1989; Corso et al. 1997). Because persistent be dysregulated in this animal model. neurotoxicity and spatial learning deficits have been Recent studies have shown that dopaminergic acti- shown in mice treated with a single-, high-dose of vation increases cortical acetylcholine release (Day and MK801 (Wozniak et al. 1996), it is possible that PCP- Fibiger 1992, 1993), and recent studies have suggested induced neurotoxicity is a neural substrate of cognitive that this modulatory effect is mediated by dopamine re- dysfunction in this putative animal model of psychosis. ceptors in the nucleus accumbens (Moore et al. 1998). Because subcortical dopaminergic transmission seems to be augmented after long-term PCP administration, ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY cholinergic hyperactivity in prefrontal cortex may be a PCP-Induced Changes in Cortical Gating of consequence of this pharmacological model. On-going Accumbal Neurons studies are directed at assessing this hypothesis. The groundbreaking work of Grace and colleagues has led to the development of a hypothetical circuit by NEUROANATOMY which hippocampal and amygdalar efferents can mod- ulate or “gate” prefrontal cortical input to nucleus ac- Neurotoxicity of NMDA Receptor Antagonists cumbens neurons. Briefly, stimulation of the hippocam- The elegant work of Olney and colleagues (see Olney pus or amygdala significantly facilitates the ability of and Farber 1995 for review) has focused on the neuro- prefrontal stimulation to result in spiking in accumbal toxic effects of “NMDA receptor hypofunction” and the neurons (O’Donnell and Grace 1995; Moore and Grace potential implications of this phenomenon for schizo- 1996). Moreover, Moore and Grace (1997) have found phrenia. This group originally reported the critical find- that the gating of prefrontal cortical input to accumbens ing that exposure to noncompetitive NMDA receptor neurons by temporal cortex is significantly reduced, antagonists transiently injured neurons within the ret- and PCP-induced behaviors are augmented, in a neu- rosplenial cortex of the rat, as revealed by cytoplasmic rodevelopmental model of schizophrenia (prenatal ex- vacuolization (Olney et al. 1989). In a recent study, posure to the mitotoxin methylazoxymethanol acetate). Corso et al. (1997) showed that this damage is largely This modulation of frontal cortical afferents to the nu- reversible; only after administration of extremely high cleus accumbens may have relevance for dopaminergic doses (50 mgրkg) of PCP, does irreversible cell death and PCP models of schizophrenia, because dopamine (demonstrated by agyrophilia) occur. In addition, even receptor agonists and acute PCP administration both at- after high-dose administration, damage, in most cases, tenuate the temporal cortical gating of prefrontal inputs is largely limited to such limbic cortical regions as the to the nucleus accumbens (O’Donnell and Grace 1996; retrosplenial, piriform, entorhinal, insular, amygdalar, Moore and Grace 1996; Grace et al. 1998). This effect of and hippocampal cortices (Corso et al. 1997). Neverthe- PCP is consistent with mesolimbic dopaminergic acti- less, the transient damage within limbic cortex regions vation after acute administration; however, it is not may be associated with the acute neurochemical changes known, at present, how chronic PCP treatment would induced by single-dose PCP administration. affect this system. We have demonstrated that hyper- At least a component of the acute PCP-induced neu- responsivity of the dopaminergic innervation of the nu- rotoxicity may be mediated by hyperactivation of dopa- cleus accumbens is a consequence of long-term PCP ex- minergic systems. For example, several studies have posure (Jentsch et al. 1998c); thus, at this level, acute demonstrated that dopamine receptor antagonists pre- and chronic administration may induce somewhat sim- vent PCP-induced cellular damage (Farber et al. 1993, ilar effects. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3 NMDA Antagonist Models of Schizophrenia 215

SUMMARY apine and other drugs are war- ranted. Several neurochemical and neuroanatomical substrates Animal studies also seem to suggest that PCP-induced for altered behavior in PCP-treated animals have been behaviors are preferentially responsive to clozapine. offered. It is unclear, comprehensively, how the activa- Initial studies were directed at investigating the ability tion versus inhibition of dopamine systems induced by of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs to affect acute versus chronic exposure of PCP, respectively, will acute PCP-induced hyperlocomotion, social impair- be incorporated into a final pathophysiological hypoth- ments, and prepulse inhibition deficits in rats. Whereas esis of schizophrenia. Nevertheless, it is important to haloperidol was found to be more effective at blocking note that PCP can not be argued to support a single amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion than cloza- “transmitter hypothesis” of schizophrenia. It is perhaps pine, the converse was true for PCP (clozapine more ef- more informative to investigate how individual behav- fectively prevented PCP-induced hyperlocomotion than ioral alterations may be subserved by particular neu- haloperidol, Freed et al. 1980; Maurel-Remy et al. 1995). rotransmitter dysfunctions. Furthermore, clozapine has been reported to be more effective than haloperidol at restoring social behavior after PCP administration (Steinpreis et al. 1994; Sams- PCP MODELS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA AND Dodd 1996). Finally, although haloperidol clearly failed ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS to restore PCP-induced sensorimotor gating deficits in rats (Swerdlow et al. 1996), clozapine has been reported The effects of neuroleptic drugs on PCP-induced behav- to prevent the same (Bakshi et al. 1994). Likewise, novel ioral and biological effects in humans and animals have antipsychotic agents, such as and Seroquel, been examined with reports of varying results. The were observed to present PCP-induced prepulse inhibi- modulation of the PCP-induced alterations in dopa- tion deficits (Bakshi and Geyer 1995; Swerdlow et al. mine transmission by putative antipsychotic drugs may 1996). Both clozapine and haloperidol have been re- also prove to be relevant for predicting cognitive re- ported to prevent stress-induced cognitive dysfunction sponse to therapeutic drugs. in monkeys (Murphy et al. 1996a), an effect mediated by heightened prefrontal cortical dopamine transmis- sion (Murphy et al. 1996b). Finally, we have reported Response of PCP Effects to Antipsychotic Drugs that clozapine partially alleviated cognitive deficits in The effects of antipsychotic drugs on the behavioral and monkeys repeatedly treated with PCP (Jentsch et al. neurobiological consequences of PCP administration in 1997c). In contrast, we have observed that haloperidol animals and humans have been studied in the hope that actually exacerbates deficits in subchronic PCP-treated this model system would provide predictive informa- monkeys (Jentsch et al., 1998g). These data, as a group, tion about the of novel antipsychotic drugs for concur with findings in humans that clozapine is mark- use in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psy- edly more effective than haloperidol at alleviating ket- chotic disorders. Several biological and behavioral indi- amine-induced behavioral deficits. ces predict differential clinical response to typical ver- Clozapine and haloperidol may exert differential or sus atypical antipsychotic drugs; whereas, others fail to similar effects on PCP-induced neurobiological changes, produce similar results. depending upon the phenomenon being studied. Both First, it is important to reflect on the response of clozapine and haloperidol, as well as novel antipsy- NMDA receptor antagonist–induced psychosis in hu- chotic drugs, prevent PCP-induced neurotoxicity, al- mans to antipsychotic drugs. Several groups have re- though clozapine has been reported to be more effective ported moderate effects after administration of typical (Farber et al. 1993, 1996). In addition, the facilitation of antipsychotic drugs to PCP-abusing individuals with striatal neuron firing induced by PCP in awake, behav- psychotic symptoms (Castellani et al. 1982; Giannini et ing animals is reversed by either clozapine or haloperi- al. 1984); whereas, other studies have failed to find such dol (White et al. 1995). Finally, clozapine, but not halo- results (Rainey and Crowder 1975; Allen and Young peridol or , has been reported to alleviate the 1978; Bowers et al. 1990). Recently, several groups have PCP-induced blockade of responses of pyramidal neu- examined neuroleptic effects on ketamine-precipitated rons in rat prefrontal cortex to exogenously applied psychotic episodes in schizophrenic subjects; Lahti et al. NMDA (Wang and Liang 1998). (1994) reported that haloperidol was ineffective at atten- It is informative to consider briefly the neurochemi- uating NMDA antagonist-induced symptoms; whereas, cal effects of neuroleptic drugs in the context of PCP Malhotra et al. (1997b) demonstrated that clozapine sig- models of schizophrenia. Both haloperidol and cloza- nificantly blunted ketamine-precipitated psychoses. In pine block postsynaptic dopamine receptors at thera- view of the limited, but positive, data, it is clear that peutic doses. Haloperidol is a broad-spectrum dopamine further studies of the response of PCP psychosis to cloz- receptor antagonist, affecting D2-like (and to a lesser ex- 216 J.D. Jentsch and R.H. Roth NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3

tent) D1-like receptors; clozapine shows slightly higher lems related to dopaminergic and cognitive dysfunc- affinity for D4-receptors, with smaller effects on D1, D3, tion in human subjects. Indeed, consideration of the and D2 subtypes (Seeman 1992; Seeman and Van Tol nature of dopaminergic perturbation in the PCP model 1994; Arnt and Skarsfeldt 1998). Both clozapine and ha- of schizophrenia, in particular, should provide insights loperidol, given acutely, increase extracellular levels of regarding novel treatments for symptom subtypes of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and striatal complex. this disorder, although selective pharmacological mod- Acute clozapine treatment preferentially increased pre- ulation of a cortical hypofunction and subcortical hyper- frontal dopamine release in the rat; whereas, haloperi- function may pose a significant challenge. Nevertheless, dol preferentially increased striatal dopamine efflux information regarding: (1) the selective pharmacological (Moghaddam and Bunney 1990; Pehek et al. 1993; regulation of the heterogeneous, ascending dopamine Youngren et al. 1994), and our group has recently ob- systems (Deutch and Roth 1990); (2) the distinct distri- served a similar effect in the monkey (Youngren et al. bution of dopamine receptor subtypes in forebrain (e.g., 1998). Thus, clozapine (at doses that do not potently Bergson et al. 1995; Mrzljak et al. 1996); and (3) the func- block D1-like receptors) may actually potentiate trans- tionally distinct properties of these receptor subtypes mission at this receptor subtype. Acute administration (e.g., on cognition; Goldman-Rakic et al. 1996) should of atypical neuroleptics has also been observed to po- aid in construction of new strategies. tentiate serotonin and noradrenergic transmission (Breier Application of knowledge regarding the unique sen- et al. 1994; Hertel et al. 1997), alterations that may con- sitivity of the mesoprefrontal dopamine projection to tribute to their beneficial effects. stress and several neurotransmitter influences, such as The neurochemical consequences of clozapine and norepinephrine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and substance- haloperidol administration may have relevance to their P, (Deutch and Roth 1990) should allow for novel strate- cognitive effects in monkeys repeatedly exposed to gies for alleviating cortical dopaminergic hypoactivity. PCP. We have argued for a relationship between dopa- For instance, several recent studies have focused on the minergic hypofunction in prefrontal cortex and the cog- ability of nicotine, which activates nicotinic acetylcho- nitive deficits in PCP-treated monkeys (Jentsch et al. line receptors and increases D1 dopaminergic transmis- 1997c, 1998e). Because clozapine may have a net dopa- sion (Nisell et al. 1996, 1997), to alleviate schizophrenic mine D1 agonist effect in rats (Salmi and Ahlenius symptomatology (Goff et al. 1992; Adler et al. 1993; 1996), the beneficial effects of clozapine in this para- Ziedonis and George 1997), including deficits presum- digm may be mediated by a relative augmentation of ably mediated by cortical dysfunction (Olincy et al. cortical dopamine transmission. On the other hand, ha- 1998). Another receptor that seems selectively to regu- loperidol largely blocks dopamine receptors and only late the mesocortical dopamine projection is the seroto- mildly stimulates cortical dopamine release, and this nin 5-HT2a receptor; M100,907; a selective antagonist of net reduction in dopamine transmission in prefrontal this receptor preferentially increases prefrontal cortical cortex may subserve its inability to reverse the PCP- dopamine release (Schmidt and Fadayel 1995), and its induced cognitive deficits. Likewise, an augmentation clinical antipsychotic efficacy is currently being investi- of cortical dopamine transmission may be associated gated. Furthermore, clozapine has high affinity for this with the ability of clozapine to alleviate schizophrenic receptor (Meltzer 1995; Ashby and Wang 1996; Arnt negative symptomatology (Kane et al. 1988), which may and Skarsfeldt 1998). Drugs such as these, which aug- result, in part, from cortical dopaminergic hypofunc- ment cortical dopamine transmission, may alleviate tion (Davis et al. 1991; Knable and Weinberger 1997). some components of frontal cortical-associated deficits Furthermore, the conflicting findings regarding the in the PCP model. Theoretically, if cortical dopaminer- cognitive effects of clozapine in schizophrenic patients gic dysfunction propagates subcortical dopamine dys- may be caused by the use of high, therapeutic doses of function, both phenomenon could be alleviated after clozapine, which ultimately occupy a significant percent- cortical dopaminergic augmentation; however, this is age of dopamine D1-receptors (the primary dopamine- unlikely, because striatal dopamine release is under the receptor subtype in prefrontal cortex; Lidow and Gold- influence of other brain regions likely dysfunctional in man-Rakic 1994), rendering the increased synaptic schizophrenia (e.g., the hippocampus, Lipska et al. dopamine without a postsynaptic target. 1993). Nevertheless, the PCP model may provide a use- ful experimental paradigm for testing drugs that selec- tively affect cortical dopamine transmission. LONG-TERM PCP EXPOSURE: FURTHER Likewise, selective modulation of subcortical dopa- IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA mine systems may be amenable to investigation in ani- mals that have been repeatedly treated with PCP. Regu- Studies of the pathophysiology implicated by PCP lation of mesostriatal dopaminergic transmission at the models of schizophrenia, especially in nonhuman pri- cell body or terminal level may allow for such specific mates, may lend considerable understanding to prob- effects. For example, substance-K receptors have been NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3 NMDA Antagonist Models of Schizophrenia 217

argued to affect subcortical dopamine systems more insightful discussions. The preparation of this review was potently (Deutch and Roth 1990). In addition, dopam- supported in part by NIMH grants MH-14092 and MH-57483 ine D -receptors are highly enriched in the ventral stria- to RHR and a grant from the Theodore and Vada Stanley 3 Foundation. tum (Diaz et al. 1995) and may possess autoreceptor- like functions (Aretha et al. 1995); thus, low doses of a dopamine D3-receptor agonist may preferentially educe mesostriatal dopamine overflow. Indeed, Tamminga REFERENCES and colleagues (1978, 1986; Lahti et al. 1998) have shown that schizophrenic symptomatology is reduced Adams B, Moghaddam B (1998): Corticolimbic dopamine after administration of low (“autoreceptor-preferring”) neurotransmission is temporally dissociated from the doses of apomorphine or preclamol and have hypothe- cognitive and locomotor effects of phencyclidine. J Neu- rosci 18:5545–5554 sized that dopamine autoreceptor-preferring agonists may be effective treatments for the positive symptoms Adler LE, Hoffer LD, Wiser A, Fredman R (1993): Normal- ization of auditory by cigarette in of schizophrenia. Hypotheses such as these may be schizophrenic patients. Am J Psychiat 150:1856–1861 tested, at the preclinical level, in subjects that have un- Aguado L, San Antonio A, Perez L, del Valle R, Gomez J dergone long-term PCP treatment. (1994): Effects of the NMDA receptor antagonist ket- amine on flavor memory: Conditioned aversion, latent inhibition, and habituation of neophobia. Behav Neural CONCLUSIONS Biol 61:271–281 Akbarian S, Kim JJ, Potkin SG, Hagman JO, Tafazzoli A, The hypoglutamatergic and hyperdopaminergic hypothe- Bunney WE Jr, Jones EG (1995): expression for decarboxylase is reduced without loss of ses of schizophrenia have been, in principle, difficult to neurons of prefrontal cortex of schizophrenics. Arch reconcile. 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J Pharmacol Exp Ther 274:609–613 as that induced by long-term PCP administration, may be Arnsten AFT, Goldman-Rakic PS (1985): ␣-2 a fundamental step toward solving this intriguing riddle. mechanisms in prefrontal cortex associated with cogni- tive decline in aged nonhuman primates. Science 230: 1273–1276 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Arnsten AFT, Cai JX, Murphy BL, Goldman-Rakic PS (1994): Dopamine D1-receptor mechanism in the cognitive per- formance of young adult and aged monkeys. Psycho- The authors thank Drs. Holly Moore, Peter Hertel, and Jane R. pharmacology 116:143–151 Taylor for their particularly helpful commentaries on the manuscript and Patricia Goldman-Rakic and Laura Dazzi for Arnsten AFT, Jentsch JD (1997): The ␣-1 agonist, cirazoline, 218 J.D. Jentsch and R.H. Roth NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 20, NO. 3

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