mcs lockdown browser download Help Center. The Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a custom browser that instructors can use to lock down their testing environment in Schoology. The app enables instructors to require that students use the LDB when taking tests and quizzes in a Schoology course. The Respondus LockDown Browser opens the test in full-screen mode and prevents students from navigating away from the assessment or accessing other applications, such as the Internet or their notes, while the test is in progress. The browser also prevents copy and paste, right- clicking, screen capture, messaging, or printing. Requiring the LockDown Browser on tests/quizzes does not affect any of the functionality that is available to instructors on Schoology - all Schoology test/quiz settings remain available, and the workflow for grading student submissions remains the same whether or not the LDB is required. If your school or organization currently has a license for the Respondus LockDown Browser, your System Admin can install the Respondus app to your Schoology Enterprise account. If your school or organization currently has a license for the Respondus LockDown Browser and/or monitor, visit the Respondus Help Center to check out their Quick Start Guide for Instructors and Students. Using the Respondus LockDown Browser in Your Schoology Course. Instructors can require the LockDown Browser for a Test/Quiz, Course Assessment, or Managed Assessment (AMP). This article includes the following information: How to Create an Exam that Requires Respondus LockDown Browser. To create a Test/Quiz or Assessment that requires LDB, first create the Test/Quiz or Assessment by using the Add Materials drop-down menu within your Course. Next, require the Respondus LockDown Browser for the Test/Quiz or Assessment from the LockDown Browser Dashboard: Click the Respondus app on the left side of your Schoology course to open your Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard. Click the drop- down menu to the left of the item title and select Settings . Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam . LockDown Browser Settings. Click + Advanced Settings to view and configure additional settings for the LockDown Browser for the Test/Quiz or Assessment: Lock students into browser until exam is completed : Select this option to prevent students from exiting LockDown Browser before an exam is submitted for grading. Optionally, a password can be entered to enable a proctor to close the browser during an exam. When this option is not selected, a student is able to exit the browser if their Internet connection fails or if there is an emergency. They will be warned twice before being able to close the browser. The student will also be prompted to enter a reason for exiting the exam early. The student response will be available to the instructor from the Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard. Allow students to take this exam with an iPad (using the LockDown Browser app from iTunes): In order to successfully utilize this option, the following requirements must be met: Student devices use iOS 10 or above Student devices have the the latest version of the Schoology iOS app Student devices have the latest version of the Respondus LockDown Browser app. Monitor Webcam Settings. If your school has a Respondus Monitor license and additionally would like to enable and configure the Monitor feature for this Test/Quiz or Assessment, select Require Respondus Monitor for this exam. Drag and drop these items to reorder the sequence in which they occur before the webcam session begins. Click Edit Text to customize the instructional text that accompanies certain steps in the startup sequence. Alternatively, select the third option under Monitor WebCam Settings: Either Respondus Monitor or a proctored lab can be used to take this exam . By selecting this optional setting below and entering an exam password, the instructor has the ability to let students take the test using only LDB by entering a password, and then the students with the password won’t be recorded with a webcam. This setting is normally used to give students the option of taking the test at home with a webcam or coming into a proctored lab without webcam. This optional password feature can also be used in an emergency to allow students in a panic who can’t get their webcam working to bypass using the webcam and just take their exam with the LockDown Browser. How to Enable Submissions. Once you have selected the desired Respondus settings for the exam, click Save and Close . After you've done so, you can return to your Course Materials page and make the Test/Quiz or Assessment available to your students by enabling submissions. Assessments: Submission settings are configured in Edit from the gear icon next to the item name from the Materials page view, or from Edit from Actions within the specific Assessment view. Test/Quiz: Submission settings are configured from Settings within the specific Text/Quiz view. Taking A Schoology Test Using the LockDown Browser. Overview of the Student Experience. Students taking a Schoology test using the Respondus LockDown Browser log into Schoology and access the test/quiz or assessment from their Schoology Course Materials page. Once a student opens the test in Schoology, they are prompted to launch the Respondus LockDown browser to take and submit the test. LockDown Browser is similar to a standard web browser, but with several features disabled or removed - such as browser menus and the URL field. Only the back, forward, stop, and refresh buttons are retained. The content and design of the test/quiz or assessment will look very similar to the way in looks if the students were to take it in Schoology - only the tools and capabilities available to them in standard browsers are significantly limited. Beginning the Exam. Once the instructor has required the Respondus LockDown browser for a test/quiz or assessment in Schoology, students will need to download the browser to their device before they are able to begin the test. Test/Quizzes that require the LockDown browser include a message that reads, “This assessment requires LockDown Browser and will launch in a new window." Students can click the link on the exam’s Instructions page that says Download LockDown Browser to download the browser if they have not done so. This link uses the download URL the System Admin configured in the Custom Parameters of the app at the system-level. Assessments that require the LockDown browser include a message that reads, “This assessment requires LockDown Browser and will launch in a new window." Once the student has downloaded and installed the LockDown Browser, he or she can click Start New Attempt . This launches the test in a new window using the LockDown Browser. Mcs schoology lockdown browser download. At institutions that license LockDown Browser, instructors will find these same training resources within the application itself. Simply navigate to the LockDown Browser dashboard within your LMS to view demonstration videos, Quick Start Guides and other resources specific to your LMS. What You Need to Know. LockDown Browser is a custom browser that integrates with learning systems to prevent copying, printing, accessing other applications, and visiting other websites during online tests. Preparing your exam: Turn on the LockDown Browser setting. To enable LockDown Browser for an exam, you need to turn on a setting in the LockDown Browser dashboard within your learning system. The Instructor Quick Start Guide will explain the process, which differs for each learning system. Select your learning system to view the Instructor Quick Start Guide: Installing the application. LockDown Browser is a custom browser that's installed to each computer or device used by students to take an exam. Your LockDown Browser license administrator has access to the download links and instructions for Windows, Mac, iPad, and managed Chromebook devices. If students will be installing LockDown Browser to their own Windows or Mac computers, be sure they use your institution's unique installation for this purpose (a URL can be obtained from your license administrator, or depending on how the integration was set up, a download link may be available from a LockDown Browser-enabled quiz). The LockDown Browser app for iPad is available for free from the App Store, but the instructor setting for iPads must be enabled for each exam. Personal Chromebook devices are not supported; LockDown Browser is only available for managed Chromebooks. Why a practice quiz is important. To ensure your first exam using LockDown Browser runs smoothly, have students take an ungraded practice quiz that requires the use of LockDown Browser . This reduces stress for students and ensures everything is worked out before the first graded exam. Tip: Leave the practice quiz available for the duration of the course, with unlimited attempts, so students can access it later if using a different device. Watch a Training Video. This brief training video (less than 7 minutes) prepares you to offer online tests with LockDown Browser. It illustrates the instructor settings for LockDown Browser, as well as the student experience of taking a test. Mcs schoology lockdown browser download. The iPad Edition of "LockDown Browser" available from the Apple App Store enables a student to use an iPad to take exams that require LockDown Browser. However, your instructor must first select a setting that permits the use of iPads for the exam and your school's learning management system must be compatible. The LockDown Browser iPad app is not compatible with Sakai LMS servers. All Sakai users will need to use a computer with a compatible operating system. More details can be seen here. A student should follow these steps to take an exam with the iPad Edition of LockDown Browser. 1. Download and install the "LockDown Browser" app from the Apple App Store to the iPad. (Requires iOS 11 or higher.) 2. Follow the instructions for your institution's learning system below. For Blackboard Original Course View and Canvas Classic Quizzes. Launch the LockDown Browser app. The first time the app is used, you will be prompted to select your institution and server (shown below). If you later need to change the institution or server, select the settings icon on the toolbar for the LockDown Browser app. Once the setup is complete, you will be directed to your institution's login page. Log in with the correct credentials, navigate to your course and quiz, and begin your exam. For Brightspace, , Blackboard Ultra, Canvas New Quizzes, Schoology and ALEKS users: Open your mobile browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.), log into your learning system, and navigate to the quiz. Start the quiz; the LockDown Browser app will automatically launch. 3. When you start a quiz that requires LockDown Browser, you should see the following message. You must click "Yes" to open the LockDown Browser app. If you do not see the above confirmation message, but rather see a message that says your instructor has not enabled the use of a tablet for your exam, you will need to use LockDown Browser on a Windows or Mac computer. 4. Once you click "Yes" to confirm "app self-lock,", you will see a message confirming that your iPad is now locked to LockDown Browser. 5. After you submit the exam, you'll see confirmation that your iPad is no longer locked to LockDown Browser. 6. You can now either take another exam, or exit the LockDown Browser app. It's important that you don't start Apple's Guided Access feature (by triple clicking the home button) and then enter LockDown Browser. If you do, you'll see this warning message at the top of LockDown Browser. You should immediately triple click the home button and exit Guided Access before proceeding with your exam. If you do not, you'll see this error message when trying to start your exam: You can permanently disable Guided Access on your iPad by going to "settings" > "general" > "accessibility" > "guided access" LockDown Browser (LDB) LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment for Schoology Quizzes/Tests and Assessments. Best Practices for Using the LockDown Browser. Make sure that your students have restarted their device. In fact, if they haven't regularly completely shut down and restarted their device, they may need to do so more than once to get all of the updates. If you have used the Link Existing Section feature in Schoology, make sure that you go into each section and open the LockDown browser before your students use it. Students may get a warning message prompting them to close other programs. These include screen capture, messaging, screen-sharing, network monitors, and several other types of applications. These applications can be shut down prior to the start of Respondus LockDown Browser, or you can let the browser close them automatically when it is launched. Although not specifically a LDB requirement, it is recommend that the following Schoology Quiz/Test settings be used for general testing security. Attempt Limit: 1 time Randomize Order: Yes Paging: One question per page Resumable: No. The LDB currently works for both Schoology Quizzes/Tests and the new Schoology Assessments feature. Integrates with , Brightspace, Canvas, Moodle, Schoology and Sakai Assessments are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized Prevents access to other applications including messaging, screen-sharing, virtual machines, and network monitoring applications Print, Print Screen and screen capture functions are disabled Copying and pasting anything to or from an assessment is prevented Right-click menu options, function keys, keyboard shortcuts and task switching are disabled An assessment cannot be exited until the student submits it for grading Browser menu and toolbar options are removed, except for Back, Forward, Refresh and Stop Assessments that are set up for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with other browsers Localized for multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. 1 – There is a problem with the LockDown Browser settings for this exam. Ocassionally a LockDown Browser error window will appear that looks like this: The above error typically occurs because of one of the following: The course is a copy, and the instructor did not open the LDB Dashboard once before students began taking exams The course is not a copy, but the quiz in question was migrated into the course from an old course, and the instructor did not open the LDB Dashboard once before students began taking that exam. Opening the LDB Dashboard once for the course (and all others) should resolve these errors. This LTI requirement is always necessary for course copies, and also when a quiz is migrated in from an older course. Once you open the Dashboard, look for any errors and click the "Fix it" button. You may not see any errors, and this if fine. But the opening of the Dashboard itself will activate the LDB settings for the copy. It is not necessary to re-save each individual quiz's settings. Once you do this, the errors will typically cease for all students who subsequently take their exams. Many types of applications are blocked from running at the same time as Respondus LockDown Browser. These include screen capture, messaging, screen-sharing, network monitors, and several other types of applications. These applications can be shut down prior to the start of Respondus LockDown Browser, or you can let the browser close them automatically when it is launched. Secure Your Assessments with Our Respondus LockDown Browser App. Secure Your Assessments with Our Respondus LockDown Browser App. Share. What do you do while your students are taking a test online? Do you walk around checking their computer screens to make sure they aren't looking up the answers on Wikipedia or copying and pasting their answers into your essay questions? The rapid influx of online technologies in education has had countless benefits, but assessing student understanding has, in some ways, become more challenging due to unbridled access to information during tests. But as of today, we have an answer to that. Introducing the Respondus Lockdown Browser for Schoology Enterprise Only. The Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a custom browser that instructors can use to lock down their testing environment in Schoology. This means students cannot search the internet, access other applications, or do anything else that might undermine the integrity of your assessment. Above is the student view of a Schoology quiz with Respondus enabled. Notice the simplified navigation in the top left corner. Everything is stripped away to ensure the student is doing exactly what they should be—taking your assessment. You don't have to walk around your looking over your students' shoulders to see what they are doing. You know. In fact, you can even utilize the LDB's webcam capabilities to see the thoughtful face of students taking your tests or quizzes at home sick or via your virtual class. How to Get Started Using the Respondus LockDown Browser. First, you must purchase a Respondus LDB license in order to configure the app. If your institution has a subscription, you’ll need your customer key and shared secret that Respondus provided to you. If you have them already, then you can simply download the Respondus app from our App Center, input your credentials, and get started. Once the app is configured, you'll have access to the Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard where all your tests and quizzes in Schoology will appear. This dashboard enables you to turn on the LDB for individual assessments and customize the settings for each one. A few of the advanced settings you have available are: Lock Students into the Browser Until the Exam is Completed —this simply ensures students cannot leave the assessment without completing it. There are times when you may not want this turned on. Allow Students to Access this Exam with Screen Readers —students who use screen reading software can use it during the test. Enable the Calculator on the Toolbar —provides students a simple digital calculator for use during the test. Enable Printing from the Toolbar —provides students an option to print the test after they open it. One thing to note is that the Respondus app and the browser are different. The app is your dashboard (mentioned above) and the browser is what students must download in order to take the exams. Instructors, you may want to also download the browser in order to preview your tests and quizzes in which the LDB is enabled. How Students Take Assessments on the LockDown Browser. When you've enabled the LDB, your students can simply open the test or quiz as they normally would in Schoology. If they have the LDB downloaded on their device, then clicking the Begin Test/Quiz button will automatically launch the assessment in the browser. For those students who haven't downloaded it yet, they will be prompted to do so before beginning the assessment. This all happens on the backend so students continue to have a seamless experience within Schoology. That's the gist of our Respondus LockDown Browser app. Make sure to check out our step by step help guide on this app for all the details you'll need to use it effectively. Also, we'd love to hear your thoughts. If you have a Respondus subcription download it via our App Center, try it out, and let us know what you think right here on the blog or via Twitter (@Schoology). And if you need help after reading our guide, reach out to our Support Team for assistance.