INTERNATIONAL MEN’S CLUB OF ZUG, P.O. BOX 7212, 6301 ZUG IIII Editor: Alan Cattell • email:
[email protected] IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IMCZNEWS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITORIAL & EVENTS I hope you’re all managing to enjoy the summer holiday season safely. I know it’s not what many of you would have planned, but with the restrictions on foreign travel, potential quarantine rules and the inadvisability of certain types of holidays (e.g. cruises) we need to be flexible and look closer to home. Fortunately, this being Switzerland, there are a lot of options. Unfortunately the depths of human stupidity know no bounds. We know that Covid-19 is still around and we have few defenses against it, but that does not seem to stop some people acting like it doesn’t exist. Numbers are up again in many countries, and in some dramatically. Please remember that we each share a responsibility to contribute to the management of the disease as our decisions don’t affect only ourselves. So stick to the hygiene rules, maintain separation, wear a mask if in doubt and download and use the Swiss Covid app. With these relatively simple and fairly painless measures we can make a big difference to the progression of the disease, help save lives and avoid further draconian lock-down measures. As mentioned in the last newsletter, the IMCZ is starting to return to “normal”, as far as possible given the Covid guidelines. We are holding our normal Stammtisch meetings on Thursday evenings and we have two events planned. 23rd August – Afro / Caribbean themed Summer Party Introducing… New members at the Siehbachsaal at the lakeside in Zug.