EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 28, 1973 by Mr

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 28, 1973 by Mr 22168 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 28, 1973 By Mr. YOUNG of South Carolina: H.R. 9060. A bill to distinguish Federal pro- counts by financial institutions for 60 days; H.R. 9054. A bill to amend the act entitled . curement and grant-type assistance trans­ to the Committee on Banking and Currency• "An Act to authorize the Secretary of Agri­ actions, standardize use of legal instruments By Mr. MADDEN: . culture to execute a subordination agreement for procurement and grant-type assistance H. Res. 475. Resolution amending clause 5 with respect to certain lands in Lee County, transactions, and authorize use of a procure­ of rule I of the Rules of the House of Repre­ S.C.; to the Committee on Agriculture. ment or grant-type instrument, as appropri­ sentatives; to the Committee on Rules. By Mr. MAHON: ate, under existing authorizations to enter By Mr. MONTGOMERY: H.R. 9055. A bill making supplemental ap­ into contracts, grants or similar transactions; H. Res. 476. Resolution providing that propriations for the fiscal year ending June to the Committee on Government Operations. clause 5 of rule I of the Rules of the House 30, 1973, and for other pul'poses. H .R. 9061. A bill to provide policies and of Representatives be amended; to the Com­ By Mr. ADAMS (for himself, Mr. procedures for the procurement of property mittee on Rules. DIGGS, Mr. FRASER, Mr. FAUNTROY, and and services by Federal agencies; to the Com­ Mr. HOWARD): mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 9056. A bill to reorganize the govern­ H.R. 9062. A bill to provide for the resolu­ mental structure of the District of Columbia, . tion of claims and disputes relating to Gov­ MEMORIALS to provide a charter for local government in ernment contracts awarded by executive the District of Columbia subject to accept­ agencies; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 4 of ruie XXII, ance by a majority of the registered qualified By Mr. LEGGETT: 267. The SPEAKER presented a memorial electors in tha District of Columbia, to dele­ H.R. 9063. A bill to designate certain lands of the Legislature of the State of California, gate certain legislative powers to the local in the Mendocino National Forest, Calif., as relative to providing adequate protection for government, to implement certain recom­ the "Snow Mountain Wilderness" for inclu­ the coastal fisheries against excessive foreign mendations of the Commission on the Or­ sion in the national wilderness preservation fishing; to the Committee on Merchant Ma­ ganization of the Government of the District system; to the Committee on Interior and rine and Fisheries. of Columbia, and for other purposes; to the Insular Affairs. Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mrs. MINK: By Mr. FAUNTROY: H.R. 9064. A bill to provide for Federal H.R. 9057. A bill to assure the availability grants and loans to small business concerns PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of certain public records in the District of which are adversely affected by transporta­ Columbia; to the Committee on the District Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private of Columbia. tion disputes; to the Committee on Banking bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. HEINZ (for himself, Ms. AnzuG, and Currency. severally referred as follows: By Mrs. SULLIVAN: Mr. CONTE, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. COUGH­ By Mr. BURTON: LIN, Mr. DULSKI, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. H.R. 9065. A bill to amend the act of Oc­ tober 12, 1968, to increase from $5 mllllon H.R. 9066. A bill for the relief of Robert HAWKINS, Mr. HUNT, Mr. JOHNSON Dona; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of California, Mr. KEMP, Mr. RAILs­ to $7.5 million the amount authorized for By Mr. GUDE: BACK, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. grants to Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, STOKES, Mr. TALCOTT, Mr. WIDNALL, N.Y., and to provide authorization for grants H.R. 9067. A bill for the relief of James A. ' Horkan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Mr. CHARLES H. WlLSON of Cali­ to the Samuel Rayburn Library, Bonham, fornia): Tex., for establishment and maintenance of H.R. 9068. A bill for the relief of Morris and Lenke Gelb; to the Committee on the H.R. 9058. A bfll to amend the Vocational a Dwight D. Eisenhower Study Center; to the Rehabilitatimi Act to provide a more equita­ Judiciary. ble method of alloting funds for vocational Committee on Education and Labor. rehabilitation services among the States; to ByMr.HARVEY: . the Committee on Education and Labor. H.J. Res. 847. Joint resolution proposing PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. HOLIFIELD (for himself and an amendment to the Constitution of the Mr. HORTON): United States; to the Committee on the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, H.R. 9059. A bill to create an Office of Fed­ Judiciary. 248. The SPEAKER presented a petition of eral Procurement Policy within the Execu­ By Mr. PATMAN: Thomas J. Garvey, Philadelphia, Pa., and tive Office of the President, and for other H.J. Res. 64.8. Joint resolution to extend others, relative to protection for law enforce:. purposes; to the Committee on Government the authority for the flexible regulation of ment officers against nuisance suits; to the Operations. interest rates on deposits and share ac- .committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JUNE DAIRY MONTH it comes to food commodities, partic­ bration will renew interest in consumer pur­ ularly meat, the law of supply and de­ Ghases of nature's most" nearly perfect food. mand is of critical importance. No gov:. Most of us, although living in America's HON. WILLIAM A. STEIGER ·ernmental policy can increase beef pro­ Dairyland and close to this great industr~. OF WISCONSIN need the annual reminder that milk and duction faster than cows can produce dairy foods are at" the top of the list of en.. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ·calves and farmers can feed them so they joyable and nutritious foods. _ Wednesday, June 27, 1973 :can be marketed. At least 50 Wisconsin county June Dairy , America's farmers have done a re­ Month committees have taken this respon­ Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin. Mr. markable job of sUpplying sufficient food sibility every year and are prepared for the Speaker, the rise of prices for needed not only for our country, but for otherS · 1973 edition. commodities has been a concern of . This year, however, JDM promotional com .. American consumers since our country throughout the world. Even while meet­ roittees, have a second opportunity to ad­ was born. In recent years, we have seen ing these fantastic demands, they have vance the cause for their dairy food economy prices make especially large increases, enabled U.S. families to spend far less of in Wisconsin. It has to do with infiation, and consumers have grown more vocal their family budget for food than fami­ the rising costs of all foods and the lack of in expressing their grievances. ·lies in any other country in the world. information reaching consumers as to the We, in Wisconsin, pride ourselves as position of dairy products as well as all foods Earlier this year, there was a meat being residents of "America's Dairyland." in the price increases during the recent years. boycott, as thousands of Americans gave ·Each year we celebrate June Dairy For instance, how many of the people real­ up meat for a time in an effort to drive ize that, in the past five years, 1968 through prices down. In addition, the President Month in recognition of the daii·y indus­ 1972, the cost of -living rose by 38 per cent, imposed a ceiling on meat prices. try which means so much to our State. yet retail costs of all foods increased by only All of this has made it appear that An editorial which appeared in the 23.5 per cent. In the same period dairy pro­ farmers are key figures in creating the June 7 Chilton Times-Journal presents duct prices advanced by 1:7.1 per cent. an excellent discussion of some of the . Since the first of the year, retail meat price spiral. In fact, they are victims costs have gained the most attention, bring­ of that spiral. thoughts we need to consider during dairy month. I now insert that editorial ing a "boycott" movement. The problem Few people realize that farm prices are there is that homemakers admit that if the up only 6 percent over 20 years ago. The in the RECORD: price of zneat goes down, they will buy: more. House Agriculture Committee reported JUNE "DAmY MONTH" But the sad fact is that there is not "more recently that farmers have just now · June Dairy Month 1973' can, and should, meat" to be had at the immediate time. take on a double meaning for Wisconsin While meat prices were escalating in 1972, l'aised themselves to the economic level residents. the cost of mllk and dairy products rose only of 20 years ago. Traditionally, the month-long dairy in­ by 1¥2 per cent, as all foods went up 5.1 Too many have forgotten that when dustry and dairy product promotional cele- per cent. Personal income, according to the June 28, -1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22169 Bureau of Labor Statistics, continued its ad- tion · should be provided with adequate ting away some of the governmental under­ vance by 8 per cent. · resources to achieve its important goals brush, however, things are not altogether The hue and cry over ril:!ing food expendi­ and fulfill its vital mission. H.R. 8510 straightened out and satisfactorily de-red· tures can easily be understood since everyone ·taped yet.
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