
Belgium and Alive! od is amazing! In 21 months the Oostende, church doubled in attendance. A 40-participant Latino Gchurch in West was started. Two new home Bible studies began under the leadership of Jackie and Lawrence, our two ministerial candidates who are nearing ordination. Twenty- six people have gone through membership class. Ten Friend Days (where the gospel was clearly preached) were celebrated. We hosted a booth at a rommelmarkt ( flea market) where we gave away free Bibles, pens and literature, and talked to at least in the street 400 people about God. One adult and two teens have been saved, with several others clearly drawing closer to God! In addition, another church plant in Antwerpen is planned for 2011. At the FMC, three teens have been equipped in children’s ministry and are effectively leading there and in the Bulgaria church’s music ministry. Twenty youth were challenged at a fall retreat to “set an example for the believers,” and eight teens were Alive! baptized! Our Haitian church in Cergy, France (near raining pastors, teaching English and ) under the leadership of Pastor Joel distributing Christmas gifts to Louidor, is a growing and exciting work. We Tneedy children are avenues recently visited and sensed a warm and energetic love for God and we use to pursue ministry in one another. The Cergy church is our largest work so far in the Bulgaria. But the one ministry Belgium/France district of the Eglise Methodiste Libre. Pray with truly alive and growing is the work us for open doors for new church planting opportunities and for with teens and young adults. Love leaders to be raised . Bulgaria Youth Evangelism Training Conference is – Richard Dickinson, missionary to a week-long event each summer where Bulgarian young people gather to learn creative ways to share Follow along with us at www.GoDickinsons.com. the gospel. With the help of American and British teens and their leaders, seminars, workshops and practical experiences are crammed into the week. Students not only learn about evangelism and how to naturally share their testimony, but also how to stay spiritually alive all year long. This conference has led to fall and spring Catch Fire Festivals (day events) and a network of training times for youth workers. A Bulgarian website has also been created with downloadable notes and resources (www.lvbulgaria.com). This has opened the door for us to print a youth-friendly Bulgarian New Testament. It seems like every time we open and go through a door another one appears! Who knows where God will lead ?

– Al Mellinger, missionary to Europe

Follow along with us at www.almellinger.com.

Teen training in Brussels

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