TEL AVIV-YAFO 113 Ben-Ari — Benderly Bcn-Ari Joshua 229 Dizengoff

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TEL AVIV-YAFO 113 Ben-Ari — Benderly Bcn-Ari Joshua 229 Dizengoff TEL AVIV-YAFO 113 Ben-Ari — Benderly Bcn-Ari Joshua 229 Dizengoff.. 24 1 5 56 Ben-Arzi Rachel Nurse Benbassat Leon Ben-David Haim Dried Fruit Benari Littba 25 Gordon 23 27 71 34 Hagibor Ha'almoni 3 45 72 74 Nahalat Binyamin 82 97 03 16 Derech Hanassi B"B 72 96 04 Ben-Arzi Samuel BENARI M & CO LTD Benbassat Dr Moche Phys Ben-David Hava 127 Yehuda Halevi 22 86 48 29 De la Rina (Shikun Dan). .72 88 00 5 David R"G 72 60 66 78 Sederot KKL 23 60 97 Benari Menahem 188 Ibn GeviroI44 42 87 Ben-Arzi Victoria 13ArbaAratzot22 65 62 Benbassat Mordechai 2 Hakishon82 54 20 Ben-David Hayuta & Kaiman Ben-Ari Michael Ben-Arzi Y Auto Paint Spraying Ben-Bassat Moshe Bakelite Prdcts Maoz Aviv 4/2 44 99 62 112 Yehuda Halevi 23 16 95 25 Hagdud Haivri 61 31 13 6 Hamasger 3 73 40 Bendavid Isaac 4 Abulaiia 82 84 32 Benari Michael Gen Trading Ben-Arzi Yaakov Furn Ben-Bassat Dr Nahman Dent Surg Ben-David Itzhak Bldg Contr 4 Kikar Malchei Yisrael 22 95 09 25 Kefar Giladi 82 20 11 3 Be'eri 22 09 27 2 Har Sinai 62 49 55 Ben-Ari Mordechai Ben-Arzi-Shvarz Rivka Nurse Benbassat Nissim D Precious Metals Res 67 Pinsker 23 26 85 18 Hasseren Dov Ramat Hen .3 17 19 18 Lilienblum 5 76 47 24 Haroeh R"G 72 43 33 Ben David Jacob 3 Betzalel 23 63 66 Wkshp 5 Simtat Hashah 82 68 34 Ben-Ari Nily 41 Hamaagal R"G.72 88 31 Ben-Asher Eliezer (Ocherovitz) Garage Ben-David Jacob Ben-Ari Verdina & Josef 6Hacongress 82 54 76 Benbassat Dr Rivka Phys 2 Katzenelson Kiryat Ono.. .72 93 53 I Oa Shalem Ramat Hen 3 57 52 Ben-Asher H Ladies' Fashion 8 Hapalmah Holon 84 60 42 BEN-DAVID JACOB HASAMON Ben-Ari Yehezkel & Leah 100 Allenby 62 31 19 Benbassat Robert Grocery (Whsle) 31 Reines ' 23 66 32 6 Antokolsky 23 55 63 Ben-Asher Meier & Sara 6 Hahalutzim 82 78 29 Ben-David Jacob & Chana Benari Yehuda Journalist 168 Ibn Gevirol 44 64 76 Benbassat Rudolf 34 Sirkin 22 69 94 10 Bet Hillel R"G 73 12 42 23 Habanim R"G 72 35 14 Bcnasuly Lily & Moshe Benbassat Sofie 15 Brandeis 44 55 59 Bcn-David Jakob Tours & Trnspt Ben-Ari Yitzhak & Pnina 82 Jabotinsky 24 20 48 Ben Bassat Yaakov Rehov 383rd No 35 Abu Kabir82 50 40 5 Frankel Ramat Aviv 44 33 49 48 Yerushalayim Bat Yam . 84 53 59 BenatarJack 216Dizengoff 23 57 46 Ben-David Leah & Eliezer (Ganz) Ben-Ari Yosef Mech Eng Benatia Asher Bcn-Bassath Dr Israel 6 Hakalir.23 34 82 9 Maimon 3 47 51 147 AriosororT. 44 32 28 Benbcniste Abraham Pastryshop 46 Katzenelson Bat Yam 84 78 79 Bcn-David Mansour Ben-Arie David 25 Florcntin 82 66 27 Ben-Alar Ora 14 Harimon 22 17 86 32 Rembrandt 23 54 46 36Hama'agal R"G 72 44 90 Benbenisti Abraham Tricot Fcty Benatav Joseph 5 Arba Aratzot .23 37 50 Ben-David Moshe 1 Akharon. .82 39 68 Ben-Aric Haim Decorator 42 Elat 82 70 98 Ben-Attar Elie 3 Hamashbir. ... 82 48 19 Bendavid Moshe 69 Haroeh R"G 72 78 22 Ben-Beri David Benattar Yaakov 28 Dizengoff.. 23 41 04 41 Brodetzky Ramat Aviv 44 87 53 107 Derech Hashalom 3 28 73 Ben-Arie Itzhak Benau Dr Avraham Phys Ben-Brith Nathan 7 Hamagen. .82 42 00 Ben-David Moshe Whsle Paper Dealer 36Yehonathan Tzahala 72 64 80 38 Hashoftim 22 64 24 126 Ben-Yehuda 23 53 78 Ben-Arie She'omo Eng 32 Balfour61 53 98 Ben-Avi Zalman (Kolp) Benbrokly Ltd 49 Shabazi 5 65 89 Ben-David Nava & Daniel Ben-Arie Shulamit 20 Miriam Hahashmonait 44 02 78 Bcncelovitz Yaakov 20 Sokolov 24 17 32 6 Hahalacha R"G 72 04 03 Ben-Avihail Tova & Yehuda 155 Ben-Yehuda 22 26 40 Bendavid Nehama & Yehuda Ben-Arieh Arye 19Yisraels 22 80 43 122 Modiin R"G 72 83 06 Ben Chahar Daniel Diamond Cutting 11 Harei Ramat Hahayil 72 79 76 Ben-Arieh Benjamin Ben-Aviv E & A 4 Daniel BatYam82 46 68 35 Hagra 3 64 98 Ben-David OIra & Nissim 23 Maale Hatzofim R"G 73 13 66 Ben-Chail Rachel 10 Hashoftim23 30 21 Ban-Avraham liana & Ami Shikun Ammami 12 Yafo.. .82 93 03 Ben-Chaim Nehemya Ben-Arieh Yehuda 3 Habakuk. .44 34 31 15 Nahum 44 63 71 Ben-David Recha & Yehoasb 10 Hapalmah Holon 84 37 86 Benarochc Aharon & Ruth Bcn-Avraham Moshe 11 Hakalir22 09 30 11 Zlotopolsky 22 47 00 Ben-Avraham Nehemya (Goldberg) Ben-Chaim Yona Bldg Contr 24 Donolo Harofe 82 68 68 Bcn-David Reuven 199 IbnGevirol 44 16 29 7 Pinsker 5 56 94 55 Reines Givatayim 73 15 56 Ben-Aron Moshe Bcn-David S Bldg Tool Fcty Ben-Avraham Zvi 181 Dizenfoff.23 68 90 Bcn-Cbanan Shalom 99 Derech Hashalom 3 25 53 Rehov 282nd No 5 82 28 25 Ben-Avram Esther Sederot Yerushalayim 44 Harav Friedman 44 09 85 Benaroya Avraham Bcn-David Samuel 16 Hahermon.5 18 20 Shikun Ammami 14 82 11 81 Ben-Chanoch J Judge 16 Sederot Kugel Holon 84 30 71 Ben-David Shelomo 11 Hapardes22 96 63 11 Hate'ena 22 85 15 Benaroya Avraham Money Changer Benaya Devora 21 Pinsker 5 88 26 Ben-David Shelomo BEN-CHARUTZ ARYE Advct 13 Herzl 5 79 12 Bcn-Azai J 14 November 29th. .44 70 18 107 Derech Haifa 44 67 41 30 Lilienblum 5 75 27 5 63 82 Ben-Aroya Eliezer Accnt Ben-Aziz Sigalit Ben-David Shelomo Elec & Radio Res 6 Ekron 44 27 78 6 Ha'avoda 62 10 67 36 Sed Ha'atzmaut Bat Yam.82 45 17 (Spare Parts) 7 Idelson 5 84 68 Benbar Ltd ElecConlrs Ben-Chayim Ben-Zion Benaroya Joseph & Djunia (Benarie) Bcn-David Shelomo Teacher 53 Kaplansky Givatayim... .73 19 25 50 Yosef Zvi R"G 72 37 60 47 Bilu 22 20 97 10a Gilboa Givatayim 72 95 88 Ben-Barak Shemuel Ben-Chorin Nahum 6 Bilu 22 85 56 Benaroya Moshe 15 Raanan. .. .82 79 28 Ben-David Yaakov 8 Rama Givatayim 72 98 59 Benclowicz Chaim Upholstery Benaroya Yehuda 15 Raanan...82 79 28 41 Gideon R"G 72 75 66 Ben-Baruch Josef Si Pnina 21 Markolet 82 36 18 Benaroye Eliezer 7 Derech P-T .62 16 89 Ben-David Yehuda Res 13 Weizman 22 53 73 23 Derech Haifa 23 54 12 30 Kaplan Holon 84 90 29 Bcnaroyo Josef 26 Basel 24 27 46 Ben-Baruch Rachel Nurse Benclowicz Miriam Shikun Benaroyo Rudolf Dent Lab Ben-David Yehuda 15 La Guardia.3 46 69 Ledugma B'4/13 Ramat Aviv44 02 04 25 Gideon R"G 72 27 45 Ben-David Yehuda 67 Balfour Bat Yam 82 68 03 Bencowitz Haya 57 Bialik R "G72 63 11 Ben-Baruch Raphael CPA (Isr) 14 Bat Yiftah Tzahala 72 79 89 Bcn-Aroyo Shabetai 31 Remez . .44 59 61 257 Modiin R"G 72 31 09 Ben-Czur Arye Benartcx Textile Works Ltd Ben-David Yehuda 32 Ben-Yehuda5 62 36 Ben-Baruch Zvi Eng 38b Borochov Givatayim... .72 03 12 36 Sokolov R"G 72 34 57 Ben David Yoel 8 Shimon Hatzadik B"B 72 62 63 Ben-Dat Abraham & Renee Ben-Artzi Batya Oneg Branch 40 Giborei Yisrael 3 31 75 Benbasat & Kohen 22 Barkai R "G 72 11 66 54 Katzenelson Givatayim.. .72 67 94 Ben-David Yosel Indust Centre Yafo 82 76 70 Bcn-David & Co Gen Agts Ben-Artzi Josef 19Stand 23 17 40 80 Derech Jabotinsky R"G. .72 65 00 Ben-Basat Israel 125 Allenby 61 22 72 Ben Artzi Pasit Ballet Studio Ben David Zipora 45 Bin-Nun.. .44 08 16 79 Sederot Yerushalayim 82 98 07 Ben-David & Ruben Contrs 18 Perlstein Bat Yam 82 80 60 Ben-David Zvi 12 Balaban 3 76 96 Ben-Basat Jakob 2 Har Sinai 62 49 55 Ben-Artzi Yitzhak & Alisa Advcts Ben-Dayan Mordechai 13 Zichron Yaakov 44 96 19 Bcn-David Abraham 42 Ahad Ha'am 62 31 67 11 IbnGevirol 22 51 64 Benbasat Salomon 30 Dubnov..23 53 27 13 Brodetzky Ramat Aviv.. .44 97 55 Res 7 Be'eri 22 00 46 Ben Dayan Zion 33 Yona Hannavi.5 64 47 Ben Bashatt Moshe & Yona Ben David Amos 313 Hayarkon44 60 66 Ben Ary (Kossoy) Ben-Deborah Ruth & Reuben 40 Sederot Ben Zvi R"G.....72 07 52 Ben-David Amos Pharmacy 5 Hayadid Givatayim 3 58 07 14 Mossinson 44 21 72 Benbassat Bella & Itzhak 110 Rabbi Akiva B"B 72 51 06 Bcnary Clara 5 IbnGevirol 22 90 89 Bende) Azey 25 Nahum 44 63 44 23 Hibat Zion R"G 72 03 56 Ben-David Arye Agt Benary Fima (Haim) 48 Nahmani61 32 37 Bcndel Gideon Benbassat Benzion Mech Eng II Sederot David Hamelech .. .22 48 50 Ben Ary Jacob Eng 37 Shamgar Tzahala 72 63 22 2 Simha R"G 72 82 18 Ben-David Boaz 6 November 29th 44 92 80 Bendel Joel 21 Elat Givatayim.3 16 90 Ben-Bassat Charles Si Pnina 63 Einstein Ramat Aviv 44 79 32 Benary Tzevi 48 Reines 22 17 48 Bcndel Leopold 5 Brurya R"G 73 10 20 Ben-David Chaim 18 Huberman .22 76 44 156 Modiin Givatayim 72 70 21 Benary Zvi 20 Ehud Tzahala.
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