Influence of Host Nutrients on the Parasitic Development of Mermis nigrescens () STUART ~'~. CRAIG 1 AND JOHN M. WEBSTER 2 Abstract: Schistocerca gregaria nymphs and adults of both sexes were infected with eggs of Mermis nigrescens. Mermithid larvae grew more slowly in nymphal hosts, and emerging larvae were smaller than those from adult hosts. The longer the larvae remained in the host, the greater their size. Those developing in adult female hosts were longest. Single mermithid larvae that were transferred to a second host continued to grow and were significantly longer at emergence than larvae that developed solely in one host. In adult hosts that were infected with 40-300 M. nigrescens eggs, the percentage of mermithids that became males was strongly dependent on host weight at infective doses of 90 eggs or more. Results are discussed in relation to nutrient stress on the larvae and its importance in developing in vitro culture techniques. Key words: sex ratios; parasite burden, Mermis nigrescens, Schistocerca gregaria, nutrient stress, larval development. Journal of Nematology 14(3):398-405. 1982.

The development of larval mermithids total available nutrients. The experiments in their insect hosts is influenced by environ- were performed on the , mental factors. Hence, the number of male Schistocerca gregaria Forskal, infected by Mermis nigrescens (syn: Mermis sub- M. nigrescens Dujardin. nigrescens) that develop is greater with in- creasing size of the infective burden of MATERIALS AND METHODS mermithids per host (3,5); a larger proportion of male Filipjevimermis Desert Locusts (S. gregaria) were reared singularis develop in male than in female and fed with infective M. nigrescens eggs chironomids (15); the number of male as previously described (4), and a series of Paramermis contorta developing in Chi- experiments was done. ronomous contorta is proportional to the Effect of host stage on devel- size of the host at the time of infection (9); opment: 1-day-old third-instar nymphs, 4- and the host species influences the sex ratio day-old fourth-instar nymphs, 2-day-old of Romanomermis culicivorax (syn: Re- fifth-instar nymphs, and 1-day-old and 28- esimermis nielseni) (9). However, Petersen day-old adult locusts of each sex were in- (11) found that host diet rather than size or fected with 50 nematode eggs. Twenty the age of the mosquito host, Culex pipiens locusts of each age group and sex were quinquelasciatus, affected the sex of the reared in separate cages at 35 C. Growth of parasitizing R. culicivorax larvae, and the larvae during their parasitic develop- Gordon et al. (7) demonstrated the im- ment was determined by dissecting a locust portance of the quantity of host food and of each age group and sex every 4 days and its protein content for parasitic develop- measuring larval length. At the time of ment of R. culicivorax. emergence of the first nematode larva from It seems likely that the common factor a host of a particular age, between four and affecting the development and sex ratio of seven locusts of that age were killed and particular mermithid species is the total dissected, and the larval length, number of host nutrients available to the parasite. In larvae developing, and their duration of a series of experiments to assess the effect of parasitic development were recorded. nutrient availability on parasite develop- Effect of successive hosts on nematode ment, host weight was used as a measure of development: 1-day-old adult male and fe- male locusts were infected with 50 M. nigrescens eggs. After 25 days the larval Received for publication 1 October 198l. IPesticide Control Branch, British Columbia Ministry were removed from the carbon of Environment, 1873 Spall Road, Kelowna, B.C., Canada dioxide anesthetized hosts and transferred V1Y 4R2. ~Pestology Centre, Department of Biological Sciences, in groups of 1, 3, 5, or 10 into the hemocoel Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Vancouver, B.C., Canada of a similarly anesthetized uninfected 1-day- VSA 1S6. The authors appreciate ttle assistance of the Depart- old adult locusts through a 5-ram ab- mental Insectary staff and financial support from the dominal incision. The incision was coated Natural Sciences anti Engineering Research Council grant (A4679). with chloramphenicol crystals to minimize 398 Mermis Parasitic Development: Craig, Webster 399 bacterial infection and sealed with melted nymphal hosts and their length at the time paraffin wax. The controls consisted of l- of emergence was less than for larvae para- day-old adult locusts that bad been infected sitizing adult hosts. Parasites in adult hosts by oral ingestion of eggs so that the parasite showed an 8-9-fold increase in length be- burden was either I, 3, 5, or 10 nematodes. tween days 11 and 17. There was a parallel The overall dtwation of parasitic develop- increase in maximum width of the larvae in ment and larval length at the termination adult locusts, but the greatest increase oc- of the experiment were recorded. curred between days 8 and 14. By day 21, E[Ject of parasite burden and host stage nematodes were significantly (P < 0.05) on nematode development: 10 one-day-old longer in female than in male hosts. In gen- adult locusts of each sex were each infected eral, the longer the M. nigreseens larvae re- with 40-800 M. nigrescens eggs, and 10 one- mained in a host, the greater their size (Fig. day-okl filth-instar nymphs were each in- 1). fected with 50-250 eggs. Immediately after Effect of successive hosts on nematode ingesting the eggs the locusts were weighed development: Single nematodes that were and then placed in rearing cages at 35 C. transferred to a second host continued to After 18 days, the locusts were killed and grow, and, at emergence, were significantly the larvae from each were cotmted and longer than nematodes that had developed sexed on the basis of the form of the genital solely in one host (Table 2). The total dur- primordia (1,2). The percentage of M. ation of parasitic development of those nigrescens mortality at each infective bur- larvae from successive hosts also was signifi- den was calculated for hosts of each age and cantly longer. Transfer of groups of three sex. nematodes into a second host increased their overall duration of parasitic development but not their size. It was also noted that RESULTS groups of either 5 or 10 nematodes trans- EDect of host s~age on nematode devel- ferred to a second host caused no significant opment: Significantly fewer (P < 0.001) (P < 0.05) difference in either development larvae developed in the third-instar hosts time or larval size. than in other age groups and the duration E]]ect of parasite burden and host stage of parasitic development of these larvae in on nematode development: At each host the third instar was significantly shorter age the differentiation of nematode larvae than for most other host age groups (Table into males was proportional to the inoculum 1). The duration of larval development was dose. Only male nematodes developed when longest in the 28-day-old adult female l-day-old fifth-instar S. gregaria were in- (Table 1). fected with 120 eggs, or 1-day-old male After day 10 of parasitism, the nema- locusts with 180 eggs, or 1-day-old female tode's length at the time of emergence dif- locusts with 240 eggs (Figs. 2 and 3). fered greatly depending on host age (Fig. ]). Mean weights of the hosts at the time of Mermithid larvae grew more slowly in egg ingestion were as follows: 1-day-old fifth

l'able 1. Effect of sex and age of Schistocerca gregtwia on duration of the parasitic phase of Merrnis nigrescens larvae and on the number of larvae developing.

Number of Mean no. developing Mean duration of Age at infection Sex replicates ± SE (% ~teveloping) parasitism (days) + SE*

l-day-old third instar ... (7) 30.10 ± 2.37 (60.2%) 22.33 ±_ 2.04 a 4-day-old fourth instar ... (6) 40.90 _+ 2.91 (81.8%) 30.50 ± 1.57 b 2-day-old fifth instar ., . (4) 40.62 ± 1.36 (81.2%) 33.00 ± 3.11 b, c l-day-old adult male (6) 46.50 ± 2.36 (93.0%) 23.33 ± 1.37 a 1-day-oht adult female (6) 41.60 ± 2.55 (83.3%) 30.00 ± 2.15 b 28-day-old adult male (6) 44.70 ± 2.41 (89.4%) 27.83 ± 2.28 b 28-day-old adult female (5) 40.00 __+ 2.73 (80.0%) 38.20 ± 3.36 e

*Means followed by the same letter are not significantly (P = 0.05) different from each other. •i00 Journal of Nematology, Volume 14, No. 3, July 1982

I I i 1 t i ! I I 130


E E 90


,, 70 0 -r- t---- Z IAJ J 50 z

30 1-DAY-OLD 3rd INSTAR o o 4-DAY-OLD 4th INSTAR -- -- 2-DAY-OLD 5th INSTAR 1-DAY-OLD MALE o, o 1-DAY-OLD FEMALE 10 " -* 28- DAY-OLD MALE - = = 28-DAY-OLD FEMALE

I I I I I I I 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 DAYS AFTER INGESTION OF EGGS Fig. l. Rate of growth of Mermis nigrescens in Schistocerca gregaria of different ages with all inoculum ~f 50 eggs per host. instar, 0.83 ___ 0.04 g; l-day-old adult male, either sex, and adult male locusts weighed 1.09 -+- 0.07 g; 1-day-old adult female, 1.47 significantly (P < 0.01) less than female ___ 0.16 g. Fifth-instar nymphs weight sig- locusts. Male nematode larvae were smaller nificantly (P < 0.01) less than adults of than females of the same age. The percent- Mermis Parasitic Development: Craig, Webster 401 "Fable 2. The effect of transferring Mermis nigrescens larvae to a second host (Schistocerca gregaria) on the duralJon of parasitism and mean body length of the parasite.

Infective Mean duration Mean larval Number'~ and Number of burden of parasitism length ± SE* sex of host(s) replicates per host (days) ± SE (ram)

1, male 6 1 31.0 _+ 1.15 87.35 ± 4.00 2, male 9 1 38.0 ± 1.89 104.53 ± 6.80 1, male 5 3 30.0 ± 1.67 85.36 ± 2.90 ~ 2, male 8 3 34.4 ± 1.80 86.89 + 1.12 1, female 7 1 37.0 ± 2.39 116.96 ± 3.12 2, female 9 1 44.2 ± 1.81 128.71 _ 3.45 1, female 7 3 34.8 ± 1.91 106.68 ± 5.30* 2, female 5 3 41.1 ± 2.71 107.28 ~ 4.11

tParasite developed within either one host (1) or two consecutive hosts (2). *Means of these couplets are not significantly (P = 0.05) different. age of M. nigrescens larvae that became surgically transferring developing larvae ntales was strongly dependent on host from the original host from which some of weight at infective doses of 90 eggs and the available nutrients had been absorbed more and was weakly dependent on host to a new host with a complete complement weight at infective doses of 80 eggs or less of available nutrients (Table 2). The over- per host (Fig. 3). all duration of the parasitic phase was The percentage of larval mortality ill- greater in two consecutive hosts than within creased with increases in infective dose of a single host. Further, the duration of para- eggs aml at higher doses was significantly sitism was greater in the mature female greater in fifth-instar hosts than in adults hosts (Table 1) than in any other age group (Fig. 4). or in males. It may be that an inadequate nutrient supply from the host may trigger DISCUSSION nematode emergence, providing that the nematode is sufficiently well developed. This Parasitic M. nigrescens larvae absorb is supported by the fact that multiple in- glucose and amino acids from the hemocoel fections in transfer hosts did not increase of their host, S. gregaria. The host does not tile larval length despite an increased dura- compensate for this loss by increased food tion of parasitism. The parasitic larvae de- consumption (6). it seems likely, therefore, veloped significantly faster in younger host that the period of time that a host is able to instars (Table 1) and in hosts with a larger support parasites probably depends on the parasite httrden. This suggests a response to availability of specific nutrients or on the nutrient stress, and the influence of stress total available nutrients in the host. To could be alleviated by the nematodes not address this latter possibility we considered growing so long and by a shift to maleness tile host weight as a gross measure of total in the sex ratio. Male Octomyomermis available nutrients. Our findings (Table 1) muspratti usually emerge before females show that M. nigrescens larvae remained because of the earlier death of multiple in- within mature adult female hosts for a sig- fected mosquitoes (12). Larval M. nigrescens nificantly longer period than within adult emerge faster from heavily infected than male or young larval instar hosts, which from lightly infected hosts, and more males weighed less. It seems likely, therefore, that are produced under these circumstances. the duration of parasitism of M. nigrescens Hence, it is likely that males develop faster is influenced by host size and by the total than females. Furthermore, the duration of available host ntttrients. The strength of parasitic clevelopment of the larvae in the this hypothesis was tested by increasing the three instar hosts is shorter than ill adult normal amount of available nutrients by hosts (Table 1). 402 Journal of Nematology, Volume 14, No. 3, July 1982

I I i I I I I

100 o o


r,O Z I3_ 0 .._.J I.JJ I_[.J 60 o9 i..iJ

0 I---

I.L.J Z I..IJ .-J 40 o~

1-DAY-OLD 20- J/J- ~ / o-o 5th INSTAR



c~ mCrl I I I I I 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 INFECTIVE DOSE OF EGGS/HOST Fig. 2. Effect of inoculum size on tile sex ratio of Mermis nigrescens in Schistocerca gregaria. Mermis Parasitic Development: Craig, Webster 403

a=I-DAY-OLD 5th INSTAR b=I-DAY-OLD MALE C =1 -DAY-OLD FEMALE a b c 1 100 .. 230

Z 0 220 ._1 80 ~J > t.~ r~

0 t-- 60

t.lJ z uJ ._1 < 40 180

20 140 J' 120 : 100 • 90 • 80 0 5O 0,7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5. 1.6 MEAN HOST WEIGHT (g) AT EGG INGESTION Fig. 3. Effect of host weight and inoculum size on the sex ratio of Mermis nigrescens in fifth instar, male, and female Schistocerca gregaria. Infective dose of parasites is given for each line. M. nigrescens larvae increase most in haemolymph protein and carbohydrate con- length in adult hosts between days 11 and centrations than do males and are about 12 after egg ingestion (Fig. l), and they 50% heavier than males. It is probable, take up nutrients for their own growth and therefore, that M. nigrescens larvae attain development most rapidly during this pe- greater body length in female than in male riod (6). Adult female locusts have higher hosts because female hosts contain more 404 Journal o[ Nematology, Volume 14, No. 3, July 1982

70 I I I I I I





t'v-"I-- 0 30


0 ' I I I I I I 50 I' 100 150 200 250 300 INFECTIVE DOSE OF EGGS/HOST Fig. 4. Effect of infective dose on the percentage mortality of developing Mermis nigrescens larvae in fifth instar, male, and female Schistocerca gregaria. total available nutrients than do males. nematodes (Fig. 3). It seems likely that a Similarly, more mermithid larvae grew large, heavy host provides more nutrients larger in older, heavier hosts, probably be- for a parasite than does a small host. Such cause these hosts contained more nutrients a hypothesis would be in agreement with available for the developing larval reports that host sex (10,15), host species (3, mermithids. 5,1 1), and host length (9) influence the sex A positive correlation between infective ratio of tile mermithid parasites. This is dose and the percentage of developing male supported by Petersen (11), who showed 3I. nigrescens is in agreement with the find- that when R. culicivorax infected under- ings in other host-parasite systems (1,3,10, nourished C. pipiens quinquefasciatus, 11,13,14). Our evidence suggests, however, more male nematodes develop even at the that the size of the infective dose alone does lower infective burdens. The present study not govern this phenomenon, since hosts of suggests that male nematodes appear in different ages (and, therefore, of different greater numbers when the supply of host sizes and weights) harboring the same nmn- nutrients, as measured by host age, sex, and ber of M. nigrescens larvae produced sig- weight, is limited. Hence, the minimum in- nificantly different percentages of male fective dose required to cause more male Mermis Parasitic Development: Craig, Webster 405 nematodes to develop than females is in- velepornent is of particular importance in dependent of host weight below a certain developing in vitro culture techniques for dose level and strongly dependent on host M. nigrescens, even allowing for the fact weight above that dose level within each that this nematode is parthenogenetic. host age class. However, Petersen's (11) finding that neither the size nor the age of LITERATURE CITED the mosquito, C. pipiens quinque[asciatus, affected the size of the R. nielseni larvae 1. Baylis, H. A. 1944. Observations on the nema- tode Mermis nigrescens and related species. Para- may suggest that the level of host nutrients sitology 36:122-132. was not a limiting factor in his experi- 2. Baylis, H. A. 1947. The larval stages of the ments. nematode Mermis nigrescens. Parasitology 38:10-16. 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