An International Journal Nature and Science ISSN 1545-0740 Volume 7 - Number 6 (Cumulated No. 27), July 15, 2009 Marsland Press P.O. Box 21126, Lansing, Michigan 48909, the United States 525 Rockaway PKWY, #B44, Brooklyn, New York 11212, the United States
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[email protected] Nature and Science, 2009 ISSN 1545-0740 Nature and Science The Nature and Science is an international journal with a purpose to enhance our natural and scientific knowledge dissemination in the world under the free publication principle. Papers submitted could be reviews, objective descriptions, research reports, opinions/debates, news, letters, and other types of writings that are nature and science related. All manuscripts submitted will be peer reviewed and the valuable papers will be considered for the publication after the peer review. The Authors are responsible to the contents of their articles. Editor-in-Chief: Hongbao Ma Associate Editors-in-Chief: Shen Cherng, Qiang Fu, Deng-Nan Horng, Yongsheng Ma Editors: George Chen, Jingjing Z Edmondson, Han Dai, Mark Hansen, Mary Herbert, Wayne Jiang, Chuan Liang, Xuemei Liang, Mark Lindley, Margaret Ma, Mike Ma, Da Ouyang, Xiaofeng Ren, Shufang Shi, Tracy X Qiao, Pankaj Sah, Alice Teng, George Warren, Qing Xia, Yonggang Xie, Shulai Xu, Lijian Yang, Yan Young, Tina Zhang, Ruanbao Zhou, Yi Zhu Web Design: Jenny Young Introductions to Authors 1. General Information Reference Examples: (1) Goals: As an international journal published both in print and on Journal Article: Hacker J, Hentschel U, Dobrindt U.