20 Pages Thursday, September 10, 2020 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 Labor Day Weekend Brings Palisades Businesses, Schools Hot Weather to the Palisades Respond to Updated Orders By LILY TINOCO By SARAH SHMERLING Reporter Editor-in-Chief he County De- hat normally is a last hur- partment of Public Health rah of summer was com- Tannounced updated COVID-19 Wpletely turned around in 2020 as business and school operations on temperatures reached 100 degrees Wednesday, September 2. and Palisadians remained under The county will allow limited safer at home orders in response on-campus operation for schools, as to COVID-19 over Labor Day well as indoor operations for hair weekend. salons and barbershops. The previous holiday week- Starting Monday, September end, Fourth of July, beaches 14, schools will be allowed to throughout the County of Los offer in-school services for small Angeles were closed to prevent cohorts of students with individ- Corpus Christi School Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer crowds, but this weekend, beaches ualized education plans, students remained opened, with Beaches & who require instruction for English son instruction so long as the cam- remain unchanged at this time, ac- Harbors urging visitors to follow as a second language, and students pus was permitted to do so. For the cording to the press release from all public health guidelines. who need assessment or special- time being, elementary and middle Public Health. Unless eating, drinking or in ized in-school services, so long school students will be learning on- “Right now, a cautious and ti- the ocean, beachgoers were re- as the school is able to implement line, while preschool students meet trated reopening—with close mon- quired to wear face masks. Orders student safety and infection control in-person. itoring of what happens to our data included staying six feet away protocols. Seven Arrows Elementary in the weeks to follow—is needed from people not a part of the same All other K-12 schools in Cal- School Director of Strategic Mar- to ensure we are not experiencing household. ifornia counties that are in Tier keting and Enrollment Manage- significant spikes in cases, hos- “We cannot stress enough the 1 of the State’s Framework for ment Fiona Farrahi shared that pitalizations and deaths, as we importance of following the public Recovery, including LA County, the school had a soft reopening saw in July after reopenings and health guidelines,” DBH Director are prohibited from reopening for this past week “devoted to student holidays,” LA County Director of Gary Jones said in a statement in-person instruction. Tier 1 means wellness and their social-emotional Public Health Dr. Barbara Ferrer ahead of the weekend. “It is abso- that there continues to be wide- needs,” she said. said in a statement. “As we slow- lutely imperative that beachgoers spread transmission of the virus in Parents and students had the ly reopen sectors, we will watch avoid crowds.” the county. chance to attend conferences via closely how it is impacting com- Visitors were also encouraged Principal of Corpus Christi Zoom or in-person outdoors to munity transmission.” to “pack in, pack out”—removing School Suzanne Stewart Duffy meet one another. Distance learn- The number of positive cases everything that was brought to the shared the school’s current plan ing begins for students on Monday, in Pacific Palisades reached 117, beach back home with them, in- with the Palisadian-Post. September 14. with 23 additional in Palisades cluding trash. “Our timeline to return to site- Public Health announced that Highlands, as the Post went to One closure that occurred over The beach on Sunday Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer based learning is based on when hair salons and barbershops can print. In LA County, excluding the weekend was trails, including the County of Los Angeles opens reopen for indoor services at 25% Long Beach and Pasadena, there “all trails leading into Topanga Luis Opisbo counties,” according ed and track breaking news to stay the waiver process or is taken off occupancy, so long as they are in have been 235,874 positive cases, State Park,” beginning September to National Weather Service Los informed.” the ‘watch list,’ whichever happens compliance with protocols, effec- with 5,692 deaths. 5 and extending through Mon- Angeles. Though temperatures were first,” Duffy said. “We plan to file tive immediately. The order en- day, September 7, at 5 p.m. The The LA County Office of cooling off at the start of the week, for a waiver as soon as the County courages businesses to continue COVID-19 Case Summary closure, which included Temescal Emergency Management remind- predicted Santa Ana winds over of Los Angeles begins accepting outdoor operations when possible, Gateway Park backcountry trails, ed residents on Saturday, Sep- Los Angeles and Ventura counties them. Our teachers are teaching and to offer indoor operations only as of September 8 was due to extreme heat. tember 6, that high temperatures were expected to increase, accord- from their classrooms on campus.” for services that cannot be provid- “MRCA is putting public heighten the threat of wildfire, as ing to NWS Los Angeles, with Corpus Christi School began ed outdoors. Los Angeles County Cases ..... 235,874 safety first by closing trails in ad- well as the need to prepare. gusts up to 60 mph in the moun- its 2020-21 academic year virtually Palisades Barber Shop, located dition to closures from Santa Mon- “We’re witnessing weather tains and 40 mph near the coast for all grades TK through eight on at 15322 Antioch St., has recent- Deaths in LA County ...... 5,692 ica National Recreation Area and conditions that can quickly gen- possible. Tuesday, September 8. ly returned its operations indoors, Conejo Open Space Conversation erate dangerous and fast-moving In addition to the heat and Calvary Christian School also owner Joe Almaraz said to the Post. Pacific Palisades Cases ...... 117 Agency,” according to a post on wildfires, especially in commu- threat of COVID-19, another fac- kicked off its academic school “We’re not back to normal, but the agency’s social media. nities that are near foothills, can- tor keeping Palisadians indoors year on September 8, previously we are open,” Almaraz said. Palisades Highlands Cases ...... 23 There were several heat-re- yons and wildland areas,” stated over the weekend was poor air announcing plans to resume in-per- All other current restrictions lated rescue operations before the Kevin McGowan, director of the quality, in part due to smoke from closure, including a hiker who died Los Angeles County Office of fires burning throughout Califor- in Malibu on Saturday, according Emergency Management. “Emer- nia. to reports from the Malibu Search gency response professionals will The South Coast Air Quali- Resilient Palisades Hosts and Rescue Team. act quickly and expertly, but they ty Management District reported Heat records were broken need the cooperation of LA Coun- that air quality was unhealthy for across Southern California, with a ty residents to keep as many neigh- sensitive groups/individuals in Virtual Community Meeting countywide record reportedly set borhoods as safe as possible. Northwest Coastal Los Angeles in Woodland Hills, which reached “We urge all residents to prac- County. By Tuesday the air quali- By LILY TINOCO ta Monica are up to that are rel- 121 degrees on Sunday. tice wildfire readiness and safety ty was forecasted to be “good” and Reporter evant to the environmental work “The 121 degree high tem- now. Have a plan to evacuate, pack “moderate” throughout the day in they want achieve. perature at Woodland Hills of- supplies to quickly leave if need- the region. ecently founded environmen- “We are all in this together, we ficial site (Pierce College) was tal group Resilient Palisades really want to start off with great also the highest temperature ever Rhosted a community meeting on clarity about our values, about how recorded in LA County, as well as Thursday, September 3, to reinstate important it is to us to hold at the Ventura, Santa Barbara and San No Turkey Trot in 2020 its mission and to grow its relation- center of every campaign the im- ship with the community. portance of how those campaigns The meeting was held virtual- are going to impact various com- ly and began with a short breakout munities and not just our immedi- session for neighbors to learn more ate surroundings,” Steinberg said. about one another. With the 2020 election around “One of the main purposes Ingrid Steinberg the corner, Palisadian Jonathan of this meeting is for us to get to Photo courtesy of Resilient Palisades Zasloff was invited to speak for a know one another and to talk to few minutes on the Environmental each other, which I have to just like Resilient Palisades can do, Voter Project. Zasloff is an activist admit upfront I’m a little bit ner- it’s about achieving an end result and a law professor at UCLA. vous about because this is on Zoom which is to address the climate cri- The Environmental Voter Proj- and it’s not the … likeliest form for sis,” Steinberg said. “But it’s also ect works to identify people who doing this, but we’re going to try about doing so as a community and are concerned about environmen- our best,” Ingrid Steinberg, one of building relationships so that we tal issues and climate change, and the founders of Resilient Palisades, can be more resilient.” ensure they make it to the voting said. “We just ask for your patience Steinberg shared the ways the polls. Zasloff offered to conduct as we kind of experiment with this organization wants the group to a training session for Palisadians technology … for the first time.” learn together, like inviting guest to canvas by calling or texting in Steinberg suggested attendees speakers, having learning activi- the near future for those who are introduce themselves, share where ties and workshops, learning from interested. they live, their reason for joining others’ experiences, and assisting “What they’re really trying to the call and to set an intention: ask- neighbors in making changes at do is get people to vote, and over ing attendees what they planned to home and in the community. the next 59 days, I will drop what bring to the meeting and what they She shared hopes of starting I’m doing to tell people about this plan to take away from it. community teams where individ- organization and how you can get Steinberg then went on to share uals can come together to tackle involved,” Zasloff said. a presentation with attendees, stat- a particular issue, developing and Additionally, local resources ing that the group’s mission is to implementing initiatives while are available on the Resilient Pal- bring Palisadians together to ad- educating and involving the com- isades website and are constantly The Palisades Funding Turkey Trot will not be taking place in 2020 dress climate change and environ- munity—eventually implementing being updated for individuals to due to COVID-19 and concerns that city services and permitting mental degradation. campaigns. learn more about addressing envi- will be unavailable, founders announced this week. For a full story, “It’s as much about the jour- There are also plans to keep ronmental issues. see Page 6. Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer ney as the end results, and when I the organization informed of what For more information, visit re- think about what an organization neighboring communities like San- silientpalisades.org. Page 2 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020 WEB TALK This week’s hottest topics on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Gorgeous capture by @ericdilauroprotrainer! #palipost 22¢¢ Your Two Palisadian-Post Cents’ Worth Got something to say? Call (310) 454-1321 or email Out of the Past [email protected] and get those kudos or concerns off your chest. Names will @mybijoustyle not be used. I am homesick. August 14, 1969 @saragmarti On the way up in the Scouting program are these members of Pacific PalisadesTroop 223, That IS a good one who attained Eagle rank Tuesday night in a traditional ceremony. They are, from left, bottom row, Breaks @maureen.mitchner Russ Hodin, Jim Briggs and Bob Taylor; middle row, Jim McEachern and Craig Colbert; top row, I hope everybody is really tak- Amazing. Rick Donaldson; and climbing, Fred McNairy. ing the time to care for them- selves and their families. There @palisades.barbershop is so much going on around us lately that I’ve found it helpful to take time away from social media and to stop constantly LETTER TO refreshing the news. Stay in- formed, but there’s no need to THE EDITOR overwhelm yourself.

‘DACC to the Rescue’ Fires As I write this, Los Angeles provide the care. I hope that the fires around us County Animal Care and Control • Flea and tick medication act as a reminder to always be is continuing its emergency an- • Five days’ worth of pet food vigilant and smart about our imal sheltering services for resi- • Collapsible food and water choices! It’s insane what can dents displaced by the devastat- containers ing Lake fire, which has burned • Extra leashes/harnesses spark an extended wildfire and more than 31,000 acres in the • A collapsible crate to safely how its effects go beyond just Antelope Valley of northern Los confine your pet to protect it from its surrounding areas. Angeles County. The Ranch fire harm near Azusa has been burning as • Toys, blankets, treats and well, causing further evacuations. other items to comfort your pet in Crowds Additionally, approximate- a strange environment Let’s all get this rate of trans- ly 12,000 lightning strikes have • Clear photographs of your mission DOWN, stop crowd- started 585 fires in California pet, including full body pictures ing spaces and keep wearing over the past week, burning more from both sides and a close up of your masks!!! than one million acres. There is their face. no end in sight for these current wildfires, and more than 13,000 For horses and livestock: Hair firefighters are battling the fires • Make certain your trailer Since Governor Gavin New- across California to protect lives is safe and functional. Perform a and property. complete safety check, including som auntie Nancy can get her These recent events under- the flooring, frame, welds, axle, hair done in San Francisco I score the importance of having brakes, lights, hitch, interior safe- demand equity for my hair- an emergency plan that includes ty and tires. Do this now, before dresser in Pacific Palisades. your pets. Because many people you must move your animals. must evacuate at a moment’s no- • Ensure your horses or other tice, this plan should be complet- livestock will quickly and obe- Walks ed and ready to implement imme- diently load. There have been Everybody is out on a walk up diately. unfortunate cases of animals left in the Hills but why are they Here are things pet owners behind because owners were not walking in the middle of the should do to ensure their beloved able to load them into the trailers companions are protected: for evacuation. road which is a problem be- For dogs, cats, and small • Include copies of vacci- cause that’s where I drive. It’s companion animals, compile an nations, especially Strangles, great to get fresh air and exer- evacuation kit that contains the Equine Infectious Anemia and cise but please be mindful, it’s following information (your pets West Nile virus for horses. stock from threat of fire, do not attaching an equine-specific safe- geles County. not a sidewalk. should already be wearing ID • DACC encourages the mi- place any shavings, straw or oth- ty neck band with identifying in- Evacuations are not always and license tags): crochipping of horses and live- er bedding in the trailer because formation. This is a good supple- the result of wildfires. Mudslides, • Copies of vaccine records, stock, not only to identify them sparks can fly into the trailer and ment to the microchip. train derailments, toxic emissions Farmers Market especially rabies if they become lost or evacuated ignite the bedding. For the same and other man-made disasters It’s great to have the Farm- • Copies of pet licensing re- without identification but also reason, do not put blankets on DACC responds regularly can cause emergency evacuations ers Market back! Everyone cords to reduce the threat of livestock your horses when evacuating throughout the year to provide even in non-fire prone areas. • Microchip information, in- theft. Microchip your livestock from fires. animal evacuation and sheltering Can your pets and animals is being so respectful and so- cluding the pet’s microchip ID and keep the microchip records • Bring fly masks, fly sheets, services. Our dedicated staff and count on you for their emergency cial-distancing. number and the issuing company up to date, with copies in your halters and lead ropes, and other volunteers work 24 hours a day to preparedness? (make sure your information is evacuation kit. items for your animals’ comfort. provide for the comfort and safe- Marcia Mayeda Traditions current with the company—many • Lists of all medications, spe- • Many people will identify ty of evacuated animals. We view Director of Animal Care and people move and forget to update cial feed, medical issues or other their horses by writing their phone this as an honor to be able to serve Control for the County This week is hitting me extra the company with their new con- needs your animals may have. numbers on the horses’ hooves, or the people and animals of Los An- of Los Angeles hard – what is supposed to tact information). • Have clear photographs of be back to school season and • A list of all medications tak- your animals, both full bodied The Palisadian-Post accepts letters to the editor via email at [email protected] or mail/ block party season has been en by your pet, with a week’s sup- from both sides as well as of any hand-delivered at 881 Alma Real Drive, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. To be considered so changed in 2020. Looking ply in the kit. Note the diagnosis/ brands, ear tags, ear notches or for publication, letters must be signed, and are subject to editing for length and clarity. Opinions forward to future years with reason the pet takes the medica- other identifying information. expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of opinions of the Palisadian-Post. tion in case someone else must • If you are evacuating live- community favorites. Support Community Journalism Published weekly since 1928 by the Palisades Post 881 Alma Real Drive, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 The Palisadian-Post is providing free coverage of COVID-19—through Tel: (310) 454-1321 • Fax: (310) 454-1078 • www.PaliPost.com Breaking News Alerts and online stories—as a service to our community. In return, we ask for your support in these unprecedented times to ensure Sarah Shmerling Gina Kernan Editor-in-Chief Managing Director our community newspaper can continue its 90+ year history of covering [email protected] [email protected]

Pacific Palisades. We have kept 100% of our staff at full pay and benefits with EDITORIAL ADVERTISING Steve Galluzzo, Sports Editor [email protected] Nilanti Narain, Account Executive [email protected] no furloughs even as our revenue has fallen dramatically. Lily Tinoco, Reporter [email protected] Lena Ford, Account Executive [email protected] Please support high quality local journalism by visiting Jennika Ingram, Reporter [email protected] Lia Asher, Account Executive [email protected] Rich Schmitt, Staff Photographer [email protected]

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Adjudged a newspaper of general circulation to publish all official and legal notices of the City of LosAngeles, the Judicial District of Los Angeles, the School District of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, the State of California and for other state, county and city government jurisdictions of which the City of Los Angeles as a part under judgment rendered March 12, 1958, as modified by Order of the Court on August 7, 1959, and further modified by Order of Court on November 21, 1960, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for County of Los Angeles, Case No. SMC 6022. THE PALISADIAN-POST (USPS 418-600 4) is published weekly for $69 per year, by Pacific Palisades Post, 881 Alma Real, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Periodicals postage paid at Pacific Palisades, California. POSTMASTER: send address change to the ALISADIAN-POST,P 881 Alma Real Drive, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. The Palisadian-Post is 100% owned by Charlie Loves Brooms and Molly Loves Peanut Butter, LLC.

Palisadian, Vol. LXXXVI, No. 230 • Pacific Palisades Post, Vol. LXX, No. 230 September 10, 2020 Palisadian-Post Page 3

PALISADES Neighborhood News Local Officials Provide Updates on Mailbox Tampering, Postal Delays

Castellammare By JENNIKA INGRAM Bushnell continued that Con- Reporter gressman Lieu is “working dil- Getty Villa Extends Closure igently with his colleagues to ecent occurrences in the Pali- ensure we provide much-needed The Getty Villa and Get- sades have sparked questions assistance to protect the Postal ty Center will not reopen be- Rabout the Postal Service within the Service and ensure our constitu- ¢ fore January 2021, according community, including a mailbox ents receive their mail in a timely to a statement on the Getty being tampered with and delivery manner.” website. delays. “The COVID-19 pandemic “Getty will continue to “Someone—either a thief or has led to heavy parcel volume, as pay all employees, salaried a practical joker—put some really customers continue to place online and hourly, in full during strong stickum on the shelf of the orders of essential items as they this period,” according to Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer drive-up mailbox at the Village shelter in place,” Evelina Ramirez, the statement. “In line with Green,” Palisadian Warren Ce- USPS spokesperson, shared with the Los Angeles and California Safer at Home emergency order, reghino wrote to the Post in early the Post. “Our employees, includ- Getty has transitioned to telecommuting (work from home) for all August, noting that similar activity ing those at the Palisades Post staff but those in critical facilities and security operations.” has occurred at the box located at Pacific Palisades Post Office Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer Offices, are working diligently to Both locations are closed to the public and most staff as the Radcliffe and Carthage. keep up with the increased vol- region works to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Cereghino said he immediately Service works closely with the US cious activity at any mail recepta- ume. We are flexing our available “As of July 13, California’s governor mandated that indoor mu- drove to the post office to tell them Postal Service to identify evolving cle to your local police,” she added. resources to match the workload seums must remain closed due to increasing coronavirus cases in about it, where he said he was told trends to ensure optimal expendi- “You can report mail theft, identity and appreciate the patience of our California,” the statement continued. “There is no timeline for eas- that someone else had alerted the ture of resources,” she shared. theft, fraud or other crimes involv- customers and the efforts of em- ing this restriction, so we do not yet have firm dates for reopening. office ahead of him. Last year, it was reported by ing the U.S. Mail by calling our ployees as conditions change on a We are preparing for an eventual reopening by putting in place mea- “Being acutely aware of at- multiple outlets that USPS was in national hotline at 877-876-2455.” day-to-day basis.” sures required by Los Angeles County health officials that support tempts to steal mail via stickum, the process of changing out most of In a recent Pacific Palisades According to a statement the health and well-being of all visitors and staff.” I always make sure my letters al- the mailboxes in to Community Council newsletter, shared on its website, the Postal When the Getty Villa and Center reopen, plans include timed-en- ways drop, and I had to struggle to add these devices—with mail fish- it was reported that Janet Turner, Service has “more than enough try tickets, face coverings and temperature checks. get both letters in,” Cereghino said. ing, a type of theft aimed at steal- U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu’s field capacity to handle election mail —SARAH SHMERLING Cereghino provided an update ing checks that can be altered later, supervisor, advised that neighbor- volume.” on September 8 that he has noticed on the rise. hoods in his Congressional District “The Postal Service has more the box’s letter chute seems to have Mendoza shared some preven- (33), which includes the Palisades than enough capacity, including Pacific Palisades some sort of blockage that’s not tion tips for the community: “De- and Brentwood, have been experi- collection boxes and processing stickum but requires some pushing posit outgoing mail into a blue col- encing mail delays and other issues equipment, to handle all election PPTFH Online Community Meeting to get a standard business-sized en- lection box before the final pick up related to delivery and security. mail this year, which is predicted velope to drop. of the same day of deposit. Check “We have continued to hear to amount to less than 2% of total The Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness will host a “Anti Fishing devices are be- the pick-up schedule posted on the from constituents concerned with mail volume from mid-September community meeting online via Zoom on Monday, September 21, ing installed on collection boxes box to ensure your mail will not mail delivery times from across to Election Day,” according to the from 7 to 8:15 p.m. for prevention,” Patricia Mendoza, sit in the box overnight or over the our district, including Pacific statement. The topic will cover “Homeless Youth: Hidden in Plain Sight?” Postal Inspector for the Los Ange- weekend.” Palisades,” said Jenna Bushnell, Customers with delivery con- and feature guest speakers Tammy Wood, senior parent community les Division, shared in an email She also encouraged residents spokesperson for Lieu. “Some cerns should reach out to their post facilitator LAUSD Homeless Education, and Rachel Stitch, deputy to the Post. Mendoza was unable to report glue, tape or sticky sub- of these challenges have been office or contact the Customer Care director Safe Place for Youth. to provide a timeline for when stance found on mailboxes to the attributed to COVID-19-related Center at 800-275-8777. Concerns “While we may not directly observe many young people expe- the mailbox at the Village Green Post Office and to Postal Inspec- capacity problems, and others are about security should be sent to the riencing homelessness in Pacific Palisades, LAUSD identified and would have this device installed. tors. likely due to USPS changes made Postal Service Inspection Service served more than 15,000 school-age students in 2017-18,” PPTFH “The US Postal Inspection “Immediately report any suspi- at the national level.” at 877-876-2455 or uspis.gov. shared in a statement ahead of the meeting. For more information, visit pptfh.org. —SARAH SHMERLING LAFD Station 69 Assists Firefighting Efforts in Napa The Highlands Engine, Firefighters 2019, prompting evacuations and school closures in the Palisades. Bicyclist Rescued Join Strike Team to “It’s rugged terrain and more On Tuesday, September 1, an injured bicyclist was rescued by Battle Several Fires pine trees, different topography Los Angeles firefighters in Topanga State Park. than the Getty,” he explained. The 63-year-old mountain bicyclist was reported to have sus- “We have different brush here tained a serious leg injury while riding in the park. Ground and air JENNIKA INGRAM than in Northern California. personnel responded to East Topanga Fire Road, which is located Reporter There’s more forest in Northern near Palisades Drive, at about 9:40 p.m. California.” “About 10:25 p.m., paramedics were preparing the man to be ending a hand to fight fires, hoisted aboard a hovering fire department helicopter,” according LLos Angeles Fire Department CRIME REPORT to City News Service. “Once onboard, the man would receive ‘in- Station 69 in Pacific Palisades flight care during direct transport to a regional trauma center.’” has contributed to the effort in Burglary It was unclear how the man became injured. Northern California and beyond 14200 Alisal Ln, September 2 City News Service contributed to this report. over the last few weeks: One en- between 9 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. The —SARAH SHMERLING gine and four firefighters at a time suspect forced open a door to en- joined a strike team to assist in ter victim’s home but no property Napa and other area fires. LAFD Station 69 Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer was stolen. “We went to four fires last Spotted in the Palisadian-Post: month,” Captain Daren Kester- plex fires in Northern California “You have to be available for Burglary/Theft from Vehicle son, who joined Station 69 in scourged through 375,209 acres 14 days to be on a strike team,” 17900 Castellammare, be- January 23, 1969 June, told the Palisadian-Post. and is 91% contained, according Kesterson explained. “Our dis- tween August 30 at 8 p.m. and “[It was] just a lot of work.” to a Cal Fire Report on Tuesday, patchers will call and we all car- August 31 at 5 p.m. The suspect Firefighters from Station September 8. avan together. When they are out entered victim’s vehicle, and took Landslide Threatens Friends 69 first went to the Apple fire in The LNU Lightning Complex there, firefighters are on 24-hour keys and a handicap placard. San Bernardino, which started on fires, which began August 17, shifts, so every day we did some- July 31 and has burned more than continues to burn after 21 days, thing different. We were doing Theft Street Structure: City Orders 33,000 acres, according to a Cal and firefighters are continuing to hot spots and putting those out. 800 Alma Real, between Au- Fire report. build containment lines and fire One night we did the backfiring, gust 29 at 7 p.m. and August 30 at Evacuation, Barricades Road “We were there approximate- suppression repair with active one night we cut hose down.” 6 a.m. The suspects kicked a glass ly six days,” Kesterson said. teams through the area. Brown explained that they fire extinguisher case to take vic- Pacific Palisades’ honeymoon with relative soil normalcy “Then, we went to Lake “There are multiple fires in put in about 7,000 feet of hose, ended early Monday morning. tim’s fire extinguisher. The sus- Castaic,” he added, dubbed the the Northern California area and which will stay there for about pects fled in a 2008 Toyota SUV. Potrero Canyon’s southwest wall began claiming its latest Lake fire. An engine from Station different lightning complexes up two or three weeks. landslide victim at 4 a.m.—the land and structure of the Heinz 69 was there for approximately there, and the one LAFD Station “We backfired about -sev Moeller family on Friends Street. six days, home for one day and 69 helped with was the one in en miles,” Kesterson said. “We Water-logged by an estimated 5.72 inches of rain from then back for three days before Napa at Milton,” Kesterson said. worked from 10 p.m. until 8 a.m. Provided by LAPD Senior Saturday to Monday, the Moellers’ 15-foot backyard dropped heading to the LNU Lightning “We were all over up there. It was ... Every day is a different assign- Lead Officer Michael Moore. In some 50 feet into the canyon—leaving the rear portion of the Complex fires in Napa, Kesterson such a huge area.” ment.” case of emergency, call 911. three-bedroom home dangling over the new cliff. explained. A strike team has five fire The strike team also works to To report a non-emergency, West Los Angeles inspectors of the city building and safety The Lake fire in LA County engines, with Station 69 contrib- protect structures, a task Station call 877-275-5273. department have ordered the Moellers to evacuate their home burned 31,089 acres and is 95% uting one engine. Their engine 69 did for each of the fires over immediately. contained after being active for joined the firefighting efforts in the past month. Owner of the Friends Street house since May 1965, the 26 days beginning August 12, ac- Napa for approximately 13 days. “They will put us into a neigh- Moeller family also includes his wife Millie, daughter Chris cording to a Cal Fire report updat- “Together with a battalion, borhood and protect the homes,” and son Jeff. ed September 6. they will go to a certain incident,” Kesterson added. “These were Chris told Palisadian-Post editors she was asleep in the Although a rotation of fire- Captain Jeff Brown of Station 69 large, ranch-style homes.” rear bedroom when a sound like thunder beneath the house fighters joined the effort for- dif explained to the Post. During that Kesterson shared some of the awakened her early Monday morning. She looked outside to ferent legs, Kesterson was on the time, there is still full coverage differences with the fire in Napa www.PaliPost.com find the backyard missing. Only a patio slab remained. team the entire duration. for Pacific Palisades because a re- compared to the Getty fire, which [email protected] The LNU Lightning Com- serve engine will come in. burned near Brentwood in October (310)454-1321 VOTE for your next Area 4 Representative on the Pacific Palisades Community Council Area 4 lies between Bienveneda Ave and Temescal Canyon Blvd, north and south of Sunset Blvd 45 year resident in Area 4 Supports local organizations that focus on crime prevention Karen Ridgley Raised 3 children in the community and preservation/enhancement of our parks and I know our community 5 years coordinating Area 4 Neighborhood Crime Watch common areas and its issues, and Advocate for the community. Successfully collaborated with and represented Area 4 residents on: commit to representing For Election and Voting Information, Prevention of massive DWP power poles on El Medio Ave all residents of Area 4 Prevention of large Trash Station at Temescal Gateway Park please visit www.PacPaliCC.org [email protected] Curfew signage and enforcement at El Medio Bluffs Election dates: September 4 through 18, online only Page 4 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020 OBITUARY Saint John’s Physician Partners David Z. Marmel avid Z. Marmel, known for creating ESPN’s Victor DAwards and the Mrs. America Welcomes Dr. Krystyna McNicoll pageants, died peacefully at home after a long battle with cancer. He By SARAH SHMERLING working at home.” was 84. Editor-in-Chief She said that at first, there A highly respected television was a drop off in the number of producer and philanthropist, he r. Krystyna McNicoll recent- patients coming into doctors’ embarked on a 50-year-long pro- ly joined Saint John’s Physi- offices, but as time has gone on, fessional career when he—along- Dcian Partners—and she is ready people are more comfortable. side his wife Elaine—created the to meet with more patients in her “One thing that has been run- Victors, known then as the “Acad- new Pacific Palisades digs. ning well for some time at my emy Awards of Sports” to help “It’s been really wonder- current office is the capability of raise funds and awareness for the ful,” McNicoll said of her first doing virtual visits,” McNicoll City of Hope Research National month at the office. “Everybody said. “I’ve already done several Medical Center. He continued his has been so welcoming and kind from this office. Yes, I’m sure drive to create and produce award here, and trying to make the tran- some people are tired of doing shows and benefits, including the sition as smooth as possible.” a virtual anything, but it works, Mrs. America and Mrs. World McNicoll brings with her especially if someone is nervous pageants, and worked with John many years of experience, includ- about coming into the office.” H. Johnson to create the American ing 16 at Pacific Palisades Medi- McNicoll is working four Black Achievement Awards, which where he played with the Chicago He is survived by his beloved cal Group. She made the move to Dr. Krystyna McNicoll days per week at the office, so, de- he executive produced for 11 years. Cubs for a short time. His passion wife of 51 years Elaine, their dog Saint John’s with her partner of Photo courtesy of Kevin Kaminyar spite having a few full days at the Marmel was born in Los An- for the Cubs and Chicago never Melvin, his nephew and niece, Ste- about 30 years, Dr. Gary Green. practice already, her availability geles on December 31, 1935. He waned. ven and Judi Marmel, and nieces Born and raised in England, organized and I was super im- to take on new patients is high. spent his early childhood watching He served his country by en- and nephews, Jared and Audrey McNicoll attended medical pressed also by our office man- Shirts“Most of my patients Caps from the Chicago Cubs play in Wrigley listing in the army and was interned Wein, Elizabeth Wein-Gatland and school before moving to Los An- ager, Nicole Carmickle. If you’ve the previous practice have joined Field on Avalon Blvd in LA before with honors at Forest Lawn ceme- Tim Gatland, and their children geles. got a good office manager, things up with this practice, but I’m moving to Chicago with his family tery in Cathedral City, California. Sara and Mark. “I came over here and did my work from the top down.” definitely open to new patients residency at UCLA and a fellow- She also appreciated that and wouldShirts be very& Capshappy to wel- ship at UCLA,” McNicoll added. Saint John’s is just down the come new patients to this office,” “My fellowship was in women’s street from her and Green’s pre- she added. health and geriatrics.” vious office, so that most, - espe She said that she is interested She then stayed on the facul- cially all of their local patients, in women’s health and elder care. ty at UCLA in the family medi- would feel comfortable that it She explained that she enjoys cine residency program: “So as was a very close location. working with the senior commu- well as seeing patients there, we McNicoll said that working nity, keeping people at their own Shirts Caps would teach residents and medi- through the COVID-19 pan- homes and assisting& with their cal students.” demic has been interesting—and needs to stay as functional as pos- UCLA is where McNicoll challenging. People have, in her sible in their own surroundings. met Dr. Green, before moving to experience, been worried and “I like to see patients from all Pacific Palisades Medical Group. scared, and not just for health walks of life, all ages,” McNicoll “We go a ways back,” she reasons. concluded. “I think that makes shared. “He joined the faculty as “People’s jobs have been af- the day interesting.” Front back a sport medicine fellow at UCLA fected,” McNicoll said. “A lot &one size fits all when I was doing my fellow- of my patients have children— Primary Care Pacific Pal- (adjustable) ship. We were faculty together whether they’re school age or isades - Saint John’s Physician and then moved around at the college age—and trying to bal- Partners is located at 881 Alma same time to the Pacific Palisades ance all of that if they’re still Real Drive in Suite 101. For more Medical Group.” working, especially if they’re information, call 310-829-8923. She said that she was drawn Order YOurs to Saint John’s Physician Part- ners because of their philosophy and the way the offices are orga- TOdaY! nized. She also highlighted their call inclusivity. “Saint John’s offers a lot of 310.454.1321 different kinds of insurance plans for patients, so again, most pa- or order online tients can actually be seen here, www.PaliPost.com Front back which I like that inclusivity,” McNicoll explained. “The way the office is now, it’s so well One solution for oxygen at home, away, and for travel FEATURED HOME Introducing the INOGEN ONE It’s oxygen therapy on your terms IN ESCROW No more tanks to re ll. No more deliveries. No more hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable oxygen concentrator is designed to provide unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users. It’s small, lightweight, clinically proven for stationary and portable use, during the day and at night, and can go virtually anywhere — even on most airlines. 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By STEVE GALLUZZO nessee Titans last November. In June 2019 Food, Family, and Faith.” Sports Editor the 29-year-old signed a one-year contract Geoff, 34, was a three-sport star (foot- extension with Kansas City through the ball, basketball and baseball) at Palisades he 2020 NFL season kicks off tonight 2021 season for $11.255 million, making High and won the Palisadian-Post Cup at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, him the second-highest paid player at his Award as the school’s outstanding senior Twhere on September 1 Pacific Palisades position in the NFL. In addition to leading athlete in 2004. He went on to be a three- native Mitchell Schwartz and his Chiefs the Chiefs to their first Super Bowl title in year starter at right tackle for Oregon. teammates received their Super Bowl LIV half a century, Schwartz was named to the Mitchell, 31, started playing foot- rings, which they earned by coming from Associated Press All-Pro Second Team, ball as a freshman at Pali High, where he behind to defeat the San Francisco 49ers, and to the Pro Football Writers of America earned All-League and All-City honors as 31-20, on February 2 in Miami. All-AFC Team last season. a junior and was named Western League Players were introduced upon walk- Drafted in the second round (37th and CIF LA City Section Offensive Line- ing out of the tunnel onto the field and overall) by the Cleveland Browns in 2012, man of the Year as a senior in 2006. He videos featuring the players’ families were Schwartz started every game that year started all 51 games possible (and missed shown, during which team Chairman and and was named to the Pro Football Focus only one snap) at left or right tackle at UC CEO Clark Hunt presented each of them 2012 All-Rookie Team. In 2013 he faced Berkeley from 2008–11 and started for the with a box containing a ring made up 10.5 his older brother Geoff (then an offensive North in the 2012 Senior Bowl. carats of gemstones, including 255 dia- lineman with the Chiefs), marking the first Kansas City is one of the favorites to monds and 36 rubies. time in NFL history that Jewish siblings win the Super Bowl again this year, hav- “It truly is an amazing piece of jewel- played against each other. He and Geoff, ing signed Super Bowl MVP quarterback ry... and huge,” proud dad Lee Schwartz who spent time at guard with five NFL Patrick Mahomes to a 10-year extension said. “Mitchell’s hands are ginormous, yet franchises (Carolina Panthers, Minnesota worth $477 million with another $26 mil- the ring makes his finger look small. I’m Vikings, Kansas City Chiefs, New York lion in potential bonuses—the biggest hoping one day when visiting he’ll let me Giants and Detroit Lions) before retiring contract in North American sports history. put it on my finger.” in 2017, were the first Jewish brothers to Mitchell’s favorite hobby is cooking Schwartz, a 6-foot-5, 320-pound play in the NFL since Ralph and Arnold and posting recipes on social media. He right tackle, has started every game since Horween in 1923. Together they were in- has 95,000 Instagram followers and close joining the Chiefs in 2016 and held the ducted into the Southern California Jew- to 65,000 more on Twitter and he enjoys league’s longest active consecutive snaps ish Sports Hall of Fame in 2016, the same interacting with fans. The Chiefs host the streak (7,894) until a knee injury forced year they co-authored a book titled “Eat AFC South champion Houston Texans to- him to miss three plays against the Ten- My Schwartz: Our Story of NFL Football, day (kickoff at 5:20 Pacific time).

Right: Mitchell Schwartz with his Super Bowl ring and the Vince Lombardi Trophy at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, MO. Gridiron Gang A Look Back at the 1974 Pali High Football Team’s March to the City Championship Game

By STEVE GALLUZZO dash champion Kevin Williams Sports Editor and fullback Charles White, who would go on to win the Heisman nly once since the school Trophy at USC. Still, to the Dol- opened in 1961 has Palisades phins, the Tigers were just another OHigh’s football team reached the team. In fact, Palisades was confi- City Section championship game. dent it would win since Gardena, The year was 1974 and the the team it beat in the semifinals, Dolphins, coached by Dick North had handed San Fernando a 21-7 and Merritt Stanfield, came with- defeat in its season opener. in one play of capturing their first “We didn’t know anything gridiron crown. Forty years later, about them except that they ran members of that team were invit- the wishbone and were very fast, ed back to Stadium by the Sea for but there’s not one of us who the Dolphins’ homecoming game doesn’t believe to this day that we and it brought back memories for were the better team,” said Myers, Rick Myers, one of 16 players who grew up in Mandeville Can- from the 1974 squad who attended yon and was also an All-City third the 2014 reunion. baseman on the Dolphins’ base- Myers was the starting quar- ball team. “We were beating them terback, punter and placekicker 3-0 at halftime and they couldn’t throughout that magical season move the ball on us.” and he got goosebumps pacing the Bryant Gumbel, who would sidelines in a touching tribute to go on to become a famous sports- perhaps the Dolphins’ finest grid- caster at NBC, was the television iron gang ever. commentator for the 1974 cham- “In June, I dropped by Pali to pionship game—the last time only introduce myself to [head coach] 16 teams made the playoffs (the Tim Hyde and he gathered the City Section expanded to two di- team together and asked me to say visions in 1975). a few words,” Myers said before Palisades High football alums (l-r) Jerry Festa, Ian Rubin, Rick Myers and Herman Howard at their 40th reunion ceremony before the 2014 After dropping its first game, watching the Dolphins disman- homecoming game. The foursome helped the Dolphins reach the 1974 City finals against San Fernando at the LA Coliseum. Photo: Steve Galluzzo San Fernando had reeled off 11 tle University 35-7 that October consecutive wins, including play- night. “Offensive line coach Larry and Jeff Minderhout, backup cen- Dolphins’ turf field and their team, with decisive nonleague victories to set up a semifinal showdown off victories over Carson (13-7), Palmer heard we played against ter Carl Hill, defensive tackles noting how the game had changed over Belmont, Garfield, San Pe- against reigning City champion Wilson (20-13) and Granada Hills Charles White [in the finals] and Herman Howard, Tony Balara since the 1970s. dro and South Gate to enter league Gardena at Santa Monica College. (22-15). The speedy Tigers were told me his older brother played and Ken Thompson, linebacker “Back then, if I threw 10 pass- play unblemished. After crushing The defensive stalemate was coached by Bill Marsh and Hewitt against those great San Fernando Jerry Festa, offensive guards Rob- es a game it was a lot,” he said. Hamilton, Westchester and Venice not decided until the final minute, Hornbeck. They possessed one of teams when he played at Granada ert Flowers and Andy Daniels and “The kids nowadays throw more by a combined score of 99-13, the when Myers tossed a short touch- the most vaunted rushing attacks Hills. He still remembered their halfback Ian Rubin, who rushed times in one game than I threw the Dolphins suffered their only set- down pass to wideout Tony Por- ever seen in Southern California, lineup and said that was the great- for 1,129 yards and led the City in entire season.” back in the regular season—a 25- chia for the game’s only score. with Moore handing the ball off to est team he ever saw.” scoring that year with 120 points. The Dolphins weren’t expect- 15 loss to Crenshaw. It proved to As dominant as Palisades was White on the dive play to demor- Joining Myers at the 40th an- Hill fired up the home crowd ed to be title contenders in 1974, be a much-needed wakeup call as that year, the San Fernando team alize their opponents. niversary ceremony were 1974 by shouting “Whose house?” and but they ended up scoring more the Dolphins sharpened up for the it met in the finals on a foggy De- Palisades countered with All- captain and starting center John was thrilled to be back on the field points than any team in the City postseason by shellacking Univer- cember 13 night in front of 12,747 City first-teamers Porchia, Rubin, Crew, tight end Darion Tapscott, with his former teammates, sev- and posted six shutouts (still the sity 58-10 to improve to 8-1. fans at the Los Angeles Coliseum Hooks, offensive tackle Bernard defensive ends Kevin Nelson, eral of whom traveled across the school single-season record), in- Palisades blitzed through the is regarded as one of the City’s Webb and linebacker Richard Bot- Kane Sickner and Greg Sanders, country to relive their glory days. cluding three in the playoffs. first two playoff rounds with ease, all-time best, led by quarterback winick, along with second-team defensive backs Quentin Brown Myers was impressed with the Palisades opened the season blanking Cleveland and Roosevelt Kenny Moore, state 100-yard (See Gridiron Gang, Page 6) Page 6 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020

Gridiron Gang “The play was in my zone,” (Continued from Page 5) Williams later told the LA Valley tailback Jimmy Whaley. News. “The receiver didn’t run his Myers booted a 32-yard field usual route and I was right there.” goal with eight seconds remaining However, there was no quit 1974 Pali High Varsity Football Schedule in the first half for the game’s first in the Dolphins, who moved near points. midfield on a 10-yard strike from After its wishbone attack was Myers to Porchia, setting up a Opponent Type Result Score stymied in the first half, San Fer- 51-yard pass-run play from Mike nando needed only three plays to Stennis to Rubin that narrowed Belmont Nonleague Won 34-7 take the lead on its first drive of Palisades’ deficit to two points Garfield Nonleague Won 33-0 the third quarter, capped by Wil- with 7:03 remaining. liams’ dazzling 37-yard run. The teams exchanged punts, San Pedro Nonleague Won 40-14 Despite two prolific offenses, then San Fernando held the ball the game was decided on defense. for three minutes while driving all South Gate Nonleague Won 16-0 Trailing 6-3 late in the third the way to Palisades’ 5 before giv- Hamilton Western League Won 44-6 quarter, Palisades chose to try a ing up possession at the 17. field goal on fourth-and-goal from Now attacking solely through Westchester Western League Won 25-0 the 3-yard line but the Tigers were the air, Palisades moved to its 31 flagged for encroachment and the before calling its last time out with Venice Western League Won 30-7 Dolphins sent their offensive unit under 40 seconds to play. Stennis Crenshaw Western League Lost 25-15 back onto the field. They gave the connected with Porchia for a 38- ball to Rubin, but White was wait- yard gain to the San Fernando 31. University Western League Won 58-10 ing and tackled him head-on at the Following an incomplete pass that 2 for no gain. stopped the clock with 18 sec- Cleveland City First Round Won 20-0 “I just knew Rubin would get onds to go, Palisades picked up Roosevelt City Quarterfinals Won 34-0 the ball,” White told the Los An- five more yards on a pass to Ru- geles Valley News afterward. bin and quickly lined up for the Gardena City Semifinals Won 6-0 On the Dolphins’ first pos- game-winning field-goal attempt. session of the fourth quarter they “In those days we were San Fernando City Finals Lost 12-10 went to the shotgun formation straight-on kickers and I had to and Williams intercepted Myers’ come out a play or two before to pass and returned it 49 yards for a get my special shoe,” said Myers, League Record: 4-1 Overall Record: 11-2 touchdown that pushed the Tigers’ who now resides and works in Las advantage to 12-3 with 8:42 left. (See Gridiron Gang, Page 7) Palisades Funding Turkey Trot Postponed alisades Funding Turkey Trot organizers announced Monday that stances prevent us from hosting the event this November, we look for- due to COVID-19 and concerns that city services and permitting, ward to getting everyone together in 2021 to continue our Thanksgiving Home-field Palong with Palisades High School sports facilities, will be unavailable, Day tradition.” the race will not be held in 2020. Community members had been exploring ways to deliver the eighth advantage. annual 5/10K in November, but mounting uncertainty rendered con- tinuing the event inadvisable. Organizers hope the decision to postpone the race will bring much needed clarity to an uncertain picture and will help sponsors, runners and their families plan accordingly. “The Palisades Funding Turkey Trot is committed to providing a fun, family event on Thanksgiving Day for Palisadians and neighbors Festa Insurance Agcy Inc I understand you work really from nearby westside towns,” event co-founder and race director Dawn Rich Festa, Agent hard for your home and car, and Houston said. “Our goal has always been to kick off the holiday season Insurance Lic#: 0786049 I’m here to help protect them. with a healthy celebration that allows us to connect as a community. We festainsurance.com Bus: 310-454-0345 Stop in or call me today. appreciate the spirit, hard work and dedication our staff and volunteers Like a good neighbor, put into the Turkey Trot each year. While we are disappointed circum- State Farm is there.®

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 1706752 State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, Bloomington, IL September 10, 2020 Palisadian-Post Page 7

Gridiron Gang the Dolphins won their first 11 (Continued from Page 6) games before falling to Cleveland, Vegas, where he serves as Presi- 28-21, in the 4A semifinals. dent of Thomas & Mack Develop- “Our team had always lost in ment Group. “We didn’t have any the first round of the playoffs, so timeouts so I had to go right in for us it was a really big deal to and get set. I wasn’t nervous, but I make it that far,” Myers recalled. knew it was no good the moment I “It’s sort of that whole Cinderella kicked it.” story... a surprise team from the Myers hurried into the game west side taking on the big legacy and got the kick off before time team... and we almost got it done. expired, but his 43-yard try sailed It was the memory of a lifetime.” wide right, thus San Fernando es- In 1975, Palisades won nine caped with a 12-10 win. games en route to the league title “Missing that kick still haunts and avenged a nonleague loss to me—we almost got it done,” said San Pedro with a 29-6 triumph in Myers, who ran the scout team and the first round of the 4A playoffs backed up starting quarterback before losing to Banning, 32-30. Vince Evans at USC in 1975, the The Pilots lost in the final to San Trojans’ final season under Coach Fernando but won six consecutive John McKay. “To this day, we be- 4A titles after that. lieve we were the better team. It North would coach Palisades just wasn’t our best night. Coming through 1981, retiring with a total so close against a team rated one of 117 victories, 76 losses and six of the best ever makes me proud, ties (a .588 win percentage) and but I’m most proud of how we’ve six league titles in his 21 seasons. stuck together over the years. At He piloted the Dolphins to 15 our 40-year high school reunion I straight league wins from 1974-77 played golf with some of my foot- and 10 straight winning seasons ball buddies. It’s nice seeing how (1969-78), both program records. they’ve succeeded in life through Since its historic run in 1974, lessons we learned at Palisades.” Palisades has only appeared in one Palisades outgained the Tigers City football final—the 3A Divi- 312-227 while limiting Williams sion title game in 1987. That year, to 74 yards rushing and White to led by Coach Jack Epstein and only 64. The Dolphins also had 14 quarterback Perry Klein, the Dol- first downs to the Tigers’ 10, yet phins went 5-0 in the Crosstown that was no consolation in the end. League and finished 9-3, losing With all of its top skill players to Franklin, 30-14, in the final. At returning, San Fernando began the that time the City had three play- following season ranked No. 1 in off divisions (4A, 3A and 2A). the country and went on to repeat as City champion by winning the inaugural 4A (upper division) ti- tle. Five of its players made it to the NFL. Losing its final contest of 1974 certainly stung, but Palisades had reached the championship game in its 14th season, all under North, and set a school single-season re- cord for victories that would be matched just two years later when

Right: This Palisadian-Post article, published five days after the City finals, highlights the team’s 13 seniors: linemen Bernard Webb, Rich- ard Botwinick, Gary Carlin, John Crew, Andy Daniels and Delmo Hooks; linebacker Kevin O’Donnell; quarterback Rick Myers; full- back Rick Gottfried; flanker Jimmy Whaley; defensive back Kevin Nelson; wide receiver Tony Porchia; and running back Ian Rubin. 1974 CIF City Section Football Championship, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Score by Quarters Palisades Passing Palisades Rushing Team 1 2 3 4 Total Player Att Comp Int Yds TD Player Att Yds Avg TD Lg San Fernando 0 0 6 6 — 12 Stennis 14 5 0 119 1 Rubin 22 77 3.5 0 11 Palisades 0 3 0 7 — 10 Myers 11 6 1 77 0 Whaley 4 15 3.8 0 5 Gottfried 4 12 3.0 0 8 P— Myers 32 field goal, 0:08, 2nd Palisades Receiving Porchia 1 5 5.0 0 5 SF — Williams 37 run, 9:35, 3rd Player Rec Yds Avg TD Lg Myers 2 5 2.5 0 4 SF — Williams 49 int. return, 8:42, 4th Porchia 7 77 11.0 0 38 Stennis 4 2 0.5 0 5 P — Rubin 51 pass from Stennis, 7:03, 4th (Myers kick) Rubin 2 94 47.0 1 51 Whaley 1 21 21.0 0 21 Palisades Punting Records: Palisades 11-2; San Fernando 12-1. Gottfried 1 4 4.0 0 4 Myers: 5 for 172 yds (avg. 34.4; Long 45)

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Tyler Heineman Optioned In the Shade to Giants’ Alternate Camp


t has been a season of highs and lows for catcher Tyler Heineman. Through Iit all, though, he has conducted himself as a consummate professional. The 29-year-old switch-hitter from Pacific Palisades started behind the plate for San Francisco in the Giants’ season opener at Dodger Stadium. On August 1, he got to play against his younger brother Scott (an outfielder with the Texas Rangers) for the first time in the Major Leagues and two weeks later he even got to pitch an in- ning in a blowout loss to the Bay Area rival Oakland A’s. Then, on August 20, Heineman was optioned to the team’s Alternate Training Site in Sacramento when hot prospect Joey Bart was called up for Catcher Tyler Heineman his Major League debut. That same day, Heineman tweeted: Tyler and Scott, 27, made their ma- “Congrats Joey! So awesome. Good jor league debuts last season, Scott as luck and have fun. You earned it.” an outfielder with Texas in August and As of Monday, Heineman had ap- Tyler as a pinch hitter with the Miami peared in 13 games for the Giants this Marlins a month later. They became season, with eight hits (including a the 396th set of siblings to play in the double), three runs, one RBI, nine total Major Leagues. bases and four walks and six strikeouts The brothers grew up on Radcliffe in 41 at-bats (a .195 batting average). in the Via Bluffs and were teammates Heineman had been splitting time for one season in the Pacific Palisades with fellow catcher Chadwick Tromp Baseball Association before switching and appears first in line if either Bart or to the Santa Monica Little League. Tromp suffers an injury. They faced each other in the minor Heineman was a free agent when leagues and before that, in 2012, their he signed with San Francisco in ear- college teams clashed when Tyler was ly January and was invited to spring a senior catcher at UCLA and Scott training. He was assigned to the Sacra- was a freshman third baseman for Ore- mento River Cats on January 7 and was gon. That time, Scott’s Ducks took two moved to the Giants’ Alternate Train- out of three games from the Bruins at ing Site 12 days later. Jackie Robinson Stadium. The Giants took two of three Selected by the Houston Astros games from Texas when the teams met in the eighth round of the 2012 MLB earlier this season and Tyler doubled draft, Tyler played five games for Mi- and scored San Francisco’s final run in ami in 2019, hitting his first MLB ho- The Pacific Palisades Baseball Association installed canopies over the bleachers on all the second game, a 7-3 Giants victo- mer Sept. 26 off the Mets’ Zack Wheel- four diamonds at the Field of Dreams, just before the 2020 season was about to start. ry. In that same game, Scott belted his er. He played for Windward School, Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer first home run of the season, a 337-foot setting the team’s single-season record blast off reliever Sam Selman. for batting average (.619) as a junior.


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JENNIKA INGRAM He was accepted into Pail High’s advanced Reporter drama class and an audition-based performance choir. ack Essner, a 17-year-old singer, actor and “This year I directed a varsity division scene filmmaker, was voted one of two winners for Pali High at the Drama Teacher’s Associa- Jof the 2020 Pacific Palisades Teen Contest— tion of Southern California that won fifth place which took place virtually for the first time in out of approximately 60 schools,” Essner shared. the contest’s history this summer. In addition to school performances, he’s “It feels amazing,” Essner said to the Pali- taking weekly classes at The Ruskin School of sadian-Post when he received the news that he Acting where he’s been able to explore his pas- was selected. sion for acting, filmmaking and writing. “I was a little nervous because I had seen “I look forward to taking on challenging all the other contestants and I knew that ev- roles in college and working as much as I can,” eryone else was very, very talented,” said Es- Essner said. sner, who had submitted a film project for the Essner said he hopes to become a successful talent portion of his application. actor himself once he graduates college. His fo- “We had weather problems the first time cus will be on film and television. He has already we did it,” Essner revealed about filming. “The dipped into the professional world, with a guest sun did not come out during the sunset. We re- role on the television series, “Shameless.” turned a couple of weeks later and did it over “That experience was one of the most amaz- the course of two days.” ing things I have done in my life,” Essener said. After filming was finished, Essner edit- “I really look forward to hopefully booking ed the project at home on iMovie. He shared something or just being on a set soon, as that that he started writing the idea when Palisades atmosphere is something I love.” Charter High School transitioned into online He said that even though he has done a lot learning. of musical theater, he really loves film and tele- “In my free time for fun, sometimes I’ll vision acting. Primarily, he’s interested in pur- start writing scripts or ideas,” the high school suing drama and more serious roles, including senior said. “I kind of had the idea and just dark comedy. started writing it. I quickly went back to edit- After he graduates Pali High, he plans to ing and re-arranging stuff.” pursue a BFA in acting and is looking at schools He added that it was a way to stay creative on the East Coast, including New York. outside of school, as a lot of things were chang- Growing up, Essner attended Crossroads ing due to distance learning. School for four years, Westwood Charter Ele- Essner reached out to Sol Tsunoda, who mentary for one and then attended Paul Revere had just graduated from Pali and filmed many Charter Middle School before heading to Pali projects for the school’s drama department. High. He agreed to become the cinematographer for His love for acting was triggered at 5 years the video, with social distancing in mind. old by a small role in the movie “Bridesmaids” “He was excited to do it and it was really that came about when his Crossroads class- fun,” Essner said. “I didn’t think I was going mate’s father, former Palisadian Judd Apatow, to win. It was just fun to do, and I’m really invited him to play a part. The scene was cut happy that it turned out well.” after another actor in the scene left the project. Essner has never taken any film classes at “It was so awesome to have this experience Pali High but credited two drama teachers for at such a young age,” Essner shared. It led to their input: Cheri Smith and Nancy Fracchiolla. Essner being signed by a boutique talent agency, In addition to script writing and editing, which led to auditions throughout high school Essner also recently co-founded Act One, a and performances at a local theater. theater club created to expose more students Essner lives in Westwood with his mother, to the arts. Sarah, and his twin sister, Mollie, who played “I co-founded it with another Pali student, soccer her whole life and now wants to go into who actually submitted to the competition as the medical field. He also has an older sister, well, Lola Stockard,” Essner said. “We wanted Maddie, 21, who is away at a small liberal arts to help introduce people at Pali to the theater school in Florida, Eckerd College, focusing on department and how it works. We wanted to economics. give our advice to freshmen that were new to His mother took on the task of taking Essner Pali and kind of just expose other people to to the many auditions he has gone to around Los theater that come to Pali, because I know since Angeles, and he appreciates that she has always it’s such a huge school, it’s kind of hard not to been there for him: “I love my mom.” get lost in all the different things they have to Growing up he’s been a longtime tennis offer.” player and member of The Riviera Country Essner shared that he is looking forward Club since he was 5 years old. He told the Post to seeing how this school year plays out and is that he feels the fundamental skills he developed hoping that students will be back on campus through tennis have helped him in other aspects by the second semester so that he can finish his of his life. senior year in-person. Essner is also an avid volunteer: He’s helped “I have worked hard to be on the academ- at benefits and done a variety of charity work, ic honor roll for the past three years,” Essner including various community service events. said about taking honors classes in biology, “I have been fortunate enough to travel to Spanish and environmental science, as well as Idyllwild, California, for two summers and at- AP Language. tend Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times Essner has performed in multiple pro- to perform and interact with children and fam- ductions at Pali High, including “Footloose,” ilies who have been affected by cancer,” Essner “Chicago,” “The Barker” and “The Curious wrote, among other volunteer efforts. Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” in Through his school’s concert choir, he has which he played Christopher—a role he called visited elderly homes, homes for the abused and a highlight of his performance career. neglected families, and a veterans’ center. “When I played a character on the autism He has participated in benefits such as spectrum, I was exposed to valuable knowl- the Gift of Light hosted by Fancy Feet Dance edge, therapists, aids and I learned so much Studio and Theatre for Change. His other hob- about a community that is constantly ostra- bies include cooking, architecture and criminal cized,” Essner said. psychology.

Photos courtesy of Jack Essner Page 10 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020

Here is the most recent installment of the Palisadian-Post’s photo series, Our Town. Have you or your neighbor done something interesting in or around town? Submit a photo and caption for consideration via email to [email protected].

Teen Line, which works to help prevent crises by pro- viding a safe space to talk about difficult issues through peer-to-peer support and edu- cation through highly trained teen volunteers responding via phone calls, hosted a Virtual Celebration on August 29. Pictured here, Executive Director Michelle Carlson (top) shared remarks de- scribing the importance of the peer-to-peer support for youth mental health pro- vided during the pandemic. The second photo shows Violetta Hargitay captured shots in the Highlands of the setting sun while fog rolled host Erin Ward chatting with in toward the end of July. Anyone who is interested in submitting shots taken in the “Saturday Night Live” alums Palisades are encouraged to email [email protected]. and actors David Spade and Molly Shannon. Teen Line is gearing up for a “teen-led” Call-A-Thon on Saturday, September 12, where volunteers will work a full 12-hour period to re- spond to calls from strug- gling teens across the coun- try and beyond. Though Teen Line is open seven nights per week, this is the only time each year that the program is open for a 12-hour period. For more information, visit teenlineonline.org. Palisades Village eatery The Draycott is participating in dineL.A. Restaurant Photos courtesy of Jane Brust Week, which has returned for its summer 2020 season and continues through Sep- tember 18. The dinnertime offerings, which run $45, include a choice of starter, dessert and main course, featuring dishes like Crispy Eggplant Milanese, Grilled Branzino and 8oz Flat Iron Steak. This summer’s iteration of dineL.A. features nearly 300 restaurants throughout Los Angeles, with a focus on al fresco, takeout and delivery in response to the pandemic. Photo by Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer

Julie Ma, M.D. Richard Johnson, M.D. General and A full service concierge practice for the family Biomimetic Dentistry Expedited phone service Direct online communication with your physician Emergency Care Same day appointments Virtual Consults & Teledentistry Personally arranged appointments with preferred Sleep Dentistry/Sedation sub-specialists and hospitals Complimentary get-to-know phone consult or Dr. Cerisa Moncayo in-person visit The Palisades Dentists w.palimed.com Ph. 310.459.2303 ww www.thepalidentists.com 15200 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 107 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 881 Alma Real Drive, Suites T2 + T4 Pacific Palisades, California 90272 Tel: 310.459.7736 | Hours: 8am-4pm, Mon. - Fri. September 10, 2020 Palisadian-Post Page 11

REEL PALI Democratic Club Hosts Palisades Connections Virtual Garden Party to Film and TV Palisades-Trained Amy Adams Joins Movie Version of Photos courtesy of PPDC ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ By LILY TINOCO of the postal service until after the Reporter election, and the post office will By JENNIKA INGRAM on Broadway by Jennifer Laura treat mail-in ballots just like First- Reporter Thompson. he Pacific Palisades Demo- Class Mail. He advised everybody Adams herself has never cratic Club hosted its annual to mail-in their ballots early, if they nticipation for the movie mu- performed on Broadway. She TGarden Party on Sunday, August are planning on voting by mail. sical version of “Dear Evan is a six-time Oscar nominee for 23. “There is some additional risk AHansen” is buzzing with recent “American Hustle,” “Doubt,” In recent years, a club mem- for vote-by-mail to have ballots announcements of the new cast “The Fighter,” “Junebug,” “The ber in the Riviera lent their home rejected because voters make mis- lineup: Theatre Palisades alum- Master” and “Vice.” for attendees to mingle with reps takes, we … need to have a huge na Amy Adams is among the Kaitlyn Dever (“Booksmart”) and each other in a garden party voters’ education program,” Lieu featured cast in the upcoming is cast as Zoe Murphy, Connor’s setting. Due to the COVID-19 pan- said. Universal Pictures version of the sister and Evan’s love interest. demic, the event was held virtually Shrum told attendees: “This is Broadway hit. Colton Ryan will play Connor this year. A silent auction item the most important election of our Multi-award winner and six- Murphy. Amandla Stenberg will “Sure we’re disappointed not lives, let’s win it,” and answered time Oscar nominee Adams will play high school senior Alana to be able to safely gather in per- Spike’s Car Radio podcast, hosted questions from attendees for a play Cynthia Murphy, a feature Beck, expanding the role from the son in a beautiful indoor, outdoor by Spike Feresten, husband of the brief period. role in the musical drama. stage production and singing in setting the way we usually do,” PPDC’s President Erika Feresten. Wolman told the Post that in- The film version will be based the film. Adam Wolman, vice president of The ad spot went for $3,450 with stead of the usual 100 or 120 at- on the 2016 stage musical about Amy Adams Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Danny Pino will play Larry communications, said to the Pali- 52 bids. The auction ran from tendees, there were 140 people in Evan Hansen, a high school senior Murphy in a stepfather role unique sadian-Post. “But we were thrilled Monday, August 17, to Monday, attendance. with a social anxiety disorder and Ben Platt (“Pitch Perfect”), will to the movie, and Nik Dodani is to see so many supporters joining in August 24. “[It] was very gratifying, these his journey of self discovery and play the titular role. taking on the role of Jared Klein- and stepping up best we all could.” This year’s guest speakers Zoom gatherings are our best way acceptance following the death of Platt won the 2017 Tony man. Funds raised help support the included Congressman Ted Lieu, to get people fired up to help Get a fellow classmate. Award for Best Performance by Stephen Chbosky (“Rent,” Westside Democratic Headquar- political analyst Bob Shrum, Pau- Out the Vote in November,” he After Hansen breaks his arm, a Leading Actor for the original “Beauty and the Beast”) will di- ters phone bank to text and send la Poundstone as emcee and SNL concluded. his doctor suggests he writes him- Broadway musical, with the mu- rect. Steven Levenson wrote the postcards to voters. alumna Gail Wirth to offer come- self letters to manage his anxiety, sical winning six Tony Awards in book for the stage musical and In addition to the event this dic, fundraising breaks. The event and Hansen decides to do this task all—the most awards of the 71st will pen the screenplay. year, the club hosted its first si- has served as part of the club’s ef- on the school’s computers. Soon, Tony Awards. Tony winners Benj Pasek lent auction of 20 items via a new forts to bring the community clos- ARTICLE PLAQUE he gets unintentionally caught up Julianne Moore will play Ev- and Justin Paul sold the musical’s eBay store. Items being auctioned er to local officials. REPRINTS in a lie after the family of a class- an’s mother, Heidi Hansen. Moore rights to Universal Pictures with included enamel pins, signed ce- Lieu primarily addressed is- mate who died by suicide mis- won an Academy Award for the Platt and Siegel producing. lebrity collectibles donated to the sues regarding the post office, as • great keepsakes takes one of Hansen’s letters for 2015 film “Still Alice.” Adams upcoming projects in- PPDC from the private collection more Americans are expected to • awesome gifts their own son’s note. Adams is playing Connor clude “Hillbilly Elegy,” and “The of Dan Castellaneta, who voic- vote by mail this year than ever Marc Platt (“La La Land”) Murphy’s mom, the mother of Woman in the Window.” es the fictional character Homer before. and Adam Siegel will produce the child who died by suicide, as As the Post went to print, no Simpson, and more. He stated that Postmaster Gen- under the Universal-based Marc well as his sister, Zoe. Her role as release date for “Dear Evan Han- A notable auction highlight eral Louis DeJoy would suspend (310) 454-1321 Platt Productions banner. His son, Cynthia Murphy was performed sen” has been set. was a 60-second ad spot on the his initiatives to change operations


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ERBAMARKETS.COM ERBAMARKETS | P. 310.207.1900 C10-0000383-LIC Page 12 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020 A Life of Law and Magic Palisadian Greg Victoroff Will Soon Offer Magic Lessons Online

Photos courtesy of Greg Victoroff

By LILY TINOCO downtown Cleveland where he canceled since March. Eager to Reporter would meet other kids and form a continue sharing his magic with magic club of their own. the community around him, he or his next trick, Greg Vic- Victoroff then attended Cleve- reached out to Little Knights, a toroff, a Palisadian for more land-Marshall College of Law preschool, after finding out they Fthan 20 years, will soon be teach- before transferring to UCLA to were looking for content as they ing magic lessons online from his study entertainment law, leaving transition students to a digital plat- garage. his hometown behind—but not his form. The Palisadian-Post caught passion for magic. “It will be all sorts of games up with Victoroff to learn more “I came out to Los Angeles in and fun, touching on the basics about transitioning his perfor- 1978, the first thing I did was join of math and science and reading. mances to a digital platform and the Magic Castle, which is sort of These are preschoolers, every- his life-paths of both law and mag- the mecca for magicians all over thing is magic to them right now,” ic. the world,” Victoroff said. “It’s the Victoroff said. “But I don’t believe Victoroff has been an intel- greatest magic club in the world, in dumbing things down for kids, lectual property transactional it’s a lot of fun and I’ve been a you watch ‘Sesame Street,’ it’s not and trial lawyer for over 40 years member for about 40 years.” condescending. with an extensive background in Victoroff practiced his magic “I’m going to have lessons education. He has guest lectured privately throughout college and with color and magic and sing- at UCLA’s Anderson School of eventually began performing for ing and puppets for the very, very Business and been a trainer at the private parties such as birthdays youngest kids, but with some re- Center for Cultural Innovation in and events. He even gave a show ally deep content that older kids, Little Tokyo. at Palisades Charter High School their siblings and parents can en- His passion for magic stems once. joy too.” beyond that, dating back to when He said after his two children Victoroff kicked off his four also offer a new perspective and he was just a young kid growing grew up, he wanted to contribute weeks of classes on Wednesday, allow him to learn from his view- up in Cleveland, Ohio. in some way and became a volun- September 9. The Magic Unlim- ers. He recalled his brother’s in- teer magician at Children’s Hospi- ited School of Mirth and Mystery “You have a camera 24 inches terest in theater and knowledge of tal Los Angeles where he learned will be his preschool teaching away from your audience mem- a few magic tricks, before taking the codes and protocols to become debut—and he couldn’t be more bers’ faces and you can see if they initiative himself and ordering a hospital volunteer about two excited. are happy or confused … are they magic books out of a catalogue years ago. “Very important learning goes amazed, are they enchanted?” he in elementary school. Victoroff Due to COVID-19, howev- on at the preschool level … These said. “For a performer who pays would also visit a magic shop in er, his monthly shows have been kids’ brains are like sponges,” Vic- attention, it gives you immediate toroff said to the Post. “Teaching feedback, and that can be a great Debbie Kleinman magic teaches children to under- thing.” stand this dual thinking: what you Victoroff will be performing Communications Technology Solutions Expert show and what you don’t show, his lessons from the garage of Local Telecommunications Consultant Enable businesses to setup what is real and what is presented his Palisades home, which he has employees to work from … the comedy, the irony—pretty transformed into an improvised Providing Cost Savings on Phone line/ home/remotely (using smart sophisticated mental gymnastics.” theater-stage with backdrops, Internet bills businesses and residential phones, iPad or desktop as their extension), so no need to miss Victoroff said the main chal- lights and cameras. References furnished upon request important customer calls lenge will be the lack of interac- “The Zoom platform does cer- tion between him as a performer tainly offer challenges to magic DK1 Enterprises LLC www.dk1enterprisesllc.com and his audience, where an audi- but it can also make it even more 818.414.5200 [email protected] ence member is usually asked to fun,” he said. “This is really excit- participate on-stage. But it can ing stuff.”

wieder dermatology & laser center joshua m. wieder, m.d., f.a.c.p kathy kim langevin, m.d., m.p.h.

This week’s Crossword Puzzle adult and pediatric dermatology and Sudoku are on page 13.

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Puzzle ” “ song span and Sudoku Answers appear

elsewhere CROSSWORD PUZZLE in the paper. Page 14 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020

SixSix BooksBooks ofof SummerSummer

By AUDREY YAEL SMITH Junior Reporter

At the start of the pandemic in March, my sixth-grade En- glish teacher at Paul Revere told the class to look for silver lin- ings. Quarantining and social distancing has been incredibly tough and trying, but one silver lining I have found has been having more time to read. These are some of the books I enjoyed reading this summer:

1. In “Turtles All the Way Down” by John Green, a sixteen- year-old girl named Aza struggles with anxiety and obses- sive-compulsive disorder. She has “thought spirals” and constantly worries about getting infected with C. diff.

2. “Looking for Alaska,” also by John Green, is a novel about Miles, a junior at a boarding school in Alabama. There, Miles falls for a wild and impulsive girl named Alaska.

3. “The War That Saved My Life” by Kimberley Bradley was an incredibly moving story about Ada, a ten-year-old girl whose cruel mother never let her leave their apartment because of Ada’s twisted foot.

4. “Brave New World” is a futuristic science fiction novel where humans are genetically modified and live in a world where everyone belongs to each other. When John, a sav- age (uncultured person), is introduced to the World State where the “civilized” population lives, he is horrified.

5. Like “Turtles All the Way Down,” “Every Last Word,” written by Tamara Ireland Stone, shows what it is like to have OCD. The main character, Sam, keeps her OCD a secret and feels alone until she makes a different group of friends in “Poet’s Corner.”

6. Because I loved the movie “Mean Girls,” I decided to read Micol Ostow’s “Mean Girls: A Novel.” This was a fun read and I am looking forward to seeing the play once we can go back to the theater.

Reading a good book can relieve stress and, during this pandemic, that is particularly important.

Photo courtesy of Audrey Yael Smith

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address: 13715 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Price: $7,795,000 CONTACT: Fran Flanagan, DRE #00413825 Liz Jones, DRE #02096223 Phone: Fran Flanagan: 310.801.9805, Liz Jones: 310.780.1473 Email: Fran Flanagan: [email protected], Liz Jones: [email protected] To submit a candidate for the Home Spotlight, send an email to [email protected] with the subject line: Home Spotlight.

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VirTual Tour VirTual Tour for lease

16027 aiglon 4 18428 CoastlinE dr 3 offErEd at $3,675,000 3.75 offErEd at $12,000/Month 2.5 El Medio Bluffs and just minutes to Palisades Village Head-on sweeping ocean and coastline views Beautiful office/den, open great room & updated kitchen Beautiful Cape Cod one-level home Fireplace, sun deck & stunning spa-like bath Large living/dining opens to patio & views Private yard, mature landscaping, large stone patio One year unfurnished; no pets

for lease FOR LEASE

1389Palisades.com | 3 beds | 3 baTHs | offered aT $1,229,000 Rare opportunity! Hard-to-find home with a view! Set in the tranquil Highlands “Woodies”, this corner/ end unit sits on the rim and enjoys a feeling of openness with serene canyon and mountain views. This highly coveted 3-bedroom, 3-bath townhome features high ceilings and an open floor plan and 16726 BollingEr 4 720 El MEdio 3 new flooring throughout. The well-appointed living room has a floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace and offErEd at $7,350/Month 3 offErEd at $7,000/Month 1.75 opens to the private front gated patio with custom awning. Ascend the few steps to the dining area Charming Traditional in Marquez Knolls neighborhood Ideal location near bluffs and high school and eat-in kitchen. This level is completed by a spacious and bright bedroom with adjacent bath. The upper level boasts a dreamy primary suite with spa-like designer bath, 2 closets and terrace with Bright and open upper level with wood floors Charming Traditional on 2-levels views, plus an additional suite. Private 2-car garage with extra storage and direct entry into laundry/ Bonus room on lower level Large living + bonus room mudroom. Two rec centers include pool, spa, tennis, clubhouse with gym, playground and more! Large wood deck plus grass yard Great outdoor deck and yard below

Sold more than 1,300 homes & $1.5 billion Top 1% of all agents in the U.S. Achieving 98% of list price [email protected] | 310.230.7373 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE ©2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reseved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage office is owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker® and the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International®and the Coldwell Banker Previews International Logo, are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. If your Property is currently listed for sale this is not intended as a solicitation of that listing. Michael Edlen DRE 00902158, Tatiana Weiss DRE 01751813, Christina Wagner DRE 01310664, Jolie Hernandez DRE 01208938, Christopher Watson DRE 01744550, Keith Craven DRE 01239016, Monica Miranda DRE 01740505 CalBRE# 00902158 Page 16 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020 ‘New Normal’ Palisades Real Estate Statistics Indicate Local After Six COVID Months Market Has Recovered By Michael Edlen million, the median average list are seriously looking to buy a new Special to the Palisadian-Post price is over $5 million. Corre- home. spondingly, while there is about a Any agent who is not willing From Pandemic Impacts hen all the changes began six-month level of inventory in all or able to adjust for these and oth- suddenly just six months price ranges combined, it is only er “new normal” conditions and By MICHAEL EDLEN period impacts. four-bath on Tramonto for $5.3 Wago, few could have realized the three months for listings priced realities will gradually become Special to the Palisadian-Post The lowest-priced available million. remarkably rapid pace of so many below the $4 million level. Thus functionally obsolete. Likewise, home is a four-bedroom, four- Fourteen condos are current- different elements impacting the we continue to have a strong “sell- any seller who is not flexible s of September 1, there were bath on Calle de Catalina asking ly in escrow. There have been 41 sale and purchase of homes. er’s market” in the Palisades up to enough to “go with the flow” of 99 single-family Palisades $2,095,000. The highest-priced condo sales so far this year, slight- For a couple of months, the the $4 million range, and this is what is required to sell a home Aresidences listed in the Multiple property is a seven-bedroom, nine- ly down from this time last year. rate of activity fell about 50%, and likely to continue as long as inter- during pandemic conditions will Listing Service, which is 2% high- bath on Corona Del Mar, asking The lowest was a one-bedroom, the real estate industry was forced est rates remain near historic lows discover that they will have less er than at the start of September $20 million. one-bath on Sunset, which sold to invent and then re-invent new and inventory does not increase success in the sales process. 2019. So far this year, 128 Pali- The lowest sale price so far for $605,000, and the highest was procedures and protocols to com- significantly. sades homes have sold, which is this year was a three-bedroom, a three-bedroom, three-bath town- ply with the quickly changing Conversely, it has become Michael Edlen and his team only 2% lower than this time last two-bath on Sunset, which sold home on Palisades Drive, which landscape. a strong “buyer’s market” at the have successfully sold and leased year, and there are now 51 homes for $1,511,250. The highest sale so sold for $1,919,000. The median Since then we have seen an high end, with more than a year many properties during the in escrow in the Palisades, an 82% far this year was a nine-bedroom, condo sales price is $1,125,000, equally remarkable snap-back that of inventory above the $6 million COVID period. They are avail- increase over last year. 12-bathroom new home on Chau- which has decreased by 4% from has brought sales activity almost level. In fact, nearly 40% of the able for complimentary consul- The average price per square tauqua, which sold for $24 million. this time last year. to the level of how March had homes for sale today are listed tation about the processes and foot ($1,156) is down by 2% over There are now 29 condomini- There are currently 12 pieces begun. Multiple offers are once above $6 million. issues involved, and have more this time last year, and the median ums/townhouses on the market, the of raw land available, ranging from again quite common, and invento- Despite the inconveniences detailed information available on sale price ($3,355,500) is up by same as this time last year. They $799,000 for almost two acres on ry is not quite sufficient to meet of viewing homes in person in the their site, edlenteam.com. You can 9% now. These statistics indicate range from one-bedroom, one- Calle Bellavista to $11.95 million the steady demand of buyers who COVID environment, the broker- reach him at 310-600-7422 or mi- that the local market has already bath on Sunset offered at $639,000 for almost one acre on Sunset near continue to benefit from interest age community has managed to [email protected]. fully recovered from the pandemic to an in-process three-bedroom, Marquez. Four lots have sold this rates at near 60-year low levels. adjust well to the requirements year. The highest was 1.5 acres on The level of online viewings and steps involved to arrange and Marquette for $8.25 million. has dramatically increased since conduct showings. There are now 83 available June 1, and we have been receiv- For those who cannot wait for Pacific Palisades Home Sales 2020 vs. 2019 leases in the Palisades, up 24% ing a larger volume of showing things to “get back to normal,” (January 1 – August 31) over last year. They range from a requests week by week. they will soon begin to see that we Brought to you by Michael Edlen two-bedroom, one-bath condo on Although the rate of sales have entered into a “new normal” Michael Lane asking $2,950 per per month has been averaging period in real estate, as well as so Number Median Price per Average # Active as month to a six-bedroom, 18-bath Year less than at this time last year, the many other aspects of daily living. Sold Sales Price Square Foot D.O.M. of May 31st home on San Onofre in the Riviera overall market has not shifted to Many of the changes are rapidly asking $350,000 per month. a “buyer’s market” because, as of becoming a part of the fabric we There have been 142 leases now, not enough homes have been must become accustomed to. 2020 128 $3,355,500 $1,156 41 99 so far this year, down 16% from placed on the market. Virtual online tours of one last year. The highest lease so far As of the end of August—and form or another have become 2019 130 $3,085,750 $1,184 50 97 this year was a furnished six-bed- calculating based on total sales almost a necessity as part of the room, six-bath on Corona Del Mar since April 1 (a full COVID five marketing of a home. 3-D tours for $90,000 per month, and the months)—we now have an in- are rapidly becoming common- Statistical comparisons for 2020 vs 2019 lowest was $3,300 per month for ventory level that would take six place too, as are aerial drone pho- Number of Sales ...... 2% higher a one-bedroom, one-bathroom on months to sell at the current rate. tos to give a closer feeling to what Sunset. The median was up by 1% In general, a market is considered the property and its surroundings Median Sale Prices ...... 9% higher at $8,975 per month. in balance between buyers and are like. Price per Square Foot ...... 2% lower sellers when that level is between And while Sunday open hous- Average Days On Market ...... 18% shorter Michael Edlen, an agent with five and six months. es are no longer possible to do in Coldwell Banker, has been keep- It may be of interest to note person, video tours and FaceTime Active Inventory ...... 2% higher ing statistics on Pacific Palisades that while the median average viewings can accomplish much of Statistics based upon M.L.S. records of Palisades single family residences only (Including Sunset Mesa) housing prices for the last 34 Palisades sales price is about $3.4 the same benefits for people who years.

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Contemporary reBuiLt home StunninG mid-Century modern home SpaniSh maSterpieCe $2,890,000 | 16625 marquez terrace $19,750/mo | 1314 Goucher St $17,000/mo | 16866 Charmel Ln

Over $1 Billion in Homes Sold | WSJ’s Top 60 Agents Nationwide ANTHONY MARGULEAS 310.804.1362 [email protected] AmalfiEstates.com DRE#01173073 September 10, 2020 Palisadian-Post Page 17 Three Tips for Writing a Better Offer When Competing Against Other Buyers

By KYLE BLEVINS have even missed out on a home quickest way to stand out is to the proof of funds you provide. Special to the Palisadian-Post that you thought was perfect for write in as few contingencies in Finally, include a pre-approv- you and your family. your offer as possible. Sellers al letter from your lender if appli- f throughout safer at home or- For anyone out there who is want to know that you are going cable. A nice touch can be having ders you’ve started to put a lot considering purchasing a home to close escrow. your loan officer reaching out di- Imore value into more space, a at this time, here are three tips to With fewer contingencies, rectly to the listing agent to vouch home office and a nice yard, then make your offer stand out above there is a larger incentive for for your ability to receive financ- you certainly are not alone. the competition. you to close escrow because you ing and close. The Palisades real estate mar- wouldn’t risk forfeiting your de- When submitting your of- ket is hot—plain and simple. This 1. Write a clean offer: To posit. This is why cash offers are fer, make sure your agent sub- is a very exciting time to own real make your offer stand out above so strong and preferred by sellers. mits with a clear outline of the estate. Buyers are locking in rates the rest, you want to present the If you are paying cash, you price and terms you are offering. under 3% for 30-year fixed mort- cleanest offer possible. To keep don’t need an appraisal contingen- gages, something we’ve never it short, there are three main con- cy or loan contingency. If there Photo courtesy of Amalfi Estates 3. Be easy to work with: As a seen in the U.S. tingencies typically in place in a are two equal offers, and one offer final tip, be as easy and enjoyable With interest rates at all-time standard purchase agreement. is all cash and the second buyers in a contingency, make the time gether a family video explaining to work with as possible. I cannot lows, demand is very high, and You have your inspection are taking out a loan, sellers will frame as short as you’re able to. each of these things. emphasize this enough. People homes are selling over asking contingency, appraisal contingen- take the all-cash offer 10 out of One particular client had their want to work with other people price with multiple offers every cy and loan contingency. Should 10 times. Oftentimes, a seller will 2. Presentation is important: daughter create a home movie. they like. day. You may be very eager to you not be able to perform and take an all-cash offer of lesser val- We all know a first impression is Every family member introduced Respond promptly and avoid get into your future dream home, execute the contract, these con- ue with more favorable terms. very important. This holds true themselves and went into explain- being argumentative. Sellers and however, there are a few things tingencies are in place to protect If you are not in a position to when presenting an offer to a seller. ing why they really love the sell- listing agents take into account you should know when getting the buyer and their earnest mon- pay all cash, then consider writing I encourage each of my cli- er’s home and how happy it would their experience with you. into an active real estate market. ey deposit. Essentially, they allow offers with no appraisal or loan ents to put together a cover letter make them if their offer was ac- If they feel like you could be If you are already writing of- you to back out of your purchase contingency. If you have to write to include with their offer. In the cepted. It became a fun family a difficult buyer to work with, fers on homes, there is a very good agreement should something go cover letter, introduce yourselves, project for my clients, the video they may choose to go in another chance that you’ve encountered a sideways. explain why you are looking for turned out great and their offer direction. The way you conduct multiple-offer situation. You may When in multiple offers, the a home and tell the seller why was selected. yourself to the listing agent when their home is the one. You want to At the final walkthrough, the you meet can affect the outcome SUBSCRIBE make this personal. sellers admitted to my clients, the of your offer no matter how good Pro tip, include photos. It is only reason they accepted their of- your price and terms may be. GOT MOLD? NOT SURE? TODAY! very easy for a seller to go directly fer over the other choices was be- Take the time and energy to be Call LAʼ s leading mold inspection and consulting company. to the numbers and terms, looking cause of the video we submitted. helpful and responsive. I promise only at the contracts. Having pho- Based on the video, they knew this will have a positive impact on tos helps the seller recognize a per- that my clients were going to take your home buying experience. Don’t trust your largest investment or your family’s health son or family on the other side and amazing care of their home. to untrained, inexperienced & franchised companies! they are able to visualize who they In addition to your cover let- Kyle Blevins is a sales partner would be selling their home to. ter, include your proof of funds. with Amalfi Estates in Pacific Pal- I’ve even had clients put to- Make sure your name is visible on isades. He strives to help his cli- ents achieve each and every one of

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1130 GEORGINA AVE, SANTA MONICA 734 24TH ST, SANTA MONICA 6BD/8BA • $11,900,000 5BD/5½BA • $5,950,000 Emil Schneeman, 310.922.3292 Denise Simon, 310.230.3724 LIC# 01200793 LIC# 01435704 broker or MLS. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy information. of that verify independently is advised to or MLS. Buyer broker

1744 REEDVALE LANE, BRENTWOOD 16855 GLYNN DR, PACIFIC PALISADES 327 AMALFI DR, SANTA MONICA 5BD/4½BA • $9,800,000 5BD/5BA • $4,545,000 4BD/3½BA • $3,895,000 THE FEIL GROUP, 310.230.3752 Brett Duffy, 310.230.3716 John Closson, 310.230.3704 LIC# 01843291 LIC# 01241284 LIC# 00918585 © 2020 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHHS and the BHHS symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Company, service Columbia Insurance marks of registered are LLC. BHHS and the symbol of BHH Affiliates HomeServices system is a member of the franchise Properties (BHHSCP) California Hathaway © 2020 Berkshire 241 S ANITA AVE, BRENTWOOD 16946 AVENIDA DE SANTA YNEZ, PAC PAL 16774 CALLE DE CATALINA, PAC PAL 16000 W SUNSET BL #102, PAC PAL Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Information is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by be verified and will not sources various from is obtained Information property. of features and conditions, accuracy data including measurements, of all guarantee LLC and BHHSCP do not Affiliates BHH affiliate. Hathaway Berkshire 3BD/2BA • $2,895,000 4BD/3½BA • $2,295,000 4BD/4BA • $2,095,000 2BD/2BA • $1,300,000 David Offer, 310.820.9341 Eric Knight, 310.230.3743 Brett Duffy, 310.230.3716 Diana Kassabian, 310.467.3290 LIC# 01150357 LIC# 00977963 LIC# 01241284 LIC# 01955797

@BHHSCALIFORNIA Page 18 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020 Matthew Perry Moves to Pacific Palisades Cottage

Photos courtesy of Hilton & Hyland Philanthropist, Entrepreneur Sydney Holland Lists Riviera Home Photo courtesy of Realtor.com By LILY TINOCO with prints of Marilyn Monroe and opposed to the white walls of the JENNIKA INGRAM sale omitting the name of the from the living and dining spac- Reporter Queen Elizabeth II, and her home living rooms. Reporter Realtor and agency, and informa- es. The kitchen comes complete office is painted a fuchsia pink. The gourmet kitchen is large tion being discovered on Trulia, with a concrete breakfast table, ormer flame of Sumner Redstone This carries into the master and equipped with chef-grade ap- riends” star Matthew Per- according to Variety. top-of-the-line appliances and a and self-proclaimed philan- suite of the home: While the bed- pliances. It also offers two regu- ry quietly joined the Pa- Perry’s new Palisades home, wall made up of floating planters Fthropist and entrepreneur Sydney room itself is a traditional, tasteful lar ovens, a proofing oven and a “Fcific Palisades community this built in 1965, underwent renova- for an in-house vegetable garden. Holland is asking $11.5 million for space, its attached (massive) walk- professional gas range. Beautiful August, after purchasing a $6 tions in 2018 to give it the more In keeping with the times, her renovated home in the Riviera in closet has peacock-themed wall- marble adorns the counter-tops million cottage, according to Va- contemporary style it boasts to- the home features an electronic neighborhood of Pacific Palisades, paper, as well as a marbled vanity and back-splash while two golden riety. day. facial recognition entry system to according to a report by Variety. and counter-tops. lights hang above from the ceil- Perry made the move af- The modern ranch-style offer extra security. The property The lavish, transitional-tradi- The master bath has white ing. ter putting up two of his other home is 2,696 square feet and is situated on a steep hillside with tional home has seven bedrooms and black patterned tiles, a large, The outdoor design is ideal properties for sale, reducing the has an open floor plan with floor- hosting amenities, such as a fire and eight bathrooms. The prop- walk-in shower and an elegant for entertaining guests, complete listing price on his Los Angeles to-ceiling windows that stare out pit, raised pool and spa “perched” erty sits on .34 acres of land with soaking tub right next to a win- with a rectangular swimming penthouse from $35 million to at the Pacifc coastline. It also has on the cliff’s edge overlooking an interior space of 6,670 square dow. The estate has bountiful pool and spa, a large grassy area, $27 million and placing his Mali- a floor-to-ceiling wine wall,- re the ocean. feet surrounded by tall, manicured windows, allowing ample natural wood-burning grill and pizza bu Beach house on the market for cessed LED lights and wheat-col- Fans of Perry are looking for- hedges and a stone wall, offering sunlight into the home. oven. $14.95 million. ored oak floors. ward to an upcoming “Friends” a level of privacy and exclusivity. The additional bedrooms up- Just minutes from The Riviera The luxury LA penthouse, The clean-line designed cot- reunion of the popular ’90s tele- The two-story home boasts stairs seem to have been for Hol- Country Club and polo field, the dubbed “Mansion in the Sky,” tage contains four bedrooms and vision series about six 20-some- creativity and a contemporary land’s children, one painted a soft- estate is a coveted piece. takes up the entire 40th floor of three bathrooms. Two master thing-year-old close friends liv- style with dramatic crown mold- pink and the other a dark gray. The listing is currently held The Century building, according bedrooms have pocket sliding ing in the heart of New York City. ing and unique wallpaper in con- Moving back downstairs, the with real estate couple Branden to a recent report in House Beau- doors that open up to private per- The entire cast, including trast with its traditional architec- walls of the home offer conve- and Rayni Williams of Hilton & tiful. The loft-style Malibu home golas with bathrooms that feature Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, ture, thanks to Tracie Butler, who nient storage with built-in shelv- Hyland. boasts glass walls and stunning Jack-and-Jill sinks, soaking tubs Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Da- decorated the home. ing. And the sharp contrast theme Holland recently listed a West ocean views. and a large steam shower. vid Schwimmer and Perry, agreed Holland’s personal taste and continues as one flows into the Hollywood investment property The real estate transactions There’s also an extra-wide to join the production, currently interests are imminent throughout formal dining room, which is as well, which sold for $2.8 mil- were done discreetly, with the pivoting front door to transition delayed due the pandemic. the estate, as her walls are shown painted a sultry, dark gray—as lion this past February.


They say you are known by the company you keep. Some of the world’s most successful luxury real estate agents keep company with us. We are proud to welcome Alexandra Pfeifer to the Sotheby’s International Realty, Pacific Palisades Brokerage.

Alexandra Pfeifer 310.650.3540 | PfeiferProperties.com [email protected]

Pacific Palisades Brokerage | 15308 Sunset Boulevard, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 | 310.454.0080 © Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. All rights reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a registered trademark. Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Real estate agents affiliated with Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity. Pfeifer DRE#: 01743378. September 10, 2020 Palisadian-Post Page 19 Sue Kohl

tion with adults found in the busi- ness world. So, when I went back to work, real estate was my first choice.

Post: How many years have you worked in real estate and what are some of the things you’ve learned over the years that help you in your work today? Kohl: I have worked in res- idential real estate for 31 years. With more than 31 years of Probably the most important thing experience of residential real es- I’ve learned is to prioritize and tate experience and 27 years as a focus on the positive. This can be Palisadian, Sue Kohl has a deep a wild business, and transactions understanding and appreciation can sometimes be complicated for the areas she serves. Kohl and difficult. works as the assistant manager at Clients are often buying or the Palisades Berkshire Hathaway selling their main asset, so it can HomeServices office, guiding oth- be a stressful time for all con- er associates through their trans- cerned. Focusing on the positive actions. aspects of one’s life can be in- credibly helpful in maintaining a Post: Tell me a bit about your healthy state of mind when deal- background. Where did you grow ing on a daily basis with all sorts up and what led to a career in real of situations. estate? There have been many les- Kohl: I grew up not far away sons learned during a long career, in Beverly Hills and went to West- but I’d say that’s the main one. lake (now Harvard-Westlake) and Photos courtesy of Sue Kohl then Northwestern University for Post: How has COVID-19 undergrad and graduate degrees in impacted real estate in the Pali- of their time, especially with so question to answer! I’ve never get their ducks in a row: Develop Kohl: I have been the Area speech and language pathology. sades? many working from home. found a bad neighborhood in this a relationship with a lender and 5 (Alphabet Streets and Village After college, I lived in Man- Kohl: When COVID-19 first town. I always try to find out the figure out how much to borrow north of Sunset) representative on hattan Beach and taught special ed hit the news at the beginning of Post: Now that people are family’s priorities: Do they want and put down as a deposit, so that the Pacific Palisades Community in the junior high and high school March, there was a brief slow- spending more time at home than a view? Or would they prefer the when the right property comes Council for the past seven years, there, while moonlighting in resi- down, as no one really knew what they have in the past, what are flats? Do they want to walk to the along, they are ready to write an and I hope to continue in that po- dential real estate. was happening or coming. As some of the things that people are Village? Any information a buyer offer. sition for the next two years. After moving to Brentwood, I more information became avail- looking for in a home? provides can help to narrow down There have certainly been took several years off from work able, the statewide real estate in- Kohl: Many people simply the neighborhood options. Post: What is your favorite challenges and controversies to begin raising a family of five dustry provided protocols which want more space, both inside and room in your house and why? along the way, but I have enjoyed children. We moved to the Pali- made it possible to conduct busi- outside. Having an extra room for Post: What advice would you Kohl: My favorite room is every minute of involvement sades about 27 years ago. ness and show properties. a home office has also become a offer a first-time home buyer? the kitchen. I love to bake! It’s the on the PPCC. It’s been a terrific My mother had worked in real As soon as that happened, priority. Kohl: I would advise first- best stress reduction therapy in the opportunity, getting to know our estate and the experience in Man- business boomed, and the mar- time buyers to take some time in world for me. local Palisades and LA City of- hattan Beach gave me a taste for ket has been extremely active and Post: What neighborhood of their search for a home and not be ficials, and learning about issues the business. I discovered during positive ever since. I think people the Palisades would you recom- in a rush. There is much to learn Post: When you are not busy affecting us on local and state lev- time spent with children at home began to more fully appreciate the mend for a family to buy in? along the way. working, what are some of the ways els. I also treasure the friendships Supthat pI reallyo enjoyedr thet interac y- ovalue uof the rplace theyc spendo mostm Kohl:m Thisu is ann impossibleit y…I would also advise them to you give back to your community? I’ve made. …subscribe to the Palisadian-Post! ...subscribe to the NOW FOR ONLY $69 PER YEAR

For 86 years, the Palisadian-Post has been the eyes, ears and voice of Pacific Pali- sades. Take this opportunity to stay informed about your community. Order your subscription now FORand have the ONLY Palisadian-Post $79 delivered PER to your mailboxYEAR every For 92 years, the Palisadian-Post has been the eyes, ears and voice Thursday, plus receiveof Pacific online accessPalisades. and Take breaking this opportunitynews email toalerts! stay informed about your community. Order your subscription now and have the Palisadian-Post newspaper– The ONL Ydelivered source f otor nyoureigh mailbox.borhood Younew swill also receive breaking news alerts and a complimentary online – Your 2¢ Worth subscription to the Palisadian-Post.

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YES! Pleaseüü kYes!eep Please me PkeepOS Tmeed Post! ed! Bill me for the following subscription: Bill me for the following subscription: Palisadian-Post Real Estate 1-Year Subscription for $79 2-Year Subscription for $135 & Page 19 Thursday, March 13, 2014 ¨ 1-Year Subscription for $69 ¨ 2-Year Subscription for $135

By FRANCES SHARPE Editor-in-Chief 881 Alma Real Drive, Suite 213 NEWS VIEWS atop Palisadian-Post high the gates through transported tlight Cruise and you’re - Home Spo Miramar where breathtak H Paseo sanctuary Mt. to a private from snow-capped - stretch Santa Moni ing views beaches of to the sandy With seamless Gated Architectural Compound Offers Ultimate BaldyLifestyle up to Malibu. all the way ca this one- deck, an rooftop home is 2,500 square-foot smart architectural Miele of-a-kind Top-of-the-line ’s dream. wine entertainer - temperature-controlledmake enter appliances, waiter and a dumb cabinets taining – and everyday living – a breeze. - spa in addi pool and saltwater trails takes sparkling to hiking access level. Inside tion to easy new to a whole Fleetwood outdoor living home, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 square-foot light 7,000 warm natural (Please Print) the infuse master bath, pocket doors In the - each room. from a sky throughout in light tub is bathed a soaking Warm light overhead whileis the ‘ah-inspiring. oversized shower’ - steamers 9-bath stun with dual 7-bedroom, far this Zubick is and inviting, Anthony architect ner from enviable ess:lifestyle. 770 Paseo Miramar Addr , Price: $12,999,000 The Agency Arana, (424) Realtor: Santiago [email protected], 231-2399. with [email protected] email to Name: ______Tel: (______) ______send an Home Spotlight, Phone: 310.454.1321 for the a candidate To submit Marc Angeles Photos: the subject line: Home Spotlight.

This architectural home featuring walls of glass and decks sits on almost half an acre. Palisadian-Poshomes sold to date t Serving the Community Since 1928 1,085 19th Year

24 Pages Thursday, April 24, 2014 ◆ or the$1.50 Address: ______Fax: 310.454.1078 S

EW or 2013 and f N UPDATE S alisades f What’s Cooking, New Clues in acific P LEGEND Pregerson The #1 Agent in P CARUSO? Hit-and-Run Case POLL RESULTS SELLERS 45 BUYERS Homicide detectives contin- In last week’s issue, the ue to receive new clues about the TOTAL Post asked readers which hit-and-run accident that killed 40 Palisadian David Pregerson. De- businesses should stay on tectives are currently following up Swarthmore and which other on dozens of clues that have come Palisades businesses should

in via phone, email and text in the 35 move to Swarthmore. Since S past few weeks. Among the new then, we have received more

E E-mail: [email protected] leads is a possibility that addition- than 100 responses from read- al video footage from a security L - ______30 camera on Chautauqua may be nesses respondents want to retrieved. Even though detectives stay on Swarthmore. have received so many clues, they S A still need your help. Anyone with F 25 Ÿ Michele International any information regarding this Ÿ Maison Giraud

Ÿ case is urged to contact Det. John O Benton’s

Skaggs at (213) 382-9470. Ÿ Mayberry R 20 Ÿ BOCA This Sunday! - ‘Blast Off to Summer’ 15 isades businesses respondents Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer would like to see move to AGENT J Block Party Swarthmore. AGENT I , this data is only

Get ready for summer with the NUMBE 10 AGENT H reporting policy Palisadian-Post’s ‘Blast Off to Ÿ AGENT G reporting methods and allowable your team Summer’ Block Party this Sun- AGENT F Ÿ K Bakery process, Eggstravaganza Draws Crowds escrow constantly day, April 27. Antioch St. between AGENT E Ÿ Yogurt Shoppe and the You eal estate activity in the market. expertise. smart By FRANCES SHARPE 5 ter Bunny made a grand entrance on wants to do the face painting,”AGENT Ed- DErich Haas, the park echnologydirector Services, eflectand all for r the periodŸ Café ending V 02/13/14.ida Due toto MLS negotiating ofessional, Via de la Paz and Sunset will be s may not r for sale and unparalleled e all pr sale Station 69 om California Real Estate T Ÿproperty s advice You ar our home Editor-in-Chief . wards said.AGENT C his enthusiastic staff,” McInerney the Kay ’N Daveexcellent’ questions. you with end.” Ÿ Based on informationy .f rData maintained by the MLS’ preparing all with for the Email: ______to 3 p.m. for the event. This FREE Patrick Poon, a HighlandsAGENT B Organizer McInerney was said in an email to the“F Postrom. “They ough it available could entrust est until 0 eas: Pacific Palisades - get thr always that we best inter ence www.PaliPost.com/subscribe egard us were knew very community event will include ore than 1,000 Palisadians resident,MICHAEL was takingEDLEN it all in withop. Types: his SFHthrilled Ar with the turnout and ex- teamare amazing r in their commitmenthelped and we in our e, Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the data accurac updates Overall, acted - Catherine & John Lawr efor youS third two-year-oldTotal daughter Sides: 1-999 Stella Pr , r who pressed gratitude to the 25-plus to this community. The entireus Park you do. and turned out for the gave T music, science, magic, interac- done by you and yourbest experience what of state) 00902158 is the was good at out N CalBRE# Paul E tive games, face painting, arts and annual EggstravaganzaFILTER: 1/1/13 at Thru:was 12/31/13 decked out in an Easter Bunny volunteers from PaliHiand this and everyoneBoard also lends a handand to steer we lived for the fine worktimes, and since V area E crafts, plus local activities, includ- Mthe Palisades Recreationinformational Center anddress. may not“She be completely’s having accurate. soeciation much The fun Revenumererous Middle Schoolin their who helped this successful event. It(especially is truly a UPCOMIN G ess our appr expr e have moved is an expert eceived was very valuable ing summer schools and camps. on Saturday, according to event ore -wantand to is excited to see Wthe Easter Bunyour- withteam the event preparations. She team effort.” Susan McInerney “W of our home. of Millie Join us for some family fun. ganizer . the nsaley,” Poon said. member also credited the Palisades Rec The effort paid off. isting. ing far. Each - Elaine & Bob Bauer Ÿ [email protected] of that l Henryby Edwards Slow Palisades April 29: Dem Club olicitatio Kids and their parents enjoyed had , who gradu- Center for providing the space and , a six-year-old at ded as a s we have not inten esponsive, pleasante andprocess most exceeded helpful. The our advice expectations!” we r le this is the eggs-citing festivities, includ- ated from Palisades High in 1997, thanked director Erich Haas and Elementary who was waiting Ÿpa -310.230.7373 ted for sa In This Issue! emely r rently lis extr Hosts Staterty is cuSenater Izzy in line ur Prope ing bounce houses, face painting, aoughout came thewith sale. his Thedaughter enti rNylah, 3. his staff for all their assistance. tiently with felittler ence.sister LC. If yo thr l Estate L Spring Home & Garden nker Rea petting zoo, arts and crafts and, of “She’s having a lot of fun seeing “We could not do this with- for the petting zoo, said,l d“Thiswell Ba is Candidates Forum ed by Co ience the dif arks own course, an Easter egg hunt. The Eas- the animals in the petting zoo and out the support and leadership of so fun!”ervice m gistered s Special Section go, are re ational Lo On Tuesday, April 29, at 7 ws Intern er Previe well Bank p.m., the - You don’t need to have a the Cold onal® and Internati cratic Club green thumb to enjoy the Spring Contact MichaelPreviews today to exper will host a State Sen- ll Banker , Coldwe Pierson Home & Garden supplement in ker Logo ate Candidates Forum at well Ban Crystal Ballthe Cold Predicts Fire in Paseo Miramar this issue of the Palisadian-Post. Playhouse/Theatre Palisades at Inside this special section, you’ll By DICK BRODIE ting on the top of the stand. 941 Temescal Canyon Rd. The - Special to the Palisadian-Post To get the ball out of the way candidates for SD 26’s seat in isades Spring Garden Tour, tips of the two workmen installing the the State Senate are SM-Malibu on creating a successful food gar- have a one-room cottage and new windows, I had placed the Board of Education, educator and den, a closer look at the gardens music studio on Paseo Mi- - attorney Ben Allen; former Calif. of the Getty Villa, a glimpse of the ramar on the west end of the hind the back edge of the curtain. State Assemblymember (AD 53) Marquez School garden, an intro- IPalisades that I inherited from Unbeknownst to me, in the course Besty Butler; activist and attor- duction to aeroponic gardening, my parents in 1981 (our family of the job, one of the workmen ney Sandra Fluke; and State Sur- moved to the Palisades in 1952 chose to use the electric outlet geon, CA Army National Guard much, much more. when I was 9). On Wednesday, behind the curtain for his power and educator Vito Imbasciani. tools, an outlet that just happened With Q&A. Snacks served. Ad- Here is what happened. to be blocked by the ball. mission free, donations welcome. I was having new ultra-clear To gain access to the out- For more info, palisadesdemclub. picture window glass installed to let, he moved the ball, as chance org, [email protected], replace the tinted glass picture would have it, in front of the cur- (310) 230-2084. windows that my parents had put tain where the sun’s rays could hit in when they built the cottage in it. And that was to make all the May 1: Republican 1970 that I felt diminished the difference. Palisadian-Post - At 4 o’clock the workmen oor. Alternative Vision for ones canyon to the west. left, and I spent a half hour in par- Photo: Dick Brodie Healthcare At the foot of my 9-foot adise admiring the enhanced view Bechstein concert grand piano through the new glass, then left to through a huge magnifying glass - A panel of local, prominent, near the sliding-glass door, I had walk the dogs on the beach. and torched the 11-foot by 25- partment, alerted by a neighbor, well-versed and respected physi- a book stand. One hour later I returned to the damage was not worse. cians will discuss the Republican - Ironically, one could say, in- Alternative Vision to Obamacare. with my priceless collection of way. Apparently, while I was stead of predicting fate, this par- They will offer their own opinions music books, with a huge, 8-inch gone, the afternoon sun hit just in the process charred one whole ticular crystal ball caused some- about Obamacare and what they crystal ball that I had bought at a the right angle. The rays focused side of my beloved Bechstein thing fateful – and horrible – to feel needs to change. The panel rock shop in Quarzite, Ariz., sit- through the crystal ball, as though grand piano. happen. will include Dr. Dan Lieber, Dr. Joel Strom and Dr. Bernard Wein- traub. Dr. Peter Galier will act as moderator for the event, which 881 Alma Real Dr., #213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Rabbi: Anti-Semitic Incidents Appear Isolated will take place Thursday, May 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the Palisades Luther- By MATT THACKER ed. There have been other incidents Rabbi Amy Bernstein of Ke- on trust and openness. an Church, 15905 Sunset Blvd. A Special to the Palisadian-Post in recent years, including a swasti- hillat Israel said they have not per- “I think there are tensions Q&A will follow the panel discus- ka which was spray painted on the ceived any increase in anti-Semit- around Israel more than Judaism,” sion. For more info and to RSVP, ocal Jewish leaders have not City National Bank at Swarthmore ic incidents. The issues that have she said. email palisadesrepublicans@ noticed an increase in an- and Sunset. occurred appear isolated and may Rabbi Steven Reuben agreed gmail.com or call (310) 454-4345. - One area of growing concern not have directly targeted Jews, she he has not seen an increase in an- Lsades despite a few recent incidents is Murphy Ranch. Neighbors say said. For example, the vehicle van- ti-Semitic incidents, although he ‘Walk With Love’ which have raised alarm. the compound has become a popu- dalism included derogatory terms believes some people hide their an- Phone: 310.454.1321 • Fax: 310.454.1078 • E-mail: [email protected] An Anti-Defamation League lar attraction for neo-Nazis due to for various groups. ti-Jewish feelings behind anti-Israel Seeking Volunteers report released this month shows online articles claiming it served “The Palisades feels like an in- rhetoric. anti-Semitic incidents nationwide as a home to Nazi sympathizers in credibly respectful place. We have Outside of the community, Ber- The Dr. Susan Love Re- decreased 19 percent last year, the 1930s. Riviera resident Steve really good relationships as rabbis nstein said there is too much vitriol search Foundation’s Walk With while California saw an even great- Bardack said there had been a dra- here with other clergy in the area,” between not just religious groups Love 2014 er decrease. However, the report matic increase in “taggers, vandals she said. “I actually feel like this is but also between Republicans and innovative breast cancer research also highlighted a growing trend and neo-Nazis” during the last two one of the really amazing examples Democrats. She believes everyone programs will take place in Pa- of epithets and vandalism against years. of what it means to still live with Jews in Los Angeles and surround- The Upper Riviera Home- a sense of neighborhood and com- on issues like feeding the poor and Palisadian-Post is a presenting ing counties. owners Association has been munity.” taking care of children. sponsor of the annual 5K Walk/ November’s vehicle vandalism working with law enforcement to Bernstein said they have in- “There’s so much polarization Run, which is seeking volunteers. increase patrols near the Rustic creased their programming in that I would love to have this be incident listed in the report. A vehi- Canyon hiking destination. Resi- the last couple of years and have one model of how we can respect- out about volunteer opportuni- www.PaliPost.com cle belonging to one Jewish victim dents have reported property dam- more interfaith events than ever. fully attach ourselves to values that ties, visit: actwithlove.org/walk was spray painted with swastikas age and even assaults caused by She believes they have built rela- are bigger than our own opinions,” or contact (310) 828-0060 or and racial epithets, the report not- the groups. tionships with other faiths based she said. [email protected]. Page 20 Palisadian-Post September 10, 2020 Former Ted Knight Entertainment Mogul Highlands Home Jeremy Zimmer Acquires $11 Hits the Market Million Riviera Property

Ted Knight Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

By SARAH SHMERLING Editor-in-Chief A view from the estate Photo courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or those looking for a bit of Hollywood magic at home in By JENNIKA INGRAM moved into the home. a firm he co-founded. FPacific Palisades, the last home of Reporter He took the purchase and Neighbors in the area of the late actor Ted Knight, located in flipped after only completing half new Riviera neighborhood prop- the Highlands, is now on the mar- ntertainment executive Jere- of the massive renovation and ex- erty are reported to include Sam ket for $5,495,000. my Zimmer purchased a Pal- pansion of the existing structure to Raimi, Steven Spielberg, Kate Knight, most famous for play- Eisades property for $11 million create the $11.1 million price tag. Hudson, Kevin Feige and Jessica ing the role of newscaster Ted in the Riviera neighborhood in a At the time, the 5,901-square- Capshaw. Baxter on “The transaction that reportedly hap- foot home featured six bedrooms While waiting to move out, Show,” arrived in the Palisades pened at the end of 2019 and only and seven bathrooms. It’s reported Zimmer and his wife, Marissa from Burbank in 1974, moving became public recently, according that Zimmer has already “razed” Miller Zimmer, are alleged to re- into the Camino De Yatasto home to Variety. the home to make room for a big- side in a 100,000-square-foot tra- in the early 1980s. The scenic double-lot proper- ger home of his own design, ac- ditional home in the Brentwood He also served as honorary Looking at the home Photos courtesy of Violetta Hargitay ty spans an acre, and is lined by cording to Variety. Park neighborhood. mayor of Pacific Palisades in 1981, eucalyptus trees and ocean views. Zimmer, 62, worked his way The Brentwood home, origi- a title that has been given most re- environment”—all situated in na- dio, should the next homeowner The mansard roofed mansion was up from the William Morris mail- nally built in the 1920s, was reno- cently to Billy and Janice Crystal, ture. Outdoor amenities include not want or need the court. originally built in the 1930s. room and eventually transferred to vated by architect Steve Giannetti but also to additional famous Pal- landscaped grounds, a Pebble Tec “Escape every day to this very Last sold in 2016, it went for ICM Partners. He became known before being put up for sale last isadians like Adam West, Nanette pool, spa and large outdoor enter- special setting while maintaining a price tag of $9.8 million to pro- as a working on pic- spring. The listing, set for $20 Fabray and Mel Blanc. taining area, with a built-in BBQ, easy access to dining, beaches, the fessional baseball player Kevin tures like “” and “In the million, was removed a short time The listing agent is Violetta attached outdoor heaters and lawn Palisades Village, state parks, and O’Malley, co-owner of the San Di- Line of Fire.” later. Hargitay of Sotheby’s Internation- area, surrounded by mature trees Santa Monica and Malibu,” the ego Padres and the son of former Zimmer continued to navigate David Offer of Berkshire Ha- al Realty Pacific Palisades Bro- and vegetation. listing concludes. Dodgers owner, Peter O’Malley, the agency world, moving up the thaway HomeServices handled the kerage. She shared that her clients “For the art collector, this Knight had been doing many according to Variety. It is rumored ladder until eventually becoming Riviera property listing and trans- purchased the home from Knight’s home has been thoughtfully up- years of TV acting parts prior to that the younger O’Malley never the CEO of , action. wife, Dorothy Smith, after he died. dated to showcase any collection “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” The five-bedroom, six-bath with abundant space and features a His referenced his acting career as house features 6,121 square feet of dramatic living room with soaring beginning in the first grade, as he space, spread out over 1.366 acres. ceiling and windows,” the listing once told. “The owners created a gor- continues. “I fell off the couch playing geous setting in which to raise Inside the home there are spa- Santa Claus in the first grade be- their family, entertain friends and cious rooms, limestone floors, art- cause I had forgotten my lines,” he to display their art collection,” ist-designed custom front doors, had said. “I got such a big laugh, Hargitay shared with the Palisadi- three fireplaces, a gourmet kitchen, so I fell off the couch three more Palisades Lutheran Church an-Post. “The interior is spacious, large dining room, family room, times and got bigger laughs, and CHURCHES Pastor Ken Frese Online Virtual Service Schedule warm and elegant. The property is den, bar area, guest room, office that’s when I realized my future— Calvary Church of Pacific Palisades Confirmation ClassTuesdays @ 11AM* ideal for indoor and outdoor enter- area and a master suite with his the disease hit me. I’ll probably Sunday Worship Gathering 10:00am Sunday Service at 10:30* taining.” and hers walk-in closets. wind up my career falling off 701 Palisades Drive • Pacific Palisades Communion - 1st & 3rd Sundays* She shared that given its loca- The second floor features four couches as Santa Claus.” Connect with us online and on our app: tion on 1.3 acres with a long, pri- bedrooms, with an additional bed- During the last several seasons Faith & Fellowship - Zoom Saturdays* www.calvarypalisades.org vate driveway, the home is a rare room located on the first floor. of the “Moore Show,” Knight was All are welcome to “Come and See” Calvary Palisades App find in the Palisades. A motor court can accommo- living in Pacific Palisades. 15905 Sunset Blvd. • 310-459-2358 • www.plc.cc “An incredible value and a date at least eight vehicles, in ad- Knight was 62 years old when Community United Methodist Church Please check our website or call for additional information one-of-a-kind offering in Pacif- dition to a four-car garage. died in August of 1986 after bat- Pastor Wayne B. Walters Email prayer requests to: [email protected] ic Palisades,” the listing boasts. Hargitay added that some of tling cancer on and off for years. Worship: Sundays, 10 a.m., Sunday School, Childcare St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church “Sitting on 1.3 acres down a long, her favorite features include the In 2002, actress Mary Tyler Moore Weekly Children and Youth Programs for all ages The Reverend Bruce A. Freeman, Rector gated driveway is this extremely property’s “exceptionally beauti- spoke of Knight with TV talk show www.palisadesmethodist.org private tennis court estate situat- ful setting,” the backyard and out- host Larry King. The Reverend Christine Purcell, Associate Rector Preschool — Enroll now: 310-454-4600 ed inside the 24-hour guard-gated door areas, and the “spacious and “We lost him several years Sunday Services: 8:00 am Holy Eucharist, 801 Via de la Paz • Pacific Palisades • 310-454-5529 Country Estates.” inviting interior.” She said that the ago,” Moore said, “and I loved that 10:15 am Choral Eucharist The property offers “complete tennis court offers possibilities for man. I really, truly did. He wore Corpus Christi Catholic Church and Children’s Education Nursery/Toddler Care available privacy, security and a resort-like yard expansion or to build a stu- his heart on his sleeve.” Rev. Msgr. Liam Kidney, Pastor Weekday worship: Wednesdays, 10:00 am Reverend Larry Neumeier, Associate Pastor 1031 Bienveneda * Pacific Palisades * 310-454-1358 MASSES www.stmatthews.com Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Palisadian-Post FICTITIOUS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. (Vigil Mass) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA No. 2020126292 SUBSCRIBE Sunday, 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SYNAGOGUES Case No.20SMCP00274 STATEMENT Holy Days, 8:00 a.m., 12 noon and 6:00 p.m. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR The following persons are doing TODAY! Confessions every day at 5:00 pm. Chabad Jewish Community Campus CHANGE OF NAME business as: TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: paws n' claws grooming Palisadian-Post Sunday School, 9:30-10:30, ages 3-K A Warm & Welcoming Community For All! Serving the Community Since 1928 Ariel-Yitzkhak Yomtovian salon, inc 24 Pages Thursday, July 12, 2018 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 "Judaism Done Joyfully" Parade Makes 70th Run Heat Wave Elementary Religious Education, Mon. 3:30-5:00 p.m. 1663 marquez ave Harnesses Pacific filed a petition with this court for a decree Palisades By TRILBY BERESFORD factors to consider,” he said, add- Reporter ing that “sturdy shoes” make a Adult Religious Education, RCIA, Tues. 7:15-9:00 p.m. pacific palisades, CA 90272 huge difference. changing name as follows: corching temperatures were He advised people who are Shabbat Shalom! reported all across Southern intent on hiking in Temescal to SCalifornia over the weekend, con- plan accordingly by going early tinuing through the start of the in the morning, before the tem- week. perature soars. LA COUNTY The National Weather Service A vegetation fire also oc- listed new daily record highs on curred on Saturday, July 7, at Al- Present Name: July 6 and 7, such as 117 degrees mar Avenue in El Medio Bluffs. 15100 Sunset Blvd. • Pacific Palisades • 310-454-1328 in Woodland Hills and Van Nuys. Bastman reported that LAFD Sta- Weather Specialist Stuart tion 69 responded, and “54 fire- Candle lighting Friday 9/11/20 6:47pm Seto from the National Weather fighters contained a quarter-acre Service told the Palisadian-Post of light to medium grass in 25 paws n' claws grooming that hot weather records also con- minutes.” Ariel-Yitzkhak Yomtovian cern low temperatures—meaning As the threat of brush fires that overnight low temperatures increases, Jeff Escalante and his have been unusually hot. team at LAFD Station 69 are Palisadians are often affect- working to clear brush from vul- ed by the summer heat by way of nerable areas. Visit us at: corpuschristichurch.com salon, inc their favorite pastime: hiking. According to City News Ser- Rabbi/Rebbitzen Zushe/Zisi Cunin - Co Directors A hiker was rescued from vice, the Los Angeles Department Proposed Name: Temescal Canyon Park in Pacific of Water and Power dealt with Palisades on the morning of Fri- numerous power outages over day, July 6. The high was 103 de- the weekend—caused by the un- grees that day. precedented demand on cooling 1663 marquez ave Los Angeles Fire Department systems. Honorary Co-Mayors Billy Crystal and Janice Goldfinger greet the town from their float. Photos by Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer Station 69 responded to a call “DWP said Saturday’s power Ariel Yitzhak Yomtov from a 63-year-old man with an demand was the second-highest By MICHAEL AUSHENKER United Methodist Church of Pacif- “unspecified medical complaint.” of any weekend day in the city’s Rabbi Sholom & Nechama Diskin - Youth Contributing Writer ic Palisades He was hoisted by Air Operations history, with peak use exceeding “It’s beautiful here,” Allen and transported to a local hospital 5,700 megawatts.” rom waterworks to fireworks, said. “There’s a wonderful sense in fair condition. They advise, “judicious use pacific palisades, CA 90272 Pacific Palisades celebrated of community. It’s part of LA but Another hiker, this time a of air conditioning, and use of Fwell on Independence Day, an- it has a great [small-town feel] with 35-year-old female, was rescued drapes, curtains and blinds to keep THE COURT ORDERS that all persons chored by the annual Palisades Pa- strong traditions.” on Saturday, July 7, at 1:02 p.m. sunlight and heat out of rooms.” rade and an evening concert lineup Indeed, parade donor Don de LAFD spokesperson Amy Bast- To escape the heat when out at the baseball field at Palisades Brier confirmed that at the VIP man confirmed to thePost that the and about, all LA branch libraries Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church Charter High School. lunch, where he added that he loves reason was due to “heat distress.” and recreation centers operate as Rabbi Yossi & Dassy Eilfort - Teens This business is conducted by This year, the parade celebrat- the July 4th holiday for “the parade Captain Tommy Kitahata designated “cooling centers.” To ed seven decades with the theme and the fun day in the community.” from LAFD Station 69 told the determine their location, call 211. interested in this matter appear before “70 Years of Cheers!” “It honors the military, the Post that the woman was hiking The city of Los Angeles Emer- Like clockwork, as they have neighbors,” continued de Brier, with three other people, which is gency Management Department been doing for 30 years, members who has financially supported the much preferred than going alone, offers tips to “Beat the Heat” this of Carey Peck Skydiving Team— parade for a decade now. though the group was in the park summer, including how to recog- a Corporation led by Tom Falzone (Pali High Street and wrapping around Toyo- Simon said. Later that evening, as Pali- at the hottest part of the day. nize symptoms of heat exhaustion Class of ’79)—touched down near pa Street toward its conclusion. “I love the community feel- sades Uplifters performed on the Kitahata recognized that Te- and the importance of staying hy- Fr. John Tomasi, Rector the big “X” on the ground at Sun- As is tradition, the parade fea- ing,” Arpi added. “You don’t see main stage at the Pali High base- mescal Canyon Park remains fa- drated. Chana Hertzberg- Early Childhood Center/www.PJECC.org this court at the hearing indicated below set Boulevard and Swarthmore tured a succession of visual treats, this anywhere, people preparing ball stadium, Crystal, in a black vorable to hikers all year round They also emphasized that Avenue to signal the big launch of both new and familiar, including for the parade three days ahead of sweater and matching beret, told because of the easy access and children or pets must never be left the parade. floats with the Patriotic Pups, The- time.” the Post that he hopes the exam- available parking, though many alone in a hot vehicle, “not even The date registrant commenced to Unlike last year’s gray day, the atre Palisades, Palisades P.R.I.D.E. In the grandstand, talent man- ple set by him and wife/Honorary people are “ill-prepared” as far for one minute,” because “tem- sunshine worked in harmony with and Caruso. ager Larry Hummel of Beverly Co-Mayor Janice Goldfinger takes as carrying enough water and peratures inside a car can quickly the splashy opening. However, the Parade highlights included an Hills brought his wife and 9-year- off. wearing suitable clothing for the skyrocket to deadly levels.” To to show cause, if any, why the petition parachutists found the touchdown army’s worth of Colonial Ameri- old son to see their first Palisades “Everybody should do that,” activity. see the full list, visit lacity.org. windier than in previous years. can Minutemen, the colorful Lan parade, during which the current he said of their custom float. “The “Hydration, lightweight In addition, LAFD paramed- 4145 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230 “The winds were a bit squirrel- Nartthasin Thai Dance Group LA, honorary co-mayors made quite parade should grow and grow each clothing [breathable fabrics] and ics stress hot weather safety tips Engaging programming for community members of all ages. ly,” skydiver Mary Tortomasi told as well as myriad marching bands the impression. year with homemade floats.” planning for the weather are key at lafd.org. transact business under the ficticious the Palisadian-Post. “You have to from high school and middle “What better way to celebrate get upwinded.” school from communities such as the Fourth of July than watching For more on the daytime fes- for change of name should not be grant- Once the skydiving trio— Norwalk and Downey. Billy Crystal dressed as George tivities of Fourth of July, see Page Anine Bing Expands which also included Rich Picciril- From the sidelines, neighbors, Washington crossing Sunset Bou- 3; Palisades Rocks the Fourth li—landed, the parade launched including Dr. Simon Simonian, levard?” Hummel said. coverage, Page 9; and race cov- up Via De La Paz and curled onto esteemed medical scientist who Senator Ben Allen, who rep- erage on Page 5. For a selection name or names listed above: 10/2002 Sunset Boulevard, where it strut- helped eradicate smallpox, and resents Pacific Palisades, brought of additional photos captured to Palisades Village Friday: Vespers 6 p.m. ted across the heart of The Village wife Arpi, took in the parade. his parents to the VIP luncheon, by Rich Schmitt, visit vimeo. Please visit www.chabadpalisades.com for before going south on Drummond “I like the whole atmosphere,” held, as always, at the Community com/278945076. By SARAH SHMERLING ed. Any person objecting to the name Editor-in-Chief nine Bing, an international (Signed) henry a marting Awomen’s fashion brand, will open a second Los Angeles store in Caruso’s Palisades Village. change described above must file a Headquartered in LA, the brand was launched in 2012 by Saturday: Matins 7:00 a.m., Divine Liturgy 8:30 a.m., founder and creative director Anine our upcoming services and events. Bing—a mom and blogger. Bing, Henry A Marting of Danish and Brazilian descent, was born in Denmark and grew up in Sweden. written objection that includes the rea- Having modeled since the age of 15, Bing used that experience to Anine Bing Photo courtesy of Anine Bing launch her own brand of clothing Vice President based on the lifestyle of a model. The Stevie Boots, one of Anine Vigil 5 p.m. “Inspired by fusion of Scan- Bing’s best-selling items, accord- 17315 Sunset Blvd | 310-454-7783 dinavian heritage and American ing to Who What Wear, are avail- sons for the objection at least two court spirit, Anine Bing offers luxurious able in several different colors and staples, wardrobe basics and state- run from $399 to $449. ment pieces that are current and Anine Bing offers clothes in This statement was filed with the timeless,” according to the brand’s size XS through L and is currently website. sold in more than 300 boutiques Anine Bing offers dresses, around the world, with flagship jackets, jewelry, accessories, shoes, stores in LA, New York, Paris, Sunday: Divine Liturgy 10 a.m. days before the matter is scheduled to lingerie and more. Among the London, Barcelona, Madrid and “New In” items on the website as Berlin. the Palisadian-Post went to print “I am so excited for the open- County Clerk of Los Angeles County was a Madeline Blazer in Green ing of our second Los Angeles store Plaid for $349. The Perfect Tee in in Palisades Village,” Bing said. “I Navy, described on the website as am continually inspired by all the be heard and must appear at the hearing “truly the perfect T-shirt” with a creativity Los Angeles has to offer “lived-in look and feel,” was priced and am excited to bring our signa- on August 19, 2020. at $79. ture AB style to the Westside.” For a complete listing of services see: Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist to show cause why the petition should NOTICE—THIS FICTITIOUS NAME www.joyofallwhosorrow.org not be granted. If no written objection STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS Congregation of Pacific Palisades is timely filed, the court may grant the FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN 310-391-9911 A Welcoming Jewish Community for the Westside petition without a hearing. THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. Rabbi Amy Bernstein • Rabbi Micah Hyman NOTICE OF HEARING A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Date: October 16, 2020, 8:30 a.m., Dept. K STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR Palisades Presbyterian Church • Cantor Chayim Frenkel The address of the court is TO THAT DATE. The filing of this state- The Rev. Dr. Grace Park Friday Night Shabbat Services: 7:00 PM 1725 Main Street, ment does not of itself authorize the use 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Morning Worship Service Santa Monica, CA 90401 in this state of a fictitious business name Saturday Bar/Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Services: A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall in violation of the rights of another under (Sunday School and Child Care at Worship Service) 10:00 AM/4:30 PM be published at least once each week for federal, state or common law (see Sec- Preschool - Enroll now at 310-454-0737 four successive weeks prior to the date tion 14400 et seq, Business and Early Childhood and set for hearing on the petition in the fol- Professions Code). For complete information Parenting Center: 424-214-7482 lowing newspaper of general circulation, Call September 10, September 17, and upcoming events see: Jewish Experience Center: 310-459-1569 printed in this county: September 24 and October 1, 2020 PALISADIAN-POST. 310.454.1321 www.palipres.org For a complete calendar please visit: www.ourKI.org Dated: August 18, 2020 15821 Sunset Blvd. • 310-454-0366 16019 W. Sunset Blvd • 310-459-2328 SHERRI R. CARTER or visit Executive Officer/Clerk August 27, September 3, September 10 www.PaliPost.com and September 17, 2020