Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team




IDP situation as reported this week by GAs Displacement after April 2006 Location Number of Families Number of Individuals

Jaffna 6,010 20,205

Kilinochchi TBC 124,369*

TBC 83,800* Mullaitivu Vavuniya 3,517 11,630 Mannar 2,899 9,084 Trincomalee 1,389 4,647 Batticaloa 2,215 8,328

*Figures as of September 2008. These are presently being reviewed. Source – UNHCR, Government Agents Offices Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu


Situation update ••• The security situation remained tense across Jaffna District during the reporting period. Artillery shelling night towards the FDLs continued both day and night, with heavy fighting in the Muhamalai / Kilali region. Cordon and search operations continued and a number of checkpoints across the Peninsula were setup to safeguard electrical transformers. ••• An ICRC staff member was shot dead by unknown gunmen on 23 December while on his way to work. Police investigations are underway to ascertain the circumstances that led to the incident. ••• The usual one hour of power cut in the evening was increased to two hours and mobile phone coverage remains sporadic. The curfew remains in place from 21:00 to 04:30 daily.

Displacement/Returns ••• There has been no change in the IDP situation in the district since last week.

Sector Developments/Gaps ••• The WASH sector in Jaffna continued with well cleaning activities at welfare centers and health centers in coordination with the RDHS. In addition, the ACLG office received 50 water pumps for well cleaning which will be handed over to Pradeshiya Shabas to start village level well cleaning in coordination with MOHs. ••• Agencies continue with food assistance for communities affected by the floods that hit the District on 26 November. WFP will provide 1,500 MT of mixed food commodities, ZOA plans to provide food packages to 2,000 flood affected families (1,000 families in Velanai and 1,000 families in Kayts), DRC will provide complementary food packages to 3,000 families in Kopay, Karinager and Delft. The identification of beneficiaries is ongoing in coordination with the GA office. ••• FORUT will end its five year livelihood project in December 2008 and will consequently close three of its District project offices. The area office will continue to work with reduced staffing in 2009, with a focus on livelihood development training programmes.

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka ••• FAO lost 1/3 of their seeds stocks during the floods last month, impacting the supply of quality seeds to farmers. Of the 56 MT of potato seed purchased from Colombo by UNDP, FAO and IOM, over 25 % of was spoilt during transportation. The remaining seeds were distributed to beneficiaries and new stocks will be purchased in the coming weeks. ••• Land O’ Lakes Dairy Development Lanka started a school milk feeding program in J/Velanai Saraswathi Vidyalayam with funding from the Humpty Dumpty Institute. Technical support was also provided to Government authorities and milk handling cooperatives to implement a milk feeding program for children aged 2 to 5 years funded by the Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Empowerment.


Situation update • The general situation remains tense, with ongoing fighting in areas close to Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu towns. • According to the GA-Kilinochchi, as at 14 December 299,300 litres of kerosene from the total December allocation of 400,000 litres had been transported by MPCSs. In November, 276,000 litres out of the total allocation of 400,000 litres was transported. • According to the ZDE of Kilinochchi, 80% of the total candidates under the new syllabus sat for the GCE [O/L] examination held last week. In addition, 59% of the students who applied under the old syllabus sat for the exam.

Displacement/Returns • Displacements continue in Vaddakkachchi following continued shelling and aerial bombardments. The majority of the displaced people are moving towards Visuvamadhu and other areas in the Mullaitivu district.

Sector Developments/Gaps • According to the Kilinochchi RDHS office, as at 16 December, nearly 50% of the drugs from the 4th quarter allocation were transported to the district. However, there continue to be shortages of some drugs such as Amoxiline, Cloxacilline, Cephalexine, Oral Penicillin, Tetracycline, Mebendazole and Adrenaline. There is also a need for oxygen cylinders, normal saline and glucose for health institutions in Mullaitivu. • Due to recent flooding that affected agriculture crops in the Vanni, combined with the continued impacts of displacement, vegetables princes continue to increase as illustrated in the following table:

No Item PTK, Visvamadu, Tharmapuram prices per kg (Rs.) Last week This week 01 Onion 400 500 02 Potato N/A 400 03 Green chillie 1,000 1,000 04 Berinjal 400 440 05 Yam 320 360 06 Manioc 160 400 07 Long bean 440 100 08 Egg [unit] 30 400


Situation update • The general situation in Vavuniya and Mannar District remains tense, with security forces on high alert in both districts and regular cordon search operations carried out. • The entry / exit point continues to operate during limited opening hours with the ICRC facilitating urgent patient transfers and humanitarian convoys.

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka Displacement/Returns • Small numbers of IDPs continue to arrive in Vavuniya from the Vanni. New arrivals are being accommodated in Nellukkulam IDP site, the population of which now stands at 178 families (449 individuals), while 157 families (376 individuals) are accommodated in the Manikfarm site. • During the reporting periods 339 IDPs (131 families) arrived in Vavuniya from the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts.

Sector Developments/Gaps • The 8th humanitarian convoy led by the UN, reached the Vanni on 23 December 2008 carrying 871 MT of mixed food (rice - 526MT, wheat flour –162MT, pulses- 113MT, sugar- 32MT, oil – 38MT) the convoy consisted of 57 trucks of food and 2 trucks of shelter material (cadjan). • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) started assistance programs in Vavuniya and Mannar districts in partnership with the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka and RDHS offices in the districts. • The 9th humanitarian convoy is scheduled for 29 December 2008. In addition to mixed food, permission has been requested from the authorities to transport emergency water and sanitation supplies, NFRI and shelter materials to the Vanni.


Situation update • During the reporting period the security situation in the district remained relatively stable. • Due to rising water levels some of the ferries (Yan Oya and Pudavaikaddu-North, Kuchchaveli Gangai, Upparu and Ralkully - on Muttur Trincomalee road) were not operationing.

Displacement/Returns • During the reporting period, a total of 152 IDPs, 83 male and 69 female, arrived in the Trincomalee district from the Mullaitivu district. All IDPs were sent to IDP sites in Vavuniya by the authorities shortly after their arrival. Sector Developments/Gaps • NTR


Situation Update • The security situation in the district was relatively calm during the reporting period. On 18 December, unidentified men launched a claymore attack on a SLA road patrol injuring two soldiers. • On 22-23 December, the UNDP Country Director visited Batticaloa to discuss scaling up interventions for the Early Livelihood Recovery Project. The visit included site visits and discussions with beneficiaries in Thikiliwaddai in the Kiran DS division. • On 22 December, the District Secretariat organized a meeting on disaster management with the aim of improving preparedness and response to flooding in 2008-2009. In order to complement the District Disaster Plan and to ensure better preparedness, the humanitarian community, through the cluster/sector heads, is in the process of compiling a Flood Preparedness Plan. • Heavy rains have caused minor floods in the Batticaloa District. In Kiran, the lagoon spill over its banks, while two main bridges and some roads were under water making the area temporarily inaccessible.

Displacement/Returns • According to Government statistics as of 26 December, there are 8,328 internally displaced persons (2,215 families) in the district. • For 2008, UNHCR has recorded a total of 15,796 returnees (4,360 families) throughout the Batticaloa district. The estimated number of returnees for 2009 is approximately 21,000. Returns are pending progress on de-mining activities and improved access.

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka Sector Development/Gaps • 748 IDPs residing in camps and 839 resettled persons obtained two weeks' ration from WFP. Another 2,554 IDPs living with host families received four week rations during the reporting period.

Sector Response

JAFFNA DISTRICT Sector Organization Location Activity Protection/Mine Action UNICEF Sandilipay, Kopay, Chankanai, Uduvil, UNICEF supported Sarvodaya to conduct Mine Risk Education (MRE) through house to house PPD and Thellippalai DS divisions. visits in Sandilipay, Kopay, Chankanai and Uduvil, PPD and Thellippalai DS divisions to reach 219 people Jaffna DS Division UNICEF supported JSAC to conduct an activity garden programme from 16 to 20 Dec for 52 children from Kopay, Jaffna and Sandilipay. UNICEF supported JSAC to conduct a discussion forum in which children expressed and discussed their views on child rights issues with parents, teachers, government and NGOs. WASH ZOA Point Pedro DS Division 04 semi permanents toilets which were damaged by recent floods, were repaired by ZOA in Sinnavalai welfare centre in Point Pedro D.S Division Jaffna DS Division ZOA sponsored to National water supply and drainage board to improvement of water supply system at Jaffna Teaching Hospital. Work has been completed. Health & Nutrition UNICEF Jaffna UNICEF supported the RDHS to conduct a one-day workshop on Nutrition Rehabilitation.

Capacity Building CARE INTERNATIONAL Kopay and Sandilipay DS Divisions Activities are ongoing. (Project-DEC 2) CARE (LIFT 2) Chankanai ,Kopay and Chavakachcheri - Field School group formed with small scale fishing community via Muththamil Fisheries DS Divisions Cooperative Society in Arali West (J/160) GN division to start the LIFT-2 project activities for 1st cycle (Each cycle includes 18 months) through the above FS group. This FS group is formed on 19th of December, 2008 at Muththamil Community Centre hall. - Conducted CBOs’ consultation meeting with all CBOs in Irupalai East (J/258) on 20 and Irupalai South on 22 December and respectively selected Annai Indra Community Centre and Kalaivani Community Centre to start LIFT 2 project implementation. - Conducted CBOs’ consultation meeting with all CBOs in Madduvil Nunavil (J/311) GN division and Madduvil (J/310) on 23 December 2008 and respectively selected Valarmathy CC and Madduvil RDS to start LIFT 2 project implementation.. - The PRA process and other activities are going on. Food Security Land O’ Lakes Dairy Jaffna ,Velanai, Sandilipay, Chankanai, Facilitated marketing re-launch of dairy products of Jaffna District Development Cooperative Agriculture Development Lanka Nallur, and Kopay DS Divisions Society at 9 locations in the district Distributed 5 milk warmers to dairy sales outlets and one bicycle for Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Velanai Conducted a training on Cooperative principles and practices to Cooperative staff and board of directors Distributed computer and printer set to Velanai Veterinary office and Department of Animal Production and Health Distributed factory uniforms and accessories such as apron, mask, gloves and hand dryers Distributed 1000 infusion tubes to Department of animal production and health for artificial insemination. Distributed an Ice Cream Plant and a Cream Separator to Jaffna District Development Cooperative Society CARE INTERNATIONAL Valikamam East (Kopay) and Valikamam Crop damages are assessed in for 196 beneficiaries in all 12 working villages under the Kopay (Project - DEC 2) South West (Sandilipay) and Sandilipay DS divisions those were affected by “Nisha” cyclone. Food Aid WFP Jaffna district Monthly Food Sector Coordination meeting was held at WFP Jaffna .The participated

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka Agencies have shared their responses for flood victims, new IDPs, regular activities and plan for year 2009 related to food sector. Livelihood DRC Tellipallai 45 IDPs from Suthanthirpuram Welfare Centre packed 2,820 kg of food items in cash for work Early Recovery IOM Jaffna District Three days workshop on Business development was held for India returnees by implementing partner Sewa Lanka. Education IOM Chankanai, Sandilipay, Uduvil, Tellipallai, Awareness campaign on Safe Migration held in 10 DS divisions targeting 600 youths in Jaffna Nallur, Jaffna, Kopay, Point Pedro, District Karaveddy and Chavakachcheri DS divisions. ZOA Island Education Zone ZOA has conducted one day remedial teaching seminar on children psychology to 30 preschool teachers from Islands Education zone.

KILINOCHCHI & MULLAITIVU DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Food / NFRI GA Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts During the period 16 – 19 December, GA convoys transported 267,600l of Kerosene, 73.42 MT of NFRI, 15.10 MT of Wheat flour, 37.75 MT of sugar, 20.76 MT of oil, 28.96 MT of milk foods, 1.8 MT of dhal and 29.25MT of soap.

MANNAR & S Sector Organization Location Activity Protection SCiSL Mannar IDP centres (Kalimoddai, 125 children, age under 10 years and 18 pregnant/lactating mothers received “Samaposha” Sirukkandal) packs for last week. Menik Farm Community Hall and Provided play materials (includes Cricket bat small 4 & large 4,badminton set 3,football Aruvithoddam School. 2,volleyball with net 2,net ball 2,tennis ball tin 2,chess board 4,carom board 2,dam board 2snake & ladder 2) to Manic Farm Community Hall and Aruvithoddam School IDP locations for have play and recreational activities children in these IDP locations. This was done through the DCDC in Vavuniya with the approval of GA Vavuniya. Nearly 100 children will benefit. Health UNFPA & FPASL Mannar & Vavuniya Supported to conduct 6 mobile reproductive health clinics, train 20 community health volunteers with collaboration of the RDHS offices in Mannar and Vavuniya districts. Provided 10,000 hygiene packs for distribution among IDP women and girls of reproductive age through the RDHS Mannar. Education SCiSL Koomankulam & Pandarikulam 9 IDP Children received 9 Education Kit for back to school in Koomankulam & Pandarikulam area. NFRI SCiSL Pandarikulam,Poonthodam,Ukkulankulam. Provided Non food items & Hygiene kits to 5 IDP Families who are came frome jaffna & Kilinochchi. Manipuram,Eswaripuram Provided 278 mosquitonets to 278 IDP Families.

TRINCOMALEE DISTRICT Sector Organization Location Activity Protection/ Mine UNICEF/MRE Unit Kiliveddy, Paddithidal, Kaddaiparichchan, Mine Risk Education awareness sessions and children Club activities Action Kachcheri Chenaiyoor, Ganesapuram, Marawattakulam, Serunuwara, Thangapuram, Sinakulam & Veeramanagar Emergency Shelter, IOM Ganeshapuram – Muttur DS Work in progress for 25 Core houses at Ganeshapuram. Camp Uppooral – Seruvila DS 29 Tarpaulin kits issued to the flood victims at Uppooral. Coordination/Manag Chenaiyoor – Muthur DS Work in progress for another 75 Core houses at Chenaiyoor. ement UNHCR Kaddaiparichchan South Repairs of 40 partly damaged houses is in progress Chenaiyoor Repairs of 60 partly damaged houses is in progress

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka WASH UNICEF/ Pradeshiya Saba Kiliveddy IDPs Transit site 18,000 litres cleaning water for toilets trucked daily to 392 families Muthur Livelihood, Early/ IOM Kaddaiparichchan South GN Assessment has completed on livelihood provision for 224 returned beneficiaries. Medium Recovery USAID OFDA Funding. Infrastructure Town & Gravets DS A Beneficiary received (three wheeler) livelihood provision worth of Rs 159, 070.00 under Assisted Voluntary Return & Reintegration Program. Funding: EC/UK Home Office & ERF. Food Aid WFP Thampalakamam Three tons of mixed food sent to feed 145 displaced people residing with host community and 24 Health volunteers. Muthur 59 MT of mixed food commodities sent to feed a total of 4,184 IDPs/resettled people for one month. Seruvila 20 MT of food sent for distribution among 1450 resettled populations. Town & Gravets 17 MT of mixed food distributed to 90 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition programme. Eachchilampattai 54 MT of mixed food commodities sent to feed 3,855 resettled people as one month supply. Kantalai Eight tons of mixed food dispatched to support 61 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition programme. Kinniya Four tons of mixed food dispatched to support 60 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition programme. Capacity Building IOM Kuchchaveli/ Town & Gravets / Kinniya DS Out of 6 workshops on “Safe Migration” 4 have completed with the help of “People Service Divisions. Council” a local NGO. Funding European Commission.

BATTICALOA DISTRICT Sector Organization Location Activity Protection UNHCR Kiran Return monitoring of Perillavely GN division resettlement.

Vadamunai and Uthuchenai villages in Protection monitoring ongoing Kiran DS div Child Protection UNICEF/Sarvodayam Periyapullumalai and Urugamam in MRE awareness through home visits - in total, 163 families were visited Chenkalady DS division Koolavady in Kiran DS div One parents’ awareness programme on MRE was conducted, in which 59 parents participated. Pulipainthakal and Koravely in Kiran DS Two meetings were organised in 2 children clubs – 50 children including 24 girls took part in the div meetings. Meetings focused on child protection and referral mechanism Psychosocial JEN 6 villages in Kiran DS div Pre-test survey had completed to 180 beneficiaries and the analysis ongoing. Planning to conduct mass counseling for up coming weeks. Emergency Shelter/ NRC Perillavely in Kiran DS div 188 returnee families have been distributed tin sheets and ridge tiles to construct the roofs of Camp Coord/Camp Mgt their shelters Koravely in Kiran DS div 11 retunee families received rigid emergency shelters Kirimuddi Farm IDPs camp in Kiran DS div. CMT (Camp Management Training) kit distributed and Zaheera IDPs camp in MN DS div Oxfam Australia /KPNDU Uiyankattu, Shethukuda, Alankulam and Completed the construction of 85 shelters Kerninager in Vaharai DS div Oxfam Australia /CDO Thannamuni, Kokkuvil, Kanthi Kiramam 16 shelters were constructed and Karuvepenkerni in MN DS div UNHCR/UNOPS Vadamunai and Uthuchanai villages in 34 Emergency shelter kits distributed for 34 families who returned in the second phase of return Kiran DS div movement to these villages WASH UNICEF/R/ACLG/ other Batticaloa District District WASH coordination meeting co -chaired with the R/ACLGH. Agencies' WASH activities WASH related agencies progress updated and the prize giving ceremony was conducted by RACLG for photo competition (Positive message for WASH) supported by UNICEF.

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka UNICEF/Oxfam GB/ Handed over 500 hygiene tool kit bags and 1000 hygiene education materials to RDHS to MOHs Area in Batti district RDHS/MOHs distribute to MOHs and hygiene promoters Valaichenai, Oddamavady, Chenkalady 6.06 Mt of mixed food commodities were dispatched to the MOHs to distribute among 96 health and Vaharai DS divisions volunteers who involved in Mother and Child Nutrition programme (MCN) Food and Nutrition WFP Kaluwanchikudy, MN, Chenkalady and 748 IDPs residing in the camps and 839 resettled persons obtained their 2 weeks' ration. And Vaharai DS divisions 2,554 IDPs living with host fams received 4 weeks ration during this week. Health Medical Officer of Health (MOH) Chenkalady established 10 community based groups (Mother UNICEF/RDHS/ MOH MOH area Chenkalady Groups) to promote the importance of IYCF and adolescent nutrition at 10 villages (covering 4 Chenkalady GN division) Agriculture, Fisheries, Vegetable seeds given to the selected beneficiaries to prepare nursery to the next home garden Livestock, VT: Early season.High land cultivation monitoring on going JEN 6 villages in Kiran DS div Recovery Condudcted initial meeting with fisheries community to identify the resources for the next project planning NFRI NRC 11 IDPs camps in 4 DS divisions Kerosene distributed to all displaced families in these camps UNICEF/NRC Amrithakali and Kokkuvil in MN DS div Hygiene kit distributed to IDPs who are living with host families. UNHCR Perillavely and Vadamunai in Kiran DS div 20 packs of NFRIs distributed to the returnee families of Perillavely and 34 packs for the families of Vadamunai MN DS div 30 bicycles were distributed to the IDPs who moved to Zahira IDPs site from Manpower IDPs camp. Perillavely in Kiran DS div Tarpaulin kits were distributed to 20 returned families Chettipalayam in Kaluwanchikudy DS div Distributed tarpaulins to a family under the 'Persons With Special Needs' (PWSN) scheme. Education NRC Thihilivettai in Kiran DS div 1 Temporary Learning Space (TLS) constructed UNICEF Paddiruppu and Batticaloa Educational Supporting TERM for the shifting of TLS for required areas Zones

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h | Inter-Agency IASC Standing Committee Country Team

Colombo Sri Lanka Acronyms

ACLG - Assistant Commissioner Local Government ECHO - Humanitarian Aid Department PS - Pradeshiya Saba ADGM - age, gender and diversity mainstreaming EHESP - Emergency House Hold Economic Security Program QIP - Quick Impact Project AP - Anti-Personnel EHI - Essential Household Items RDA - Road Development Authority ASC - Area Security Coordinator EOD - explosive ordnance disposal RDHS - Regional Directorate of Health Services AWF - Affected Women Forum EVI - Extremely Vulnerable Individual RDS - Rural Development Society BAC - Battle Area Clearance FDL - Forward Defense Line REERDO - Rural Economic, Education, Research and Development CBDRM - Community Based Disaster Risk Management FFE - Food for Education Organization CBI - Classroom Based Intervention FFW - Food for Work RSG - Representative of the Secretary General CBO - Community Based Organizations FPASL – Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka RCTMS - Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School CBSM - Confidence Building and Stabilization Measures FSA - Field Security Advisor rwh - rain water harvesting CCHA - Consultative Committee on Humanitarian Assistance FSD - Swiss Foundation for Mine Action SAA - Small Arms Ammunition CF - child friendly GAA - German Agro Action SAC - School Attendance Committee CFA - Cease Fire Agreement GND - Grama Niladari Division SBM - School Based Management CFE - Child Friendly Environment GP - Guiding Principles SCC - Shelter Coordination Cell CM - Camp Management GRC - German Red Cross SCiSL - Save the Children in Sri Lanka C&M - Care and Maintenance GS - Grama Sevaka SDS - School Development Society COC - Chamber of Commerce GTMS - Government Tamil Mixed School SFP - School Feeding Programme CRADA - Centre for Rehabilitation of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts GVC - Gruppo Volontariato Civile SLF - Sewa Lanka Foundation CRC - Child Rights Convention HALO - Hazardous Area Life Support Organization SLMM - Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission CRDO - Community Resource Development Organization HRC - Human Rights Commission SLRCS - Sri Lanka Red Cross Society CSB - Corn Soya Blend HSZ - High Security Zone SM - Social Mobilisation CTF - Community Trust Fund LOLDDL - Land O’ Lakes Dairy Development Lanka STF- Spécial Task Force CWBC - Child Well-Being Committee ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross SOND - Social Organisation for Networking for Development DAPH - Department of Animal Production and Health LIFT – Local Initiative for Tomorrow SIYB - Start and Improve Your Business) DEC – Disasters Emergency Committee MA - Mine Action TCCS - Thrift and Credit Co-op Societies DDG - Danish De-mining Group MCN - Mother and Child Nutrition TDDA – Trincomalee District Development Association DMAO - District Mine Action Offices MMIPE - Milinda Moragoda Institute For Peoples’ TDH - Terre des hommes DDMC - District Disaster Management Coordinator Empowerment TLS – temporary Learning Space DDMU - District Disaster Management Unit MN - Manmunai North ToT - Training of Trainers DMU - Disaster Management Unit ZEO - Zonal Education Office TS - Temporary Shelter DoA - Department of Agriculture MoD - Ministry of Defense TMVP - Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal DPDHS- Deputy Provincial Director of Health Services MOH - Medical Officer of Health TP - Transition Programme DPU - Deep Penetration Unit MRE - Mine Risk Education UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund DRMU - Disaster Risk Management Unit MSF - Doctors Without Borders VEP - Village Emergency Preparedness DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction NECORD - North East Community Restoration Development VGF - Vulnerable Group Feeding DSD- Divisional Secretariat Division NPA - Norwegian People Aid VOSD - Voluntary Organization for Social Development ECCD – Early Childhood Care and Development NRP - Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme WC - Welfare Center ECCDC - Early Childhood Care and Development Centers NWS&DB - National Water Supply Drainage Board WHH – Women Headed Household ECE - Early Childhood Education PPCC - Professional Psycho-social Counseling Centre WRDS – Women’s Rural Development Society PHM - Public Health Midwives WV - World Vision WWDF - Working Women Development Foundation

* Manthai West is located in Mannar district but covered by the OCHA Kilinochchi Field Office ** Name used for easy reference. Abbreviations of places

Jaffna (Jaf) Sirupp - Siruppiddy Nana - Nanaddan KP - Koralai Pattu (**Valachchenai) Pala- Palameenmadu Alank - Alankulai Tell - Tellipalai Umana - Umanakeri DS Kok - Kokkuvil Chank - Chankanai Then - Thenmaradchi Rasool - Rasoolputhuveli EP - Eravur Pattu (**Chenk) DS Panich- Panichchankerny Chava - Chavakachcheri Thiru - Thirunagar KPC - Koralai Pattu Central Mank - Mankerny Guru - Gurunagar Udu - Uduvil Trincomalee (Trinco) Kalu - Kaluwanchikudy Paddip – Paddipalai Kara - Karaveddy Uyara - Uyarapulam Each - Eachchilampattai Padd - Paddiruppu Karai - Karainagar Vada - Vadamaradchi Kuch - Kuchchaveli Vavuna - Vavunatheevu Ampara (Amp) Karan - Karanavai Valik SW - Valikamam South West Kilive - Kililveddy Valach - Valachchenai Akka - Akkaraipattu Maddu - Madduvil Vatha - Vatharavathai Kodu - Koduwamadu Kal – Kalmunai Maru - Maruthapuram Batticaloa (Batti) Panku - Pankudaveli Thiruk - Thirukkovil Navan - Navanthurai Kilinochchi (Kili), Mullaitivu (Mullai) Thampa – Thampalakamam Mara - Marapalam Sahaya - Sahayapuram Batti - Batticaloa Ontha - Onthachimadam Sandi - Sandilipay Vavuniya (Vavu), Mannar Aray - Arayampathy Kuru - Kurukkalmadam Thalv - Thalvupadu Chenk - Chenkalady Achch - Achchankulam KPN - Koralai Pattu North (**Vaharai) DS

IASC CT Secretariat (UNOCHA) 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 - 11 - 4528689 Ext. 384 / Fax: +94 - 11 – 4528690 Email: [email protected] | Web site: http: //www.h |