Initiation of Sierra Nevada Range Front–Walker Lane Faulting Ca. 12 Ma in the Ancestral Cascades Arc
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Origin and Evolution of the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane themed issue Initiation of Sierra Nevada range front–Walker Lane faulting ca. 12 Ma in the Ancestral Cascades arc Cathy J. Busby1, Jeanette C. Hagan1, and Paul Renne2 1Department of Earth Science, University of California–Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA 2Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Road, Berkeley, California 94709, USA ABSTRACT graben-vent complex because we have found arc volcanism, under a Walker Lane trans- no vents for high-K lava fl ows here. However, tensional strain regime, and that this con- The eastern escarpment of the Sierra we show that these faults localized the high-K trolled the siting of the Little Walker caldera. Nevada (USA) forms one of the most promi- Little Walker caldera. nent topographic and geologic features in We demonstrate that the range-front INTRODUCTION the Cordillera, yet the timing and nature of faults at Sonora Pass were active before and fault displacements along it remain relatively during the ca. 11.5–9 Ma high-K volcanism. The eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada poorly known. The central Sierra Nevada We show that these faults are dominantly (USA) is one of the most prominent topo- range front is an ideal place to determine approximately north-south down to the east graphic and geologic boundaries in the Cordi- the structural evolution of the range front normal faults, passing northward into a sys- llera (Surpless et al., 2002). The southern part of because it has abundant dateable Cenozoic tem of approximately northeast-southwest this boundary is relatively simple, straight and volcanic rocks. The Sonora Pass area of the sinistral oblique normal faults that are on the narrow along the southern Sierra Nevada range- central Sierra Nevada is particularly good southern end of the ~24-km-wide northeast front fault zone, but it becomes more complex for reconstructing the slip history of range- transfer zone in the Sierra Crest graben-vent in the central Sierra Nevada (between Mono front faults, because it includes unusually complex. At least half the slip on the north- Lake and Lake Tahoe; Fig. 1). There, it has been widespread and distinctive high-K volcanic south normal faults on the Sonora Pass range interpreted to form a northwest-trending zone rocks (the ca. 11.5–9 Ma Stanislaus Group) front occurred before and during eruption of of en echelon escarpments produced by normal that serve as outstanding strain markers. the TML, prior to development of the Little or oblique faulting (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, These include the following, from base to top. Walker caldera. It has previously been sug- 2001; Schweickert et al., 2004), with modern (1) The Table Mountain Latite (TML) con- gested that the range-front faults formed a focal plane mechanisms suggestive of oblique sists of voluminous trachyandesite, trachy- right-stepping transtensional stepover that normal faulting (Unruh et al., 2003). The long- basaltic andesite, and basalt lava flows, controlled the siting of the Little Walker term fault history of the southern Sierra Nevada erupted from fault-controlled fi ssures in the caldera; we support that interpretation by escarpment is not well understood because Neo- Sierra Crest graben-vent system. (2) The showing that synvolcanic throw on the faults gene volcanic rocks are generally lacking there, Eureka Valley Tuff consists of three trachy- increases southward toward the caldera. The whereas the long-term history of the central part dacite ignimbrite members erupted from Sonora Pass–Little Walker caldera area is is more easily established and better understood the Little Walker caldera. These ignimbrites shown here to be very similar in structural due to the presence of Cenozoic volcanic and are interstratifi ed with lava fl ows that con- style and scale to the transtensional stepover sedimentary rocks (Schweickert et al., 1999, tinued to erupt from the Sierra Crest graben- at the Quaternary Long Valley fi eld. Fur- 2000, 2004; Henry and Perkins, 2001; Surpless vent system, and include silicic high-K as thermore, the broader structural setting of et al., 2002; Cashman et al., 2009). The central well as intermediate to mafi c high-K lavas. both volcanic fi elds is similar, because both Sierra Nevada range front is an ideal place for The graben-vent system consists of a single are associated with a major approximately determining the long-term history of the range- ~27-km-long, ~8–10-km-wide approximately northeast-southwest sinistral oblique nor- front faults because the area contains extensive north-south graben that is along the mod- mal fault zone. This structural style is typi- dateable Cenozoic strata (Figs. 1, 2, and 3; ern Sierran crest between Sonora Pass and cal of central Walker Lane belt transtension. Busby et al., 2008a, 2008b; Busby and Putirka, Ebbetts Pass, with a series of approximately Previous models have called for westward 2009; Hagan et al., 2009). north-south half-grabens on its western mar- encroachment of Basin and Range extension The Sonora Pass area is particularly advanta- gin, and an ~24-km-wide northeast transfer into the Sierra Nevada range front after arc geous for reconstructing the slip history of Sierra zone emanating from the northeast bound- volcanism ceased (ca. 6–3.5 Ma); we show Nevada range-front faults, because the dateable ary of the graben on the modern range front instead that Walker Lane transtension is Cenozoic volcanic strata include widely distrib- south of Ebbetts Pass. In this paper we focus responsible for the formation of the range uted, compositionally distinctive volcanic units; on the structural evolution of the Sonora Pass front, and that it began by ca. 12 Ma. We con- these are the high-K volcanic rocks of the Stanis- segment of the Sierra Nevada range front, clude that Sierra Nevada range-front fault- laus Group (Fig. 2C) (for a detailed description which we do not include in the Sierra Crest ing at Sonora Pass initiated during high-K of the stratigraphy, see Busby et al., 2013a). Geosphere; October 2013; v. 9; no. 5; p. 1125–1146; doi:10.1130/GES00927.1; 10 fi gures; 2 tables. Received 11 March 2013 ♦ Revision received 7 June 2013 ♦ Accepted 18 July 2013 ♦ Published online 14 August 2013 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 1125 © 2013 Geological Society of America Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 Busby et al. BASIN AND RANGE ^ Susanville Nevada Honey Lake California Honey Lake f.z. Mohawk Valley f.z. Pyramid Lake N 40º N Dixie Mtn Reno^ Truckee^ Carson Range ^ Genoa fault Carson City Pine Nut Mtns Lake Tahoe Yerington SIERRA NEVADA Singatse^ Range ^ ^Gardnerville Stateline Hope Valley flt Wassuk Range Grover Ho Red Lake flt Springs flt ^ Carson Pass t Figure 2 Silver Mt Ebbetts Pass ^ Noble C n flt yn flt Map Key on flt Chan Faults go Lake flt 119º W ^ Lost Cann Sierran crest Sonora Pass Little Walker Center St Mary’s Pass flt Roads ^Bridgeport Rivers and Lakes 03015 Km Mono Lake 38º N Figure 1. Faults of the central to northern Walker Lane belt, which has abundant Cenozoic volcanic rocks, shown in gray (all other rocks and sediments shown in white). F.z.—fault zone; fl t—fault; Mtn—mountain. The brown dotted line represents the present-day Sierra Nevada range crest. Sources include Koenig (1963), Stewart and Carlson (1978), Wagner et al., (1981), Wagner and Saucedo (1992), Henry and Perkins (2001), Saucedo (2005), Busby et al. (2008a, 2008b), Hagan et al. (2009), and Cashman et al. (2009). Sierra Nevada range front at Sonora Pass is mapped in Figure 2. 1126 Geosphere, October 2013 Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 Sierra Nevada range front–Walker Lane faulting in the Ancestral Cascades arc 119°40′0″W 269296 274296 119°35′0″W 279296119°30′0″W 284296 N ″ 0 ′ Trpdfi Trpdf 38°30 JHEP-1 Tset SP16 Kgu Tset Tia Tdpia A Kgu Tset Mzm Trpdfi Antelope 34 Peak C Coyote Valley Fault Tia Tia D SP19 40 SP17 SP46 Upper Fish Valley 42 Q 41 Fish Valley Fault 44 35 32 Tstml Tvu SP27 10 SP48 22 eek 22 Tselt Tstml Tseb Tvu on Cr Tvu Trpdfi D′ Tvu Tstml Fish Valleyfault zone Peak Fish Valley Peak Tvu st Cann Tia Tii Lo Kgu Four Mile 30 Tstml SP8 24 Tvsi Trpu? Canyon Tstml? Tstml Tstml? Silver KingSilver Fault King Creek Fault N Kgu Q Kgu ″ 0 Tdpim Trpas ′ 11 Tdpib Summit Meadow Tstml Tstml? SP29 38°25 Tstml Trpdfi 4254296 4259296 Tstml Lost Cannon Tset Tstml Tstml? Lost Cannon Tseb Tseb Q Peak SP1 Grouse Tdpii Ta 12 Meadows Tdpds Mean Tstmf Wells Tseb Tstmf Peak Trpdfi A Peak Trpdf 27 Trpas C′ 22 Trpdf 20 SP50 SP25 Tdpds Ta Tset 24 Tseb A′ Tstml? Trpdf SP3 Trpdf 33 Chango Lake Fault SP5 Tstml? 39 Tstml 28 Tstmf 35 Trpas White Mtn Tstml Chango Kgu 38 Trpdf Lake 19 Tia 24 39 Silver Creek Meadows Tstml Grouse Meadows Fault Tstml? Tstml Trpdf Q Trpdf Tstml? Q 4249296 4254296 4259296 Tstml Trpdf 4249296 Figure 2 (on this and following two pages). Geologic map of the Sonora Pass range front, and stratigraphic column and description of rock units (Mtn—mountain; Pk—peak; USMC MWTC—U.S. Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center); mapping by J. Hagan (in 2007), C. Busby (mapping in 2004–2010), D.H. Rood (2004, personal commun.), Slemmons (1953), and Priest (1979). Ignimbrites of the Stanislaus Group (Eureka Val- 1953, 1966).