CORRECTED AGENDA Thursday, January 28, 2021 5:00 P.M.

Nick Hartzell, Chair Meeting Location: Jim Holdridge, Vice-Chair VIRTUAL MEETING ONLY Tom Sweeney Bob Broyer

VIRTUAL MEETING NOTICE The Planning Commission meeting will be conducted virtually and not available for in person public participation (pursuant to State Executive Order N-29-20). The meeting will be an internet based video and phone conference. Public participation is available at the following:

Website link: Phone number: 669-900-9128 Zoom meeting ID: 979 6520 7316

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING COVID-19 AND PARTICIPATION IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING To participate in this Alpine County Planning Commission meeting, the public are invited to observe and address the Commission telephonically or electronically. Instructions for public participation are below:

Public Participation Instructions: The meeting will be conducted via teleconference using the Microsoft Zoom program, and Commissioners will attend electronically or telephonically. The meeting will have no physical location to physically attend. The public may observe the Zoom meeting via computer by clicking on the following link: or the public may listen via phone by dialing 1-669-900-9128 and then when prompted, entering the Meeting ID Access Code 979 6520 7316

You will be asked for a “Participant ID”. You do not need a Participant ID to join the meeting, press the pound key (#) again and you will be automatically connected.

1. If a member of the public wishes to comment on a particular agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to submit their comments in writing via email to the Community Development Department at [email protected] by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the Commission meeting.

2. Applicants and members of the public wishing to comment on a specific agenda item while the matter is being heard during the meeting may participate by any of the following means: a. When the Chair calls for public comment on an agenda item, the Secretary of the Commission or his or her designee will first ascertain who wants to testify (among those who are in the meeting electronically or telephonically) and will then call on speakers and unmute their device one at a time. Public speakers including the applicant may be broadcast in audio form only. b. If speakers or other members of the public have documents they wish to distribute to the Commission for an agenda item, they are encouraged to submit such documents by 2:00 p.m. the date of the meeting to: [email protected]. To assist staff in identifying the agenda item to which the comment relates, the public is requested to indicate the Planning Commission date and agenda number in the subject line. c. While the matter is being heard, a member of the public may submit a comment via email, preferably limited to 250 words or less, to the Secretary of the Commission at [email protected]. To assist staff in identifying the agenda item to which the comment relates, the public is requested to indicate the Planning Commission date and agenda number in the subject line. If the comment is received prior to close of public comment on an agenda item, every effort will be made to read the comment into the record, but some comments may not be read out loud due to time limitations or length of the comment (if the comment exceeds 250 words). Comments received prior to the close of the public comment period on an agenda item will be made part of the record for that item.

3. Members of the public who wish to make a general public comment for items not on the day’s agenda may submit their comment via email, preferably limited to 250 words or less, to [email protected]. The Planning Commission date and “general comment” should be indicated in the subject line. The comment will be placed in the record for the meeting, and every effort will be made to read the comment into the record at the appropriate time on the agenda.

4. Individuals with disabilities who desire to request a reasonable accommodation or modification to observe or participate in the meeting may make such request by sending an email to [email protected]. The request should be made no later than noon the day of the meeting in order to provide time for County to address the request.

4. The Chair may set reasonable rules as needed to conduct the meeting in an orderly manner.

The Planning Commission welcomes you to its meetings, which are regularly scheduled for the last Thursday of each month. Your participation and interest are encouraged and appreciated. All members of the public are encouraged to participate in the discussion on any items on the agenda at the time the items come up for Commission consideration. Speakers are requested to identify themselves before speaking. Whenever possible, lengthy testimony should be presented to the Commission in writing and only pertinent points presented.

All proceedings are conducted on English. The Commission is committed to makings its proceedings accessible to all citizens. Individuals with special needs may call 530-694-2140. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

So far as practical, unless otherwise altered by the Chair of the Commission, the order of business for the Commission meeting is as follows. Please note that designated times are for that particular item only.



Any person may make comments during the Oral Communication – General Public Comment period on items of interest, within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission, that are not listed on the posted agenda. No action will be taken on any oral communication item. All oral communications must be directed to the Commission as a whole, not to individual Commission members and not to the audience.


3.1. Request approval of regular meeting minutes of August 27, 2020






6.1. Tour of the California Alps: Death Ride special event permit (5:15 pm)

Review and possible action to approve a special event permit application to allow the Tour of the California Alps: Death Ride cycling event with up to 3,500 participants to occur on July 17, 2021. The event is staged from Turtle Rock Park and the course includes State Routes 4 and 89. The event course is amended from previous years to remove State Route 88 () and extended from the Hermit Valley closure to east of Lake Alpine on State Route 4 as a shared course open to vehicle traffic. Applicant: Alpine County Chamber of Commerce


7.1. Planner’s report

7.2. Items initiated by Commissioners

8. ADJOURNMENT The Commission will adjourn to the next regular meeting with the meeting date, time and location to be determined.

PLANNING COMMISSION COUNTY OF ALPINE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Administration Building, Board Chambers 99 Water Street, Markleeville, CA 96120

MINUTES Thursday August 27, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Nick Hartzell called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. with Commissioners Nick Hartzell, Jim Holdridge, Bob Broyer, Tom Sweeney, and Erin Kelly.

A quorum was established.



3.1. Request approval of regular meeting minutes of July 30, 2020 MOTION: Sweeney /Second: Broyer approving the regular meeting minutes of June 25, 2020 meeting minutes with corrections stating Bob Boyer was at the start of the meeting and spelling errors

Roll Call votes were as follows: Commissioner Hartzell; AYE Commissioner Holdridge; AYE Commissioner Sweeney; AYE Commissioner Broyer; AYE Commissioner Kelly; AYE MOTION CARRIED






6.1. 151 Toll Gate Rd Front Yard Setback Variance (5:15 pm) Review and possible action to approve a yard setback variance application to allow the construction of a 300 sq ft accessory use generator shed located at 151 Toll Gate Rd in Bear Valley, CA. The variance would allow the proposed shed to be located 10 feet from the north property boundary within the required 30 foot front yard setback of County Code 18.36.040 E 1. Applicant: Tim Schimke APN: 005 262 014

Zach Wood introduced the staff report. Commissioner Sweeney asked about conduit in the site photos. Commissioner Holdridge asked about the building design.

Public hearing opened at 5:32 p.m.

Tim Schimke described site work that had commenced in preparation for the proposed building project and that the shed was designed to allow for safe generator operation with deep snow conditions.

Public hearing closed at 5:36 p.m.

Commissioner Kelly asked about site visits.

Commissioner Broyer noted he supports the variance and that design for approximately 14 feet of snow on the ground is reasonable.

MOTION: Broyer Second: Holdridge to approve the front yard setback variance findings: a. The triangular shape of the property is a special circumstance which justifies the setback variance. The location of existing improvements and natural features are constraints which limit the area available for structures which meet the setback requirement. b. Granting the front yard setback variance will result in development and use of land which is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of zoning objectives and will not be materially detrimental to public health, safety or welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. There is sufficient distance from the proposed project to adjacent properties and structures. c. Granting the front yard setback does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with property in the vicinity. The variance application is not a grant of special privilege for the Bear Valley Old Subdivision neighborhood where storage sheds and detached garages are a common accessory use.


Adoption of the Notice of Exemption in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Roll Call votes were as follows: Commissioner Hartzell; AYE Commissioner Holdridge; AYE Commissioner Sweeney; AYE Commissioner Broyer; AYE Commissioner Kelly; AYE

Motion Carries


7.1. Planner’s Report

Zach Wood noted ongoing work with the Wildfire Risk Mitigation Plan and Eastern Sierra Sustainable Recreation Partnership. Terry Woodrow described population changes for Bear Valley and Kirkwood due to the coronavirus pandemic.

7.2. Items initiated by Commissioners

Chair Hartzell noted that the Commission should discuss planning issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

8. ADJOURNMENT The Commission will adjourn to the next regular meeting of September 24.

______Nick Hartzell, Chair


______Zach Wood, Planner III Alpine County Community Development

STAFF REPORT January 28, 2021

TO: Planning Commission

FROM: Zach Wood, Planner III

DATE: January 25, 2021

SUBJECT: Tour of the California Alps: Death Ride Special Event Permit – Review and possible action to approve a special event permit application to allow the Tour of the California Alps: Death Ride cycling event with up to 3,500 participants to occur on July 17, 2021. The event is staged from Turtle Rock Park and the course includes State Routes 4 and 89. The event course is amended from previous years to remove State Route 88 (Carson Pass) and extended from the Hermit Valley closure to east of Lake Alpine on State Route 4 as a shared course open to vehicle traffic.


Approval with conditions


A. Applicant

Alpine County Chamber of Commerce

B. Background

Location: Turtle Rock Park and State Routes 89, 4 Previous Processing: Special event permits approved from 2009-19 Environmental Processing: Categorical Exemption

C. Project description

The Death Ride is an annual endurance cycling event held in July beginning at Turtle Rock Park with up to 3,500 participants. The ride has historically included Monitor Pass (SR 89), Ebbetts Pass (SR 4), and Carson Pass (SR 88) for a course length of 129 miles. The applicant is proposing to change the course to eliminate Carson Pass and add a new 7 mile segment of SR 4 from Hermit Valley to Lake Alpine. The proposed course would be 102 miles and the new segment would be shared, open to vehicle traffic. The application materials and exhibits are Attachment 1 of the report. 1 Death Ride Special Event Permit Staff Report

D. Criteria for Decision

‘County Code requires that special events of more than 500 participants be approved by the Planning Commission. County Code 18.78.010 A describes the purpose of the special event ordinance as:

The purpose of this section is to establish a permit procedure for public or private events that may require regulation to insure public health, welfare and safety in regard to sanitation, traffic control, police protection, environmental protection and aesthetics.

E. Issues & Staff Analysis

Amended course to Lake Alpine Recreation Area - The applicant submitted an application to amend the permitted course on December 2019 the amendment proposed to extend the course from Hermit Valley to Lake Alpine. The proposed ride rest stop and turnaround is located at turnout on SR 4 approximately 0.25 miles east of East Lake Alpine Rd. The applicant is proposing to conduct traffic screening on SR 4 at East Lake Alpine Rd. and the Chickaree day use area on Stanislaus National Forest lands. There is high recreation use at the Lake Alpine Recreation Area on summer weekends. There is significant vehicle parking on the shoulder of SR 4, traffic may be congested as pedestrians walk along the shoulder or in the travelled way. The event is expected to increase traffic delays and staff recommends that the applicant submit a traffic control plan specific to the Lake Alpine to Hermit Valley portion of the course to be approved by the Department and public safety agencies by May 17, 2021. The detailed plan would describe mitigations for traffic control, event operations, and parking requirements for the area to ensure public safety.

COVID-19 public health mitigations- The 2020 event was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic and public health orders prohibiting gatherings and events. Additionally, all other major perennial events in the County were cancelled in 2020. While the pandemic is expected to be a continuing public health risk until the event date the conditions at the time of the proposed event cannot be predicted. The Alpine County Public Health Department recommends conditions of approval which allow for Public Health to review and approve a specific COVID-19 Mitigation Plan prior to the event. As conditions may change the County also reserves the right to cancel the event due to public health conditions up to 24 hours prior to the event. This cancellation provision is consistent with County Code 18.73.080 which allows the Sheriff to revoke event permits after the event has begun due to public safety. The recommended conditions of approval related to COVID-19 of a mitigation plan and County discretion to cancel the event will insure public health and safety.

2 Death Ride Special Event Permit Staff Report


The project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15304 the CEQA Guidelines - Class 3, Temporary Use. A notice of exemption is included as Attachment 2.


Previously approved event conditions

1. A site plan showing the route and locations of all supporting facilities must be provided to the Alpine County Community Development Department prior to each year’s event. 2. Written authorization must be received by the Community Development Department from the owners of all land used by the event prior to each year’s event. This includes Caltrans, Alpine County Public Works and the U.S. Forest Service. 3. The event shall comply with all the requirements of agencies with jurisdiction including, but not limited to, Caltrans, California Highway Patrol, Alpine County Sheriff, Alpine County Community Development, Alpine County Unified School District, and the U.S. Forest Service. 4. The event shall be held in compliance with all medical, security, fire and parking measures as required by those agencies or organizations with responsibility for these services, and as deemed necessary for the health, safety and welfare of participants and the public. 5. The Death Ride promoters are responsible for providing on site medical services consisting of qualified and currently licensed or certified personnel capable of providing primary care and first aide. Emergency response and transport in accordance with accepted protocols shall also be provided. 6. The applicant shall maintain a minimum of $1,000,000 in public liability insurance for the Death Ride. Alpine County shall be named as an additional insured on said policy. Proof of the required insurance shall be provided to the Community Development Department prior to each year’s event. 7. Signs and banners for the event shall comply with the regulations of the agency with jurisdiction. Event signs may be subject to the Alpine County Sign Ordinance or Cal Trans encroachment permits. 8. Recycling of glass, aluminum, cardboard and plastic shall be provided and materials to be recycled shall be collected in separate containers. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for final clean up of all sites used during the event. 10. Sanitation facilities including portable toilets, hand washing stations and trash disposal shall be provided as required by the Alpine County Health Department.

3 Death Ride Special Event Permit Staff Report

11. All persons selling, preparing or serving food and/or beverages shall comply with the current California Retail Food Facility Law. 12. The required permits for food service and alcoholic beverages shall be obtained prior to the event and provided to the Community Development Department. 13. Public officials and their assigned representatives shall have access to all event sites at all times for the performance of official duties. 14. A pre event coordination meeting involving all required agencies and the event promoters shall be held at least 45 days prior to each year’s event. The applicant shall be responsible for scheduling this meeting.

New Lake Alpine traffic mitigation plan

LA-1 The applicant shall submit a traffic control plan specific to the Lake Alpine to Hermit Valley portion of the course to be approved by the Department and public safety agencies by May 17, 2021. The detailed plan would describe mitigations for traffic control, event operations, and parking requirements for the area to ensure public safety.

New COVID-19 public health mitigations

PH-1 All state public health and Governor’s orders related to public health shall supersede the County’s authority to permit the special event.

PH-2 Public Health and Public Safety officials may revoke the permit up to 24 hours prior to the event in order to protect public health. Event cancellation after permit approval will be based on determination of increased risk to public health including positive test results, decreased healthcare, or public safety resource capacity.

PH-3 The applicant is required to submit a COVID-19 Mitigation Plan no later than May 17, 2021 which will describe additional measures to be implemented to protect public health during the special event. The COVID-19 Mitigation Plan shall be approved by the Public Health Official and Sheriff prior to the event. Plans shall describe mitigation action in detail which accomplish the following:

a. Maintain minimum physical distancing of participants b. Provide hand washing, surface cleaning procedures and supplies c. Outreach and education on participant responsibilities for staying home if sick, individual hygiene, and face coverings d. Additional mitigation to be determined by the applicant or County public health. All required actions of the COVID-19 Mitigation Plan shall be conditions of approval. If conditions of the Mitigation Plan are not implemented the Public Health Officer and Sheriff may revoke the permit at any time per their authority, consistent with County Code 18.78.050. 4 Death Ride Special Event Permit Staff Report


Notice of the public hearing was posted according to County Code. The Department, applicant, and stakeholder agencies held meetings in 2019 and 2020 to discuss the proposed amended course.


1. Deny the application with specific findings addressing the criteria for decision listed in this report. 2. Continue the public hearing pending consideration of additional information necessary to make a decision.


1. Approval of the special event permit with the following findings:

a. The proposed course amendment will improve participant and public safety by reducing potential conflict between cyclists and vehicles on the shared portion of the course. The application reduces the miles of open course with shared vehicle traffic by 10 miles. b. The event has been successfully produced for 39 years in Alpine County and the applicant has a history of effectively coordinating both event and agency resources to insure public safety, health, and welfare. c. Conditions of approval requiring a COVID-19 Mitigation Plan and allowing for cancellation of the event by the County after permit approval are adequate to protect public health and safety due to the risk of coronavirus.

2. Adopt a Notice of Exemption (Attachment 2) for the project in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Respectfully submitted,

Zach Wood Planner III

5 Death Ride Special Event Permit Staff Report


1. Applicant’s materials 2. Notice of Exemption

6 Death Ride Special Event Permit Staff Report

Amended Event Description:

The DEATH RIDE® - TOUR OF THE CALIFORNIA ALPS will be celebrating its 40th year anniversary on July 17, 2021. The event has historically drawn up to 3,500 bike riders and nearly 1,000 spectators, in addition to visitors during the shoulder days leading up to and following the event. The Death Ride® is a world-renowned event and has effectively placed Alpine County “on the map” for adventure/destination cycling.

The Alpine County Chamber of Commerce has contracted veteran bicycle event ride professionals from Bike the West, led by Event Director, Curtis Fong, to coordinate and direct this year’s ride. Fong and his team have extensive experience producing the Death Ride® and bring an extensive historical and technical knowledge of the course to the committee.

The ride begins at Turtle Rock Park at 5:00AM and over the course of the day, traverses both sides of Monitor Pass, both sides of Ebbetts Pass, and historically, the East slope of Carson Pass, with a cut-off time of 8:00 PM to return to Turtle Rock. After thorough review of safety concerns for riders and automobiles on the final pass (Carson Pass), the ride committee is requesting an amendment to the existing special event permit. The proposed route change eliminates Carson Pass, and extends riders further on Highway 4 to a turnaround near the East Gate at Lake Alpine. Total course mileage would be reduced to approximately 102 miles, while enhancing the vertical element for riders who wish to do the 6-pass option with the climb over Pacific Grade. Moreover, it brings riders and spectators further into the western slopes of Alpine County for the ride and pre-ride training. With this course change, the official event start and finish times will adjust to 5:30 AM - 6:30 PM, giving participants a 13-hour time limit to ride up to 6 passes, during daylight hours.

To maintain the goal of improved safety conditions, the change would require closing Highway 4 at Hermit Valley for one additional hour (re-opening at 4:00 PM versus the previous 3:00 PM closure), and adding 8.5 miles of shared roadway (see attached map). Overall, the course mileage is reduced, potentially eliminating 1.5 hours of total event time.

Proposed amendment to course map: • Extends the Ebbetts Pass out-and-back section by 17 miles to the East Gate at Lake Alpine, where riders would turn around for their return to Turtle Rock Park, see Attachment A. • Extends the road closure times restricting both west- and east-bound traffic on Highway 4 by one hour, re-opening to vehicular traffic at 4:00 PM. In exchange, the course would end at Turtle Rock Park, eliminating the open-road section of the existing course that historically sent riders up Carson Pass on an open road during their most fatigued section of the ride. • Patrons, campers, and staff needing access to the shared road section of Highway 4 will be screened and advised of traffic conditions by certified traffic control operators and course marshals. • Of notable impact to safety and traffic is the elimination of the open-road section of the existing special event permit, which includes all sections of CA Highway 88, Red Lake, , Picketts Junction, Alpine Village public outlets, Millberry Canyon, and Airport Road.

Impact to stakeholders: • Outreach is underway with key stakeholders including Alpine County Sheriff’s Office, Eastern Alpine Fire/Rescue, CHP, CalTrans, Forest Service, residents and property owners along the Highway 89 and Highway 4 corridors, businesses, and local visitor authorities. Our goal is to produce an event that benefits local businesses throughout the course of the training period, and increases interest among cyclists as an adventure cycling destination while minimizing impact on residents’ daily routines.

Event Description / Amendment Narrative

Security and Public Safety: • California Highway Patrol will administer the road closure extension via service agreement. See attached letter of support. • The Alpine County Sheriff’s Office is the law enforcement agency that oversees the closed road on Highway 4. Upon approval of the special event permit, agreements and conditions will be established with Alpine County Sheriff’s Office and submitted with the Caltrans Encroachment Permit and the USFS Special Use Permit.

Emergency Medical Services: • Course leadership will work with law enforcement personnel in the service contracts to ensure that upon the discretion of the course Marshal and law enforcement, visitors, residents, and participants in need of travel can do so safely. • All medical “Recommended Conditions” recited in Item 6 of the 2019 permit will be maintained throughout the route extension to include “A minimum of one physician, one nurse, and three paramedics, and emergency transport in accordance with accepted protocols shall be provided.”

Other Necessary Services: • Additional trash disposal including locking dumpster and recycling mechanisms will be provided as required by any subsequent permits for the extension of the course. Course staff and volunteers will maintain responsibility for securing staff and/or contractor to remove these items post-event. • Eight to twelve portable toilets (as needed based on rider numbers and health and sanitation requirements) will be placed in an appropriate location away from food areas, and to include hand washing facilities and one handicap toilet. • SAG transport support will be provided using at least one 15-passenger van equipped to carry 12+ bicycles and participants. Authorized SAG vehicles will be on standby to transport fatigued riders, disabled bicycles, or participants with minor medical issues back to the finish line. This van will be equipped with a licensed HAM operator and mechanic for tech support. The SAG vehicle will be allowed on the roadway, when needed and as approved by the Course Marshal and CHP. • Tech support including a bicycle mechanic station with the ability to repair and service bicycles will be placed at the east Lake Alpine turnaround rest stop. • Fully-supported rest stop amenities will be staged at the turnaround rest stop. This will include shade/awning for sun protection or adverse weather conditions, tables, chairs, hand sanitizer, sanitation wipes, food and food handling gloves, stainless steel serving ware, fruit, pre-packaged food items, water, ice, canned beverages, energy drink mix. Potable drinking water will be sourced at this location, or bottled water supplied by a vendor. All volunteers handling food will comply with state and local training requirements. A layout footprint of the rest stop and locations of amenities will be provided upon course approval. • An amateur (HAM) radio communications station with appropriate equipment including antennae will be staged at the rest stop. A temporary amateur radio UHF repeater (440 Mhz) will be set up at the Ebbetts Pass rest stop to provide a radio relay point for HAM stations to provide ride management support communications at Lake Alpine / Bear Valley, to communicate back to the ride management center at Turtle Rock Park. • Limited Staff parking will be required at the Traffic Control Point (east gate of Lake Alpine) and at the Turn around Rest Stop. Additional volunteer parking will be provided west of Lake Alpine or at Bear Valley with shuttle service or carpool available.

Communication plan and signage (see attached Communications Plan): • Six months prior to event (or upon course approval, whichever occurs later) course changes will be highlighted on the Death Ride website, Alpine Chamber of Commerce Website, Nextdoor

Event Description / Amendment Narrative Markleeville, and Chamber social media pages. • Road closure requirements and timelines stipulated by any subsequent event permits acquired from Alpine County, Caltrans, etc. will be met. • Within 45 days prior to event notification of road closures will be mailed to property owners of the Bear Valley district, and posted at applicable US Forest Service premises and affiliated websites. • At one month, and at two weeks prior to the event, road closure notices will be distributed to the Record Courier, the Calaveras Enterprise, Inyo Register, Ledger Dispatch, Appeal, Sierra Lodestar, and the Tahoe Tribune for public posting. • Two weeks prior to event, road closure signage will begin at the corner of Highway 88 and Highway 89 (Woodford’s Station), in the town of Markleeville, and all other previously approved locations including Hwy 89/4 junction and Hwy 395 as well as at the turnaround point east of Lake Alpine, and in the communities whose roads serve as inlets to Lake Alpine. • Two weeks prior to the event, road closure information will be posted on all social media outlets of the Alpine County Chamber, at impacted campgrounds, and in local businesses in the Bear Valley community.

Liability Insurance: • As with prior years’ Death Rides, Alpine County Chamber of Commerce will secure and present proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000, prior to the event. • The Insurance Certificate Endorsement will name the County of Alpine, its officers, agents, and employees as additionally insured.

Event Description / Amendment Narrative

Planning Department Application Packet


DESCRIPTION: A special event permit is required for any event that involves a group of 75 or more people, either as participants or spectators. Events that take place within County facilities and do not exceed the normal capacity of the facility do not require a special event permit. Private events such as weddings, birthdays and other similar celebrations which do not have the potential to adversely impact public health, welfare and safety do not require a special event permit.

The following packet of information has been prepared to assist you in processing your special event permit with Alpine County. Submittal requirements and review procedures differ depending upon the nature of the proposed event. Events with more than 500 people require a public hearing with the Alpine County Planning Commission.


An application fee or deposit must be paid to the Alpine County Planning Department concurrent with submitting the special event permit application. The amount is determined by the number of participants in the event. Participants include patrons, spectators, staff, vendors, exhibitors, entertainers, and other persons who will be present during the event.

Size (#Participants and/or Spectators) 76-100 $45 101-250 $75 251-500 $175 501+ $500 for profit, $250 non-profit

*State certified non-profit designation or public agencies, religious, fraternal, or service organizations directly engaged in local civic or charitable efforts in accordance with M.C.3.04.050.

For events with more than 500 participants and/or spectators, an initial development processing deposit in the amount specified above is required. If deposited funds are reduced to less than 25% of the initial deposit amount during project processing, additional funds will be required in order to continue with processing. Any balance remaining after processing is completed and all conditions of approval satisfied will be refunded. A separate and additional deposit will be required for environmental processing if applicable to the proposed special event.

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The requirements for a special event permit application are described in the attached checklist. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Planning Department in advance of submitting the application to discuss the requirements. Applicants should check with the Planning Director before assuming that any of the items listed in the application checklist are not applicable. Applications must be complete before processing will begin. The Planning Department will check the application to determine if it is complete. If incomplete, the applicant will be notified of the items that are necessary to complete the application.


Other permits, licenses and deposits may be required for the event. If so, these requirements must be satisfied prior to the event. The conditions of approval for the special event permit may include time frames for satisfying these requirements. These other permits, licenses and deposits may include, but not be limited to, the following:

• Encroachment permit issued by Alpine County Public Works Department for access, use and closure of County roads, phone 530-694-2140. • Building permit issued by Alpine County Building Department for temporary structures, electrical connections and other items covered by County Building Codes, phone 530-694- 2140. • Business license issued by Alpine County Treasurer, phone 530-694-2286. • Food and beverage service permit issued by Alpine County Health Department, phone 530- 694-2146. • Alcoholic beverage permit issued by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Information available at: • Encroachment permit issued by California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for use of state highways. Information available at: • Site restoration deposit and/or facility rental payable to Alpine County Public Works Department for the use of any County-owned land or facilities (roads, buildings, park areas, etc), phone 530-694-2140.


Special event permits for 500 or fewer participants can be approved by the Planning Director. Events with 501 or more participants require a public hearing with the Alpine County Planning Commission.

75-500 Participants: A complete application must be filed with the Planning Department at least 14 days prior to the event. If possible, the Planning Department recommends that the application be filed three to four weeks prior to the event. Decisions made by the Planning Director to approve, approve with conditions or deny the special event permit may be appealed to the Alpine County Planning Commission as provided in Alpine County Code Section 18.88.

501+ Participants: A complete application must be filed at least 60 days prior to the date of the event. If environmental review is necessary additional time for review will be required. Applicants for events with over 501 participants should contact the Planning Department two to three months in advance of the event date to determine the required review time and potential public hearing dates. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission may approve, approve with conditions or deny the application. The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Alpine County Board of Supervisors as provided in Alpine County Code Section 18.88.

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APPLICATION FORM, AUTHORIZATION AND WRITTEN DOCUMENTS 1. Application form completed and signed by the applicant. 2. Property owner’s written authorization to proceed with the project. This can be in the form of the owner’s signature on the application form, or a separate letter of authorization. 3. Written description of the proposed event including the proposed location(s), types of activities, duration and hours of activities, and general description of the event location(s). 4. Written description of security and public safety for the event including use of both private security and public agencies such as County Sheriff and California Highway Patrol, locations and hours on duty 5. Written description of emergency medical services to be utilized including types and number personnel, locations and hours on duty 6. Written description of other necessary services including, but not limited to, sanitation garbage disposal, recycling and transportation (shuttles) and other event support services. MAPS AND PLANS 7. Vicinity map showing the location(s) of the property where the event will be located and the location of surrounding properties, public roads, public trails and other improvements. 8. Site plan and/or map , legibly and accurately drawn to scale, showing the location of the all of the following items if applicable to the proposed event: • property boundaries • all proposed activities • vehicle and pedestrian access routes into and within the event site, including emergency access • parking areas, including all off site parking • shuttle routes including all stops and drop off locations • buildings or structures to be utilized (including portable or temporary facilities) • street closures (if any) • travel routes and mode of transportation if the event includes such activities • vendor areas, including food and beverage service • emergency medical facilities • fire protection equipment, including portable water supplies if applicable • water and sanitary facilities (water supplies, toilets, hand washing stations and portable showers) • garbage disposal and recycling areas • camping areas • event signs • any other facilities and/or activity areas associated with the event

INSURANCE AND IABILITY CERTIFICATIONS 9. Insurance Certificate Endorsement naming the County of Alpine, its officers, agents and employees as additionally insured. 10. Proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.

Page 3 of 7 Revised: June 2009 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION Alpine County Planning Department 50 Diamond Valley Road Markleeville, CA 96120 Tel: (530) 694-2140, Fax: (530) 694-2149

OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Received by______Date______

Deposit/Fees paid______Receipt #______Case #______

SECTION 1 SPECIAL EVENT INFORMATION Event Name Death Ride® - Tour of the California Alps Event Location/Address Turtle Rock Park, Markleeville, CA 96120

Organization Name: Business License No.: Non Profit No.: Alpine County Chamber of Commerce 94-1698855 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name Alpine County

Address 99 Water Street

City Markleeville State CA Zip 96120

Phone (530) 694-2287 Fax Cell Email

APPLICANT/AGENT INFORMATION (If different from property owner) Name Alpine County Chamber of Commerce

Address PO Box 265, #3 Webster Street City Markleeville,, CA 96120 Phone Fax Cell Email (530) 694-2475 (775) 434-3701 [email protected] AUTHORIZATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I certify that the information and exhibits I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In filing the application I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons who are owners of the subject property or are parties to this application. I understand that all materials required by Alpine county must be submitted prior to having this matter processed. I understand that I am consenting to allow the County staff involve in this application or their designees to enter onto and inspect the subject property at any reasonable time, without obtaining any prior consent.

I understand that public hearings or meetings may be required. The property owner and/or applicant/agent or their representative shall be present at all official public meetings and public hearings relative to this application. Processing deposits and/or fees for reviewing the application shall be paid in accordance with the Alpine County Planning Department Schedule of Fees and Deposits (Board of Supervisors Resolution No. R2005-30 or as may be amended in the future). I understand that additional fees or materials may be required as a result of considerations which may arise in the processing of this application.

By signing below, the applicant and property owner shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Alpine County and all officers and employees of Alpine County from all costs and claims for damages to real and personal property or personal injury to any third party resulting from the event.


Page 4 of 7 Revised: June 2009 SECTION 2 DETAILED SPECIAL EVENT INFORMATION Event Description: See attached description.

Date(s) of Event Hours of Event July 17, 2021 From: 5:00 AM To: 8:00 PM Estimated Number of Participants (include patrons, customers, staff, vendors, entertainers and all others that will be present):


x Alcohol  Rodeo x Amplified Music/P.A. System  Security  Animals  Street Banner(s) x Banners/Signs x Street Barricade(s)  Bleachers x Street Closure(s)  Carnival Rides x Street Cones  Circus x Temporary Electrical  Dancing x Tents x Toilets  Equestrian (Shows/Trail Rides) x Use of Public Facilities/Parks/Parking Lots  Fireworks  Use of Other Private Properties x Inflatable Structures/Devices x Vendors x Lighting x Vendors (retail) x Live Entertainment  Water Hook-Up  Parade x Other______First aid/medical x Parking (off-site) x Other______Food, prepackaged, fruit, beverage  Parking Fees  Other______


Required Item Agency Estimated Fee (if known) (check)

Encroachment Permit (County Roads) Alpine County Public Works

Building Permit Alpine County Building Department

Food/Beverage Permit Alpine County Health Department

Alcoholic Beverage Permit ABC (State of California)

Business License Alpine County Treasurer

Encroachment Permit (State Highways) Caltrans

County Site/Facility Use Fee/Restoration/Clean Alpine County Public Works Up

Campfires/Burning Fire Department:

Federal Lands BLM and/or USFS

State Lands California Dept. of Fish and Game

Other (list if known)


 Denied  Approved, subject to conditions checked below

 Applicant shall provide liability insurance in the amount of $1 million.

 Applicant shall provide County with insurance certificate naming the County of Alpine; it=s officers, agents and employees as additional insured prior to permit approval.

 Event banners may be placed within the site

 Location of activities shall comply with the attached site plan.

 Any use of a public address system and/or amplification must fall within County Ordinance No. 18.68.090 limits as follows: Urban Residential having 5 acres or less density 60 dB (A) Urban Residential having over 5 acres density 55 dB (A) Institutional (INS) or Planned Development (PD) 65 dB (A) Commercial Recreational (CR) 70 dB (A)

 Lighting for the site shall be directed downward to minimize glare impact to motorists and adjacent properties

 Security measures shall be provided by the applicant in compliance with the Alpine County Sheriff=s Department approval.

 A cash deposit of $______shall be submitted to the County to ensure site and right-of-way restoration. All structures, apparatus, and appurtenances shall be removed from the premises within seven days following the event. The applicant shall be responsible for restoring the site and right-of-way to its original condition within seven days following the event. If the site has not been restored by deadline, the County will restore the site and right-of-way at the applicant=s expense. The planner shall determine deposit amount.

 Applicant shall comply with the other items indicated in Section 3A above. This permit approval becomes invalid if the required items have not been satisfied.

 The County reserves the right to revoke the permit if it determines that the public health, welfare, and/or safety may be at risk.

 Applicant shall notify by mail at least 5 calendar days prior to the event, all residents within 300 feet of the event site of the date and operational characteristics of the event.

 Other Conditions (see attachment) C. SIGNATURE AND DISTRIBUTION Staff Planner Date

Copies Distributed:  Applicant  Caltrans  Fire Department  Public Works  Bear Valley CSA  Chamber of Commerce  Health Department  Sheriff  BLM Carson City  CHP  KMPUD  USFS  Building Department  County Treasurer  Library  Other  Cal. Fish & Game:  File  Museum  Other

Page 7 of 7 Revised: June 2009

16:00 PST












LAKE ALPINE RECREATION AREA Not to scale N W E 0 5 10 Death Ride: Tour of the California Alps S Miles Proposed Course Amendment Existing Course Add Hermit Valley to Lake Alpine Extension - Eliminate Carson Pass Course Amendment Abandoned - Course Amendment Woodfords

Turtle Rock Park

Kirkwood Carson Pass Markleeville Monitor Pass

Hermit Valley Ebbetts Pass

Lake Pacific Grade Alpine Bear Valley

Airbus,USGS,NGA,NASA,CGIAR,NCEAS,NLS,OS,NMA,Geodatastyrelsen,GSA,GSI and the GIS User All data displayed on this map is regarded as planning or resource level information zwood Community Alpine County GIS specifically for use by Alpine County. Alpine County does not warrant in any way the accuracy, currency, usage or interpretation of the information displayed. 12/14/2020 Hermit Event course Valley turnaround and rest stop

Traffic checkpoint at East Lake Alpine Rd

CA4 Pacific Grade k e re C er ilv S

Lake Alpine New course segment from Hermit Valley to east of Lake Alpine -

CA4 Open to vehicle traffic with closure at Hermit Lake Alpine


0 1 2 4 Miles Alpine County GIS ¹

COUNTY OF ALPINE Community Development

Debbie Burkett, Director

Date Posted: Date Removed:


1. APPLICANT: Alpine County Chamber of Commerce 2. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 265, Markleeville, CA 96120 3. PHONE NUMBER: 530-694-2475 4. LEAD AGENCY: Alpine County, California 5. PROJECT TITLE: Tour of the California Alps: Death Ride Special Event Permit 6. DESCRIPTION: Review and possible action to approve a special event permit application to allow the Tour of the California Alps: Death Ride cycling event with up to 3,500 participants to occur on July 17, 2021. The event is staged from Turtle Rock Park and the course includes State Routes 4 and 89. The event course is amended from previous years to remove State Route 88 (Carson Pass) and extended from the Hermit Valley closure to east of Lake Alpine on State Route 4 as a shared course open to vehicle traffic. Applicant: Alpine County Chamber of Commerce

ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATION: The Planning Department has completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with Alpine County adopted guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970. Based on that review, the Environmental Administrator finds that the proposed project constitutes a Categorical Exemption. Therefore, the Environmental Administrator has determined that further environmental evaluation is not required because:

[ X] The project is categorically exempt, Class 4, Minor Temporary Use of Land (Section 15304(e)).

______Date: ______Debbie Burkett, Community Development Director

50 Diamond Valley Road, Markleeville, CA 96120 (530) 694-2140 / Fax (530) 694-2149