Beginner Terminology

Karate-empty hand Dojo-gym or place where you go to practice Mokuso-meditate Seiza-sit Mawate-turn Rei-bow Shomeni-rei-bow to the school and arts Ottogani-rei-bow between students and instructor Sempai-senior student Sensei-honorable teacher Shihan-a master, or one who devotes a lifetime to the study of an art -the father of modern day , founder of Shotokan Karate Jodan-upper level Chudan-middle level Gedan-lower level -form, a series of offensive and defensive movements performed against one or more imaginary opponents -shout, a harmony of mind and body Dojo Precepts-principles karate students are to uphold in their daily lives Yoi-command to go to ready position

Four Basic Punches 1) - Oi-Zuki-lunge punch 2) Geri- Gyaku-Zuki-reverse punch 3) Uke-block 4) Uchi-

Kicks Blocks Mae Geri-front kick Gedan Barai-down block Mawashi Geri-round kick Jodan Age Uke-rising block Yoko Geri-side kick Ushi Uke-inside block Kekomi Yoko Geri-side thrust kick Soto Uke-outside block Ushiro Geri-back kick Shuto Uke-knife hand block Mikazuiki Geri-crescent kick Morote Uke-augmented block Hiji Uke-elbow block

Strikes Stances Uraken Uchi-back fist strike Kiba Dachi-horse stance Tettsui Uchi-hammer fist strike Zenkutsu Dachi- Nukite Uchi-spear hand strike Kokutsu Dachi-back stance Empi Uchi-elbow strike Nekoashi Dachi-short cat stance Haito Uchi-ridge hand strike Fudo Dachi-immoveable stance Shuto Uchi-knife hand strike Heisoku Dachi-attention stance Teisho Uchi-palm heel strike Yoi Dachi-ready stance Hiraken Uchi-four knuckle strike Numbers Ichi-one Ni-two San-three Shi-four, also known as Yo Go-five Roku-six Shichi-seven, also known as Nana Hachi-eight Ku-nine Ju-ten Advanced Karate Terminology

Aiki-indomitable spirit Aiuchi no Heiho-strategy of simultaneous striking Atemi Waza-striking techniques Bushidamashi-warrior spirit or warrior strength Bushido-way of the warrior Chikara-physical power Deshi-student Do-way of, word used to replace jitsu to demilitarize the arts Fudoshin-immovable or indomitable mind Hakama-pants worn in , kyudo, and Hara-stomach, or center Haragei-state of mind that eliminates the harshness of reality; also known as intuitive thought Heiho-strategy Hyoshi-timing Iaijitsu-art of drawing the sword Jeet Kune Do-way of the divine intercepting fist; martial art system founded by the late Bruce Lee Jigoro Kano-founder of Kama Bushi Kai-Divine warrior system; founded by Soke David Baize Kama Bushi Do-way of the divine warrior; part of Kami Bushi Kai headed by Shihan McCaslin Kai-system Ki-inner power Kiai-spirit shout. Five Reasons to Kiai: 1) Startle opponent 2) Increase power 3) Psyche you up 4) Enable you to take a blow 5) Alert other people -basics Katsuri no Heiho-strategy of broken rhythm Kime-focus -sparring Kyudo-way of the bow and arrow Maai-distance Maai no Heiho-strategy of combative distances Morehei Ueshiba-founder of Aikido Mushin-calm mind Nagashi Tsuki-flowing punch Nunanshin-mendable or flexible mind Okinawan Te-Okinawan hand Three cities of Okinawa-Naha, Shuri, and Tamari -belt -school Satori-spiritual enlightenment Satsuna Clan- group of Japanese that conquered Okinawa and outlawed weapons in 1609 Shiwari-the break Shorin Ryu & Shorei Ryu-styles studied by Master Funakoshi which formed the basis for Shotokan Shoto-Master Funakoshi’s pen name Shotokan- means Pine waves system or House of Shoto, the style was founded by Master Funakoshi in 1936 Shuri Te-style founded by Master Matsumura Suki-punch; direct attack; moment of indecision Tai Chi Chuan-supreme ultimate fist Te-hand Waza-conditioned response Yojimbo-bodygaurd Zanshin-aware mind

Senior Advanced History & Terminology

Master Funakoshi’s Teachers 1) Azato 2) Itosu 3) Mastumura

Some of Funakoshi’s Major Students 1) Nishiyama (alive) 2) Nakayama (deceased) 3) Egami (deceased) 4) (deceased) 5) Ohtsuka (deceased)

Four Major Japanese Styles and Founders 1) Shotokan Ryu-Gichin Funakoshi 2) Wado Ryu-Hironiri Ohtsuka 3) Goju Ryu-Chojun Miyagi 4) Shito Ryu-Kenwa Mibuni

Korean Styles 1) Tae Kwon Do 2) 3)

Kyokushinkai Founder-Mas Oyama

Internal or Soft Chinese Styles 1) Tai Chi Chuan 2) Pa Kua 3) Hsing-I

External or Hard Chinese Styles 1) Hung Gar 2) Tiger Claw

Defensive Responses 1) Go no Sen-block-counter; counter occurs after the initial attack and before the 2nd attack

2) Tai no Sen-stop technique prior to launch; as soon as you see movement.

3) Kake no Sen-respond to their thought

Three Levels of Teaching (Learning) 1) Shoden-Basics 2) Chuden-Intermediate—Advanced 3) Haiden-Secret techniques (very advanced techniques)

Three Levels of Ki or Chi 1) Individual 2) Group 3) Universe

Three Levels of Training 1) Gio-basic 2) Chugio-intermediate 3) Jitsu-very hard (hottest or coldest day of the year)

Hwrang-Do Warriors-Korean equivalent of the Japanese Samurai

Kado no heiho-strategy of cutting corners; take available opening and strike hoping to create another better opening; adapted from Kendo

Mizu no Kokoro-mind like water; clear, calm mind like the surface of undisturbed water.

Tsuki no Kokoro-mind like moon; being aware of everything around you like moonlight falling evenly on all things in its range

Sutemi-sacrifice; concept of taking a blow to deliver a stronger, more effective blow (example-taking a body shot in order to deliver a head shot)

Hoan Kosugi-man who designed the Shotokan tiger design and also urged Master Funakoshi to write his book

Shotokan Ryu-founded in 1936 by Master Funakoshi

Kyo-opening in your opponents defense

Sasoi-a feint or fake (used to conceal you main technique)

Cheng Seng Feng-man thought to have expanded on Daruma’s teachings

Miyamoto Musashi-great Samurai warrior and artist who wrote the book entitled A Book of Five Rings (Go Rin no Sho)

Isshin Ryu-Okinawan art that combined elements of Shorin Ryu and Goju Ryu

Ying/Yang-circular symbol of white and black that represents opposites; also represents harmony in the universe

Soden-secret document that is passed down from the Grand Master to his successor


Kokyu-breathing power