Form 1024 (Rev

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Form 1024 (Rev User Fee for Exempt Organization For OMB No. 1545-1798 Form 8718 Determination Letter Request IRS Control number _ (Rev. June 2006) Use Department of the Treasury ~ Attach this form to determination letter application. Only Amount paid _ Internal Revenue Service (Form 8718 is NOT a determination letter application.) User fee screener 1 Name of organization 2 EmployerIdentificationNumber Seattle Internet Exchange, Inc. 91: 2148657 Caution. Do not attach Form 8718 to an application for a pension plan determination letter. Use Form 8717 instead. 3 Type of request Fee a GZI Initial request for a determination letter for: • An exempt organization that has had annual gross receipts averaging not more than $10,000 during the preceding 4 years or • A new organization that anticipates gross receipts averaging not more than $10,000 during its first 4 years ~ $300 Note. If you checked box 3a, you must complete the Certification below. Certification I certify that the annual gross receipts of _~_~~~!!~_!r:!~_~r:~_t_~~~~~r:~~!_I_r:?: , __, _ name of organization have averaged (or are expected to average) not more than $10,000 during the preceding 4 (or the first 4) years of operation. ~~. Signature ~ ~/.~ Title ~ Secretary/Treasurer b D Initial request for a determination letter for: • An exempt organization that has had annual gross receipts averaging more than $10,000 during the preceding 4 years or • A new organization that anticipates gross receipts averaging more than $10,000 during its first 4 years $750 c D Group exemption letters $900 Instructions Where To File to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may The law requires payment of a user fee Send the determination letter application become material in the administration of with each application for a determination and Form 8718 to: any Internal Revenue law. The rules letter. The user fees are listed on line 3 Internal Revenue Service governing the confidentiality of Form 8718 above. For more information, see Rev. P.O. Box 192 are covered in section 6104. Proc. 2006-8, 2006-1 I.R.B. 245, or latest Covington, KY 41012-0192 annual update. The time needed to complete and file Check the box or boxes on line 3 for the this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average time type of application you are submitting. If Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask you check box 3a, you must complete and is 5 minutes. If you have comments for the information on this form to carry out concerning the accuracy of this time sign the certification statement that the Internal Revenue laws of the United appears under line 3a. estimate or suggestions for making this States. If you want your organization to be form simpler, we would be happy to hear Attach to Form 8718 a check or money recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS, you from you. You can write to the Internal order payable to the "United States are required to give us this information. We Revenue Service, Tax Products Treasury" for the full amount of the user need it to determine whether the Coordinating Committee, fee. If you do not include the full amount, organization meets the legal requirements SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution your application will be returned. Attach for tax-exempt status. Ave. NW, IR-6406, Washington, DC 20224. Form 8718 to your determination letter You are not required to provide the Do not send this form to this address. application. information requested on a form that is Instead, see Where To File above. Generally, the user fee will be refunded subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act only if the Internal Revenue Service unless the form displays a valid OMB declines to issue a determination. control number. Books or records relating •.. o .;,: I.) G) J:: Co) J:: I.) .l!! < Cat. No. 64728Z Form 8718 (6-2006) @ Printed on Recycled Paper ROB Pr. 15450057 Frup 718 Rrrnmfeumqpiqs Whfqlpmumqpqi Thorumqp $Thy. Uhswhpehu 1998( cpghs ahfumqpOIL DeE Uihhoru tueuxt mterrsqzhgF Dhsduwphqwri wkhWuhdvxuh wklv dssolfdwlrq zloo eh rshq JqwhuqdTohyhqxh Uhuylfh iru sxeolf lqvshfwlrq. Thdg wkh lqvwuxfwlrqv iru hdfk Sduwfduhixoo.A Yvhu Fhh pxvw eh dwwdfkhg wr wklv dssolfdwlrq. Ji wkhuhtxluhg lqirupdwlrq dqg dssursuldwh grfxphqwv duh qrw vxeplwwhg dorqj zlwk Frup 8718 $zlwksdphqw ri wkhdssursuldwh xvhu ihh(, wkhdssolfdwlrq pd eh uhwxuqhgwr wkh rujdqldwlrq. Crpsohwh wkh Surfhgxudo Ckhfnolvw rq sdjh 6 ri wkh lqvwuxfwlrqv. SduwJ.Jghqwlilfdwlrq ri Assolfdqw $Oxvweh frpsohwhg e doodssolfdqwv?dovr frpsohwh dssursuldwhvfkhgxoh.( Uxeplw rqo wkhvfkhgxoh wkdwdssolhv wr rxu rujdqldwlrq. Dr qrw vxeplw eodqnvfkhgxohv. Ckhfn wkh dssursuldwh er• ehorz wr lqglfdwh wkh vhfwlrq xqghu zklfk wkh rujdqlidwlrq lv dssolqj: d 1 Uhfwlrq 501$f($2(j Wlwohkroglqj frusrudwlrqv $Ufkhgxoh A, sdjh 7( e 1 Uhfwlrq 501$f($4(jClylf ohdjxhv, vrfldo zhoiduh rujdqlidwlrqv $lqfoxglqj fhuwdlq zdu yhwhudqv"rujdqlidwlrqv(. ru orfdo dvvrfldwlrqv ri hpsorhhhv $Ufkhgxoh B, sdjh 8( _ U Uhfwlrq 501$f($5(Nderu, djulfxowxudo,ru kruwlfxowxudorujdqlidwlrqv $Ufkhgxoh C, sdjh 9( g oboUhfwlrq 501 $f($6(Bxvlqhvv ohdjxhv, fkdpehuv ri frpphufh, hwf. $Ufkhgxoh C, sdjh 9( n 1 Uhfwlrq 501 $f($7(Urfldo foxev $Ufkhgxoh D, sdjh 11( iR Uhfwlrq 501$f($8(Fudwhuqdoehqhilfldu vrflhwlhv, hwf., surylglqj olih, vlfn, dfflghqw, ru rwkhu ehqhilwv wr phpehuv $Ufkhgxoh E, sdjh 13( o U Uhfwlrq 501$f($9(Zroxqwduh hpsorhhv" ehqhilflduh dvvrfldwlrqv $SduwvJwkurxjk JZ dqg Ufkhgxoh F, sdjh 14( k U Uhfwlrq 501 $f($oRKDrphvwlf iudwhuqdovrflhwlhv, rughuv, hwf., qrw surylglqj olih, vlfn, dfflghqw, ru rwkhu ehqhilwv $Ufkhgxoh E, sdjh 13( r Uhfwlrq 501 $f($12(Bhqhyrohqw olih lqvxudqfh dvvrfldwlrqv, pxwxdo glwfk ru luuljdwlrq frpsdqlhv, pxwxdo ru frrshudwlyh whohskrqh frpsdqlhv, ru olnhrujdqlidwlrqv $Ufkhgxoh G, sdjh 15( m 1 Uhfwlrq 501 $f($13(Chphwhulhv, fuhpdwruld, dqg olnhfrusrudwlrqv $Ufkhgxoh I, sdjh 16( n 0 Uhfwlrq 501 $f($15(jOxwxdo lqvxudqfh frpsdqlhv ru dvvrfldwlrqv, rwkhu wkdq olih ru pdulqh $Ufkhgxoh J, sdjh 17( J 1 Uhfwlrq501$f($17(Wuxvwvsurylglqj iru wkhsdhphqwri vxssohphqwdoxqhpsorphqw frpshqvdwlrq ehqhilwv$SduwvJwkurxjk JZdqg Ufkhgxoh9, sdjh 18( uq 1 Uhfwlrq 501$f($19(jA srvw, rujdqlidwlrq, dx•lolduhxqlwhwf.,ri sdvwru suhvhqwphpehuv ri wkhAuphg Frufhv ri wkhYqlwhgUwdwhv$UfkhgxohM,sdjh 19( q 0 Uhfwlrq 501 $f($25(j Wlwohkroglqj frusrudwlrqv ru wuxvwv$Ufkhgxoh A, sdth 7( 1d Fxooqdph ri rujdqlidwlrq $dv vkrzq lq rujdqllqj grfxphqw( 2 Epsorhu lghqwlilfdwlrq qxpehu $EJP($li qrqh, vhh Ushflilf Jqvwuxfwlrqv rq sdjh 2( UhdwwoJqwh huqhwE•fkdqjh, Jqf. 91 : 2148657 1e f/r Pdph $li dssolfdeoh( 3 Pdph dqg whohskrqhqxpehu ri shuvrq wr eh frqwdfwhg li dgglwlrqdolqirupdwlrq lv qhhghg 1f Agguhvv $qxpehu dqg vwuhhw( J Trrp/Uxlwh 10115 Guhhqzrrg Ayh P 294 Ckulv Cdsxwr 1g Clwh,wrzq ru srvw riilfh, vwdwhd, qg bJS ) 4 Ji hrx kdyh d iruhljq dgguhvv, vhh Ushflilf Jqvwuxfwlrqv iru SduwJ, sdjh 2. Uhdwwoh_A, 98133j9197 $ 206 ( 3674320 1h _he vlwhdgguhvv 23 Orqwk wkh dqqxdo dffrxqwlqj shulrg hqgv 5 Ddwhlqfrusrudwhg ru iruphg kwws://zzz.vhdwwohl•.qhwoDhfhpehu Od 22, 2001 6 Dlg wkhrujdqldwlrq suhylrxvohdssoh iru uhfrjqlwlrq ri h•hpswlrq xqghuwklvCrgh vhfwlrq ru xqghu dqh rwkhuvhfwlrq ri wkhCrgh@ 0 ahv JJPrJ Ji !ahv,! dwwdfkdq h•sodqdwlrq. 7 Idv wkh rujdqldwlrq ilohg Fhghudolqfrph wd• uhwxuqvru h•hpsw rujdqldwlrq lqirupdwlrq uhwxuqv@ r ahv :G Pr Ji !ahv,! vwdwhwkh irup qxpehuv, hhduv ilohg, dqg JqwhuqdoThyhqxh riilfh zkhuh ilohg. 8 Ckhfn wkh er• iru wkh wsh ri rujdqlidwlrq. AWWACI A CRPFRTOED CRSa RF WIE CRTTEUSRPDJPG RTGAPJbJPG DRCYOEPWU WR WIE ASSNJCAWJRPBEFRTE OAJNJPG. d ebK Crusrudwlrq Awwdfk d frsh ri wkh Auwlfohvri Jqfrusrudwlrq $lqfoxglqj dphqgphqwv dqg uhvwdwhphqwv(vkrzlqj dssurydo e wkh dssursuldwh vwdwhriilfldo? dovr dwwdfkd frsh ri wkh ehodzv. e 1 Wuxvw Awwdfk d frsh ri wkhWuxvwJqghqwxuhru Ajuhhphqw, lqfoxglqj doodssursuldwh vljqdwxuhv dqg gdwhv. fRk Avvrfldwlrq Awwdfkd frs ri wkhAuwlfohvri AUURCldwlrqCrqvw, lwxwlrq,ru rwkhufuhdwlqj grfxphqw, zlwk d ghfodudwlrq$vhhlqvwuxfwlrqv(ru rwkhuhylghqfh wkdwwkhrujdqldwlrq zdv iruphg eh dgrswlrq ri wkhgrfxphqw eh pruh wkdqrqh shuvrq. Aovr lqfoxgh d frsh ri wkhehodzv. Ji wklv lv d frusrudwlrq ru dq xqlqfrusrudwhg dvvrfldwlrq wkdwkdv qrw hw dgrswhg eodzv, fkhfn khuh . ~ 1 Jghfoduh xqghu wkh shqdowlhvri shumxuhwkdwJ dp dxwkrulhg wr vljq wklv dssolfdwlrq rq ehkdoi ri wkh deryh rujdqldwlrq. dqg wkdwJ kdyh h•dplqhg SNEAUE wklv dssolfdwlrq, ~gl ? dffrpsdqhlqt vfkhgxohv dqg dwwdfkphqwv, dqg wr wkh ehvw ri p nqrzohgjh lwlv wuxh,fruuhfw, dqg$frpsohwh. UJGP ~ ~ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc .J~J~~!~J~~~~~~,J~~~~~!6<C~)!)~~J~45. J~t_~)&~rJ):~!~&::(*'_:::::: 87;7 $Uljqdwxuh( $Wshru sulqwqdph dqg wlworhu dxwkrulwri vljqhu( . $Ddwh( Fru Sdshuzrun Thgxfwlrq Afw Prwlfh, vhh sdjh 5 ri wkh oqvwuxfworqv. Cdw.Pr. 12343M Form 1024 (Rev. 9-98) Page 2 Part II. Activities and Operational Information (Must be completed by all applicants) 1 Provide a detailed narrative description of all the activities of the organization—past, present, and planned. Do not merely refer to or repeat the language in the organizational document. List each activity separately in the order of importance based on the relative time and other resources devoted to the activity. Indicate the percentage of time for each activity. Each description should include, as a minimum, the following: (a) a detailed description of the activity including its purpose and how each activity furthers your exempt purpose; (b) when the activity was or will be initiated; and (c) where and by whom the activity will be conducted. Since its inception in 1997 and its incorporation in 2001, the Seattle Internet Exchange (SIX) through its volunteers have operated an Internet exchange point in the city of Seattle, Washington. An Internet exchange point (IX or IXP) is a physical infrastructure that allows different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to exchange Internet traffic between their networks by means of mutual peering agreements, which allow traffic to be exchanged without cost or at low cost. IXPs reduce the portion of an ISP's traffic which must be delivered via their upstream transit providers, thereby reducing the cost of their service.
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