
Lytic JC in the Kidneys of AIDS Subjects Renzo Boldorini, M.D., Elisabetta Omodeo-Zorini, M.Sc., Manuela Nebuloni, M.D., Elisabetta Benigni, B.Sc., Luca Vago, M.D., Angelita Ferri, M.D., Guido Monga, M.D. Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università “Amedeo Avogadro” del Piemonte Orientale (RB, EO-Z, EB, GM), Novara, Italy; and Servizio di Anatomia Patologica Ospedale di Vimercate (Milano; MN) and V Cattedra di Anatomia Patologica, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Milano (LV, AF), Milan, Italy

1 region, which was characterized as Type 1A in all Our objective was to investigate the role of the hu- cases. For the first time in AIDS subjects, this study man polyomavirus JC virus as a possible cause of shows that although rarely, JC virus can replicate in renal damage in AIDS subjects. Histology, immuno- renal . Molecular biology revealed major rear- histochemistry, and molecular biology were used to rangements in the transcriptional control region evaluate the frequency of viral infection, genotypes, that, together with other unknown factors, could viral status, and the presence of rearrangements or justify the increased pathogenicity of this human point mutations in specific genomic regions of polyomavirus. strains isolated from renal tissue. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of postmortem renal KEY WORDS: AIDS, Immunohistochemistry, JC specimens obtained from 111 unselected AIDS pa- virus, Kidney, Molecular biology, Polyomavirus. tients were stained for routine histology and with Mod Pathol 2003;16(1):35–42 anti-SV40 . The immunohistochemically positive specimens were further investigated by The JC virus is a member of the polyomavirus fam- means of nested polymerase chain reaction for dif- ily, known as the etiological agent of progressive ferent polyomavirus genomic regions (large T, tran- multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a demyelinating scriptional control region, and viral 1). Fur- disease of the central nervous system caused by thermore, the sequences of transcriptional control lytic infection of oligodendroglial cells (1). Progres- region and viral protein 1 were also analyzed. Im- sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy mainly affects munohistochemistry was positive in seven cases AIDS patients but has also been reported in sub- (6.3%), four of which showed morphological evi- jects with Hodgkin’s disease, sarcoidosis, tubercu- dence of viral replication (intranuclear inclusion losis, and, rarely, in transplanted patients in whom bodies and/or intratubular cellular casts): in all JC virus may reactivate because of impaired - seven cases, only epithelial tubular cells (with and mediated immunity (2–5). The central nervous sys- without inclusion bodies) and cellular casts were stained. The JC virus genome was identified by poly- tem and the kidney are considered reservoirs of JC merase chain reaction in five of the seven immuno- virus infection, in which the virus persists in a la- histochemically positive cases; transcriptional con- tent state after primary infection (6). Unlike the trol region and viral protein 1 were amplified in, other human member of the polyomavirus family, respectively, three and four cases. Transcriptional the BK virus, which is known to be responsible for control region sequence analysis revealed major re- tubulointerstitial nephritis (BK virus-nephropathy), arrangements in all three cases, with duplications of after its reactivation in transplanted and AIDS pa- all the transcriptional factor-binding sites, whereas tients (7, 8), the JC virus for a long time was not no point mutations were found in the viral protein considered as a possible causative agent of renal damage. Although genomic sequences of both JC virus and Copyright © 2003 by The United States and Canadian Academy of BK virus DNA have been amplified by means of Pathology, Inc. VOL. 16, NO. 1, P. 35, 2003 Printed in the U.S.A. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from renal biop- Date of acceptance: August 27, 2002. sies of transplanted and AIDS patients, combined Partially supported by a grant from FUJISAWA, s.r.l., Milan, Italy. Address reprint requests to: Renzo Boldorini, M.D., Dipartimento di Scienze immunohistochemical and molecular biology stud- Mediche, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università del Piemonte Orientale, ies indicated that the renal damage was always due Via Solaroli 17, 28100 Novara, Italy; e-mail: [email protected]; fax: 39-0321-3733485. to the replication of BK virus, whereas JC virus is DOI: 10.1097/01.MP.0000044622.04245.A9 present as a latent co-infecting agent (7, 10). These

35 findings seem to indicate that the two polyomavi- cessed. Step sections of 4 ␮m thick were stained ruses have a narrow spectrum of organs in which with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and periodic they can cause diseases. Randhawa et al. (11) have acid–Schiff (PAS) and processed using a polyclonal recently reported for the first time in a setting of antibody against simian virus SV40 (Lee Biomo- tubulointerstitial nephropathy an immunohisto- lecular Research Labs, San Diego, CA; dilution, chemical demonstration of JC virus replication in 1:20.000), which cross-reacts with human BK virus the epithelial tubular cells of a kidney transplant and JC virus (13). The reactions were detected by patient, thus showing that the kidney can also be a means of the streptavidin-biotin method and re- target for JC virus–induced disease. From the mo- vealed using diaminobenzidine as the chromogen lecular point of view, their results were confirmed (14). by the sequence analysis of JC virus protein coding regions (VP 1–3), but no data were reported con- Molecular Biology cerning the nucleotide sequence of the transcrip- tional control region (TCR), a non-coding and hy- The immunohistochemically positive specimens pervariable genomic region that controls viral were further investigated by means of molecular transcription, replication, and cellular host range biology. DNA was extracted from paraffin- (12), whose analysis is mandatory to evaluate mod- embedded renal samples by means of digestion ifications in cell tropism and infectivity. with proteinase K, as previously reported (15). To We investigated the possible role of JC virus in avoid false-negative results, nested PCR (nPCR) of inducing renal damage by means of histology and the human androgen-receptor was performed immunohistochemistry examinations of postmor- in all cases as a positive control of DNA extraction. tem renal specimens taken from unselected AIDS To identify the presence of polyomavirus se- patients. Furthermore, molecular biology analyses quences, the DNA was submitted to nPCR for the of the viral strains isolated from renal tissue and large T antigen (LT) region, which is common to sequence analyses of the JC virus TCR and VP1 both the human polyomaviruses JC virus and BK regions were also performed to evaluate viral geno- virus. JC1D and JC2 D primers were used for the types and modifications in the viral genome. outer n-PCR, and PEP1 and PEP2, for the inner PCR (16). The amplified products were characterized by means of restriction fragment length polymor- MATERIAL AND METHODS phism analysis using BamHI restriction endonucle- We retrospectively examined postmortem renal ase, which cuts genomic fragments of JC virus but samples obtained from 111 unselected AIDS pa- not BK virus. All samples were also tested with two tients (80 male and 31 females with a mean age of sets of primers similar to those used by Bergsagel et 45 y: range 25–64) between 24 and 96 hours after al. (17), but modified to make them specific for the death at “L. Sacco” Hospital, Milan, from 1992 to LT region of SV40. (All of the sequence primers are 1998. The patients included 69 intravenous drug shown in Table 1) users, 30 homosexuals and 12 patients with at-risk The second step was to search for specific frag- sexual relationships. ments of the TCR regions of the JC virus to identify specific viral variants. The outer n-PCR for the TCR region was performed using the primers BKTT1 and Histology and Immunohistochemistry BKTT2, which are common to both the JC virus and The renal specimens were fixed in formalin for 24 the BK virus (18); a specific inner PCR for JC virus hours, embedded in paraffin and routinely pro- was performed using JRI1 and JRE2 (19, 20).

TABLE 1. Primers Used for Amplification of BK Virus, JC Virus and SV40 LT, and JC Virus TCR and VP1 Regions

Region Name Sequence (5Ј-3Ј)


LT, large T antigen region; TCR, transcriptional control region; VP1, viral protein region 1.

36 Modern Pathology Finally, a 215-bp sequence from the VP1 coding nuclei of infected cells. Inclusion bodies were region was amplified by means of single-step PCR abundant but focally distributed in the renal paren- using the primer pair JLP 15 and JLP 16. These PCR chyma in Cases 1 and 3, in which many convolute products include 16 known typing sites, which dis- tubules appeared to be entirely involved in cross- tinguish JC virus types 1–7. section. Conversely, only rare ground-glass inclu- DNA extracted from (1) autopsy brain tissue of an sions were detected in the epithelial cells of one AIDS subject with progressive multifocal leukoen- Henle’s loop in Case 4. Despite a careful search, no cephalopathy, (2) renal tissue from a patient with inclusion bodies were found in Cases 2, 5, 6, or 7. BK virus nephropathy, and (3) SVG cell line were Another important morphological finding was used as positive controls in PCR procedures for JC the presence of intratubular casts consisting of ne- virus, BK virus, and SV40, respectively. Distilled wa- crotic cells detached from the basal lamina. Casts ter was also tested as negative control during PCR were abundant in Cases 1 and 3, with the denuda- procedures. tion of a large portion of the tubular basal mem- The cycle-sequencing reaction of the TCR and branes and frequent images of regenerative VP1 regions was performed according to the man- changes (Fig. 1A; such as nuclear hypertrophy and ufacturer’s instructions using an ABI PRISM BigDye mitosis); they were rare in Case 6. Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Kit (PE Biosys- Inflammatory infiltration was only found in Case tems, Foster City, CA). Fluorescence-based DNA 4, in which cortical foci of polymorphonuclear cells sequence analyses of both strands of PCR products were detected in the interstitium and tubules in a were obtained with ABI 373 DNA sequencer (PE setting of bacterial also involving the renal Biosystems). parenchyma. Anti-SV40 antibody stained the nuclei of epithe- RESULTS lial tubular cells in all cases, whereas glomerular cells, the parietal of Bowman’s capsule, Histology and Immunohistochemistry and endothelial and interstitial cells were always Immunohistochemistry showed that renal tissue negative. Positively stained nuclei were mainly specimens were anti-SV40 antibody positive in 7 found in convolute tubules and less frequently in (6.3%) of 111 patients. Progressive multifocal leu- medullary tubules and Henle’s loops (Fig 1b); ap- koencephalopathy was found in two of the latter, as proximately 40–50% of the cells bearing intranu- shown by the presence of anti-SV40 positive cells in clear viral inclusions in Cases 1 and 3 and most of brain tissue. The main light microscopy findings are the tubular casts stained positively, but, interest- summarized in Table 2. ingly, positive staining was also found in the nuclei Two types of intranuclear inclusion bodies were of the epithelial tubular cells in all seven cases identified: an amorphous, ground-glass without any morphological evidence of viral infec- variant and a vesicular variant with enlarged nuclei tion. The intensity of the staining was strong in the containing clumped chromatin, which were respec- nuclei bearing viral inclusions, but light in the nu- tively classified as Types 1 and 4 according to Nick- clei of the cells without inclusion bodies. eleit et al. (21). They are considered to be the mor- The intrarenal distribution of immunostaining phological expression of viral replication in the was always focal or multifocal, and single positively

TABLE 2. Light Microscopy Findings in Cases Positively Stained by Anti-SV40 Antibody

Case Distribution of IHC- Tubular Other Extrarenal Age (y)/Sex Viral Inclusions Number Positive Cells Casts Pathological Findings 1 36/M Abundant Multifocal, cortical, Abundant CMV encephalitis, Types 1 and 4 and medullary bacterial pneumonia tubules 2 43/M Absent Focal, medullary Absent Cerebral NHL, lung and tubules skin KS 3 32/M Abundant Multifocal, cortical Abundant Disseminated NHL, Types 1 and 4 tubules bacterial pneumonia 4 31/F Rare Multifocal, cortical Absent Bacterial sepsis with Type 1 tubules spleen, liver, and renal abscesses 5 28/M Absent Multifocal, Absent Cerebral , medullary tubules interstitial pneumonia 6 30/M Absent Focal, cortical Rare PML, adrenal gland CMV tubules 7 32/M Absent Focal, medullary Absent PML tubules

NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; PML, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; CMV, .

Renal JC Virus Infection in AIDS (R. Boldorini et al.) 37 The JC virus TCR region was successfully ampli- fied in three cases (1, 2, and 3), and VP1, in four cases (Samples 1–4). Despite several efforts, attempts to amplify both the JC virus TCR and VP1 regions in Sample 6 and the TCR region in Sample 4 were unsuccessful. To identify specific viral mutations and genomic rearrangements, the sequences of the positive PCR products of the TCR and VP1 regions were ana- lyzed. In accordance with the published data (22, 23), the sequences obtained from the TCR of Cases 1, 2, and 3 were divided into six distinct sequence sections (from A to F) and compared with the ar- chetype, Mad1, and genomic sequences reported in the literature (22, 24). The TCR sequences of Cases 1 and 2 were classified as Type II derived, related to W5, whereas Case 3 showed a structure that, to the best of our knowledge, has never been reported. As shown in Figure 2, both Samples 1 and 2 had an eight-nucleotide insertion at the end of the first C-sequence section (5'-TGA CAG CC-3') and had a four-nucleotide insertion in the second (5'-AGCC- 3'), deleted in W5 variant but present in the C-section of archetype sequence; however, these changes did not modify the presence or position of FIGURE 1. Histologic and immunohistochemical findings of renal JC the transcriptional factor–binding sites in W5. The virus infection. A, intranuclear viral inclusions (arrowheads) and TCR of Sample 3 showed a partial duplication of the regenerative changes of epithelial tubular cells (arrow), sometimes A and D regions and a duplication of all of the detached from basal lamina in a JC virus–infected renal specimen. Hematoxylin-eosin staining; original magnification, 400ϫ. B, sequences in the B and C sections (Fig. 2). These immunohistochemical staining of viral-infected nuclei and tubular casts rearrangements cause a duplication of all of the with anti-SV 40 antiserum. Immunoperoxidase, hematoxylin transcriptional factor–binding sites in the partially counterstaining; original magnification, 400ϫ. or completely duplicated regions, such as the pen- tanucleotide, Sp1, NF-1, GF1, and AP1 sites (12, 25). Analyses of the 12 known typing sites in the VP1 stained tubules were surrounded by a large number region identified all of the samples as JC virus Type of unstained tubules. 1A (26). No point mutations were found in the sequence analyses of Samples 1–4. Molecular Biology As shown in Table 3, polyomavirus genome was Clinical Findings successfully detected by means of nPCR for the LT Because this is a retrospective study, performed region in five of the seven cases positive by immu- on autopsy material, reliable clinicopathological nohistochemistry (71%); restriction fragment correlation was difficult to be assessed. Only serum length polymorphism analysis revealed only JC vi- creatinine levels of the last control before death rus genome, whereas BK virus and SV40 were never were considered, being normal in six cases (27–71 identified. ␮mol/L) and greatly increased in Case 5 (415 ␮mol/L).

TABLE 3. Molecular Characterization and Typing of JC DISCUSSION Virus

Case Genotyping Over the last few years, polyomavirus nephropa- TCR VP1 Number (LT region) thy has been increasingly reported in kidney trans- 1 JCV W5-like 1A recipients (7, 10, 21, 27) and, rarely, in pa- 2 JCV W5-like 1A tients with AIDS (8, 9). The disease is caused by lytic 3 JCV Rearranged 1A 4 JCV Not amplified 1A polyomavirus infection of tubular epithelial cells, 6 JCV Not amplified Not amplified which reactivates under immunosuppressive con- LT, large T antigen region; TCR, transcriptional control region; VP1, ditions (28). Intranuclear viral inclusions, necrotic viral capsid protein region 1. renal tubules and collecting ducts, and varying de-

38 Modern Pathology FIGURE 2. Diagrammatic representation of the rearranged JC virus–TCR sequences detected in Kidney Samples 1–3, compared with the archetype.

grees of interstitial inflammation are the main mor- in close proximity to inclusion-bearing cells stained phological findings in polyomavirus nephropathy with anti-JC virus VP1 antiserum, but their case was (21). On the basis of the results of immunohisto- co-infected with BK virus, which may have been the chemistry, in situ hybridization, and PCR studies, a cause of the inflammatory infiltration. However, number of authors have considered BK virus to be the absence of inflammatory infiltration in our the only etiological agent of polyomavirus nephrop- cases may also be explained by the presence of athy (7–10, 21, 27). Although JC virus genome has severe immunodeficiency (34) or be related to the frequently been detected in renal tissue by means inadequacy of the cell immune response against JC of PCR, sometimes associated with BK virus infec- virus because of a particular virus–host interaction tion (7, 8, 10, 29–31), it was in a latent, nonreplica- in renal tissue, as suggested by Agostini et al. (35). tive phase and considered to be unable to produce Only about half of the nuclei of the tubular cells pathological effects. with viral inclusion bodies and tubular casts were Lytic JC virus renal infection has been reported in positive by immunohistochemistry, and interest- the literature in only three patients: one had a renal ingly, in all seven cases, anti-SV40 antiserum also carcinoma (32) and two were immunocompro- positively stained a few nuclei of epithelial tubular mised, one being affected by progressive multifocal cells without any morphological evidence of viral leukoencephalopathy (33) and the other being the infection. This antiserum, which cross-reacts with recipient of a kidney transplant (11). To the best of both JC virus and BK virus (13), recognizes capsid our knowledge, there are no published data con- VP1–3 produced after the virus replication, cerning similar findings in AIDS patients. when viral particles are completely assembled (28). We found morphological evidence of lytic poly- Therefore, it seems possible that cells without viral omavirus infection in four cases, in which intranu- inclusion bodies were stained during the early clear viral inclusions and/or intratubular cellular phase of infection, when only few viral particles casts clearly indicated active viral replication and were present in the infected cells, but before mor- cell damage. In all of these cases, nPCR of the LT phologic evidence of infection. region, followed by restriction fragment length In our cases, the immunohistochemically posi- polymorphism analysis, revealed the presence of JC tive cells with morphological evidence of viral in- virus, whereas BK virus sequences were never fection were randomly distributed in the renal pa- found. Like Aoki et al. (32) and Dorries and ter renchyma and focally involved renal tubules. These Meulen (33), we did not find any inflammatory findings are similar to those reported by Aoki et al. infiltration around the renal tubules containing JC (32) and Dorries and ter Meulen (33). in surgical virus–positive cells or casts. Randhawa et al. (11) samples, but different from those of Randhawa et reported slight interstitial inflammatory infiltration al. (11), who reported the selective infection of re-

Renal JC Virus Infection in AIDS (R. Boldorini et al.) 39 nal cortical parenchyma by JC virus in a single quence sections of JC virus in kidney and urine kidney transplanted patient. However, because specimens from progressive multifocal leukoen- they examined a renal biopsy, the sparing of renal cephalopathy patients with AIDS (24), or patients medullary tubules may have been more related to with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy different sampling than to a true difference in viral and severe immunodeficiency syndromes (39). His- tropism between AIDS and transplanted patients. tological examinations of brain specimens taken On the other hand, Nickeleit et al. (21) reported a from our cases did not reveal progressive multifocal strict prevalence of renal medullary infection due to leukoencephalopathy, and so the severe immune BK virus in their renal transplanted patients, and deficit may have played a more important role in therefore a different cell tropism between JC virus inducing the major rearrangements in the JC virus and BK virus could be hypothesized. TCR. The LT region of JC virus was amplified by means of TCR is a noncoding genomic region of JC virus nPCR in five of the seven cases positive by immuno- that is located between the early and late protein- histochemistry; in the other two cases, molecular coding regions containing promoter/enhancer se- analysis did not confirm the presence of viral genome. quences (12, 24). Although the genomic sequence Because immunohistochemistry stained only rare of the TCR is characterized by complex hypervari- cells without any morphological evidence of viral in- ability, two general types have been identified, both fection in these two cases, a false-positive result can- derived from archetype sequence (40): Type I, not be excluded; however it is also possible that viral which includes the prototypical Mad1, is character- DNA was no longer present in the sections used for ized by the presence of a 98-bp tandem repeat, molecular analysis, which were near to but obviously each containing a TATA box, whereas Type II con- not the same as those used for histology and tains a TATA box proximal to the early mRNA ini- immunohistochemistry. tiation site that it is not included in the repeat The JC virus TCR was amplified in three cases, elements. The efficiency of JC virus transcription but multiple attempts to amplify it in the other four and replication relies on the presence of the tran- cases were unsuccessful. This low sensitivity could scription factor–binding sites, such as NF-1, Sp-1, be due to the small amount of viral DNA extracted and AP-1, that are interspersed in the TCR se- from paraffin-embedded sections (36) or to the quence sections (25, 41). Experimental models have presence of multiple sequence rearrangements and indicated that the deletion of one or more of these mutations along the annealing primer sequences sites reduces replication efficiency, whereas the du- that inhibited the amplification of TCR sequences. plication of any single grouping of Sections A–E Another explanation is that this region has a high could enhance the level of viral activity and con- average gC content that limits its amplification (24). tribute to the pathogenic potential of the virus (12, All of the amplified cases showed Type II–derived 42). TCR sequences: Cases 1 and 2 were similar to the In our cases, the pathological significance of the W5 type (37), with two insertions (eight nucleotides TCR rearrangements was unclear. Case 3 showed in the first C-sequence section and four in the sec- unusual rearrangements, with the duplication of a ond) that are present also in the archetype, but large part of the transcription factor–binding sites unusual major rearrangements were detected in the present in the TCR and, as expected, the intranu- third specimen (partial duplication of the A and D clear viral inclusions and intratubular cellular casts and complete duplication of the B and C sequence showed active JC virus replication. On the other sections). The frequency and type of rearrange- hand, although duplications of transcription factor- ments in the JC virus TCR are related to various binding sites were also found in Cases 1 and 2, the factors, such as the type of infected cells, host im- histological findings indicated active replication mune status, and the concomitant presence of pro- only in Case 1; in Case 2, there were very few gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (31, 35, epithelial cells positive by immunohistochemistry 38). Major rearrangements have been reported in and no morphological evidence of viral replication. the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Although no definite conclusions can be drawn progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, in from the examination of only three cases, these whom partial or entire deletions or duplications of findings seem to indicate that JC virus TCR rear- all of the single sections from A to F have been rangements need other unknown factors to induce frequently described (22, 24, 37). Only minor active viral replication, at least in the kidney of changes occur in the kidney and urine of both AIDS patients. immunocompromised and healthy subjects, in The JC virus VP1 coding region was amplified in whom the length of the rearranged elements rarely four cases, and on the basis of the sequence anal- exceeds 10–15 bp (31, 35). However, Vaz et al. (24) ysis of specific polymorphic sites, all were classified and Newman and Frisque (39) have also reported as Type 1A, the most frequently found strain in duplications and insertions involving the B–E se- Europe (26). The sequence analyses did not reveal

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Book Review

Newman WR, Principe LM: Alchemy Tried in was water, and the world had to wait for the En- Fire: Starkey, Boyle, and the Fate of Hel- glish botanist and chemist Stephen Hales (1671– montian Chymistry, 296 pp, Chicago, Uni- 1761) to get it right. versity of Chicago Press, 2002 ($40.00). Perhaps a short quote (page 316) will best rep- resent the authors. ‘In the present book we have Robert Boyle (1627–1691), the English philosopher, re-joined some of the dissevered parts of the broad physicist, and chemist, is best known for Boyle’s chymical [sic] tradition and argued for early mod- law, describing the pressure–volume relationship ern chemistry’s vitality and independence as a dis- of gases at constant temperature. In 1661 he wrote cipline. Our contention that rational laboratory The Skeptical Chemist a catchy title that has since practice and methodology provide a locus of con- been borrowed and modified many a time for ‘the tinuity between ‘alchemy’ and ‘chemistry’ rather skeptical this‘ and ‘the skeptical that.‘ Indeed, the present item might easily have been called the ‘The than acting as a new, defining characteristic of the Skeptical Alchemist,‘ who turns out to be a man latter may surprise some readers.‘ The authors re- called George Starkey (1628–1665), whom you will peatedly use ‘chemical‘ and ‘chymical‘ as if defin- have more difficulty locating in the timetables of ing their subjects but never explain their choice; history. The third subject is Johann Baptista van the index does not help. They have a penchant for Helmont (1577–1644), Flemish physician and quoting ‘olde‘ English and letting the reader labor scientist. through it under the pretense that modernization Nobody could doubt Boyle’s commitment to would lose the content. Newman and Principe quantitation. The thrust of Alchemy Tried in Fire seem to be writing for each other and show no seems to be that Starkey and van Helmont also had great interest in expanding their subject for a gen- a good feel for measurement and that the influ- eral audience. ences of the pair on Boyle have been underrated. Unfortunately, one cannot forget van Helmont’s Wilfred Niels Arnold famous willow experiment in which he claimed University of Kansas Medical Center that the only thing a growing tree got from the soil Kansas City, Kansas

42 Modern Pathology