
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 96, pp. 6291–6295, May 1999 Genetics

A normal ␤-globin allele as a modifier ameliorating the severity of ␣- in mice ()


*Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Boston, MA 02115; and ‡Department of Haematology, Imperial College School of Medicine, St. Mary’s Campus, London W2 1PG, England

Contributed by Philip Leder, April 1, 1999

ABSTRACT Thalassemia is a heritable human noted that the severity of the disease was greatly influenced by caused by a variety of mutations that affect expression of the the genetic background in which the mutation was expressed ␣-orthe␤-chain of hemoglobin. The expressivity of the [129sv͞ev͞129sv͞ev (severe) or 129sv͞ev͞C57BL͞6 (mild)] (12). In phenotype is likely to be influenced by unlinked modifying the work described below, we have identified the modifying . Indeed, by using a mouse model of ␣-thalassemia, we gene that ameliorates the ␣-thalassemia phenotype as the find that its phenotype is strongly influenced by the genetic normal ␤-globin allele present in the C57BL͞6 strain of mouse. background in which the ␣-thalassemia mutation resides The severe form of thalassemia can be related to a Cys-13 ͞ [129sv͞ev͞129sv͞ev (severe) or 129sv͞ev͞C57BL͞6 (mild)]. Link- residue present in the ␤-globin gene of the 129sv ev strain and age mapping indicates that the modifying gene is very tightly the milder form to a glycine in this position in the C57BL͞6 Furthermore, strain. The aggregates of excess ␤-chains that likely form via .(13.3 ؍ linked to the ␤-globin locus (Lod score the severity of the phenotype correlates with the size of cysteine sulfhydryl bridges would account for the very large ␤-chain-containing inclusion bodies that accumulate in red inclusion bodies seen in the red blood cells in ␣-thalassemic ͞ blood cells and likely accelerate their destruction. The ␤-ma- mice bearing two copies of the 129sv ev ␤-globin allele. This jor globin chains encoded by the two strains differ by three mechanism indicates that the severity of thalassemia can amino acids, one of which is a glycine-to-cysteine substitution depend not only on the imbalance between ␣- and ␤-chains but at position 13. The Cys-13 should be available for interchain on the nature of the allelic form of the chain in excess. disulfide bridging and consequent aggregation between excess ␤ -chains. This normal polymorphic variation between murine MATERIALS AND METHODS ␤-globin chains could account for the modifying action of the ␣ sv͞ev unlinked ␤-globin locus. Here, the variation in severity of the Animals. The 1 knockout mice on 129 background used phenotype would not depend on a change in the ratio between for the genetic crosses were generated in our laboratory (12). ͞ ␣- and ␤-chains but on the chemical nature of the normal The inbred strains C57BL-6 and BALB c were obtained from ␤-chain, which is in excess. This work also indicates that Taconic Farms and were housed in our animal facility until modifying genes can be normal variants that—absent an they were old enough to breed. apparent physiologic rationale—may be difficult to identify on Genotyping. Southern blot analysis. Tail DNAs were pre- the basis of structure alone. pared from tail biopsies as described (12). DNAs were then digested with EcoRI restriction endoclease run on 1% agarose gel, transferred to nitrocellulose membrane, and hybridized The severity of thalassemia, one of the most prevalent of the with ␤-globin cDNA derived from a mouse spleen cDNA heritable human , is brought about by the insufficient library. Analysis of the ␣-globin genotype was as described production of functional hemoglobin and the degree of quan- ␣ ␤ (12). titative imbalance between -or -globin chains (1–8). Need- PCR. D7Mit-40 primers were used in a PCR reaction to less to say, there are a large number of genetic alterations that distinguish between ␤-globins of C57BL͞6, 129sv͞ev, and can cause such a disturbance in globin chain production, and BALB͞c alleles. The amplification reaction contained 1 ␮lof many of these have been characterized at the molecular level ͞ ␮ diluted DNA (1:10 vol vol in H20), 17 l of PCR supermix (see review in ref. 1). Thus, for example, arise (GIBCO͞BRL), 1.5 ␮lof5Ј oligonucleotides and 1.5 ␮lof3Ј through mutations that induce alterations in gene transcrip- oligonucleotides in a 21-␮l total reaction volume. The thermal tion, pre-mRNA splicing, mRNA and stability, poly- cycle conditions were: 94°C for 1 min followed by 35 cycles of adenylation, and even translation (1). The disease offers a 94°C for 30 sec, 52°C for 30 sec, and extension at 72°C for 1 min. virtual textbook of potential molecular genetic lesions. The PCR reactions were analyzed by gel electrophoresis in a In addition to the great variety of mutations that affect the 4% agarose (NuSieve GTG) gel, prepared, and run with 1ϫ expressivity of the phenotype, the phenotype is likely to be TBE (0.1 M Tris͞0.08 M borate͞0.001 M EDTA, pH 8.6). further influenced by unlinked modifying genes that could Peripheral Blood Analysis. Blood was collected from tails in account for the variable severity of the disease seen in certain potassium EDTA-treated microtubules. Hematologic indices families wherein the primary genetic lesion is likely to be were determined by using standard hospital methods in the identical by descent (9–11). To date, save for pathologic clinical laboratory at Children’s Hospital, Boston. hemaglobinopathies, no such modifying genes have been iden- Adult ␤-Globins by PCR. Tail DNA from 129sv͞ev mice tified. was used as a template for a PCR reaction. Primers were designed An opportunity to address the issue of modifying genes according to a published BALB͞c ␤-globin major (13). An EcoRI ␣ arose when we created a mouse model of -thalassemia and site was added to the primers (forward) 5Ј-ACGAATTCATG- GTGCACCTGACTGAT-3Ј and (reverse) 5Ј-ACGAATTCGT- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge GGTACTTGTGAGCCAAGCA-3Ј. payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. †To whom reprint requests should be addressed. e-mail: leder@ PNAS is available online at www.pnas.org. rascal.med.harvard.edu.

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sv͞ev Table 1. A comparison of hematologic parameters in phenotypically severe and mild ␣-thalassemia in the offspring of F1 129 ͞C57BL mice backcrossed to 129sv͞ev Group Genotype n Hb, g͞dl MCV, ␮m3 MCH, pg RDW, % Retics, % I (Severe) Ϫ͞Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ␣1 homozygotes ␣1 ␣2͞␣1 ␣2 14 8.0 Ϯ 0.6 31 Ϯ 4.3 13.7 Ϯ 1 41.3 Ϯ 1.6 32 Ϯ 5.5 II (Mild) Ϫ͞Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ␣1 homozygotes ␣1 ␣2͞␣1 ␣2 19 10.1 Ϯ 0.8 33 Ϯ 2.4 14.6 Ϯ 134Ϯ 1.9 9.0 Ϯ 4.0 Wild type 129 ␣1␣2͞␣1␣2 4 15.3 Ϯ 0.1 45 Ϯ 0.3 15.2 Ϯ 115Ϯ 2 1.9 Ϯ 0.9 Wild type B6 ␣1␣2͞␣1␣2 4 15.6 Ϯ 0.5 46 Ϯ 0.4 15.6 Ϯ 0.3 12.6 Ϯ 0.4 1.5 Ϯ 0.1 MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; RDW, red distribution width; Retics, in peripheral sv͞ev Ϫ͞ϩ Ϫ blood; 129, 129 inbred mice; B-6, C57B1-6 inbred mice; backcrossed mice: product of ␣1 ͞(129͞B6) ϫ ␣1 129͞129. Values given are mean Ϯ SD.

The primer reaction contained 1 ␮l of diluted 129sv͞ev ͞ genomic tail DNA (1:10 vol vol in H2O), 0.2 mM dNTP, 1 mM ␮ ␮ MgCl2, 0.7 l of forward primer and 0.7 l of reverse primer (0.5 mg͞ml), 5 units of Pwo DNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim) in a total reaction volume of 50 ␮l at pH 8.3. The thermal cycle conditions were: 94°C for 1 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 30 sec, 56°C for 30 sec, and extension at 72°C for 1 min. The PCR product was restricted with EcoRI and purified by using a Qiagen (Chatsworth, CA) column. It was then incubated for 10 min at 70°C with dNTP and Taq polymerase to add deoxyadenosine(A) to the 3Ј ends. It was then ligated to a linearized pCR2.1-Topo vector containing 3Ј deoxythymidine(T) overhang (Invitrogen kit). Competent cells for transformation were provided by the kit. Several clones were analyzed with HindIII digestion; only ␤-major had the site. Two clones of ␤-major and two of ␤-minor were sequenced in our core facility by using standard methods. Electron Microscopy and Immunostaining. Marrow frag- ments and blood cells from four mice of each genetic back- ground were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.3) at room temperature for 2 hours, washed in PBS (PBS), postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in PBS, and stained with aqueous uranyl acetate (2% wt͞vol). The samples were taken through propylene oxide and embedded in Araldite (Agar Sci., Essex, United Kingdom). Sections were cut to silver interference colors and floated onto nickel grids. After coun- terstaining with aqueous uranyl acetate and lead citrate, the sections were viewed in a Philips EM400 electron microscope (Eindhoven, The Netherlands). In each animal, at least 80 consecutive reticulocytes and 100 consecutive peripheral blood erythrocytes were examined for the presence and appearance of inclusions. Rounded inclusions with a minimum transverse diameter of 0.7 nm were classified as FIG. 1. Analysis of the severity of ␣-thalassemia in mice back- sv͞ev sv͞ev crossed as F1 129 ͞C57BL hybrids into 129 genetic back- being large inclusions. sv͞ev Ϫ grounds. (A)F1 129 ͞C57BL ␣1 heterozygotic mice were back- Ultrastructural immunocytochemical studies were per- sv͞ev Ϫ Ϫ͞Ϫ crossed to 129 ␣1 heterozygotes to produce ␣1 mice in the formed on sections of bone marrow and blood cells. Rabbit backcrossed background. The severity of the ␣-thalassemia was judged polyclonal against human hemoglobin was purchased by the level of with 22% reticulocytes chosen to from Sigma. Rabbit polyclonal antibody to human ␣-globin arbitrarily separate severe from mild disease (see Table 1). These mice chain was kindly provided by L. Bernini (Leiden University, were individually plotted in a scattergram against their blood reticu- Medical Genetics Center, The Netherlands). Untreated sec- locyte levels. Their ␤-globin genotype was determined by using the tions were incubated overnight on a drop of polyclonal anti- polymorphic markers shown in B and C. ■, mice homozygous for sv͞ev ␤ ᮀ sv͞ev ͞ body to either human hemoglobin or human ␣-globin chain, 129 -globin; , mice with one 129 allele and one C57BL 6 allele. (B) Southern blot of tail DNAs from controls and backcrossed undiluted or diluted 1:10, 1:100, or 1:200. After washing in mice restricted with EcoRI and hybridized with ␤-globin cDNA. Lane buffer, sections were incubated with a secondary antibody 1, C57BL͞6 control; lane 2, 129sv͞ev control; lanes 3 and 4, backcrossed diluted in PBS (1:5 or 1:10) for 4 h; the secondary antibody mice with two 129sv͞ev ␤-globin alleles; lanes 5 and 6, backcrossed mice consisted of anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold with one 129sv͞ev globin allele and one C57BL6 ␤-globin allele (British Biocell, Cardiff, United Kingdom). Sections were (129͞B6). (C) PCR analysis of tail DNAs from control and back- counterstained with aqueous uranyl acetate and viewed on a crossed mice using D7MIT-40 oligonucleotides as primers. D7MIT-40 is a marker adjacent to the ␤-globin locus (see Materials and Methods). Philips EM400 electron microscope. All incubations were ͞ Lane 1, 129sv ev control; lane 2, C57BL͞6 control; lanes 3–5, back- carried out at room temperature. Control incubations, in which crossed mice with both 129sv͞ev and C57BL͞6 ␤-globin alleles; lanes the primary antibody was omitted or replaced with normal 6–8, backcrossed mice with two 129sv͞ev ␤-globin alleles. A 208-bp serum, were carried out in parallel with incubations with the fragment is the amplified band of C57BL͞6 genomic DNA, and primary antibody. All solutions used in the immunocytochem- approximately 230 bp is the amplified band of 129sv͞ev genomic DNA. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Genetics: Leder et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6293

FIG. 2. Electron microscopic and immunoelectron microscopic analyses of inclusion bodies. (A) Left to Right, wild-type (wt) and thalassemic red blood cells derived from mice bearing the indicated ␤-globin allele, 129͞B6 (129sv͞ev͞C57BL͞6) and 129͞129 (129sv͞ev͞129sv͞ev). The inclusion bodies are the readily visible electron-dense structures. Magnification ϫ7,000 (Left), ϫ6,000 (Center), and ϫ6000 (Right). (B) Shown are inclusions from sections of marrow from an ␣-thalassemic mouse bearing the 129sv͞ev͞129sv͞ev ␤-globin alleles. The sections were immunogold-labeled with polyclonal antibody directed against hemoglobin (both ␣- and ␤-chains) (␣-␣␤) and antibody directed only against purified ␣-chain (␣-␣). Magnification is ϫ26,000. Inclusions show a positive reaction with the antibody against hemoglobin but are not reactive with the antibody against ␣-globin chains.

␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ ical incubations contained 1% BSA (Sigma) and 0.l% gelatin and mice homozygous for the 1 mutation were analyzed (British Biocell). for phenotype severity (Table 1). ␣ Blood analyses of over 30 backcrossed 1-deficient mice ␣ Ϫ␣ ͞␣ Ϫ␣ ( 1 2 1 2) (Table 1) revealed that all suffered from mi- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION crocytic anemia with red cell parameters characteristic of human thalassemia. As can be seen in the scattergram shown In an effort to identify what we suspected were the unlinked in Fig. 1A, the level of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood ␣ ␣ Ϫ␣ ͞␣ Ϫ␣ modifying genes responsible for the severity of -thalassemia varied from 6% to 37% among the backcrossed 1 2 1 2 (12), we explored several inbred mouse strains for their ability mice. This reticulocytosis provided a quantitative measure of to transmit the milder phenotype in a dominant fashion. The phenotypic severity. Indeed, two relatively evenly divided and inbred C57BL͞6 strain proved suitable. Crosses between nor- distinguishable groups could be ascertained among the back- ͞ sv͞ev ␣ ͞␣ mal C57BL 6 and 129 1 1-deficient mice generated F1 crossed mice by arbitrarily selecting a 22% value ␣ offspring heterozygous for the 1-null mutation. These mice to distinguish between the severe and mild phenotypes. A t sv͞ev ␣ Ͻ were backcrossed to 129 mice carrying the 1 mutation, value of 13.7 and a P value 0.001 confirmed a statistically

Table 2. ␤-Globin and hematologic parameters in backcrossed ␣1-deficient mice of the 129sv͞ev͞BALB͞c genetic background

3 ␣1 mutation ␤-globin alleles n Hb, g͞dl MCV, ␮m MCH, pg RDW, % Retic, % Ϫ͞Ϫ ␣1 homozygotes 129͞129 4 8.6 Ϯ 0.9 34 Ϯ 2.4 12.5 Ϯ 1.3 41 Ϯ 4.3 35 Ϯ 4.1 Ϫ Ϫ ␣1 ␣2͞␣1 ␣2) Ϫ͞Ϫ ␣1 homozygotes 129͞BALB 4 8.3 Ϯ 0.5 37 Ϯ 4.5 13 Ϯ 0.8 40 Ϯ 139Ϯ 2.5 Ϫ Ϫ ␣1 ␣2͞␣1 ␣2 Wild-type 129 129͞129 4 15.6 Ϯ 0.5 46 Ϯ 0.4 15.6 Ϯ 0.3 12.6 Ϯ 0.4 1.5 Ϯ 0.2 ␣1␣2͞␣1␣2 Wild-type BALB BALB͞BALB 4 16.4 Ϯ 0.3 49.5 Ϯ 1.3 16.8 Ϯ 0.3 15.9 Ϯ 0.6 3.1 Ϯ 0.8 ␣1␣2͞␣1␣2 ϩ͞Ϫ ϩ͞Ϫ Abbreviations are as in Table 1. BALB, BALB͞c inbred mice. Backcrossed mice: product of ␣1 (129͞BALB) ϫ ␣1 (129͞129). The ␤-globin alleles were distinguished using PCR and D7Mit-40 oligonucleotides as primers. Values are mean Ϯ SD. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 6294 Genetics: Leder et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999)

significant difference between the two groups. This quantita- Table 3. Large inclusion bodies in erythroid cells of group I and tive variation among backcrossed ␣-thalassemic mice group II ␣-thalassemic mice could—in theory at least—be accounted for by assuming that Cells with large inclusions, % offspring displaying the milder phenotype inherit a dominant ͞ ␤-globin Reticulocytes, Erythrocytes, C57BL 6 modifying gene(s) from the F1 parent, whereas those displaying the severe phenotype inherit a recessive 129sv͞ev alleles n bone marrow blood modifying gene(s). That these offspring fall roughly into two 129͞129 4 53 Ϯ 628Ϯ 8 relatively equal groups as regards the severity of their disease 129͞BL-6 4 19 Ϯ 88Ϯ 3 (Fig. 1A) further suggests that there might be few, possibly p Ͻ 0.001 p Ͻ 0.01 even one, modifying gene(s). Whereas any of a number of candidate genes could be ͞ ͞ ͞ higher in the 129sv ev͞129sv ev than in the 129sv ev͞C57BL͞6 responsible for the modifying effects we observe, our attention mice. However, between the two groups of animals, there was was initially drawn to the ␤-globin locus. Unbalanced ␤-globin a striking difference in the size of the inclusions (Fig. 2A). As chains contribute to the pathology of ␣-thalassemia because ␤ ␤ shown in Table 3, the percentages of bone marrow reticulo- the product of the excess -chain, hemoglobin 4, in addition to being a poor O transporter, has detrimental effects on the cytes and blood erythrocytes that showed large inclusions in 2 the 129sv͞ev͞129sv͞ev mice were markedly and significantly integrity and survival of the red blood cell (13–15). sv͞ev͞ ͞ ␤-globin linkage to the modified phenotype in backcrossed higher than those in the 129 C57BL 6 animals. 129͞C57BL mice was tested by making use of two unambig- That these inclusion bodies contained globin chains was uously polymorphic genetic markers for the two ␤-globin demonstrated by using an immunogold anti-hemoglobin anti- alleles (Fig. 1 B and C). A clear correlation between the body to stain bone marrow reticulocytes. As shown in Fig. 2B, severity of the ␣-thalassemia and the inherited ␤-globin ge- greater density of gold particles is seen over the inclusions than over the surrounding . By contrast, after the appli- notype emerged. Mice belonging to the severely affected group ␣ (Fig. 1A, f), carried two 129sv͞ev ␤-globin alleles, whereas mice cation of an anti- -globin chain antibody, inclusions and in the mildly affected group carried one C57BL͞6 and one cytoplasm exhibited similar labeling intensity (Fig. 2B), sug- ͞ ␤ ␣ 129sv ev allele (Fig. 1A, Ⅺ). This correlation between the gesting that the inclusions contain -, but not -globin chains. genotype and the quantitative data was tested further by using Normal rabbit serum used as a negative control failed to stain the MAP MANAGER QT program version 26 (16), which calcu- either inclusions or cytoplasm. lates the statistical likelihood of any association between a The correlation between the severity of the disease, the ␤ genotype and a quantitative trait (in this case, the reticulocyte inheritance of a specific -globin allele, and the large size of count). By using these 30 meioses (Fig. 2A), this yields a Lod the inclusion bodies in the severely affected red blood cells prompted us to compare the sequences of the score of 13.3 and calculates that the genotype at this locus ͞ accounts for 87% of the variation in the reticulocyte count, 129sv ev and C57BL alleles for clues as to the basis of this ␤ phenotypic difference. A comparison of the ␤-globin amino arguing that the -locus is the major correlating locus and that ͞ further genomewide analysis is unlikely to reveal any other acid sequences of the 129sv ev and the C57BL strains (19–20) significant association. is shown in Table 4. Of the three amino acid substitutions ͞ Given the linkage between ␤-globin loci and the severity of between C57BL and the 129sv ev ␤-globin major sequences ␣-thalassemia, one might predict that other mouse strains that (␤-globin major is the predominantly expressed gene in these carry 129sv͞ev-like ␤-globin alleles would also be permissive for mice), the substitution of Gly-13 in C57BL for Cys-13 in ͞ the severe phenotype. To test this possibility, we took advan- 129sv ev is particularly interesting. The same glycine-to-cysteine tage of the fact that both 129sv͞ev and BALB͞c mice carry the substitution, along with other amino acid substitutions, is Hbbd hemoglobin haplotype at their ␤-loci (17). We cloned found for ␤-globin minor. This Cys-13, likely to be located on ␤ and sequenced both the ␤-globin major and minor genes from the solvent surface of hemoglobin 4 (21), could provide for sv͞ev ␤ the 129 mouse and found, perhaps not surprisingly, that extensive and efficient aggregation of hemoglobin 4 via their amino acid sequences were identical to those of BALB͞c disulfide bridges. The elimination of this Cys-13 and its re- (18). [A comparison of these sequences revealed one silent placement by glycine would be expected to reduce this aggre- substitution in ␤-globin major (CTT in BALB͞c to CTG in gation and thus account for the milder phenotype. In any case, ͞ 129sv ev at amino acid 118) and one silent substitution in our studies provide a framework for considering mechanisms ␤-globin minor (CTA to CTG at amino acid 106 of 129sv͞ev).] ͞ Consistent with this prediction, we found that backcrossed Table 4. Amino acid changes between 129sv ev ␤-globin and ͞ ͞ ␤ ␣-thalassemic mice bearing the 129sv ev͞129sv ev ␤-globin ge- C57BL-10 -globin sv͞ev͞ ͞ ␤ notype and those bearing the 129 BALB c -globin ge- ␤-globin amino notype all developed severe disease with reticulocyte values acid change C57 BL-10 residue 129sv͞ev residue averaging 35% and 39%, respectively (Table 2). As noted above, a major cause of erythroid cell destruction Major in ␣-thalassemia is the excess of unpaired ␤-globin chains that 13 Gly Cys aggregate within inclusion bodies and exert a harmful effect on 20 Ala Ser the cell membrane (13–15). We wondered whether the two 139 Ala Thr groups of mice showing different degrees of erythrocyte Minor destruction—indicated by the degree of reticulocytosis—were 9 Ala Ser dissimilar as to the frequency and size of such inclusions. 13 Gly Cys Hence, erythroid cells in the bone marrow and blood was 16 Gly Ala examined by using the electron microscope. In both groups of 20 Ala Pro mice, a considerable proportion of bone marrow reticulocytes 58 Ala Pro and blood erythrocytes showed electron-dense inclusions (Fig. 73 Asp Glu 2A). These were elongated, branching, stellate or rounded in 76 Asn Lys appearance, had distinct edges, and varied considerably in size. 77 His Asn Only few such inclusions were seen within erythroblasts (data 80 Ser Asn not shown). The percentages of bone marrow reticulocytes and 109 Met Ala blood erythrocytes that contained inclusions were only slightly 139 Ala Thr Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Genetics: Leder et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6295

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