No 5896 – FévrierApril 2010 2007 4.10 Medical symposium in Stockholm in symposium Medical handover bid 2016 EURO Medical symposium in Stockholm in symposium Medical handover bid 2016 EURO Including 05 03 05 03 Message of the

General Secretary UEFA-Woods

A more sporting image

UEFA already boasts an elegant administrative building in , which will shortly be complemented by another, in the circular shape of a ball. Nevertheless, this is not enough to make our headquarters any different from those of other companies that have nothing to do with sport. We have long had the possibility of giving our administration a more sporting image however, since the Colovray stadium, owned by the Nyon authorities, is located right next door to our headquarters. And so it was proposed that efforts should be made to combine our administrative offices with these adjacent sports facilities by asking the Nyon authorities to entrust us with the long-term management and upkeep of the Colovray centre, so that we can stage our own events there, while protecting the interests of the sports clubs that also use the facilities. Negotiations were held with the municipal authorities and an agreement was reached, entrusting UEFA with the task of managing and maintaining the IN THIS ISSUE sports centre. At its recent meeting in Malta, the Executive Committee ratified this EURO 2016 bid handover agreement, which will enable us to take our activities in a new direction, this ceremony 03 time to the heart of what we hold most dear, football. Medical symposium in Stockholm 05 There are many plans already in place and the first will be implemented Media seminar in Nyon 06 without delay: the creation of a centre of excellence that will enable the most prom- Club licensing ising young referees from all over Europe to continue their training in Nyon with benchmarking report 10 the help of refereeing experts. UEFA Events appointments 13 The new opportunities that this project creates will ensure that our News from member headquarters represent not just the administrative hub, but also the true heart associations 15 of European football.

Gianni Infantino COVER UEFA General Secretary Samuel Eto’o (FC Internazionale) makes a break from Branislav Ivanovic (Chelsea FC) in the UEFA Champions League round of 16 which, for the first time, is spread over four weeks. Photo: Cacace/AFP/Getty Images

02 uefadirect 4.10 Organisation of EURO 2016 ThreeThree bidsbids submittedsubmitted UEFA-Woods

THE CANDIDATES VYING TO HOST EURO 2016 OFFICIALLY HANDED OVER social responsibility, broad- THEIR BID DOSSIERS TO UEFA AT A CEREMONY CONDUCTED BY GILBERTO MADAÍL, casting and media facilities. The list of any questions that remain after this CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL TEAM COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE, AT UEFA’S analysis will be sent to each bidding HEADQUARTERS IN NYON ON 15 FEBRUARY. association from 19 March, at least 17 days before the technical work- Following the withdrawal of would not harm their relations with shops that will be held in the three the joint bid by and at each other in any way. Gilberto Madaíl, bidding countries between 7 and the end of last year, three individual for his part, mentioned the importance 15 April. These workshops will be sup- bids remain on the table: those of the of this first milestone, which highlighted plemented by visits aimed at assessing national associations of France, Italy the commitment and considerable levels of support from the political and Turkey, whose representatives trav- amount of work already carried out by authorities of the countries and cities elled to Nyon to hand over their bid each candidate since their bids were concerned. dossiers. announced in early 2009. Once the evaluation is com- The presidents of all three plete, a report will be sent to the national associations, Jean-Pierre Calendar of events bidders on 29 April to enable them to Escalettes for France, Giancarlo Abete Between now and 28 May, prepare for a meeting with National for Italy and Mahmut Özgener for when the Executive Committee will take Team Competitions Committee repre- Turkey, expressed their fervent desire and announce its decision, the bid sentatives and members of the UEFA to host the European Championship dossiers will firstly be analysed in detail administration. This meeting will be final round in 2016, which will be the by the relevant UEFA departments. held in Nyon on 6 May and will give first to feature 24 teams. They also More than 100 criteria will be evaluated, each bidder the opportunity to com- stressed that this brief rivalry between including the overall concept, issues ment on its evaluation report and their respective associations would be related to stadiums, accommodation, provide further information where conducted in a spirit of fair play and transport, political and legal aspects, appropriate.

03 Gilberto … Giancarlo … and Madaíl accepts Abete… Mahmut the bids from Özgener. Jean-Pierre Escalettes…

Then, on 14 May, the final report will be sent to the Executive Committee and National Team Com- Previous petitions Committee, and published on final round organisers On 26 May, the National 1960: France (final round with 4 teams, 4 matches, in 2 cities) Team Competitions Committee will 1964: Spain (4 teams, 4 matches, 2 cities) meet in Nyon to finalise the technical 1968: Italy (4 teams, 5 matches*, 3 cities) recommendations that it will present 1972: Belgium (4 teams, 4 matches, 3 cities) to the Executive Committee the following day, at a meeting which will 1976: Yugoslavia (4 teams, 4 matches, 2 cities) include a question and answer ses- 1980: Italy (8 teams, 14 matches, 4 cities) sion. Executive Committee members 1984: France (8 teams, 15 matches, 7 cities) from the bidding associations, i.e. 1988: FR Germany (8 teams, 15 matches, 8 cities) the president, Michel Platini, the first 1992: Sweden (8 teams, 15 matches, 4 cities) vice-president, Senes Erzik, and 1996: England (16 teams, 31 matches, 8 cities) Giancarlo Abete, will not participate in this meeting and will not be enti- 2000: Belgium and Netherlands (16 teams, 31 matches, 8 cities) tled to vote. 2004: Portugal (16 teams, 31 matches, 10 cities). In Geneva on 28 May, each 2008: Austria and Switzerland (16 teams, 31 matches, 8 cities) bidder will have 30 minutes for a final 2012: Poland and Ukraine (16 teams, 31 matches, 8 cities) presentation of their bid using only * *The final had to be replayed. audio and video material. The order in which the presentations will be made was determined in a draw at Voting procedure be eliminated. If two bidders share the ceremony on 15 February: Turkey There will be two rounds of second place, an intermediate ballot will will go first, followed by Italy and voting. In the first round, each Execu- determine which bidder is excluded, then France. tive Committee member entitled to with the chair of the meeting having a The Executive Committee will vote will rank the bidders in order of casting vote if necessary. then deliberate and vote in a separate preference, awarding five points to The electors will then decide room. Its decision will be announced their preferred bidder, two points to between the two remaining bidders. to the public by the UEFA president at the second and one point to the third. Here also, the chair of the meeting will 13.00. The bidder with the lowest score will have a casting vote in the event of a tie.

The impressive bid documents of France, Italy and Turkey Photos: UEFA-Woods

04 uefadirect 4.10 A collegial atmosphere for fruitful work

who discussed the growing relevance of sports science and its tangible bene- fits in terms of performance analysis – Medical and improvement.

Referee’s role Michel D’Hooghe strongly team building defended the thesis that “medical matters are not exclusively in the Team doctors hands of doctors” – and this was borne out when former elite referee meet in Stockholm Markus Merk told the audience in Stockholm that “the players’ most THE OFFICIAL DENOMINATION WAS THE 5TH UEFA MEDICAL SYMPOSIUM. BUT IT’S important capital is their health, and ONE OF THOSE NAMES THAT CAN GIVE A FALSE IMPRESSION. IT’S ALL TOO EASY TO referees have a role to play in protect- ing it.” During a review of UEFA’s CONJURE UP IMAGES OF DOCTORS GATHERED TOGETHER TO DISCUSS SURGICAL injury study, Prof. Jan Ekstrand also TECHNIQUES FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENTS OR THE said, “the clubs who have, over the TREATMENT OF AILMENTS WITH OBSCURE LATIN NAMES. BUT THE EVENT STAGED IN years, most consistently kept injury levels low usually stress the importance STOCKHOLM FROM 9 TO 11 FEBRUARY WAS NOTHING LIKE THAT. OK, IT WAS ABOUT of close communication with the MEDICAL MATTERS. BUT IT WAS OVERWHELMINGLY ABOUT FOOTBALL. coaching staff, with general managers

As Dr Michel D’Hooghe, chairman of UEFA’s Medical Committee, remarks in his editorial of the Medicine Matters publication, “I was impressed Photos: Sportsfile by the fantastic collegiate atmosphere in Stockholm. There was an ambience of friendship among colleagues who face the same challenges. Credit for this must go to the Swedish national association who created, around the symposium, an ambience which was a perfect one for listening, discussing and learning. I went home with an exceptionally good feeling and with a clear view of the issues which currently concern team doctors.”

Full integration In the Swedish capital, the collegiate atmosphere was formed by top players. This was highlighted and even with the board of directors. doctors representing 52 of UEFA’s during a presentation by UEFA’s techni- It is very important for other areas within member associations and the group cal director, Andy Roxburgh, which the club or the national association to of top clubs which are taking part in focused on the team behind the team. show interest and understanding when UEFA’s ongoing injury study, which is The former Swedish national team it comes to medical care.” now in its ninth season and is there- coach Lars Lagerbäck was on stage to The programme in Stockholm fore generating highly relevant infor- underline not only the value of the was exceptionally varied – covering sub- mation from a solid database. medical team but also the need to jects such as doping controls, the pre- One of the points to emerge integrate them fully into the daily life vention of cardiac arrests and the speci- strongly from the symposium was the of the squad and to involve them in ficities of the women’s game. But the evolution of the ‘team doctor’ into the all team get-togethers. This angle was core element was football – and the im- medical teams which, these days, look endorsed by a member of the Swedish portance of integrating medical teams after the health and welfare of the team behind the team, Paul Balsom, into the modern footballing family.

05 Liutauras Exchanges Varanavicius, improve chairman communication. of the Media Committee

The value of doing so, as Gil explained, is that procedures have UEFA to be examined, reviewed and record- ed in great detail. The tangible result in the media sector is a series of media seminar checklists which help the department to offer optimal service to the associa- Communicators tion, to the playing and coaching staff, to commercial and TV partners – communicate in Nyon and, of course, to the media. This helps to eliminate the ‘I’ve been doing What are the key elements in ‘crisis communications’? How can football this for years and don’t need check- make use of social networking websites? What are the benefits lists’ mentality and to provide a legacy of applying ISO quality management standards to the work of a national which could prove invaluable if, for instance, less experienced staff are association? These were some of the widely diverse issues examined recruited by the media department. at a UEFA media seminar staged in Nyon on 4 and 5 February. In other words, Gil convinced his audi- ence that applying ISO standards to The event brought together national associations. But after that, football is not as outlandish as it media officers and directors of com- the communication flow changed might sound. munication from 34 member associa- direction, with the associations pro- tions with the aim, as expressed by viding the information and talking Workshop sessions the chairman of the UEFA Media points. Relationships with the media Committee, Liutauras Varanavicius, of Gil Lebanony, for example, represent an endemic feature of this “sharing, learning, networking and persuaded his audience to view media type of event, as do operational aspects strengthening the bonds between work from a different perspective by ranging from accreditation procedures UEFA and its member associations”. explaining how the Israeli association to mixed zone activities. But the 2010 During the opening session, had applied for – and obtained – seminar moved a step further by the participants received some up- the ISO 9001 rating for quality man- examining ways of relating directly to to-date information from UEFA – not agement. Although a commonplace the public via social networking web- least on the updated and relaunched in the business world for nearly four sites which can allow organisations platform, which is closely decades, the ISO standards have rarely to connect with their ‘customers’. This linked to the websites of many been applied in the football world. provided the theme for one of the workshop sessions on the second day, after the participants had been warmed up by Geoff Wilson, head of market- ing and communications at the Northern Irish FA. Geoff explained how social networking could be productively included in a national association’s communications strategy, permitting positive messages to be delivered directly to the public using an approach considerably less formal than the aver- age carefully worded official website. Social networking sites, he suggested, were ideal for promoting grassroots activities and, whereas traditional media transmitted messages, they also provided opportunities for dialogue with the public as opposed to one-way media traffic. This was just one of the thought-provoking elements in a

Photos: UEFA-Woods highly productive seminar.

06 uefadirect 4.10 Pavilhão Interviú Atlântico, Madrid will the venue be seeking for the finals to retain the title they won last year by beating Ekaterinburg. Turismo de Lisboa Turismo Sportsfile

Spectacular draw ceremony But one record that will UEFA have been broken before the ball has even started rolling in Lisbon is the attendance for the semi-final draw. Futsal Cup It will be spectacularly conducted on the pitch at the Estádio da Luz during N e w n a m e the half-time interval of the top-of- the-table clash between SL Benfica on the trophy? and SC Braga. Representatives of all four finalists have been invited to NO DISRESPECT TO THE DEFENDING CHAMPIONS, INTERVIÚ MADRID, BUT, IN THE enjoy the big outdoor game, as UEFA is staging a workshop in conjunction LINE-UP FOR THIS SEASON’S FINAL FOUR, THE SPANISH TEAM IS ACCOMPANIED BY with the draw in order to fine-tune THREE CLUBS WHO HAVE NEVER WON THE UEFA FUTSAL CUP BEFORE, TWO OF logistics for the final tournament. WHOM HAVE NEVER REACHED THE FINAL PHASE OF THE COMPETITION BEFORE. Over at the Pavilhão Atlântico, the fans can look out for something like the revolutionary One is the Italian main media centre and international branded black playing surface which team Luparense broadcast centre during the final tour- made its debut at the European Calcio a 5, who nament. In a way, the Futsal Cup is Championship finals. And the profile qualified by beating returning to its origins, as the final of the event has been raised even Spanish opponents phase of the inaugural competition in further by the fact that, for the first ElPozo Murcia 5-4 2002 was staged as an eight-team tour- time, the UEFA Futsal Cup has a in a dramatic match nament at this very venue. The final- presenting sponsor. where all the goals were scored in the four format was introduced in 2007. When the ball starts rolling, final 12 minutes. The other is Araz It is a grandiose scenario for the question will be whether the big- Naxçivan of Azerbaijan, who earned what promises to be a grandiose event, tournament experience of Interviú their debut by defeating their compa- with the semi-finals to be played on Madrid, European champions in 2004, triots and rivals, Kairat Almaty, 4-3 Friday 23 April, building up to a climax 2006 and 2009, will give them the in the elite round summit played in with the two ‘medal matches’ on edge against the hosts and the two . Curiously, Araz are a chameleonic Sunday 25. The 10,000 capacity at the debutants. SL Benfica’s coach, César squad who change their colours into Pavilhão Atlântico has created high Paulo, insists “having got this far, the Azerbaijan national team that expectations in terms of attendances we’ll compete to become champions took fourth place at the European which could easily break competition of Europe.” In Lisbon, they won’t Futsal Championship finals in January records. be short of support. – complete with their Brazilian coach, Alesio da Silva. Eleven Araz players were wearing the national team’s colours in Hungary.

Promising perspectives The final four are completed by SL Benfica, silver medallists in 2004, who beat the 2008 champions, Viz-Sinara Ekaterinburg from Russia, to clinch a place in the finals, which will be played on their home territory in Lisbon – but not quite at home. The Portuguese team normally plays at the sports pavilion alongside the Estádio da Luz, but the final tourna- ment will be staged at the magnifi- The atmosphere in the arena cent Pavilhão Atlântico, venue for the in Lisbon will be electric.

EURO 2004 draw and used as the pavilhao

07 Sports Coordination A friendly activities meeting atmosphere during the visit to Crotone G.Gisca G.Gisca G.Gisca

Papanice de Crotone (Italy), the Lycée Sportif in Vaslui (Romania) and the Collège National d’Informatique Fair play Traian Lalescu in Hunedoara (Roma- In sport and in nia) – the following institutions, in addition to the Berufskolleg Olsberg t h e w o r l d des HSK, have signed up: the Tech- nicum Noord Antwerpen (Belgium), FAIR PLAY AND RESPECT IN GENERAL ARE FUNDAMENTAL VALUES TO WHICH the Kazim Dirik Ilkogretim Okulu THE FOOTBALL AUTHORITIES ARE DEEPLY COMMITTED. (Izmir, Turkey), the Seredziaus Schools, a fundamental part Heinrich Schneider, who coordinated pagrindine mokykla Jurbarko raj. of society, share this commitment. For and promoted the previous project, (Seredzius, Lithuania) and the Gim- several years now, European schools and the Realschule in Niederkrüchten nazia Yane Sandanski (Sandanski, have enjoyed access to the Comenius are not participating in this new initia- ). Unfortunately, a school in projects, a useful additional tool that tive, but another German school, Halifax (England) withdrew from complements educational activities and based in Olsberg, near Dortmund, has the project after obtaining the green facilitates direct collaboration between taken the baton. light from the national agencies. schools. Although the project only Following the success achieved Nine partners lasts two years (2009–11), it includes among national agencies with the Participation in the new proj- a busy programme of activities and project The Effect of Football on our ect has taken on a truly continental numerous objectives, both educa- Everyday Lives (cf. uefadirect No. 78) dimension because, as well as the four tional and specific. The project pro- and the fruitful cooperation between institutions which have decided to motes and spreads common-sense the pupils, teachers and communities continue their involvement – the Escola behaviour and practices in sport and involved, it seemed appropriate to con- Profissional do Alto Minho Interior responsible, creative participation in tinue the good work and apply for a in Paredes de Coura (Portugal), the sport. It endeavours to engage pupils new football-related Comenius project. Instituto Comprensivo 7° Circolo in in analysing and studying practices G.Gisca

An official visit to the Crotone authorities

08 uefadirect 4.10 Workshop Cultural The activities authorities to create and the a positive project atmosphere members exchange gifts. G.Gisca G.Gisca G.Gisca

in sport, with the aim of correcting poor behaviour and bad habits. The participants will attend matches to observe the behaviour Through these activities, the pupils of the spectators and players. will be able to think about, devise, write and implement rules.

Project objectives The practical objectives for the pupils are: I to gain a European perspective on violence in sport; I to promote the rules of fair play in all circumstances (in and out- side stadiums, on the streets and while travelling, in relations between supporters, etc.); I to analyse violent outbursts and behaviour in contact sports, particularly football, the world’s most popular game; I

to develop communication skills Getty Images with people of different national- ities, team spirit and fair play; I to improve their knowledge of First meeting in Crotone region, which is full of ancient (espe- foreign languages; The project also involves six cially Greek) and medieval monuments. get-togethers for the participants in the They also attended Greek dance shows I to find creative ways of watching cities of six of the schools involved. and end-of-year festivities, visited the and assessing different events; The first, held in Crotone, Calabria, was town halls of Crotone and Santa Severi- I to broaden their cultural horizons devoted in particular to the activity na and were hosted by the leaders of through the project activities; programme, the tasks assigned to each the Crotone Chamber of Commerce. I to use a blog to express their ideas; school, the calendar of get-togethers These intercultural activities helped to I to develop social and citizenship and the final products. create a cordial, open and productive skills; In order to gauge the young atmosphere for the workshop that was people’s level of knowledge, they were held during the get-together. I to improve their learning skills; asked to complete a 45-point question- Finally, the various elements I to develop their sense of initiative; naire; this questionnaire has already of this first gathering were well reported I to acquire cultural skills and be able been filled in and the results were in the regional press, even before to express them. analysed during the second get-together the programme was over in Crotone, in Izmir from 8 to 15 March. Another Paredes de Coura and Hunedoara. At the end, the pupils will important decision taken was to continue Future get-togethers will create and implement a ‘fair play watching football matches in the cities take place in Sandanski (May 2010), Decalogue’; they will also think up, where the get-togethers are held; partic- Antwerp (September 2010), Olsberg design and create a fair play mascot ipants will therefore see at first hand (January 2011) and, finally, Paredes as a symbol of tolerance and mutual how the players involved in the matches de Coura (May 2011). The length of respect between competitors in sport. and the spectators respect the rules the project and the number of schools Many of the activities will of fair play. mean that not every city can host a take place in schools and the young Although the programme for get-together, but the main objective is people (coordinated by their teachers) the get-together in Crotone was busy to do as much as possible to promote will communicate via the blog they and productive, the participants had fair play in stadiums and in everyday life. have already set up, email and Skype. time to visit some tourist sites in the George Gisca

09 The club licensing As is the case system was introduced in Portugal, at European level to (FC Porto-Leiria), govern the admission most top-division of clubs to the UEFA championships competitions. involve 16 teams. Riopa/AFP/Getty Images Riopa/AFP/Getty Images Club football under

A stepthe towards microscope transparency

THE UEFA CLUB LICENSING UNIT RECENTLY PUBLISHED AN IMPORTANT Sporting profile DOCUMENT THAT PROVIDES A BETTER PICTURE OF THE FINANCIAL HEALTH This section shows, among OF ELITE FOOTBALL IN EUROPE. other things, that the most common size of top divisions is 16 teams, that the number of top-division teams has increased from 707 to 732 in the six-year period of licensing, and that 27 national associations have changed the size of their top division. It also reports that 40 national associations play their championship from summer to spring, while the other 13 (in eastern and northern Europe) follow the civil calendar. Championship struc- tures are also analysed, with most associations using a two-round sys- tem. The report shows that 60% of There is an obvious link associations operate a direct relega- between television broadcasts and club revenues. tion system and that fewer than one in five top-division clubs (17%) owns Colorsport/Andrew Colorsport/Andrew Cowie its stadium. Some 80 pages long, The a licensing procedure in 2009. For the This part of the report also European Club Footballing Landscape 2009/10 UEFA competitions, 608 of the provides information on match atten- summarises a comparative analysis 732 top-division clubs (83%) applied dances, with an estimated 105 million of the financial results of more than for a licence and only 498 (82%) were spectators attending 11,460 top-divi- 600 top-division clubs from UEFA’s 53 successful, with financial criteria alone sion matches, representing an average member associations. accounting for 25 refusals. of around 9,000 per match. The starting point and The huge amount of infor- source of information for the report is mation gathered as part of the licens- Financial profile: income UEFA’s club licensing procedure, in ing process both at national level and This chapter details clubs’ which more and more clubs are par- for the UEFA competitions constitutes financial reporting dates and sources ticipating. Although they initially took an unparalleled record not only of of income, which is estimated at part in order to obtain a place in the financial issues, but also of stadiums, more than EUR 11.5 billion for 2008, UEFA competitions, many associations competition structures, match atten- excluding transfer fees. Overall income have since introduced a licensing dances, etc. is rising (+10.6% between 2008 and system for their own national compe- The report covers the 2009). Analysis of the share of income titions, sometimes even for clubs following aspects, which are dealt shows that 13% of clubs generate outside their top division. A total of with in the form of 41 questions 69% of income and that English clubs 1,344 clubs therefore underwent and answers: are the most successful in this area,

10 uefadirect 4.10 In Russia, the Stadiums championship rarely belong is played to the clubs. according to the calendar year, from spring to autumn. Korotayev/Epsilon/getty Korotayev/Epsilon/getty Images Birkenland/EuroFootball/getty Images

while Slovenia is the country where was more positive elsewhere: the ten clubs News from income is most evenly spread between that recorded the highest profits reported clubs. a total of EUR 323 million for 2008. Brussels The study also attempts to Cypriot politician Androulla establish a link between financial Financial profile: assets, debts and Vassiliou officially assumed resources and sporting success at national other liabilities and European levels. The final chapter of the report office as the new European com- considers clubs’ debts, analysing types missioner for education, culture, Financial profile: of assets and liabilities, club financing, multilingualism and youth on costs and profitability tax-related issues and balance sheet 9 February. Her new portfolio Overall expenditure of top- trends. It shows, among other things, also includes sport. division clubs is estimated at EUR 12.1 that 224 clubs (35%) had more liabilities Androulla billion, i.e. 105% of income. On aver- than assets and that the general trend Vassiliou age, wages alone represent 61% of was negative. was born in total income and they increased by 18% The full version of this report, in one year. No fewer than 198 clubs which will help to increase transparency Cyprus on have spent more than 70% of their and financial fair play in European club 30 November income on wages, while for 57 of them football, is available in French, German, 1943. In her the figure is over 100%! English and Russian on previous role Thys/AFP The study also investigates as European Androulla Vassiliou the inclusion of transfers in club accounts Survey on professional leagues commissioner for health, she and the impact of transfers on profits, Meanwhile, UEFA professional helped UEFA to launch the pub- demonstrating that the transfer system football services have published lication Eat for Goals! on acts as an important financial solidarity the results of their Survey on Profes- 30 September 2008 (cf. uefadirect, mechanism for clubs in many middle- sional League Organisations No. 78). She will hold her new income and almost all low-income 2009–10, a document containing divisions. position as commissioner for information about the organisational, The analysis also shows that education, culture, multilingual- political and legal structures of 47% of top-division clubs reported net ism and youth for the next four the leagues, as well as their powers, losses in 2007 and that 22% of clubs years. and on which uefadirect will report even recorded losses equivalent to more in a forthcoming issue. After studying law in than 20% of their income. The situation London, Androulla Vassiliou worked as a lawyer in the busi- ness sector in the UK and Cyprus. She began her political career as a liberal member of the Cypriot parliament in 1996, and as such was involved in drawing up the aborted European Constitution. She is married to George Vassiliou, former president of Cyprus, and speaks Greek, English and French. At her European Parlia-

Colorsport/Mark Greenwood ment hearing on 14 January, the

Supporters are part and parcel of top-flight football. commissioner spoke about §

11 § sport for the first time. Men- and Raúl, together tioning her desire “to explore, with Esperanza in consultation with the sports Aguirre, movement, the possibilities president of the opened up by the Treaty of autonomous community Lisbon which, for the first time, of Madrid, display a contains a provision on sport,” giant ticket for the UEFA she also said that “dialogue Champions League final. must be at the heart of practical actions on the part of the EU in RFEF order to promote the social and educational functions of sport. For it is not simply an economic activity; sport has a huge social Meetings and dimension.” Questioned by an MEP about her priority areas for action, the commissioner expressly men- other activities tioned gender equality, integra- Preparation tion through sport and the fight of new club season against racism and doping. In reply to a question about AT ITS MEETING IN NYON ON 10 FEBRUARY, THE UEFA CLUB the specific nature of sport from COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE, CHAIRED BY MICHAEL VAN PRAAG, BEGAN MEP Ivo Belet, who initiated a PREPARATIONS FOR NEXT SEASON. European Parliament resolution It approved the competition In all phases of the competition, a on the future of professional regulations, for example, which will one-match suspension applies after the football in Europe, adopted in now be submitted to the Executive second yellow card (as long as the March 2007 (cf. uefadirect, No. Committee. One of the main proposed player concerned has not played three changes is the adoption of a new matches without a caution between 59), she said “there is no single system for suspensions following the two yellow cards). solution. I will work with my yellow cards. Currently, different sys- services and the other commis- tems apply to qualifying matches Recurring themes sioners to see how the specific and matches from the group stage The committee also decided nature of sport can be taken into onwards. For the first part of the com- to retain the current revenue distribu- account.” As an initial response petition, before the group matches, tion model for the 2010/11 season. this autumn, the European a player is suspended for one match And it once again discussed two recur- Commission will publish a com- after receiving a second yellow card; ring themes of club football: the eligi- munication on the impact of he is then suspended again after his bility of players who are transferred fourth and sixth cautions. From the during the season between two clubs the Lisbon Treaty. group stage onwards, players are sus- involved in UEFA competitions and the Before pointing out that pended after three yellow cards and participation of domestic cup runners- “sport should, before anything every second subsequent caution. up in the following season’s UEFA else, be put at the service of the Europa League if the winners have people”, a smiling Androulla ‘Bonus-malus’ principle already qualified for the UEFA Cham- Vassiliou said, “I am a sports fan, The proposed new system pions League – two subjects where but not particularly a football removes this distinction and is based unanimity is virtually impossible, since fan. I need to learn. I come from on the ‘bonus-malus’ principle, people’s points of view vary so widely. according to which players are not The committee also noted an island; I’m a swimmer.” just punished, but are also rewarded the progress made in efforts to estab- The UEFA president, Michel for good behaviour. In practical lish financial fair play in the UEFA club Platini, sent a letter of congrat - terms, this means that, if a player is competitions. It also heard a positive ulations to the new commis- cautioned in one match but is not initial report on the experiment carried sioner, assuring her of UEFA’s cautioned in his next three matches, out in the Europa League involving two active support in her new role. the initial yellow card is written off. additional assistant referees.

12 uefadirect 4.10 The Coliseum Alfonso Pérez stadium in Getafe is the venue for the UEFA Women’s Champions League final. Empics Sport

The ceremony in Madrid on Busy programme for Grassroots Day Madrid final 5 March was held at the Palacio de la Presidencia de la Comunidad and was The UEFA club competitions website attended by the final ambassador, One hundred days will enter a new three-year cycle in Emilio Butragueno, and Real stars such before Grassroots Day, UEFA 2012. The changes that have been as Cristiano Ronaldo and Raul. launched a new website made during the current cycle were ( devoted therefore analysed in detail in order to entirely to grassroots football see what, if any, amendments should and 19 May in particular, when be made for the new cycle. To this UEFA Events grassroots football will be cele- end, a broad consultation was con- takes shape brated all over Europe. In parallel ducted among national associations, With David Taylor, former with the events being organised leagues, clubs, players and coaches, UEFA general secretary, at the by UEFA in Madrid, the member as well as commercial partners, media helm, the new company UEFA associations will be able to draw and supporters. Their opinions formed Events has begun to take shape. attention to their grassroots the basis of discussions for groups of Two divisions have been activities by organising their own experts and the revision/consultation formed and their directors, who were special events. process will continue in order that appointed in February, have been in recommendations can be submitted to their new posts since mid-March. the Executive Committee, which will Guy-Laurent Epstein is the take a decision at the end of 2010. company’s marketing director. Having Concerning the more imme- joined UEFA in autumn 2002, he diate future, the committee was briefed headed the media rights unit. It is his on the events to be held in conjunc- job to restructure the marketing and tion with the 2010 Champions League commercial divisions in order to final, the first to be played on a Satur- create a single division responsible for day evening, in Madrid. Women’s and the development of activities in these grassroots football will feature partic- two areas. ularly prominently in the run-up to Martin Kallen, who joined the Champions League final, with the UEFA in June 1994 and was chief The website will also contain UEFA Women’s Champions League operating officer of Euro 2008 SA and educational material, videos, final to be staged at Getafe’s stadium then director of the EURO division, games and lessons for children on Thursday, 20 May, preceded by is now director of operations of UEFA aged between 10 and 14. UEFA Grassroots Day, the culmination Events, covering not only operations It should also be noted of various activities, including youth linked to the European Football that the official UEFA website tournaments and skills competitions, Championship (EURO), but also those (.com) has recently been on Wednesday, 19 May. Young people relating to the club competitions and redesigned. will also take centre stage on 19 May other important UEFA events. with a match in the Di Stefano stadium between the Under-18 teams of the two Champions League finalists. I On 5 March, the sale of tickets for the Champions League final was launched in Madrid. For the final on 22 May, the Santiago Bernabeu stadium will have a capacity of 75,000 seats, the vast majority of which will be reserved for the general public (11,000 seats) and supporters of the two finalists (21,000 per team). The general public’s allocation was on sale via from 8 to 19 March. Spe- cial arrangements have been made this year to encourage young spectators to The UEFA Events management: David Taylor, CEO, with Martin Kallen attend. (left) and Guy-Laurent Epstein UEFA-Woods 13 The draw for the UEFA Regions’ Cup was made by Grigoriy Surkis (left), chairman of the Youth and Amateur Football Committee, and vice-chairman Jim Boyce. UEFA-Woods

Group 2: Armenia, , Group 8: Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Eusébio receives UEFA Hungary, Romania Latvia, Moldova President’s Award Group 3: FYR Macedonia, Eusébio, former star Sweden, Northern Ireland, Estonia The eight group winners will striker of SL Benfica and the Portuguese national team, Mini-tournament organisers in bold play in the final round in the country has been presented with the of one of the participants. In principle, UEFA President’s Award by The three group winners and the national associations are repre- Michel Platini. the two best runners-up will progress sented in this competition, which is to the intermediate round, in which reserved for amateur players, by a the 32 remaining teams will be split regional team, selected by means of into eight groups. All three preliminary a national competition. However, due round group winners were drawn to their small size, the associations into the same group! of Malta and San Marino are allowed Group 1: Malta, Germany, to select a national team. Greece, Spain I The 18th UEFA Course for Leong/AFP/Getty Images Group 2: Scotland, Portugal, Coach Educators will take place from He received the accolade in Lisbon on 23 February on the Switzerland, Belgium 12 to 16 April at the Italian Football occasion of the UEFA Europa Group 3: Republic of Ireland, Federation’s technical centre in Cover- League match between Benfica Italy, San Marino, France ciano. Its theme will be ‘educating and Hertha BSC Berlin. It Group 4: Slovenia, group 3 tomorrow’s coaches’ and it will aim honours the career of an exem- winners, group 2 winners, group 1 to help coaches working for national plary player who, as the UEFA winners associations in the coach education president emphasised, is an example not only for his quali- Group 5: Bulgaria, Slovakia, field. The course will focus on the ties as a footballer but also Serbia, best group runners-up development of coaching skills in rea- for his respectful manner both Group 6: Czech Republic, listic learning situations. on the football pitch and in second best group runners-up, everyday life. Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lithuania Group 7: Poland, Russia, Finland, Regions’ Cup draw The first act of the 7th UEFA Regions’ Cup took place on 12 February at the House of Euro- pean Football in Nyon, where While the fixtures for the qualifying the preliminary and intermediate matches in the UEFA round draws were held. Regions’ Cup were being decided at the draw in Thirty-nine national Nyon, Europe’s top clubs were embarking on associations will be the closing stages of the season. In the UEFA Europa represented in this new League, SV Hamburg (Marcell Jansen, in white) edition of the compe- qualified for the round of 16 by eliminating tition. Twelve of them, PSV (Stanislav Manelov). split into three groups, will contest the preliminary round in the form of mini-tournaments. They are: Pollex/Bongarts/Getty Images Group 1: Turkey, Wales, Croatia, England

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T! Committee week in Nyon February 2010 Photos: UEFA-Woods 22 uefadirect 4.10 CommunicationsBirthdays – Calendar UEFA-Woods

Birthday greetings G Vladimir Petrov (Ukraine, 22.4) Notices G Mehmet S. Binnet (Turkey, 23.4) G Jacques Lambert (France, 24.4) Grzegorz Lato (Poland), vice-chairman of I On 27 February, Christian Andreasen G Nebojsa Ivkovic (Serbia, 24.4) the Football Committee, celebrates his 60th was elected president of the G Avraham Luzon (Israel, 24.4) birthday on 8 April. On 23 April, Roland Tis Football Association. G Sandor Piller (Hungary, 24.4) (Belgium), match delegate, joins him at the G Frederick Roy Millar same milestone. Vlastibor Minarovjech Jr I Since 1 March, Ales Zavrl has been (Northern Ireland, 25.4) (Slovakia), doping control officer, turns 50 the new general secretary of the Football G Ole Myhrvold (Norway, 25.4) on 10 April. Also reaching the half-century Association of Slovenia. G Philippe Verbiest (Belgium, 25.4) mark in April are Umberto Gandini (Italy), G Daniel Ryser (Switzerland, 25.4) ECA representative on the Professional Foot- Match agents G Philip Gartside (England, 27.4) ball Strategy Council, on 11 April, Charles G Jan Carlsen (, 27.4) Schaack (Luxembourg), member of the Fair UEFA has issued two new match agent G Henk van de Wetering (Netherlands, 27.4) Play and Social Responsibility Committee, G Zdzislaw Krecina (Poland, 28.4) licences. The holders are: on 17 April, and Knud Stadsgaard (Denmark), G Gudmunder Ingi Jónsson (Iceland, 29.4) Richard Mensah 10 Dickenson Close referee observer, on 28 April. G George Frank (Israel, 29.4) UEFA also wishes many happy returns to: Edmonton, Londres N9 7 AW, England G Robin Howe (Scotland, 29.4) Mob: +44 794 412 2550 G Carlo De Gaudio (Italy, 1.4) G Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros [email protected] G Jan Peeters (Belgium, 2.4) (Portugal, 30.4) G Kaj Østergaard (Denmark, 3.4) Scott Hume G Dennis Cruise (Republic of Ireland, 3.4) Hume International Sports Management G Thomas Grimm (Switzerland, 3.4) Forthcoming events 65 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 2 BX, Scotland G Yoav Strauss (Israel, 3.4) Tel.: +44 141 331 4167, Fax: +44 141 353 2850 G Christian Kofoed (Denmark, 4.4) Events Mob: +44 797 424 7428 G Jan Ekstrand (Sweden, 5.4) [email protected] 7.4.2010, Vaduz G Lennart Wangel (Finland, 5.4) Draw for the final round of the European In addition, the licence of Johannes Empl G Momir Djurdjevac (Montenegro, 5.4) Under-17 Championship (Austria) has been renewed for eight years, G Alexey Sorokin (Russia, 5.4) while Victor Grove (Switzerland) has asked G Aleksandra Nikolovska (FYR Macedonia, 5.4) 12–16.4.2010, Florence UEFA Coach Educators Course for his licence to be cancelled. G Athanassios Briakos (Greece, 6.4) G Pavol Peracek (Slovakia, 7.4) 12.4.2010, Nyon G Jacques Devismes (France, 8.4) Professional Football Strategy Council New publication G Jim Fleeting (Scotland, 8.4) 16.4.2010, Skopje Never Again, the Polish partner of G Yevgeniy Stolitenko (Ukraine, 8.4) Draw for the final round of the European FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe), G Márton Esterházy (Hungary, 9.4) Women's Under-19 Championship has published a guide entitled How to G Jean-Claude Blanc (Italy, 9.4) G Ladislav Svoboda (Czech Republic, 9.4) Competitions Fight Racism, prepared with the support G Zoran Petrovic (Serbia, 10.4) of UEFA and FARE. Aimed above all at 1.4.2010 Polish clubs, the CD explains the phenome- G Panagiotis Tsarouchas (Greece, 10.4) UEFA Europa League: quarter-finals (first legs) G Eduard Dervishaj (Spain, 11.4) non of racism in sport, the forms it takes G Rodger Gifford (Wales, 12.4) 6/7.4.2010 and how it can be overcome. UEFA Champions League: quarter-finals (return legs) G François De Keersmaecker (Belgium, 12.4) G Paolo Piani (Italy, 13.4) 8.4.2010 Obituaries G Gusztav Bienerth (Hungary, 14.4) UEFA Europa League: quarter-finals (return legs) G Hanna van Ginhoven (Netherlands, 14.4) 10/11.4.2010 I Vlastibor Minarovjech Sr (Slovakia), who G Georgios Bikas (Greece, 15.4) UEFA Women's Champions League: served on the UEFA Medical Committee from G Manuel Enrique Mejuto Gonzalez semi-finals (first legs) 1986 to 2000 and, before that, as a member (Spain, 16.4) 17/18.4.2010 of the doping study group, shaping and G Ernst Ravnaas (Norway, 18.4) UEFA Women's Champions League: implementing the first doping controls in G Oguz Sarvan (Turkey, 18.4) semi-finals (return legs) European football, passed away during the G Michael Kuchenbecker (Germany, 19.4) 20/21.4.2010 night of 28 February. He was 83. During G Jean-Louis Valentin (France, 19.4) UEFA Champions League: semi-finals (first legs) his many years of service to UEFA, Vlastibor G Jean Appietto (France, 20.4) 22.4.2010 Minarovjech undertook, among other assign- G Jean-Luc Veuthey (Switzerland, 20.4) UEFA Europa League: semi-finals (first legs) ments, more than 200 missions as a doping G Vitor Manuel Melo Pereira (Portugal, 21.4) control officer. He had been a member of the G 23–25.4. 2010, Lisbon Martinus van den Bekerom circle of former UEFA committee members (Netherlands, 21.4) UEFA Futsal Cup finals since 2000. G Alexandru Burlac (Moldova, 21.4) 23/28.4.2010 G Patrick Fenech (Malta, 22.4) UEFA Champions League: semi-finals (return legs) I Henrik Niss (Denmark) a UEFA match G Jan Damgaard (Denmark, 22.4) 29.4.2010 agent since 1992, passed away on 23 February G Morgan Norman (Sweden, 22.4) UEFA Europa League: semi-finals (return legs) aged 51.

WE CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL Chief editor: André Vieli The views expressed in signed articles are not necessarily the Produced by Atema Communication SA, CH-1196 Gland; official views of UEFA. Official publication of the CO Créations, CH-1262 Eysins (News from member associations) The reproduction of articles Union des associations or extracts of any information européennes de football Printed by Artgraphic Cavin SA, CH-1422 Grandson published in uefadirect is authorised, provided the Editorial deadline: 5 March 2010 source is indicated. UEFA Route de Genève 46 Union des associations CH-1260 Nyon européennes de football Switzerland Phone +41 848 00 27 27 Fax +41 848 01 27 27