2Nd Stage of Herat
I LATE riSVvT .'the skies will be clear all over the country during next JU 24 hours. L201977 Kabul Temperature: Max. tomorrow 34C. Vol. XVI, No. 93, Saturday July 9, 1977, Saratan 16, 1356 S.H. PRICE AFS- - I Min. tonight 13C. J :: ; ATC sells Turkey: Fierce fighting orks M i nister opens texti le worth Demirl rejects Ecevit's in Eritrea BEIRUT, July 9, (Reuter) ;278,900,000af . Fierce fighting is raging 2nd stage of PROVINCES! July 9, ). in outskirts of Asmara, Herat . offer coalition the Afghan Textile for capital of Eritrea, between (Reut-er)-.- to Co. has earned some ANKARA, July 9, mirel's Justice Party Eritrean secessionist and afs. from the sale of Social Democratic back himself, or Demirel, or Ethiopian forces, according Ece-v- it an independent politician, . rayon texti-- Prime Minister Bulent to a statement here potable water project its cotton and , issued les during the first three who has failed to win a as premier. yesterday by the Eritrean HERAT, July 9, (Bakht-ar)- . ce of the public utility pro- rajuddin inspected the months of the current year. parliamentary majority for Demirel, is in the process Liberation , right-win- g se- his governm- of reforging a (ELF-RC- ). The work on the jects of the Republican sta- work of Herat-Sab-zu-k A source of the company Council jo- with same al- stage pot- te ; - ent, offered yesterday to coalition the for- cond of the Herat in the framework of the Pass. , Said that some 17,633,000 It said the Ethiopian able water expansion net- Seven Year Development cotton tex-- in his main rival in a broad-base- d lies who ruled with him be- ces to siege ' meters rayon and tried break the A source of Herat-Sabza- k work, was opened by Pub- Plan of the country, Public tiles were produced by the coalition.
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