The British Human B H P C Power Club Albert Einstein was a whizz at unravelling the mysteries of the Universe, but his experiments in personal transportation were, frankly, a bit off-target... Summer 1999 Issue 57 BHPC Newsletter - Issue 57 Front Cover: Oi! Einstein!! NO!!! A postcard discovered by Tina in Hamburg Back Cover: Based on characters painted by some Italian geezer. Michelangelo? Mario Cipollini? I dunno... Contents Racing Events gNick, mainly 3 Touring and Socialising Events Various 3 The Six O’Clock News Dave Larrington 5 The Epistles You, Constant Reader 10 Builder’s Corner Geoff Bird, Michael Allen, Rick Valbuena, Me 12 History Lesson 1 Richard Middleton 23 History Lesson 2 Nick Bigg 25 Racing News Dave Larrington 26 Stop Press!!! Various 38 A Word From Our Sponsor Treasurer Dennis Adcock 39 Suppliers & Wants 41 Adam and Joe Tina Larrington 48 Objectives: The British Human Power Club was formed to foster all aspects of human-powered vehicles - air, land & water - for competitive, recreational and utility activities, to stimulate innovation in design and development in all spheres of HPV's, and to promote and to advertise the use of HPV's in a wide range of activities. I don’t want to drink my whisky like you do. OFFICERS Chairman & Press Officer Dave Cormie ( Home 0131 552 3148 143 East Trinity Road Edinburgh, EH5 3PP Competition Secretary gNick Green ( Home 01785 223576 267 Tixall Road Stafford, ST16 3XS E-mail:
[email protected] Secretary Steve Donaldson ( Home 01224 772164 Touring Secretary Sherri Donaldson 15 Station