Species Abundance √ Sp S F W __ Killdeer* ...... c c c c Pigeons and Doves , Geese and Swans __ American White ...... o c o o __ Pacific Golden Plover ...... r r r r __ Eurasian Collared Dove ...... c c c c __ American Wigeon ...... c - o c __ Brown Pelican ...... r r r r __ Semipalmated Plover ...... o r o r __ Mourning Dove ...... u u u u __ Snowy Plover ...... - r - - __ Barrow’s Goldeneye ...... - - - r Cormorants __ Rock Pigeon ...... c c c c __ Blue-Winged Teal...... r - r r Stilts and Avocets __ Double-crested Cormorant* ...... c c c o __ Brant ...... r - - - __ American Avocet* ...... c c a a __ Barn * ...... o o o o __ Bufflehead ...... c - c c , Egrets and Bitterns __ Black-necked Stilt* ...... c c c c __ Cackling Goose ...... r - r r __ American Bittern* ...... o o o o __ Burrowing Owl ...... - - r - __ Canada Goose* ...... a c c a __ Black-crowned Night ...... c c o o Sandpipers, Phalaropes and Allies __ Great Horned Owl ...... r r r r __ Canvasback ...... c - o c __ Cattle Egret ...... r - r - __ Baird’s Sandpiper ...... - r r - __ Short-eared Owl ...... - - r r __ Cinnamon Teal* ...... c o c c __ Great Blue Heron* ...... c c c c __ Black Turnstone ...... - r - - __ Common Goldeneye ...... o - o o __ Great Egret* ...... c c c c __ Dunlin ...... o - c c Swifts __ Common Merganser ...... r r r r __ Green Heron ...... o o u u __ Greater Yellowlegs...... c u c c __ Vaux’s Swift ...... r - r - __ Eurasian Wigeon ...... o - r o __ Least Bittern ...... r r - - __ Least Sandpiper ...... c a a a __ White-throated Swift ...... r r r r __ Gadwall* ...... c o c c __ Snowy Egret* ...... c c c c __ Lesser Yellowlegs ...... r r r r __ Long-billed Curlew ...... c c c c __ Greater Scaup ...... c o o c Ibises and Spoonbills __ Long-billed Dowitcher ...... u u c c __ Allen’s ...... - r - - __ Greater White-fronted Goose ...... o - o o __ White-faced Ibis ...... r - r r __ Marbled Godwit ...... o o o o __ Anna’s Hummingbird*...... c c c c __ Green-Winged Teal ...... c r c c __ Pectoral Sandpiper ...... - r r - __ Hooded Merganser ...... - - - r New World Vultures Kingfishers __ Red Phalarope ...... - - - r __ Lesser Scaup ...... o - o o __ Turkey Vulture ...... c c c c __ Belted Kingfisher ...... o o o u __ Red-necked Phalarope ...... o o - o __ Long-tailed ...... - - - r Hawks and Allies __ Ruddy Turnstone ...... - r - - Woodpeckers __ Mallard* ...... a a a a __ Bald Eagle ...... - - - r __ Ruff ...... - r - - __ Acorn Woodpecker ...... - - r r __ Northern Pintail ...... o - o o __ Cooper’s Hawk ...... r r c c __ Semipalmated Sandpiper ...... - r - - __ Downy Woodpecker ...... o o o o __ Northern Shoveler ...... c o c c __ Ferruginous Hawk ...... - r r r __ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper ...... - r - - __ Northern Flicker...... r r o r __ Redhead ...... - - r r __ Golden Eagle ...... r r r r __ Short-billed Dowitcher ...... r o r r __ Nuttall’s Woodpecker ...... o o o o __ Red-breasted Merganser ...... - - r r __ Northern Harrier ...... c c c c __ Solitary Sandpiper ...... - r r - __ Ring-necked Duck ...... o - o o __ Osprey ...... o o o o Tyrant Flycatchers __ Spotted Sandpiper ...... r r r r __ Ross’ Goose ...... - - - r __ Red-shouldered Hawk* ...... c c c c __ Ash-throated Flycatcher ...... r r - - __ Stilt Sandpiper ...... - r - - __ Ruddy Duck* ...... c o o c __ Red-tailed Hawk ...... c c c c __ Black Phoebe* ...... c c c c __ Western Sandpiper ...... c c c c __ Snow Goose...... - - - r __ Rough-legged Hawk ...... - - r r __ Pacific-Slope Flycatcher ...... r - r - __ Whimbrel ...... r r - r __ Surf Scoter ...... - r - r __ Sharp-shinned Hawk ...... - - r r __ Say’s Phoebe ...... r - o c __ Wilson’s Snipe ...... o r o o __ Tufted Duck ...... - - - r __ Swainson’s Hawk ...... r - - - __ Tropical Kingbird ...... - - r - __ Wilson’s Phalarope ...... r o - - __ Tundra Swan ...... r r r r __ White-tailed Kite* ...... c c c c __ Western Kingbird* ...... c c - - __ White-Winged Scoter ...... - - - r __ Willet ...... o - c c __ Willow Flycatcher ...... - r o - Falcons and Caracaras __ Wood Duck ...... - r - - __ American Kestrel ...... o r o o Gulls, and Allies Shrikes __ Arctic ...... - - r - Grouse, Turkeys and Pheasants __ Merlin ...... r r o o __ Loggerhead Shrike ...... - - r r __ Black Tern ...... r - - - __ Wild Turkey ...... - r - - __ Peregrine ...... o o o o __ Northern Shrike ...... - - r r __ Black Skimmer ...... - - r - __ Prairie Falcon ...... - - r r New World Quail __ Bonaparte’s Gull ...... o o o c Vireos __ California Quail ...... r r - - Rails and Coots __ California Gull ...... a c a a __ Hutton’s vireo ...... - - - r __ Warbling Vireo ...... - r - - __ American Coot* ...... a o c a __ Caspian Tern ...... o o - - __ Black ...... u u - u __ Common Tern ...... - - r - __ Common ...... r - - r Crows and Jays __ Red-throated Loon ...... - - r - __ Ridgway’s Rail* ...... u u u u __ Forster’s Tern ...... o o - - __ Common Gallinule* ...... c c c c __ Glaucous-winged Gull...... c o c c __ American Crow ...... c c c c Grebes __ Sora ...... u r u u __ Herring Gull ...... - - r c __ Common Raven ...... u u u u __ Clark’s Grebe ...... o r o o __ Virginia Rail* ...... c c c c __ Mew Gull ...... - r u u __ Steller’s Jay ...... - - r - __ Eared Grebe ...... c - o c __ California Scrub-jay* ...... u u u u Plovers and Lapwings __ Ring-billed Gull ...... c c c c __ Horned Grebe ...... o - - o __ Iceland Gull ...... - - - r Larks __ Pied-billed Grebe* ...... c c c c __ American Golden Plover ...... - r r - __ Western Gull ...... a c a a __ Horned Lark ...... r - - r __ Western Grebe ...... o - o o __ Black-bellied Plover ...... r o c c Swallows and Martins __ Orange-crowned Warbler...... - - r - Abundance and other Codes __ Bank Swallow ...... r - - - __ Palm Warbler ...... r - - - Seasons __ Barn Swallow* ...... c c r - __ Townsend’s Warbler ...... - - r r SP Spring March through May __ Cliff Swallow* ...... a a r - __ Wilson’s Warbler ...... r r - - S Summer June theough August __ Northern Rough-winged Swallow .. u o r - __ Yellow Warbler ...... - - o - F Fall September throgh November __ Tree Swallow* ...... a a o u __ Yellow-rumped Warbler ...... o - c c Birds of __ Violet-green Swallow ...... o o - o W Winter December through Frebruary Tanagers Shollenberger Park Chickadees, Nuthatches,Titmice, __ Western Tanager ...... - r - - a Abundant Species is very numerous and the Long-tailed tits and Creepers Petaluma Wetlands __ Brown Creeper ...... r r r r New World Sparrows c Common Almost certain to be observed __ BushTit* ...... o o c c __ American Tree Sparrow ...... - - r - in suitable habitat __ Chestnut-backed Chickadee ...... - r r r __ Brewer’s Sparrow ...... - - - r u Uncommon Present, but not certain to be __ Oak Titmouse ...... r r r r __ California Towhee* ...... c c c c observed __ Red-breasted Nuthatch ...... - - r - __ Clay-colored Sparrow ...... - - r - o Occasional Observed only a few times __ White-breasted Nuthatch ...... - - - r __ Dark-eyed Junco ...... - - r - during a season __ Fox Sparrow ...... r - r o r Rare Not present every year Wrens __ Golden-crowned Sparrow ...... c - c c __ Bewick’s Wren ...... r r r r __ Lark Sparrow ...... - - - r - Not observed Not observed in that season __ House Wren ...... r - - - __ Lincoln’s Sparrow ...... u - u u * Nesting __ Marsh Wren* ...... a a a c __ Savannah Sparrow ...... c o c c Prepared by the Petaluma Werlands Alliance in Kinglets and Wrentits __ Spotted Towhee ...... r - - - cooperation with the City of Petaluma __ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ...... - r - - __ Song Sparrow* ...... c c c c __ Golden-Crowned Kinglet ...... - - - r __ Swamp Sparrow...... - - r r City of Petaluma __ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ...... o - o o __ White-crowned Sparrow ...... c - c c Dept. of Parks & Recreation __ Wrentit ...... - - r r __ White-throated Sparrow ...... r - - r 320 North McDowell Boulevard, Thrushes Grosbeaks Petaluma, California 94954 __ American Robin ...... o o o o __ Black-headed Grosbeak ...... r - - - Phone: 707.778.4380 __ Hermit Thrush ...... r - r r Fax: 707.778.4473 Blackbirds, Orioles and Allies http://cityofpetaluma.net/parksnrec __ Swainson’s Thrush ...... r - r - __ Brewer’s Blackbird ...... u u u u __ Western Bluebird* ...... u u u u __ Brown-headed Cowbird ...... r o - - Petaluma Wetlands Alliance __ Bullock’s Oriole* ...... u u - - P. O. Box 2182 __ Hooded Oriole ...... - r - - Mockingbirds and Thrashers Petaluma, CA 94953-0973 __ Great-tailed Grackle* ...... o o o o ___ Northern Mockingbird* ...... o o o o http://www.petalumawetlands.org __ Orchard Oriole ...... - - r r ___ Sage Thrasher ...... - - - r City of Petaluma __ Red-winged Blackbird* ...... a a a a Join or donate to PWA, a non-profit organization, Starlings and Mynas __ Tri-colored Blackbird ...... r - - - Dept. of Parks & Recreation at the address above __ European Starling* ...... c c c c __ Western Meadowlark ...... c o c c Wagtails and Pipits Finches and Allies Trailheads __ American Pipit ...... c - c c __ American Goldfinch ...... c c c c __ Red-throated Pipit ...... - - r = __ House Finch* ...... c c c c Shollenberger Park __ Lesser Goldfinch ...... o o o o 1400 Cader Lane Waxwings __ Pine Siskin ...... - r - - Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility __ Cedar Waxwing ...... - - c o 3890 Cypress Drive Old World Sparrows Wood-Warblers __ House Sparrow* ...... u u u u Alman Marsh Sheraton Hotel (bridge at back of parking lot) __ Black-throated Gray Warbler ...... r - - - Exotics __ Chestnut-sided Warbler ...... - - r - 745 Baywood Drive __ Mute Swan* ...... c c c c __ Common Yellowthroat* ...... o o c c __ MacGillivray’s Warbler ...... - r - - Species listed were observed since we began in 1998 Updated 4 Dec 2017