4.9 MARIN CLAPPER RAIL REGION the Marin Clapper Rail Region Contains Small, Disparate Sites Scattered Throughout the Shoreline and Marshes of Marin County
4. 2010 Survey Results 4.9 MARIN CLAPPER RAIL REGION The Marin Clapper Rail Region contains small, disparate sites scattered throughout the shoreline and marshes of Marin County. This region stretches from the Golden Gate Bridge in Sausalito to San Rafael in San Pablo Bay, including the large ISP complex of Corte Madera Creek (CMC). The shoreline is fairly well developed, with a variety of wetland habitat types, including several marinas, tidal lagoons, flood control channels, small fragmented patches of marsh vegetation, large restored marshes, invaded mudflats, and several creeks and sloughs. This region consists of 29 ISP clapper rails sites, 20 of which were surveyed by ISP staff in 2010 (Table 12, Figure 26). Nine sites were evaluated for clapper rail habitat (Protocol F), only one of which, Brickyard Cove (23a), was deemed as potential habitat and then actively surveyed for three rounds. This brought the total of Protocol C surveys to eight: College of Marin (04b), Beach Drive (23b), Greenwood Beach (23g), Strawberry Point (23h), Strawberry Cove (23i), Starkweather Park (23l) and Triangle Marsh - Marin (23n). ISP biologists passively surveyed (Protocol A) four other sites: CMC - Upper (04h), CMC - Lower (04i), Pickleweed Park (09a) and San Rafael Canal Mouth North (23d). Much of the Corte Madera Creek (CMC) complex, including the expansive marshes where the creek meets the bay, was surveyed by biologists with PRBO Conservation Science and Avocet Research Associates. Table 12: Summary results from California clapper rail surveys
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