Taylor, EH, and JA Peters . 1974. the Caecilians of Ecuador
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TAYLOR AND JAMES A. PETERS ::: •••••••• :•·:·••• •••• •••• ••'•'•• • • • • .. ~=~ ••• •• • •I •• 0• ••• •••• •••• •'• ••• • ·=·•••••· .. ••• • •:· ·•:·:••• ••• • !-,• •:-.•• ·:-: ~.· ••• • •••• !',•:-.• :-.• •••••• • !'e' .•••.• •••••• ~.· ••• ••• • '•'••• ••• ••• • '•'• ••••'• ••••••• • ....•••• ••• • • •••• ••••• ••••••• • ..... ~.·•• • • ,•.. •••• •••••• • •••••• •••• ••• • ••••.. • ••• ••• • •••• •••••• ·:-: :'.~ ••••• ••• • .... •••• ••• • "•" •• ••• •• ,.~~· ••• •.. • -•.·••• •·=~•• • •••••••• ••••. ••••• • .... ~::: •••• ...: .., ::~ ...•••• ..•• • ••• •••• •••• • ••••.. :::: ,~.·... •••• •••• •• ••• • ..•••• ..,'•'•..• ..., •••• •••• '~·=•'• •••• ••• •• •••• ••••• • ••••.. .... !~. ....... ••••••• • ...•••• • •• ••• • •-=··••• •••••• ,••,• • • •·•••·~~ •••• ••••••• •••• ' . Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 333-346 ••• •••• June 28, 1974 •••• •••••• '•'• ..•••• ••••..... ANNOUNCEMENT The Universtty of Kansas Science Bulletin (continuation of the Kansas Uni versity Quarterly) is an outlet for scholarly scientific investigations carried out at the University of Kansas or by University faculty and students. Since its inception, volwnes of the Bulletin have been variously issued as single bound volumes, as two or three multi-paper parts or as series of individual papers. Issuance is at irregular intervals, with each volume prior to volume 50 approxi mately 1000 pages in length. The supply of all volumes of the Kansas University Quarterly is now ex hausted. However, most volumes of the University of Kansas Science Bulletin are still available and are offered, in exchange for similar publications, to learned societies, colleges and universities and other institutions, or may be purchased at $15.00 per volume. Where some of these volumes were issued in parts, in dividual parts are priced at the rate of 1 Yz cents per page. Current policy, ini tiated with volume 46, is to issue individual papers as published. Such separata from volumes 46 to 49 may likewise be purchased individually at the rate of I Yz cents per page. Effective with volume 50, page size has been enlarged, reducing the length of each volume to about 750 pages, with separata available at the rate of 2¢ per page. Subscriptions for forthcoming volumes may be entered at the rate of $15.00 per volume. All communications regarding ex changes, sales and subscriptions should be addressed to the ExcHANGE LIBRARIAN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARIES, LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66045. Reprints of individual papers for personal use by investigators are available gratis for most recent and many older issues of the Bulletin. Such requests should be directed to the author. The International Standard Serial Nwnber of this publication is US ISSN 0022-8850. Editor Charles R. Wyttenbacb Editorial Board Kenneth B. Armitage Richard F. Johnston Paul A. Kitos Charles D. Michener Delbert M. Shankd George W. Byers, Chairman THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 333-346 June 28, 1974 T he Caecilians of Ecuador Eow,\RD H. TAYLOR AND JA~fl~s A. P ETERS TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ IISTRA<;T .............................................. ..............•.....•............................................ 335 ~ I ' TRODtJ(;TION ....................................................................................... ........ ...... 33 ..J - SP E<; IES Ac;c;ouNTs ............................................................................................. 33) Family Ichthyoph iidac ................................................................. ................. 335 Epicrionops bicolor Boulenger ........................................ ................. 335 Epicrionops murmoratus Taylor .......................................................... .. 336 Epicrionops petersi petersi Tay lor ..................................................... .. 336 . Ep1crtonops sp. .. .................................................................................... .. 336 Fan1ily Typhlo n cct id ::~e ............................................................................... 337 PotamotyphluJ l(c!Up ii ( Berthold) .................................................... .. 337 Family Caeciliid::~c . ...................................................................................... 337 Siphonops t/11 1/Uiatus ( Mikan) ........................... .................................. 337 Microcaecilia a/biceps ( Boulenger) ...................................................... 33 Oscaecilia bass/en· (Dunn) .................................................................... 338 Oscaecilia equatorialis Taylor ................................... ............................. 338 Caecilia pachy11ema Gunther ................................................................ 339 CaeciLia abitaguae Dunn ........................................................................ 340 Caecilia bokermanni Taylor .................................................................. 340 Caecilia orienta/is Taylor ...................................................................... 340 Caecilia crassisquama Taylor ................................................................ 341 Caecilia disossea Tay lor .......................................................................... 341 T HE UNIVERSITY oF KANsAs SciENCE Bu LLETIN Caecilia dunni Hershkovitz .................................................................. 341 Caecilia nigriccm s Boulenger .................................................................. 34 1 Caecilia albiventris Daudin .. ........................................................... ..... 342 Cctecilia tentaculata Lin nae us ................................................................ 343 Caecilia sp. .............................................................................................. 343 Caecilia attenuata T ayl or ........................................................................ 344 Caecilia sp. .............................................................................................. 344 Caecilia su bten n inalis Taylor ............................................................. ... 345 Caecilia tenuiJsi ma T ay lor ...................................................................... 345 ~ L ITER ATUR£ C ITED ............................................................................................... 34) 335 The Caecilians of Ecuador EovvARD H. TAYLOR* AND JA:r-r Es A. P ETERs ** ABSTRACT This paper deals with a study of a caecilian collection made in Ecuador largely by the junior author and fo r the most part not avaibble to the senior author in the preparation of his 1968 monograph on the caecilians. INTRODUCTION EPN: Escuela Politechnica Nacional The junior author spent considerable Ecuador, Quito. time in Ecuador collecting in various parts J AP: James A . Peters, Private Collec of the country and in studying the collec tion, Washington, D.C. tions that h ave been largely acquired by KUMN H: Kansas University Museum the United States National Museum. The of Natural History, Lawrence, Kansas. senior author visited some weeks in the USNM: United States National Mu country, all of which time was spent in seum, Washington, D.C. the field. Both were surprised at the large number of species of caecilians that are to SPECIES ACCOUNT S be found there and doubt that so large a Family Ichthyophiidae number occur in any other area of equal Of the two South American genera, size. We believe that the high continental Rhinatrema and Epicrionops, recognized divide is responsible for dividing the in the family Ichthyophiidae, only the lat species largely into two groups, one oc ter is known to occur in Ecuador. One of curring in the Pacific and western Carib the most striking characters