A SORRY SAGA in the CANADIAN MILITARY Courtesy of the Liberal

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A SORRY SAGA in the CANADIAN MILITARY Courtesy of the Liberal A SORRY SAGA IN THE CANADIAN MILITARY Courtesy of the Liberal Governments of Lester Pearson, PE Trudeau, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin 1960s –1970s –1980s -1990s - 2000s All the world is aware of the often-used, incorrect-grammar expression, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Yet, in Ottawa, Canada, in the middle days of 1960s, the Liberal government of Prime Minister Lester B Pearson decided to fix what wasn’t broken. Leading the charge to correct a perceived wrong were Defence Minister Paul Hellyer and Associate Minister of Defence Lucien Cardin, who tabled a white paper in Parliament of Canada on 26 March 1964. The white paper outlined a major restructuring of the separate armed forces – army, navy and air force – that envisioned a reorganisation that would include the integration of operations, logistics support, personnel, and administration of the separate branches under a functional command system. 1 History has recorded that the proposal met with stiff opposition from personnel in each of the three services. As a consequence, the Royal Canadian Navy’s senior operational commander, Rear Admiral William Landymore was dismissed as well as the forced retirement of other senior officers in Canada’s military. A well-used and readily-understood RCN expression ‘The rot has set in,” seemed appropriate. Unfortunately, the protests of military personnel and their supporters had no effect and on 1 February 1968, Bill C-243, the Canadian Forces Reoganisation Act, was granted Royal Assent and the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force were combined into one service – the Canadian Armed Forces. Within the newly-minted Canadian Armed Forces [CAF], much rancour amongst military personnel set in and the mood among the soldiers, sailors and airmen [female gender understood] was foul. The general public in the 1 Wikipedia, Unification of the Canadian Armed Forces 1 meantime was fed a line that might best be described as tap-dancing around a hole all the while hoping not to fall in. The public received doses of stuff that suggested, strongly, that the reorganisation would achieve cost savings and provide improved command, control, and integration of the military forces. 2 To back up that ‘stuff,’ Defence Minister Paul Hellyer, on 4 November 1966, announced that “the amalgamation … will provide the flexibility to enable Canada to meet in the most effective manner the military requirements of the future. It will also establish Canada as an unquestionable leader in the field of military organisation.” 3 Hellyer’s announcement was met with much derision by a large number of serving military personnel who expressed, sometimes rather vociferously, that “Hellyer didn’t know his arse from a hole in the ground!” One backlash that the then-serving Liberal ministers did not anticipate was that “they were accused of not caring for the traditions behind each individual service, especially as the long-standing navy, army and air force identities were replaced with common army-style ranks and rifle green uniforms. Rather than loyalty to each service, which, as military historian Jack Granatstein put it, was ‘vital for sailors, soldiers, and airmen and women’ who ‘risk their lives to serve.’”4 Hellyer, who had joined the Royal Canadian Air Force as an enlisted man and then was mustered out and into the Canadian Army during World War Two, wanted “loyalty to the new, all-encompassing Canadian Armed Forces, this, it was said, caused damage to the spirit de corps for sailors, soldiers and air crew and personnel.” 5 What Hellyer got was derision – full blast! Rather than correct what was clearly a mistake, Hellyer carried on with his destruction of Canada’s military and thus: “Army personnel and equipment were placed under an entity known as Mobile Command – later to be renamed Land Force Command; Navy personnel and ships 2 Wikipedia, Unification of the Canadian Armed Forces 3 Ibid 4 Ibid 5 Ibid 2 were placed under Maritime Command and personnel of the former RCAF were divided between Mobile Command, Air Defence Command, Air Transport Command, and Training Command. In 1975, all aircraft of the CAF were placed under a new command known as Air Command.”6 The ‘rot’ that has been mentioned earlier, had set in, firmly; but the serving members’ bitterness and outward disgust with the integration/unification did not end there. “The move toward unification, as well as other budget and cost- cutting moves during the 1980s and 1990s were opposed by many and is sometimes seen as a fault of the Canadian Forces. Many veterans objected to unification and sometimes referred to branches of their pre-unification titles.” 7 In the intervening years from then to present [May 2016], several additional changes in command structure occurred and as the Cold War gave way to lesser conflicts, so, too, did certain components of the Canadian Forces. For instance, the CF maintained two bases in Germany for more than 30 years during the aforementioned Cold War and they were closed in the early 1990s, and Canadian Forces Europe disbanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany. Also, Material Command was disbanded during the 1980s, the Communications Command was disbanded during a mid-1990s reorganisation and Mobile Command was renamed Land Force Command. On 16 August 2011, the three environmental commands of the Canadian Armed Forces were renamed to reflect the names of the original historical armed forces. Air Command was changed to the Royal Canadian Air Force; Maritime Command was changed to the Royal Canadian Navy and Land Force Command was changed to Canadian Army. The government made these changes to align Canada with other key Commonwealth countries whose militaries use the royal designation, and to indicate that it respected Canada’s 8 military heritage. 6 Ibid 7 Ibid 8 Ibid 3 Although the air force, army and navy ‘titles’ were restored to their former names, the unified command structure of the Canadian Armed Forces was not altered by this change. Unlike the situation prior to 1968 where the services existed as separate legal entities, the current Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army and Royal Canadian Air Force have no separate legal status and continue to exist as elements of the Canadian Armed Forces.9 It is worth noting that what began as a Liberal government attempt to create something different by following the route of bureaucratic bungling and political prattling was met with the near-constant roar of dissatisfaction from those who actually were tasked with carrying out the fiasco, and coupled with a generous dose of common sense applied by those on the fringes, the ‘rot’ was, eventually, reduced but not eradicated, to be replaced with solid, standard, well-understood and agreed-upon military terms and sailors were once again sailors and soldiers were again soldiers and airmen and women were once again, airmen and airwomen – each wearing proudly the uniforms of their respective service. Thanks for all of this must be given, first, to the then-serving army, navy and air force personnel who individually kept up a near-constant barrage of comment against the Liberal foolishness. Aiding and abetting the move was the Conservative government, first of Prime Minister Mulroney and later by that of Prime Minister Harper who saw the error of Prime Ministers Pearson and Trudeau’s integration/unification programme, aided in their quest to ‘fix what ain’t broke,’ by Defence Minister Paul Hellyer and Associate Defence Minister Lucien Cardin, and acted accordingly. Bravo Zulu10 to intelligent individuals who saw wrong and corrected what needed correcting. Amalgamation- a pre-World War Two thought 9 Ibid 10 BZ – a naval term expressing ‘well done’ and often is signalled between ships following a particularly difficult manoeuvre or achievement. It is not given often and is not given lightly. 4 Inasmuch as the word ‘integration’ came to the fore in the Canadian military in mid-1960s, it had been tossed around before World War Two but under the name ‘amalgamation.’ At the end of the Second World War the Canadian armed services were three distinct entities each independent from the other in terms of policy, management and hierarchy. Each functioned under its own minister as head and designated its own military head, chains of command, logistic system, rank structure and uniforms. Although some had proposed the concept of Unification as early as the prewar period, the slow process of blending the services probably began in 1946. Then, as Prime Minister Mackenzie King appointed a single minister to be responsible for defence, with the ability to appoint Associate Ministers for each service, as appropriate. 11 It is quite probable that WWII cast aside any immediate thought about ‘amalgamating’ the Canadian military into one unit; but the idea remained firmly planted in the minds of certain politicians and civil servants. It was under the direction of the newly appointed Minister of Defence, Brook Claxton, in the 1950s that the earnest shift toward unification began. First, a new National Defence Act standardized the legal framework for all three services, granting equal legal status and standardized military law and justice systems. 12 The position of Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee allowed the minister to appoint a figurehead chairman of the tri-service panel independent from their seniority of service. Although this chairman was not granted any executive powers over the other services the appointment allowed for further institutional integration. Then, under Conservative Minister George R. Pearkes the integration of specialist roles, such as legal, medical and chaplain services were established. As well, logistic functions, such as common cataloguing systems, food procurement and postal services 13 were adopted by the army and provided to all three services.
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