ADVANCE NOTICE TO THE STATE OR ANY GOVERNMENT BODY / LOCAL BODY The details of email addresses for sending advance notices to state or other government body/local body are as under:- ALLAHABAD a) Chief Standing Counsel, Govt. of U.P. -
[email protected] All types of civil writ petitions including the (Timing for sending the notices from 10:00 A.M. matter under Article 227 of Constitution of India, to 02:00 P.M. on every working day) PIL, etc. (Only E-Court cases)
[email protected] All types of Civil Appeals( Special Appeal, First (Timing for sending the notices from 10:00 A.M. Appeals, First Appeal from Order, Second to 02:00 P.M. on every working day) Appeal, Arbitration, etc.) (Only E-Court cases)
[email protected] Contempt cases, Company matter, Election (Timing for sending the notices from 10:00 A.M. Petition, Testamentary and Civil revision, Trade to 02:00 P.M. on every working day) Tax Revision etc. (Only E-Court cases) b) Govt. Advocate, U.P. -
[email protected] i. Criminal Misc. Writ Petiition (Timing for sending the notices from 10:00 A.M. ii. Criminal Misc. Habeas Corpus Writ Petition to 02:00 P.M. on every working day) iii. Criminal Writ – Public Interest Litigation (Only E-Court cases) iv. Criminal Writ – Matter Under Article 227
[email protected] i. Criminal Misc. Bail Application (Timing for sending the notices from 10:00 A.M. ii. Criminal Misc. Anticipatory Bail to 02:00 P.M. on every working day) Application (Only E-Court cases)
[email protected] i.