


Cathryn Nagler-Anderson Immunologists typically study the immune responses induced in the spleen or peripheral lymph nodes after parenteral immunization with antigen and poorly defined experimental adjuvants. However, most antigens enter the body through mucosal surfaces. It is now clear that the microenvironment in these mucosal barriers has a marked influence on the immune response that ultimately ensues. Nowhere is the microenvironment more influential than in the gut- associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). The GALT must constantly distinguish harmless antigens that are present in food or on commensal bacteria from pathogenic assault by microbes. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that the GALT contains more lymphocytes than all of the secondary lymphoid organs combined.

TIGHT JUNCTIONS Mucosal epithelia are primary sites for antigen entry. terminal of nutrients because of its dense A ring of proteins that seals Afferent lymphatics carry antigens from the mucosal coating with absorptive microvilli. At the tips of the apical ; includes the surface to draining lymph nodes where specialized anti- microvilli, a layer of membrane-anchored glycoproteins integral membrane proteins occludin and claudin, in gen-presenting cells (APCs) present them to the forms the filamentous brush border glycocalyx 6 association with cytoplasmic immune system. Of the mucosal lymphoid tissues, the (FBBG) . Digested nutrients can gain access to the body zonula occludins proteins. organized lymphoid tissues of the respiratory and gas- through the FBBG, but it is relatively impermeant to trointestinal tracts contain the largest numbers of lym- macromolecules or bacteria. DEFENSINS Anti-microbial peptides phocytes, and are the most fully characterized (FIG. 1). secreted by Paneth cells in Other mucosal surfaces, such as those of the urogenital How do antigens get in? the villus crypt. tract, also contain populations of mucosal lymphocytes Soluble proteins and microbes do cross the epithelial

TREFOIL PEPTIDES that are important in immune defence and the protection barrier. are the primary cell type in the Three small proteins, secreted by of the epithelial barrier. epithelial monolayer, which is interspersed in some goblet cells, which function in Although consisting of only a single layer of cells, the regions by a specialized epithelial cell type known as the 5 epithelial protection and repair . must control the access of poten- M cell. The brush border glycocalyx that characterizes tial antigens and pathogens, and, at the same time, func- villus enterocytes is absent from the apical surface of the tion in the digestive absorption of dietary nutrients. It is M cell. It is replaced by microfolds (hence ‘M cell’) that aided this dual role by intercellular TIGHT JUNCTIONS that are more accessible to luminal antigens. M cells use Department of Pediatrics, Massachusetts General restrict the passage of even very small (2-kDa) mole- transepithelial vesicular transport to carry microbes to Hospital and Harvard cules1. The intestinal epithelium also boasts a number of APCs in the underlying gut-associated lymhoid tissue Medical School, Building specialized protective adaptations that are not found in (GALT)6. The GALT is divided into discrete inductive th 114, 16 Street, Room 3600, other sites. These include: anti-microbial peptides and effector sites (FIG. 2). M cells are contained within Charlestown, Massachusetts 2 3,4 02129, USA. (DEFENSINS) , secretory immunoglobulin A , mucins and inductive sites in the GALT, known as the Peyer’s patches. 5 e-mail: nagler_a@helix. TREFOIL PEPTIDES . The apical surface of the , Peyer’s patches are aggregations of lymphoid follicles mgh.harvard.edu which faces the intestinal lumen, is ideally suited for the found primarily in the distal of the .

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that contain predominantly T cells. The GALT also con- tains loosely organized effector sites, primarily within the of the intestinal villi (FIG. 2). The lym- phocytes found in the lamina propria are largely IgA- secreting plasma cells and memory T-effector cells9.IgA is a ‘non-inflammatory’ form of immunoglobulin in Oesophagus that it binds complement weakly, if at all10. Although Trachea produced in enormous quantity at the mucosal surface, much less IgA is found in the circulation. Moreover, sys- Right subclavian Left subclavian temic IgA circulates as a monomer, whereas mucosal vein vein IgA is typically secreted as a dimer. Binding to the poly- Mediastinal Superior vena lymph nodes meric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) that is cava Lungs expressed constitutively on the basolateral surface of enterocytes results in the transport of IgA to the apical Heart surface. At the surface, the portion of the pIgR attached to the Fc (crystallizable fragment) region of IgA is enzy- Liver Spleen matically cleaved and remains bound to the dimeric IgA SECRETORY COMPONENT Thoracic duct molecule as the , which is thought to Mesenteric help prevent proteolytic damage to secretory IgA in the nodes harsh luminal environment (reviewed in REF.11). The Peyer's role of secretory IgA in excluding antigen from entering patches Small intestine the epithelium has long been appreciated. It has recently been suggested that IgA also runs a shuttle service, using the pIgR to actively transport antigen out of the lamina propria to the apical surface of the enterocyte4. These observations indicate a twofold barrier function for secretory IgA, both in guarding the epithelium from microbial entry and as a lamina propria ‘sump pump’, excreting IgA-bound antigens or microbes that pene- trate the barrier back into the lumen. Immunoglobulin production typically requires T- + Figure 1 | Antigens enter through mucosal surfaces. Inhaled or ingested antigens enter the cell help. CD4 helper T (TH) cells are divided into two body through the mucosal surfaces of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Both diffusely functional subsets on the basis of their pattern of scattered lymphocytes and organized lymphoid follicles (for example, the Peyer’s patches) line cytokine secretion. In general, TH1 cells produce inter- the mucosal surfaces. Antigens are transported from the mucosa to draining lymph nodes feron-γ (IFN-γ), which is important for cell-mediated (mediastinal or mesenteric) by afferent lymphatics and presented to T cells in the node. immune responses and inflammation. T 2 cells secrete Antigen-sensitized T cells can then migrate out of the draining node through efferent H lymphatics and ultimately enter the systemic circulation through the thoracic duct. interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5 and IL-13, and induce B-cell activation and differentiation. Unlike other immuno- globulin isotypes, signals through TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR-Β (TGF-β)/TGF-β receptor type II on B cells are 12 Located within the dome-like structure of the follicle- vital for class switching to IgA .TH2 cytokines then associated epithelium, M cells have long been thought control B-cell differentiation into IgA-secreting plasma SECRETORY COMPONENT to act as ‘gateways to the mucosal immune system’, cells13.TGF-β is abundantly expressed in the GALT and Fragment of the polymeric delivering antigen to APCs in the Peyer’s patch subep- is central to two of the most distinctive functions of immunoglobulin receptor ithelial dome7. It turns out, however, that M cells are GALT: secretion of IgA and the generation of regulatory receptor that is left attached to 14 secretory IgA after its transport not the only cell type capable of transporting antigen T cells (see below). Interestingly, non-bone-marrow- to the apical surface of across the epithelial barrier. A recent report indicates derived stromal cells in the lamina propria also con- epithelial cells. that one type of professional APC, the dendritic cell tribute to the anti-inflammatory tone of the GALT 15,16 (DC), might extend its dendrite-like processes through through their secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) . TRANSFORMING GROWTH epithelial tight junctions and sample luminal antigen The spontaneous and constitutive production of the FACTOR-β 8 (TGF-β). A pleotropic anti- directly . The integrity of the barrier would be main- enzyme cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), which metabolizes inflammatory cytokine tained during this process because tight junctions are PGE2, is not dependent on the presence of the luminal produced by activated T cells re-formed by proteins that are expressed on both flora or on inflammatory stimuli. Instead, high-level and mononuclear phagocytes as enterocytes and the DCs themselves. production of ARACHIDONIC ACID METABOLITES is a stable well as other cell types. The effects of TGF-β are mainly basal phenotype that is unique to the intestinal lamina anti-proliferative. It antagonizes Specialized immunoglobulin and T cells propria and might represent one of the earliest develop- the actions of pro- The aggregations of lymphoid follicles that form the mental adaptations in establishing the anti-inflammatory inflammatory cytokines by Peyer’s patches are the most readily discernible of the environment of the GALT. inhibiting both macrophage activation and T-cell follicles dispersed throughout the small and large intes- In addition to employing its own representative of proliferation and tine. Like lymph nodes, Peyer’s patches have B-cell folli- the humoral immune response, the GALT contains differentiation. cles and germinal centres that are surrounded by areas some unusual T cells. Indeed, the intestinal epithelium

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ARACHIDONIC ACID might be unique in its ability to function as an impor- tissue-specific migration. One such pair is thymocyte- METABOLITES tant site for the extrathymic maturation of a substantial expressed chemokine (TECK, CCL25) and its ligand A family of lipid mediators with population of T cells. Recent work in the mouse has CCR9. CCL25 is selectively expressed in the thymus diverse biological activities. The shown that, throughout the small and large intestine, (where it attracts developing CCR9+ thymocytes to the products of the lipooxygenase and cyclooxygenase (COX) clusters of T-cell progenitors are found in the crypt lam- thymic epithelium) and in the small (but not large) pathways, leukotrienes and ina propria17. These CRYPTOPATCHES are indispensable for intestine in both mice23,24 and humans25,26. CCR9 is pre- prostaglandins, respectively, are the thymus-independent development of intra-epithe- sent on virtually all CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in the important mediators of the lial lymphocytes (IELs), a subpopulation of T cells small intestine24,25. In the mouse, preferential expression allergic inflammatory response. Prostaglandin E has which resides between epithelial cells, above the base- of CCL25 in the villous crypts also indicates a role in the 2 23 immunomodulatory effects in ment membrane. The enterocytes themselves produce extrathymic maturation of IELs . The dual expression the small intestinal lamina IL-7, which is important for the development of these of the intestinal homing receptor α4β7 (an integrin propria, where it is secreted at IELs18. Expression of CD8αα homodimers, rather than which binds the mucosal VASCULAR ADDRESSIN, mucosal high levels due to the the CD8αβ heterodimer that is expressed by CD8+ T addressin cell-adhesion molecule 1) and CCR9 allows constitutive production of COX2. cells in other sites, identifies extrathymically derived for the selective homing of memory T cells to the lami- IELs. However, no evidence has been obtained for a na propria of the small intestine. Memory T-effector CRYPTOPATCHES functional role for the CD8αα chain in these IELs, cells respond more rapidly to antigen challenge than the Clusters of c-kit+IL-7R+Thy1+ which include most γδTCR+ IELs and many αβTCR+ central memory cells that are localized in lymphoid T-cell progenitors found in the crypt lamina propria of both IELs that develop without passing through the thymus. organs. The ability of GALT to respond quickly and small and large intestinal villi. Infection by a large variety of pathogens results in the effectively to repeated assault by enteric pathogens is activation of IELs, but, so far, no defensive role has been clearly enhanced by the accumulation of memory T- VASCULAR ADDRESSINS ascribed to the extrathymically derived CD8αα+ subset. effector cells at this site. Antigen challenge seems to Mucin-like molecules, redistribute memory T-effector cells to ‘man the barrier’ expressed on endothelial cells, to which leukocyte-adhesion Memory T cells accumulate in the GALT for strategic mucosal defence. molecules (homing receptors) Recent work has shown that CD8+ memory T-effector bind. Vascular addressins have a cells, generated as the result of bacterial or viral infec- The Toll of setting the tone central role in guiding the tion, accumulate in non-lymphoid tissues, particularly Given that an estimated 400 different commensal selective homing of 27 lymphocytes to various body in the lamina propria, awaiting the next antigenic chal- microbial species populate the intestinal lumen ,how 19,20 sites. In the mucosa, the lenge . Similarly, intravenous injection of soluble does the GALT distinguish pathogens from the normal mucosal addressin cell- antigen (with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as an luminal flora? Virulence genes in pathogenic microbes adhesion molecule-1 inflammation-inducing adjuvant) also leads to the facilitate their colonization, invasion and subsequent (MadCAM-1) binds to both accumulation of CD4+ effector cells in the lamina pro- intracellular survival. Many pathogens are transported L-selectin (CD62L) and the 21 integrin α4β7. pria . The memory cells that accumulate at non-lym- into the Peyer’s patch through M cells. Once the epithe- phoid sites are thought to belong to the ‘effector memo- lial barrier is breached, a rapid host response is required ry’ subset (described by Sallusto and colleagues22), and to confine the invaders to the mucosa. This job falls to are distinguished from the ‘central-memory’ cells found the innate immune system. Microbes initiate a host- in lymphoid organs by the latter’s expression of the protective response by activating an evolutionarily chemokine (C-C motif) receptor CCR7. Recent work conserved, primitive pattern-recognition system28. has identified chemokine–receptor pairs which regulate One class of pattern-recognition receptors for these

Box 1 | Pathogenic microbes can cross the epithelial barrier Some bacteria and viruses can cross the epithelial barrier intact through their preferential adherence to epithelial M cells. Microbes that bind to the apical surface of the M cell are carried across the epithelium by means of a transepithelial vesicular transport pathway and deposited at the basolateral surface (reviewed in REF. 6). They are then taken up by the macrophages and DCs in the subepithelial dome. Targeting of microbes to mucosal APCs by this mechanism correlates with the induction of vigorous mucosal immune responses and is a focus of vaccine development86. Microbes have been thought to bind epithelial glycoconjugates through lectin-like adhesins. However, to date, no microbe-specific receptors have been identified on M cells. Differential accessibility to follicle (versus villus) enterocytes might instead explain the selectivity of microbial binding87. Invasiveness is not required for M-cell transport. For example, both invasive (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis88, Yersinia enterocolitica89, Salmonella typhimurium90 and Shigella flexneri 91) and non-invasive (Vibrio cholerae92 and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli 93) bacteria and viruses (reovirus94) are bound and transported by M cells. The recent description of bacterial transport across the intestinal epithelium by DCs that reach into the intestinal lumen8 (see figure) indicates another mechanism by which both pathogenic and commensal bacteria can gain entry to the intestinal mucosa. Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium is associated with CD11c+ dendritic cells (DCs) in the Peyer’s patch subepithelial dome. Salmonella (109) were administered intragastrically to BALB/c mice. After 6 hours, frozen sections were prepared and stained with anti-CD11c to identify DCs (red). The bacteria express green fluorescent protein (GFP)95 and are indicated by the short arrows. A long arrow indicates a DC in the follicle-associated epithelial layer. (Immunofluorescent image courtesy of D. Smith and E. Melendro, Massachusetts General Hospital.)

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a Peyer's patch

Intestinal lumen Tight FAE junctions M cell



B-cell follicle T (interfollicular region)

b Villus epithelium




Figure 2 | Gut-associated lymphoid tissue. The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is divided into inductive (Peyer’s patch) and effector (lamina propria) sites. In the immunofluorescence images shown, T cells are green and dendritic cells (DCs) are red. a | Similar to lymph nodes, the Peyer’s patch contains B-cell follicles. The follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) covers the dome of the Peyer’s patch. Transport across the epithelium occurs through both specialized M cells and by DCs that extend their processes through epithelial tight junctions. DCs are present in both the subepithelial dome (SED) and the interfollicular T-cell areas and are visible as stellate (red) cells in these sites. b | The intestinal villus epithelium contains an unusual population of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) which reside above the epithelial basement membrane. Scattered lamina propria (LP) effector cells — T cells (T), IgA-secreting B cells (B) and DCs — are located within the villi. (Immunofluorescent images courtesy of E. I. Melendro, Massachusetts General Hospital.)

pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) was numbers alone, the normal flora are crucial in blocking originally identified as Toll receptors in Drosophila. pathogens from gaining access to the epithelial Some of their mammalian counterparts, the Toll-like surface32. The answer cannot lie, however, simply in the receptors (TLRs), have recently been described physical exclusion of commensals by the epithelium (reviewed in REF. 29). Macrophages and DCs waiting itself. In the mouse, a mechanism for the induction of a just below the epithelial dome are well positioned to mucosal IgA response to commensal bacteria that detect microbial entry into the Peyer’s patch30 (BOX 1). requires neither T-cell help nor organized follicular Signalling by TLRs would then induce the upregulation lymphoid tissue has been described3. Plasma cells that of the co-stimulatory molecules that provide the requi- secrete IgA specific for antigens in the cell walls of com- site ‘second signal’ for the activation of naive T cells31. mensal bacteria are diffusely distributed throughout However, the essential microbial structural elements the intestinal lamina propria. The anti-commensal IgA that are recognized by these TLRs are common to both response requires the presence of the intestinal flora the commensal flora and pathogens. Why don’t com- and seems to represent an evolutionarily ancient form mensal bacteria in the luminal flora continuously acti- of specific mucosal defence. It is now apparent that this vate the innate immune system by signalling through T-cell-independent IgA pathway is present even in TLRs, leading to constant inflammation? Part of the µMT mice, which lack the transmembrane form of explanation might be that, for the most part, commen- IgM33. µMT mice have a block in B-cell development at sals do not gain access to the Peyer’s patch. They remain the pro-B stage, as a transmembrane immunoglobulin trapped in the mucus layer overlying the epithelium heavy chain is required for the survival, proliferation and are blocked from reaching the surface by the physi- and further differentiation of pre-B cells. The work of cal barrier provided by the FBBG. Indeed, by their Zinkernagel and co-workers33 indicates the existence of

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NF-κB/IκB PATHWAY an alternative B-cell-differentiation pathway that is In addition to its pro-inflammatory role, emerging In resting lymphocytes, the characterized by the very early expression of the evidence indicates that the intestinal epithelium is transcription factor NF-κB immunoglobulin α-heavy chain. The presence of these directly involved in setting the anti-inflammatory tone κ forms a complex with I B in cells predominantly in the GALT indicates that the of the GALT. Despite the presence of large numbers of the cytoplasm. Engagement of Toll receptors by microbes switch to IgA (and not other immunoglobulin iso- bacteria in the intestinal lumen, neutrophils are seldom activates a cascade that leads types) requires a signal derived from the gut, possibly found in the healthy intestinal mucosa. Although, as ultimately to activation of the TGF-β12. T-cell-independent IgA-secreting B cells then mentioned earlier, the physical barriers at the epithelial NF-κB kinase, NIK, and the seem to be maintained and driven by the continued surface exclude most commensals, some are able to formation of the dimer Iκk. Iκk phosphorylates ΙκB, resulting presence of commensal antigens. make it through. In an in vitro model, binding of non- in its dissociation from NF-κB. How do commensal antigens gain access to the pathogenic bacteria to the epithelium suppressed the NF-κB then enters the nucleus GALT? The recent observation that DCs can extend transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines by block- where it binds to (and their processes between epithelial tight junctions and ing the NF-κB/Iκ B PATHWAY44. Bacterial binding apparently activates) the promoters of sample luminal microbes indicate a readily accessible blocks inhibitory κB (IκB) degradation, preventing the various pro-inflammatory 8,34 κ cytokines genes. route for commensal entry . Rescigno and colleagues release of NF- B and its translocation into the nucleus. have also shown that both pathogenic and non-patho- These observations indicate that signalling by commen- CROHN’S DISEASE genic bacteria are taken up by DCs that are recruited sals might keep this master switch turned off until One of two idiopathic into the epithelium. However, DCs carrying non-inva- pathogen recognition turns it on. inflammatory bowel diseases that is characterized by chronic sive bacteria are not observed deeper in the intestinal intestinal inflammation. The villi, indicating that they remain in the lamina Mucosal inflammation inflammatory lesions of propria8. This implies that pathogenic bacteria might The risk of widespread inflammation of the intestinal Crohn’s Disease can occur in induce the maturation and migration of DCs, whereas mucosa is constant. Animal models have shown just how any part of the gastrointestinal commensals do not. The ability of DCs to discriminate important precise regulation can be in this delicately bal- tract. By contrast, ulcerative colitis is typically confined to between pathogens and commensals might be related, anced microenvironment. Mutations in a number of the colon. in part, to differential signalling by TLRs or groups of immunoregulatory mediators can induce a chronic TLRs. The cytokine signalling abilities of the known inflammatory response that is largely confined to the gut TLRs are not equivalent. Some combinatorial TLR and attributable to the induction of a response to com- pairings elicit distinct cytokine programmes, indicat- mensal flora that were previously tolerated. Chronic ing a mechanism by which the cytokines induced intestinal inflammation has been documented as a spon- might be tailored to the class of microbe being recog- taneous occurrence in a number of mouse strains, as nized35. It could be hypothesized that commensals bear well as in a wide range of mice that are mutant for an as yet unidentified PAMP that elicits an anti- immunoregulatory cytokines45,46. Although phenotypi- inflammatory cytokine programme or, conversely, lack cally variable, what these models have in common is that a PAMP that is related to invasiveness and that induces disease is ameliorated when the mice are transferred to a inflammatory cytokine production. germ-free environment, which eliminates the indige- In the intestinal mucosa, professional APCs in the nous luminal flora46. In mouse models of inflammatory Peyer’s Patches and lamina propria are not the only bowel disease (IBD), the commensals apparently turn on cells that express TLRs. Intestinal epithelial cells also (and amplify) the pro-inflammatory response that they possess both TLRs and the capacity to secrete a wide had previously suppressed. These animal models are also variety of cytokines and chemokines36–39. Whether beginning to show how disease occurs in patients with signalling by TLRs on enterocytes leads directly to IBD, particularly CROHN’S DISEASE. In genetically susceptible their cytokine secretion is not yet clear. In some individuals, the chronic intestinal inflammation charac- model epithelia, bacterial LPS can activate the teristic of Crohn’s disease is the result of a dysregulated, nuclear transcription factor NF-κB, the master switch chronic T-cell inflammatory response to bacteria that are for the cytokine-secretion programme that character- normally present in the intestinal lumen47. Mutations in izes an inflammatory response40. If this is also true in a gene on chromosome 16, NOD2,have recently been the intestinal mucosa, inflammatory cytokines might associated with a subset of Crohn’s disease patients48–50. turn on macrophage microbicidal activity, inducing NOD2 is a putative apoptosis regulator, and is expressed the production of reactive oxygen and reactive nitro- exclusively in monocytes. In individuals with this muta- gen intermediates. The subsequent adaptive immune tion, NOD2 seems to alter NF-κB signalling. However, response is also orchestrated by epithelial-cell- the functional consequences of this mutation, and the derived chemokines. In the small intestine, entero- means by which it initiates chronic inflammation, are cytes, particularly those in the follicle-associated controversial and not yet understood51. epithelium, secrete the chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein 3-α (MIP-3α; CCL20)41–43. Tolerance to food CCL20 specifically recruits immature, CCR6+, Apart from commensal bacteria, the other main source of CD11b+ myeloid DCs to the subepithelial dome of potential antigenic stimulation for the GALT comes from the Peyer’s patch where they function in the uptake of food proteins. A large body of experimental evidence has microbial antigen. Mutant mice lacking CCR6 have shown that oral administration of soluble antigens an impaired humoral immune response to enteric induces systemic non-responsiveness to peripheral anti- viral infection and to orally administered antigen gen challenge52. Typically known as oral tolerance, the plus adjuvant41. induction of non-responsiveness to dietary antigens is

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likely to have a vital physiological role in preventing CTLA-4 leads to different functional consequences: sig- hypersensitivity reactions to food (reviewed in REF.53). nalling through CD28 elicits a positive signal for T-cell Often described as systemic non-responsiveness accom- activation and proliferation, whereas signalling through panied by local, mucosal (IgA) immunity, new evidence CTLA-4 results in an inhibitory signal. The high-affinity indicates that the predominant mucosal response to non- T-cell ligand CTLA-4 preferentially binds to APCs pathogenic luminal antigen (dietary or commensal) is that express low levels of CD80/CD86 (REF. 56). also one of tolerance54,55. Although the phenomenon of Consequently, non-inflammatory soluble proteins, oral tolerance has been known for almost a century52, which do not trigger the innate immune system, are many unanswered questions remain concerning its presented in the presence of low levels of co-stimulatory mechanistic basis. For example, is oral tolerance due sole- signals and induce non-responsiveness57. By contrast, ly to systemic distribution of antigen through the blood- inflammatory stimuli upregulate CD80/CD86 expres- stream, or is there a unique role for antigen presentation sion, and induce the maturation and migration of DCs in the GALT? Where (and by which cells) is antigen first to the T-cell areas of lymph nodes where antigen pre- presented to the immune system? Does oral tolerance sentation to CD28+ T cells initiates the clonal expansion differ from other forms of peripheral tolerance? that is required for the induction of an adaptive immune response. Tolerance versus immunity Earlier studies emphasized a role for enterocytes in the Antigen-specific responses require that the APCs pro- presentation of soluble antigen and the induction of oral vide at least two signals: antigenic peptide presented in tolerance58. More recent evidence indicates that, in the the context of class I or class II major histocompatibility GALT,as in other peripheral sites, DCs present antigen to complex (MHC) and a co-stimulatory signal generated naive T cells in the draining (mesenteric) lymph node by the innate immune system. Members of the best- and therefore govern the induction of tolerance and characterized co-stimulatory family, B7-1 and B7-2 immunity59. As noted above, orally administered soluble (CD80 and CD86, respectively), bind the T-cell counter- proteins typically induce antigen-specific non-respon- receptors CD28 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 siveness. However, when this normally tolerogenic form (CTLA-4; CD152). Binding of CD80/CD86 to CD28 or of antigen is given in the context of a mucosal adjuvant (BOX 2) or administered in a bacterial vaccine construct, the innate immune system is activated and an immune response ensues60. Interestingly, several studies have Box 2 | Mucosal adjuvants recently shown that, in the GALT,the initial response to Adjuvants are substances Immature DC Mature DC tolerogenic or immunogenic forms of orally adminis- that induce or increase tered antigen is the same: transient T-cell activation and the immune response to proliferation61–63. We have shown that, on subsequent an otherwise non- peripheral exposure to antigen, the proliferative capacity immunogenic soluble of antigen-specific cells from mice that were fed tolero- form of antigen. For genic antigen is reduced compared with mice that receive decades, immunologists Inflammatory 63 stimuli oral antigen administered with a mucosal adjuvant .In have immunized the orally tolerized mice, antigen-specific clones then fail experimental animals CD80/86 Low High to expand and they either become anergic or die, as origi- with adjuvants such as MHC class II Low High nally suggested by others64,65. In a similar in vivo model of Freund’s complete Phagocytosis High Weak tolerance, Greenwald et al.66 have recently noted that non- adjuvant (a mixture of mycobacteria in oil) to elicit an antigen-specific cell-mediated and humoral immune responsiveness is linked to the reduction in proliferative response. We now know that adjuvants are typically microbial products that activate capacity induced by the peripheral administration of sol- –/– the innate immune system. Toll-like receptor signalling leads to the secretion of pro- uble antigen. They have shown that Ctla-4 Tcr trans- inflammatory cytokines and, ultimately, to upregulation of the dominant co- genic T cells are resistant to peripheral tolerance induc- stimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86) on antigen-presenting cells, particularly tion in vivo as a result of their inability to downregulate dendritic cells (DCs) (see figure)30. Adjuvants that are effective parenterally are cell-cycle progression through CTLA-4 signalling. generally toxic or unstable when given orally. Moreover, the propensity of the gut- Collectively, these studies support the idea that non- associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) to induce non-responsiveness to soluble antigens responsiveness to orally administered soluble antigen is has made it difficult to identify effective mucosal adjuvants. Recent work has shown due, in part, to antigen presentation at low levels of co- that microbial products, such as cholera toxin55, Escherichia coli heat-labile stimulation and the preferential binding of CD80/CD86 enterotoxin96,97 and CpG bacterial DNA96, can act as mucosal adjuvants and induce by CTLA-4. Experiments are in progress to directly link mucosal and systemic immune responses to co-administered protein antigens. In some CTLA-4 signalling to non-responsiveness to orally cases, the direct administration of pro-inflammatory cytokines98 can substitute for the administered antigen. use of an adjuvant. An ongoing enteric infection can also act as an adjuvant and alter As mentioned earlier, the migration of DCs has typ- 63 the response to a normally tolerogenic oral administration of soluble protein antigen . ically been associated with inflammatory stimuli that Mucosal adjuvants are therefore clearly important for the development of effective oral induce their maturation from an immature form, opti- vaccines, the preferred method of vaccination for the developing world. Oral vaccines mized for antigen uptake, to a mature form that func- are easily administered, non-invasive and cost-effective. Moreover, only mucosal tions primarily to present antigen to T cells in the vaccination elicits a secretory IgA response. On-going studies in my laboratory are draining lymph node. New evidence indicates, howev- examining the influence of enteric infection (which is endemic in the developing er, that in the gut, immature mucosal DCs continually world) on the response to oral vaccines.

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pick up remnants of apoptotic enterocytes (shed from Headquarters for regulatory T cells the villus tips as the epithelium regenerates) and trans- There is evidence that DC subsets in the GALT have port them to the T-cell areas of the mesenteric lymph unique immune-inductive capabilities. High-level pro- 67 node . DCs also constitutively transport antigen from duction of the TH2-type cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 by the mucosal epithelium of the lungs in the absence of DCs in the Peyer’s patch seems to polarize the mucosal overt inflammatory stimulation68,69. Differential immune response in an anti-inflammatory chemokine receptor expression might determine direction75,78. In particular, the IL-10 produced can be whether DCs home to inflammatory sites or to the attributed to the myeloid DCs, which are typically local- draining lymph node69. How might DCs pick up solu- ized in the subepithelial dome of the Peyer’s patch. An ble antigens without inducing the upregulation of unusual population of CD11b–CD8α– DCs predomi- CD80/CD86 (and DC maturation)? One possibility nates at mucosal surfaces and might have a special role involves luminal antigen sampling by DCs that extend at this site78. Moreover, only Peyer’s patch DCs constitu- their dendrites between enterocytes8. If these DCs also tively express messenger RNA for TGF-β42. These find- constitutively migrate from the mucosal epithelium to ings link cytokine production by Peyer’s patch DCs to 79,80 β the mesenteric lymph node (or other peripheral sites), the generation of regulatory IL-10- (TR1) or TGF- - 14 ‘immature,’gut-derived DCs might be able to induce (TH3) secreting T cells and might explain why these tolerance by presenting antigen themselves or by trans- types of regulatory cells are preferentially generated in ferring antigen to a ‘tolerance-inducing’ subset of DCs the GALT. Indeed, immature DCs (which fail to mature that are resident in T-cell areas of the lymph node70. and secrete IL-12) might be central to the generation of Mature DCs might also have a role in the induction of these regulatory T cells81. mucosal tolerance. A recent study has shown that, in Functionally non-responsive anergic T cells can the lung, phenotypically mature (CD80/CD86hi) DCs retain the ability to secrete immunosuppressive transiently produce IL-10 and induce the development cytokines82. The rapid accumulation of data supporting of IL-10-producing regulatory T cells71. IL-10 produc- the regulatory function of a subset of CD4+CD25+ T tion by DCs was vital for the induction of tolerance to cells in both mice and humans has led to their recent respiratory exposure to antigen in this model. M cells ‘certification’ as professional suppressor T cells83.The are not likely to be the principal pathway for transep- induction of CD4+CD25+ suppressor cells by both oral ithelial transport of soluble antigen as some recent and intravenous administration of soluble antigen has studies in mice that are genetically deficient in Peyer’s been documented, but their cytokine-secretion profile patches and M cells have shown that neither are is not yet clear84. Subsets of regulatory/suppressor T required for the induction of oral tolerance72,73. cells that secrete TGF-β have long been implicated in DCs can be broadly divided into two subsets that oral tolerance52. Interestingly, CD4+CD25+ CD45RBlow+ differ phenotypically and functionally74.Myeloid regulatory T cells control intestinal inflammation in a (CD11c+CD11b+) DCs are localized predominantly in mouse model of IBD85. These regulatory T cells are the sub-epithelial dome of the Peyer’s patch (FIG. 2)75,but dependent on both TGF-β and signalling through are also found in the marginal zone of the spleen and CTLA-4, indicating a link between regulatory T cells the subcapsular sinus of lymph nodes. Lymphoid and the induction of functional anergy that had not (CD11c+CD8α+) DCs are found in the T-cell areas of previously been appreciated85. lymphoid organs. In the mouse, lymphoid DCs are Concluding remarks associated with the induction of a TH1-type (inflamma- tory) response, whereas myeloid DCs prime for a TH2- Recent work has enhanced our understanding of the type response74. However, it has also been suggested that ways in which immune responses are induced — or the lymphoid DC subset induces tolerance, whereas the blocked —at the mucosal barrier through which most myeloid-derived DCs represent the migratory DCs antigens enter. Much remains to be learned, especially involved in the activation of naive T cells74. The migra- with regard to the molecular mechanisms by which tion of myeloid DCs from the subepithelial dome of the antigen presentation governs tolerance and immunity Peyer’s patch to the interfollicular T-cell region in in the intestinal mucosa. Do specialized subpopulations response to microbial stimulation provides some sup- of DCs control non-responsiveness to innocuous lumi- port for this idea42. Exposure to anti-inflammatory nal antigens? If so, does their co-stimulatory molecule

mediators, such as PGE2 and IL-10 (which are promi- expression, cytokine secretion or trafficking have a role nent in the GALT14,15), have been shown to result in the in regulating tolerance? The mechanism by which the 76,77 differentiation of DCs that promote TH2 cells .The innate immune system distinguishes commensal from induction of a TH2-type of response is sometimes pathogenic bacteria is a topic of great interest. equated with mucosal tolerance. However, recent work Commensals bear PAMPs, which are capable of binding has shown that tolerance is not due simply to the devia- to TLRs, but don’t elicit an immune response in healthy

tion from a TH1 to a TH2-type of response (reviewed in individuals. What signal(s) turn off the response to REF.53). Moreover, the features that distinguish a ‘tolero- commensals (and what turns it on in inflammatory

genic’ TH2 response from the ‘immunogenic’ TH2 bowel disease)? Answers to these questions will provide response — induced by helminths and allergens (which information vital to the development of effective oral is also typically localized to the mucosal surface) — are vaccines and the treatment of intestinal inflammatory not yet clear. and allergic diseases.

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