
Journal of Surgical Research 93, 182–196 (2000) doi:10.1006/jsre.2000.5862, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

RESEARCH REVIEW Regulation of Intestinal Blood Flow

Paul J. Matheson, Ph.D.,*,†,1 Mark A. Wilson, M.D., Ph.D.,*,†,‡ and R. Neal Garrison, M.D.*,†,‡ *Center for Excellence in Applied Microcirculatory Research and ‡Department of Surgery, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292; and †Louisville Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Louisville, Kentucky 40206

Submitted for publication July 29, 1999

arteries is typically 20–25% of cardiac output in the The gastrointestinal system anatomically is posi- unfed state [2]. There is extensive overlap or collateral tioned to perform two distinct functions: to digest and circulation in the distal vascular distributions of these absorb ingested nutrients and to sustain barrier func- arteries. During nutrient absorption, blood flow in each tion to prevent transepithelial migration of bacteria of these arteries is increased sequentially as the diges- and antigens. Alterations in these basic functions con- tive chyme passes over the mucosal surface supplied by tribute to a variety of clinical scenarios. These pri- mary functions intrinsically require splanchnic blood the particular arteries [3]. Following nutrient absorp- flow at both the macrovascular and microvascular lev- tion, the blood flow to each segment returns to baseline els of perfusion. Therefore, a greater understanding of levels as the chyme moves past that region of the the mechanisms that regulate intestinal vascular per- digestive tract [4, 5]. This postprandial increase in fusion in the normal state and during pathophysiolog- blood flow is independent of organ distention and is ical conditions would be beneficial. The purpose of solely dependent on the composition of the chyme [6, 7]. this review is to summarize the current understand- The intraorgan distribution of blood flow within the ing regarding the regulatory mechanisms of intestinal tissue layers of the intestine is not uniform [3] and blood flow in fasted and fed conditions and during appears to correspond to the functional importance of pathological stress. © 2000 Academic Press the tissue layer. In unfed animals at rest, blood flow to Key Words: regional blood flow; postprandial hyper- the mucosal layer is about 70–80% of total flow, while emia; septic shock; hemorrhagic shock; cardiogenic the muscular and serosal layers collectively receive shock; circulation; nitric oxide; adenosine; adrenergic. 15–25% of organ flow and the submucosal layer is perfused by less than 5% [3]. Of the mucosal blood flow, VASCULAR AND DISTRIBUTION OF approximately 60% perfuses the vessels that terminate INTESTINAL BLOOD FLOW as end loops and that supply the epithelial cells in the intestinal villi. The remaining 40% supply flow to the The gastrointestinal system of mammals is supplied crypts and goblet cells [3]. The arterial microvascular by three direct branches of the aorta: the celiac artery, branching pattern of the intestinal microvasculature, the cranial or superior mesenteric artery, and the cau- described by Bohlen and Gore [8, 9], is diagrammed in dal or inferior mesenteric artery [1]. The celiac artery Fig. 1. Following the ingestion of a meal, blood flow supplies blood flow to the , liver, and spleen, increases by as much as 200% above baseline levels while the superior mesenteric artery, the largest single and persists for 2 to 3 h. This increase in flow is shifted branch of the abdominal aorta, supplies the entire to the mucosal layer by a process of capillary recruit- , proximal portions of the colon, and the ment where existing but closed vessels open. The con- pancreas. The inferior mesenteric artery delivers blood trol mechanism of this recruitment process is unknown flow to the distal colon. Total blood flow through these for the intestinal microcirculation. In the resting or 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed at Veterans Af- unfed state only 20–30% of capillaries are normally fairs Medical Center, 800 Zorn Avenue, Research Bldg. 19, Louis- perfused [1, 3]. The intestinal mucosa is the site of ville, KY 40206. E-mail: [email protected]. nutrient absorption; the , which consists of

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imal to the site where the mucosal–submucosal and muscular lymph systems unite [13, 14]. As lymph col- lects in the submucosal arcade, the contraction of the longitudinal and circular muscular layers during the of chyme propels the lymph out from the intestinal layers and into the outflow lymph vessels [13, 14]. These outflow lymph vessels exhibit typical characteristics of lymph vessels including rhythmic contractions and unidirectional valves, which function to propel the lymph and to prevent retrograde flow back toward the intestinal layers. These larger lymph vessels are lined with endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells that produce mediators of smooth muscle tone in response to different nutrients or metabolic products present in the lymph [12, 13]. The role of lymph-derived mediators in regulation of resting vas- cular tone or postprandial hyperemia is not known, but FIG. 1. Outline of the intestinal microvasculature emphasizing involvement has been implicated in some studies [16]. the mucosal blood supply with the inflow (A1), transitional (A2), and premucosal (A3) arteriolar structure as well as outflow (V1) and transitional (V2) venules. FACTORS THAT REGULATE RESTING VASCULAR TONE glandular cells, produces serous and mucous secre- tions, as well as newly formed, immature ; In the unfed resting state, numerous mechanisms and the muscular layers provide contractile force for exist that control vascular tone in the microvessels of intestinal mixing and propulsion of the chyme. In gen- the gastrointestinal circulation. Table 1 provides a eral, blood flow to these three layers is autoregulated summary of mechanisms and mediators that might by metabolic factors such as decreased PO , pH, or contribute to resting tone, and Fig. 2 provides a theo- 2 retical scale to indicate the relative contribution of the osmolarity and increased PCO2 or adenosine. These mechanisms serve to maintain or increase blood flow to different vasoactive mediators as a function of position meet the tissue’s need for oxygen and nutrient delivery in the arterial tree. Constriction of large arteries and Ͼ ␮ and waste removal [10]. arterioles ( 50 m) is primarily under the influence of In addition to vascular perfusion, the organs of the neural regulation from the vasomotor center of the gastrointestinal system contain numerous lymph ves- sels [11–14]. The gastrointestinal lymphatic circula- tion is anatomically divided into two separate parti- tions, which remain separate until they exit from the intestine near the mesenteric arcade vessels [12–14]. These two lymphatic circulations are termed the mucosal–submucosal lymph system and the muscular lymph system [12]. The mucosal–submucosal lymph circulation functions to drain the absorbed nutrients and metabolic by-products from the villi during diges- tion. These villus lymph vessels, termed , do not have smooth muscle cells. However, it is thought that the muscularis mucosa, which lines the villi be- neath the epithelial cells, can contract in synchrony with the relaxation of the muscular layers of the intes- tine, thereby propelling lymph from the villi into the submucosal arcade of lymph capillaries [15]. The en- teric nervous system coordinates the contractions of villi in this process to optimize lymph drainage from FIG. 2. Theoretical contribution to vascular tone of the media- the intestine and to facilitate nutrient entry into the tors from the classification system outlined in Table 1 as a function circulation [12, 13]. of their position in the vascular tree. Neural and humoral agents might contribute more to the tone of large conduit blood vessels, The contraction of the muscularis mucosa occurs while paracrine and metabolic mediators contribute proportionally along the length of the villus and propels lymph toward more to the smaller microvessels due to limited diffusion into sys- the submucosal arcade vessels, which are located prox- temic blood. 184 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH: VOL. 93, NO. 1, SEPTEMBER 2000

TABLE 1 Potential Vasoactive Mediators of the Enteric Circulation

Constrictors Dilators

Neural Mediators 1 Sympathetic tone (Adrenergic) 2 Sympathetic tone 2 Parasympathetic tone (Cholinergic) 1 Parasympathetic tone Neuropeptide Y Substance P Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP␣)

Circulating Humoral Mediators Catecholamines (except in liver and muscle) Catecholamines (only in liver and muscle) II Vasopressin Serotonin Activated complement (C3a, C5a) Activated complement (C5a) Adrenomedullin

Circulating Paracrine and Autocrine Mediators -1 (vascular smooth muscle cells) Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF, NO) Platelet-activating factor Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF)

Constrictor prostaglandins (F2␣) Dilator prostaglandins (I2 or prostacyclin) Endothelin-1 (endothelial cells)

“Metabolic” Vasodilators

1 PO2 2 PO2

2 PCO2 1 PCO2 1 pH 2 pH 2 Metabolites (Kϩ, lactate, adenosine, etc.) 1 Metabolites medulla oblongata through preganglionic sympathetic during the digestion and absorption of nutrients. This neurons of the intermediolateral area of the spinal hyperemia is a complex response mediated by neural, cord. This neurogenic input to the large blood vessels humoral, and paracrine elements [20–22]. As early as and inflow arterioles is primarily sympathetic, with 1910, Brodie and colleagues [23, 24] demonstrated in- ␣-adrenergic () control more prevalent creased blood flow in isolated canine intestinal seg- than ␤-adrenergic () influence [17, 18]. ments after the placement of a peptone solution into These pathways are well described and will not be the lumen of the intestine, while placement of differing elaborated on in this review. Previous studies [10] sug- molar strengths of saline solutions did not produce a gest that metabolic autoregulation plays a significant similar response. Studies in the 1930s with newly de- role in the regulation of resting vascular tone in the veloped electromagnetic flow probes [25, 26] demon- enteric circulation. Autoregulation by decreased PO2, strated an intestinal postprandial hyperemia in con- pH, or osmolarity and increased PCO2 or adenosine scious instrumented dogs following the intraluminal exerts significant local environmental control of micro- placement of a predigested meal. Since these initial scopic tone. Other studies [16, 19] indicate observations, additional experiments have focused on a near-constant oxygen delivery to the mucosal sur- the mechanisms of absorptive hyperemia, and yet the face, while the mean inflow pressure varied from 30 to 120 mm Hg. The extent to which other mediators and basic control mechanisms have not been completely mechanisms listed in Table 1 contribute to resting elucidated [20]. Traditional thought proposes that vascular tone in the intestine varies and has not been postprandial hyperemia is a functional response that completely defined. exists to maintain adequate blood flow for preservation of intestinal function and integrity during digestion CONTROLLING FACTORS IN THE REGULATION OF and absorption [20]. POSTPRANDIAL HYPEREMIA In the 1970s and 1980s, Chou and others [20] per- formed a seminal series of experiments to clarify the Postprandial intestinal hyperemia is defined as an role of the intestinal luminal contents in postprandial increase in blood flow to the gastrointestinal system hyperemia, which has been extensively reviewed pre- MATHESON, WILSON, AND GARRISON: REGULATION OF INTESTINAL BLOOD FLOW 185

FIG. 3. Descriptive summary of the results from numerous studies depicting the cardiovascular responses during postprandial hyper- emia. Blood flow increases in specific organs as digestive chyme reaches that organ. Indications along the time axis mark the point at which the chyme reaches the stomach, , , and to initiate the metabolically mediated digestion and absorption stages of postprandial hyperemia. viously. This review highlights key elements and de- rate and splanchnic and renal , and scribes the known hierarchy of nutrient inducers of decrease carotid artery resistance, with a variable re- hyperemia. Lipids and fats in combination with sponse in skeletal muscle and skin vascular resistance salts are the most potent nutrient inducers of in- depending on the initial status of the individual [4, 5, creased flow, followed by glucose and other carbohy- 31]. The cardiovascular components of the digestion drates, proteins, peptides, and amino acids as the least and absorption stages begin as the stomach fills with potent nutrient inducers. A combination of these vari- chyme and typically coincide with the end of anticipa- ous compounds [6, 27, 28] produces the greatest in- tion and ingestion [7, 20]. Digestion and absorption of crease in intestinal blood flow, and bile salts further nutrients from the intestine produce segment-specific increase flow during nutrient digestion and absorption increases in blood flow that persist as long as chyme [29, 30]. remains in that intestinal segment [7, 32]. In this way, During the digestion of a meal, there are four activ- blood flow increases first to the stomach, then to the ities that occur during two well-described cardiovascu- duodenum, jejunum, and ileum in order, as the chyme lar stages: anticipation and ingestion, and digestion passes through the over time and absorption [20, 22]. Anticipation and ingestion (Fig. 3). The increase in flow to the digestive organs is occur simultaneously for a brief period and are fol- compensated by both a decrease in flow to other organs lowed by simultaneous digestion and absorption over a (skeletal muscle and perhaps skin) and an increase in much longer duration [20]. The anticipation and inges- cardiac output [4, 33]. The occurrence of both events is tion phases, mediated by the sympathetic nervous sys- suggested, since renal blood flow also increases follow- tem [4], increase cardiac output, , heart ing absorption of a protein-rich meal [5]. 186 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH: VOL. 93, NO. 1, SEPTEMBER 2000

Chou and Coatney [20] systematically analyzed the nonmetabolic vasoactive mediators, and local meta- potency of various nutrients to stimulate postprandial bolic vasoactive mediators. hyperemia. These experiments first demonstrated that Involvement of components from each of the five the liquid phase of the luminal contents of predigested, categories has support in the literature as contributing mixed-composition meals were responsible for the in- to the complex mechanisms of postprandial hyperemia. creased flow, even in the absence of a solid phase [6, 7, It is interesting to note that all of the proposed mech- 34]. In contrast to this finding, the placement of a anisms of nutrient absorption and transport require liquid saline solution or the solid phase of a predigested increased oxygen delivery. Bohlen [41, 42] demon- meal alone did not produce hyperemia [7, 34]. These strated that intestinal villus PO2 decreased from 15–20 findings suggested that the compound(s) responsible mm Hg in unfed rats to less than 5 mm Hg during for postprandial hyperemia exists in the hydrolytic nutrient-induced hyperemia. Other studies show that products of food digestion. To further elucidate the lipid micelles, carbohydrates, and amino acids use ox- mechanisms underlying these phenomena, investiga- ygen for absorptive metabolism. Lipid micelle trans- tors analyzed the ability of individual nutrients in the port requires the largest increase in oxygen delivery liquid phase to produce increased intestinal blood flow, [42–46] followed by sodium-linked absorption of carbo- as measured by the radiolabeled microsphere tech- hydrates and di- and tripeptides and amino acids [41, nique in isolated and/or intact canine intestine. 42]. In contrast to these oxygen-dependent phenom- Based on those studies, the single most potent ena, villus lymph and interstitial fluid osmolarities nutrient-mediator of intestinal hyperemia when ad- increase from resting, unfed levels of 400 mOsm to 600 ministered alone is glucose [29, 35–39], and glucose- mOsm or more during the absorption of nutrients [16, induced ileal hyperemia is attenuated by the presence 47]. Studies [12, 35] show increased diameters of inflow of bile salts [6, 29, 30]. However, glucose-induced jeju- A1 and A2 arterioles and increased arteriolar flow in nal hyperemia is not affected by the addition of bile to response to the injection of hyperosmolar solutions into the intestinal injectate [6, 29]. Next in degree of po- submucosal arcade lymph vessels, which might involve tency are various long-chain fatty acids such as oleic nitric oxide [48]. Conversely, intraluminal injections of acid and caproic acid. When administered to isolated isosmotic solutions have no effect on blood flow [12, 35]. intestinal segments alone, oleic acid produces a mild The findings of these studies have led to the hypothesis hyperemia, but a mixture of oleic acid and bile pro- that both oxygen-dependent and osmolarity-dependent duces the greatest increase in flow, surpassing that of metabolic mechanisms contribute to the initiation, de- mixed glucose and bile in the ileum [6, 28–30]. Bile velopment, and maintenance of postprandial hyper- interacts with lipids in the intestinal lumen to form emia. lipid micelles, the absorption of which is thought to provide the potency of lipid/bile mixtures to produce DIRECT EFFECTS OF ABSORBED NUTRIENTS increased flow [6, 29, 39]. Proteins and products of protein digestion are the least potent in producing Some nutrients in the chyme are themselves vasodi- increased intestinal flow states, especially when ad- lators in the intestinal microcirculation, such that suf- ministered in the physiological amounts that are ficient quantities of these compounds can produce va- present during the digestion of a high-protein meal [6, sodilation after they enter the circulation. Intraarterial 39]. However, certain amino acids are known to cause injection of carbohydrates including glucose and most vasodilation in the intestinal circulation. The amino amino acids does not alter microvascular flow in the acids glutamine, aspartate, and glycine produce hyper- intestine [27]. However, micellar solutions, which con- emia when administered to the lumen of isolated in- tain bile and oleic acid, caproic acid, or taurocholate, testinal segments at pharmacological doses [6, 29, 39]. increase flow in the jejunal circulation when adminis- Other studies show that luminal distention, mechani- tered intraarterially [28], as can bile salts alone [30]. In cal mucosal stimulation alone, and extrinsic innerva- addition to lipid micelles and some amino acids, lumi- tion by either sympathetic or parasympathetic neurons nal carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions can diffuse are not required for hyperemia to occur [6, 40]. across the intestinal epithelial barrier directly to initi- ate metabolic autoregulation of blood flow in the intes- POTENTIAL MECHANISMS FOR POSTPRANDIAL tinal microvessels [33, 49]. HYPEREMIA ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS AND REFLEXES Several factors have been proposed as potential me- diators of postprandial hyperemia. The classification The potential role of the enteric nervous system in system of Chou and Coatney [20] subdivides potential postprandial hyperemia is not clear, since it has been mediators into five broad categories: direct effects of well demonstrated that extrinsic sympathetic and absorbed nutrients, enteric nervous system effects and parasympathetic innervation is not required for post- reflexes, gastrointestinal hormones and peptides, local prandial hyperemia [40, 45, 50]. However, the role of MATHESON, WILSON, AND GARRISON: REGULATION OF INTESTINAL BLOOD FLOW 187 nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurons cannot be ex- ever, the exact role of these autocoid mediators proba- cluded because some studies have shown that stimula- bly depends on other factors [51] such as the relative tion of mucosal mechanoreceptors enhances a glucose- balance of prostanoid vasoconstrictors and vasodila- induced increase in intestinal blood flow [27, 40, 51]. tors at rest and stimuli for the gut to produce hista- Also, the topical anesthetic dibucaine can block mine, bradykinin, or serotonin. Histamine, bradykinin, glucose-induced and oleic acid-induced hyperemia, pre- and serotonin (at low concentrations) are potent vaso- sumably because dibucaine prevents epithelial cell up- dilators in the intestinal microcirculation, and hista- take of glucose and oleic acid micelles by altering mem- mine blockade of H1 but not H2 receptors diminishes brane fluidity [40]. Capsaicin-sensitive afferent the hyperemic response to the placement of predi- neurons (C-fibers) that release neurotransmitters such gested food in the jejunum [67]. as cholecystokinin (CCK), substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) might also be involved, LOCAL METABOLIC VASOACTIVE MEDIATORS since capsaicin and lidocaine can prevent the jejunal hyperemia that is associated with micelle absorption As previously noted, intestinal blood flow is precisely [52]. This latter mechanism is credible since VIP re- regulated via metabolic mechanisms to provide the lease has been demonstrated in response to placement right amount of blood flow for the metabolic needs of of oleic acid–bile micelles into the jejunum [53]. the tissue [10, 37, 68]. In fact, most if not all of the mechanisms of intestinal blood flow regulation alter GASTROINTESTINAL HORMONES AND PEPTIDES the oxygen use by tissues involved in nutrient absorp- tion. In general, any mechanism that increases the A number of gastrointestinal hormones have vasoac- amount of hyperemia also increases the oxygen debt of tive properties, but their involvement in postprandial the villi, while those mechanisms that diminish hyper- hyperemia is not clear because the levels that have emia result in less oxygen uptake and utilization. been measured experimentally are lower than the min- Thus, it is difficult to disentangle such a complex rela- imum doses required to produce vasodilation [20]. Gas- tionship, but the current paradigm suggests that oxy- trin, VIP, CCK, substance P, secretin, gastric inhibi- gen uptake and tissue PO2 are the initial mediators of tory polypeptide (GIP), neurotensin, calcitonin-gene postprandial hyperemia. related peptide ␣ (CGRP-␣), glucagon, enkephalins, In addition to PO2 and tissue osmolarity, other met- somatostatin, and peptide YY do not appear to have a abolic products increase in the intestine during post- role in postprandial hyperemia at physiological doses prandial hyperemia, in particular hydrogen ions [69– [53–56]. On the other hand, it is possible that local 71] and adenosine [72–75]. Adenosine is a ubiquitous sites in the intestine might experience sufficient levels vasodilator that occupies a unique position in most of these compounds to produce a controlled local effect, metabolic processes as a component in energy storage but such phenomena have not been demonstrated to in the form of adenosine trisphosphate (ATP) and also date. Thus, on a whole-organ scale, these compounds in the key second messenger system of cyclic adenosine probably are not involved in nutrient-induced absorp- monophosphate (cAMP). During the process of energy- tive hyperemia. dependent sodium-linked absorption of carbohydrates or amino acids by the , adenosine is released LOCAL NONMETABOLIC VASOACTIVE MEDIATORS into the villus interstitial space and portal circulation. It is known that adenosine is transiently increased in The small intestine is capable of releasing serotonin the portal circulation during the first 3 to 11 min im- [57], histamine [58], bradykinin [59], and prostaglan- mediately preceding the increased blood flow and oxy- dins [51, 60–62] in response to a wide range of physi- gen uptake by the mucosal tissue [75]. Other studies ological and pathophysiological stimuli. These media- [76–79] also support the finding that adenosine is an tors might enhance, diminish, or have no effect on important mediator of nutrient-induced hyperemia. nutrient-induced absorptive hyperemia, depending on Recently, the role of nitric oxide (NO) as a key reg- the initial state of the animal and the presence of ulator of intestinal motility, fluid balance, and electro- arachidonic acid in the intestinal chyme. For example, lyte absorption has been demonstrated [80–82]. These blockade of cyclooxygenase to prevent intermediate findings have prompted the investigation of a potential formation of prostanoid vasoconstrictors (thromboxane role for nitric oxide in postprandial hyperemia. NO is a

A2 or prostaglandin F2␣) enhances nutrient-induced hy- potent endothelium-derived vasodilator that directly peremia in normal canine jejunum [63–65], while ara- enters vascular smooth muscle cells to induce relax- chidonate loading inhibits the hyperemia [63–65]. Pro- ation. Our studies [83] have demonstrated that stanoid synthesis occurs in the jejunum [66], and glucose-induced premucosal arteriolar vasodilation in following placement of predigested food into the intes- the rat ileum is competitively blocked by L-␻- tinal lumen, prostaglandin (PG) synthesis increases nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME), which inhibits

(PGE2 Ͼ PGI2 Ͼ thromboxane A2 Ͼ PGF2␣) [51]. How- both constitutive (NOS-3) and inducible (NOS-2) nitric 188 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH: VOL. 93, NO. 1, SEPTEMBER 2000

FIG. 4. Schematic overview of the proposed mechanism of adenosine-mediated nitric oxide release during postprandial hyperemia. Briefly, this diagram summarizes the Naϩ-linked absorption of glucose, which is thought to increase ATP utilization and stimulate the production of the potent metabolic and paracrine vasodilators adenosine and nitric oxide.

oxide synthase enzyme isoforms. Thus, in a rodent data]. Gastric gavage with L-glutamine also resulted in model NO appears to be essential for premucosal arte- increased portal nitric oxide metabolite levels depen- riolar dilation during topical glucose exposure. These dent on adenosine A2b receptors, while oleic acid ga- observations, along with studies that document aden- vage and racemic glycine gavage had no effect on portal osine involvement in nutrient-induced intestinal hy- NO metabolite levels [84]. These studies implicate the peremia, suggest a possible relationship between the existence of an adenosine–nitric oxide signaling mech- two compounds. anism in the glucose- or glutamine-induced generation We have recently studied the role of adenosine in the of postprandial hyperemia (Fig. 4). This signaling ϩ generation of elevated nitric oxide metabolite (NOX) mechanism might involve Na -linked, secondary ac- levels in response to intestinal epithelial nutrient ex- tive transport mechanisms, since both D-glucose and posure [84]. Adenosine A2a and A2b are G-protein- L-glutamine are absorbed in this way. associated transmembrane receptors, which produce vasodilation via increased intracellular cAMP levels by PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ALTERATIONS IN THE activation of adenylate cyclase [85]. Thus, adenosine CONTROL OF INTESTINAL BLOOD FLOW receptors might also be capable of increasing intracel- ϩ lular Ca2 via phospholipase C activation with subse- A number of pathophysiological conditions exist that ϩ quent influx of extracellular Ca2 . Numerous studies alter intestinal macro- and microcirculatory regulatory [86–92] suggest a synergistic relationship between mechanisms such that these alterations in intestinal adenosine and nitric oxide. Recent experiments dem- blood flow could contribute to the genesis or mainte- onstrate that intragastric glucose placement increases nance of the disease processes. The mechanisms that portal NO metabolite levels and that adenosine A2 produce these conditions are difficult to elucidate be- receptors are required for this glucose-induced NO re- cause of the involvement of many physiological sys- sponse [84]. Adenosine A2b receptor activation is es- tems and mediators with multiple effects in different sential for portal vein NO elevation, while adenosine organ systems. The remainder of this review summa- A2a receptor activation appears to augment or second- rizes the pathological alterations associated with reg- arily regulate portal NOX production [unpublished ulation of microvascular tone in the conditions of septic MATHESON, WILSON, AND GARRISON: REGULATION OF INTESTINAL BLOOD FLOW 189 shock, hemorrhagic shock, cardiogenic shock, and por- phenomenon might lead to the generation of ODFRs tal hypertension. The effect of mechanical bowel ob- and altered cytokine production. Using intravital struction on the intestinal microvasculature has not videomicroscopy techniques, Krysztopik et al. [103] been studied by intravital microcirculatory methods have recently demonstrated protection against intra- and is therefore not included in this review. venous E. coli-induced intestinal arteriolar vasocon- striction and hypoperfusion [103] and impaired renal SEPTIC SHOCK blood flow [104] by intravenous lazaroid antioxidant that protectively scavenges ODFRs and prevents lipid Infectious shock in humans is often characterized by radical chain reactions. The vasoconstriction in both an early hyperdynamic, high-cardiac-output phase fol- inflow and premucosal arterioles was prevented with- lowed by a delayed hypodynamic, low-cardiac-output out altering the hyperdynamic cardiac response, sug- period, and can sometimes lead to multiple-organ dys- gesting that local intestinal ODFR production might function syndrome (MODS) and death [93]. In labora- play a role in the intestinal microvascular sequelae tory models of systemic septicemia or bacteremia, the following a bacteremic challenge. gut has been implicated as the motor or generator of are potent vasoconstrictor polypeptides MODS [93, 94]. The gut might contribute to the pro- with a range of other effects, including control of renal gression of MODS by a combination of gut-associated function; neuroendocrine stimulation of atrial natri- immune alterations [95] and impairment of intestinal uretic peptide, renin, aldosterone, and catecholamines; blood flow during systemic inflammation. If mucosal and control of gastrointestinal blood flow. Endothelin 1 blood flow decreases below a critical level for cellular gene expression is upregulated in a mouse model of viability, free radical generation, cytokine production, cecal ligation and puncture [105], and in a rat model of and perhaps the loss of tissue integrity and mucosal E. coli bacteremia using intravital videomicroscopy, barrier function can occur [96]. In hyperdynamic shock endothelin 1 is implicated in the shift toward a more states, mucosal vascular perfusion appears to be com- tonically constricted state [106]. The upregulation and promised, despite decreased total peripheral resistance expression of adhesion molecules (or cytokines) [107] and increased cardiac performance [97]. Hinshaw [98] with altered neutrophil trafficking and subsequent reviewed the myriad microcirculatory changes that oc- capillary and/or postcapillary venule plugging consti- cur following sepsis, including impaired coagulation tute another endothelial-dependent mechanism that status, diminished red blood cell deformability, in- might contribute to impaired intestinal blood flow. creased microvascular permeability and subsequent tissue edema, altered distribution of blood flow, altered These changes could further contribute to hypoxic con- microvascular responses to adrenergic mediators ditions that could stimulate free radical formation and (smooth muscle function), and impaired endothelial proinflammatory cytokine production. cell function. The endothelial cell occupies a central Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is another potential position in the cascade of events that lead to impaired mediator of blood flow that has been shown to be up- vascular function during bacteremia or septicemia, regulated during infection [108, 109]. Bar-Natan et al. and a number of vasoactive compounds with altered [110] compared the microvascular events of early E. regulation during sepsis have been identified. This re- coli bacteremia in the absence and presence of the PAF view focuses on arachidonic acid metabolites, cyto- receptor antagonist WEB2086 with direct topical ap- kines, oxygen-derived free radicals (ODFRs), endothe- plication of PAF on the intestinal surface in intravital lin 1, platelet-activating factor, adrenomedullin, and videomicroscopy experiments. A decrease in arteriolar nitric oxide. inflow and venular outflow was noted in both sepsis Using intravital videomicroscopy techniques, Gosche and PAF-treated groups with spatially discrete areas et al. [99] examined the involvement of arachidonic of venular constriction in the group treated with topi- acid metabolites in the microvascular alterations of cal PAF. Application of the PAF receptor antagonist infection. The authors found that Escherichia coli bac- prevents the sepsis-induced vasoconstriction and re- teremia increases cardiac output and decreases intes- duction in blood flow in both the PAF-treated group tinal blood flow secondary to arteriolar and venular and the infected group. constriction. Cyclooxygenase blockade with mefen- Recent studies [111–114] suggest that adrenomedul- emate does not improve arteriolar diameters or blood lin, a potent vasodilatory peptide derived from endo- flow, but profoundly dilates venules, suggesting that thelial cells, might play an early role in the develop- microvascular control mechanisms in response to a ment of both increased cardiac output and decreased septic challenge vary considerably, not only by organ total peripheral resistance during the early hyperdy- system, but also by distal-to-proximal position in the namic phase of septic shock. These studies [113] dem- arteriolar and venular vascular trees. Clearly, experi- onstrate increased levels of adrenomedullin in the se- mental sepsis models produce intestinal microvascular rum of rats 2 h after cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion [100–102]. This associated with elevated levels of adrenomedullin 190 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH: VOL. 93, NO. 1, SEPTEMBER 2000 mRNA in the small intestine, the left ventricle, and the methods of hemorrhage significantly alter the develop- thoracic aorta [111, 113]. The time course observed in ment, severity, and outcome of the hemorrhage. this expression pattern correlates well with the previ- Studies by Chaudry and co-workers [124] and others ously described cardiovascular phases of septic shock [123, 125, 126] reveal that microvascular blood flow in [114]. Additionally, adrenomedullin blockade with spe- the liver, small intestine, kidneys, spleen, and skeletal cific anti-rat adrenomedullin antibodies prevents the muscle are significantly impaired, despite the restora- development of the hyperdynamic phase of sepsis and tion of central venous pressure and central hemody- normalized microvascular blood flow 5 h after the onset namic parameters of cardiac function and arterial of CLP [112]. Direct intravital videomicroscopy studies pressure. Numerous studies [123–126] establish that to examine the contribution of adrenomedullin to mi- intestinal microvascular blood flow is significantly im- crovascular tone in the intestinal microcirculation paired following hemorrhage and resuscitation, despite have not been reported. the confirmation of adequate fluid resuscitation by the Animal studies demonstrate that nitric oxide is measurement of cardiac performance and blood pres- chronically elevated during infection and that NO syn- sure. Intravital videomicroscopy studies indicate that thase blockade might improve survival rate [115]. diameters of inflow and premucosal arterioles return to However, early videomicroscopy studies [116, 117] sug- normal values immediately following resuscitation, gest that NO blockade during acute E. coli bacteremia worsens microvascular constriction and hypoperfusion. but arteriolar constriction progressively worsens The effect of continued overexpression of NO on endo- thereafter with an accompanying decrease in blood thelial and vascular smooth muscle cells is not clear flow. Spain et al. [127] demonstrate impaired [118]. Vascular ring studies have shown decreased re- endothelial-dependent vasodilation to acetylcholine in activity of large conduit blood vessels after prolonged these vessels, as well as histologic injury and neutro- infectious exposure [119–121]. Spain et al. [122] ad- phil influx and impaired nitric oxide synthase function, dressed this issue by studying in vivo intestinal micro- but no apparent oxidant injury. Furthermore, these vascular responses shortly after intravenous E. coli changes are prevented or diminished by the blockade of infusion and observed impaired magnitude and fre- the complement cascade with soluble complement re- quency of vasomotion, a normally occurring rhythmic ceptor treatment prior to resuscitation. The mecha- process of dilation and contraction, in both inflow and nism of this microvascular protection is not known, but premucosal arterioles. Topical application of acetylcho- it might involve protection of endothelial cell function line partially restores the vasomotor activity of the and/or decreased neutrophil activation and influx. premucosal arterioles and fully restores the vasomo- Several studies [128, 129] show that pentoxifylline tion of the inflow arterioles. There is no change in administration during and after resuscitation im- sensitivity or reactivity of endothelium-dependent re- proves microvascular tissue perfusion. Pentoxifylline laxation to acetylcholine or endothelium-independent has a wide range of therapeutic benefits after hemor- relaxation to nitroprusside during bacteremia. How- rhage and resuscitation, which include improved car- ever, constriction with norepinephrine is impaired in diac performance and intestinal and renal microvascu- bacteremia in both inflow and premucosal arterioles, lar blood flow. Pentoxifylline is thought to improve suggesting that acute bacteremia causes both endothe- these conditions by one of its myriad effects, including lial alterations (vasomotion) and vascular smooth mus- increased red blood cell deformability, endothelial cell ␣ cle cell changes ( -adrenergic constriction). membrane fluidity, and altered neutrophil activity and cytokine production. It is not known which of these HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK functions produces the improvement in microvascular blood flow, or if all of the effects are necessary for Resuscitated hemorrhagic shock in the absence of microvascular perfusion to be restored to prehemor- any infectious challenge or other complication can re- rhage levels. sult in death, despite the restoration of cardiac perfor- In addition to pentoxifylline and soluble complement mance and central hemodynamic variables. In the in- receptor, heparan sulfate [125] and chemically modi- testinal circulation resuscitated hemorrhagic shock fied heparin [130], which are heparin analogues with produces vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion in a fash- little or no anticoagulant activity, also appear to re- ion similar to that previously described for septic shock store microvascular blood flow after centrally resusci- [123]. The endothelial cell appears to play a pivotal role tated hemorrhagic shock. These agents appear to sim- in the development of this low-flow condition. The in- ilarly protect the endothelial cell membrane after terpretation of laboratory studies of vascular function hemorrhagic shock, suggesting that the endothelium following resuscitated hemorrhagic shock has been plays a central role in the pathogenesis of altered vas- complicated by the use of a wide range of experimental cular responsiveness to resuscitated hemorrhagic hemorrhagic shock models and protocols. Different shock. MATHESON, WILSON, AND GARRISON: REGULATION OF INTESTINAL BLOOD FLOW 191

CARDIOGENIC SHOCK increased pinocytotic vesicle area, and increased thick- ness of the capillary basement membrane) by trans- Alterations in microvascular control mechanisms mission electron microscopy after staged ligation of the during low-cardiac-output cardiogenic shock have not portal vein. Further studies [137] to examine the gas- been extensively studied by microcirculation research tric microvascular alterations to portal hypertension methods. However, Bulkley et al. [131, 132] have demonstrate a biphasic response in gastric vessel di- clearly demonstrated that a porcine model of cardio- ameter, flow, and wall thickness. By Day 15 after por- genic shock (pericardial tamponade induced by 10% tal vein constriction, the vessels were severely dilated dextran injection into the pericardial cavity) signifi- with decreased wall thickness and impaired flow. cantly increases celiac artery resistance, compared Later studies by Joh et al. [138] revealed signifi- with either baseline or total peripheral resistance, by cantly increased vascular reactivity to norepinephrine an angiotensin II-mediated mechanism. In these stud- after staged prehepatic portal vein stenosis in the in- ies, the addition of captopril, an angiotensin- flow arterioles of rat intestine, while the transitional converting enzyme inhibitor, selectively prevents the A2 and premucosal A3 arterioles showed decreased increase in celiac artery resistance, while the addition reactivity to norepinephrine. However, these alter- of angiotensin II in normal pigs mimics many of the ations in ␣-adrenergic reactivity did not alter the di- changes seen with pericardial tamponade. Two addi- ameters of the inflow arterioles. The contribution of tional studies have examined microvascular blood flow norepinephrine, vasopressin, and angiotensin II to using laser Doppler flowmetry in similar porcine mod- resting tone in the intestine is altered after chronic els of cardiogenic shock induced by pericardial tampon- portal hypertension. Norepinephrine primarily con- ade. In the first [133], investigators found diminished tributes to resting vascular tone in the A3 arterioles in microvascular blood flow in the mesentery that per- portal hypertension, while vasopressin contributes pri- sisted throughout the experimental protocol. Treat- marily to A1 tone and angiotensin II contributes only ment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor to A3 tone. Circulating levels of vasopressin and angio- after the onset of cardiogenic shock restored mesen- tensin II are increased, suggesting that the increased teric microvascular blood flow to near-normal levels. A contribution of these mediators to resting tone might second study [134] examined the effectiveness of pul- be related to increased production rather than in- satile blood flow during low-cardiac-output shock at creased receptor sensitivity. To examine the pathogen- maintaining microvascular perfusion as assessed by esis of the impaired reactivity to norepinephrine fol- laser Doppler flowmetry. Pulsatile blood flow main- tained microcirculatory perfusion better than the non- lowing portal hypertension, Wu and Benoit [139] pulsatile perfusion. These latter findings suggest a po- compared norepinephrine reactivity after acute or tential role of endothelial cell derangement with chronic portal hypertension, sham operation, or porto- impaired perfusion and decreased tissue oxygenation caval shunting. Norepinephrine receptor reactivity is during cardiogenic shock secondary to systemic alter- altered in a biphasic pattern in acute (decreased NE ations in the renin–angiotensin system. reactivity) versus chronic portal hypertensive (in- creased NE reactivity) animals. Additionally, the por- PORTAL HYPERTENSION tocaval shunt animals exhibit increased reactivity to ␣-adrenergic stimulation, suggesting that the alter- A number of elegant studies have examined the mi- ations in adrenergic reactivity might be due to redis- crocirculatory effects of portal hypertension on the in- tribution of microvascular blood flow rather than to the testinal and gastric circulations. Benoit and Granger elevated microvascular pressures previously observed [135] have described a model of portal venous hyper- in the A3 arterioles through the V1 venules. tension using chronic graded stenosis of the portal vein Recent studies [140] examined the deleterious micro- that produces portal hypertension and slightly de- vascular effects of propranolol, which is often used in creased systemic pressures resulting in increased cen- the treatment of cirrhotic hypertension, on the intesti- terline red blood cell velocity in inflow A1 arterioles nal microcirculation and demonstrated that the cardio- with no change in A1 diameter. While this model pro- vascular actions of propranolol were caused primarily ␤ duced no difference in A1 or A2 diameters or flow, the by 2-adrenergic blockade. In a rat model of progres- A3 arterioles displayed significantly elevated pressure sive prehepatic portal venous shunting, propranolol that was carried through to the outflow V1 veins. The treatment resulted in microvascular vasoconstriction increased intestinal microvascular pressure associated and reduced blood flow, which was manifested in both with portal hypertension is caused by both reduced normals and portal hypertensive animals. These arteriolar resistance to flow and venous congestion changes were reversed with phentolamine treatment, from impaired portal vein drainage. Tarnawski et al. indicating ␤2-adrenergic receptor involvement in the [136] also demonstrated altered gastric mucosal archi- propranolol-induced vasoconstriction. Wu and Benoit tecture (compressed cytosolic area of endothelial cells, [141] also studied the involvement of the cAMP and 192 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH: VOL. 93, NO. 1, SEPTEMBER 2000 cGMP second-messenger pathways in the altered reac- SUMMARY tivity to norepinephrine from portal hypertension. These studies involved the blockade of cAMP- Intestinal blood flow is regulated to provide adequate dependent protein kinase A by the addition of Rp- blood flow to maintain the supply of oxygen and essen- cAMPS, a cAMP analogue, or the blockade of cGMP via tial nutrients to the tissue and to remove waste prod- LY-83583. Rp-cAMPS had no effect on microvascular ucts. The predominate mechanisms at rest involve ϩ parameters in normal animals, but during portal hy- metabolic control by oxygen, H , and carbon dioxide as pertension PKA blockade significantly decreased A1 well as other metabolic regulators such as lactate and blood flow and restored norepinephrine reactivity. On adenosine. The placement of nutrients into the intes- the other hand, guanylate cyclase blockade had no tinal lumen initiates nutrient-dependent hyperemic effect on any measured variable in normal or portal mechanisms, which appear to be initiated by the gen- hypertensive animals. Therefore, portal hypertension eration of mucosal oxygen debt due to increased met- appears to impair norepinephrine reactivity via cAMP- abolic activity during nutrient absorption. Glucose, the dependent alterations in the intestinal microvascula- most potent single mediator of postprandial hyper- ture. emia, appears to initiate a mechanism that involves adenosine-mediated NO production. Various patho- physiological conditions appear to produce endothelial NUTRIENT ABSORPTION AND SHOCK cell dysfunction via different mechanisms that result in impaired mucosal microvascular blood flow. Many of these alterations seem to involve the endothelial cell Several studies [142–145] suggest that nutrient ex- membrane, and treatments that protect this mem- posure and/or absorption in the gastrointestinal sys- brane might provide protection against impaired mi- tem improves outcome in some pathophysiological con- crovascular blood flow and tissue hypoxia. In certain ditions. Numerous investigators have proposed that conditions, nutrient absorption early after traumatic certain nutrients such as L-glutamine, L-arginine, ␻-3 injury might play a protective part in the maintenance fatty acids, and RNA fragments, when administered of intestinal blood flow, endothelial cell stability and enterally, provide more therapeutic benefit than the mucosal barrier function. same nutrients applied intravenously. These findings have led to the use of terms such as immunonutrition REFERENCES and immune-enhancing enteral diet, since these nutri- ents are thought to directly feed immune cells, partic- 1. Chou, C. C., and Alemayehu, A. Peptidergic regulation of gas- trointestinal blood flow. In D. R. Brown (Ed.), Handbook of ularly those found in gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Experimental . Vol. 106; Gastrointestinal Regu- An alternative hypothesis to explain some of the ben- latory Peptides. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993. 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