Paul A. Harris Chair & Professor Faculty- in-Residence Department of Political Science 149 Aubie Hall 7080 Haley Center Auburn University Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849 Auburn, AL 36849 Tel: (803) 270-5962 Cell Tel: (334) 844-5370 Work Email:
[email protected] 1) Education: Ph.D., Public Administration and Public Policy June 13, 1997 Department of Political Science, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Dissertation Title: The Politics of Reparation and Return: Soviet Jewish and Ethnic German Migration to the New Germany. Master of Public Administration June 15, 1991 Department of Political Science, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. B.A., Liberal Arts January 18, 1989 Excelsior College, Albany, NY (formerly The University of The State of New York, Albany, NY). Specialization Fields: Comparative immigration policy; German politics and policy; state & local government 2) Honors and Awards Publication: 2009 - The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) H. George Frederickson PA Times Best Article Award for the best PA Times article written in 2008 - “Dalton, Georgia’s Response to Immigration.” Outreach: 2008 - Augusta State University Alumni Association 2008 Town and Gown Award - presented annually to a member of the Augusta State faculty in recognition of their efforts uniting the university and the community. Fellowships and Scholarships: 1997-1998 - Friedrich Ebert Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität – Münster, Germany 1995 - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Stipendium [German Research Society Dissertation Scholarship], Westfälische Wilhelms Universität – Münster,Germany Paul A. Harris cont. pg. 2 Fellowships and Scholarships (cont.): 1994 – 1995 - Fulbright Dissertation Scholar, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität – Münster, Germany Travel: 2002 - Academic Associate, The Atlantic Council of the United States, European Security Study Tour, Brussels, Belgium, July 6-13, 2002 Other: 2012 – U.S.