Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2007 No. 56 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2007, at 10 a.m. House of Representatives FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2007

The House met at 10 a.m. and was relationship to industry or educational MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE called to order by the Speaker pro tem- concerns, and some will travel to A message from the Senate by Ms. pore (Mr. RYAN of Ohio). strengthen foreign relations. We pray Curtis, one of its clerks, announced f for them and their families. that the Senate has passed with Lord, spring break has come to mean amendments in which the concurrence DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER different things to different people in PRO TEMPORE of the House is requested, bills of the our day. For some it means travel to House of the following titles: The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Washington or other historical or beau- fore the House the following commu- tiful places. Perhaps to be with rel- H.R. 727. An act to amend the Public Health Service Act to add requirements re- nication from the Speaker: atives or visit old friends. For some it garding trauma care, and for other purposes. WASHINGTON, DC, means spring cleaning, or spring plant- H.R. 1132. An act to amend the Public March 30, 2007. ing. Health Service Act to provide waivers relat- I hereby appoint the Honorable TIM RYAN For all it would seem the time of re- ing to grants for preventive health measures to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. newal in relationships, whether in fam- with respect to breast and cervical cancers. NANCY PELOSI, ily, friends, the home, or the earth. But H. Con. Res. 103. Concurrent resolution Speaker of the House of Representatives. most of all a renewed and deeper rela- providing for a conditional adjournment of f tionship with You, Almighty God, in the House of Representatives and a condi- tional recess or adjournment of the Senate. PRAYER whom and through whom all else holds together. Amen. The message also announced that the The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Senate had passed with an amendment Coughlin, offered the following prayer: f in which the concurrence of the House Lord God, now that spring is upon us, THE JOURNAL is requested, a bill of the House of the teach us the deepest meanings of following title: spring break. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair has examined the Journal of the H.R. 1591. An act making emergency sup- We know that these holidays plemental appropriations for the fiscal year throughout the ages spoke to people in last day’s proceedings and announces ending September 30, 2007, and for other pur- mystical and religious terms. Even in to the House his approval thereof. poses. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- modern society, days are set aside for The message also announced that the nal stands approved. religious observance. Senate has passed bills of the following Members of the House of Representa- f titles in which the concurrence of the tives, even though they are not assem- House is requested. bled here in this Chamber this next PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S. 682. An act to award a congressional week, still need our prayers. While The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the gold medal to Edward William Brooke III in working back home across this Nation gentleman from (Mr. COSTA) recognition of his unprecedented and endur- in their districts, they work at rela- come forward and lead the House in the ing service to our Nation. tionships. In listening to people back Pledge of Allegiance. S. 888. An act to amend section 1091 of title home, they obtain reaction to the acts Mr. COSTA led the Pledge of Alle- 18, , to allow the prosecu- of Congress. They have the opportunity giance as follows: tion of genocide in appropriate cir- cumstances. to teach and explain the work of legis- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the lation and learn of even deeper needs United States of America, and to the Repub- The message also announced that the and concerns of citizens. Some Mem- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Senate insists upon its amendment to bers will be focused on government’s indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the bill (H.R. 1591) ‘‘An Act making

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:51 Mar 31, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MR7.000 H30MRPT1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with HOUSE H3374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 30, 2007 emergency supplemental appropria- table and, under the rule, referred as final rule — Organ Procurement and Trans- tions for the fiscal year ending Sep- follows: plantation Network (RIN: 0906AA62) received March 8, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tember 30, 2007, and for other pur- S. 682. An act to award a congressional 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and poses,’’ requests a conference with the gold medal to Edward William Brooke III in Commerce. recognition of his unprecedented and endur- House on the disagreeing votes of the 1029. A letter from the Director, Regula- ing service to our Nation; to the Committee two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. tions Policy and Mgmt. Staff, Department of on Financial Services. BYRD, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. HAR- Health and Human Services, transmitting S. 888. An act to amend section 1091 of title KINS, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. KOHL, Mrs. the Department’s final rule — Current Good 18, United States Code, to allow the prosecu- Manufacturing Practice Regulation and In- MURRAY, Mr. DORGAN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, tion of genocide in appropriate cir- vestigational New Drugs; Withdrawal [Dock- Mr. DURBIN, Mr. JOHNSON, Ms. cumstances; to the Committee on the Judici- et No. 2005N-0285] received March 14, 2007, LANDRIEU, Mr. REED, Mr. LAUTENBERG, ary. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Mr. NELSON (NE), Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. f mittee on Energy and Commerce. STEVENS, Mr. SPECTER, Mr. DOMENICI, 1030. A letter from the Chief, Publications Mr. BOND, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. GREGG, Mr. ADJOURNMENT and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue BENNETT, Mr. CRAIG, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. ALLARD, Mr. AL- to House Concurrent Resolution 103, — LMSB Tier II Issue — Field Directive on EXANDER, and Mr. GRASSLEY, be the 110th Congress, I move that the House the Examination of IRC Section 172(f) Speci- conferees on the part of the Senate. fied Liability Losses #1 — received March 8, do now adjourn. 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the f The motion was agreed to. Committee on Ways and Means. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO The SPEAKER pro tempore. Accord- 1031. A letter from the Chief, Publications BRITISH-AMERICAN INTERPAR- ingly, pursuant to House Concurrent and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue LIAMENTARY GROUP Resolution 103, 110th Congress, the Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule House stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on — Computer Software Under Section The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Monday, April 16, 2007. 199(c)(5)(B) [TD 9317] (RIN: 1545-BF56) re- ant to 22 U.S.C. 276l, and the order of Thereupon (at 10 o’clock and 8 min- ceived March 22, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the House of January 4, 2007, the Chair 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and utes a.m.), pursuant to House Concur- announces the Speaker’s appointment Means. rent Resolution 103, the House ad- of the following Member of the House 1032. A letter from the Chief, Publications journed until Monday, April 16, 2007, at to the British-American Interparlia- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 2 p.m. mentary Group: Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule — Method of Assessment (Rev. Rul. 2007-21) Mr. CHANDLER, Kentucky, Chairman f received March 22, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. f EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO ETC. Means. CANADA-UNITED STATES INTER- 1033. A letter from the Chief, Publications Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue PARLIAMENTARY GROUP communications were taken from the Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: — Examination of returns and claims for re- ant to 22 U.S.C. 276d, and the order of 1024. A letter from the Director, Regula- fund, credit, or abatement; determination of the House of January 4, 2007, the Chair tions Policy and Mgmt. Staff, Department of correct tax liability (Rev. Proc. 2007-25) re- announces the Speaker’s appointment Health and Human Services, transmitting ceived March 22, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. of the following Members of the House the Department’s final rule — Substances 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Approved for Use in the Preparation of Meat Means. to the Canada-United States Inter- 1034. A letter from the Chief, Publications parliamentary Group: and Poultry Products; Announcement of Ef- fective Date [Docket No. 1995N-0220 (formerly and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Mr. OBERSTAR, Minnesota, Chairman 95N-0220)] received March 14, 2007, pursuant Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Mr. SMITH, Washington, Vice Chair- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on — Certain Deduction Limits under the Pen- man Agriculture. sion Protection Act of 2006 [Notice 2007-28] Ms. SLAUGHTER, New York 1025. A letter from the Attorney, Office of received March 22, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Mr. STUPAK, Assistant General Counsel for Legislation 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Ms. KILPATRICK, Michigan and Regulatory Law, Department of Energy, Means. Mr. HODES, New Hampshire transmitting the Department’s final rule — f Mr. WELCH, Energy Efficiency Program for Certain Com- f mercial and Industrial Equipment: Effi- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON ciency Standards for Commercial Heating, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS APPOINTMENT OF HON. STENY H. Air-Conditioning, and Water-Heating Equip- HOYER AND HON. CHRIS VAN Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of ment [Docket Nos. EE-RM/STD-03-100, EE- committees were delivered to the Clerk HOLLEN TO ACT AS SPEAKER RM/STD-03-200, and EE-RM/STD-03-300] (RIN PRO TEMPORE TO SIGN EN- Nos. 1904-AB16, 1904-AB17, and 1904-AB44) re- for printing and reference to the proper ROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESO- ceived March 8, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. calendar, as follows: LUTIONS THROUGH APRIL 16, 2007 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ: Committee on Small Commerce. Business. H.R. 1361. A bill to improve the dis- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- 1026. A letter from the Director, Regula- aster relief programs of the Small Business fore the House the following commu- tions Policy and Mgmt. Staff, Department of Administration, and for other purposes; with nication from the Speaker: Health and Human Services, transmitting an amendment (Rept. 110–82). Referred to the WASHINGTON, DC, the Department’s final rule — Medical De- Committee of the Whole House on the State March 29, 2007. vices; Hematology and Pathology Devices; of the Union and ordered to be printed. I hereby appoint the Honorable STENY H. Classification of Cord Blood Processing Sys- Mr. WAXMAN: Committee on Oversight HOYER and the Honorable CHRIS VAN HOLLEN tem and Storage Container [Docket No. and Government Reform. Report on Over- to act as Speaker pro tempore to sign en- 2007N-0024] received March 14, 2007, pursuant sight Plans for All House Committees (Rept. rolled bills and joint resolutions through to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 110–83). Referred to the Committee of the April 16, 2007. Energy and Commerce. Whole House on the State of the Union and NANCY PELOSI, 1027. A letter from the Director, Regula- ordered to be printed. Speaker of the House of Representatives. tions Policy and Mgmt. Staff, Department of f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Health and Human Services, transmitting objection, the appointments are ap- the Department’s final rule — Current Good PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Manufacturing Practice Regulation and In- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public proved. vestigational New Drugs [Docket No. 2005N- There was no objection. 0285] received March 14, 2007, pursuant to 5 bills and resolutions were introduced f U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- and severally referred, as follows: SENATE BILLS REFERRED ergy and Commerce. By Mr. RADANOVICH: 1028. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- H.R. 1855. A bill to authorize the Secretary Bills of the Senate of the following nator, Department of Health and Human of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of titles were taken from the Speaker’s Services, transmitting the Department’s Reclamation to enter into a cooperative

VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:51 Mar 31, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MR7.002 H30MRPT1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with HOUSE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3375

agreement with the Madera Irrigation Dis- DIAZ-BALART of Florida, Mr. TOWNS, H.R. 1270: Mr. SHUSTER. trict for purposes of supporting the Madera and Mr. BISHOP of New York): H.R. 1459: Mr. CARNEY. Water Supply Enhancement Project; to the H. Res. 295. A resolution recognizing the H.R. 1469: Mr. KLEIN of Florida, Mr. Committee on Natural Resources. strong alliance between the Republic of MCGOVERN, and Mr. BOOZMAN. By Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN (for herself, Korea and the United States and expressing H.R. 1595: Mr. SKELTON. Mr. CANTOR, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. PENCE, appreciation to the Republic of Korea for its H.R. 1681: Mr. GORDON. Mr. MCCAUL of Texas, and Mr. BUR- efforts in the global war against terrorism; H. Con. Res. 94: Mr. GILCHREST, Mr. FARR, TON of Indiana): to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. PALLONE, and Mr. ALLEN. H.R. 1856. A bill to amend the Foreign As- f sistance Act of 1961 and the Palestinian f Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 to further pro- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS mote the development of democratic institu- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors tions in areas under the administrative con- DISCHARGE PETITIONS— trol of the Palestinian Authority, and for were added to public bills and resolu- ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS tions as follows: other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign The following Member added his Affairs, and in addition to the Committees H.R. 900: Mr. CANNON, Mr. FOSSELLA, and name to the following discharge peti- on the Judiciary, and Financial Services, for Mr. STARK. a period to be subsequently determined by H.R. 989: Mr. HERGER. tion: the Speaker, in each case for consideration H.R. 1176: Mr. FILNER, Mr. REYES, Mrs. Petition 1. March 20, 2007, by Mr. SAM of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- NAPOLITANO, Mr. BACA, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, JOHNSON of Texas on House Resolution 220: tion of the committee concerned. Mr. BECERRA, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. GONZALEZ, Don Young, Frank A. LoBiondo, John Lin- By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. PASTOR, Mr. RODRIGUEZ, der, Thomas G. Tancredo, Dave Weldon, C.W. Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. FOSSELLA, Mr. Mr. SALAZAR, Ms. CLARKE, and Ms. Bill Young, Tim Murphy, Jerry Moran, and GILLMOR, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. MARIO VELA´ ZQUEZ. Vito Fosella.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 23:39 Mar 30, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L30MR7.100 H30MRPT1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with HOUSE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E697 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

A BILL TO PROVIDE THAT FED- needy and make the world a better place to House Resolution 477, the Stroke Treat- ERAL EMPLOYEES IN AMERICAN live. Going against the traditional norms of the ment and Ongoing Prevention Act, establishes SAMOA SHALL BE PAID THE time, she encouraged young women to not a national grant program and public aware- SAME NON-FOREIGN AREA COST- only prepare for a role as a homemaker, but ness program to help each state ensure that OF-LIVING ALLOWANCE AS IF also to learn skills to succeed as a profes- patients have access to quality stroke preven- STATIONED IN GUAM OR THE sional woman. tion, treatment and rehabilitation services. I COMMONWEALTH OF THE Starting 95 years ago with a single troop of was proud to cosponsor and vote for this leg- NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 18 girls, Juliette Gordon Low’s mission has islation in previous Congresses, and I am grown exponentially. More than 50 million girls proud do so again this week. HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA have since experienced the benefits of Girl I would like America to know about a home- Scouting and research shows that Girl Scout town hero, who has devoted her time, energy OF AMERICAN SAMOA alumnae now represent 70 percent of women and amazing spirit to helping those disabled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serving in Congress, 64 percent of women list- by stroke. After her husband Stan’s stroke, Thursday, March 29, 2007 ed in ‘‘Who’s Who in America,’’ and 53 per- Shirley realized, as I did when stroke Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I cent of women business owners. struck my family, that resources for recovering am pleased today to introduce legislation to In my District, the Girl Scouts of stroke survivors and their caregivers were provide that Federal employees stationed in Downingtown will celebrate this anniversary painfully inadequate. Shirley did not dwell on American Samoa be paid the same non-for- with a day of service at Chester County’s the need and simply retreat in dismay. No, in- eign area cost-of-living allowance as stationed Springton Manor Farm Park. The girls and stead, Shirley founded the American Stroke in Guam or the Commonwealth of the North- their parents will spend the day volunteering Foundation and from their two locations in ern Mariana Islands. their time on everything from planting trees Kansas and Missouri, ASF has worked to im- To date, American Samoa is the only non- and gardening to cleaning the trails and build- prove the lives of stroke survivors by providing foreign area in which Federal employees do ing a new orienteering course. extended rehabilitation efforts, creating com- not receive a cost-of-living allowance. Given So I ask, Madam Speaker, that my col- munity programs, and educating the public that American Samoa faces many of the same leagues join me today in congratulating the about strokes. Shirley turned her desire for the issues driving higher prices for goods, serv- Girl Scouts of the USA as they celebrate this best care for her husband and her personal ices, and travel that face other territories in historic milestone and encouraging this exem- need for a support network into an organiza- similar situations, it seems discriminatory that plary organization to provide another 95 years tion that helps thousands of Americans each the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) of service and assistance to the young women year cope and recover from this often-debili- has chosen not to provide COLA to Federal of this country in developing important skills to tating disease. employees in American Samoa. Further exac- better their communities and succeed in ca- In 2002, thanks to efforts like those of the erbating this problem is the fact that ‘‘post dif- reers of their choosing. ASF, the United States had one of the lowest ferential’’ compensation is paid to Federal em- f death rates for stroke. My home state of Mis- souri is fortunate to have one of the lowest fa- ployees who are working here who have come HONORING THE AMERICAN tality rates in the country. Regardless, I hope in from other areas of the country. As a result, STROKE FOUNDATION AND to see both of these numbers decrease as the only non-foreign area Federal employees SHOWING SUPPORT FOR H.R. 477, who do not receive any additional compensa- these essential programs are supported. THE STROKE TREATMENT AND Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the tion are those Federal employees from Amer- ONGOING PREVENTION ACT ican Samoa, working in American Samoa. American Stroke Foundation and vote for this This legislation would remedy that inequity HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER life-saving legislation, and I ask my colleagues by providing COLA for our Federal employees to join me today in paying tribute to this life- OF MISSOURI at the same rate as has been determined by saving and life-improving organization. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OPM to apply in Guam and CNMI. I urge my f Thursday, March 29, 2007 colleagues to join me in resolving this issue by AMBASSADOR MANSOUR VISITS supporting this legislation that would provide Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I rise SEWANEE FOR LECTURE SERIES fair compensation to American Samoa’s Fed- today in support of H.R. 477, the Stroke Treat- eral employees. ment and Ongoing Prevention Act and to HON. LINCOLN DAVIS honor the American Stroke Foundation (ASF). f OF TENNESSEE Founded in 1997 in the Kansas City Metropoli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING THE GIRL SCOUTS tan Area, the ASF supports stroke survivors, OF THE UNITED STATES OF their families, caregivers and friends by pro- Thursday, March 29, 2007 AMERICA ON ITS 95TH ANNIVER- viding resources, services, education and Mr. LINCOLN DAVIS of Tennessee. Madam SARY infom1ation that improves their quality of life. Speaker, known for its unique and com- Every forty-five seconds, someone suffers prehensive educational experience, Sewanee: HON. JIM GERLACH from a stroke. Blood supply to the brain is in- The University of the South, is holding a two OF PENNSYLVANIA terrupted, causing a loss of brain function and part lecture series focusing on the Middle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES possibly brain damage. Every three minutes, East. Ambassador Reda Mansour, Consul someone dies from a stroke. General of Israel to the Southeastern United Thursday, March 29, 2007 Stroke is the number one cause of adult dis- States, has been invited and will lead the first Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise ability and the third leading cause of death in lecture. today to congratulate the Girl Scouts of the the United States. About 700,000 Americans Ambassador Reda Mansour was appointed United States of America for helping millions suffer a stroke each year. Four out of five peo- to his current post in August 2006. Previously of young women become role models and ple in the U.S. either have had a stroke or he served as the Ambassador of Israel to Ec- community leaders for the past 95 years. know someone who has. My family, like the uador, Deputy Ambassador in the Israeli Em- It was in 1912 that Juliette Gordon Low vast majority of American families, has been bassy to , and Deputy Consul General founded the Girls Scouts of the USA. Based touched by stroke. I am proud to come before of Israel to the U.S. Pacific Northwest based on her lifelong desire to serve and assist oth- you today not only to express my commitment in . ers, she brought girls of all backgrounds to- to doing all that is necessary to stop strokes, Prior to his diplomatic career, Ambassador gether and helped them develop important but to vote for an important step to ending this Mansour served in the Israeli Defense Forces skills to serve their communities, help the tragic disease. Corps of Engineers in the Northern Command

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 Demolition Unit. Ambassador Mansour holds a HONORING THE TUSKEGEE INTRODUCTION OF A RESOLUTION masters degree from Harvard University’s AIRMEN CELEBRATING THE 500TH ANNI- Kennedy School of Government and is a VERSARY OF THE FIRST USE OF Ph.D. candidate in University’s Middle HON. AL GREEN THE NAME ‘‘AMERICA’’ Eastern History department. OF TEXAS HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY In addition to his position as a diplomat, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK Ambassador Mansour is an accomplished au- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thor. He has published three books of poetry, Thursday, March 29, 2007 Thursday, March 29, 2007 as well as a number of short stories and Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, poems published in literary articles and poetry I wish to honor the Tuskegee Airmen, the Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam reviews. Ambassador Mansour has received group of African-American pilots who flew with Speaker, I rise today with my colleagues Rep- resentatives ALCEE HASTINGS, JOE WILSON, the Ha’retz Annual Short Story Award, as well distinction during World War II as the 332d and HOYER, to honor the upcoming 500th an- as the Haifa University Miller Award. Fighter Group of the U.S. Army Air Corps. Ad- ditionally, I am compelled to honor an excel- niversary of the coining of the name ‘‘Amer- I join Sewanee, The University of the South, lent servant to our Nation, Mr. Matthew W. ica.’’ On April 25, 1507 cartographer Martin in thanking Ambassador Mansour for taking Plummer, an original Tuskegee Airman who Waldseemu¨ller of the research group Gym- part in this important lecture series intended to served as an instructor for U.S. Army cadets nasium Vosagense in Saint-Die’, France foster a greater understanding of the Middle training at Tuskegee. His tireless work, like changed the way Europeans perceived the East. that of so many other Tuskegee Airmen, world by first depicting the Western Hemi- helped to make our country a more perfect sphere in his 1507 world map. Waldseemu¨ller f union. honored Amerigo Vespucci by labeling this land with the Italian navigator’s Christian Prior to the Tuskegee Airmen, not a single name. Although explorers like Christopher Co- PAYING TRIBUTE TO DR. RUTH U.S. military pilot had been African-American. lumbus already discovered this land, Amerigo JOHNSON However, due to the work of the African-Amer- Vespucci was the first to realize that it was not ican civil rights community, the United States India but an entirely new continent. I invite my Congress in 1941 forced the Army Air Corps fellow Americans to join me and the House of HON. JON C. PORTER to form an all-black combat unit. In June 1941, Representatives in celebrating the historic the Tuskegee program officially began with OF NEVADA 500th anniversary of the coining of this great formation of the 99th Fighter Squadron at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES name. Lastly, I also want to welcome Rep- Tuskegee Institute, a highly regarded univer- resentative HASTINGS as a new member of the sity founded by Booker T. Washington in Thursday, March 29, 2007 Americans Abroad Caucus, which I along with Tuskegee, Alabama. The Airmen were placed Representative WILSON have co-founded. Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today under the command of Capt. Benjamin O. to honor my good friend Dr. Ruth Johnson, Davis, Jr., one of the few African-American f president of the Clark County School District West Point graduates. 2007 EXCELLENCE AWARDS FOR Board of School Trustees, and congratulate During World War II the Tuskegee Airmen EMPLOYEES OF THE CHIEF AD- her on behalf of the Clark County School Dis- fought with amazing gallantry and MINISTRATIVE OFFICER trict for receiving the Distinguished Support of uncompromismg determination. They flew es- Music Education Award. cort for heavy bombers, established an im- HON. VERNON J. EHLERS pressive combat record, and often entered OF MICHIGAN The VH1 Save the Music Foundation has combat against greater numbers of superior IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES selected the Clark County School District German aircraft, while emerging victorious. Thursday, March 29, 2007 Board of School Trustees as this year’s recipi- These brave fighters fought for their country at ent of their Third Annual School Board Award a time when their country would not fight for Mr. EHLERS. Madam Speaker, I’m pleased for Distinguished Support of Music Education. them. They were forced to suffer from the to announce the recipients of the 2007 Achiev- Clark County is an exemplary school district to daily disease of racism even while in uniform. ing Excellence Awards (ACE) for the Office of which others can look as model for music edu- However, the Tuskegee Airmen chose to fight the Chief Administrative Officer. This year’s award winners are Darrell Nor- cation. The Board of School Trustees, pre- for their country as hard as they fought man, Liz McBride-Chambers, Scott Hood, against racism, and they would eventually sided over by Ruth Johnson, is the only Wanda Jackson, Cari Knowles, Traci prove that they were the greatest of the school board in the United States to receive Beaubian, Patricia Nuzzo, Jim Caskey, Dave ‘‘Greatest Generation’’. this award by VH1 Save the Music Founda- Woodburn and Christine Stewart. Their ACE tion. The Clark County School District Board By the end of the war, the Tuskegee Airmen Awards acknowledge the exceptional efforts of Trustees are dedicated to providing a cer- were credited with shooting down 109 made by these employees to provide quality tified, qualified music teacher for each school, Luftwaffe aircraft and destroying numerous service to the Members, Committees and of- as well as funding after school music pro- fuel dumps, trucks and trains. The squadrons fices of the House of Representatives. of the 332nd Fighter Group flew more than grams, text books, and music supplies. The recipients of the 2007 CAO ACE 15,000 sorties on 1,500 missions. The unit Awards represent many areas of the CAO or- For the past 10 years, Ruth has served on was awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation for ganization, perform a variety of jobs, and pro- the Clark County School District Board of a mission flown on March 24, 1945, escorting vide a wide range of services to the House Trustees, where her leadership has greatly B–17s to bomb the Daimler-Benz tank factory community. Whether working directly with contributed to the development of music edu- at Berlin, Germany, an action in which its pi- Members or staff, supporting CAO internal op- cation in the Clark County School District. Fur- lots destroyed three Me–262 jets in aerial erations, or ensuring the technical infrastruc- thermore, Ruth Johnson has committed the ef- combat. ture is operational, each serves as an exem- forts of the Board of School Trustees to go The Tuskegee Airmen were awarded sev- plary role model for the entire CAO commu- above and beyond to achieve excellence in eral Silver Stars, 150 Distinguished Flying nity. Collectively and individually they deliver music education. Crosses, 14 Bronze Stars, and 744 Air Med- solutions that fulfill our goal of providing a als. In all, 992 pilots were trained in Tuskegee Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor my quality customer experience. from 1940 to 1946. Of the airmen 445 de- Employees nominated for an award must be friend Dr. Johnson and the Clark County ployed overseas and 150 Airmen lost their in a full-time status and have a current excel- School District Board of Trustees. Her dedica- lives in training or combat. lent performance rating. Nominations for the tion in enriching the educational experience of Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to awards are submitted by managers or super- the Clark County students is commendable honor the Tuskegee Airmen for their service to visors within the organization. The nomina- and I congratulate her for being honored by our country, their work to end segregation in tions are then reviewed by a committee com- VHI Save the Music. I wish Dr. Johnson con- the U.S. military, and their courage which has prised of the CAO’s leadership team with final tinued success as she serves as president of empowered millions of African-Americans and award recommendations submitted to the the Clark County School Board of Trustees. other minorities across our great country. Chief Administrative Officer for approval.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E699 Darrell Norman, a CAO employee who died fice through the excellence of her work, her sionalism, outstanding customer service skills, this past January, is being honored post- ability to build relationships of trust with her and knowledge of procurement management humously as one of the recipients of the ‘‘CAO customers, and her commitment to person- and the House environment have made Chris- Excellence’’ award. As a long-time employee alize a variety of graphics solutions for each tine a valuable team member to the CAO Pro- of the CAO Technical Support team, Darrell customer. By carefully listening to her cus- curement team and the offices she supports exemplified the customer service standards of tomers, she brings them a particular value throughout the procurement and purchasing the CAO organization, the consultative ap- through her ability to take ownership for their processes. There is never a task that she is proach to working with Members and staff to project by helping them define their require- not willing to take on, regardless of the level identify practical solutions, and a great attitude ments and identify the most appropriate solu- of effort required or the urgency of the pro- that resonated with all whom he worked with tion to their unique graphics production needs. curement need. This was particularly evident and served. Traci Beaubian and Patricia Nuzzo have this past year during the Congressional transi- Starting this year, the CAO Excellence been selected to share the 2007 ‘‘Dedicated’’ tion when, in response to an urgent procure- award will be formally re-named the ‘‘Darrell award. Traci Beaubian’s persistence in getting ment requirement, she secured inventory serv- Norman Excellence Award’’ as an ongoing the new payroll system stabilized after a chal- ices within 6 days while saving the House tribute to Darrell’s many years of exemplary lenging conversion process is reflective of her over $70,000. service to the House, in recognition of the tre- dedication to the House, to her colleagues, On behalf of the entire House community, I mendous role model he was for his CAO col- and to the House workforce. She looks be- extend congratulations to the family and col- leagues, and to acknowledge his ‘‘can-do’’ atti- yond the surface to identify existing and po- leagues of Darrell Norman, and to Liz tude and his infectious spirit. tential challenges, works with her team to de- McBride-Chambers, Scott Hood, Wanda Jack- velop practical and innovative solutions, and Liz McBride-Chambers and Edward (Scott) son, Cari Knowles, Traci Beaubian, Trish accepts responsibility for the work of her team Hood were selected as additional recipients of Nuzzo, Jim Caskey, Dave Woodburn, and in carrying the solution forward. This past year the ‘‘Darrell Norman Excellence Award.’’ In her Christine Stewart for their tireless efforts and she developed a successful audit technique to role as a member of the Office of Employee outstanding contributions to the U.S. House of Assistance and the Human Capital Solutions identify unusual variances in salary amounts which produced measurable results that were Representatives. I extend my condolences to team, Liz is a critical member of the CAO Darrell’s family, and I wish his CAO col- team. She embodies the mission, vision and recorded on the CAO’s financial statements. Patricia (Trish) Nuzzo, as a senior member of leagues and this year’s CAO ACE Award re- values of the organization and provides her cipients continued success in their endeavors exceptional consultative skills and excellent the CAO Advanced Business Solutions team, has responsibility for support of the payroll and contributions to the House community. customer service to the entire House commu- f nity. She brings passion, integrity and an un- system covering day-to-day operations, audit wavering commitment to the ‘‘people’’ of the management and long-term project support. INTRODUCING THE NATIONAL CAO organization and the House in everything Her ability to balance short-term and long-term EMERGENCY CENTERS ESTAB- that she does, whether providing employee objectives, her positive attitude, and her col- LISHMENT ACT assistance services to an individual House laborative approach to resolving problems employee, consulting with a Member’s Chief of helps diffuse difficult situations. Trish has been HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Staff to identify a team development solution, particularly effective as a facilitator in bringing diverse teams together to develop and arrive OF FLORIDA or conducting a training program for a specific IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work group. at workable solutions by matching the right Scott Hood, as a supervisor in the Joint people to the situation, issue or challenge. Her Thursday, March 29, 2007 Capitol Service Center, inspires and motivates dedication to her work and her ability to recog- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, his staff and others to deliver quality services nize and harness the talents of multiple team I rise today to reintroduce the National Emer- and solutions to many problems for the offices members has earned her the respect of her gency Centers Establishment Act, a bill I first located in the Capitol. Scott has also been a colleagues and her customers. introduced in the 109th Congress. key contributor to our efforts to enhance cus- James (Jim) Caskey and Charles (Dave) Many of us share the belief that the Federal Woodburn are each being recognized with the tomer satisfaction and to work across the or- Government’s response to ‘‘Knowledge’’ award. In his role as a Senior ganization and with a variety of service part- was disorganized and inadequate; the Federal Procurement Specialist, Jim Caskey’s knowl- ners to deliver solutions that exceed the ex- Emergency Management Agency—FEMA— edge and skills in negotiation have saved the pectations and needs of their customers. He was far too slow to arrive and evacuees were House tens of thousands of dollars annually left stranded in massive shelters with egre- has been particularly effective in bringing his through the effective procurement of profes- gious standard of living violations. change management and leadership skills to sional services and software licenses and Sixteen months following the devastation bear in developing an effective partnership maintenance agreements. Jim consistently wreaked by Hurricane Katrina, more than with the Architect of the Capitol to deliver provides the House community, his procure- 13,000 residents who were displaced by the seamless solutions to House Leadership Of- ment colleagues, and the program offices he fices. supports with his expert advice, his extensive storm were still living in trailers provided by Wanda Jackson is the 2007 recipient of the experience and his service-minded attitude. FEMA. Eighteen months after Katrina, half the ‘‘Simplify the Day’’ award. As a Telephone His knowledge is particularly evident in the homes in New Orleans still did not have elec- Systems Consultant, Wanda is committed to mentoring relationships he has with other pro- tricity. FEMA had informed Congress that going the extra mile for her customers and her curement personnel and in his creativity in 60,000 families in still live in 240- colleagues. This past year, she stepped in to finding innovative and effective solutions to square-foot trailers—usually at least 3 to a fill the void left by the departure of a senior procurement and purchasing issues. trailer. telecommunications administrator in the midst Dave Woodburn’s knowledge and contribu- Even President Bush realizes the short- of the Congressional transition, and she took tion to the CAO organization and the House comings of our Federal Government to re- on the support of sixty Member offices far exceeds his immediate responsibilities in spond to the immediate and long-term needs throughout the transition, including the coordi- the Central Receiving and Warehousing De- of these disaster victims. nation of the installation of voice and data partment, and makes him a ‘‘go-to’’ resource As recently as March 1, 2007, President services in the District offices of several fresh- for his co-workers, vendors and contractors Bush acknowledged that many gulf coast resi- man Members. Wanda worked tirelessly on alike. In addition to having a firm under- dents remained frustrated with the slowness of behalf of one particular District office to trou- standing of the needs of the Members, Com- rebuilding after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita bleshoot their problem with the local telephone mittees and staffs that he serves, Dave has and pledged to continue to help hurricane vic- company and to manage the set-up process to brought added value to the organization by tims and their communities rebuild. the point of resolution and the complete satis- applying his knowledge of services and proc- The sluggish and derisory reaction of our faction of the office. esses to meet challenges enthusiastically, Federal Government to disaster victims affects Cari Knowles is being recognized with the while using his excellent people skills to build me personally. In 2004, four hurricanes rav- ‘‘Personalized Solutions’’ award. In her role of solid relationships with House offices and ven- aged my home State of Florida, all of which lit- providing graphics-related support services to dors and to resolve issues with staff and inter- erally destroyed parts of the counties in my Members, Committees, and House support of- nal customers in an amenable fashion. district. In the immediate and long-term after- fices, Cari has contributed significantly to rais- Christine Stewart is the 2007 recipient of the math, our communities saw FEMA’s short- ing customer expectations for the Graphics of- ‘‘One Team’’ award. Her dedication, profes- comings. Eighteen months after Hurricane

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 Wilma struck in 2005, citizens are still residing Wright, Bill Benton/and Dennis Waldrop, pur- manent the deduction for mortgage insurance in trailers labeled on the outside ‘‘FEMA.’’ chased WSCQ–FM in 1976, where Gene, premiums. I want to thank my colleague Mr. The lack of natural disaster preparedness along with co-hosts Dave Wright and Bill Ben- RYAN, who sponsored this bill in the last Con- efforts and temporary housing options for dis- ton, began to cheerfully wake up the Midlands gress, for working with me in this matter. I aster stricken citizens has only exacerbated with ‘‘Good Morning Columbia.’’ Following the would also like to thank Representatives JOHN an unbearable situation. Deficient recovery re- sale of WSCQ–FM in 1997, Gene continued LEWIS, WALLY HERGER, JOHN TANNER, DAVE sponses have led to elongated recovery rates his early morning ‘‘Good Morning Columbia’’ CAMP, RAHM EMANUEL, PHIL ENGLISH, SHELLEY radio show at WISW–AM with co-hosts Bill in my district and across this Nation. BERKLEY, JERRY WELLER, JOE CROWLEY, RON Two main problems—increasing the avail- Benton and Doug Enlow. ability of temporary housing in times of na- Gene had a keen insight which produced an LEWIS, ALLYSON SCHWARTZ and ERIC CANTOR tional emergencies and improving training and instant humorous wit with profound political who are joining Mr. RYAN and myself in intro- preparedness for national emergencies—must beliefs and a great love of America. He was ducing this legislation. be resolved to ensure that the humanitarian a devoted family man and patriot who helped Last year, a version of Mr. RYAN’s legisla- catastrophe that occurred in the gulf coast and Midlands residents begin each day with cheer. tion, H.R. 3098, was incorporated into the Tax continues to happen today will never occur He was a proud Polish-American from Chi- Relief and Health Care Act. As a result, home- again. cago who became beloved in South Carolina. owners who purchase mortgage insurance will We have an obligation to better prepare and As an admirer and friend, our family extends be able to deduct the premiums they pay be- our sympathy to Roni, Katherine, his extraor- more adequately respond to the needs of ginning January 1st of this year. Unfortunately, dinary co-workers, and countless friends. communities hit by natural disasters. We have the provision is temporary and expires Decem- f a responsibility to ensure that the most basic ber 31, 2007. The legislation we are intro- needs of disaster victims are met immediately CONGRATULATING FLORIDA GULF ducing today will make this deduction perma- following the devastation. COAST UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S nent. It is for this reason that I come to the floor BASKETBALL TEAM today to introduce the National Emergency Government and private mortgage insur- Centers Establishment Act. My bill establishes HON. CONNIE MACK ance programs help first-time, low- and mid- no fewer than six National Emergency Centers OF FLORIDA dle-income, minority and veteran borrowers af- spread throughout the United States. The cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ford to purchase a home. The Federal Hous- ters would be used, first and foremost, to pro- Thursday, March 29, 2007 ing Administration, Department of Veterans Af- vide temporary housing, medical and humani- fairs, Rural Housing Service and private mort- tarian assistance, including education, for indi- Mr. MACK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to gage insurance programs allow these home- offer my congratulations to Florida Gulf Coast viduals and families displaced due to an emer- buyers to obtain a mortgage with a signifi- University Women’s Basketball team on their gency. The centers would also serve as a remarkable season. As the national runner-up cantly reduced down payment of 3 percent or centralized location for the training and coordi- in Division II women’s basketball, the team less of the appraised value, addressing one of nation of first responders in the instance of an has become an inspiration to Southwest Flor- the key barriers to homeownership. emergency. In addition, the centers will im- ida, and everyone in our community is incred- As a result of our legislation, mortgage in- prove the coordination of preparedness, re- ibly proud of their accomplishments. surance will be a more affordable option for sponse and recovery efforts between govern- The Eagles success is made even more families that want to purchase a home. Par- ments, private, not-for-profit entities and faith- amazing because Florida Gulf Coast Univer- ticularly given the ongoing problems associ- based organizations. sity is Florida’s newest University, having The National Emergency Centers would be ated with subprime lending, it is important that opened its doors just 10 short years ago. we continue to make premiums on new mort- located on military bases, with a preference This year, the Eagles set a remarkable gage insurance contracts deductible beyond wherever possible for those installations school record with 34 wins and only one loss, closed during the most recent Base Realign- making them an elite group of NCAA student the end of this year. ment and Closures—BRAC—round. I am pro- athletes. Head Coach Karl Smesko and his According to the most recent data, more posing these sites because the necessary in- team deserve our congratulations. They not than 388,000 families in my home state of frastructure to house, feed, educate and care only won on the court, but with their passion Michigan held mortgages with either FHA or for evacuees over an extended period of time and dedication they have also won Southwest private mortgage insurance, and insured mort- is already in place, thus limiting the cost and Florida’s admiration and respect. gages comprised 36 percent of home pur- time needed to construct these facilities. Florida Gulf Coast University is an integral chase loans originated in Michigan from 2000– Madam Speaker, our Nation was not pre- part of our community, and their success in 2005. Mortgage insurance covered 40 percent pared for the disastrous hurricanes that struck academics and athletics is second to none. of the mortgage loans made to African Amer- Florida and the gulf coast in 2004 or in 2005. Congratulations to all the coaches and play- ican or Hispanic borrowers. Borrowers earning The establishment of National Emergency ers that worked so hard and achieved so less than 120 percent of area median income Centers will go a long way to ensuring that our much: Karl Smesko, head coach; LeAnn Free- comprised 80 percent of the insured home response to national emergencies are not as land, assistant coach; Ebonie Halliburton, as- disastrous as the disasters that created the sistant coach; Bryan Crislip, assistant coach; purchase loans originated in the state. emergencies in the first place. Kim Balduzzi, Candace Carreras, Jen Conely, Nationwide, 11.5 million families presently I ask for my colleagues’ support and urge Delia De LaTorre, Chelsea Dermyer, Ashley use mortgage insurance. The people who use the House leadership to bring this legislation Haegele, Adrianne McNally, Alex Nelson, mortgage insurance are our neighbors. They to the floor for its swift consideration. Amanda Pierce, Kate Schrader, Steffi are policemen, firemen, teachers, and vet- f Sorensen, Princess Stewart and Angel erans who live in every community in every- IN MEMORY OF GENE MCKAY Woods. one of our districts. This House has a long- f standing commitment to expanding home- HON. JOE WILSON INTRODUCTON OF LEGISLATION ownership and to achieve that goal, we must OF SOUTH CAROLINA TO MAKE PERMANENT THE DE- expand the circle of people that are able to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DUCTION FOR MORTGAGE INSUR- participate in the housing market. Thursday, March 29, 2007 ANCE PREMIUMS Making the tax deduction for mortgage in- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam surance premium payments permanent will Speaker, South Carolina early today lost a HON. SANDER M. LEVIN help make the American dream of owning a giant in broadcasting with the death of Eugene OF MICHIGAN home come true for many more of our citi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Klemick, who we all knew as the legendary zens. Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues Gene McKay. Thursday, March 29, 2007 to support this important legislation and join us Gene began his service in Columbia at WIS Mr. LEVIN. Madam Speaker, today I am in working towards its enactment at the ear- Radio. He and fellow radio pioneers, Dave pleased to introduce legislation to make per- liest opportunity this year.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E701 NORTHEAST TARRANT CHAMBER TRIBUTE TO GEORGETOWN HIGH that if left undefined lead to millions spent in OF COMMERCE ON ITS 50TH AN- SCHOOL MEN’S BASKETBALL pointless litigation. The bill would allow con- NIVERSARY TEAM sultants advising on Sarbanes-Oxley compli- ance to actually talk to accountants so dif- HON. ferences could be resolved. Finally, the bill HON. KAY GRANGER OF OHIO provides relief to small enterprises and com- panies less than one year old to revive the OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES business sector hit hardest by Section 404. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 29, 2007 Much of the new foreign securities work has Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, I rise already left our country. Many publicly-traded Thursday, March 29, 2007 today to offer congratulations to Georgetown companies are going private to eliminate mil- lions in Sarbanes-Oxley costs. Our reforms Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, I rise High School in Brown County on winning the would keep 95 percent of companies under today to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Division IV Ohio High School Athletic Associa- full Section 404 rules. It would relieve the bur- Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Commerce. tion’s Men’s Basketball Title. The city of Georgetown has always been at- den on only the newest and smallest compa- The Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Com- tached to the catchphrase ‘‘the home of our nies—who are the most dynamic and innova- merce was chartered on December 23, 1957 18th President, Ulysses S. Grant’’. Now Presi- tive parts of our economy. as ‘‘The Greater Richland Area Chamber of dent Grant will need to share that catchphrase While other bills offer more far reaching pro- Commerce.’’ The initial meeting to establish with the 2007 Men’s Basketball Champions. posals, this one is soundly grounded in the the chamber was the dream of Gertrude Georgetown, Ohio, home of Ulysses S. work of the SEC’s own Advisory Committee. Tarpley and Jack Bean. Tarpley was North- Grant and the 2007 State Champion G-Men. f east Tarrant County’s unofficial matriarch and With the win the Georgetown G-Men be- SMALL BUSINESS EXPENSING EX- Bean was its first president. At the time, the came the only basketball team in Ohio this PANSION AND PERMANENCY ACT Richland Industrial Park was in the planning year to complete an undefeated season. OF 2007 stages and many people were concerned Though unranked the G-Men never gave up about how it would affect their homes. Sev- their dream of a perfect season and a state HON. WALLY HERGER championship. enty five local civic leaders signed up to par- OF CALIFORNIA As Georgetown High School marched their ticipate in the new chamber, coming from as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES way through the state tournament all of Brown far away as Grapevine and paying an annual Thursday, March 29, 2007 fee of $25. County caught G-Men fever. It seemed when Georgetown took to the basketball court in Co- Mr. HERGER. Madam Speaker, in 2003 The organization quickly gained momentum. lumbus Brown County’s population crashed to Congress and the President enacted the Jobs In the 1960’s, the chamber worked to balance near zero. and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of commercial, industrial and residential zoning. Madam Speaker, I the school, Coach 2003. This bill strengthened and expanded the It also helped expedite the Airport Freeway Underwood and the entire community on their existing ability of small businesses to imme- construction and helped form the Tarrant perfect season. Brown County is very proud diately expense new investment under Section County Junior College District. The organiza- tonight. Go G-men! 179 of the tax code. The objective of this law tion’s membership also increased, with the f was to further encourage small businesses to group’s regular dinners averaging 500 to 600 make new capital investments, helping to spur attendees. SMALL BUSINESS PROTECTION economic growth and create jobs in our econ- ACT In the late 80’s and early 90’s, the chamber omy. Like many, I believe we should perma- hit a rough patch as questions arose about the nently extend and expand this provision, which organization’s effectiveness. HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK is why I am introducing the Small Business OF Expensing Expansion and Permanency Act of In 1992, Doug Terry, president of Frost Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2007. tional Bank in Hurst, took over as president The Jobs and Growth Act increased from Thursday, March 29, 2007 and the organization agreed to make changes $25,000 to $100,000 the amount of new in- to promote economic development, retain its Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, today I intro- vestment a business can expense—or deduct membership and offer programs to help mem- duced the bipartisan Small Business Securi- from income—in a given year. The law also in- ber businesses. As a result, the chamber be- ties Protection Act with my colleague, Rep- creased—from $200,000 to $400,000—the came more visible to city councils and became resentative Steve Israel. This bill follows the amount of total investment a business can more effective overall. recommendations of the SEC’s own advisory make in a year and still qualify for expensing committee to help small businesses with the In 2001, Robert Hamilton was named presi- under Section 179. The original sunset date costs of implementing just one section of Sar- for expensing was slated for 2007, however dent and CEO and was responsible for imple- banes-Oxley—Section 404. we successfully extended the current law ex- menting innovative ideas and new programs to Section 404 requires publicly traded compa- pensing limits under the Tax Increase Preven- enhance the chamber’s position in the North nies to document all of their internal controls, tion and Reconciliation Act in 2006. They will Texas region. A new economic development While this is helpful with 90 percent of the now expire in 2009. foundation called Quad Cities DFW was companies offering stock in America, it has If the higher expensing limits are good for founded in early 2003 with marketing of the cost the average small company half of its our nation’s small businesses over the next four cities and chamber membership as the profit margin. America has lost 90 percent of two years, they should be good for small busi- main priority. Throughout the next few years, its foreign securities business as markets in nesses indefinitely. This legislation will repeal the chamber, its programs and materials Hong Kong and London advertise themselves the 2009 sunset and expand the current ex- earned top honors from chamber peers as ‘‘Sarbanes-Oxley-free.’’ SEC Chairman Cox pensing limits to $200,000, indexed for infla- throughout the state. warned that Section 404’ s implementation on tion. The current phase out level would also Today, the chamber has 925 members. As small businesses has led to an instinct to ‘‘go increase, and would begin at $800,000 of an- a current member of the Board of Directors, I for the capillary,’’ focusing millions of dollars nual investment. Further, the legislation would can attest to the hard work and commitment on micro-accounting issues rather than ex- allow more small businesses to use this pow- the Northeast Tarrant Chamber has to its panding employment. The Chief Finance Offi- erful expensing ability by reducing the phase cer of Whole Foods recently said ‘‘. . . we members and community. The chamber has out to only 50 cents on every next dollar of in- spent even more time drilling into insignificant been a key player in helping bring economic vestment. Effectively, firms investing up to details . . . spending millions on accounting re- $1.2 million per year would be able to use development and leadership to local busi- search—not on new stores, new products, and some level of expensing. nesses and the Tarrant County community. new jobs.’’ Small businesses truly are the backbone of I commend the Northeast Tarrant Chamber Our bill follows the recommendations of the our economy, representing more than half of for its hard work and dedication. Your involve- SEC’s Advisory Committee to clearly define all jobs and economic output. We should not ment in the economic development of our re- key accounting terms like ‘‘material,’’ ‘‘reason- take small business vitality for granted, how- gion is very crucial and greatly appreciated. able,’’ ‘‘significant,’’ and ‘‘sufficient’’—terms ever. Rather, our tax laws should support

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 small businesses in their role as the engines IN REMEMBRANCE OF CORNEL lated to this increasingly influential commu- of innovation, growth, and job creation. ‘‘CONNIE’’ TERECK nication medium. I am pleased to note that the Madam Speaker, in difficult economic times, State Department has already implemented one of the action items of this proposed legis- we must do all we can to encourage new in- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH lation by including important additional infor- vestment and job creation by creating certainty OF OHIO mation in the Country Reports, such as the and predictability for America’s small business IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES domestic legal authority for internet restrictions owners. The Small Business Expensing Ex- Thursday, March 29, 2007 and penalties imposed for the exercise of free pansion and Permanency Act of 2007 will help Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise speech via the Internet. This information is accomplish this worthy goal. I applaud the Ad- today to honor the life and accomplishments critical to efforts to address Internet repression ministration for its consistent leadership on of Cornel ‘‘Connie’’ Tereck, whose fierce dedi- in countries like Vietnam, China, Tunisia, and this issue, and I look forward to working with cation to family, friends and country serves as Belarus, and to convince governments that others in Congress to enact this much-needed a model for all who have been blessed by his free speech restrictions are contrary to their legislation. presence. national interests. As a member of the Greatest Generation, It is worth noting that most of the major f Connie served in the United States Navy dur- human rights efforts undertaken by the United ing World War II, where he protected our States Government in recent decades—includ- CE´ SAR CHA´ VEZ’S BIRTHDAY country with great pride and courage. After re- ing the Country Reports themselves—have tiring from the service, Connie carried this been the result of Congressional mandates: commitment to the security of our country into The Jackson-Vanik Amendment; The Inter- HON. AL GREEN his professional life, as he went to work for the national Religious Freedom Act; the Torture OF TEXAS Department of Defense. He proudly worked at Victims Relief Act; the Lautenberg Amend- ment; the Trafficking Victims Protection Act; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Defense Contract Administration Service Region until his retirement in 1987. the North Korean Human Rights Act. These Thursday, March 29, 2007 Connie was known as a man of honesty, in- were Congressional initiatives undertaken in telligence and wit, not only to friends and fam- the face of skepticism—and sometimes out- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, ily but to the whole community. He took inter- right opposition—by the Executive branch. For example, I recall when then-Assistant this Saturday, millions of Americans will honor est in and care of the people surrounding him, Secretary Shattuck appeared before my sub- a great American hero—Ce´sar Cha´vez—on and his deep devotion to, and commitment for committee 10 years ago to oppose the Inter- what would have been his 80th birthday. his family and friends stands as a shining ex- national Religious Freedom Act. He argued ample to us all. He was a beloved husband of Ce´sar Cha´vez was a civil rights and human that he was ‘‘particularly concerned’’ that the 57 years to his wife, Laura, and his legacy will rights leader who learned about the impor- bill would ‘‘harm the very people it seeks to continue through three children and five tance of justice early in his life. He would often help’’ because it would ‘‘legislate a hierarchy say: ‘‘The love for justice that is in us is not grandchildren. of human rights into our laws’’ that could ‘‘se- Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join only the best part of our being but it is also verely damage our efforts to ensure that all the most true to our nature.’’ me in honoring Cornel ‘‘Connie’’ Tereck as a aspects of basic civil and political rights . . . true example of the spirit upon which this are protected.’’ Not surprisingly, this dooms- After graduating from the eighth grade, a great Nation is built. We have lost a loving fa- young Ce´sar Cha´vez went to work in the fields day prophecy did not come to pass. ther, a faithful husband, a courageous service- To the contrary, once such issues have as a migrant farm worker to support his family. man and a wonderful neighbor, but his caring In 1962, Cha´vez and Dolores Huerta founded been forced by legislation, the Executive personality and loving devotion continue to in- branch eventually internalizes, and sometimes the National Farm Workers Association, later spire everyone that has crossed paths with ´ embraces, those human rights priorities. For to become the United Farm Workers. Chavez him. had the foresight to train his union workers example, religious freedom and trafficking are and then to send many of them into the cities f now mainstream policy priorities that receive where they were to use the boycott and picket THE 2006 COUNTRY REPORTS ON far more international attention and action than as their weapon. HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES AND they did before the laws were on the books. Other mandates are embraced more slowly, Cha´vez was able to successfully organize THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN U.S. FOREIGN POLICY such as the refugee title of the North Korean farm workers because of his tireless leader- Human Rights Act, which has not yet been ship and nonviolent tactics that helped pass adequately implemented. laws which would permit farm workers to orga- HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH There are many countries where the seri- nize into unions and allow collective bar- OF NEW JERSEY ousness of human rights violations deserves gaining agreements. He also helped make IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES condemnation, including Zimbabwe with its re- people aware of the struggles of farm workers Thursday, March 29, 2007 cent horrific crackdown on the political opposi- for fair wages and safer working conditions. tion, North Korea, Eritrea, Belarus, Burma, His movement was the beginning of La Causa Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Ethiopia and Iran. The (‘‘The Cause’’), a cause that was supported by this morning the Committee on Foreign Affairs Report provides disturbing details about how organized labor, religious groups, minorities, held a hearing on the recently-released 2006 these countries in particular—though not ex- and students. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices clusively—continue to thwart universal prin- prepared by the Department of State. Over the ´ ´ ciples of respect for fundamental human Cesar Chavez, the founder and president of past three decades, we have seen a steady the United Farm Workers of America, AFL– rights. However, I will limit myself to focusing increase in the quality, candor, and scope of the spotlight on three human rights violators in CIO, died peacefully in his sleep on April 23, the annual Country Reports on Human Rights 1993. On August 8, 1994, Ce´sar Cha´vez was particular—China, Sudan, and Vietnam. Practices. In fighting the plague of human This year’s report repeats the assessment posthumously awarded the Medal of Freedom, rights abuse, sunlight is often the best dis- our country’s highest civilian honor, by Presi- of prior years that the Chinese Government’s infectant. On the whole, the Country Reports human rights record ‘‘remained poor,’’ but dent Clinton. In the words of President Clinton: shine brightly into some very dark corners. We ‘‘He was for his own people a Moses figure even when many of us thought the situation owe a debt of gratitude to the men and could not get much worse, it adds that the . . . who, with faith and discipline, soft spoken women of the Department of State who work Chinese record ‘‘in certain areas deteriorated.’’ humility and amazing inner strength, led a so hard to compile them. One of those areas often ignored or very courageous life.’’ Although we do not claim to be perfect and downplayed by the international community is Ce´sar Cha´vez left our world better than he are ourselves subject to the universal ideals the appalling lengths to which the government found it, and his legacy inspires not just the 43 we espouse, the United States continues to be will go to enforce its one-child per couple limit. million Latinos in this country, but every per- the world’s most prominent champion of fun- The Chinese government has a long record son on this earth who believes in non-violence damental human rights. of oppressing its people, especially women, as a means to achieve social change. He truly This Congress, I have re-introduced the through its population control program. Beijing was, in the words of Senator Robert Kennedy, Global Online Freedom Act of 2007 which does not deny levying huge fines against peo- ‘‘one of the heroic figures of our time.’’ seeks to promote and defend human rights re- ple who have children the State deems illegal.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E703 In fact, at a hearing that I chaired several resolution is Father Nguyen Van Ly, who has RETIREMENT COMMENDATION FOR years ago, Secretary Dewey testified that already spent over 13 years in prison since MRS. M. JEAN BUTLER ‘‘couples who give birth to an unapproved 1983 for his advocacy of religious freedom child are likely to be assessed a social com- and democracy in Vietnam. Tomorrow, Fr. Ly HON. CORRINE BROWN pensation fee, which can range from one-half will be given a kangaroo trial for exercising his OF FLORIDA the local average annual household income to fundamental human rights, and he faces 20 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as much as ten times that level.’’ Indeed this years in prison in the likely event that he is is a horrific government that decides which convicted. Thursday, March 29, 2007 children are legal and which are illegal—that This is a case worthy of our particular atten- Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Madam is, which children will be allowed to live and tion as the Vietnamese Government auda- Speaker, I rise to extend my most sincere which will not. ciously resumed its past oppression of human ‘‘Congratulations’’ to Mrs. M. Jean Butler on These acts are truly a crime against human- rights after Congress agreed to Vietnam be- her retirement from JCB Construction, Incor- ity executed in conjunction with the UNFPA. coming an official member of the World Trade porated. I wish to join with her many friends, The UNFPA has funded, provided crucial tech- Organization in December 2006. A focus of to family members and admirers in recognizing nical support and, most importantly, provided day’s hearing was the promotion of human Mrs. Butler on this special occasion. cover for massive crimes against humanity of rights in U.S. foreign policy, and it is important The years of dedicated and productive serv- forced abortion and involuntary sterilization. to keep in mind that those of us in Congress ice she has demonstrated have set a standard Tens of millions of children have been slaugh- play an important role in our country’s foreign in the construction industry that will not soon tered—their mothers robbed of their children policy. While substantial criticism was leveled be surpassed. In an industry dominated by by the State. This barbaric policy makes broth- during the hearing at the Administration for its men, Mrs. Butler established lCB Construction, ers and sisters illegal, and makes women the shortcomings in promoting and defending Inc. to be the largest African American female pawns of the population control cadres. human rights, those of us in Congress should owned firm in Central Florida. Expanding on a This barbaric policy has now given rise to a also look in the mirror and ask what priority family legacy of entrepreneurship in the con- new problem for China. An article published in we give to human rights, both individually and struction industry, Mrs. Butler has developed a the Guardian several years ago, stated that as an institution. reputation as a savvy businesswoman who’s China could find itself dealing with as many as f professional and quality work within the last 20 40 million single men by the year 2020 be- years have been modeled by other organiza- cause of the one child policy. According to the PAYING TRIBUTE TO DELORES tions. I commend her for her setting an exam- article Li Weixiong, a population advisor to the TERRANO ple and remaining true to her vision. Chinese government, said a cultural pref- Mrs. Butler is the recipient of many honors erence for boys was creating an artificial dis- HON. JON C. PORTER and awards of which she is most deserving. parity between the number of boys and girls OF NEVADA She is a leader in this community who takes representing ‘‘a serious threat to building a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pride in giving back. Her wisdom and words of well-off society.’’ He also said that the lack of Thursday, March 29, 2007 encouragement to everyone she encounters women in China will lead to a dramatic rise in has endeared her to us all. It has been said, prostitution and the trafficking of women. ‘‘This Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today ‘‘To whom much is given, much is required.’’ is by no means a sensational prediction,’’ he to honor Delores ‘‘Dee Dee’’ Terrano and con- I extend my best wishes for continued happi- stated. gratulate her for her well-deserved recognition ness and abundant blessings during her retire- On that point Mr. Li is right. In fact, the com- of her work with the United States Postal ment. It is my tremendous honor to recognize bined effect of the birth limitation policies and Service. Mrs. Butler for her years of service and for the traditional preference for male children re- Dee Dee began her career with the United being a productive citizen in this community. sulted in the disproportionate abortion of fe- States Postal Service in 1984 as a distribution Her valuable time, efforts and accomplish- male unborn children at a rate of 116.9 to 100 clerk. After showing extraordinary capability ments are greatly appreciated and will never overall, and a shocking 151.9 to 100 for sec- and exemplary leadership skills, she was pro- go unnoticed. ond pregnancies. As a direct result of these moted to Manager of Consumer Affairs/Claims f ongoing crimes against humanity, China today for the Nevada-Sierra District. Under Dee is missing millions of girls—girls who were Dee’s leadership the Nevada-Sierra district HONORING THE NORTHWOOD HIGH murdered in the womb simply because they was the top-ranked office in the country for SCHOOL RED REGIMENT are girls. A couple of years ago, the State De- processing customer claims. Dee Dee worked partment suggested that as many as 100 mil- tirelessly with the Nevada Congressional Dele- HON. MARK E. SOUDER lion girls of all ages are missing—that is to gation for the Nevada-Sierra District as a rep- OF INDIANA say, they should be alive and well and are not, resentative of postal issues. In this post, she IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a direct consequence of the government’s was knowledgeable and very capable at her Thursday, March 29, 2007 one-child policy. This gendercide constitutes job. However, what distinguishes Dee Dee is one of humanity’s worst blights, and a far the care and sensitivity she showed towards Mr. SOUDER. Madam Speaker, today I am greater peril to peace and security than is the needs of my constituent and my staff. delighted to honor the NorthWood High School being credited at this time. Moreover, Dee Dee was also selected to work Red Regiment for being the only Indiana high The world is all too aware of the continuing on the inaugural team that developed the first school invited to march in the Washington, genocide in Sudan, appropriately identified as national call center for the Postal Service. D.C., Memorial Day parade on Monday, May such in the Country Reports. Current reports Dee Dee currently serves as Emergency 28, 2007. estimate that the conflicts in Darfur and in Preparedness Manager, the job which Dee The NorthWood High School Bands, under Southern Sudan have resulted in the deaths of Dee sees as extremely important to Nevada the expert direction of Mr. Barry Houser, have close to 2.4 million people and left over 4 mil- and she is excited to have the opportunity to enjoyed unparalleled success over the last six lion others either internally displaced or as ref- gain knowledge. In this role she has distin- years. Their accomplishments have gained re- ugees. When confronted with such numbers, guished herself by developing and executing gional and national prominence, and include one must also take into account the attending evacuation drills in Las Vegas and Reno. the following: Chosen to represent the State of human rights violations, including the abuse of Over the course of her long and distin- Indiana in the National Memorial Day Parade children, extensive trafficking in persons, and guished career, Dee Dee has received numer- in Washington, D.C., May ’07; Chosen as one the acts of torture and violence against ous accolades; including, a Postmaster Gen- of Indiana’s bands to partner with the great women. eral Award for Automation Readability Leader- Purdue University Bands in 2007; 74th Annual Just two weeks ago, on March 14th, I intro- ship, two national communication awards, a Hollywood Christmas Parade, Hollywood, CA, duced a House resolution calling on the Gov- national best practice award, and an out- 2006; Disneyland Main Street Parade, CA, ernment of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam standing merit award for media and commu- November 2006; Hollywood Bands at the to immediately and unconditionally release nication. Bowl, Hollywood, CA, November 2006; Indi- several political prisoners and prisoners of Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Dee ana Music Educator’s Association State Con- conscience who have been arrested in a re- Dee Terrano. Her dedication to the USPS is vention Wind Ensemble Performance, January cent wave of government oppression. One of commendable and I wish her continued suc- 2004; Outback Bowl Halftime Show, 2500 stu- those individuals specifically mentioned in the cess with her future endeavors. dents nationwide, Tampa, Florida ’04; Outback

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 Bowl Parade, 2nd Place, Tampa, Florida ’03; RAIL AND PUBLIC TRANSPOR- TRIBUTE TO WOMEN’S HISTORY Walt Disney World’s Mickey’s Very Merry TATION SECURITY ACT OF 2007 MONTH Christmas Parade ’03; Indianapolis 500 Open- ing Ceremonies Spectacle of Bands ’03; Chi- HON. JOHN P. SARBANES cago’s Target Thanksgiving Day Parade ’02; HON. KAY GRANGER OF Indianapolis 500 Opening Ceremonies Spec- OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tacle of Bands ’02; Indianapolis 500 Festival IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 29, 2007 Parade ’02. Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I rise The Red Regiment continues to achieve the Thursday, March 29, 2007 today to recognize Women’s History Month. very highest awards everywhere they perform Accordingly, the House resolved itself into Though we have designated March as the and have been an ISSMA State Finalist in the Committee of the Whole House on the particular month for this celebration, we must 1991, 1998, 1999, and 2003. In addition, the state of the Union for the consideration of pause everyday to salute the spirit, courage, bands have earned consistent gold ratings in the bill (H.R. 1401) to improve the security of and contributions of women in our own coun- all marching, concert, and jazz ISSMA con- railroads, public transportation, and over- try and around the world. tests. the-road buses in the United States, and for With the election of the new Speaker of the other purposes: House, our own Baltimore native Nancy The NorthWood Bands have had the oppor- Pelosi, we brought down another barrier and tunity to perform with the internationally fa- Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Chairman, I rise today took another step towards equal and enfran- mous Dallas Brass, open for Maynard Fer- to express my strong opposition to section chised participation of women in government. guson and His Big Bop Noveau Band, and three of amendment No. 18 offered to H.R. On her swearing-in day, Speaker Pelosi said also appear on the front cover of the JW Pep- 1401, the Rail and Public Transportation Se- ‘‘It says to women everywhere that not only a per’s Sheet Music Magazine, which was dis- curity Act of 2007, which would undermine a glass ceiling but a marble ceiling can be bro- tributed nationwide. long standing principle of Federal uniformity in ken and that anything is possible.’’ Out of the I congratulate the following staff and mem- the area of railroad safety law. The railroads 180 countries that directly elect representa- tives to national legislatures, the United States bers of the NorthWood High School Red Regi- have long had Federal preemption from a vari- ranks 60th in terms of female representation. ment on all of their achievements and am ety of State-level laws because railroads, as a national system, could not function effectively Of the nearly 600 persons who have served in proud to have them representing Indiana in a President’s Cabinet since George Washing- under a patchwork of laws from 50 different the Washington, D.C. Memorial Day parade: ton’s presidency, only 29 have been women. States. Barry L. Houser, Director of Bands; Jeanne We have come a long way in giving a voice Focht, Performing Arts Secretary; Tom Regulation of rail safety must be uniform na- to the many disenfranchised and under-rep- Schiefer, Staff; Cristal Osbourn, Guard Di- tionwide. The Federal Rail Safety Act was not resented communities in our nation but the rector. intended to create minimum standards for rail fight for social advancement is not over. Abel, Stephen; Ammerman, Carter; safety; it was intended to create uniform Maryland has been called home by many of Beachy, Staria; Bechtold, Amanda; Brovont, standards governing railroad safety because America’s trailblazing women. This month, Ra- Natasha; Campbell, Tyler; Capre, Laure; Car- Congress recognized that given the interstate chel Carson, who spent many years in Mary- ney, Samantha; Christianson, Taylor; Clark, and interdependent nature of the industry, uni- land and later died in Silver Spring, would Felisha; Clark, Rebecca; Dougherty, Sarah; have celebrated her 100th birthday. Ms. Car- formity was essential to effective safety regu- Douwsma, Seth; Eagan, Harlan; Figueroa, son received her masters degree in Zoology lation. Lissette. from John’s Hopkins University and penned Ford, Alicia; Ghigliotto, Bianca; It would be counterproductive for States and many feature articles on Natural History for Ghigliotto, Brenna; Grabill, Jacob; Hall, localities to impose widely disparate safety re- the Baltimore Sun. But she was best known Samantha; Hapner, Edith; Henke, Corrie; quirements that could hinder a railroad’s ability as the author of Silent Spring—the book that Hochstetter, Chandra; Huber, Danielle; to operate efficiently across State and local pulled back the curtain on the human and en- Hurst, Colton; Hurst, Trenna; Johnson, boundaries. In 1970, Congress found that the vironmental impacts of chemical pesticides Brett; Johnson, Taryn; Kaufman, Michael; railroad industry: ‘‘. . . has a truly interstate such as DDT. Facing a rash of criticism and Koch, Stacie. character calling for a uniform body of regula- in some cases harassment, Ms. Carson per- Korsmo, Amanda; Korsmo, Ashley; Kronk, tion and enforcement. . . . The integral oper- severed and became known as the mother of Shawn; Kurtz, Hannah; Leavitt, Benjamin; ating parts of these companies cross many the environmental movement. In 1964, her life Lengacher, Katelyn; Lentz, Kendra; was cut short by a disease that today has a State lines. In addition to the obvious areas of Loutzenhiser, Samantha; Lucas, Ann; grip on far too many lives, breast cancer. Maltos, Marisella; Marsh, Andrew; Martin, rolling stock and employees, such elements as Madam Speaker, the first female President Andrea; McDonald, Jennifer; McFerren, operating rules, signal systems, power supply of Ireland and former United Nations High Amanda; McFerren, Molly. systems, and communication systems of a sin- Commissioner of Human Rights, Mary Robin- McWilliams, Hannah; Messick, Patrick; gle company normally cross numerous State son, once said, ‘‘In a society where the rights Metzler, Alisha; Miller, Drew; Minnich, Kim- lines. To subject a carrier to enforcement be- and potential of women are constrained, no berly; Minnich, Kristen; Moorhead, Ian; Nel- fore a number of different State administrative man can be truly free. He may have power, son, Stephanie; Nisley, Garret; Nissley, and judicial systems in several areas of oper- but he will not have freedom.’’ Celebrating Bradlynn; Palmer, Tiffany; Peterson, Ben; ation could well result in an undue burden on women’s history gives girls and women the Phillips, Tyler; Reed, Adam. interstate commerce.’’ (H.R. Report No. 91– courage to dream bigger and gives us all the Reid, Tabitha; Reid, Thomas; Rensberger, 1194 (1970)) opportunity to redouble our efforts in helping Heather; Reynolds, Britney; Riege, Kyle; them realize these dreams. I salute the great Congress’ reasoning was sound then, and Riege, Matthew; Schaffer, Lucas; Schieber, women of our nation and encourage the next Brett; Schloke, Kirsten; Schmitt, Ashley; that reasoning remains sound today, generation to further the cause of equality and Schmitt, Christina; Schmitt, Katelyn; In conclusion, I am concerned by the fact freedom. Schmitt, Michael; Schmitt, Rochelle; Smith, that this sweeping provision was labeled f Kayla. ‘‘technical’’ in nature. In addition, there have 5-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF RADIO Smith, Kyle; Smith, Lindsay; Sonner, been no hearings on this topic and no analysis FREE AFGHANISTAN Jaclyn; Stahl, Amanda; Stahl, Jeremy; Ste- of its effects on the railroad industry and inter- phens, Stewart; Stevens, Derrick; Stutzman, Shelby; Stutzman, Trenton; Taylor, state commerce. Federal preemption is vital to fluid daily operations of the railroads which we HON. EDWARD R. ROYCE Qwatecia; Teske, Bradley. OF CALIFORNIA all rely on to move goods efficiently across the Truex, Corey; Wakefield, Karen; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wegmiller, Jillian; Weldy, Kory; Wenger, Ra- country. In fact, we should not forget that, this Thursday, March 29, 2007 chel; Wilson, Breanna; Yoder, Andrew; is precisely why the founding fathers included Yoder, Emily; Yoder, Sarah; Zimmerman, important interstate commerce protections in Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, January 30, Krystal. the Constitution. 2007, marked the 5-year anniversary of Radio

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E705 Free Afghanistan’s first broadcast. Five years Belen Goju Ryu Karate School. He attended state of the Union for the consideration of ago, this service of Radio Free began Dennis Chavez Elementary then was home- the bill (H.R. 1401) to improve the security of broadcasting 12 hours a day in Dari and schooled for several years before entering railroads, public transportation, and over- the-road buses in the United States, and for Pashto, to millions of Afghans who had been Belen High School. He has two sisters who other purposes: thirsting for legitimate news and information. are currently attending UNM in Albuquerque. Radio Free Afghanistan had operated during After graduation in 2008, Ben plans to attend Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Chair- the Soviet invasion, but was then unwisely San Juan Community College and earn two man, I rise today in strong support of H.R. stopped. The Taliban’s Radio Shariat filled the associate degrees—Aviation and Law Enforce- 1401, the ‘‘Rail and Public Transportation Se- vacuum—broadcasting a steady stream of ment. He then plans to attend the University of curity Act.’’ hate. After the Taliban’s fall, Radio Free Af- Minnesota to complete a BS degree in Avia- Since the attacks on 9/11, we have seen ghanistan was restarted and has established tion Law Enforcement and begin a related ca- the tragic consequences when the itself as the leading broadcaster, with nearly reer. vulnerabilities of rail and public transportation 60 percent of Afghan adults listening. Ben encourages all young men to explore systems are exploited, including in London Madam Speaker, it was Congress who took the Scouting experience—‘‘It has helped me and Madrid. We cannot afford to wait for an the lead in creating this essential service. A bi- grow in outdoor and leadership skills and attack here in America before we make rail partisan group of Members passed my Radio helped to mold my character and make me a and transit security the priority it needs to be. Free Afghanistan Act of 2001 quickly after better person. The Scouting program teaches Tens of billions of dollars have been spent September 11th. valuable life skills.’’ on aviation security since 9/11, yet only $660 As Afghans have confronted many chal- I am proud to recognize Benjamin Cline for million has been devoted to mass transit secu- lenges over the past 5 years, Radio Free Af- his accomplishments. It is my honor as a rity. While we all agree that air travel needs to ghanistan has been there—and will continue Member of Congress to have the chance to be as safe as possible, we cannot forget to be in the years to come, offering a voice of congratulate this outstanding young man on about the security of the millions of people freedom and moderation. an achievement he will celebrate the rest of who are riding subways, trains, and busses everyday. f his life. Congratulations Ben Cline, your family, your congressman, and your country are all This bipartisan legislation will help to make TRIBUTE TO BOB BECKWITH proud of your achievement. our Nation’s railways and public transportation f systems safer by requiring the Departments of HON. PETER T. KING Homeland Security and Transportation to de- HONORING THE ACCOMPLISH- OF NEW YORK velop a national strategy for the security of MENTS OF GEORGE DAVID these systems after assessing the significant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES risks associated with them. The bill would au- Thursday, March 29, 2007 HON. JOHN B. LARSON thorize $6 billion over the next four years for Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF CONNECTICUT grant programs and it would require training today to congratulate Bob Beckwith on the up- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for rail, transit, and bus employees about pre- coming celebration of his 75th Birthday on Thursday, March 29, 2007 vention, preparation, and response to a ter- April 16th. Bob personifies the very best of the rorist attack. H.R. 1401 increases the number Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Madam FDNY and has been a source of strength for of full-time surface transportation inspectors Speaker, I rise today in honor of Mr. George so many grieving Americans, whether he was and it requires the development of regulations David, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer standing with President Bush at Ground Zero for the transportation of sensitive materials in- of United Technologies Corporation, who re- just days after September 11th or traveling cluding the possibilities of alternative routes. ceived the Leadership in Human Capital Prac- across the country to raise funds for the New I am especially pleased to note that this bill tices award at the Third Annual CNBC Execu- York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation. I provides critical whistleblower protections for tive Leadership Award ceremony on January wish him all the best and I am proud to call DHS, DoT, and rail and public transportation 31, 2007. While this prestigious award seeks him my friend! employees who report security risks or viola- to honor executives ‘‘who best exemplifies f tions. Just this month the House passed legis- leadership in human capital practices within lation that, among other provisions, extended CONGRATULATING BENJAMIN their organization by cultivating highly produc- important whistleblower protections to employ- CLINE FOR EARNING HIS EAGLE tive and satisfied workforces,’’ no award can ees of intelligence agencies and to federal SCOUT AWARD fully appreciate the impact that his leadership contractors. It is important that we protect has had on the lives of thousands of American those who by blowing the whistle on mis- citizens across the country. conduct or wrongdoing help keep this country HON. STEVAN PEARCE The Employee Scholar Program he created safe. OF has allowed UTC employees to obtain more Our constituents should feel as safe as pos- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES than 20,000 academic degrees free of charge. sible whether they commute daily on a train or Thursday, March 29, 2007 Since 1996, Mr. David’s advocacy of the bus or whether they are occasional travelers $600,000,000 investment by United Tech- Mr. PEARCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today on public transportation systems. Passage of nologies Corporation in this program has not to congratulate Benjamin Cline for recently the bill before us today is an important step in only enriched the lives of his fellow employ- earning his Eagle Scout Award, the highest enhancing the security of the Nation’s mass ees, but has benefited every corner of our award in Scouting. His keen interest, work transit systems. great country. The United States of America is ethic and drive in the pursuit of excellence I urge my colleagues to vote aye. more vibrant, dynamic, and competitive be- have led Ben to complete all the ranks along f the trail to Eagle, including 29 merit badges. cause of the Employee Scholar Program he Benjamin’s Eagle Scout Service Project was created more than 10 years ago. Madam HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF completed by installing two flag poles at Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join me DAVID MABIE Belen’s Alexander Airport. He has enjoyed today in congratulating George David for re- Boy Scouts through many camping trips, build- ceiving this prestigious award. HON. TOM DAVIS f ing his own raft and river rafting, canoeing 50 OF VIRGINIA miles down the Rio Grande and bicycling over RAIL AND PUBLIC TRANSPOR- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 miles. TATION SECURITY ACT OF 2007 Ben is the son of Doug and Ann Marie Cline Thursday, March 29, 2007 of Los Lunas and a junior at Belen High SPEECH OF Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speak- School. At BHS he holds the rank of Lt. JG in er, I rise today to honor Mr. David Mabie on Naval ROTC and is the Color Guard com- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY the occasion of his retirement after 40 years of OF NEW YORK mander. He is involved in the new Sea Scouts dedicated public service to the Commonwealth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ship recently formed at Belen High School as of Virginia. well as with MESA. He is a member of the Tuesday, March 27, 2007 Mr. Mabie began his career at the Waynes- First United Methodist Church Handbell Choir. Accordingly, the House resolved itself into boro Police Department, as one of the original Ben also holds a second degree Black Belt at the Committee of the Whole House on the officers of the newly formed Prince William

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 County division. He served there as a detec- prepared to comply with several of these pro- This bill also prohibits the Secretary from tive until moving to the Commonwealth Attor- visions. This audit was completed, as well as initiating a pilot program until U.S. motor car- ney’s Office in 1980. Throughout his time several follow-up audits. However, inde- riers are allowed to begin comparable oper- there, Mr. Mabie investigated major cases in- pendent certification of actual compliance with ations in Mexico. DOT has received nearly volving capital charges, and was successful in all of the conditions set forth in Section 350 900 applications from Mexican carriers seek- bringing convictions in all but one case. was not required, and has not occurred. ing operating authority in the U.S. Under the In 1991, Mr. Mabie was elected as Clerk of It is well established that Mexican law does pilot program, 100 U.S. companies are to re- the Circuit Court in Prince William County, not require many fundamental elements of ceive reciprocal authority to operate in Mexico, where he has tirelessly worked for the citizens highway safety that are required for U.S. driv- yet to date DOT has received very few appli- of Northern Virginia. As Circuit Court Clerk, ers. Mexican drivers are not subject to hours- cations from U.S. firms. DOT estimates that Mr. Mabie has been responsible for organizing of-service restrictions comparable to those the Mexican government will not be ready to regular staff meetings, assisting in the auto- governing U.S. drivers. Anecdotal evidence process the applications of U.S. carriers for at mation of land records, and instituting a dis- suggests that working hours for truck drivers least six months. This bill will ensure that the pute resolution program which strives to re- in Mexico go far beyond anyone’s estimate of United States is not placed at a competitive solve family conflicts outside the courtroom. a safe, reasonable limit. Drug and alcohol test- disadvantage with Mexico under a cross-bor- Mr. Mabie has been involved with numerous ing is also an area of concern, because Mex- der pilot program. civic organizations such as the United Way, ico does not have certified drug testing labs. In 1999, Congress passed the Motor Carrier Regional Jail Board, and the Chamber of To comply with U.S. regulations, drug test col- Safety Improvement Act (Public Law 106– lection facilities in Mexico send specimens to Commerce. He will retire on April 1, 2007, and 159). In this Act, Congress mandated that in labs in the United States for processing. join his wife, Copper, managing the Red Door carrying out its duties, the Administration Chain-of-custody issues make compliance with Art Center in Louisa, Virginia. He also plans to ‘‘shall consider the assignment and mainte- U.S. drug and alcohol requirements very dif- work part-time with the Prince William County nance of safety as the highest priority.’’ We ficult to gauge. Further, many challenges re- Sheriff’s Office two days a week. main in implementing the requirement estab- must continue to use this as our guiding prin- Madam Speaker, in closing, I would like to lished in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Effi- ciple in the oversight of motor carrier transpor- extend my heartfelt thanks to Dave Mabie for cient Transportation Act: A Legacy for Users tation. Each year, more than 5,000 people are his years of service and dedication to the (SAFETEA–LU)(Public Law 109–59), that all killed in large truck crashes on our Nation’s Northern Virginia community. I ask my col- Mexican drivers be subjected to the same rig- roads, and more than 100,000 are seriously leagues to join me in congratulating Mr. Mabie orous criminal and security background injured. These statistics are already far too on his retirement and wishing him the best of checks that U.S. drivers undergo in order to high. We cannot afford to take a step back- luck in all future endeavors. be permitted to transport hazardous materials. ward in terms of safety. f Despite these concerns, DOT has an- f nounced plans for a pilot program to grant 100 THE ‘‘SAFE AMERICAN ROADS ACT DAVID GUERRA GALVAN OF 2007’’ Mexico-domiciled trucking companies the au- thority to conduct long-haul operations in the United States. If foreign carriers do not comply HON. JOE BACA HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR fully with all U.S. motor carrier safety laws, the OF CALIFORNIA OF MINNESOTA safety of the American traveling public is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES placed in jeopardy. This pilot program is the Thursday, March 29, 2007 Thursday, March 29, 2007 first test of whether the provisions of Section 350, as well as other safety measures, exist in Mr. BACA. Madam Speaker, I stand here Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, I am the real world, and are not just satisfied on today to honor and remember a soldier, civil proud to be an original co-sponsor of the paper. servant, loving husband, father, and grand- ‘‘Safe American Roads Act of 2007,’’ intro- H.R. ll, the Safe American Roads Act of father, David Guerra Galvan. duced today by the gentlewoman from Kansas 2007, will restore accountability and fairness David passed away on Friday, March 23, (Mrs. BOYDA). This legislation ensures the to the process of opening the border, and en- 2007 at Kaiser Hospital in Fontana, California. safety of the traveling public on America’s sure that the U.S. proceeds with caution while He was born in San Bernardino, California, roads as our Nation seeks to honor its com- outstanding safety issues are verified. The Act and was a resident of Rialto, my hometown, mitments under the North American Free prohibits DOT from granting authority to Mex- for 50 years. Trade Agreement (NAFTA). ico-domiciled motor carriers to operate beyond David served his country in the Army during Since 1995, the opening of the border be- the commercial zones on the U.S.-Mexico bor- WWII as a Paratrooper in the 101st Airborne tween the United States and Mexico to cross- der, except under a pilot program that meets Division. He was honorably discharged with border motor vehicle traffic has been delayed the requirements set out in the bill. The bill Distinguished Service from July 1944 to June due to concerns over whether opening the also requires the following: The pilot program 1946 and Good Conduct medals during the border would adversely impact safety on U.S. must meet all 22 requirements of Section 350 European Occupation. During his European roads. While the U.S. Department of Transpor- (Public Law 107–87) and all requirements set service, he was transferred to the 82nd Air- tation (DOT) has made considerable progress forth under Transportation Equity Act for the borne Division and assigned to a special de- over the last decade, several unanswered 21st Century (TEA 21)(Public Law 105–85) re- tachment for the personal protection of Gen- questions remain about whether the necessary lating to pilot programs; DOT must provide, eral Dwight Eisenhower. systems are in place today to hold Mexico- prior to initiation of the pilot program, an op- After his military service, David attended domiciled motor carriers to the same strict portunity for public comment on the details of Skadron College of Business in . Federal standards that govern U.S. commer- a pilot program, including the measures in He began working for the Federal Government cial truck operations. place to protect the health and safety of the at Norton Air Force Base in the Defense Com- It is because of these unanswered ques- public, enforcement measures, penalties for munications Agency as a Data Communica- tions that we must introduce this bill. In 2001, non-compliance, and safety metrics to evalu- tions Operator, subsequently becoming Super- Congress passed the FY 2002 Department of ate the pilot; a pilot program to grant long-haul visor of the AUTODIN Switch Center. He re- Transportation and Related Agencies Appro- operating authority to Mexico-domiciled motor tired after 40 years of highly commended and priations Act (Public Law 107–87), which pro- carriers must be terminated after one year of outstanding performance for the Air Force in hibited DOT from using funds to grant long- enactment of this Act; the IG must review the November 1990. haul operating authority to Mexico-domiciled pilot program to determine whether Mexico- David was an active member of the commu- motor carriers until 22 safety requirements had domiciled motor carriers participating in the nity and a close personal friend. I would often been met. Section 350 of this Act set forth a pilot program are in full compliance with U.S. see him and his family at the 9 o’clock mass comprehensive list of vehicle, driver, and safe- motor carrier safety laws, including the provi- at St. Catherine of Siena in ty management requirements, including drug sions detailed in Section 350, and report his Rialto. and alcohol testing, hours of service, driver findings to Congress within 90 days of com- David loved to hear our daughter Jennifer qualifications, vehicle specifications and main- pletion of the pilot program; and DOT must re- singing Mariachi Music, and to dance with his tenance, and safety management practices. port to Congress on the results of the pilot beloved wife, Carmen. The DOT Inspector General (IG) was re- program within 60 days of completion of the After a tough day, I could always count on quired to review whether the Department was pilot program. David to call and ask me, ‘‘Hey Trooper, how

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E707 you doing?’’ I will always appreciate all of the our own nuclear weapons program. We League, the Steel City Invitational, and the support and friendship he has given me over moved in the right direction when the Senate Pennsylvania Division I championships. The the years. ratified the Moscow Treaty in 2003, which pro- team then went on to earn an invitation to the David is survived by his wife of 54 years, vides that by 2012 both the U.S. and Russia prestigious Nike Team Nationals in Portland, Carmen; daughter Debby Galvan; sons Jeff will reduce their long-range warheads two- OR, where they outraced more than 39 other and Randy; grandchildren Leanne, Jason, thirds from approximately 6,000 warheads teams from around the country on their way to Erick, Joshua, Lauren, and Jack; sister Mary each to 2,200. However, the Administration an undefeated season and a national title. Valdez; and brother Joseph. has failed to build on this effort. According to Led by Head Coach Keith Andrew and As- Let us take the time to pay tribute to a won- a recent study, Securing The Bomb: An Agen- sistant Coach Dave Lapp, the team has made derful man. Let us celebrate the life he lived da for Action (May, 2004; prepared by the the Coatesville Area School District and its and the example he led. Belfer Center, Harvard University Kennedy communities very proud of their dedication, Although he is no longer with us, David’s School of Government): Total nuclear-threat- hard work and determination to win. The 7 legacy and spirit will continue to live on reduction spending remains less than one members of the team deserving of recognition through the lives of everyone he has touched. quarter of one percent of the U.S. military are: seniors Kyle Dawson, Owen Dawson, The thoughts and prayers of my wife Bar- budget. Indeed, on average, the Bush admin- Tom Pannulla, Jason Leonard, and Sean bara, my family and I are with his family at this istration requests for nuclear-threat-reduction Ward; junior Andrew Mahoney; and sopho- time. spending over FY 2002—2005 have been more Chris Rosato. These terrific young men f less, in real terms, than the last Clinton admin- have brought great honor, respect and distinc- istration request, made long before the 9/11 tion to their school, communities and families INTRODUCTION OF NUCLEAR DIS- attacks ever occurred. Instead, the Administra- and are most deserving of this body’s recogni- ARMAMENT AND ECONOMIC CON- tion has moved to increase the country’s nu- tion. VERSION ACT OF 2007 clear capacity. So I ask, Madam Speaker, that my col- However, the problem today even more leagues join me in congratulating the HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON complicated than nuclear disarmament by na- Coatesville varsity men’s cross-country team OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA tion states. The greatest threat today is from for their outstanding season. They worked ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES inadequately defended and guarded sites in tremely hard and deserve all that they have Thursday, March 29, 2007 many countries where there is enough mate- achieved. rial to make nuclear weapons and many op- f Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, today, I am portunities for terrorists or nations without again introducing the Nuclear Disarmament weapons to secure nuclear materials. Aston- IN REMEMBRANCE OF SERGEANT and Economic Conversion Act (NDECA), as I ishingly, because of the absence of presi- ALESSANDRO CARBONARO have done since 1994, after working with the dential leadership, less nuclear material was residents who were responsible for a ballot ini- seized in the two years following the 9/11 at- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH tiative passed by D.C. voters in 1993. NDECA tacks than in the 2 years immediately pre- OF OHIO will require the United States to disable and ceding the attacks (Securing The Bomb: An IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dismantle its nuclear weapons when all other Agenda for Action, May 2004). Thursday, March 29, 2007 nations possessing nuclear weapons enact In my work on the Homeland Security Com- laws to do the same. NDECA further provides mittee, I know that threats from nuclear pro- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise that when U.S. nuclear weapons are disman- liferation and available nuclear material are today to honor and remember Marine Ser- tled, the resources for supporting nuclear more dangerous in the post 9/11 era than in geant Alessandro Carbonaro. He served his weapon programs would be used for our 1994, when I first introduced the Nuclear Dis- country tirelessly until his death on May 10, growing human and infrastructure needs, such armament and Economic Conversion Act. It is 2006. The loss of this young, dedicated hero as housing, health care, Social Security and more urgent than ever to begin closing down is felt by not only those who knew him, but the environment. nuclear capability here and around the world. also those who have been touched by the life Tragically, instead of nuclear disarmament, Today our country has 45 million people still that he led. nations around the world have increased in ef- without health insurance, a long list of other Sgt. Carbonaro was raised in Bethesda, forts to seek or acquire nuclear capability. Last urgent domestic needs put on the back burner Maryland, the only child of Fulvio and Gilda week, the Security Council unanimously following the invasion of Iraq and large tax Carbonaro. He was a private, headstrong, and adopted resolution 1737 (2006) under Article cuts to wealthy people and corporations, an independent child who held his family dear. 41 of the Charter’s Chapter VIII, imposing economy burdened with a dangerous deficit, Over the years, Sgt. Carbonaro developed a sanctions on Iran for failure to halt uranium and millions of Americans pushed back into passion for music, history, and writing. After enrichment and mandating that Iran cease all poverty during the last four years. As the only graduating from Sandy Spring Friends School, sensitive nuclear activities. China’s acquisition nation that has used nuclear weapons in war Sgt. Carbonaro shocked his family and friends of nuclear weapons particularly underscores and still possesses the largest arsenal, the by volunteering to join the United States Ma- the dangerous spread of these weapons as a U.S. has an obligation to begin the arduous rine Corps. He told his parents that he felt a potent destabilizing force in world affairs. process of leading the world in the transfer of strong sense of duty to his country and want- North Korea, at least in part in response to nuclear weapons funds to urgent domestic ed to live the life that he envisioned. early aggressive talk by this administration re- needs. Sgt. Carbonaro enlisted in the Marine Corps sponded in a dangerously paranoid fashion by during the summer of 1998. He initially com- f announcing that it is expanding its nuclear ca- mitted himself to five years of active duty. pabilities, and today few doubt that North RECOGNIZING THE COATESVILLE After September 11, 2001, however, his re- Korea has acquired a nuclear device. The VARSITY MEN’S CROSS-COUNTRY solve strengthened and he felt an obligation to North Korean threat has become so serious TEAM FOR ITS UNDEFEATED 2006 reenlist. Sgt. Carbonaro set his sights on the that the Administration recently reversed SEASON elite Marines Reconnaissance Unit, a status course and agreed to freeze North Korea’s nu- obtained by fewer than one in five who at- clear program in exchange for 50,000 tons of HON. JIM GERLACH tempts it. By September 2004, he had been heavy fuel oil. India and Pakistan have moved OF PENNSYLVANIA deployed to Iraq with the 2nd Reconnaissance back from the precipice of several years ago IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Battalion. Sgt. Carbonaro was eventually but each remains poised with nuclear weap- awarded the Purple Heart. ons. Thursday, March 29, 2007 Upon completion of his first deployment, The invasion of Iraq and the resistance of Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Sgt. Carbonaro returned to Maryland and mar- the Administration to end the war have cost today to congratulate the coaching staff and ried Gilda Maria Arroyo on May 28, 2005. In the United States much of its leadership on talented members of the varsity men’s cross- March 2006, he returned to Iraq and was cho- the nuclear proliferation and other urgent inter- country team at Coatesville High School in sen to lead a unit of younger Marines. Sgt. national issues. This country would be non- Coatesville, PA, on their highly successful and Carbonaro did not regard these men as sol- credible in dissuading other nations who as- championship 2006 season. diers, but as brothers. His moral and physical pire to become or remain nuclear powers if we The 7 varsity members of the Coatesville strength made him the backbone of the unit. ourselves took greater initiative in dismantling cross-country team won the Ches-Mont On May 1, 2006, when his unit’s vehicles hit

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 an explosive device, his first concerns were PERSONAL EXPLANATION the executive branch of the Government for his fellow Marines. should belong to a club that discriminates on the basis of sex or race. It’s common sense Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join HON. RAHM EMANUEL that our leaders and lawmakers should not be- me in honoring and remembering Marine Ser- OF ILLINOIS long to clubs that discriminate . . . period. geant Alessandro Carbonaro, who exemplified IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f the ideals put forth by the Reconnaissance Thursday, March 29, 2007 Creed—Honor, Perseverance, Spirit, and Mr. EMANUEL. Madam Speaker, I was ab- CONCERN ABOUT FARHAD ALIYEV Heart. Please also join me in expressing my sent from the Chamber for rollcall No. 205 on AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN AZER- deepest condolences to his parents, his young March 28, 2007. Had I been present, I would BAIJAN wife, Gilda, and his extended family and have voted ‘‘yea.’’ friends. Although Sgt. Carbonaro will be pro- f HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN foundly missed, his unwavering devotion to his OF NEW YORK family and country will live on in the hearts of REINTRODUCTION OF ENDING TAX IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES those who were touched by the life of this fall- BREAKS FOR DISCRIMINATION Thursday, March 29, 2007 ACT OF 2007 AND THE FAIR en hero. PLAY-EQUAL ACCESS IN MEM- Mr. ACKERMAN. Madam Speaker, I would BERSHIP RESOLUTION like to call the House’s attention to an impor- f tant human rights case in Azerbaijan. Mr. Farhad Aliyev, the former minister of economic PAYING TRIBUTE TO JEFF HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY development and a leading pro-West reformer, HENDERSON OF NEW YORK has been arrested and charged with planning IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a coup, though I think his true crime was Thursday, March 29, 2007 speaking truth to power in Azerbaijan. Too HON. JON C. PORTER often, the United States has allowed imme- Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam OF NEVADA diate interests to blind us to the long-term Speaker, today I am reintroducing a bill to end risks associated with ignoring or downplaying IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES government subsidies for private clubs that significant human rights violations abroad. discriminate against women. Ending Tax There is enormous potential in U.S.-Azeri rela- Thursday, March 29, 2007 Breaks for Discrimination Act of 2007 makes it tions, and I want to see this relationship con- illegal to take income tax deductions for ex- Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today tinue to blossom. But we risk implanting a fatal penses at clubs with ‘‘No Women Allowed’’ flaw in this development if we are not frank to honor Jeff Henderson for his extraordinary membership policies. It is wrong for corpora- accomplishments in the culinary field and for about our concerns about human rights and tions to write-off big expenditures for entertain- the rule of law. his success with his new book. ment, meetings and advertising at clubs that I submit a March 17, 2007, article from the Jeff Henderson’s life is an inspirational story keep women out while they target women con- Washington Times, ‘‘Ex-Azeri official held for of overcoming great odds and achieving one’s sumers’ pocketbooks. This bill will put an end 17 months’’, by Jason Motlagh, detailing Mr. dreams. Growing up in South Central Los An- to that. With the Masters Golf Tournament Aliyev’s case for the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD geles and San Diego, Jeff had a run in with coming up this Monday, April 2nd, now is the with my remarks. the law where he served almost a decade in time to address these discriminatory practices. [From the Washington Times, Mar. 17, 2007] Right now, conventions and meetings come federal prison. He did not discover his passion EX-AZERI OFFICIAL HELD FOR 17 MONTHS right off corporate income tax as legitimate for cooking until doing kitchen duty. Jeff began (By Jason Motlagh) business deductions, including those held at his new found passion as a dishwasher and BAKU, AZERBAIJAN.—The view from Sabina private clubs that discriminate. Half the price worked his way to the top as a Chef for res- Aliyeva’s balcony commands the skyline of of a business lunch is deductible. But if you’re this reborn boomtown and the Caspian Sea taurants such as L’Escale and the Dining a woman, you subsidize 1⁄2 a guy’s lunch with beyond, but for the past 17 months one stark Room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Marina Del your taxes, even though you can’t join the gray building off to the right has loomed Rey, California. He later became the Sous- club. The whole point is that members of large. Inside, her husband, Farhad Aliyev, the Chef at the Hotel Bel-Air and at L’Ermitage these clubs get financial gains—either indi- Hotel. former minister of economic development rectly through career opportunities and board and a leading pro-West reformer, remains In 2000, Jeff made history as the first Afri- appointments, or directly through tax deduc- locked in solitary confinement, charged with can American to be named Chef de Cuisine at tions. Women can’t get these same financial planning a coup—though no evidence of it the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The Amer- gains—just because they’re women. Golf is so has been put before a court of law. International human rights groups and ican Food and Wine Tasting Federation hon- ingrained as a part of business success that business schools teach juniors and seniors U.S. lawmakers say Mr. Aliyev is a political ored him in 2001 as the ‘‘Las Vegas Chef of prisoner whose rights have been violated as the Year’’. Black Enterprise magazine has also how to make the most of country club mem- he awaits due process. According to Azeri honored him as one of the top African-Amer- berships. If you can’t play golf, join the ‘‘guys’’ law, a judge must hear his case by April or after a round, and get the same elite club ican chefs. While he is currently employed at release him from pretrial detention. bonus package from your employer that your The high-profile case comes amid efforts Cafe´ Bellagio as Executive Chef, he also male counterparts can, you’re clearly missing by the Bush administration to secure closer serves as a public speaker and motivator to out. ties with the oil-rich nation, considered to be provide inspiration for troubled youths. of increasing importance in a sensitive re- This bill ends deductions for advertising, gion. Critics counter that better bilateral re- Jeff’s greatest accomplishment has come travel, accommodation and meals associated lations must be in step with U.S. demands from his book entitled, ‘‘Cooked: From the with these clubs. And it requires discriminatory for democratic reform, and not allow a con- Streets to the Stove, From Cocaine to Foie clubs to print right on their receipts ‘‘not tax venient foreign policy to obscure a grim Gras’’. Since its March 2007 release, his book deductible’’. human rights record. is now a New York Times Best Seller after just Let me be clear, I like big business, but Azerbaijan is a secular Muslim country on women must be equal players. Legitimate tax the western shore of the Caspian Sea, wedged three weeks. His story has gained national at- among Iran, Armenia, Russia and . tention with appearances on the Today Show deductions should continue, but when these U.S. officials have stressed its value as a re- and Oprah. There are even talks to star in his deductions support clubs that bar women as liable energy supplier, citing continued Azeri own reality show and to produce his life story equal partners, equal players, equal earners— oil and natural-gas deliveries to Europe as a in a motion picture starring Will Smith. they are not legitimate. This bill is past due. counterweight to Russia’s state-owned en- The time for discrimination is over. ergy giant Gazprom. Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the I am also reintroducing a resolution, the Fair President Ilham Aliyev—no relation to the hard work and accomplishments of Chef Jeff Play-Equal Access in Membership Resolution, accused—has also been a willing partner on Henderson. He has set a fine example for ev- security issues. One of the first foreign lead- which expresses the sense of the Congress ers to contribute troops to missions in Iraq eryone to achieve their dreams with dedica- that neither the President, the Vice President, and Afghanistan, he granted U.S. pilots over- tion. I wish him luck in all his future endeav- nor any Member of Congress, justice or judge flight rights in Azeri airspace, and the Pen- ors. of the United States, or political appointee in tagon is sponsoring an upgrade of a former

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E709 Soviet airfield for potential use by American Ali, 23, a university student who asked traordinary individual—a resident of Los Ange- forces. that his full name not be made public, said les, California, who in mid-April will become Some observers also point to the sizable Farhad Aliyev was well liked at a time most the first African American in the United States and at times restive Azeri minority in Iran Azeris had tuned out politics. as a potential tool if a conflict with the ‘‘He came across as someone who actually to receive the American Organization of Nurse United States or its allies broke out. Azer- cared about people and change, not his bank Executive’s lifetime achievement award. baijan insists it will have no part in any account,’’ said Ali. ‘‘His popularity was defi- Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, is military action against the Islamic republic. nitely growing . . . and is probably why he Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Azerbaijan has a reputation of being was removed.’’ Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. heavy-handed toward its citizens. Before its Farhad Aliyev went out on a limb when he Dr. Burnes Bolton is a trailblazing nurse leader November 2005 parliamentary elections, con- said that as far as Azerbaijan’s social and who has spent her career championing and economic development are concerned, ‘‘Rus- demned by international observers as flawed, implementing high quality healthcare for all pa- riot police reportedly beat up protesters in sia is Azerbaijan’s past, the West is its fu- the streets and arrested hundreds. ture.’’ tients. Dr. Bolton’s energy level and commit- Farhad Aliyev, his younger brother Rafig, On Oct. 19, 2005, weeks after he had told the ment to transforming healthcare through nurs- former head of the leading Azeri oil refiner, prosecutor general’s office that unspecified ing solutions are legendary. Not only has Dr. Azpetrol, and a handful of other officials criminal groups had threatened to kill him, Burnes Bolton studied and written about dis- were summarily arrested on charges of plot- he was arrested for conspiring to overthrow parities in care but through her many decades ting a coup. the government. A corruption charge was of visionary work on behalf of patients, Dr. The vote itself was marred by irregular- later added. Burnes Bolton has contributed to a multitude ities, ballot stuffing and intimidation, ac- Officials accused Farhad Aliyev of paying cording to the Organization for Security and supporters of Rasul Guliyev, the exiled of improvement initiatives, including health lit- Cooperation in Europe. chairman of a major opposition party, to stir eracy, reductions in medication errors, as well Still, President Aliyev was invited to the unrest upon his return from the United as studying the healthcare system to over- White House last April. Washington justified States to run in the elections. The charge come nursing workforce challenges. his first meeting with President Bush on the was based on the confession of ousted Fi- A past president of the National Black basis that his regime is in a different class nance Minister Fikrat Yusifov, a reputed co- Nurses Association, Dr. Burnes Bolton cur- than autocracies like those in Belarus and conspirator, who was released two months rently serves as the President of the American Uzbekistan, thus should be engaged rather later. than left to gravitate toward Moscow or Mr. Guliyev has categorically denied the Academy of Nursing. Through the academy, Tehran. claim or that he ever met Farhad Aliyev. Dr. Burnes Bolton and her board, along with Opponents say corruption and ongoing Analysts queried in the capital agreed that their distinguished advisory council have just crackdowns on civil freedoms could have a such an association was highly unlikely, launched their ‘‘Raise The Voice’’ campaign to destabilizing effect in Azerbaijan. They say given their opposing party affiliations. recognize the contributions nurses have made Farhad Aliyev challenged the political estab- Charles Both, an American lawyer who and continue to make in transforming health lishment to make free-market reforms, to represents Farhad Aliyev and his brother, care. says that since their arrest, the original better integrate with the West, and is now Today I stand before you to recognize the being denied U.S. support. charges have not been declared in court; no ‘‘We’re defending Farhad Aliyev because evidence in support of the charges has been contributions made by Dr. Linda Burnes we defend the ideas he represents,’’ said offered; no public hearing has been held; and Bolton, an extraordinary leader in the field of Murad Saddadinov, an Azeri human rights no trial date set. nursing. activist and former political prisoner. ‘‘If we Azerbaijan’s law stipulates that pretrial f do not support him, we will soon lose every- detention can last a maximum of 18 months, body like him in Azerbaijan.’’ meaning the government has until next TUSKEGEE AIRMEN Mr. Saddadinov said he fears the emer- month to hear the case. gence of a more radical brand of Islam if de- Farhad Aliyev suffers from heart problems, mocratization does not take hold, noting the including hypertension and hypertrophy, but HON. JULIA CARSON growing attendance at Wahhabi mosques in has been denied sufficient medical attention, OF INDIANA the capital. One Western official said he saw according to the International League for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘the potential,’’ but doubted such an out- Human Rights. Thursday, March 29, 2007 come in the foreseeable future. To date, his wife and two children have had Appointed by President Ilham Aliyev’s fa- no contact with him. They say they have Ms. CARSON. Madam Speaker, the ther, post-Soviet strongman Heydar Aliyev, been subject to harassment and surveillance Tuskegee Airmen were dedicated, determined who died in 2003 at a U.S. hospital, Farhad by authorities—notably on the day of his ar- young men who volunteered to become Amer- Aliyev led a broad campaign to open the rest when their home was stormed by armed ica’s first Black military airmen. economy and reduce the power of state-affili- men and valuables were stolen. The family Those who possessed the physical and has since moved to a guarded apartment in ated monopolists that had long controlled mental qualifications and were accepted for the flow of imports and exports in Azer- view of the National Security Ministry, baijan. where the brothers are being held. aviation cadet training were trained initially to One of Farhad Aliyev’s top priorities was Meanwhile, the business interests of the be pilots, and later to be either pilots, naviga- an overhaul of the state customs committee, Aliyev brothers have been confiscated and tors, or bombardiers. considered by the Azeri public and business sold off to ‘‘pro-Russian business enterprises Tuskegee University was awarded the U.S. community as a corruption machine. Azer- favored by the Azeri authorities,’’ according Army Air Corps contract to help train Amer- baijan ranked 130th among 163 countries in to a study by Mr. Both, the American law- ica’s first Black military aviators because it had yer. Transparency International’s latest corrup- already invested in the development of an air- tion index. He said the charges against the pair are ‘‘Corruption is endemic in this country ‘‘the direct result of Farhad Aliyev’s posi- field, had a proven civilian pilot training pro- . . . [and the customs] department has been tion in open favor of [Azerbaijan’s] integra- gram and its graduates had performed highest at the top of the list,’’ said a European offi- tion into the international community, clos- on flight aptitude exams. Of the 994 aviators cial working in Azerbaijan who deals di- er ties with the United States, [the] Euro- who trained at Tuskegee Institute, beginning in rectly with the government on reform mat- pean Union . . . and successful implementa- 1942, only about 385 are still alive. I am proud ters. tion of economic reforms and anti-monopoly that one of those living heroes is my con- Farhad Aliyev ‘‘was generally regarded as policy, all of which run counter the interests stituent, Walter Palmer. of many powerful domestic players.’’ a fair and good businessman, even among a Walter Palmer volunteered for the unit be- disillusioned Azeri public. The West right- f fully saw him as someone to work with— cause he yearned to fly and because—‘‘we someone with a promising political future.’’ HONORING DR. LINDA BURNES knew the country was at war, and we felt that An intense rivalry soon developed between BOLTON FOR HER DISTINCTION we had to put in our time, just like everybody Farhad Aliyev and customs chief IN THE FIELD OF NURSING else.’’ Mr. Palmer went on to fly 158 missions Kamaleddin Heydarov, whom Mr. Aliyev ac- during World War II throughout Europe. cused of stifling economic growth by making Today, Walter Palmer—85 years old—will it hard for new business—foreign or domes- HON. MAXINE WATERS OF CALIFORNIA come to our Nation’s Capitol to receive the tic—to enter Azerbaijan’s markets. highest civilian honor given by Congress, the Both men used the press to try to win over IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressional Gold Medal. He and his the public and President Aliyev. Azeri news Thursday, March 29, 2007 reports agree that state interference was re- Tuskegee colleagues not only volunteered to duced in entrepreneurial activities and cer- Ms. WATERS. Madam Speaker, I rise fight a war, they were the best at what they tain meddlesome agencies were abolished. proudly to extend my congratulations to an ex- did and they helped win a war.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 Collectively, the Tuskegee Airmen flew more tural, and recreational resources, as well as its sphere in 1499, he realized the land initially than 15,000 missions over North Africa and spectacular viewscapes, are an important part discovered by was not Europe during World War II, destroying more of ’s and our Nation’s natural and cul- India, but in fact a whole new continent. than 250 enemy aircraft on the ground and tural heritage. I believe a full feasibility study, Eight years later, on April 25, 1507, cartog- 150 in the air. By historic accounts, the avi- which was recommended in the reconnais- rapher Martin Waldseemu¨ller, a member of the ators never lost a bomber to enemy aircraft sance survey, will confirm that the area meets research group Gymnasium Vosagense in fire during their escort missions. Proudly, Wal- the National Park Services high standards as Saint-Die’, France, published the book ter Palmer personally helped to set that very an area of national significance. Cosmographiae Introductio. The book was ac- high standard of excellence. I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- companied by a map he designed naming the f porting this bill. new continent ‘‘America’’ after Amerigo Ves- f pucci. Incidentally, the only remaining copy of INTRODUCTION OF THE KA‘U this map is housed in the Library of Congress. COAST PRESERVATION ACT STEWART VINCENT WOLFE Naming the new continent after Vespucci MEMORIAL PLAYGROUND was a unique and high honor, especially since HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO he was still alive at the time. But ¨ OF HAWAII HON. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA Waldseemuller described this decision in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ARIZONA book by writing: ‘‘I see no reason why anyone should justly object to calling this part. . . IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 29, 2007 America, after Amerigo [Vespucci], its discov- Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I rise today Thursday, March 29, 2007 erer, a man of great ability.’’ to introduce the Ka‘u Coast Preservation Act, Mr. GRIJALVA. Madam Speaker, I rise On April 25, 2007, we will mark the 500th a bill directing the National Park Service to as- today to recognize the efforts of my constitu- anniversary of the first appearance of the word sess the feasibility of designating coastal ents in Yuma to revitalize and beautify their ‘‘America’’ on a map on a continent bordered lands on the Ka‘u Coast of the island of Ha- surroundings. by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. As such, waii between Kapao‘o Point and Kahuku Point The community came together to create the it is fitting that the House take time to honor as a unit of the National Park System. Stewart Vincent Wolfe Memorial Playground Amerigio Vespucci, Martin Waldseemu¨ller, and Late last year, the National Park Service located in the Yuma West Wetlands Regional the contributions of so many others who have issued a reconnaissance report that made a Park. This is a true community project as it made us who we are. preliminary assessment of whether the Ka‘u was created from the input of over 5,000 local In the 21st century, the term ‘‘America’’ Coast would meet the National Park Service’s schoolchildren. This project united all genera- means much more than just a continent or a demanding criteria as a resource of national tions to create it and was fully assembled by country. It is an ideal, a system of values significance. dedicated volunteers throughout two week- which dedicates itself to ingenuity and great- The reconnaissance survey concluded that ends in February. ness. The ability of which Waldseemu¨ller ‘‘based upon the significance of the resources I have heard from many parents, grand- wrote of Vespucci embodies the American in the study area, and the current integrity and parents, aunts, uncles, and educators that the spirit and the role which we play in the world. intact condition of these resources, a prelimi- children have approved thoroughly of the park. Indeed, we have the ability to make this world nary finding of national significance and suit- And today I rise to thank the community for a better place for all. ability can be concluded.’’ The report goes on the park and provide my heartfelt approval It is my sincere hope that my colleagues will to recommend that Congress proceed with a and gratitude as well. support this effort and join me and Represent- full resource study of the area. This park has an important role in Yuma, as ative MALONEY in honoring these two great in- Although under significant development it is a culmination of work from all aspects of dividuals, the history of our great country and pressure, the coastline of Ka‘u is still largely the community. It also served as an edu- the continent on which it is located. I ask for unspoiled. The study area contains significant cational tool. Bringing in the children to have the support of my colleagues and the swift natural, geological, and archaeological fea- input was an opportunity for the children to consideration of this resolution to ensure that tures. The northern part of the study area is learn about planning in our community, in ad- the House marks this celebration before the adjacent to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park dition to preservation of open and friendly 500th anniversary. and contains a number of noteworthy geologi- spaces. f cal features, including an ancient lava tube There was much sweat and hard work that INDENTURED SERVITUDE known as the Great Crack, which the National was put into the park, and I guarantee there ABOLITION ACT OF 2007 Park Service has expressed interest in acquir- will be many squeals of joy and happy families ing in the past. for years to come. HON. GEORGE MILLER The study area includes both black and This important achievement will long be re- OF CALIFORNIA green sand beaches as well as a significant membered in Yuma, and it is with pride that I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES number of endangered and threatened spe- celebrate with my constituents in the realiza- cies, most notably the endangered hawksbill tion of this important park. Thursday, March 29, 2007 turtle (at least half of the Hawaiian population f Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Madam of this rare sea turtle nests within the study Speaker, thousands of foreign workers in this area), the threatened green sea turtle, the INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION country are being systematically exploited and highly endangered Hawaiian monk seal, the CELEBRATING THE 500TH ANNI- abused every day. I am introducing the Inden- endangered Hawaiian hawk, native bees, the VERSARY OF THE FIRST USE OF tured Servitude Abolition Act of 2007 to en- endangered and very rare Hawaiian THE NAME ‘‘AMERICA’’ sure that these workers have basic human orangeblack damselfly (the largest population rights protections and safeguards against re- in the state), and a number of native endemic HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS cruitment abuses. birds. Humpback whales and spinner dolphins OF FLORIDA The Indentured Servitude Abolition Act of also frequent the area. The Ka‘u Coast also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2007 requires that employers provide in writ- boasts some of the best remaining examples ing and in advance of employment, specific in- of native coastal vegetation in Hawaii. Thursday, March 29, 2007 formation relating to an individual’s working The archaeological resources related to an- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, terms and conditions so that workers know the cient Hawaiian settlements within the study I rise today to introduce a resolution cele- length of their employment, where they will be area are also very impressive. These include brating the 500th anniversary of the first use working and living, how much they will be dwelling complexes, heiau (religious shrines), of the name ‘‘America.’’ I am pleased to be in- paid, and what benefits will be made available walls, fishing and canoe houses or sheds, bur- troducing this resolution with my good friend to them. Under the Act employers will be pro- ial sites, petroglyphs, water and salt collection from New York, Representative CAROLYN hibited from charging the worker a recruitment sites, caves, and trails. The Ala Kahakai Na- MALONEY. fee, and obligated to pay the worker’s trans- tional Historic Trail runs through the study Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci was born portation costs. Finally, if an employer or re- area. in 1454 and traveled across the Atlantic cruiter violates the Act, they will be subject to The Ka‘u Coast is a truly remarkable area: Ocean 4 times between 1497 and 1504. Dur- criminal sanctions, civil penalties and injunc- its combination of natural, archaeological, cul- ing his second voyage to the Western Hemi- tive relief.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E711 Unscrupulous employers in this country are In 1994, Congress extended this exemption Delaware Bay, such as whaling, shipbuilding, luring unskilled foreign workers with the prom- as part of the Improving America’s Schools oystering and crabbing. While we often define ise of riches—that they can earn 10 times as Act. Congress has extended the exemption our Nation’s history through military or political much or more if they come to work in Amer- twice since 1994—in 1997 and 2001. As of milestones, the Trail will serve to remind visi- ica. The foreign workers, most of whom come May 2006, twenty-eight schools utilized this tors that maritime-dependent commerce was a from impoverished backgrounds, are charged antitrust exemption. This exemption expires on major factor in the growth of the United fees—sometimes thousands of dollars—to se- September 30, 2008. States. cure these jobs. To cover the upfront ex- I believe the current exemption makes ‘‘Eco-tourism’’ along the Coastal Heritage penses many sell their land, their homes, or sense, and to my knowledge there have been Trail has proven to be a huge success. There take out high interest loans. They risk every- no complaints about it. A recent GAO study of is an abundant variety of natural habitats and thing with the dream of earning enough money the exemption found there has been no abuse species to be found on the Trail. Whale and to provide for a better life for themselves and of the exemption and stated that there has not dolphin watching have become extremely pop- their families. been an increase in the price of college as a ular, and bird lovers from throughout the coun- The reality for these workers stands in stark result of the exemption. The Antitrust Mod- try, and in fact around the world, are realizing contrast to the riches and opportunity that was ernization Commission, which is due to re- what Southern New Jersey residents have promised. Employers often refuse to pay the lease its final report next week, studied this known all along: our region is unmatched for workers overtime or alternatively refuse to exemption and found that it provides ‘‘limited observing migratory birds, ospreys and bald schedule them for full-time work. They work in immunity for limited conduct,’’ that is, it is nar- eagles. unsafe conditions, and are forced to live in rowly tailored to meet its goals of promoting Today, with the support of the entire New squalor. Living in fear and with no ability to access to need-based financial aid. Jersey delegation, I am introducing legislation speak out about the abuses, workers are This bill would make the exemption passed to reauthorize the New Jersey Coastal Herit- trapped in virtual involuntary servitude under in 1992, 1994, 1997, and 2001 permanent. It age Trail Route. This legislation would extend sweatshop working conditions, indebted by would not make any change to the substance the authorization of the Trail to provide addi- usurious recruitment fees, paid inadequate of the exemption. tional funding over 4 years to continue the wages and too often cheated out of what little The need-based financial aid system serves work began in 1988. they are owed. worthy goals that the antitrust laws do not The New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail has The Indentured Servitude Abolition Act of adequately address, namely, making financial helped New Jersey residents develop pride, 2007 simply demands that these foreign work- aid available to the broadest number of stu- awareness, experience with, and under- ers be treated with the respect and dignity that dents solely on the basis of demonstrated standing of our coastal resources and its his- they deserve. The Act requires that the work- need. No student who is otherwise qualified tory. This reauthorization will allow the Trail to ing conditions promised are in fact the working should be denied the opportunity to go to one continue and flourish. I urge my colleagues in the House to sup- conditions that will exist. We can no longer of these schools because of the limited finan- port this legislation. allow employers to treat foreign workers as cial means of his or her family. This bill helps commodities—we have a responsibility to en- protect need-based aid and need-blind admis- f sure that every individual working and living in sions. RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE AND this country is afforded labor protections and The last time a permanent extension of this ACHIEVEMENTS OF MAYOR adequate legal safeguards. antitrust exemption was considered by the GEORGE H. WHITEHURST f House it passed by a vote of 414 to 0. I urge my colleagues to support this bill as well. NEED-BASED EDUCATIONAL AID HON. JEFF MILLER f ACT OF 2007 OF FLORIDA INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO RE- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. LAMAR SMITH AUTHORIZE THE NEW JERSEY Thursday, March 29, 2007 OF TEXAS COASTAL HERITAGE TRAIL Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on ROUTE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES behalf of the , it is an honor for me to rise today to recognize the Thursday, March 29, 2007 HON. FRANK A. LoBIONDO public service and outstanding achievements Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, OF NEW JERSEY of George H. Whitehurst upon his retirement today I am pleased to join the gentleman from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as Mayor of the city of Crestview, Florida. Massachusetts, Mr. DELAHUNT in introducing George Whitehurst moved to Crestview in the ‘‘Need-Based Educational Aid Act of Thursday, March 29, 2007 1954, where shortly after, he opened the 2007.’’ Mr. LOBIONDO. Madam Speaker, the New Whitehurst Funeral Home. In 1961, he entered Beginning in the mid-1950s, a number of Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail incorporates the the political arena as Mayor for 12 years. His private colleges and universities agreed to very best of what the great State of New Jer- passion for leadership and continuing love for award financial aid solely on the basis of dem- sey has to offer the rest of the Nation. Estab- the community led Mr. Whitehurst to resume onstrated need. These schools also agreed to lished by Congress in 1988, the Trail unifies his political career as Mayor in 1995. use common criteria to assess each student’s New Jersey’s many scenic points of interest. During his tenure as Mayor, George White- financial need and to give the same financial These points of interest include a wealth of hurst advocated for increased public safety aid award to students admitted to more than environmental, historic, maritime and rec- and economic development. To promote safe- one member of that group of schools. From reational sights found along New Jersey’s ty and deter crime, Mr. Whitehurst was at the the 1950s to the late 1980s, the practice con- coastline, stretching 300 miles from Perth forefront of instituting 2 police substations and tinued uncontested. Amboy in the north, Cape May in the extreme a police/fire sub-station. He lobbied for the ac- In 1989, the Antitrust Division of the Depart- southern tip of the State and Deepwater to the celeration of a high rise security lighting instal- ment of Justice brought suit against 9 of the west. lation at Interstate 10 and State Road 85 and colleges that engaged in this practice. After The Trail’s area includes three National the development of an emergency transpor- extensive litigation, the parties entered into a Wildlife Refuges, four tributaries of a Wild and tation corridor, consisting of a three-mile seg- consent decree in 1991 that all but ended the Scenic River system, a Civil War fort and Na- ment of roadway to provide an alternate emer- practice. In 1992, Congress passed the first tional cemetery, several lighthouses, historic gency evacuation route in times of natural dis- exemption to the antitrust laws for these col- homes, and other sites tied to southern New aster. Under his leadership, a cemetery was leges as part of the Higher Education Amend- Jersey’s maritime history. Through a network restored, a Veterans Memorial Park con- ments of 1992. That temporary exemption of themes and destinations, the New Jersey structed, and the foundation for the Crestview codified the settlement and allowed agree- Coastal Heritage Trail connects people with Library and Community Center established. ments to provide aid on the basis of need places of historic, recreational, environmental Mayor Whitehurst launched a downtown revi- only, to use common criteria, to use a com- and maritime interest. talization effort, including: new sidewalks, pe- mon financial aid application form, and to One exciting aspect of the New Jersey destrian crosswalks, shade trees, increased allow the exchange of students’ financial infor- Coastal Heritage Trail Route is its focus on parking, period street lighting, and park bench- mation through a third party. It also prohibited maritime history. There is a rich story to be es. There is no doubt in my mind that agreements on awards to specific students. told about the industries once sustained by the Crestview is better off because of this man.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 For 24 years, Mayor Whitehurst has proudly teen Immediate Investment and Stronghold and last year received the accomplishment of served Northwest Florida as Mayor of the Hub languages to augment the current DLI cur- being a certified Minority Company. City with passion and determination. He is a riculum. I could not be more proud that Omega Envi- dedicated and loving husband, father, and Madam Speaker, on behalf of my col- ronmental Technologies chooses to call the grandfather. With his wife Annelle by his side, leagues, I thank Captain Carsten for her com- Dallas/Fort Worth area home, and I congratu- he has earned the respect and support of mitment, sacrifice, and contribution to our Na- late them on receiving this prestigious award. those around him. This weekend we celebrate tional Security throughout these 20 years. f his retirement and tireless efforts of giving f IN RECOGNITION OF THE AMER- back to the community. The impact Mayor ICAN HUNGARIAN FEDERATION Whitehurst has made on the city will leave a HONORING OMEGA OF CLEVELAND lasting impression, and Crestview will be for- ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES ever grateful for his service and truly honored to call him one of her own. HON. KENNY MARCHANT HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United OF TEXAS OF OHIO States Congress, I am proud to recognize the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES achievements of Mayor George H. Whitehurst Thursday, March 29, 2007 Thursday, March 29, 2007 and his exemplary service to the city of Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Crestview, Florida—‘‘the gateway to the Emer- today to honor the American Hungarian Fed- ald Coast.’’ today to extend my congratulations to the Omega Environmental Technologies company. eration of Cleveland, and Mr. John Juhasz, for f In today’s corporate world, they have distin- their many years of service to the Hungarian- IN HONOR OF CAPTAIN ANGELA M. guished themselves as a thriving business that American community. CARSTEN is passionate about helping others. The Federation, since its founding in 1906, An eighteen year old company, Omega En- has been a symbol of the strong relationship vironmental Technologies was built from the between America and Hungary, a relationship HON. SAM FARR that has existed since the birth of the Amer- OF CALIFORNIA ground up to become a multi-million dollar cor- poration. Founded in 1989 in Texas, the com- ican nation. Before former Hussar Officer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pany has grown to include a worldwide cus- Colonel Commandant Mihaly Kovats died Thursday, March 29, 2007 tomer base for their distribution of automobile fighting for a free America in the Battle of Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to air conditioner parts. Although they routinely Charleston, South Carolina in 1779, he sent a pay tribute to Captain Angela M. Carsten, an export A/C components to 75 countries, letter to Benjamin Franklin with the words: officer in the United States Air Force, who is around 75 percent of their products come from ‘‘Fidelissimus ad Mortem’’, which means Faith- retiring after 20 years of distinguished service. the U.S. This helps to support the American ful Unto Death. This expression has become I have had the personal pleasure of knowing economy and has provided a welcome boost the motto of this great organization. Angie since she came to DLI in 2004 and I to the Dallas/Fort Worth area marketplace. For more than one hundred years the Amer- know I speak for the greater DLI community in Using a 65,000 square foot warehouse, the ican Hungarian Federation has worked to expressing our best wishes for her continued business has grown 50 percent in the last 3 unite and to support Americans of Hungarian success. years. It is no surprise that Omega Environ- origin in the United States, regardless of polit- Throughout her career, both as an enlisted mental Technologies has been recognized ical, religious, or other affiliation. It has also Air Force Airman and as an officer, Captain twice as one of the 100 fastest growing com- been a strong supporter of freedom both at Carsten has personified the Air Force values panies in D/FW. home and abroad. They played an integral of duty, honor, integrity and selfless service. Although Omega Environment Technologies role in providing aid for a Hungarian people in As Project Manager and Associate Dean of serves as a model to those in the business need after World War II, as well as efforts to the Defense Language Institute’s Emerging community, the life story and achievement of aid refugees of The Revolution of 1956. Languages Task Force, many of us on Capitol the company’s founder and President, Grace Under the faithful stewardship of President Hill have been the beneficiaries of her commu- Davis, is an example that all of us would do John Juhasz, The American Hungarian Fed- nication talents as well as her broad depth of well to study. Born and educated in , eration continues to fulfill their mission by ad- knowledge concerning Low-Density High-De- Ms. Davis strived for excellence early on, vocating for Hungarian causes and providing mand languages that are critical to our na- graduating from college after studying busi- information to second and third generation tion’s security in the Global War on Terrorism. ness. After time spent in the finance industry, Hungarian Americans. Additionally, the Fed- Captain Carsten’s military service began in she looked for a new challenge and attempted eration sets an example for all Americans, 1987, with tours of duty at Andrews Air Force to get a job in the banking world. No matter who have a love for their heritage and a de- Base, Maryland, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, and her success or qualifications, Ms. Davis found sire to help their people. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Captain only disappointment as employer after em- me in honoring John Juhasz and the American Carsten provided communications and com- ployer offered her only secretary jobs. In need Hungarian Federation of Cleveland for their puter support for the local airbases. In 1999, of a paycheck, she eventually accepted a sec- contribution to the rich cultural heritage of Captain Carsten was commissioned as a Lieu- retary position only to discover the grim truth Northeast Ohio. May the Hungarian commu- tenant in the Unites States Air Force through of her circumstances later on. After hearing nity continue to thrive under their leadership. Officer Training School at Maxwell AFB in Ala- the commercial needs of clients who called bama. From 1999 to 2003, Captain Carsten the office, she approached her supervisor with f served in a variety of assignments at Hill AFB, a plan to improve their international sales. Re- PAYING TRIBUTE TO JUDI D. Utah. gardless of her initiative, she was ignored and STEELE Since 2004, she has been an outstanding told to remember her place as a secretary. advocate for the Defense Language Institute Grace Davis went on to leave that company HON. JON C. PORTER Foreign Language Center, located in Mon- and start her own international sales company. OF NEVADA terey, California, the Congressional district I As one of her employees put it, she proved so IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES am proud to represent. As Associate Dean of trustworthy and talented a saleswoman that a the Defense Language Institute’s Emerging company grew up around her. Thursday, March 29, 2007 Languages Task Force, she has briefed the Today, she serves as a proud role model for Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today BRAC Committee, the House Defense Appro- minority women who are looking to succeed in to honor my friend Judi Steele, a dedicated priations Committee, HPSCI and HASC Mem- life and the business world. For her part, she educator, consultant, and advisor whose out- bers, numerous Professional Staff of the Na- has made it a point never to discriminate standing work in the classroom and through- tional Security committees, as well as Service against potential employees because of their out the community has motivated the Clark Secretaries, foreign dignitaries, and Depart- nationality or primary language. Omega Envi- County School District to name an elementary ment of Defense VIPs. ronmental Technologies currently employees school in her honor. Most recently, as the Associate Dean, Cap- 14 nationalities with several of them political Judi began her distinguished career as an tain Carsten authored a Concept of Oper- refugees. They also rely on Catholic Charities educator in 1965 when she taught 5th and 6th ations to build a surge capability for over nine- as a primary source for employee recruitment grade at P.S. 171 in East , New York.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E713 In 1969, Ms. Steele began her long career munity Leaders of America Award, and the and all the other hybrid models the financial with the Clark County School District as a City of Henderson Community Achievement services industry is putting into the Medi- teacher at C.V.T. Gilbert Prestige School. Award. care program. Throughout her career with the Clark County Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor my GOP PREPARES ANOTHER SERIOUS FIGHT School District, Judi’s work proved vital as she friend Judi Steele and her many achieve- Democrats—and a lot of health econo- was integral to the implementation and the ments. Her dedication to the community is mists—have always questioned the value of success of several educational programs de- commendable and I wish Judi continued suc- public subsidies for high-deductible health signed to improve academic achievements insurance financed with tax-sheltered Health cess in her future endeavors. Savings Accounts (HSAs). Bad tax policy, and opportunities for students of all abilities. f bad health policy, and bad economics. A De- During her time with the Clark County cember 2006 amendment even expanded the School District, Judi served as an integration COMMENTARY FROM DAVE amount of money that can be contributed to consultant with the Intergroup Education De- DURENBERGER HSAs, costing the government $1 billion in partment, team leader for Teacher Corps, the lost tax revenue over the next 10 years. first teacher of CCSD’s Academically Talented HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK The new majority in the House is talking Program and coordinator of the district’s first about repeal or serious changes, and Repub- OF CALIFORNIA Child Find. Judi was also the director of the lican health policy leader Senator Orrin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hatch of Utah through an aide has declared Special Education Programs and Services for Thursday, March 29, 2007 ‘‘there will be a serious fight from Senate the Clark County School District. Among her Republicans if there is any effort to roll back achievements in this capacity, Ms. Steele cre- Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I encourage these provisions.’’ He goes on to claim proof ated and executed district-wide procedures my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to that HSA-driven health insurance plans have and staff development activities for principals, read the column below from our former Sen- reduced health care costs and made Amer- teachers, parents, and special student serv- ate colleague Dave Durenberger from Min- ican businesses more competitive. ices staff to allow these educators to better nesota. Dave continues to be a leader in No doubt about it. Bigger deductibles mean serve students. She also devised district-wide cheaper health insurance, but not economies health policy, having founded the National In- in the big-ticket medical services. HSAs are programs to cater to the specific needs and stitute of Health Policy which promotes health a totally tax-free wealth-enhancement vehi- requirements of the visually, orally and emo- policy dialogue in the Upper Midwest. He also cle and Democrats are serious about finding tionally handicapped, learning disabled and serves as a member of the Medicare Payment money to cover all kids, not just the well- academically talented students. Advisory Commission (MEDPAC). born. The bank and financial services indus- Judi also worked as the manager of the Of- We can all learn from Dave who looks at try loves this new product and will help Re- ficer of Development and Education Improve- our health system from a policy perspective, publicans make a real ‘‘serious’’ fight out of ment for the Clark County School District while not a purely party perspective. this one. serving as the executive director of the Clark He is an example for us all. MEDICARE’S FUTURE County Public Education Foundation, which is [National Institute of Health Policy, Mar. 22, The Medicare Payment Advisory Commis- a non-profit corporation dedicated to improving 2007] sion (MedPAC) chair, Glenn Hackbarth, found varying Congressional reception of the quality of Clark County’s public schools. In (By Dave Durenberger) 2001, Judi retired from the Clark County MedPAC recommendations for change in NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY School District to become the president and physician payment and on-going payment re- form initiatives. Because four congressional chief professional officer of the Public Edu- MEDICARE ‘‘UNFAIR’’ ADVANTAGE House Ways and Means Health Committee hearings followed quickly on release of a 300- cation Foundation. Under her guidance, the page summary of nearly two years of work, Foundation has raised approximately $40 mil- Chair, Pete Stark, accused AHIP of ‘‘lying, using false information’’ last week when the members of Congress had difficulty finding a lion and has instituted numerous vital pro- organization stated the impact that reduc- path through a forest of recommendations. grams including: Clark County READS, the tions in Medicare Advantage (MA) reim- They eventually will, of course, because they Interact Online Learning Community, and the bursements would have on minorities. have little other choice given the huge finan- Teacher Exchange. When the GOP and AHIP cut a deal to pri- cial consequences of living with the current Judi’s excellence in the field of education vatize Medicare and set up a formula (bench- SGR reimbursement-reduction formula. marks), AHIP members were positioned to MedPAC staff recommendations for has gained widespread recognition as she has changes in the physician payment formula served on the board of the American Federa- set the annual ‘‘defined contribution’’ Con- gress must make to private health insurance relative to practice expense (54 percent of tion of Teachers and the National Education payment base) ran into fairly stiff resistance Association. She was also a member of the plans to keep them in the Medicare market. That subsidy today averages 112 percent from physician members. The Commission is Association for Supervision and Curriculum above what Congress pays for traditional fee- seeking ways to more accurately reflect di- Development, the Council of Exceptional Chil- for-service Medicare. rect and indirect costs since current formula dren, the National Association of Elementary Unfortunately, Republicans asked nothing seems to drive the growing disparity between School Principals, the National Conference of in return for the subsidy. No cost contain- cognitive and procedural. In another effort ment, quality or outcome improvement, no to more accurately reflect Medicare policy Christians and , the National Council of goals, the staff and commission members Administrative Women in Education, the Com- care coordination or service integration, no equity across practices or counties or re- were uniformly critical of the MMA policy mittee to Eliminate Racism in the Public which drives growing subsidies for Medicare Schools, and the National Association for the gions; no value for money. So the plans con- tinue to employ marketing strategies to Advantage (MA) insurance plans beyond the Advancement of Colored People. In Nevada, compete on increasing ‘‘benefits’’ (services payments for traditional Medicare provider Judi has served on the board of directors of access) and reducing beneficiary cost-sharing expense reimbursement. the Allied Arts Council, the National Alliance in ‘‘competitive’’ insurance markets. Both COMMUNITY BENEFIT for Arts Education, the Nevada Association for are antithetical to improving ‘‘consumer- The Board of Trustees of the American the Handicapped, the Nevada Institute for driven’’ healthcare cost containment and to Hospital Association (AHA) has restated its Contemporary Arts, the New Horizon Acad- improving value for money paid. position on what qualifies as community emy, the Southern Nevada Administrative When Democrats cry ‘‘foul,’’ the AHIP ral- benefit for purposes of preserving tax exempt Women in Education, and the Summerlin Chil- lies all those folks who now get ‘‘more for status for not-for-profit hospitals. ‘‘Charity less,’’ to preserve their unfair advantage care, bad debt, unpaid cost of Medicare, Med- dren’s Forum. over traditional Medicare as well as their in- icaid, SCHIP, indigent care and other safety Today, Judi continues to actively serve the surance companies’ profit margins. All of net programs,’’ which make up 90 percent of community as the founder and president of the this at the expense of Medicare trust funds, most non-profit hospital reports, continues Arts Council of Henderson. She also sits on the next generations of tax payers, doctors to be a qualifier. The Catholic Health Asso- the advisory councils of the Nevada Ballet and hospitals whose payments will be re- ciation (CHA) of the United States will re- Theatre, the Nevada Public Education Foun- duced or frozen, and the road to value in port to the public by April 1 on a different dation, CLASS! Publications, and the Clark medicine on which the AHIP talks a good kind of measure—all audited data. These County School District’s School Community game but has shown no good-faith effort to were developed with the VHA over the past ‘‘walk their talk.’’ Partnership Program. Judi’s distinguished ca- couple years and reflect FY 2006 performance My suggestion to Pete Stark is that he and data on 95 percent of CHA hospitals. reer has earned her numerous awards and his colleagues focus not their anger, but Everyone knows that for-profit hospitals— honors including the James Stuart McPhee their hearings on the issue of value for large and small, urban and rural—operate in Memorial Intellectual Freedom Award, the money from Medicare Advantage, Private, much the same markets as not-for-profits Governor’s Arts Recognition Award, the Com- Fee-for-service Plans, Special Needs Plans, and have the very same under-pay and no-

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 pay problems. Hospital Corporation of Amer- sidies especially when tied to a mandate. I What is clear to me is that the illegal immi- ica (CHA) claims 20 percent of unpaid would assert an additional (3) in that I don’t gration crisis is complex and impacts almost charges for its hospitals, I believe. Everyone believe ‘‘universal insurance plan access’’ is every aspect of our lives in Arizona. There- knows that it’s the rare hospital that doesn’t the same as the promise of universal access market itself to Medicare patients. It is to to health and related services every Amer- fore, a piecemeal approach will not work. the credit of serious mission-driven hospitals ican could enjoy if we ran a more efficient If we truly want to secure the border and like those in CRA and VHA who have chosen health care system. end illegal immigration, we must pass a com- not to play the game, but to get serious WRONG WAY CALIFORNIA mon-sense bill that will address every part of about accountability to the communities Just as the rest of the country is looking the problem. that provide them the opportunity to serve. to pay physicians to improve the value of f It is also to the credit of AHA members who health care delivery, California employers HONORING MARY PAT ROBERTSON have decided to go far beyond the AHA cri- are moving their employees away from the teria and establish their own improved ben- recognized higher-performing health care efit criteria and accountability processes. systems towards PPOs. Independent consult- On a policy note: Todd Sloane at Modern HON. RUSH D. HOLT ant, Allan Baumgarten, in his recent Cali- Healthcare suggests this week that Senate OF NEW JERSEY fornia Health Care Market Report tells us Finance Chair Max Baucus and Ways and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that large employers are moving some of the Means Chair Charley Rangel have gone soft 12+ million Californians in HMOs out to fee- Thursday, March 29, 2007 on non-profit accountability, so hospitals are for-service medical care. ‘‘All of this has breathing easy. He also suggests that Sen- Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, I rise today to physicians scrambling to retool themselves ator Chuck Grassley and the IRS ought to recognize Mary Pat Robertson from Princeton. . . . faced with the need to change a culture start shining their lights on not-for-profit Ms. Robertson is celebrating her twentieth an- that encouraged physicians to be conserv- health insurance plans and include reserves ative providing care and to be ‘modest’ in re- niversary as Director of the American Rep- accumulation, executive compensation and porting the amount of care provided, into a ertory Ballet’s Princeton Ballet School. other contributions to ‘‘rising medical culture focused on maximizing fee for service Under her leadership the Princeton Ballet costs.’’ Just when we thought only the for- payments.’’ School has evolved into one of the most ac- profit AHIPs were big in compensation and Meanwhile, in the business world, a new claimed in the country, supporting over 1200 profit. Go Dean Zerbe! survey by Watson Wyatt Worldwide and the students annually at three locations. Ms. Rob- COMPARATIVE EFFECTIVENESS National Business Group on Health shows a ertson leads a faculty of forty supremely ac- How can we assure beneficiaries that they tendency of employees to opt for more com- receive value for their money from medical complished professionals, and works with prehensive coverage. Despite ever-increasing them to mentor young dancers and to pass technology, clinical procedures and services? healthcare costs, most employers still offer a It’s basically a scientific analysis of varying choice in health insurance to their employ- along techniques and artistry of classical bal- alternatives to diagnostics and therapy, ees, while a small percentage (5 percent) are let. practiced in many ways by multi-specialty forcing the health insurance decision by only Audree Estey founded the Princeton Ballet groups, HMOs, and some large health plans offering a CDHP option. School on the belief that dance is an empow- like the Blues and the VA healthcare sys- f ering activity that will benefit students all their tem. The MedPAC staff analysis recommends lives. Throughout the past twenty years, Ms. consideration of one national entity to per- COMMUNITY FORUMS PROVIDE OP- Robertson has built upon this premise and has form the service for all practices ala the Na- PORTUNITY TO SHARE CON- expanded students’ self-esteem, self-dis- tional Institute for Health and Clinical Ex- CERNS ON IMMIGRATION cellence (NICE) in the U.K. Commission cipline, and fitness. members are split on the recommendation Mary Pat Robertson is also a choreog- with a majority inclined to accept the idea HON. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS rapher. She has choreographed 25 years of with refinement and a vocal minority (in- OF ARIZONA work for her modern dance company, Team- cluding this member) suggesting that AHRQ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work Dance, along with many operas for the be charged and funded by Congress with de- Thursday, March 29, 2007 Opera Festival of New Jersey. For this work veloping a policy pathway toward compara- she received a Choreographic Fellowship from tive and cost effectiveness. All of this would Ms. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, I rise eventually be tied to payment systems as the New Jersey State Council of Arts, and has today to call on all Members of the House to been honored by the Arts Council of Princeton well as practices, and utilizing and encour- listen to each other’s concerns so that we can aging existing practice-based research ef- as one of Princeton’s most esteemed artists. forts around the country. reach an agreement on comprehensive immi- The arts are a vital contribution to a child’s gration reform. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S ROLE IN development and learning. Through dance, UNIVERSAL COVERAGE I am proud to be a cosponsor of the bipar- children have an opportunity not only to learn, The President and his administration once tisan legislation authored by Congressman but to participate in the culture of their com- again made clear their position on consumer GUTIERREZ and Congressman FLAKE, H.R. munity. These children whom Ms. Robertson choice for America’s healthcare. In reaction 1645. has taught the arts will continue to thrive in to the Citizens’ Health Care Working Group’s Recently, I held a teleconference forum with society. Report from September, 2006. the adminis- District business leaders, law enforcement offi- After 20 years as Director, Ms. Robertson tration agreed with the group’s overall goal cers, I.C.E. and Border Patrol agents, and rep- still finds inspiration and satisfaction in a of providing quality health care for all resentatives from the Arizona Department of classroom of eager young dancers. I am Americans, but disagreed on the strategy to Corrections and Governor Napolitano’s office. get there. proud to recognize Ms. Robertson on the oc- According to HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt, Their concerns included needing more help casion of her twentieth anniversary with the the administration supports ‘‘an approach with the burden of incarcerating illegal immi- Princeton Ballet School. grants, having trouble finding workers, and re- emphasizing consumer choice and options’’ f rather than an approach ‘‘based on mandates quiring assistance with a quick, easy-to-use and government intervention.’’ The adminis- employee verification system, among other RECOGNIZING NATIONAL SOCIAL tration also rejected the idea of creating a issues. WORK MONTH single-benefit—defined by a federally ap- Over the next two weeks in the district, I will pointed committee—for all Americans. be holding additional community forums, so The Bush Administration believes in two HON. DANNY K. DAVIS principles: (1) Each state legislature can re- people can tell me what they think needs to OF ILLINOIS flect the ‘‘insurance benefit’’ that people be- be done about our Nation’s immigration crisis. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I look forward to hearing from members of lieve is best to secure the blessings of uni- Thursday, March 29, 2007 versal coverage: and (2) The federal spending my community on every side of the issue—im- role should be confined to supporting con- migrant rights activists, business leaders, the Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I rise sumer choice in the form of tax credits/de- Minutemen, law enforcement, ranchers, and to recognize March as National Social Work ductions rather than any direct spending. local residents. Month. National Social Work Month affords the The problem with (1) is that we are talking Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar will also perfect opportunity to highlight the essential here about the income security of all Ameri- cans, not health benefit mandates which are be joining me in the District to hear from folks role that social workers play in working with all often the work of the medical establishment. on the front lines of this issue. vulnerable populations. Social workers help all The challenge with (2) is that reliance on tax After listening to a range of experts and people at every stage of life, while promoting policy alone requires a transition from re- local residents, I will recommend possible im- dignity for everyone, especially the most vul- gressive subsidies to income-related sub- provements before we vote on any legislation. nerable among us.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E715 Social workers play an essential role in alle- Representatives for his dedicated service to We came down here to win and nothing else. viating some of America’s most difficult prob- the spiritual needs of members of the Baptist My freshman year, we got beat and I said if lems. Through education, training, and dedica- faith and the community at large. He is an out- we ever made it back, we’re coming down tion, social workers provide assistance in standing citizen worthy of our collective honor here to win and nothing else.’’ Win it all the many different practice areas including health, and appreciation. Cougars did at Carter-Finley Stadium in Ra- mental health, child welfare, end of life, ado- f leigh to capture the Randolph County school’s lescent health, HIV/AIDS and family violence. first football championship since 1983. IN MEMORY OF LIEUTENANT Social workers have the specialized knowl- An assistant coach when the Wildcats last edge and expertise to address issues facing COLONEL WILLIAM BENJAMIN DIXON, SR., UNITED STATES won the state title, Eastern Randolph Head older Americans, including providing individual Coach Burton Cates told the Asheboro Cou- and family counseling, psychosocial assess- ARMY rier-Tribune that he did not have to do a lot of ment and coordinating care. convincing to motivate his squad this season. Madam Speaker, more than 77 million HON. PETE SESSIONS ‘‘They set their goals very high,’’ he told the Americans are considered part of the baby OF TEXAS newspaper. ‘‘They didn’t start talking about boom generation. Adults born between 1946 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this last August, they started talking about it and 1964 have the distinction of being the Thursday, March 29, 2007 last January. They were very disappointed in largest generation, representing 27 percent of the way the year ended last season (a 41–14 the population. With the aging of baby Mr. SESSIONS of Texas. Madam Speaker, loss to Williams in the state semifinals) and boomers and the lengthening of life spans, I rise today in memory of Lieutenant Colonel they knew they could be successful and make both the number and proportion of older peo- William Benjamin Dixon, Sr. and in honor of history at ER like the 1983 team did.’’ As a ple is rapidly increasing. his patriotism and a life dedicated to service. former assistant coach, Head Coach Burton Social workers understand that the best After spending his life dedicated to serving Cates knows the value that a strong coaching elder care requires a broad view of social, en- this great Nation, Bill passed away on March staff brings to a championship quest. Joining vironmental, psychological, economic, and 23, 2007. He began as an Air Observation him in guiding the Wildcats to the state crown health care options. It is the ability to see the Pilot flying an L–4 and served in the War in were assistant coaches Greg Hardin (the of- intersection of these elements that allow social Rhineland and Central Europe with the 2nd In- fensive coordinator), Carl Anker, Lou Peters, workers to connect clients with the best re- fantry Division. He received multiple honors in- Eric Hall, Jose Espaillat, and Adam Smith on sources for them—the best resources to help cluding the EAME Campaign Medal with two the offensive side of the ball and Ed Tysinger, them along life’s journeys. Social workers Bronze Stars, American Campaign Medal, Charles Arrington, Cecil Mock, Mark Heilig, strive to promote independence, autonomy WWII Victory Medal, a Purple Heart, and two Rick Larrick, and John Plimpton handling and dignity for all of their clients. They offer Air Force Commendation Medals for meri- Eastern Randolph’s stellar defense. families ways to deal effectively with long-term torious service. care responsibilities and work through hos- He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Every member of the Eastern Randolph pitals nursing homes, hospices, independent Purna Lee Dixon; five children, Laura Eliza- football team played an important role in se- and assisted living facilities, public agencies beth Hansbrough of Kansas City, MO; William curing the school’s first state championship and even in client homes. B. Dixon, Jr. of Bryan, TX; John Robert Dixon since 1983. Among the winning Wildcats were National Social Work Month is the ideal time of Hingham, MA; Carol Ann Erwin of Sanger, Jerrell Milliner, Tyler Hasty, Jake Millikan, to highlight the immediate and ongoing need TX; and Milly Ann Vickery of Frost, TX; and 12 Kentrell Bartell, Ethan Rotenberry, Jarod Bow- for an investment in the social work labor grandchildren. man, Patrick Wright, Kevin York, Josh Hardin, force. As a former psychologist, educator and He will be remembered as a devoted family Manny Troxler, Zed Wampler, Michael healthcare professional, I have had the privi- man, a decorated Army Air Corps veteran, Blackmon, Jeffrey Fisher, Scott Riddle, Dexter lege of working with many social workers. I and a proud graduate of Texas A&M Univer- Brooks, Jordan Smith, Tyler Tuttle, Lee can personally attest that social workers have sity. May God bless all those he loved, and Spinks, Matt Simmons, Dominique Grier, Seth the specialized knowledge and expertise to may I convey to them my sincerest condo- Clapp, John Hancox, Atiq Chaudhry, Dennis address issues facing Americans. lences and the gratitude of the American peo- Bowden, Ryan Hammond, Michael Cheek, f ple. Ethen Bailey, Malcolm Greene, Joel Brown, f Bill Stanley, Derek Spinks, Ethan Haithcock, HONORING DR. CHARLES DARLAND Dennis Jones, Scottie Shears, John Scotton, WILDCATS WIN IT ALL Scott Staley, Trent Hughes, Zach Webster, HON. RON LEWIS Andrew Chilco, Preston Jones, Jakob Chilco, OF KENTUCKY HON. HOWARD COBLE Daniel Ritter, Keith Walker, Lloyd Newman, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NORTH CAROLINA Brantley Fox, Jacob Deaton, A.J. Cannon, Thursday, March 29, 2007 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Justin Stanley, D.J. Mabry, Nick Picard, Adam Thursday, March 29, 2007 Hicks, Josh Wishon, Travis Clapp, Miguel Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, I Uribe, Kenny Lassiter, Billy Jaynes, Brent rise today to congratulate Dr. Charles Darland, Mr. COBLE. Madam Speaker, a high school Gallimore, Justin Allred, and Heath Muller. an exemplary individual and friend from my football team in the Sixth District of North Congressional District, on the occasion of his Carolina recently confirmed and put a new All of the coaches and players will tell you 20-year anniversary as pastor of the Immanuel spin the old adage that ‘‘If at first you don’t that the support staff—those you don’t see on Baptist Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. succeed, try, try and try again.’’ On December the field—also play a vital role in completing a Raised in West Palm Beach, Florida, Dr. 9, 2006, Eastern Randolph High School de- championship run. Congratulations are in Darland first came to Kentucky in the mid feated two-time defending state champion order for team physician Dr. Robert James, 1970’s to complete a Masters Degree of Divin- Charlotte Catholic 15–7 to capture the North statisticians Larry Ellison, Roger Whitehead ity at the Southern Baptist Theological Semi- Carolina High School Athletic Association and Rick Freeman, coaches assistants Bonika nary in Louisville. He later earned a Doctorate (NCHSAA) 3–AA football title. The Wildcats, Terry, Dewain Baldwin and Kateira McClain, in Philosophy from the same institution. Dr. determined to overcome two past losses in the video director Mo Mower, hospitality director Darland’s Christian mission first brought him to title game, used a tenacious defense to Sandy Hardin, voice of the Wildcats Ron Grace Baptist Church in Independence, Ken- smother the Cougars’ high-powered offense Berbaum, radio play-by-play announcer Tony tucky. In 1987, he was called to the Immanuel that averaged more than 31 points and 300 Wright and color analyst Neill Kivett. Baptist Church in Elizabethtown. yards a game during the regular season and All can take pride in helping Eastern Ran- Dr. Darland’s wife, Suzanne, continues to held Charlotte Catholic to its lowest point total dolph become the NCHSAA 3–AA state cham- play an important role in his ministry, sharing of the year. pions this past football season. From Principal his passion for the Lord and dedication to his Senior linebacker Seth Clapp told the R. Parks Allen, the faculty, staff, students, congregation. The couple has also been Asheboro Courier-Tribune that Eastern Ran- families and fans of the Wildcats will confirm blessed with three fine sons: Jesse, Daniel, dolph’s previous attempts to win it all fueled that if at first you don’t succeed, look to East- and Joel. the Wildcats all season long. ‘‘It hasn’t sunk in ern Randolph to prove that if you try, try and It is my great privilege to honor Dr. Charles yet,’’ Clapp told his hometown newspaper. try again, you can achieve your ultimate Darland today before the entire U.S. House of ‘‘We came out here with a great opportunity. dreams.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E716 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 INTRODUCTION OF THE CHARI- TRIBUTE TO THE CRUSADERS OF recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, TABLE DRIVING TAX RELIEF MOELLER HIGH SCHOOL which Congressman Wolf also helped launch: ACT OF 2007 ‘‘The United States will not be able to achieve its goals in the Middle East unless HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER the United States deals directly with the HON. THOMAS E. PETRI OF OHIO Arab-Israeli conflict.’’ The Secretary of OF WISCONSIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State, when in Ramallah, said ‘‘I have heard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a clear call for deeper American engagement, Thursday, March 29, 2007 Thursday, March 29, 2007 and we are absolutely committed.’’ Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, on March The current effort that we are announcing Mr. PETRI. Madam Speaker, today, I am in- 24, 2007, the Crusaders of Moeller High today, which Secretary Rice supports, ob- troducing the Charitable Driving Tax Relief Act School in Cincinnati, Ohio, won the state bas- serves this recommendation, and we are hon- of 2007 to remove a serious disincentive that ored that our Center, which examines the ketball title, defeating Cincinnati’s St. Xavier limits the participation of many in charitable American Presidency, has been asked to con- activities. Charitable organizations play an im- High School by the score of 43–40 in the state tribute to such an important initiative. portant role in our society, and it is important title match. This is Moeller High School’s third Eleven U.S. Presidents have had to deal with that Congress not stand in the way by penal- state basketball title in the past decade. this challenge. We are therefore delighted izing those who wish to offer their services to Under the guidance of Coach Carl Kremer, that Ambassador Dennis Ross of the Wash- the Moeller Crusaders have won three state ington Institute for Near East Policy will these groups. serve as a Senior Advisor at the Center, and Under current law, individuals that volunteer basketball championships—in 1999, 2003, and now in 2007. The 2007 Crusader basketball bring his extensive experience to this en- their time and energy by driving their personal deavor. team ends its season with a record of 25–2, vehicles on behalf of a charitable group can In terms of exchanges, health is essential end up with an unpleasant surprise in the form which the school’s longtime athletic director, to the economy, well-being, national secu- of an unanticipated tax bill. Specifically, volun- Barry Borman, notes is the best record in the rity, and future of the Middle East region. teer drivers receiving reimbursement for the history of the Moeller High School basketball The goal of this part of the initiative is to use of their vehicle are taxed on these pay- program. foster collaboration and facilitate inter- ments to the extent that they exceed 14 cents As a proud graduate of Moeller High School actions between medical and scientific ex- per mile, This treatment stands in stark con- and a member of the class of 1968, I con- perts in Israel and Palestine to improve health. Our Center has the advantage of the tract to the 481⁄2 cent allowance for reimburse- gratulate Coach Kremer, Athletic Director Borman, Principal Blaine Collison, and all the leadership and experience of Senior Advisor, ment for the business use of that same vehi- Rear Admiral Susan Blumenthal, M.D., who cle. faculty, students, and alumni of the Moeller is an expert on a broad range of public health The Charitable Driving Tax Relief Act will Family on this tremendous achievement. I and medical issues. She served as Assistant equalize the tax treatment of charitable reim- know the gentlewoman from Ohio, Represent- Surgeon General in the US Department of bursements with those received for business ative Schmidt, who represents Moeller High Health and Human Services, where her work driving because the point of the payment is School in Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District, in global health included fostering a Middle essentially the same, that is, to cover the cost joins me enthusiastically in offering these sen- East health initiative with Israel, Palestine, of operating a personal vehicle while per- timents. Egypt and Jordan. forming an important service in the pursuit of Moeller High School has provided a center We also will encourage more academic and a greater good. of learning in the finest Marianist tradition for scientific exchange and cooperative efforts To achieve this end, my legislation would in the model of the Israeli-Palestinian generations of young men from my congres- Science Organization—a non-political, non- exclude from gross income any reimburse- sional district and the Greater Cincinnati area. profit organization which is dedicated to ment received for the use of a volunteer’s car A Catholic school, Moeller has established a nurturing and supporting cooperation be- while assisting a charitable group, limited only reputation for excellence in academics, ath- tween Israeli and Palestinian scientists and by the cap the Internal Revenue Service sets letics, faith, and community service, a reputa- scholars in joint research ventures. In doing each year regarding business driving. This tion that is renewed and reinforced by this lat- so, IPSO brings about dialogue between the treatment would be available only for services est achievement. two sides, even in these highly explosive provided without compensation and drivers On behalf of the United States Congress, I times. would be required to maintain sufficient proudly salute Coach Kremer, the 2007 Cru- On a separate track, we enthusiastically welcome the leadership of former Demo- records to substantiate the charitable use of sader basketball team, and the entire Moeller their vehicles. Finally, this bill drops the re- cratic Congressman Tony Hall, also former Family for this memorable victory. Ambassador to the UN Agencies for Food and quirement that charitable groups report these f Agriculture. Tony has written a truly re- reimbursements to the IRS, removing an ad- markable book on his experiences here— ministrative and paperwork burden that de- ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW MIDDLE Changing the Face of Hunger. Ambassador tracts resources from their larger purpose. EAST INITIATIVE Hall and his team of diverse lay and religious Each day, thousands of Americans lend a leaders will seek to build better under- hand in providing transportation services to a HON. FRANK R. WOLF standing between religious leaders. The Holy multitude of organizations engaged in good Land is common to the three religions that OF VIRGINIA works. These activities include assisting indi- find their beginning in Abraham, and this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES viduals with their routine grocery shopping, initiative is indeed appropriate at the time providing the use of a four-wheel drive vehicle Thursday, March 29, 2007 when we seek peace and understanding throughout the Middle East. to transport home-visit nurses during inclem- Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I would like to REMARKS ON THE MIDDLE EAST FROM DR. ent weather, delivering meals as part of a holi- share with our colleagues additional informa- day food drive, helping individuals to keep ROBERT COOLEY, PRESIDENT EMERITUS, tion on the new initiative for the Middle East GORDON-CONWELL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY their medical appointments, and many more that I announced at a press conference on similar activities. First, a little background on my experi- March 22. I submit for the RECORD the re- ence in the Land and at home, as well. My These volunteer drivers are donating their marks of former Ambassador David Abshire, time and their talents, not their vehicles, and doctoral studies were in the fields of the An- who in his capacity at the Center for the Study cient and Modern Near East with special in- accepting reimbursement for the use of that of the Presidency will be administering this ini- terest in Hebrew Studies and Syro-Pales- car, incidental to their time and talent dona- tiative. I also submit observations on the Mid- tinian Archaeology. I have excavated at five tion, is a reasonable act, which should not re- dle East from Dr. Robert Cooley, President buried sites in the three countries of Jordan, sult in an additional tax liability. Today, when Emeritus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Sem- Egypt and Israel. During these past 48 years, it comes to driving a personal vehicle, our tax I have had the privilege of working with Pal- inary. code makes a distinction between business estinian Moslems, Palestinian Christians and REMARKS FROM DR. DAVID ABSHIRE BEFORE and charitable uses. This distinction is a mis- Israelis in a variety of roles, most notably as THE MARCH 22, 2007 PRESS CONFERENCE ON take; it serves as a serious disincentive to the director of 75 study tours and as an ar- NEW MIDDLE EAST INITIATIVE chaeologist. Further, I have served as the charitable activities, and it should be cor- We are grateful to Congressman Wolf for Annual Professor, William Foxwell Albright rected. I encourage my colleagues to support his leadership, and encouragement of this Institute of Archaeology and Visiting Pro- the continued efforts of our charity-minded initiative facilitated by the non-partisan fessor at the University College. constituents by cosponsoring the Charitable Center for the Study of the Presidency. This Many of the citizens of the Land have be- Driving Tax Relief Act of 2007. initiative on Israel and Palestine is based on come personal friends over these many years

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E717 and we continue to communicate and visit customers who are at least 50 years old, and being heard from unlikely voices and through with each other. In all of these associations, has grown from a relatively small group to its strange partnerships. Wal-Mart joined SEIU, I have sustained an apolitical stance, having present size of more than 3,700 members. which has in turn joined AARP and the Busi- personal values and feelings for all of the Although club members do receive special ness Roundtable, to call for government ac- people based upon my own faith commitment and understanding of their own aspirations bank services and discounts, the primary tion. On March 6, the AFL–CIO abandoned its and vision. focus of the club is on its group travel pro- support of employer-based health care and In the USA, I have been a professor at grams, which has taken them to numerous began to push universal coverage through the Wheaton College, Evangel University, international locales. The club has traveled ex- expansion of Medicare. Even the for-profit Dropsie University, Missouri State Univer- tensively throughout the state of Missouri, hospitals have put forward a proposal. sity where I served as the Director of the sampling the rich culture of the greatest state This month, the New York Times reported Center for Archaeological Research. Most re- in the union. From Hannibal, the land of the that a majority of Americans would like the cently, I served as president of Gordon- great Mark Twain, through our fertile farm federal government to guarantee health insur- Conwell Theological Seminary until my re- ance to every American—especially children. tirement in 1997. lands and national parks, the Lake of the I join Congressman Wolf in underscoring Ozarks, to music of Branson, and the Nearly 80 percent think it is more important to the strategic role that people of faith have in metropolises of St. Louis and Kansas City that provide universal access to health insurance creating the mood for meaningful dialog to- bookend the state, Kay has shepherded her than it is to extend the tax breaks of recent ward a lasting peace. It is time that such group to better know and love our great state. years. Sixty percent of Americans, including persons have a voice in framing the peace But Kay has also led her fellow Missourians 62 percent of independents and 46 percent of conversation and the solution that will allow abroad, and has traveled to such far locales Republicans, said they would be willing to pay all to have lives of dignity, freedom and more in taxes to guarantee access to all. tranquility. The roots of religion run very as Australia and Africa. Kay has personally visited six continents, about 40 countries and These various stakeholders may not agree deep into the region’s antiquity and cannot on exactly which road we should travel. But be separated from matters that we in the crossed the equator 12 times. I have been in- West would call secular or merely political. formed that her travels when all tabulated ac- they do finally all agree on our destination: After all, the three major groups in the Land count for more than 600 days and over guaranteed, affordable quality health cov- are Sons of Abraham and share a common 100,000 miles. You would think all that travel erage. The bill I am introducing today is the understood relationship that serves as a would have tired her out; however, she re- best way to get us there. basis for living together in harmony today. The AmeriCare Health Care Act of 2007 is mains steadfast in her dedication to the Re- The past 50 years of failed politics have un- a practical proposal to ensure that everyone gency Club. dermined communal harmony and allowed has health coverage in our country. It builds I would like to commend and thank Kay for outside forces to enter and to modify rela- on what works in today’s health care system her commitment to the Regency Club and its tionships. Now, differences in a culture of to provide simple, affordable, reliable health hatred are about to fragment the greater so- extensive membership, my constituents. She insurance. Under AmeriCare, people would ciety and turn the region into a quagmire of has been a tireless advocate for club mem- continue to obtain health coverage through despair. An approach that takes seriously bers and has worked for the greater benefit of their employer—as most of us currently do— the Abrahamic factor can bring the parties the Columbia community. I hope to be voicing or they would be covered under the new back to his tent for conversation and where her praises in another twenty years. participants can look each in the eye and see AmeriCare system. each other’s humanity and aspirations. The f AmeriCare creates a new Title XXII in the God of Abraham unifies through His prom- INTRODUCTION OF THE AMERI- Social Security Act. It uses Medicare’s existing ises and mercy. CARE HEALTH INSURANCE ACT administrative infrastructure, but improves It is true that religion can divide a society. upon Medicare’s benefits to address some of This is no more true than in the Holy Land OF 2007 and the Middle East. Religious differences the current gaps in coverage, such as mental are sharp and numerous. The majority of the HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK health parity, coverage for children, and family people are . But, within Islam, there planning and pregnancy-related services for OF CALIFORNIA are at least 72 sects with the Sunni and the women. State Medicaid programs would re- Shi’a being the most populated. Christians IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES main responsible for long-term care, but tend to be identified along four lines: East- Thursday, March 29, 2007 AmeriCare would cover low-income children, ern Orthodox Churches, Oriental Churches, women, and others who currently receive Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, it gives me Roman Catholics, and Protestants. Judaism health care services under Medicaid. great pleasure to introduce the American has its own deep divides—Orthodox, Conserv- AmeriCare is financed through premiums, ative and Reformed, along with other lesser Health Insurance Act of 2007. I am joined by paid 20 percent by individuals and families groups. Of course, there are several other re- various cosponsors in supporting this common and 80 percent by employers. People with in- ligious groups, due to the history of the re- sense solution for the U.S. to finally achieve gion and they represent a variety of mix- comes under 200 percent of poverty would be guaranteed, affordable, quality health insur- fully subsidized, and premiums and cost-shar- tures, such as, The , The Yazidis, The ance coverage for all. Sabeans and The Bahais. Superimposed over ing would be phased in for those with incomes these religious groups are the interests of I have often spoken before this body about between 200 and 300 percent of poverty. politics and geo-economics. the great need to reform our health care sys- General revenues and state funds would help One cannot speak about peace on the polit- tem. For too long, we have been plagued with to offset these costs. ical level without taking into account the an inadequate patchwork that today leaves 45 AmeriCare limits out-of-pocket spending to religious roots of the people. The veneration million Americans uninsured. Our complex ensure that no one spends a disproportionate of holy sites and places is fundamental to system requires us to spend more than any identities, and they are multiple. The only share of their income on health care. Employ- other nation on health care—30 percent on ers could continue to offer their own coverage, solution is an open and free society that administration alone. Health care costs con- must be the goal of peace. so long as it is at least as good as AmeriCare. tinue to rise, yet year after year hardworking f Payment of premiums would be reconciled on families are faced with less access, more pa- our annual income tax forms. TRIBUTE TO KAY DINWIDDIE AND perwork, and declining quality. Enacting AmeriCare would provide tremen- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND Our broken health system is a tremendous dous benefits to our Nation. A recent report by TRUST REGENCY CLUB financial burden on our Nation’s families and the Commonwealth Fund comparing several businesses alike. Half of all bankruptcies can proposals by Members of Congress and the HON. KENNY C. HULSHOF be traced to medical bills. Eighty percent of Bush Administration concluded that AmeriCare OF MISSOURI people who file for bankruptcy because of is the only health reform proposal that would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES medical bills have health insurance, but their provide for truly universal care, covering all of benefits do not meet their needs. General Mo- the nearly 45 million currently uninsured Amer- Thursday, March 29, 2007 tors spends more on health care than on icans. Mr. HULSHOF. Madam Speaker, I rise steel; Starbucks spends more on health insur- Expanding insurance coverage to all will today in recognition of Kay Dinwiddie and the ance than on coffee. end the cost shifting that results from the high First National Bank and Trust Regency Club, These problems have only worsened over number of uninsured we have today. This which is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Kay time. In years past, special interests have de- could reduce premiums for job-based insur- has been the director of the club since its in- feated attempts to reform the health system. ance by as much as $1,000 for family cov- ception. The Regency Club is open to bank Today, however, calls for health reform are erage, according to the Institute of Medicine.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 Because AmeriCare builds on the highly ef- beneficiaries with income between 300 per- RURAL WIND ENERGY ficient Medicare program, the Commonwealth cent–500 percent FPL. There is no cost shar- DEVELOPMENT ACT Fund concluded that it would result in the ing for children, pregnant women, low-in- come (below 200 percent FPL). Sliding scale greatest overall savings to the health system subsidies are in place for cost-sharing for in- HON. EARL BLUMENAUER of all health reform plans they modeled. Medi- dividuals between 200 percent and 300 percent OF OREGON care’s per capita costs have grown at a slower FPL. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rate than private health insurance or the Fed- Financing: At April 15 tax filing each year, eral Employees Health Benefits Program. individuals either demonstrate equivalent Thursday, March 29, 2007 Using Medicare as a model will reduce costs coverage through their employer or pay the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, today for households, employers, state and local AmeriCare premium based on cost of cov- I am proud join with my colleague, Represent- governments. erage and class of enrollment (individual, ative TOM COLE, to introduce the ‘‘Rural Wind Our Nation is at a crossroads. Our legacy couple, unmarried individual with children, Energy Development Act,’’ which would pro- or married couple with children). Employers should be a future where our children are not may either pay 80 percent of the AmeriCare vide an investment tax credit to individuals— saddled with debt, where they do not fear fi- premium or provide equivalent benefits homeowners, farmers, and small businesses— nancial ruin due to an illness. Whether we through a group health plan (the contribu- to offset the up-front costs of owning a small build a healthy future for our children or not tion for part-time workers is pro-rated). wind turbine. depends upon the decisions we make today. AmeriCare does not affect contracts or col- Small wind systems are electric generators True compassion means offering real solu- lective bargaining agreements in effect as of that produce 100 kilowatts or less of clean and tions, not empty promises. the date of enactment, and employers may renewable energy to power homes, farms, and Working together, applying common sense choose to provide additional benefits. Em- small businesses. With these small turbines, approaches that build on what works, we can ployers with fewer than 100 employees have until January 1, 2012 to comply (employees individuals can generate their own power, ensure that no-one risks the loss of insurance of small businesses would still only pay 20 independent from the electric grid. These wind coverage. All we need is the will to do it. percent of the premium). turbines will allow consumers to cut their en- As we edge closer to our next discussion on ergy bills and, at times, put power back into health reform, we need to ask, is medical care f the grid. According to the American Wind En- a civic and social right like police and fire SALUTE TO HAROLD GAULDEN ergy Association, a single wind turbine can services, education, and environmental protec- provide $2,000–$4,000/year per megawatt or tion? more in additional farm income. Or is health care ‘‘you’re on your own?’’ HON. MARK E. SOUDER This legislation is necessary because there I hope I can count on my colleagues and OF INDIANA is no Federal support for small wind systems. our endorsing organizations to advance a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) ap- shared vision of higher quality, lower costs, Thursday, March 29, 2007 plies mainly to large utility-scale wind projects, and universal coverage through the adoption not to individuals who want to install their own of AmeriCare. Mr. SOUDER. Madam Speaker, I rise today wind systems for on-site power. An investment Attached is a short summary of AmeriCare. to salute my constituent, Harold Gaulden, a tax credit for small wind systems will help pro- More can be found on my website at http:// former military police officer of the Tuskegee vide stability and certainty for the industry to www.house.gov/stark. Airmen’s fire and rescue squad. Mr. Gaulden make the necessary investments to grow. It AMERICARE HEALTH CARE ACT OF 2007 has come to Washington, DC today as one of will also help consumers afford this pollution- Overview: The AmeriCare Health Care Act six Tuskegee Airmen receiving the Congres- free energy. In the 2005 Energy Policy Act, (‘‘AmeriCare’’) is a practical proposal to en- sional Gold Medal on behalf of the corps’ sur- residential solar systems received a similar in- sure that everyone has health coverage in viving pilots and support personnel. The re- vestment tax credit and saw an increase of our country. It builds on what works in to- ward recognizes their heroism during World day’s health care system to provide simple, more than 20 percent in installations over the War II in facing the twin battles of the on- last year. affordable, reliable health insurance. People slaught of the enemy abroad and the blight of would be covered under the new AmeriCare Specifically, this bill would provide a tax racism at home. system, modeled on Medicare, or they would credit of $1500 per 1⁄2 kilowatt of capacity for continue to obtain health coverage through The Tuskegee Airmen were created by the small wind systems, which could be carried their employer. Army in 1941 as part of an Army Air Corps over for a customer unable to take advantage Using the administrative efficiencies with- program to train Black Americans as military of the entire credit within a 1 year period. The in Medicare and building on the existing cov- pilots, and comprised nearly 1,000 pilots and erage people receive through their jobs bill also calls for a 3-year accelerated depre- 10,000 support staff. These men were the first ciation for wind property. today, we can create an affordable, efficient, Black pilots in the American military, and Har- and stable universal health care system in I hope all of my colleagues will join me in America—and guarantee access to medical old Gaulden, originally from Louisiana but now supporting this important policy to promote innovation and the world’s most advanced a Hoosier in my district, spent a year at the wind power, which produces no harmful providers and facilities. Tuskegee airbase in Alabama valiantly and greenhouse gas emissions, involves no envi- Structure and Administration: Creates a diligently helping defend our Nation. Mr. ronmentally damaging natural resource extrac- new title in the Social Security Act, Gaulden remembers such indignities as being tion such as mining or drilling, and does not ‘‘AmeriCare.’’ Provides universal health care able to buy a Coke at the base’s PX but being need fuel imported from foreign governments for all U.S. residents, with special eligibility forced to drink it outside. Mr. Gaulden saw for children (under 24), pregnant women, and to run. segregated mess hall lines at the base—one individuals with limited incomes (<300% f FPL). Sets out standards for supplemental for White soldiers and German prisoners of plans with a focus on consumer protection. war, and another for the Black soldiers. Harold WORKPLACE REPRESENTATION Requires the Secretary to negotiate dis- has been an energetic airmen activist for 20 INTEGRITY ACT counts for prescription drugs. years, speaking to colleges, elementary Benefits: Adults receive Medicare Part A schools, and community groups about what he and B benefits; preventive services, sub- HON. HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ McKEON and his airmen brethren endured for our coun- OF CALIFORNIA stance abuse treatment, mental health par- try. ity; and prescription drug coverage equiva- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Congressional Gold Medal is the high- lent to the BC/BS Standard Option in 2005. Thursday, March 29, 2007 Children receive comprehensive benefits and est civilian award that Congress can bestow Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, upon its recipients, and I was proud to co- Mr. MCKEON. Madam Speaker, the purpose and Treatment (EPSDT) coverage with no sponsor the legislation in the 109th Congress of this legislation is simple: only those legally cost-sharing. that authorizes this award. I am pleased to permitted to work in the United States should Cost Sharing: There is a $350 deductible for see Harold being honored today for his serv- be able to make a determination on union rep- individuals, $500 for families, and 20% coin- ice to our country. Although Harold has said resentation in their workplace. surance. Total spending (premiums, deductibles, and co-insurance) is capped at he would gladly fight for his country, medal or It defies logic that anyone who lives in this out-of-pocket maximum of $2,500 individual/ not, bravery such as this should not go unrec- nation illegally—and works here illegally—is $4,000 family, or 5 percent of income for bene- ognized—it is what has made, and continues able to decide whether legal workers must join ficiaries with income between 200 percent–300 to make, the United States of America the a union. But under current law, unions can ob- percent FPL and 7.5 percent of income for best nation on earth. tain signatures during card check campaigns

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E719 without differentiating between whether they 1950s, Who Governs? (1961). His doctorate 1960s. These gave increased representation were signed by legal or illegal workers. was published as Community Power and Polit- to some minorities (race and gender) but not The Workplace Representation Integrity Act ical Theory in 1963 and was quickly regarded others, and increased the influence of single- simply requires a union conducting a card as a masterpiece. He argued that rather than issue groups in the party’s deliberations. But check to demonstrate that any card presented a single dominant elite running things, there they also weakened the party’s ability to nomi- for recognition be signed by a U.S. citizen or were different elites in different areas and that nate presidential candidates representative of legal alien. In other words, this legislation this pluralism was compatible with democracy. the broad American public and to win elec- would ensure the wishes of American citizens Polsby spent 6 years at Wesleyan Univer- tions. Polsby was always concerned about are not trumped by the desires of those here sity, becoming a full professor in 1967. That good government and citizenship. illegally. year he moved to Berkeley, where he re- If Polsby argued with someone it was a This measure is particularly critical because mained for the rest of his career, in spite of of- mark of his approbation. Speakers who as- under the recently-passed, cleverly-worded fers from other universities, including Yale and sumed that Polsby, eyes shut and snoring in Employee Free Choice Act—which I strongly Harvard. At an early stage, therefore, he had the audience, was asleep could quickly be oppose, I might add—the mandatory card developed his two chief interests; the theory of confounded when the ‘‘’’ made a perti- check would become the law of the land. And, democracy and how it operates in practice. nent, or ferocious, intervention. literally, it would allow union bosses to pick He also developed his lifelong interest in He received many honors, including an hon- and choose which workers they believe they Congress, particularly the House of Rep- orary degree from the University of Liverpool. can most easily pressure into joining the resentatives, in the 1960s. He showed how it He had the respect of political reporters, and union. At the front of that line may very well had become institutionalized and how the se- many politicians, for his understanding of the be those who work here illegally. These men niority system for allocating key roles devel- constraints under which they worked, and he and women are particularly prone to union in- oped. He also analyzed how the large contin- drew readily on his encyclopedic knowledge of timidation and would be more likely than most gent of Democrats (‘‘Dixiecrats’’) from the seg- U.S. politics to provide wise counsel. He re- to sign the authorization card out of fear. regationist and more conservative South, in garded his frequent contributions to ‘‘round ta- Indeed, Madam Speaker, those illegally contrast to the more liberal Democrats from bles’’ and op-ed pages as part of a profes- working in this country should not be pres- the North, prevented that party from using its sional obligation to inform the public, enter- sured into making major decisions—such as nominal majority to give effective leadership to taining ‘‘the delusion that too few of my opin- those involving unionization—that will only Congress. Later, in How Congress Evolves ions were available to the world at large’’. serve to further erode the free choice of work- (2004), he explored the decline of the South in At home, Polsby and his wife Linda pro- ers who are lawfully here. Rather than evis- the House and the emergence of sharper par- vided rich hospitality for their many Berkeley cerate the fundamental rights of workers as tisanship in its operations. and overseas friends. For a time they jointly the so-called Employee Free Choice Act does, In 1964 he and his dynamic Berkeley col- wrote a column on restaurants for California the Workplace Representation Integrity Act league, Aaron Wildavsky, published Presi- magazine. He was a keen follower of the local strengthens American workers’ rights. I urge dential Elections. Revised and published Oakland Athletics baseball team. But most of my colleagues to support it. quadrennially—its 12th edition is scheduled for all he loved passionate argument with friends. f publication in the summer of 2007—it remains I personally benefited from a number of per- the standard text on the topic. After Wildavsky sonal contacts with Professor Polsby over the TRIBUTE TO NELSON W. POLSBY died in 1993, Polsby was the sole author and years. He always had both astute insights into claimed that: ‘‘The only difference since Aar- what was going on in politics and a great HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN on’s death is that I win the arguments.’’ His sense of humor. But the first time I met him OF CALIFORNIA prose was highly readable and marked by was perhaps the most valuable. Two or three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wide reading and incisive analysis. Polsby days after I was elected to Congress, I was in- confessed that his insomnia was caused by Thursday, March 29, 2007 vited to take part in a retreat for new members noticing light in the rooms of colleagues in the from California—of which there were eight—at Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, for more early hours of the morning—they were still at UC San Diego. Professor Polsby was the than 40 years, Nelson W. Polsby was a lead- work! He quipped: ‘‘While Polsby sleeps, scholar in charge and his views on how to be ing figure in American political science years Wildavsky publishes.’’ effective and what to look for as a new Mem- he served as editor of the subject’s premier He also wrote witty pieces on politics under ber of Congress have been of great value to journal, the American Political Science Re- an assumed name, Arthur Clun (borrowed me throughout my entire tenure in the House view, and his friendships and books and arti- from Angus Wilson’s Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). of Representatives. cles on the U.S. Congress, the presidency, They prompted a publisher to offer a book Polsby is survived by his wife Linda, their political parties, elections, and the media contract to the mystery author. A keen ob- two daughters Lisa and Emily, their son Dan- made him a mentor to generations of graduate server of the British political scene, he collabo- iel, and their grandsons Benjamin and Ed- students. rated with Geoffrey Smith, a political commen- ward. Naturally warm and gregarious—with the tator for The Times, to publish British Govern- f comic timing of a master improviser—Nelson ment and Its Discontents in 1981. helped to build strong communities at his be- At 37 he received the accolade of the edi- IN SUPPORT OF THE GREEN loved University of California, Berkeley, at its torship of the APSR. For 6 years he success- AMENDMENT TO H.R. 1227 Institute of Government Studies (IGS), which fully managed, in a relaxed style, the journal’s he headed for 10 years, and in the wider polit- staff and coped with pressures from authors HON. BARBARA LEE ical science profession. and reviewers. OF CALIFORNIA Born in 1934, Nelson Woolf Polsby came Polsby was a popular choice to become di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Yankee Jewish farming stock, based in rector of the IGS in 1988. He seemed to know Connecticut. His family encouraged his pre- everybody and to have read almost every- Thursday, March 29, 2007 cocious interest in current affairs. In the early thing. He invited visiting scholars and politi- Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong 1900s a great-uncle ran for the mayoralty in cians to talk about their work and their experi- support of the Green amendment that would New Haven as a socialist. ences—his good friend, Chris Patten was a extend FEMA housing assistance to Hurricane His father, a successful businessman, died regular visitor. He did much to create a friend- Katrina victims through December 31, 2007. after a surgical mishap when Nelson was 11. ly atmosphere, and a high point was the after- A year and a half after the terrible disaster, At prep school (there were not many Jewish noon tea at which he presided. Gulf Coast residents still face unfulfilled prom- farm boys, and even fewer at prep school) he Having basked in the acclamation for his ises, bureaucratic red tape, public neglect, en- was a brilliant student, turning down offers work he was desolate when his term expired vironmental squalor and private exploitation. from Yale and Harvard universities to attend in 1999, a consequence of the university’s 10- This is outrageous and should be con- Johns Hopkins. This enabled him to sit in the year rule for tenure. The Institute had meant demned. Yet again, the administration’s failure House and Senate galleries and observe Con- so much to him. to provide for the residents of the region has gress at work. His Consequences of Party Reform (1983) left it to Congress to make things right. That His academic breakthrough came from his was sharply critical of some of the effects of we are still making the same arguments over association with Robert Dahl’s pathbreaking the reforms the Democratic Party made to the and over again to ensure that Gulf Coast resi- study of political power in New Haven in the presidential nominating process in the late dents get what’s only fair is unacceptable.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 The unnecessary Iraq war has diverted pre- voting rights in Congress. In reality, however, such as BASF-Shreveport to increase their cious resources away from domestic emer- the Founding Fathers never actually spoke productivity and profitability. gencies. Our brothers and sisters here at about the District’s rights because it was little Working with MEPOL, BASF-Shreveport home are waiting to re-build their lives and more than a contemplated entity at the time. identified an area of their production that could homes. In fact, Congress has plenary power to ad- benefit from the principles of lean manufac- That is why the Green Amendment is so im- dress the welfare of the District and its resi- turing. Production volume, due to increased portant. dents. demand from their customers, was creating a Specifically, the Green Amendment would Another concern voiced by those who op- significant bottleneck in the printing depart- extend the safety-net of FEMA housing assist- pose the bill claim that the residents of the ment, where the name of the medication is ance until December 31, 2007 and thereafter District will demand more rights. This is not printed on the tablets. Three days after the transfer eligible households to HUD’s tenant- necessarily true. However, if the District were printing department completed the quick based rental assistance program. Through this to demand more rights, then it would be strict- changeover/set-up reduction training and im- amendment, Section 8 vouchers would also ly a legal question and should therefore be re- plementation suggested by MEPOL, the site be available to households in trailers and mo- served for the courts—not the House—to de- was able to cut the changeover time required bile homes. cide what is permissible and what is not. for batches from 2 hours to 17 minutes. This If we do not adopt this amendment, over The District now has a little over half a mil- modernization resulted in BASF’s increased 120,000 families housed in FEMA-funded trail- lion people, which was probably never con- throughput in the printing areas by 57 percent, ers, mobile homes and who barely cope in templated by the Framers more than 200 allowing it to meet the customer’s needs more other rental assistance situations could be years ago. It is my belief that the Framers of efficiently. Their dedication to excellence is the thrown into further chaos and homelessness the Constitution would probably not support reason that they are the recipients of ME when current assistance ends in August. This the idea that citizens of the United States are POL’s second annual PACE award. BASF also participates in numerous charity would further compound the dire affordable paying Federal taxes without fair and just rep- organizations throughout the community in- housing situation relating to low-income, elder- resentation in Congress. cluding the United Way, March of Dimes and ly, and disabled evacuees across the country. Madam Speaker, it truly is telling and some- the Salvation Army. I congratulate BASF- The region is still not back to normal. Con- what shameful when several prominent inter- Shreveport on being a respected leader in sider the fact that there are 51 percent fewer national groups such as the Organization of manufacturing whose commitment to advance- hospital beds in New Orleans than were avail- American States (OAS), the Organization for ment and continued success has led to this able pre-Hurricane Katrina according to data Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) outstanding achievement. released by the NAACP. and the U.N.’s Committee on Human Rights f Public infrastructure and public institutions have all advocated for DC residents to obtain are operating below capacity. In New Orleans, equal voting rights. Shouldn’t we do the TRIBUTE TO DR. LEONARD K. only about one-third of the public schools have same? I think so. I hope the rest of my col- PETERS re-opened. These statistics are staggering. leagues share in this belief and vote favorably It is not only a responsibility but a moral on the passage of H.R. 1433. HON. DOC HASTINGS duty to do all in our power to restore the dig- f OF WASHINGTON nity and quality of life to all citizens of the Gulf IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING LOUISIANA EMPLOYER Coast region regardless of their socio-eco- Thursday, March 29, 2007 nomic, cultural and political status. They are BASF-SHREVEPORT counting on us. I urge my colleagues to sup- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Madam port the Green Amendment. HON. JIM McCRERY Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize one of the true leaders of the na- OF LOUISIANA f tional science community, Dr. Leonard K. Pe- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSE ters. Dr. Peters came to Washington state in VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 2007 Thursday, March 29, 2007 2003 to assume the role of Director of the Pa- Mr. MCCRERY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cific Northwest National Laboratory. During his SPEECH OF honor the hard work and dedication of a local tenure, the Lab oversaw an impressive growth HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Louisiana manufacturer. The manufacturer in business and Len led the world-class PNNL that I am recognizing has demonstrated inno- staff to enhance relationships with research OF FLORIDA universities in the Pacific Northwest. Len has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vation in manufacturing operations and busi- ness growth, as well as, a commitment to a long history of establishing successful pub- Thursday, March 22, 2007 community involvement. lic-private relationships in the science and Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, BASF-Shreveport, located within my district education sectors. Dr. Peters came to PNNL from Virginia I rise today in support of H.R. 1433, The Dis- in Louisiana, was established in 1985 to man- Polytechnic Institute and State University ufacture and package prescription and over- trict of Columbia House Voting Rights Act. where he served as Vice Provost for Research the-counter pharmaceutical products, liquids, I want to encourage my colleagues to vote and managed Virginia Tech’s ambitious re- to extend full representation to the District of tablets, and creams. Some of their well-known search portfolio with diverse projects ranging Columbia as well as to the state of Utah. The products include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, from biotechnology to transportation materials. District of Columbia has long been recognized and silver sulfadiazine burn cream. The eco- Prior to his time at Virginia Tech, Dr. Peters as one of the most Democratic jurisdictions in nomic impact that BASF brings to North Lou- spent almost twenty years at the University of the Nation. Utah, by contrast, gave President isiana is significant. The facility employs more Kentucky where he served as a professor and Bush his largest margin of victory in the 2004 than 167 people with an annual payroll of 13.4 eventually as acting Vice President for Re- presidential elections. Extending rights to both million. This local manufacturer has made search and Graduate Studies. Dr. Peters is a sides of the spectrum would be the most politi- noteworthy advances in productivity through- distinguished manager and educator and an cally neutral way to ensure proper and suffi- out their organization resulting in substantial accomplished researcher in atmospheric cient representation for all of our citizens. growth. Because of these accomplishments, chemistry. Regarding the residents of the District of BASF-Shreveport will be honored by the Man- As Dr. Peters assumes a new role at Columbia, they have the full burden of Federal ufacturing Extension Partnership of Louisiana Battelle, he will continue to lead and serve in taxation and military conscription. These rea- (MEPOL), with the third annual Platinum the Tri-Cities area through community out- sons alone should give the residents of the Award for Continued Excellence, PACE reach programs. He is already actively in- District of Columbia equal voting rights. In ad- Award. volved in the region’s educational community dition, voting rights have been extended to MEPOL, a non-profit business resource through his service on the Advisory Board for overseas voters, as well as to those in Federal based at the University of Louisiana at Lafay- Washington State University’s College of Engi- enclaves within a State. Fairness and justice ette, serves to provide business and technical neering and Architecture, and the Board of Di- demand that Congress do the same for the assistance to emerging and established manu- rectors for Heritage University. Locally Dr. Pe- citizens of the District, who are subjected to all facturing firms throughout the State of Lou- ters chairs the Tri-City Industrial Development Federal laws. isiana. Since 1997, MEPOL, based on a phi- Council and serves on the boards of Kadlec Madam Speaker, some argue that the losophy of education, encouragement, and Medical Center, the United Way of Benton and Framers never intended to give the District empowerment, has worked with manufacturers Franklin Counties, and Junior Achievement of

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E721 the Greater Tri-Cities. Dr. Peters is a com- the resolution of domestic conflicts, such as of slavery achieved a major victory with the mitted leader who shares his tremendous ex- child support collection. With evictions and passage of a British law banning the trade in perience and talent with the Washington state mortgage foreclosures on the rise, legal plans slaves—an anniversary that is getting height- community. can also help keep employees in their homes ened attention with the release of a new I want to recognize Dr. Len Peters for his and focused on their jobs. movie chronicling those events. Ending the leadership and vision during the past 31⁄2 The Legal Services Benefit Act will restore trade in slaves was not the same as actually years at PNNL. On behalf of the people of the historic pre-tax treatment of group legal ending slavery, but it was a critical beginning Washington, I wish him all the best in his new services under Section 120 of the Internal to the end. position and say thank you for his continued Revenue Code. This change to the tax code Other developments have also caused us to service to our State. will again make legal service plans affordable revisit the legacy of slavery in our own coun- try. This includes the decision by the legisla- f for both employers and employees, and will provide access to legal services for millions of ture of the Commonwealth of Virginia to apolo- WILLING-SELLER LEGISLATION middle-income Americans who might other- gize for that state’s role in the slave trade, and FOR CERTAIN NATIONAL TRAILS wise let legal troubles get out of hand. reports that Maryland and Missouri are consid- SYSTEM UNITS I thank many of my colleagues on the Ways ering similar steps. and Means Committee who have already With a view to our own country’s painful and HON. MARK UDALL joined us as original cosponsors of this bill, complicated history of slavery, and as the first African-American Chairman of the Helsinki OF COLORADO and I urge all members to support this impor- Commission, I was particularly interested to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tant legislation that will help workers and busi- learn about commemorations held on Feb- nesses across the Nation. Thursday, March 29, 2007 ruary 20th in Romania, marking the beginning f Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, I of the end of slavery in that country. In the am today introducing legislation to allow peo- RECOGNIZING THE CORNERSTONE case of Romania, however, slaves were not ple who want to do so to sell lands for inclu- CLUBHOUSE IN PHOENIXVILLE kidnapped and transported from a faraway sion in certain units of the National Trails Sys- FOR THEIR ‘‘BEYOND THE land. Instead, those enslaved were Roma, a tem. LABEL’’ CAMPAIGN people that had settled in Romania by the The bill is identical to ones introduced in 14th century. previous Congresses by my former Repub- This ethnic group—somewhere around HON. JIM GERLACH 1,000 years ago—migrated to Europe from lican colleagues from Colorado, Representa- OF PENNSYLVANIA tives Beauprez and McInnis. It is cosponsored what is now India. Today, Roma make up the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES largest ethnic minority in the European Union, by Representatives EHLERS, KILDEE, KIND, conservatively estimated at 10 million people. BALDWIN, LEVIN, and PETRI. I greatly appre- Thursday, March 29, 2007 Romania, with an estimated 2 million Roma, ciate their assistance and support. Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise has the largest Romani minority on the con- Current law prohibits people who own land today to recognize and commend the Corner- tinent. And in that country, beginning in the associated with several units of the Trails Sys- stone Clubhouse in Phoenixville, PA for their 14th century and ending with the establish- tem from selling those lands to the federal ongoing ‘‘Beyond the Label’’ campaign to raise ment of the modern Romanian state in 1864, government for inclusion in those units. awareness of the many illnesses and chal- slavery to the crown, to nobility, and to the The bill would revise that to allow such lenges people with mental health disabilities monasteries was the exclusive status of sales from willing sellers. face. Roma. The Trail System units covered by the bill The Cornerstone Clubhouse is an important To be clear, Roma were not serfs; they are the Oregon National Historic Trail, the resource for the people struggling with mental were slaves, bought and sold like chattel. In Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, the health problems in Phoenixville and the sur- 1837, the great Romanian historian and Continental Divide National Scenic Trail, the rounding communities of Chester County. The statesman Mihail Kogalniceanu described their Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, the organization’s purpose is to promote early situation as follows: Iditarod National Historic Trail, the North intervention and recovery from mental ill- On the streets of the lasi of my youth, I saw County National Scenic Trail, the Ice Age Na- nesses by offering a support system that helps human beings wearing chains on their arms tional Scenic Trail, the Potomac Heritage Na- them find employment and residential living and legs, others with iron clamps around their tional Scenic Trail, and the Nez Perce Na- opportunities and deal with daily life issues. foreheads, and still others with metal collars tional Historic Trail. Individuals with mental health disabilities about their necks. Cruel beatings, and other Madam Speaker, this bill would make a join the Clubhouse and then visit the facility on punishments such as starvation, being hung small but important adjustment to current law. a voluntary basis to raise awareness of these over smoking fires, solitary imprisonment and I think it deserves the support of all Members disabilities by passing out informational mate- being thrown naked into the snow or the fro- of the House. rials and writing newsletters. On any given zen rivers, such was the fate of the wretched f day, up to 40 people can be found at the Tsigan [Rom]. The sacred institution of the Clubhouse and this interaction with others family was likewise made a mockery: women INTRODUCING THE LEGAL helps these individuals develop the valuable were wrested from their men, and daughters SERVICES BENEFIT ACT social, work and life skills needed to be suc- from their parents. Children were torn from the cessful. breasts of those who brought them into this HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK So, Madam Speaker, I would urge my col- world, separated from their mothers and fa- OF CALIFORNIA leagues to join me in acknowledging the dedi- thers and from each other, and sold to dif- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation and hard work of the Cornerstone Club- ferent buyers from the four corners of Roma- Thursday, March 29, 2007 house in Phoenixville and its successful ‘‘Be- nia, like cattle. Neither humanity nor religious yond the Label’’ campaign, which has been an sentiment, nor even civil law, offered protec- Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I am pleased important tool in the community to raise tion for these beings. It was a terrible sight, to join my Subcommittee Ranking Member Mr. awareness and shine a light on the struggles and one which cried out to Heaven. CAMP in reintroducing the Legal Services Ben- people with mental illnesses face everyday. Unfortunately, it appears that the history of efit Act. f slavery in Romania—and the impact of slavery Many employees and retirees lost access to on the lives of Roma—has received little affordable preventive legal services when the COMMISSION ON SLAVERY scholarly attention. As a corollary, little is tax-preferred status of qualified group legal ESTABLISHED IN ROMANIA taught in Romanian schools about this impor- plans sunsetted in 1991. This bill corrects that tant chapter in the nation’s history. historic wrong and ensures that millions of HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS I was very heartened, therefore, to learn workers and retirees have access to employer OF FLORIDA that Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu- provided group legal service plans. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tariceanu announced on February 20 that the Group legal service plans provide employ- Romanian Government will establish a com- ees with low cost, basic legal services, includ- Thursday, March 29, 2007 mission to study the enslavement of Roma. ing assistance with the purchase of a home, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, The National Agency for Roma will play a cen- the preparation of a will, probate services and 200 years ago, the movement for the abolition tral role in setting up this commission, and the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 commission will produce recommendations for nalist Rheta ChiIde Dorr—the first woman to quent re-elections in leadership roles resulted the teaching of Romani history and promoting cover World War I from the front lines—have from Jaime having distinguished himself in the Romani culture. served as inspirations. labor community as a true leader and advo- Madam Speaker, there is an awful lot of The first American Indian woman doctor cate for working men and women. Jaime is hand wringing about the deplorable situation was Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte. The hos- now retiring as Secretary-Treasurer—a posi- of Roma today. Across the OSCE region, they pital she built in Walthill is now called the tion he has held since 2000. face profound discrimination, sometimes mani- Picotte Center. A. Philip Randolph, a prominent civil rights fested in the worst forms of racially motivated Nebraska women have also shouldered and union leader, once said, ‘‘The essence of violence. Moreover, in 2003, the United Na- leadership for our State. Senator JoAnn trade unionism is social uplift. The labor move- tions Development Program issued a report on Maxey was the first African American to serve ment has been the haven for the dispos- the situation in five Central European coun- as State Senator. Senators Fern Orme and sessed, the despised, the neglected, the tries, concluding that, ‘‘by measures ranging Florence Reynolds also deserve mention. downtrodden, and the poor.’’ Just as his par- from literacy to infant mortality to basic nutri- I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Gov- ents sought a better life for their children tion, most of the region’s Roma endure living ernor Kay Orr, who was elected the first Re- through hard work, Jaime has worked to keep conditions closer to those of Sub-Saharan Afri- publican woman Governor in the United that opportunity available to people from all ca than to Europe. ‘‘ States, or Rep. Virginia Smith, who set the walks of life. Jaime has been an integral part But if you want to know where you’re going, standard for all House Members, not just from of the Laborers’ mission by bringing justice, you have to know where you came from; if we the Third District of Nebraska. honor, and a voice to hard working people want to change this status quo, we have to Finally, we should also honor the women across America. Jaime has been married to his high school understand the past, which makes this new who served in our armed forces and who put sweetheart, Anita, for 44 years. Together, they commission vital for Roma. their lives at risk for our freedom. In particular, have four children and nine grandchildren, all With respect to Roma, that means three let us remember Sgt. 1st Class Linda Ann of whom have been raised with Jaime’s under- things. First, it means understanding the his- Tarango-Griess and Staff Sgt. Tricia Jameson, standing and reverence for social and eco- tory of Roma before World War II, and in the who lost their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom case of Romania and Moldova, that requires nomic justice. They have all seen Jaime work and who called Nebraska home. on behalf of non-profit organizations, charities, teaching, studying, and acknowledging the en- Our country is blessed to have freedoms so law enforcement agencies, and children’s slavement of Roma. Second, the genocide of many areas of the world unfortunately do not. groups with the assistance of the union. Roma during World War II must also be re- We have the freedom to succeed, and many Madam Speaker, it is with pride as a friend, membered, and more must be done to study women through our history have done just a former member of the Laborers’ Union and understand the diverse experiences of that. Now is the time to encourage the next (Local 187 in Sacramento), and an admirer of Roma during the war in different European generation to follow in their footsteps. hard work that I ask my colleagues to join me countries. Finally, we must put an end to the f today in recognizing Jaime Hernandez for his pernicious, dangerous myth that communism lifetime devotion to bringing dignity to the lives IN HONOR OF JAIME HERNANDEZ was ‘‘good’’ for Roma. of every day Americans, and his loyal service IN RECOGNITION OF HIS EXEM- With all this in mind, Prime Minister to Local 300 of the Laborers’ International PLARY SERVICE Tariceanu’s initiative is really an extremely im- Union of North America. On behalf of the portant step in addressing so many of the countless Laborers, including me, to whom problems that Roma face today. I commend HON. XAVIER BECERRA Jaime Hernandez has dedicated his career, him for his leadership and I look forward to fol- OF CALIFORNIA and the entire labor community which has lowing closely the work of this body. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES benefited immensely from his lifelong contribu- f Thursday, March 29, 2007 tions, I say thank you and may you enjoy HONORING INTERNATIONAL many more years of fruitful endeavors. Mr. BECERRA. Madam Speaker, it is my f WOMEN’S MONTH privilege to rise today and acknowledge Jaime Hernandez, a friend and outstanding leader for TRIBUTE TO MANATEE COUNTY HON. ADRIAN SMITH working men and women in America. On SHERIFF CHARLIE WELLS OF NEBRASKA March 31, 2007, community members and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leaders throughout Los Angeles will gather to HON. VERN BUCHANAN Thursday, March 29, 2007 commend Jaime for his 38 years of dedication OF FLORIDA Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Madam Speaker, I to the Laborers’ International Union of North IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rise today in honor of International Women’s America, Local 300. Thursday, March 29, 2007 Jaime was born to Antonio and Amalia Her- Month, which this year we celebrated during Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, I rise nandez in Jalisco, Mexico in 1942. Like so the month of March. today to pay tribute to Manatee County Sheriff many people, his parents moved the family to Throughout the month, we have passed leg- Charlie Wells who will retire on April 2nd after the United States in search of the American islation recognizing the impact women have 41 years in law enforcement. Sheriff Wells is dream. He learned the value of union work had on our Nation and the world itself. We an honorable public servant whose selfless have heard speeches honoring these individ- early on from his father, who was a committed dedication, vision, and leadership has helped uals who have made life richer and better. and passionate Laborer for 14 years. In this to protect the more than 300,000 residents of As March comes to a close, I want to indi- respect, Jaime and I are much alike. Just as Manatee County and earned him the respect vidually honor several women from my home Jaime’s father spent many years as a proud of the community as well as his colleagues in state of Nebraska who have made a dif- Laborer, so did my father. Like Jaime, when I law enforcement. ference. worked alongside my father as a young man, Charlie Wells was first elected sheriff in I also want to encourage all Members of I learned from him the dignity and pride that 1984 and took office in January of 1985. He Congress to help celebrate International Wom- comes from hard work. Whether digging was reelected five times, serving a total of 22 en’s Month all year long, through education, ditches, laying cement, or raising manholes, I years, which makes him the longest serving support, and service. learned that if you work hard you deserve the sheriff in the history of Manatee County. Throughout Nebraska’s history, we have American dream. I know Jaime and I both Among his greatest achievements is the en- been fortunate to have had a number of ex- draw upon these lessons to this day. actment of the Stop Turning Our Prisoners ceptional women call our State home. It is in Since first joining the Laborers in 1969, Act, which he helped pass to require inmates their name and the names of the exceptional Jaime has fought for greater opportunities for to serve at least 85 percent of their prison women yet to come that we celebrate this workers, better wages, expanded benefits, and sentence. He is also credited with pioneering month—and all year long. safer work sites across California. Rising from and implementing several other innovative Names such as Louise Pound, Willa Cather, the role of a rank-and-file member, he was ap- programs designed to help keep kids in school and Mari Sandoz spring readily to mind when pointed as a Laborers’ Field Representative in and out of trouble. They include the establish- discussing Nebraska women who have 1987. Then in 1994, his peers acted on their ment of: opened minds and imaginations. recognition of his talents and commitment and A Police Athletic League recreation complex But during times of change, women such as elected him President and Executive Board which was expanded from a recreational pro- children’s crusader Grace Abbott and jour- Member of Laborers’ Local 300. His subse- gram to one of Florida’s first charter schools;

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E723 The first boot camp program in Florida for The Elks were among the first groups to en- A recent survey by the U.S. Conference of juvenile offenders to promote discipline, edu- dorse the World War II Memorial, donating Mayors of 187 large and small cities found cation, physical fitness, and respect for self $1.2 million towards its construction. In addi- that if their existing brownfields were redevel- and others; tion, the Elks raised a similar amount to aid oped, it could bring additional tax revenues to A school resource officer to promote posi- the victims of the World Trade Center and their cities of approximately $2 billion and cre- tive relationships with youth; Pentagon attacks. ate up to $500,000 jobs. Child Protection Services to consolidate During World War II and the Korean War, The issue of brownfield cleanups has been services and ensure the safety of children with the Elks operated canteens for the troops. A important to me since I joined the Ways and family related problems; and decade ago, they gave $100,000 to service Means Committee in 1996. This new legisla- Victims First, which is a charity organization chaplains to support the families of the Gulf tion represents more than a decade of work that provides scholarships to children whose War wounded at Walter Reed and other mili- on this issue. These final steps involve making parents have been murdered or sent to prison tary hospitals. A current project, dubbed the the tax incentive permanent and repealing the as a result of murdering the other parent. Army of Hope, provides support for the fami- recapture requirement. I look forward to work- Also, under this leadership, a new jail com- lies of reservists and National Guard per- ing with Mr. BECERRA to getting these final plex was built and the agency of 1,100 em- sonnel who have been called to active duty in steps made into a permanent part of our tax ployees became nationally accredited in both Iraq and Afghanistan. For the citizen soldiers code. corrections and law enforcement. whose lives have been disrupted, Elks are f The six-term Sheriff also served in various helping with the kids, making minor home re- TRIBUTE TO FRANK COMFORT capacities with the Florida Sheriffs Association pairs, writing wills, and providing other assist- including president and chairman of the Legis- ance for their families. HON. DAVID E. PRICE lative Committee. The Elks were founders of Flag Day, a con- OF NORTH CAROLINA He began his law enforcement career with cept President Harry Truman (himself an Elk) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Florida Highway Patrol where he worked signed into law. They promote the flying of the for 15 years as a state trooper. He also Flag, promote the observance of Veterans Thursday, March 29, 2007 worked for one year as an investigator with Day and Memorial Day, and sponsor parades Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam the State Attorney’s office and served for two along with other patriotic events. Speaker, I rise to recognize the extraordinary years as the Chief of Police for the City of Madam Speaker, I know the Members of accomplishments of a distinguished educator, Bradenton. the House will join me in commending Elks coach Frank Comfort. It is fitting that we rec- He ends his career with the successful ar- USA for their commitment to bettering our ognize this exceptional gentleman for his re- rest of kidnapping suspect Vicente Beltran- country and we thank them for their dedication markable contributions to higher education, his Moreno who is charged with kidnapping a 13 to our military families. manifold successes and abiding dedication to year-old boy. f college athletics, and his enduring influence Charlie Wells has prevented, investigated, on generations of college students. INTRODUCTION OF MAKING and solved countless crimes. I thank him for Frank Comfort has the distinction of being BROWNFIELDS TAX INCENTIVE his tireless efforts to protect the people of the winningest dual-meet swimming coach in PERMANENT LEGISLATION Manatee County and wish him the very best in NCAA history. He has amassed an unparal- retirement. leled record of leadership and has devoted his time, skills, and energy to cultivating the very f HON. JERRY WELLER OF ILLINOIS best in student-athletes. His career has been TRIBUTE TO ELKS USA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES defined not only by athletic achievement, but Thursday, March 29, 2007 by a dedication to the development of young HON. IKE SKELTON men and women who are student-athletes in Mr. WELLER of Illinois. Madam Speaker, the finest sense: those who successfully com- OF MISSOURI Thank you for the opportunity to offer an intro- bine athletic prowess with academic achieve- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ductory statement regarding legislation Con- ment. Thursday, March 29, 2007 gressman BECERRA and I are introducing Frank Comfort is a 1967 alumnus of Syra- today making existing brownfields tax incen- cuse University, graduating with a Bachelor of Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, let me tives permanent. take this means to pay tribute to the Elks USA Arts in history and physical education. He As you may know, the U.S. Conference of went on to earn a Master of Arts in physical for their continued dedication to communities Mayors and the Government Accountability across the nation and their contributions to the education from the University of North Caro- Office estimate that there are more than lina, UNC, and in 1968, became the head veterans of this country. 400,000 brownfield sites across the country. swimming coach for men and women at Johns Founded after the Civil War with a goal of They exist in every state and in many of our Hopkins University. At Hopkins, his swimmers promoting friendship and charity, the Elks are districts, rural and urban. We have all seen won 12 NCAA individual titles and one NCAA the nation’s oldest and largest fraternal organi- them . . . they are abandoned gas stations relay title. In 1977, Frank Comfort returned to zation, with 1.1 million members and lodges in and warehouses and manufacturing facilities UNC, where his consistent leadership and all fifty states. Last year, they donated 9.7 mil- that have been closed down. These sites once dedication to excellence for 30 years as Head lion hours and contributed almost $263 million housed vibrant and productive businesses, but Coach have made him one of the most re- to a variety of charitable and philanthropic today are in desperate need of revitalization spected college swimming coaches in history. causes. and redevelopment. Before they can be rede- Many people have made notable contribu- One of the major tenets of the Elks is a veloped, however, existing environmental con- tions to collegiate athletics. Few leave the leg- commitment to the military and its veterans. In tamination must be cleaned up. acy of Frank Comfort. He has developed 1918, the Elks built a 700-bed hospital in Bos- The cost of cleanup can be significant and, swimming teams that have thrilled the colle- ton to rehabilitate World War I wounded and when this is the case, often stand in the way giate athletic world with their courage, skill and gave it to the nation. Elks made a solemn of re-development projects. In some cases, achievement. Frank Comfort’s swimmers and pledge that ‘‘so long as there are veterans, the the clean up costs can exceed $1 million. The divers have won often and won big. Of his 578 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will legislation we are introducing today helps dual meet wins, 308 have come while coach- never forget them.’’ This commitment still make these clean ups more affordable by re- ing men’s teams and 270 while coaching stands through an extensive visitation program moving obstacles in the federal tax code that women’s teams. More than a decade ago, in VA hospitals and nursing homes. As the create obstacles to clean up. Frank Comfort became the winningest swim- VA’s only source of leather, the men and Specifically, this legislation does two things: ming coach in the history of the Atlantic Coast women of the Elks gather animal hides, pay Make the Internal Revenue Code Section Conference in terms of league championships for the tanning, and provide wheelchair gloves 198 expensing provision permanent. This pro- won. Overall, he has led Tar Heel teams to 25 and leather used for therapy programs at VA vision allows for the expensing of brownfield Atlantic Coast Conference championships dur- medical centers nationwide. In 2005, they clean up costs. Currently, this provision ex- ing his tenure—the most in conference history logged 1,037,932 hours visiting hospitalized pires at the end of 2007; by a single coach. In his 30 years at UNC, his veterans and taking many of the patients to Repeal the provision in the law that recap- women’s teams have been a consistent na- baseball games, fishing trips, and other out- tures the expense deduction as taxable in- tional force, finishing in the top 25 an astound- ings. come when the property is sold. ing 25 times, including nine seasons in the top

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 ten. During his long tenure at UNC, he has My home district in Albuquerque is home to law in the Nation that protects farm and mi- taught many National Collegiate Athletic Asso- one of the premier VA hospitals in the country. grant workers’ rights to unionize. ciation, Association for Intercollegiate Athletics They provide excellent care and support to our Madam Speaker, I came out of the labor for Women and U.S. Swimming national veterans. This legislation will improve the tran- movement as a lining cutter at Seaford Cloth- champion swimmers. Several of his swimmers sition that New Mexico Service Members may ing factory in Rock Island, IL. I owe Cesar were chosen to represent the United States in face when leaving the Department of Defense Chavez a great deal of gratitude for his dili- the Olympics as well. Because of these ac- medical system and returning to New Mexico gent efforts to achieve dignity, respect, fair complishments, Frank Comfort’s stature as a to receive care at Albuquerque VA hospital. wages, medical coverage, pension benefits, coach has solidified in the amateur and inter- Specifically, the improvements will include a and humane living conditions for all workers, national ranks. Among his many additional written transition plan specifying the schedule which laid the ground work for the additional coaching positions, he served on the coaching of milestones for transition of the member labor protections I was able to fight for while staff at the U.S. Olympic Festival on six occa- from the military service before the date of President of UNITE Here local 617. Mr. Cha- sions and as the head coach of the U.S. separation or retirement and set up a formal vez has and always will be an inspiration to Women’s Team which competed in the Good- process for transmittal of records and other in- me, as well as a reminder of what can be will Games in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1994. formation to the Department of Veterans Af- achieved by the will and conviction of one per- It comes as no surprise that Frank Com- fairs on or before the date of separation or re- son. fort’s name has been on the U.S. Swimming tirement during a formal meeting. Furthermore, I am happy to see that several states have International Coaches List consistently since the legislation would require the Department of acknowledged the contributions of Cesar Cha- 1976, an honor going only to the most elite Defense and the Department of Veterans Af- vez by dedicating a state holiday in his honor, coaches in the United States. He was named fairs to establish a single medical information including my home state of Illinois. For four the youngest recipient ever of the Master system, which will be a significant improve- consecutive Congresses, Congressman JOE Coach Award from the College Swimming ment for our service members. BACA has led a movement to recognize the Coaches Association and was inducted into I look forward to the findings of the many re- contributions of Cesar Chavez with a national the Johns Hopkins Athletic Hall of Fame. ports requested in the legislation. It will allow holiday. I am honored to join the distinguished Frank Comfort is a living testament to the us as a body to evaluate these findings and gentlemen from California and 51 of my col- positive role that collegiate athletics plays in implement improvements and initiatives that leagues as a cosponsor of H. Res. 76, the our national experience. His guidance has em- will continue to support our brave men and Cesar Chavez Holiday Act. powered both teams and individuals to fulfill women. I am grateful to all who serve their na- Not only does this legislation recognize the their promise and to extend their purpose and tion and we as a Congress have a responsi- contributions Cesar Chavez made to the labor passion, to step out of their comfort zone and bility to ensure they receive the best possible movement but it also aims to educate students excel. Athletic achievement is not an endeavor care. In this war on terrorism, the greatest bur- on the life and work of this courageous man. that runs itself. It requires the constant leader- dens have fallen on the shoulders of a rel- Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ship, foresight, encouragement, and discipline atively small number of Americans who have honor Cesar Chavez by supporting the Cesar that can be afforded only by dedicated coach- volunteered to take great risks on our behalf. Chavez Holiday Act. es. Coaches are one of the best examples of Events over the last few years have made a f what is great about our country. They inspire new generation of Americans realize just how students and athletes to become better peo- precious our freedoms really are. We owe our WOUNDED WARRIOR ASSISTANCE ple; to give their best in every endeavor and freedom fighters—past, present, and future—a ACT OF 2007 to make the most of their God-given abilities. debt of gratitude for their selflessness and SPEECH OF Frank Comfort’s leadership is about cultivating sacrifice. I will continue to fight to ensure that the promise of the human spirit and encour- our veterans get the benefits they were prom- HON. DENNIS A. CARDOZA aging those who work daily to make that ised, the health care they deserve, and the OF CALIFORNIA promise a reality. recognition that our nation owes them. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Frank Comfort’s career will soon come to a f Wednesday, March 28, 2007 close. After almost 40 years as a coach and educator, he has left an indelible mark on col- HONORING CESAR CHAVEZ Mr. CARDOZA. Madam Speaker, due to a lege athletics and on countless students whom technical glitch, my vote on rollcall No. 204 he has coached, mentored, advised, and in- HON. PHIL HARE was not recorded. Had my vote been re- spired. Please join me in commending Frank OF ILLINOIS corded, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Comfort, distinguished coach and educator, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f and an exemplar of strong character and lead- Thursday, March 29, 2007 REINTRODUCTION OF THE PLEA ership. ACT f Mr. HARE. Madam Speaker, this Saturday, March 31, marks the 80th birthday of Cesar WOUNDED WARRIOR ASSISTANCE Chavez. I am honored to rise before you today HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL ACT OF 2007 to pay tribute to Mr. Chavez’s dedicated advo- OF NEW YORK cacy for workers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF As a young child, Cesar Chavez experi- HON. HEATHER WILSON enced the long hours, horrible wages and Thursday, March 29, 2007 OF NEW MEXICO other deplorable conditions and discrimination Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, today I rise to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES faced by migrant farm workers, which reintroduce the PLEA Act to protect our citi- emboldened him to fight for justice and fair- zens and to protect our law enforcement offi- Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ness for all working people of this country. cers. Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico. Mr. Chair- In 1962, Mr. Chavez founded the National The PLEA Act would ban the Five Seven man, I rise today in strong support of the Farm Workers Association (now known as the handgun, a weapon that has been designed Wounded Warrior Assistance Act, H.R. 1538. United Farm Workers of America), through by FN Herstal of Belgium to have the power This legislation will enhance the way the which he organized migrant workers in cam- necessary to pierce a bulletproof vest while Department of Defense provides medical care paigns for safe and fair working conditions, still being small enough to conceal. In other for wounded warriors. Furthermore, the legis- reasonable wages, decent housing, and the words, it is the perfect weapon for criminals to lation will improve the transition of soldiers elimination of child labor. use against police officers. from the Department of Defense health care His tireless leadership and use of nonviolent It is not useful as a hunting weapon and system to the Department of Veterans Affairs. tactics, such as fasts, boycotts, strikes and pil- there are certainly other reasonable options An evaluation of care that our wounded men grimages, brought awareness to the conditions for self-defense. So why do we need such a and women are receiving is requested in the of farm workers and their struggle for better dangerous gun on our streets? The answer is legislation. I strongly support these provisions. pay and safer working conditions. that we do not. The Wounded Warriors Assistance Act will Mr. Chavez is credited for the passage of Some in the gun lobby have said the claims help address and eliminate the red tape that the groundbreaking 1975 California Agriculture about the gun’s power have been exagger- veterans and soldiers get tangled in. Labor Relations Act, which remains the only ated. But I have seen a demonstration of the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E725 handgun myself. It is so powerful it can pene- pends on it is laudable, and should be recog- the day-to-day realities of this disorder and trate a bulletproof vest from as far as two foot- nized and encouraged. The Gift of Life Con- wish them well. I hope my colleagues will join ball fields away. It is every bit as deadly as an gressional Medal Act is an important bill which me in recognizing the mission and accom- assault rifle, but the Five-Seven can easily be would do just that. plishments of the Boston Higashi School and concealed, putting law enforcement officials Health and Human Services—HHS—has al- its dedication to helping students and their even more at risk. ready implemented initiatives to raise the pub- families. Bulletproof vests are unfortunately some- lic awareness of this vital act of giving life. The f times the only protection that our law enforce- Gift of Life Congressional Medal Act is a great INTRODUCTION OF THE ment officials possess. If vests are no longer opportunity for us to work with HHS to draw BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT AC- able to protect them, we are putting all of our attention to this life-saving issue. It sends a CELERATION ACT OF 2007 police officers in great peril. clear message that donating one’s organs is In fact, earlier this month there was a report an act that should receive the profound re- in the press that a Mexican police officer was spect of our Nation. HON. DORIS O. MATSUI shot and killed by a Five Seven handgun de- The Gift of Life Congressional Medal Act es- OF CALIFORNIA spite the fact he was wearing a bulletproof tablishes a nonprofit fund to be used to de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vest. sign, produce, and distribute a congressional Thursday, March 29, 2007 Do not let this tragedy repeat itself here in commemorative medal to organ donors or to a Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, it is with the United States. surviving family member. Enactment of this great pleasure that I introduce, along with This is the type of gun that one would ex- legislation would have no cost to the Federal Representatives PHIL ENGLISH and MIKE pect only to be available to the military, not Government. Startup costs are provided by THOMPSON, the Broadband Deployment Accel- citizens on the street. But I have heard from the Treasury Department in the form of a loan, eration Act of 2007. This legislation will allow law enforcement officials in my district, in New which would be fully repaid. Subsequently, the immediate depreciation of the costs of new York, that these guns have been confiscated program would be self-sufficient through chari- broadband infrastructure investments, speed- all across the country. And not long ago, the table donations. ing the deployment of broadband communica- Brady Campaign was able to purchase one This is noncontroversial, nonpartisan legisla- tions technology. The U.S. currently lags far just a few miles from here in Woodbridge, Vir- tion to increase the rate of organ donation. I behind many other industrialized nations in ginia. ask my colleagues to help bring an end to broadband deployment. At a time when Amer- Now is the time for Congress and the Bush transplant waiting lists and recognize the enor- ica’s global economic leadership is facing ris- administration to ban this weapon. mous courage displayed by organ donors and ing challenges from abroad, this bill will pro- That is why today I am reintroducing the their families. This bill honors these brave mote innovation and keep America competi- PLEA Act to ban the sale, importation and acts, while publicizing the critical need for in- tive. possession of this gun. creased organ donation. I urge swift passage By increasing the reach and capability of I ask my colleagues to join me and the of the William H. Frist Gift of Life Congres- America’s broadband network, the Broadband Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in sional Medal Act. Deployment Acceleration Act is a strategic in- supporting this important legislation. If you f vestment that will benefit the education of our support law enforcement officers, then you children, the delivery of health care and the should support banning this weapon. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 20TH AN- overall economy. In the classroom, broadband NIVERSARY OF THE BOSTON f will provide children and teachers with access HIGASHI SCHOOL to new information and learning tools, and INTRODUCING THE WILLIAM H. allow for remote learning opportunities. At hos- FRIST GIFT OF LIFE CONGRES- HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH pitals and doctors’ offices, broadband will fa- SIONAL MEDAL ACT OF MASSACHUSETTS cilitate the application of information tech- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nology to health care, reducing costs and im- proving the quality of care that patients re- HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK Thursday, March 29, 2007 OF CALIFORNIA ceive. Broadband will also increase produc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I rise today in tivity and efficiency in homes and at busi- recognition of the Boston Higashi School’s Thursday, March 29, 2007 nesses, while giving our constituents access 20th anniversary. Since 1987, the Boston to information and communications capabilities Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Higashi School has been treating children with as never before. The need for the Broadband introduce the William H. Frist Gift of Life Con- autism and pervasive developmental dis- Deployment Acceleration Act is clear and now gressional Medal Act with my colleague, Mr. orders. Their dedicated work helps students is the time for Congress to act. CAMP of Michigan. This legislation creates a benefit from and contribute to society while Similar legislation received broad bipartisan congressional commemorative medal for bringing hope and joy to their families. support in the past, with as many as 225 organ donors and their families, recognizing Autism, a lifelong, nonprogressive develop- House cosponsors and 65 Senate cosponsors. the brave and selfless act of organ donation. mental disability, results from still unspecified This bill was an important priority for my late It is an important piece of legislation that I impairments to normal brain development. Im- husband, who worked along with Mr. ENGLISH, hope will continue to receive bipartisan sup- pairments in social interaction, communication Senator ROCKEFELLER, Senator BAUCUS, and port. I also want to thank Senator DURBIN and and in the capacity for imaginative and sym- the late Senator Moynihan to craft it in 2000. Senator GRASSLEY for introducing the com- bolic thinking characterize this syndrome. Au- It passed the Senate three times, only to be panion bill in the Senate. tism varies in severity from person to person. stripped out in conference by the House. I Former Senate majority leader and trans- Therefore, individuals are often described as wish that our constituents were already bene- plant surgeon Dr. William H. Frist was a tire- having autism spectrum disorder. fiting from the effects of this legislation, and less advocate of organ donors and their fami- The Boston Higashi School bases its philos- we should not delay enactment any longer. lies during his time in the Senate. Dr. Frist ophy in the world-renowned tenets of Daily The Broadband Deployment Acceleration worked on behalf of the Gift of Life Congres- Life Therapy developed by the late Dr. Kiyo Act will provide a temporary, two-tiered tax in- sional Medal Act for years, and I’m pleased to Kitahara of Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Kiyo Kitahara’s centive to stimulate new investment in this name the bill in his honor. method provides children with systematic edu- crucial infrastructure: 50 percent expensing for There is a serious shortage of available and cation through the intermingling of academics investment in ‘‘current-generation’’ broadband suitable organs for donation. Nearly 100,000 and technology, as well as art, music and infrastructure in rural and underserved areas, people are currently waiting for organ trans- physical education. This educational approach and full expensing for ‘‘next generation’’ plants—over 2,000 of these are children under is intended to help individuals achieve social broadband investments in those same areas, age 18. The national waiting list has grown independence and dignity. as well as residential areas generally. The substantially every year. Since the waiting list Madam Speaker, it is my distinct honor to purpose of this mechanism is to push began, at least 75,000 donation-eligible Ameri- take the floor of the House today to join with broadband providers to roll out services in cans have died waiting for an organ to be- the faculty, students and families of this fine areas and at speeds that would not be eco- come available—in 2005 alone, over 6,000 institution in celebrating the school’s 20 years nomically feasible in the absence of this legis- people died for lack of a suitable organ. Do- of dedicated service. I would like to commend lation. Therefore, this bill will not reward action nating an organ to someone whose life de- their perseverance and patience in coping with that is already occurring.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 To facilitate that goal, the Broadband De- workers, and bystanders were among the DOT, advocating the President’s transportation ployment Acceleration Act it is designed to be other victims. Perhaps most tragic of all, the policies and responding to congressional in- technology neutral, making delivery of service, flames claimed the lives of several children. quires—such as mine—about those policies not the delivery medium, the factor for eligi- A memorial cemetery now sits near Loop and other DOT programs. bility. This will ensure that this tax incentive 197 in Texas City as a silent reminder of the In 1981, Ken came to the House of Rep- does not inhibit competition among broadband 63 unidentified dead who are buried in num- resentatives and began his long professional providers, thereby maximizing choice for con- bered graves. In 1980, a memorial park was career in what was the Subcommittee on Sur- sumers. Any broadband provider meeting the created to honor the others who died in the face Transportation of the Committee on Pub- required speeds, measured in megabits of tragedy. lic Works and Transportation. He is now rec- data delivered to and from the consumer per In conclusion, Madam Speaker, I take this ognized by his colleagues in the transportation second, is eligible, whether such service is opportunity to join my constituents in paying field as an encyclopedia of knowledge on provided over telephone wire, cable modem, my respects to those who lost their lives in the transportation issues. optical fiber, wireless, satellite, or other forms 1947 explosion of the Grand Camp in Texas Ken is warmly regarded by all as a profes- of technology. City. sional in every sense. Soft-spoken and always It is past time that Congress took action to f approachable, Ken is a walking storehouse of ensure that all Americans have access to transportation history, programs, principles, broadband communications technology. The HONORING KEN HOUSE and impacts. It is virtually impossible to ask Broadband Deployment Acceleration Act is a him a question on any highway or transit issue practical and effective mechanism that will HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR to which he will fail to provide an objective, help provide our constituents access to this OF MINNESOTA well-reasoned, and insightful answer. His only important technology. I hope that my col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agenda: public service. leagues will support this legislation to bolster Thursday, March 29, 2007 After three decades of public service in both the innovation and competitiveness of this Na- the executive and legislative branches of the tion. Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, there Federal Government, Ken has retired. Many have been many giants in the transportation f tried to change his mind, but his decision was history of this Nation. as all others: well-reasoned. As was true on REMEMBERING THE 1947 TEXAS During his time as a Postmaster General, the basketball court for Seton Hall, for Ken, it CITY DISASTER which included service both before and after was simply time to pass the ball to a col- American independence, Ben Franklin sur- league. HON. RON PAUL veyed, rerouted, and marked post roads in the Thus, Madam Speaker, it is with a heavy OF TEXAS 18th century. In the 19th century, great com- heart that I rise today, but I do so gladly. I do IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES panies with names like Baltimore and Ohio, so to recognize a rare individual among us. Union Pacific, and Burlington Northern Thursday, March 29, 2007 The long, selfless, dedicated, and faithful serv- networked a growing industrial America from ice of Ken House to the Committee on Trans- Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, in recognition coast-to-coast with railroads. DeWitt Clinton portation and Infrastructure, to the House of of the sixtieth anniversary of the explosion of helped bring the Erie Canal into existence. In Representatives, and to the United States, has the Grand Camp ship in the Texas City harbor the 20th century, new transportation vision- been replete with countless sacrifices during on April 16, residents of Texas City, in my aries like the Wright brothers led the Nation to his distinguished career. It is now our turn for congressional district, will come together to unprecedented mobility and economic growth. the sacrifice as we miss his counsel and honor those who lost their lives in the 1947 Many transportation experts have toiled friendship. All of us in the transportation com- explosions. I am honored to join my constitu- quietly behind the scenes in the 230 years of munity wish Ken and his family all the best in ents in commemorating those who lost their the United States to maintain and build on the years ahead. lives in this tragedy. these legacies and utter necessities of Amer- f Early in the morning of April 16, 1947 the ican prosperity. Grand Camp caught fire. As the fire combined Kenneth House, of the Committee on Trans- PAYING TRIBUTE TO CLARK HIGH with the ammonium nitrate on the Grand portation and Infrastructure staff, has been SCHOOL Camp, a bright orange flame lit up the sky and one of those individuals for more than a quar- smoke soared an estimated 2,000 feet into the ter century. Madam Speaker, I rise today in HON. JON C. PORTER air. Within seconds of the explosion, the Mon- tribute to and gratitude for Ken House’s serv- OF NEVADA santo Chemical Plant was in flames. The fire ice to this great institution and the American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spread quickly to the refineries that made up people. the Texas City industrial complex, causing en- Ironically, Ken House is indeed a giant Friday, March 30, 2007 tire buildings to collapse. physically. At 6 feet 5 inches tall, Ken’s first Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today The destruction was not limited to Texas success was not on the roads but on the to honor Clark High School for being recog- City. Windows rattled in Baytown, while a mist courts. His high school basketball prowess in nized as one of the nation’s premier high of black oil reigned in the city of Galveston. Baltimore led to a scholarship and distinction schools for its Advanced Placement courses. The tragedy and destruction did not end there. at New Jersey’s Seton Hall University. How Clark High School was recently honored as A miniature tidal wave resulted when the good was Ken back then? Decades later, Ken a recipient of the 2006–2007 Siemens Foun- water from the bay, which had been driven out remains Seton Hall’s third-highest rebounder dation Award for Advanced Placement, mak- by the explosion, rushed in over the docks and its ninth-highest basketball player in ing Clark High School one of only 50 high and rushed 150 feet inland, subsuming every- points scored. schools nationwide to receive this recognition. thing within its path. By nightfall, rescue work- While in graduate school, Ken worked as The Siemens Awards were established in ers were still searching for those trapped in assistant basketball coach at Seton Hall. He 1998 to strengthen the quality of math, the wreckage. But the devastation would con- continued coaching and mentoring young peo- science and technology aptitude within our na- tinue. ple even after he completed his master’s de- tion’s schools and to identify the partnership At 1:10 a.m., another ship, the High Flyer, gree. Had he chosen to turn pro, NBA history between the Siemens Foundation and the Col- which was loaded with ammonium nitrate and might have been changed as transportation lege Board. Clark High School was chosen as sulfur, exploded. This explosion destroyed an- history certainly was transformed—and for the one of this year’s recipients for its commitment other ship, the Wilson B. Keene, as well as a better—with Ken’s help. to their students and the school’s leadership in concrete warehouse and a grain elevator. In 1977, Ken worked on the National Trans- Advanced Placement participation and per- A week passed before all of the fires were portation Policy Study Commission to examine formance. extinguished, and a month passed before the the transportation needs in the United States. Edward W. Clark High School opened its last body was pulled from the rubble—al- The Commission had been created in the Fed- doors to Las Vegas students in the fall of though some bodies were never recovered. eral-Aid Highway Act of 1976. After the Com- 1965 with the Space Age student in mind. The Approximately 600 people lost their lives be- mission’s report was submitted to Congress in Clark County School Board designed and con- cause of this tragedy. Almost every member of 1979, Ken went to work in the Carter Adminis- structed the building to provide each student the Texas City fire department gave his life tration. Ken was a congressional relations offi- with the right type of atmosphere for learning. fighting the first explosion. Plant workers, dock cer for the Department of Transportation, The school’s mission statement focuses on

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E727 the preparation of each student to pursue life- from the front lines. This legislation will en- better place to live. He is a credit both to his long learning. In the Curriculum and Profes- courage the Iraqis to stand up and be ac- profession and his city. I’m proud to call sional Development Division of the Clark countable for the security of their country. I Thomas Boggs my friend and pleased to County School District, Clark High School is urge my colleagues to support this emergency honor him today on the floor of the U.S. one of nine high schools in the district to offer supplemental funding bill. House of Representatives. magnet programs to its students which include f The Academy for Mathematics, Science, Ap- f HONORING THOMAS BOGGS plied Technology; The Academy of Finance; PAYING TRIBUTE TO DOTTIE and The Teacher Education Academy at Clark WHITAKER High. HON. STEVE COHEN The school’s highly deserved recognition is OF TENNESSEE for the admirable job the faculty of Clark High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JON C. PORTER OF NEVADA School, specifically those involved in the Friday, March 30, 2007 Academy of Mathematics, Science and Ap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today plied Technology Magnet Program, for their Friday, March 30, 2007 hard work in strengthening the math, science to honor Thomas Boggs, the CEO of Huey’s, and technology education in their Advanced Inc. of Memphis, Tennessee. Huey’s Res- Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today Placement classes. The faculty at Clark High taurant is a Memphis fixture, which has been to honor my friend Dottie Whitaker for her re- School has truly done an exemplary job in serving blues, brews and burgers to its markable dedication to ending prescription preparing its students for the high tech work- regulars for over 35 years with great service narcotic abuse. place in today’s global economy. For the in- and better people. Since 1970, Huey’s has Dottie began her activism as a result of the credible commitment they have made to the grown from a favorite local hangout in Mid- tragic and untimely death of her beloved success of Academy of Mathematics, Science town Memphis to become a highly successful daughter, Tammie Armato. Tammie passed and Applied Technology Magnet Program, I family-run restaurant and bar, with locations away on September 14, 2005, from an acci- would like to commend the following individ- across Greater Memphis. dental prescription drug overdose. Tammie be- uals: Shirley McLees, Sidney Lupu, Erin Mr. Boggs began his career in music, yet came addicted to prescription pain medication Buchner, Gabriele Ward, Nicholas Bean, another example of the rich culture of Mem- while being treated by a doctor for injuries she Aaron Dehne, Brian Blank, Rosa Leathers, phis, first playing for Tommy Burk and the sustained in a car accident in 1995. The doc- Cynthia McCoy, Nadine Gary, Donna Gon- Counts and Flash and the Board of Directors, tor she had been seeing at the time of her zalez, Manami Mata, Phil Bombino, Ron before joining the blue-eyed, soul group the death was unfamiliar with Tammie’s health Jederberg, Jeff Lacoff, Brian Kahre, Leslie Box Tops as drummer. The Box Tops were history and gave her a large prescription of McNamara, and Roger West. best known for their hits ‘‘The Letter,’’ ‘‘Cry two different pain medications. Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the Like a Baby’’ and ‘‘Soul Deep,’’ songs which After Tammie’s death, Dottie learned that Academy of Mathematics, Science and Ap- are permanent parts of the rock and soul land- prescription drug overdose is a nationwide epi- plied Technology Magnet Program and the scape. demic. Three out of every five individuals who Advanced Placement teachers at Clark High Later, married with children, Thomas fin- attend drug rehabilitation do so for prescription School. Their recognition by the Siemens ished his history degree while waiting tables at drug abuse. Additionally, more people die Foundation is truly honorable and is a direct T.G.I. Friday’s. A business ‘‘natural’’, Thomas each year as a result of prescription drug result of the dedicated and expert faculty of Boggs quickly moved up to Friday’s corporate overdoses than as a result of illegal drug the Program. I applaud their success and wish offices in Dallas. But the pull of his beloved overdoses. Inspired to do all she could to pre- them the best in their future endeavors. Memphis was strong. Not long after returning, vent others from experiencing the terrible loss he moved into management at Huey’s bar that she has suffered, Dottie created Project f and, using his restaurant expertise, expanded Tammie. Project Tammie is an organization U.S. TROOP READINESS, VET- the enterprise into a restaurant and, eventu- dedicated to combating accidental prescription ERANS’ HEALTH, AND IRAQ AC- ally, to seven locations. narcotic overdose. COUNTABILITY ACT, 2007 Since Mr. Boggs came on board in 1975, In an effort to save lives and prevent other Huey’s has flourished. It is currently in its individuals and families from suffering the ef- SPEECH OF 22nd year as the ‘‘Best Burger’’ in Memphis, fects of prescription drug addiction, Dottie has HON. MARTIN T. MEEHAN according to an annual ranking by Memphis become a passionate advocate for a nation- OF MASSACHUSETTS Magazine. Mr. Boggs has won the highest wide Prescription Monitoring Program. This program will allow doctors and practitioners to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES award given by the 400 members of the Mem- phis Restaurant Association and the Newt become familiar with a patient’s prescription Friday, March 23, 2007 Hardin Award, given for outstanding service to drug history, other prescribing physicians, Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in the restaurant industry. He also received the pharmacies and pertinent information before support of this supplemental funding bill which Jefferson Award in 2002, which is given by the prescribing narcotics. A number of states have will for the first time assert the will of Con- American Institute for Public Service in rec- already established statewide Prescription gress and the American people to change the ognition for outstanding community and public Monitoring Programs, but Dottie believes the President’s failed plan of ‘‘Stay the Course.’’ service. only way to truly prevent prescription drug For far too long, the President has ignored the Thomas Boggs has been a true public serv- abuse and overdoses is to establish a nation- will of the American public. In passing this bill, ant in Memphis, continually giving of himself to wide program. Through Project Tammie, we will send a message to the President that the community. He has served on the Mem- Dottie has worked tirelessly to create aware- this is no longer acceptable. phis Zoo Board, the Aloysius Home board, ness and gain support for legislation that This legislation includes meaningful bench- and as chairman of the Memphis Convention would require all states to set up Prescription marks and deadlines that provide the Iraqis and Visitors Bureau. He served as Food and Monitoring Programs. Dottie’s hope is that this with incentives to take responsibility for their Beverage co-chair of the Blues Ball, and has program would not only prevent patients from own security and makes way for the return of served as both Vice-President and President ‘‘doctor shopping,’’ but would also help practi- our troops. The bill also requires the Iraqi gov- of Memphis in May. He was president of the tioners recognize addiction and help patients ernment to take meaningful steps towards na- Memphis Restaurant Association as well as seek treatment. tional reconciliation by distributing oil revenues the President of the Advisory Board of the Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Dottie fairly, providing opportunities to the Sunni mi- Food Bank and has been an active participant Whitaker for her efforts in organizing Project nority, and amending the constitution to dis- of Leadership Memphis. 2007 marks the 18th Tammie. In the face of a heartbreaking loss, courage further fragmentation. Earthquake Open, Huey’s annual golf tour- she has chosen to make a difference and find We can no longer afford to give the Presi- nament which was created and is hosted by a solution that will help others. She is an in- dent a blank check for the war in Iraq. There Thomas Boggs and which benefits the Mem- spiring example of strength, courage and self- are thousands of brave men and women de- phis Zoo. lessness. Her dedication and tireless activism ployed overseas in harm’s way right now who Thomas Boggs is the kind of citizen who is truly commendable. I applaud her out- are depending on us. We need to put Iraqis makes us all proud. He gives his time, his en- standing commitment to this important issue up front, so that we can remove Americans ergy and his heart to make his community a and wish her the best in her future endeavors.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 MADERA WATER SUPPLY ditions.’’ Over a decade ago, the Bureau of vises, making these sites a potential target for ENHANCEMENT ACT Reclamation tried to buy the Madera Ranch foreign and domestic terrorists. and build its own water bank. As part of this I believe the incentives offered in The Agri- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH effort, the Bureau conducted extensive studies cultural Business Security Tax Credit Act will OF CALIFORNIA regarding the feasibility of this Project and promote improved security at agricultural facili- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES concluded that the Project was feasible. After ties that handle chemicals and fertilizers, help- the Bureau decided not to go forward with the ing them take the necessary steps to better Friday, March 30, 2007 Project because of local opposition, private protect U.S. agriculture and the American pub- Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, today entities conducted further studies with the lic from potential threats and other illegal activ- I am introducing the Madera Water Supply En- same positive results. Most recently, the ity. hancement Act, which authorizes the Bureau Madera Irrigation District has undertaken addi- I urge my colleagues to consider supporting of Reclamation to participate in the design and tional costs studies conducted by the same this bill. construction of the Madera Water Supply and engineering firm that worked for the Bureau, f Enhancement Project. This important water further technical studies regarding the bank project will help improve water supply in Project’s feasibility and a completed and cer- PAYING TRIBUTE TO ESTES California’s San Joaquin Valley. tified environmental impact study. MCDONIEL The Bureau has completed its final ap- To date, over $8 million has been spent on praisal study and has concluded that the studies related to the Project, not counting the HON. JON C. PORTER Madera water bank will increase water supply, Bureau’s own substantial efforts to study the OF NEVADA provide groundwater resource protection, miti- feasibility of a water bank at the site. All of this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gate the water supply impacts of the San Joa- work, including four successful pilot tests, has Friday, March 30, 2007 quin River restoration project, contribute to verified that the Project is not only feasible, habitat conservation and have other positive but with a certified Environmental Impact Re- Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today impacts on the severe water supply and reli- port in place, ready to move immediately to to honor the life and memory of my friend ability problem in the area. the construction phase, most especially in light Estes McDoniel, a former Mayor of Hender- The Project will be located on the over of the area’s water supply problems. son, Nevada and a Basic High School Prin- 13,000-acre Madera Ranch, where the soils The legislation lists no fewer than 18 studies cipal. on and underneath the land are ideal for per- and reports regarding this Project that have Estes earned his Bachelor of Science de- colating water from the surface to the aquifer been undertaken over the past 10 years, gree in Education from the University of Ari- for storage. The land is also a valuable habitat many of which done by the Bureau or with the zona. After college, Mr. McDoniel moved to for numerous species and contains large sec- Bureau’s knowledge and involvement. Clearly, Henderson where he began his long and dis- tions of the region’s native grasslands. no further study is required given the urgent tinguished career in the Clark County School In the 109th Congress, the Resources Com- need and unique history of the Project. District as a teacher at Basic High School. mittee held hearings on this legislation and the Third, we recognize that when committing to Estes’ teaching career was interrupted when House unanimously passed H.R. 3897, the support a project, the Federal government re- he enlisted in the Navy and served in the Pa- predecessor legislation. There are two quires assurances regarding the extent of its cific theater off the coast of Okinawa, Japan changes in this legislation from the bill that financial commitment. The Madera Irrigation during World War II. passed in the last Congress. First, we are im- District has already evidenced its commitment Following his service, Estes returned to mediately authorizing construction of the to the Project by investing to date over $40 Basic High School where he continued his ex- Project without further study. Second, the leg- million. The legislation establishes a ceiling of emplary teaching service. Estes was a science islation caps the total cost of the Project, lim- $90 million for the total cost of the Project. teacher, vocational carpentry and industrial iting the Federal government’s contribution to With the prevailing 25 percent federal cost studies educator, head coach of the football, 25 percent of total cost, which cannot exceed share for such projects, the Federal govern- basketball, and track teams, Athletic Director, $90 million. We have made these changes for ment’s financial commitment is limited to $22.5 Assistant Principal, and Principal. Estes’ dedi- the following reasons. million or 25 percent of total cost, whichever is cation to the community expanded beyond the First, the water supply and reliability prob- less. walls of the classroom where in 1969 he was lems in the area are, as the Bureau has ac- I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- elected Mayor of Henderson, Nevada. In knowledged, severe. The Bureau’s Friant Divi- tion to expand water supply opportunities in 1988, Estes’ great service to the Clark County sion is falling almost 1 million acre-feet of California’s San Joaquin Valley. community was recognized when an elemen- water per year short in meeting its contractual f tary school was named in his honor. commitments, and groundwater pumping is Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the exceeding groundwater recharge by approxi- THE AGRICULTURE BUSINESS life and memory of my friend Estes McDoniel. mately 100,000 acre-feet per year, causing se- SECURITY TAX CREDIT ACT His dedication to the Clark County community vere groundwater level declines. The pro- and the City of Henderson was commendable posed San Joaquin River restoration could re- HON. RON LEWIS and should serve as an example to us all. duce Madera’s water allocation, already insuf- OF KENTUCKY f ficient, by an additional 10–20 percent or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more. The water bank, by storing excess CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON water in wet years, will provide a much need- Friday, March 30, 2007 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ed source of water in dry years, facilitate the Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, I 2008 restoration of groundwater levels over time rise to inform my colleagues of legislation I SPEECH OF and mitigate the adverse impact on water sup- have introduced today to strengthen security ply as a result of the San Joaquin River res- at facilities where agricultural chemicals and HON. TODD TIAHRT toration project. fertilizers are manufactured, transported and OF KANSAS The Madera Irrigation District has already stored. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES invested over $40 million to acquire the land The legislation that I have proposed, The and plan this Project. The region’s economic Agricultural Business Security Tax Credit Act, Thursday, March 29, 2007 well-being depends on having a secure, suffi- extends tax initiatives to help defray the high Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong cient and reliable water supply. We simply costs agricultural businesses now face en- opposition to the Budget Resolution for Fiscal cannot continue to delay making the Madera hancing on-site security. I have introduced Year 2008. At a time when we need to be fis- water bank a reality. similar legislation in the past two Congresses. cally responsible, the Democrats unveiled a Second, the Madera water bank represents Farm-use chemical production is unique in budget plan that would increase taxes and in- a very unique situation. As the Bureau stated its use, distribution and security needs. Pes- crease spending. in the Final Appraisal Report, ‘‘[t]he Madera ticides and fertilizers, while important to farm- Cutting taxes, not increasing taxes, is the Ranch Groundwater Bank is a project that has ers and agricultural businesses, can also be solution to spurring economic growth. Our been investigated for approximately 10 years used as agents for manufacturing illegal drugs economic recovery after the $2 trillion of the for its potential to improve water supply reli- such as methamphetamine. Some chemicals terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 was ability and reduce groundwater overdraft con- can even be used to develop explosive de- directly related to these creative tax cuts. We

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E729 have witnessed more money being kept in the The Kraeck family has already shipped ceptional coaching abilities. He started coach- taxpayers’ pocketbooks and more small busi- more than 620 boxes of Girl Scout cookies ing in 1956 at San Joaquin Memorial High nesses being established due to the 2001 and and delivered supplies to Fort Dix to be dis- School. On the collegiate level, he has 2003 tax cuts. In fact, my district, which was tributed before deployment. They plan to con- coached Long Beach State, Fresno State and hardest hit community after September 11, tinue sending even more shipments overseas UNLV. Jerry has spent over 38 seasons as a 2001, is now recovering due to accelerated in coming months and I encourage their ef- head coach in collegiate basketball. Not only depreciation and other tax incentives. forts. has he taken Fresno State to NCAA Tour- Instead of recognizing this truism, the Dem- Madam Speaker, I am proud to congratulate nament appearances in 2000 and 2001, 2001 ocrat budget will impose the largest tax in- and thank Kathy, Emily and Alison Kraeck and WAC title and 2002 WAC Tournament Cham- crease in American history. The tax relief all those involved in these noble efforts. On a pionship, but he has lead UNLV to four NCAA Americans have been enjoying would cease to personal note, as an Iraq war veteran, I espe- Final Four appearances and a national cham- exist under this legislation. The Marriage Pen- cially appreciate the Kraeck family’s work on pionship in 1989–1990. In 1999, Jerry was in- alty Relief would be eliminated and 23 million this worthy project. ducted into the California Community College taxpayers would see their taxes increase by f Sports Hall of Fame. Jerry has an exemplary an average of $466 in 2011. As we continue coaching record, having never had a losing on down the list of tax hikes, 31 million tax- PAYING TRIBUTE TO LOIS AND season. Furthermore, Jerry has had 42 of his payers would be affected by the Child Tax JERRY TARKANIAN players drafted to the NBA’s with 12 first Credit being cut in half. Their taxes would in- round picks. crease by an average of $859 in 2011. HON. JON C. PORTER The Tarkanian’s continue to support their These tax increases are not for a greater OF NEVADA love of education through a number of ave- good of reducing the deficit but to allow IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nues, such as speaking engagements at hos- pitals and school rallies. Democrats the freedom to spend more and Friday, March 30, 2007 expand the government. My colleagues seem Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Lois to be living up to their moniker ‘‘Tax and Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today and Jerry Tarkanian. Their dedication to edu- Spend’’ Democrats. This budget is above and to honor Lois and Jerry Tarkanian for their cation and the community are truly commend- beyond the President’s request and would commitment and dedication to the Clark Coun- able and have enriched countless lives. I con- amount to some $22.5 billion in spending in ty community and congratulate them on being gratulate them on their much deserved rec- 2008 alone for nondefense and nonemergency selected by the Clark County School Board to ognition by the Clark County School District in appropriations. The bill also does not include have a new middle school named in their having a school named after them. I am cer- any meaningful entitlement reform—the most honor. tain that this educational establishment will problematic detriment to our deficit. Lois Tarkanian has been actively involved in embody the education excellence that the This is not a plan for fiscal responsibility. a number of organizations dedicated to im- Tarkanian’s have long advocated. This is a plan to spend the taxpayers’ money proving the lives of Nevadans. After receiving f her Bachelors of Arts in education, a Master of flippantly. We need to be conscious of how IN SUPPORT OF THE GULF COAST the American taxpayers’ money is spent. As Arts in Speech Pathology as well as a Doc- torate in leadership and human behavior, a HURRICANE HOUSING RECOVERY Members of Congress we were sent here to ACT look out for the best interests of our constitu- certificate in speech pathology, language, and ents and this budget resolution in not proving audiology, Lois began a long and distin- to do that. guished teaching career. She wanted to give HON. BARBARA LEE more to her community and expand her knowl- OF CALIFORNIA f edge as she worked as a speech pathologist, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE OUTSTANDING principal, central office administrator and as a Friday, March 30, 2007 COMMUNITY SERVICE OF THE college instructor both in Nevada and Cali- Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong KRAECK FAMILY fornia. Lois has also served as a member of support of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing the Clark County Board of School Trustees for Recovery Act (H.R. 1227). This bill is critical in HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY 12 years. In addition to her commitment to en- providing affordable housing to low-income OF PENNSYLVANIA riching the lives of her students, Lois has also families affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES conducted clinical work with autistic, deaf and and Wilma. aphasic children. Presently, Lois serves as the Friday, March 30, 2007 It is the responsibility of all national govern- Las Vegas City Councilwoman in the 1st ments to prepare, plan and defend its citizens Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Madam Ward, a position she has held since 2005, she against all known and potential natural and Speaker, I rise today to commend the Kraeck also serves on the City of Las Vegas Real Es- man-made disasters. Such was the case that family for their dedication to American sol- tate Committee and Yucca Mountain Nuclear confronted the Bush administration in August diers. They coordinated a project to donate Repository Committee. 2005. But because of the Bush administra- care packages to the troops at Fort Dix before In addition to her professional success, Lois tion’s lack of preparation, misplaced priorities deployment and they also shipped packages also has a number of philanthropic pursuits. and ineptitude, the combination of Hurricanes to troops overseas. The packages contained She serves as a board member for the Catho- Katrina, Rita and Wilma severely devastated valentines, supplies and snacks, as well as lic Charities, the Clark County Public Edu- the Gulf Coast to such a degree that many encouraging words from nursery, elementary cation Foundation, Family and Child Treat- lives and property were lost and the effects of and middle school students. ment Center for Abused Children and the disrupted lives and businesses are still being The Kraeck family undertook this remark- Oralingua School for the Hearing Impaired. felt nearly 2 years later. Frankly, the response able project as a way to remind all of us, es- Lois has received a number of accolades as of the administration has been unacceptably pecially those deployed in a war zone, that our a result of her dedicated services, such as the slow in the aftermath of the hurricanes and the admiration and gratitude for our military is lim- Humanitarian of the Year by the Catholic needs of displaced residents of the Gulf Coast itless. The broad reach of the donations prove Community Services, and the Distinguished have been left unmet. this point. Woman of Nevada and Citizen of the Year by The Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recov- This impressive project united hundreds of the Nevada Family and Child Treatment Cen- ery Act offers significant relief to the displaced people toward a common cause: supporting ter. families of the Gulf Coast. Specifically, the bill our troops. With of students, parents, Jerry Tarkanian played basketball for Fres- directs FEMA to be flexible in the application teachers and principals, as well as area librar- no State and later earned his master’s degree of its funds for the Louisiana Road Home pro- ians, businesses, newspapers and Girl Scout with honors in Educational Management. gram that provides financial incentives for peo- troops, the Kraecks tirelessly organized the Along with his wife, they understand the im- ple to come back and live in the State. collection and distribution of Girl Scout cook- portance of education and donated $100,000 The bill further directs HUD and the New ies, toiletries, and snacks to the soldiers. Addi- to the University of Fresno State’s Madden Li- Orleans Public Housing Authority to engage its tionally, more than 1,000 valentines, hand- brary and initiated the ‘‘Baskets for Books Pro- human and material resources to preserve the made by local children, were sent expressing gram’’. In addition to his dedicated service of supply of affordable rental housing. their gratitude, esteem, and compassion for enriching the lives and educational experi- The bill incorporates an important fair hous- the troops. ences of students, Jerry is known for his ex- ing enforcement component that makes funds

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2007 available as may be necessary to qualified pri- 34 times in full or Subcommittee session. We agement: Susan Brita, Mike Herman, Elliot vate fair housing enforcement organizations to have held 28 hearings, including two field Doomes, and Alexis Barrios. carry out the mandate of section 561 of the hearings. In the first three months of 2007, we The Subcommittee on Highways and Tran- Housing and Community Development Act of have met for nearly 80 hours, and gathered sit: Jim Kolb, Art Chan, Amy Scarton, Jackie 1987. That provision authorizes the Secretary testimony from 165 witnesses. The Committee Schmitz, Kathy Dedrick, and Peter Gould. of HUD to make grants to these organizations has initiated a series of hearings on reauthor- The Oversight and Investigations staff: to formulate or carry-out programs to prevent izing the Federal Aviation Administration, Trinita Brown, Clay Foushee, Leila Kahn, and or eliminate discriminatory housing practices, which must be completed this year, and begun Laurie Bertenthal. enforce the rights granted under the Civil the hard work of considering the myriad issues The Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, Rights Act of 1968 or State and local laws that of reauthorizing the highway, transit, and high- and Hazardous Materials: Jennifer Esposito, provide rights and remedies for alleged dis- way safety programs in 2009. We have begun John Drake, Niels Knutson, Nick Martinelli, criminatory housing practices. Education and to restore vigorous oversight to the programs, and Rose Hamlin. outreach programs designed to inform the policies, and agencies in the jurisdiction of our The Subcommittee on Water Resources and public concerning rights and obligations under Committee that is critical to ensuring that our Environment: Ryan Seiger, Ted Illston, Ben the laws referred to by the Civil Rights Act are transportation and infrastructure laws imple- Webster, Beth Goldstein, Rod Hall, and Mike also allowable expenditures. We are all too fa- mented effectively and efficiently. Brain. miliar, sadly, with the historical exploitation of The Committee has held seven markups, in- The Editorial staff: Tracy Mosebey and low-income populations many of whom are cluding three Subcommittee markups and four Gilda Shirley; and our Information Systems members of minority groups in this country. Full Committee markups. The Committee has team: Keven Sard and Scott Putz. That is why this provision is so important. acted on 29 bills, including 24 bills that have Madam Speaker, the Committee on Trans- This bill also recognizes the many individ- passed the House—each with an over- portation and Infrastructure has a history of bi- uals, groups and communities that offered a whelming bipartisan majority. Among the many partisan cooperation, and our Committee staff helping hand by assisting evacuees in the im- Committee on Transportation and Infrastruc- on the other side of the aisle share in our suc- mediate aftermath of the hurricanes. It is grati- ture bills, the House has passed: cess this year. I thank Chief of Staff Jim Coon, fying to know that through this bill we would H.R. 720, a bill to authorize $14 billion for Counsel Charles Ziegler, Policy Director Fra- be fulfilling the nation’s promise to crucial part- the Clean Water State Revolving Funds and ser Verrusio, and the rest of the Minority staff ners that stepped-up in times of need. This bill provide the necessary resources to help for their hard work and cooperation. replenishes the CDBG funds of localities that States address their critical wastewater infra- The Committee has no plans to slow down. were used to provide rental housing assist- structure needs; We are hopeful that the House will consider H.R. 569, a bill to authorize $1.7 billion for ance to evacuees. It authorizes reimburse- H.R. 1495, the ‘‘Water Resources Develop- States and communities to control combined ments to landlords who participated in the ment Act of 2007’’, in the coming weeks. We sewer overflows and sanitary sewer overflows FEMA Section 403 program to provide emer- have scheduled 11 hearings and 2 markups to address public health and safety and envi- gency shelter in response to Hurricane for late April and early May. We are just hitting ronmental concerns with such overflows; Katrina, Rita or Wilma in spite of FEMA’s sub- stride. H.R. 802, a bill to reduce air emissions from sequent reneging on its promise to provide re- Madam Speaker, in the words of Vaudeville maritime vessels and implement Annex VI of imbursements under this program. entertainer Al Jolson, ‘‘You ain’t seen nothin’ This is an important piece of legislation that the International Convention for the Prevention yet!’’ will help put the Gulf Coast back on a path to of Pollution from Ships; full recovery. I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 1195, a bill to make technical correc- f this bill. tions to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Effi- f cient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for PAYING TRIBUTE TO OCIE Users; and PIGFORD ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE COM- H.R. 798, a bill to direct the Administrator of MITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION General Services to install a photovoltaic sys- AND INFRASTRUCTURE JANU- tem on the headquarters of the U.S. Depart- HON. JON C. PORTER ARY–MARCH, 2007 ment of Energy. OF NEVADA The Senate has passed four of the 24 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR House-passed Committee bills and the Presi- Friday, March 30, 2007 OF MINNESOTA dent has signed each one. Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, such success cannot be accomplished without incredible effort and I to honor the life and memory of Ocie Pigford, Friday, March 30, 2007 thank each of our Committee Members, par- a true legend in law enforcement, who passed Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, when ticularly Ranking Member MICA and the Sub- away Sunday, March 11, 2007. you accepted the gavel, you pledged that the committee Chairs and Ranking Members, for Ocie Pigford resided in LaVerkin, Utah, and House under your Leadership would waste no their enormous bipartisan efforts to carry out left a lasting impression on the Las Vegas time in addressing the pressing needs facing the agenda of the Committee on Transpor- community. After serving his country in the our nation. Your legislative initiative for the tation and Infrastructure. United States Air Force, Ocie joined the Las first 100 hours of the new Congress proved It also cannot be accomplished without a Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Of his that you meant what you said. talented, dedicated staff, and I would like to many accomplishments as a member of the In those first 100 hours, the House passed recognize each one by name: Metropolitan Police Department, Ocie was six major bills, including legislation to imple- Staff Director David Heymsfeld, Chief Coun- most famous for bringing two of the most no- ment the recommendations of the 9/11 Com- sel Ward McCarragher, and Administrator torious criminals to justice. In December 1959, mission, raise the minimum wage, and help Dara Schlieker. Also in the front office: Jimmy he along with his partner, stopped and ar- older Americans afford prescription drugs, and Miller, Sharon Barkeloo, Helena Zyblikewycz, rested Richard Eugene Hickock and Perry Ed- help their grandchildren obtain student loans. Jennifer Walsh, Erik Hansen, Keelin Haddix, ward Smith. They ended a six week nation- It also adopted Rules to help restore the peo- Elisa Yi, and Mike Obrock. wide manhunt which started in Holcomb, Kan- ple’s trust in this Chamber. Our Communications staff: Jim Berard, Mary sas. After their arrest these two men were In those hours, Madam Speaker, you Kerr, and Julie Carpenter Lotz. subsequently tried and convicted of killing the showed America that you were going to waste On the staff of our Subcommittee on Avia- Clutter family. Ocie was instrumental in bring- no time in getting important things done for tion: Stacie Soumbeniotis, Giles Giovinazzi, ing these criminals to justice while protecting this country. I thank you and the Majority Jana Denning, Christa Fomarotto, and Pam the people of Las Vegas. Leader, Mr. HOYER, for your tireless efforts. Keller. Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the In that spirit, I would like to call your atten- The Subcommittee on Coast Guard and life and memory of Ocie Pigford. His service to tion the accomplishments of the House Com- Maritime Transportation: John Cullather, Rich- his Nation and to the people of Las Vegas mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, ard Hiscock, Lucinda Lessley, and lanta Sum- was commendable. He was truly a dedicated which I am honored to chair. mers. public servant who enriched countless lives in Since the Committee held its organizational The Subcommittee on Economic Develop- Southern Nevada. He will be profoundly meeting January 17, our Committee has met ment, Public Buildings, and Emergency Man- missed.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E731 PERSONAL EXPLANATION H. Con. Res. 99 allocates over $85 billion for his many years of service to both the state for veterans programs and exceeds the Presi- of Nevada and to the residents of Boulder HON. TOM UDALL dent’s request by $3.5 billion. This long over- City, Nevada, where he has served with great OF NEW MEXICO due increase for our veterans will help provide distinction and honor. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the immediate care our new veterans require and address the long-term care issues facing Bob is a native Nevadan. He attended the Friday, March 30, 2007 many of our older wounded warriors. In addi- University of Nevada, Reno and earned both Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Madam Speak- tion to covering the basic issues of care and a Bachelor of Science degree and Master of er, on March 26 and 27 I was in my district rehabilitation, the FY2008 Budget Resolution Science degree. After completing his edu- visiting an area severely damaged by torna- includes additional funds for post-traumatic cation, Bob worked at his alma mater for 10 does that struck over the weekend. Had I stress disorder research, identification, and years before moving to Las Vegas to begin been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on treatment, and funds for the elimination of the working in an engineering firm. rollcall vote No. 187, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. nearly 400,000 cases currently residing in the 188, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 189, ‘‘aye’’ on claims backlog. As Vice-Chairman of the Bob moved to Boulder City in 1970. He rollcall vote No. 190, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. House Appropriations Committee Sub- began his career in public service in 1976, 191, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 192, ‘‘aye’’ on committee on Military Construction, Veterans’ when he was appointed to a vacancy on the rollcall vote No. 193, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. Affairs and Related Agencies, I am pleased Boulder City Council. This appointment was 194, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 195, ‘‘nay’’ on we are able to be generous to our nation’s the beginning of over 30 years of distin- rollcall vote No. 196, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote No. veterans who have earned these benefits. guished service to the citizens of Boulder City. 197, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 198, ‘‘aye’’ on The Democratic budget rejects the Presi- dent’s cuts in environmental programs and in- Since 1976, Bob has served continuously, ei- rollcall vote No. 199, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote No. ther as a council member or as mayor. Bob’s 200, and ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 201. stead supports valuable research and natural resource conservation programs, such as service on the Boulder City Council has led to f NOAA’s Education Program and the Ocean involvement in a number of other organiza- CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON and Coastal Management program. tions. He has served on the Executive Board THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR Despite the President’s past assertions of of the Civilian Military Council, the Nevada De- 2008 making education one of his legacy programs, velopment Authority and the Southern Nevada his FY2008 budget request to cut much need- Regional Planning Coalition/Clark County Debt SPEECH OF ed funding for core education programs includ- Management. HON. SAM FARR ing No Child Left Behind. The Democratic House budget continues a long tradition of Bob has served in his current position as OF CALIFORNIA putting children first by adding over $3 billion Mayor of Boulder City since 1999. In June of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to core programs under No Child Left Behind 2003, he was elected to a second 4-year term. Thursday, March 29, 2007 as well as special education (IDEA), Head During his tenure as Mayor, Bob has com- Mr. FARR. Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong Start, child care and funding to help students mitted himself to leading with integrity, vision, support of the Democratic House budget reso- afford the ever-increasing cost of college. Affordable housing on the Central Coast is and dedication. His leadership philosophy is lution H. Con. Res. 99) that adopts and imple- based upon the notion that the citizens of ments funding priorities that reflect the core one of the most pressing issues for families in Boulder City should have access to their elect- values of our Nation and provides a respon- our community. I am very pleased that the sible fiscal blueprint to lead our nation out of Democratic budget helps address this crisis by ed officials and city government. Additionally, deficit spending. Medicare, Medicaid and edu- including a reserve fund to finance efforts to during his tenure as Mayor of Boulder City, cation funding like Pell Grants. reverse the decline in affordable housing with- Bob has overseen a variety of civic and public H. Con. Res. 99 puts the Federal Govern- out increasing the deficit. I am proud to vote works projects that have enhanced the overall ment’s fiscal house in order by committing to in support of H. Con. Res 99 and strongly quality of life in Boulder City. urge my colleagues to support this budget that a PAYGO budget rule. Enforcing PAYGO Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor my means that all new federal spending must be prioritizes America’s important needs. good friend Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Ferraro. Over the offset so that we are not adding to the red ink f past 30 years, he has demonstrated excep- that endangers our nation’s fiscal security. PAYING TRIBUTE TO ROBERT tional commitment to improving life for the The budget resolution does not increase FERRARO taxes. In fact, it extends beyond 2010 of im- residents of Boulder City. I commend him for portant tax cuts for the middle class—including his leadership, his dedication and his distin- the child tax credit, marriage penalty relief, es- HON. JON. C. PORTER guished record of service to the Boulder City OF NEVADA tate tax reform, and the deduction for state community. I applaud his service as Mayor of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and local sales taxes—an important credit for Boulder City and I wish him the best in his fu- Friday, March 30, 2007 California taxpayers. It also extends the Re- ture endeavors. search and Development tax credit to spur in- Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today novation. to honor my good friend Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Ferraro

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 May 14, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E30MR7.REC E30MR7 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE Friday, March 30, 2007 Daily Digest Senate The Senate was not in session today. It will next posed budget estimates for fiscal year 2008, after re- meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 2007. ceiving testimony on behalf of funds for their respec- tive activities from Terrance W. Gainer, U.S. Senate Committee Meetings Sergeant At Arms and Doorkeeper; and Phillip D. Morse, Sr., Chief, Daniel Nichols, Deputy Chief, and (Committees not listed did not meet) Carl Hoecker, Inspector General, all of the United APPROPRIATIONS: SAA/U.S. CAPITOL States Capitol Police. POLICE Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legisla- tive Branch concluded a hearing to examine pro- h House of Representatives Vice Chairman; Representatives Slaughter, Stupak, Chamber Action Kilpatrick, Hodes, and Welch (VT). Page H3374 Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 2 public Speaker Pro Tempore: Read a letter from the bills, H.R. 1855–1856, and 1 resolution, H. Res. Speaker wherein she appointed Representative Hoyer 295, were introduced. Pages H3374–75 and Representative Van Hollen to act as Speaker pro Additional Cosponsors: Page H3375 tempore to sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: through April 16, 2007. Page H3374 H.R. 1361, to improve the disaster relief pro- Senate Message: Message received from the Senate grams of the Small Business Administration, with an today appears on pages H3373–74. amendment (H. Rept. 110–82) and Senate Referrals: S. 682 was referred to the Com- Report on Oversight Plans for All House Com- mittee on Financial Services and S. 888 was referred mittees (H. Rept. 110–83). Page H3374 to the Committee on the Judiciary. Page H3374 Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she appointed Representative Tim Ryan to act as Speak- Quorum Calls—Votes: There were no yea-and-nay votes, and there were no recorded votes. There were er pro tempore for today. Page H3373 no quorum calls. British-American Interparliamentary Group— Appointment: The Chair announced the Speaker’s Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and at appointment of Representative Chandler, Chairman, 10:08 a.m., pursuant to the provisions of H. Con. to the British-American Interparliamentary Group. Res. 103, it stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on Mon- Page H3374 day, April 16, 2007. Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group—Appointment: The Chair announced the Committee Meetings Speaker’s appointment of the following Members of No committee meetings were held. the House of Representatives to the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group: Representative Oberstar, Chairman; Representative Smith (WA), D473

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Tuesday, April 10 2 p.m., Monday, April 16

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: After the transaction of any Program for Monday: To be announced. morning business (not to extend beyond 60 minutes), Senate will begin consideration of S. 5, Stem Cell Re- search Enhancement Act, and S. 30, HOPE Act, en bloc, for a period of debate.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Grijalva, Rau´ l M., Ariz., E710 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E707 Hare, Phil, Ill., E724 Oberstar, James L., Minn., E706, E726, E730 Ackerman, Gary L., N.Y., E708 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E699, E710, E720, E721 Paul, Ron, Tex., E726 Baca, Joe, Calif., E706 Hastings, Doc, Wash., E720 Pearce, Stevan, N.M., E705 Becerra, Xavier, Calif., E722 Herger, Wally, Calif., E701 Petri, Thomas E., Wisc., E716 Berman, Howard L., Calif., E719 Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, E710 Porter, Jon C., Nev., E698, E703, E708, E712, E726, Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E718 Holt, Rush D., N.J., E714 E727, E728, E729, E730, E731 Boehner, John A., Ohio, E716 Hulshof, Kenny C., Mo., E717 Price, David E., N.C., E723 Brown, Corrine, Fla., E703 King, Peter T., N.Y., E705 Radanovich, George, Calif., E728 Buchanan, Vern, Fla., E722 Kirk, Mark Steven, Ill., E701 Royce, Edward R., Calif., E704 Cardoza, Dennis A., Calif., E724 Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E702, E707, E712 Sarbanes, John P., Md., E704 Carson, Julia, Ind., E709 Larson, John B., Conn., E705 Schmidt, Jean, Ohio, E701 Cleaver, Emanuel, Mo., E697 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E719, E729 Sessions, Pete, Tex., E715 Coble, Howard, N.C., E715 Levin, Sander M., Mich., E700 Skelton, Ike, Mo., E723 Cohen, Steve, Tenn., E727 Lewis, Ron, Ky., E715, E728 Smith, Adrian, Nebr., E722 Davis, Danny K., Ill., E714 LoBiondo, Frank A., N.J., E711 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E702 Davis, Lincoln, Tenn., E697 Lynch, Stephen F., Mass., E725 Smith, Lamar, Tex., E711 Davis, Tom, Va., E705 McCrery, Jim, La., E720 Souder, Mark E., Ind., E703, E718 Ehlers, Vernon J., Mich., E698 McKeon, Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’, Calif., E718 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E713, E717, E721, E725 Emanuel, Rahm, Ill., E708 Mack, Connie, Fla., E700 Tiahrt, Todd, Kans., E728 Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E724 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E698, E705, E708 Udall, Mark, Colo., E721 Faleomavaega, Eni F.H., American Samoa, E697 Marchant, Kenny, Tex., E712 Udall, Tom, N.M., E731 Farr, Sam, Calif., E712, E731 Matsui, Doris O., Calif., E725 Waters, Maxine, Calif., E709 Gerlach, Jim, Pa., E697, E707, E721 Meehan, Martin T., Mass., E727 Weller, Jerry, Ill., E723 Giffords, Gabrielle, Ariz., E714 Miller, George, Calif., E710 Wilson, Heather, N.M., E724 Granger, Kay, Tex., E701, E704 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E711 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E700 Green, Al, Tex., E698, E702 Murphy, Patrick J., Pa., E729 Wolf, Frank R., Va., E716

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